The Acupuncture Point Book

The Acupuncture Point Book A Program of Study for Acupuncturists, Natural Healers, and Students of Traditional Medicine Just what you need... another...
Author: Jeremy Newton
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The Acupuncture Point Book A Program of Study for Acupuncturists, Natural Healers, and Students of Traditional Medicine

Just what you need... another Roast Duck Producktion

WHAT TO DO WITH THIS BOOK Use it! Take it to class, to clinic, to Clinical Theater and Clinical Rounds. Take it to the john, to the market, to the limit. Write in it, scribble on it, deface it - - it is designed to be written on, it adores abuse - - but do use it. What you most definitely do not want to do is to leave it on the shelf next to those Hare Krishna books you never got around to reading. This book is designed in a way to help you make sense and order out of the seemingly infinite and random amount of information about acupuncture points. Before you feel completely overhelmed by the amount of information catalogued, read the section on How to Study. The Acupuncture Point Book can be used as an expandable reference where you can spend the rest of your career tucking in those odd bits of information that keep popping up about points. Where else will you find just the right point for "sounds in the throat like a duck" (L.I. 18), or the stripper point for "wants to undress in public"? (St 42) Isn't it important to know which point was once believed capable of making your patient "turn green and die"? (Ht 2) We have to say - - no matter how odd or bizarre some of thes indications sound, we did not make up any of them. (Tempting though it was.) On the next page is a sample page of how each point is laid out. If you're learning all this for the first time, turn to the "How to Study" section before you make yourself completely bonkers trying to learn all this detail. And remember - - you're going to forget and relearn this material many times over before you really can make it your own, so don't be discouraged!

THE SAMPLE PAGE The book "Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text" forms the basis for how this book is laid out, but we have included functions from several other texts (See Functions.) We have tried to capture the gist of the meaning of the function as given by each of the sources used for this book. But, we are health care practitioners, not Chinese lingusitics scholars, and those who worry about the linguistic differences between tonifying, nourishing, benefitting, supporting, improving, augmenting, strengthening, promoting, supplementing, boosting, and aiding the function of an organ would do best to study from the original sources. However, you don't need to read Chinese in order to be a good practitioner, any more than you need to read German in order to drive a BMW. Indeed it is not our intention in any way to replace any of those original sources - - rather, , we wish to give you a working text that pulls is all together for you on one page that you can continue editing and updating as you acquire more information. (And more. And more. And more....) At the beginning of each channel is a Channel Summary that sums up the primary, luo, divergent, and muscle channels on one page. This information is all from the Comprehensive text, it's just harder to get to in that book. (We've frequently had to leave a trail of bread crumbs behind us while going into the Comprehensive text in order to find our way out again. For you masochistic types we have included some further tests in the back section of the book.

Point Number "Translated Name" Pinyin Type of Point (Jing well, Source point, etc.) LOCATION:

Point locations are based on information from Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion (CAM). IMAGE:

Point names usually refer to either the point's anatomical location or it's function, but some names reveal other historical or cultural facts. Knowing & understanding the name of the point can often help you remember either it's location or usage. We used a variety of sources in delineating point names. (See Bibliography.) FUNCTIONS: Information on point functions come from: Acupuncture, A Comprebensive Text. Illustrated Dictionar y of Chinese Acupuncture Fundamentals of Chinese Acupuncture Acupuncture Points: Images and Functions Dr. Richard Liao Dr. Richard Shwery INDICATIONS: These are mostly from CAM and Acupuncture, A Comprebensive Text. NEEDLING: Needling information is from CAM and Acupuncture, A Comprebensive Text. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: This would include emotional uses for points. Special thanks to acupunk extraordinaire Lonny Jarrett for his help in this realm. Many of the point references here come from him. POINT COMBINATIONS: Taken from various sources. Send us the ones you like. ANCIENT USES: These are uses that are not commonly used clinically today. OTHER: The first, boldfaced line of this section usually tries to summarize or differentiate the important points. This is where information from all other sources comes in. Our main source here is Dr. Shwery, who also refers to Felix Mann, Dr. Voll, Dr. So, the Beijing text, the Nei Jing, and other sources. The J. C. Darrus information was given to us by Peter Holmes. Also included is information from our other doctors we have observed and spoken with, and includes Dr. Liao's translations from Chinese texts not yet available in English.

HOW TO STUDY Self-evaluation and grades are not important, Serving the patient is important. Simple and genuine, Let your training be your compass. Respect yourself Learn to listen And remain open. - - Dara Eitrem Studying TCM is primarily the practice of learning to think in patterns, to make connections between seemingly unrelated events. When we were first students of TCM (in the early Han Dynasty), a theory professor told us that the study of TCM is a circle, and the information is often confusing and disconnected until you've been around the circle one full time - - which takes a year or two. This is no exaggeration. So if you find yourself totally confused after nine months of brain-grinding, Spleendrenching study, not to worry. The first time around the material you're learning a new language, a new way of looking at the world, a new way of organizing signs and symptoms. You get a pencil-sketch of the material. The next time around, more details get filled in, more understanding and clarity comes, and you have a fine pen-and-ink drawing. As your understanding deepens, the drawing becomes more lush, more detailed, more rich and multi-colored. Or, to use a less prosaic example, learning this material is like peeling an onion, starting with the hardest and most superficial layer, and then with each subsequent layer, getting down deeper into the core of it all. Our point here is this-- when first beginning to study points, start with generalities. Get the big picture first, the overview, of how the different categories of points behave. DO NOT MEMORIZE LISTS OF DETAILS OR YOU WILL MAKE YOURSELF CRAZY. We knew a young man who started out trying to learn every single indication for every point. He made mnenomics for each list of indications, like the ones you make to memorize the eight cranial nerves or the wrist bones. He went stone cold bonkers and dropped out by the end of the first year. His wife divorced him, his dog left him, and now he can't even get out of his own way. Don't let this happen to you. Seriously. Trying to memorize lists of things you don't yet understand won't work, unless you're cursed with a photographic memory. (If you are, just stick with it and see what develops.) START WITH GENERALITIES First, of course, learn the locations of the points. Location will tell you alot! Points located further away from the trunk of the body get progressively stronger. The points furthest away, the Jing Well points, are for reviving consciousness, draining heat, and general bad craziness, .You'll be needing those yourself, soon enough. The next points up, the Ying Spring points, are for fevers and draining very strong heat. Source points tend to congregate around wrists and ankles, and are more tonifying, or for chronic problems. Xi Cleft points, usually in a deeper depression halfway between the wrist and elbow, or ankle and knee, are just the opposite-- for very acute, excess situations. He Sea points around the elbows and knees have more to do with internal organ functioning, especially fu organ (bowel) disturbances. (See

the "Summary of Special Points" charts at the end of this section for further breakdown of point types.) This is just a quick overview of how a point's location and category can help you reason out what that point can do. Then, add in what the meridian itself usually does, which will always take you back to basic TCM physiology. For example, the Kidneys have an effect on the bones, the ears, the low back and knees, and the hair. The Source point of the Kidney (Kid 3) has the functions of benefitting the Kidneys and strengthening the low back and and knees, and its indications are for toothache (bones), tinnitus (ears), alopecia (hair), and low back pain. Next, once you understand the meridian's function, and the function of the type of point, then look to the point itself. Again, don't memorize details, such as every single indication. Memorizing lists of indications (this point for a cough, that point for a bloody nose, etc.) is a westernization of Chinese Medicine and is considered bad mojo. Points are indicated by their functions, because in TCM a cough can be caused by damp phlegm or yin xu dryness, and a bloody nose can be caused by excess Lung heat or Spleen Qi deficiency. Isolated Symptoms don't tell you much-- it's the diagnosis that counts, and remember the point here is to be learning patterns of symptoms and how they fit together to form a syndrome. The functions of points, then, correspond to the diagnosis (Clears Liver Qi stagnation, etc), while the indications are the symptoms that flow from the diagnosis. (Many varied symptoms, or indications, can come from Liver Qi stagnation. ) At first, the lists of indications can seem bizarre, unrelated, and strange. (As for us, this is why we got into this in the first place.) But each one ties into a function, or diagnosis, above. So - - learn the functions first, and the understanding of the indications will follow. Here's an example of differentiating points on the Lung channel. At first, they all seem so similar. How do you know which point for cough, or pneumonia, or asthma? Looking at the indications alone only overwhelms and confuses you. But here's one way of breaking it down, by point location and functions: Lung 11: The furthest one away, and it's for bad craziness (psychosis), reviving a person, and very strong heat in the throat-- not just sore throat, but tonsillitis. Lung 10: As a Ying Spring & Fire point, it's also going to be very cooling and for fevers. (Check the indications.) The function says Cools Heat in the Lungs, but it's the more surface aspect of heat-sore throat, hoarseness. Lung 9: As a source point, this will be for more chronic deficiencies of the lung-- and you can also see that this is the only point on the channel that "Transforms Phlegm." This gets into more chronic, longstanding coughs. This isn't the person with a sudden common cold or acute pneumonia-this is the person who's had the chronic damp bronchitis for several weeks. Lung 7: Shows up as the main point for Dispersing Wind-- for external Wind affecting the Lungs. Notice how the indications are all external Wind related-- common cold (headache, coughing), urticaria (hives, or "wind rash"), and facial paralysis, also seen as a wind-created phenomena. Note also the point's other function of Meeting point of Ren channel, paired with K-6. This means it will be used with K-6 for sore throat. Lung 5: As a He Sea point, this is going to relate less to the surface functions of the Lung (like Lu 10 or Lu 7) and have more to do with problems gone deeper into the Lung itself. The function says Drains Heat in the Lungs, and you find deeper heat problems like acute asthma,

