The Canterbury Tales 23 Pilgrims Posters

This Teaching Pack Includes: 23 Pilgrim Pages for colorful printing . They are perfect for a poster printer! File is in a PDF so all images and tex...
Author: Michael Small
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This Teaching Pack Includes: 23 Pilgrim Pages for colorful printing . They are perfect for a poster printer! File is in a PDF so all images and text are embedded… Print them out as an 8.5x11 and hang them directly across the front wall of your classroom. I would laminate them! Print them as a poster size. Hang them around the room. Hang the poster of the pilgrim’s tale that you are reading or discussing on the front board. Bring the PDF file up on your smart board and use it to facilitate activities, notes, and discussions.

Feel free to contact me for more information on any of my materials. I would love your feedback! Visit me again! Created by Danielle Knight, 2012. Copyright, Study All Knight, The Knight Stuff, Danielle Knight

Pilgrim Image Source: The Pilgrims in the Ellesmere Manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. San Marino: The Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery

The Canterbury Tales 23 Pilgrims Posters Knight Squire Yeoman (Cannon Yeoman) Nun (Prioress) Monk Friar Merchant Oxford Cleric (Clerk, Student) Sergeant at the Law (Lawyer) Franklin Cook Skipper (Shipman, Sailor) Doctor (Physician) Wife of Bath Parson Plowman Miller Manciple Reeve Summoner Pardoner Nun’s Priest

23 Pilgrim IMAGES FOR POSTER PRINTING… or Looks GREAT! As an 8.5 x 11!

The Canterbury Tales

• Social Class: middle class • Chaucer’s Opinion: approves Physical Description: big man, he is always cheery. Bright eyes, wide girth Job Description: The owner of the Tabard Inn, who volunteers to travel with the pilgrims. Values, Interests, Motivation: He promises to keep everyone happy, be their guide and arbiter in disputes, and judge the tales. Just wants to have a good time. The peacekeeper.

The Canterbury Tales

• Social Class: Most moral. Aristocrat, Secular • Chaucer’s Opinion:


Physical Description: Rode horseback. Distinguished. Wore linen that were stained from working very hard.

Job Description: a true perfect knight. Ridden into many battles. MOST prominent and respected character of the tales. Values, Interests, Motivation: chivalry, truthful, honorable, honored for his graces, modest, not boorish. Going to thank the saints for preserving his life through his battles. Had fine horses. Noble.

The Canterbury Tales

• Social Class: Upper class, Secular •

Chaucer’s Opinion: approves, but satirized

Physical Description :She carried a rosary decorated with green. Gray eyes. fair skin. Job Description: A Nun. Head of the convent. Values, Interests, Motivation: Indirect characterizations, she is materialistic and interested in love, unlike the other nuns. she is smart, beautiful, pure, and modest. Her singing was divine. Spoke French. Her etiquette was lovely. Her motto ‘Amor vincit omnia’ which means love conquers all. She cared for all creatures small and large.

The Canterbury Tales

Social Class: Upper Class, secular. Highly Regarded. Chaucer’s Opinion: satirized

Physical Description: Wore a long sleeved robe. white neck. Lisp. Job Description: beggar and a preacher. Religiously devoted people ask him to be forgiven for their sins. “fixed up” marriages. intimate” with city dames. Claimed to have license from Pope to hear confessions--charged money as penance. Values, Interests, Motivation: knew taverns and barmaids. Tough. Begged money from the poorest.

The Canterbury Tales

Social Class: Rich and powerful rising middle class; Chaucer’s Opinion: satirized

Physical description: Beard. Well dressed. Wore a beaver hat. Buckled boots.

Job description: Sells and trades goods to people in town. Made good money; the rich people were always buying or trading things for new, elegant clothes and weapons. Values, interests, motivation: gave many opinions. Dabbled in exchanges seemed stately but…was in debt and no one knew it from the way he talked. shrewd; knew how to bargain.

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Upper Class, wealthy • Chaucer’s Opinion: satirized

Physical Description: “parti-colored coat,” sign of affluence, silk was expensive (imported from the East and had to be tailored). Job Description: he knew every law that ever existed, every judgment, every case, every crime. Occasionally appointed by the king to serve as the judge on cases.

Values, Interests, Motivation: commercial wealth

The Canterbury Tales

Social Class: Upper Class, But poor, Secular Chaucer’s Opinion: approves

Physical Description: He is thin, he had a steady stare. His coat was falling apart, it says the thread upon his overcoat was bare. Job Description: A sincere, devout student at Oxford University. Values, Interests, Motivation: Very moral and respected by all the pilgrims. He is very poor because he spends all his money on books.

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Upper Class, wealthy Aristocrat • Chaucer’s Opinion: approves Physical Description: Red face and white beard; Rode horseback.

Job Description: A large landowner with wealth, but not of noble birth. Enjoys good living Values, Interests, Motivation: Generally liked by the other pilgrims. Lived for pleasure, particularly “epicurean” delights. Enjoyed his food, had a table prepared all day long

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Middle Class Chaucer’s Opinion: approves but satirized Physical Description: He has a running sore on his shin, because his best dish was a creamed chicken pie whose white sauce might be the same color as the pus from the sore…yuck!

Job Description: a master of his trade; good at cooking, a master of his trade

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: middle class • Chaucer’s Opinion: satirized Physical description: A huge man, skin was tanned.

