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Issue # 1





We, the students of Ms. Marina’s (Student teacher) Grade 3 classroom, are launching the first edition of a nutrition newspaper dedicated to promoting a nutritious lifestyle. A great amount of effort and hard work has been put into making this newspaper. We hope that the other students, teachers and parents of our school community will enjoy this paper. We, the students of class B31, have researched and written all the articles and have put together this great newspaper. We hope you enjoy it!

The 5 W’s of Healthy Eating Who?

Everyone, young and old


Should eat healthy


Work, school and home




To prevent getting sick and staying healthy.


April edition

SECTIONS: Informative news p. 2 Opinion

p. 6


p. 11


p. 13

Arts & Fun

p. 14


CHECK THIS OUT !!!!!!! Survey on how many fruits and vegetables Grade 3 students eat on a weekly basis! Page 6





Everyone needs to have Vitamin C, even adults. Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins so we need to have it every single day. Vitamin C is very significant compared to other vitamins. Vitamins C protects our immune system from deficiencies. It helps prevent cardiovascular disease as well as other diseases. Vitamin C is very important because it helps prevent scurvy. People who suffer from scurvy have spongy or bleeding gums. Vitamin C can be found in many different fruits and vegetables such as kiwis, oranges, and especially in red and green hot chili peppers. Some animals are capable of producing their own vitamin C. Unfortunately, humans cannot and that’s why they have to get it from different foods. Vitamin C is a very important vitamin that everyone should have. You should always be sure to eat foods high in vitamin C. By Kostadina

Everyone should have vitamin C. They should have it on a daily basis. They should have it because it could help prevent scurvy. Many different foods contain vitamin C. Many people believe that oranges are the best source of vitamin C, but there is actually more vitamin C in broccoli than there is in oranges. Vitamin C is known as the healing and structural vitamin. Male and female children need a dosage of 45 mg of vitamin C per day. If a person does not get enough vitamin C they will probably get scurvy.

There are lots of reasons why the body needs vitamin C. It helps us live healthier lives and have healthy bones, skin, teeth, hair and nails. Because our bodies cannot produce their own vitamin C, we need to eat foods with vitamin C or take vitamin C pills.

Vitamin C is a very important vitamin because it helps make our immune system strong. Vitamin C is very important in our daily lives because of the protection it gives us from cold viruses and diseases. It is also used to keep our teeth and gums healthy and strengthen our muscles. Without vitamin C you could get very weak because your immune system will be too low. Your hair could also fall out, your gums can become swollen and you could become depressed. That is why it is very important to have vitamin C on a daily basis. Vitamin C can be found in fruits such as grapefruits, oranges, lemons and limes. A very high amount of vitamin C is found in guavas and in different vegetables such as broccoli and red peppers. There is a certain amount of vitamin C that you should take per day. This amount is different for children and adults. Children between 1 and 13 years old should have about 15-45 mg per day. Adolescents between the ages of 14 and 18 should have about 65 mg a day and people older than 18 should have a minimum of 75mg per day. Making sure you take your vitamin C everyday will keep you healthy!

Vitamin C helps prevent many different diseases and sicknesses. It also helps you heal faster when you are sick. Vitamin C is very important for people who have heart problems since it helps reduce the risk of heart disease and reduces the cholesterol in the body. In the past, not eating enough fruits and vegetables could cause scurvy. You can find vitamin C in a lot of foods, especially in fruits and vegetables. Guava is the fruit that has the most vitamins C but you could also find this vitamin in kiwi, grapefruit, strawberry and mango. For vegetables, you can find it in red sweet peppers, broccoli, brussel sprouts and butternut squash. Men should have 94 mg of vitamin C and women should have 74mg. If you want to stay healthy, look good, and live longer, make sure you eat lots of vitamin C foods or take a daily vitamin C pill. By Julia

Did you know most of the vitamin C found in fruits is in the skin of the fruit? Alexa

Did you know the pomelo is the largest citrus fruit? Elias

By Marcus. Instead of eating chocolate everyday, pick up an orange. What will you do next time you see a juicy orange? By Costa

