The New Deal Chapter 15 President Roosevelt takes many actions to combat the Depression  ___________________________________________ o ___________________________________________ o ___________________________________________ o ___________________________________________ FDR becomes president _________________________________________  Hoover regarded as a “do nothing president”  “Can do attitude  20th amendment moved presidential inaugurations to January  Economy worsens while waiting for FDR FDR works on _________________________________________  _________________________________________  “Brain Trust” of professors, lawyers, & journalists worked with FDR while he waited to become president • Focused on - _________________________________________  Relief for the needy  Economic recovery  Financial reform • FDR’s Hundred Days – Congress passes 15 pieces of legislation   

1st step declare _________________________________________ _________________________________________ = stops more withdrawals E_________________________________________ • Treasury Department _________________________________________ banks • If sound = reopen • Couldn’t pay debts = stay closed • Needed help = got loans

FDR’s rapport with the public  “Fireside Chats” broadcast over the radio • C_________________________________________ • S_________________________________________ • G_________________________________________  Clear & simple language • What banks do with people’s cash • Glass-Steagall Banking Act (1933) • Created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)  Insurance for individual’s accounts with < $5,000  

F_________________________________________ • Required corporations to provide___________________ information on all _______________& made them _________________________ for _______________________________ S_______________________________________ (SEC) • R_______________________________________  Prevent people with “insider information” from “rigging” the price  Couldn’t cause the price to go  or  for their own profit

21st Amendment  Repeal of prohibition Farmer assistance  A_______________________________________ (AAA) • Goal = _______________________________________ by l_______________________________________  Farmers paid to leave land fallow  Cotton growers paid to plow under 10 million acres of cotton  Hog farmers paid to kill 6 million pigs • Helped raise farm prices • Supreme Court – declares agriculture should be regulated by states not federal gov Work Projects  C_______________________________________ (CCC) • Put ____________________________________________________________________  Built roads  Developed parks  Planted trees  Helped with soil-erosion & flood-control • Paid $30/month, $25 sent home • Given free food & uniforms • Aimed at preventing another Dust Bowl ________________________________________________________________________(FERA)  ___________________________________ • Grants to states to help furnish food & clothing to unemployed, aged, & ill • $1 Federal dollar given / $3 State dollars  -__________________________________– headed program • “money helped people buy food, but work enabled them to gain confidence & self-respect” _________________________________________________________ (PWA) 1

Money provided to states to create jobs • Schools constructed • Community buildings built • AAA, CCC, and FERA didn’t help enough with unemployment

_______________________________________________ (CWA)  4 million immediate jobs  Critics called them “________________________________” projects  Built 40,000 schools  Paid 50,000 teachers’ salaries, rural areas  Built ½ million miles of road _____________________________________________________________________  Promoted industrial growth = created fair practice rules for businesses  Allowed “cartels” to form agreements among competing businesses and create monopolies to stimulate economic recovery, & establish a national public works program  ________________________________________ Declared ________________________ (1935) –_______________________________to become law • Law gave legislative powers to executive branch • Interstate commerce laws affected __________________________________________________  _________________________ of many products for fair competition • Limited production and set prices  Established standards for working hours  Banned child labor  Goal: promote recovery by interrupting trend of wage cuts, falling prices & layoffs  Result: _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________  Provided jobs  Renovated 5 dams  Constructed 20  Created thousands of jobs  Provided _______________________________________________  Provided hydroelectric power (___________________________________)  ______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________  ______________________________________________________________  _____________________________________________________________ • ________________________________________________________________  Still available today   

“______________________________________ bill” FDR wants to _______________________________ (Supreme Court) Damaged his image • Thought to violate principles of judicial independence & __________________________ • Resignations = he’s able to appoint 7 new justices

