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THE EFFECT OF THREE SELECTED TRAINING PROGRAMS ON SPEED, LEG STRENGTH, AND LEG POWER by LANNY RAY WILLIAMS, B.S. A THESIS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF EDUCATION Approved


August, 1971


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am deeply indebted to Dr. J. Edward Burkhardt for his direction of this thesis and to the other members of my committee, Professors Ramon W. Kireilis and Alfred E. Coleman, for their helpful criticism.









Justification 2 Purpose 2 Limitations 3


Assumptions . . Defmitions RELATED LITERATURE Resistance Exercising and Its Effect on

3 4

a^^r-^ ^ + r-onath. and Power

Training with Ankle and Body Weights


Training with the Exer-Genie Exerciser . . . .


Training with the High Knee Lift Sprinting Method Summary of Review of Related Literature III.

. . .


17 1 9


Introduction Experimental Design , . ,_ Subjects Testing Devices and Procedures Used in Data Collection


. .


. .


Training Programs Summary

. 111




Introduction 36 Data 36 Analysis 37 Reliability Data 46 Findings 47 Discussion of Findings 47 V. SUMMARY 50 Statement of Purpose 50 Procedure 50 Findings 51 Conclusions 51 T> /rs/~t /*-\rr*srn r>Ti s~) Ts -f- ~i /~\ r~\ O ^O I W ^ U W l t U U V ^ l l V ^ U l~ .JL, Vw* J. J. >-'




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LIST OF TABLES Page Analysis of Covariance for Ten-Yard Dash Data . . 37 Comparison of Initial and Final Means for Ten-Yard Dash Times


Analysis of Covariance for Twenty-Yard Dash Data


Comparison of Initial and Final Means for Twenty-Yard Dash Times


Analysis of Covariance for Forty-Yard Dash Data . 41 Comparison of Initial and Final Means for Forty-Yard Dash Times


Analysis of Covariance for Leg Strength Data . . 43 Comparison of Initial and Final Means for T.nn ítrena'f'h ^cores , Z)


Analysis of Covariance for Leg Power Data . . . .


Comparison of Initial and Final Means for Leg Power Scores


Test-Retest Reliability Coefficients for the Ten-, Twenty-, and Forty-Yard Dash Times, the Leg Press Scores, and the Vertical Jump Scores



LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1. Diagram of Chapman Fieldhouse Interior ..... 22 2. Schematic of the Timing Device 24 3. Detail of Foot Plate 25 4. End View of Apparatus Used in Stopping Timers . 27 5. Diagram of Vertical Jump Measuring Apparatus . . 31 6. Diagram of High Knee Lift Training Program ... 34


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION As athletics become more and more specialized, coaches are constantly attempting to improve certain traits in their athletes in order to improve their performance on the field, court, or track. Three of the most important traits in an athlete are those of sprinting speed, leg strength, and leg power. Speed may well be the single most important asset an athlete can possess. Three relatively new methods of improving speed in athletes have recently been proclaimed by many coaches, physical C/-îim->-! AVP —* •! • V, " /--s -I- /~\ ••— **. v-i .-^ *—• K A í n rr V* -i /~*-1-i 1 t7 /-*s-P-í-~>.*-*-f-"î*'--r-\ U U V y U V . U l J ^ C4. L-l _ -L. »w I—V— —> / U H U -~> i U V - l i f_4,fc_> l_/ V^. J - l i V j 1 Í J . V J 1 1 _1_^ *_-_l_ J- \— V-* U- ._- V \_*

in improving speed in athletes. These three methods are: (1) the use of ankle weights while running, (2) the use of the Exer-Genie exerciser as a form of resistance while running, and (3) the use of the high knee lift in sprint practice. Justification Limited studies (11, 22) have been conducted concerning the effect of each of these three training methods on sprinting speed. To this researcher's knowledge no specific studies have been conducted which compare the effect of each of the three training programs on speed, leg strength, or leg power.