Job description: A master of vessel and knew all the ports; not ride well; like a fish out of water as sat on his horse. Values, interests, motivation: Uncouth. Ignored conscience, made his prisoners “walk home.” Stole wine while the trader slept.

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Aristocrat, Secular

• Chaucer’s Opinion: approves Physical Description: handsome., strong, agile. Curly hair. Dressed in bright colors. Job Description: the knight’s son, about 20 years old. Training to be a knight. A fine horse rider, knows how to joust.

Values, Interests, Motivation: ladies’ man, singing, light hearted, pleasant, talented. Knows how to joust, dance, write and draw. Likes to stay out all night.

The Canterbury Tales •

Social Class: Middle Class, Secular (but doesn’t know the Bible very well)

Chaucer’s Opinion: Does not approve

Physical Description: wears a scarlet and blue lined cloak with Indian silk and taffeta. Rode horseback. Eats well and takes care of his body. Job Description: Has an 'understanding' with the apothecaries calls medicine "natural magic“ His practice is grounded in astrology Values, Interests, Motivation: Well versed in ancient greek his favorite time of year is pestilence loves gold and saves it up Quote: “For gold in physic is a cordial, Therefore

he loved gold in special”

The Canterbury Tales

Social Class: middle class • Chaucer’s Opinion: likes but satirized Physical Description: tight red clothing. wore a heavy head dress, red stockings, and new shoes Gap teeth. Had large hips. Heels spurred. A bit deaf in one ear. Job Description: had 5 husbands! Considers this her occupation, An excellent seamstress and weaver. Values, Interests, Motivation: Wanted front row in church and to be first at any offering. strong sense of self-importance Quote: “knew the remedies for love’s


The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Secular • Chaucer’s Opinion: not sure

Physical Description: Wore and expensive coat with fur that buttoned. Wore an old fashioned gold pin. He was bald and was shiny like glass, so was his face looked as if it had been greased. He was big, and his eyes were gleaming. He was not pale, he had darker skin.

Job Description: A monk. A man of devout Christianity. But is a contradiction. Values, Interests, Motivation: He loved the country, and hunting was his sport. He didn't hold grudges. Overall he was a good man

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: lower class, secular • Chaucer’s Opinion: approves Physical Description: there is no physical description given. Job Description: Man of the cloth, served the poor, gave his own money, a shepard. Values, Interests, Motivation: Holy-minded, poor, learned, devout patient, virtuous rich in holy though, practiced what he preached.

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: middle class craftsman • Chaucer’s Opinion: approves Physical Description: carried a bow, a shield, a sword and a knife, and peacock-feathered arrows. Job Description: servant to the knight and squire. An outdoorsman, talented wood carver. Values, Interests, Motivation: Excellent shot with the bow and arrow.

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Lower Class. Poor. • Chaucer’s Opinion: approves

Physical description: wore a workman’s loose garment. Job description: Steadily went about his work as a farmer. Very hard worker. Values, interests, motivation: honest worker, good and true. Followed the gospel. Helped the poor.

The Canterbury Tales

• Social Class: lower class, poor •

Chaucer’s Opinion: approves but satirized

Physical description: not much known Job description: Servant., like a head butler or in a managerial role.  Values, interests, motivation: buyer of food for the 30 Knights of the Temple. Got to market early to get best values. was illiterate. wise in practical matters, though lived debt free on what he “saved.”

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Secular, upper class • Chaucer’s Opinion: approves Physical Description: dressed like a priest. Job Description: There is no description of the Nun’s Priest in the General Prologue where we learn simply that he is a chaplain of some sort to the Prioress

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Immoral Lower Class • Chaucer’s Opinion: does not approve

Physical Description: Big and brawny man who could wrestle anyone, red beard, hairy wart on his nose, hair in his ears, black nostrils. Job Description: Thief and cheat, would cheat people with the amount of grain that they brought in. Values, Interests, Motivation: Not an honest merchant. Loved playing the bagpipes. A drunken, brash, and vulgar man who rudely interrupts the host

The Canterbury Tales • Social Class: Immoral Lower Class • Chaucer’s Opinion: does not approve Physical Description: thin, legs were lean, bad temper. hair cut short and close = sign of servility. A very old and irritable man Job Description: Manager of a large estate, able and efficient so he gained a large fortune for his lord (and himself), kept a close account of everything

Values, Interests, Motivation: the serfs on his lord’s manor are afraid of him. He resents the Miller's tale about a stupid old carpenter.

The Canterbury Tales

Social Class: Very Immoral Lower Class

• Chaucer’s Opinion: Does not approve/ negative

Physical Description: Ugly, red complexion, boils and lesions all over his face (nothing could cure them) a scaly infection around the eyebrows, and a moth-eaten beard Job Description: A man paid to summon sinners to come to trial. Could be easily bribed. Values, Interests, Motivation: Gets drunk and only speaks in Latin. Children afraid of him!

The Canterbury Tales

• Social Class: Lower Class. The least moral • Chaucer’s Opinion: did not approve

Physical description: Loud high-pitched voice, long flaxen hair, had no beard (and would never have a beard) Job description: Sold pardons and indulgences to those charged with sins. Made a lot of money selling his fake relics. Values, interests, motivation: Knew how to sing and preach to people to frighten them to buy the relics.