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THE FUTURE OF ISRAEL, THE CHURCH AND THE WORLD The Seventh Vial Poured out. A Historicist’s Exposition of the Last Vial in the Book of Revelation. PART I : MAJOR OUTLINE OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION Revelation 16: 17-21: 1.) A “Great Earthquake”, 2.) The “Great City [divided] into Three”, 3.) The “Fall of cities”, 4.) “Islands fleeing and Mountains not found”, 5.) A “Great Plague of Hail from Heaven falling upon men”…… In these prophetic words of the Seventh Vial lie Five Stages of God’s Judgments which will make an utter end to mankind’s present world. These devastating events are to occur in the years just prior to the coming of the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom. They speak about a GREAT WAR in the MIDDLE EAST, followed by a FATAL COLLAPSE OF THE ECONOMY after which finally a devastating WORLDWIDE ATOMIC WAR will purge the world by Fire. This Seventh Vial is about to be poured out as we write in the year 2004! If this be so, and it is so, what manner of Christian men and women ought we to be to STAND amidst these extra-ordinary calamities which very soon will fall on the world wherein we live? This manuscript teaches what is to come and how to prepare. First Edition October 2004



- The Great Day of the Lord. - Whatsoever Can be Shaken, Shall be Shaken. - The Laodicean Church Age. - The Signs of His Soon Coming.

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CONTENTS TO THE CHURCH OF OUR TIMES.............................................................................................1 CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................7 THE SEVENTH VIAL: UNPRECEDENTED AND EXTRAORDINARY!...................................................... 7 BE NOT DECEIVED, IGNORANT NOR ASLEEP, BUT WATCH, THAT YOU MAY STAND UNTOUCHED IN THAT TRYING TIME. ........................................................................................................................ 8 OUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH! ............................................................................................... 9 EVENTS DURING THE SEVENTH VIAL: WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST; ECONOMY COLLAPSE; WORLDWIDE ATOMIC WAR............................................................................................................. 9 THE SEVENTH VIAL AND FALSE CHRISTIAN TEACHINGS............................................................... 10 THE DESIRED GOALS OF THIS WRITING ON THE SEVENTH VIAL:................................................... 10 THE DIVINE PURPOSE OF THE GOING FORTH OF THE VIALS .......................................................... 11 PART ONE.......................................................................................................................................13 A BRIEF OUTLINE OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION AS BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOR THE SEVENTH VIAL .............................................................................................................................. 13 CHAPTER 1.....................................................................................................................................14 WHERE IN GOD’S DIVINE PROGRAM IS THE SEVENTH VIAL POSITIONED?..........14 THE SEVENTH VIAL AND THE BOOK OF REVELATION. ................................................14 CHAPTER 1.1: THE BOOK OF REVELATION AND THE HISTORY OF THE CHURCH ............................ 14 CHAPTER 1.2: THE BOOK OF REVELATION AND GOD’S DIVINE PROGRAM AND CALENDAR .......... 16 CHAPTER 1.3: THE BOOK OF REVELATION AND SPIRITUAL WATCHFULNESS AND PREPARATION.. 17 CHAPTER 1.4: THE BOOK OF REVELATION AND THE BOOK OF DANIEL ......................................... 18 CHAPTER 1.5: THE ‘GENTILE DOMINIONS’ AND THEIR SYMBOLS IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION. . 23 Ad 1: The Pagan Roman Empire.............................................................................................. 25 Ad 2: The Papal Roman Empire; The Ten-Horned Beast, having Seven Heads, arising from the Sea (Revelation 13 and 17)................................................................................................. 28 The Papal Roman ‘Beast’ and ‘Mystery Babylon the Great’:.............................................. 32 Ad. 3: The United States of America; The Two-Horned Beast coming up out of the Earth (Revelation 13: 11-18).............................................................................................................. 38 A. The Manner and Geographical area wherein the Two-Horned Beast would arise.......... 38 B. Two Types of Governmental authorities in the yet young and newly established Nation. .............................................................................................................................................. 41 C. Time of its Appearance and Establishment as an Independent Nation: .......................... 41 D. The Spiritual Influence of the United States of America. ............................................... 42 Ad. 1: The United States has been the birthplace of many Occults and Cults. ............... 44 Ad 2: The United States claims to be a Christian Nation, but acts as a Satanic politicalreligious Nation. ............................................................................................................... 45 Ad. 3: The Church in the United States has been the main architect and distributor of the so-called Prosperity Doctrine ........................................................................................... 45 3

Ad. 4: The Church in the United States has contributed greatly towards the ecumenical movement which is going Romeward .............................................................................. 46 Ad 5: The Church in the United States has been the major producer and distributor of the False Prophetic Teachings of Futurism. ........................................................................... 48 7. The Church in the United States has brought into being a False, Deceptive Counterfeit movement of the ‘Holy Spirit’, which is not the Holy Spirit, but the work of the powers of darkness. She has been the major distributor of the ‘False Anointing’, or ‘Strange Fire’, or ‘Counterfeit Latter Rain’, which has been spreading all over the world. .......... 50 Ad 8. The Church in the United States has made a direct image of Rome, in its Worship, Teachings, Practices, Church Organization and Ministrations. ....................................... 51 Ad 11: The Church in the United States has caused many souls to receive the Mark, Name, Number and/or Image of the First Beast (which is the Roman Catholic Church). .......................................................................................................................................... 53 Ad. 4 The Islamic Dominion; The False Prophet..................................................................... 56 CHAPTER 1.6: THE ‘SAINTS’ AND THEIR SYMBOLS IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION ........................ 60 1. The Seven Church Ages ........................................................................................................ 60 2. The Church in the Wilderness and the Two Witnesses......................................................... 62 3. The 144.000 and other Saints............................................................................................... 63 CHAPTER 1.7: THE BOOK OF REVELATION AND THE PROPHECIES YET TO BE FULFILLED ............... 65 A. The Prophetic Scriptures of the Book of Revelation that yet need to be fulfilled BEFORE the Lord comes back:................................................................................................................ 65 B. Prophetic Scriptures which need to be fulfilled AFTER the Lord has come back to the earth: ........................................................................................................................................ 65 CHAPTER 2.....................................................................................................................................66 THE GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION; FULFILLED AND UNFULFILLED PROPHECY .......................................................................................................66 CHAPTER 2.1: THE FIRST SIX SEALS; REVELATION 6 .................................................................... 67  Seal 1: The Golden Age of the Pagan Roman Empire: 96 – 180 A.D.............................. 67  Seal 2: The Age of Military Despotism and Civil War: 185-284 ..................................... 68  Seal 3: Economic Distress by Extraordinary Taxation of the people; 235-284 A.D. ...... 68  Seal 4: War, Famine, Pestilence and Wild Beasts; 250-300 A.D. ................................... 68  Seal 5: The Era of Severe Persecutions of the Christians by Pagan Rome; 303-313 A.D. 69  Seal 6: Pagan Rome becomes Paganized “Christian” Rome from Constantine onwards; 313-395 A.D. ............................................................................................................................ 70 CHAPTER 2.2: THE SEVENTH SEAL CONTAINING THE SEVEN TRUMPETS ....................................... 71 2.2.1: The First Four Trumpets: The Fall of the Western Roman Empire; 395-476 ............... 72  Trumpet 1: Alaric and the Goths; 395 – 410 A.D. ........................................................... 73 Account of the First Trumpet, written by Barnes: [Quoting much from Gibbon] ............... 73 Account of the First Trumpet, written by Elliott:................................................................. 75  Trumpet 2: Genseric and the Vandals; 428 – 468 A.D. ................................................... 76 Account of the Second Trumpet, written by Barnes: ........................................................... 76 Account of the Second Trumpet, written by Elliott: ............................................................ 79  Trumpet 3: Attila and the Huns; 433 – 453 A.D. ............................................................. 80 Account of the Third Trumpet, written by Barnes: .............................................................. 80 Account of the Third Trumpet, written by Elliott: ............................................................... 83  Trumpet 4: Odoacer and the Heruli; 476 – 490 A.D. (and beyond) ................................ 84 Account of the Fourth Trumpet, written by Barnes: ............................................................ 84 4

Account of the Fourth Trumpet, written by Elliott: ............................................................. 86 2.2.2 Trumpets 5 and 6: End of the Eastern Roman Empire............................................. 89  Trumpet 5: The Muslim Saracen Conquests 732 – 882 A.D. ........................................... 90 Barnes comments on Locusts and Scorpions: ...................................................................... 91 Barnes account of the Fifth Trumpet:................................................................................... 93 Johnson on the early history of Mohammed, Saracens and Islam: .................................... 100 Johnson’s comments on the 150 years: .............................................................................. 101  Trumpet 6: The Turkish Muslim Conquests and the Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire 103 Johnson’s Introduction on the Sixth Trumpet: ................................................................... 103 Barnes account of the Sixth Trumpet: ................................................................................ 104 Barnes on the timing of “an hour, a day, a month, and a year”:......................................... 113 Elliott’s commentary on the time of “an hour, a day, a month and a year”: ...................... 114 CHAPTER 2.3: THE SEVENTH TRUMPET CONTAINING THE SEVEN VIALS ..................................... 117 2.3.1: The First Five Vials: .................................................................................................... 118  Vial 1: Outbreak of moral and social evil before (and at) the French Revolution; about 1750 onwards ......................................................................................................................... 121 Grattan Guinness’ (History Unveiling Prophecy) commentary on the First Vial::............ 122 Barnes commentary on the First Vial:................................................................................ 122  Vial 2: French Revolution and the maritime wars: 1789 – 1793 (and onwards) .......... 125 Grattan Guinness on the French Revolution: ..................................................................... 127 Barnes commentary on the Second Vial: ........................................................................... 127 Grattan Guinness (History Unveiling Prophecy) commentary on the Second Vial (mainly quoting other authors): ....................................................................................................... 129  Vial 3: Slaughter and Wars in the Papal areas around the Rivers the Danube and the Rhine; 1792 Onwards............................................................................................................. 130 Grattan Guinness Comentary on the Third Vial:................................................................ 130 Barnes commentary on the Third Vial: .............................................................................. 131  Vial 4: Napoleon Bonaparte and the Napoleonic Wars; 1798 – 1815........................... 134 Barnes Commentary on the Fourth Vial:............................................................................ 134 Grattan Guinness (History Unveiling Prophecy) Commentary on the Fourth Vial: .......... 135 Grattan Guinness, Historical Background on the Fourth Vial, (Light for the Last Days): 136  Vial 5: End of the Temporal power of Papal Rome; Italy an independent republic with rome as capital city; process between 1815-1870 ................................................................. 138 Grattan Guinness (Light for the Last Days) giving historical background for the Fifth Vial: ............................................................................................................................................ 138 Barnes Commentary on the Fifth Vial: .............................................................................. 139 2.3.2: Vial 6: The “Waters of the Euphrates Dried Up”; 19th century - 1922 and the preparation of the “Kings of the East”; 1922 - 1952; the three frogs going forth; 1952-our time. ........................................................................................................................................ 147 Revelation 16:12: The Water of the Great River Euphrates was Dried Up: ...................... 147 Grattan Guinness in “Light for the Last Days” (1888): ..................................................... 149 Read about Grattan’s hope, vision and prophetic insight when he writes his conclusion to the book of “The Approaching End of the Age”, written in the year 1879 :...................... 152 Johnson, Vision of the Ages, (1881) Comments on the Drying up of the Euphrates: ....... 153 Barnes’ comment on the Sixth Vial (Barnes: 1798-1870) ................................................. 154 Why is the Drying up of the Ottoman Empire mentioned in the Book of Revelation? ..... 155 The Identity of the Three Unclean spirits likened unto frogs............................................. 160 The Three Frogs and The Battle of That Great Day of God Almighty: ............................. 164 5

The Lord Entreats the Christians to be very watchful at this time just prior to the Outpouring of the Seventh Vial! ........................................................................................ 167 The Gathering together of the nations into a place called Armageddon ............................ 168 The Three frogs and the year 2004..................................................................................... 173 APPENDIX 1: GRAPHIC OUTLINE OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION ................................................. 176 APPENDIX 2: LIST OF RECOMMENDED BOOKS ............................................................................. 177


INTRODUCTION The Seventh Vial: Unprecedented and Extraordinary! The events that are awaiting Israel, the world and us Christians living in this evil world are horrendous! It is clear from Scripture that the time just lying ahead of us is the most dramatic, extra-ordinary, calamitous time a human being will ever have to face. The destruction of Jerusalem and the dispersion of the Jews, the persecution of the early Church, the collapse of the Roman Empire, the great wars and revolutions of the Dark Middle Ages, the great consternations and upheavals during the Revolutions in 18th and 19th Century Europe and the dreadful destructive wars and all the sorrows and sufferings of World War I and II in the 20th Century to give but some examples, all pale in comparison with what is to befall mankind during the outpouring of the last, seventh vial! That is, although the sufferings and troubles during those days were intense and dreadful, the things yet to come are even more calamitous and destructive in both its intensity and its extent. If these things were destructive, the events just to appear on the earth will be more destructive. If these major revolutions and upheavals of the past were terrible and atrocious, what is coming will be worse. If tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions were affected during these calamities of the past, that which is to come will have so many more casualties. If there was gnawing hunger, wasting famine, dreadful diseases, intense sufferings and deep sorrows then, the fires to come will have so much more heat. Was it extra-ordinary? This will be more so. Was it great in evil? This will be the greatest ever seen! Was it revolutionary in nature? This will turn the world upside down in such a manner you will hardly comprehend. Were human hands too short to assist? During this time there will be no human hands at all. Were there ways of escape? Nothing shall escape the Seventh Vial when it has completed its work. Was there a time of relief and restoration in the days before? This time there will be no reverse, but the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. Imagine the worst possible scenario you can muster, and enlarge the dread and intensity of it a hundredfold, for that is how the time just ahead of us will be! There have been judgements before, but this will be the last. There have been chastisements before, but this will be the last. There have been endings before, but this will be the last. There have been great destructions before, but this will be the last. Empires, kingdoms and nations have come and gone before, but there will rise no others after the pulling down of the present existing orders, but the setting up of God’s Kingdom on earth with Jesus Christ as sole King of kings and Lord of lords! When the Seventh Vial is poured out, the world will be like as under a siege. Men’s heart will fail them for fear (See Luke 21:26). This world and the inhabitants thereof will reel to and fro like a drunkard, and stagger, and fall to rise no more. The cup of iniquity is full. No longer will there be any delay. The end has come. The earth and the inhabitants thereof have completed their transgressions. Rebellion has come to its fullest fruition. The Harvest of wickedness is ready. Nothing can stay the hand of the Angel who is to pour out the Seventh Vial in retribution on a deeply corrupted world. The time has come wherein the Lord will visit the earth in final judgements, in preparation for His return to the earth. The Seventh Vial is such a Divine Visitation……..


Be not Deceived, Ignorant nor Asleep, but Watch, that you may Stand Untouched in that Trying Time. Before you continue to read this writing, a warning must be given. The Book of Revelation forewarns us Christians of things to come, so we may be prepared and watchful. The prophecies given therein are not given for the gratification of men’s curiosity for the future. They are meant to be for the Church of all ages, to grant her a Divine source for guidance, wisdom, counsel and hope when she is tried by the events of her time. The message of the Seventh Vial is not from men, but from God Almighty Himself. The revealing of the contents of the Seventh Vial, as written down in this manuscript, was also not by men, but by revelation from God’s Throne, through the Spirit. There lies therefore extra weight on this writing. Be careful therefore how you read. The Lord would require of you to read in a humble, quiet, responsible and prayerful attitude. After the contents are taken in, after they are ‘eaten’ by your spirit and mind, a sensible response is required! After the Lord has shown you, by revelation, that the things written in this book are true, you no longer can afford to remain the same and carry on with your life as you have perhaps done for many years! A cry should go up from your spirit, saying reverently: O My Lord, if this be true, what manner of man or woman I ought to be to stand in these coming evil days! An earnest pleading should arise from your inner man, urgently asking of the Lord: what would You have me to do? Groaning prayers should emerge from a desire to be ready for the tremendous events that soon are to transpire on the earth. When you have read this Warning, the Lord will hold you responsible for your attitude and actions, for there is then no more excuse. You have known the truth and you will be judged by the light received. In that Day, when we all must stand before the Throne of Christ to give account, you no longer can say to our Master: Lord, I did not know, and I therefore was not prepared; I did not know Your will, and therefore I could not obey….. We would therefore urge you, in all sincerity, to take this disclosure of the Seventh Vial extremely seriously, for great will be the consequences if neglected and great will be the blessing if taken heed. Has not the Lord appointed us to salvation and not to destruction? If the conditions are met, and spiritual laws are obeyed and applied, the Lord will gloriously deliver us amidst the fiery trials and bring us forth as ‘gold’, purged in the fire. It is for the glory of His Name to have a people in these last days who will be able to stand strong and untouched amidst the calamities that will befall the world, because they have put an explicit trust in the Rock, which is Jesus Christ. In times past, it was an honour to die for the Lord’s sake, and although this of course still is a worthy course, it can nevertheless be said that now, in this time to come, it would be more honourable and glorious to be able to live and survive for the Lord’s sake while millions fall on the left and the right under the Mighty Hand of God’s judgements! It is indeed praiseworthy and acceptable to die for Him, but it is a shame and disgrace to die because of disobedience, rebellion and lack of spiritual preparation! The Lord desires us to enter into the spiritual ‘Ark’ so that we as Christians who follow and trust the Lord will sail safely when storm breaks loose on the earth. May the Lord plant such a heart in you with the desire to overcome and to honour His Name. May He grant you such a sense of urgency that there will be no longer delay in seeking the Lord earnestly while He yet can be found. May the words in this writing confront you in such a way with the dreadful facts, that a holy fear will take hold of your heart which will thoroughly consume all lightness, indifference and shallowness. May this revelation of ‘things to come’ stir you up out of any sleepiness and self-satisfaction so you may go forth and meet the Bridegroom. Wake up! and Hear the Midnight Cry: Trim your lamps, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him!


Our Redemption Draweth Nigh! Mankind having reached the time of the Seventh Vial in the Book of Revelation, means that God’s Divine programme with mankind is about to be finished. The Divine Clock on the scale of about 6000 years is ticking away its last ‘seconds’ so to speak. The Seals have been opened a long time ago, the Trumpets have sounded in the centuries gone by, Six Vials have already been poured out1 and now, in the year 2004, we are about to enter into the last, Seventh Vial, which will bring men’s rule and dominion on the earth of this dispensation to a close. Because of this, our hearts should jump for joy! Finally we have arrived at the generation that will see the dissolving of Satan’s world and the setting up of God’s Kingdom on earth by the Lord Jesus Christ. It is therefore a great honour and privilege to be alive as a Christian at this time! Many Christian generations of previous times would have desired to see what we will behold and experience, if we remain faithful. Though great evil is associated with this last vial, it nevertheless stands for Hope, for when these things are coming to pass, the Scripture says, look up, and lift up your heads indeed, for our redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21:28)! When the Seventh Vial begins to find its fulfilment before our very eyes, we can be assured that the Lord is about to return to the Earth. When the Lord is about to return to the earth, you can know with certainty that you are very close to the redemption of your body that will be gloriously changed and clothed upon with immortality, in a ‘twinkling of an eye’ when we meet the Lord in the air and escort our King back to the Mount of Olives, East of Jerusalem. Then we will be with Him forever. We will see the Lord Face to face. We will stare on His beauty, and “we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2). The fulfilment of the Seventh Vial is therefore the greatest sign of the Lord’s soon coming you can wish for. For this reason, have hope, for redemption draweth nigh! And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure. (See 1 John 3:3).

Events during the Seventh Vial: War in the Middle East; Economy Collapse; Worldwide Atomic War. We will demonstrate to you, from the Word of God, that a tremendous troublesome time is awaiting the world and you therein as a Christian. From the words written in the Seventh Vial and other related Scriptures, both in the Old and the New Testament, we will prove to you that you personally will behold with your own eyes a horrific war in the Middle East shortly, of which the consequences will be felt to the ends of the earth. With the Word of God we will confront you with the fact that the whole economic system as we know it will utterly fail and collapse. The effects thereof will especially be felt in the cities and their inhabitants. They will be unable to function ‘normally’. When the world and we, the Church, have witnessed these things, then the final countdown to an Atomic Worldwide War begins, for after this worldwide economic bankruptcy, it will be only a matter of a few years or so before the powerful nations of this world will purge one another with the all consuming fires and destructions that accompany a Nuclear war. This in short, is the scenario that lies at the very doors of our lives! The stage has been set; all is ready for the Seventh Angel to pour out the Seventh Vial on this evil, wicked world and the apostate Church therein. Will you not tremble?


The Seals, Trumpets and Vials will be explained in this writing.


The Seventh Vial and False Christian Teachings. Christians have lost their way, for their teachers and shepherds have taught them lies, which will profit them nothing. Peace, they say, when there will be no peace, but intense fiery trials. Christians are unprepared for the things to come, for they do not know what is to come, neither do they know how to spiritually prepare. Many teachers and preachers have gone forth during the last 150 years or so, corrupting the prophetic words of the Bible in teaching that the whole book of Revelations still awaits fulfilment and that Christians do not need to be concerned, for they will be caught away (‘raptured’) by the Lord before trouble will come nigh to them, so they proclaim. Nothing could be further from the truth! What deceivers to teach the Church to look for a way of escape which does not exist! How dreadful and alarming it will be for Christians who have been taught to rest assured in this ‘rapture’, when turmoil, wars, bloodshed and all manner of upheaval and consternation will surround their beings! They will look up, and up, wondering why the Lord is not rescuing them out of the dire trouble that has encroached on them, and many hearts will fail through fear. Many will lose their faith. This will be the fruit of the false teachers. We as Watchmen in this Midnight Hour, therefore have a difficult task at hand here, in attempting to convince you that you will be required to go right through the events of the Seventh Vial, before you will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, while He descends from heaven to the earth. We will have a toilsome spiritual battle to fight to get the truth across to a mind and spirit that is filled with false teachings on prophecy and end-time events. It will cost considerable time and effort on both our side and your side as the reader, to demonstrate to you how the greatest majority of the Book of Revelation has already found fulfilment in the history of the Church since the year 29 A.D. onwards. We encourage you to examine the claims made in this writing that state: we who are alive at the present time are about to enter into the last of the Vials. The Seals have already been opened a long time ago, and the six trumpets and six vials of the seventh trumpet lie behind us in the past. We are hurrying towards the greatest calamities the world has ever experienced, and if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are required to walk with the Lord right through the fiery trials of the Seventh Vial before you receive your crown and precious words of approval, saying: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, ……enter thou into the joy of the Lord” (Matthew 25:21-21)

The Desired Goals of this Writing on the Seventh Vial: We of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries have stirred ourselves up to write this book for special reasons. We hope to establish in your hearts and minds, through the working of the Word and Spirit of God, the following: 1. 2.



That to you the keys of prophetic Scripture may be restored so that you may read, hear and keep the words, which are written in the Book of Revelation, and be blessed thereby. That you may really know that we are living at the End of the Age, just prior to the Lord’s return to the Earth. That you may know that this is the last generation and that there will be no other generation to follow. That you may realize and learn that the Prophetic Book of Revelation is a wonderful progressive revelation of the history of the Church (and those Gentile Dominions which would have an influence on the progress of the Church). That you may learn how to watch the ‘Divine Clock’, which is hidden in the Book of Revelation when you study carefully and prayerfully its language and fulfilments. That you 10

may see for yourself how close we are to the coming of our Messiah and King and His Kingdom. 5. That you may re-examine the School of Futuristic interpretation of Prophecy in the light of fulfilled and unfulfilled prophecy and in the light of the claims of multitudinous Christian authors of bygone centuries who did not agree with the Futuristic interpretation of prophecy. 6. That you may learn what according to prophetic Scripture is yet to come to pass, so that you may be prepared for the difficult time to come. 7. That you at this time, while you are reading this book, may be stirred up with a sense of tremendous urgency to spiritually prepare for the time to come. That you may learn how to be spiritually equipped for the events of the Seventh Vial. 8. That you may learn and know that the Antichristian system is already among us and that you may learn how to avoid the mark, name, number and image of the Beast, so that you will not be partakers of the sins of ‘Great Babylon’ and receive of her plagues which will yet fall upon her in God’s Wrath (Revelation 18)! That you may learn about Babylon and how to be liberated and remain free from her influence over your life. That you may learn that the Word of God states that the present Christian Church is Laodicean in nature, and how to be delivered from such a spiritual state. 9. That you may know that there are some horrendous, dramatic and catastrophic events about to transpire on the earth, and that you as a Christian will have to go through this time, with the Lord’s help and that there will be NO “Secret Rapture” while these difficulties surround you! That you may have comfort and confidence in the Lord and His Word during those intense troublesome times which are soon to come upon us, that your faith fails not! 10. That you may know that the Lord Jesus Christ, He is Lord, and the One and Only God of Israel, Who is soon to appear on the Earth. That you may know that His Kingdom is coming to the Earth, and that He will rule and reign from Jerusalem, in the land of Israel, which was promised to Abraham and his seed. That you may know that the Jewish People have yet a great part to play in these mighty events, that you may learn to love and bless God’s people the Jews, and be blessed thereby. That you may learn to cast your eyes to Jerusalem, Israel and the people that live therein for there is where the Kingdom of God will be birthed, and there is where the Great Divine Clock can be watched and there is where the Christian faith you hold on to began. That you may learn that the kingdoms of this world, and all what is therein, must come to a full end just prior and at the Lord’s return to the earth, for the Kingdom of God is that which cannot be removed.

The Divine Purpose of the Going Forth of the Vials The Seven Vials (please read Revelation 15-16) are part of the Seventh Trumpet and Third Woe in the Book of Revelation. They contain seven plagues wherein ‘is filled up the wrath of God’ (Revelation 15:1).2 Eventually, when the Seven Angels with the Seven Vials have completed their work, the final outcome will be that ‘the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever’ (Revelation 11:15): [Young’s translation: “And the seventh messenger did sound, and there came great voices in the heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of the world did become [those] of our Lord and of His Christ, and he shall reign to the ages of the ages!']. The “Seven Plagues”, or “Vials” or “Bowls” form part of the Last Seventh Trumpet that were to be the final preparation of the earth in great judgements for the coming of the rightful Owner: the Lord Jesus Christ.


Please Study carefully the Graphs in Appendix 1 at the end of Part I.


Who are the main receivers of these instruments of God’s wrath? They who have the mark of the beast and worship his image (Revelation 16:2); they who have shed the blood of saints and prophets (Revelation 16:6), but do not repent of their sinful deeds (Revelation 16:9,11) and they who are associated with the Seat of the Beast (Revelation 16:10). It was to come to the ‘great river Euphrates’, and ‘the kings of the earth, and of the whole world’ (Revelation 16:12,14). The vials were to be poured out with the final purpose to give Great Babylon the cup of the wine of the fierceness of God’s wrath (Revelation 16:19). Who or what is therefore the main receiver of God’s wrath and judgments, expressed in these Seven vials with the Seven plagues? Great Babylon! Great Babylon, the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Great Babylon, that woman who sits upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns; arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full with abominations and filthiness of her fornication. Great Babylon, the whorish woman with a forehead whereupon a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. Great Babylon, drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. Great Babylon, that Great City, that whorish woman, ‘which reigneth over the kings of the earth’ (See Revelation 17). Who is she? Or, rather, what is this? Who is this whorish woman, that Great City, called Great Babylon, Babylon the Great? What are we dealing with and what has it been guilty of that she deserves to receive the maxim of God’s wrath? If this Great Babylon is soon to be the main target of the severest Divine retributions, we would do well to find out who she is! If even the nations, the kings and merchants of the earth have associated themselves with that whorish woman and receive therefore of her plagues, and if it is possible for God’s people to be ‘in her’ and partakers of her sins (See Revelation 18:1-4), then it is surely of the utmost importance to us Christians to find out the identity of that whorish woman, named Great Babylon, and to ‘Come Out’, so that we receive not of her plagues (see Revelation 18:4)! If any man who worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehand, or in his hand, shall ‘drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb’, then surely you must take great interest and begin to do earnest research about the beast, and his image, number, name or mark! What is the point we are trying to put forward here? The Seventh Vial is about to be poured out. You personally will be greatly affected. One of the major reasons why the Lord’s wrath is kindled is because of the sins and iniquities of Great Babylon. The principal intent of the Seventh Vial is to bring ‘great Babylon… remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath’ (Revelation 16:19). The Seventh Angel with the Seventh Vial will be sent forth to the earth soon primarily to judge Great Babylon. The events of the Seventh Vial will make such an end to her so that she shall be found no more at all (Revelation 18). Seeing this is so, should it not be of great concern to you to disclose the identity of Great Babylon, so that you will be considered worthy to escape the great and many calamities that will befall her during this last Seventh Vial? Because of this, we cannot avoid writing somewhat extensively about the identity of Great Babylon before we enter into the revelation of the Seventh Vial. More information about the identity of Great Babylon has been given in chapter 1.5 where write about the Gentile Dominions that are mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Although the judgement of Great Babylon is the main Divine purpose for the going forth of the Seven Angels with the Seven Vials, there are other reasons as well for the pouring out of the Seventh Vial in preparation for the coming King and His Kingdom. These other purposes will become clear when the events of the Seventh Vial are explained.


PART ONE A Brief Outline of the Book of Revelation as Background Information for the Seventh Vial The contents of the Seventh Vial cannot be properly interpreted if the other symbols of the Book of Revelation are not understood. The background information given here in Part One would NOT (!) have been necessary if the Christian Church would have carried on with the prophetic revelation which many Christian Students of the Bible had obtained in, say, the 17th till the 19th centuries! But alas, it just so happened that false teachers changed the truth into lies, which ever since have been increasingly swallowed by the minds of Christian men and women worldwide. We are here of course referring to the Futuristic teachings which claim that most of the Book of Revelation still awaits fulfilment in the years just prior to the Lord’s return to the Earth. This Writing on the Seventh Vial, containing ‘things yet to come’, carries on where the masters of the 19th century left off. We of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries have, as it were, picked up the prophetic Torch which (generally speaking, not counting some exceptions to the rule) was left standing at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th Century. And although the light thereof has almost been quenched by the overpowering Futuristic Teachings that swamped the Christian world during the last century, the Lord did not allow the prophetic Light to be totally extinguished. Behold us for example. We are simply three Christian servants, but the Lord took a hold of us and led us to this Prophetic Truth which was well known in the times before, but is well-nigh totally unknown to the Christians of our time. We therefore thought it expedient to set before you a major outline of the Book of Revelation, to give you the necessary background of the Book of Revelation (not a detailed exposition) which you need for understanding the timing and context of the Seventh Vial in God’s Great Divine Program. One more remark. In Part I we use many quotes of the Christian authors who lived and wrote in the 19th Century. We only want to note here that we of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries do not necessary agree with all views and interpretations given by these authors, but subscribe to their method of interpretation which takes the Book of Revelation as a progressive revealing of the History of the Church. The old English expression “eat the meat and leave the bones” also applies here. We would say to the reader the same: examine and judge for yourselves the things written in this Book, and keep that which is considered true and profitable. The Authors. 13


THE SEVENTH VIAL AND THE BOOK OF REVELATION. Chapter 1.1: The Book of Revelation and the History of the Church The Book of Revelation is a revelation, given by Jesus Christ, through John, to the Church, to show His servants ‘things which must shortly come to pass’ (Revelation 1:1).3 The Prophecies written down in this awe-inspiring Book reveal to God’s beloved Church the progress of His Kingdom. It reveals, in the form of hieroglyphics and highly symbolic language, what would befall the Church of Christ from its birth in A.D. 29, down through the ages, right till the time of the Lord’s Return to the earth and beyond. Not the whole history of mankind, but the progress of the Church is written in this Book, to give guidance, hope, wisdom, counsel Island of Patmos (Greece) where John received the Revelation. Source: Wikipedia Commons

and light to the true Christians of every age. Just as the Bible as a whole is not an account of all of mankind’s history, so this Book of Revelation only touches those events that are connected with God’s people the Church. It can generally be said that there are two major threads running through the whole Book of Revelation. One is the progress of the Kingdom of God as it is revealed in the Church and the other is the progress of those worldly, Gentile dominions that would have a major influence on the developments of the Church. There are therefore only a few Gentile dominions mentioned in this prophetic Book; only those Gentile nations or powers of this world that would have a part to play in the progress of the Church are described, not the world as a whole. (Please see the graphs below). The prophecies are limited to that which is directly relevant for the Kingdom of God.


It was in the time of Emperor Domitian, in the year 96 A.D. when John was expelled to the Island of Patmos where he received the visions, words and instructions as written down in the Book of Revelation.


2. Prophecies concerning the Gentile Dominions 1. Prophecies concerning the People of God: the Church

29 96 A.D. A.D.

Second Coming of Jesus Christ John writes down the Revelation in a Book

Birth of the Church

Figure 1: Two major threads in the Book of Revelation: 1. The People of God and 2. The Gentile powers having had considerable influence on God’s People.

The Book of Revelation was written on a Scroll, not on a ordinary book as we know it.



Symbolic Names for the People of God in the Book of Revelation: The Seven Churches, the symbolic '144.000' sealed, The Souls slain for the Word of God, the Saints, the Two Witnesses, The Woman in the Wilderness, Virgins, Names Written in the book of Life, Them that sing the Song of Moses and the Lamb, the Lamb's 'Wife', etc. etc.

1. Servants of God; the True Church of Christ Millennium 29 A.D. (Birth of the Church)

Return of Jesus Christ

2. Gentile Nations and Powers The Gentile powers in the Book of Revelation: The Roman Empire (West and East), the Saracen Muslims The Turkish Muslims, the Ten Kingdoms in Europe, the Dominion of Papal Rome, the United Sates of America (both together producing the power of Great Babylon) The modern nations of the Middle East

Figure 2: The Two Major Threads in the Book of Revelation: 1. The Progress of God’s Kingdom in the People of God. 2. The Gentile Dominions having had an influence on God’s People.

Chapter 1.2: The Book of Revelation and God’s Divine Program and Calendar The Book of Revelation is also a revealing of God’s Divine Program and the timing thereof. It is part of God’s Great Calendar or Clock, so to speak. When studied carefully and properly, the Christian can know where exactly we are on God’s Calendar. The studious and enlightened Christian can behold which part of God’s Program has already run its course and which part still awaits fulfilment. God’s sincere and humble servants can know, from studying the words written in this Book, what is yet to come to pass, what to look out for and how to prepare. The Book of Revelation demonstrates to the searching and longing heart how close we actually are to the desired birth of the Kingdom of God! Yet, in the Lord’s Wisdom, this knowledge was to be wrapped up in hieroglyphic and highly symbolic language, so that Christians of all times could 16

have this hope and expectation of the Lord’s soon return to the Earth. Fulfilled history has disclosed most of the Book of Revelation, but before the predicted events had come to pass, much of the difficult language was shrouded in clouds of mystery to the believers, with the purpose to keep alive the burning hope of the Lord’s soon coming. It is only because our generation is alive at the end of the age that we can begin to fully understand this wondrous book to a very great extent, for most of the prophetic utterances have already clearly found fulfilment in the history of bygone centuries. For the Christians of the First Centuries, this Book was a great Mystery, but for Christians alive at this time, just prior to the Lord’s return and right at the end of God’s Divine program for this dispensation, most of the mysteries have become disclosed truths. Nevertheless, as said before, through the Futuristic teachings that have crept into the Church since the second half of the 19th Century, the keys for understanding this Book have been sadly enough, lost unto the Church. No longer is it taught that the 22 Chapters of this Revelation are the revealing of God’s Divine plans and purposes with the Church of all ages, but it is now generally claimed and believed that most of these 22 chapters are yet to be fulfilled in the last years before the Lord’s return to the earth! No longer is this Sacred Book treated with the reverence and respect it deserves, but with lightness and frivolity do the so-called Christian teachers of today reveal to the ignorant Christian public their own private, often ridiculous, interpretations. It is therefore necessary for us to give you at least a brief overview of the Book of Revelation so that you can place the Seventh Vial in its right position and context. (It will not yet be a detailed exposition.)

Chapter 1.3: The Book of Revelation and Spiritual Watchfulness and Preparation. The Book of Revelation not only gives knowledge to Christians about the time we live in and things to come. The Words therein also equip the Christian Warrior with the Armour of Truth. Through the Words in this Revelation, the Lord is warning His people how to spiritually prepare for His Kingdom, how to be clean and free from the influences of the times, how to identify their enemies, how to identify the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast and how to avoid them. The Book of Revelation is a spiritual guidebook, giving specific warnings and counsel for the Christians of all times. That is, it gives specialized warnings that are necessary for a specific time. The Christians living in the so-called ‘Dark Middle Ages’ for example, were instructed and warned differently than the Christians living in this age. The Christians of the Early Church had to deal with different circumstantial enemies than for example the Christians of our time. They were living in a time of severe persecutions; we are living in the ‘hour of temptation’ (Revelation 3:10). When we study the Book in more detail, this concept will become clearer. This is why it is written that ‘he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein’ are called ‘blessed’ (see Revelation 1:3), for those Christians who understand the warnings of this Book, and those who have learned how to keep themselves unspotted and blameless amidst the enemies of their souls, will be the selfsame souls who will live and reign with Christ a thousands years (See Revelation 20:4). The souls who call themselves by the Lord’s Name, but who fail to keep themselves, will receive of God’s Wrath and Indignation (see Revelation 13:16-18; 14:4, 10; 18:4). The enemies of our souls are disclosed in the Book of Revelation. In no uncertain terms are the destructive elements to our souls pointed out and identified in this blessed Book. For this reason it is important to view the Book of Revelation with great reverence and respect, for the warnings and revealings therein could and will make the difference between eternal life and death for your soul! The Book of Revelation should not be viewed as just an ‘addition’ to the Bible, which is ‘interesting and thrilling’ to read and study if you


want to discover things of the future! No, it also reveals the spiritual dangers, snares and traps which are relevant for the Church, even the Church of our time.

Chapter 1.4: The Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel The Book of Revelation should be seen and studied together with the Prophetic Book of Daniel. The Revelation is as it were, an extended arm of the Book of Daniel; it gives more details about the important spiritual events after the birth of the Church till the Coming of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. The Book of Daniel covers the progress of God’s Kingdom from the time of the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews in the year 605 B.C. to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, while the Book of Revelation covers the progress of God’s Kingdom from the birth of the Church to the Second Coming and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Book of Daniel travels through about 26 centuries of unborn history, while John writes down about 20 Centuries of ‘things yet to come to pass’ (not counting the 1000 year reign of Christ).

Time Covered by Book of Revelation Time Covered by the Book of Daniel

Millennium 605 B.C.


Second Coming

Figure 3: Length of Time covered by the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation.

Also in the Book of Daniel we can discover two major threads: 1. The progress of God’s Kingdom and its inhabitants (the Jews and the Church) and 2. The Gentile Dominions that would have some influence on God’s Beloved Chosen ones; the Jews and the Church. (Please see figure 4 beneath). The Book of Daniel includes the prophecy of the Messiah’s First coming which of course is absent in the Book of Revelation, seeing the Messiah had already come, exactly in the time that was given by Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy. Both Prophetic Books prophesy about the Lord’s return to the earth at the end of the age, when the prophecies have run their full course. The Christian Church was born in a time wherein the Gentile Roman Empire ruled the whole of the then known world around the Mediterranean Sea, and is therefore the first Gentile Dominion that is mentioned in the Book of Revelation. In the Book of Daniel the first Gentile Dominion that is mentioned is the Babylonian Empire, for it was during this time of Babylonian rule that the Jewish people lost their Land and their independence to a foreign, Gentile Dominion. The Book of Daniel includes the Gentile Dominions of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Ptolemies, Seleucids (which dominions have ruled at some time over God’s people and land of Israel) before it reaches 18

the time of the dominion of Pagan Rome, because these were the worldly dominions which were to have some impact on the destiny of the Jews, the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. The Book of Revelation has nothing to say about these first Gentile dominions because the Church has had no direct dealings with any of those Gentile powers (although the impact of their religious and cultural products were certainly felt when the Christian Church came into the world!). The Book of Revelation begins to apply its prophecies during the dominion and time of the Pagan Roman Empire, which in the Book of Daniel is the ‘Fourth Kingdom’ that would come upon the earth.

The Two Major Threads in the Book of Daniel 2. Prophecies concerning the Gentile Dominions 1. Prophecies concerning the People of God: the Jews and the Church

605 B.C..

Messiah's First Coming

Messiah's Second Coming

Beginning of the Babylonian Captivity of Judah Daniel taken to Babylon

Figure 4: Two major Threads in the Book of Daniel: 1. The People of God the Jews and the Christians and 2. The Gentile Dominions having had an influence on God’s people.



Islamic Dominion Babylon 1


Ptolemies Medo Greece Persia Seleucids 2

Pagan Rome


Papal Rome






Islamic Dominion Pagan Rome

Papal Rome Pagan Rome East U.S.A.


Figure 5: The Gentile Dominions in the Books of Revelation and Daniel compared.

John wrote down the visions in a Book (96 A.D.) when the Pagan Roman Empire was ruling over the whole world around the Mediterranean (please see figure 11). He wrote at a time when 5 ‘types of Roman government’ had ‘fallen’, ‘one is’ and the ‘other is not yet come’ (Revelation 17:10). It was the time wherein the city of Rome was ‘reigning over the kings of the earth’ (Revelation 17:18). John began to write the visions during a time wherein the Pagan Roman Dominion of the “Fourth Beast” and the “Iron Legs of the Great Image” of the Book of Daniel ruled the world. Both books cover quite extensively the career and developments of the Islamic and Papal Roman Dominions which were to succeed the collapsed Pagan Roman Empire, sometimes with similar, at other times with a different language and symbols. It is not our intention in this Writing, which concentrates on the Seventh Vial, to give the reader a fully detailed commentary on the Book of Daniel, but have used here some of the prophetic 20

Scriptures of the Book of Daniel to help the reader to place the Seventh Vial in its rightful position, that is, right at the end of God’s Great Divine Plan and Purposes for this dispensation of mankind.

Figure 6: Map of the Babylonian Empire [with permission from]

Figure 7: Jerusalem Captives taken into Babylon. Daniel was most probably taken in the year 605 B.C. when he was only a teenager.


Daniel was only a teenager when he was taken to Babylon in the year 605 B.C. Here in exile, Daniel the prophet received some amazing visions wherein the future destinies of God’s People the Jews and the Church were revealed unto Daniel in hieroglyphic forms, just as John received the Revelation while he was in exile on the island of Patmos. Daniel wrote at the beginning of what the Scriptures call: The Times of the Gentiles (Daniel 2; Luke 21:24 and others. We speak more about this prophetic time later), while John began to write down the visions at the second half of the Times of the Gentiles. The Book of Revelation is a continuation of the Book of Daniel in as much that this prophetic Book of the New Testament discloses more details about the Gentile dominions which would rule over God’s People and writes more extensively about the destiny of God’s People the Church and the Kingdom which is coming upon the earth. With an amazing prophetic insight, Daniel foresaw and described how the Church of God would be born and persecuted by the great Antichristian dominion of the “little horn” of Daniel 7. Centuries before the Messiah had even set foot on the soil of the earth and before the Church was born in the upper room in Jerusalem, the Lord already revealed to Daniel the future enemies of the followers of the Messiah. The Book of Revelation nevertheless gives far more details about that persecuting and blasphemous Antichristian dominion that was to arise on the earth after the Pagan Roman Empire had collapsed.

Here is Daniel in his latter days pronouncing the judgments on Babylon at the Feast of Belshazzar (See Daniel 5). In the selfsame night Babylon was overtaken by the Medo-Persians after which the doors of Babylon were being opened for the Jews to return to their homeland and to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. The fall of Babylon meant the end of the Babylonian Captivity for the Jews and the fulfilment of the 70 years prophecy of Jeremiah (Jeremiah 25:11). During the reign of the Medo-Persians Daniel received the visions as written down in chapters 10-12, which speak about what would befall the Jewish people in the “latter days” (10:14), covering a period of about 25 centuries of history before she had come to pass! , Figure 8: The Prophet Daniel explaining the Handwriting on the Wall to Belshazzar the king of Babylon (the son of Nabonidus).(See Daniel chapter 5).


Names of God's People (Jews and Church) in the Book of Daniel: The Jewish Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah "Saints of the Most High", "Saints, the Host", "The Holy People", "Israel", "The People that know their God", "They that understand...".

1. God's People Israel and the True Church of Christ Millennium


Return of Jesus Christ


2. Gentile Nations and Powers The Gentile powers in the Book of Daniel: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Seleucids, Ptolemies, Pagan Rome, Papal Rome (= Roman Catholic Dominion), Muslim Saracens, Turkish Muslims (Ottoman Empire)

Figure 9: The Two Major Threads in the Book of Daniel: 1. The Progress of God’s Kingdom in the People of God, and 2. The Gentile Dominions having had a major influence on God’s People the Jews and the Church.

Both Books use a similar prophetic language and are actually in some cases applying the same symbols for certain powers and dominions that were to come on the earth, as we will see in the next section.

Chapter 1.5: The ‘Gentile Dominions’ and their Symbols in the Book of Revelation. There are four major Gentile Dominions mentioned in the Book of Revelation, which all have had a profound bearing on the Church of God. These four Gentile powers are: 1. The Pagan Roman Empire; 2. The Papal Roman Dominion; 3. The United States of America and 4. The Islamic Dominion. During the history of the Church, the Christians had to deal with at least one of those Gentile dominions or their influences. For the sake of a better comprehension of the outline of the Book of Revelation, we will now very briefly reveal to you the symbols that are connected


with these Four Gentile Dominions in the Book of Revelation, and will also bring in the Book of Daniel when considered fitting and expedient for further understanding.





PAGAN ROMAN EMPIRE End Rome founded 8th. Century B.C.


476 A.D.

18th. Century

Figure 10: Model of the Four Gentile Dominions in the Book of Revelation.

The Reader will yet learn in Part II how the Seventh Vial will make a complete and perfect end to these three powerful Gentile Dominions!

Ad 1: The Pagan Roman Empire The Church was born when the Pagan Roman Empire ruled the then known world. The early Church was mainly confronted with the Pagan Roman Empire and their authorities, for the Christians of the first few centuries were mostly situated within the borders of that vast Empire which stretched from the Islands of Britain, to the Northern Coasts of Africa to the Eastern border with Persia (see map below). The Christians had to endure much persecution and hardships by this iron fist of Pagan Rome, and who knows not about the cruel tortures and burnings of the Christians by Nero? Who knows not about the Christian women, children and men, old and young, which were fed to the teeth of many hungry lions, crocodiles and huge crabs, only because they refused to bow down before the idols of Rome, or because they had a meeting with one and another in private houses wherein they sang some songs and broke some bread together? Who knows not about the daily pestering and difficulties that the Roman soldiers and their superiors brought upon the ones who called themselves by the Name of Christ? Yet, it was during this time, during the Church Age of Ephesus and Smyrna (see Church Ages below), that the Church of Christ was the most successful and 25

powerful, causing the Roman authorities to make remarks like: “if all Christians would decide to leave the Roman Empire, our Empire would be considerably depopulated.”

Figure 11: Map of the Roman Empire. Source:

The Pagan Roman Empire can be found in the symbols of the First Six Seals of Revelation 6 and the ‘Great Red Dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads’ in Revelation 12. The Book of Revelation gives more details on the Roman Empire than the Book of Daniel, but is nevertheless a continuation of the same, for in the Book of Daniel a similar language is used for the Pagan Roman Dominion that would rule the earth. In Daniel chapter 7, the Roman Empire is depicted as the fourth Beast on the earth: “…And behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns” (verse 7), Thus he [The Angel] said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise..” (Verse 23,24). In Revelation 6 the Great Red Dragon also had Ten Horns, but the crowns were still upon its seven heads, which, according to Revelation 17:9-10 signify seven mountains and seven ‘kings’, which are seven types of governments. It is a historical fact that the Pagan Roman Empire during its long career had seven types of government (Kings, Consuls, Dictators, Decemvirs, Military tribunes, Imperial (Caesars) introduced by Augustus, and the seventh introduced by Diocletian: Dominus/Lord = absolute monarch, prince in accordance with Persian style). When John wrote the Book of Revelation, ‘five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come’ (Revelation 17:10). When in Revelation 12 it is specifically mentioned that the crowns, or signs of authorities and rulership, were still on the seven heads and not on the ten horns like in Revelation 13, the Spirit desired to demonstrate that we are dealing here with the Pagan Roman Empire and not yet with the Papal Roman Empire which was to follow when the Pagan Roman Empire would collapse and disintegrate into ten separate kingdoms through the Barbarian invasions of the 4th Century A.D. This Fourth kingdom on the earth is described in Daniel 2 as being the iron legs of the great image (verse 33) ‘strong as iron, forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things, : and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise’ (verse 40). 26

So here we have the Pagan Roman Empire, hidden in the prophetic language as described above: the Dragon with ten horns and seven heads, the fourth beast with ten horns and the fourth kingdom of the iron legs of the Great Image. The Book of Revelation is giving more details about this Fourth Empire in as much that the first Six Seals of Revelation 6 disclose the stages this Empire would go through between 96 and 312 A.D. before its collapse in the West in the year 476 A.D. We refer the reader here to the description of the First Six Seals in chapter 2.1.

Figure 12: The Christian Martyrs’ last prayer by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824–1904) Wikipedia.


The severest period of the Pagan Roman persecutions was started in 303 A.D. by Emperor Diocletian which lasted for 10 years until the so-called Christian Emperor Constantine tolerated the Christian religion in the year 313 A.D., even making Christianity (which by that time had become a pagan form of Christianity) the official State religion in 323 A.D.



Revelation 12: Great Dragon with Ten Horns and Seven Heads and Crowns upon his heads Revelation 6: The Six Seals

Daniel 2: The Fourth Kingdom of Iron Legs Daniel 7: The Fourth Beast with Ten Horns

63 B.C.

29 96


476 A.D.

Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Romans John receives and writes the Book of Revelation Birth of the Church Pompeij conquered Jerusalem

Figure 13: The Gentile Dominion of the Pagan Roman Empire in the Symbols of the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel.

Ad 2: The Papal Roman Empire; The Ten-Horned Beast, having Seven Heads, arising from the Sea (Revelation 13 and 17) When the Western part of the Pagan Roman Empire was invaded by the hordes of Northern Germanic peoples in the 4th and 5th centuries, (please see also First Four Trumpets in Chapter 2.2) the map of the once united Roman Dominion was completely redrawn. The Crowns were at this time transferred from the seven heads to the ‘ten horns’ (Revelation 13:1). The Fourth Beast of Rome continued, but under a different headship, namely the ten newly established Barbarian kingdoms and the newly coming up of the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7. It was at this time when the Pagan Roman Empire had collapsed, that John saw ‘a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven 28

heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority’ (Revelation 13:1-2). It was at this time that out of the stirrings of the ‘waters of the sea’, which signify the multitudes of peoples, tongues and nations around the area of the Mediterranean, the ‘Beast’ arose. It was at this time that through the warring invaders of the Barbarians, a new political ‘Beast’ or ‘Dominion’ arose amidst the highly populated areas around the North Western part of the Mediterranean. Through the ‘moving of the waters’, a New Beast arose, namely the Papal Roman Dominion. Daniel considered these ten horns and “and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things (Daniel 7:8). I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; 22 Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom. (Daniel 7:21-22) And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings. 25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. 26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. (Daniel 7:24-26) You see that both in the Book of Daniel and Revelation the Fourth, Roman Beast is said to have been divided into ten ‘kingdoms’ amongst whom another ‘kingdom’ or dominion (little horn) arose which was to make itself guilty of blasphemy and severe persecutions of the Saints (please Read Daniel 7 and Revelation 13). This newly divided situation of the Western part of the Roman Empire with the ‘little horn’ amongst the newly formed kingdoms, was to last until the End, until the Kingdom of God would come to the earth and the ‘saints possessed the kingdom’. The Book of Daniel describes this time of the second, divided stage of the Fourth Roman Kingdom that would be on the earth, as feet of the Great Image, part of iron and part of clay (Daniel 2:33) “And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” (Daniel 2:41-43). Without going into any details here, the prophetic symbols are sufficiently clear to teach us that the once united Roman Empire would collapse and disintegrate into ten major kingdoms or dominions and that in this new political situation another ‘dominion’ arises which would execute the Antichristian tasks of blaspheming God, corrupting His Word, and persecuting God’s people. History declares that this is just exactly what happened when the Barbarians invaded the Western part of the Roman Empire, for after the smoke and dust of the wars and the upheavals that accompanied these invaders had settled down and cleared the political skies, the Western Part of the Roman Empire was no more! That is, the once united Empire was now swamped and divided amongst the Germanic peoples.


Europe - The Ten Divisions

Figure 14: The Division of the Western Part of the Roman Empire into ten, after the Barbarian invasions (5th Century A.D.) and the continuation of the (Byzantine) Roman Empire in the East. Source:

It is also an historical fact that during this time, the Roman Dominion as it were continued in an altered form under the headship of the still rising power of the Church of Rome, who had taken advantage of the collapse of the Pagan Roman authorities. Although the Papal Dominion was not established overnight, it was not until the fifth till the sixth or seventh centuries that the Roman Catholic Church managed to establish herself as a considerable dominion in Western Europe. It was at this time, soon after the collapse of the Pagan Roman power in the West, that the Papal Roman Power began to establish and vindicate itself. In the Book of Revelation this change of the political outlook of the Roman power is described as the ‘beast that was, and is not, and yet is’ (Revelation 17:8), for was it not true that although the Pagan Roman Beast was not, and yet is because it was continued under the headship of the Pontifex Maximus’: the name for the Popes of Rome? “And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition” (Revelation 17:11). The Papal Roman Beast, or ‘kingdom’ came forth from the seven types of government of Pagan Rome, and is therefore called here the ‘eighth’. The Papal governmentship is called the ‘eighth’. This papal Roman Dominion is the ‘little horn’ that came up amongst the ten horns (Daniel 7: 8)! Revelation chapter 17 verse 12-15 says: ‘And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings [ten Barbarian kingdoms], which have received no kingdom as yet [but would do when the Pagan Roman Empire was taken away]; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. [for the Barbarian kingdoms, at least some of them, encouraged and strengthened the claims and dominion of the Popes of Rome, especially the dominion of the Franks; ‘the eldest son of the Church of Rome’] 14 These shall make war with the Lamb [for this Papal Roman Church, together with their secular arms of the Catholic ruled governments and authorities persecuted and killed many of the true Saints for a long period of time], and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.’ 30

For a presentation of these prophetic hieroglyphic pictures which point to the Dominion of the Roman Catholic Church, see figure 15 below (Please note that this graph is a simplified and incomplete form of the presentation of the Papal Roman Dominion in Scripture).


Revelation 12: Great Dragon with Ten Horns and Seven Heads and Crowns upon his heads Revelation 6: The Six Seals

Revelation 17 Babylon The Great Revelation 11:7 Beast from Pit Revelation 13:1-1-10 Beast from the Sea Daniel 7: Fourth Beast With Ten Horns and Little Horn

Daniel 2: The Fourth Kingdom of Iron Legs Daniel 7: The Fourth Beast with Ten Horns

Daniel 2: Feet of Clay mixed with iron

63 B.C.

476 A.D.

Figure 15: The prophetic symbols of the Rise of the Papal Roman Dominion, or Roman Catholic Church amongst the ten newly established Barbarian kingdoms, after the collapse and disintegration of the Western part of the Pagan Roman Empire.

