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THE EFFECT OF QUANTUM LEARNING ON THE STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENT IN WRITING ARGUMENTATION Prof.Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D Sagita Kristiani ABSTRACT This study was aimed at finding out the effect of applying Quantum Learning on the Students’ Achievement in Writing Argumentation. The objective of the study was to find out whether the application of Writing Argumentation. This study used the experimental method. The population was the 2010/2011 third year students of SMA N.1 DOLOK BATU NANGGAR, totally 240 students. The sample was 60 students of randomly chosen as the representative of population. They were divided into two groups. The first group (experimental group) was taught by applying Quantum Learning while the second group (control group) was taught with conventional method. The test was divided into two groups, pre- test and post- test. The instrument used in this study was a writing test. The data were analyzed by using t-test. T-observerd was 3.75 and the t-table was 2.000 (p=0.05). The result of the analysis shows that the value of the t- table (3.75> 2.000; p= 0.05), it could be consulted that Quantum Learning has significant effect on the teaching argumentative writing.

Key Word: Quantum Learning, Writing, Argumentation

INTRODUCTION Language is an instrument to convey information. It is used to express ideas, feelings, purposes, thoughts, and opinions in the written or in the spoken way. Through language we can store and transfer knowledge, transmit messages from one person to another person and from one generation to another. In short, almost human activities are conducted through the use of language. English, as an international language, is used by most countries in the world for diplomacy, global tender, tourism, education and so forth. Consequently, people as human resources are demanded to have the ability to communicate in that language. Realizing how important English has become, the government has determined to teach English in schools as a foreign language. This is the reason why English must be taught beginning from primary level up to the university level. All languages, including English contain four basic language skills: receptive skills, listening (understanding the spoken language) and reading (understanding the written language); and the productive skills, speaking and writing.


In relation to writing, Lado (1969:249) states that writing is one of the most' important skills in learning language besides listening, reading, and speaking. As one of the basic language skills, writing has a very complex process. Therefore writing is not easy as some people think. It is a comprehensive ability which consists of grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, appropriate content, word selection, topic and occasion. Bram (1995: 7) states that in principle, to write means to produce or reproduce written messages. Before we write, we need to determine what to write. We should have something meaningful, clear, precise and unambiguous. It requires knowledge, skill and concept in order that someone is able to produce a good piece of writing. There are 5 component scales that should be measured in writing, namely content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics as Jacob (1983:39). The content concerns the invention of writing having something to say. The organization component addresses disposition or rhetoric principles of arrangement. Vocabulary, language use, and mechanics together deal with elocution of the linguistic and mechanical principles for effective delivery of discourse. In reality, students’ writing ability is relatively low. Based ori the writer’s experience during her Teaching Practice (Program Praktek Lapangan) in a senior high school, students’ ability of such skill was quite low, especially in writing argumentation. Students often failed in writing because they faced some difficulties such as lack of vocabulary, poor structure, technique, literature and information. They did not give much attention and enthusiasm on writing especially writing argumentation. They might have some ideas on their mind, but they did not know how to express themselves in writing. They always had trouble in presenting their ideas. They thought that it was very difficult to write argumentation. This problem can be resulted from the teacher’s technique and strategy as she or he still applies traditional method, by which he or she fails to motivate the students. As a result, in learning process, students have poor cognition, deficient concentration, and limited knowledge in writing. Learning is affected by the total situation (Aggarwal, 2001: 46). It depends on a number of factors, external and internal factors. External factors affecting learning are (1) goals, purposes (2) motivation (3) interest (4) attention (5) drill or practice (6) bore or fatigue (7) aptitude (8) attitude (9) emotional factors - instincts (10) speed, accuracy, and retention (11) age (12) learning activities. The relation with learning, motivation has big factor towards the students learning process. In concept learning, motivation means the art of supporting the students to be supported to do the learning activity, so the aim of learning can be achieved. Therefore, an English teacher as the facilitator in the teaching learning process should design a good concept in order to encourage students to write a good piece of writing. Based on that situation, the writer thinks that it is important to find ways to overcome the problem. One of the ways to solve the problem is by proposing a teaching model that is suitable, effective, easy, interesting and helpful to the students. Therefore, Quantum Learning is proposed to be one model, which might be able to solve the writing problem. Quantum Learning is an integrated model of teaching and learning that creates passionate teachers, engaging classroom and meaningful content resulting in accelerated student achievement. Quantum Learning is about bringing joy to teaching and learning in order to develop students' interest and motivate them to write. It helps teachers to present their content in a way that engages and energizes students. ( It is an effective strategy for classroom management, focusing attention, and motivating students to increase participation in learning. The situation will motivate the students to concentrate and make them easier to learn. The relaxed situation and good motivation will engage the


