The Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation

The Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation When the Munay-Ki rites were gifted to the peoples of the West and the wider web of humanity who has arrived ready to receive this medicine and these teachings, the rites and their ceremonies were released of all cultural attachments, for the culture of the great Shamans is not ours to own, teach or pass on. We honor their traditions and the roots of these medicine ways with the deepest of love and gratitude for the paths that have been walked before us. We honor the Creator as the source of this wisdom and people of the Q’ero nation, the Elders of Peru, don Manuel Quispe and Alberto Villoldo for integrating this medicine into a tangible form and allowing us to share these rites. Although these rites represent the seeds of transformation which brings one into alignment with the Shaman’s spirals and their healing capacity, these rites do not make one a Shaman. They do not bestow special powers upon you. They initiate you into the journey of your own unfolding and evolution. It is not by any book, course, ceremony or initiation that one becomes a Shaman. It is only through deep prayer, dedication, study and the personal journey into union with the divine and the transcendence into the states of ecstatic being embodied by the luminous ones that one arrives, fully as a Shaman. To become a Shaman, one must learn to embody the medicine. To speak your prayers with every breath. To know your gratitude with every beating of your heart. To walk in alignment, unbound from time and space by the confines of the human mind. What is presented here and within this teaching of the rites is the manifestation of how this medicine moves through me. What you will receive and what you will you go on to teach is the manifestation of how this medicine moves through you. Each unique. Each divinely perfect.

Presented by Kristen Avonti, Wisdom Keeper of the Munay-Ki With deep Gratitude to the teachers and roots of this medicine.


The Munay-Ki Rites of Initiation

Introduction to the Munay-Ki

We live in a time of deep and powerful transformation and change, a time of transition which spans the ages of all that once was and all that is yet to be. We sit, on the precipice of the evolution from the body of the Homo sapiens to that of the Homo luminous, the Light Beings. We are the birth rite of the prophecy, the ones that our forefathers dreamed into being. We are the culmination of every prayer that was ever spoken. The karmic unfolding of all that’s ever been. The Munay-Ki are the seeds of transformation which unfurl into the blossoming of the Homo luminous being. They were gifted to the wisdom keepers 100,000 years ago, to be carried through the ages, to transform the hearts of all that is. To bring the world into alignment for our next evolution. The Munay-Ki are merely the seeds of a divine unfolding, a blossoming into being of the true essence of one’s soul. Within the Q’ero nation it is understood that these seeds were planted within the fabric of your being at the start of your journey and unfolding. All that has occurred from the dawn of time, up until this point has been the forward and backward reaching light of the unfolding of these seeds of healing and transformation. All that has ever been has laid the framework for our arrival here and every action in this moment lays the karmic seeds for all that is yet to become. The rites of the Munay-Ki, the ceremonial imprinting and activation of these seeds, transmits the energy lines of Earthkeepers, the wisdom of the Elders and unlocks the release which allows our unfolding. The people of the Q’ero nation would offer the rites of the Munay-Ki at the beginning of a journey. They embodied the truth that these seeds would support and guide one’s awakening and unfolding. They believe that these seeds offer the energetic alignment, structural format, and sacred container for the deepest of transformation and healing. The medicine of the Munay-Ki has always arrived in precisely the moment you were ready to receive it. Today, the Munay-Ki are shared throughout the world because the people have arrived, ready to receive this medicine, ready to embody this growth and change. The Elders of the prophecies knew that a time would come when the new human would emerge, one who is free from the bounds of time and space. Free of fear. Eternal in his or her existence. Throughout the ages these rites were received directly from Spirit through the co-creation of ceremony and the deeply transcendent opening of the self. Spirit poured this medicine through the individual in the unique manifestation that the individual’s medicine would take. We sit today on the edge of the tipping point, the surrender and free-fall of our next evolution into love. As this time of transition arose within the wider web of our existence, the Incan Elders gathered to discuss the transmission of these rites which until now had existed solely within the confines of the circles of their communities. In 2006, the Elders agreed. We have reached the tipping point and the time has come to transmit these rites to all who feel called to their medicine. In the summer of 2006, the Creator’s Rite, the ninth and 2