pneumonia, bronchitis. Maybe Lung 7 didn't work, or the Wei Qi lost the battle, and now the external pathogen has vaulted past the surface and has lodged deeper within. Lung 6: As a xi cleft point, this will have the most excessive symptoms, and the function says, Cools Heat & Stops Bleeding. Not only has the heat gone deep into the Lungs, there's now reckless Blood, and the person is coughing or spitting blood-- a much more serious sign. Going over the channel in this very broad and general way starts to give you a feeling of the personality of each point, a sense of each point's special talents, as it were. Like members of a family, all the points on a channel, or all Luo points, or all Fire points, will have a resemblance to eachother. And, like members of a family, each point will also have it's own unique (and sometimes bizarre) contribution to offer. If you memorize indications at all, only memorize the ones that differentiate that point from the others, something that particular point does that no other does quite as well. And this is where the learning in layers comes in-- it takes some time and clinical experience to some of these things out. Later on, you will have to memorize more indications-- memorizing vast chunks of information is an unavoidable aspect of becoming a TCM practitioner. Which is why those Chinese doctors in the old drawings have such huge, rounded foreheads. (And you thought it was Jing lumps.) But, if this is your first time through the points, get an understanding of the basics-- don't jump in memorizing lists. Subsequent passes at the information will yield more detail.

COMPARING POINTS ON DIFFERENT MERIDIANS Once you've gone through and compared and contrasted points on the same meridian, a great exercise for later on (towards Midterms, for example) is to put all the points with similar functions together, and compare and contrast them. Put together all the points that aid digestion, or water imbalances, or stop cough, and see what tells them apart. Remember that each point is a unique entity. (Check the back of this book for a midterm and final that test you by the point's general classification - - differentiating the water points, the spirit points, the digestive points, etc. For example, there are points all over the body that Calm the Spirit. A breakdown of some of them: Ht 7

Calms Spirit


Ht 5

Calms Spirit



Calms Spirit


Kid 1

Calms Spirit


St 40

Calms Spirit


is a major point for insomnia, anxiety is for speaking difficulties like stuttering; also for bradycardia. helps nausea, vomiting, stomach and chest pain. is for reviving consciousness and shock, as well as seizures and psychosis Transforms Phlegm & Dampness-- for coughing and mucous

This compares just a few points, but you can see how each one is unique. Again, memorize only enough indications to help you differentiate what's special about each point. We recommend making cross-reference lists of similar points so that you can learn to tell them apart. For some people, learning the point name and translation will also be a good memory aid. Point names tend to refer to either the point's location or its function, and if the name stands out in your mind, use that to your advantage. (Don't go out and think the names are one more thing you have to memorize, though! Just use it if it's helpful.) Associating the point with a person you know who really needs it can be very helpful. Oh yeah, crazy Aunt Jane's point, how could I ever forget it!

UTILIZE ALL YQUR SENSES According to certain learning theories, people have a preferred mode of dealing with the world-- visual, auditory, or kinesthetic (touchy-feely). We say that the more you engage all your senses in learning, the better the chance of information sticking to you.... somewhere.... VISUAL For example, we color-coded these pages according to their elements to aid visual memory. You can take this a step further by putting a colored dot on each page that has an element point on it-a red dot on the fire points, etc. (Every time we think of St 41. we automatically see a red dot. We don't have to actively recall it as a fire point anymore, we just see it. Another visual aid to learning this is to make your own transparencies, just like those great old anatomy books with the colorful overlays. Draw a figure, or trace one out of an anatomy book, and draw the meridian over the model. Then layer over a transparent sheet of plastic, and

draw in the points, color-coding the transport points. Then, lay another transparent plastic sheet over that, and draw in the luo and muscle and divergent channels. Even though these things are all included in your textbooks, doing it yourself makes it yours, both physically and visually, and the transparent overlays are invaluable for later review. When you're studying the point, visualize very clearly where it is. Imagine the points popping up on your friends' skin. Visualize the functions of the points. The wilder and more bizarre the image, the more likely it is to stick. (Sexual references seem to be the easiest to remember). If the point clears fire in the throat, imagine flames licking at someone's Adam's Apple, and the point opening up a waterfall that sends up a cool fountain of clear, sparkling water that douses that flame. The language of Chinese medicine is rich in natural imagery-- use these metaphors to aid your understanding and memory! Make flow charts, diagrams, flash cards-- anything to represent the material in a way that's visually catchy for you. No textbook is going to capture it for you like your own drawing will. When learning point locations, visualize the points in relationship to eachother, not just how they line up along the meridian. Study horizontally as well as vertically-- for example, study all the points around the knee pint, or the row of points at the level of the umbilicus, or those that form a line across the neck. AUDITORY Reciting the point out loud makes you hear what you're saying more than just repeating it silently to yourself. Learn to talk to yourself. One student we knew made auditory tapes of what he wanted to memorize, and listened to them as he worked in the garden or drove his car. For him, this was very useful. (Be careful doing this in public places, though, as you will immediately be pegged as either an acupuncture student or a lunatic. An unfortunate reputation, in either case, and not the type of thing you want to get around.) Other things you can do is sing the points, or make up nonsense rhymes about them. This is where being in a study group is very valuable-- being able to bounce your ideas off of other people, instead of the walls. Learn the "phone numbers" (this is useful to memorize), and be able to rattle them off without thinking. The phone numbers are the numbers of the transport points. The phone number of the Lung, for example, is (976) LU-11-10-9-8-5. (See the first page of "Summary of Special Points.") Knowing the phone numbers will help you quickly figure out five element treatments, and it will help you to figure out source, luo, and xi-cleft points. Verbally rehearse the phone numbers until they are a conditioned reflex. Quiz each other verbally on them. Try them on the telephone and see if Hua Tou answers. KINESTHETIC TOUCH the point whenever you're talking about it or visualizing it. Let that touch become completely synonymous with the point's location. Get that point into your body's memory! If you're advanced enough, needle the point - - hurting youself is an incredible memory aid. TRACE the outlines of the meridians on your body, or on a willing partner's. (This could get interesting.) If you're going to trace out the Lung channel, start with your hand on your stomach, and trace downward into the lower burner, following the internal pathways, before coming back up and tracing the meridian along your arm. Do this every time you study the channel, until you not only see

it, you feel it, as well. Repeat out loud to yourself the course of the channel as you trace it and internally visualize it. We found that walking on a beach or in a park, or through the woods while reciting information aloud was more helpful than sitting in a chair reciting. Getting some movement in there helped alot. We knew one student who danced to the points! Be creative!