These symbols then describe the beginning and career of the Roman Catholic Church, or the Papal Roman Dominion, which would arise on the earth after the collapse of the Pagan Roman Empire in the West (476 A.D.). This Papal Dominion is, according to Daniel, still part and parcel of the Fourth and Last Beast (Dominion) that would rule the earth, for the Papal Roman Dominion is prophetically speaking considered to be a continuation of the Pagan Roman Empire, yet in 31

different form and political-religious set up. This Fourth Kingdom would not come to an end but by the Return of Jesus Christ to the Earth (See Daniel 2,7 and 2 Thessalonians 2). Having now connected the symbols of the First Beast of Revelation 13, and the Beast of Revelation 17, and the Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 (with the ten horns and the little horn coming up) (during the time of the feet of clay and iron of Daniel 2) with the Papal Roman Dominion, we can continue to elaborate a little to complete the identity and picture of this Antichristian Gentile Dominion of Papal Rome (Roman Catholic Church). The Papal Roman ‘Beast’ and ‘Mystery Babylon the Great’: The newly established Papal Dominion was not only a political, but also, and especially so, a spiritual/religious dominion. It claimed to have political-religious supremacy over the bodies and souls of men. It claimed to have God-given rights and authority to rule over the bodies, minds and consciences of men. It is a political-religious dominion that arose on the Roman Earth, ‘diverse’ from the other dominions that had preceded it. It had ‘eyes’ and a ‘mouth’ (Daniel 7:8) wherewith it claimed to be a spiritual overseer and a teacher of Divine things. It is therefore said by one of the Angels in Revelation 17 that upon this Roman Beast that came up from the sea sat a ‘Woman’ (verse 3) and the ‘woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration’ [= wonder, astonishment]. The purple and scarlet [=dominant colour used by the authorities of both Pagan and Papal Rome} coloured Beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns (verse 3) was the political body or power that was to ‘carry’ the mysterious ‘woman’ (verse 7). This woman was to rule and have dominion over many peoples, tongues and nations, for she was seen to sit upon “many waters” (verse 1,15). This woman represents ‘Rome’, ‘that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth’ (verse 17). So, this second stage of the Fourth Beast of Daniel was no longer only a ‘Beast’ (Dominion) like the preceding ones of Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece, but had a ‘woman’, ‘a great whore’ sitting upon the ‘Beast’. This Beast therefore that came up out of the Sea (Revelation 13) was a dominion unlike any other dominion that had ruled the earth. It was a political entity combined with the spiritual entity of ‘mystery Babylon the Great’, ‘with whom the kings of the earth have committed [spiritual] fornication and the inhabitants of the earth have been drunk with the wine of her fornication” (Revelation 17:2). A ‘woman’ in the Prophetical language of the New Testament is always meant to describe the ‘Church’, e.g. God’s elected and chosen People. A chaste and faithful woman, or a ‘virgin’ is the ‘Bride’ or ‘Wife’ of Jesus Christ, the Bridegroom (Matthew 25:1-13; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7; John 3:29). What then is a ‘whorish woman’ supposed to refer to? A whorish, unfaithful woman is, simply said, a woman that has departed from her husband and has gone after other lovers. Spiritually speaking a ‘whorish woman’ is an Apostate Church, which had deviated and departed from the Word of God and the Author thereof. It is a Church who still calls herself by the Name of the Husband, Jesus Christ, but in reality has gone after other gods. It is a religious system that still carries the Name of Jesus Christ, but in reality does the works of Antichrist. She calls herself the ‘Church of Christ’ but in reality she should be called ‘the Synagogue of Satan’ (Revelation 3:9). Her ministers come as ‘Angels of light’ and ‘workers of 32

righteousness’(See 2 Corinthians 11:13-15), but the True Church will discover them as ‘liars and false apostles’. The Great Whore of Revelation 17, that Woman called ‘Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth’ is therefore referring to the Apostate Church of Rome, who still claims to be the true Body of Christ, but in reality is the Church of Antichrist. The Roman Catholic Church is a combination of Christian inspired words and actions with the Ancient Religion of Babylon. The Roman Church has taken some forms and teachings of the Christian Church and cast them into the Babylonian cup of abominable idolatries and wickedness, after which Rome began to serve and pour out this new wine of spiritual fornication to the inhabitants of the earth, who since then have been intoxicated and blinded by this new mixture of Pagan Christianity which is not Christianity but a continuation of the Babylonian religion, polished by some outward so-called Christian paraphernalia. Where does the ‘Mother and Child’ worship come from? Babylon. From where is the ‘eating of the human sacrifices’ [like in the ‘mass’ where the Body of Christ is literally eaten)? Ancient Babylon. Where did human beings begin to worship ‘idols and other gods’ instead of the One and Only True God and Creator of the Universe? Babylon. Who was first called the “Pontifex Maximus”, the name for the Pope? The High Priest of Babylon. Who before were dressed up in ‘purple and scarlet’ colours like the cardinals of Papal Rome? The religious priests of Babylon. Where and when was the human mind so stupefied that it began to worship the Sun like the Roman Church does? Again, in Ancient Babylon. We would highly recommend to the reader to read the book called “Babylon Mystery Religion” by Ralph Woodrow, mentioned in our list of recommended Books in Appendix 2, which would surely convince you that the Church of Rome is nothing else than the continuation of the ancient Babylonian religion which was handed down from Babylon, to Pagan Rome, to Papal Rome. The Papal Roman Dominion attempted to adhere as many followers and obedient servants as possible by combining the desires of the Pagan Romans with the new demands of the Christian religion which began to be so wide spread and popular. The result? A paganized, false and apostate ‘Christian’ religion called the ‘Mystery Babylonian Religion’, or the ‘Roman Catholic Religion’. And while this ‘whorish woman’ ascended on the public stage, the True Church, the ‘Chaste Virgin’ of Christ went ‘underground’ to avoid the abominations of this newly established Babylonian Christianity. Jerusalem is free and the ‘mother of all true saints’ (See Galatians 4:26), but Babylon is bondage and the mother of ‘all spiritual harlots’, giving birth to ‘false brethren’. The Lord is the builder of His Church, but Satan, through the instruments of wicked men, is the master builder of Babylon. This Babylonian woman that sits upon the purple and scarlet Roman Beast, is the same power or dominion as the ‘little horn’ of Daniel 7 who was to be involved in the same Antichristian things like persecuting the Saints, blaspheming and many other spiritual abominations. The Church of Rome uses the Name of Jesus Christ! Babylon is not just any false religion that exists in this world, but a religion which is directly associated with the Name and Church of Jesus Christ. Her task is to disrupt and deceive in the Church of Christ and to destroy her wherever and whenever this has been made possible to her. So, the Mother of Harlots is the Church of Rome, who sits upon the continuing Beast of Rome from where she has ruled the world. Yet, Babylon the Great has in due time become much greater than the Roman Catholic Church. She is said to have given birth to ‘daughter harlots’ [Revelation 17:5). The Mother Harlot of Papal Rome and all her daughter harlots then make up that Great Babylonian religion. We will see and learn a little later that this Great Babylon has become very extensive when we reach our time, because of the work that has been done by the fourth Gentile Dominion that is mentioned in the Book of Revelation: The United States of America.


For the origins of Babylon, we must go back to ancient times, when Nimrod and the people showed their defiance against God by building the Tower of Babel. Not long before, in the days of Noah, the Lord had judged the earth by water, swallowing up all and everything that had life in them. Yet, this great Divine warning was of no avail to the children of Ham for they chose to be independent from God and to follow their own strength, will and wisdom (see Genesis 10-11) This was the beginning of Babylon. This was the beginning of the spirit of whoredom (Hosea 4:12; 5:4). This was the beginning of the spirit of error (1 John 4:6). The keywords for Babylon are: Rebellion, Independence, Idolatry and Sin. No longer was the God of Heaven acknowledged and honoured in accordance with the Lord’s heart, purposes and will. No longer was the fear of God in them, for they desired to ‘make a name’ for themselves and to achieve great things, independent from God and His Counsel. This too is the spirit of Babylon. Other things and other gods began to be worshipped. Satan began to be worshipped and when Satan is worshipped, all manner of evil will sprout forth. This is Babylon; the City of Confusion; the Tower of Babel. The selfsame spirit of Babylon has come down to the times of the birth of the Church and beyond. This selfsame spirit of Babylon began to creep into the Church with the intent to corrupt and defile the Body of Christ. The Word of God was added to, or extracted from, or changed. Humility and simplicity, which is in Christ made place for pride and pomp. Sincerity and truth made place for traditions and ceremonies of men. The liberty of the Spirit was usurped by the power of men’s control and dominance, which is the “doctrine of the Nicolaitanes”, which thing the Lord hates (see Revelation 2:6,15). Not Christ, but men would rule. Man was set above Christ. Not the truth of the Word of God, but man-made doctrines, superstitions and ceremonies would be the standard. Not the true gospel, but some false, compromising and corrupted ‘gospel’ came into being. The pilgrims in the world, but not of the world, became sojourners of this world. The Church became corrupt, worldly, idolatrous and totally fleshly. This is Babylon, the false Church. It bears the Name of Christ, but is part of Antichrist. It uses the name of Jesus Christ, but works by the power of Satan. The true Church was few in number and lived a separated life, but the members of the Babylonian Church increased with leaps and bounds. Many are the members of the false Babylonian Church, but few belong to the true Church of Christ. All of us are able to build Babylon, but few, through the Spirit of the Lord, can build the true Church. The true Church is written in the heavens above (Hebrews 12:23), but the city of Babylon dwells on the earth, and is earthly, from beneath. The Church of Christ is compared with a Virgin, a Chaste woman, the Lord’s Bride, but the false, Satanic, Antichristian Babylonian Church is compared with a whorish woman, a mother of harlots (Revelation 17). The true Church belongs to Jesus Christ, but the false Church, though using the Name of the Lord, belongs to Satan, the prince of this world. Without going into great details about this bloody Whore and Great Babylon, please try to understand, and pray to the Lord that He may grant you spiritual wisdom and revelation on this matter. Try to understand that any Christian Denomination presently on this earth wherein rules not the liberty of the Spirit has already become part of Great Babylon! When men’s programs, timing, wisdom and traditions take the place of the Holy Spirit, not the Church but Babylon is built. When earthly treasures become more important than spiritual treasures, the spirit of Babylon will thrive. When men are in control, Babylon will be there. When sin and iniquity are taken lightly, and righteousness and holy living are not esteemed, then the unfaithful Whore of Babylon is the one speaking and teaching. When self-esteem, self-respect and pride are propagated, Babylon will be the foundation. When the Lordship of Christ is trampled upon and men act independent from His Spirit, the Tower Babel will rise. When the Cross of Christ is not preached, and Christians are able to ‘enjoy’ their comfortable social gatherings in the buildings they call ‘the Church”, Babylon has won. When idols of moneymaking and prosperity are set up, the whorish woman of Babylon, well trained in spiritual fornication and idolatry is present. When the world, and all its ways and thoughts are entertained in the Church, she is married to Babylon and not to the Lord. 34

Any Church seeking union or dialogue with the Church of Rome, the Pinnacle of Babylon, the Mother of Idolatry and spiritual fornication, can be assured that Babylon will take its seat right in the midst of them from which they will not escape unless they repent! To those victims the Lord’s voice cries: ‘Come out of her, My People, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues!’ (Revelation 18:4). Babylon is a very pleasurable city; it is a place where people feel comfortable and at ease. In Babylon you can sit on your lees and ‘enjoy’ a ‘good service’, and have ‘enjoyable fellowship with the brethren’ without at all being challenged the by the Word of God. The Word of God! Where is the Word of God in Babylon? Where is God’s Word, which convicts? The Word which is like a Hammer, breaking and smashing the flesh to pieces; the Word which is like a Sword, Dividing asunder the soul and spirit (Hebrews 4:12) ‘Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces (Jeremiah 23:29)? Where is God’s Word, which washes and cleanses us, and makes us ready for the coming of the Holy One? Babylon has not got the anointed Word of God for it is not Babylon’s intention to make the people spiritually ready for the Lord, but to have as many citizens in that Great City of Babylon as possible without them ever receiving the desire to leave its deadly and poisonous streets of pleasure and ease. As you can see, Babylon is truly great! Great in apostasy, great in range, great in variety, great in power, in deception, in lying wonders and miracles, in spiritual fornication and idolatry; great in worldliness, great in flesh, great in crimes, lies and all manner of abominable practices and teachings. Where Babylon thrives, Satan will be right behind her. Where flesh thrives, Satan will not be far away. Where the world has entered the Church, not the Lord but Satan is worshipped. Where lies are believed and taught, Satan will be the father. When bondage and sins are rampant in the Church, the Spirit of the Lord is denied the liberty and the Lord will not be there. Babylon is equal to pride, independence, idolatry and lies as opposite to the true Church’s fruit of godliness, freedom, submission, humility and truth. Wherever these first mentioned vices rule in any denominations, Babylon has been built and the spirit of Antichrist is present. This is how great and extended Babylon has become! Great Babylon is Great Apostasy in the Name of Jesus Christ. Babylon is the great false Church, which is not the Church that Jesus Christ is building. Great Babylon is that system which, in the Name of Christ, opposes the work of Christ by deviating from the spiritual laws and precepts that are laid down in the Scriptures. Great Babylon is not built by God, but by man. Babylon is not directed by the Spirit of Christ but by the Spirit of Antichrist. And it is that great false Church that is the primary object of God’s wrath revealed in the vials! The pinnacle of Babylon is Papal Rome; the Roman Catholic Church, with Rome, the city on the Seven Hills, as her seat. She is that whorish woman who is committing spiritual adultery with many gods and other false teachings and practices. She is the one guilty of shedding the blood of so many faithful martyrs. She has been the dominion that was to rule the earth for a period of 1260 years. It was this Beast of Papal Rome that received a Deadly Wound at the Hands of the Reformers who plunged the Spiritual Sword, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17) into her heart, upon which she lost some considerable power, prestige and authority. Nevertheless, time and considerable efforts on the part of Papal Rome caused her to heal from the wound she had received after which the ‘whole world wondered after this beast’ (See Revelation 13:1-10). Through the instruments of the Roman Catholic Counter Reformation and the recent Ecumenical Movement wherein Rome is attempting to bring her ‘wayward daughters’ back to the Roman Mother, she, at this time, in the year 2004, has regained considerable power and influence over millions of minds, including those belonging to the Protestant Churches. 4 4

Please ask for any books on the Antichrist Series of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries, if the reader desires to know more about the Deadly Wound and the healing thereof, the Counter Reformation and the Ecumenical Movement. See also the List of Recommended Books on this subject in Appendix 2


The “Mother Church” St. John Lateran Cathedral, Rome (nowadays the center of Roman worship and authority is seated in the Vatican and St. Peters, Rome)

Above is the inscription at the base of the columns on either side of the central entrance door of St. John Lateran, the Cathedral of the Bishop of Rome, the pope. It reads: "Sacred Lateran Church, Universally for the City and the World, Supreme Mother of Churches"!


Two-Horned Beast From the Earth U.S.A.

The Ten-Horned Beast with Seven Heads arising from the Sea Papal Roman Dominion Deadly Wound 2 Thess. 2 Mystery of Iniquity doth already Work

Healing of the Deadly Wound

The Man of Sin and Son of Perdition; that Wicked One MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth

Roman Catholic Dominion: 1260 Years Rise

533 606 A.D.

Ending Temporal Dominion

16th. Century





Emperor Phocas declares Pope Head of Church Emperor Justinian declares Pope Head of Church

Figure 16: The 1260 years Antichristian Dominion of Papal Rome, the Reformation, the Counter Reformation and the Rise of the Gentile Dominion of the United States of America.

Although Papal Rome is the Tower of the Babylonian Temple, yet, as we already have seen, Great Babylon is larger than just the Papal Roman world. To be able to really understand how great and extended the Babylonian Religious Dominion has become, we first must look at the Second Beast of Revelation 13, which did not arise from the sea, but from the earth. After the reader has understood the identity of these two Beasts and Babylon the Great, you will have more 37

comprehension into the reasons why the Lord must bring the Seventh Vial upon the Earth before He returns!

Ad. 3: The United States of America; The Two-Horned Beast coming up out of the Earth (Revelation 13: 11-18) We would expect the reader to be surprised to see the Dominion of the United States in the Book of Revelation. Yet, this should not be so, for this ‘Empire’ of the United States has had a tremendous influence on the Church of God and besides, this most powerful nation on the Earth will obviously have some important part to play in the latter day events. The United States is a relatively young nation. Who of the first immigrants of the 16th and 17th Centuries would have thought that this vast, newly discovered land would become a great and powerful world dominion at the end of the age? Who would have expected its Churches to have a major impact on the worldwide Christian Community? Who would have dreamed that this Dominion of the Second Beast, which is the United States as we will soon explain, would cause them that dwell ‘in the earth’ to ‘worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed’ (Revelation 13:12)? Who could have predicted that this Beast or Dominion of North America would become part of that ‘Great City’ called Babylon, which will receive the fullness of God’s wrath during the time of the Seventh Vial? Any Bible student now, in our time, can discover, by reading Revelation 13, verses 11-18, that the Second Beast of Revelation is referring to this mighty dominion of the United States of America. We only need to ask ourselves some questions about this Second Beast and see whether the prophetic characteristics correspond with the reality of the United States: A. The Manner and Geographical area wherein the Two-Horned Beast would arise. “And I beheld another Beast coming up out of the Earth” (verse 11) The First Beast was rising up out of the sea (Revelation 13:1). This Second Beast, or ‘kingdom’, or ‘dominion’ was to ‘come up out of the earth’. No detail in the Book of Revelation is without significance. When we consider that the Lord sometimes places the history of several hundred years in the form of a few highly descriptive hieroglyphics, then we cannot afford to overlook any detail. Although we shouldn’t loose the bigger picture or fall over arguments and contentions about minor issues, there are some small details in the Book of Revelation that make all the difference for the outcome of the interpretation of certain prophecies. The word ‘earth’ as counterpart of the word ‘sea’, could not be placed in a greater contrast! The word ‘earth’ is obviously a very important key in unlocking the identity of this new dominion that was to come forth. The Beast coming up out of the earth must be connected with another contrast, for it is said in Daniel that the Four Beasts (Kingdoms or Dominions), including the Fourth Beast of the Roman Empire, were to come into existence by the striving of the Four Winds of Heaven upon the great sea (Daniel 7:2). When the Four Winds of Heaven begin to strive, you can be assured of wars, commotion and upheaval, and when such a wind comes on the ‘great sea’, you know that new kingdoms or nations are being formed in the populous area around the Mediterranean (also literally known as the ‘great sea’!) through the means of war, aggression and troublesome times. We can learn from fulfilled history and also from other parts of the Word of God that the ‘Beasts’ or Dominions of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Pagan Rome did not come into being by peaceful and quiet means. Babylon conquered its areas as a ferocious lion, being as ‘swift as an eagle’ (Daniel 7:4). The slower moving Bear of Medo-Persia extended its area by ‘devouring much flesh’ in the process of its conquests (Daniel 7:5), and it caused itself to “become great” by ‘pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will” (Daniel 38

8:4; Ram = Medo-Persia see Daniel 8:20). Of the Extremely fast conquests of the Greek Leopard (Daniel 7:6) or the He Goat (Daniel 8: 5-7; The He Goat = also Greece, see Daniel 8: 21), it is said that ‘he came to the ram [= Medo-Persia; see Daniel 8:20) that had two horns, which I had seen standing before the river, and ran unto him in the fury of his power. And I saw him come close unto the ram, and he was moved with choler against him, and smote the ram, and brake his two horns: and there was no power in the ram to stand before him, but he cast him down to the ground, and stamped upon him: and there was none that could deliver the ram out of his hand” (Daniel 8:6-7). And lastly, of the Fourth Beast of Pagan Rome it is said that it ‘had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it” (Daniel 7:7). These are obviously not pictures of peaceful displacements of one dominion by the other! Rather it speaks of battles, clashes, bloodshed and aggressive conquests by means of the weapons of war. History confirms that the Four Great Empires of Daniel 2 and 7 have been able to come up out of the ‘great sea’ by the means of war and conquests. The ‘winds’ of turbulence and clamouring weaponries of war have been the ways by which the Four Beasts came up from the densely populated part (sea) of the then known world around the Mediterranean. What is said about the way wherein this Beast with ‘two horns’ of Revelation 13 would come into existence? Was it to make a way for itself by the ‘striving of the winds’ of war and aggressive conquests? No, in total contrast to the first four Beasts, it was to ‘come up’ out of the earth like a plant or a tree ‘comes up’ out of the earth. This Second Beast of Revelation 13 would ‘come up’ [= Greek Word anabanoi] or ‘arise’ or ‘ascend’ or ‘climb’, ‘grow’ ‘spring up’ without having to engage another already existing dominion in combat. So here we have two specific characteristics of this Two Horned Beast that are dramatically differing from the way and place wherein the other Gentile Dominions came into being. The First Four Beasts came from the Sea, this one from the Earth and the First Four were to come into being by the striving of the four winds, while this Beast was to ‘grow up’ like a plant. The Sea and Earth are related to the geographical area wherein the Beasts arose, but the way or manner wherein they were to come into existence is described by expressions like ‘the striving of the four winds’ and the ‘coming up’ (growing, springing up) out of the Earth. Now it is a fact that the United States of America was established on its soil by means of mass immigration without having to battle or fight with an already existing power. Of course there was the local Indian population who had to bear and feel the consequences of the arrival of so many newcomers, but it cannot be said that these new immigrants had to displace a strong and powerful existing dominion. It was not necessary to overturn another well-established nation in order to make room for this new Beast. The embryo of this new Gentile World Dominion was planted in relative peaceful circumstances, unlike the world dominions of the ages gone by. The new immigrants began to settle in the Eastern coasts of the newly discovered landmass, but quickly found their way westwards during the 18th and 19th centuries, until the whole of the landmass was occupied, organized and inaugurated into the nation which we now call: the United States of America. So this Second Beast was indeed ‘growing or springing up as a plant’. Even a political writer by the name George Alfred Townsend [“The New World Compared with the Old”] , who had no knowledge of this prophecy, likened the coming into existence of the U.S. unto the ‘growing of a plant’: "In this web of islands, the West Indies, began the life of both [North and South] Americas. There Columbus saw land; there Spain began her baneful and brilliant Western empire; thence Cortez departed for Mexico, De Soto for the Mississippi, Balboa for the Pacific, and Pizarro for Peru. The history of the United States was separated by a beneficent Providence far from this wild and cruel history of the rest of the continent, and like a silent seed we grew into empire; while empire itself, beginning in the South, was swept by so interminable hurricane that what of its history we can ascertain is read by the very lightnings that devastated it. The growth of English America may be likened to a series of lyrics sung by separate singers, which, coalescing, at last 39

make a vigorous chorus, and this, attracting many from afar, swells and is prolonged, until presently it assumes the dignity and proportions of epic song." [End Quote] The United States came into being, ‘like a growing plant’. The Beast or Dominion of the United States sprang up in a relatively unpopulated area, especially when compared with the highly populous areas around the Mediterranean Sea where the previous Four Dominions had made their centres. The empty and vast spaces which Northern America had to offer, was one of the reasons why so many people who desired to leave the densely populated areas of Europe, were attracted to this unknown place. It can therefore be rightly said that the ‘United States of America’ came up out of the ‘earth’, which refers then to the newly discovered, empty spaces of the Northern American Continent. (We will explain later why the Southern American Continent is not included). It was altogether ‘another Beast’ (verse 11) and not some continuance of one of the four previous beasts, for this new dominion was thousands of miles away from the areas wherein the other Four Dominions had first made their appearance. So here then we have identified the Beast that was to come forth out of the earth: the United States of America, which established itself on the newly, relatively unpopulated areas of the Northern American Continent, mainly through the means of immigration.

Figure 17: United States territorial expansion map. By 1870; most but not all of the states were organized.. Source:


The growth of the United States began in the East where the immigrants arrived, but it did not take long before the immigrants moved westwards and the authorities bought, took and occupied between the 18th and beginning of the 20th Centuries all the land in between the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. At the beginning of the 20th Century, the formation of this newly established nation of the United States was more or less complete. B. Two Types of Governmental authorities in the yet young and newly established Nation. “And he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon’ (verse 11). Simply said, without going into great details here (for it not our purpose now to give an exposition on the 13th Chapter of Revelation), the Beast had two horns, or two ‘powers’ like a ‘young sheep’. The two powers seem to refer to the particular political organization of the United States, which is mainly divided into the Republican and Democratic camps. This characteristic would immediately exclude the other newly formed nations in the Southern American Continent. The horns yet being like a ‘young sheep’, or a ‘lamb’, seem to signify that during this time there was to arise a new and young power, which could not arise in the very old and established areas of Europe or the Middle East. The horns of the youthful lamb were to arise in what has become known as the ‘new world’ of the Americas, as opposite of the old world in Europe. Some authors suggest that the word ‘lamb’ refers to the fact that the new nation was to give the impression of being an innocent, ‘Christian’ like nation, but in reality spoke like a ‘Dragon’. The Dragon is always somehow associated with the power of Satan. This would mean that the United States was to ‘speak’ not in a godly, Christian way but in the power and ways of Satan. We all know that the U.S.A is not a Christian nation, though it claims to be one. Enough to mention here that we of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries declare the United States to be a ‘kingdom of this world’ which is ruled and governed by the powers and principalities of Darkness, Satan being at the Head thereof. We can be assured that the U.S.A. is not a nation that is governed by Jesus Christ! Has there ever been a whole nation that is under the authority and governing Spirit of Jesus Christ? The Lord Jesus rules in the hearts of His People, the Church and not in the nations full with wicked men and women. Nevertheless, the Lord is Lord of All, even over the Powers of Darkness, and when He returns, the nation or dominion of the United States shall be no more. C. Time of its Appearance and Establishment as an Independent Nation: Revelation chapter 13 seems to suggest that this Second Beast was to arise after the First Beast had completed its ‘1260 years’ of dominion (verse 5). We have seen, and will yet see in more details later on when we speak about the Vials, that the Temporal Papal Roman Dominion began to come to an end during the middle of the 18th Century, just when this new dominion of the United States declared itself independent in the year 1776. At the time when the Roman Papacy was dethroned from its Temporal Powers in the year 1870 (see Fifth Vial), the United States had almost completed its annexation and organization of the Western Territories. We can perhaps say that the complete forming of the United States was not finished until the beginning of the 20th Century, when the last State was United with the rest. At that time though, the United States could not yet be considered as a world dominion or power. It was to ‘exercise all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed’ (Revelation 13:12). The Beast of the United States was to have power and influence during a time when the ‘deadly wound’ of the first beast ‘was healed’. This ‘deadly wound’ which the Roman Catholic Church received at the time of the 16th Century Protestant Reformation onwards, can be said to have begun to be healed in a special and accelerated way when the ecumenical movement began to take on serious forms at the 41

beginning of the 20th century, but especially since the middle of that century. The United States, generally, speaking kept itself in an isolated position from the rest of the world until they were drawn into World War II. It is only after this Second World War that the United States put herself forward as a major world dominion with whom other nations had to increasingly deal with. Now, in our time of the beginning of the 21st century, we all know and see how the United States is a major World Dominion whose influence, might and power in the spheres of economy, technology, science, politics and religion, can be felt in all the corners of the earth. D. The Spiritual Influence of the United States of America. After having settled the identity of the Second Beast, we have now arrived at the most important, but also most difficult and complicated aspect of this Second Beast, and that is the spiritual influence it would have over the souls of multitudes (verses 12-18). Many true Christians found refuge in the New States of America during the 17th Century onwards and many true Churches of Christ have been established in that country since then. Yet, it is written in this part of the Book of Revelation that this Second Beast was to ‘cause the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed’ (verse 12). In other words, the United States, and the Churches that would be established therein, would at one time begin to function in such a way so that many souls would somehow associate and unite themselves with the First Beast of Roman Catholicism. How could this be? Further it says in verse 14 that it would teach the people to ‘make an image to the beast’, that is, the First Beast. How was this to be? Then it goes on in verse 16, saying that this Second Beast would “cause all to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” How was this to come to pass? The spiritual influence that would come out of this newly established country would in the end be so devastating, corrupt, Satanic and disastrous that the Lord warns in chapter 14:9-11: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Or, with other words, the United States of America, and its Apostate Church therein, would develop in such a way that it was to become part of ‘Babylon the Great’ which is yet to receive the maxim of God’s Wrath when the Seventh Vial is poured out. Somehow, in some ways, by some means, the Church, or rather the Apostate Church(es) in America would cause the Christians world-wide to associate and connect themselves with the Satanic Church of Rome, the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. Why do we choose to give so much attention to this American Beast of Revelation 13? Christians need to understand the nature, identity and spiritual activities of this Second Beast because of her intimate relation with ‘Babylon the Great’ who, during the outpouring of the Seventh Vial (which is the primary subject of this writing), ‘came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath’ (Revelation 16:19). The Christians need to understand who or what exactly will be the receivers of this maxim of God’s wrath and why. We as Christians ought to have knowledge of how to avoid this “Great Babylonian religious City” so that we will not become “partakers of her sins”, and, “receive not of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4) which are yet to come to her!


How do you keep yourself from worshipping the ‘Beast and his Image’ if you do not know who or what the Beast and his Image is? How do you avoid the ‘mark, name, number or image’ of the beast, if you do not know what they are referring to? How do you stay away from ‘Great Babylon’ if you have no knowledge of the place and characteristics of that City? Now you can understand clearly why the Word says in Revelation 1:3: “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the word of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand”. The time is at hand, we would add here, the time is at hand for the release of the contents of the Seventh Vial on the earth. It is therefore of the utmost importance that every true Christian knows how to avoid becoming a victim of the judgements of the Seventh Vial by learning about the identity of ‘Great Babylon’ who after all will be the main target of the final judgments of God! O, how deeply tragic it is that the leaders of the Church have ceased to teach about the dangers of the Church of Rome, for where do we begin? The story and history of the Roman Catholic Church and all the damage the Spirit of Rome has done, is almost indescribable! Thousands of volumes could be written about Mystery Babylon the Great, the Great Antichristian Church that began to arise on the earth in the 4-6th. Centuries A.D. Many pages need to be written to teach the ignorant reader of the spiritual menaces that have come from Rome which are presently holding the Church in ‘Babylonian Captivity’! Yet, we do not have here the time, space or intention to write extensively about the Antichristian dominion of Papal Rome for this is reserved for another writing. We refer the interested reader who desires to learn much more about Great Babylon to the recommended list of books in appendix 2 or other writings on this subject by the Watchmen of the Night Ministries. As we have said before, Babylon the Great, or Great Babylon, is, in the broadest sense of the word, that form of Christianity, or that so-called “Christian” religious system which, in the Name of Jesus Christ, is rebellious against God, independent from God and totally deviating from the Truth in word and deed by extracting from, adding to or changing the Word of God. Babylon is not just any non-Christian religion of which there are many, but refers to Apostate Christianity. Babylon is a False Church, which is not the Church of Christ, but the Church of Antichrist. Most of the visible, established Churches in the United States of America have in more or lesser degrees become part of the extended borders of Great Babylon. There must be many true Christian individuals in the United States, scattered over the different territories, who are truly loving their Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord knows the hearts of men. When we speak here about Babylon, we do not refer to these Christian individuals who love the Lord Jesus and decided to have nothing to do with Babylon. When we speak about Babylon, we speak about those visible, established Christian Churches who in one way or another have taken upon themselves the Babylonian spirit. What is the Babylonian spirit? It is a spirit of error, idolatry (spiritual whoredoms) and other abominations. Error, for it has deviated from the Word of God and the simplicity, which is in Christ Jesus. Idolatry, for it has put man, and man’s systems and worldly desires above and before the Lord Jesus Christ. Spiritual abominations, for the Babylonian religious system is generally guilty of all kinds of other sins that are not mentioned in the first two. All these things are done in the Name of Jesus Christ. The Babylonian religion is not exercised in the name of Allah, Buddha, Confucius or some other god, but the main characteristic of the ‘City of Babylon’ is that she calls herself by the Name of the Lord God of Israel, even the Lord Jesus Christ! This is the main reason why Babylon is so abominable in the eyes of the Lord and why she must be more severely judged than any other system on the earth, for Babylon calls herself by the Holy Name of God, but in reality she joins herself to idols (whether idols of the flesh, the world or Satan). With our limited knowledge (may the Lord grant us more insight and firsthand knowledge as the years go by!), we of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries know of at least 11 spiritual 43

abominations whereof the nation of the United States and/or the Churches therein have made themselves guilty of: 1. 2.

The United States has been the birthplace of many Occults and Cults. The United States claims to be a Christian nation, but acts as a Satanic political-religious nation. 3. The Church in the United States has been the main architect and distributor of the socalled “Prosperity Doctrine”. 4. The Church in the United States has contributed greatly towards the ecumenical movement which is going Rome-ward. 5. The Church in the United States has been the major producer and distributor of the false prophetic teachings of Futurism. 6. The Church in the United States has been the major instigator and spreader of a false gospel, which is not the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. 7. The Church in the United States has brought into being a false, deceptive counterfeit movement of the ‘Holy Spirit’, which is not the Holy Spirit, but the work of the powers of darkness. She has been the major distributor of the False ‘Anointing’, or Strange ‘Fire’, or Counterfeit ‘Latter Rain Movement’, which has been spreading all over the world. 8. The Church in the United States has made a direct image of Rome, in its Worship, Teachings, Practices, Church Organization and Ministration. 9. The Church in the United States has caused the Church to become a politically involved and related institution. 10. The Church in the United States has caused the Church to become a ‘closed-circuit’ system wherein only those who are part of the established system will become accepted. 11. The Church in the United States has caused many souls to receive the Mark, Name, Number and/or Image of the First Beast (which is the Roman Catholic Church). Let us now very briefly elaborate on some of these spiritual abominations, which we have put forward. AD. 1: THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN THE BIRTHPLACE OF MANY OCCULTS AND CULTS. You name a cult, and the chances of it having been birthed somewhere in the United States of America are very high. Some authors have even called the United States as ‘The Kingdom of the Cults’! The Jehovah’s Witnesses, established by C.T. Russell, born in the United States. The Mormons, established by Joseph Smith, the ‘prophet’, born in the United States. Christian Science, established by Mary Ann Morse Baker, or Mary Baker Eddy, “Mother”, and “Leader” and “Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science”, born in the United States. These cults are but a few examples of the many that have found their birth ground within the soil of the United States. The modern, so-called Charismatic/Pentecostal Churches of America, sometimes known by the ‘Word of Faith’ movement, which is that prosperity-seeking, world-loving, false miracle performing and utterly compromising “Church”, is also to be headed under the “Kingdom of the Cults”. Think of the ‘big names’ like Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Robert Tilton, T.L. Osborne, Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, and many more. These have propagated a gospel in the Name of Jesus Christ, which is not the gospel, but a prosperity and material-blessing seeking, and power hungry religion, in the Name of Jesus Christ! The Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) is one of its major channels of dissemination.


AD 2: THE UNITED STATES CLAIMS TO BE A CHRISTIAN NATION, BUT ACTS AS A SATANIC POLITICAL-RELIGIOUS NATION. When the Puritan ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ settled themselves on the shores of the East Coast of the United States, it can be said that the Christian principle was present in the United States from the beginning. Yet, such a saying is not without its problems, for we know from history that not all ‘puritans’ were without blame, for many of them were guilty of taking away the liberty of conscience from other Christians who desired to go further with the Lord in Restoration Truths. Also, not all immigrants of course were Christians. All kinds of people entered upon that land of ‘liberty’ and this liberty in worldly terms does not necessarily mean the liberty of the Spirit of Christ! We also read that it did not take long for ‘Freemasonry’ to establish itself solidly amongst this new opportune situation in the New World. Many American presidents were Freemasons. It is almost superfluous to tell the reader that the authorities of the Church of Rome did not lag behind in sending as many ambassadors, servants and citizens of the Roman Papal Dominions (including the Jesuits) to sow and harvest as many new souls unto the Roman Church as possible. Presently the United States knows millions of Roman Catholics and can be considered as one of the most powerful Catholic governed nations in the world! Therefore, although the United States might have been guided and formed along some Christian principles, and not for example along Islamic, Buddhistic or Hinduistic values, yet we never can call this nation of America a Christian nation! This is simply not Biblical and the United States as a whole has not lived up to the Godly standards, which are laid down in the Word of God! The present President of the United States, George W. Bush, claims to be a ‘born again’ believer and apparently visits a Church every Sunday. He also receives official counsel from some great names in the Christian Evangelical Circles, yet we ask: Is President Bush obeying the Word of God? What does the Word say about Christians and the Sword of Physical Aggression and War? “Put thy sword in thy sheath”…. (John 18:11). “He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword” (Revevelation 13:10). “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). President Bush is not a Christian, but is a member of that great Babylonian City, which uses the Name of Christ for its own ends and gain. The United States is a political-religious dominion, just as the Papal Roman Dominion was and still is. The United States very much mingles the Church affairs with the State, and many of the Churches, especially the very wealthy and powerful ones, mingle themselves with politics. This, Biblically speaking, ought not to be so. “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's” (Matthew 22:21). AD. 3: THE CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN THE MAIN ARCHITECT AND DISTRIBUTOR OF THE SO-CALLED PROSPERITY DOCTRINE We can hardly think of a more evil and deceptive teaching than the so-called ‘prosperitydoctrine’, which translates all of God’s “blessings” and “prosperity” into worldly, physical and temporal entities. This doctrine has placed a Monstrous Idol in the Church of God, which idol is: money, wealth, pleasure, luxury, comfort and earthly treasures. The minds of so many Christians have been defiled by this idolatrous teaching and we personally have met multitudes of Christians who now seem to believe that first the kingdom of this world should be sought, and then the Kingdom of God will be added unto you, later. They mainly seek the treasures and pleasures on this earth, and the place of heavenly matters has become secondary in their lives. They have altered the Word in Colossians 3:2 into: “Set your affection on things on the earth, not on things above”, and still believe that they are pleasing God!


This intrinsically evil teaching has done immeasurable damage to the Church of God! Where is the love of Jesus Christ in such teaching? For is it not written in 1 John 2:15-16: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” Is not the love of luxury, wealth, riches, prestige and comfort, part of this world? Does not the Lord condemn such an attitude of worldliness? “But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness…” (1 Timothy 6:9-11). Why then do these Christian teachers, preachers and other leaders spread such harmful teaching? The answer is simple: it is part of Babylon! Babylon teaches the prosperity doctrine, but the Church of Jesus Christ teaches the love of Him Who bought us with the price of His precious Blood, so that we henceforth should not serve self, but Him Who bought us with incorruptible things! (See 2 Corinthians 5:18; 1 Corinthians 6:20; 1 Peter 1:18-19). Dear Christian reader, do not deceive yourself in this matter: the Word of God is so clear: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and then the other things that you need (need! Not want!) shall be added unto you…. (See Matthew 6:25-34). “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:18). “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). If you who call yourself a Christian have set your mind and affections on the things of this earth, you are deceiving yourself in believing that the Lord is well pleased with you! If you attend a Christian Meeting wherein money, prosperity, riches and other earthly matters are receiving the centre of attention, you can be assured that you have entered in one of the extended arms of Great Babylon. Have you gone to a Christian Assembly where their meeting building is like a palace, and their chairs like royal thrones; where their lights are like chandeliers and the men and women dress up like unto those that are on their way to a glamorous gala party? Be assured that the Babylonian spirit is present and that in that place of Babel, the Cross of Christ has ceased to be preached! When Preachers open their mouths and speak about money, business, expansion of the Church building and how much more money they need for such and such great and wonderful projects, be assured that Babylon has come to collect “your money” - nay, the money which belongs to the Lord (for all things ought to be laid down on the altar of sacrifice)! When the voices entice you, in saying that you will be mightily blessed financially, even a hundredfold, when you give so and so much to such and such, be assured that it is not the Lord but Satan who will ‘bless’ you with many more of his entrapments! Be careful, even the very poorest of Churches and Christians in this world can be entrapped in this great deception of prosperity seeking, for we have met many such poor ones who only come to Jesus in the hope He will take them out of physical poverty. Where was this Satanic Lie of Material Prosperity Seeking birthed? It has been concocted and spread all over the world by the Churches and the ministers thereof in the United States of America! For this reason only the Lord has to judge and make an end to that Great Babylonian City which has become a religious world trade centre of both souls and worldly goods! AD. 4: THE CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES HAS CONTRIBUTED GREATLY TOWARDS THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT WHICH IS GOING ROMEWARD


The modern Christian ‘Evangelical’ preachers, especially in the United States have for quite some years now seen nothing wrong with the Church of Rome. Spiritual blindness has overtaken those men and women who say that the Church of Rome is just another part of the Body of Christ. Shall God join Himself to a Harlot? The Roman Catholic Church is the unfaithful, spiritual adulterous Woman of Revelation 17. She is the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth. She is full with idols and ceases not to blaspheme. Not Christ, but the Pope is the head of the Church, and Mary assisted Christ in the plan of salvation! Will you now also pray for and to the dead? Will you invoke the blessings and favours from the ‘saints and sages’ of the past? Will you light up the Babylonian candles and sticks of incense to the Roman pantheon? Will you bow down and kiss the feet of the “Lord of lords, and King of kings” as the Pope has been called by multitudes of adoring worshippers, before the throne of his seat in St. Peters, Rome? Will you join them in literally swallowing the Body of Christ and gulping the sacred precious Blood of Jesus as the priests of Rome do drink? Will you accompany them in their good works of making pilgrimages to the shrines and relics of the countless ‘saints’? Will you struggle with them to go up the stairs of “Holy Stairway” (“Scala Sancta”) in Rome and in doing so earn your ‘merits’ in heaven? Will you once in the 25 years take sides with the thousands of bodies that squeeze themselves through the ‘holy door’ of mercy and absolution in Rome, to receive forgiveness of your sins? Will you give your money to the Church of Rome so that she can save a beloved, but dead friend or relative of yours from having to spend thousands, even millions of years in purgatory? Will you ally yourself with the Church of Rome and trust the Pope for the salvation of your soul? Any serious minded Christian should be able to see that the Church of Rome was, is and always will be an idolatrous and abominable Apostate Church, which is not the Church of Christ but the ‘synagogue of Satan’ (Revelation 2-3). If this is so, why is it that so many Christians, both those who are in a place of authority as well as the ones who are not, believe and teach that the Church of Rome is part of the Body of Christ? This teaching is a Babylonian Teaching which attempts to bring the Protestant fold back to the Mother from which it broke away in the 16th Century. When a Christian takes the path of compromise, the gulf between truth and error becomes smaller and smaller still. When the Church does not stand and operate on the Word of God any longer, she can easily associate herself with a Religious institute, which has ceased to take the Word of God seriously at all! The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of Satan, and yet, the modern ‘tolerant’ Church is quite willing to seek some dialogue and union with that abominable, idolatrous system! The ecumenical movement, which seeks to unify all Churches, including the Roman Church, into One Body, can only be compared with the Israelites who intermarried with the idolatrous Canaanites of the land which they were supposed to conquer and cast out of their sight so they could inherit the land which was promised to their father Abraham. If the Church or a Christian seeks a place in the corridors of Rome, she will lose her inheritance in the Kingdom of God! The Word of God declares plainly that they who are involved in idolatry, which is only one of the ‘works of the flesh’, shall not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21)! The Lord will not tolerate idolatry in the camp! Many Churches and their leaders in the United States are supportive of this ecumenical movement and are doing their best to bring this unholy union to fruition. The well-known names like Robert Schuller, Benny Hinn, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell and many (if not most) of the ‘Protestant’ Bible schools or colleges and the adherents of the Charismatic ‘Word of Faith’ Movement, including the well known American worldwide network of Trinity Broadcasting Centre, are all willing instruments in Satan’s hands to execute his plans and purposes in this matter of the ecumenical movement. The ecumenical movement is by its nature of work extending the streets and highways of that Great City of Babylon. Wherever and whenever a union with Rome is sought, the Babylonian spirit will be present.


AD 5: THE CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN THE MAJOR PRODUCER AND DISTRIBUTOR OF THE FALSE PROPHETIC TEACHINGS OF FUTURISM. The Christians of today do not know that they are believing a teaching on Bible prophecy and End-Times which some 150 years ago and in the centuries before would have been considered as heretic and blasphemous (!) by the Christian names like Martin Luther, John Knox, Isaac Newton, Jonathan Edwards, E.B. Elliott, J.A. Wylie, Alexander Hislop, Finney, Moody, Hudson Taylor, Grattan Guinness, Charles Spurgeon, the John and Charles Wesley, Dr. Martin Loyd Jones, and so many more, who all believed and preached that the Papal Roman Church was the Great Antichristian ‘Whore’ of the Scriptures and that there was no other Antichrist to come for he had already come and had already been there amidst the ‘Temple of God’, which is the Church of the Living God, for many centuries! The Futuristic School of Interpretation teaches, briefly, that the Antichrist, the Two Witnesses and a time of ‘Tribulation’ are yet to come. Antichrist will be one man, who will come from a united Europe, existing out of ten nations and this Antichrist will rebuild the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem where he will sit and proclaim himself as god. He will be the one who in some way or another (the Futurists do not agree about the details) cause the Christians and other people to receive the Mark of the Beast, so that they will not be able to do business or trade any longer. Where did this, we must say, outrageous teaching come from? The Church of Rome! Why? Because the Church of Rome had to come up with a teaching which would counterattack this knowledge of the Christians that the Roman Catholic Church perfectly fits the description of the Antichristian power that would come on the Earth! The Christians of many centuries, even the Waldensians of the early Middle Ages, knew that this great blasphemous and persecuting power of Papal Rome was the Antichrist, so Rome had to bring into the world a teaching which would demonstrate from the Scriptures that Antichrist is yet to come! This is exactly what happened just after the 16th Century Reformation, for at the end of that century the Roman Catholic Jesuit priest Ribera and Cardinal Bellarmine, by orders of Rome, had finished a very clever, but misconstrued prophetic theory which claims that Antichrist was yet to come. The Roman Catholic Church could go free, for the Antichrist was yet to come, in the future, just prior the Lord’s return. This was the true time and place of birth of the Futuristic Teaching which at the present time, amazingly enough, is believed by, we would say, about more than 98% of the whole of Christianity!! How did this false teaching become the accepted truth by the majority of Christendom in our time? Satan has had great success in spreading this great deception in latter times when a man by the name of Lacunza, another Jesuit, continued with the prophetic theory of Ribera and Bellarmine, and published in 1791 a book in Spanish called (translated) “The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty.” This work was published in 4 volumes under a falsely named authorship one “Juan Josafat Ben Ezra” (a supposedly converted Jew). This book found its way into the great library of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Later in 1826 Dr. S.R. Maitland, the librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury, published the first of his booklets on prophecy, based upon the work of Lacunza which he had found in the in the Archbishop of Canterbury’s library where he worked. Maitland's book, together with another book by one Mr. Burgh, taken from the same source, advocated that the Antichrist, Tribulation and the Two Witnesses were yet in the future. Later, important prophetic conferences were held at Powerscourt Mansion in Ireland in 1837. There were two men in particular to consider; both of which were to greatly influence prophetic interpretation in the future. They were Edward Irving and John Nelson Darby. It is a remarkable fact that Irving was to give to the Christian world an English edition of Lacunza’s Spanish work. It is a long story which regrettably we cannot go into here, but by 1833 as a direct result of the collective endeavours of Maitland, Burgh, Irving and Darby and two other people, a Miss Margaret MacDonald and a Robert Norton, Futurism was everywhere to be heard and taught. The basis of that false Futuristic teaching was (and still is) that 48

most of the Reformers had been wrong in declaring that the Church of Rome was and is the Antichrist system, for the appearance of Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, the Two Witnesses and what came to be known as the Secret Rapture theory were all yet in the future, according to their teachings. Still later, after this lie of Futurism had become well established in the hearts and minds of millions of very sincere British and American Christians by the Tractarian Movement (otherwise known as the Oxford Movement), the Catholic Apostolic Movement and by Darby’s 6 visits to America between 1870 and 1874, we see the appearance of the Schofield Reference Bible in 1910 and “The Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth Ever Written” (it should have been called the greatest book of “Lies” ever written) written by Clarence Larkin in 1918. Still later, during the whole of the 20th Century, this Roman prophetic teaching continued to spread itself throughout the congregations of the whole world by means of films, many more books, teaching materials for the protestant colleges, schools and institutions, sending out of preachers and teachers, and last but not least, by the modern media of the radio, television broadcasting and the internet. Through this continuous and persistent work of Satan, the Christian world has been swamped with this lie in such a manner and at such a speed, that the true prophetic teachings can hardly be found anymore in our time, unless you go back in time and pick up the books that were written by previous Christian writers.5 The Church could not handle the avalanche of lies that came over her, and therefore the whole of modern Christendom (few excepted) is presently buried under a mountain of this Satanic, Deceptive lie of Futurism. So when the reader buys and reads a book by, for example Hal Lindsay, Walvoort, or Tim LaHaye or other Futuristic authors, realize where the basis and foundation of their teaching material has originated from, namely from the whorish and idolatrous heart of the Church of Rome! Be hereby warned. There are several major spiritual dangers connected with the Futuristic Teaching, which now have been generally accepted as standard truth by most Christians of our time. First of all Futurism denies that the Church of Rome is the great Antichristian Dominion which would arise on the earth, while the Word of God makes it abundantly clear that this is a Divine Truth. Futurism makes the truth of God into a lie, and more or less says to those faithful souls who were willing to die for the sake of the truth and the gospel in times past, that their sufferings and labours were in vain! The Christians of bygone centuries were willing to die for their belief that they should have nothing to do with the Church of Rome lest they lose their salvation. Are you willing to die for your belief in the Futuristic Teaching? Futurism tramples upon the blood of the martyrs, whose deaths are precious in the eyes of the Lord! Secondly, Futurism is a Lie from the Roman Catholic Church, and the Lord does not want you to have anything to do with that Idolatrous Dominion, lest ye be partakers of her sins, and receive of the plagues that will come to her soon. Thirdly, the Futuristic teaching, which says that Antichrist is yet to come, robs the Christian of the spiritual weapons that the Lord has given us in His Word, which is the weapon of truth about the identity of Antichrist. If a Christian is ignorant about the Antichrist, Great Babylon, and the ‘Mark, Name, Number and Image’ it would produce, how can the Christian soldier defend and him or herself, let alone spiritually attack the unwanted foe? Fourthly, Futurism does not prepare the Christian for the time to come. The keys to understanding the Prophetic utterances in for example the Book of Revelation have been lost by the false interpretations of Futuristic teachers. Christians nowadays have no true, Scriptural 5

It is interesting to note that Elliott states in his voluminous book ‘Horae Apocalyptica’ (which is a commentary on the Book of Revelation, written in the middle of the 19th century), that one of the major reasons for writing such a book was to counterattack the false Futuristic teachings that began to spread in his country of England at the beginning of the 19th Century!


knowledge of the time we are living in because they do not know how to watch the Divine Clock that has been ticking in a very orderly and systematic way for many centuries. The Book of Revelation reveals to us the time on God’s Divine Clock, but since Futurism claims that most of the Book of Revelation is still awaiting fulfilment, this art of carefully watching the signs of the prophetic times has been lost to the Church. Further, many (but not all) teachers of Futurism speak about the Secret Rapture which (supposedly) will catch the Church away before ‘trouble’ befalls the inhabitants of the earth! This is a massive and very dangerous falsity, for we know for sure from the Word of God that the Christian will have to go through some terribly difficult times soon, and here are these false prophets prophesying ‘peace, peace’, while sudden destruction is just lying around the corner! We of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries declare unequivocally unto you that you, dear Christian, are about to enter into a very fiery time of great difficulties which will try your faith to the uttermost. THERE WILL BE NO SECRET RAPTURE! It is written that while the Lord is descending to the earth, we of the saints who are alive and remain [survive] are to be caught up in the air, together with those saints who have died in the Lord during bygone ages. This ‘catching up’ (what some have called “the rapture”, but that word is not in the Bible) is to happen at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ but His coming will not be before the contents of the Seventh Vial have been poured out on the earth! As you will learn from this writing, the events that will transpire on the earth during the time of the Seventh Vial will be horrendous, and the Christian is to go right through them. One of the major purposes of this writing is to instil within you the knowledge and understanding of where we are in God’s Great Divine program, what according to the Scriptures is yet awaiting you before the Lord will return to the earth and how to spiritually prepare for such dramatic times of trial. This book therefore becomes a challenge to the Lie of Futurism and a plead with the Christian reader who loves the Lord and his/her own soul, to re-examine the claims and teachings of this Futuristic School of Interpretation. The Churches in the United States have been the major distributor of this Futuristic teaching during the course of the 20th Century and we know of the outcome, namely that well-nigh all Christians of our time are now being terribly deceived by this Roman lie!

7. THE CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES HAS BROUGHT INTO BEING A FALSE, DECEPTIVE COUNTERFEIT MOVEMENT OF THE ‘HOLY SPIRIT’, WHICH IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT, BUT THE WORK OF THE POWERS OF DARKNESS. SHE HAS BEEN THE MAJOR DISTRIBUTOR OF THE ‘FALSE ANOINTING’, OR ‘STRANGE FIRE’, OR ‘COUNTERFEIT LATTER RAIN’, WHICH HAS BEEN SPREADING ALL OVER THE WORLD. The promised “Latter Rain” (James 5:7 and other Scriptures) is yet to fall upon the Church. Will this Divine Visitation of the Spirit fall upon a worldly, lukewarm, sinful and idolatrous Church? Does the Scripture not say: Jeremiah 5: 24:25: “Neither say they in their heart, Let us now fear the LORD our God, that giveth rain, both the former and the latter, in his season: he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest. 25 Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you” Jeremiah 3:3: “Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed.” Will the Lord Rain on a Church who is in love with the world and a Church who seeks union and dialogue with the idols of Rome? Yet, many modern Churches especially in the United States claim that the Lord is mightily visiting them with a heavy down pouring of this Latter Rain. A visitation of God should deal 50

dramatically with pride, arrogance and all the other vices of men, which are so rampant in the modern Church. Where is the fruit of the Latter Rain, for we only see more flesh, human programs, building projects and plenty of pride, arrogance and worldliness in those that claim to be vessels in the Lord’s Hand for the outpouring of His Spirit. Should such a visitation not bring a mighty repentance to the Church of God for ever having allowed the spirit of Babylon to come in? Should they not turn from their worldliness and self-seeking? Should they not cut all ties with idolatrous Roman Catholicism? Should they not collapse in tears, crying out to the Lord: “What would You have me to do?” No, the so-called modern outpourings of the ‘Latter Rain’ do not bring forth such fruit. These instigators of such spiritual movements are playing with fire, which is not of God. They are victims of Satan’s power and wonder workings, and know it not. “And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” (Revelation 13:13). This Second Beast was to bring this fire to the earth, thereby deceiving many. The United States has been a hotbed of such manifestations of strange fire wherein people roll over the ground, and bark like dogs, or ‘vomit in the spirit’ or slither over the ground like snakes and call that the presence of the Lord! By their fruits ye shall know them, not by their strange, uncontrollable actions. The Christians of today are in need of discernment to judge the spirits, whether they are of a Godly or Satanic source. The Christians should be aware that not all things supernatural are of God! This ‘strange fire and wonderworking’ of the Second Beast of the United States has found its way all over the world! We personally have seen this manifestation of ‘strange fire’ from the utmost parts of New Zealand, to the Island of Britain, to the small villages in India!

AD 8. THE CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES HAS MADE A DIRECT IMAGE OF ROME, IN ITS WORSHIP, TEACHINGS, PRACTICES, CHURCH ORGANIZATION AND MINISTRATIONS. Revelation 13:14-15: “And [The Two-Horned Beast] deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. 15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” And, remember, “causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed” (verse 12). The ‘Second Beast’ was to extend the borders of Babylon, by making an “Image” to the Beast of Rome, so that the worshippers indirectly would be worshipping the First Beast of Rome. An image is a ‘look alike’; an image of Rome would be a system of religion, which would be a likeness of the Church of Rome in its worship, doctrines and practices. The Image would resemble the characteristics of the Antichristian First Beast, which would mean that the Image too should speak and teach blasphemous and boastful things and that the image too should change the ‘laws’ of God and that somehow they should enter into some kind of persecution of the true saints. The 16th Century Reformation was a Divine Intervention in an attempt to bring the Church back to restoration truths and New Testament patterns, yet we all know that the Reformed Churches that came into being soon came to a grinding halt when they refused to go on with God in seeking greater spiritual heights. When a Church stands still spiritually, it will soon stamp in its own muddy soil of rigidness, legalism and stiff formalism wherein the liberty of the Spirit has long gone. Many of the reformed Churches sadly did not cast off many Romish doctrines and practices and unfortunately remained therefore in great bondage.


