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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi kesopanan yang digunakan guru laki-laki dan guru perempuan di dalam kelas. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif dimana fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan dideskripsikan secara jelas. Observasi digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini juga dikenal dengan konsep human instrument yaitu kepekaan peneliti terhadap sumber data adalah kunci utamanya. Data yang terkumpul dalam penelitian ini dianalisis berdasarkan teori Penelope Brown dan Stephen Levinson (1978) tentang strategi kesopanan. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah empat orang guru bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Pertama yang terdapat di Kota Banjar. Dua orang diantaranya adalah guru laki-laki dan dua orang lainnya adalah guru perempuan. Setelah mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data yang diperoleh, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa strategi kesopanan oleh Penelope Brown dan Stephen Levinson yang terdiri dari positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record dan off record terdapat dalam ujaran guru di dalam kelas. Masing-masing strategi tersebut digunakan oleh guru dengan tujuan agar pesan dari ujaran guru dapat tersampaikan kepada siswa. Sehingga terciptanya proses pembelajaran yang efektif. Kata kunci

: politeness strategy, positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record, off record

ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to know the politeness strategy used by male and female English teachers in the classroom. The research method used in this research is qualitative method in which the phenomena happen in the field are described clearly. Observation is used in this research as a technique of collecting data. This research also familiar with the human instrument concept that is put the priority to the sensitivity of researcher about data sources. Data collected in this research is analyzed base on the Penepole Brown and Stephen Levinson (1978) theory about politeness strategy. Data resources of this research are four English teachers in Junior High School in Banjar. Two of them are male English teachers and two others are female English teachers. After collecting and analyzing the acquired data, the researcher concluded that the politeness strategy stated by Penepole Brown and Stephen Levinson that consist of positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record and off record occurred in the teachers‟ utterances in the classroom. Strategy used by the teachers has the aim to send the message of their utterances to the students. Thus, it can make the effective teaching and learning process. Key words

: politeness strategy, positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record, off record

Student of English Department 1 Lecture of English Department 2

INTRODUCTION Politeness means the act that people do to please someone‟s feeling through many ways. In order to save the feeling, people should apply politeness strategies which are defined as a way used to avoid the conflict that may the speaker make to hearer. The strategy can be influence by gender. This condition of being male and female has effects to the use of language to their politeness strategy. Politeness strategy also happens when teaching and learning process in the classroom. In this situation, the teacher has to manage the classroom in order to make good atmosphere, therefore the students are endure and comfortable to stay in the classroom. To create this good atmosphere, she should choose the utterances to motivate the students. Because of this, Brown, Douglas H. (1994:33) says, “…if they‟re

motivated, they‟ll learn, and if not, they won‟t.” This statement means that students‟ motivation is important because it is influence to their habitual learning. This research is very important to implement so teachers know how significant politeness strategy used in teaching and learning process. Therefore, teacher will be able to choose the appropriate utterance for teaching and learning process. It is caused the teacher‟s utterances can be the motivation for students. Thomas, Jenny (1995:150) says, “Politeness interpreted as a genuine desire to be pleasant to others, or as the underlying motivation for an individual‟s linguistic behavior.” This statement means that the speaker will make the listener motivated by his utterances. The previous research done by Wahyu, Novri Ningsih (2010) focuses on Politeness Strategies Used by Male and Female in Complaint Letters Sent to Jakarta Post Website. She (2010:6) says, “The different between male and female in using their politeness strategies can be seen in the frequency of the four types of politeness strategies. Both of them have different contrast number of frequency for each type.” It means, she concludes that there is the difference of politeness strategies used by male and female in complaining letter. She analysed politeness strategies used by male and female in complaint letter while this research will be analysed politeness strategy which used by male and female teachers in the classroom.

LITERARY STUDY A. Politeness Description Politeness has few definitions. It depends on who stated it but they usually have the same intension. Thomas, Jenny (1995:150) also says, “Politeness interpreted as a genuine desire to be pleasant to others, or as the underlying motivation for an individual‟s linguistic behavior.” It means that the speaker will make the listeners encourage by his words and make them motivated for their daily life. Mills, Sara (2003:129) states, “…there are occasions when people attack rather than support their interlocutors, and sometimes those attacks are considered by others to be impolite and sometimes they are not”. It can conclude that sometime people utterances are purpose to against the hearer. There are speakers who selected

the appropriate utterances before they speak. It can found to speakers who give priority to the politeness. Accordingly, politeness is used when speaker desires to make good friendship and make the listener comfortable. The speaker will choose the exact word before saying it in order the listener do not offended.