STUDY SESSIONS Remember that your attention span is only about 20 minutes long before you mind takes a vacation to the Bahamas. When studying, take frequent breaks. We have always operated on a reward system-- allowing something fun or different at least once an hour. We would take a break every hour to read a chapter out of a comic novel. Or, take frequent breaks to work on fun stuff related to TCM, like calligraphy, or playing with herbs-- something you want to learn, and aren't being temporarily forced to memorize for a test. Memory consolidates overnight. Do a brief overview of the material before going to sleep and glance at it again in the morning. You'll be amazed at the new insights and understandings that can come out a good night's sleep. (If, however, studying too close to bedtime prevents you from sleeping, then don't try this at home!) Review often. Review frequently. Review over and over. We can't reiterate or repeat this one enough times. (For advice, call your local Department of Redundancy Department to see if you should review again. If they say no, do it anyway.) Take tests over and over again; make up your own tests. Make up quizzes for eachother. Go back a week later and take them again. You will forget this stuff over and over again. It's completely normal and natural for your mind to periodically flush out what it thinks it doesn't need. (That's why they invented Mental Floss.) You have to keep re-entering that data until it's permanent. Eventually, your worst concern will be how to forget it all. Study groups are incredibly important. Study with people you like for a more painless review session. Study with people you don't like-- maybe you'll get more done, and learn to like them in the process. Learn as much as you can on your own and then review with your study group when you just can't face the material on your own anymore. Our study groups operated on a ratio of about 50% study and 50% gossip - - just the right mix. We always got a lot done and supported each other in the process. Help each other. Cooperation always works better than competition in an adult classroom environment and makes the learning process so much more pleasant. Share notes with each other and give each other feedback and frequent massages. Talk to students who are a year or two ahead of you. They will have developed their own systems and methods of coping, and we can guarantee they will be very happy to share their insights and study methods with you. More advanced students will be happy to act as models for you to locate points on, or study partners to review with-- they have to keep reviewing the material, too, and since it's more fresh in your mind, you can help them One of the best ways to really learn something is to teach it to someone else. Someone who's not getting it as quickly as you, someone in a more beginning class, someone who's just plain interested. Teaching it really makes it yours. And making it yours is the best memory aid of all.

SUMMARY OF SPECIAL POINTS Functions of Types of Points: Jing Well:

For sensation of fullness below the heart, abdominal bloating, epigastric tightening, neuropathies (tingling, numbness, burning pains). Revival points. Ying Spring: Treats fire in the body, fevers, and complexion changes. Balances fire & water in the body. Shu Stream: For dampness & heaviness in the joints, with pain, swelling, and tightness. Jing River: for respiratory problems, coughs, dyspnea, asthma, etc. He Sea: Bowel disturbances, rebellious Qi, diarrhea. Yuan Source: Where the Source Qi accumulates and where the extra energy for the meridian is stored-- a tonic point. Luo point: Connecting or passageway point. Connects with Source point in a "HostGuest" relationship. For diseases affecting paired meridians of organs within an element, or for imbalance within an element. Balances deficient or excess energy. Xi Cleft: Accumulating point, for acute and excessive problems. Especially used for blockages within a meridian-- energy stagnates here. Mu Point: Also known as "Alarm Points," located on the front of the body, generally used to diagnose organ problem by palpation, and used for tonification. Shu Point: Also known as Associated points; for tonifying or sedating zang or fu organs, located on the back, one per organ.

The Transport or Shu Points "The Five Element Points" Yin Elements:










































Yang Elements:






Large Intestine












Small Intestine












San Jiao






Gall Bladder

















Large Intestine
























Small Intestine
























San Jiao





















Lu 1


UB 13

Lu 9

Blood Vessels

St 25

L. I.

UB 25

UB 17


Ren 12


UB 21

Ren 17


Liv 13


UB 20

GB 34

Muscles & Tendons

Ren 14


UB 15

GB 39


Ren 4

S. I.

UB 27

UB 11


Ren 3


UB 28

TB 8

3 Upper Yang Meridians

GB 25


UB 23

Per 5

3 Upper Yin Meridians

Ren 17


UB 14

GB 39

3 Lower Yang Meridians

Ren 5

San Jiao

UB 22

Sp 6

3 Lower Yin Meridians

GB 24


UB 19

Ren 12

All Yang Organs

Liv 14


UB 18

Liv 13

All Yin Organs

POINTS SUMMARY Lower He Sea Points According to the classics, the lower he-sea (or Uniting) points have a direct, powerful effect on the associated fu organ, and are used to treat illness of the 6 fu organs. St 36


St 37

Large Intestine

St 39

Small Intestine

UB 39

San Jiao

UB 40


GB 34

Gall Bladder

Confluent Points 8 Extra Meridians

Xi Cleft

Lu 7

Conception Vessel


Yin Qiao


UB 62 SI 3 GB 41 TB 5 P6 Sp 4

Yang Qiao Governing Vessel Dai Channel (Girdle) Yang Wei Yin Wei Chong (Penetrating)

UB 59

GB 35 K9

The Four Seas: From the Nei Jing (Su Wen, ch. 33) SEA OF NOURISHMENT

For: abdominal distention or

Inability to eat

St 30

St 36

SEA OF BLOOD For: Body feels "big" or malaise for no reason St 37

St 39

UB 11



For: chest pains, flushed, dyspnea or

inability to speak

UB 10

Ren 17

St 9

For: Feeling of too much energy or fatigue & cramps in legs DU 15

DU 16

DU 17

DU 20

POINTS SUMMARY Window of Sky Points According to the Nei Jing, used for when the Yang Qi is unable to ascend to the head. Also used to unite the mind and the body. Accordingly, most of them are found around the neck. Symptoms, when offered, are from the Nei Jing (Ling Shu, ch. 21) Point


St 9

Severe headache, fullness in chest, dyspnea

LI 18

inability to speak

SJ 16

sudden deafness, diminished visual acuity

UB 10

severe muscle contractions & spasms, vertigo, feet cannot support the body

Lu 3

extreme thirst, nosebleed, blood ejection

Ren 22 SI 16 S1 17 DU 16 P1

Ghost Points

For the treatment of depressive and manic mental disorders. For manic cases with extreme heat, prick the 12 Jing Well points on the hand. Classically, the ghost points are to be needled in order. DU 26

DU 16

Lu 11

St 6

Sp 1

Ren 24

P 7


UB 62

L.I. 11

DU 23

ENTRY/EXIT BLOCKS XII 21 – I 1 (Spleen – Heart): They really want to be taken care of but have difficulty taking in to their heart. Lots of crying; losing control emotionally; obsession; I feel like I really want to take care of them; they’ll pull my heartstrings. I 1 Utmost Source is about connection to the heart of the Universe. Spinning out of control, lost connection with the source of love in the universe, nothing coming in. Evidenced in one’s ability to let nourishment into the deepest levels of the heart. The unbalanced relationship with intimacy may affect that aspect of self which is receptive to nourishment. Bulimia, anorexia, oral compulsions, insomnia. Weak unyielding heart overpowered by spleen compulsion. No amount of nourishment satisfies the heart (eating disorders might be heart crying out for love). Often an unbalanced relationship to one’s mother during formative years is significant in contributing toward the tendency of this block. II 19 – III 1 (Small Intestine – Bladder): Hard time letting themselves hear what their heart, or anyone else’s heart is saying because of fear. Inability to accept life as it occurs in the moment. The person’s sense of listening and seeing may be affected as one habitually rejects momentary reality. May evidence a complete inability to hear what you are saying. Person themselves may have predominant sense of not being heard or understood. On a physical level: TMJ, tinnitus, ear infections, dizziness, bladder and urinary dysfunctions. IV 22 – V 1 (Kidney – Pericardium): Can’t look others straight in the eye; extreme shyness, being really afraid to let anyone see them; like if badly burned in a relationship so they stay behind a wall. Symptom may increase when threat of intimacy is present. One’s fear of intimacy may continually extinguish one’s heart fire, resulting in emotionally cold and joyless presentation. The perceived threat of intimacy may disinhibit the PC fire, which blazes its presence. Mania and hyper-sexuality are likely tendencies. Symptoms may be heart palpitations, chest pain, fibrocystic breast disease or breast cancer, anxiety, insomnia and depression. VI 22 – VII 1 (Triple Heater – Gallbladder): Uptight; judgmental, bitter; no warmth to ease the judgment. Frustration from compassion not getting in. The function of GB empowers vision and TE represents the thermostat to the internal and external world as the outer frontier. Stagnation and the corresponding lack of clear vision that occurs when this block is present may undermine the TE function. Projection of one’s judgment onto one’s self and the external world as a result of receiving incomplete information from the TE, which likely results in anger (bitterness, resentment). Symptoms include migraines, TMJ, cataracts, teeth grinding and jaw clenching. VIII 14 – IX 1 (Liver – Lung): A hard block – Wood to Metal. Wood is stuck and frustrated; holding onto anger and resentment; Metal is really not controlling Wood (if you give Metal, it still won’t control Wood). Feel like shit about self. Unresolved anger and can’t go into the loss about the chronic frustrating situation. Can’t let go of grief. Also, there’s a sense of longing or emptiness that is deeper than the frustration. This treatment may remove the stagnation caused by repressed anger and empower the Lung function of grieving and processing one’s tender feeling so that the loss of the relationship may adequately be processed. The presence of an inflated pulse in the diaphragm position can indicate stagnation of Qi, heat or both. The presence of this pulse can result from divorce, opposing forces of the tender feelings being shoved down and the anger rising that causes stagnation in the middle and upper burners. Symptoms of Liver Qi stagnation and Lung Qi deficiency. These may include breast tenderness, sighing, gas pain, and shortness of breath. X 20 – XI 1 (Large Intestine – Stomach): Had a loss and haven’t grieved. Undigested emotional material is being held. Uncried tears (XI 1 Receive Tears). Letting go of the old and opening to the new. When stuck you get a sense of not letting in with underlying sadness. Wanting nourishment but can’t let it in yet. Characterized by the inability to let go of the undigested aspects of the past. A hallmark is the inability to cry. Physically, chronic sinusitis, nasal polyps, face rash, allergies and a wide variety of visual or digestive symptoms.