students to think the idea and present it into their writing. It may stimulate students’ imagination and creation in learning especially in writing argumentation. By knowing the problems faced by the students in learning writing especially argumentative writing, the writer assumes that teaching argumentative writing by applying Quantum Learning will be more effective to develop their writing achievement. Based on the background above, it is necessary to formulate the problem of this research as: “Does Quantum Learning Model significantly affect the students’ achievement in writing argumentation?” Writing is one of the basic language skills that is important to be learned in learning a language. Hartog (1982: 4) says that writing is the means of developing thinking. Moreover Byrne (1983: 1) states that writing refers to the skills in using the graphic symbols which have to be arranged according to certain conventions. It means that writing is the act of skill in forming graphic symbols and combining a number of diverse elements. When a writer writes written symbols, he/she not only needs the knowledge on what he writes, but also the understanding on the purpose of his or her writing. It is also someone’s ability in using grammar to express his or her ideas in the form of written representations. In a writing process, a writer needs to understand the structures of writing or linguistics. There are four types of writing, they are: narration, description, exposition, and argumentation. Narration is the form of writing used to relate the story facts or events. Narration places occurrences in time and tells what happened according to natural time sequence. Types of narration include short stories, novels, and magazines. Description is the form of discourse used in creating sensory impression and alliance emotion all reactions. It is used to create a visual image of people, places, even of time days or season. It may also be used to acquaint us with more than the outwards appearance people. It may tell us about their traits of characters and personality. Exposition is the form of discourse used in giving information, making explanations, interpreting meanings. It includes editorial, essays, informative text and instructional material. Argumentation is the form of discourse in persuading and convincing. It is closely related to expression and used to make or prove a statement or a proposition. Heaton (1988: 138) says that the skills of writing include four general components or main areas such as the following: 1. Grammatical skill : the ability to write correct sentences 2. Mechanical skill : the ability to use correctly those conventions peculiar to the written language, e.g. punctuation, spelling. 3. Stylistic skill : the ability to manipulate sentences and use language effectively. 4. Judgement skill : the ability to write in appropriate manner for a particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an ability to select, organize and order relevant information. In order to make the writing process become more effective, Deporter (2003: 194) proposes the effective writing process that can be applied in Quantum Learning. This writing process can be used for all kinds of writing, included argumentative writing. The effective writing process is: 1. Clustering : think and cluster the idea based on the writer's knowledge and experience. 2. Coarse Draft : Develop the explored ideas. The writer focuses more on the content than the punctuation, structure and spelling. 3. Share : after the writer has finished the coarse draft, it's better to share the writing with others, in order to give the feed back. So the writer will know the weakness of his or her writing.