Did you know an egg contains every vitamin except vitamin C? Sophia




VITAMIN D If you drink one glass of milk three times a day or sit outside in the sun for 20 minutes, chances are you are getting enough vitamin D! Vitamin D is a very important vitamin and everyone should have it on a daily basis. Vitamin D can be found mainly in milk products. This is very good for you because milk also has a lot of calcium which helps keep bones strong. If however you do not like drinking milk, try siting outside in the sunlight for 20 minutes and you will get all the vitamin D you need. Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin. Can you resist getting a dose of the sunshine vitamin? By Emmanuel

Vitamin B2 is a vitamin. You can find vitamin B2 in most dairy products and in spinach. Everyone should have at least one serving of food that contains vitamin B2 each day. Vitamin B2 is very important to stay healthy.


Did you know fruits have 2% fat? Kristina

In the world there are at least eight different types of vitamin B. These vitamins are found mostly in healthy foods. Vitamin B is good for your body. It is used to give you energy. This group of vitamins is also used to make your blood red which helps carry the oxygen through our body. Food where you find vitamin B are in green leafy vegetables, eggs, meat and yogurt. Each vitamin B has its own part to play in the body. You should take vitamin B everyday because these vitamins are very important.


Did you know most of the fiber contained in fruits is in the peel?


Vitamin B2 helps people who have migraines and eczema. It also helps you get energy. You should be having a lot of dairy products and spinach to make sure you are getting enough vitamin B2. Another word for vitamin B2 is “Riboflavin”. There are eight different types of B vitamins. We can’t live without vitamin B2. It is important to have vitamins, especially vitamin B2. By Grace

By Cassandra

Tip: Try to eat vine-ripened tomatoes instead of hothouse tomatoes in order to get more vitamin C. Irene

Did you know pumpkin seeds contain fatty acids that kill parasites? Costa Tip:

Did you know honey is a natural food which never goes bad? Quentin

Put tomatoes in your sandwiches to add an excellent source of vitamin C.

Native Americans once called blueberries “starberries” because the five points of the blueberries’ blossoms are shaped as a star. Johnny



INFORMATIVE CONTINUED VITAMIN E The body needs the right combination of nutrients to work properly and grow. You need all sorts of vitamins and minerals for your system to work well and it is important to know that they all do something different for the human body. One of the vitamins that you need to stay healthy is vitamin E. Vitamin E is a nutrient that acts as an antioxidant to help boost your immune system so that it can fight off bacteria and viruses. Most people do not get enough vitamin E in their diet but there are not a lot of signs that make you aware that you are missing vitamin E. How much vitamin E a person needs depends on their age. Foods that contain vitamin E are wheat germ, vegetable oils, nuts and also dark green vegetables.

VITAMIN E Vitamin E is good for you in many ways. Vitamin E is found in many foods and has a lot of benefits. Vitamin E is good for you because it helps you heal faster. It prevents the cells in our body from dying. Vitamin E is found in many fruits and vegetables as well as in peanuts and walnuts. There are also many different oils that have a lot of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a very important vitamin and everyone should make sure that they are getting enough of this vitamin. By Zackery

Vitamin E deficiency is very rare in healthy people, but making sure you get enough in your diet sure can’t hurt! By Juliana

You should eat foods that contain a lot of different vitamins. Zackery Did you know that apples are more effective at waking you up in the morning than coffee? Tia

Did you know Aztec Indians invented popcorn? Isabella Did you know cucumbers are 96% water? Irene Did you know grapes explode when you put them in the microwave? Rubina


Most students eat between 11-20 servings of fruits in a week. The least amount of students ate 31-41 servings of fruit in a week. Only 2 students have the recommended amount of servings in a week.





VITAMIN K The last time you cut yourself, your blood did something special called clotting. This is when the cells in your body act like glue and stick together at the top of the cut to help stop the bleeding. It then makes a scab. Vitamin K is very important because it is this vitamin that helps your body heal faster from cuts. Vitamin K can be found in many different vegetables. Some examples are spinach broccoli, cabbage, asparagus and lettuce. But it is also possible to find vitamin K in egg yolks, butter, cheddar cheese, bacon and skim milk. Everybody needs a certain amount of vitamin K per day. For a 25 year old male the amount per day is 120 micrograms whereas for a female is it 90 micrograms. Infants do need not as much. They only need 10-20 micrograms and children and adolescents need 15-100 micrograms per day. In conclusion, vitamin K is very important to have on a daily basis. There are many foods that contain vitamin K so it is not difficult to find. By Tia Did you know a five and half inch carrot contains 6,000 units of vitamin A? Monica