People tend to get the same E/E blocks. It varies whether or not it relates to the CF.

Alarm Points

LU1, GB24, LR14, ST 25, CV 3,4,5,7,12,14,15,17 Drawing #1of 2 Anterior Midline



Nipple Lino —

On the thorax, inferior to the

clavicular fibers of the pectoralis major muscle, level with the 1st intercostal space (at the sternum),

(approximately in line with LU 2 Within the Breast I nq Upper JiaoMu





Dove Tail PC Mu ! O-5

j ^^ O-5 Sun & Moon I.If Mil

Great Deficiency Heart Mu

I On the thorax, on the anterior median line,

' I 1.6 ACI superior to CV 16,


j at the level of the 4" intercostal space. I On the abdomen, on the anterior median line ! ? ACI superior to the umbilicus.

| On the abdomen, on the anterior median line

| A -j * c j 6 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

On the thorax, in the hollow m the intercostal space, on or near the

paramedian nipple line, (approximately in line with LR 14},

Heavenly Pivot Large Intestine Mu I On the abdomen, level with the Inferior to the thoracic cage,

center of the umbilicus, lateral to

inferior to the notch located

the rectus abdominis muscle,

anterior to the attachment of the

(3 ACI lateral to the median line)

10* rib, on or near the paramedian nipple line. .

Yin Crossing Lower Jiao Mu


| F7-8

i On the abdomen, on the anterior median line,

i A 7_ 1512 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

I fIO-15

On the abdomen, on the anterior median line,

I A -j4 c j 3 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

; fJJ

| On the abdomen, on the anterior median line

! A 5-15^ 4 ACI mfer'or t0 the umbilicus-

Pubic Symphysis Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008

from source images C 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

fk Bladder Meridian

flL BL 54 - 67 Equilibrium Middle

Conclyles of the Femur and the Tibia _ (deep to the Gastrocnemius) Ano



On the posterior knee crease, in line with the seam between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle.

Uniting Yang

A 3-7 13

On the posterior surface of the leg, between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, 14 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus.


Supporting Muscles

A 3-7 II

On the posterior surface of the leg, between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, 12 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus.


Supporting Mountain


A 5-15

On the posterior surface of the leg, between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, 9 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus.

Fly and Scatter

A 3-7

Junction Point

On the posterolateral surface of the leg, between the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles, 8 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus, (about one inch from the midline).

Foot Bone Yang


A 3-7

On the lateral surface of the leg, posterior to the peroneus longus muscle, 3 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, in line with BL 60.

kiinlini Mountain

Fire Point


A 3-7

On the lateral surface of the ankle, posterior to and approximately level with the prominence of the

lateral matleolus, in line with BL 61, (with the foot at a right angle to the leg).

\ Peroneus Longus: Muscle /

j f3

Servant's Aide

A 3-7

On the lateral surface of the ankle, in the corner formed by the superior edge of the calcaneus and the line posterior to the lateral malleolus,

(with the foot at a right angle to the leg). (One Of the 7 points for ED'S

1 f3

Extended Meridian


On the lateral surface of the ankle, 1/2 ACI inferior to the inferior border of the lateral malleolus, between the tendons (peroneus longus and peroneus brevis).

I Xi Cleft Pt. I f3

A 3-5

Drawing prepared by Kevin

On the lateral surface of the foot,

Sterling 9/2008 from source

proximal to the tubercle of the 5th metatarsal bone and

images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

inferior to the cuboid bone.

Capital Bone

| Source Pt. I f3-5 A3-7

On the lateral surface of the foot,

distal to the tubercle of the 5* metatarsal bone, in the shallow trough between the flesh of the sole and the bone.

Bone Binder

Sedation Pt.

|f3 A 3-5

On the lateral surface of the foot, proximal to the distal

head of the 5* metatarsa] bone, in the shallow trough between the flesh of the sole and the bone..

Penetrating Valley !Water Point 6


J JHoraryPt^-Spm!1^

On the lateral surface of the little toe, distal to the proximal head of the proximal phalanx.

Extremity \Tonification R of Yin

Metal Point

I Exit Point

Lateral nail point of the little toe.

f2 A3

Conception Vessel CV2-17

Within the Breast I NO _L

Lpper Jiao Mu

| » ,


j 0° me thorax, on the anterior median line,

' j 1.6 ACI superior to CV 16,

i at the level of the 4"1 intercostal space. i On the thorax, on the anterior median line, at

I the xiphisternal joint, I (8 ACI superior to the umbilicus).

1.6 ACI

Dove Tail PC Mu j O-5


Great Deficiency

Heart Mu

f On the abdomen, on the anterior median line,

j ^l 3 c

| 7 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

j ffc

j On the abdomen, on the anterior median line,

j a -, a c \ 6 ACI superior to the umbilicus ! f5-8

On ^e abdomen, on the anterior median line,

= /. -7_ 4 c j 5 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

Middle Duct j (3-8 I 0°tne abdomen, on the anterior median line, Mid. Jiao & STMea j A _ ,. 4 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

Established Mile

j f5-8

I On tne abdomen, on the anterior median line,

j A c_ * c i 3 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

00 I f8

j On the abdomen, on the anterior median line,

| A 7_ici 2 ACI superior to the umbilicus. Water Division

■ f5

\ On the abdomen, on the anterior median line

i A c_-h c j 1 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

Spirit Deficiency ]NO_L j On the abdomen, on the anterior median line, ] A 3_3Q ! in the center of the umbilicus.

CV7| O


I f8



I On the abdomen, on the anterior median tine, ! 1 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.


j f8

| On the abdomen, on the anterior median line,

I A.7-15 H'/2 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

F7-o j On the abdomen, on the anterior median line, A 7-15 ^ ^ ^^ inferior to the umbilicus.

| flO-15 j On the abdomen, on the anterior median line, i A 7_ 15 13 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

Utmost Middle


| fS

| On the abdomen, on the anterior median line

! f5

I On the abdomen, on the anterior median line

1^5-15^ 4 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.


superior to the pubic symphysis.

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008

from source images O 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Governor Vessel GV 3 - 14 Posterior View

Great Hammer

Kiln Path


A 5-15


A5-10 Body Pillar


A 5-30 Spirit Path

Supernatural Tower

Utmost Yang

Contracted Muscle

Middle Pivot

Middle of the

Suspended Pivot

Gate of Life


On the back, on the posterior median line,

in the depression between the spinous processes of Tl and T2.

On the back, on the posterior median line, in the depression between the spinous processes of T3 and T4.

On the back, on the posterior median line,

A 3-5

processes of T5 and T6.


On the back, on the posterior median line,

A 3-7 f5

in the depression between the spinous

in the depression between the spinous processes of T6 and T7.