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final rite, was passed at the Holy Mountains in the Andes. These rites, which had always been transmitted directly from Spirit could now be passed, human to human. YOU, have arrived here, because you have heard the call. You, have felt the beating of the drums of the ancient ones in your heart. YOU have felt the wisdom that runs through your bones. You know that with every breath, you embody your existence. And you are ready to step into the fullest version of all that you have come here to be. You are ready to step fully into the totality of your being and shine your light as brightly as you’ve arrived here to shine. You have begun the journey of a lifetime, one which will take you through the depths of your being, into the core of all that you are and out the other side of your fullest manifestation. You have arrived here, because you are ready to step fully into that journey. You are receiving these rites to guide YOU through the next evolution of your soul. THIS is the tipping point, as there have been many in your life up until now, and as there will continue to be many more in your lifetime. But as you continue to grow and evolve, many if not all, have found that this moment, the transmission of the Munay-Ki was the moment that began it all. Today...Right now...As you sit now within your sacred space...The Spirits that guide your journey have already begun to weave the web of their medicine, to bring you here into this moment of transformation. They have already undertaken the guidance of your soul’s unfolding. All you had to do, was say “Yes!” to the unfolding and evolution, into the heart of all that you are. What you discover as you arrive here, is the deep exhalation of arriving home. Rooted into the core of your being, free from the bounds of time and space. The unfurling of the Munay-Ki is the moment of arrival, the permission to reside in ease. And when you open your eyes in the full awareness of your becoming, you discover that you, are not alone. You are one with the angels, the allies and the guides, and surrounded in the deepest community of human manifestations of Spirit’s divine beauty.

The Rites of the Munay-KI

“Munay-Ki” in Quechua means “I love you” or “Be as thou art”. Munay-Ki is about deep, unconditional love. The kind of love that is free from all attachment, judgement, fear and duality. The kind of universal love that allows us to reside within our middle heart, our inner light, our true essence. The Munay-Ki are the seeds of our unfolding which allow us to heal, grow and transform. They are the codes which unlock our energetic resonance and aligned vibrations. They rewrite the energetic blueprint of our being to allow us to evolve into the Homo luminous being. The new human who ages, grows, lives, heals and even dies, differently. The rites of the Munay-Ki are the ceremonies of initiation and attunement which have been handed down through the gifts of sharing and transmission. These rites, the ceremonies which transmit the seeds of Munay-Ki have been built upon the practices of initiation of the Inka and Pre-Inka Shaman of the Andes and the Amazon. The seeds 3

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of the Munay-Ki have existed through all of the great traditions of healing. They are the core, the common ground of our collective practice. Within the outward expression of the ritual, ceremony or rite, cultural differences are seen within the manifestation of its form. But at the heart of each ceremony, the seeds of transformation remain the same. The heart of the Munay-Ki arises within every practice, as the muse which orchestrates the dance of our unfolding. In modern form, they have been passed through the lineage of Alberto Villoldo and don Manual Quispe, medicine man of the Q’ero Inka nation. They have been handed down through my teacher and my teacher’s teacher to arrive for you, in their pure and essential form, devoid the cultural attachments they were born with. We honor the lineage from whence these rites came and the great people of those nations. But, we do not appropriate that which is not ours to own. These rites are offered with deep gratitude and permission from the Elders of the Q’ero nation. They are offered freely, in divine love and trust. Each rite of the Munay-Ki is an initiation into the practice of residing with your divine heart, your fullest expression. These rites connect you to all of time and space. They reach backwards into the stories of all that has been to weave the lines of interconnection through the lineage of these medicine ways. And they reach forward into the evolution of all that will be to bring your path into perfect alignment. They create your connection with the angels, the allies, the ancestors and the guides. You begin to remember stories you never knew that you knew. And yet, the first-hand memories of these evolutionary events express themselves so vividly within your inner awareness, it is as though you yourself experienced them. The memories of all time reside now within your DNA, within the marrow of your bones. The wisdom of all that is is accessible within the connections you weave. The rites of the Munay-Ki bring you into relationship with all that you are becoming. They pull your forwards towards your fullest destiny bringing into full view the awareness that you are created by all that you are becoming. The Munay-Ki, these seeds of unfolding, are about stewardship of the world that we walk within. As you move through these layers of unfolding you will arrive as a medicine keeper, a wisdom keeper of the medicine ways of being. These rites are not about recognition. They are not accolades or awards for the ego. They don’t differentiate you as special, more powerful or more radiant than any other being. In fact, their medicine is quite the opposite! The Munay-Ki bring your ego into balance and the residence of your awareness into the center of your soul. They help you to step down from the ego pedestal you have constructed within your life and reside in the essential place of your loving, middle heart. You become one with dance of your life, gliding effortlessly on the wings of muse, moved into motion by the music of your soul. The Munay-Ki are a tool of transcendence. They must be nurtured and fed, by your prayers, your offerings and your gratitude. They are seeds which must be tended. They require nourishment, warmth and light. As you move through each layer of 4