Did you know an average strawberry has about 200 seeds? Juliana Tip: Make sure to eat enough fruits and vegetables. Julia

Tip: Grow a garden with fruits and vegetables. Costa Tip: Have a fruit or a fruit juice after dinner. Emmanuel


Most students eat between 11-20 servings of vegetables. More than 41 servings have the least amount of people that eat vegetables per week. Most students are not getting the recommended amount or servings in one week.

VITAMIN A Vitamin A is a very important vitamin. It can be found in many different foods such as vegetables, cereal and especially spinach. Everyone needs a good source of vitamin A. Vitamin A keeps us healthy and strong. We can also find vitamin A in eggs and whole milk. Milk is very important not only for vitamin A but also because it helps keep our bones strong. If we do not get enough vitamin A we can get sick. Vitamin A is mostly important to keep our eyes healthy and keep our skin moist. Vitamin A has many benefits and it is very important to get the right amount of vitamin A in order to avoid getting sick. By Alexandra Did you know there is no butter in buttermilk? Grace

VITAMIN A Vitamin A has multiple functions. It is important for growth, for the maintenance of the immune system and for good vision. Vitamin A is found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potato, cantaloupe etc. The recommended daily dosage for an average adult is 900 mcg and for children it is between 300mcg and 600 mcg. Vitamin A is especially important for young children and infants. This vitamin helps keep our eyes healthy and ensures the bones in our body develop well. Sweet potatoes have the highest amount of vitamin A. Be careful! If you have too much vitamin A your skin can start turning orange. Everyone should have enough vitamin A everyday to stay healthy and strong. Do you get enough vitamin A? By Alexa




The boys had more fruits than the girls The girls had less vegetables than the boys In total the boys had more fruits and vegetables than the girls.

Mrs. Jill Receives $1,000 Metro Grant

“As a grade 3 teacher I see the lack of fruits being consumed by my students. My project would have my grade 3 students exploring the benefits of fruits in relation to their nutritional value and its impact on our local economy while learning fun ways to prepare them. We would add to our school culture by inviting a younger group to share in our snack while the students shared what they had learned so the next generation could make healthier choices.” Jill Davey





WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO READ FOOD LABELS? I believe reading food labels will help you make healthier choices. Food labels give you detailed information about the products you buy at the supermarket.

If you’re not reading food labels, you probably just want to leave the grocery store quickly. If you do look at food labels though, you are definitely buying healthy foods.

Making healthy choices begins with looking at the percentage of fat, the sodium, calories and many other different things. The label tells us the ingredients in the product we are about to choose. This information will help you from becoming overweight. You can get heart disease, diabetes or high cholesterol if you do not make the right choices.

Healthy foods are good for you but eating candy or foods filled with sugar are unhealthy. It is good to read food labels because if you just buy things that you think are good, you might not realize that they have a lot of sugar or saturated and trans fats. If you do not read food labels you may not know what really is in the food.

The labels tell us the ingredients in the product from largest amount to smallest. The label will help you decide if you eat healthy or not and if you should buy it or not. Labels are very useful. Will you eat unhealthy foods or healthy ones?

Next time you go grocery shopping don’t rush out of the store, take a minute to pay attention to the labels.

By Irene By Varanan

Tip: Take time to chew your food and savor all the flavors. Elias Reading food labels is very important so that you can choose the right foods. Chips, chocolate and candies are junk food but by reading labels it can help you make healthier choices. That’s my opinion. Healthy foods are good for you. They help your body grow healthier and stronger and make you feel better inside. By reading the labels on food, it helps you choose the right foods and eat healthy.

I believe it is important to read food labels in order to stay healthy and strong. It is important to read food labels because they make it much easier for you to compare food and find foods that have the nutritional value we need to make healthy choices. Food labels provide more than just nutrition facts. They also tell you what is in a packaged food that makes it easier for people with food allergies.

Good eating habits are just as important as reading food labels. Both keep you healthy and energized.

