THE KS4 CURRICULUM OFFER In 20011- 2012, we completed a review of the KS4 curriculum and this led to two main changes for students starting KS4 in September 2012. Your sons will be amongst the fourth cohort of students for whom the KS4 curriculum offer will be slightly different to what it had been in the past. We felt that it was important to move away from a situation where all students were offered the same curriculum at KS4 towards a more personalised approach. The changes we made were designed to ensure that each student has greater opportunity to achieve their potential, while also ensuring that they are challenged to meet and exceed expectations. Until three years ago, students at FCHS were, on average, sitting significantly more GCSEs than their counterparts in other similar schools. We felt that by slightly reducing the GCSE burden for some students, they would have a better chance of achieving their targets.

THE CORE CURRICULUM – FOR ALL STUDENTS All students in Year 9 will follow a common core which will comprise of: -

English (4 hrs per week); Maths (3 hrs per week); RE (2 hrs per week); Tutorial (1 hr per week); PE: Health & Fitness (1 hr per week)

THE CORE CURRICULUM – THE SCIENCE OPTIONS Science is also part of the core curriculum. We allocate 4 hrs per week to the study of Science but this will vary slightly depending on the Science course your son follows. We will be recommending one of 3 Science pathways: Triple Science: comprising 3 separate GCSEs in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This is suitable if your Science Level was 5B or above in the Interim Progress Report before Christmas. RED ROUTE (EBACC & FLEXIBLE) Students following the Triple Science course will choose Science in Option Pool E – this will increase the standard 4 hrs of Science up to 6 hrs per week.

Double Science: comprising Core and Additional Science, each of which contains elements of Physics, Chemistry and Biology but which combine to give 2 X GCSEs. This is suitable if your Science Level was between 4A and 5C in the Interim Progress Report before Christmas. BLUE ROUTE, GREEN ROUTE ORANGE ROUTE (EBACC & FLEXIBLE) Students following the Double Science course will also have two hours per week of Structured Study Support or another subject which they will choose in Option Pool E. Green and Orange Route students will pick Structured Study Support with focus on English/Maths, Blue Route students can either pick Study Support or another GCSE in the pool.

Core Science Programme: including BTEC Horticulture and an applied Science qualification which will cover elements of Physics, Chemistry and Biology and is equivalent in size to a GCSE. This is suitable if your Science Level was 4C or below in the Interim Progress Report before Christmas. (PURPLE ROUTE + students from other routes for whom this is deemed the more suitable Science option)


THE OPTIONAL CURRICULUM - THE REMAINING POOLS (A-D) There are 4 additional options pools (A-D) but there will be different guidance given to different groups of students regarding these. Students following the EBACC RED ROUTE may pick one subject from each of the four pools; however, we are strongly recommending that one of these is MFL and one may also be either History or Geography. Students following the FLEXIBLE RED ROUTE may pick one subject from each of the four pools. We are more flexible regarding what subjects these are and students should focus their choices on those subjects that they and their teachers feel they can achieve the greatest success in; however, serious consideration should be given to choosing MFL and possibly either History or Geography if levels are strong in any of these areas. Students following the EBACC BLUE ROUTE may pick one subject from each of the four pools; however, we are strongly recommending that one of these is MFL and one may also be either History or Geography. Students following the FLEXIBLE BLUE ROUTE may pick one subject from each of the four pools; however, students on this route should focus their choices on those subjects that they and their teachers feel they can achieve the greatest success in. Students following the GREEN ROUTE may pick one subject from each of the four pools; focusing their choices on those subjects that they and their teachers feel they can achieve the greatest success in. Students following the ORANGE ROUTE may pick one subject from three of the four pools; focusing their choices on those subjects that they and their teachers feel they can achieve the greatest success in. In the fourth pool, students will study two additional periods of English, in order to improve their chances of achieving a minimum of a C grade. Students following the PURPLE ROUTE may pick one subject from two of the four pools; focusing their choice on the subject that they and their teachers feel they can achieve the greatest success in. In one of the other pools, students will study two additional periods of English, in order to improve their literacy skills. In the final pool, they will take a Learning Support option. N.B. The Option Pools have been compiled based on the pattern of preferences that the boys have already expressed. Unfortunately, it is not possible to accommodate every possible subject combination but we have tried to ensure that as many students as possible will be able to choose the subject combinations that they want. The time allocation for each of the subjects in these Option Blocks is 2 hours.