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transformation you will step through the membranes of your own evolution, shedding the skin that no longer serves you and stepping into the light of your expanded awareness. The rites of the Munay-Ki and the activation of these seeds clear your luminous energy field, the body of light that emanates from your being. As your energy field is cleared and you are brought into alignment with your own awakening, the places that require your attention and healing will rise to the surface, like boulders unearthed from the mud. As each new boulder arises, be present to witness and honor its arrival. Give gratitude for the gifts that it offers you and then carry it to the fire. Rest each place requiring healing in alchemical center of the fire. Offer your prayers for its renewal, for the transmutation of the energy you hold and release it to the burning of the embers and the trails of smoke that rise to the sky. As you exhale, fully release all that you have been holding. As you breathe your next inhalation, bring back into your being, the prayers of gratitude and the seeds of all that you dream. One. Two. Three times. Bring the warmth, light and energy into the womb of your creation. One. Two. Three times. Bring the warmth, light and energy into the center of your heart. One. Two. Three times. Bring the warmth, light and energy into the vision space of your Third Eye. One. Two. Three times. Bring the warmth, light and energy into the entirety of your being. The fire transforms all that is into pure potential, into everlasting light. Your prayers, your breath, your gratitude transmutes all that no longer serves you into the pure potential of your own creation.

The Earthkeepers

These rites originate within the Indus Valley, with the practices, ceremonies and teachings of the medicine men and women who crossed the Bering Straits some 30,000 years ago, bringing with them the deepest medicines of their people. These courageous souls were among the Laika. The first of the Earthkeepers of old. The Laika have always been ordinary men and women, just like you and me, who have cultivated extraordinary lives. They possess no special gifts or talents. They were not designated by Spirit at a young age, singled out to become someone extraordinary. Rather, they were ordinary individuals who felt the call of the divine and through hard work, prayer, study and discipline have cultivated the ability to transcend into ecstatic states of being. These medicine men and women allowed the full breath of the Munay-Ki to unfold within them as they stepped into the full embodiment of a luminous being. Some were a fire which burned brightly, attracting others to their light, cultivating profound healing, leadership or change within the community around them. Others, lived a simple life, one which on the exterior may seem so ordinary. But within the hearts of all of the Laiki was a deep understanding of the wisdom teachings and the divine. These individuals have stepped outside of linear time and space and exist, effortlessly and with ease and grace in the divine, held and fully supported matrix in


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which we dream our world into reality. The Laiki have laid the foundation for us all to step into the full embodiment of a luminous being. Today the Earthkeepers still walk among us, carried on the wings of Spirit’s breath. These luminous beings, exist in physical form and the form of our allies, our angels and our guides. They reside within a parallel existence, unattached from linear time and space. They are free from the trappings of the human mind. They reside entirely in trust and light. The Buddhists know them as Bodhisattvas. The Christians know them as Saints. Throughout all of time and all of the cultures of the world, the luminous beings are seen, depicted in a glowing, luminous light. They are the guiding figures we connect with along our path. As we open to the unfolding of the Munay-Ki within our own lives, we begin to raise our vibrational rate. We cultivate the capacity to refine our perceptive sensitivities. We imprint the moments of residing in pure trust, love and grace. With the shifting of our perceptions and the arrival within our middle heart, we discover the divine embrace. Here, we become the angels we used to call upon. We embody that state of balanced existence. Here, we embody the allies which bring our dreams into fruition. We imbue with their essence, as we become the dreamer of our reality. As we step fully into the place of understanding that WE are ones who dream the world into being, we embrace the path of the Earthkeepers. The Earthkeepers know that all of the possible realities, outcomes and destinies reside within the infinite expanse of potentiality. When asked which reality is the one we come to experience and embody, the Earthkeepers know that it is the reality we choose to feed. With every thought, every action, every breath and ever word, we define the energy of the story-line we choose to embody. We choose to be in anger or in fear, in love or in trust. We fall into the inward spiral of shrinking back from ourselves or we are propelled into the forward pushing, propped up reality, of our ever moving flight. We can choose to the attune to that which keeps us held back. We can focus our awareness on the darkness instead of the light. Or, we can choose to embody the middle heart, the place of true essence and soul. We can reside in the place of divine love and trust. The world around us is actively created through our dreams, prayers and actions. The Earthkeepers know that the story-line which becomes our experienced, communal reality is the one that we choose to attune to, that within us which we choose to feed. The Elders of the great nations know that to birth a better reality it must be the one we collectively dream into being. They gather in ceremony, in sacred circles, and vision a future of healing and peace because they know and they believe that every time we track that potentiality, we strengthen its capacity to full emerge. Like the neural networks of an infant’s brain, each time we attune to the vision of peace, that pathway is reinforced and it gains in its strength and vitality. Those neural connections, the pathways between the reality we embody and the one that we dream into being, are strengthened and reinforced until they become the only roadmap the mind knows. The 6