4. Revising : after someone read the writing and give the feed back, the writer will revise his writing. The feed back can help the writer to make a good writing. 5. Editing : in this step, the writer edits his or her writing include punctuation, grammar or spelling. The writer must be sure that all the sentences are* correct and complete. 6. Rewrite : the writer rewrites his or her writing after he/she has already edited his/her writing. 7. Evaluation Quantum Learning Model was formerly introduced in 1982 by Bobbie DePorter who was the student of Lazanov. Lazanov was an educator from Bulgaria and developed suggestopedia or suggestology or known as accelerated learning. He developed it by seeing the physical surroundings and atmosphere of the classroom as the important part. By ensuring that the students are comfortable, confident and relax, it will enhance the teaching and learning process. In its relation to writing, this model can be applied in order to support the students in learning writing and to help the teacher transfer the material that engages and energizes the students. Because teaching a certain topic, not only needs good material delivery but also needs good atmosphere in the classroom. This model is the combination of suggestology, accelerated learning and neurolinguistics with the learning theory, where in neurolinguistics is about how the brain controls the achieved information while learning. It means that in learning the students and the teacher can increase motivation, increase the score in the learning, and strengthen confidence and positive attitude (Sagala 2005: 105). Quantum Learning is a comprehensive model that covers both educational theory and immediate classroom implementation. It integrates research based on practices in education into a unified whole, making content more meaningful and relevant to the students’ lives. This model also integrates learning and life skills, resulting in students who become effective lifelong learners and responsible to their own education. The intention of teaching-learning process is how to make the students enjoy it and how the students can use what they get in school to the real situation (society). When they learn about English, in this case writing, it is hoped that the students can enjoy the learning process and get the point or the essential part of writing. They can apply it to write argumentation or makes argumentation from a subject or a matter. By doing this, the students can learn not only in class but also in everywhere. So the goal of this model can be achieved. Foundation, atmosphere, design, and environment create the context of Quantum Learning. Quantum Learning is based on three core beliefs, they are all people can learn, people learn differently, and learning is effective when it is engaging and challenging. Quantum Learning with a strong foundation built on the principles of the 8 Keys of Excellence, include Integrity, Commitment, Failure Leads to Success, Ownership, Speak with a Good Purpose, Flexibility, This Is It! and Balance. ( The environment and learning sources of Quantum Learning concern about the positive, safe, relaxed, and happy situation. Quantum Learning creates a supportive physical environment that enhances and reinforces learning. Ideal learning environments include proper lighting, purposeful color, positive affirmation posters, plants, props and music. Music is an essential part in Quantum Learning, because listening to music, can help the students work better and remember more. Music encourages, refreshes and


empowers learning consciously or unconsciously. Lazanov says that melody, rhythm and beat influence the human physiology, especially for the waves of the brain and heart beat (DePorter, 2003:73). Music also stimulates the brain’s prefrontal lobes that coordinate thinking patterns. This stimulation, in turn, energizes the emotional centers of the brain. When all of these brain functions are stimulated and synchronized, information is rapidly processed and readily retained. ( So the function of music can be concluded to increase the spirit, to stimulate the experience, to grow relaxation, to increase focus, to increase the relationship between the teacher and the students, to express today's theme, to give inspiration and to increase happiness. All these functions can support the learning process and can stimulate students' willingness in learning writing, especially in learning argumentative writing. The implementation of Quantum learning in the classroom does not give bad effect to the students. The outcome of learning process is to make the students apply the material in their real lives. It has relationship with Quantum Learning, where the students can get the point or the idea of the lesson and it could be applied in their societies. The Quantum Learning framework for the students learning is expressed in five tenets of learning. 1. Everything Speaks Everything from surroundings and tone of voice to distribution of materials conveys an important message about learning. So, all the things give the effect towards students' learning process. 2. Everything is On Purpose Everything that the teacher does has an intended purpose. It shows that the teacher asking the students to do something has an intended purpose or meaningful purpose, not useless. 3. Experience Before Label Students make meaning and transfer new content into long-term memory by connecting to existing schema. Learning is best facilitated when students experience the information in some aspect before they acquire labels for what is being learned. 4. Acknowledge Every Effort Acknowledge of each student’s effort encourages learning. It is important that the teacher as the facilitator and motivator gives acknowledgement to the students to show that he or she appreciates every effort that they have done, not to feel underestimate on them if they make some mistakes in their performance. 5. If It’s Worth Learning, It's Worth Celebrating Celebration provides feedback regarding progress and increases positive emotional association with learning. The Quantum Learning Design Frame is showed in several elements: 1. Enroll In this part, the teacher gives some efforts that capture or increase the students’ interest, curiosity, and attention, for example: giving a picture that related to the material taught. 2. Experience Create a common experience to which all learners can relate. Experience before label creates scheme in which to build new content. The teacher is hoped that he or she is able to give stimulus that make a simple material taught first, so that the students can relate it to their experience. 3. Learn and Label