Several studies have been conducted that show speed of movement is highly related to the amount of strength found in the muscles used to perform a particular movement (6, 21, 24).

On the other hand, some coaches adhere to the theory

that an addition of strength will cause a loss of range of motion or flexibility (5, 9 ) . At least one study has shown a positive relationship between leg power and leg strength. Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of training with ankle weights, with the Exer-Genie exerciser, and with the high knee lift sprinting technique on speed in the ten-, twenty-, and forty-yard dashes, leg strength, and leg power. Limitations The study was limited to eighth and ninth grade athletes at 0. L. Slaton and Carroll Thompson Junior High Schools, Lubbock, Texas. All subjects also participated in the off-season football program at their respective schools.

A one-week school

vacation was observed between the fourth and fifth weeks of the program.

The subjects did not participate in the indi-

vidual programs during this period.

Assumptions It was assumed that all subjects were equally motivated concerning participation in each of the programs. It was assumed that none of the subjects participated in any outside activities which would have an effect on the outcome of the study. Definitions Strength. Strength was defined as "the ability of a muscle to exert force against a resistance" (15). Power. Power was defined as "the ability to release maximum muscular force in the shortest period of time" (8). Ankle Weight. Ankle weight was defined as "a two inch by six inch canvas pouch filled with two and one-half pounds of fine lead shot and held in position around the ankle by leather straps" (25). Exer-Genie Exerciser. An Exer-Genie exerciser was described as a "weight training apparatus consisting of a chrome-plated shaft with a metal loop at the top. One end of a braided nylon rope is inserted in a hole at the bottom of the metal casing surrounding the shaft. The end of the rope is looped over the top of the shaft and then passed through the second hole on the bottom of the casing. The resistance needed to pull the rope through the casing is increased by revolving the casing around the shaft" (12). High Knee Lift. High knee lift was defined as "an exaggerated lift of the knee above the waist" (22).

CHAPTER II RELATED LITERATURE The first portion of this review will be concerned with resistance exercising and its effect on speed, strength, and power. The remainder of the review will be divided into the following areas: (1) Studies concerned with training with ankle and body weights. (2) Studies concerned with training with the ExerGenie exerciser. (3) Studies concerned with training with the knee 1 i f+• cnrinf inrt TT! o ••- V> o rl

Resistance Exercising and ts Effect on Speed, Strength, and Power Dintiman (10) compared improvement of running speed in 145 subjects using different training programs. One group used a conventional program of sprint training and flexibility exercises. A second group used the conventional sprint training program and a weight training program. A third group used the conventional sprint training program, the flexibility program, and the weight training program. The fourth group used only the conventional sprint training program. A fifth group served as a control group and remained inactive. All subjects were tested for flexibility, leg 4

5 strength, and running speed over a distance of fifty yards. Tests were administered initially and after eight weeks of training. A significant improvement in speed was observed only in the group using a combination of the training programs. In a study by Whitley and Smith (21), three experimental training programs were examined for a ten-week period to determine increases of speed and strength of the lateral arm movement in 104 subjects. One group used a combination isometric-isotonic exercise program. A second group used a dynamic overload program, and a third group used a free swing program. A fourth group served as a control group. Analysis of data indicated that the isometrj c-isoton.i c grou.p and the dynamic overload group had significant gains in speed of arm movement and strength. Increases in strength for the isometric-isotonic group were significantly larger than those for the dynamic overload group. The study supports the theory that an increase in the strength of the muscles used in a particular motion will produce a faster movement time in the muscles involved. Chui (6) found similar results in a study in which he assigned seventy-two subjects to three experimental training groups, utilizing isometric contractions, rapid dynamic contractions, and slow dynamic contractions, respectively. A fourth group of twenty-four subjects served as a control group.