On the back, on the posterior median line, in the depression between the spinous


processes of T7 and T8.


On the back, on the posterior median line,




A7-15 D

A7-15 Loins Yang

in the depression between the spinous processes of C7 andTl.




On the back, on the posterior median line,



in the depression between the spinous processes of T9 and T10.

On the back, on the posterior median line, in the depression between the spinous

processes of T10 and Tl 1.

,On the back, on the posterior median line,

in the depression between the spinous processes of Til andTl 2.

On the back, on the posterior median line, in the depression between the spinous processes of LI and L2.

On the back, on the posterior median line,

in the depression between the spinous processes of L2 and L3.

On the back, on the posterior median line, in the depression between the spinous processes of L4 and L5.

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2O08 from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.


Heart Meridian HT3-9 Little Sea

| Water Point [ f3-5

I A 3-7

With the elbow semi-flexed, on the flexure of the elbow, lateral to the pronator teres muscle.

Pronator Teres Tendon of the Biceps' Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Spirit Path | Metal Point



I A 3-5

On the anterior surface of the forearm, in the trough lateral to the tendon

(flexor carpi ulnaris) and ulnar nerve, 1 Vi ACI proximal to the anterior flexure of the wrist.


Junction Pt.


A 3-5

On the anterior surface of the forearm, in the trough lateral to the tendon

(flexor carpi ulnaris) and ulnar nerve, 1 ACI proximal to the anterior flexure of the wrist.

Xi Cleft Pt.

Yin Mound


! A 3-7

On the anterior surface of the forearm,

in the trough lateral to the tendon (flexor carpi ulnaris) and ulnar nerve, Vi ACI proximal to the anterior flexure of the wrist.


Spirit Gate j

! Source Point Sedation Pt.

A 5-7

On the anterior flexure of the wrist, proximal and lateral to the pisiform bone, in the trough lateral to the tendon

(flexor carpi ulnaris) and ulnar nerve.

Lesser Palace

Fire Point Horary Point 11» in-1 j> in


A 3-5

On the palmar surface of the hand,

between the 4ft and 5" metacarpal bones, on the distal transverse crease.


I Wood Point

] fl


j Exit Point

j ^ 3.5


Toniflcation Pt.!

Lateral (radial) nail point of the little finger.

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008

from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Kidnev Meridian Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/20O8 from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Yin Valley I Water Point ] f4 I Horary Point | A 3 i 5pm-7pm With the knee semi-flexed (and rotated outward), on the posterior knee crease, medial to the semitendinosus tendon, (medial end of the knee

crease; between the semimembranosus and semitendinosus, the latter being the more prominent).

'« I NOTE: i When working with KI 3, 4,

j and 5 check to make sure the | foot is at a right angle to the lej


Building Guest

I A 3-7

On the medial surface of the leg, anterior to the tendon of the gastrocnemius, 6 1/2 ACI proximal

to the level of the prominence of the medial malieolus, (usually in line with KI 7).

Returning | Metal Point Current

I Tonification pt.


A 3-7 XPS

On the medial surface of the leg, posterior to the

Sastrocnemius Soleus Flexor Digitorum Longus

flexor digitorum longus muscle,3 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the medial malieolus, (in line with KJ 3; level with and posterior to KI 8).


Exchange Pledges


Source Point


; D

I A 3-5

Stream On the medial surface of the leg, anterior to the

flexor digitorum longus muscle, 3 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malieolus, (level with and anterior to KI7).

On the medial surface of the leg, in the depression 1/2 to 1 ACI proximal to KJ 4 (distal to the fullness), (with me foot at a right angle to the leg).

Great Bell

Medial Malieolus

I Junction Point j A 3-7 I XP3


On the medial surface of the ankle, posterior to

and approximately level with the prominence of the medial malieolus, in line with KI 5, (with the foot at a right angle to the leg).




I Entry Point IA 3-7 I Sedation Pt. I XP8

On the plantar surface of the foot,


On the medial surface of the ankle, in the comer

Bubbling Wood Point] f5


Xi Cleft Point



formed by the superior edge of the calcaneus and the line posterior to the medial malieolus, (with the foot at a right angle to the leg).

Illuminated Sea

at the "point" of softer and lighter skin (approximately in line with the space

between the 2nd and 3M toes),

On the medial surface of the foot, inferior to the ruberosity of the navicular

proximal (posterior) to the ball of the foot,




On the medial surface of the ankle, 4 fen inferior to the center of the inferior border of the medial malieolus.

nit |f5-8 I Tonification VU A g_-|Q

Crooked Pond

With the anterior surface of the forearm across


arae Intestine Meridian

the chest, anterior to the muscle {extensor carpi radialis longus), close to the lateral end of the elbow crease.


Arm Three Miles;

A5-10 JXP9

With the anterior surface of the forearm across

the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, lateral to the extensor digitorum muscle, 10 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

Upper Angle


With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, lateral to the extensor digitorum muscle, 9 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

Lower Side


With the anterior surface of the forearm across


the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm,


lateral to the extensor digitorum muscle, 8 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

Warm Current


Xi Cleft Pt.


With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm,


lateral to the extensor digitorum muscle,

7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

Side Passage

! Junction Pt.

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, half-way across die width of the radius (in the hollow)

Extensor Carpi


3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

Yang Stream

= Fire Point

On the lateral (radial) surface of the wrist, between the stytoid process of the radius and the scaphoid bone, between the two tendons of the anatomical snuffbox (extensors pollicis longus and brevis).

Stytoid Process of the Radius

Source Point Entry Point

Joining of the Valleys

Scaphoid On the dorsal surface of the hand, in the depression

distal to the proximal heads of the 1" and 2°a


metacarpal bones.

Third Interval


j Wood Point

Tendon of Extensor

Pollicis Longus


On the dorsal surface of the hand,

on the posterolateral surface of the T" metacarpal bone, proximal to the distal head.

Second Interval i Water Point

Tendon of Extensor Pollicis Brevis

I Sedation Pt.

On the posterolateral surface of the index finger, distal to the proximal head of the proximal phalanx

Merchant Yang *

| Metal Point \ Horary Pt

j 5-7am

j fl ■

Lateral (radial) nail point of the index finger.


Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/200S

from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

fff Liver Meridian LR1-8

Medial Condyle of the Femur —


Medial Condyle

of the Tibia

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008 from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M.. inc.

Crooked Spring

With the knee semi-flexed,

on the medial knee crease, posterior to the condyles of the tibia and femur.

With the knee semi-flexed, on the medial surface of the leg, posterior to the edge of the tibia, approximately 12 ACI proximal to the prominence of

the medial malleolus, (1ACI distal to SP 9).

With the knee semi-flexed,

on the medial surface of the leg, posterior to the edge of the tibia, 8 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus.

With the knee semi-flexed,

on the medial surface of the leg, posterior to the edge of the tibia, 6 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus.

A 3-5


Water Point Tonification Point


Knee Border


Middle Capital


A 3




Xi Cleft Point

Insect Ditch Junction Point Medial Malleolus

Tendon of

the Tibialis Anterior On the anterior flexure of the ankle, between the tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus tendons.


A 3-5

On the dorsal surface of the foot, in the depression distal to the proximal heads of the

1" and 2nd metatarsal bones.




big toe, midway in the web between the 1* and 2"' toes.

Lateral nail point of the big toe,

the Extensor

Hallucis Longus

Middle Seal Metal Point

Supreme Rushing

Rwrtih PdlBMt Source Point

Walk Between

On the dorsal surface of the foot, distal to proximal head of the proximal phalanx of the

Tendon of

A 5-7

Fire Point Sedation Point

Great Esteem Wood Point

Entry Point Horary Pt 1-3 am

Dorsal View

ftft Luna Meridian Outside Marsh

| Water Point I G-5 I Sedation Pt. | A 3-5

With the elbow semi-flexed,

on the flexure of the elbow, medial to the brachioradialis muscle.


| XI Cleft Pt.

| f5

Hole On the anterior surface of the forearm, medial to the brachioradialis muscle, 7 ACl proximal to the anterior flexure of the wrist.

Narrow Defile

| Junction Pt.

! Exit Point

On the anterior surface of the forearm,

medial to brachioradialis tendon, approximately 2 ACl proximal to the anterior

flexure of the wrist, (distal to the fullness).