The Image of Rome that has been set up by the Churches in the U.S. is a religious Christian system wherein many of the basic teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church have taken over. Which ones? This is not easy to explain in written words, but we will do our best here to demonstrate to you here in a short form how the Churches in the United States are very much operating in the ways and manner of Papal Rome. Firstly, many Churches in the U.S. are preaching a false gospel, which is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. They, like the Church of Rome, still use and name the Name of Jesus Christ in their messages, but do not speak the Word of God faithfully but deceitfully, to gain great numbers of men for their own praise, honour and power. The preaching of the Cross of Christ, and how a Christian should die to self, in denying self and taking up the Cross daily is not heard anymore for this would be too offensive and would consequently touch the pockets of the Church (for they all teach tithing). The modern, sleek and comfortable Church of this type would never preach to the congregation how they should ‘lay their lives down as a living sacrifice’ (Romans 12:1) so that they may follow the Master in His footsteps, in ‘doing the Will of the Father’. Holiness preaching is too offensive and put to the background. This ‘Image’ of Rome that has been set up therefore claims to preach and live salvation, but in reality teaches death and does so in the Name in the Name of Jesus Christ, just like the Roman Catholic Church! Secondly, the organized Church meetings on Sunday mornings (or other days) and their forms of worship, have very much become the same as the set up by the Roman Church. How? Because within the modern Church there is no presence or liberty of the Holy Spirit at all. Man has taken control and man has become the “lord over the church”. The meeting of the brethren goes by the programs and the clock that men have set up. There is no freedom or liberty for the Spirit to do anything for from the beginning to the end of the meeting, men have made sure that every minute is planned. Further there is usually a ‘one man’ ministry, just like in the Church of Rome, instead of the functioning of the five fold ministries as laid down in the Scripture of Ephesians Chapter 4. Then, giving money (tithing and ‘free will’ offerings) have become part of the salvation plan; if you do not give money, the Lord will not bless you, just like in the Church of Rome. There has grown a great gap between the ‘clergy’ and the ‘laity’, just like in the Church of Rome, where some of the big names in evangelical circles are almost feared, obeyed and adored beyond the limits, just like in the Church of Rome. These Image builders have become materially very wealthy, just like the Roman Church. Some of the leaders of these Images are even wearing the long gowns when they do service, just like the priests, bishops and cardinals of Rome. We have been shocked to see so-called ministers of Pentecostal Churches coming to the meetings in long robes. Then there is this uncanny, subtle impression living amongst multitudes of Christians that the mere action of walking to a Church building on Sunday and becoming partakers of that service, will assure you the desired eternal salvation, just like Rome who teaches that through certain works and through becoming part of the Roman Church, your soul will be assured forever. For this reason, many Christians do not take their Christianity further then the pews on Sunday Morning. Some believe that their involvement in Bible reading, prayer and Church activities, will make them very acceptable Christians, well-pleasing in the sight of God, but have no basic knowledge about the requirements of a Christian with regard to the Life in the Spirit as opposed to the life in the flesh. Such trust in their works of course comes again from Rome! The discerning eyes will see how many of the apostate Protestant teachings and actions coincide with those of the Roman Church! Thirdly the apostate Protestant Church in the U.S. brazenly teaches that the Church of Rome is part of the Body of Christ, and are deeply involved in the ecumenical movement, as spoken of before. The preachers of such apostasy more or less proclaim that it does not really matter where the Christian worships or what ‘denomination’ the Christian belongs to, for we are all one in the Body of Christ and all worship the same God! Truth and standards matter no more. There is no 52

absolute Truth any longer. We might as well tear about 90% out of the Bible, seeing the Truth of God’s Word matters no more…….! Fourthly, many Churches, especially the big and wealthy ones, and their leaders, are deeply involved in the high echelons of American politics and businesses, just like the Church of Rome! Behind the political and economical scenes of the U.S., there lies much religious power of both Rome and this Apostate form of Protestantism, which has made an ‘Image’ to the Church of Rome. The United States and its Apostate Church has become a ‘religious-political’ dominion, wherein a lot of the wealth and power comes from the corridors of the apostate Protestant Christian religion, just like in the Papal Dominion of Rome! Fifthly, this Image that the United States has set up, is such a well organized system of religion, that only those who are part of it, can be heard and seen to preach, teach or minister therein. When you do not belong to that Christian religious system, and ‘do not worship the image of the beast’, you will be “killed”, that is, put to silence (verse 15) “cast out of the synagogue” just like in the days of Christ. When you have not gone through their Bible Colleges and do not comply with their human wisdom and systems, the doors to their pulpits will be closed to you. You cannot ‘buy or sell’ spiritual commodities. (This buying and selling has nothing whatsoever to do with physical trading as the Futurist teachers proclaim, but is related to the giving and receiving of spiritual matters. Read and consider the following Scriptures: “Buy the truth and sell it not” (Proverbs 23:23), or when the Lord speaks to the Laodicean Church of our time: “Buy of Me gold tried in the fire” (Revelation 3:18) or Isaiah 55:1: “Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” This is what we believe verse 15 of Revelation 13 is speaking about; not a literal killing (and not a literal buying or selling) but a symbolic killing of the mouth and presence of a preacher who perhaps would rebuke this Babylonian set-up, with the purpose to have this apostate religious system carry on unchallenged and in peace, so they think. In this way has the Second Beast of the United States, extended the power and dominion of the First Beast of Papal Rome, thereby greatly enlarging the borders of the religious dominion of Great Babylon! The time will come when these First and Second Beasts of Papal Rome and Apostate Protestantism respectively, who together make up that Great Babylonian City, will be judged by God Himself, when He pours out the Seventh Vial and smites their foundations of money and power in such a manner that the whole of Babylon will fall and be no more!

AD 11: THE CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES HAS CAUSED MANY SOULS TO RECEIVE THE MARK, NAME, NUMBER AND/OR IMAGE OF THE FIRST BEAST (WHICH IS THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH). Through this processes of ‘Image Building’ and the ‘Ecumenical Movement’ which are at the present time striding along very fast and successfully, millions of those who call themselves by the Name of Jesus Christ will place themselves under the authority of the Spirit of Babylon by associating themselves with the Apostate Protestant system of the Second Beast and/or the First Beast of Papal Rome. When a soul gives his right-hand of fellowship to an apostate, Satanic system, he or she will spiritually speaking, receive the Mark, Name or the Number of that Beast System (Revelation 13:16-17). When you give your mind over to a Satanically inspired religious system, you fill your thoughts and ways of thinking with apostasy and lies. To receive something “in the right hand” or “in the forehead” (Revelation 13:16) from a Satanic source, is to associate yourself and compromise with the kingdom of Satan, upon which the Wrath of God will be kindled, which will


be “poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation” on those who worship the Beast and his Image and receive his Mark in his forehead or in his hand (see Revelation 14:9). The Redeemed of the earth have the Father’s Name written in their foreheads (Revelation 14:1) which is the Name of Jesus Christ. The ones who have apostatised from the truth, and associated themselves with Great Babylon, have the Name of Antichrist written in their foreheads. Compare Isaiah 44:5: “One shall say, I am the LORD’S; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand unto the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.” And 2 Chronicles 30:8: “Now be ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves unto the LORD, and enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever: and serve the LORD your God, that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you.” This “yielding yourselves” unto the Lord can be literally translated as “giving your hands” to the Lord! When you give your hand to the Lord, you will receive His seal or mark, but if you give your hand to this apostate Babylonian system, you will receive the seal or mark of Antichrist! When you yield to Christ, you become Christ-like, in words, manner and deeds, but when you yield to Antichrist, you become like him, in words, manners and deeds which are lying words, fleshly manners and abominable, idolatrous and wicked deeds! Without going here into full details about the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beast (for this is reserved for another writing on the Identity of Antichrist), sufficient to say that whosoever associates him or herself and agrees with, and becomes a partaker of, the Great Antichristian Babylonian dominion of Papal Rome or Apostate Protestantism, will have to bear the consequences of living and abiding under God’s Wrath which will be poured out when the time of the Seventh Angel with the Seventh Vial arrives! To be involved with this apostate Christian religious system will have eternal consequences, for the inhabitants of the dominion of the “Beast” will simply not enter into the Kingdom of God! (See Revelation 20:10; 21:8 and 22:15). Many Churches in the United States have caused multitudes of souls to become partakers of that Great Apostate Spiritual City called Babylon, who therefore will receive the Mark, Name and/or Number of the Beast. When Babylon falls, they will fall with her.

Figure 18: St. Peters and the Vatican in Rome; the Seat of the Beast. Source:



Second Beast U.S.A. Rev. 13:11-18 Mystery Babylon the Great Papal Roman Dominion/Roman Catholic Church Beast out of the Sea, Revelation 13:1-10 END 5th and 6th Centuries onwards

18th Century onwards

Figure 19: Extended Great Babylon: First and Second Beast of Revelation 13.

This then is the identity of the Second Beast and such are the characteristics and activities that this Second Beast of the Gentile Dominion of the United States would involve itself in. She is presently the most powerful nation in the whole world and the spiritual influences from the many Apostate Churches that are residing within her domain have spread to all the Christian congregations on this planet. We have given relatively much attention to this Two-Horned Second Beast because of the significant role “Great Babylon” will play during the outpouring of the Seventh Vial. We have not ignored the spiritual dangers of this Second Political-religious dominion, because we desire to see God’s people set free, spotless and without blemish when the Lord returns to the earth. We have not neglected to speak freely about this abominable system of Apostate Protestantism, for the Lord is calling His People out from Great Babylon, so that they will not be partakers with her sins, and receive not of her plagues which the Lord will give her, according to Revelation 18:4. Revelation 18 has not happened yet, for the events of this chapter are to take place under the Seventh Vial. The Tower of Babel appears to have much success but in all reality is nothing more than a tower of confusion that is doomed to destruction. When will the Lord open the two-leaved gates of Babylon, so that the Church of Christ can go to Zion, to worship the Lord in liberty and truth? Or is the question rather, when will you stir yourself up to cast away the Babylonian garments, and allow yourself to be clothed with only the garments of righteousness and holiness which are in Christ Jesus? In other words, beloved of the Lord, when will you examine your spiritual life and come forth out of Babylon, so that you can spiritually go forth and meet the Lord in Zion? Babylon is the Church of Satan, and the Lord has no dealings with the people of Satan. “Come out, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord” (2 Corinthians 6:17-18).


After having explained how the dominions of Pagan Rome, Papal Rome, and the Apostate Protestant Dominion of the U.S.A. are revealed in the Book of Revelation, we now continue to explain the fourth great Gentile Dominion that was to make its appearance on the earth to be a great adversary to God’s People. We speak of the Dominion of Islam.

Ad. 4 The Islamic Dominion; The False Prophet We do not need to be so extensive about this Dominion of Islam, for there is nothing mysterious or hidden about this apostate Religion of Allah, which openly declares that Jesus is not the Son of God. This Islamic dominion, which came up in the beginning of the 7th Century A.D. has had some major repercussions for the Church and the people and land of Israel. It was the armies of the Islamic Saracens and the Turkish Muslims who made an end to the Byzantine Roman Empire in the East, as you will learn when we reach the fifth and sixth Trumpets and it was the selfsame Islamic powers who trod down Jerusalem and the Holy Land for a period of more than 1260 years (637 – 1917 A.D., the Crusader kingdoms in-between excepted).

Division by Religion (Thirteenth Century)

Roman Catholic

Eastern Orthodox





Figure 20: The Division of the Roman Empire into the Papal Roman Dominion in the West and the Islamic Dominion in the East. Source:

This Political-religious Dominion of Mohammed has, in our time, been spread to more than one sixth part of the world population and can be found in almost every country and city. Islam is the fastest growing religion and of late, especially of course since the attack on the Twin Towers in 56

New York, its “military arm” has begun also to be increasingly felt in the Western Hemisphere of the Globe. The Islamic nations round about Israel have been a “trouble unto Jacob” (see Jeremiah 30:7) since Israel came into existence in the year 1948, and shall continue to perform this task of ‘troubling’ Israel until the Seventh Vial is well on its way, as we shall see when we come to explain the events of the Seventh Vial. The Islamic Gentile Dominion has been clearly mentioned in the Prophetic Scriptures. There is amongst the Christian authors of earlier times, no doubt or disagreement about the fact that the “Locusts” of the “Fifth Trumpet” and the power at the “Euphrates” are referring to the Saracen and Turkish Islamic conquests, respectively (Revelation 9. Please See Trumpets 5 and 6 for more details on this). Further, Islam comes onto the scene of prophetic action once again at the time of the end, when it is said that the ‘Euphrates’ would dry up and the ‘kings of the east’ would be prepared. Islam has been identified with the ‘false prophet’ (Revelation 16:13; 19:20; 20:10), for Islam indeed is an apostate prophet, seeing it uses the Holy Bible as platform for its ‘new revelations’ and proclaims that Jesus Christ was just a mere prophet, which was superseded by Mohammed, who came with the final and perfect revelation of God. Islam therefore is a ‘false prophet’ system. We know of no other references to Islam in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Daniel speaks about the Gentile Dominion of Islam in Daniel chapter 8:9-14 under the name of “little horn”. This “little horn” or “kingdom”, “power” or “dominion” should not be mixed up or confused with the “little horn” of Papal Rome in Daniel chapter 7. The “little horn” of Papal Rome was the apostasy to arise in the West, but this “little horn” of Daniel 8 was to arise in the area of the Eastern section of the Roman Empire. Later in Daniel 8, verses 23-25 it is said that in the latter time of the Divided Greek Empire, a fierce king would stand up, which is the “king” and “kingdom” of Mohammed and Islam. “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. 24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.” The Dominion of Islam will be brought to its end by God Almighty Himself. The “king of the south” and the “north” of Daniel 11:40-45 are referring respectively to the Saracen and Turkish Islamic Dominions, which would come to their end by the Hand of God (verse 45). So we have the symbols of the Locusts, Euphrates, kings of the east (as we will explain later when we reach the sixth vial) and the false prophet who are all related to different stages in the career of Islam in the Book of Revelation and the symbols of “little horn”, “fierce king” and “king of the south and the north” in the Book of Daniel which are signifying the same. We will not say here any more about these Islamic Symbols, for they will become abundantly clear when we proceed in this writing with giving a brief outline of the Book of Revelation.



Daniel 11: 40-45 King of the North Little horn continues to spread

Other Old Testament Scriptures


Revelation 9



Saracen Muslims


782 1058

Revelation 16 Rev. 16 Vial 6 Kings of the Euph. drying up East

Independent Seljuk and Ottoman Turkish Muslims Muslim Nations





Figure 21: The symbolic Representation of the Islamic Dominion in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel.

These then are the four major Gentile Dominions that are mentioned in the Book of Revelation. This brief presentation of the symbols will help you to understand the major prophetic outline of the Book of Revelation. These Four Gentile Dominions have had a major part to play with regard to the history and course of God’s people the Church and the Jews. These Four Gentile powers are part of what is known in Scripture as the “Times of the Gentiles” (See Luke 21, Daniel chapter 4 and others. For more on this subject, please see Part II of this writing on the Seventh Vial and ask for Volume II of the ‘Signs of His Soon Coming”, written by the same authors and soon available to the Christian public, free of charge). The feet of those Gentile dominions are the feet, which have trodden down the literal Jerusalem (situated in the land of Israel) and the spiritual City of Jerusalem (Church). We are now living at the utmost stages of end of the Times of the Gentiles, wherein the Holy Land and the City of Jerusalem is about to be completely delivered from the dominion of Islam and a time wherein the remnant of the true Church will be delivered from Babylon. The contents of the Seventh Vial will make a complete end to the Times of the Gentiles! 58

We will cover this wonderful fact in Part II, where we will actually speak about the Last Seventh Vial.

Figure 22: The “Kaaba” in the “Haram Mosque” in “Makkah”; the first most holy shrine to the Muslims of all the world. One of the “five pillars” of the Islamic Faith is to at least once in a lifetime make a pilgrimage (hajj) to this shrine in Mecca.


After having covered the symbolic language in the Book of Revelation which deals with the Gentile dominions, let us now briefly look at the language used for the true Church or ‘Body’ of Christ which was alive and functioning during this long period of Gentile Dominion and of which the prophetic words of the Book of Revelation of course, have a lot to say.


Chapter 1.6: The ‘Saints’ and their Symbols in the Book of Revelation 1. The Seven Church Ages John was to write the visions he was shown in a book, and to send it unto the “Seven Churches” which are in Asia (Revelation 1). The expression ‘Seven Churches’ is a mystical way of describing the whole sum of the Church who would be called out of this evil world into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. With other words, the Seven Churches are the groups of Christians who were alive at Seven distinct Periods of Time, beginning at the birth of the Church in A.D. 29 and ending at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Please See Figure 23 below.




Ephesus Smyrna










Seven Church Ages From A.D. 29 until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

29 A.D.







S.C. Jesus Christ

Figure 23: The Seven Church Ages and their Times.

The Lord has caused John to write down a specific message for the Christians of each and every Church Age, which would be applicable and fitting in their own particular time and situation. Six Church Ages have already past. We are presently living at the End of the Laodicean Church Age. The Seven Churches were to have “Seven Angels” or “Messengers”. Each Church Age has been given a number of Divinely called and appointed messengers, or “preachers” or “pastors” or other leaders in authority who have been given the task to minister unto the Church. We cannot go into any details here about the characteristics of each Church Age. This is reserved for another writing. We just would like to see the reader take hold of the fact here that the “Seven Churches” are “Seven Church Ages” and that six have past, and that we are presently living in the last, which is the Laodicean Church Age.


THE SEVEN CHURCH AGES From Revelation 2:1 unto 3:22, the Scriptures speak of Seven Churches. This prophetic utterance of Seven Churches refers to Seven distinct Church Ages, beginning from the birth of the Church in A.D. 29 and ending with the Return of Jesus Christ. The lengths of time given below are estimated times.

Name Church Age

Main Characteristic

Time (Approximate)

1. Ephesus

A Backslidden Church


2. Smyrna

A Persecuted Church

A.D. 100 – A.D. 312

3. Pergamos

A Church Falling Away

A.D. 312 – A.D. 606

4. Thyatira 5. Sardis

29 – A.D. 100

A Church Amidst Great A.D. 606 – A.D. 1572 Apostasy The Reformation Church A.D. 1572 – A.D. 1750 (which had become dead)

6. Philadelphia

A Favoured Church

A.D. 1750 – A.D. 1900

7. Laodicea

A Lukewarm Church

A.D. 1900– 2nd. Coming

The present Church Age Laodicea is characterised by the following identity marks (see Revelation 3:14:22): (1) Lukewarmness (2) increased with goods (3) is of the opinion that it has need of nothing (4) wretched (5) miserable (6) poor in spirit (7) spiritually blind (8) and spiritually naked. These characteristics make the current Church system the most depraved, the most pitiful, the most devoid of Truth and the most idolatrous Church in the history of Christianity! It is no small wonder that unless a massive national and individual repentance is forthcoming from within the confines of that which calls itself the Church, that unless a great turning unto the Lord takes place, then both the Church and the people they are supposed to evangelise are doomed to banishment from the coming Kingdom, for does not the Scripture say: unless they repent “I will spue thee out of My Mouth” (Revelation 3:16)? Figure 24: The Seven Church Ages.


2. The Church in the Wilderness and the Two Witnesses

Revelation 12 Woman in Wilderness 1260 years

Revelation 11 Treading Down of Holy City 1260 Years Revelation 11 Two Witnesses 1260 Years




Ephesus Smyrna










Seven Church Ages From A.D. 29 until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

29 A.D.







S.C. Jesus Christ

Figure 25: The Two Witnesses and the Treading Down of the Holy City for 1260 years.

The woman mentioned in Revelation 12, is the Church who, as it were, “went underground” when the “outer courts of the Temple” wherein they worshipped, spiritually speaking, was trodden down by unholy Gentile, heathen feet. This happened when Constantine made Christianity a favoured and even the Official State Religion of the Roman Empire in the year 313/323 A.D. The True Church of Christ desired to have nothing to do with that apostate Babylonian religious system which began to arise upon the earth in the fourth century, and ‘fled’ spiritually speaking, “into the wilderness”. They withdrew themselves from the established corrupt Church, which was not the Church of Christ any longer but rather the Church of Antichrist. Many of those faithful souls literally found shelter and refuge amidst the wilderness of nature; the valleys and mountains of the alpine areas. There she remained hidden for a period of 1260 years. The Church at that time was 62

not a visible entity for if these faithful servants would have come out of the wilderness of their hiding place, the Church of Rome would have slaughtered her immediately. Alas, hundreds of thousands of this faithful and true Church were found out nevertheless, and butchered at the hands of the Roman Catholic Authorities. So when the Church became corrupt and apostate during the time of Constantine from the year 313 onwards, the true Church continued to bear the standards of light and truth and took these with them into the “wilderness” where they were faithful witnesses (even martyrs) to the Commandments and Faith of Jesus Christ for a period of about 1260 years! The Two Witnesses therefore are referring to those Christian groups who continued to stand for the truth of Christ and against the errors of the Roman Antichrist, many of them becoming martyrs [= witnesses] for the sake of the Gospel. It is revealed in Revelation 1:20 that the Seven Candlesticks are the Seven Churches. We have seen that the Seven Churches are really Seven Church Ages wherein a certain number of souls were called to become the Church in that time. The Two Witnesses, according of Revelation 11:34, are the “two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.” The Two Candlesticks are two of the Seven Churches, or Church Ages. They are therefore the two groups of Christians that were alive during two such Church Ages. These were the Ages of Pergamos and Thyatira for in these two periods of time the true Church went into the wilderness to continue to witness to the testimonies of Jesus Christ. The true Christians that were alive during the Age of Pergamos and Thyatira (about 312 –1573) were the ‘Two Witnesses’ who were ‘prophesying’ or declaring the Truth of God for a period of 1260 years. We are thinking of and remembering here the Waldensians, Albigenses, Paulicians, Hussites and such like who continued to embrace the true Gospel and were prepared to lay their lives down for it, as true “witnesses” [= martus: a witness (literal [judicially] or figurative [genitive]); by analogy a "martyr": — martyr, record, witness] The Two Olive Trees supply the ‘oil’ to the Candlesticks and can therefore be considered to be the ministers of the Lord to the faithful Church. All these expressions of “two witnesses”, “seven Churches” and “woman in the wilderness” refer to the Saints of God during a particular time in the history of the Church. The Time of the Two Witnesses and the Woman in the Wilderness occupied that great dark period called the ‘Middle Ages’ wherein the Church of Rome had become the all-ruling and oppressive dominion of Europe.

3. The 144.000 and other Saints. This mysterious number of “144.000” in Revelation 7 and 14:1-5 and also “the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God” (Revelation 6:9-11) and “them that gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name” (Revelation 15), are all expressions describing the true servants of Christ who have overcome the trials and difficulties of their particular time, for it cannot be that the Book of Revelation would not have something to say about the position of the Saints who were living amidst the dramatic events that John is describing. Where and how were all the true and faithful Saints of God when the Seals were loosed, when the Trumpets blasted and the Vials were poured out? They were all (spiritually) seated in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 2:6) and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony (See Revelation 12:11). They were the ones who were given ‘white robes’ because they had not loved their lives unto death for the sake of the Gospel and the Lord’s Kingdom’s sake (Revelation 6:9-11). They were the ones who were called out and sealed with the seal of God, which is the Holy Spirit (see Ephesians 1:13), from the masses of corrupt Christianity which arose on the earth after the socalled conversion of Constantine in the year 313 A.D. (Revelation 7). They were the ones “which 63

were redeemed from the earth. These are they, which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God” (Revelation 14:1-5). They had kept themselves from the idolatrous and abominable practices of that whorish Church of Rome and had refused to defile themselves therewith. They were faithful ‘virgins’ unto God who kept the commandments and faith of Jesus! They were the ones who remained clear of the Mark, Name, Number and Image of the Beasts by “coming out of her” and refusing partake of her sins. All these faithful servants of different ages had to face different trials and circumstances. Whatever the trial and difficulty, they remained faithful to their God and Saviour, and overcame by the blood of the Lamb. They did not compromise, they did not apostatise and they remained steadfast in the commandments and faith of Jesus. There were not moved by the Seal of persecution, neither were they moved by the fearful blasts of the Trumpets or the judgments of the Vials. Those brave souls stared physical death in the face with great courage, for they were mindful of the eternal God. When persecution came, they remained standing, when torture and death came, they remained standing; when subtle deceptions and temptations came, they remained standing and even when their bodies were slain, they remained standing, for they had knowledge about the resurrection. The whole sum of these faithful servants is the Church of Christ. They are the ones who remained faithful and were overcomers during the particular Church Age they lived in, whether it was the Age of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia or Laodicea. They will have an assured place in the Kingdom of God that is soon to appear on the earth with the Return of the King Jesus Christ. They will be the ones who will arise at the First Resurrection (Revelation 20) and “live and reign with Christ a thousand years.” For this congregation of people the Book of Revelation was written in the first place.

Figure 26: Area of the Alps in Europe where groups of Christians fled spiritually as well as physically into the “wilderness” when the outward, visible Church became corrupt during the socalled conversion of Emperor Constantine (312 A.D.) onwards. Later these faithful Christians were known by the name of Waldensians. Source picture:


Chapter 1.7: The Book of Revelation and the Prophecies yet to be fulfilled We will see in this Introductory part to the Book of Revelation that most of this Divine Prophetic Book has already been fulfilled. After much study and prayer, we find that the following chapters or events are yet awaiting their fulfilments, of which only a very few must come to pass before the Lord’s return to the earth.

A. The Prophetic Scriptures of the Book of Revelation that yet need to be fulfilled BEFORE the Lord comes back: The whole of Revelation Chapter 10: The Little open Scroll with the Seven Thunders. This Mighty event is yet to be fulfilled. We proclaim here that these Seven Thunders, with such mighty Divine Vindication and Power, are to coincide with the sounding of the Seventh Angel with the Seventh Vial (see verse 7). We will say more about The Little Scroll and the Seven Thunders in Part II. Revelation Chapter 14:9-20, which speaks about the judgement and the end of Great Babylon and the rest of the world. This is yet to occur during the outpouring of the Seventh Vial (See Part II). Revelation Chapter 16:17-21: The Events of the Seventh Vial. We who are alive at this present time, the year 2004, are about to enter into that period. Chapter 18-19 is part of the time of the Seventh vial, giving more details about certain events therein (see Part II). Revelation Chapter 11:15-19: The completion of the Seventh Trumpet, which consists out of Seven Vials, which of course cannot finish its sounding until the Last, Seventh Vial has done its work. The kingdoms of this world have not become yet the Kingdom of our God, but they will be after the Seventh Vial has finished its destructive and cleansing course (See Part II).

B. Prophetic Scriptures which need to be fulfilled AFTER the Lord has come back to the earth: Revelation Chapters 20-22: - The Binding of Satan; the Millennial reign of Christ; the loosing of Satan for a season after the millennium; the judgement of the dead who were not part of the First Resurrection after the millennium and the continuing Kingdom of God on Earth, which is to last forever and ever. (It is unfortunately true that some of the 19th century Christian authors we quote from in this writing on the Seventh Vial, did hold to the “post millennial” view which teaches that Christ will come back after the Millennium. Some Futurists also teach this view. We of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries see no soundness in this teaching and are convinced that Jesus will come back to the earth to usher in the 1000-year reign from Jerusalem, Israel, wherefrom He will reign with the Saints for a thousands years (see Revelation 20:4). Nevertheless, in the other prophetic matters which have already been fulfilled, these Christian Bible students and authors of previous centuries have given very valuable commentaries which are hard to find in these last days wherein only Futuristic books seem to be available to the Christian public. We therefore would encourage the reader to overlook and ignore this view on the Millennium and not to throw the priceless pearls away along with this somewhat unprofitable matter!) 65

CHAPTER 2 THE GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION; FULFILLED AND UNFULFILLED PROPHECY Please study the graphs of Appendix 1 at the end of Part I of this manuscript and you will see the general set up and outline of the Book of Revelation. These graphs will help you to place the Seventh Vial in the right position of time and context. The majority of the Book of Revelation has already found fulfilment in the experiences and events of the Christians in the bygone centuries. We are presently living in between the Sixth and the Seventh Vials. The world is about to witness the outpouring of the most catastrophic event of all times; the outpouring of the Seventh Vial. The Book of Revelation was written on a scroll, which could be rolled out. As the scroll rolls out, and the events unfold, so it was to come to pass in the history of the Church and the Gentile nations who have had some influence on the developments of the Church. One by one, progressively, the Seals, Trumpets and Vials have unfolded their course and only the last one, the seventh, still awaits its fulfilment. The First Six Seals cover about 300 years of history beginning from the writing of Revelation by John in the year A.D. 96. The Seventh Seal consists of Seven Trumpets, of which the first four cover about a hundred years, and the Fifth and the Sixth together fill about 800 years of man’s history. The Fifth and Sixth trumpets correspond with the times of the first and second woes respectively. The Seventh Trumpet exists out of Seven Vials. When the Seventh Trumpet began to sound in the 18th Century, mankind began to enter into the Third Woe (Revelation 11:14). The period of the Seventh Trumpet, containing Seven Vials, covers about 250 years. When the Seventh Vial has fully run its course upon the earth, the Lord will come and claim the Earth for Himself. Then it can be truly said: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever” (Revelation 11:15). Every symbol opens as it were a new chapter in the unfolding of man’s history. The events described in the Seals, Trumpets and Vials prophesy into being those events which were to be of great spiritual importance in the Lord’s eyes. They predict the course of events, which the Lord considers sufficiently important for the progress of God’s Kingdom. They have revealed the future destiny of the Church before it became reality. The symbols not yet fulfilled reveal the things yet to come to pass. Who else but God, the Revealer of Secrets, could have inspired these prophetic utterances in the Book of Revelation? “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29). Who but the Lord Himself is able to reveal with the eyes of an Eagle an overview of man’s general destiny, without overlooking any of the important details? None but the Lord Jesus is the true Author of the Book of Revelation. We should stand in reverential awe and wonder about this Divinely inspired Prophetic Book which contains man’s history and destiny before it had even come to pass. Allow us to take you, very briefly, through the history of the Church and the history of the powers that have had a considerable influence on her, as laid out before us in the Book of Revelation. Without such a brief overview of the Book of Revelation we cannot place the Seventh Vial in its right context. For more details and explanation on the following, we would direct you to some of the helpful authors writing on history and Christian expositors of this Book mentioned in Appendix 2. 66

Chapter 2.1: The First Six Seals; Revelation 6 The Seals describe the developments in the Roman Empire which was the then known world wherein the Christians lived. The time of the Seals would coincide with the Fourth Beast of Daniel Chapter 7 and the Iron Legs of the Great Image in Daniel Chapter 2. The time wherein the first six Seals are opened lies before the collapse of the Pagan Roman Empire in the West.

Iron Legs of the Great Image Daniel 2. Pagan Roman Empire

Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Pagan Roman Empire

Six Seals Events in the Roman Empire 96 - 395 A.D.





Figure 27: The correlation between the first Six Seals of Revelation and the Fourth Beast and the Iron Legs of the Book of Daniel.

 Seal 1: The Golden Age of the Pagan Roman Empire: 96 – 180 A.D. Revelation 6: 1-2 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The first seal of the white horse is a chapter in mankind’s history books wherein the Roman Empire successfully extended their conquests and enjoyed great internal peace and prosperity, union, civil liberty and “good government” during the period of 96 A.D. till 180 A.D. (naturally speaking, for many of course were guilty of persecuting and oppressing the Christians).


 Seal 2: The Age of Military Despotism and Civil War: 185-284 Revelation 6: 3-4 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. 4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

The Second Seal of the Red Horse reveals how Rome plunged into civil war and internal strife’s when the military power gained great civil power as well. The fact of this fatal power combination is described extensively by Gibbon, the non-Christian author of the famous “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”. The “Sword” of the military body of the Empire became disproportionately great in size, which caused civil wars wherein much blood was spilled through “killing one another”.

 Seal 3: Economic Distress by Extraordinary Taxation of the people; 235-284 A.D. Revelation 6:5-6 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny [=denarius;]; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

The Emperor Caracalla introduced such heavy and unjust tax-measurements on the people that the whole empire as it were mourned in “black garments and sackcloth”. Swarms of exactors swept across the provinces, weighing everything that could be taxed in the balances of their injustice, in this way causing great oppression, distress and mourning in the lands. Persons, lands, corn, wheat, wine, oil, meat, trees, vines and flocks, nothing escaped the terrorizing heavy taxations that were introduced at this time. Great want and scarcity was the natural outcome of such measurements, which prepared the Empire for the next Seal; the Seal of famine, diseases and death.

 Seal 4: War, Famine, Pestilence and Wild Beasts; 250-300 A.D. Revelation 6: 7-8 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

The Roman Empire during the opening of the Fourth Seal went through a time of prolonged famine, which automatically produces an ideal situation for the spread of deadly diseases. It is claimed by the selfsame author of the “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” that during this 68

period a furious outbreak of the plague “raged without interruption in every province, every city, and almost every family of the Roman Empire. During some time five thousand persons died daily in Rome; and many towns, that had escaped the hands of the Barbarians, were entirely depopulated. Applying this authentic fact to the most correct tables of mortality, it evidently proves, that above half the people of Alexandria had perished; and could we venture to extend the analogy to the other provinces, we might suspect that war, pestilence, and famine, had consumed, in a few years, the moiety of the human species.” Wherever lands are depopulated, the beasts of the field will increase. The sword also did not leave the inhabitants of the still Great Empire of Rome, for the Germanic peoples situated at the other side of the northern borders were at this time beginning to make their aggressive and destructive inroads. When all these four instruments of judgements fell at once in this way, it seemed as if that vast structure of the Roman Empire was rapidly approaching her total dissolution indeed.

 Seal 5: The Era of Severe Persecutions of the Christians by Pagan Rome; 303-313 A.D. Revelation 6: 9-11 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

In the year 301 A.D., during the rule of Emperor Diocletian [284-305], councils were held against the Christians. In the year 303, the Emperor Diocletian [284-305] openly revealed his true intentions with the Christians by showing them in reality how he would utterly destroy the Christian Name from the face of the earth! The Christian Church entered into a ten-year period, mentioned also in Revelation 2:10, of the most widespread, severe, terrible and prolonged persecutions known in the history of the early Church! Elliott declares that it was a time wherein: “Churches [were] to be demolished, the Holy Scriptures burnt, church property confiscated, the holders of religious assemblies put to death, and Christians generally put out of the protection of the law, such were the heads of first edict. Then followed others, imposing penalties of imprisonment, tortures, and death, first against the Christian bishops, presbyters, and other ecclesiastical then against all Christians, if obstinate in their faith. In this series of cruel edicts, Diocletian declared "his intention of abolishing the Christian name:” When the Christians suffered all manner of injustice and pain and when many bodies were torn, burned or tortured to death at the hands of the beastlike rulers of Rome, it is not altogether surprising to see their voice being registered in Scripture, crying: How long, O Lord, Holy and True, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” (Verse 10). Nevertheless, the answer was that they should be a little more patient, and wait for a short time, for more servants of the Lord would be killed, in the same way as they were, which surely happened under the even more cruel and bloody rule of the power which soon was to succeed their persecutors: Rome Papal!


 Seal 6: Pagan Rome becomes Paganized “Christian” Rome from Constantine onwards; 313-395 A.D. Revelation 6: 12-17 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

The Roman Empire underwent a political earthquake of great magnitude when Constantine made Christianity the official and favoured religion of the Empire. The Paganism of the Roman Empire had to make place for Paganized Christianity, which turned the political world of that time upside down. The State married the Church, and Christianity became an advantageous tool for the ambitious men who were looking for a political career in this new world order of Constantine. A different political order arose; a political dominion of Roman Christianity was born, wherein the Roman Empire was guided by a mixture of Christian and pagan principles, practices and symbols. A Paganized “Christian” Roman Political-Religious Body arose, which formed the foundation whereupon later the Antichristan False Church of Papal Rome found its power base. The true Church of Christ which saw the utter corruption that had crept into the Church went “underground” and withdrew from the public, visible Paganized establishments which bore outwardly the Christian Name but inwardly the Antichristian one. With the fulfilment of the Sixth Seal ends the registering of the events that occurred in the Roman Empire before the First Four Trumpets of the Seventh Seal fell upon her, making a full end to the Western part of the Roman Empire. The Pagan Roman Dominion was about to experience Six severe blows from which she would not rise up again. The Roman Empire as a whole, both in the East and West, was no more after the Sixth Trumpet had sounded its last tunes. The first 6 Angels, having 6 Trumpets, caused the long-standing Iron Empire of Rome to collapse, to rise no more. In 476 A.D. the Western part had succumbed to the work of the first four Trumpets, and the Eastern part found its end in the year 1453 A.D. after the 5th and 6th Trumpets had pounded on her lands. (Please study again the Graphs in Appendix 1). We will now see how these six Trumpets made a full end to the Roman Empire in the West and East.


Chapter 2.2: The Seventh Seal containing the Seven Trumpets

The Seven Trumpets are divided into three main sections: 1. The First Four together; 2. The Fifth and the Sixth together; and lastly 3. The Seventh Trumpet, consisting out of Seven Vials. The First Four contain the calamitous events, which made an official end to the dominion of Pagan Rome in the West. The Fifth and the Sixth together made the Roman Empire in the East to fall. The Seventh Trumpet exists out of Seven Angels having Seven “bowls”, full with the wrath of God. The Seventh Vial is not yet fulfilled, but when that last disastrous Vial lies behind us, then Great Babylon in particular, but the nations of the world in general, would have come to a complete end as well. The Vials of the Seventh Trumpet make an end to the nations of the world, of which Babylon the Great is the main dominion which needs to be brought to a full end before the Lord will return to the Earth to set up His Kingdom on Earth, not ruled by men, but by Himself, and His chosen ones. The First Four Trumpets describe the invasion of the Nordic hordes of peoples into the Roman Empire. After these invasions the western part of the Roman Empire was never the same again. The relative unity which Pagan Rome had enjoyed for many centuries, disintegrated into ten major areas wherein the new settlers made their home. The Four Angels with the Four Trumpets describe the peoples that infiltrated and settled within the borders of the dead body of the Western Roman Empire. The next Fifth and Sixth Trumpets describe the upcoming powers of the Islamic Saracens and Turks, who, together over a period of about eight centuries, swallowed up the regions of the remaining Eastern Roman Empire. By 1453 the work of the Six Trumpets was done, and the once powerful Pagan Roman Beast was no more. Again, for fully detailed descriptions of these historical facts, we would like to refer to our list of recommended books in appendix 2. The non-Christian author Edward Gibbon and his book “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”, is in a remarkable way, without him realizing this, confirming the proposed interpretation of the first Six Trumpets! Gibbon sometimes describes the historical events in such a way that you would think he had read the Book of Revelation, so strikingly exact are the prophetic utterances in line with the historical facts! We would highly recommend this book if you are interested to have more background information about the Six Trumpets. Gibbon’s book ends when the sixth Trumpet ends, namely, with the final fall of the


Roman Empire in the East in 1453 A.D. when the Turkish Muslims conquered the capital city of the decaying Eastern Roman Empire, Constantinople [now called Istanbul].

2.2.1: The First Four Trumpets: The Fall of the Western Roman Empire; 395476 History confirms that there have been four great stages in the downfall of the Roman Empire in the West through the work of the invasion by foreign peoples. These four major events are connected with the names of 1. Alaric and the Goths; 2. Genseric and the Vandals; 3. Attila and the Huns and 4. Odoacer and the Heruli.

Iron Legs of the Great Image Daniel 2. Pagan Roman Empire

Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Pagan Roman Empire

Divided Clay and Iron

Ten Horns

Barbarian Invasions

Six Seals 4 Trumpets Events in the Roman Empire End R.E. West 96 - 395 A.D.

96 A.D.

395 A.D.

476 550 A.D.

Figure 28: The correlation between the First Four Trumpets of Revelation and the Ten Horns/Kingdoms and the Divided Kingdom or Iron Mixed with Clay in the Book of Daniel.


Figure 29: Map of the Barbarian invasions 4th – 5th Centuries A.D. Source: Wikipedia.

Instead of writing these well-known and well-recorded facts again in our own words, we will quote here some authors who already have covered this subject in a wonderful way:

 Trumpet 1: Alaric and the Goths; 395 – 410 A.D. Revelation 8:7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.

Account of the First Trumpet, written by Barnes: [Quoting much from Gibbon] “For these illustrations, I shall be indebted mainly to Mr. Gibbon. Alaric, the Goth, was at first employed in the service of the emperor Theodosius, in his attempt to oppose the usurper Arbogastes, after the murder of Valentinian, emperor of the West. Theodosius, in order to oppose the usurper, employed, among others, numerous barbarians--Iberians, Arabs, and Goths. One of them was Alaric, who, to use the language of Mr. Gibbon, (ii. 179,) "acquired in the school of Theodosius the knowledge of the art of war, which he afterwards so fatally exerted in the destruction of Rome," A.D. 392-394. After the death of Theodosius, (A. D. 395,) the Goths 73

revolted from the Roman power, and Alaric, who had been disappointed in his expectations of being raised to the command of the Roman armies, became their leader.-- Dec. and Fall, ii. 213. "That renowned leader was descended from the noble race of the Balti; which yielded only to the royal dignity of the Omali; he had solicited the command of the Roman armies; and the imperial court provoked him to demonstrate the folly of their refusal, and the importance of their loss. In the midst of a divided court and a discontented people, the emperor Arcadius was terrified by the aspect of the Gothic arms," etc. Alaric then invaded and conquered Greece, laying it waste in his progress, until he reached Athens, ii. 214, 215. "The fertile fields of Phocis and Boeotia were instantly covered by a deluge of barbarians, who massacred the males of age to bear arms, and drove away the beautiful females, with the spoil and cattle of the flaming villages." Alaric then concluded a treaty with Theodosius, the emperor of the East, (ii. 216;) was made master-general of Eastern Illyricum, and created a magistrate, (ii. 217;) soon united under his command the barbarous nations that had made the invasion, and was solemnly declared to be the king of the Visigoths, ii. 217. "Armed with this double power, seated on the verge of two empires, he alternately sold his deceitful promises to the courts of Arcadius and Honorius, till he declared and executed his purpose of invading the dominion of the West. The provinces of Europe, which belonged to the Eastern Empire were already exhausted; those of Asia were inaccessible; and the strength of Constantinople had resisted his attack. But he was tempted by the beauty, the wealth, and the fame of Italy, which he had twice visited; and he secretly aspired to plant the Gothic standard on the walls of Rome, and to enrich his army with the accumulated spoils of three hundred triumphs," ii. 217-218. In describing his march to the Danube, and his progress towards Italy, having increased his army with a large number of barbarians, Mr. Gibbon uses the remarkable language expressive of the general consternation, already quoted, in the description of the sixth seal. Alaric approached rapidly towards the imperial city, resolved to "conquer or die before the gates of Rome." But he was checked by Stilicho, and compelled to make peace, and retired, (Dec. and Fall, ii. 222,) and the threatening storm was for a time suspended. So great was the consternation, however, that the Roman court, which then had its seat at Milan, thought it necessary to remove to a safer place, and became fixed at Ravenna, ii. 224. This calm, secured by the retreat of Alaric, was, however, of short continuance. In A.D. 408, he again invaded Italy, in a more successful manner, attacked the capital, and more than once pillaged Rome.” The particulars of that invasion, the consternation, the siege of Rome, and the capture and pillage of the imperial city, would confirm the propriety of this application to the symbol of the first trumpet. It would be too long to copy the account--for it extends through many pages of the History of the Decline and Fall of the Empire; but a few selected sentences may show the general character of the events, and the propriety of the symbols, on the supposition that they referred to these things. Thus Mr. Gibbon (ii. 226, 227) says, "The correspondence of the nations was, in that age, so imperfect and precarious, that the revolutions of the North might escape the knowledge of the court of Ravenna; till the dark cloud which was collected along the coast of the Baltic burst in thunder upon the banks of the Upper Danube. The king of the confederate Germans passed, without resistance, the Alps, the Po, and the Apennine; leaving on the one hand the inaccessible palace of Honorius securely buried among the marshes of Ravenna; and on the other the camp of Stilicho, who had fixed his head quarters at Ticinium, or Pavia, but who seems to have avoided a decisive battle till he had assembled his distant forces. Many cities of Italy were pillaged, or destroyed. The senate and people trembled at their approach within a hundred and eighty miles of Rome; and anxiously compared the danger which they had escaped, with the new perils to which they were exposed," etc. Rome was besieged for the first time by the Goths, A. D. 408. Of this siege, Mr. Gibbon (ii. 252-254) has given a graphic description. Among other things he says, "That unfortunate city gradually experienced the distress of scarcity, and at length the horrid 74

calamity of famine." "A dark suspicion was entertained, that some desperate wretches fed on the bodies of their fellow-creatures whom they had secretly murdered; and even mothers--such were the horrid conflicts of the two most powerful instincts implanted by nature in the human breast-even mothers are said to have tasted the flesh of their slaughtered infants. Many thousands of the inhabitants of Rome expired in their houses, or in the streets, for want of sustenance; and, as the public sepulchres without the walls were in the power of the enemy, the stench, which arose from so many putrid and unburied carcases, infected the air; and the miseries of famine were succeeded and aggravated by a pestilential disease." The first siege was raised by the payment of an enormous ransom.--Gibbon, ii. 254. The second siege of Rome by the Goths occurred A.D. 409. This siege was carried on by preventing the supply of provisions, Alaric having seized upon Ostia, the Roman port, where the provisions for the capital were deposited. The Romans finally consented to receive a new emperor at the hand of Alaric, and Attalus was appointed in the place of the feeble Honorius, who was then at Ravenna, and who had abandoned the capital. Attalus, an inefficient prince, was soon publicly stripped of the robes of office, and Alaric, enraged at the conduct of the court at Ravenna towards him, turned his wrath a third time on Rome, and laid siege to the city. This occurred A. D, 410. "The king of the Goths, who no longer dissembled his appetite for plunder and revenge, appeared in arms under the walls of the capital; and the trembling senate, without any hope of relief, prepared, by a desperate effort, to delay the ruin of their country. But they were unable to guard against the conspiracy of their slaves and domestics; who, either from birth or interest, were attached to the cause of the enemy. At the hour of midnight, the Salarian gate was silently opened, and the inhabitants were awakened by the tremendous sound of the Gothic trumpet. Eleven hundred and sixty-three years after the foundation of Rome, the imperial city, which had subdued and civilized so considerable a part of mankind, was delivered to the licentious fury of the tribes of Germany and Scythia."--Gibbon, ii. 26O.” [End Quote] Account of the First Trumpet, written by Elliott: “And then the first Trumpet sounded. His [Alaric] course was to Italy. As he told an Italian hermit afterwards," he felt a secret and praeternatural impulse, which directed, and even compelled his march to the gates of Rome." As his trumpet sounded, and his march advanced, terrible omens and prognostications, we read, preceded him. "The Christians," says Gibbon, "derived comfort from the powerful intercession of the saints and martyrs." So does he note again the very cause that had been hinted in the Apocalypse of the coming judgments. Thrice, in fulfilment of his destiny, Alaric descended from the Alps on the Italian plains; marking his course each step, as the awe-struck historians of the times tell us, in country and in town, with ravage, conflagration, and blood; till the gates of Rome itself were opened to the conqueror, and the Gothic fires blazed around the capital. In the mean time other destroyers, of a kindred race and origin, had extended their ravages to the transrhenane provinces. Between Alaric's first and second invasions of Italy, RHADAGAISUS, from the far north of Germany, with a host of Vandals, Suevi, and Burgundians, burst, like a dark thundercloud from the Baltic, as Gibbon graphically describes it, on the Rhaetian and Italian valleys. With slaughter and difficulty they were repulsed by the Roman general from near Florence. But it was only to bend the course of the vast remnant westward; and overwhelm the provinces, till then flourishing and fertile, of Gaul and Spain. Blood and conflagration here marked each step of their track; just as that of Alaric in Greece and Italy. The burning of trees and. herbage, as well as of cities, is pathetically particularized by the chronicles of the times. "The consuming flames of war," says Gibbon, " spread from the banks of the Rhine over the greatest part of the seventeen provinces of Gaul. The scene of peace and plenty 75

was suddenly changed into a desert; and the prospect of the smoking ruins could alone distinguish the solitude of nature from the desolation of man." A similar description is given of the desolation of Spain. And the desolators entered, never to retire. "This passage" of the Rhine, he adds, "by the Suevi, Vandals, and Burgundians, who never afterwards retreated, may be considered as the fall of the Roman empire in the countries beyond the Alps. The barriers which had so long separated the savage and the civilized nations of the earth, were, from that fatal moment, levelled with the ground." “The era of Alaric and Rhadagaisus, that is, of the first Trumpet, is to be considered as chiefly embracing some ten or twelve years, from A.D. 400 to about A.D. 410; though, as the ravages of the provinces were not then discontinued, we may perhaps consider the vision before us to embrace a period somewhat longer. In that latter year the Vandals had extended their conquests to the straits of Gades: and Alaric, who had accomplished his destiny, and reached in his desolating course the southernmost coast of Italy, while meditating still further conquests, which were intended however for another hand and another Trumpet, was arrested suddenly by the hand of death. His royal sepulcher, we are told, adorned with the spoils and trophies of Rome, was built in the midst of the bed of the river Consentia in Bruttium; and the secret for ever concealed by the massacre of the prisoners employed in constructing it: the last Italian blood that mingled with the fire and the hail, under the judgments of the first Trumpet.” [End Quote]

 Trumpet 2: Genseric and the Vandals; 428 – 468 A.D. Revelation 8:8-9 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

Account of the Second Trumpet, written by Barnes: “(1.) If the first trumpet had reference to the invasion of Alaric and the Goths, then in this we naturally look for the next succeeding act of invasion which shook the Roman empire, and contributed to its fall. (2.) The next invasion was that under Genseric at the head of the Vandals.--Gibbon, ii. 306, seq. This occurred A.D. 428-468. (3.) The symbol of a blazing or burning mountain, torn from its foundation, and precipitated into the ocean, would well represent this mighty nation moved from its ancient seat, and borne along towards the maritime parts of the empire, and its desolations there-- as will be shown in the following remarks. (4.) The acts of the Vandals, under Genseric, corresponded with the ideas expressed by the symbol. In illustrating this, I shall be indebted, as heretofore, principally to Mr. Gibbon. (a) His general account of the Vandals is this: they are supposed (i. 138) to have been originally the same people with the Goths, the Goths and Vandals constituting one great nation living on the shores of the Baltic. They passed in connexion with them over the Baltic; emigrated to Prussia and the Ukraine; invaded the Roman provinces; received tribute from the Romans; subdued the countries about the Bosphorus; plundered the cities of Bithynia; ravaged Greece and Illyrium, and were at last settled in Thrace under the emperor Theodosius.--Gibbon, i. 136-166; ii. 110-150. They 76

were then driven forward by the Huns, and having passed through France and Spain into Africa, conquered the Carthaginian territory, established an independent government, and thence through a long period harassed the neighbouring islands, and the coasts of the Mediterranean by their predatory incursions, destroying the ships and the commerce of the Romans, and were distinguished in the downfall of the empire by their ravages on the islands and the sea. Thus they were moved along from place to place until the scene of their desolations became more distinctly the maritime parts of the empire; and the effect of their devastations might be well compared with a burning mountain moved from its ancient base and then thrown into the sea. (b) This will be apparent from the statements of Mr. Gibbon in regard to their ravages under their leader Genseric. "Seville and Carthagena became the reward, or rather the prey of the ferocious conquerors," [after they had defeated the Roman Castinus,] "and the vessels which they found in the harbour of Carthagena might easily transport them to the isles of Majorca and Minorca, where the Spanish fugitives, as in a secure recess, had vainly concealed their families and fortunes. The experience of navigation, and perhaps the prospect of Africa, encouraged the Vandals to accept the invitation which they received from Count Boniface," [to aid him in his apprehended difficulties with Rome, and to enter into an alliance with him by settling permanently in Africa.--Gibbon, ii. 305, 306;] "and the death of Genseric" [the Vandal king] "served only to forward and animate the bold enterprise. In the room of a prince, not conspicuous for any superior powers of the mind or body, they acquired his bastard brother, the terrible Genseric--a name which, in the destruction of the Roman Empire, has deserved an equal rank with the names of Alaric and Attila. "The ambition of Genseric was almost, without bounds, and without scruples; and the warrior would dexterously employ the dark engines of policy to solicit the allies who might be useful to his success, or to scatter among his enemies the seeds of enmity and contention. Almost in the moment of his departure, he was informed that Hermantic, king of the Suevi, had presumed to ravage the Spanish territories, which he was resolved to abandon. Impatient of the insult, Genseric pursued the hasty retreat of the Suevi as far as Merida; precipitated the king and his army into the river Anas, and calmly returned to the sea-shore to embark his troops. The vessels which transported the Vandals over the modern straits of Gibraltar, a channel only twelve miles in breadth, were furnished by the Spaniards, who anxiously wished for their departure; and by the African general who had implored their formidable assistance."-- Gibbon, ii. 306. Genseric, in the accomplishment of his purposes, soon took possession of the northern coast of Africa, defeating the armies of Boniface, and "Carthage, Cirta, and Hippo Regius were the only cities that appeared to rise above the general inundation."-- Gibbon, ii. 308. "On a sudden," says Mr. Gibbon, (ii. 309,) "the seven fruitful provinces, from Tangier to Tripoli, were overwhelmed by the invasion of the Vandals; whose destructive rage has perhaps been exaggerated by popular animosity, religious zeal, and extravagant declamation. War, in its fairest form, implies a perpetual violation of humanity and justice; and the hostilities of barbarians are inflamed by the fierce and lawless spirit which perpetually disturbs their peaceful and domestic society. The Vandals, where they found resistance, seldom gave quarter; and the deaths of their valiant countrymen were expiated by the ruin of the cities under whose walls they had fallen," etc. The result of the invasion was the conquest of all Northern Africa; the reduction of Hippo and Carthage, and the establishment of a government under Genseric in Africa that waged a long war with Rome.-Gibbon, ii. 310, 311. The symbol before us has particular reference to maritime or naval operations and desolations, and the following extracts from Mr. Gibbon will show with what propriety, if this symbol was designed to refer to him, these images were employed. "The discovery and conquest of the Black nations, [in Africa,] that might dwell beneath the torrid zone, could not tempt the rational ambition of Genseric; but he cast his eyes towards the sea; he resolved to create a naval power, and his bold resolution was executed with steady and active perseverance. The woods of Mount Atlas afforded an inexhaustible supply of timber; his new subjects were skilled in the arts of navigation and 77

shipbuilding; he animated his daring Vandals to embrace a mode of warfare which would render any maritime country accessible to their arms; the Moors and Africans were allured by the hope of plunder; and after an interval of six centuries, the fleets that issued from the port of Carthage again claimed the empire of the Mediterranean. The success of the Vandals, the conquest of Sicily, the sack of Palermo, and the frequent descents on the coasts of Lucania, awakened and alarmed the mother of Valentinian, and the sister of Theodosius. Alliances were formed; and armaments, expensive and ineffectual, were prepared for the destruction of the common enemy, who reserved his courage to encounter those dangers which his policy could not prevent or elude. The revolutions of the palace, which left the Western Empire without a defender, and without a lawful prince, dispelled the apprehension, and stimulated the avarice of Genseric. He immediately equipped a numerous fleet of Vandals and Moors, and cast anchor at the mouth of the Tiber," etc.-Gibbon, ii. 352. "On the third day after the tumult [A. D. 455, on the death of Maximus] Genseric boldly advanced from the port of Ostia to the gates of the defenceless city. Instead of a sally of the Roman youth, there issued from the gates an unarmed and venerable procession of the bishop at the head of the clergy. But Rome and its inhabitants were delivered to the licentiousness of the Vandals and the Moors, whose blind passions revenged the injuries of Carthage. The pillage lasted fourteen days and nights; and all that yet remained of public or private wealth, of sacred or profane treasure, was diligently transported to the vessels of Genseric," etc. See the account of this pillage in Gibbon, ii. 355-366. The emperor Majorian (A.D. 457) endeavoured to "restore the happiness of the Romans," but he encountered the arms of Genseric, from his character and situation, their most formidable enemy. A fleet of Vandals and Moors landed at the mouth of the Liris, or Garigliano; but the imperial troops surprised and attacked the disorderly barbarians, who were encumbered with the spoils of Campania; they were chased with slaughter to their ships; and their leader, the king's brother-in-law, was found in the number of the slain. Such vigilance might announce the character of the new reign; but the strictest vigilance, and the most numerous forces, were insufficient to protect the long-extended coast of Italy from the depredations of a naval war."-Gibbon, ii. 363. "The emperor had foreseen that it was impossible, without a maritime power, to achieve the conquest of Africa. In the first Punic war, the republic had exerted such incredible diligence, that within sixty days after the first stroke of the axe had been given in the forest, a fleet of one hundred and sixty galleys proudly rode at anchor in the sea. Under circumstances much less favourable, Majorian equalled the spirit and perseverance of the ancient Romans. The woods of the Apennines were felled; the arsenals and manufactures of Ravenna and Misenium were restored; Italy and Gaul vied with each other in liberal contributions to the public service; and the imperial navy of three hundred large galleys, with an adequate proportion of transports and smaller vessels, was collected in the secure and capacious harbour of Carthagena in Spain."--Gibbon, ii. 363, 364. The fate of this large navy is thus described by Mr. Gibbon: "Genseric was saved from impending and inevitable ruin by the treachery of some powerful subjects, envious or apprehensive of their master's success. Guided by their secret intelligence, he surprised the unguarded fleet in the bay of Carthagena; many of the ships were sunk, or taken, or burnt; and the preparations of three years were destroyed in a single day," ii. 364. The farther naval operations and maritime depredations of the Vandals, under Genseric, are thus stated by Mr. Gibbon: "The kingdom of Italy, a name to which the Western empire was gradually reduced, was afflicted, under the reign of Ricimer, by the incessant depredations of Vandal pirates. In the spring of each year, they equipped a formidable navy in the port of Carthage; and Genseric himself, though in very advanced age, still commanded in person the most important expeditions. His designs were concealed with impenetrable secrecy, till the moment that he hoisted sail. When he was asked by the pilot what course he should steer--'Leave the determination to the winds,' replied the barbarian, with pious arrogance; 'they will transport us to the guilty coast whose inhabitants have provoked the Divine justice: but Genseric himself deigned to issue more precise orders; he judged the most wealthy to be the most criminal. The Vandals repeatedly visited the coasts of Spain, Liguria, Tuscany, 78