6 Strength and speed of arm movement against no resistance and against resistance in six different movements were measured before and after a nine-week training period. All three experimental groups showed significant gains in strength and speed of movement both against no resistance and against resistance. This study also supports the theory that increases in strength exerted to perform a movement are associated with increases in speed of that movement. Thompson and Stull (20) used six training groups to determine the mcst effective means of increasing swimming speed. All subjects were tested for speed in swimming thirty yards before and after a six-week training period. The six trainina arouos were assianed to the followincr Droarams: a *.







control group (N=15); a weight training group (N=15), engaged in a forty-minute general weight training program three times a week; a swimming group (N=13), which followed the first swimming group's routine one day, the weight training group's routine the next day, and had no prescribed activity on the third day; and a third swimming group (N=15), which swam twelve thirty-yard sprints at full speed six times a week. All groups, excluding the weight training and control groups, showed significant improvements in the thirty-yard sprint. Two groups of college students were tested for muscular strength, endurance, power, and circulo-respiratory fitness by Capen (5), before and after an eleven-week training period.

7 Muscular strength was determined using McCloy's strength index, muscular endurance was measured using chinning, pushups, squat jumps and sit-ups (two minutes). The 30 0-yard shuttle run served as a test for circulo-respiratory endurance. Athletic power was determined from the Sargent jump, the standing broad jump, the standing Sargent jump, and the eight-pound shot-put. One group (N=4 2) performed a weight training program twice a week for eleven weeks and the second group (N=29) participated in a very strenuous physical conditioning course for the same period of time. Although the strenuous conditioning group scored higher initially in events of athletic power than did the weight training group, the latter improved significantly more in these events on the post-test. This study supports the theory that weight training is effective in maintaining circulo-respiratory and muscular endurance. Shultz (17) used six groups of twenty college freshmen to determine the effects of direct practice, weight training, and repetitive sprinting on motor performance. A weight training group, a group which practiced the skills to be tested, and a group which ran repetitive sprints were three of the groups examined. The remaining three groups utilized combinations of the other groups. Items tested were the sixty-yard dash, the zig-zag run, the standing broad jump, and twelve-pound shot put. The results obtained showed that

8 direct practice, by itself or in combination with weight training or repetitive sprinting brought better results than did using the weight training program alone. Direct practice in the zig-zag run produced better performances over a nineweek period than did the use of weight training or repetitive sprinting. Zorbas and Karpovich (24) conducted a study with the purpose of determining the effect of weight training on the movement speed of the muscles of the shoulder and upper arm. Six hundred subjects were divided into two equal groups. One group was made up of experienced weight lifters while the second group had no previous weight lifting experience. As a result of this study, it v:as determined that rotary arm movements do not slow down as a result of weight training. It was also found that the arm movements of the weight lifters were faster than the non-lifters. In a study concerned with athletic power, Chui (7) tested two groups of students before and after a three-month training period. The data collected included body weight, standing broad jump, the Sargent jump from a standing position, the eight-pound shot put from a standing position, the Sargent jump from a run and the sixty-yard sprint. One group (N=23) participated in a general systematic weight training program two to three times a week for three months. A second group (N=22) was the control group and participated in a

9 required physical education class for the three months.


spection of data indicated that only the weight training group had a significant increase of potential power. Training with Ankle and Body Weights A limited number of studies have been conducted using ankle weights and body weights to increase speed, strength, and power.

Taylor (19) conducted a study to determine if

training while wearing a weighted vest would have an effect on the ability to jump vertically and increase the strength and endurance of the quadriceps.

Two groups were examined.

The first group (N=12) was a control group which took part in the training program without wearing a weighted vest, and the second group (N=16) wore weighted vests while training.

The training program consisted of explosive vertical

jumps, shooting baskets, and skipping rope for four minutes with a ninety-second rest after each minute of rope skipping. Both groups participated in the same training program.


the exercises were performed three times a week for five weeks, inspection of post-test data obtained indicated that there were no significant gains in vertical jumping ability, muscular strength endurance, or muscular endurance in either group. Burnham (3) used a circuit training program to determine the effect of wearing a weighted vest on the physical