Metal Point


Horary Point 3am-5am

On the anterior surface of the forearm,

proximal to the prominence of the radial styloid process, medial to the brachioradialis tendon..

Very Great


it j Source Point j



medial to the tendon (abductor pollicis longus) between the radius and scaphoid bones.

Fish Region j Fire Point

On the palmar surface of the hand, midway between PC 8 and the midpoint of the

1" metacarpal bone, over the thenar eminence.

j Wood Point

Scaphoid Bone Trapezium Bone


On the anterior flexure of the wrist,

Little Merchant

Tendon of the Abductor Pollicis Longus

j fl I A NO

Lateral (radial) nail point of the thumb.

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008 from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.


Pericardium Meridian


PC 3 - 9

! Water Point



A 3-5

Marsh With the elbow semi-flexed, on the flexure of the elbow, medial to the biceps brachii tendon.

(If HT 3 is found in this medial location, PC 3 will be found lateral to the tendon.).

Tendon of the Biceps Gate of Qi Reserve


! f4 j A5

On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the tendons (palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis), 5 ACI proximal to the anterior flexure of the wrist.


! Metal Point I Intermediary! A5 On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the tendons (palmaris longus and

flexor carpi radialis), 3 ACI proximal to the anterior flexure of the wrist.

Tendon of the Palmaris Longus

Tendon of the Flexor Carpi Radialis Inner

Junction Pt. I





On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the tendons (palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis), 2 ACI proximal to the anterior flexure of the wrist.

Great Mound

Source Point Sedation Pt

f3 A NO

On the anterior flexure of the wrist, between the tendons (palmaris longus and

flexor carpi radialis).

Palace of Weariness

| Fire Point | Exit Pt. j Horary Point

I 7pm-9pm


A3 XP3

On the palmar surface of the hand,

between the 3™ and 4* metacarpal bones, on the proximal transverse crease.

Rushing into the

| Wood Point

I Tonification Pt.j


Middle Lateral (radial) nail point of the middle finger.

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008 from source images O 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

; Small Intestine Meridian SI 1 - 8

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008

from source images© 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Olecranon Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus Equalateral Triangle 12

Small Sea


'©Smut : Sedation Point


When the forearm is semi-flexed (palm towards the face), on the medial surface of the forearm,

approximately 1 ACI distal to the midpoint between the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon (over the fullness).



! Junction Point

A 3-7


XP6 With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, in the seam between the ulna and the muscle (extensor carpi ulnaris), 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.


! Xi Cleft Point

the Old


! A 3-5

With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posteromedial surface of the forearm, proximal to the head of the ulna,

(between the ulna and the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon).

Triquetral Bone

Yang Valley

| Fire Point

j f2

I Horary Pt, l-3pm | A3"7

On the medial (ulnar) wrist crease, in the center of the hollow between the triquetral and ulna bones.

Wrist Bone

B A 3-7

Source Point

On the medial (ulnar) surface of the hand,

in the center of the hollow between the 5* metacarpal and triquetral bones.

Back Ravine

Wood Point


I Tonification Point! A 3-7 On the medial (ulnar) surface of the hand,

approximately half-way along the 5* metacarpal bone, in the trough between the flesh of the palm and the bone.


! Water Point


I fl

1A 3-7

On the medial (ulnar) surface of the little finger, distal to the proximal head of the proximal phalanx, (at the junction of the change in skin color and texture).

Medial View

Little Marsh

Metal Point

Entry Point Medial (ulnar) nail point of the little finger.

{ n

1 A 3-5 Posterior View

Spleen Meridian SP1-9 Yin Mound I Water Point


Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008 from source images © 2O04 A.DA.M., Inc.

] f5-8

| A NO

With the knee semi-flexed, on the medial surface of the leg, posterior to the tibia, distal to the medial condyle of the tibia, approximately 13 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus (level to GB 34).



Xi Cleft Pt.

A 37

Motivator With the knee semi-flexed,

on the medial surface of the leg, posterior to the edge of the tibia, 9 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus.

i f4

Leaky Valley With the knee semi-flexed, on the medial surface of the leg,

posterior to the edge of the tibia,7 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus.

Three Yin



A 3-10 XP9

With the knee semi-flexed,

on the medial surface of the leg, posterior to the edge of the tibia, 4 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus.

Metal Point


Sedation Pt.


Tendon of the

Tibialis Anterior

[ O

I A 3-7

On the anteromediai surface of the ankle, distal to the medial malleolus and posterior to the tibialis anterior tendon.



j Junction Pt.

Grandson I


On the medial surface of the foot,

distal to the proximal head of the 1" metatarsal bone between the flesh of the sole and the bone.

Supreme j White ; Source Point


A 3-5

| Ultrary Pt. 9-11am

On the medial surface of the foot,

proximal to the distal head of the 1" metatarsal bone between the flesh of the sole and the bone



j Fire Point


! I onific ation Pt, A 3-5 XP1

On the medial surface of the big toe, distal to the proximal head of the proximal phala

Medial View

Retired White

] Wood Point

I Entry Pt.


A no XP1

Medial nail point of the big toe.



® Stomach Meridian ST 36 - 45

NOTE: The Xi Cleft point on the Stomach Meridian is ST j 34 Beam Mound. It is located on the anterior surface of the thigh, between the vastus lateralis and the rectus

femoris muscles, 4 ACI proximal to the knee crease.


Head of the Fibula 15

Tibia) Tuberosity

14 On tbe anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the crest of the tibia,

approximately 13 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus,

(level with the inferior border of the tibial tuberosity).

Leg Three Miles


EaurHi nParimit


Horary Point 7-9am 12

On the anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the crest of the tibia, 10 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the


lateral malleolus.

On the anterior surface of the leg,

lateral to the crest of the tibia, 8 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the


Upper Great Void

© 5


lateral malleolus, (level with and medial to ST 40).


Branch Opening

On the anterior surface of the leg, lateral to the crest of the tibia, 7 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the


Lower Great Void


Abundant Splendor

lateral malleolus. On the anterolaterai surface of the leg, lateral to the tibialis anterior muscle, 8 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the


Junction Point

lateral malleolus, (level with and lateral to ST 38).

Tibialis Anterior Tibia

Released Stream

On the anterior flexure of the ankle, between the extensor digitorum longus and extensor

hallucis longus tendons.

On the dorsal surface of the foot,

in the depression approximately halfway between ST

41 and the junction of the 2nd and 3"1 metatarsal bones,




(between the navicular, lateral cuneiform, and

in the depression distal to the proximal heads of the

2nd and 3" metatarsal bones.

On the dorsal surface of the foot,

on the lateral side of the 2"* toe, distal to the proximal head of the proximal phalanx.

Lateral nail point of the 2™1 toe.

Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008

Source Point

Extensor Hallucis Longus


A3 S3

A3 n


Sinking Valley Wood Point

Inner Courtyard Water Point

Hard Bargain Metal Point Sedation Point


0 Extensor Digitorum Longus (NOTE: You may find


XP6 from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Rushing Yang


Exit Point

intermediate cuneiform bones).

On the dorsal surface of the foot,

Fire Point

Tonification Point

Intermed. Cuneiform Lateral Cuneiform

! ST 42 halfway I between the hard,

j boney junction of the 2nd & 3rd metatarsal bones and ST 41.

Junction of 2nd and 3rd Metatarsals

Triple Ene gizer Meridian TE1 -10

Tendon of the Triceps Olecranon

Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus Drawing prepared by Kevin Sterling 9/2008 from source images © 2004 A.D.A.M., Inc.

Heavenly Well

m Sedation Point

I n-s xp4 I A 3-5

With the elbow semi-flexed, on the posterior surface of the arm, in the hollow medial to the tendon, approximately 1 ACI proximal to the tip of the olecranon.

! 16 ! A 3-7

Fourth Gutter

With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and the ulna, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

| NO

Three Yang Junction

I A7

With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and the ulna, 4 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

Assembly of Ancestors

Xi Cleft Point

j B

I A 5-7

With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and the ulna, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, 1/2 ACI medial (ulnar) to TE 6.

Branch Ditch

| Fire Point ] «5 I Horary Pt. 9-llpm| A5

With the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm,

between the radius and the ulna, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist (level with TE 7).