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course of reality travels swiftly along that well traversed road and the roads that lead to our destruction, our heartache and our pain, fade away like the unused neural pathways in an infant’s brain. By choosing to vision the reality of health, wholeness and holiness, and by residing within the true essence of our middle heart, we increase the potentiality, the likelihood that the reality we are dreaming into being will become the vision that is stored among the longterm memory of the collective consciousness. The Earthkeepers are here as stewards of that vision. They have felt the call of Spirit and the beating of the heart of our Mother Earth. The Earthkeepers, the beings of luminous light, carry within their hearts the seeds of the Munay-Ki. They have accepted the honor of walking in service, to the vision of our total health and wellbeing. They honor, with gratitude, the holding of the heavens and the Earth. When the rites of the Munay-Ki were first released to the wider web of our existence, the Elders worried that the world the people would dream into being would not be one of health and wholeness. They wondered whether it was truly time to fully activate the ability to dream this world into being. What an amazing act of service that is! What a hefty responsibility to carry within you! Were the people truly ready to devote themselves to a vision of love? As the council concluded the Elders agreed that the time had indeed come. There was a new dream emerging. Within the hearts of men and women like me and you. The Earthkeepers were returning! Their prayers were being strengthened with resolve. They have accepted the call to rise into the light of luminous existence. The people were ready to receive the medicine of the Munay-Ki. The work of the Earthkeepers happens circles like these, in the medicine spaces of the world, in the circles you create for you and your families, in the circles created by all that we are. The medicine way of the Earthkeepers is held within the moments of residing within our heart, in the love of Munay-Ki. Every moment that we choose to reside within that centered place of divine, smiling love we increase the potentiality of the dream of the Earthkeepers. We move our reality and our destiny one step closer towards the dream of our becoming. Every breath we take within that place of residence, strengthens our capacity to embody the medicine of the Earthkeepers. We begin to re-imprint the memory of all that we are becoming. We have traversed this journey many times before. We have danced within our own evolution throughout each of our lifetimes. We have blossomed and unfolded when once we were the rosebud tucked within the garden. We have evolved from ape to man. We have birthed the blossoming of language, within the macrocosmic story of our global evolution and the microcosmic story of our own development. We have experienced each first hand. We were present in the inception of our very first cells, in the womb of grandmother in the gestation of our mother’s seeds of creation. We were present in our birthing from the womb of our mother. In the courageous leap of faith in which we were born into this world. And here we sit, once more on the cusp of our next macrocosmic and microcosmic evolution. With each breath, we are writing and 7