B. Politeness Strategy Politeness theory identifies four politeness strategies that speaker uses when dealing with face threatening acts to the hearer. They are positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record and off record. The strategy used will depend on the relationship between the speaker and the hearer. Positive politeness is used by people who avoid disagreement. Brown and Levinson‟s theory as quoted by Thomas, Jenny (1995:171) state, “… when you speak to someone you may orient yourself towards that individual‟s positive face, and employ positive politeness (which appeals to H‟s desire to be liked and approved of).” According to this statement, when the speaker wants the hearer‟s positive response, the speaker has to give positive politeness. Negative politeness is the opposite of positive politeness. Thomas, Jenny (1995:172) states, “Negative politeness is oriented towards a hearer‟s negative face, which appeals to the hearer‟s desire not to be impede or put upon, to be left free to act as they choose.” It means that speaker has freedom to do everything. The speaker does not think about the hearer wants. On record is communicating directly even though it is unpleasant feeling. In this strategy both speaker and hearer have a close relationship so they do not feel clumsy to extend it. Brown and Levinson as quoted by Boushfield, Derek (2008:72) “… in the most direct, clear, unambiguous and concise way possible”. This strategy uses indirect language and removes the speaker from the potential to be imposing. According to Thomas, Jenny (1995:173), “Brown and Levinson (1987) list a further fifteen strategies for performing off-record politeness. These include; „give hints‟, „use metaphors‟, „be ambiguous or vague‟.” Those strategies represent the other part of off record.

C. Gender Description Gender is the level of physical, biological and behavior characteristics. It‟s also distinguished the language usage. Herdiana, Ike said (2012) said, Laki-laki memiliki fisik yang kuat, otot yang kuat, memiliki jakun, bersuara berat, memiliki penis, testis, sperma, yang berfungsi untuk alat reproduksi dalam meneruskan keturunan. Perempuan memiliki hormon yang berbeda dengan lakilaki, sehingga terjadi menstruasi, perasaan yang sensitif, serta ciri-ciri fisik dan postur tubuh yang berbeda dengan laki-laki, seperti bentuk pinggul yang lebih besar daripada laki-laki. This statement means that women and men have different characteristics in part of body. It caused different behavior characteristics between men and women. Male are able to organize something so they can get what they want. According to Glover, David and Cora Kaplan (2000:59) state, “Male are ideal.” It means that they are organized to achieve something. While according to Mills, Sara (2003:188) states, “… masculinity is seen to be aggression.” This statement concludes that direct speech theory and forceful are used by male. Female is not only to stay at home but also she is able to do what male do, such as become doctor, teacher and president. According to Glover, David and Cora Kaplan (2000:24), “Women are supposed to be very calm.” With this statement, women are more composed than men, but women just as men feel. She can feel angry but she is angry calmly. Therefore, it makes women different with men.

RESEARCH METHOD A. Method of the Research and Data Resources The qualitative method is used in this research to describe several phenomena, including activities and situation that happen in the reality. According to Fraenkel, Jack R. and Norman E. Wallen (1003:380), “Research studies that investigate the quality of relationships, activities, situations or materials are referred to as quality research.” Based on the quotations above, so the researcher explains the teachers‟ utterances used in the classroom. The data of this research is the result of researcher‟s collecting data about the fact of phenomena of politeness strategy used by male and female teachers in the classroom by using observation.

The data sources in this research are four English teachers in Junior High School in Banjar. They are also as the respondents of this research. Two of them are male English teacher while others are female English teachers.

B. Technique of Collecting the Data and Research Instrument Observation is used to collect the data in this research. Besides, it helps to find out the result during conducting the research. Fraenkel, Jack R and Norman E. Wallen (2005:485) state, Naturalistic observation involves observing individuals in their natural settings. The researcher makes no effort whatsoever to manipulate variables or to control the activities of individuals, but simply observes and records what happen as things naturally occur. Based on the statement above, natural observation is possibly used to observe people‟s behavior or experience, phenomenon which happens around them. Researcher only records the phenomenon. Video recorder and camera are used as the instruments to record the process of observation to the respondents. Teaching and learning process is recorded using video recorder and camera is used to make the pictures for documentation. In this research, human instrument is obtained. It means, the instrument of qualitative research is someone who conducts the research, she is the researcher herself. As Frankel, Jack R. and Norman E. Wallen (2005:465) states, “ … and the researcher is the key instrument in qualitative research.” The observation is done in this research. It also uses video recorder to record the teaching and learning processand camera to make a documentation of the data.

C. Technique of analyzing the Data The data are collected from observation. The descriptive analysis technique is used in this research. Fraenkel, Jack R. and Norman E. Wallen (2005:468) states, “Analyzing the data in a qualitative study essentially involves analyzing and synthesizing the information the researcher obtains from various source (e.g., observations, interview, documents) into a coherent description of what he or she has observed or otherwise discovered.”