Outer Frontier Gate


Junction Point

IA3-7 IWith the anterior surface of the forearm across the chest, on the posterior surface of the forearm, Ibetween the radius and the ulna, 2 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

Yang Pond

Source Point

| B XP3


On the posterior wrist crease, in line with the fourth metacarpal bone.

Middle Islet

Wood Point

| B

Tonification Point 1A 3-5

On the posterior surface of the hand, medial to the 4* metacarpal bone, proximal to its distal head.

i Fluid Secretion Gate

Water Point



I On the posteromedial surface of the ring finger, distal to the proximal head of the proximal phalanx.

Rushing the Frontier Gate Medial (ulnar) nail point of the ring finger.

Metal Point

Entry Point


|A 3

NOTE: TE 7 is not on the ulna. Both

TE 6 and TE 7 lie between the radius and the ulna.

Arm Greater Yin Lung Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Begins in the region of the Stomach or Middle Burner and passes downward to connect with the Large Intestine. Returning back upward, it crosses the diaphragm and enters its associated organ, the Lung. Emerging transversely from an area between the Lung and the throat, it descends along the anterior aspect of the upper arm. Reaching the elbow, it continues along the anterior aspect of the forearm to the anterior margin of the styloid process at the wrist. From there it crosses the radial artery at the pulse and extends over the thenar eminence to the radial side of the tip of the thumb. A branch splits from the main channel above the styloid process at the wrist and travels directly to the radial side of the tip of the thumb. This channel connects with the Large Intestine, crosses the diaphragm, and is joined with the Stomach, Kidneys, and other organs. CROSSING POINTS: The Spleen channel joins at Lu 1 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Fever and sensitivity to cold, nasal congestion, headache, pain in the chest, clavicle, shoulder, and back; chills and pain along the channel on the arm. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Coughing, asthma, shortness of breath, fullness in the chest, parched throat, changes in the color of urine, irritability, blood in the sputum, palms hot; sometimes accompanied by distended abdomen and loose stool. DIVERGENT CHANNEL Diverges from the primary channel at the axilla, then travels anterior to the path of the pericardium channel into the chest, where it connects with the Lung before dispersing in the Large Intestine. A branch proceeds upwards from the Lung, emerging at the collar bone. From here, it ascends across the throat where it converges with the Large Intestine channel. LUO CHANNEL Separates from the primary channel at Lu 7, crossing over to the Large Intestine at Ll 4. Another branch follows the Lung channel into the palm of the hand, where it spreads through the thenar eminence. Symptoms of Luo Excess: hot palms or wrist Symptoms of Luo Deficiency: shortness of breath, frequent urination, enuresis MUSCLE CHANNEL Begins on the thumb and, after connecting with the thenar eminence, crossesthe wrist at the pulse. Proceeds along the forearm, connecting at the elbow. From here the channel continues up the medial aspect of the arm and enters the chest cavity below the axilla. Emerging again in front of the clavicle, the channel connects at the front of the shoulder. Above, it connects with clavicle, and below it connects in the Lungs, spreads over the diaphragm, and converges again at the lower rib. Pathological symptoms : Stiff, strained, or twisted muscles and pain along the course of the channel, in serious cases, muscle spasms over the area of the ribs; spitting blood.

SUMMARY: LUNG CHANNEL Phone Number: (SLX)-##### (Source-Luo-Xi Cleft: followed by the 5 Element points in order from Jing-well,Ying-spring, Shu-stream, Jing-river, He-sea) note: Memorizing the phone numbers as you go along and reviewing them frequently helps you all the way through school and especially through the Boards. It's one of those rare instances where repeatedly beating your head against the wall actually pays off. Phone Number: (976) LU-11-10-9-8-5 Tonification point: Lu 9 Sedation point: Lu 5 Lu 1 Front Mu point Lu 5 Excess & Heat problems Lu 6 Excess, Heat, PLUS Bleeding, coughing blood, etc Lu 7 External Wind, common cold, chronic sore throat Lu 9 Chronic & Deficient problems; best point for Phlegm Lu 10 acute sore throat Lu 11 tonsillitis, revival point Inspiration, completion of tasks Creates a rhythmic order and the space to take it in Without air things become stale, there is stillness and a void Pride and humility are of utmost importance. Forever trying to prove own worth Breathe, inhale, we deserve to exist, we have value Out of balance – unable to breathe in one’s own brilliance, unable to get a sense of completeness, have a good sense of emptiness inside, sense of deep longing for father, spirit, honor, completion. Holds the energy in the upper body, can’t get the energy down into the body where we hold our tears in and up, want to bring it down. Take the spirit of the heavens and bring it down into our human body, by doing so we create something of value and worth for ourselves and others. Points with relationship to metal: CV12, 17 GV 3, 12 III 37 IV 24 1.

Middle Palace 2.

Cloud Gate 3.

Heavenly Palace 4.

Valiant White 5.

Outside Marsh 6.

Greatest Hole 7.

Narrow Defile 8.

Meridian Gutter 9.

Very Great Abyss 10.

Fish Border 11.

Little Merchant

Lu 1

"Central Residence" Zhongfu

IX 1

Middle Palace (Chungfu) Central Treasury, Central Hall

⊥ 3−5


Δ 5−10


Entry; Alarm/Mu point of IX, DISPERSES HEAT IN THE CHEST Relaxes Chest, Tonifies Zong Qi, Tonifies Lung Qi & Yin, Regulates Lung Qi, Regulates Upper Jiao, suppresses cough On the chest, on a level with the space between the 1st and 2nd ribs, 1.6 ACI inferior to IX 2.

IMAGE: As the Front Mu point for the Lung, this is the central storage place or "residence" of the Lung Qi. INDICATIONS: Asthma


congested nose

coughing and wheezing

coughing blood and pus

excessive sweating


pulmonary TB

throat blockage

tumors and nodular growths on the neck NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.8 cun in a lateral direction. Never puncture deeply in a medial direction. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: The qi of this point is one's central treasure, the qi given by one's ancestors. This point helps get a person in synch with the "breath of the universe". OTHER: Works well for asthma and chronic bronchitis, emphysema, night sweats Lu 1 is a communicating point with the Spleen channel, the place where the Ying Qi starts its cycle through the channels First aid: drowning Spirit: Goes right to opening the spirit. One enters through the middle palace into the inner palace. The palace where god resides, it contains the essence of god. Brings security and restores connection with god and nature, give inspiration. For the person who is out of touch with the breath of heaven, where there is no quality or essence. When a person is overcome with grief this point helps move through the tears. Goes directly to the source of grief. A really special point, the Receiver of Qi. If it’s not there the lungs couldn’t function. The whole thing is about the light, the heavens coming in. The richness and joy of the palace should be felt every time we breathe in, the spirit bathes us with every breath with the quality of being able to take in. Good for Metal CF who is stuck, rejects praise or respect, who is inert or dead. Welcomes a person home to their sense of self. When metal is stuck the person rejects quality. Being able to receive praise and taking in pleasure of what’s been done. Middle is central to spirit, when person doesn’t know where to go next. The channel’s origin is ST (middle burner). Also good for stuttering and sensation of energy rising to the top of the body.

Lu 2

"Cloud's Door" Yunmen

IX 2

Cloud Gate (Yunmen)

⊥ 3−5


Δ 5−10


Dispels Lung Heat, Smoothes the Function of the Joints, Drains Heat in Joints, Disinhibits Joints, Eliminates Anxiety On the chest, in the depression which is found inferior to the clavicle and medial to the apex of the coracoid process.

IMAGE: The "cloud" refers to upper body or heaven's energy. The Qi of heaven and earth meet at the clouds. Cloud is also a name for the many small connecting channels of the Lung which meet here, and for the Kong Qi which enters the chest from the outside air. INDICATIONS: asthma

chest painful or depressed


inflammation of the shoulder joint

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.8 cun in a lateral direction. Never puncture deeply in a medial direction. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Cloud's door is for the person who's walking around in a "cloud". (The palace the emperor lived in was called "the imperial palace of a cloudless heaven", a place never obscured by clouds or confusion. Also for someone with heavy grief. Spirit: Useful when person is living under a dark cloud, the world is a very grey place and has lost its color, the person may find the world a difficult place to be in. They look up to the heavens but they cannot see the light of the sun and blue sky above them. The cloud may be so low that perhaps they cannot even see the highest branches of a tree or the birds flying overhead. Mental clarity has completely vanished through their loss of contact with their spiritual essence. A person may feel as though they are not clear at all of what they are doing, spiritually, mentally and physically. Their mental outlook is not in touch with the quality of middle palace because there is a cloud hanging over them, they are nearly well, but fuzzy and not clear. Very powerful for depression, heavy grief or if person is closed off. Clouds stand between the person and the heavens and here is the gate through them. People who always start with “I can’t” – this point clears away the murk of confusion and darkness and shows them that they can. Opening gate for mental clouds and fogginess – when person is having difficulty seeing and feeling joy and brightness in life and are preoccupied with what’s going wrong. Excellent for depression and heavy grief – provides renewed contact with spiritual light within and seeing the richness of life again.