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rewiring the DNA of the ones yet to be. We are weaving their energetic blueprint by the vibrational resonance we actively cultivate and consciously hold. We are strengthening the reality which they will inherit. Every breath is an opportunity to arrive in the center hearted place of residing in the essence of our true self. And when we arrive….when we finally exhale into residing within our becoming, we suddenly remember the wisdom held within our own DNA. The prayers that were woven into the fabric of time and space by all those who have come before us. We arrive in the moments of becoming all that we once dreamed ourselves into being. We remember the moment we chose to be conceived. We remember the moment we were born. We remember the waters that held us before we ever knew what it was to breathe air. We remember the hands of our ancestors, as though they were our own, pouring their love into the Earth, tending the soil, plowing the fields and laying the seeds of our medicines into the fertility of the Earth. We remember the wisdom they tucked into the marrow of our bones, with every bit of nourishment they took into themselves. As we call upon our ancestors, the air that they exhaled upon their dying breath fills our lungs with each inhalation. We become one with the memories of all that has ever been. We embody the seeds of all that is yet to be. We are created by all that we are becoming. As we reside within our luminous being, we shed the skin that no longer serves us. We arrive in humble gratitude as the modern day Earthkeepers. The medicine men and women of our modern day world. The ordinary people, living extraordinary lives, who have risen to the calling in their hearts. The call to be of service to the vision of our highest good. We are the modern day Earthkeepers. We are the ancestors of the ones yet to be. We are the ones we have been waiting for. With every breath, we dream this world into being...

Receiving the Rites of the Munay-Ki

The rites of the Munay-Ki are a series of initiatory ceremonies which imprint and activate the seeds of Munay-Ki within our energetic and physical body. There are nine rites of initiation, each with their own, unique energetic seed that is imprinted within our being. Each initiation begins with the opening of sacred space by calling in the four cardinal directions, and the energies of our Mother Earth and Father Sun, the energies of all that lies below and all that lies above. This creates a sacred container for doing this work and calls into our presence the angels, allies, ancestors and guides who support the path upon which we walk. A sacred fire is lit in the hearth of our home, in an outdoor fire pit or by lighting one or several candles. Before and after receiving each rite, we offer our prayers, our blessings and our gratitude to the fires that burn before us. As the seeds of Munay-Ki begin to unfurl within us, they become the fire which transmutes all that no longer serves us, catalyzing it into the pure potential of our own becoming. The fire ceremony of the Munay-Ki begins this alchemical process, 8

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ingraining within us the pathways for transformation. The fire ceremony becomes a tool of our own healing which we can call upon anytime we desire support in our transformation or change. Before receiving each rite, we sit before the sacred fires and offer that which we wish to release, that which no longer serves the highest good of our being, into the alchemical and transformative powers of the fires which burn brightly before us. Taking the energy of that which we wish to release and drawing it up within the center of our soul, we feel it come to a centering point in the middle of our heart. With hands cupped to contain this energy we exhale, turning our palms towards the fire. As the breath of life moves out of our being, it runs down our arms and through our fingertips, carrying with it the prayers of all we are shedding. Released to the fire, this energy is transmuted, burned by the glowing embers into sparks of light, pure potential, and spirals of smoke which rise into the ethers, carrying our prayers to the Spirits who guide our path. With the next inhalation we arrive fully within this place of release. Held in the space in between, feeling the freedom and space we created through the letting go, we bring our awareness to that which we wish to cultivate within our lives. With the next cycle of our breath we begin to draw from the fire, the light and pure potential energy of the seeds we wish to cultivate within our being. How do you wish to fill in negative space created by your release? Using your hands, feel the warmth, light and pure potential energy of the fire fill your palms. With cupped hands, draw this energy, the fuel for the seeds of the MunayKi, into your body with a gentle sweeping motion. One, two, three times, we draw the energy into our abdomen. What seeds do you wish to cultivate within the womb of your creation? One, two, three times, we draw the energy into our heart. What seeds do you wish to cultivate within the center of your loving self? One, two, three times, we draw the energy into our Third Eye. What seeds do you wish to cultivate within your capacity to dream this world into being? One, two, three times, we draw the energy into our entire body. What seeds do you wish to cultivate with the entirety of your being? After completing the fire ceremony and dropping deeply into your divine awareness and sacred self, you are ready to receive your rite. Some of the rites are received sitting down, others while laying. They are completed entirely in silence, utilizing only eye contact and simple gestures when absolutely necessary to communicate what needs to be shared. All of the rites begin by taking a moment to connect with the wisdom keeper who is sharing the rites. The Munay-Ki are about deep, smiling love and the connection of our human and spiritual hearts. Take a moment to connect, to make eye contact and to offer your gratitude for the gift of receiving these rites. When you begin your Munay-Ki journey you will receive a Pi-stone, a small circular stone with a smaller circular cut out in the center. This stone represents the portal of your sacred space, your Wiracocha, the orb of protective light which 9