In my opinion everyone should take the time to read food labels. They are on the items for a reason. What will you do next time you pick up a packaged food?

By Quentin

By Rubina

Tip: Get saucy with fruits. Puree apples, berries, peaches or pears in a blender for a thick sweet sauce on pancakes, French toast or waffles. Juliana

If you’ve spent the most part of your life on a diet, then you probably need food labels to explain to you the nutrition guide. For everyone else, a nutrition label on a packaged food item could seem like a guide that cannot be explained. It is also important to know how much quantity each serving has to maintain a steady diet. By Alex





I believe that reading food labels is a very important and smart thing to do. In my opinion, food labels will make it much easier to select healthy foods. Food labels provide information about the nutritional facts of what we are eating. This can help us decide what to eat and to make healthy choices. I believe that reading food labels will help us choose food that is higher in vitamins and fiber which help our bodies stay strong and healthy. Also reading food labels lets us compare foods so we can choose more nutritious items and avoid sugars and trans fats too! This will help us feel energetic and help us fight viruses. Reading food labels are a great way to make good eating choices. What will you do the next time you go to the grocery store? Will you read the food labels?

Food labels are very important since they tell us what’s in the foods we are eating and it also lists the nutrients that are found in those foods. On the label there are two important sections. The first is the serving size. That section tells us the number of calories and vitamins per serving. The second section tells us how high in vitamins the foods actually are. Both these sections are important to help us make healthy choices. Food labels help us understand which foods are healthy and which are not. Perhaps we should all read food labels more often.

Reading food labels will make it much easier for you to compare foods and find the foods that have the nutritional value you need. Food labels can help you limit the amount of fat, sugar and cholesterol in your diet by making it easy for you to compare one food item with another and choose the one with the lower amount. Also you can use food labels to find food items with higher amounts of vitamins, fiber and protein. In conclusion, it’s important to read food labels because they will tell us if the foods we are selecting are nutritious or not.

By Johnny By Spencer

By Sophia

I love to eat candy but my opinion is to stop that and start eating healthy! I think I should start eating healthy because it will help me get all the energy I need to stay healthy and do exercise. Fruits and vegetables are extremely important for me to eat. To eat healthy it is important to read food labels and to always remember to follow Canada’s Food Guide!

Tip: Make sure to fill your salad with fresh veggies. Mia

Did you know that Dandelion Green Roots contain insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels in diabetics? Emmanuel

By Mia Did you know healthy foods could help prevent diabetes?





SHOULD WE FOLLOW CANADA’S FOOD GUIDE? Canada’s Food Guide helps us choose what is good and what is bad to eat and of course how much to eat from each food group. I think that it is important to eat the right amount from every food group so that you will grow up to be big and strong! It is important to eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables are healthy choices but we should also eat from the other food groups as well. The four food groups are: fruits and vegetables, grain products, milk and alternatives, and meat and alternatives. If we only eat from one food group, we won’t get all the nutrition that we need to stay healthy. But if we eat too much from all the food groups, we will get fat. So it is important to eat just the right amount of food each day. Canada’s Food Guide is a very helpful tool to follow to stay healthy. I always try to follow the food guide as close as possible. Will you try as well? By Monica Did you know that blueberries help fight cancer? Zackery Eating healthy and getting the proper vitamins is difficult to do on your own. Using Canada’s Food Guide can help you. The guide tells you how much and what kind of foods you should eat. Also it gives you examples of which foods and drinks can be found in each food group. It gives you advice on healthy choices, for example: compare the nutrition facts of yogurt and cheese to make healthy choices. Canada’s Food Guide helps you choose the right foods to eat. What will you choose, junk or healthy foods? It’s up to you! By Elias

Did you know pumpkins and avocadoes are fruits and not vegetables? Alex

It is good to read and know about Canada’s Food Guide because it tells you the portions a person needs to eat. By following the four food groups and eating the amount recommended in every age group a person will meet the amount of vitamins and other nutrients. It also reduces the risk of diseases and sicknesses. A person should make healthy choices whether they are at home, at school, at a park and at a restaurant. By Kyriakos

