the case difficulty cube and the three stage learning process

CHAPTER TWO the case difficulty cube and the three stage learning process Your lea rning is far more enjoyable if you are convinced th a t wha t yo u...
Author: Mervyn Robbins
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the case difficulty cube and the three stage learning process Your lea rning is far more enjoyable if you are convinced th a t wha t yo u arc learning and how yo u a re lea rning it make sense. Therefore, hvo frameworks are developed here to help yo u learn with cases: (1) an in s ight into th e educational challenge presented in a case and how that challenge is translated into a Case Difficulty Cube; (2) an overview of th e three stage learning process that forms the core of this te xt. Participants in a case learnin g experi e nce are alw ays constrained by time. It takes time to rea d, ana lyze, and discu ss each case. Your goal is lea rning how to prepiu e cases qui ckl y and well. To reach thi s goa l yo u need to: (1) have a bette r understanding of w here to spend time on each case; and (2) develop a process for tac kling cases that helps you achieve consistently s uperior results. THE EDUCATIONAL CHALLENGE OF A CASE AND THE CASE DIFFICULTY CUBE The diffi culty or the educa tion al challenge of a case can be viewed as ha ving at least three major dimensions: an aly tica l, conceptu a l and p resenta tion . Each dimension has three degrees of d iffic ulty. In Exhibit 2-1 the ana ly tica l dimen sion is the A axi s, the con ce ptual dimension the C axis and the presentation dimension th e P axis.

Chapter 2



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----------------------------------·A Analytical Dimension

The Analytical Dimension The analytical dimen sion of a case raises the questi on , "What is the case reader 's tas k w ith resp ect to the key d ecision or issue of the case?" Th e analytical tas k de pends on how the d ecisio n is presented in the case . The case m ay be written wi th the issue sta ted , plus the alternatives con sid ered , the decision crite ria used and the final decisio n taken . For exa mple, "Susan Lee, the finance m anager of Excels ior Inc., w as seeking addition al fund s for an exp an sion p rojec t and , after considering debt and equity options, decided tha t borrow ing the m oney was the best

The Case Difficulty Cube a nd the Three Stage Learning Process


d ecision. " The participant's task becomes to assess whethe r the decision ta ken was, indeed , appropriate and the process followed correc t, whether further alternatives I1li g ht ha ve been considered (lnd wh(lt future consequences could be. This kind of ca se has an a n,ll y tical difficulty d egree of one. In other word s, th e participa nt's ta s k is about as easy as it can get on the ana ly ti Gll dimen s io n. By th e way, these cases tend to be dull. Mos t parti cipants in the ca se learning process recogni ze tha t by th e tim e they ge t a cha nce to stud y a ca se, the situation d escribed in th e case h as probably been d ec id ed in real life. Nevertheless, there is a diffe ren ce betw een rea li z ing this and being told so in the ca se. It is a bit diffi cult to work assiduou s ly on these one degree of difficulty cases when you ha ve alread y been gi ve n th e final d ec is io n actu all y ta ken. A case m ay be w ritte n about exac tl y th e S,lll1 e iss ue, eith e r with or without som e a lte rnati ves p rov ided , but excluding th e final decis ion taken. Thi s ty pe of case is the second degree o f a nalytical diffi culty, the o ne most co mmonl y e nco untered in cases. Using th e exampl e o f Ms. Lee, above, th e case would be presented (lS follo ws : "Ms. Lee, th e fin a nce m anager at Excelsior In c., was seekin g additi onal funds for a n expan sion project a nd wanted to dete rmine whe th e r d ebt or equity financin g would be th e best way to secure new ca pital. " The pa rticipant's t,ls k is n ow to a na lyze th e s itu a ti on, gen e ra te addition a l a lte rnativ es, ev aluate all alte rn (l ti \'es aga in s t specified d ec is ion crite ri a, make a decision , ,lnd d evelop a n ac tion and implem enta ti o n pl a n. A case mo ves to th e third d egree of anal y ti ca l diffi culty when even th e d ecision th a t need s to be made is no t identifi ed . There is o nl y

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