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surrounds your being, emanating from your eighth chakra. When you receive each of the rites, you will hand your Pi-stone to the wisdom keeper offering your rites. The seeds of the Munay-Ki are placed within the energetic field of your being and are also imbued into your Pi-stone. As such, your Pi-stone becomes a portal of light which carries the energetic seeds of the Munay-Ki and the pure potential energy cultivated through these rites. During your Munay-Ki journey, your Pi-stone should be kept on your sacred altar so that it can cultivate the energy of these seeds and feed the growth of your personal journey. It should be protected and cared for throughout your journey and should travel with you to each ceremony of initiation. Once you receive the ninth rite, the Creator’s Rite, your Pi-stone can be hung on a necklace and worn on your person in sacred ceremony and healing work. With the completion of the entire series of rites, your Pi-stone will emanate the perfect sacred space to surround you through your healing work. As you invoke the energies of your allies and guides and open your personal sacred space, you will embody the space held within the center of the Pistone. The energy of your personal Wiracocha will surround your energetic and physical being to hold you in the sacred container of this healing work. The Munay-Ki are always offered free of charge. This was a paramount consideration for the Elders of the Q’ero nation in deciding to offer these rites to the wider web of humanity. A wisdom keeper may charge for his or her time and energy required to support the journey of an individual traveling through these initiatory rites. However, the rites themselves, the seeds of the Munay-Ki are given freely. In exchange, it is customary to offer a small gift of the heart to the wisdom keeper who offers you the rite. This may be a small item found in nature, an item to sit upon a sacred altar, a piece of art, a poem that you’ve written or found, something hand made or sentimental. This gift is offered, with gratitude, after receiving an individual rite. After receiving the rite, you will return to the fire. Feeding your gratitude into the flames for the gift of Munay-Ki that you received. Again you will draw energy from the fire to feed, strengthen and activate the seeds of Munay-Ki which were imprinted within your being. At the close of the ceremony, we offer our gratitude to the allies and guides which support our path and release the directions and elements. In the time that spans between receiving each rite, the energetic seed of MunayKi you received will begin to germinate and unfurl within your energetic being. Sometimes the shifts are subtle, barely noticeable on the surface. Other times the shifts are so dramatic you may feel yourself swirling within a deep portal of transformation and life-long change. Often the old patterns, the habitual ways of being that no longer serve you simply fall away, transmuted through the sacred fires of our ceremonial work. Other times, the release may come in fiery waves which combust and transform that which you choose to release. As the seeds of Munay-Ki shifted your energetic structure and the physical DNA of your being, bringing you into alignment with the embodiment 10

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of the Homo luminous being, you will be offered opportunities to heal and transform the old wounds, old stories and habitual ways of being that you have been clinging to or that have held you stagnant within your evolution. As these places requiring healing rise to the surface, they can often feel as though you are unearthing heavy, heavy boulders from beneath the surface of your being. Places that you thought you had healed, which rise to the surface requesting the next layer of your forgiveness, compassion or release. As these boulders rise to the surface, it is an invitation to dive deep within your personal sacred space, your inner awareness of your healing journey and to call upon the allies and guides which support your journey. It is an invitation to return to the fire, to offer your own ceremony of release and renewal. It is also an invitation to reach out to your community, to the human embodiments of allies and guides found within this sacred community, within the communities that surround your social life and the community of wisdom keepers who offer these rites. This is a journey that is meant to be fully supported and shared. Always reach out when you need additional support! As the boulders are transformed and the energies transmuted, they are catalyzed into pure potential energy for your growth, transformation and evolution. As your luminous energy field is cleared, your vibrational rate will raise. You will evolve into a more luminous being. Your process of aging and healing will change. Your immune system will be strengthened. Your body’s process through illness will shift into one which is more gentle. You will be more resilient. Your emotional reserves will be strengthened. You will discover a new capacity to step out of the drama of your personal story and simply witness its unfolding. You will acquire the eye of the Eagle, able to perceive the grander scheme of your personal evolving. You will acquire the presence of the Hummingbird, drinking straight from the nectar of life, able to find stillness in the chaos that surounds you. You will enter a space of complete union with your allies and your guides. You will embody the angels you once called upon to aid your path. You will step into relationship with the lineage of the Earthkeepers. You will live their extraordinary life.