Campanic, Lucania, Bruttium, Apulia, Calabria, Venetia, Dalmatia, Epirus, Greece, and Sicily; they were tempted to subdue the island of Sardinia, so advantageously placed in the centre of the Mediterranean; and their arms spread desolation, or terror, from the columns of Hercules to the mouth of the Nile. As they were more ambitious of spoil than of glory, they seldom attacked any fortified cities or engaged any regular troops in the open field. But the celerity of their motions enabled them, almost at the same time, to threaten and to attack the most distant objects which attracted their desires; and as they always embarked a sufficient number of horses, they had no sooner landed than they swept the dismayed country with a body of light cavalry," ii. 366. How far this description agrees with the symbol in the passage before us--"a great mountain burning with fire cast into the sea;" "the third part of the ships were destroyed"--must be left to the reader to judge. It may be asked, however, with at least some show of reason, whether, if it be admitted that it was the design of the author of the book of Revelation to refer to the movements of the Vandals under Genseric as one of the important and immediate causes of the ruin of the Roman empire, he could have found a more expressive symbol than this? Indeed, is there now any symbol that would be more striking and appropriate? If one should now undertake to represent this as one of the causes of the downfall of, the empire by a symbol, could he easily find one that would be more expressive? It is a matter that is in itself perhaps of no importance, but it may serve to show that the interpretation respecting the second trumpet was not forced, to remark that I had gone through with the interpretation of the language of the symbol, before I looked into Mr. Gibbon with any reference to the application.” [End Quote] Account of the Second Trumpet, written by Elliott: “To the Vandal GENSERIC was allotted the conquest of the maritime provinces of Africa, and the islands: all in short that belonged to the western empire in the Mediterranean; and which Alaric (as just alluded to) was prevented attempting by death. It belonged, I say, to Genseric; "a name, observes Gibbon, " which, in the destruction of the Roman Empire, has deserved an equal rank with the names of Alaric and Attila."' It was in the year 429 that he entered on it. In the course of the 18 years preceding, no new invasion had broken on the Western empire. The desolation of Gaul and Spain and other districts, was indeed, as observed just before, not discontinued: but it was rather by the wars of Goths against Goths, than of Goths against Romans. Italy, meanwhile, having been evacuated: soon after Alaric's death by the Goths under Astolphus, had partially recovered from its ravages: and Africa, the granary of Rome and Italy, had continued to flourish intact, as before. But now its time was come. Invited by Count Boniface, governor of the province, under the influence of temporary infatuation, Genseric, in the year abovementioned, transported thither his Vandals from Spain across the African sea: all fit and ready, like that burning volcano which, ere his course was run, convulsed Auvergne, for the work of destruction. Then, as under the former Trumpet, fire did indeed mingle with blood in the desolation of the unhappy province of Africa. In the second year of the invasion, A.D. 430, the siege of Hippo was formed: and while it was advancing, (how can I omit noticing the event ?) Augustine, its sainted Bishop, was, gently released by death and joined to the white-robed company before the throne. This was on the 28th of August, A.D. 430. Then was Hippo taken, and burnt; and then in 439 Carthage. With the capture of which city resistance ended. The whole province was subjected to the Vandals, and finally several from the Western empire. Thus a part of the prefigurations of the second Trumpet had been fulfilled. But its ships, and the insular provinces of Sicily and Sardinia, still remained to the Western empire of the destruction of which the prophecy seemed to speak also. For it said, "The third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of ships was destroyed." Was this too fulfilled by 79

Genseric? Mark what followed after the capture of Carthage. Finding himself shut in to the south by the desert, Genseric, we are told, cast his eyes to the sea, and determined to create a naval power. And then "the fleets (the Vandal fleets) that issued from the port of Carthage again claimed the empire of the Mediterranean." Sicily was conquered by them, and Sardinia, and the other Western isles; all that was in the third part of the sea: a division of it comprehending both that vast basin of the western Mediterranean included between the straits of Gibraltar and Sicily, and the part which, expanding beyond, sweeps round the south-east of Italy to form the deep gulf of the Adriatic; the sea-third answering to the land-third of the Western empire. The coasts, moreover, of Spain, and Gaul, and Italy, the latter as far up as the head of the Adriatic, were mercilessly ravaged by Genseric. When asked by his pilot what course to steer, "Leave the determination to the winds," was his reply: " they will transport us to the guilty coast, whose inhabitants have provoked the divine justice." Twice, on occasions alike memorable, the Roman navies, with vast preparations, were collected to destroy the Vandal power. But suddenly and most disastrously, in the harbours of Carthagena and Bona, when the eyes of the Romans were fixed on them with hopes raised to the highest, they were utterly destroyed; in the latter case by fire-ships driven among them in the obscurity of night. So that the remainder of the prediction was fulfilled also. The fire of the Vandal volcano might not exhaust itself, until not only what was habitable in the Western sea was destroyed, but "the third part of the ships" also; those that navigated the sea-third of the Western empire.” [End Quote]

 Trumpet 3: Attila and the Huns; 433 – 453 A.D. Revelation 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; 11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

Account of the Third Trumpet, written by Barnes: In the interpretation and application, therefore, of this passage, we may adopt the following principles and rules: (a) It may be assumed, in this exposition, that the previous symbols, under the first and second trumpet-blasts, referred respectively to Alaric and his Goths, and to Genseric and his Vandals. (b) That the next great and decisive event in the downfall of the empire is the one that is here referred to, (c) That there would be some chieftain or warrior who might be compared with a blazing meteor; whose course would be singularly brilliant; who would appear suddenly like a blazing star, and then disappear like a star whose light was quenched in the waters. (d) That the desolating course of that meteor would be mainly on those portions of the world that abounded with springs of water and running streams. (e) That an effect would be produced as if those streams and fountains were made bitter; that is, that many persons would perish, and that wide desolations would be caused in the vicinity of those rivers and streams, as if a bitter and baleful star should fall into the waters, and death should spread 80

over the lands adjacent to them, and watered by them. Whether any events occurred of which this would be the proper emblem is now the question. Among expositors there has been a considerable degree of unanimity in supposing that Attila, the king of the Huns, is referred to, and if the preceding expositions are correct, there can be no doubt on the subject. After Alaric and Genseric, Attila occupies the next place as an important agent in the overthrow of the Roman empire, and the only question is, whether he would be properly symbolized by this baleful star. The following remarks may be made to show the propriety of the symbol: (1.) As already remarked, the place which he occupies in history, as immediately succeeding Alaric and Genseric in the downfall of the empire. This will appear in any chronological table, or in the table of contents of any of the histories of those times. A full detail of the career of Attila may be found in Gibbon, vol. ii. pp. 314-351. His career extended from A.D. 433, to A.D. 453. It is true that he was contemporary with Genseric, king of the Vandals, and that a portion of the operations of Genseric in Africa were subsequent to the death of Attila, (A.D. 455-A.D. 467;) but it is also true that Genseric preceded Attila in the career of conquest, and was properly the first in order, being pressed forward in the Roman warfare by the Huns, A.D. 428. See Gibbon, ii. 306, seq. (2.) In the manner of his appearance, he strongly resembled a brilliant meteor flashing in the sky. He came from the east, gathering his Huns, and poured them down, as we shall see, with the rapidity of a flashing meteor, suddenly on the empire. He regarded himself also as devoted to Mars, the god of war, and was accustomed to array himself in a peculiarly brilliant manner, so that his appearance, in the language of his flatterers, was such as to dazzle the eyes of beholders. One of his followers perceived that a heifer that was grazing had wounded her foot, and curiously followed the track of blood, till he found in the long grass the point of an ancient sword, which he dug out of the ground and presented to Attila. "That magnanimous, or rather that artful prince," says Mr. Gibbon, "accepted with pious gratitude this celestial favour; and, as the rightful possessor of the sword of Mars, asserted his divine and indefeasible claim to the dominion of the earth. The favourite of Mars soon acquired a sacred character, which rendered his conquests more easy and more permanent; and the Barbarian princes confessed, in the language of devotion or flattery, that they could not presume to gaze, with a steady eye, on the divine majesty of the king of the Huns," ii. 317. How appropriate would it be to represent such a prince by the symbol of a bright and blazing star--or a meteor flashing through the sky! (3.) There may be propriety, as applicable to him, in the expression-- "a great star from heaven falling upon the earth." Attila was regarded as an instrument in the Divine hand in inflicting punishment. The common appellation by which he has been known is "the scourge of God." This title is supposed by the modern Hungarians to have been first given to Attila by a hermit of Gaul, but it was "inserted by Attila among the titles of his royal dignity."--Gibbon, ii, 321, footnote. To no one could the title be more applicable than to him. (4.) His career as a conqueror, and the effect of his conquests on the downfall of the empire, were such as to be properly symbolized in this manner. (a) The general effect of the invasion was worthy of an important place in describing the series of events which resulted in the overthrow of the empire. This is thus stated by Mr. Gibbon: "The western world was oppressed by the Goths and Vandals, who fled before the Huns; but the achievements of the Huns themselves were not adequate to their power and prosperity. Their victorious hordes had spread from the Volga to the Danube, but the public force was exhausted by the discord of independent chieftains; their valour was idly consumed in obscure and predatory excursions; and they often degraded their national dignity by condescending, for the hopes of spoil, to enlist under the banners of their fugitive enemies. In the reign of Attila, the Huns again became the terror of the world; and I shall now describe the character and actions of that formidable


barbarian who alternately invaded and insulted the East and the West, and urged the rapid downfall of the Roman empire," vol. ii. pp. 314, 316. (b) The parts of the earth affected by the invasion of the Huns were those which would be properly symbolized by the things specified at the blowing of this trumpet. It is said particularly, that the effect would be on "the rivers," and on "the fountains of waters." If this has a literal application, or if, as was supposed in the case of the second trumpet, the language used was such as had reference to the portion of the empire that would be particularly affected by the hostile invasion, then we may suppose that this refers to those portions of the empire that abounded in rivers and streams, and more particularly those in which the rivers and streams had their origin--for the effect was permanently in the "fountains of waters." As a matter of fact, the principal operations of Attila were in the regions of the Alps and on the portions of the empire whence the rivers flow down into Italy. The invasion of Attila is described by Mr. Gibbon in this general language: "The whole breadth of Europe, as it extends above five hundred miles from the Euxine to the Adriatic, was at once invaded, and occupied, and desolated, by the myriads of barbarians whom Attila led into the field," ii. 319, 320. After describing the progress and the effects of this invasion, (pp. 320-331,) he proceeds more particularly to detail the events in the invasion of Gaul and Italy, pp. 331-347. After the terrible battle of Chalons, in which, according to one account, one hundred and sixty-two thousand, and, according to other accounts, three hundred thousand persons were slain, and in which Attila was defeated, he recovered his vigour, collected his forces, and made a descent on Italy. Under pretence of claiming Honoria, the daughter of the empress of Rome, as his bride, "the indignant lover took the field, passed the Alps, invaded Italy, and besieged Aquileia with an innumerable host of barbarians." After endeavouring in vain for three months to subdue the city, and when about to abandon the siege, Attila took advantage of the appearance of a stork as a favourable omen to arouse his men to a renewed effort, "a large breach was made in the part of the wall where the stork had taken her flight; the Huns marched to the assault with irresistible fury; and the succeeding generation could scarcely discover the ruins of Aquileia. After this dreadful chastisement, Attila pursued his march; and as he passed, the cities of Altinum, Concordia, and Padua, were reduced into heaps of stones and ashes. The inland towns, Vicenza, Verona, and Bergarno, were exposed to the rapacious cruelty of the Huns. Milan and Pavia submitted, without resistance, to the loss of their wealth, and applauded the unusual clemency which preserved from the flames the public as well as the private buildings, and spared the lives of the captive multitude. The popular traditions of Comum, Turin, or Modena, may be justly suspected, yet they concur with more authentic evidence to prove that Attila spread his ravages over the rich plains of modern Lombardy, which are divided by the Po, and bounded by the Alps and the Apennines," ii. pp. 343, 344. "It is a saying worthy of the ferocious pride of Attila, that the grass never grew on the spot where his horse had trod."--Ibid, p. 345. Any one has only to look on a map, and to trace the progress of those desolations and the chief seats of his military operations, to see with what propriety this symbol would be employed. In these regions the great rivers that water Europe have their origin, and are swelled by numberless streams that flow down from the Alps; and about the fountains whence these streams flow were the principal military operations of the invader. (c) With equal propriety is he represented in the symbol, as affecting "a third" part of these rivers and fountains. At least a third part of the empire was invaded and desolated by him in his savage march, and the effects of his invasion were as disastrous on the empire as if a bitter star had fallen into a third part of those rivers and fountains and had converted them into wormwood. (d) There is one other point which shows the propriety of this symbol. It is, that the meteor, or star, seemed to be absorbed in the waters. It fell into the waters; embittered them; and was seen no more. Such would be the case with a meteor that should thus fall upon the earth--flashing along the sky, and then disappearing for ever. Now, it was remarkable in regard to the Huns, that their power was concentrated under Attila; that he alone appeared as the leader of this formidable host; and that when he died all the concentrated power of the Huns was dissipated, or became absorbed and lost. 82

"The revolution," says Mr. Gibbon, (ii. 348,) "which subverted the empire of the Huns, established the fame of Attila, whose genius alone had sustained the huge and disjointed fabric. After his death, the boldest chieftains aspired to the rank of kings; the most powerful kings refused to acknowledge a superior; and the numerous sons, whom so many various mothers bore to the deceased monarch, divided and disputed, like a private inheritance, the sovereign command of the nations of Germany and Scythia." Soon, however, in the conflicts which succeeded, the empire passed away, and the empire of the Huns ceased. The people that composed it were absorbed in the surrounding nations, and Mr. Gibbon makes this remark, after giving a summary account of these conflicts, which continued but for a few years: "The Igours of the north, issuing from the cold Siberian regions, which produced the most valuable furs, spread themselves over the desert, as far as the Boristhenes and the Caspian gates, and finally extinguished the empire of the Huns." These facts may, perhaps, show with what propriety Attila would be compared with a bright but beautiful meteor; and that, if the design was to symbolize him as acting an important part in the downfall of the Roman empire, there is a fitness in the symbol here employed. Account of the Third Trumpet, written by Elliott: “In the mean time, and long ere the extinction of the volcano, and death of the tyrant of the sea, Genseric, (which was not indeed till the year 477,) yet another plague was commissioned against the devoted empire; I mean "the scourge of God," the king of the Huns, ATTILA. Alone of conquerors, ancient or modern, he united at this time under his sway, the two mighty kingdoms of Germany and Scythia. For the Huns had advanced their course and their conquests, since the time when the Goths fled before them in the days of Valens, to the furthest limits, West and North, of Germany. The kings of the Ostrogoths and Gepidae were among Attila's subject princes; and a crowd of vulgar kings watched his nod. Superstitious awe concerning him added to his power. He was deemed something greater than human. "The barbaric princes could not presume to gaze with steady eye on [what they deemed] his divine majesty." How much less his enemies! He was in their eyes like the baleful meteor that even then blazed in the heavens, boding ruin and war. For the first eight years from his accession (which was in A.D. 433) he had been occupied with other wars in Germany, Persia, Scythia. Then, descending on the Danube, he fixed the royal village near where it takes its great bend to the southward, not far from the modern Buda: crossed it to attack the Eastern empire; and, tracing its course downwards in blood, as far as Marcianopolis, retired not until the Eastern empire (A.D. 446) had acknowledged him lord of the lower Danube. "The Huns," says Gibbon, "were masters of the great river." But it is specially the river-frontier of the same Western third of the empire to which the other Trumpets refer, that I suppose chiefly intended in the present. Accordingly, about A.D. 450, in fulfillment of a treaty with Genseric, he moved against the Western provinces along the upper Danube: reached and crossed the Rhine at Basle, and thence tracing the same great frontier stream of the West down to Belgium, made its valley one scene of desolation and woe; burning the cities, (of which Strasburg, Spires, Worms, Mentz, Andernach, Treves, Tongres, Maestricht are specially particularized,) massacring the inhabitants, and laying the country waste: until, at length, having left that valley, which had been marked out as one destined scene of his ravaging, and advanced farther into the interior, his course was arrested, and he was repulsed in the tremendous Battle of Chalons. And whither then, when thus forced to retrace his steps, did he direct them? Whither but to fall on another destined scene of ravage, the European fountains of waters," in the Alpine heights and Alpine valleys of Italy. Then Aquileia, Pavia, Verona, Mantua, Milan, Turin, felt his vengeance. "From the Alps to the Apennines," says Sigonius, "all was flight, depopulation, slaughter, slavery, and despair." 83

Many fled to the low and marshy islands at the mouth of the Adige, Po, and Brenta, as their only safe refuge. And he who has seen the fair Venice, may do well to remember that he has seen in it a memorial of the terrors and ravages of that scourge of God, the Hun Attila. But what further of his course of devastation? Surely, with Italy all defenseless before him, one might have expected that, like his predecessor Alaric, it would have continued on to Rome and the far coast of Bruttium. Instead of this, behold, an embassy from the Western emperor Valentinian, accompanied by the venerable Romish bishop Leo the First, was successful at this point in deprecating his wrath: and having granted them peace, and leaving bands only of Heruli and Ostrogoths in the Tyrolese country intermediate, he repassed the Alps, and retired. Wherefore a result, humanly speaking, so unlikely? Methinks we may see the reason. The prediction had expressly marked the term of Attila desolating progress;" the third of the rivers, and the fountains of waters." Already Attila had made bitter, besides the surplusage of more Eastern scenes, the river line of the upper Danube and Rhine, and the Alpine fountains of waters. Many had died, and still continued to die, that drank of the waters, through famine, disease, and pestilence. This being done, his course was to end. "Thus far thou shalt go, and no further." Returned from Italy, he recrossed the Danube; reached the royal village between it and the Teiss; and there, the very next year, was suddenly cut off by apoplexy. This occurred A.D. 453. So the meteor was extinct; the empire and power of the Huns broken. The woe of the third Trumpet had past away.” [End quote]

 Trumpet 4: Odoacer and the Heruli; 476 – 490 A.D. (and beyond) Revelation 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

Account of the Fourth Trumpet, written by Barnes: “Now, in regard to the application of this, if the explanation of the preceding symbols is correct, there can be little difficulty. If the previous symbols referred to Alaric, to Genseric, and to Attila, there can be no difficulty in applying this to Odoacer, and to his reign--a reign in which, in fact, the Roman dominion in the West came to an end, and passed into the hands of this barbarian. Any one has only to open the "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" to see that this is the next event that should be symbolized if the design were to represent the downfall of the empire. These four great barbarian leaders succeed each other in order, and under the last, Odoacer, the barbarian dominion was established; for it is here that the existence of the Roman power, as such, ended. The Western empire terminated, according to Mr. Gibbon, (ii. p. 380,) about A.D. 476 or 479. Odoacer was "King of Italy" from A.D. 476 to A.D. 490.--Gibbon, ii. 379. The Eastern empire still lingered; but calamity, like blotting out the sun, and moon, and stars, had come over that part of the world which for so many centuries had constituted the seat of power and dominion.--Odoacer was the son of Edecon, a barbarian, who was in the service of Attila, and who left two sons--Onulf and Odoacer. The former directed his steps to Constantinople; Odoacer "led a wandering life among the barbarians of Noricum, with a mind and fortune suited to the most desperate adventures; and when he had fixed his choice, he privily visited the cell of Severinus, the popular saint of the country, to solicit his approbation and blessing. The lowness of the door would not admit the lofty stature of 84

Odoacer; he was obliged to stoop: but in that humble attitude the saint could discern the symptoms of his future greatness; and addressing him in a prophetic tone, 'Pursue,' said he, 'your design; proceed to Italy; you will cast away the coarse garment of skins; and your wealth will be adequate to the liberality of your mind.' The barbarian, whose daring spirit accepted and ratified this prediction, was admitted into the service of the Western empire, and soon obtained an honourable rank in the guards. His manners were gradually polished, his military skill improved, and the confederates of Italy would not have elected him for their general unless the exploits of Odoacer had established a high opinion of his courage and capacity. Their military acclamations saluted him with the title of king; but he abstained during his whole reign from the use of the purple and the diadem, lest he should offend those princes, whose subjects, by their accidental mixture, had formed the victorious army which time and policy might insensibly unite into a great nation."-Gibbon, ii. 379, 380. In another place Mr. Gibbon says, "Odoacer was the first barbarian who reigned in Italy, over a people who had once asserted their superiority above the rest of mankind. The disgrace of the Romans still excites our respectful compassion, and we fondly sympathize with the imaginary grief and indignation of their degenerate posterity. But the calamities of Italy had gradually subdued the proud consciousness of freedom and glory. In the age of Roman virtue, the provinces were subject to the arms, and the citizens to the laws, of the republic; till those laws were subverted by civil discord, and both the city and the provinces became the property of a servile tyrant. The forms of the constitution which alleviated or disguised their abject slavery were abolished by time and violence; the Italians alternately lamented the presence or the absence of the sovereigns whom they detested or despised; and the succession of five centuries inflicted the various evils of military license, capricious despotism, and elaborate oppression. During the same period the barbarians had emerged from obscurity and contempt, and the warriors of Germany and Scythia were introduced into the provinces, as the servants, the allies, and at length the masters of the Romans, whom they insulted or protected," ii. 381, 382. Of the effect of the reign of Odoacer, Mr. Gibbon remarks: "In the division and decline of the empire, the tributary harvests of Egypt and Africa were withdrawn; the numbers of the inhabitants continually decreased with the means of subsistence; and the country was exhausted by the irretrievable losses of war, famine, and pestilence. St. Ambrose has deplored the ruin of a populous district, which had been once adorned with the flourishing cities of Bologna, Modena, Regium, and Placentia. Pope Gelasius was a subject of Odoacer; and he affirms, with strong exaggeration, that in AEmilia, Tuscany, and the adjacent provinces, the human species was almost extirpated. One third of those ample estates, to which the ruin of Italy is originally imputed, was extorted for the use of the conquerors," ii. 383. Yet the light was not wholly extinct. It was "a third part" of it which was put out; and it was still true that some of the forms of the ancient constitution were observed--that the light still lingered before it wholly passed away. In the language of another, "The authority of the Roman name had not yet entirely ceased. The senate of Rome continued to assemble as usual. The consuls were appointed yearly, one by the Eastern emperor, one by Italy and Rome. Odoacer himself governed Italy under a title--that of Patrician--conferred on him by the Eastern emperor. There was still a certain, though often faint, recognition of the supreme imperial authority. The moon and the stars might seem still to shine in the West, with a dim, reflected light. In the course of the events, however, which rapidly followed in the next half century, these too were extinguished. After above a century and a half of calamities unexampled almost, as Dr. Robertson most truly represents it in the history of nations, the statement of Jerome--a statement couched under the very Apocalyptic figure of the text, but prematurely pronounced on the first taking of Rome by Alaric--might be considered at length accomplished: 'Clarissimum terrarum lumen extinctum est'--'The world's glorious sun has been extinguished;' or, as the modern poet Byron (Childe Harold, canto iv.) has expressed it, still under the Apocalyptic imagery- "She saw her glories star by star expire," till not even one star remained to glimmer in the vacant and dark night."--Elliott, i. 360, 361.” [End Quote] 85

Account of the Fourth Trumpet, written by Elliott: “Thus was the final catastrophe preparing, by which the western emperors and empire were to become extinct. The glory of Rome had long departed; its provinces one after another been rent from it; the territory still attached to it become like a desert; and its maritime possessions, and its fleets and commerce, been annihilated. Little remained to it but the vain titles and insignia of sovereignty. And now the time was come when these too were to be withdrawn. Some twenty years or more from the death of Attila, and much less from that of Genseric, (who, ere his death, had indeed visited and ravaged the eternal city, in one of his maritime marauding expeditions, and thus yet more prepared the coming consummation,) about this time, I say, ODOACER, chief of the Heruli, a barbarian remnant of the host of Attila, left on the Alpine frontiers of Italy, interposed with his command that the name and the office of Roman emperor of the West should be abolished. The authorities bowed in submission to him. The last phantom of an emperor,---one whose name Romulus Augustus was singularly calculated to bring in contrast before the reflective mind the past glories of Rome and its present degradation, abdicated: and the Senate sent away the imperial insignia to Constantinople; professing to the Emperor of the East that one Emperor was sufficient for the whole of the empire. Thus of the Roman imperial sun that third which appertained to the western empire was eclipsed, and shone no more. I say that third of its orb which appertained to the western empire: for the apocalyptic fraction is literally accurate. In the last arrangement between the two courts, the whole of the Illyrian third had been made over to the eastern division. Thus in the west "the extinction of the empire" had taken place; the night had fallen. Notwithstanding this, however, it must be borne in mind that the authority of the Roman name had not yet entirely ceased. The Senate of Rome continued to assemble, as usual. The Consuls were appointed yearly, one by the eastern Emperor, one by Italy and Rome. Odoacer himself governed Italy under a title (that of Patrician) conferred on him by the eastern Emperor. And as regarded the more distant western provinces, or at least considerable districts in them, the tie which had united them to the Roman empire was not altogether severed. There was still a certain, though often faint, recognition of the supreme Imperial authority. The moon and the stars might seem still to shine on the west, with a dim reflected light. In the course of the events, however, which rapidly followed one on the other in the next half century, these too were extinguished. Theodoric the Ostrogoth, on destroying the Heruli and their kingdom at Rome and Ravenna, ruled in Italy from A.D. 493 to 526, as an independent sovereign: and on Belisarius' and Narses' conquest of Italy from the Ostrogoths, (a conquest preceded by wars and desolations in which Italy and above all its seven-hilled city, were for a time almost made desert,) the Roman senate was dissolved, the consulship abrogated. Moreover, as regards the Barbaric princes of the western provinces, their independence of the Roman imperial power became now more distinctly averred and understood. So when, at length, in the quick succession of events, and under the judgments of the fourth Trumpet first the office and name of Roman emperor in the West had been extinguished by Odoacer, and then, about A.D. 550, those of Consul and Senate by the generals of Justinian, when in this manner each final vestige of Rome's ancient imperial ruling power had been swept away, and moreover barbaric kingdoms had risen up out of its ruins in the provinces, perhaps to the very predicted number, there seemed scarce room for doubting that the crisis had arrived, and that the awful events and judgments so long anticipated were indeed at hand.” [End Quote]

And so did that once mighty power of Rome cease to exist in the Western part. This vast kingdom, which once was strong as iron, and broke into pieces and subdued all things that came in 86

its way (See Daniel 2:40), was finally humiliated and swallowed up by what the Romans called, “uncivilized Barbarians” from the North. The Beast Empire of Pagan Rome, which was dreadful and terrible, strong exceedingly and which devoured and brake in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it, (See Daniel 7:7) was finally broken into pieces herself by the multitudinous feet of the northern invaders. Rome, the city on the Seven Hills, the centre of all dread, control, power and wealth had ceased to be the proud pinnacle of the ‘almighty’ Roman Emperors. The cruel kingdom, which had been guilty of much bloodshed, of sinners and saints alike, had now been bled to death herself. Rome herself, who had judged and destined the fates of men for so long, was now judged by God. She was weighed in the Divine Balances of Righteousness and was found terribly wanting, so the Lord sent His Four Angels with the Four Trumpets, who would speedily rid the earth of this cruel, destructive power of Pagan Rome. Yet, would you believe, reliable historical sources tell us that the contemporary Christians who saw the approach of this downfall with their own eyes, were praying to the Lord to preserve her a little longer? Why? For they knew that after Pagan Rome would arise another dominion which would excel the first in cruelty and blasphemy, namely the little Antichristian horn of Daniel 7:8, which would perform its Antichristian deeds of making war with the saints and blaspheming great things, and speaking great words against the most High, and wearing out the Saints of the most High, and thinking to change times and laws… (Read Daniel 7)! These Christians who were alive during the blast of the First Trumpets knew that once the restraining power of the Roman Dominion was taken away from the earth (see 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7), that the “man of sin, the son of perdition” would be revealed, who would “oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped…..” (Read 2 Thessalonians chapter 2)! For this reason did they plead with the Lord to sustain the existing Roman authorities in fear and apprehension for the difficulties which they would have to face in the rise of the next, Antichristian power. What power arose on the ashes of Pagan Rome? None other arose but the power and dominion of Papal Rome. The Roman Catholic Dominion was a continuation of the Roman Beast under the headship of the Pope instead of the Pagan Emperors. (See again Gentile Dominions in the Book of Revelation in Chapter 1.5).


PAGAN ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE WEST Iron Legs of the Great Image Daniel 2. Pagan Roman Empire

Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Pagan Roman Empire


Divided Having Dominion Clay and Iron Over divided kingdom

Little Horn Antichristian power

Ten Horns

The Rise of Papal Rome in Europe

Barbarian Invasions

Rise of Mystical Babylon Six Seals 4 Trumpets Events in the Roman Empire End R.E. West 96 - 395 A.D.

96 A.D.

395 A.D.

Rise of the Beast Revelation 13

476 550 A.D.

1453 A.D.

Figure 30: The Rise of the Papal Roman Antichristian dominion after the four Trumpets had finished their work.

Then, after the Four Trumpets had sounded, there is a little pause, while an Angel was announcing the Three Woes, which would come to the inhabitants of the earth (see Revelation 8:13). “Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the Trumpet of the Three Angels, which are yet to sound!” The time came when the Fifth Angel sounded the Trumpet and the inhabitants of the earth entered into the stages of “Woes”. Were the first four Trumpets not already woeful? The things yet to come to pass were obviously worse, taking into consideration that the Angel made a special announcement of Three Woes which would accompany the Three last Trumpets! There is given a major reason for the sound of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets. It is written in the th 20 and 21st verses of Revelation chapter 9 that the Apostate Church, who over a period of 800 years, had heard of, and experienced and seen the events of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets with their accompanying woes, still refused to repent of her spiritual abominations!! The Angels of the Fifth and Sixth Trumpets were sent to judge an apostate Church and to make a complete end to the abominable remnants of the Roman Empire, which had survived in the East. When the Fifth and the Sixth Trumpets had exhausted their sound, the Eastern Roman Empire was also drained of all its former strength and ceased to exist. The Lord raised up a Great Enemy in the East which 88

would smite and destroy the Eastern Roman Empire and the idolatrous, apostate Church therein. This Great Enemy of the East was to be: Islam! When the Western Roman Empire was overrun by the Barbarian hordes, which settled in about ten distinct geographical areas or “kingdoms”, and Papal Rome deepened her roots and extended her branches over the newly disintegrated Western Europe, there arose a new power in the East at the same time. Islam! It was this new Islamic power that was to be the appointed instrument in God’s Hands of Divine retribution, which would make a full end to the idolatrous Eastern Roman Empire. We will now continue to show you how remarkably exact the career of the Saracen Muslims and the Turkish Muslims are described in the Fifth and Sixth Trumpet respectively. Again we will spare ourselves precious time by quoting much of some 19th Century Christian masters on this subject who have covered these two great events of these Trumpets so well, that we need not to rewrite it again.

2.2.2 Trumpets 5 and 6: End of the Eastern Roman Empire

ROMAN EMPIRE IN THE WEST Iron Legs of the Great Image Daniel 2. Pagan Roman Empire

Fourth Beast of Daniel 7 Pagan Roman Empire


Divided Clay and Iron

Ten Horns

Little Horn Daniel 8

Barbarian Invasions

Islamic conquests by the Saracens and Turks

Six Seals 4 Trumpets Events in the Roman Empire End R.E. West 96 - 395 A.D.

96 A.D.

395 A.D.

Daniel 11:36 - 40 King South and North

5th. and 6th. Trumpets End R.E. in the East

476 550 A.D.

1453 A.D.

Figure 31: Correlation between the 5-6th Trumpets of Revelation and the symbols in the Book of Daniel at this time.


 Trumpet 5: The Muslim Saracen Conquests 732 – 882 A.D. Revelation 9:1-11: And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. 2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. 4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. 5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man. 6 And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. 7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. 8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. 9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. 10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. 11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. 12 One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. What was this new power that arose soon after the fall of the Roman Empire in the West, that came forth out of the ‘bottomless pit’ [Abyss] and spread with the speed and destructiveness of locusts and with the terror of scorpions over the earth? Who were these warriors, riding on horses, and dressed with golden crowns on their heads, having beards like men, but long hair like women? Which power coming from the East6 is this Trumpet referring to that caused the earth to be tormented for the space of 150 years? There is no doubt whatsoever that this Fifth Trumpet and First Woe is referring to the conquests of Mohammed and his followers the Saracens. Mohammed became a successful and accepted prophet of a new religion in the deserts of Arabia in the beginning of the 7th Century A.D. Before long, his followers, the Saracens, took up the Sword and planted the Crescent of Islam from the Far East to the shores of Spain in less than 100 years! Yet, it was not to be that they would make a full end to the Byzantine, Eastern Roman Empire. Although the remains of this Roman Empire lost considerable ground to this new Apostasy that arose in the East, the finishing touches were reserved for the power of the Sixth Trumpet; the Turkish Muslims. We will now quote some outstanding extracts of the commentaries of some other Christian authors who have studied the sound of this Trumpet at great length. (For full details of the authors and their works mentioned here in abbreviated form, please see Appendix 2).


Swarms of Locusts are generally speaking a plague occurring in the Oriental areas of the earth. It was a wellknown fact to the inhabitants of the Middle East that Arabia was a common source of great numbers of locusts, which would destroy everything and anything on their path that was edible. In a swarm of locusts can be as many as 80 million insects per square kilometre!


Figure 32: Map of the Saracen conquests 7th – 8th Centuries A.D.

Barnes comments on Locusts and Scorpions: “The locust is a voracious insect belonging to the grasshopper or grylli genus, and is a great scourge in Oriental countries. A full description of the locust may be seen in Robinson's Calmet, and in Kitto's Encyclo. vol. ii. pp. 258, seq. There are ten Hebrew words to denote the locust, and there are numerous references to the destructive habits of the insect in the Scriptures. In fact, from their numbers, and their destructive habits, there was scarcely any other plague that was so much dreaded in the East. Considered as a symbol, or emblem, the following remarks may be made in explanation: (1.) The symbol is Oriental, and would most naturally refer to something that was to occur in the East. As locusts have appeared chiefly in the East, and as they are in a great measure an Oriental plague, the mention of this symbol would most naturally turn the thoughts to that portion of the earth. The symbols of the first four trumpets had no especial locality, and would suggest no particular part of the world; but, on the mention of this, the mind would be naturally turned to the East, and we should expect to find that the scene of this woe would be located in the regions where the ravages of locusts most abounded. Compare, on this point, Elliott, Horae. Apoc. i. 394-406. He has made it probable that the prophets, when they used symbolical language to denote any events, commonly, at least, employed those which had a local or geographical reference. Thus, in the symbols derived from the vegetable kingdom, when Judah is to be symbolized, the olive, the vine, and the fig-tree are selected; when Egypt is referred to, the reed is chosen; when Babylon, the 91

willow. And so, in the animal kingdom, the lion is the symbol of Judah; the wild ass, of the Arabs; the crocodile, of Egypt, etc. Whether this theory could be wholly carried out or not, no one can doubt that the symbol of locusts would most naturally suggest the Oriental world, and that the natural interpretation of the passage would lead us to expect its fulfilment there. (2.) Locusts were remarkable for their numbers--so great often as to appear like clouds, and to darken the sky. In this respect, they would naturally be symbolical of numerous armies or hosts of men. This natural symbol of numerous armies is often employed by the prophets. Thus, in Jeremiah 6:23: "Cut down her forest, [i.e. her people, or cities,] saith Jehovah, That it may not be found on searching; Although they surpass the locusts in multitude, And they are without number." So in Nahum 3:15: "There shall the fire devour thee; The sword shall cut thee off; it shall devour thee as the locust, Increase thyself as the numerous locust." So also in Nahum 3:17: "Thy crowned princes are as the numerous locust, And thy captains as the grasshoppers; Which encamp in the fences in the cold day, But when the sun ariseth they depart, And their place is not known where they were." See also Deuteronomy 28:38,42; Psalms 78:46; Amos 7:1. Compare Judges 6:3-6; 7:12 and Joel 12. (3.) Locusts are an emblem of desolation or destruction. No symbol of desolation could be more appropriate or striking than this, for one of the most remarkable properties of locusts is, that they devour every green thing, and leave a land perfectly waste. They do this even when what they destroy is not necessary for their own sustenance. "Locusts seem to devour not so much from a ravenous appetite as from a rage for destroying. Destruction, therefore, and not food, is the chief impulse of their devastations, and in this consists their utility; they are, in fact, omnivorous. The most poisonous plants are indifferent to them; they will prey even upon the crowfoot, whose causticity burns even the hides of beasts. They simply consume everything, without predilection-vegetable matter, linens, woollens, silk, leather, etc.; and Pliny does not exaggerate them when he says, fores quoque tectorum--'even the doors of houses'--for they have been known to consume the very varnish of furniture. They reduce everything indiscriminately to shreds, which become manure."--Kitto's Enclyco. fl. 263. Locusts become, therefore, 'a most striking symbol of an alldevouring army, and as such are often referred to in Scripture. So also in Josephus, de Bello Jud. book v. chap. vii.: "As after locusts we see the woods stripped of their leaves, so, in the rear of Simon's army, nothing but devastation remained." The natural application of this symbol, then, is to a numerous and destructive army, or to a great multitude of people committing ravages, and sweeping off everything in their march. And unto them was given power. This was something that was imparted to them beyond their ordinary nature. The locust in itself is not strong, and is not a symbol of strength. Though destructive in the extreme, yet neither as individuals, nor as combined, are they distinguished for strength. Hence it is mentioned as a remarkable circumstance that they had such power conferred on them. As the scorpions of the earth have power. The phrase "the earth" seems to have been introduced here because these creatures are said to have come up from "the bottomless pit," and it was natural to compare them with some well-known objects found on the earth. The scorpion is an animal with eight feet, eight eyes, and a long, jointed tail, ending in a pointed weapon or sting. It is the largest and the most malignant of all the insect tribes. It somewhat resembles the lobster in its general appearance, but is much more hideous. See Barnes "Luke 10:19". Those found in Europe seldom exceed four inches in length, but in tropical climates, where they abound, they are often found twelve inches long. There are few animals more formidable, and none more irascible, than the scorpion. Goldsmith states that Maupertius put about a hundred of them together in the same glass, and that as soon as they came into contact they began to exert all their rage in mutual destruction, so that in a few days there remained but fourteen, which had killed and devoured all the rest. The sting of the scorpion, Dr. Shaw states, is not always fatal; the malignity of their venom being in proportion to their size and complexion. The torment of a scorpion, when he strikes a man, is thus described by Dioscorides, lib. vii. cap. 7, as cited by Mr. Taylor: "When the scorpion has stung, the place becomes inflamed and hardened; it reddens by 92

tension, and is painful by intervals, being now chilly, now burning. The pain soon rises high, and rages, sometimes more, sometimes less. A sweating succeeds, attended by a shivering and trembling; the extremities of the body become cold, the groin swells, the hair stands on end, the members become pale, and the skin feels throughout the sensation of a perpetual pricking, as if by needles."--Fragments to Calmet's Dic. vol. iv. 376, 377. "The tail of the scorpion is long, and formed after the manner of a string of beads, the last larger than the others, and longer; at the end of which are, sometimes, two stings which are hollow, and filled with a cold poison, which it ejects into the part which it stings."--Calm. Dic. The sting of the scorpion, therefore, becomes the emblem of that which causes acute and dangerous suffering. On this comparison with scorpions, see the remark of Niebuhr, quoted in See Barnes "Revelation 9:7".” Barnes account of the Fifth Trumpet: “The question now is, whether any events occurred in history, subsequent to, and succeeding those supposed to be referred to in the fourth seal, to which this symbol would be applicable. Reasons have already been suggested for supposing that there was a transfer of the seat of the operations to another part of the world. The first four trumpets referred to a continual series of events of the same general character, and having a proper close. These have been explained as referring to the successive shocks which terminated in the downfall of the Western empire. At the close of that series there is a pause in the representation, (Revelation 8:13) and a solemn proclamation that other scenes were to open distinguished for woe. These were to be symbolized in the sounding of the remaining three trumpets, embracing the whole period till the consummation of all things--or sketching great and momentous events in the future, until the volume sealed with the seven seals (Revelation 5:1) should have been wholly unrolled and its contents disclosed. The whole scene now is changed. Rome has fallen. It has passed into the hands of strangers. The power that had spread itself over the world has, in that form, come to an end, and is to exist no more-though, as we shall see, (Revelation 11 seq.) another power, quite as formidable, existing there, is to be described by a new set of symbols. But here (Revelation 9) a new power appears. The scenery is all Oriental, and clearly has reference to events that were to spring up in the East. With surprising unanimity, commentators have agreed in regarding this as referring to the empire of the Saracens, or to the rise and progress of the religion, and the empire set up by Mohammed. The inquiry now is, whether the circumstances introduced into the symbol find a proper fulfilment in the rise of the Saracenic power, and in the conquests of the Prophet of Mecca. (1.) The country where the scene is laid. As already remarked, the scene is Oriental--for the mention of locusts naturally suggests the East--that being the part of the world where they abound, and they being in fact peculiarly an Oriental plague. It may now be added, that, in a more strict and proper sense, Arabia may be intended; that is, if it be admitted that the design was to symbolize events pertaining to Arabia, or the gathering of the hosts of Arabia for conquest, the symbol of locusts would have been employed, for the locust, the groundwork of the symbol, is peculiarly Arabic. It was the east wind which brought the locusts on Egypt, (Exodus 10:13) and they must therefore have come from some portion of Arabia--for Arabia is the land that lies over against Egypt in the east. Such, too, is the testimony of Volhey, "the most judicious," as Mr. Gibbon calls him, "of modern travellers." "The inhabitants of Syria," says he, "have remarked that locusts come constantly from the desert of Arabia," chapter 20 section 5. All that is necessary to say further on this point is, that on the supposition that it was the design of the Spirit of inspiration in the passage before us to refer to the followers of Mohammed, the image of the locusts was that which would be naturally selected. There was no other one so appropriate and so striking; no one that would so naturally designate the country of Arabia. As some confirmation of this, or as showing how natural the symbol would be, a remark may be introduced from Mr. Forster. In his Mohammedanism 93

Unveiled, (i. 217,) he says, "In the Bedoween romance of Antar, the locust is introduced as the national emblem of the Ishmaelites. And it is a remarkable coincidence that Mohammedan tradition speaks of locusts having dropped into the hands of Mohammed, bearing on their wings thin inscription--'We are the army of the Great God.'" These circumstances will show the propriety of the symbol on the supposition that it refers to Arabia and the Saracens. (2.) The people. The question is, whether there was anything in the symbol, as described by John, which would properly designate the followers of Mohammed, on the supposition that it was designed to have such a reference. (a) As to numbers. Judges 6:5: "They (the Midiunite Arabs) came as locusts for multitude." See Barnes "Revelation 9:3". Nothing would better represent the numbers of the Saracenic hordes that came out of Arabia, and that spread over the east, over Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Spain, and that threatened to spread over Europe, than such an army of locusts. "One hundred years after his flight [Mohammed] from Mecca," says Mr. Gibbon, "the arms and reigns of his successors extended from India to the Atlantic Ocean, over the various and distant provinces which may be comprised under the names of Persia, Syria, Egypt, Africa, and Spain," iii. 410. "At the end of the first century of the Hegira, the caliphs were the most potent and absolute monarchs on the globe. Under the last of the Ommiades, the Arabian empire extended two hundred days' journey from east to west, from the confines of Tartary and India to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean."--Ibid, p. 460. In regard to the immense hosts employed in these conquests, an idea may be formed by a perusal of the whole fifty-first chapter in Gibbon, (vol. iii. pp. 408-461.) Those hosts issued primarily from Arabia, and in their numbers would be well compared with the swarms of locusts that issued from the same country, so numerous as to darken the sky. (b) The description of the people. Their faces were as the faces of men. This would seem to be in contrast with other people, or to denote something that was peculiar in the appearance of the persons represented. In other words, the meaning would seem to be, that there was something manly and warlike in their appearance, so far as their faces were concerned. It is remarkable that the appearance of the Goths (represented, as I suppose, under the previous trumpets) is described by Jerome (compare on Isaiah 8) as quite the reverse. They are described as having faces shaven and smooth; faces, in contrast with the bearded Romans, like women's faces. ( Fromincas incisas facies praeferentes, virorum et bene barbatorum fugieata terga confodiunt.) Is it fancy to suppose that the reference here is to the beard and moustache of the Arabic hosts? We know with what care they regarded the beard; and if a representation was made of them, especially in contrast with nations that shaved their faces, and who thus resembled women, it would be natural to speak of those represented in the symbol as "having faces as the faces of men." They had hair as the hair of women. A strange mingling of the appearance of effeminacy with the indication of manliness and courage. See Barnes "Revelation 9:8". And yet this strictly accords with the appearance of the Arabs or Saracens. Pliny, the contemporary of John, speaks of the Arabs then as having the hair long and uncut, with the moustache on the upper lip, or the beard: Arabes mitrati sunt, cut intonso crine. Barba abraditur, praeterquam in superiore labro. Aliis et haec intonsa.--Nat. Hist. vi. 28. So Solinus describes them in the third century (Plurimis crinis intonsus, mitrata capita, pars rasa in cutem barba, c. 53;) so Ammianus Marcellinus, in the fourth century, (Crinitus quidam a Saracencrum cuneo, 31. 16;) and so Claudian, Theodore of Mopsuesta, and Jerome, in the fifth. Jerome lived about two centuries before the great Saracen invasion; and as he lived at Bethlehem, on the borders of Arabia, he must have been familiar with the appearance of the Arabs. Still later, in that most characteristic of Arab poems, Antar, a poem written in the time of Mohammed's childhood, we find the moustache, and the beard, and the long flowing hair on the shoulder, and the turban, all specified as characteristic of the Arabians: "He adjusted himself properly, twisted his whiskers, and folded up his hair under his turban, drawing it from off his 94

shoulders," i. 340. "His hair flowed down on his shoulders," i. 169. "Antar cut off Maudi's hair in revenge and insult," iii. 117. "We will hang him up by his hair," iv. 325. See Elliott, i. 411, 412. Compare Newton on the Prophecies, p. 485. And on their heads were as it were crowns of gold. See Barnes "Revelation 9:7". That is, diadems, or something that appeared like crowns, or chaplets. This will agree well with the turban worn by the Arabs or Saracens, and which was quite characteristic of them in the early periods when they became known. So in the passage already quoted, Pliny speaks of them as Arabes mitrati; so Solinus, mitrata capita; so in the poem of Antar, "he folded up his hair under his turban." It is remarkable also that Ezekiel (Ezekiel 23:42) describes the turbans of the Subcan or Keturite Arabs under the very appellation here used by John: "Subcans from the wilderness, which put beautiful crowns upon their heads." So in the Preface to Antar, it is said, "It was a usual saying among them, that God had bestowed four peculiar things on the Arabs; that their turbans should be unto them instead of diadems, their tents instead of walls and houses, their swords instead of entrenchments, and their poems instead of written laws." Mr. Forster, in his Mohammedanism Unveiled, quotes as a precept of Mohammed, "Make a point of wearing turbans, because it is the way of angels." Turbans might then with propriety be represented as crowns, and no doubt these were often so gilded and ornamented that they might be spoken of as "crowns of gold." They had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron. See Barnes "Revelation 9:9". As a symbol, this would be properly descriptive of the Arabians or Saracens. In the poem Antar, the steel and iron cuirasses of the Arab warriors are frequently noticed: "A warrior immersed in steel armour," ii. 203. "Fifteen thousand men armed with cuirasses, and well accoutred for war," ii. 42. "They were clothed in iron armour, and brilliant cuirasses," i. 23. "Out of the dust appeared horsemen clad in iron," iii. 274. The same thing occurs in the Koran: "God hath given you coats of mail to defend you in your wars," ii. 104. In the history of Mohammed, we read expressly of the cuirasses of himself and of his Arab troops. Seven cuirasses are noted in the list of Mohammed's private armoury.--Gagnier, iii. 328--334. In his second battle with the Koreish, seven hundred of his little army are spoken of by Mr. Gibbon as armed with cuirasses. See Elliott, i. 413. These illustrations will show with what propriety the locusts in the symbol were represented as having breastplates like breastplates of iron. On the supposition that this referred to the Arabs and the Saracens, this would have been the very symbol which would have been used. Indeed, all the features in the symbol are precisely such as would properly be employed on the supposition that the reference was to them. It is true that, beforehand, it might not have been practicable to describe exactly what people were referred to, but (a) it would be easy to see that some fearful calamity was to be anticipated from the ravages of hosts of fearful invaders; and (b) when the events occurred, there would be no difficulty in determining to whom this application should be made. (3.) The time when this would occur. As to this, there can be no difficulty in the application to the Saracens. On the supposition that the four first trumpets refer to the downfall of the Western empire, then the proper time supposed to be represented by this symbol is subsequent to that; and yet the manner in which the last three trumpets are introduced (Revelation 8:13) shows that there would be an interval between the sounding of the last of the four trumpets and the sounding of the fifth. The events referred to, as I have supposed, as represented by the fourth trumpet, occurred in the close of the fifth century, (A. D. 476-490.) The principal events in the seventh century were connected with the invasions and conquests of the Saracens. The interval of a century is not more than the fair interpretation of the proclamation in Revelation 8:13 would justify. (4.) The commission given to the symbolical locusts. This embraces the following things:


(a) They were not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing; (b) They were especially to go against those who had not the seal of God in their foreheads; (c) They were not to kill them, but were to torment them. They were not to hurt the grass of the earth, etc. (see Barnes on "Rev. 9:4"). This agrees remarkably with an express command in the Koran. The often quoted order of the Caliph Aboubekir, the father-in-law and successor of Mohammed, issued to the Saracen hordes on their invasion of Syria, shows what was understood to be the spirit of their religion: "Remember that you are always in the presence of God, on the verge of death, in the assurance of judgment, and the hope of paradise. Avoid injustice and oppression; consult with your brethren, and study to procure the love and confidence of your troops. When you fight the battle of the Lord, acquit yourselves like men, without turning your backs; but let not the victory be stained with the blood of women or children. Destroy no palm-trees, nor burn any fields of corn. Cut down no fruit-trees, nor do any mischief to cattle, only such as you kill to eat. When you make any covenant or article, stand to it, and be as good as your word. As you go on you will find some religious persons who have retired in monasteries, and propose to themselves to serve God in that way; let them alone, and neither kill them [and to them it was given that they should not kill them,' Revelation 9:5], nor destroy their monasteries," etc.-- Gibbon iii. 417-418. So Mr. Gibbon notices this precept of the Koran: "In the siege of Tayaf," says he, "sixty miles from Mecca, Mohammed violated his own laws by the extirpation of the fruit-trees," ii. 392. The same order existed among the Hebrews, and it is not improbable that Mohammed derived his precept from the command of Moses, (Deuteronomy 20:19) though what was mercy among the Hebrews was probably mere policy with him. This precept is the more remarkable because it has been the usual custom in war, and particularly among barbarians and semi-barbarians, to destroy grain and fruit, and especially to cut down fruit-trees, in order to do greater injury to an enemy. Thus we have seen, (See Barnes "Revelation 8:7") that in the invasion of the Goths their course was marked by desolations of this kind. Thus, in more modern times, it has been common to carry the desolations of war into gardens, orchards, and vineyards. In the single province of Upper Messenia, the troops of Mohammed Ali, in the war with Greece, cut down half a million of olive-trees, and thus stripped the country of its means of wealth. So Scio was a beautiful spot, the seat of delightful villas, and gardens, and orchards; and in one day all this beauty was destroyed. On the supposition, therefore, that this prediction had reference to the Saracens, nothing could be more appropriate. Indeed, in all the history of barbarous and savage warfare, it would be difficult to find another distinct command that no injury should be done to gardens and orchards. This note is continued in next verse. See Barnes "Revelation 9:12" Continuation of Barnes Notes on Revelation 9:11: (d) Their commission was expressly against "those men who had not the seal of God in their foreheads." See Barnes "Revelation 9:4". That is, they were to go either against those who were not really the friends of God, or those who in their estimation were not. Perhaps, if there were nothing in the connexion to demand a different interpretation, the former would be the most natural explanation of the passage; but the language may be understood as referring to the purpose which they considered themselves as called upon to execute: that is, that they were to go against those whom they regarded as being strangers to the true God, to wit, idolators. Now, it is well known that Mohammed considered himself called upon, principally, to make war with idolaters, and that he went forth, professedly, to bring them into subjection to the service of the true God. "The means of persuasion," says Mr. Gibbon, "had been tried, the season of forbearance was elapsed, and he was now commanded to propagate his religion by the sword, to destroy the monuments of idolatry, and, without regarding the sanctity of days or months, to pursue the unbelieving nations of the earth," iii. 387. "The fair option of friendship, or submission, or battle, was proposed to the enemies of Mohammed."--Ibid. "The sword," says Mohammed, "is the key of heaven and hell; a drop of blood shed in the cause of God, a night spent in arms, is of more avail than two months of fasting and prayer: whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven; at the day of judgment his wounds shall be resplendent as vermilion, and odoriferous as musk; and the loss of his limbs shall be supplied by 96

the wings of angels and cherubim."--Gibbon, iii. 387. The first conflicts waged by Mohammed were against the idolaters of his own country--those who can, on no supposition, be regarded as "having the seal of God in their foreheads;" his subsequent wars were against infidels of all classes, that is, against those whom he regarded as not having the "seal of God in their foreheads," or as being the enemies of God. (e) The other part of the commission was "not to kill, but to torment them." (Barnes on "Re 9:5"). Compare the quotation from the command of Aboubekir, as quoted above: "Let not the victory be stained with the blood of women and children." "Let them alone, and neither kill them nor destroy their monasteries." The meaning of this, if understood as applied to their commission against Christendom, would seem to be, that they were not to go forth to "kill," but to "torment" them; to wit, by the calamities which they would bring upon Christian nations for a definite period. Indeed, as we have seen above, it was an express command of Aboubekir that they should not put those to death who were found leading quiet and peaceable lives in monasteries, though against another class he did give an express command to "cleave their skulls." See Gibbon, iii. 418. As applicable to the conflicts of the Saracens with Christians, the meaning here would seem to be, that the power conceded to those who are represented by the locusts was not to cut off and to destroy the church, but it was to bring upon it various calamities to continue for a definite period. Accordingly, some of the severest afflictions which have come upon the church have undoubtedly proceeded from the followers of the Prophet of Mecca. There were times in the early history of that religion when, to all human appearance, it would universally prevail, and wholly supplant the Christian church. But the church still survived, and no power was at any time given to the Saracenic hosts to destroy it altogether. In respect to this, some remarkable facts have occurred in history. The followers of the false prophet contemplated the subjugation of Europe, and the destruction of Christianity, from two quarters--the East and the West--expecting to make a junction of the two armies in the north of Italy, and to march down to Rome. Twice did they attack the vital part of Christendom by besieging Constantinople: first, in the seven years' siege, which lasted from A. D. 668 to A. D. 675; and, secondly, in the years 716-718, when Leo the Isaurian was on the imperial throne. But on both occasions they were obliged to retire defeated and disgraced. --Gibbon, iii. 461, seq. Again, they renewed their attack on the West. Having conquered Northern Africa, they passed over into Spain, subdued that country and Portugal, and extended their conquests as far as having united with the forces which they expected from the East, they intended to make a descent on Italy, and complete the conquest of Europe. This purpose was defeated by the valour of Charles Martel, and Europe and the Christian world were saved from subjugation.--Gibbon, iii. 467, seq. "A victorious line of march," says Mr. Gibbon, "had been prolonged above a thousand miles, from the rock of Gibraltar to the mouth of the Loire; the repetition of an equal space would have carried the Saracens to the confines of Poland and the highlands of Scotland. The Rhine is not more impassable than the Nile or the Euphrates, and the Arabian fleet might have sailed without a naval combat into the mouth of the Thames. Perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford, and her pulpits might demonstrate to a circumcised people the sanctity and truth of the revelations of Mohammed." The arrest of the Saracen hosts before Europe was subdued, was what there was no reason to anticipate, and it even yet perplexes historians to be able to account for it. "The calm historian," says Mr. Gibbon, "who strives to follow the rapid course of the Saracens, must study to explain by what means the church and state were saved from this impending, and, as it should seem, inevitable danger." "These conquests," says Mr. Hallam, "which astonish the careless and superficial, are less perplexing to a calm inquirer than their cessations--the loss of half the Roman empire than the preservation of the rest."-- Middle Ages, ii. 3, 169. These illustrations may serve to explain the meaning of the symbol--that their grand commission was not to annihilate or root out, but to annoy and afflict. Indeed, they did not go forth with a primary design to destroy. The announcement of the Mussulman always was "the Koran, the tribute, or the sword," and when there was submission, either by embracing his religion or by tribute, life was always spared. "The fair 97

option of friendship, or submission, or battle," says Mr. Gibbon, (iii. 387,) "was proposed to the enemies of Mohammed." Compare also vol. iii. 453, 456. The torment mentioned here, I suppose, refers to the calamities brought upon the Christian world--on Egypt, and Northern Africa, and Spain, and Gaul, and the East, by the hordes which came out of Arabia, and which swept over all those countries, like a troublesome and destructive host of locusts. Indeed, would any image better represent the effects of the Saracenic invasions than such a countless host of locusts? Even now, can we find an image that would better represent this ? (5.) The leader of this host. (a) He was like a star that fell from heaven, (Revelation 9:1) a bright and illustrious prince, as if heaven-endowed, but fallen. Would anything better characterize the genius, the power, and the splendid but perverted talent of Mohammed? Mohammed was, moreover, by birth, of the princely house of the Koreish, governors of Mecca, and to no one could the term be more appropriate than to one of that family. (b) He was a king. That is, there was to be one monarch--one ruling spirit to which all these hosts were subject. And never was anything more appropriate than this title as applied to the leader of the Arabic hosts. All those hosts were subject to one mind--to the command of the single leader that originated the scheme. (c) The name, Abaddon, or Apollyon--Destroyer, Revelation 9:11. This name would be appropriate to one who spread his conquests so far over the world; who wasted so many cities and towns; who overthrew so many kingdoms; and who laid the foundation of ultimate conquests by which so many human beings were sent to the grave. (d) The description of the leader "as the angel of the bottomless pit," Revelation 9:11. If this be regarded as meaning that "the angel of the bottomless pit"--the spirit of darkness himself-originated the scheme, and animated these hosts, what term would better characterize the leader? And if it be a poetic description of Mohammed as sent out by that presiding spirit of evil, how could a better representative of the spirit of the nether world have been sent out upon the earth than he was--one more talented, more sagacious, more powerful, more warlike, more wicked, more fitted to subdue the nations of the earth to the dominion of the Prince of darkness, and to hold them for ages under his yoke? (6.) The duration of the torment. It is said (Revelation 9:5) that this would be five months; that is, prophetically, a hundred and fifty years. See Barnes "Revelation 9:5". The Hegira, or flight of Mohammed, occurred A.D. 622; the Saracens first issued from the desert into Syria, and began their series of wars on Christendom, A.D. 629. Reckoning from these periods respectively, the five months, or the hundred and fifty years, would extend to A.D. 772 or 779. It is not necessary to understand this period of a hundred and fifty years of the actual continued existence of the bodies symbolized by the locusts, but only of the period in which they would inflict their "torment"--" that they should be tormented five months." That is, this would be the period of the intensity of the woe inflicted by them; there would be at that time some marked intermission of the torment. The question then is, whether, in the history of the Saracens, there was any period after their career of conquest had been continued for about a hundred and fifty years, which would mark the intermission or cessation of these "torments." If so, then this is all that is necessary to determine the applicability of the symbol to the Arabian hordes. Now, in reply to this question, we have only to refer to Mr. Gibbon. The table of contents prefixed to chapters forty-one and forty-two of his work would supply all the information desired. I looked at that table, after making the estimate as to what period the "five months," or hundred and fifty years, would conduct us to, to see whether anything occurred at about that time in the Mohammedan power and influence, which could be regarded as marking the time of the intermission or cessation of the calamities inflicted by the Arabic hordes on 98

the Christian world. After Mr. Gibbon had recorded in detail (vol. iii. 360-460) the character and conquests of the Arabian hordes under Mohammed and his successors, I find the statement of the decline of their power at just about the period to which the hundred and fifty years would lead us, for at that very time an important change came over the followers of the prophet of Mecca, turning them from the love of conquest to the pursuits of literature and science. From that period, they ceased to be formidable to the church; their limits were gradually contracted; their power diminished; and the Christian world, in regard to them, was substantially at peace. This change in the character and purposes of the Saracens is thus described by Mr. Gibbon, at the close of the reign of the caliph Abdalrahman, whose reign commenced A. D. 755, and under whom the peaceful sway of the Ommiades of Spain began, which continued for a period of two hundred and fifty years. "The luxury of the caliphs, so useless to their private happiness, relaxed the nerves, and terminated the progress, of the Arabian empire. Temporal and spiritual conquest had been the sole occupation of the successors of Mohammed; and after supplying themselves with the necessaries of life, the whole revenue was scrupulously devoted to the salutary work. The Abassides were impoverished by the multitude of their wants, and their contempt of economy. Instead of pursuing the great object of ambition, their leisure, their affections, and the powers of their minds, were diverted by pomp and pleasure: the rewards of valour were embezzled by women and eunuchs, and the royal camp was encumbered by the luxury of the palace. A similar temper was diffused among the subjects of the caliph. Their stern enthusiasm was softened by time and prosperity: they sought riches in the occupations of industry, fame in the pursuits of literature, and happiness in the tranquillity of domestic life. War was no longer the passion of the Saracens; and the increase of pay, the repetition of donative, were insufficient to allure the posterity of these voluntary champions who had crowded to the standard of Abubeker and Omar for the hopes of the spoil of paradise," iii. 477, 478. Of the Ommiades, or princes who succeeded Abdalrahman, Mr. Gibbon remarks in general--"Their mutual designs or declarations of war evaporated without effect; but instead of opening a door to the conquest of Europe, Spain was dissevered from the trunk of the monarchy, engaged in perpetual hostility with the East, and inclined to peace and friendship with the Christian sovereigns of Constantinople and France," iii. p. 472. How much does this look like some change occurring by which they would cease to be a source of "torment" to the nations with whom they now dwelt! From this period, they gave themselves to the arts of peace; cultivated literature and science; lost entirely their spirit of conquest, and their ambition for universal dominion, until they gradually withdrew, or were driven, from those parts of the Christian world where they had inspired most terror, and which in the days of their power and ambition they had invaded. By turning merely to the "table of contents" of Mr. Gibbon's history, the following periods, occurring at about the time that would be embraced in the "five months," or hundred and fifty years, are distinctly marked:-- "A. D. 668-675. First siege of Constantinople by the Arabs. ,, 677. Peace and tribute. ,, 716-718. Second siege of Constantinople. ,, ,, Failure and retreat of the Saracens. ,, ,, Invention and use of the Greek fire. ,, 721. Invasion of France by the Arabs. ,, 732. Defeat of the Saracens by Charles Martel. ,, They retreat before the Franks. ,, 746-750. The elevation of the Abassides. ,, 750. Fall of the Ommiades. ,, 755. Revolt of Spain. ,, ,, Triple division of the caliphate. ,, 750-960. Magnificence of the caliphs. ,, ,, Its consequence on private and public happiness. ,, 734, etc. Introduction of learning among the Arabians. ,, ,, Their real progress in the sciences." It will be seen from this that the decline of their military and civil power; their defeats in their attempts to subjugate Europe; their turning their attention to the peaceful pursuits of literature and science, synchronize remarkably with the period that would be indicated by the five months, or the hundred and fifty years. It should be added, also, that in the year 762, Almanzor, the caliph, built Baghdad, and made it the capital of the Saracen empire. Henceforward that became the seat of Arabic learning, luxury, and power, and the wealth and talent of the Saracen empire were gradually drawn to that capital, and they ceased to vex and annoy the Christian world. The building of Baghdad occurred within just ten years of the time indicated by the "five months"--reckoning that 99

from the Hegira, or flight of Mohammed; or reckoning from the time when Mohammed began to preach, (A.D. 609--Gibbon, iii. 383,) it wanted but three years of coinciding exactly with the period. These considerations show with what propriety the fifth trumpet-- the symbol of the locusts--is referred to the Arabian hordes under the guidance of Mohammed and his successors. On the supposition that it was the design of John to symbolize these events, the symbol has been chosen which of all others was best adapted to the end. If, now that these events are passed, we should endeavour to find some symbol which would appropriately represent them, we could not find one that would be more striking or appropriate than that which is here employed by John.” [End Quote]

Johnson on the early history of Mohammed, Saracens and Islam: “THE SARACENS. Before the beginning of the seventh century the Arabs were little known to the historian. Occasionally they had made a marauding excursion beyond their borders, but they were only feared, as troublesome robbers who could hide themselves from pursuit in their deserts. While their trackless sands and poverty had protected them from conquest, they had never proved formidable to neighbouring states, and had exercised as little influence upon the political destinies of the world as the blanketed Indians of the Northwest. But early in the seventh century they rush out from their native wastes, and throw themselves upon the world with a swiftness, a fury, and a success that hardly finds a parallel in the history of nations. The creation of the Arabian, or Saracen Empire as it is usually called, was due to the work of Mahomet. About A. D. 609, in the deserts of Arabia, one of the most remarkable, most talented, most brilliant leaders of men that the world has ever known, began his work. He claimed to be the prophet of God. He was a star, but a fallen star; a prophet, but a false prophet. To extend his religion and reign he resorted to the sword, and his converts became a race of warriors. By the year 632, all Arabia had been subjected to his dominion, and in that year, the Arabian armies, countless as the locusts of their own deserts, all on horseback, not a foot-soldier among them, all the fierce followers of Mahomet rushed forth from the country of the locusts to assail the world. They appeared with "horses prepared for war." In the year 632, the Saracens marched out of Arabia to subvert the world to the sway of the Koran. Syria, a part of the Eastern Empire, [160] was instantly overrun by the swift bands of cavalry who dashed in every direction, with a rapidity unknown before in war. In A. D. 634, the city of Damascus was taken, and has ever since been a Mahometan city. In 637, the city of Jerusalem fell, and the churches were converted into mosques. In 638, Egypt was conquered, and their armies then pushed westward to the banks of the Atlantic Ocean. In 675, they had poured northward to the borders of Europe, had crossed the Hellespont, besieged Constantinople, and after a long siege had been driven back from its walls. In 711, they crossed the Straits of Gibraltar into western Europe, and conquered Spain. In 716, they laid siege to Constantinople a second time, and were, a second time baffled. In 721, they crossed the Pyrenees into France to attempt the conquest of northwestern Europe. At this period the Saracen dominion extended from Central Asia over Persia, Arabia, Syria, westward over Africa to the Pillars of Hercules, and in Europe it embraced Spain and Portugal. Within a hundred years from the time that the Arabs emerged from the desert they had secured the dominion of Asia, Africa, and southwestern Europe. As a mighty conquering force, history makes no record of one more remarkable than the establishment of the [161] Arabian dominion. Surely we have a movement significant enough to meet the demand, springing from the very country, and carried on by the very people indicated by the prophet. It remains for me, to inquire whether this movement corresponds to the details of the inspired description.” [End Quote] 100

Johnson’s comments on the 150 years: “We will next consider the duration of this torment. It was to continue five months, or one hundred and fifty days. We have already stated that in Revelation uniformly, and usually in all the prophets, the day is the symbol of a year. This would imply that the locusts should scourge the world for one hundred and fifty years. It has been seen already that, although Mahomet began his work earlier, it was not until about A. D. 632, that the Arabs had been compacted, organized, and filled with the fanatical fury needful to enable them to burst [168] forth upon the world. Before this they did not begin their "torment." Marching forth in that year, they began an almost uninterrupted series of conquests in the countries then occupied by the Church. Within a few years the congregations planted by the apostles, those of Palestine, Syria, Egypt and Asia Minor, had been crushed under the tread of the Arabian horsemen, and within a century, the "torment" had extended from the Euphrates to the Pyrenees Mountains. In 732, just a century after they emerged from the desert, their armies crossed into France, were met by Charles Martel in the battle of Tours, defeated, driven back over the Pyrenees, and their progress stayed. In 750, the vast empire of the Caliphs was rent by dissensions and divided. The family upon the throne, the Ommiades, was supplanted by the Abassides, and fled from the East to Spain, where it established a new capital; and in the year 762, the usurper removed his capital from Damascus to Baghdad, upon the Tigris. Thus moved to a distance from Christendom, and weakened by division, the Saracens gradually gave up their designs of universal conquest, and the rude Ishmaelites whose hands had been against every man, who had sought to conquer the world, now began to cultivate the arts of peace, and to think of living on [169] friendly terms with other nations. In 781, the Caliph Haroun Al Rashid was their ruler. This is the golden age of the Saracen power. This is the era of the Arabian Nights. Baghdad was called the "City of Peace." How long is this from the time when the torment that had stricken half the world began? In A. D. 632, the Arabs assailed the nations, to which date one hundred and fifty years may be added. This would bring us to 782, the second year of Haroun Al Rashid's reign. Did the torment continue longer? Nay. He was engaged in friendly correspondence with the Christian rulers of Europe, and from this time the Saracens ceased their efforts to make the world Mahometan. Their aggressive wars were forever ended. Their weakening effect upon the Eastern Roman Empire was over. As far as they have to do with its destruction their work was finished,--completed one hundred and fifty years after it began!” [End Quote] (Please see also the commentary of Elliott)


Torment and Hurt Men for Five Months

150 Years

5th Trumpet Saracen Conquests

632 A.D.

782 A.D.

Figure 33: The Five Months (= 5 x 30 = 150 Prophetic Days = 150 Years) of the Fifth Trumpet

We also would refer the readers to some excellent study material that is available on the Internet, and especially the maps thereon. Type in one of the search engines: ‘Saracens’ or ‘Islamic conquests’ or ‘map Saracen conquests’ and the like.

Figure 34: Extend of the Moslem Empire 750 A.D.


 Trumpet 6: The Turkish Muslim Conquests and the Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire Revelation 9:13-21 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. 15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. 16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. 17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. 18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. 19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt. 20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

Although the Eastern, Byzantine Roman Empire withstood the Trumpets of the Saracen Warriors, she was not able to withstand the 391 (or 396) years of menace by the ‘myriads’ of Turkish Calvary who, with their new weaponry of gunpowder, eventually in the year 1453 battered the walls of Constantinople and brought this last seat of Roman power to a full end. From henceforth not the Roman, but Turkish Islamic standards would be raised above her bulwarks. Since that time, Constantinople - in our time known as Istanbul as the capital of the Turkish Republic - has always been in the hands of the Turkish Muslims. From the vicinity of the river ‘Euphrates’ arose the Turks (first the Seljuk Turks and then the Ottoman Turks) who eventually made an end to the Eastern Roman Empire. Johnson’s Introduction on the Sixth Trumpet: “We have found that four trumpets were separated by the interlude of the woe angel from the remaining three. We have also found that the events indicated by the first series of four trumpets were all fulfilled in the same part of the, world, viz: The Western Roman Empire. The next two trumpets are blown consecutively without any intervening symbolism. We have reason to believe that they refer to events which transpired in the same portion of the earth, and as we have located the first of these, the fifth trumpet, in the East, I will anticipate that the scene of the sixth trumpet will be the East also. The first four trumpets proclaimed the march of armies that rushed to the destruction of the western Roman [172] Empire; the fifth trumpet announced the mighty Mahometan movement that so nearly subverted that portion of the Roman Empire, which yet survived in the East. The sixth then, in all probability, would herald another tide of invasion which poured upon that doomed and decaying relic of former greatness. With this probability to direct us we may proceed to examine the passage which describes its work.” [End Quote]


Figure 35: Map of the Islamic Ottoman Empire. Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Elliott: “…nothing more will be necessary than to trace, in brief narrative, the history of the Turkmen nation, from its first commissioning as a Moslem power against Christendom, to the time of the fall of Constantinople.” [End quote] Barnes account of the Sixth Trumpet: “The reference, then, seems to me to be to the Turkish power, extending from the time of the first appearance of the Turks in the neighbourhood of the Euphrates, to the final conquest of Constantinople in 1453. The general reasons for this opinion are such as the following: (a) If the previous trumpet referred to the Saracens, or to the rise of the Mohammedan power among the Arabs, then the Turkish dominion, being the next in succession, would be that which would most naturally be symbolized. (b) The Turkish power rose on the decline of the Arabic, and was the next important power in affecting the destinies of the world. (c) This power, like the former, had its seat in the East, and would be properly classified under the events occurring there as affecting the destiny of the world. (d) The introduction of this power was necessary, in order to complete the survey of the downfall of the Roman empire--the great object kept in view all along in these symbols. In the first four of these trumpets, under the seventh seal, we found the decline and fall of the Western empire; in the 104

first of the remaining three--the fifth in order--we found the rise of the Saracens, materially affecting the condition of the Eastern portion of the Roman world; and the notice of the Turks, under whom the empire at last fell to rise no more, seemed to be demanded in order to the completion of the picture. As a leading design of the whole vision was to describe the ultimate destiny of that formidable power--the Roman--which, in the time when the Revelation was given to John, ruled over the whole world; under which the church was then oppressed; and which, either as a civil or ecclesiastical power, was to exert so important an influence on the destiny of the church, it was proper that its history should be sketched until it ceased--that is, until the conquest of the capital of the Eastern empire by the Turks. Here the termination of the empire, as traced by Mr. Gibbon, closes; and these events it was important to incorporate in this series of visions. The rise and character of the Turkish people may be seen stated in full in Gibbon, Dec. and Fall, iii. 101--103, 105, 486; iv. 41, 42, 87, 90, 91, 93, 100, 127, 143, 151,258, 260, 289, 350. The leading facts in regard to the history of the Turks, so far as they are necessary to be known before we proceed to apply the symbols, are the following: (1.) The Turks, or Turkroans, had their origin in the vicinity of the Caspian Sea, and were divided into two branches, one on the east, and the other on the west. The latter colony, in the tenth century, could muster forty thousand soldiers; the other numbered a hundred thousand families.-Gibbon, iv. 90. By the latter of these, Persia was invaded and subdued, and soon Baghdad also came into their possession, and the seat of the caliph was occupied by a Turkish prince. The various details respecting this, and respecting their conversion to the faith of the Koran, may be seen in Gibbon, iv. 90-93. A mighty Turkish and Moslem power was thus concentrated under Togrul, who had subdued the caliph, in the vicinity of the Tigris and the Euphrates, extending east over Persia and the countries adjacent to the Caspian Sea, but it had not yet crossed the Euphrates to carry its conquests to the west. The conquest of Baghdad by Togrul, the first prince of the Seljuk race, was an important event, not only in itself, but as it was by this event that the Turk was constituted temporal lieutenant of the prophet's vicar, and so the head of the temporal power of the religion of Islam. "The conqueror of the East kissed the ground, stood some time in a modest posture, and was led toward the throne by the vizier and an interpreter. After Togrul had seated himself on another throne, his commission was publicly read, which declared him the temporal lieutenant of the prophet. He was successively invested with seven robes of honour, and presented with seven slaves the natives of the seven climates of the Arabian empire, etc. Their alliance [of the sultan and the caliph] was cemented by the marriage of Togrul's sister with the successor of the prophet," etc.--Gibbon, iv. 93. The conquest of Persia, the subjugation of Baghdad, the union of the Turkish power with that of the caliph, the successor of Mohammed, and the foundation of this powerful kingdom in the neighbourhood of the Euphrates, is all that is necessary to explain the sense of the phrase "which were prepared for an hour," etc., Revelation 9:15. The arrangements were then made for the important series of events which were to occur when that formidable power should be summoned from the East, to spread the predicted desolation over so large a part of the world. A mighty dominion had been forming in the East, that had subdued Persia, and that, by union with the Caliphs, by the subjugation of Baghdad, and by embracing the Mohammedan faith, had become "prepared" to play its subsequent important part in the affairs of the world. (2.) The next important event in their history was the crossing of the Euphrates, and the invasion of Asia Minor. The account of this invasion can be best given in the words of Mr. Gibbon: "Twenty-five years after the death of Basil, [the Greek emperor,] his successors were suddenly assaulted by an unknown race of barbarians, who united the Scythian valour with the fanaticism of new proselytes, and the art and riches of a powerful monarchy. The myriads of Turkish horse overspread a frontier of six hundred miles from Taurus to Arzeroum, and the blood of one hundred and thirty thousand Christians was a grateful sacrifice to the Arabian prophet. Yet the arms of 105

Togrul did not make any deep or lasting impression on the Greek empire. The torrent rolled away from the open country; the Sultan retired without glory or success from the siege of an Armenian city; the obscure hostilities were continued or suspended with a vicissitude of events; and the bravery of the Macedonian legions renewed the fame of the conqueror of Asia. The name of Alp Arslan, the valiant lion, is expressive of the popular idea of the perfection of man; and the successor of Togrul displayed the fierceness and generosity of the royal animal. ['The heads of the horses were as the heads of lions.'] He passed the Euphrates at the head of the Turkish cavalry, and entered Ceasarea, the metropolis of Cappadocia, to which he had been attracted by the fame and the wealth of the temple of St. Basil."--Vol. iv. 93, 94: compare also p. 95. (3.) The next important event was the establishing of the kingdom of Roum in Asia Minor. After a succession of victories and defeats; after being driven once and again from Asia Minor, and compelled to retire beyond its limits; and after subjecting the East to their arms (Gibbon, iv. 95-100) in the various contests for the crown of the Eastern empire, the aid of the Turks was invoked by one party or the other, until they secured for themselves a firm foothold in Asia Minor, and established themselves there in a permanent kingdom--evidently with the purpose of seizing upon Constantinople itself when an opportunity should be presented. --Gibbon, iv. 100, 101. Of this kingdom of Roum, Mr. Gibbon (iv. 101) gives the following description, and speaks thus of the effect of its establishment on the destiny of the Eastern empire: "Since the first conquests of the Caliphs, the establishment of the Turks in Anatolia, or Asia Minor, was the most deplorable loss which the church and empire had sustained. By the propagation of the Moslem faith, Soliman deserved the name of Gazi, a holy champion; and his new kingdom of the Romans, or of Roum, was added to the table of Oriental geography. It is described as extending from the Euphrates to Constantinople, from the Black Sea to the confines of Syria; pregnant with mines of silver and iron, of alum and copper, fruitful in corn and wine, and productive of cattle and excellent horses. The wealth of Lydia, the arts of the Greeks, the splendour of the Augustine age existed only in books and ruins, which were equally obscure in the eyes of the Scythian conquerors. By the choice of the Sultan, Nice, the metropolis of Bithynia, was preferred for his palace and fortress, the seat of the Seljukian dynasty of Roum was planted one hundred miles from Constantinople; and the divinity of Christ was denied and derided in the same temple in which it had been pronounced in the first general synod of the Catholics. The unity of God, and the mission of Mohammed, were preached in the mosques; the Arabian learning was taught in the schools; the Cadis judged according to the law of the Koran; the Turkish manners and language prevailed in the cities; and Turkman camps were scattered over the plains and mountains of Anatolia," etc. (4.) The next material event in the history of the Turkish power was the conquest of Jerusalem. See this described in Gibbon, iv. 102-106. By this, the attention of the Turks was turned for a time from the conquest of Constantinople--an event at which the Turkish power all along aimed, and in which they doubtless expected to be ultimately successful. Had they not been diverted from it, by the wars connected with the Crusades, Constantinople would have fallen long before it did fall, for it was too feeble to defend itself if it had been attacked. (5.) The conquest of Jerusalem by the Turks, and the oppressions which Christians experienced there, gave rise to the Crusades, by which the destiny of Constantinople was still longer delayed. The war of the Crusades was made on the Turks, and as the crusaders mostly passed through Constantinople and Anatolia, all the power of the Turks in Asia Minor was requisite to defend themselves, and they were incapable of making an attack on Constantinople, until after the final defeat of the crusaders, and restoration of peace. See Gibbon, iv. 106-210.


(6.) The next material event in the history of the Turks was the conquest of Constantinople in A. D. 1453--an event which established the Turkish power in Europe, and which completed the downfall of the Roman empire.--Gibbon, iv. 333-359. After this brief reference to the general history of the Turkish power, we are prepared to inquire more particularly whether the symbol in the passage before us is applicable to this series of events. This may be considered in several particulars. (1.) The time. If the first woe-trumpet referred to the Saracens, then it would be natural that the rise and progress of the Turkish power should be symbolized as the next great fact in history, and as that under which the empire fell. As we have seen, the Turkish power rose immediately after the power of the Saracens had reached its height, and identified itself with the Mohammedan religion, and was, in fact, the next great power that affected the Roman empire, the welfare of the church, and the history of the world. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the time is such as is demanded in the proper interpretation of the symbol. (2.) The place. We have seen (Barnes on "Rev. 9:14") that this was on or near the river Euphrates, and that this power was long forming and consolidating itself on the east of that river before it crossed it in the invasion of Asia Minor. It had spread over Persia, and had even invaded the region of the East as far as the Indies; it had secured, under Togrul, the conquest of Baghdad, and had united itself with the Caliphate, and was, in fact, a mighty power "prepared" for conquest before it moved to the West. Thus Mr. Gibbon (iv. 92) says, "The more rustic, perhaps the wisest, portion of the Turkroans continued to dwell in the tents of their ancestors; and from the Oxus to the Euphrates these military colonies were protected and propagated by their native princes.'- So again, speaking of Alp Arslan, the son and successor of Togrul, he says, (iv. 94,) "He passed the Euphrates at the head of the Turkish cavalry, and entered Caesarea, the metropolis of Cappadocia, to which he was attracted by the fame and the wealth of the temple of St. Basil." If it be admitted that it was intended by John to refer to the Turkish power, it could not have been better represented than as a power that had been forming in the vicinity of that great river, and that was prepared to precipitate itself on the Eastern empire. To one contemplating it in the time of Togrul or Alp Arslan, it would have appeared as a mighty power growing up in the neighbourhood of the Euphrates. (3.) The four angels: "Loose the four angels which are bound." That is, loose the powers which are in the vicinity of the Euphrates, as if they were under the control of four angels. The most natural construction of this would be, that under the mighty power that was to sweep over the world, there were four subordinate powers, or that there were such subdivisions that it might be supposed they were ranged under four angelic powers or leaders. The question is, whether there was any such division or arrangement of the Turkish power, that, to one looking on it at a distance, there would seem to be such a division. In the History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, (iv. 100;) we find the following statement: "The greatness and unity of the Persian empire expired in the person of Malek Shah. The Vacant throne was disputed by his brother and his four sons; and, after a series of civil wars, the treaty which reconciled the surviving candidates confirmed a lasting separation in the Persian dynasty, the oldest and principal branch of the house of Seljuk. The three younger dynasties were those of Kerman, of Syria, and of Roum; the first of these commanded an extensive, though obscure, dominion on the shores of the Indian Ocean; the second expelled the Arabian princes of Aleppo and Damascus; and the third [our peculiar case] invaded the Roman provinces of Asia Minor. The generous policy of Malek contributed to their elevation: he allowed the princes of his blood, even those whom he had vanquished in the field, to seek new kingdoms worthy of their ambition; nor was he displeased that they should draw away the more ardent spirits who might have disturbed the tranquillity of his reign. As the supreme head of his family and nation, the great Sultan of Persia commanded the obedience and tribute of his royal brethren: the thrones of Kerrnan and Nice, of Aleppo and Damascus; the Atabeks and emirs of Syria and Mesopotamia erected their standards under the shadow of his sceptre, and the hordes of Turkroans 107

overspread the plains of Western Asia. After the death of Malek, the bands of union and subordination were gradually relaxed and dissolved; the indulgence of the house of Seljuk invested their slaves with the inheritance of kingdoms; and, in the Oriental style, a crowd of princes arose from the dust of their feet." Here it is observable, that, at the period when the Turkman hordes were about to precipitate themselves on Europe, and to advance to the destruction of the Eastern empire, we have distinct mention of four great departments of the Turkish power: the original power that had established itself in Persia, under Malek Shah, and the three subordinate powers that sprung out of that of Kerman, Syria, and Roum, It is observable (a) that this occurs at the period when that power would appear in the East as advancing in its conquests to the West; (b) that it was in the vicinity of the great river Euphrates; (c) that it had never before occurred--the Turkish power having been before united as one; and (d) that it never afterwards occurred--for, in the words of Mr. Gibbon, "after the death of Malek, the bands of union and subordination were relaxed and finally dissolved." It would not be improper, then, to look upon this one mighty power as under the control of four spirits that were held in check in the East, and that were "prepared" to pour their energies on the Roman empire. [Author’s note: not all agree on the exact identity of the Four Angels but all agree that they refer to the rising Turkish Dominion] (4.) The preparation: "Prepared for an hour," etc. That is, arranged; made ready--as if by previous discipline--for some mighty enterprise. Applied to the Turkmans, this would mean that the preparation for the ultimate work which they executed had been making as that power increased and became consolidated under Togrul, Alp Arslan, and Malek Shah. In its successful strides, Persia and the East had been subdued; the Caliph at Baghdad had been brought under the control of the Sultan; a union had been formed between the Turks and the Saracens; and the Sultanies of Kerman, Syria, and Roum had been established--embracing together all the countries of the East, and constituting this by far the most mighty nation on the globe. All this would seem to be a work of preparation to do what was afterwards done as seen in the visions of John. (5.) The fact that they were bound: "Which are bound in the great river Euphrates." That is, they were, as it were, restrained and kept back for a long time in that vicinity. It would have been natural to suppose that that vast power would at once move on toward the West to the conquest of the capital of the Eastern empire. Such had been the case with the Huns, the Goths, and the Vandals. But these Turkish hordes had been long restrained in the East. They had subdued Persia. They had then achieved the conquest of India. They had conquered Baghdad, and the entire East was under their control. Yet for a long time they had now been inactive, and it would seem as if they had been bound or restrained by some mighty power from moving in their conquests to the West. ---------------------------------------------------------------------(7.) Their numbers: "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand." That is, it was vast, or it was such as to be reckoned by myriads, or by tens of thousands-- \~duo muriadev muriadwn\~ two myriads of myriads. Thus Mr. Gibbon (iv. 94) says, "The myriads of Turkish horse overspread," etc. It has been suggested by Daubuz that in this there may be probably an allusion to the Turkman custom of numbering by tomans, or myriads. This custom, it is true, has existed elsewhere, but there is probably none with whom it has been so familiar as with the Tartars and Turks. In the Seljukian age, the population of Samarcand was rated at seven tomans, (myriads,) because it could send out 70,000 warriors. The dignity and rank of Tamerlane's father and grandfather was thus described, that "they were the hereditary chiefs of a toman, or 10,000 horse"--a myriad, (Gibbon, iv. 270;) so that it is not without his usual propriety of language that Mr. Gibbon speaks of the myriads of the Turkish horse, or of the cavalry of the earlier Turks of Mount Altai, "being, both men and horses, proudly computed by myriads." One thing is clear, that to no other invading hosts could the language here used be so well applied, and, 108

if it were supposed that John was writing after the event, this would be the language which he would be likely to employ--for this is nearly the identical language employed by the historian Gibbon. (8.) Their personal appearance: "Them that sat on them having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone"--as explained above, in a "uniform" of red, and blue, and yellow. This might, undoubtedly, be applicable to other armies besides the Turkish hordes; but the proper question here is, whether it would be applicable to them. The fact of the application of the symbol to the Turks in general must be determined from other points in the symbol which designate them clearly; the only natural inquiry here is, whether this description would apply to the Turkish hosts, for if it would not, that would be fatal to the whole interpretation. On the application of this passage to the Turks, Mr. Daubuz justly remarks, that "from their first appearance the Ottomans have affected to wear warlike apparel of scarlet, blue, and yellow: a descriptive trait the more marked from its contrast to the military appearance of the Greeks, Franks, or Saracens contemporarily." Mr. Elliott adds, "It only needs to have seen the Turkish cavalry, (as they were before the late innovations,) whether in war itself, or in the djerrid war's mimicry, to leave an impression of the absolute necessity of some such notice of their rich and varied colourings, in order to give in description at all a just impression of their appearance," i. 481. (9.) The remarkable appearance of the cavalry: "Having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone." It was remarked in the exposition of this passage, that this is just such a description as would be given of an army to which the use of gunpowder was known, and which made use of it in these wars. Looking now upon a body of cavalry in the heat of an engagement, it would seem, if the cause were not known, that the horses belched forth smoke and sulphurous flame. The only question now is, whether in the warfare of the Turks there was anything which would peculiarly or remarkably justify this description. And here it is impossible not to advert to the historical fact that they were among the first to make use of gunpowder in their wars, and that to the use of this destructive element they owed much of their success, and their ultimate triumphs. The historical truth of this it is necessary now to advert to, and this will be done by a reference to Mr. Gibbon, and to the account which he has given of the final conquest of Constantinople by the Turks. It will be seen how he puts this new instrumentality of war into the foreground in his account; how prominent this seemed to him to be in describing the victories of the Turks; and how probable, therefore, it is that John, in describing an invasion by them, would refer to the "fire and smoke and brimstone," that seemed to be emitted from the mouths of their horses. As preparatory to the account of the siege and conquest of Constantinople by the Turks, Mr. Gibbon gives a description of the invention and use of gunpowder. "The chemists of China or Europe had found, by casual or elaborate experiments, that a mixture of saltpetre, sulphur, and charcoal produces, with a spark of fire, a tremendous explosion. It was soon observed that if the expansive force were compressed in a strong tube, a ball of stone or iron might be expelled with irresistible and destructive velocity. The precise era of the invention and application of gunpowder is involved in doubtful traditions and equivocal language; yet we may clearly discern that it was known before the middle of the fourteenth century; and that before the end of the same, the use of artillery in battles and sieges, by sea and land, was familiar to the states of Germany, Italy, Spain, France, and England. The priority of nations is of small account; none would derive any exclusive benefit from their previous or superior knowledge; and on the common improvement they stand on the same level of relative power and military science. Nor was it possible to circumscribe the secret within the pale of the church; it was disclosed to the Turks by the treachery of apostates and the selfish policy of rivals; and the sultans had sense to adopt, and wealth to reward, the talents of a Christian engineer. By the Venetians, the use of gunpowder was communicated without reproach to the sultans of Egypt and Persia, their allies against the Ottoman power; the secret was soon propagated to the extremities of Asia; and the advantage of the European was confined to his easy 109

victories over the savages of the new world," iv. 291. In the description of the conquest of Constantinople, Mr. Gibbon makes frequent mention of their artillery, and of the use of gunpowder, and of its important agency in securing their final conquests, and in the overthrow of the Eastern empire. "Among the implements of destruction, he [the Turkish sultan] studied with peculiar care the recent and tremendous discovery of the Latins; and his artillery surpassed whatever had yet appeared in the world. A founder of cannon, a Dane or Hungarian, who had almost starved in the Greek service, deserted to the Moslems, and was liberally entertained by the Turkish sultan. Mohammed was satisfied with the answer to his first question, which he eagerly pressed on the artist: 'Am I able to cast a cannon capable of throwing a ball or stone of sufficient size to batter the walls of Constantinople? I am not ignorant of their strength, but were they more solid than those of Babylon, I could oppose an engine of superior power; the position and management of that engine must be left to your engineers.' On this assurance a foundry was established at Adrianople; the metal was prepared; and at the end of three months Urban produced a piece of brass ordnance of stupendous and almost incredible magnitude: a measure of twelve palms is assigned to the bore; and the stone bullet weighed above six hundred pounds. A vacant place before the new palace was chosen for the first experiment: but to prevent the sudden and mischievous effects of astonishment and fear, a proclamation was issued that the cannon would be discharged the ensuing day. The explosion was felt or heard in a circuit of a hundred furlongs; the ball, by force of gunpowder, was driven about a mile; and on the spot where it fell, it buried itself a fathom deep in the ground," iv. 339. So in speaking of the siege of Constantinople by the Turks, Mr. Gibbon says of the defence by the Christians, (iv. 343,) "The incessant volleys of lances and arrows were accompanied with the smoke, the sound, and the fire of their musketry and cannon." "The same destructive secret," he adds, "had been revealed to the Moslems, by whom it was employed with the superior energy of zeal, riches, and despotism. The great cannon of Mohammed has been separately noticed--an important and visible object in the history of the times: but that enormous engine was flanked by two fellows almost of equal magnitude; the long order of the Turkish artillery was pointed against the walls; fourteen batteries thundered at once on the most accessible places; and of one of these it was ambiguously expressed that it was mounted with one hundred and thirty guns, and that it discharged one hundred and thirty bullets," iv. 343, 344. Again: "The first random shots were productive of more sound than effect; and it was by the advice of a Christian that the engineers were taught to level their aim against the two opposite sides of the salient angles of a bastion. However imperfect, the weight and repetition of the fire made some impression on the walls," iv. 344. And again: "A circumstance that distinguishes the siege of Constantinople is the re-union of the ancient and modern artillery. The cannon were intermingled with the mechanical engines for casting stones and darts; the bullet and the battering-ram were directed against the same walls; nor had the discovery of gunpowder superseded the use of the liquid and inextinguishable fire," iv. 344. So again, ill the description of the final conflict when Constantinople was taken, Mr. Gibbon says, "From the lines, the galleys, and the bridge, the Ottoman artillery thundered on all sides; and the camp and city, the Greeks and the Turks, were involved in a cloud of smoke which could only be dispelled by the final deliverance or destruction of the Roman empire," iv. 350. Assuredly, if such was the fact in the conquests of the Turks, it was not unnatural in one who was looking on these warriors in vision to describe them as if they seemed to belch out "fire and smoke and brimstone." If Mr. Gibbon had designed to describe the conquest of the Turks as a fulfilment of the prediction, could he have done it in a style more clear and graphic than that which he has employed? If this had occurred in a Christian writer, would it not have been charged on him that he had shaped his facts to meet his notions of the meaning of the prophecy? (10.) The statement that "their power was in their mouth, and in their tails," Revelation 9:19. The former part of this has been illustrated. The inquiry now is, what is the meaning of the declaration that "their power was in their tails." In Revelation 9:19, their tails are described as 110

resembling "serpents, having heads," and it is said that "with them they do hurt." See Barnes "Revelation 9:19"that verse. The allusion to the "serpents" would seem to imply that there was something in the horses' tails, as compared with them, or in some use that was made of them, which would make this language proper; that is, that their appearance would so suggest the idea of death and destruction, that the mind would easily imagine they were a bundle of serpents. The following remarks may show how applicable this was to the Turks: (a) In the Turkish hordes there was something, whatever it was, that naturally suggested some resemblance to serpents. Of the Turkmans when they began to spread their conquests over Asia, in the eleventh century, and an effort was made to rouse the people against them, Mr. Gibbon makes the following remark: "Massoud, the son and successor of Mahmoud, had too long neglected the advice of his wisest Omrahs. 'Your enemies,' [the Turkmans,] they repeatedly urged, 'were in their origin a swarm of ants; they are now little snakes; and unless they be instantly crushed, they will acquire the venom and magnitude of serpents," iv. 91. (b) It is a remarkable fact that the horse's tail is a well-known Turkish standard--a symbol of office and authority. "The pashas are distinguished, after a Tartar custom, by three horsetails on the side of their tents, and receive by courtesy the title of beyler beg, or prince of princes. The next in rank are the pashas of two tails, the beys who are honoured with one tail." --Edin. Ency. Art. Turkey. In the times of their early warlike career, the principal standard was once lost in battle, and the Turkman commander, in default, cut off his horse's tail, lifted it on a pole, made it the rallying ensign, and so gained the victory. So Tournefort in his Travels states. The following is Ferrario's account of the origin of this ensign: "An author acquainted with their customs says, that a general of theirs, not knowing how to rally his troops that had lost their standards, cut off a horse's tail, and fixed it to the end of a spear; and the soldiers rallying at that signal, gained the victory." He adds farther, that whereas "on his appointment a pasha of the three tails used to receive a drum and a standard, now for the drum there have been substituted three horses' tails, tied at the end of a spear, round a gilded haft. One of the first officers of the palace presents him these three tails as a standard." Elliott, i. 485, 486. This remarkable standard or ensign is found only among the Turks, and, if there was an intended reference to them, the symbol here would be the proper one to be adopted. The meaning of the passage where it is said that "their power is in their tails" would seem to be, that their tails were the symbol or emblem of their authority--as in fact the horse's tail is in the appointment of a pasha. The image before the mind of John would seem to have been, that he saw the horses belching out fire and smoke, and, what was equally strange, he saw that their power of spreading desolation was connected with the tails of horses. Any one looking on a body of cavalry with such banners or ensigns would be struck with this unusual and remarkable appearance, and would speak of their banners as concentrating and directing their power. (11.) The number slain, Revelation 9:18. That is said to have been "the third part of men." No one in reading the accounts of the wars of the Turks, and of the ravages which they have committed, would be likely to feel that this is an exaggeration. It is not necessary to suppose that it is literally accurate, but it is such a representation as would strike one in looking over the world, and contemplating the effect of their invasions. If the other specifications in the symbol are correct, there would be no hesitation in admitting the propriety of this. (12.) The time of the continuance of this power. This is a material, and a more difficult point. It is said (Revelation 9:15) to be "an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year;" that is, as explained, three hundred and ninety-one years, and the portion of a year indicated by the expression "an hour:" to wit, an additional twelfth or twenty-fourth part of a year. The question now is, whether, supposing the time to which this reaches to be the capture of Constantinople, and the consequent downfall of the Roman empire--the object in view in this series of visions-- in reckoning back from that period for 391 years, we should reach an epoch that would properly denote the moving forward of this power towards its final conquest; that is, whether there was any such marked epoch that, if the 391 years were added to it, it would reach the year of the conquest of Constantinople, A.D. 111

1453. The period that would be indicated by taking the number 391 from 1453 would be 1062--and that is the time in which we are to look for the event referred to. This is on the supposition that the year consisted of 360 days, or twelve months of thirty days each. If, however, instead of this, we reckon 365 days and six hours, then the length of time would be found to amount to 396 years and 106 days.* ------* "As the Julian year equalled 365 days 6 hours, the Apocalyptic period would, on the year day principle, be in amount as follows :-A year = 365 1/4 days = 365 years + 1/4 of a year. A month = 30 days = 30 years, A day = = 1 year. ----- Years 396 1/4 of a prophetic day or year (left out above) = 91 1/4 days. An hour = 1/24 of a prophetic day or year = 15 1/6 days. Total = years 396 + 106 days." Elliott, i. p. 493 ------This would make the time of the "loosening of the angels," or the moving forward of this power, to be A.D. 1057. In the uncertainty on this point, and in the unsettled state of ancient chronology, it would, perhaps, be vain to hope for minute accuracy, and it is not reasonable to demand it of an interpreter. On any fair principle of interpretation, it would be sufficient if at about one of these periods--A. D. 1062, or A.D. 1057--there was found such a definite or strongly marked event as would indicate a movement of the hitherto restrained power toward the West. This is the real point, then, to be determined. Now, in a common work on chronology, I find this record: "A. D. 1055, Turks reduce Baghdad, and overturn the empire of the Caliphs." In a work still more important to our purpose, (Gibbon, iv. 92, 93,) under the date of A. D. 1055, I find a series of statements which will show the propriety of referring to that event as the one by which this power, so long restrained, was "let loose;" that is, was placed in such a state that its final conquest of the Eastern empire certainly followed. The event was the union of the Turkish power with the Caliphate in such a way that the sultan was regarded as "the temporal lieutenant of the vicar of the prophet." Of this event Mr. Gibbon gives the following account. After mentioning the conversion of the Turks to the Moslem faith, and especially the zeal with which the son of Seljuk had embraced that faith, he proceeds to state the manner in which the Turkish sultan Togrul came in possession of Baghdad, and was invested with the high office of the "temporal lieutenant of the vicar of the prophet." There were two caliphs, those of Baghdad and Egypt, and "the sublime character of the successor of the prophet" was "disputed" by them, iv. 93. Each of them became "solicitous to prove his title in the judgment of the strong though illiterate barbarians." Mr. Gibbon then says, "Mahmoud the Gaznevide had declared himself in favour of the line of Abbas; and had treated with indignity the robe of honour which was presented by the Fatimite ambassador. Yet the ungrateful Hashemite had changed with the change of fortune; he applauded the victory of Zendecan, and named the Seljukian sultan his temporal vicegerent over the Moslem world.--As Togrul executed and enlarged this important trust, he was called to the deliverance of the caliph Cayem, and obeyed the holy summons, which gave a new kingdom to his arms. In the palace of Baghdad, the commander of the faithful still slumbered, a venerable phantom. His servant or master, the prince of the Bowides, could no longer protect him from the insolence of meaner tyrants; and the Euphrates and the Tigris were oppressed by the revolt of the Turkish and Arabian armies. The presence of a conqueror was implored as a blessing; and the transient mischiefs of fire and sword were excused as the sharp but salutary remedies which alone could restore the health of the Republic. At the head of an irresistible force, the sultan of Persia marched from Hamadan; the proud were crushed, the prostrate were spared; the prince of the Bowides disappeared; the heads of the most obstinate rebels were at the feet of Togrul; and he inflicted a lesson of obedience on the people of Mosul and Baghdad. After the chastisement of the guilty, and the restoration of peace, the royal shepherd accepted the reward of his labours; and a solemn amnesty represented the triumph of religious prejudice over barbarian power. The Turkish sultan embarked on the Tigris, landed at the gate of Racca, and made his public entry on horseback. At the palace gate he respectfully dismounted, and walked, on foot, preceded by his emirs without arms. The caliph was seated behind his black veil; 112

the black garment of the Abbassides was cast over his shoulders, and he held in his hand the staff of the Apostle of God. The conqueror of the East kissed the ground, stood some time in a modest posture, and was led toward the throne by the vizier and an interpreter. After Togrul had seated himself on another throne, his commission was publicly read, which declared him the temporal lieutenant of the vicar of the prophet. He was successively invested with seven robes of honour, and presented with seven slaves, the natives of the seven climates of the Arabian empire. His mystic veil was perfumed with musk; two crowns were placed on his head; two scimetars were girded to his side, as the symbols of a double reign over the East and West. Their alliance was cemented by the marriage of Togfurs sister with the successor of the prophet," iv. 93, 94. This event, so described, was of sufficient importance, as constituting a union of the Turkish power with the Moslem faith, as making it practicable to move in their conquests toward the West, and as connected in its ultimate results with the downfall of the Eastern empire, to make it an epoch in the history of nations. In fact, it was the point which one would have particularly looked at, after describing the movements of the Saracens, (Revelation 9:1-11,) as the next event that was to change the condition of the world.” [End quote] Barnes on the timing of “an hour, a day, a month, and a year”: “Happily we have also the means of fixing the exact date of this event, so as to make it accord with singular accuracy with the period supposed to be referred to. The general time specified by Mr. Gibbon is A.D. 1055. This, according to the two methods referred to of determining the period embraced in the "hour, and day, and month, and year," would reach, if the period were 391 years, to A. D. 1446; if the other method were referred to, making it 396 years and 106 days to A.D. 1451, with 106 days added, within less than two years of the actual taking of Constantinople. But there is a more accurate calculation as to the time than the general one thus made. In vol. iv. 93, Mr. Gibbon makes this remark: "Twenty-five years after the death of Basil, his successors were suddenly attacked by an unknown race of barbarians, who united the Scythian valour with the fanaticism of new proselytes, and the art and riches of a powerful monarchy." He then proceeds (p. 94, seq.) with an account of the invasions of the Turks. In vol. iii. 307, we have an account of the death of Basil. "In the sixty-eighth year of his age, his martial spirit urged him to embark in person for a holy war against the Saracens of Sicily; he was prevented by death, and Basil, surnamed the slayer of the Bulgarians, was dismissed from the world, with the blessings of the clergy and the curses of the people." This occurred A.D. 1025. "Twenty-five years" after this would make A.D. 1050. To this add the period here referred to, and we have respectively, as above, the years A.D. 1446, or A.D. 1451, and 106 days. Both periods are near the time of the taking of Constantinople and the downfall of the Eastern empire, (A.D. 1453,) and the latter strikingly so; and, considering the general nature of the statement of Mr. Gibbon, and the great indefiniteness of the dates in chronology, may be considered as remarkable.--But we have the means of a still more accurate calculation. It is by determining the exact period of the investiture of Togrul with the authority of caliph, or as the "temporal lieutenant of the vicar of the prophet." The time of this investiture, or coronation, is mentioned by Abulfeda as occurring on the 25th of Dzoulcad, in the year of the Hegira 449; and the date of Elmakin's narrative, who has given an account of this, perfectly agrees with this. Of this transaction, Elmakin makes the following remark: "There was now none left in Irak or Chorasmia who could stand before him." The importance of this investiture will be seen from the charge which the caliph is reported by Abulfeda to have given to Togrul on this occasion: "The caliph commits to your care all that part of the world which God has committed to his care and dominion; and entrusts to thee, under the name of vicegerent, the guardianship of the pious, faithful, and God-serving citizens." (Mandat Chalifa tuae curae omne id terraium quod Deus ejns curae et imperio commisit; tibique civium piorum, fidelium, Deum colentium, tutelam sublocatorio 113

nomine demandat.) The exact time of this investiture is stated by Abulfeda, as above, to be the 25th of Dzoulcad, A. H. 449. Now, reckoning this as the time, and we have the following result: The 25th of Dzoulcad, A. H. 449, would answer to February 2, A. D. 1058. From this to May 29, 1453, the time when Constantinople was taken, would be 395 years and 116 days. The prophetic period, as above, is 396 years and 106 days--making a difference only of 1 year and 10 days--a result that cannot but be considered as remarkable, considering the difficulty of fixing ancient dates. Or if, with Mr. Elliott, (i. 495-499,) we suppose that the time is to be reckoned from the period when the Turkman power went forth from Baghdad on a career of conquest, the reckoning should be from the year of the Hegira, 448, the year before the formal investiture, then this would make a difference of only 24 days. The date of that event was the tenth of Dzoulcad, A. H. 448. That was the day on which Togrul with his Turkroans, now the representative and head of the power of Islamism, quitted Baghdad to enter on a long career of war and conquest. "The part allotted to Togrul himself in the fearful drama soon to open against the Greeks was to extend and establish the Turkman dominion over the frontier countries of Irak and Mesopotamia, that so the requisite strength might be attained for the attack ordained of. God's counsels against the Greek empire. The first step to this was the siege and capture of Moussul; his next of Singara. Nisibis, too, was visited by him; that frontier fortress that had in other days been so long a bulwark to the Greeks. Everywhere victory attended his banner--a presage of what was to follow." Reckoning from that time, the coincidence between the period that elapsed from that, and the conquest of Constantinople, would be 396 years and 130 days--a period that corresponds, with only a difference of 24 days, with that specified in the prophecy according to the explanation given above. It could not be expected that a coincidence more accurate than this could be made out on the supposition that the prophecy was designed to refer to these events; and if it did refer to them, the coincidence could have occurred only as a prediction by Him who sees with perfect accuracy all the future.” [End quote] Elliott’s commentary on the time of “an hour, a day, a month and a year”: 1056 A.D.: “The date is given by Abulfeda [=Arab Historian]; the 10th of Dzoulcaad, A. H. 448. That was the day in which Thogrul with his Turkmen, now the representative, as we have said, and head of the power of Islamism, quitted Baghdad to enter on a long career of war and conquest.- The part allotted to Throgrul himself in the fearful drama soon about to open against the Greeks, was, like the military part enacted long previously by Mahomet, in regard of Christendom, preparative. It was to extend and establish the Turkmen dominion over the frontier countries of Iraq and Mesopotamia; that so the requisite strength might be attained for the attack ordained in God's counsels against the Greek empire. The 10th Dzoulcad, A.H. 448, corresponds with January 18, 1057 A.D. From this to January 18, A. D. 1453, is 396 years; and to May 29 [when Constantinople fell; 29 May 1453] of that same year, 130 days more. Such is the exact historical interval. Greek Empire (Byzantine) was no more.” [End Quote]


Torment and Hurt Men for Five Months

A Third Part of Men killed Body of Eastern R.E. ended

150 Years

396 Years and 106 Days

5th Trumpet Saracen Conquests

632 A.D.

6th Trumpet Turkish Conquests

782 A.D.




1453 Fall of Constantinople

Figure 36: The 396 Years and 106 Days of the Turkish Dominion which made an end to the Eastern Roman Empire

And so came an end to the Eastern Roman Empire as well. In the allotted and Divinely appointed time of about 396 years and a few days, the Turkish hammerers had beaten down the power of Eastern Rome and terribly punished that part of the world in general, but the apostate Church more specifically. Yet, it is written, the Apostate Romish Church did not repent at all of all their idolatries and other abominations (Revelation 9:20-21). The Babylonian Church of Rome will never repent, for she will remain, even according to her own opinion, ‘always the same’. It is not till the Seventh Vial has done its work that this Babylonian Whorish Church system will be brought to her end (see Vials, and the Seventh Vial in particular). The Seals have been opened, Six Trumpets have sounded, and we now have arrived at the year 1453. The Second Woe continues yet a little longer for it includes some other events as well, as described in Revelation 11:13, but we will not go into details about those events in this book.7 The world at this time at the end of the Second Woe in the 16th/17th centuries is awaiting the sound of the Seventh Trumpet, the Third and Last Woe, which eventually would cause the “kingdoms of this world to become the kingdoms of our Lord…” (see Revelation 11:15). In between the Sixth Trumpet and the Seventh, lies the chapters 10 and 11 of the Book of Revelation, which speak about a ‘little book’ with the ‘seven thunders’ and the ‘two witnesses’ etc.