Critics of FDR  American Liberty League • Wealthy business leaders & important politicians • Felt New Deal violated respect for rights of individuals & property • Accused FDR of trying to establish a dictatorship Critics  ______________________________________ – Catholic Priest • Wanted guaranteed annual income & nationalization of banks • Became Anti-Semitic, lost popularity  ____________________________________ – medical doctor • Felt not enough being done for poor & elderly • Devised pension plan = too expensive  ________________________________________________________ • “____________________________________” – social program – something for everyone • Very popular • Assassinated Key Ideas – 15.1  FDR easily wins the presidency in 1932 & immediately begins to formulate a set of policies that become known as the New Deal  During the Hundred Days in Roosevelt’s first term, the president reforms banking & finance  In his fireside chats, FDR explains his policies to the American people  The Roosevelt administration established programs to provide relief to farmers, create jobs for other workers, & foster regional development  The National Industrial Recovery Act sought to establish codes of fair practice for individual industries & promote industrial growth  Other New Deal programs focus on helping home-owners  Both conservative & liberal critics oppose New Deal policies  After the Supreme Court strikes down two of FDR’s new programs, the president proposes a bill that would allow him to appoint six new justices to the Court.  Charles Coughlin, Francis Townsend, & Huey Long are among FDR’s toughest critics. Summary When Franklin Roosevelt took office in 1933, he immediately launched the first of his New Deal programs, which focused on relief for the needy, economic recovery, & financial reform. Many Americans approved of the New Deal measures, but others criticized them – some for doing too little, some for doing too much. Roosevelt responded to those who felt he could do more by extending his programs in the Second New Deal – the next phase of his program. Question 1 What plans did Roosevelt make in the four months while he waited to take office?  He began to formulate a set of policies to alleviate the problems of the Depression. 2

Question 2 Why did bank customers return their savings to banks?  President Roosevelt explained that the banks weren’t weak & Congress established the FDIC Question 3 In what two ways did the New Deal attempt to assist the unemployed?  By providing jobs & direct relief Question 4 How did the New Deal support labor organizations?  It guaranteed workers’ right to unionize & to bargain collectively Question 5 How did liberal & conservative critics differ in their opposition to the New Deal?  Liberal critics thought the New Deal did not go far enough in helping the poor & in reforming the nation’s economic system  Conservative critics believed the New Deal spent too much money on direct relief & was trying to control business & socialize the economy Question 6 Why did people regard FDR’s court-packing scheme as a threat to the separation of powers?  Because Roosevelt, as the head of the executive branch, was trying to exercise too much influence over the judiciary, another branch of government  The branches are supposed to remain independent of each other Question 7 What did Charles Coughlin, Francis Townsend, & Huey Long dislike about the New Deal?  They said that the New Deal didn’t go far enough in helping the poor & elderly. It didn’t provide a guaranteed annual income or other benefits.

The Second New Deal institutes new Programs to extend federal aid & stimulate the nation’s economy The Second New Deal Takes Hold 15.2  ______________________________________, wife of FDR  Social Reformer  Helped shape New Deal policies  Reminded him to appoint women  Advocate _______________________________________________________________ Farmers  Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act • Paid farmers for cutting production of soil-depleting crops (cotton & wheat) • Rewarded them for practicing good soil conservation • 2 of every 5 farms mortgaged • Helped sharecroppers, migrant workers & poor farmers  Resettlement Administration - 1935 • loaned money to small farmers to buy land  Farm Security Administration (FSA) – 1937 • Loaned $1 billion to help tenant farmers become landholders • Created network of camps for migrant farm workers  Photographers sent to take pictures or rural town, farms and residents. Helping youth, etc ___________________________________ (WPA) – directly responsible for _______________________________________ • Unskilled employed  Built airports  Constructed & repaired roads = 651,000 miles  Built libraries, schools & hospitals  Sewing groups made clothes for needy • Skilled employed  Teachers  Writers  Artists  Actors  Musicians  ______________________________________________________ (NYA) • ____________________________________ students • Part time clerical positions for _________________________________ • _________________________ for ____________________________________ Labor Reforms  _______________________________________ = _____________________________ • Federal gov supported right of workers to join unions & engage in collective bargaining with employers • Listed unfair labor practices • ________________________________________ (NLRB)  Settles ___________________ between ______________________ & _____________________  Hears testimony about unfair practices  Holds elections among workers to see if they want labor representation • ____________________________________– 1935  Established ____________________________ & ____________________________  Set a national minimum hourly rate for wages  National ________________________________________________________  Banned factory labor under age 16 Social Security Act - 1935  ________________________________________________________________  Old-age insurance for ________________________________________________________ • Supplement person’s private retirement plan • ½ from worker • ½ from employer  Unemployment compensation system 3

Aid to families with ____________________________ & the ____________________________