GUIDANCE ON CHOOSING SUBJECTS IN THE POOLS Modern Foreign Languages We would like as many pupils as possible to think seriously about continuing their study of a Modern Foreign Language - particularly if their level is at least a 4B. The study of a different language and culture is important and valuable in its own right. However, there are two more important considerations relating to MFL that students should take account of: firstly, a language now forms part of the performance measure, the ‘English Baccalaureate (E-Bacc)’ and secondly, some top universities have started to include a GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language as part of their entrance criteria. Students must take this into consideration before they make the decision to drop MFL as it could have consequences for their future choices. If a language is chosen it must be the one studied in Years 7-8. We had considered offering a second language to those students who have a particular interest in or flair for languages. However, the provisional options indicated that demand for this was very small and therefore this option has been withdrawn. Humanities The E-Bacc performance measure also includes a GCSE in either History or Geography. While we are not intending to recommend either of these two subjects to your son over any other he may be interested in choosing, it is important to point out that we are not able to predict whether the achievement of E-Bacc subjects will become a benchmark or a means of selecting candidates in the future and you and your son may wish to factor this possibility into your decisions.


GUIDANCE ON CHOOSING SUBJECTS IN THE POOLS Further Advice As most pupils have not yet mapped out their future with any degree of certainty it is important for them to try to maintain a broad and balanced curricular experience by choosing at least one subject from the broad Humanities and Creative/Aesthetic categories as a proper complement to the core subjects. Students should choose those subjects they are most interested in and have a particular aptitude for, because it is likely that they will achieve the best results in these areas. Students must, however, also take into account career aspirations to make sure that he does not inadvertently give up a subject which is an essential qualification for what he intends to do later. Students have been given an opportunity to request a Careers Meeting with Ketna Popat, our Careers Advisor. The question of balance is even more important because we live in a changing world where the incredible rate of technological advance has made, and will continue to make, a significant impact on the state of the job market. During the course of your son’s life it is quite possible that he will be required to change careers quite dramatically at least three or four times and to adapt to changing circumstances. This would entail the acquisition of new skills and retraining to keep up to date and a move into very different kinds of employment. A balanced education up to the end of KS4 and indeed at Post-16 should give him a far better chance of coping with the uncertainties of the future than one geared specifically to the jobs/careers now available. It is also important to bear in mind that many manufacturing jobs have disappeared and that those concerned with paperwork/secretarial duties are being increasingly replaced by data stored in computers and word processors. On the other hand more jobs have become available in the service industries, electronics, telecommunications and leisure. Whatever emphasis is placed on examination results, it is essential not to forget that personal qualities are also of paramount importance. Your son must, therefore, try to develop these and at the same time capitalise on his strengths and interests in extra curricular pursuits. Employers take serious account of such qualities and skills in selecting future employees.


Please be aware that entry in public examinations is not automatic. At FCHS, examination entry is overseen by the Academic Board who will meet to finalise entries following the Mock Examinations in Year 11. The Board will look at pupils on an individual basis. Entry may be with-held for a variety of reasons, including: -

Non-attendance for reasons other than illness Pupils being overstretched and not able to cope Failure to complete the Controlled Assessment Lack of application or effort Performance significantly below minimum target grade

In order to avoid any possibility of non-entry, it is important that your son gives of his best from the outset and maintains his momentum throughout to avoid any possible disappointment at a later stage.