The Time of the Second Woe includes the events of the breaking away of England and the Seven Provinces of the Netherlands from Rome, as described in Revelation 12:13, which events were completed in the 17th Century. We cannot go into any details here but hope to cover this in a proper commentary on the Book of Revelation.


The ‘Two Witnesses” we have briefly explained before in chapter 1.6 and the symbol of the Seven Thunders we will cover in Part III of this manuscript. Let us now continue with the general thread in the Book of Revelation and follow the course of the Trumpets. The Seventh Trumpet logically speaking had to sound some time soon after the end of the Sixth Trumpet and Second Woe. The first half of the Book of Revelation more or less ends at chapter 11, for after this chapter, halfway through the Book, the visions again begin at the early Church. There are no details given about the Seventh Trumpet in chapter 11, for they are reserved for the chapters 15-19 after more is explained about the two Beasts and Babylon the Great. We have said before that the Seventh Trumpet was not to sound over the Roman Empire like the first 6 Trumpets had done so, but was to contain Seven Stages of Divine wrath and judgements which was to fall, not on Pagan Rome, but on Papal Rome and her extended Great Babylon. Great Babylon was to be the primary object of the sounding of the Seventh Trumpet and Third woe. The Seventh Angel with the Seventh Trumpet was sent forth by the Lord to make an end to Babylon the Great.


Chapter 2.3: The Seventh Trumpet containing the Seven Vials We would like to remind the reader once again that the Book of Revelation is not a history book of all general historical events, for if it was, the Bible would need to exist out of many voluminous books that could fill a whole library! The Book of Revelation, of course, is given to God’s people the Church and discloses only those events that would relate somehow to the course of the Church. Much has happened in the history of mankind, and tremendous events have taken place in the world since the Seventh Trumpet began to sound which are not written down in the remains of this Book of Revelation.

Rise of the Islamic Dominion Time, Times and Half a Time = 1260 years (Daniel 12) Ottoman Turks

Rise of the Papal Roman Dominion Time, Times and Half a Time (360, 720,180) = 1260 years 42 Months = 42 x 30 = 1260 Years

622 632 533 607 A.D.







150 years

396 years




Vials 1-5

Seventh Trumpet

Figure 37: The Rise of the Two Gentile Dominions of Papal Rome in the West and Islam in the East: 1260 years dominion.

When the Seventh Trumpet began to sound, mankind had reached the middle of the 18th Century. The Roman Empire was no more, but her soil was taken over by two new Gentile Dominions, which were, as we have explained above: 1. The Roman Catholic Church and 2. The Dominion of Islam. The Papal Roman Dominion took hold of the Western part of the departed Roman Empire and the Islamic Dominion vested itself in the grounds of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire. Roman Catholicism became the Great Apostasy of the West, and Islam became 117

the Great Apostasy of the East. Papal Rome (The Roman Catholic Church and her dominion) developed into the Great Antichristian power, spoken of in many places in the Scriptures (Daniel 7; 2 Thessalonians 2; Revelation 13;17-18). Islam is the False Prophet system of the Book of Revelation, which was to come. The powers of Islam and Papal Rome are the powers that have had a major influence on the true Church of Christ for many centuries! These are the two dominions that have been given great attention in the Book of Revelation (and other Books of the Bible) for they would develop as the greatest enemies of the Christian cause. The Gentile Dominions of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Pagan Rome were limited to certain geographical boundaries, but these two new politicalreligious dominions were to spread far and wide. The dominion and influence of both Papal Rome and Islam have spread their tentacles all over the world. Wherever God’s people are, Satan must send his ambassadors also, to inflict as much damage as possible. The Roman Catholic Church and Islam provide Satan’s messengers and workers. Wherever the true Church is, Satan will follow her with his ‘churches’ of Rome and/or Islam as well. The Seven Vials were destined to be poured out to bring an end to the dominions of Papal Rome, Islam and the nations of this world in general. When the Last Vial has fulfilled its task, the kingdoms of this world will be the Lord’s and the dominions of Mohammed and the Pope will be no more. We have said before that the main target of the Vials was to be “Great Babylon”. The Roman Catholic Church is the source and pinnacle of Great Babylon, yet we have seen that Babylon is greater than just the Church of Rome. The Apostate False and corrupted Christian Religion of Babylon which is not Christianity, has truly become great in our time and whosoever calls upon the Name of Jesus and yet remains associated in one way or another with Babylon the Great will receive of the wrath of God as is expressed in the vials! (For more on the Two Beasts and Babylon the Great, please read again the writings on the Gentile Dominions in chapter 1.5) Six Vials lie already behind us! The one we as Christians have to look out for and be concerned with at this time, is the last, Seventh Vial which exceeds all the other Vials in intensity, wrath, destruction and finality. The Seventh Vial is final; it will make a full end to Babylon and the nations of this world, for this Vial will prepare the earth for the coming of the rightful Owner thereof: the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords. We will now relate to you how the first six Vials have already found fulfilment in the last 250 years or so.

2.3.1: The First Five Vials: The first five Vials are different, successive stages in the weakening of the ‘Seat of the Beast’, which is Rome, the seat of the Great Antichristian dominion of the Roman Catholic Church, or Mystery Babylon the Great, who sits and rules on the Seven Hills of Rome. The recipients of the first vials are associated with the inhabitants of that apostate world, who, in the Name of Christ, served the power of Antichrist. The Wrath of God, shut up in those vials, or ‘bowls’ was released on those who “had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:1) and “upon the rivers and fountains of waters” that had been guilty of shedding “the blood of saints and prophets” (Revelation 16:6). It was to be poured forth on the heads of those who refused to repent of their abominations (Revelation 16:9) and eventually the seat of the Beast itself would not escape the Divine hot displeasure. The first of these five Vials begins in the middle of the 18th century and the fifth can be considered as completed in the year 1870. In this period of about 120 years, the dominion of the once all-ruling power of Papal Rome in mainly Western Europe was brought very, very low. 118

During this period of the first Five Vials, the Roman Catholic world had to endure the fate that she herself had been the executor of in the centuries before in the countries of Europe: humiliation, abuse, persecutions, poverty, confiscations, banishments, robberies, wars, bloodshed, tortures and many deaths. Princes and paupers, kings and beggars, priests and farmers, peoples of all classes, ranks and different geographical areas, all those who were associated with the Roman Catholic Beast, had to drink the bitter cup of torments, sufferings and agonies which fell upon them during the pouring out of these Five Vials. It was during this period that the Popes of Rome who were watching the world from their seat in the Vatican (Rome) beheld the downfall of their secular, temporal dominions. One Vial after the other was gnawing away the authority and power of this “mistress of the world”, as Rome called herself. In the year 1870 she could not watch any further than the walls of the Vatican for in this year Rome became the capital of the newly established secular Republic of Italy. The vast and extensive papal territories and estates had been swallowed up by the secular authorities, causing the temporal power of Rome to cease. After having had “power to continue forty and two months” (= 42 x 30 days = 1260 prophetic days = 1260 years; see Revelation 13:5, and also Daniel 7:25), her all usurping dominion had come to an end, in accordance with the prophetic Scriptures.

Figure 38: French Revolution: the Execution of Queen Marie Antoinette under the “guillotine”. Tens of Thousands of all kinds of citizens were yet to follow and find their death under the falling iron plate of the guillotine.


"Time, Times and Half a Time", "42 Months" Dominion of Papal Rome

1260 Solar years = 1242.74 Calendar = 1222.03 Lunar 1755


1260 Solar years = 1242.74 Calendar = 1222.03 Lunar 1830

533 A.D.


Vials 1- 5


Seventh Trumpet

533 A.D.: Decree of Roman Emperor (East) Justinian declaring the Pope of Rome "Head of all the Churches, and of all the Holy Priests of God" 607 A.D.: Decree of Roman Emperor (East) Phocas declaring the Pope of Rome "Headship over all the Churches of Christendom" Phocas died 610 A.D.

Figure 39: Beginning and Ending of 1260 Years Dominion of Papal Rome

Let us now look to the first five Vials separately to see what took place in this period of time between 1750 and 1870, which caused the downfall of the Temporal power of Papal Rome, the Seat of the Beast. Again we choose to quote from the Christian authors who have spent much time in studying this subject of the vials. Note that most of these authors we quote were writing during the outpouring of the fifth vial in the 19th Century, and possessed therefore precious first hand witness of the revolutionary events around them. Although you will note that generally speaking the Vials successively move forward in time, some events nevertheless that begun in one of the Vials, seemed to overlap into the time of other Vials.


 Vial 1: Outbreak of moral and social evil before (and at) the French Revolution; about 1750 onwards Revelation 16:2 And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

A grievous sore fell upon men, not all men, but on those who had the mark of the beast and worshipped his image. Another prophet besides John used this expression ‘sore’ when inspired by the Spirit of God to describe the terrible spiritual condition of the people Israel. This prophet was Isaiah, who in chapter 1:4-6, in striking symbolic language puts into words the social, moral and spiritual plight of the people Israel: “Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. 5 Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. 6 From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.” This was the situation in 18th Century France also known as “eldest son of the Church of Rome”. In the 18th Century, France began to reap what she had sown in the centuries gone past, for in the centuries gone past she chose to “crucify the Son of God afresh” (see Hebrews 6:6) by slaughtering His Body, the Church without any mercy!8 You only need to pick up a book on the history of the Huguenots (French Protestants) in the 16th and 17th century to see what we are referring to here. The Lord, through His servants, had sent the truth to France many times, but France chose to expel, reject and trample upon God’s ambassadors of mercy and truth.9 France had closed the doors to the true gospel, and chose to invite the ambassadors of Satan instead, for wherever the true Saints of God were put down or put away, the ‘saints’ of the Roman Catholic Church sprung up and vice versa: wherever the Roman Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals were given authority, the true Christians were slaughtered and got rid of in one way or another! The true presence of true Christianity and true Christian spiritual warriors, restrains the power and influence of Satan in a nation, for we are not fighting with flesh and blood, but with Satanic “principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places” (See Ephesians 6:12). True Christianity has a positive effect on the social and moral structure of a society. When France decided to expel the Gospel and welcomed the superstitious and idolatrous rites and ceremonies of Rome instead, she opened the door widely for the work and fruits of Satan, which are: murder, lies, fornication, adultery, thefts, sorceries, witchcraft, uncleanness, selfishness, hatred, idolatry, anger, strife, wars, wrath, jealousies, drunkenness, revellings, infidelity, lawlessness and such like. This manifold expression of the fruit of the flesh was the sore of the fist vial wherewith Catholic France mainly and Catholic Europe in general was plagued in the 18th Century. A general and extra-ordinary outbreak of secularism, atheism and hatred of all religion and all that had something to do with God broke out in 18th Century France. It was the time of Voltaire and Rousseau, who were heated propagators of the idea that man should be ruled by their own secular rationalism. Religion was considered a mental disease from which a ‘good Frenchman’ should be 8

Think of the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572 and the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. We would specially recommend the writing of Wylie’s History of Protestantism on this subject; See Appendix 2 9


cured. The slogan was not: “away with the superstitious, oppressive and abominable Babylonian religion of Rome,” but “Away with all religion, away with truth, mercy, light and a way with God altogether! France had sown to the wind the seeds of the of empty superstitious and idolatrous religion of Rome, which was totally depraved of any godly fruit, and now, in the middle of the 18th Century, she was about to reap the furious whirlwind of secular atheism and infidelity. Why France?10 Why did this “noisome and grievous sore” of moral and social evil begin in France? History will show you that it was the country of France, ruled by the Franks in those first centuries after the Roman Empire collapsed in the West, which gave her full support to the seat of Rome, the Roman Catholic Church. This is why she was called: “the first son of Rome”. She was the power who greatly helped forward the Dominion of Papal Rome. She is now during the time of the first five Vials, as you will read, about to become the power that greatly helped forward the downfall of that selfsame dominion! Grattan Guinness’ (History Unveiling Prophecy) commentary on the First Vial:: “Writing in 1813 Cuninghame says that atheism and anarchy were chief blotches in the dreadful plague. “On the Continent these dreadful principles have had their full sway, and in the devoted country of France and its immediate dependencies they have at length produced a degree of moral turpitude, perhaps unequalled hithertho in the history of our species.” Elliott, taking a more comprehensive view of the actual facts sees the fulfilment of the Apocalyptic symbol in “that tremendous outbreak of social and moral evil, of democratic fury, atheism, and vice, which characterized the French Revolution; that of which the ultimate source was in the long and deep-seated corruption and irreligion of the nation; its outward vent, expression and organ in the Jacobin Clubs, and their seditious and atheistic publications; its result, the dissolution of all society, all morals and all religion, with acts of atrocity and horror accompanying scarce paralleled in the history of man; and suffering and anguish of correspondent intensity throbbing throughout the whole social mass, and corroding it: - that which from France, as a centre, spread like a plague, through its affiliated societies, to the other countries of Papal Christendom and proved, wherever its poison was imbibed, to be as much the punishment as the symptom of the corruption within.” [End Quote] Grattan also remarks that while great upheaval and judgements were falling upon Catholic Europe, England and the United States to the contrary were experiencing a different kind of Divine visitation, for this was the time for great spiritual revival for those countries, with preachers like Wesley, Whitfield and Jonathan Edwards going up and down their lands. Barnes commentary on the First Vial:


Grattan Guinness: Light For the Last Days: “France, which ever since the conversion of Clovis and the donations of Pepin and Charlemagne, had taken rank as "the eldest son of the Church," and been the first of Papal nations; France, which had been so prominent in her persecution of the reformed religion, and which had crushed out the new life and extinguished the rekindled gospel light in the massacre of Saint Bartholomew and the revocation of the Edict of Nantes; France, for more than a thousand years the main pillar of the popedom in Europe,-had by this time become anti-Papal to the core. Her people, once so superstitious, had revolted from the tyranny of priestcraft, and become openly and fiercely infidel. All restraints of law and order were then thrown off, and the country plunged into the maddest excesses of revolution and crime. In the reign of Louis XVI [acceded the Throne in 1774] came to its crisis a tremendous, unparalleled, irresistible movement, which put an end at once to absolute monarchy, aristocracy, and ecclesiastical power in France; and which communicated to the neighbouring nations of Europe the shocks of revolution and the fierce fires of democracy, together with an anti-ecclesiastical mania that has never since been allayed.”


“The word rendered sore properly denotes a wound, (Hom. Il. xi. 812,) and then, in later writers, an ulcer or sore. It is used in the New Testament only in the following places: Luke 16:21, "the dogs came and licked his sores;" and in Revelation 16:2 & 11, where it is rendered sore, and sores. It is used in the Septuagint, in reference to the boils that were brought upon the Egyptians, in Exodus 9:9-12, and probably Deuteronomy 28:27; in reference to the leprosy, Leviticus 13:18-20,23; in reference to the boil, ulcer, or elephantiasis brought upon Job, Job 2:7; and in reference to any sore or ulcer, in Deuteronomy 28:35. In all these places it is the translation of the word Shehhin-rendered in our English version boil, Exodus 9:9-11; Leviticus 13:18-20,23; 2 Kings 20:7; Job 2:7 Isaiah 38:21; and botch, Deuteronomy 28:27,35. The proper meaning, therefore, is that of a sore, ulcer, or boil of a severe and painful character; and the most obvious reference in the passage, to one who was accustomed to the language of Scripture, would be to some fearful plague like that which was sent upon the Egyptians. In the case of Hezekiah, (2 Kings 20:7; Isaiah 38:21,) it was probably used to denote a plague-boil, or the black leprosy. See Barnes "Isaiah 38:21". The word "noisome" --\~kakon\~, evil, bad--is used here to characterize the plague referred to as being peculiarly painful and dangerous. The word grievous--\~ponhron\~, bad, malignant, hurtful--is further used to increase the intensity of the expression, and to characterize the plague as particularly severe. There is no reason to suppose that it is meant that this would be literally inflicted, any more than it is in the next plague, where it is said that the "rivers and fountains became blood." What is obviously meant is, that there would be some calamity which would be well represented or symbolized by such a fearful plague.” “As to the true meaning of the symbol before us, I would make the following remarks:-(1.) It refers to the Papal power. This application is demanded by the results which were reached in the examination of chapter 13. See the remarks on the "beast" in \\Barnes on "Re 13:1-2,11"\\, and on the "image of the beast" in \\Barnes on "Re 13:14-15"\\. This one mighty power existed in two forms closely united, and mutually sustaining each other--the civil or secular, and the ecclesiastical or spiritual. It is this combined and consolidated power-- the Papacy as such--that is referred to here, for this has been the grand Antichristian power in the world. (2.) It refers to some grievous and fearful calamity which would come upon that power, and which would be like a plague-spot on the human body--something which would be of the nature of a Divine judgement resembling that which came upon the Egyptians for their treatment of the people of God. (3.) The course of this exposition leads us to suppose that this would be the beginning in the series of judgements which would terminate in the complete overthrow of that formidable power. It is the first of the vials of wrath, and the whole description evidently contemplates a series of disasters which would be properly represented by these successive vials. In the application of this, therefore, we should naturally look for the first of a series of such judgements, and should expect to find some facts in history which would be properly represented by the vial "poured upon the earth." (4.) In accordance with this representation, we should expect to find such a series of calamities gradually weakening, and finally terminating the Papal power in the world, as would be properly represented by the number seven. (5.) In regard now to the application of this series of symbolical representations, it may be remarked that most recent expositors--as Elliott, Cunninghame, Keith, Faber, Lord, and others, refer them to the events of the French revolution, as important events in the over-throw of the Papal power; and this, I confess, although the application is attended with some considerable difficulties, has more plausibility than any other explanation proposed. In support of this application, the following considerations may be suggested:-(a) France, in the time of Charlemagne, was the kingdom to which the Papacy owed its civil organization and its strength--a kingdom to which could be traced all the civil or secular power of the Papacy, and which was, in fact, a restoration or re-construction of the old Roman power--the 123

fourth kingdom of Daniel. See Barnes "Daniel 7:24-28" and compare \\Barnes on "Re 13:3,1214"\\. The restoration of the old Roman dominion under Charlemagne, and the aid which he rendered to the Papacy in its establishment as to a temporal power, would make it probable that this kingdom would be referred to in the series of judgments that were to accomplish the overthrow of the Papal dominion. (b) In an important sense, France has always been the head of the Papal power. The king of France has been usually styled, by the popes themselves, "the eldest son of the church." In reference to the whole Papal dominion in former times, one of the principal reliances has been on France, and, to a very large extent, the state of Europe has been determined by the condition of France. "A revolution in France," said Napoleon, "is sooner or later followed by a revolution in Europe."-Alison. Its central position; its power; its direct relation to all the purposes and aims of the Papacy, would seem to make it probable that, in the account of the final destruction of that power, this kingdom would not be overlooked. (c) The scenes which occurred in the times of the French revolution were such as would be properly symbolized by the pouring out of the first, the second, the third, and the fourth vials. In the passage before us--the pouring out of the first vial--the symbol employed is that of "a noisome and grievous sore"--boil, ulcer, plague-spot- "on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image." This representation was undoubtedly derived from the account of the sixth plague on Egypt, (Exodus 9:9-11;) and the sense here is, not that this would be literally inflicted on the power here referred to, but that a calamity would come upon it which would be well represented by that, or of which that would be an appropriate emblem. This interpretation is further confirmed by Revelation 11:8, where Rome is referred to under the name of Egypt, and where it is clear that we are to look for a course of Divine dealing in regard to the one resembling that which occurred to the other. See Barnes "Revelation 11:8". Now this "noisome and grievous sore" would well represent the moral corruption, the pollution, the infidelity, the atheism, the general dissolution of society that preceded and accompanied the French revolution; for that was a universal breaking out of loathsome internal disease--of corruption at the centre--and in its general features might be represented as a universal plague-spot on society, extending over the countries where the beast and his image were principally worshipped. The symbol would properly denote that "tremendous outbreak of social and moral evil, of democratic fury, atheism, and vice, which was specially seen to characterize the French revolution: that of which the ultimate source was in the long and deep-seated corruption and irreligion of the nation; the outward vent, expression, and organ of its Jacobin clubs, and seditious and atheistic publications; the result, the dissolution of all society, all morals, and all religion; with acts of atrocity and horror accompanying, scarce paralleled in the history of men; and suffering and anguish of correspondent intensity throbbing throughout the social mass and corroding it; that which, from France as a centre, spread like a plague throughout its affiliated societies to the other countries of Papal Christendom, and was, wherever its poison was imbibed, as much the punishment as the symptoms of the corruption within." Of this sad chapter in the history of man, it is unnecessary to give any description here. For scenes of horror, pollution, and blood, its parallel has never been found in the history of our race, and as an event in history it was worthy of a notice in the symbols which portrayed the future. The full details of these amazing scenes must be sought in the histories which describe them, and to such works as Alison's History of Europe, and Burke's Letters on a Regicide Peace, the reader must be referred. A few expressions copied from those letters of Mr. Burke, penned with no design of illustrating this passage in the Apocalypse, and no expectation that they would be ever so applied, will show with what propriety the spirit of inspiration suggested the phrase, "a noisome and grievous sore" or plague-spot, on the supposition that the design was to refer to these scenes. In speaking of the revolutionary spirit in France, Mr. Burke calls it "the fever of aggravated Jacobinism," "the epidemic of atheistical fanaticism," "an evil lying deep in the corruptions of human nature," "the malignant French distemper," "a plague, with its fanatical spirit of proselytism, 124

that needed the strictest quarantine to guard against it," whereof though the mischief might be "skimmed over" for a time, yet the result, into whatever country it entered, was "the corruption of all morals," "the decomposition of all society," etc. But it is unnecessary to describe those scenes farther. The "world has them by heart," and they can never be obliterated from the memory of man. In the whole history of the race, there has never been an outbreak of evil that showed so deep pollution and corruption within. (d) The result of this was to affect the Papacy--a blow, in fact, aimed at that power. Of course, all the infidelity and atheism of the French nation, before so strongly Papal, went just so far in weakening the power of the Papacy; and in the ultimate result it will perhaps yet be found that the horrid outbreaks in the French revolution were the first in the series of providential events that will result in the entire overthrow of that Antichristian power. At all events, it will be admitted, I think, that on the supposition that it was intended that this should be descriptive of the scenes that occurred in Europe at the close of the last century, no more expressive symbol could have been chosen than has been employed in the pouring out of this first vial of wrath.” [End Quote] This outbreak of the ‘sore’ of general infidelity therefore prepared the minds and emotions of men for the undertaking of one of the greatest social and political upheavals that man had witnessed up to that time: the French Revolution and the other European Revolutions and wars that followed between the powers of Europe. These revolutions of the next Four Vials brought great consternations and sufferings to the inhabitants of the world of the Roman Catholic Beast.

 Vial 2: French Revolution and the maritime wars: 1789 – 1793 (and onwards) Revelation 16:3 And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

Although commentaries differ on details of the first five Vials, the general trend is clear: they were to bring the Papal Roman Catholic system very low. When the French Revolution broke out, the amount of casualties amongst the Roman Catholics was great. Thousands upon thousands of Catholic laity as well as priest were abused, humiliated, robbed, tortured, expelled or put to death in the most inhumane and cruel ways. The Revolutionists did not seem to be able to quench their thirst for blood, for the burning fires in the town and city squares, the axes, sticks and any other murderous weapons in their hands, the drowning waters, the ‘guillotines’ and the dozens of other instruments for torment and killings did not cease for many years, murdering and torturing thousands of the inhabitants of France. The ruffians of the French folk were set on high, and the high and lofty ones were brought very low. The basest of man’s hidden depraved nature had free reign for a while. The Royalty, the Aristocracy and the Roman Catholic Clergy did not escape this tempest, which had burst out over France. The vilest of acts, usually somewhat controlled by law and order, were to be let loose upon the people without any restraint. Although no one seems to know exactly how many heads actually fell under the brutal rule of the Revolutionists, some sources estimate that during the French Revolution some 1.5 million people perished, of whom about 1 million were men, quarter of a million women and many tens of thousands of children. Thomas Carlyle says in his book, "The French Revolution": "And still the 125

prison fills fuller, and still the guillotine goes faster. On all the high roads march flights of prisoners wending towards Paris…chained two and two they march…they rest by night in unutterable noisome dens, crowded to choking, one or two dead in the morning. Some 400 priests of whom also there is a record ride at anchor on the roads of the Isle of Aix…ragged, sordid, hungry, wasted to shadows, eating their unclean ration…choked in horrible miasma." Archibald Alison about the reign of Terror in his work "The History of Europe during the French Revolution.": "The massacre of priests was but the prelude to a general massacre at the Abbaye, the horrors of which exceeded anything hitherto witnessed in the Revolution. Wearied at length with the labour of hewing down so many victims, they fell upon the plan of instituting a mock tribunal with the murderer, Maillard, for its president. The priests were removed to the prison of the Abbaye amidst the yells and execrations of the mob, and no sooner had they arrived than they were surrounded by a furious multitude, headed by Maillard, armed with spears and sabres…after going through a form of trial they turned them out to be massacred by the maddened people who thronged the prison doors, clamoring for their share in the work of extermination. The cries of these victims who were led out to be hewn to pieces by the multitude, first drew the attention of the prisoners in the cells to the fate which awaited themselves…The forms of justice were prostituted to the most inhuman massacre. Torn from their dungeons, the prisoners were hurried before a tribunal where the President Maillard sat by torchlight with a drawn sabre before him and his robes drenched with blood; officials with drawn swords, and shirts stained in gore, surrounded the chair. A few minutes, often seconds, disposed of the fate of each victim. Dragged from the pretended judgement-hall, they were turned out to the populace, who thronged around the doors, armed with sabres, panting for slaughter…no executioners were required, the people dispatched the condemned with their own hands…in the upper chambers of the building the other prisoners endured the agony of witnessing the prolonged sufferings of their comrades; a dreadful thirst added to their tortures and the inhuman jailers refused even a draught of water." These scenes were to be witnessed all over France during this Terror. Alison continues: "At Lyons the scaffold opposite the Hotel de Ville, where the trials were conducted, was kept in ceaseless employment. Around its bloody foundations large quantities of water were daily poured, but they were inadequate to wash away the ensanguined stains or remove the fetid odour…at length a guillotine was placed in the middle of the bridge at Morand in the centre of the Rhone, into which the stream of blood at once fell, and into which the headless trunks and severed heads were precipitated." "At Nantes, a Revolutionary tribunal was formed under the direction of Carrier…their principle was that it was necessary to destroy en masse all the victims. Boats were loaded with victims and taken out into the river and sunk with all on board. Couples were tied together and thrown into the River Loire and drowned. These were termed Republican Marriages and Baptisms…on one occasion a hundred priests were stripped of their clothes and precipitated into the waves…women big with child, children eight, nine and ten years of age were thrown together into the stream….the reason given was that they were little wolflings who would grow into wolves…the Noyades or drowning en masse at Nantes amounted to twenty-five, on each of which occasions up to one hundred and fifty people drowned. Such was the quantity of corpses accumulated in the Loire, that the water of the river was so infected as to render a public ordinance necessary forbidding use of it by the inhabitants…birds of prey flocked to the shores and fed on human flesh, while the very fish became poisonous. From Saumur to Nantes…sixty miles, the Loire was for several weeks dyed red with human blood. The multitude of corpses it bore to the ocean was so prodigious that the adjacent coast was strewn with them." [End Quotes]


There is no doubt that wrath and judgment had fallen on Catholic France. Numbers 35:33: (So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are): for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. Much innocent and saintly blood had been shed in France, and the time of Divine retribution had come. They were reaping what they had sown indeed. Grattan Guinness on the French Revolution: “The French Revolution is, by common consent, regarded as the commencement of a new era. It could never have assumed the character it did, had not the people previously lost all fear of God and all respect for man, had not the national mind been blinded, and the national heart hardened against all claims, human and Divine. It is needless to dwell on the details here; our readers will mostly be familiar with the tragic facts: how the infidel democracy suddenly uprose in its might, destroyed the Bastile, issued its declaration of the rights of man; assaulted the king and queen by night at Versailles, and, murdering some of their bodyguard, forced them to proceed as prisoners to Paris, the bloody heads carried on pikes before the royal carriage: how the people confiscated all the vast revenues of the Church, all the domains of the crown, and all the estates of refugee nobles, for the use of the State; subjected to themselves all ecclesiastical, civil, and judicial power throughout the country; murdered the royal guard, and some five thousand leading royalists; dethroned, imprisoned, tried, condemned, and murdered the king and then the queen; declared war against all kings, and sympathy with all revolutionists everywhere: how the "reign of terror" witnessed the slaughter of 1,022,000 persons, of all ranks and ages, and of both sexes, till the streets of Paris ran with blood, and the guillotines could not overtake their work: how thousands were mown down by grape-shot fusillades; drowned in noyades, where in loaded vessels hundreds of victims were purposely sunk in the rivers; roasted alive in heated ovens; or tortured to death by other infernal cruelties: how Christianity was publicly renounced, and a prostitute enthroned as "goddess of reason" at Notre Dame, and worshipped by the National Convention and by the mob of Paris, with the wildest orgies of licentiousness-morality as well as mercy having perished with religion-how the most horrid mockery of the solemn rites of Christianity was publicly enacted, an ass being made to drink the sacramental wine: how the sabbath itself was abolished, and the decade substituted for the week: and how hundreds and thousands of priests were massacred or driven into exile, and the churches and cathedrals turned into stables and barracks. Taken as a whole, the French Revolution was a convulsion, in which the angry passions of men, set free from all restraint, manifested themselves, with a force and fury unprecedented in the history of the world, against monarchical, aristocratic, ecclesiastical, and religious institutions.” [End Quote] It can be suggested that the French Revolution is still part of that ‘sore’ that would fall upon the ‘earth’, for we read in the description of the Second Vial that this bowl of Divine Wrath was specifically to fall on the sea. Not all commentaries agree on this symbol of the sea, but generally it is agreed that this particular symbol of the ‘sea’ refers to the maritime waters whereon Catholic France entered into a series of bloody battles with specially the leading Maritime power of Protestant England, and lost. But whether the French Revolution was part of the first vial or the second, it is a fact that the Vials of severe judgements continued to fall on the Papal Roman World of Europe and the Colonies and that the French Revolution was only the beginning of woes: Barnes commentary on the Second Vial: “Verse 3. And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea. So the second trumpet, (Revelation 8:8,) "And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire 127

was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood." For the meaning of this as a symbol, See Barnes "Revelation 8:8". And it became as the blood of a dead man. "Either very bloody, like a mangled corpse, or else coloured, as it were, with the dark and almost black blood of a dead man."--Prof. Stuart, in loc. The latter would seem to be, most probably, the meaning; implying that the ocean would become discoloured, and indicating that this was the effect of blood shed in great quantities on its waters. In Revelation 8:8 it is, "the sea became blood;" here the allusion to the blood of a dead man would more naturally suggest the idea of naval conflicts, and of the blood of the slain poured in great quantities into the deep. And every living soul died in the sea. In Revelation 8:9, it is said that "the third part of the creatures that were in the sea died, and the third part of the ships were destroyed." Here the destruction is more general; the calamity is more severe and awful. It is as if every living thing-\~pasa quch zwsa\~--had died. No emphasis should be put on the word soul here, for the word means merely a creature, a living thing, an animal, Acts 2:43; 3:23; Romans 13:1; 1 Corinthians 15:45. See Rob. Lex. sub voce, c. The sense here is, that there would be some dreadful calamity, as if the sea were to be changed into dark blood, and as if every living thing in it were to die. In inquiring into the proper application of this, it is natural to look for something pertaining to the sea, or the ocean, (See Barnes "Revelation 8:8-9",) and we should expect to find the fulfilment in some calamity that would fall on the marine force, or the commerce of the power that is here referred to-that is, according to the interpretation all along adopted, of the Papal power; and the proper application, according to this interpretation, would be the complete destruction or annihilation of the naval force that contributed to sustain the Papacy. This we should look for in respect to the naval power of France, Spain, and Portugal, for these are the only Papal nations that have had a navy. We should expect, in the fulfilment of this, to find a series of naval disasters, reddening the sea with blood, which would tend to weaken the power of the Papacy, and which might be regarded as one in the series of events that would ultimately result in its entire overthrow. Accordingly, in pursuance of the plan adopted in explaining the pouring out of the first vial, it is to be observed that immediately succeeding, and connected with, the events thus referred to, there was a series of naval disasters that swept away the fleets of France, and that completely demolished the most formidable naval power that had ever been prepared by any nation under the Papal dominion. This series of disasters is thus noticed by Mr. Elliott, iii. 329, 330: "Meanwhile the great naval war between France and England was in progress; which, from its commencement in February, 1793, lasted for above twenty years, with no intermission but that of the short and delusive peace of Amiens; in which war the maritime power of Great Britain was strengthened by the Almighty Providence that protected her to destroy everywhere the French ships, commerce, and smaller colonies; including those of the fast and long-continued allies of the French, Holland and Spain. In the year 1793, the greater part of the French fleet at Toulon was destroyed by Lord Hood; in June, 1794, followed Lord Howe's great victory over the French off Ushant; then the taking of Corsica, and nearly all the smaller Spanish and French West India islands; then, in 1795, Lord Bridport's naval victory, and the capture of the Cape of Good Hope; as also soon after of a French and Dutch fleet, sent to retake it; then, in 1797, the victory over the Spanish fleet off Cape St. Vincent, and that of Camperdown over the Dutch; then, in succession, Lord Nelson's three mighty victories--of the Nile in 1798, of Copenhagen in 1801, and, in 1805, of Trafalgar. Altogether in this naval war, from its beginning in 1793, to its end in 1815, it appears that there were destroyed near 200 ships of the line, between 300 and 400 frigates, and an almost incalculable number of smaller vessels of war and ships of commerce. The whole history of the world does not present such a period of naval war, destruction, and bloodshed." This brief summary may show, if this was referred to, the propriety of the expression, "The sea became as the blood of a dead man;" and may show also that, on the supposition that it was intended that these events should be referred to, an appropriate


symbol has been employed. No language could more strikingly set forth these bloody scenes.” [End Quote] Grattan Guinness (History Unveiling Prophecy) commentary on the Second Vial (mainly quoting other authors): “The universal massacres and dreadful wars which followed the sores. “France”, says Cunninghame, “became drenched in its own blood, and the whole territory converted into a vast slaughterhouse. It has been computed that two millions of men perished in that devoted country within three years after it became a Republic. Long after the Revolutionary massacres had ceased, French blood still continued to flow in torrents, and from the accession of Napoleon to the Consular and Imperial powers, till his overthrow by the combined forces of Europe, it successively fertilized the soil of every country from the banks of the Tagus to the deserts of Poland and European Russia in the series of dreadful wars carried on to glut the ambition of a ferocious usurper. In particular during the late awful campaigns in Russia, Germany and France, this and the following vial have received a fearful accomplishment in a destruction of the human race without example in the annals of modern times.” “The sea on which the second vial is poured out turning it to blood, is understood by Cunninghame to represent primarily the French nation. Elliott and other interpreters consider that the sphere of this judgement was in a special sense a maritime one; that its effects fell on “the maritime power, and commerce, and colonies of Papal Christendom.” [Grattan:] “The democratic revolutionary spirit of France and the naval force of England contributed to effect the purpose of Divine Providence. First, the Isle of Hayti, or St. Domingo, the most flourishing of the French colonies, being infected by the like infidel principles, was lost after a servile war of twelve years, in which 60.000 blacks were slaughtered. Then for twenty years, the fleet of England (preserved and directed by the same good providence of God) wasted in all direction the ships, commerce and maritime colonies of France, and of her allies, Holland and Spain. Their fleet was destroyed in 1793, at Toulon, by Lord Hood; by whom also Corsica, and nearly all the Spanish and West Indian Islands were taken in 1794. In 1795 followed the naval victory off L’Orient, and the capture of the Cape of Good Hope. .. viewing the losses suffered by France from 1793 to the end of 1815, we find that nearly 600 vessels of war, besides numerous ships of commerce, were destroyed, together with a large proportion of officers and men. The world’s history does not furnish such a period of naval war and bloodshed. “The sea became as the blood of a dead man.” Finally, when the maritime power of the papal nations had been swept away by English victories, the Spanish colonies of South America threw off their allegiance, after another scene of carnage, only paralleled by those before described; the Brails also were separated from Portugal, and so the prediction was complete: as regarded the papal European colonies, they became ‘dead’.” [End Quote]


 Vial 3: Slaughter and Wars in the Papal areas around the Rivers the Danube and the Rhine; 1792 Onwards. Revelation 16: 4-7 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. 5 And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. 6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. 7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.

The third Vial was to fall on those who had shed the blood of saints and prophets. It was to be poured out on the adherents to that Whorish Woman of Babylon who was “drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus” (Revelation 17:6). It was given to that Beast of Papal Rome who was given to “speak great things and blasphemies” and “power” and “make war with the saints, and to overcome them” and to rule over “all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” for a period of 1260 years (see Revelation 13:5-8. See Also Daniel 7:21,25 concerning the “little horn” who was to make war on the saints and to wear them out for a period of 1260 years). We are speaking here of the same Antichristian power, under different names: The Roman Catholic Church. The Third Vial was to be given to those who had been guilty of shedding the blood of the faithful in the areas around the Alps, and the Danube and Rhine where in bygone days Papal Rome had executed multitudes of faithful Christians who had been given the names of Walensians, Albigenses, Paulicians, Bohemians, Huguenots and such like. Papal Rome and their authorities had shed much blood of those far more worthy than themselves, and now, in accordance with God’s spiritual laws, the time had come for Divine Retribution, for they are worthy, “for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and Thou has given them blood to drink”(Revelation 16:6). Peoples, nations, tongues, kings, queens, of all kinds think themselves as being safe from Divine judgement, but the outpouring of the Trumpets and Vials demonstrates to mankind that sin will be found out and sin will be repaid. Sin will be judged and sin will find just recompense, even at the Hands of God Almighty! The Third Vial is the ongoing story of Divine Vengeance on the wicked and apostate Papal Church of Rome and all her inhabitants. Grattan Guinness Comentary on the Third Vial: [The Third Vial:] “Slaughters in papal lands watered by the Alpine fountains and streams, and by the boundary rivers, the Rhine and Upper Danube, followed. It seems natural to apply the third vial to this dreadful retributive judgement. Albert Barnes notices that four points as to this vial are clear: 1. That it would succeed the first mentioned, and apparently, at a period not remote. 2. That it would occur in a region where there had been persecution. 3. It would be in a country of streams, and rivers, and fountains. 4. It would be a just retribution for the bloody persecutions which had occurred there. In this interpretation of it he follows Elliott, who says, “During the year 1792 war was declared by France against Germany, and the next year against Sardinia; consequently all those towns watered by the Rhine and Alpine streams became scenes of carnage. Metz, Worms, Spires; the towns formerly desolated by Attila, suffered. Another French army entered upon the countries situated on the Mesuse, a branch of the Rhine; a third advanced into Piedmont, the Alpine frontier. 130

In 1793 and 1794 war still raged in the same quarters. The French advanced to Holland. In many places the success fluctuated, but in most instances they were victorious. At last Charles of Austria drove their generals, Moreau and Jourdan, and their armies back to the Rhine. In A.D. 1797 Bonaparte attacked the Sardinians and Austrians. The course he tracked was from the Alpine rivers through Northern Italy, till he reached Venice. Every river was a scene of carnage, and he crossed seven in succession. The Alpine rivers were turned to “blood”. It was in 1797 that Bonaparte uttered the remarkable threat “I will prove an Attila to Venice”. Before peace could be restored Austria was forced to submit; and the treaty of Campio Formio stipulated that the valley of the Rhine, one part of the prophetic scene together with the Austrian Netherlands and Palatinate on one side of the Rhine and Wurtemberg, Bavaria, Baden and Westphalia on the other, should all be made over to France. Again in 1799 the “fountains of waters” were dyed with blood, the French having suffered reverse and been driven out of all the places they occupied in North Italy with much bloodshed. The war soon recommenced. In 1800 that terrible and decisive battle of Marengo was fought, and the Danube became the scene of judgment. One victory after another succeeded, till the memorable battle of Austerliz completed the overthrow of the Austrian power. The reason given by the angel for the judgement is remarkable – “They are worthy, for they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink.” Was it not so that the cruelties – of the French and Piedmontese, and the rulers of Savoy, against the Waldenses and Albigenses, the Huguenots and Calvinists, from the end of the thirteenth to the end of the eighteenth century, and of Austria against the Hussites, the Walenses and Lutherans in Lombardy, Moravia, and the Netherlands already related – did call out for retributive justice? “How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth.” [End Quote] Barnes commentary on the Third Vial: “Verse 4. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters. This coincides also with the account of the sounding of the third trumpet, (Revelation 8:10-11:) "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven burning as a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters." As to the meaning of the phrase, "rivers and fountains of waters," See Barnes "Revelation 8:10-11". We found, it was supposed, in the application of that passage, that the invasion of the Roman Empire by Attila, king of the Huns, was referred to, affecting mainly those parts of the empire where the rivers and streams had their origin. The analogy would lead us, in the fulfilment of the passage before us, to look for some similar desolations on those portions of Europe. See Barnes "Revelation 16:7". And they became blood. This would properly mean that they became as blood, or became red with blood; and it would be fulfilled if bloody battles were fought near them so that they seemed to run blood. Verse 5. And I heard the angel of the waters say. The angel who presides over the element of water; in allusion to the common opinion among the Hebrews that the angels presided over elements, and that each element was committed to the jurisdiction of a particular angel. Compare \\Barnes on "Re 7:1"\\. Thou art righteous, O Lord. In view of the judgements that reddened these streams and fountains with the blood of men, the angel ascribes righteousness to God. These judgements seemed terrible--the numbers slain were so vast--the bloody stream indicated so great slaughter, and such severity of the Divine judgment; yet the angel sees in all this only the act of a righteous God bringing just retribution on the guilty. Which art, and wast, and shalt be. That is, who art eternal-- existing now; who hast existed in all past time; and who will exist ever onward. See Barnes "Revelation 1:8". The reason why this attribute of God is here referred to, seems to be that the mind of the angel adverts to it in the changes and desolations that were occurring around 131

him. In such overturnings among men--such revolutions of kingdoms--such desolations of War-the mind naturally turns to one who is unchanging; to one whose throne is from everlasting to everlasting. Because thou hast judged thus. Hast suffered these wars to occur that have changed rivers and fountains to blood. Verse 6. For they have shed the blood of saints. The nations here referred to. They have been engaged in scenes of bloody persecution, and this is a just recompense. And prophets. Teachers of religion; ministers of truth. It is not necessary to understand the word prophets here in its technical sense as denoting those who are raised up by God and sent forth as inspired men, but it may be understood in its more common signification in the New Testament as denoting teachers of religion in general. See Barnes "Romans 12:6; 1Co 14:1". And thou hast given them blood to drink. To wit, by turning the streams and fountains into blood, Revelation 16:4. Blood had been poured out in such abundance that it seemed to mingle with the very water that they drank. This was a recompense for their having, in those very regions, poured out so much blood in persecuting the saints and prophets-- the pious private members of the church, and the public teachers of religion. For they are worthy. That is, they deserve this; or, this is a just recompense for their sins. It is not intended that those who would thus suffer had been individually guilty of this, or that this was properly a punishment on them; but it is meant that in those countries there had been bloody persecutions, and that this was a fit recompense for what had there occurred. Verse 7. And I heard another. Evidently another angel, though this is not specified. Out of the altar. Either the angel of the altar--that is, who presided over the altar, (Prof. Stuart;) or an angel whose voice seemed to come from the altar. The sense is essentially the same. The writer seemed to hear a voice coming from the altar responding to what had just been said in regard to the judgement of God, or to his righteousness in bringing the judgement upon men, Revelation 16:5. This was evidently the voice of some one who was interested in what was occurring, or to whom these things particularly appertained; that is, one who was particularly connected with the martyrs referred to, whose blood was now, as it were, to be avenged. We are naturally reminded by this of the martyrscene in Revelation 6:9-11, in the opening of the fifth seal, though it cannot be supposed that the same events are referred to. There "the souls of those that had been slain for the word of God" are represented as being "under the altar," and as crying to God to "avenge their blood on them who dwelt on the earth." Here a voice is heard with reference to martyrs, as of one interested in them, ascribing praise to God for having brought a righteous judgement on those who had shed the blood of the saints. They are both, for similar reasons, connected with the "altar," and the voice is heard proceeding from the same source. In regard to the meaning of the word altar here, and the reason why the martyrs are represented in connexion with it, See Barnes "Revelation 6:9". True and righteous are thy judgements. Responding to what is said in Revelation 16:5. That is, God is "true" or faithful to his promises made to his people, and "righteous" in the judgements which he has now inflicted. These judgements had come upon those who had shed the blood of the martyrs, and they were just. In regard to the application of this, there are several things to be said. The following points are clear: (a) That this judgement would succeed the first mentioned, and apparently at a period not remote. (b) It would occur in a region where there had been much persecution. (c) It would be in a Country of streams, and rivers, and fountains. (d) It would be a just retribution for the bloody persecutions which had occurred there. The question now is, where we shall find the fulfilment of this, assuming that the explanation of the pouring out of the first vial is correct. And here, I think; there can be no mistake in applying it to the events bearing on the Papacy, and the Papal powers, which followed the French revolution. The next material event, after that revolution, was the invasion of Italy, where Napoleon began his career of victories, and where he first acquired his fame. At this stage of my examination of this 132

passage, I looked into Alison's History of Europe, to see what events, in fact, then followed the scenes of confusion, crime, blood, atheism, and pollution in the French revolution, and I found that the next chapters in these eventful scenes were such as would be well represented by the vial poured upon the rivers and fountains, and by their being turned into blood. The detail would be too long for my limits, and I can state merely a summary of a few of the chapters in that History. Chapter 19 contains the "History of the French Republic from the fall of Robespierre to the establishment of the Directory"-- comprising properly the closing scenes of "the Reign of Terror," Chapter 20 contains an account of the campaign in Italy in 1796, embracing, as stated in the summing up of contents in this chapter, the "Battles of Montenotte, Millesimo, Dego; the passage of the bridge of Lodi, and fall of Milan; the siege of Mantua, and the battle of Castiglione; the battles of Caldero and Arcola; and the battles of Rivoli and Mantua." This is followed (chapter 23) With an account of the campaign of 1797, which closed with the fall of Venice; and this is followed (chapter 26) with an account of the Invasion of Switzerland etc. It is unnecessary to dwell on the details of the wars which followed the French revolution, on the Rhine, the Po, and the Alpine streams of Piedmont and Lombardy. The slightest acquaintance with that history will show the propriety of the following remarks: (a) These wars occurred in regions under the influence of the Papacy, for these were all Papal states and territories. (b) These scenes followed closely on the French revolution, and grew out of it as a natural consequence, and would be properly represented as a second "vial" poured out immediately after the first. (c) The country is such as here supposed--"of rivers and fountains"-- for, being mostly a mountainous region, it abounds with springs, and fountains, and streams. Indeed, on the supposition that this is the land referred to, a more appropriate description could not have been given of it than is found in this passage. One has only to look upon a map of Northern Italy to see that there is no other portion of the world which would more naturally be suggested when speaking of a country abounding in "rivers and fountains of water." The annexed admirable Map of this region, for which I am indebted to the work of Dr. Alexander Keith, on the Signs of the Time, will clearly illustrate this passage, and the corresponding passage in Revelation 8:10-11. Let any one look at the Po and its tributaries on the Map, and then read with attention the twentieth chapter of Alison's History of Europe, (vol. i, pp. 391-424,) and he will be struck with the appropriateness of the description on the supposition that this portion of the book of Revelation was designed to refer to these scenes; for he cannot but see that the battles there described were fought in a country in every way corresponding with the statement here, (d) This country corresponds with the description here given in another respect. In Revelation 16:56, there is a tribute of praise rendered to God, in view of these judgements, because he was righteous in bringing them upon a land where the blood of saints and prophets had been shed--a land of martyrs. Now this is applicable to the circumstances supposed, not of only in the sense that Italy in general had been the land where the martyrs blood had been shed--the land of Roman persecution, alike under Paganism and the Papacy--but true in a more definite sense from the fact that this was the very region where the persecutions against the Waldenses and the Albigenses had been carried on--the valleys of Piedmont. In the times of Papal persecution these valleys had been made to flow with the blood of the saints; and it seemed, at least, to be a righteous retribution that these desolations of war, these conflagrations, and these scenes of carnage, should occur in that very land, and that the very fountains and streams which had before been turned into blood by the slaughter of the friends of the Saviour, should now be reddened with the blood of men slain in battle. This is, perhaps, what John saw in vision: a land where persecution had raged, and the blood of the holy had flowed freely, and then the same land brought under the awful judgements of God, and the fountains and streams reddened with the blood of the slain. There was a propriety, therefore, that a voice should be heard ascribing righteousness to God for avenging the blood of the 133

saints, (Revelation 16:5-6,) and that another voice should be heard from the "altar" of the martyrs (Revelation 16:7) responding and saying, "Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments." (e) It may be added, to show the propriety of this, that this was one of the series of events which will be found in the end to have contributed to the overthrow of the Papal power: for a blow was struck in the French invasion of Italy from which Rome has never recovered, and sentiments were diffused as the result in favour of liberty which it has been difficult ever since to suppress, and which are destined yet to burst out in favour of freedom, and to be one of the means of the final destruction of the power. Compare Alison's History of Europe, vol. i. p. 403.” [End Quote]

 Vial 4: Napoleon Bonaparte and the Napoleonic Wars; 1798 – 1815 Revelation 16:8-9 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

Barnes Commentary on the Fourth Vial: “In regard to the application of this, the following things may be remarked: (a) That the calamity here referred to was one of the series of events which would precede the overthrow of the "beast," and to contribute that--for to this all these judgements tend. (b) In the order in which it stands, it is to follow, and apparently to follow soon, the third judgements the pouring of the vial upon the fountains and streams. (c) It would be a calamity such as if the sun, the source of light and comfort to mankind, were smitten, and became a source of torment. (d) This would be attended by a great destruction of men, and we should naturally look in such an application for calamities in which multitudes of men would be, as it were, consumed. (e) This would not be followed, as it might be hoped it would, by repentance, but would be attended with reproaches of God, with profaneness, with a great increase of wickedness. Now, on the supposition that the explanation of the previous passages is correct, there can be no great difficulty in supposing that this refers to the wars of Europe following the French Revolution; the wars that preceded the direct attack on the Papacy, and the overthrow of the Papal government. For these events had all the characteristics here referred to. (a) They were one of a series in weakening the Papal power in Europe--heavy blows that will yet be seen to have been among the means preliminary to its final overthrow. (b) They followed in their order the invasion of Northern Italy--for one of the purposes of that invasion was to attack the Austrian power there, and ultimately through the Tyrol to attack Austria itself. Napoleon, after his victories in Northern Italy, above referred to, (compare chapter twenty of Alison's History of Europe,) thus writes to the French Directory: "Coni, Ceva, and Alexandria are in the hands of our army; if you do not ratify the convention, I will keep their fortresses and march upon Turin. Meanwhile, I shall march to-morrow against Beaulieu, and drive him across the Po; I shall follow close at his heels, overawe Lombardy, and in a month be in the Tyrol, join the army of the Rhine, and carry our united forces into Bavaria. The design is worthy of you, of the army, and of the destinies of France."--Alison, 401. 134

(c) The campaign in Germany in 1796 followed immediately this campaign in Italy. Thus, in chapter twenty of Alison's History, we have an account of the campaign in Italy; in chapter twentyone we have the account of the campaign in Germany; and the other wars in Europe that continued so long, and that were so fierce and bloody, followed in quick succession--all tending, in their ultimate results, to weaken the Papal power, and to secure its final overthrow. (d) It is hardly necessary to say here that these wars had all the characteristics here supposed. It was as if the sun were smitten in the heavens, and power were given to scorch men with fire. Europe seemed to be on fire with musketry and artillery, and presented almost the appearance of the broad blaze of a battle-field. The number that perished was immense. These wars were attended with the usual form. And consequences-- blasphemy, profaneness, and reproaches of God in every quarter yet there was another effect wholly in accordance with the statement here, that none of these judgments brought men to "repentance, that they might give God the glory." Perhaps these remarks, which might be extended to great length, will show that, on the supposition that it was intended to refer to those scenes by the outpouring of this vial, the symbol was well-chosen and appropriate.” [End Quote] Grattan Guinness (History Unveiling Prophecy) Commentary on the Fourth Vial: “This vial would not be followed, as it might be hoped it would, by repentance, but would be attended with reproaches of God , with profaneness, with a great increase of wickedness. Wars of Europe following the French Revolution; the wars that preceded the direct attack on the papacy, and the overthrow of the papal government. For these events had all the characteristics here referred to. A. They were one of a series in weakening the papal power in Europe – heavy blows that will yet be seen to have been among the means preliminary to its final overthrow. B. They followed in their order the invasion of Northern Italy – for one of the purposes in that invasion was to attack the Austrian power there, and ultimately through the Tyrol to attack Austria itself. Napoleon, after his victories in Northern Italy, above referred to, thus writes to the French Directory: “Coni, Ceva, and Alexandria are in the hands of our army; if you do not ratify the convention, I will keep their fortresses and march upon Turin. Meanwhile, I shall march tomorrow against Beaulieu, and drive him across the Po; I shall follow close at his heels, overawe Lombardy, and in a month be in Tyrol, join the army of the Rhine and carry our united forces into Bavaria. The design is worthy of you, of the army, and of the destinies of France. C. The campaign In Germany in 1796 followed immediately this campaign In Italy. Thus, in chapter xx of Alison’s History, we have an account of the campaign in Italy; in chapter xxi we have the account of the campaign in Germany; and the other wars in Europe that continued so long, and that were so fierce and bloody, followed in quick succession – all tending, in their ultimate results, to weaken the papal power, and to secure its final overthrow. D. It is hardly necessary to say here that these wars had all the characteristics here supposed. It was as if the sun were smitten in the heavens, and power were given to scorch men with fire. Europe seemed to be on fire with musketry and artillery, and presented almost the appearance of the broad blaze of a battlefield. The number that perished was immense. These wars were attended with the unusual consequences – blasphemy, profaneness, and reproaches of God in every form. And yet there was another effect wholly in accordance with the statement here, that none of these judgments brought men to ‘repentance, that they might give God the glory’. Perhaps these remarks, which might be extended to great length, will show that, on the supposition that it was intended to refer to those scenes by the outpouring of this vial, the symbol was well-chosen and appropriate.