Utilities  Laws promoted rural electrification & regulated public utilities  ________________________________________________________ (REA) • Created, financed & worked with rural & farm cooperatives to bring electricity to area  ________________________________________________________ Act – 1935 • Outlawed ownership of utilities by ____________________________ holding companies  Tried to stop “pyramiding” of holding companies The Second Hundred Days – Key Ideas  Although FDR’s programs didn’t bring economic gains as great as expected, the New Deal enjoyed widespread popularity  FDR launched the Second New Deal & sought to help the “forgotten man.”  The 1936 election resulted in an overwhelming victory for FDR & the Democrats in Congress Helping Youth, Professionals, & Others  The WPA offered direct assistance by creating new jobs.  The NYA was created specifically to provide aid & employment to young people Labor & Other Reforms – Key Ideas  Congress passed labor reforms proposed by the Roosevelt administration that established maximum hours & minimum wages  The Social Security system provided economic security for retired workers & financial benefits for millions of other Americans.  The Second New Deal promoted rural electrification & sought to regulate public utilities. Summary  Under the Second New Deal, the Roosevelt administration launched more programs to provide relief to farmers & other workers. The administration also spurred Congress to enact the Social Security system & reforms in labor & public utilities. Question 1 How did the Second New Deal help sharecroppers, migrant workers, & other poor farmers?  It established agencies to loan money to small farmers to buy land, & it set up a network of camps for migrant farm workers Question 2 Why was the Wagner Act significant?  It reversed the position of the federal government from favoring employers to supporting workers. Section 15.3  New Deal policies & actions affect Americans in all walks of life. The Democratic Party forms a new political coalition New Deal Affects Many Groups  New Opportunities for Women • ________________________________________________________  Secretary of Labor  Role in Social Security system & labor legislation  Women continue to struggle for = rights • Wages set lower for women than men • Gallop Poll – “82 % Americans said that a wife should not work if her husband had a job”  African-Americans • M____________________________  Educator  Head of Office Minority Affairs for National Youth Administration  Assured:  African-American administrators hired  Job training provided  Other benefits for minority students  Helped organize “Black Cabinet”  I________________________________________________________ administration on racial issued  Mexican-American • Received fewer benefits • Disqualified because “no permanent address”  Native Americans • Strong gov support • ____________________________ – ____________________________  Indian Reorganization Act  Restored some reservation lands to tribal ownership  Alignment of diverse groups dedicated to supporting Democratic Party • Labor Unions • ____________________________ (AFL) • ____________________________ (CIO) • Organized labor unions • “Sit Down Strikes” – bargaining tool used during the 1920s • FDR “friend of labor” • Unionization – coal miners & mass-production industries  Unions  “____________________________” • Workers remain ____________________________ • ________________________________________________________ with strikebreakers Summary


Although discrimination remained a fact of life for many people, the New Deal created some new opportunities for women & minority groups. With organized labor, these groups forged a new political coalition dedicated to supporting the Democratic Party. The New Deal had a great influence on workers from all walks of life.

New Opportunities for Women – Key Idea – 15.3  Roosevelt appointed women to government positions  Women faced discrimination in the workplace New Opportunities for African-Americans  Bethune helped organize Roosevelt’s “Black Cabinet.”  ____________________________ played a key role as an ________________________________________________________ in opening doors for African-Americans  FDR failed to support civil rights • Didn’t support antilynching law & end to poll taxes • Families benefited from work relief • Most African-Americans supported the president Mexican-American Fortunes & Native American Gains  Mexican Americans supported the New Deal, even though they received fewer benefits than African-Americans  Native Americans received strong support under the New Deal A New Deal Coalition  Labor unions flourished under the New Deal  Growing labor movement = disputes not always settled peacefully  The urban population supported FDR Question 1 Why was the “Black Cabinet’ important to the Roosevelt administration?  It gave President Roosevelt valuable advice on racial issues & provided African-Americans with a voice, for the first time, at the highest levels of government Question 2 Why was life difficult for farm laborers?  Farm laborers were essentially unprotected by state & federal laws. Question 3 How did New Deal policies affect organized labor?  New Deal labor laws gave unions greater power to organize & negotiate with employers.  Unions grew in size & joined with other groups in the New Deal coalition Question 4 Why did urban voters support Roosevelt?  New Deal labor & relief programs helped the urban poor. Roosevelt also made direct appeals to these groups.