Present, sequence and define the main content. Students learn labels, thinking skills and academic strategies. Students add new content to their existing scheme. The teacher delivers or transfers the materials to the students by giving good step to make teaching and learning process run well and also let the students label the taught information to be put into their existing schema in mind. 4. Demonstrate Give the students opportunity to demonstrate and apply their new learning. After explaining the material, the teacher gives the chance to the students to demonstrate what is taught (performance), for example: the teachers asks the students to read their argumentative writing and give the arguments that convince the idea of their writing in front of the class. 5. Review and Reflect Use a variety of effective, multi-sensory review strategies and empower students to process their new content through reflection. For example: the teacher will ask the students some questions to know their understanding of the lesson. 6. Celebration Acknowledge the learning. It cements the content and adds a sense of completion. It is showed, for example like giving some support to the students, singing together, and saying “yes” together. Writing is a mental process. The mind first forms an idea and then it is expressed through language. This idea can be a personal view or a description of something. In fact, the person who writes a composition needs some motivations to begin writing. Without strong motivation, there is little effort on that person to start writing. Based on this reality, it is always important to make the students feel motivated before starting their writing. A kind of technique is needed. For instance, they can have some “brainstorming” to share their ideas for their composition. The teacher will tell them that writing is a way of discovering how well they know about an event or a state. In writing argumentation, the students can propose an idea which should be either supported or denied. Semi (1990: 49) says that argumentation is a kind of writing which is used to convince or persuade the readers to believe an idea given by the writer. Argumentative writing is the act of forming reasons, making inductions and applying them to the case in discussion. The idea should be supported by presenting evidence in the form of facts, opinions and personal interpretations. The function of argumentative is to show that the assertion (opinion, theory, and hypothesis) about some phenomenon or phenomena is correct or more trathful than others. The art of argumentation is not an easy skill to acquire. It is true to say that argumentative writing is very difficult but possible for everyone who wants to try. In life there are many problems to discuss. One problem must have its solution. This solution is not always the same for everyone. Therefore, it takes some persuasion to make the readers accept the solution. In writing argumentation, an idea must be introduced first. Then, there is information to support it. In this case, the organization of the idea should be clear. Then, there must be cohesion and coherence between paragraphs. The idea is supported by an explanation in the discourse. When the writer gives an illustration, it should be familiar to the readers. However, the concept is clear. In the argumentative writing, the students should find ways to make the readers accept their proposition or arguments so that the writing can influence the readers. The Procedure of Writing Argumentation


The structure of argumentative writing should include: • Introduction - a strong opening statement to get the reader’s attention. - This statement leads to the main point of the argumentation - The thesis is usually stated in the last sentence of introduction - It is the thesis or idea to which we should constantly refer back in the argument • Body paragraph - points of argument to back up the theory Argument - Topic sentence - introduces the first point of the argument - First supporting sentence - explains the topic sentence in more details - Second supporting sentences - supports the ideas with evidence or facts - Concluding sentence - summation of what has just been said. It can lead on to the next argument or point. • Conclusion - Summarizes the main points or ideas - Evaluates what has been stated - Justifies the original statement The Grammatical Features of Argumentation • Mental verbs are used when expressing opinions For example: We believe teachers should not stop children from eating junk food. • Connectives are used in arguing to maintain logical relations and to link points. - Temporal connectives are often used to order propositions in the preview or at other stages in a more complex argument. For example: There are a number of reasons why smoking shouldn't be allowed in restaurants. Firstly, many people can suffer from passive smoking and secondly it can aggravate asthma. - Causal conditional connectives are used to link points in the argument. For example: They die because the oil stops them from breathing. - Comparative connectives are used to introduce counterpoints. For example: On the other hand, packaging can have many disadvantages. - Connectives can also exemplify and show results and are generally used in concluding statements to finalize arguments. For example: Consequently, smoking shouldn't be allowed in restaurants. • Movement from personal to impersonal voice - The personal voice is used to indicate a subjective opinion such as through the first person pronoun, I, or through the use of the second person pronoun, you. For example: You shouldn't drop rubbish - The impersonal voice is used to indicate an objective opinion, such as through the use of absolute statements or modalized statements. For example: Packaging is essential in preserving and transporting products. • Modality is used in arguing to position the writer and reader. It can be expressed in a number of ways. For example, through: You should put rubbish in the bin : Modal auxiliaries I think children should go to school : Mental verbs It will make your classroom look yucky : Temporal auxiliaries • Nominalizations are used in argument to allow the writer to condense information and deal with abstract issues. The process of nominalization can also have the effect of removing agency. For example: Junk food can make people sick / Junk food can cause sickness.