Elliott says that the ‘scorching with fire” we may refer to the sufferings of the countries which were exposed to these fearful troubles. The accounts which we have received enable us to appreciate the point and truth of Napoleon’s own observation, - “The genius of conquest can only be regarded as the genius of destruction.” Conscriptions, taxation, loss of life, pillage of property, devastation, and ruin, marked his course, and sullied the glory of his exploits. Men were scorched with great heat.” [End Quote] Grattan Guinness, Historical Background on the Fourth Vial, (Light for the Last Days): "Bonaparte unsheathed the sword of France against the helpless Pius VI. . . . The pontiff sank into a dependent. . . . Berthier marched upon Rome, set up a Roman Republic, and laid hands upon the pope. The sovereign pontiff was borne away to the camp of infidels, from prison to prison, and finally carried captive into France. Here, he breathed his last, at Valence, in the land where his priests had been slain, where his power was broken, and his name and office were a mockery and a byword, and in the keeping of the rude soldiers of the unbelieving commonwealth, which had for ten years held to his lips a cup of such manifold and exceeding bitterness. . . . It was a sublime and perfect piece of retribution, which so amazed the world at the end of the eighteenth century: this proscription of the Roman Church by that very French nation that had slaughtered myriads of Protestants at her bidding; this mournful end of the sovereign pontiff, in that very Dauphiné so consecrated by the struggles of the Protestants, and near those Alpine valleys where the Waldenses had been so ruthlessly hunted down by French soldiers; this transformation of the States of the Church into the ‘Roman Republic,’ and this overthrow of the territorial Popedom by that very French nation, which, just one thousand years ago, had, under Pepin and Charlemagne, conferred these territories. Multitudes imagined that the Papacy was at the point of death, and asked, would Pius VI. be the last pontiff, and if the close of the eighteenth century would be signalised by the fall of the Papal dynasty. But the French Revolution was the beginning, and not the end of the judgement; France had but begun to execute the doom, a doom sure and inevitable, but long and lingering, to be diversified by many strange incidents, and now and then by a semblance of escape, a doom to be protracted through much pain and much ignominy." [Thomas H. GILL.: "The Papal Drama," book x.] A single campaign made Bonaparte master of Italy; Milan, Sardinia, Parma, and Naples were successfully reduced, and all the great cities of the peninsula. The Austrians were defeated, and many of the pope’s territories incorporated with the French dominions. Pins VI. had to pay five millions of livres towards the expenses of the war, and subsequently, when a democratic riot took place in Rome, it was made a pretext for summoning the aged monarch to surrender the temporal government; and on his refusal, he was dragged from the altar, and carried a prisoner into Tuscany, the Vatican was plundered, and the Papal States converted into a Roman Republic. The possessions of the clergy and monks were declared national property, and they themselves were cast into prison. "The Papacy was extinct, not a vestige of its existence remained; and among all the Roman Catholic powers, not a finger was stirred in its defence. The Eternal City had no longer prince or pontiff, and the decree was already announced that no successor would be allowed in its place" (1798). ["Rome, from the Fall of the. Western Empire." By Rev. Canon Trevor. Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row, London, B.C.] The pope was forced to sign the Treaty of Tolentino, and was carried captive into France, where he died in exile in 1799. In 1800, however, the fortunes of war leaving them free to do so, the cardinals were able to elect another pope, who assumed the name of Pius VII. Napoleon had just returned from his unsuccessful expedition to Egypt, and from selfish motives, perceiving that without religion it was impossible to govern the nation, he entered into negotiations with the new pope, and once more established the Roman Catholic religion in France, where it had been abolished by the Revolution. 136

The position of the pope, however, was a very insecure one, and as he firmly refused to fall in with some of Napoleon’s views, he in his turn speedily fell a victim. In 1808, the French troops again entered Rome, exiled the cardinals, and kept the pope a prisoner; and in the following year the Papal States were annexed to the French empire, of which Rome was declared to be the second city! The career of Napoleon, in the course of which these things happened to Pius VI., was a second phase of the French Revolution, and involved thus the total wreck of the Papal power for a time, and the loss of Rome itself to the popes. His coronation took place in 1804. On this Pius VII. excommunicated Napoleon, and in retaliation the French troops broke into his palace, arrested him, conveyed him across the Alps to Grenoble, while Napoleon revoked the gift of Charlemagne, confirmed the annexation of the Papal States, and detained the pope a close prisoner. Pius VII. was treated with great severity, his friends taken from him and confined in different dungeons, while he himself was obliged to live on half a crown a day. On his return from Moscow, Napoleon induced the old man to sign the concordat by which he renounced all claim to Rome for ever, and abandoned the temporal power. In 1815 Napoleon fell, and the allies once more restored the pope, at the same time that they restored the Bourbons. Vain effort to resist the purposes of God! The restoration lasted but a few years, and even during that brief interval the Papal power was a name, rather than a reality, compared to what it had been in former times. "The pope sat not on his throne as once before; his power was crippled, his seat unstable; the riches of his Church were rifled, and a mighty precedent and principle of action had been established against him, which could scarcely fail of bearing similarly bitter fruit afterwards. [Grattan quoting Elliott:] ‘We have already seen”, says Elliott, “how in the Revolution the Romish clergy suffered. Their means of support was withdrawn by the abolition of tithes, the confiscation of the Church lands, and the destruction of monastic houses. This was followed by the national abolition of the Romish religion, and the razing the churches to the ground. So was the whole French ecclesiastical establishment broken up. Twenty-four thousand of the clergy were massacred with horrid atrocities; the terrified remnant fled. So much had the anti-papal spirit increased that the French army urged their march against Rome itself, and the Pope only saved himself by the surrender of several towns, and the payment of a large sum of money, and the best treasures of the Vatican. At length the decree went forth for the humbling of the beast himself. In 1809 Napoleon declared the Pope’s Temporal dominion at an end. The estates of the Church were annexed to France; and Rome was degraded to be the second city of the French Empire. Surely on the seat of the beast the vial of wrath had been poured out. Subsequently the Pope was brought prisoner to France, and there, as a pensioner, he received a states salary. True he afterwards gained back the privilege of fixing his seat at Rome. But the world had seen his weakness, and a precedent was established for the benefit of future generations. In France the Romish religion continued only to be tolerated on an equality with other religions; in Portugal and Spain Church property has been lately confiscated; and in Italy still later events have shown that the papal authority, if unsupported by temporal power, has not any longer in itself that which can maintain its supremacy.” [End Quote] The Reader should always bear in mind that the first five Vials were not to totally finish the power of Rome, but to break and diminish and humble its dominion, for it can be read that they did not repent of their deeds, even after the Fifth Vial had finished its chastising course. Only when the Seventh Vial has been totally poured out can it be said that Babylon the Great is no more.


 Vial 5: End of the Temporal power of Papal Rome; Italy an independent republic with rome as capital city; process between 1815-1870 Revelation 16:10-11 And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, 11 And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

Grattan Guinness (Light for the Last Days) giving historical background for the Fifth Vial: “The year 1830 brought about another thoroughly antisacerdotal revolution in France. Charles X., who had acceded to the throne in 1824, had to abdicate, and his ministry had to flee for their lives; while the Duke of Orleans was proclaimed king, under the title of Louis Philippe. In 1848 a third revolution again constituted France a republic; tumults broke out in Paris in February, the Tuileries were ransacked, and frightful disorders committed. Louis Philippe was in his turn obliged to abdicate and take refuge in England; and the "Second Republic" was proclaimed. A fortnight after the fall of Louis Philippe a constitution was proclaimed in Rome, and the city and country were thrown into a state of revolution. Before the end of the year Count Rossi, the pope’s prime minister, was killed, and the pope had to flee from Rome. He was again deposed from his temporal authority, and an Italian Republic was proclaimed; it was only by the power of the French that the pope was afterwards for a time restored, when Louis Napoleon had become president of the French Republic. With occasional pauses, and with gleams of passing prosperity now and then, the course of the Papacy has ever since been one of downfall and decay. The year 1860 was to the Papacy one of sore trouble and dismay. It lost a considerable part of its remaining territories, and had the mortification of seeing a free constitutional kingdom established in Italy. It was the central year of Garibaldi’s romantic and remarkable exploits on behalf of his cherished ideal of Italian unity. The pope, inspired with distrust of the French garrison who were upholding him in Rome, organized a mongrel army of his own, consisting of French, Belgian, Austrian, and Irish volunteers. After liberating Sicily and Naples, and uniting them to the Italian kingdom of Victor Emmanuel, Garibali retired from the scene, and the Italian army crossed the frontier of the States of the Church, overran Umbria and the Marches, routed and crushed the Papal forces, and obliged them and General Lamoricière to capitulate in the fortress of Ancona. The pope, as usual, cursed his foes, but could not conquer them, and his dominion in Italy was henceforth limited to Rome itself. In 1866 the Romish empire of Austria was worsted by Protestant Prussia at the memorable battle of Sadowa, a battle the results of which were as decisive as those of Waterloo. Austria received a shock from which it has never recovered, and was obliged to cede Venetia, which was annexed to the kingdom of Italy, while Prussia became one of the greatest powers in Europe. In 1868 the Spanish revolution took place; Queen Isabella fled, and Spain was plunged into years of cruel strife, in the course of which the Jesuits were banished, their monasteries and churches confiscated, and sold or pulled down, and the bones of the martyrs brought to light at the Quamadero. This same year Pius IX. sent out his famous encyclical letter, summoning the ecumenical council for 1870. Six archbishop princes, 49 cardinals, 11 patriarchs, 680 archbishops and bishops, 28 abbots, 29 generals of orders, 803 spiritual rulers, representing the Church of Rome throughout the 138

world, obeyed the summons to attend this Vatican council, which solemnly decreed the dogma that the occupant of the Papal chair is, in all his decisions with regard to faith and morals, infallible. Arrangements had been made to reflect a glory around the person of the pope by means of mirrors at noon, when the decree was made (July 18th, 1870); but the sun shone not that day. A violent storm broke over Rome, the sky was darkened by tempest, and the voices of the council were lost in the rolling of the thunder. [See "The Pope, the Kings, and the People." By Rev. W. Arthur, MA] On the very day following this culmination of Papal arrogance and self-exultation was declared that terrible France-German war, in which the French empire of Louis Napoleon-by the soldiers of which the pope was maintained on his tottering throne-fell. The temporal sovereignty of the Papacy fell with it. No sooner had the French troops been withdrawn from Rome, and the French empire collapsed, than the Italian government announced its intention of entering the Roman States, and did so. On September 20th, 1870, Rome was declared the capital of the kingdom of Italy, and became the residence and the seat of the government of Victor Emmanuel. The Times’ summary for that year says: "The most remarkable circumstance in the annexation of Rome and its territory to the kingdom of Italy, is the languid indifference with which the transfer has been regarded by Catholic Christendom. A change, which would once have convulsed the world, has failed to distract attention from the more absorbing spectacle of the Franco-German war. Within the same year, the Papacy has assumed the highest spiritual exaltation to which it could aspire, and lost the temporal sovereignty which it had held for a thousand years. The temporal dominion of Rome Papal has already been consumed. Not a nation in Europe remains under it, and men marvel that they ever did bow beneath it. The spiritual power of the Papacy, its idolatrous religion, remains, and will remain to the end; but the secular power is a thing of the past.” [End Quote] Barnes Commentary on the Fifth Vial: “Verse 10. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast. The previous judgements had been preparatory to this. They all had a bearing on this, and were all preliminary to it; but the "seat"-- the home; the centre of the power of the beast had not yet been reached. Here, however, there was a direct blow aimed at that power, still not such yet as to secure its final overthrow, for that is reserved for the pouring out of the last vial, Revelation 16:17-21. All that is represented here is a heavy judgement which was merely preliminary to that final overthrow, but which affected the very seat of the beast. The phrase "the seat of the beast"-- \~ton\~ \~yronon tou yhriou\~--means the seat or throne which the representative of that power occupied; the central point of the Antichristian dominion. Compare \\Barnes on "Re 13:2"\\ See also Revelation 2:13. I understand this as referring to the very seat of the Papal powers Rome--the Vatican. And his kingdom was full of darkness. Confusion--disorder--distress; for darkness is often the emblem of calamity, Isaiah 59:9-10; Jeremiah 13:16 Ezekiel 30:18; 32:7-8; 34:12; Joel 2:2. And they gnawed their tongues for pain. This is a "most significant expression of the writhings of anguish." The word rendered gnawed does not occur elsewhere in the New Testament, nor is the expression elsewhere used in the Bible; but its meaning is plain--it indicates deep anguish. Verse 11. And blasphemed the God of heaven. The same effect which it was said would be produced by the pouring out of the fourth vial, Revelation 16:9. Because of their pains and their sores. Of the calamities that had come upon them. And repented not of their deeds. See Barnes "Revelation 16:9". Compare Revelation 9:21. In regard to the fulfilment and application of this, the following general remarks may be made here:


(a) It would succeed, at no great interval probably, what is referred to under the previous "vials," and would be one in the series tending to the same result. (b) It would fall directly on the seat of the authority of the "beast" --on the central power of the Papacy, according to the interpretation of the other symbols; and we should look, therefore, for some calamity that would come upon Rome itself, and still more specifically upon the Pope himself, and those immediately around him. (c) This would be attended with deep distress and darkness in the Papal dominions. (d) There would be an increase of what is here called "blasphemy;" that is, of impiety and reproaches of the Divine Being. (e) There would be no repentance produced. There would be no reformation. The system would be as corrupt as it was before, and men would be as much under its influence. And (f) we should not expect that this would be the final overthrow of the system. That is reserved for the outpouring of the seventh and last vial of the series, (Revelation 16:17-21,) and under that the system would be overthrown, and would come to an end. This is distinctly stated in the account of that "vial" and therefore we are not to expect to find, in the application of the fifth "vial," that the calamity brought upon "the seat of the beast" would be such that it would not recover for a time, and maintain apparently, in some good degree, its former power and influence. With this view of what we are to expect, and in connexion with the explanations of the previous symbols, it seems to me that there can be no hesitation in applying this to the direct attacks on the Papal power and on the pope himself, as one of the consequences of the French Revolution, and to the calamities that were thus brought upon the Papal states. In order to show the appropriateness of this application, I will state a few facts which will show that, on the supposition that it was the intention in this symbol to refer to the Papal power at that time, the symbol has been well chosen, and has been fulfilled. And, in doing this, I will merely copy from Alison's History of Europe (vol. i. pp. 542546) a few statements, which, like many that have been quoted from Mr. Gibbon in the former part of these Notes, would seem almost to have been penned in view of this prophecy, and with a view to record its fulfilment. The statement is as follows:-"The Ecclesiastical States were the next objects of attack. It had long been an avowed object of ambition with the Republican government to revolutionize the Roman people, and plant the tricolour flag in the city of Brutus, and fortune at length presented them with a favourable opportunity to accomplish the design. "The situation of the pope had become, since the French conquests in Italy, in the highest degree precarious. Cut off by the Cisalpine republic from any support from Austria; left by the treaty of Campo Formio entirely at the mercy of the French republic; threatened by the heavings of the democratic spirit within his own dominions; and exposed to all the contagion arising from the complete establishment and close vicinity of republican governments in the north of Italy, he was almost destitute of the means of resisting so many seen and unseen enemies. The pontifical treasury was exhausted by the immense payments stipulated by the treaty of Tolentino; while the activity and zeal of the revolutionary clubs in all the principal towns of the Ecclesiastical States was daily increasing with the prospect of success. To enable the government to meet the enormous demands of the French army, the principal Roman families, like the pope, had sold their gold, their silver, their jewels, their horses, their carriages-- in a word, all their valuable effects; but the exactions of the republican agents were still unabated. In despair, they had recourse to the fatal expedient of issuing a paper circulation; but that, in a country destitute of credit, soon fell to an inconsiderable value, and augmented rather than relieved the public distress. Joseph Bonaparte, brother to Napoleon, had been appointed ambassador at the court of Rome; but as his character was deemed too honourable for political intrigue, Generals Duphot and Sherlock were sent along with him, the former of whom had been so successful in effecting the overthrow of Genoese aristocracy. The French embassy, under their direction, soon became the centre of the revolutionary action; and those numerous ardent characters with which the Italian cities abound, flocked there as to a 140

common focus, from whence the next great explosion of democratic power was to be expected. In this extremity, Pius VI., who was above eighty years of age, and sinking into the grave, called to his counsels the Austrian general Provera, already distinguished in the Italian campaigns; but the Directory soon compelled the humiliated pontiff to dismiss that intrepid counsellor. As his recovery then seemed hopeless, the instructions of government to their ambassador were to delay the proclamation of a republic till his death, when the vacant chair of St. Peter might be overturned with little difficulty; but such was the activity of the revolutionary agents, that the train was ready to take fire before that event took place, and the ears of the Romans were assailed by incessant abuse of the ecclesiastical government, and vehement declamations in favour of republican freedom. "The resolution to overturn the Papal government, like all the other ambitious projects of the Directory, received a very great impulse from the reascendent of Jacobin influence at Paris, by the results of the revolution of 18th Fructidor. One of the first measures of the new government was to despatch an order to Joseph Bonaparte at Rome, to promote, by all the means in his power, the approaching revolution in the Papal states; and, above all things, to take care that at the pope's death no successor should be elected to the chair of St. Peter. Napoleon's language to the Roman pontiff became daily more menacing. Immediately before setting out for Rastadt, he ordered his brother Joseph to intimate to the pope that three thousand additional troops had been forwarded to Ancona; that if Provera was not dismissed within twenty-four hours, war would be declared; that if any of the revolutionists who had been arrested were executed, reprisals forthwith would be exercised on the cardinals; and that, if the Cisalpine republic was not instantly recognised, it would be the signal for immediate hostilities. At the same time ten thousand troops of the Cisalpine republic advanced to St. Leon, in the Papal duchy of Urbino, and made themselves masters of that fortress; while at Ancona, which was still garrisoned by French troops, notwithstanding its stipulated restoration by the treaty of Tolentino to the Holy See, the democratic party openly proclaimed 'the Anconite Republic.' Similar revolutionary movements took place at Corneto, Civita Vecchia, Pesaro, and Senigaglia; while at Rome itself, Joseph Bonaparte, by compelling the Papal government to liberate all persons confined for political offences, suddenly vomited forth upon the capital several hundreds of the most heated republicans in Italy. After this great addition, measures were no longer kept with the government. Seditious meetings were constantly held in every part of the city; immense collections of tricolour cockades were made to distinguish the insurgents, and deputations of the citizens openly waited on the French ambassador to invite him to support the insurrection, to which he replied, in ambiguous terms--'The fate of nations, as of individuals, being buried in the womb of futurity, it is not given to me to penetrate its mysteries.' "In this temper of men's minds, a spark was sufficient to occasion an explosion. On the 27th of December, 1798, an immense crowd assembled, with seditious cries, and moved to the palace of the French ambassador, where they exclaimed, 'Vive la Republique Romaine!' and loudly invoked the aid of the French to enable them to plant the tricolour flag on the Capitol. The insurgents displayed the tricolour cockade, and evinced the most menacing disposition; the danger was extreme; from similar beginnings the overthrow of the governments of Venice and Genoa had rapidly followed. The Papal ministers sent a regiment of dragoons to prevent any sortie of the revolutionists from the palace of the French ambassador; and they repeatedly warned the insurgents that their orders were to allow no one to leave the precincts. Duphot, however, indignant at being restrained by the pontifical troops, drew his sword, rushed down the staircase, and put himself at the head of one hundred and fifty armed Roman democrats, who were now contending with the dragoons in the courtyard of the palace. He was immediately killed by a discharge ordered by the sergeant commanding the patrol of the Papal troops; and the ambassador himself, who had followed to appease the tumult, narrowly escaped the same fate. A violent scuffle ensued; several persons were killed and wounded on both sides; and, after remaining several hours in the greatest alarm, Joseph Bonaparte, with his suite, retired to Florence. "This catastrophe, however, obviously occasioned by the revolutionary schemes which were in agitation at the residence of the French ambassador, 141

having taken place within the precincts of his palace, was, unhappily, a violation of the law of nations, and gave the Directory too fair a ground to demand satisfaction. But they instantly resolved to make it the pretext for the immediate occupation of Rome and overthrow of the Papal government. The march of troops out of Italy was countermanded, and Berthier, the commanderin-chief, received orders to advance rapidly into the Ecclesiastical States. Meanwhile, the democratic spirit burst forth more violently than ever at Ancona and the neighbouring towns, and the Papal authority was soon lost in all the provinces on the eastern slope of the Appenines. To these accumulated disasters the pontiff could only oppose with the fasts and prayers of an aged conclave--weapons of spiritual warfare little calculated to arrest the conquerors of Arcola and Lodi. "Berthlet, without an instant's delay, carried into execution the orders of the Directory. Six thousand Poles were stationed at Rimini to cover the Cisalpine Republic; a reserve was established at Tolentino; while the commander-in-chief, at the head of eighteen thousand veteran troops, entered Ancona. Having completed the work of revolution in that turbulent district, and secured the fortress, he crossed the Appenines; and, advancing by Foligno and Nami, appeared on the 10th of February before the Eternal City. The pope, in the utmost consternation, shut himself up in the Vatican, and spent night and day at the foot of the altar in imploring the Divine protection. "Rome, almost defenceless, would have offered no obstacle to the entrance of the French troops; but it was part of the policy of the Directory to make it appear that their aid was invoked by the spontaneous efforts of the inhabitants. Contenting himself, therefore, with occupying the castle of St. Angelo, from which the feeble guards of the pope were soon expelled, Berthier kept his troops for five days encamped without the walls. At length, the revolutionists having completed their preparations, a noisy crowd assembled in the Campo Vaccino, the ancient Forum; the old foundations of the Capitol were made again to resound with the cries, if not the spirit, of freedom, and the venerable ensigns, S. P. Q. R., after the lapse of fourteen hundred years, again floated in the winds. The multitude tumultuously demanded the overthrow of the Papal authority; the French troops were invited to enter; the conquerors of Italy, with a haughty air, passed the gates of Aurelian, defiled through the Piazza del Popolo, gazed on the indestructible monuments of Roman grandeur, and, amid the shouts of the inhabitants, the tricolour flag was displayed from the summit of the Capitol. "But while part of the Roman populace were surrendering themselves to a pardonable intoxication upon the faneled recovery of their liberties, the agents of the Directory were preparing for them the sad realities of slavery. The pope, who had been guarded by five hundred soldiers ever since the entry of the Republicans, was directed to retire into Tuscany; his Swiss guard relieved by a French one, and he himself ordered to dispossess himself of all his temporal authority. He replied, with the firmness of a martyr, 'I am prepared for every species of disgrace. As supreme pontiff, I am resolved to die in the exercise of all my powers. You may employ force--you have the power to do so; but know that, though you may be masters of my body, you are not so of my soul. Free in the region where it is placed, it fears neither the events nor the sufferings of this life. I stand on the threshold of another world; there I shall be sheltered alike from the violence and impiety of this.' Force was soon employed to dispossess him of his authority; he was dragged from the altar in his palace, his repositories all ransacked and plundered, the rings even torn from his fingers, the whole effects in the Vatican and Quirinal inventoried and seized, and the aged pontiff conducted, with only a few domestics, amid the brutal jests and sacrilegious songs of the French dragoons, into Tuscany, where the generous hospitality of the grand duke strove to soften the hardships of his exile. But, though a captive in the hands of his enemies, the venerable old man still retained the supreme authority in the Church. From his retreat in the convent of Chartreuse, he yet guided the counsels of the faithful; multitudes fell on their knees wherever he passed, and sought that benediction from a captive which they would, perhaps, have disregarded from a triumphant pontiff. "The subsequent treatment of this venerable man was as disgraceful to the republican government as it was honourable to his piety and constancy as the head of the Church. Fearful that from his virtues and sufferings he might have had too much 142

influence on the continent of Italy, he was removed by their orders to Leghorn, in Hatch, 1799, with the design of transferring him to Cagliari in Sardinia; and the English cruisers in the Mediterranean redoubled their vigilance, in the generous hope of rescuing the father of an opposite church from the persecution of his enemies. Apprehensive of losing their prisoner, the French altered his destination; and forcing him to traverse, often during the night, the Appenines and the Alps in a rigorous season, he at length reached Valence, where, after an illness of ten days, he expired, in the eighty-second year of his age, and the twenty-fourth of his pontificate. The cruelty of the Directory increased as he approached their dominions, all his old attendants were compelled to leave him, and the father of the faithful was allowed to expire, attended only by his confessor. Yet even in this disconsolate state he derived the highest satisfaction from the devotion and reverence of the people in the provinces of France through which he passed. Multitudes from Gap, Vizelle, and Grenoble, flocked to the road to receive his benediction; and he frequently repeated, with tears in his eyes, the words of Scripture, 'Verily, I say unto you, I have not seen such faith, no, not in Israel.' "But long before the pope had sunk under the persecution of his oppressors, Rome had experienced the bitter fruits of republican fraternization. Immediately after the entry of the French troops commenced the regular and systematic pillage of the city. Not only the churches and the convents, but the palaces of the cardinals and of the nobility were laid waste. The agents of the Directory, insatiable in the pursuit of plunder, and merciless in the means of exacting it, ransacked every quarter within its walls, seized the most valuable works of art, and stripped the Eternal City of those treasures which had survived the Gothic fire and the rapacious hands of the Spanish soldiers. The bloodshed was much less, but the spoil collected incomparably greater, than at the disastrous sack which followed the death of the constable Bourbon. Almost all the great works of art which have since that time been collected throughout Europe, were then scattered abroad. The spoliation exceeded all that the Goths or Vandals had effected. Not only the palaces of the Vatican, and the Monte Cavallo, and the chief nobility of Rome, but those of Castel Gandolfo, on the margin of the Alban Lake, of Terraelna, the Villa Albani, and others in the environs of Rome, were plundered of every article of value which they possessed. The whole sacerdotal habits of the pope and cardinals were burned, in order to collect from the flames the gold with which they were adorned. The Vatican was stripped to its naked walls; the immortal frescoes of Raphael and Michael Angelo remained in solitary beauty amid the general desolation. A contribution of four millions in money, two millions in provisions, and three thousand horses, was imposed on a city already exhausted by the enormous exactions it had previously undergone. Under the direction of the infamous commissary Hailer, the domestic library, museum, furniture, jewels, and even the private clothes of the pope were sold. Nor did the palaces of the Roman nobility escape devastation. The noble galleries of the cardinal Braschi, and the cardinal York, the last relic of the Stuart line, underwent the same fate. Others, as those of the Chigi, Borghese, and Doria palaces, were rescued from destruction only by enormous ransoms. Everything of value that the Tolentino had left in Rome became the prey of republican cupidity, and the very name of freedom soon became odious, from the sordid and infamous crimes which were committed in its name. "Nor were the exactions of the French confined to the plunder of palaces and churches. Eight cardinals were arrested and sent to Civita Casteliana, while enormous contributions were levied on the Papal territory, and brought home the bitterness of conquest to every poor man's door. At the same time, the ample territorial possessions of the church and the monasteries were confiscated, and declared national property; a measure which, by drying up at once the whole resources of the affluent classes, precipitated into the extreme of misery the numerous poor who were maintained by their expenditure, or fed by their bounty. All the respectable citizens and clergy were in fetters; and a base and despicable faction alone, among whom, to their disgrace be it told, were found fourteen cardinals, followed in the train of the oppressors; and, at a public festival, returned thanks to God for the miseries they had brought upon their country." (In this connexion, I may insert here the remarkable calculation of 143

Robert Fleming, in his work entitled Apocalyptical Key or the pouring out of the Vials, first published m 1701. It is in the following words: "The fifth vial, (Revelation 16:10-11,) which is to be poured out on the seat of the beast, or the dominions which more immediately belong to and depend on the Roman see; that, I say, this judgement will probably begin about the year 1794, and expire about A.D. 1848; or that the duration of it upon this supposition will be the space of fiftyfour years. For I do suppose that seeing the Pope received the title of Supreme Bishop no sooner than A.D. 606, he cannot be supposed to have any vial poured upon his seat immediately (so as to ruin his authority so signally as this judgement must be supposed to do) until the year 1848, which is the date of the twelve hundred and sixty years in prophetical account when they are reckoned from A.D. 606. But yet we are not to imagine that this will totally destroy the Papacy, (though it will exceedingly weaken it,) for we find that still in being and alive when the next vial is poured out," [pp. 124, 125, Cobbin's edition.] It is a circumstance remarkably in accordance with this calculation, that in the year 1848 the Pope was actually driven away to Gaeta, and that at the present time (1851) he is restored, though evidently with diminished power.)”[End quote]

For clarity sake we will know insert an overview of the important events in the downfall of the Temporal Dominion of Papal Rome, as expressed in the First Five Vials: See Table in Figure 41 below.

Figure 40: September 1870: The fourth army corpse under Rome (the breach at Porta Pia) and Rome was declared republic of Italy. The Papal Seat lost Rome and the Papal Republic of Italy under king Vittorio Emanuale II (1820-1878).


general Raffaele Cadorna occupied the capital city of the independent States to the newly formed secular Source: Wikipedia

Date 1754 A.D. th

18 Century 1755 A.D. 1773 A.D.

1774 A.D.

1775 A.D. 1789 A.D. 1792 A.D.

1793 A.D.


1798 A.D.

1799 A.D. 1804 A.D.

Important Events in the Downfall of the Papal Roman Dominion Voltaire drenches France with Infidelity by his atheistic writings. Catholic nations began to expel the hated Jesuits: Savoy did so in 1729, Portugal in 1759, Spain in 1767, France in 1762, Sicily in 1767 Jesuits banished from the court in Spain and Portugal. General outbreak of Continental Infidelity. The Ambassadors of all nations demand the abolition of the Jesuit order, which Pope Clement XIV was obliged to sign, which cost him his life. Accession of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette in France. Commencement of the Reign connected with the French Revolution which eventually destroyed the secular, temporal power of Papal Rome. From A.D. 1774, the year of the accession of Louis XVI., the unfortunate monarch who lost his crown and life in that Revolution, and whose accession took place in the year following the suppression of the Jesuits, we may date the commencement of the overthrow of the Papacy under the judgments of the last days. 15th of February accession of Pope Pius VI 14th of July the French Revolution commences with the destruction of the Bastile. (Rejection Roman law, Catholic Church in France nationalised and its property confiscated). 26th of August, Decree of National Assembly against the Priests; 40000 exiled. 25th of September, Massacre in Paris, including 100 Catholic priests. 21st of January, execution of Louis XVI. War in La Vendee in March. Drowning victims en masse. Legion of Marat. 18000 perish in Nantes alone, by the guillotine. The river Loire choked with corpses; 30000 victims. Reign of Terror, Paris, in May. 16th October, Queen Marie Antoinette beheaded. On 9th. November Cathedral of Notre Dame consecrated to the worship of Reason and at end of year all Churches in Paris and many in the provinces were closed. (But after 2 years, papacy restored, but no longer as the state religion of France) Series of “de-christianisation” issued by the revolutionaries. October: replacement of Gregorian calendar by a calendar based on a ten-day week, eliminating the Sunday, as a deliberate act of breaking with the religious past. Not only papal authority but Christianity itself was cast off. Napoleon invades Italy, threatening the Pope who was forced to pay heavily to secure a truce which lasted until 1798. 1796-1815: Napoleonic wars; disastrous for the Papacy. French army entered Rome. The Pope dethroned by Bonaparte. February, Rome seized by the French Republican army under Berthier. The Pope removed from the Vatican, and expelled from Rome; finds asylum in a convent in Tuscany. Spoliation of palaces, convents and rich collections in Rome. 20th of March, Proclamation of a Roman Republic, preceded by enormous and unscrupulous plunder of Papal treasures in Northern and Central Italy. 10th of November, Napoleon Bonaparte is declared First Consul. 18th of May, Napoleon proclaimed Emperor and crowned king in Italy on 26th of May 1805 in the cathedral of Milan. Great series of Napoleonic conquests follow.


Date 1806 A.D. 1814 A.D. 1815 A.D. 1830 A.D. 1848 A.D. 1849 A.D. 1860 A.D. 1866 A.D. 1868 A.D. 1870 A.D.

1870 A.D.

1870 A.D.

Important Events in the Downfall of the Papal Roman Dominion Holy Roman Empire collapsed. Overthrow of Napoleon by the allied forces. 5th of April: his abdication and removal to Elba. 1813: inquisition in Spain officially abolished. The Pope reestablishes the inquisition and the Jesuits on 7th of August 1814. Napoleon escapes from Elba. Complete and final defeat in the Battle of Waterloo on the 18th of June. Anti-Papal revolution in Paris and abdication of Charles X. Anti-papal and democratic revolutions! “Every country lying between the Atlantic and the Vistula had in a greater or less degree been revolutionised.” Republic declared at Rome. The Pope formally deposed from his temporal authority, and a Republic was proclaimed on the 8th of February. Victor Emmanuel enters Naples as “King of Italy” on the 7th of November. Overthrow of Papal Austria by Protestant Prussia. Jesuits and other religious orders suppressed in Spain Ecumenical Council; New canons issued on the 24th of April; declared the Infallibility of the Pope as head of the Church. Same day war was declared between Prussia and the French Empire! Complete fall of Papal Temporal Power; Rome completely evacuated by the French troops in consequence of the war against Prussia. Overthrow second French empire. 8th of September, letter from Victor Emmanuel to the Pope announcing his intention to occupy Rome. Italian troops enter Papal territories on the 12th of September. Enter Rome on the 20th of September. Overwhelming vote for union with Italy on the 2nd of October . Unification Italy with Rome as capital. End of the First Five Vials

Figure 41: Table with important events and dates with regard to the downfall of the Temporal Dominion of Rome.


2.3.2: Vial 6: The “Waters of the Euphrates Dried Up”; 19th century - 1922 and the preparation of the “Kings of the East”; 1922 - 1952; the three frogs going forth; 1952-our time. Revelation 16: 12-16 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. 13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. 16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

It is the year 1870 and five vials have gone and done their work. The Papal Seat and Temporal power of her Dominion had received a severe blow when it reached the year 1870. Yet she was not defeated and even in the selfsame year, as you can see in the Table above, the Pope was declared “infallible”! Even when Rome was physically brought to the dust, her blasphemous voice would reach unto the heavens! She indeed was not intending to repent of all the abominations, blasphemies and murders she was guilty of (Revelation 15:11). So the first Five Vials had accomplished the Divine purposes for which they had been sent. The Antichristian Papal world had received the just retribution from the Hands of God. Yet, we can see from the remains of the 16th chapter of Revelation that this Divine Judgement was not to end here. There was more to come, namely the outpouring of the Sixth and Seventh vials, which eventually would give Babylon the Great the full “cup of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath” (Revelation 16:19). Revelation 16:12: The Water of the Great River Euphrates was Dried Up: We have seen that the first five Vials fell upon the Papal world, mainly in Europe, the centre of her power. When we reach the Sixth Vial, the geographical scene changes to the area of the “great river Euphrates” (Revelation 16:12). Though this language may seem “mysterious” and difficult to interpret, the Scripture itself makes it clear to us what the “River Euphrates” is referring to. We only need to cast our memory to the Sixth Trumpet of Revelation 9 and see that a few hundred years before, the Angels of the River Euphrates were loosed for a period of about 396 years to make an end to the Eastern Roman Empire (Revelation 9:14-15). It is therefore not difficult to see that the River Euphrates is referring to the Islamic Turkish Dominion whose tide arose in about the 11th Century, and which great stream now, during the pouring out of the Sixth Vial, has to dry up. That is, the Turkish Islamic dominion, which had become great between the 11th Century and the time of the Sixth Vial (19th Century) would now lose its dominion. The Seljuk Turks of the 11th Century caused the river Euphrates to rise, but the Sixth Angel with the Sixth Vial will cause the dominion of the Ottoman Turks, that came to power in the 15th Century, to ‘dry up’. It is therefore to be expected that during the period of the Sixth Vial the Ottoman Empire would decrease in power and dominion and eventually cease to exist! History declares that the Ottoman River already began to ‘dry up’ during the first five Vials, but was not completely ‘dried up’ until the Sixth Vial was finished.


It is interesting to note that the Christian authors of the 19th Century (writers like Grattan Guinness, Elliott etc.) did not see the fulfilment of the sixth vial, but foresaw to some extent its contents! They readily admitted that the Sixth Vial was yet future for them, and that their personal insight into the real meaning and interpretation of that sixth vial was not completely clear to them. Nevertheless, we can see from their writings that they had received sufficient knowledge and revelation from the Lord to be able to predict that the Ottoman Empire would gradually come to a full end before long. They knew that the “great river Euphrates” was referring to the then existing Ottoman Empire, which had been a mighty dominion for about 400 years! The Christian authors who we have been quoting from, saw in their own time (about end 19th Century) the “drying up of the great river Euphrates”, for this process had already begun before their time, but they did not witness the “waters thereof dried up”. That is, they did not see the full ending of the Ottoman Empire, which was only completed in the year 1922 when the Ottoman Empire was reduced to the Secular Republic of Turkey under Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk), the first president of the newly established nation. In 1924 the caliphate was abolished altogether by the Turkish government, severing forever the ties with the previous dominion of the Ottomans. The Christians of the 19th Century who had witnessed the fourth and/or fifth vials were living in great expectation of the Lord’s soon return! Had not the Roman Empire passed away forever? Did not the seals and six of the Trumpets lie behind them? Had not the Lord judged that great Antichristian Whore of Papal Rome? Was it not true that its 1260 years of dominion had come to an end? Had not the world witnessed one of the greatest upheavals in the history of mankind in the recent revolutions and wars of Europe? Had not the world witnessed the fast spread of the Gospel through the spiritual revivals and spread of many missionaries in recent years? Had not the first five Vials been poured out in an epoch of a little more than 100 years? Were they, at the end of the 19th Century, not living on the threshold of the Sixth Vial? Was the Great River of the Ottoman Empire not beginning to ‘dry up’ speedily through its defeating wars with Russia and other setbacks she experienced at the hands of the Western European powers? And last, but certainly not least, were not the Jewish people slowly beginning to return to the Promised Land as was written in many prophetic Scriptures?! Did the Christians of the 19th Century not behold the first Jewish settlements being planted in the once desolate, malaria invested swamps of “Palestine”?! Did they not see and hear ‘Herzl’ going up and down lands to proclaim to his own people the Jews that they should have a homeland in the land of their fathers? Were these Christians not beginning to witness the “end of the times of the Gentiles” for it was clear that the Jewish People were beginning to return to their land? They had certainly good reasons for believing that the end was nigh and that the Lord would soon return to the Earth to set up the Kingdom of God on earth. They had hope! And the Lord of course, in His wisdom, allowed them to have this vision and hope. This is why, as we said before, the prophetic language is enwrapped in symbols so that the Christians only could see what the Lord desired them to see, so that they could have hope, and strength, and courage, and vision and a sense of urgency to make spiritually ready for that Great Event of the Return of their Lord and King! We will demonstrate to you here how the Christian authors of that time viewed the Sixth Vial and the remaining future by their prayerfully studying and interpreting the prophetic Scriptures of the Revelation and other books:

The prophetic expectations of Grattan Guinness, writing at the end of the 19th Century: 148

Grattan Guinness in “Light for the Last Days” (1888): “From the date of the fall of Constantinople before the advance of Mohammedan hordes, AD. 1453, up to the great naval battle of Lepanto, AD. 1571, the Turkish power had been continually advancing in Europe. The Euphratean flood rose higher and higher, till it reached its highest point under Solomon the Magnificent, in the middle of the sixteenth century. It remained stationary at high-water mark for half a century, and even as late as 1669 Candia was added to the dominions of the Porte. But the last quarter of the seventeenth century was a time of fierce struggle, and of alternate victory and defeat. Wars with Russia and Austria severely shook the Ottoman power, and the war which was closed by the Peace of Carlowitz, signed in 1699, broke for ever the aggressive power of the Turkish empire. It closed a twenty years’ struggle, in which the Porte had been engaged with Russia and Austria. The conflict had been attended with varying fortunes; but, exhausted at last by the sanguinary defeats inflicted on her by Prince Eugène, the Porte was compelled, in 1699, to lay down her arms, and make peace on most disastrous terms. Louis XIV., urging the sultan not to accept the terms imposed by its foes, said, "The Turks in all their wars have never yet receded; should they do so now, their prestige is gone, and their very existence imperilled." And so it proved. For a time Turkey remained however a mighty and formidable empire, holding under its cruel and debasing sway numbers of Christian nations. A long peace with Christendom followed; but when next the shock of war brought the Mussulman forces into the field against Russia and Austria, victory was again and more decidedly with the Christians. Crushing defeats were inflicted on the Turkish armies in 1774; the Russians surrounded the vizier and his troops near Shumla, in Bulgaria, and were able to dictate the terms of the humiliating Peace of Kainardje, by which Russia obtained the free navigation of the Black Sea, besides large cessions of territory. Thus commenced that dismemberment of the Turkish empire which has been going on ever since, and a fresh stage of which we seem now to have reached. Never since that date has the Porte been able to take the aggressive against the nations of Europe, or even to stand successfully on the defensive. Its history, as is well known, has consisted of one monotonous series of disastrous wars, humiliating treaties, military and provincial revolutions, insurrections, massacres, cessions of territory, failures of revenue, diminution of population, plagues, bankruptcies, armies destroyed and fleets annihilated; ever-contracting dominions, and ever-increasing debts, and gradual loss of independence; till at the present moment, protracted decay verges on total extinction. Europe is driven to recognise that nothing can much longer avert the long predicted and richly deserved doom of Mohammedan rule in Europe - political death.” [Published 1888] Grattan carries on writing on the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. Please remember that he was contemporaneous with the many events he is describing! “Ever since the year 1821 the progress of Turkish decay has been so rapid and alarming as to keep Europe in perpetual anxiety. In that year began the insurrection in Greece, the finest province of the Turkish empire, an insurrection which quickly spread to the Ægean Isles and to Wallachia and Moldavia. In 1826 Turkey was obliged to surrender to Russia all its fortresses in Asia, and frightful civil commotions distracted Constantinople, ending in the slaughter of the Janissaries, when 4,000 veteran but mutinous and unmanageable soldiers were shot or burned to death by order of the sultan himself in their own barracks in the city, and many thousands more all over the country. The empire had for centuries groaned under their tyranny, and Mahmoud II. was resolved to organize a fresh army on the military system of western Europe, and saw no other way of delivering himself from the tyrannical Janissaries than this awful massacre, which, while it liberated Turkey from an 149

intolerable incubus, at the same time materially weakened her strength. Before a fresh army had been matured, Russia again attacked the Turkish empire, and, backed up by England and France, secured the independence of Greece, after the great naval battle of Navarino, in which the Ottoman fleet was totally destroyed. In 1828 and 1829 Russia again invaded Turkey; her armies crossed the Balkans, and penetrated as far as Adrianople, where a treaty, more disastrous to the Porte than any previous one, was concluded. The freedom of Serbia was secured, and no Turk was permitted to reside in future north of the Danube, while Russia obtained one of the mouths of that river, and territory to the south of it. The large Turkish province of Algeria in North Africa was lost to the Sublime Porte, and became a French colony in the following year. In 1832 Turkey was brought to the verge of dissolution in consequence of the successful rebellion of the powerful pasha of Egypt, Mehemet Ali. He attacked and conquered Syria, and defeated the Turkish armies in three great battles, and he would have taken Constantinople had not the western nations intervened. A second rebellion on the part of Egypt took place in 1840, when Ibrahim Pasha defeated the Turks at Nezib. The Turkish fleet was betrayed into the power of Mehemet Ali, and taken to Alexandria; and Europe was obliged again to interfere to protect the sultan from the rebellion of his vassal, who could at that time have easily overthrown the Turkish empire. In the following year the British admiral took Sidon, Beirut, and St. Jean d’Acre; and, in order to restore the Turkish rule, which had been completely lost, drove Mehemet Ali out of Syria. Egypt has been however virtually independent ever since, and her present rulers bear the title of khedive, or king, in recognition of the fact. They are now far more under the power of England than under that of Turkey. In 1844 the Porte was compelled by the Christian nations of Europe to issue an edict of religious toleration, abolishing for ever its characteristic and sanguinary practice of execution for apostasy, that is, for the adoption of the Christian faith. As this was entirely against its will, because against the precepts of the Koran, and contrary to the practice of all the ages during which Mohammedanism had been in existence, it was a most patent proof that Ottoman independence was gone, as a matter of fact, though often mentioned still as a plausible fiction of diplomacy, and that henceforth it had to shape its conduct in accordance with the views of its neighbours, the Christian nations of Europe. It was a compulsory sheathing of the sword of persecution, which had been relentlessly wielded for over twelve centuries, a most marked era in the overthrow of Mohammedan power. The next great stage in the fall of the Moslem power in Europe was the Crimean War, and the Treaty of Paris, which followed it in 1856. This date is one of paramount importance in the process of the decadence of the Ottoman Empire. The Crimean War was ostensibly undertaken in defence of Turkey against Russian aggression; and as it was a successful war on the part of the allies, England, France, and Italy, it would seem at first sight that it should he reckoned as a postponement of the fall of Turkey, rather than as a stage of it. Such however is not the case; it was in reality a very decided stage in its loss of independence. The Russian czar was not alone in seeing that the decay of the Ottoman power had, even at that date, already gone so far, that the question as to what should be done with its dominions on its final dissolution pressed for decision. As is well known, he was anxious to be recognised as heir apparent, at any rate to Constantinople; and he was anxious also to secure the position of protector to the Christian races in the Balkan Peninsula and Syria, in order that he might have the power to interfere with Turkish administration in its own dominions, and thus of hastening the long-desired catastrophe. Now the Crimean War was waged, not so much to protect Turkey, as to maintain the principle that the political destiny of these regions should be a matter of European concert, and not be settled according to Russian views alone. As the Duke of Argyle says: "The one great question which was really at issue was, not whether Turkey was or was not a sick man, or even a dying man; but whether the czar had the right to solve that problem by anticipation in his own favour, and to take steps constituting himself sole heir of the sick man’s possessions and effects. It was because Turkey, as a power and as a government, was decaying, and because sooner or later its place would 150

have to be supplied by some other government, and by the rule of some other people, that it was necessary to take steps in time, to prevent this great change from being made prematurely, in the exclusive and selfish interests of a single power." ["The Eastern Question," pp. 2, 8. By the Duke of Argyle. Strahan & Co., 34, Paternoster Bow, London, E.C.] In result, the Turkish empire was placed under the common care of Europe, and the claim of any single power to settle the destinies of that empire without the concurrence of the rest has since been repeatedly negatived. In a recently published "Collection of Treaties and other Public Acts, illustrating the European Concert in the Eastern Question," the editor says: "The assumption of the collective authority on the part of the European powers to supervise the solution of the eastern question, in other words, to regulate the disintegration of Turkey, has been gradual. Such an authority has been exercised tentatively since 1826, systematically since 1856. It has been applied successfully to Greece, to Syria, to Egypt, to the Danubian Principalities and the Balkan Peninsula generally, to certain other of the European provinces of Turkey, to the Asiatic boundaries of Turkey and Russia, and to the treatment of the Armenians. The present work will contain the text in full of the treaties and other diplomatic acts which are the title deeds of the states which have thus been wholly or partially freed by the European concert from the sovereignty of the Porte." Hence 1856 is a critical date in the fall of the Mohammedan power, marking the point of its entire loss of independence; the point when it practically passed into the hands of Europe, with a view to its safe and gradual dismemberment. The tottering structure was condemned to come down, and the scaffolding was erected by which it was to be safely demolished. In 1860 took place the horrible Druze massacre of the Christians in the Lebanon and at Damascus, a massacre connived at, if not planned by the Turkish Government. The remonstrances of the European consuls in the country were treated with neglect and contempt. The Christians were disarmed by the authorities, and left, like defenceless sheep, to be butchered by their bloodthirsty enemies. Thousands of innocent lives and millions of property were sacrificed, and the total apathy and incompetence of the Turkish Government to maintain order was such that the great powers of Europe intervened. Syria was occupied by French troops, and an English fleet anchored at Beirut. The result was the conclusion of the treaty by which northern Syria was placed under a Christian governor, and the welfare of its inhabitants secured by a restriction of the Turkish power, submitted to under European compulsion. The year, in short, witnessed a marked though partial deliverance of the Holy Land from Mohammedan oppression; it witnessed the turn of the tide. The condition of Palestine and Syria has ever since been improving, and the contrast of what they are today [ ie., 1888] and what they were twenty-five years ago is remarkable. The last great crisis in the decay of Turkey, the last phase previously to what we may term the present one, was the Russo-Turkish war of 1877, an event so recent that we need only allude to it. The horrible atrocities committed by the Turkish soldiery in suppressing an unimportant insurrection in Bulgaria were, as is well known, the immediate cause of this outbreak. Fifteen thousand men, women, and children had been slaughtered in cold blood, with every conceivable circumstance of cruelty and horror, people against whom no crime could be alleged. Their property was destroyed, their villages were burned, and large districts desolated. Christian Europe was horrified. The great powers would have interfered in concert, but that England, whose supposed interests required the maintenance of the Ottoman tyranny over the subject Christian races, would not join in any effective common action. The immoral and Jesuitical maxim, that, when selfinterest demanded it, the Christian races of the Balkan Peninsula might lawfully be sacrificed, was acted upon by the English Government of the day. Russia, whose policy was a far nobler and more unselfish one, went to war alone consequently to deliver her co-religionists, and she secured her object by a succession of victories, which broke the Turkish power to pieces, and laid it helpless at her feet. England did interfere then to prevent her seizing Constantinople, and at the Berlin 151

Conference obliged the victorious czar to modify the treaty of San Stephano, and to agree to that of Berlin, by which a large proportion of Armenia was ceded to Russia. The Dobrudeha was lost to Turkey, the complete independence of Romania was recognised, the limits of Serbia and Montenegro were extended, and Bulgaria was erected into an autonomous Christian principality. Cyprus was at that time ceded to England by the Anglo-Turkish Convention, while this country undertook to defend the Turkish possessions in Asia, the Porte promising necessary reforms, subject to British approval. [This treaty cannot stand; it is in opposition to the revealed counsels of God. Lord Beaconsfield pledged England to uphold the Turkish power in Asia, including of course Syria and Palestine. God has decreed, on the other hand, that Palestine and Jerusalem shall be freed, and freed speedily, from Moslem domination. It is hard to kick against the pricks; the treaty is already broken, and no effort to maintain Turkish power in Europe or in Syria will be of any use.] In 1876 Turkey had become nationally bankrupt; her debt, having been mostly contracted abroad, had reached the amount of one hundred and ninety-five millions, on which sum she was unable even to pay interest. This is as serious a feature in the condition of the country, as any of its military reverses or territorial losses. In 1882 a fresh and very singular stage in the downfall of Ottoman power and independence was reached. It arose, as will be remembered by all, in a military insurrection in Egypt, which was headed by Arabi Pasha; this man and the army obtained a monopoly of power, and the khedive was forced to accept a national ministry in defiance of the protests of the European controllers of the debt, thus subverting the authority of England and France in connexion with the finances of Egypt. The sultan encouraged Arabi to defy Christian intervention in the financial and other affairs of Egypt, and tried to seize the crisis as an occasion for enforcing his own authority as suzerain. It was understood throughout Europe that if the western powers were defeated in this struggle, it would mean a surrender of Egypt to absolute anarchy, and the total ruin of civilization and European interests in the country. British and French squadrons anchored in the harbour of Alexandria in May. Panic began to prevail among Europeans in Egypt; the military party soon became totally unmanageable, and the khedive was a mere tool in their hands. The Europeans in Cairo and Alexandria were obliged to flee the country, and all attempts at pacification, whether on the part of the western powers, or of the sultan himself, failed. A Mussulman rising having taken place in Alexandria, in which a large number of Europeans were killed, and their houses pillaged, Arabi also continuing extensive preparations for resistance in defiance of the English admiral’s expostulations, Sir Beauchamp Seymour finally bombarded Alexandria in the summer of 1882. The rebels were defeated, and under cover of a flag of truce evacuated Alexandria, not, however, without first setting fire to the European quarters, and letting loose upon it gangs of reckless plunderers. A plan had been laid for the murder of the khedive, but it was unsuccessful. A brief but brilliant military campaign succeeded, in which the English troops defeated the rebels at Tel-elKebir, and. victoriously entered Cairo. An army of occupation of 12,000 men was left to keep order in the country, which has been since practically, though not nominally, an English protectorate. This campaign was remarkable as an illustration of the diminished fanaticism of Mussulman nations. The Mohammedans of India were in no way affected by the struggle between their rulers and the Egyptians. An Indian contingent was sent to Egypt, with, the full approval of the coreligionists of Arabi. As we send these pages to press [1888], a fresh dismemberment of the Ottoman empire is in progress, and the union of the two Bulgarias is so serious an inroad on the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin, that, as might from its very nature have been foreseen, it is not likely long to hold good as regards other and more important points.” Read about Grattan’s hope, vision and prophetic insight when he writes his conclusion to the book of “The Approaching End of the Age”, written in the year 1879 :


“We have noted various indications in the condition of Palestine and of Israel, and in the political events of our own day which seem to indicate that the cleansing of the sanctuary and the restoration of Israel are not distant. When these shall take place, when the Moslems, now driven out of Bulgaria, shall be driven also out of Syria, when the nations of Europe, actuated it may be merely by mutual distrust and political jealousy, or it may be by higher motives, shall conspire to reinstate the Jews in the land of their forefathers, then the last warning bell will have rung; then the last of the unfulfilled predictions of Scripture as to events prior to the great crisis, will have received its accomplishment, then the second advent of Israel’s rejected Messiah to reign in conjunction with his risen and glorified saints as King over all the earth, will be close at hand, then the mystery of God will be all but finished, and the manifestation of Christ immediate. How long a time may be required to bring about this restoration of Israel-who shall say? Never within the last 1800 years has it seemed so likely as now, for never, since it first arose, has Moslem power lain so low as it does at the present moment. THE DESTRUCTION OF THE POWER AND INDEPENDENCE OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE, LIKE THE ANNIHILATION OF THE TEMPORAL DOMINION OF THE PAPACY, SHOULD BE AS A TRUMPET-BLAST TO CHRISTENDOM, PROCLAIMING THAT THE DAY OF CHRIST IS AT HAND. Though differing as to many minor details, students of chronological prophecy with one consent agree in this conclusion which is in itself a. strong argument that it rests on a solid basis of revealed truth. The fact that many premature anticipations of the end, have by the event been proved mistaken, is sometimes adduced as a proof that all expectations based on chronological prophecy, are of the nature of vain and foolish speculations, deserving only of ridicule and contempt from sober-minded practical Christian people. But when viewed in the light of the revealed purpose of God, to make known the future only by degrees, and only as the Church was able to bear it, the fact alluded to, is merely a proof that the symbolic language in which these chronological predictions were expressed, has answered its divinely intended purpose, and disguised, till nearly the time of its accomplishment, the true meaning of the prophecy. To the early generations of the Church it was not given to understand these chronological prophecies at all; later generations made a good guess at their general drift and scale; the Reformers obtained approximately true ideas of their scope and application; to many of the prophetic expositors and commentators of the last two centuries very clear light was granted, and (in spite of the obscurity which rash futurist speculations have cast over the subject) it may safely be said that in our own day the light has become so strong, clear, and bright, that the historic and doctrinal portions of Scripture are scarcely more simple and comprehensible than are its main prophetic outlines, to those who carefully study them.” [End Quote] Johnson, Vision of the Ages, (1881) Comments on the Drying up of the Euphrates: “I wish to ask the reader to observe the effects of pouring out the vial. The Euphrates is dried up. This symbolism does not indicate a sudden destruction but a gradual decay. Earthquakes, and falling cities and lands, or mountains swallowed up, are symbols of sudden destruction, but a drying up indicates an extinction by slow degrees. This is just what is taking place in the case of Turkey. I do not know when her end will come, whether soon, or far in the future; but her end will come, and I do know that for more than a hundred years the foundations of her power have been slowly drying up. Three hundred years ago she was the mightiest power in the world, and she has not fallen from that high position to her present weakness at a bound. We can trace the steps downward. In 1774, one hundred and seven years ago, [314] she received her first great reverse in a war with Russia, and was shorn of her provinces north of the Black Sea. In 1816, Serbia, after a long 153

contest for liberty, wrested self-government from the Sultan and has since only given a nominal allegiance to the Turks. In 1820 Greece revolted. In 1823 the Turkish naval power was destroyed by England, France and Russia at the battle of Navarino, and in 1829 the independence of Greece was completely established. In 1849 Mehemet Ali revolted in Egypt, invaded Syria, marched on Constantinople, and was only restrained by the powers of Europe. Since that time Egypt has been practically independent. In 1849, Romania also, then called Moldavia, demanded self-government and is now independent under the King of Romania. Thus province after province has been lopped off, and the process still goes on. In 1876 Herzegovina revolted, and Montenegro raised its warlike standard. In 1877 the Russians intervened, and the war that followed resulted in the loss of the greater part of the Turkish possessions in Europe, as well as Cyprus and a part of Armenia. At this date the Turkish Empire seems on the very verge of dissolution. To the human eye it appears as though the very foundations of its life and vigour were "dried up." [315] [End quote] Barnes’ comment on the Sixth Vial (Barnes: 1798-1870) “Verse 12. And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates. On the situation of that river, and the symbolical meaning of this language, See Barnes "Revelation 9:14-21". The reference there was supposed to be to the Turkish power, and the analogy of interpretation would seem to require that it should be so understood here. There is every reason, therefore, to suppose that this passage has reference to something in the future history of the Turkish dominions, and to some bearing of the events which are to occur in that history on the ultimate downfall of the Antichristian power referred to by the "beast." [End Quote]

These Historicists writers believed the Revelation to be a book that is ‘unscrolling’ the history of the Church and those Gentile Dominions who were to have some influence on the progress of God’s Kingdom and People. They also unanimously agreed that the drying up of the river Euphrates was referring to the gradual disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, which would eventually cease to exist altogether. These authors did not see the complete fulfilment thereof, but we who are alive in the beginning of the 21st Century know full well that history declares and confirms that the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist in the year 1922 when the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed. We would highly recommend to the reader to do some research on the Internet which has some wonderful background information and maps of this important event. Beneath you see a map of the ‘drying up’ of the Ottoman Empire to give you some idea of the extent of that once vast Islamic Empire.