10 performance of high school males. Criterion measures were push-ups, sit-ups, vertical jump, and twelve-pound shot put for distance. Fifteen college men participated in the eightweek training program. The circuit involved the use of the following exercises: dips on the parallel bars; twisting sit-ups; modified pull-ups; squat thrusts; jumping from a squat position; jump and press on the parallel bars; rope swing up; stair steps; arm jumps on the overhead ladder; and a rope climb. A set number of repetitions in a pre-determined amount of times was established for each exercise and was used for the first few training periods. As the subjects became more proficient in each exercise, a five-pound weight vest was worn durina the trainina Deriod. Additional reoetitions were also added for some exercises. An additional five more pounds was added to the weight vest as the subjects became even more proficient. The author observed an improvement in all subjects in the number of push-ups performed in five- and ten-second periods, an increase in the jumping height of all the subjects; an improvement in twelve of the subjects in shot putting distance; and an improvement in all subjects in the number of sit-ups performed in ten-second periods. Specific amounts of improvement or statistical significances were not discussed. Lukas (2) studied the effect of a weighted training shoe upon the jumping performance, agility, running speed,

11 and endurance of eighteen college basketball players. A group training with weighted shoes had statistically greater gains in vertical jump, agility, and endurance than the control group, which wore a regular shoe while training. No statistically significant differences were found between the group training with the weighted shoe and the group wearing a regular shoe. In a similar study, Anderson (1) investigated the effects of weighted ankle spats on the jumping performance, agility, and endurance of ten high school basketball players. An experimental group wore three-pound ankle weights, while a control group wore only basketball shoes. Statistically sianificant aains in iumDÍna abilitv in favor of the exDerimental group was demonstrated. There were no apparent differences between the groups in an agility run or a 330-yard shuttle run. Winningham (23) used two- and five-pound ankle weights in order to determine if weighting the ankles of subjects during training would affect their normal running ability or their performance in running a maze. One hundred twenty college males trained for six weeks according to the following plan: one group trained in a cued maze with no ankle weights, a second group trained using two-pound weights on each ankle, a third group trained using five-pound weights on each ankle, and fourth group served as a control group. Cued maze

12 running speed, knee extension strength and 10 0-yard running speed were measured before and after the training period. Findings relative to this study included the fact that nonsignificant final differences existed for knee extension strength, and training with five-pound ankle weights produced significantly slower times in the 100-yard run. Training with the Exer-Genie Exerciser Since the Exer-Genie exerciser has become popular in the field of athletics, a limited amount of research has been undertaken involving its use. The findings discussed in this section will be concerned with experimental results related to this particular study. Edgar (11) designed four training programs to determine their effect on leg power, endurance, speed, and cardiovascular efficiency on members of a college basketball service class. The four training programs were defined as such: the first group (N=4) played basketball during the class period; a second group (N=4) worked with the Exer-Genie exerciser for five minutes after playing basketball during the class period; a third group (N=4) played basketball during the class period and then ran windsprints the last five minutes of the class period; a fourth group (N=4) played basketball, worked with the Exer-Genie, and ran windsprints. Subjects trained three times a week for twenty-five class meetings. The Exer-Genie group showed a significant within mean gain

13 in endurance over the other groups and the Exer-Genie-windsprint group showed a significant within mean gain in cardiovascular efficiency when compared to the other groups. No program was superior over the others in the development of leg power, speed, cardiovascular efficiency, or endurance. Logan, McKinney, Rowe, and Lumpe (14) used college baseball players to determine the effects of three training programs on throwing velocity. One group (N=7) worked for six weeks using an isotonic resistance device (the Exer-Genie exerciser) applied throughout the throwing motion. The ExerGenie was set at a resistance of two and one-half pounds and the throwing motion was performed thirty times a day, five navs Pt ^""i —

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while jumping was the value used to represent the subject's leg power. Training Programs The Ankle Weight Training Program The subjects in Group I wore ankle weights while participating in their experimental training program. The training program consisted of running 10 seventy-yard sprints while a two and one-half pound ankle weight was attached to each ankle. Following each sprint the subject walked back to the starting line. Approximately thirty-five strides were taken in each sprint.


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