38 THEBRITISHARMYIN EGYPT by StephenEde-Borrett adopted these during the campaign. The tbr€e battalions of Sepoysfrom India wore no trousersor breech...
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THEBRITISHARMYIN EGYPT by StephenEde-Borrett adopted these during the campaign. The tbr€e battalions of Sepoysfrom India wore no trousersor breechesbut a peculiar The Egyptiancampaignof 1801was,for the British Army, swift white breechcloth affair which camedownonly to the top of the and startlingly succ€ssful. thigh. After a seri€sof r€heanals at Mamarie Bay in Asia Minor Officially officers *ere supposedto wear the cockedhat still, the British vanguardled by Major GeneralSir JohnMoore (the but contemporaryillustrations and accountsmate it clear that futu.e victor of Corunna) stormed ashoreat Aboukir Bay od the geat majority quickly adopted the round hat, which was March 8th.' The Army had already beendivided into Brigades alsowom by all ranks of tbe 61stFoot (ftom the Cape)and the and in the initial landings Moore's ReserveBdgade lost 31 20th. 24th. 25th and 26th Foot from lndia and De Roll's. The officers and 642 other ranks killed and wounded - heary other battalions in the main wore the 1800patt€m stovepipe casualties, particularly when compared to the rest of the shako, although againthere is someevidencefor the round hat canpaign. (SeeTables 4 & 5.) beingwom or adoptedby battalionsnot origmally issuedwith it. The march on Alexandria, which beganon March 13th was Many grenadier companies,the fusilier regimentsand drumeffected in three columns: me|s in most regim€ntswore the grcnadier cap. Plumeswere The Right, pamlel to the Sea- S John Moorc's Reserve white over red for the centre companies,green for the light The Centre- Craddock's,Cooke'sand the Guards'Brigades companies and *hile for grenadiercompades. led by the 9fth Foot. Th€ Highland regiments,asmight be expected,wore kilt and The Left - Cavan's& Stuan's Brigadesplus one battalion of bonnet with the shorter doublet-like coat. Marines ftom the fleet, led by the 92nd Foot. De Watteville's had a dark green coat with black collar and The fbst encounter with the French Army took place at cufls and greentumbacksedgedblack. The cut of this coat was Mandora on the first day of the march andcost Abercromby 60 similar to that of the Austrian Army of this time - or inde€dto officeE and 153 other ranks killed - the high proportion of the Kleber OrdinanceCoat.2The breeches*ere bdght blue and officen lost is interesting,but I haveno explanationfor it. Both 1lom with short cali length black gaiters.The regimentalshako the 90th and the 92nd received"Mandora" as a battle honour was also unique being light gey, very slight bell-shaped,atrd for this action. with a black edge-braidedyellow band around the lower third. Ofle of the geat€st problemsfor Abercromby at this time was Grenadiershad a red cockadeand loop with a white feather. the shortageof horses,asTable 1 shows.This problem wasnot The light companyhadthis all in geen, the cente companiesall rectified until after the Battle of Ale&ndria when the black. Mamelukesjoined Abercromby in increasingnumbers. EstiThe ChassewsBritannique'suniform compriseda dark geen dates put thef numbers at about 2,m0 cavalry ftrlus some coat in a stylethat is bestdescribedlike that wom by the Duchy 2-3,000Turkish foot) by April 5th, and another body of over of Wa aw troops in c18078, gr€y breecheswith shon black 2,000 cavalry joined in May. These numbers are substantial gaite6, and a black stovepipeshako. All belts, etc. were black, whenit is realisedthat the whole Army numberedbarely 15,000 all buttons and platessilver or pewler. The regrmentwasissued effectivesat the outset of the campaign. with rifles and was true light inJantry. Ofhcers wore the round It makesan interestingfootnote to this successfulcampaignto hat.3 note that after ejecting the Frcnch Eg]'pt was rctumed to The CorsicanRangerswere another unit of rifle armed ligbt Turkish hands- only for the Governmentto attemptto seizeit inJanEy and again drcssed accotdingly. In app€arancethe back in 1807.The latter campaignwas not, to understateit uniform was effectively ttat of the 60th Foot, but with r€d somewhat, a great successand Eg)?t remained part of the facingsto the coat. Breech€swer€ gley andthe belts,etc. black. Turkish Empire. A1l buttons w€re silver/pewter.4 lrwenstein's Jasersis a more obscureunit. It was also rifle ORGANISATION armedtight inlantry andsoprobablywore a uniform akin to that The theoreticalestablishmentof a battalion of Foot (for the fell/ of the Corsican Rangers,although it is known to have wom Horse in Egypt seeTable 3) was 10centrecompadies,and t\to round hats throughout the Eglptian campaign.The coat was flank companies(one grenadier and one light), plus a smal dark grey-geen, facedgreenwith all beltsblack andbuttons the usual silver/pewter.Breecheswerc grey-greenand wom with Battalion staff. Each Companyhad, again theoretically (and Table 3 sho\rs short black gaitels. The artilery wore blue coats faced red. A uniform little how far apafi were iheory andrcality), 4 offic€rs, 5 sergeants,2 different from that wom in the Peninsula. drummers,5 coryorals and 95 privates. The Light Dragoon regimentswhich servedwith Aberoomby were uniformed in a blue jacket with regimental facingson TJNIFORMS collar. cuffs and tumbacksand lac€ acrossthe front. Headwear Nearly all the battahonsof Foot engagedin EgyPt, including was the Tarleton' helmet.sBelts, etc. were white, aswere the Dillon's, Stuart'sMinorcans,De Roll's and the Sepoys,worc breeches. The sadalleclothwas edged in regimental facing 'Napoleonic' cut - Tabl€ 6 sets out colour. (SeeTable 6 for d€tails of facings.) red coats of the nomal Hompesch'sMounted Rifles or Light Dragoooswaslhe only derailsof facings.etc. Most units wore white or light grey trousersover, or m place foreigD cavalry regiment to serve with Ab€rcromby and its of, white breechesand short black gaiters De Roll's, and uniJormwasquite unusual.The j acketwasmid greenwith a red po$sibly the61st,woregleyor *hile Saiterlrcuserssuchashad plastron ftont, collar and cuffs. Red breechesand stovepip€ been DoDulardurinq lhe American War o[ IndePetrdenceshako, with a white and ted plume. Black belts, buttons, etc. wentvvearsearlier--tbereis alsolhepossibilitylhatolherunits yellow. The shabraquewasgreenwith a red van-Dyked edge.