Conceptual Framework Procedure writing as one of the writing types gives impression of how to make something or how to operate something. In the study, the students’ ability in writing the procedure text concerned with some factors namely content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics that should exist in their writing. Their ability in writing the procedure text was not same. Some of the students found it hard to write a good procedure text but others are not. That’s why it was necessary to have away in solving the case should be notice in order to improve their achievement, so they could write good procedure text. In experimental group, the teacher use Quantum Learning Method when teaching-learning,so when the teacher want to start the lesson they play instrument music to make the student feel relax and can enjoy the lesson. Then,the teacher tell the materi exactly and motivate them and also suggest them to be a great student, and the teacher make a question-answer section,after that they give the test, while the student is doing the test, the teacher play the classical music, because it can help the students` brain, so they can do it easily. In control Group, the teacher use Conventional Method,in this case the teacher only come to the class,then tell the materi without give motivation or something that can make the class be enjoy the lesson. It means that only teacher who active in the class,so the student only as a listener.

Methodology This study is an experimental quantitative research. There are two groups of students in this study, namely control group and experimental group. These two will be taught by using different treatment. This research utilized randomizes group, pre-test and post-test design. In this design, the subjects will be assigned to the experimental group and control group by random methods and both of them will be given a pre-test. Pre-test will give in order to know the students ability in writing argumentation. After conducting the treatment, the writer give post-test for both of group. The post-test will be given to identify the students' ability in writing argumentation after the treatment. The difference average between the pre-test and post-test will find for each group and then these difference average scores are compare in order to ascertain whether the experimental treatment produced a greater change than the control group situation.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION The result of research indicated that there was an effect on the students’ achievement in writing argumentation, which was taught by using Quantum Learning than useing Conventional method. It was proved by the data, which showed that the mean of the students’ score increased significantly from experimental group and control group. Quantum Learning could help the students to write the argumentative text. It could be seen in the score by using t-test. T-observed was 3.75 and t-table was 2.000 (p=0.05). All these data indicated that the students gave good attitude and response during the teaching learning process. The students seemed enjoy lesson. This result indicated


that application of Quantum Learning were effective in the students’ writing argumentation achievement than using conventional method. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the data analysis, conclusions are drawn as the following: (1) Quantum Learning gives significant effect on the students’ achievement in writing argumentation. (t-Calculated or t-observed > t-table, p = 0.05) than in Conventional method (2) The result of calculation of t-test (3.75) with degree freedom (df) = 58 is greater than t-table (2.000) (p = 0.05) which implies that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. This means-that Quantum Learning significantly affect the students’ achievement in writing argumentation. (3) The test administrated to the students is reliable as the calculation research 0.82 In relation the conclusion, suggestions are staged as the following (1) It is advisable that the teachers of English apply Quantum Learning in teaching argumentative writing as the alternative model in teaching-learning process. This model makes the students easy to get the ideas for studying because it connects academic subjects to context of their real life situation. (2) It is suggested that teachers enrich their teaching learning process especially using Quantum Learning Model as it can give significant effect on the students' achievement in writing argumentation. (3) Students can increase their writing especially argumentative writing through Quantum Learning Model. REFERENCES Aggarwal. J. G. 2001. Principles, Methods and Technique of Teaching. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing Arikunto, S. 1999. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta Aruan, D. 2002. Penafsiran Skor Tes. Unpublished. Bram, B. 1995. Write Well Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius Deporter, Bobbie & Hernacki, Mike. 2003. Quantum Learning Membiasakan Belajar Nyaman dan Menyenangkan. Bandung: Kaifa Hartog, P.1986. The Quality of Writing. Philadelphia: Open University Press Harmer, J. 2004. How to Teach Writing. London: Longman Heaton, J. 1988. Writing English Language Tests. London: Longman http:/hagar. up. html/19 August 2007

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