The descriptive analysis technique is applied in the three flows. Miles amd Hubermen as quoted by Satori, Djam‟an and Aan Komariah (2011:221), “Teknis ini diterapkan melalui tiga alur, yaitu: reduksi data (membuat rangkuman), penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi.” It means that the descriptive technique is used into three flows: data reduction (making the resume), serving the data and making conclusion. After finishing in analyzing data, it will be classified by using the categorization. Moleong, Lexy J. (2011:288) state, “Kategorisasi adalah upaya memilah-milah setiap satuan ke dalam bagian-bagian yang memiliki kesamaan.” It means that categorization is the effort to make a group of the same category. Data will be categorized according to Penelope Brown and Stephen C. Levinson strategies.

RESEARCH RESULT AND DISCUSSION This section displays the data completely which are the result of research activities conducted by the researcher through observation. She observed the teaching and learning process of four English teachers in Junior High School in Banjar. They are two male English teachers and two female English teachers. The data displayed in this section are the utterances categorization from every teacher. Teachers‟ utterances are displayed in the table to make it understandable. The other most important part is the researcher has added the column of context to show the activity of teaching and learning. 1. Male English Teachers‟ Utterances The first male English teacher is 54 years old while the second male English teacher is still young with 33 years old. The utterances are described simply but represent the whole strategies made by male English teachers. Male English teachers uttered 64 sentences. 24 sentences uttered in pre activity, 31 sentences uttered in core activity and 9 sentences uttered in post activity. Respondents used all of strategies in all of activities. Positive politeness and bald on record strategies are often used by male English teachers. Negative politeness is the next strategy used and off record is rare to use by the respondents. Positive politeness is used in pre activity and core

activity with the amount 22 utterances. Bald on record exists in all activities with the amount 22 utterances. Negative politeness also exists in all activities but it is only appeared in 19 utterances. Then off record is used in pre activity and core activity with the amount 4 utterances. Male English teachers used all of the politeness strategies. The politeness strategies are positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record and off record. Positive politeness is used by male English teachers in every activities, they are pre activity, core activity and post activity. They used this strategy in order the students will be interested in learning English. Thus, students will be expert in their English lesson. Negative politeness is used by male English teachers in teaching and learning process through questions. Male English teachers used bald on record strategy in their command. It makes the students respect them. Off record is rare to use by male English teachers. 2. Female English Teachers‟ Utterances Female English teachers uttered 94 sentences. 39 sentences uttered in pre activity, 47 sentences uttered in core activity and 8 sentences uttered in post activity. Respondents used all of strategies in all of activities. Negative politeness strategy is often used by female English teachers. Positive politeness and bold on record are the next strategies used and off record is rare to use by the respondents. Positive politeness is used in all activities with the amount 24 utterances. Negative politeness also exists in all activities. It is appeared in 41 utterances. Bald on record exists in all activities with the amount 26 utterances. Then off record is used in pre activity with the amount 3 utterances. Female talks active because they have can utter some word in a day. Lakoff, Robin Tolmach (1973:60) said, “Women have a large stock of words”. It means that female is able to speak more than male. It is proven in this research that female English teachers utterances is more than male English teachers utterances. Female English teachers used all of the politeness strategies. They are positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record and off record. Positive politeness is used by female English teachers in their teaching and learning activity such as to appreciate the students‟ task. Female English teachers often used negative politeness strategy. They often used questions to explore the students‟ ability. Female English

teachers used bald on record strategy when they give the clear instructions to the students. Off record is rare to use by female English teachers.

CONCLUSION After Male and female English teachers used all of politeness strategies. They are positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record and off record. Positive politeness occurs when the teaching and learning process was full of solidarity, for instance, giving appreciation. Negative politeness is used when teachers used question to explore students‟ ability. Then bald on record is delivered when the teachers express their expectation directly even it is an unpleasant feeling. The last, off record happens when the situation is relevant with the context which purposes to ease the hearer to grasp the teachers‟ expectation. Based on the data result, negative politeness is often used by the teachers in the classroom. They used questions to explore the students‟ knowledge. It is caused that a teachers‟ role is a manager. They have to manage the classroom to make the effective teaching and learning process. It is needed for their students‟ achievement. In the end, considering to the discussion and conclusion in this research, there are several suggestions. First, for the reader and the English teacher, politeness strategy is significant to use. Thus researcher expects that politeness strategy is learned more by everyone. Then, it is expected to be other researcher in the future, because several problems are still not investigated yet in the study of politeness strategy. The next researcher is expected to investigate politeness strategy in more specified field. For instance, it will be better to find out based on students‟ condition such as their grade.

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