Table I The Cavalry upon Dis€mbarkation, March Eth, t801


Otrc€rs NCO'5& M€n

lllh Light Dragoons(6) 4 55 12thLighr Dragoons 8 5n 26thLightDragoos 19 413 (Plusan atlocationof 64 ho$es for the artilery.)

flte AAfinflatunes



128 131

Table 2 The Army's organisationupon dis€mbarkrtion,March 8th l80l Commanderin Chief: Sir R.lph Abe.cromby CavalryBrigsdel 11thLight troop (attachedto bdgadeonly) 12th Light Dragoons 26th Light Dragoons Hompes€h's MountedRifles(2 or 3 Troopsonly present) Gusrds Bri$de - Mqior G€neralLudlow 1stBattalionColdstreamRegt. of Footguards 1stBattalion3rd Regt. oI Footguards lst Brigad€ - Major General Coote 2nd Battalionlst or Royal Regt. of Foot 1st Battalion 54th (West Norfolk) Foot 2nd Battalion54th (Westnorfolk) Foot 92nd(Highland)Foot 2nd Brigade- Mqjor G€neral Craddock 8th (The Kingt Regimen0 Foot l31h(lst Somersetshire) Foot lSth (The Royal l.ish) Foot 90th Perthshire Volunteen 3d Brigad€- Mqior GeneralLord cavan 50th (West Kent) Foot 79th Foot (CameronianVolunteen) 4th Brigade- Mqior C€n€ral DoJle znd or Queen'sOwn Royal Regt. of Foot 30th(Canbridgeshire) Foot ,'4th (East Essex)Foot 89thFoot sth Brigade- Major G€n€ralJoh Stu.rt Stuart's Minorcan Regiment De Roll's SwissRegiment of Infantry EdwardDillon'sEmig6 Regimentof Infanrry Res€rveBrigad€- Sir John Moor€ 8rd (Royal Wetch Fusili€n) 28th(North Gloucestershire) Foot 42nd (The Royal Highland) Foot 58th(Rurlandshire) Foor 40th (2nd Somersetshire)Foot - 4 companiesonly Conican Rangers An ery: 24 x 6pdr gunsin 4 batteries 16 x 12pdr gunsin 3 batteries 6 x 5%" howitzers SicgeTrain: 4 x 12pdrguns 20 x 24pdr guns 2 x 10" howitze$ 10 x 8" howitzen 18 x 5%" monars 10 x 8" monars 12 x 10' monars De Watteville's Swiss Regiment of infantry, Irwenstein,s Jage6 and The ChassewsBritannique arrived a couple of days after the initial force - the first two went into Stuart's brigade andthe Chasseurs into Moore's.