Figure 42: Map of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Why is the Drying up of the Ottoman Empire mentioned in the Book of Revelation? To the observing and thoughtful mind the questions could arise at this point: “Why is the Ottoman Empire and the disintegration thereof mentioned in the Book of Revelation? How is the Ottoman Empire related to the destiny of the People of God? What were the consequences of this event for the progress of God’s Kingdom and their inhabitants?” For we have stated before, that only those Gentile Dominions that would have some important bearing on the course of God’s people are given a place in the Prophetic Scriptures. So, how was the Ottoman Empire and the disappearing thereof associated with the progress of God’s people and His Kingdom? The importance of this Turkish, Islamic Empire on the developments in the Church cannot be underestimated. Without going into great details here, it is an historical fact that so-called “Western Christendom” was always living under the threat of the Islamic Crescent of the East and many have been the battles between “Western Christendom” (that is, the Apostate Papal Roman Dominion) and the Turkish Islamic Dominions of the East. It would perhaps surprise you that several times the Lord allowed these two dominions to clash on the borders to save His Own people, the true Church, from severe or worse persecution. Whenever the Catholic authorities and their warriors were distracted by the Turkish invaders in the East, they had less time to hunt and slaughter the “dissenters” and “heretics” on their own soil. When you read the history of the Church, you will see for yourself that this was so. Further, it cannot be denied that Christians were persecuted by the Turkish sword and that the professors of Christianity could be punished by the Death Penalty. When the Ottoman Empire 155

began to dwindle in the 19th Century, the united Western powers forced the Turks to sign the Act of Toleration, at the Treaty of Rijswijk, 1844. They were compelled to sheathe the sword of persecution, which meant an increased liberty for the confessors of Christianity. Nevertheless, the greatest importance of the Ottoman Empire and its “drying up”’ lies in the fact that it had occupied and ruled in and over the Holy Land for 400 years! The Ottoman Turks had conquered the land of Palestine, including Jerusalem in the year 1517 and did not leave her soil till 1917! The Turks were driven out of Jerusalem and out of the “Holy Land” by the Hand of God, through the instrument of the British General Allenby and the allies. (There is a truly wonderful, awe-inspiring, supernatural historical story attached to the liberation of Jerusalem by the British General Allenby, but we refer the reader here to some of the writings, mentioned in Appendix 2) The “drying up” of the Ottoman river therefore had the greatest repercussions for Jerusalem, the “Holy Land” and the worldwide Jewry. The Ottoman Empire had to dry up to give way to the fulfilment of the prophetic promises to God’s people the Jews, who from that time onwards, from the time the Turks left the land of Abraham, increased their immigration numbers considerably! We Christians know, or should know, that the return of the Jews to their land and the consequential establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 has been the greatest and most wonderful sign in our times which tells us that the Lord’s return is very near, even at the doors, in accordance with the prophetic words of Jesus Himself which declared: when you see the fig tree [= symbol for Israel] shooting forth branches and bearing leaves, you know that the end and fulfilment of all things is near (See Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13). Psalms 102:16: “When the Lord doth build up Zion, He shall appear in Glory!” Amen. The destiny of the Jews, Israel and Jerusalem is closely related to the destiny of the Christian Church. The ‘drying up’ of the Ottoman Empire will yet have tremendous consequences for us Christians, for this disappearing of the Turkish Dominion from the map of the world has given space and opportunity for the fulfilment of the remaining things that ought to happen according to the verses which followed Revelation 16:12. Simply said, if the Ottoman Empire would have remained, Jerusalem would still have been in Islamic hands, the Jews would not have established the nation of Israel and the rest of Revelation 16 would not have had a chance to develop. The primary purpose of the “water of the Great river” having “dried up” (Revelation 16:12) was that, according to the same verse, ‘the way of the kings of the east might be prepared’! Here we read that the Ottoman Empire had to vanish to “prepare the kings of the east” for something. The questions naturally arise: who or what are the “kings of the east” and why did they have to come to the foreground? What were they prepared for? Why are they mentioned at all? What is the role or function of those “kings of the east” with regard to the remaining prophetic words of chapter 16? We can assume here with spiritual common sense that those kings are not mentioned for nought. These “kings” were “prepared” for something. These kings, whatever they may be, will have some part to play in the fulfilment of the remaining verses, including the Seventh Vial. Somehow they eventually will be either directly or indirectly responsible for the judgment of Great Babylon (verse 19) and whatever else is occurring in the Seventh Vial. They were prepared to do something, to play some part in the last of the vials. The Ottoman River had to dry up, so that these “kings of the east” could be brought into being. The Ottoman Empire therefore must have been a hindrance, or an obstacle, or a restraining power on the “preparation of the way of the kings of the east”. When the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist, there was obviously the opportunity for these “kings” to arise.


The “kings of the east” were coming into being after the “River of the Ottoman Power had dried up”. Placing this expression in such a context, it is not so difficult to see what or who these “kings of the east” are referring to. In answer to the first question then, the word “king” in prophetic language is referring not to a personal king but to a “kingdom” or “nation” or “dominion” as we know from Daniel chapter 7:1617. Daniel was desirous of some explanation for the vision of the four beasts he had seen. The Angel grants Daniel some understanding in saying: “These great beasts, which are four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth.” The Four Beasts, were Four “Kings”. Then the Angel continues in verse 23: “Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down and break it in pieces.” The language here speaks for itself; the Angel unmistakably states that the beast is, prophetically speaking, a “king”, which in reality is a “kingdom”. Besides this witness of the Words of the Angel, we have nowadays the common, well known knowledge that the fourth “beast” is referring to the Roman Empire as a whole and not to one “sole king” or emperor. In the same way we can safely claim that the “kings of the east” which were to be prepared are not referring to individual rulers but “kingdoms”, or “nations” or “dominions”! In other words, the River Euphrates had to dry up, to prepare the way of the “kingdoms” or “nations” of the East! Which kingdoms or nations did arise in the Eastern extremities of the Ottoman Empire? Nothing less than the modern nations of the Middle East!!! During the end of WWI, the Turkish Power in the Middle East was defeated by the allied operations of the French and British forces. In 1918 an armistice was signed with Turkey (with what was left of the Ottoman Empire) and at the same time the British and French governments issued a joint declaration stating their intention in establishing independent Arab nations in the Arab areas formerly controlled by the Turks. The British and the French, though, occupied this Middle Eastern region for quite some years before these different areas singularly received their full independence. It is nevertheless an historical fact that the defeat of the Turks in the Eastern part of their Empire, prepared the way for the independent “nations” or “kingdoms” of the Middle East as we know them now, in the year 2004. From the dry riverbed of the Ottoman Euphrates in the East emerged the newly formed nations of: Lebanon (independent 1943), Syria (1945-1946), Jordan (1946), Iraq (1932), Egypt (1942/1953) and of course Israel (1948)! Turkey itself became an independent, secular Republic in the year 1922. Please see map below. Some Old Testament Scriptures also speak about the “people” or “children” of the East. In Genesis 29:1 it is said that Jacob went to the “children” or “people” “of the East”, to find a wife for himself, for Isaac and Rebecca were not pleased for him to have a wife amongst the inhabitants of the land of Canaan. The readers know about the story how Jacob left his kindred to go back to the land and kindred of Abraham in Haran, in the area of Padan Aran (Genesis 28:1-2) which is commonly regarded as the district of Mesopotamia lying around Haran. This then would particularly point to our modern nations of Iraq and Syria and perhaps Iran, but generally to the whole area East of the Jordan River.


Modern Middle East

Figure 43: Map of the Modern Middle East. Source:

Judges 6:3 says: And so it was, when Israel had sown, that the Midianites came up, and the Amalekites, and the children of the east, even they came up against them; (see also Judges 6:33; 7:12). The Midianites and Amalekites dwelt mainly in the Northern and Western part of the Arabian Peninsula which we now call Saudi Arabia. The “children of the East” that joined the Amelekites and the Midianites then must refer to these other groups of people dwelling in the areas northeast of the Peninsula, which again would point to the general area of Mesopotamia and perhaps the Eastern part of the Arabian Peninsula, but the area of Syria and Iraq and perhaps Iran in particular (but we must take into consideration that most of modern Iran and the Eastern and Central parts of the Arabian peninsula were not part of the Ottoman Empire). Further it is said of King Solomon that: “Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about (1 Kings 4:30-31). These “children of the East Country” must refer to the Chaldeans, Persians and Arabians who in those times were famed for their wisdom and knowledge throughout the whole of the then known world. Again this would refer to the areas of the modern nations of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and perhaps parts of Jordan.


Both Historical Facts and Old Testament Witnesses then confirm that those “Kings of the East” of Revelation 16:12 which were to arise after the Ottoman Empire had ceased to exist, have to be the nations or kingdoms that arose in the Middle East during the middle of the 20th Century. The next question is: What were these newly formed, independent Islamic nations to do? What influence would they have on God’s people, either the Church or the Jews? We have the privilege of living in a time so close to the end, that we can see quite clearly why those nations had to emerge, and what role they have to play in the God’s Great Divine Program. When the Ottoman Empire came to its end, as is also prophesied in Daniel 11:45, and the newly formed nations were birthed, including that of Israel, the People of Israel entered into a time of such trouble, “such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time” (Daniel 12:1). History and the prophetic word has demonstrated to us that Israel as an independent nation was not to sit quietly and peacefully between those Islamic Arab nations, but these newly risen nations would be a trouble unto them, even “Jacob’s trouble”. Israel had to face five wars with the Islamic nations round about and went through two “Intifadahs”, or Palestinian Uprisings, of which the last one that began in September the year 2000, is still running its deadly course. The “kings of the east” were prepared, to be a trouble unto Israel, to chastise them, and to bring them low, so that they would learn to look to the Holy One of Israel, even their Messiah. Israel, as we write these words in September 2004, is still in the midst of that period of “Jacob’s Trouble” and, according to the Scriptures, the worst is yet to come! The sixth war is yet awaiting them. These “kings of the East” have not fulfilled their task as yet. There is more to come. These kings of the east, you will read and learn of later, will be directly involved in the contents of the Seventh Vial (Verse 18)! They are also mentioned here because they will indirectly, during the outpouring of the Seventh Vial, play a part in the downfall of Babylon as is described in Revelation 16 verse 19! Having now briefly explained the Sixth Vial, the Dried up Euphrates and the preparation of the way of the kings of the east, we enter into a new phase of the Vials. The Sixth Vial had executed and completed its purposes, say, by the year 1953 when the nation of Egypt finally had found its independence like the other Arab nations. The Ottoman Euphrates though was more or less dry in the year 1922 when Turkey became an independent Republic. The Sixth Vial and its contents is described in verse 12, the Seventh Vial begins at verse 17 onwards. If this is so, and the Sixth Vial ended in the middle of the previous century, where do we place the events of the verses in between? Where do verses 13-16 belong to? We personally suggest that the events described in verses 13 to 16 are an interval between the Sixth and the Seventh vial. They are to prepare the world for the Outpouring of the Seventh Vial. Usually the Book of Revelation begins a new vision with “and I saw” or “and I looked” or “After this I looked” or “After these things I saw”. There is therefore good reason to think that the vision of the “three frogs” who “go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty” and “gathered them together in a place called Armageddon” (Verses 13-16) is a vision that lies in between the Sixth and the Seventh Vial. It is a vision wherein John relates how the world will be prepared for the time of the Seventh Vial. But whether verses 13-16 are part and parcel of the Sixth Vial (which could be so), or lie between the Sixth and the Seventh Vial, it matters not much for it remains a fact that after the Drying up of the Euphrates and the preparation of the kings of the East, the time would come wherein the world would be prepared for the receiving of the maxim of God’s Wrath as is expressed in the Seventh Vial. Somewhere after the years 1923 and 1953, the world would be brought in such a state, in such a situation wherein everything would be ready for the Outpouring of the Seventh Vial! We are presently living in such a world…… and we will now show to you why we make such a dramatic statement which would have such terrifying consequences, for if it is true that we who are 159

alive in the year 2004 are living in a world which has been made ready for the receiving of God’s Seventh Vial, then intensely difficult times are just lying ahead of us all……..! The Identity of the Three Unclean spirits likened unto frogs.

Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

Out of the mouths of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet were coming three unclean spirits, likened unto frogs. A mouth speaks, a mouth teaches, a mouth proclaims or declares. These three powers called the Dragon, Beast and False prophet were to speak or teach things with their mouths which were of a Satanic Source, for they are said to be spirits of ‘devils’ (daemon, demons) (see verse 14). These three evil powers, or spirits, were likened unto frogs. What are the characteristics of a frog that is so used to depict those three unclean spirits that went forth out of the mouths of the Dragon, Beast and False Prophet? A frog’s croaking is unsound, course, harsh and noisy. You cannot avoid listening to it. When a pond filled with frogs are uttering their croaking, you can hear them far and wide. A frog lives in mud and is often covered therewith, smearing itself with uncleanness. Frogs also blow themselves out of proportion by swelling its size and inflating their cheeks. The unclean spirits like frogs therefore could be characterized as impure, loud, arrogant, unclean and boastful powers or authorities who by their constant croaking would be spreading their Satanic influences and teachings to many. The 19th Century Christian writers readily admit that at least two of those symbols must refer to the dominion of Papal Rome and Islam, seeing, so they reasoned, that they have been given such a prominent place in the Book of Revelation as the major Gentile Dominions that would influence the course of the world and the Church. The Dragon would then represent the old, well-established Babylonian whore of Papal Rome and the False Prophet would represent the power of Islam. Both are political-religious systems that have much to say to the world. Both are either directly or indirectly related to the Name of Christianity and the Word of God, but in an apostate way. Islam makes use of the Bible, declares Jesus to be a prophet of God but denies His claims of Divinity totally. Papal Rome, the Roman Catholic Church professes with her mouth to serve the living Lord Jesus, but in all her works, teachings and words she denies Him completely and thoroughly. Both name the Name of Jesus, but apostatise and blaspheme His Holy Name and His Holy ways by their many lies, falsehoods and abominations. Islam worships the ‘moon god’ (Crescent) while the Roman Catholic Church worships the “sun god” though she wouldn’t reveal this to you directly. You only have to visit St. Peters in Rome to see the images of the Sun plastered everywhere and you only have to watch (God forbid you would partake!) the “host” in the shape of the sun, which the Roman Catholic priests serve at “mass” to see how the Papal Church is just a continuation of the ancient Babylonian sun worship, covered under a veneer of “Christianity” which is not Christianity but Apostasy. The mouths of these two powerful and influential spirits have indeed been opened in the last 50 years or so in a special way and gained millions of attentive hearers and converts! Even multitudes of sincere, Bible believing, Evangelical Christians have been hoodwinked by these deceptive spirits into believing that the Church of Rome is a part of the Body of Christ after all and that we as Christians have much to learn from Islam. “Are we not all worshipping the same God, the Creator, 160

after all?” so they speak. Countless numbers of Christians worldwide have been overpowered by the croaking of these lying and deceptive Satanic spirits and are now being drawn into the Ecumenical movement which is going Rome-wards or are even looking towards the Interfaith movements which is looking for some dialogue with Islam and other religions as well! The Christian writers of the 18th/19th Centuries were not so sure about the identity of the spirit that came out of the mouth of the beast, but generally believed it to refer to some part of the Papal Roman system as well. This is understandable, for they did not live to witness the abominable image of Rome that has been set up especially by many Churches in the United States! We refer you here back to the explanatory remarks on the First and Second Beasts of Revelation 13 in chapter 1.5. The third unclean spirit then that came forth out of the mouth of the Beast is, we believe, pointing to the Second Beast of Revelation who was making an image of the Roman Catholic system. We can call this spirit in one word: Apostate Protestantism! It bears the name of the Protestant, Reformed Church but in reality has so far departed from the principles and truths that were discovered and restored by the Protestants of say the 16th till 18th centuries, that it can not bear that name any longer. She has apostatised. This Apostate Protestant form of Christianity, which is not Christianity, has been influenced by the Antichristian spirit of Rome and the worldly spirit of this age. In the Name of Christ she performs, acts, speaks and teaches against Christ. Her centre words are: power, control, wealth, material prosperity, status, prestige, politics and money. This Apostate, so-called “Protestant” Church, which is literally thriving in the United States of America, shrinks not from seeking some form of dialogue or union with the other Apostasy: the Church of Rome. This selfsame spirit of ecumenicalism, financial prosperity and power seeking has, from the United States, spread all over the world during the last 50 years or so in particular. Their broadcast systems reach millions all over the planet. Their teaching material can be found in nearly, if not all the Bible Colleges of the World. We have personally witnessed the presence of this spirit of Apostate Protestantism wherever we go (United States, Europe, Israel, India, Asia, Australasia). It is the spirit of the Second Beast of Revelation. It is the spirit that found soil on that newly formed Empire of the United States and spread its influence far and wide. Its croaking, ugly voice can now be heard everywhere and has been accepted by countless souls throughout the world. So here we have identified the three unclean spirits that came out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. Did the First Six Vials not silence the spirits of Rome and Islam? The Roman Catholic Church had been severely judged during the outpouring of the first five Vials, yes, but she was not finished by far. Spiritually speaking she has gained great influence since then and politically speaking she has risen to the highest echelons of politics and economy-related positions in many parts of the world. The most vile, unclean and abominable teaching that is presently coming out of her mouth, and has done so for quite some years now, is her concept of the Ecumenical Movement, in an attempt to bring all Churches again under one umbrella; her umbrella. The “Mother Harlot” is longing for her wandering children to come back under her wings, so she can squeeze them to spiritual death for eternity! The Islamic Ottoman Empire is no more, yes, but the spirit of Islam has not dried up together with her! The spirit of Islam rules now over more than a sixth part of the world population through the means of world-wide immigration and aggressive proselytising. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and its influence can be felt and seen worldwide. Apostate Protestantism, and especially the form that exists in the United States of America, has only relatively recently come on the world stage. The authors of the 19th century did not see it, for it was not there yet. The teachings and ways of this unclean spirit cannot be underestimated for its presence can be, in a more or less powerful form, witnessed in almost every Christian congregation in the world!


These are most probably the three mouths which, in the Name of Jesus Christ (Roman Catholicism and Apostate Protestantism) or directly in opposition to Jesus Christ (Islam), are spreading abominable teachings and influences all over the world and amongst the congregations of the Lord! Revelation 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils [demons], working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

These three unclean spirits are not only spreading their abominable teachings but are also a real power behind many outward human scenes and situations in this world. They, according to this verse, stir up and prepare the “kings of the earth” and the “kings of the whole world” for that “battle of that great day of God Almighty”. They somehow, through working upon the minds and emotions of men, are a powerful influence behind the authorities in this world and are bringing the world into a position wherein the last great conflagration will break out. They are the powers behind world leaders, governments, institutions and other authorities. We receive a glimpse of this truth in the Book of Daniel chapter 10 where for example, the spiritual “prince of Medo-Persia” which was seated in the heavenlies, worked on the mind of the king of Medo-Persia to harden him against the Lord’s perfect will for that time which was to let the Jewish people go homeward to Zion. There was a powerful Satanic Principality at work in the minds of the authorities of MedoPersia to thwart the purposes of God. The rulers of this world are principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness (wicked spirits) in high places, Satan being the Chief Prince of this world (see Ephesians 6:12). Although they are invisible, this is nevertheless a spiritual reality, according to the Word of God. Whether their influence and indoctrinations are literally accompanied with “miracles” [= semeion: an indication, especially ceremonial or supernatural: — miracle, sign, token, wonder] as verse 14 describes or whether this word has to be interpreted more symbolically, this “miracle working” is definitely present in the spiritual dominions of Islamic, Roman Catholicism and Apostate Protestantism! When you take this term “miracle working” in the broadest sense, it means that, by the power of Satan, people perform certain spiritual actions which will either have a real or imagined result and outcome. In Biblical terms such people are generally called by the names of ‘sorcerers’, ‘witches’, ‘divinators’, magicians. (See Genesis 41:8; Exodus 7: 10-12; 22:18; Leviticus 19:26; Deuteronomy 18:9-14; 2 Kings 17:17; 21:2-6 etc.) The spiritual power of such serious, but ungodly practicing “miracle workers” is very real, for the source of their power is with Satan, the Prince of this world. Their “miracles” are often a reality, for Satan and his legions of demonic servants are also able to perform such lying “signs and wonders”! We can learn from the Word of God that not all things supernatural are godly! Take Simon the sorcerer for example; his “witchcraft” in the city of Samaria had a real effect on the minds and emotions of the inhabitants. Acts 8:9-11: But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: 10 To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. 11 And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries. Another example of such “bewitching” of the minds of men is shown in the actions of the false prophet Elymas, who, in the power of Satan, through “sorceries” withstood the ways of the Lord: Acts 13:6-10: And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus: 7 Which was with the deputy of the country, 162

Sergius Paulus, a prudent man; who called for Barnabas and Saul, and desired to hear the word of God. 8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. 9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, 10 And said, O full of all subtlety and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? There lies power behind deception, for Satan is the father of deception and all lies (John 8:44). The Bible teaches that all rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft (1 Samuel 15:23) and these three unclean spirits like frogs went forth in the power of Satan, “working miracles” to seduce and deceive men to accept a lie from Satan, so causing damnation to themselves. Let us know examine if such “sorceries” or “lying wonders” or “miracle workings” exist in the three spiritual dominions we have suggested to represent the three unclean frogs. All who read about the practices, teachings and ceremonies in the Roman Catholic Church can know that she is directly involved in witchcraft! Even the Word of God says directly that this is so, for she has been declared guilty of deceiving many souls by her sorceries and spiritual fornications according to Revelation 9:21; 17:4; 18:3,23 and 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12: “Even him [that wicked one, the son of perdition, man of sin], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” Please do not be shocked when we say that all the authorities and leaders of the Papal Roman Church for example are sorcerers and magicians, for is it not true that they all claim have the “power” to change the “bread” (host = kind of bread in the form of a sun) into the real flesh of Jesus Christ? After having spoken some mysterious, unintelligible formula and performing some religious rites, they command Jesus Christ to come and sit in that piece of bread, which the congregation obediently swallows and in due course casts out in the drains! What blasphemy! In the same way they change, or rather, claim to change, the wine into the real blood of Jesus Christ, which the congregation is often not allowed to drink, lest they spill the “blood of Jesus” on the ground! The priests, bishops, cardinals and of course the Pope himself though are allowed to cannibalistically drink this blood of Jesus, and consequently, on top of all this abomination, are making themselves guilty of breaking the command which says that we should not eat (drink) the blood of the creatures we eat (Leviticus 3:17)! The authorities of the “Church” of Rome are therefore definitely involved in bewitching multitudes by teaching them to commit this abomination for the salvation of their souls! Thousands of times per day the Lord is as it were sacrificed and eaten by millions of Roman Catholics worldwide. The mass itself is a “miracle”, but a “lying” one for the source thereof is Satan, not the Lord Jesus Christ! Further we all probably know of the miracles of the “weeping and bleeding Madonna’s” (=Mary and Child images), heavenly visions of Mary, visitations of Mary or other saints that have died. We know of the prayers of the Roman Catholics to and for the dead, their lightning of candles and incense before the multitudinous “saints” and “relics of saints”, to invoke some kind of favour from them. The whole of the Roman Catholic system is drenched in “working miracles”. The Church of Rome is ONE GREAT SORCERY CENTRE, deceiving and “making drunk” the perhaps once sober and thoughtful men! With regard to the lying wonders amongst the Apostate Protestant camps, we do not need to say much here, for we have spoken about this when we wrote about the Second Beast, how he “doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live” (Revelation 13:13-14). The main 163

“miracle” Apostate Protestantism is guilty of is their attempt to deceive the Christians to respect the Church of Rome as part of the Church of Christ and to seek some kind of dialogue and union with her. Such teaching and indoctrination on its own is already a blinding and bewitching of the minds of men. It can be likened unto intoxicating the minds of men with to much wine, so that they can no longer think and judge properly. Their minds have become reprobate through spiritual fornication and sorceries by the Church of Rome or Apostate Protestantism. Further, the Apostate Protestant Christianity teaches wrongly from the Word of God, abusing and misconstruing its rightful meaning by teaching the Christian to seek the kingdom of this world first, with all its pleasures, wealth and material riches! She bewitches the Christian minds to direct their desires on things beneath; the earthly matters, and not on the things above; the heavenly and spiritual matters. She entices Christians into believing that they can continue to live comfortably in sin and the flesh, and still have a place in that Holy Kingdom which is coming upon the Earth! These spiritual menaces have been vested in the concepts and imaginations of multitudes of Christians worldwide! It is deception; it is a massive satanic lie; it is an indoctrinating, bewitching power that lies behind such teachings! Besides these deceptive, bewitching wrong teachings there is this false, counterfeit “Holy Spirit Movement” or “Latter Rain Movement” existent in the modern Apostate Protestant camp which has filling the Christians with “wine” and “fire” which is not of the Lord (please see the description of the Second Beast in chapter 1.5). It is a movement which claims to have the Lord’s anointing, but for the discerning heart it is clear that the “anointing” is a “strange” anointing and not from God! Speaking about the “unclean spirit” behind the power of Islam, “working miracles” and going forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great Day of God Almighty (verse 14), we can say that its greatest “miracle working” is its success in deceiving so many new minds in accepting its False Prophet religion of Islam! Nevertheless, Islam has its own “wonder working” powers and you can read for yourself how Mohammed has healed the sick, raised the dead and did all manner of miracles when he preached and taught among his followers. Also today there are many claims of wonders and miracles in the name of Allah. The Three Frogs and The Battle of That Great Day of God Almighty: Here then we are dealing with three specialised powerful Satanic agents who go forth to the high authorities of this world, to bring them to war with one another, a war which is called here: ‘the battle of that great day of God Almighty’ (verse 14). This Battle of the Great Day of God Almighty is spoken of elsewhere in Scripture. It seems to refer to that great battle that must come at the end of ends, just prior or at the Lord’s coming, when the Lord will ‘gather the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the Wrath of God’ (Revelation 14:19) and when the Lord will, symbolically speaking, sit on a white horse, doing judgements and making war, clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, with armies in heaven following Him upon white horses, and “out of His mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.” It will be the time of the “supper of the great God”, whereto the fowls of the air are invited “that ye may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great, when the beast and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. But the beast and the false prophet was taken and cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, 164

which sword proceeded out of His mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh” (See Revelation 19:11-21). It is the Day “that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch” (Malachi 4:1) but the Lord in His mercy will send Elijah the prophet, to prepare a remnant before this Great and Dreadful Day will come (See Malachi 4:5-6). It is a Day of Battle, described in Zechariah 14: Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. 2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. 3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle. 4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. 5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee. And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.” (See Zechariah whole of chapter 14) It is a Day wherefore the “heavens and the earth, which are now, ……. are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men” (2 Peter 3:7) and that “day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?” (2 Peter 3:10). It is a Day of God’s Wrath and Judgements “when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty Angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power; When he shall come to be glorified in His saints, and to be admired in all that that day” (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10). It is the Day wherein the great Northern confederation, as described in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, will come down to Israel, fully armed and with evil intentions, to “take a spoil and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land” (chapter 38 verse 12), but the Lord will “send fire on Magog and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles, and they shall know that I am the Lord” (chapter 39:6). “Behold it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord God; this is the Day whereof I have spoken” (chapter 39:8. Please read whole of chapters 38 and 39). It will be the Day wherein, finally, the Lord as the Stone Cut without Hands, will smite the “Great Image” upon his feet that were of iron and clay, to break them to pieces, to make a full end of the kingdoms of this world, for ‘Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, that no place was found for them” and to set up the long awaited Kingdom of God on earth, for “the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.” (Daniel 2:34-35). “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a


kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever” (Daniel 2:44). It is the Day which will find its completion at the end of the Seventh Vial, when “there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great” (Revelation 16:21). It is the final time before or the time just at the Lord’s return when God Almighty will make a full end to the nations, after the Seventh Trumpet with the Seven Vials have run their full course and “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord” (Revelation 11:15). This then is the “Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty”. It is a Day of cleansing, purging, judgements, war, wrath and fire. It will prepare the earth for the arrival of the King of Kings and His Kingdom. Whatsoever can be shaken shall be shaken, so that only those things which can enter into the Kingdom, may remain, for His kingdom is that which shall never be destroyed (see Daniel 7:14). What then is the final purpose and work of these three unclean Satanic powers? It is their task to prepare the world for this event of the “Battle of that great day of God Almighty”. When is this event to take place? Not before the Seventh Vial. We are presently in that stage wherein the “three unclean spirits like frogs” have gone out into the world to prepare the world for the outpouring of the Seventh Vial. We conclude here that this preparation by the three unclean spirits is twofold, according to these Scriptures: 1. They fill the minds and hearts of people with false, apostate and abominable teachings and doctrines and 2. To work on the minds of authorities in high places to stir them up and prepare them and make them ready for the last great worldwide battle which will occur just prior to the Lord’s return to the Earth. The mouth teaches and their power influences. There is in this verse a distinction made between the ‘kings of the earth’ and the ‘kings of the world.’ The word earth is the Greek word ge, which has been translated as: from a primary word; soil; by extension a region, or the solid part or the whole of the terrene globe (including the occupants in each application): — country, earth (-ly), ground, land, world The word world is ‘oikoumene’ which has been translated as: land, i.e. the (terrene part of the) globe; specially the Roman empire: — earth, world. This distinction cannot be without significance, though it is not easy to understand why this distinction has been made. We personally suspect this distinction has been made to differentiate between the nations that are closely situated around Israel and the rest of the nations in the world. The kings of the earth would then refer to the nations round about Israel, situated in the “middle of the earth”, and the “kings of the world” would then refer to the rest of the world. This proposal becomes even more probable when you consider the word ‘whole’ (= holos: "whole" or "all", i.e. complete (in extent, amount, time or degree), all, altogether, every whit, + throughout, whole) before the word world; a word that is missing before ‘earth’! This seems to confirm that the “kings of the earth” are limited to a certain geographical area while the “kings of the whole world” are all the nations of the rest of the world. Compare Zachariah 12:2 which says: “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem” and Zachariah 14:2 which says: “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle.” We suggest here that a distinction has been made because there are yet two major wars awaiting the world through the work of these three Unclean Spirits. The first one is limited to the geographical area of the Middle East, while the last one will be worldwide. We will speak about these two dramatic events when the Seventh Vial will be described later on in this manuscript, after


we have finished with the Outline of the Book of Revelation which should lay the foundations for understanding the contents of the that Last Vial. We can conclude from the 13th and 14th verses of Revelation 16 that, since the complete disintegration of the Ottoman Empire in the year 1922 and the establishment of the independent modern nations of the Middle East at the middle of the 20th Century, the three unclean spirits of Roman Catholicism, Apostate Protestantism and Islam have gone up and down, to and fro, on this earth, to prepare the world and the inhabitants thereof for the Outpouring of the Seventh Vial, which includes the “Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty” and the expression “Armageddon” (verse 16). The Lord Entreats the Christians to be very watchful at this time just prior to the Outpouring of the Seventh Vial!

Revelation 16:15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

The Lord at this time, even in our time (!), is entreating us Christians to become and remain watchful and to walk in righteousness and holiness, lest the Lord will visit us with these judgements while we are not prepared and these calamitous events will become a snare unto us, causing us to fall. The expression ‘Behold, I (the Lord) come as a thief’ does not necessarily signify the literal promised return of the Lord Jesus to the earth yet. The selfsame expression is for example used in Revelation 3:1-5 wherein the Lord speaks to the Sardis Church Age, saying: “If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.” Yet, the Lord did not return in the Sardis Age. The Philadelphian and Laodicean Church Ages were yet to come before the Lord would really and literally “come as a Thief in the Night”. (Please see again our comments on the Seven Church Ages in chapter 1.6). This coming of the Lord “as a Thief” implies a swift and sudden Divine visitation with judgements and chastisements. The expression means that “you will not know what hour I will come upon thee”, you will have no knowledge of the hour of visitation, you have no understanding of the signs of the times. The Lord here is warning the Church to be watchful, sober, vigilant, sincere and obedient in their walk with the Lord, for His visitation with judgements will come suddenly, unannounced and unexpected to the great majority of mankind. As a Thief in the Night will He come. This visitation of the Lord is referring to the outpouring of His Wrath of the Seventh Vial. Remember that verses 13-16 are a description of how the world will be made ready and prepared for the outpouring of the Last and Final Vial of God’s wrath. The contents of the Seventh Vial will fall upon the inhabitants of the earth and on those that are sleeping within the Church, as “a Thief in the Night”! But, ‘Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame’! Blessed are you if you take note of the warnings in this book and decide to seek the Lord as never before! Blessed are you if you know what is awaiting you and are fully prepared for it! Blessed are you if you carefully “watch” the signs of our times and walk in faithful obedience and uprightness with the Lord, so that you will be able to “keep your garments” of Righteousness and Holiness, which will enable you to stand amidst the terror of the Seventh Vial! This is why this book was written, this is why you read these words; to make you spiritually ready for the time of the Seventh Vial and the Soon Coming King. 167

1 Thessalonians 5:1-8: “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.” The Gathering together of the nations into a place called Armageddon Revelation 16:16 And he [they?] gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Many translators say that the word “he” should be “they”. If we retain the word “he” then the “he” would be referring to God Himself. If we apply the word “they” then the three unclean spirits are meant. Whoever is responsible for this “gathering together”, it can be fairly assumed that the “kings (nations) of the earth and of the whole world” were the ones expressed in the word “them” who were brought to a place called …. “Armageddon”. The nations of the “earth” and the “world” were gathered together in a place called Armageddon. In verse 14 it was stated that the kings of the earth and the whole world were gathered to the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty. Here in verse 15 it is said that these nations or kingdoms were gatherer into a place called ‘Armageddon’ [Har-Megiddon]. Armageddon is a Hebrew word that does not occur anywhere else in the Scriptures. It is a unique word, apparently used to describe a unique situation which has not happened before in the history of mankind. It is suggested by many Christian authors that Armageddon physically speaking is referring to the mountain of Megiddo, which is a place in Israel where in bygone days many battles have been fought. The valley or plain of Megiddo was part of the plain of Esdraelon, the great battle-field of Israelites. This plain of Esdraelon stretches across Central Israel from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, separating the mountain ranges of Carmel and Samaria from those of Galilee, extending about 14 miles from north to south, and 9 miles from east to west. From the foot of Mount Tabor it branches out into three valleys, that on the north passing between Tabor and Little Hermon (Judges 4:14); that on the south between Mount Gilboa and En-gannim (2 Kings 9:27); while the central portion, the "valley of Jezreel" [= God Scatters] proper, runs into the Jordan valley (which is about 1,000 feet lower than Esdraelon) by Bethshean (See Easton Bible Dictionary). It was in this “battlefield of Palestine” as it is also called, where Barak gained victory over the Canaanites and Jabin, the king of Hazor (see Judges 4:10-16). It was here where arose the great cry and mourning from the hearts of the Israelites when their king Josiah of Judah was defeated and killed by the Egyptian Pharaoh-necho II (see 2 Kings 23:29; 2 Chronicles 35:22-24). It was here where Gideon defeated the Midianites (Judges 6-7). It was here where the Moabites, Edomites and Ammonites destroyed one another while they were intending to defeat King Jehoshaphat of Judah (2 Chronicles 20). A certain author said about the Plains of Esdraelon in a perhaps somewhat exaggerated way: “Jews, Gentiles, Saracens, Crusaders, Frenchmen, Egyptians, Persians, Druses, Turks, and Arabs, warriors out of every nation which is under heaven, have pitched their tents in 168

the plain, and have beheld the various banners of their nations wet with the dews of Tabor and Hermon" [End Quote].

Figure 44: Map of the Plain of Esdraelon (including Megiddo).

If we take this word “Armageddon” as literal as possible, it would point to the physical northern plains of Esdraelon in Northern Israel. This would mean that the “kings of the earth and the world” would be somehow really and physically gathered to this old battlefield of Israel. We will continue with this assumption a little later on. There is however a profound depth to this word “Armageddon” which, just like all the other highly symbolic words in many other prophetic utterances of the Book of Revelation, compels us to look a little deeper into the possible meaning and implications that lie hidden in this word “Armageddon”. It is a unique word that does not occur anywhere else in the Word of God or in the annals of history. And, why is it specifically mentioned that this word Armageddon is from the Hebrew language? These observations suggest that there is more to this mysterious word ‘Armageddon’ than meets the eye. We have already taken note that on the physical plains of ‘Armageddon’ many battles have taken place. Armageddon, or the valley and mountains of Megiddo in northern Israel, was a “battlefield”. We can therefore attach to the word ‘Armageddon’ a general symbolic meaning of “battlefield”. Other associations would be: war, bloodshed and both victory over the enemies of Israel, though not without some considerable mourning like in the days of Josiah, “as in the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon” (Zechariah 12:11). Armageddon then becomes a situation of war and bloodshed in, or especially related to Israel, wherein the Israelites would be victorious in the end, but not without its casualties and tears of pain and sufferings, if we are allowed to follow the Old Testament types and samples. “Armageddon” is a place wherein the Israelites will weep bitterly for their loss, just like in the days of old, when the Beloved King Josiah was defeated and slain by the Egyptians in the battle against Pharaoh-necho (2 Chronicles 35; 2 Kings 23:29-30). It is written about this loss that “Jeremiah lamented for Josiah: and all the singing men and the singing women spake of Josiah in 169

their lamentations to this day, and made them an ordinance in Israel: and, behold, they are written in the lamentations” (2 Chronicles 35:25). Zechariah 12 refers to this weeping in verse 11 when it say that in those days, when the nations are gathered against Jerusalem, there shall be such a great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon. “Armageddon” therefore is also symbolical name for a place, valley or experience of “weeping”, “deep sorrow”, “tears”, “remorse” and “anguish”. “Armageddon” has, symbolically speaking, also been associated with the “valley of Jehosaphat” which in 2 Chronicles 20 was called a valley of blessings because Jehosaphat had defeated their enemies. Jehoshaphat stands for “Jehovah-judged” and in that “valley” which does not physically exist in the land of Israel, the Lord God of Israel delivered king Jehoshaphat and the people of Israel from the invading confederation of Moab and the surrounding nations by stirring these enemies up against one another. While Israel was praying and singing to their God, their enemies utterly slew and destroyed one another without Israel even going to physical battle! The Lord wrought the victory for them, for “the battle is God’s” (About 890. B.C.; verse 22-23 and 15. Please read whole of chapter 20). In prophetical language the “valley of Jehoshaphat” is only used in the book of Joel, chapter 3. It is perhaps helpful here to quote to you the whole of chapter 3 to see what the Word has to say about this “Valley of Jehoshaphat”: “For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. 3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink. 4 Yea, and what have ye to do with me,O Tyre, and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? Will ye render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence upon your own head; 5 Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my goodly pleasant things: 6 The children also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their border. 7 Behold, I will raise them out of the place whither ye have sold them, and will return your recompence upon your own head: 8 And I will sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off: for the LORD hath spoken it. 9 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: 10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. 11 Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD. 12 Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about. 13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. 14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. 15 The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. 16 The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. 17 So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.” In this chapter the Lord is expressing His hot displeasure with the enemies of Israel. Without going into great details in attempting to explain what this chapter could refer to, it becomes clear that the prophetic expression “valley of Jehoshaphat” is a situation wherein the enemies of Israel 170

will be judged by the Lord, through war (Please read Part II for more on this). As we said, there is physically speaking no such valley in the land of Israel (Judah), and must therefore metaphorically refer to the “Valley of God’s Judgements” wherein the Lord will judge Israel and her enemies. It is a time and event of recompense and vengeance, wherein the enemies of Israel will reap what they have sown and receive what they have done unto Israel. It is a situation similar to that of Zechariah 12 and 14 wherein the nations, either those nearby, or those that are afar off, that gather themselves against Israel are speedily destroyed by the Judge of the Earth. See also Zephaniah 3:8: “Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.” We can therefore extend the meaning of “Armageddon” even more by attaching to it words like “Divine recompense”, “God Scatters”, “judgement”, “mutual slaughter”, “sorrow and weeping”.. Armageddon is the situation wherein Israel will be engaged with their enemies and suffer tremendously, after which the Lord will scatter, judge and make a full end to the enemies, if we are allowed to associate the nature and characteristics of the Old Testament Battles which have been held in this valley of ‘Megiddo’, ‘Jezreel’, ‘Jehoshaphat’ in the plains of ‘Esdraelon’, with the one that is yet to come. When “he” or “they” gathered them (the nations) into a ‘place’ called Armageddon, such a “place” could also either be taken literally or symbolically and most likely both apply. The physical place of Armageddon lies, as we have said before, in the land of Israel. This then would suggest that the battle, or battles are literally going to be fought on and above the soil of Israel. There is truth in this for we know from Scripture that such conflicts between Israel and her enemies are yet to happen before the Lord returns. Yet, we do not need to take this word only literally, for symbolically speaking it has also much to say to us. The word “place” here does not necessarily depict only a literal, physical place, but could point to the figurative meaning of the word as well as is used in some other Scriptures. The word “place” is the Greek word Topos: which has been translated as: a spot (genitive in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas (5561) (cw>ra) is a larger but particular locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figurative: condition, opportunity; specially a scabbard: — coast, licence, place, ×plain, quarter, + rock, room, where. The figurative meaning then would signify a ‘position’, a ‘condition’ a ‘situation’ rather than a physical place. The three unclean spirits like frogs would consequently gather, or lead, or tempt, or stir up the leaders of the nations into a situation, position or condition of war (whether this war finally will literally take place on the ‘plains of Megiddo’ in Israel or not). The gathering of the nations to this “place” of Armageddon would then be the gathering or preparing the nations for war; to bring them into a position and situation wherein a great battle would be imminent. This is the work of the “three unclean spirits”. Here are some Scriptural examples of how this same word ‘topos’ (place) has been used figuratively: John 11:48: “If we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation” [Place here = position as leaders]. Romans 12:19: “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord” Ephesians 4:27: “Neither give place to the devil” [opportunity, space, chance; do not put yourself in such a position or situation wherein Satan can have the opportunity to take advantage.] Hebrews 8:7: “For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.”


The “place” Armageddon can therefore be literally a place in the Holy Land, where some great battles will take place, but it can also metaphorically point to the general situation of destruction, war and judgement, which will take place when the nations of the world are gathered to “Armageddon”. We would suggest that both meanings should be applied for we know from Scripture that the land and people of Israel are definitely involved in these all-important last battles, but that generally speaking the nations of the world are also going to be “gathered” to this “place of Armageddon” without their armies and weaponry ever setting foot on Israeli soil. In this scenario we can say that the nations of the world are going to be brought to a full end when they are taken to that ‘place called Armageddon’. So here we have “Armageddon”; a profound word, which is pregnant with other associated words revealing the possible scenario connected with the “nations gathering together into a place called Armageddon”. Armageddon is a situation of war, bloodshed and sufferings and yet it is more. It is a situation wherein the enemies of Israel will decide to come up against her in one way or another, and yet it is more. It is a situation wherein, it seems, Israel will be victorious, though not without casualties, and a situation wherein the enemies of Israel, both round about and worldwide will be brought to a full end by “Jehovah Who Judgeth”! And yet it is more, for it seems that the nations who are coming against Israel would somehow manoeuvre themselves in such a position that they would end up destroying one another instead of the object of their attack! These battles against Israel - we say battles for Scriptures seem to suggest that there are yet two major conflicts awaiting Israel – are most likely to be fought literally in and above the soil of modern Israel, and yet it is more, for many of the “kings, or nations of the whole world” would be involved in mutual slaughter without ever reaching the coasts of the Holy Land but are still called to be in that position or situation called “Armageddon”, the “Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty”. The valley of Megiddo was the place wherein the Gentiles did battle against Israel and the Holy Land, but in the “place” or “situation” of “Armageddon” the Lord will judge, scatter and make a full end of the Gentile dominions of this world! Armageddon could be the same as “the battle of that great day of God Almighty” which both then would be referring to two different major battles or stages of warfare. The Hebrew Word Armageddon might have been mentioned with the specific purpose to reveal that the land of Israel and the Jewish people would have a major part to play in the events of the Seventh Vial and these last great battles, as of course many other Scriptures in especially the Old Testament do reveal to us as well. The observant Bible student may have noticed that the Book of Revelation does not specifically mention the Jews or their language separately since the Lord from the time of the birth of the Church onwards spoke to the Church as a whole, not differentiating between “Jew or Gentile”, “Male or Female”, “Barbarian or Greek”. There are only two places in the Book of Revelation where a word specifically is announced to be a word in the ‘Hebrew Tongue’ and that is here in Revelation 16:16 and Revelation 9:11 where it is written that the name of the king over the scorpions that came out of the bottomless pit was in the Hebrew Tongue ‘Abaddon’ [= Destroying Angel]. All details are important in Prophetic Scripture, so we must ask ourselves here why specifically the Hebrew Tongue was used. We personally believe that the Hebrew Tongue is used when the described prophetic event had some very significant and dramatic consequences for either the Jews or their land Israel. With regard to the Destroying Angel called Abaddon, it was so that in the event of the Saracen conquests the land of Israel and the City of Jerusalem for the fist time began to fall under a very long Islamic siege which only in recent times has been lifted! In the same way we think that the Hebrew word Armageddon is deliberately used to demonstrate that at this time, when the nations would gather to Armageddon and the Seventh Vial would be poured out, the land and the people of Israel would once again be directly involved. The “Hebrew Tongue” then is to 172

signify the direct involvement of Israel in the described event of Armageddon and the outpouring of the Seventh Vial! It is interesting to note here that this time of the going forth of the unclean spirits, to gather the nations to Armageddon, has indeed been a time wherein the Jews have come back on the “prophetic scene” through the establishment of the nation of Israel and the continuing return of the Jews to their land. Since the Sixth Vial has been finished and the “kings of the east” have come into being, the “Hebrew Tongue”, or rather, the voice and influence of the Jewish people have also been heard on the world scene more than any time before since the beginning of their dispersion after 70 A.D.! When, in the 20th Century the “Hebrew Tongue” again began to be heard from the mouths of children, women and men who established themselves in their own land called Israel, the “three unclean spirits like frogs” were going forth to gather the Gentile nations to Armageddon. The more the Hebrew Tongue began to be established, the more the “Times of the Gentiles” (Luke 21:24) began to near its end! The Hebrew nation of Israel therefore has definitely a very important part to play in the soon coming events of the Seventh Vial! It is to be expected that the Jewish people would again come into the prophetic picture at this time between the Sixth and Seventh Vial, for it is during this time that the prophecies concerning the “Times of the Gentiles” began to be fulfilled. Jerusalem was to be “trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). (We speak more about the Times of the Gentiles in Part II). This treading down of Jerusalem by Gentile feet began to diminish in the 20th century and then specifically since the year 1967 when the Lord granted Israel the recapture of the Old City of Jerusalem! This “treading down” has not come to a full end, and the times of the Gentiles therefore have not completely run their course, but this time is very near. The Seventh Vial will see a continuation of this “ending of the times of the Gentiles” and it therefore should not surprise us at all that the Lord has destined this Hebrew Word of Armageddon to be used at this time, to demonstrate the truth that He has not cast away His people Israel and that they once again will take a prominent place in these last end-time events of the Seventh Vial, just prior to the return of Yeshua Ha Mashiach. The Three frogs and the year 2004 We are now, in the year 2004, living in a time wherein the three unclean spirits of Islam, Roman Catholicism and Apostate Protestantism have gone to and fro upon the earth for quite some years now, filling millions of minds with their apostasies. They are called into being to bring the world to war. They are called to prepare the world for the outpouring of God’s Wrath of the Seventh Vial. They are gathering the nations to judgement. They are instruments in the Lord’s Hands, which will cause the earth and the inhabitants thereof to be ready for the outpouring of the Seventh Vial. The scene has been set, the stage has been made ready; everything is now ready for the events of the Seventh Vial. The Ottoman Empire has long since gone, the nations of the Middle East, including Israel, have made their appearance and the Apostate worlds of Islam, Roman Catholicism and False Protestantism have filled their cup of iniquity to the brim, in readiness to fall on their own heads. The unclean Satanic spirits have led the peoples of this world into such sin and apostasy, that the Lord must judge them. These spirits are not only bringing those nations into readiness for war but are also causing the nations to fill up their cup of iniquity through the acceptance of the many abominable teachings that come out of the mouths of these unclean spirits like frogs. The three frogs gather the nations to judgement. It is also not true that in our time more and more nations are turning their backs on this people that have come back to their land? It is not true that many nations are already “gathering themselves” against the nation of Israel in mind, soul and purpose? It is not true that an increasing 173

number of people are negatively inclined to the Jewish Nation? Is it not true that much of the extremely influential modern Multimedia places the State of Israel in a very bad light? The Gentile nations (and even many Christian denominations!) are already gathering themselves to that place of “Armageddon” in heart and mind. In times of old the Lord told Abraham that the time of inheritance and the judgements of the Amorites in the land of Canaan had not come as yet, “for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full” (Genesis 15:16). After the Amorites continued to commit all manner of abominations for some 400 more years or so, the Lord considered their “cup of iniquity as full” and consequently caused His people Israel to judge and cast out the Amorites and to possess the land instead. In the same manner, the evil apostasies of Islam, Roman Catholicism and Apostate Protestantism are gathering the inhabitants of the earth to the Lord’s Righteous Judgements, which will fall upon them when the Seventh Vial begins to become a reality. They are gathering them to “Armageddon” and “the battle of that Great Day of God Almighty” indeed! “The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant’” (Isaiah 24:5). The time has arrived wherein the Lord will “destroy them which destroy [corrupt] the earth” (Revelation 13:18)! The earth was not immediately ready for the Seventh Vial when the Sixth Vial had run its course. Now, some fifty years further, the world and its inhabitants have been made ready to receive the judgements of Seventh Vial by reason of the work that these powerful three Apostasies have done and by reason of the position that the nations are taking against Israel. There will be delay no longer. The cup of iniquity is full. We are sitting on the brink of the outbreak of this most disastrous and devastating, last Vial of God, which eventually will make a full end to the three great Apostasies, and the rest of the nations of this world.

We now have finished laying the foundations and completed the building of the framework from where we can look to the soon coming events of the Seventh Vial (One day we hope to complete a detailed exposition of the whole book of Revelation.) With this knowledge of the major outline of the Book of Revelation in the back of our minds, it will be much easier to understand the contents, position and timing of the Seventh Vial. You will see that the Seventh Vial is a continuation of the ongoing judgements of God on an intensely apostate world and discover that the Seventh Vial is the closing stage in God’s Program with mankind before the Lord returns to the Earth. After the Seventh Vial, the apostasies of Islam, Roman Catholicism and Apostate Protestantism (together forming Great Babylon) and the strength of the remaining nations of this world will be no more! We can now enter into the real substance of this writing, which is: The Contents of the Seventh Vial.



Appendix 1: Graphic Outline of the Book of Revelation On the next few pages are several graphs depicting a major outline of the Book of Revelation that will help the reader to place the Seventh Vial in the correct position of time and order. The Reader shall see that the Seventh Vial ushers in the “end of the end”; a time just prior to the Lord’s return to the earth.


Appendix 2: List of Recommended Books AUTHOR

TITLE YEAR SUBJECT The Approaching End of 1878/9 Prophecy the Age 1886






Notes on the New 1872 Testament (Revelation)

Antichrist Ecumenical Movement Commentary Bible

Available in print: duct/58/357 Available in print and

Vision of the Ages


E.B. Elliot

Horae Apocalypticae 1831(Hours with the 1851 Apocalypse)

Prophecy (Revelation) (complete version)

Isaac Newton

Newton’s Dissertation on 1733 prophecy


Alexander Hislop

The Two Babylons


Ralph Woodrow

Babylon Mystery Religion


J. A. Wylie

The History Protestantism


John Fox

Fox’s Book of Martyrs

Grattan Guinness

Light for the Last Days


Romanism Reformation History Prophecy




Michael de All Roads lead to Rome Semlyen Albert Barnes B.W. Johnson

E. Gibbon Watchman Nee L.E. Maxwell Arthur Katz




(15171587) The Decline and Fall of 1776the Roman Empire 1788 Spiritual Man (and many 1928 others) Born Crucified


The Spirit of Prophecy



Antichrist; Available in print or free on Babylon the the internet Great Antichrist; Babylon the No longer in print Great Available in print or: Church Internet: History www.whatsaiththescripture.c om Church Available in print or: free on History the Internet Secular Readily available History Readily available in print or Spiritual Life free on internet at: www.deceptioninthechurch.c Spiritual Life om/borncrucifiedpre.htm Ministry of a Available in print or prophet




TITLE The Signs of His Soon Coming, Volume I The Signs of His Soon Coming, Volume II (Time Prophecies) Whatsoever Can be shaken, Shall be Shaken The Identity of Antichrist A Serious and Solemn Warning to the Christians in England








Soon available



Soon available



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The Laodicean Church / Age

State of the Church of our Soon available. time Israel and Soon available Prophecy

The Restoration of / Israel The Pathway of the / Discipleship Soon available WOTNM Redeemed Upon Being a / Spiritual Life Soon available WOTNM Christian The History of the Church / Not available yet WOTNM Church History The Great and Terrible / Warnings Soon available WOTNM Day of the Lord We are presently preparing many books and booklets. If you are interested in any of the publications of the Watchmen of the Night Ministries (WOTNM), please allow us to place you on our permanent Mailing List and we shall sent the books to you (either in electronic form or as a hardcopy) as soon as they become available. WOTNM

Note: Many of the Historicist Books on Prophecy are no longer in print (because of the newly established Futuristic Teachings which have crowded out the Historicist interpretation of Prophecy) but some books can still be obtained from the internet! We would specially recommend to the reader to have a look at and Some books can be ordered as a hardcopy from We of the WOTNM do not necessarily agree with all the contents of the websites or the books placed thereon. In this writing on the Seventh Vial we have used some material of which website is very useful for studying church history, but we of the WOTNM do not agree with the Seventh Day Adventists teachings of this website!

If the reader can recommend any other useful historicist websites or books for our ongoing studies, please do inform us. [email protected]