The Good Shepherd and World Communion Scripture Psalm 23, John 10, Matthew 18

Material The basket for The Good Shepherd and World Communion is on one of the New Testament shelves. It contains:  wooden table  small box containing o paten o chalice  wooden Good Shepherd figure  small box containing o 10 wooden sheep  small box containing o 10 wooden figures You’ll also need the 2 circles covered in green felt and the wooden sheepfold.



Walk slowly to the shelf and pick up the basket with the materials for The Good Shepherd and World Communion. Carry it carefully to the circle and set the basket beside you. Get the two felt-covered circles and the sheepfold. Place the two circles in the center of the circle, touching each other. Set up the sheepfold on the circle to your right. Sit quietly while you feel the story forming in you. There was once someone who did such wonderful things and said such amazing things that people wondered who he was. Finally they just couldn’t help it. They had to ask him who he was. 1

Place the Good Shepherd figure at the open gate of the sheepfold.

When they asked him who he was, he said, “I am the Good Shepherd.”

Place the sheep in the sheepfold one at a time, stroking each one on the back as you place it.

“I know each one of my sheep by name, and they know the sound of my voice.”

Move the Good Shepherd around the right side of the sheepfold to a position at the bottom of the circle in front of you. Then go back and move each one of the sheep to catch up with him. They stay in single file. Keep silence while you are doing this and just enjoy watching the sheep.

“When I take the sheep from the sheepfold, they follow me.”


Move the Good Shepherd from the bottom position on the right circle to the top position on the left circle. Take your time.

“I walk in front of the sheep to show them the way.”

Move the sheep up to where the Good Shepherd is. Move them one at a time. Think about what is happening as you move them from one circle to the other.

“I show them the way to the good grass.”

Without saying anything else, move the Good Shepherd to the bottom position of the left-hand circle and move the sheep so that they are spread out equally now around the circle but still turned as if they are following around the edge of the circle. When all the sheep are in position, turn the Good Shepherd to face the center of the circle. Turn all the sheep so they are facing the center.

Place the table in front of the Good Shepherd.

This is the table of the Good Shepherd.

Place the chalice and paten on the table.

A special plate and a special cup are on this table. Here the Good Shepherd feeds his sheep. 3

Remove the Good Shepherd. Bring out the priest and move the priest into the position behind the table where the Good Shepherd was.

Sometimes someone comes to read the very words of the Good Shepherd and to give us the bread and the wine.

Take one of the adult human figures from the basket. Show it to the children, then put it between the sheep. Continue doing this until all the adults from around the world are in place.

Sometimes the people of the world come to this table…

Take out the child figures and put them by the adult figures.

… even the children come.

Sit back and look at the people of the world around the table for a moment, then begin the wondering. 

I wonder if you have ever come close to this table?

I wonder where this table could really be?

I wonder if the people are happy around this table?

I wonder if you have ever heard the words of the Good Shepherd?


I wonder if you have ever come close to the bread and wine?

I wonder where the bread and wine could really be?

I wonder where this whole place could really be?

After the wondering is over, put the story away carefully. Return the lesson to its spot on the shelf. Then return to your spot in the circle and dismiss the children one by one to do their work.

Jerome W. Berryman, The Complete Guide to Godly Play Volume 4: 20 Presentations for Spring (2003), pp. 91-98.