In order to eat healthy, to know what to eat, when to eat, and how much to eat, you should follow Canada’s Food Guide. You should follow Canada’s Food Guide to know much dairy, fruits and vegetables, meats and grain products to eat. Canada’s Food Guide also helps you choose what to eat from each food group. For example, from the dairy products you can eat ice cream or drink milk. Canada’s Food Guide is good for you to follow and be aware of healthy eating. I think it is important to follow Canada’s Food Guide. Are you eating the right foods? By Kristina






We should follow Canada’s Food Guide because it helps us make healthier and better choices. In Canada’s Food Guide there is a chart with the four major food groups. For example, vegetables and fruits, grain products, milk and alternatives, and meat and alternatives. We also have a chart that has the recommended number of food servings per day which is shown with the different age groups. For children between 4 and 8 years old the food guide says that they should have five servings of fruits and vegetables per day such as ½ cup of 100% juice. They should also have four servings per day of grain products such as cold cereal and two servings per day of milk products such as 1 cup of milk. Finally children between those ages should be having only one serving per day of meat products such as ½ cup of cooked lean meat. Canada’s Food Guide is a great way to help you stay healthy. Will you be checking the food guide?

By Georgia

Did you know green tipped bananas are better for you than ripe bananas? Alexandra

Tip: Add fresh fruits when you are making muffins. Monica

Following Canada’s Food Guide is easy but it is easier to become unhealthy. If you do follow the food guide, it will make you a lot healthier. Eating healthy foods should be part of your daily habits. If you eat the right amount of servings you will have a lot more energy to do stuff like play, write and other stuff you usually do. If you do not follow the food guide, you will have a bigger chance of getting diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

It is important to eat healthy because our food guide says that we are supposed to eat healthy. It is important to eat healthy in order to keep our bones strong. It is important to eat healthy in order not to get diseases.

By Victor

That is why you should follow the food guide. If I were someone who didn’t follow the food guide, I would start following it right now. What will you do if you don’t follow the food guide? Tip:

Tip: When baking, use whole-wheat flour instead of white flour. Grace

By Isabella

Instead of adding sugar to muffins, use a natural sweetener. Alexa


SPORTS A-PEELING GAME!!! By: Kostadina & Costadinos

Last Wednesday at 12:30 PM, the Bobbling Bananas and the Anxious Apples played a spectacular soccer game. The Anxious Apples had an opportunity to tie the game but after Christian Applaro missed his shot, Lorenzo Bananoto scored against the Anxious Apples and the Bobbling Bananas won the game! When Lorenzo Bananoto scored, the crowd went wild and all the fans chanted “Lorenzo! Lorenzo! Lorenzo!” Lorenzo’s team picked him up and started chanting along with the crowd. In a sudden turn of events, the crowd pushed down the fence because they wanted Lorenzo’s autograph but ended up injuring the referee. Our referee who was a blood orange started bleeding when he was knocked over by the crowd. They rushed him to the Amboshki Hospital where Apolian Beshknou had gone during the game after an injury. What a turn of events!!! Did you know the fortune cookie was invented in San Francisco? Kyriakos

TERRY FOX By: Irene, Monica, Grace Terry Fox was a runner who had cancer. Because of his disease, he got one of his legs amputated* and got it replaced with a prosthesis** leg. While Terry Fox was running across Canada, he always ate a plate of oranges. He ate a lot of oranges because it has a lot of vitamin C which helped keep his bones and cartilage healthy so he can keep running. * amputated: ** prosthesis:

to cut off an artificial device that replaces a missing part of body.

Did you know that Terry Fox embarked on a crossCanada run to raise money and awareness for cancer research? Anonymous

THE FEROCIOUS FOOD By: Alexa, Kristina and Alexander Today the ferocious foods are going to fight. Orange in the middle started to say, “In this corner we have Weak Wirly Pop”. Then the audience started to scream “Boo!! “ Then Orange said, “In this corner we have Tough Tomato” and the audience started to scream “Yay”!! Then they started to fight. The first move was by Tough Tomato; he used a kick. Weak Wirly Pop used a punch but Tough Tomato jumped on Weak Wirly Pop before he could punch him. Tough Tomato wins first place and the crowd screams “Yay”!!! Weak Wirly Pop cried because he lost.