Society & Culture 15.4 Motion pictures, radio, art, & literature all blossom during the period of the New Deal Motion Pictures  Golden age for motion-picture & radio industries 1930s • Talking pictures  Gone with the Wind – Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh  Flying Down to Rio – Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers – American’s favorite dance partners • Comedians  Marx Brothers • Heroes & Heroines  Gangsters – James Cagney & Edward G. Robinson Radio   

Almost every home had a radio Soap operas – named this as sponsor was a soap company Radio comedians • Bob hope, Jack Benny, George Burns & Gracie Allen • Orson Wells – The War of the Worlds”

Art & Literature  Very serious  Federal Art Project • Paid artists to produce public art  Increase public appreciation of art  Promote positive images of American society • Artists  Created murals painted on walls of public buildings  Taught art in schools  Created posters • Grant Wood - American Gothic Writers  

Federal Writers’ Project (FWP) Produced • State and city guides • Wrote histories of ethnic & immigrant groups • Saul Bellow • Richard Wright – Native Son • Zora Neal Hurston – Their Eyes Were Watching God • ________________________________________________ – The Grapes of Wrath  About the _____________________________________________________________ 5

Summary During the Depression, motion pictures & radio programs were highly popular forms of entertainment – and escape. The art & the literature of the time, on the other hand, were more serious, depicting the real conditions of Depression in America Lure of Motion Pictures & Radio  During the Depression, people flock to the movies  Most families spend several hours a day listening to their favorite radio programs Art & Literature in Depression America  During the New Deal era, some American artists produce outstanding works of art  Writers produce works depicting both the dark side of life & the positive values of American culture. Question 1 What were the cultural effects of technological advances in film?  People attended movies in record numbers & saw realistic portrayals as well as escapist comedies & romances, all of which helped them cope with Depression reality. Question 2 Why did the New Deal fund art projects?  New Deal officials believed that art played an important role in the life of the American people. They also believed that artists deserved work relief just as other unemployed Americans did. Question 3 How did the literature of the time reflect issues of the Depression?  Writers depicted the difficulties of the Depression Era, such as the Dust Bowl, working-class life, violence & poverty, small town life in New England, and life in urban America. Question 4 Was the view that literature presented in the 1930s positive or negative.  Both. Some books revealed the seamy side of American society while others extolled the virtues of American culture. On the whole, however, most writers seemed to appreciate the underlying strength of American life. Question 5 What really ended the Depression?  The massive amount of spending by the federal government for guns, tanks, ships, airplanes, & all other equipment & supplies the country needed for WW II.

The New Deal affects American society not only in the 1920s but also in the decades that follow New Deal Reforms that endure  1937 economy improve enough that Americans think Depression ending  Pressure to scale back by Congress  FDR didn’t like ____________________________ _ __________________________________________________ in revenue • ___________________________ - Long term economic result of deficit spending • National debt reached a_______________________ during Roosevelt’s term as president  Government’s role in economy  FDR expanded power of federal gov • Infusing nation’s economy with $$$ • Creating federal jobs • Attempting to regulate supply & demand • Increasing gov active role in settling labor disputes • Established FDIC • Established Securities & Exchange Commission – to regulate _____________________________, banking & investments • Enduring Reforms  National Labor Relations Board – gov act as mediator in labor disputes  AAA – farmers stored cops until prices reached parity - a price equal to what farmers had received between 1910 & 1914  Electrification  Securities & Exchange Commission  FDIC  Social Security New Deal Reforms that endure – Key Ideas - 15.5  Opinions about the New Deal range from harsh criticism to high praise  New Deal policies have a lasting effect on labor, agriculture & banking & finance Continuing Benefits – Key Ideas  Under the New Deal, the federal gov assumes some responsibility for the social welfare of its citizens  The New Deal promotes policies designed to protect the environment Summary New Deal policies have had long-term effects on labor, banking & finance, social welfare, & the environment. However, opinion is divided on the success of the New Deal. Some people praised the New Deal’s creation of jobs & the greater role of government in solving problems, while others ________________________________________________– spending that would increase even more during WW II, thus the ________________to launch a ________________New Deal