Th e Nobel Banqu et 2014

Th e 2 014 Nobel Lau r eat e s The Nobel Prize in Physics Professor Isamu Akasaki Professor Hiroshi Amano Professor Shuji Nakamura The Nobel Prize in Chemistry Dr Eric Betzig Professor Stefan W. Hell Professor William E. Moerner The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Professor John O’Keefe Professor May-Britt Moser Professor Edvard I. Moser The Nobel Prize in Literature Writer Patrick Modiano The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel Professor Jean Tirole


Th e Royal Sw edish Ballet Ballet Director Johannes Öhman

The guests of honour enter in procession

Rehearsal Director Hlín Hjálmarsdóttir

His Majesty’s toast is proposed by Professor Carl-Henrik Heldin, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation

Production Manager Ann-Christin Danhammar

A toast to Alfred Nobel’s memory is proposed by His Majesty the King

Technical crew

Di vert i s s em e n t “Honou r ou r pa st w h i l e nourishing the future”

Technical Director Kurt Blomquist Technical Project Manager Sven Almqvist Stage Technician Christer Nilsson Dresser Stina Vesamäki

Excerpts of works performed by The Royal Swedish Ballet

Dresser Kristina Hübinette

I Ex p o si t ion a n d t h e b ody

Light Martin Säfström

II Th e O t h e r You III I Ne w Th e n

Sound Patrik Andersson Stage Manager Eric Alm The set and costumes are manufactured in the workshops of the Royal Swedish Opera

Students from Swedish universities and colleges, bearing the standards of their student unions, pay homage to the Laureates

Floral Designer Helén Magnusson

Speeches by Laureates

Organist Mattias Wager

The guests of honour rise from the table and leave in procession

Trumpeters Olle and Mikael Hermansen

Dancing in the Golden Hall

Dance Orchestra Ambassadeur

Lighting Designer Per Sundin Sound Designer Lars Wern

Toastmaster Emma Johansson

The flowers are graciously provided by The Chamber of Commerce of Imperia and the Town of Sanremo




n u

C r è m e de chou-f l e u r , mosa ïqu e de cr a be roya l , pet i ts p ois et chou-f le u r m a r i n é au ci t ron

C r e a m of cau li f l ow e r s ou p, mosaic of r ed king cr a b, peas an d lemon pickled cauliflow er flor ets

Sell e de ce r f rouge rôt i e au x épic e s , t e r r i n e de ca rot t e s , bet t e r av e s jau n e s au s e l , pe t i ts oignons f u m é s , pu r é e de p om m e s de t e r r e e t j us de gi bi e r

Spice d l oi n of r e d de e r , ca r rot t e r r i n e , sa lt-ba k e d g olde n be ets , smok e d pe a r l on ions , p otato pu r é e a n d ga m e j us

Mous s e et s or be t de ba i e s bl e u e s de ronc e s sau vage s de G ot la n d pa n na cot ta au sa f r a n e t gé noi s e au be u r r e nois e t t e

Mous s e a n d s or bet of w i ld de w be r r i e s f rom G ot la n d, sa f f ron pa n na cot ta a n d brow n bu t t e r sp onge ca k e

Vi n s

Wi ne

C h a m pagn e Ta i t t i nge r Bru t R é s e rv e

C h a m pagn e Ta i t t i nge r Bru t R é s e rv e

Vi lla Ca fag gio 2 011, C h i a n t i C la s sico

Vi lla Ca fag gio 2 011, C h i a n t i C la s sico

Ca lv e t R é s e rv e du C i ron 2 010 , Sau t e r n e s

Ca lv et R é s e rv e du C i ron 2 010 , Sau t e r n e s

Ca f é & M é l a n ge d e T h é Mu s é e Nob e l

Coffee & Nobel Museum Tea Blend

Grönst e dts C o gnac VO

Grönst e dts C o gnac VO

Faci l e P u ns ch

Faci l e P u ns ch

Eau M i n é r a l e St e n ku lla Bru n n

St e n ku lla Bru n n M i n e r a l Wat e r

Stadshusrestauranger en collaboration avec le Chef Klas Lindberg et le Chef Pâtissier Daniel Roos

Stadshusrestauranger in collaboration with Chef Klas Lindberg and Pastry Chef Daniel Roos






e di s h


l l e t

The history of the Royal Swedish Ballet began in 1773, when King Gustav III founded the Royal Swedish Opera. This makes it one of the world’s oldest ballet companies. As early as 1790 the Stockholm-based company had 65 members. The ambition of the king himself and of his French ballet master Louis Gallodier was to create a Swedish counterpart to Louis XIV’s court ballet in France. Today it is the country’s largest ballet company, consisting of 68 dancers. Under the leadership of Artistic Director Johannes Öhman, the company maintains and builds on its long tradition by performing new classic and modern works and by preserving its historical heritage.

Part One

Exposition and the Body Choreography Örjan Andersson Music Ludwig van Beethoven Costume Nina Sandström Original Lighting SUTODA Dancers Rena Narumi and Hokuto Kodama

Exposition and the Body Choreography by Örjan Andersson Choreographer Örjan Andersson is one of Sweden’s biggest names in contemporary dance, acclaimed for such works as Arrival of the Queen of Sheba for the Cullberg Ballet and Seven Clues at Skånes Dansteater. When he began creating Exposition and the Body, Andersson drew inspiration from the knowledge and movements of dancers. He based his work on their way of moving, their style and aesthetic: “I have a strong belief in the artistic process, which is also about the dancers’ own creativity and integrity. Every encounter with a dancer is unique.”

Part Two

Th e O t h e r Yo u Choreography Crystal Pite Music Ludwig van Beethoven Costume Linda Chow Original Lighting Robert Sondergaard

Th e O t h e r Yo u

Dancers Anton Valdbauer and Anthony Lomuljo

Choreography by Crystal Pite Crystal Pite is a Canadian choreographer who, among other things, is the founder and Artistic Director of the dance company Kidd Pivot. The Other You, which mixes both classic and modern expressions, is a duet for two men who interpret an encounter between the “self” and its inner image. According to Pite, the piece portrays a man in a dialogue with his double, his own shadow.

Part Three

I New Th en Choreography Johan Inger Music Van Morrison

I New Th en

Costume Bregje van Balen

Choreography by Johan Inger

Original Lighting Tom Visser

Johan Inger is a dancer who became a highly acclaimed, prize-winning choreographer. He has served as Artistic Director of the Cullberg Ballet and had a long career as a dancer and choreographer at the Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT). His work I New Then premiered in 2012 and is a colourful, optimistic and inventive piece set to music by Van Morrison. I New Then, Inger’s first choreographic assignment for the Royal Swedish Ballet, marked his return to the company where he began as a dancer. Inger says there is neither a plot nor a story in this dance work; instead it is his way of depicting youthful energy and strength, along with all the fears found inside a young person.

Dancers Mariko Kida and Jérôme Marchand