It was the big day, the Gasper Grapes team vs the Montreal Apples. It all started at the field. “There is one minute left” said the referee. One of the players from the Montreal Apples has the orange ball and is heading toward the goalie from the Gasper Grapes team. The Montreal Apples win the soccer game! The Gasper Grapes lose, they’re very sad. The Gasper Grapes team met up with their coach and the goalie was crying because he thought it was all his fault that they lost. Meanwhile, the Montreal Apples coach said “Great job you guys won the game and more importantly you went out there and showed all those people that you can work altogether! Back at the Gasper Grapes team, “It doesn’t matter if you guys lost you still went out there and are in the finals. The Montreal Apples might have won but you guys were great!” The next teams that are playing in the finals are the Montreal Apples vs the Boston Chocolates. I hope the Montreal Apples win!!

WHAT TO DO IF YOU ARE DIABETIC BEFORE DOING SPORTS? Writers: Isabella, Sophia, Julia If you are diabetic, you should always test your blood sugar before doing sports. If your blood sugar is between 4 – 7, you should drink juice. If your blood sugar is between 8 – 15, you should either take half a juice or a 15 gram snack and if your blood sugar is over 16 do not drink or eat anything with carbohydrates. Remember to drink a juice if you are under 4 and always test your blood sugar after your sport. Stay healthy!

Tip: If you have blood sugar problems, avoid bananas because they are high in sugar. Rubina

THE PITTSBURG PAMELO VS THE BOSTON BANANA By: Kyriakos, Elias, Johnny and Victor

Did you know tomatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin C? Georgia

Tip: Drink enough water during the day to stay hydrated. Kostadina

It was a beautiful game for the Pittsburg Pomelos but a banana player got the orange puck in the ribs. The Pittsburg Pomelos won the Stanley Cup by luck in overtime. The final score was 3 -2. The players from Pittsburg Pomelos that scored were numbers 87, 71 and 76. The players on the Boston Banana that scored were number 33 and 17.




Ingredients: any fruit (oranges, strawberries cantaloupes, mangoes, etc.

Mix: 7 freshly squeezed oranges 2 freshly squeezed grapefruits 1 freshly squeezed lime ½ cup of bottle water

Directions: cup into pieces and make a fruit stick.

Drink and enjoy!

IRENE’S FRUIT SALAD ½ cup orange juice 1 tsp vanilla

AddQUENTIN’S Sidebar Content VITAMIN E SMOOTHIE FAST FACTS Ingredients: 1 green or red apple 1 – 2 pears Handful of cherries Juice from 2 large oranges Directions: 1. Place all ingredients in blender 2. Blend until creamy 3. If needed, add water in small amounts until desired thickness.

SOPHIA’S FRUIT TART Ingredients: 1 package of ready-made sugar cookie dough 1 8oz package of cream cheese ½ cup sugar 2 tsp vanilla 1 kiwi, sliced 1 cup strawberries, sliced 1 banana, sliced 1 cup blueberries 1 cup grapes, halved Directions:

It’s fun to get creative with smoothies, the possibilities are endless!!!



2 bananas, peeled 2 cups fresh pineapple 1 orange, peeled 1 cup ice cubes 1 tbsp ground flax seed and/or wheat germ (optional) In a blender, combine the ingredients. Blend until smooth, then serve.

Add: fruits of your choice (strawberries, oranges, Cantaloupe and pears)

Preheat oven to 350 f (175 c). Press the dough onto the pizza pan until it is flat and touches the sides of the pan. Bake 8 – 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool completely. Combine the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla. Beat the mixture until it is light and fluffy. Spread on the cooled crust. Arrange fruits on top and chill completely. This recipe makes 10 servings.

ALEXA’S MINI CUPCAKES Ingredients: 1 egg 1 cup orange juice ½ cup margarine ½ cup sugar 1 cup white flour 1 cup wheat flour 1 tsp baking powder ½ tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt 1 tsp cinnamon 2 cups shredded carrots

Directions: Mix all ingredients Bake at 400 for 17 minutes

Don’t forget!! You are what you eat!!!





Thank you to all of my amazing students for your wonderful enthusiasm and your positive energy, your creativity made this NEWSLETTER a huge success. I wish you all the best for the balance of the school year and keep up your brilliant work. Ms. Marina.