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lcw ELC SES 1s1

SP||tFlt I FotEOtC SMr Fqil€o -'L*16 D. Famrxb Vll' Ui FONI DETIIII J.di€l & t!gl: lightblu€,nd cdlr aid $dror 8la.k Ed adgh4{art top, Fd pompdn,rd co*adoabo6ta pd€

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[all OrderSgrvlceAvallable All ajor Ciedn CardsAccqned Unit Pdceon WdttenReou6t Send50o and S.A.E.tor PrlceLlst or t1 .00lor Prlc€Llst and Sampb

T.bIe m: Shrtrgth RcturDsof the C.vrlrt, Feb^te lEor (7)

Regt. Toral Sick Fitfor Duty ? OM Staff Caprain Major Lt. Col. Colonel

u.trL.D. t||h L.D. 26thL.D. HooF.h's I 554 510 156 3 7 4 a n 49a 4n 406 tzs 7 1 0 2 3 2 5 35 10 5 8 0 4 0 l 5 4 2 3 6 7 2 t 4 l 2 2 1 1 I 2 1

TIt* IV: Slr.r€il R€tr$ ollt€ looa,IebfilNh 1E0r(?)

Bngade G@ds

1sr Brigade

2nd Bdgade

3rd Brigade


ReSt Cofdtrearn FoolCds 3rd Foot Cueds

Color€l Ll.Col.

Clplritr 2

4 5 3 8 4 5 3 1

Zlst Fool t54tl 2154r\ Marines

8rh llrh tori 90rh 2mtd 50tn 79n 2nd 30rl 44rh 39rh



2 0 2 1 2

2 3 6 9 5 4 9

lirt. 11

9 1 1 1 1 2 i t z 1 1 8 1 0 2 t 6 1 5 9 1 6 1 1 1 0 l l

7 5 3


23rd 2Ald 42nd 50th a0th(a @ys)

5 6 2 E 3 1

1 1

nad An e.y


5rh De Ro[\ BriBad€ DiIotrt

570a[ Raots

EisitE 1

5 4 4 5 2 6 9 3 4



3 6 6 0 z 1 2 6 8 3 5 6 3 2 3 6 5 6 0 5 4 5 2 0 5 4

2 2 4

5 4 3 5 35

Sergerd,Dr|ttDEElnfordut 32 t2 641

3 2 3




6 9 1

16 15 12 16 l9 22 13 138

4fl 362 3{t 380

178 n5 W 79 110 334 109 743 % 6 109 150


A 6 E 13




4 5 4 3

4 3

1 3 X 9

6 4 4

4 4 4

4 1 1

4 5 3

3 3 2 t 1




4 2 1 6

Torrl 850




S& m3


0 0

9 4 0 X

9 rr 15 19 t9 $ n 2L

m l8

t2 10 18 13 2 t2

%1, v5 359 295 5 3 N7 572 513 359 n 0 6 yl M 4t2 385 x2 438 466 357 186 168 373

59 5t 7 ? 4 218 t9 t6l 169 156 4It6 tB 41 45 1m

658C8) 5?(.E) 540(.E) 49 471 710 4t6 t

s 516 72, 5n 4n 9 ' gl 925 514 531 594 8f2 485 27 2r1 543



Li,lGV: Csl&s hcartd bt ttMXrgrtl rlgimll. Figur€s siverar€lor: / Md tiled / M€ni'oulded Ofrcershited/ Offrc€nwound€d regid.rt lr$LD l2thLD 26th1-D RoyalAn. Coldstred JrdFc lsr Foor Brs) 51$(borh Y2ad

M|r.h 21 Abrdrit 0008 0fl0/6 &l/l/0 FiSuesnotaYailable

M.r.i E

MrtL l3 Itrdoli


fi7n$ U5t11169 lnu4 uu4!14 00/5/40 0n14zl UqU43 124117 0nL3B1 0/llrl0/ll0

u6flu65 l8r''dln


13rl lEtn $th 50th 79th zjd

3()ln 44rI 89r! 2itd

n6 4tud 58tl 40th

0/5/14/4{ 0nn15l U3l4l1l5J 0/44/6P 1J!4t4E U2'i137

llw45 tnn9nl4 uu589 0a/8/58 uarr4 1tz2l6 \ lnfft 0t?,t$38 0Nz4 aa5B4 utgt2i uu2uua 0tv 12 1 ru4s $finJ9


1 t'Bl



A!€!rr 23 Mtrtost


lwn o,tlt/l

00/0/1 0/0/0/1 0t4LB1 UUn| 0w10 0tz4D4 0/1/l/15 ll2nJn w 5t14 u4Dw$ 4a/48453 lA)tD

89dr 90rlt g d De RoU! Dilon's D. Wan€ville's Ctaiqm BombayN.L B€rgrl N.I.


Black Buff Yelow Yelov Skyblue Y€llow Black

Pais PaiB Pais ReCular Pair6,ftiryed Bstior, rcgtnd

Cild C{ld Silvcr Silv€r Silver Silver Silver Cold

Regular Rcgule


Blact Blact DarLgeen Yelfl Blue?

Spae sadlydoe' nol alo* for exacrdes.riptionsof th€ tarious colour€d !oms' qhich ranlhmughlh€ Reginentalpattemsof lac€of lhis period.

TrbleYl: Relnedrl Fxiqs

Reh. 8thL.D. l1rhL.D. 12thL-D. Z2ndL.D. r[L.D. HonFFh\ R.&tilery R.Edgineels Coldst€an 3rdF.G. zid


ro.irgs Red Buff Paleyeloe R€d Blue R€d R€d

O.t.s t@ White White White mite Wiite None Baliotr, Eg.y€lloP


Blu€ Blu€

Gold Gold

Blue Blue Blue Blue



ReCular Regular Regular

Pans Pai6



ztt\ 28th 30th il0r[ Ar\d 441! 50lI vth 5EtI 6lst ?9rl &xh 86ll EEIT



10rh 13lt 18rh

24tn 25rl

Otr ! Llcr Silv€r Silver Silver Silvet Siher Gold

Darky€Iov Uglt yelow Buff Brightyeloq Paleyelow Buf Blue Blacl Bdfhl grcer Blrct Buff Dek grer YeIo* YeIN Ught yeloq

Bstio!, r€gular Pairs ReeuLr Pain Baslioq regular

ReC"lar Baslion, regdar Reeolar Pain Pain R€gular Regular Pairs Pairt ?ai$

Cold Silver Gold SilYer Silver Cold Silv€r Cold Silv€r Gold Silvd Cold Snver Silver Cild Cild Silver Silver Silver Gold SiIver Cold Cold SilYer SilY.r

TrbL Vnr Reiitoradentt d'dIg lt ..n!.i8. Iton hdi: 8|I Ught Dragooos 10th,80th,86th,88thFmt Bo0bayNativeInldtry (1 Bln.) B€rgalNaliverDfantry(1 Bb.) Iru th Cqel 61stFoot trlon||l M.diL.rsn Sirtionr: 22odUght Drcg@6 2oth,24th,25th,%th F@t

NOTES 1. Th€ date of March 4th given in me French CampaigniD EqWL Palt I (w1.34) is, after fiuther research,incorecl. 2. A good accountof this rcgiment and its uniform appearsin Military ModeliDg, Augtst 1981. 3. SeeMilitary Mode ing for Ocrober 1987. 4. SeeWitary Mode ing for December 1987. 5. This helmetis traditionaly saidto be the only wholy Britisb military headwearever wom. 6. One troop only of this Regiment was present. The troop servedas the C-in-C's escort. 7. I havebeenunableto ascertainthe exactdateofthis musterit is certainly before the actual landings. 8. The discrepancf in numbe$ for these Regiments is accountedfor in the men left on Malta.