Lu 3

"Heaven's Residence" Tianfu

IX 3

Heavenly Palace (Tienfu) Celestial Storehouse, Palace of Heaven

⊥ 4−6 ΔX


Window of the Sky


On the anterolateral surface of the arm, on the lateral border of the biceps, 6 ACI proximal to the flexure of the elbow. To find, the arm must be extended and rotated laterally at the shoulder joint, and the forearm fully supinated (anatomical position).

Disperses Wind Heat, Regulates Lung Qi

IMAGE: Tian fu is a name for the breasts. This point is said to touch the nipple when the arm is folded in toward the chest. INDICATIONS: •asthma



•pain in medial upper arm

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5-1 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: The character for palace, "fu" is the place in the palace where the imperial records are kept on each individual. Twelve gods live in the big dipper and they give each of us a contract to fulfill in this life.This is the palace in heaven that keeps the records how each person is doing in terms of fulfilling their contract with the dieties which hand out their destiny. So this point would be used for those needing to get "on track" with their destiny, their potential. OTHER: Window of Sky Point: connects mind with body. •emotional problems due to a lung imbalance

•for people who speak to themselves or won't speak at all

•possessed by a devil

•confused, forgetful, depressed

•nosebleeds •thirst

•carbon monoxide poisoning

•this point is responsible for the storage of respiratory gas •classically not recommended to moxa First aid: poison, especially CO2 poisoning Spirit: Deals with the quality of spiritual essence – the palace of the spirit and soul, the creator. A palace where the spirit can be fed, nurtured and revitalized, where all that has defiled it can be cleansed. Think of how the spirit moves through the middle palace and cloud gate to this wonderful palace. One of the most dynamic and spiritually uplifting points of the body. Can bring a person back into a lifestyle that is more meaningful, show them more of the essence of life which they have been missing. This point has a powerful psychological effect on all emotional problems arising from Lung disharmony – depression, claustrophobia, agoraphobia, mental confusion and forgetfulness. Very much making it possible to receive and let in. About their relationship to the rest of the universe, to what goes on outside themselves. This point is about trust, communication, receptivity, the place that is safe, one has what is needed. The emperor’s palace which brings clarity, peace, and stability to someone in darkness, and confusion. May need to take a person there only once and they will able to live for a long time on what they find there. There is some danger in opening this point too soon, may cause blindness and craziness. Important mental point for balance. Increases the capacity to receive, let in, open their relationships to the rest of the universe.

Lu 4

"Gallantry" Xiabai

IX 4

Valiant White (Hsaipai) Guarding White

⊥ 3−5 Δ5


Regulates Qi & Blood, Sedates Pain


On the anterolateral surface of the arm, on the lateral border of the biceps, 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the elbow with the arm extended.

IMAGE: Also known as "Clamp White" or "Protect White." The Lung ("white" or "metal") is said to be "clamped" between the two arms. INDICATIONS: •asthma



•pain in medial upper arm

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5-1 cun. Spirit: Like a source point to the first three points. It is a generalized spirit point. Epitomizes all that metal stands for, will give anything other Lung points will, but to a lesser extent. Wonderful cleansing point, supplements LU 3 with solidity and essence. More mental than spiritual – use in spring for courage and quality. Purest white, radiant quality of metal, valiant in the pure intention. Offers cleansing, revitalizing, freedom and clarity.

Lu 5

"Cubit Marsh" Chize

IX 5

Outside Marsh (Chihtse) Cubit Marsh, Pulse in the Arm, (sea point)

⊥ 3−5


Δ 3−5


He Sea: Water; Sedation; Point of Ho (autumn) Drains heat in the lungs Suppresses rebellious Qi Regulates the lung Clears lung Fire, Moistens Dryness Moves Qi Down, Regulates Fluid Pathways Relieves Exterior Opens the Bladder Tonifies Lung Qi and Yin, Clears and opens the Lung, Relaxes the Chest, Disperses Wind Heat Promotes expulsion of phlegm Benefits the joints On the elbow, approximately 1 ACI lateral to the tendon of the biceps, medial to the brachioradialis muscle.

IMAGE: "Cubit" is a term for the elbow, and "Marsh" is a description of the Qi as it spreads out at this point, and a reminder that this is the water point on the Lung channel. "Chi" is also a Chinese measurement, about a foot long. The ulna is called "chi bone" (as it is that long) and the elbow is also sometimes referred to as "chi." INDICATIONS: asthma (esp. acute)


•chest pain



•fullness in chest



•spitting blood

•swelling & pain in the throat (w/ cough)

•swelling and pain in elbow and arm

•throat blockage NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5-1 cun. OTHER: Good point for excess Lung heat: for disease gone deeper into the Lung itself

•trouble breathing in or out; shortness of breath


•person who cries easily

•axillary abscess

•lymphatic swelling

•sedation point on the lung channel

Spirit: Good for chest colds. Expels dampness for lungs. A very important point within the metal meridian giving determination and flexibility to the LU official. Excellent for depression, weeping and sorrowful. A marsh is where Qi flows tend to slow and spread out before continuing along the path. For fluidity, flexibility and determination (water within).

LU 6

"Opening Maximum" Kongzui

IX 6

Greatest Hole (Kungtsui) Collection Hole, Extreme Aperture





Xi Cleft Regulates & Suppresses rebellious Lung Qi Cools blood heat, stops bleeding Moistens Lung, Clears Lung, Relieves Exterior, Stimulates Sweating Regulates Pharynx On the anterior surface of the forearm, 7 ACI proximal to IX 9, lateral to the brachioradialis muscle.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Collection Hole", "Extreme Aperture", or "Biggest Hole" A reference to the Xi Cleft point's function of storing excess channel Qi, & this point's ability to accommodate it. "Hole" may also be a reference to the throat and Lu 6's ability to treat diseases of the throat. INDICATIONS: absence of sweating




•headache •hemoptysis

•loss of voice

•pain in elbow and arm

•pneumonia (w/ Lu 5)

•sore throat •tonsillitis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5-1 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With Lu 5 for Lung heat pneumonia OTHER: Similar to Lung 5, but especially for bleeding.

•Pneumonia, coughing, and high fever

•Xi-cleft points are often used for bleeding.

•Can also be used for other bleeding: nosebleed, bleeding hemorrhoids. Spirit: For extreme depletion and emptiness. Good mental and spirit levels – when there is a depth of grief that needs to be filled. Accumulates great wealth and quality like LU 9. Use when there is a sense of grief, something lacking or missing – a void that needs to be enriched and filled. Powerful spirit point – good to get warmth into the meridian. Good for acute chest problems. Channel Qi gathers here and can become excessive. For a sense of grief, something lacking or missing, a void that needs filling.

Lu 7

"Broken Sequence" Lieque

IX 7

Narrow Defile (Liehchueh) Broken Sequence, Eminent Vacancy

⊥ 2−3


Δ 3−5 XP6


Luo point Confluent point of Conception Vessel Exit point Junction; Master point of Ren Mo; Coupled point of Yin Qiao Mo Opens up the Lungs, regulates Lung qi Clears and regulates the Ren channel Disperses Wind Relieves exterior and causes sweating Stimulates the Wei Qi Transforms phlegm Opens the Bladder Opens the water channels, invigorates collaterals, frees the connecting vessels Descends and disperses lung qi Benefits the nose On the anterior surface of the forearm, _ to 1 ACI proximal to IX 8, medial to the brachioradialis tendon, where you fall into a depression. (2 ACI proximal to IX, just lateral to the radial artery).

IMAGE: "Broken Sequence" refers to a disturbance in the flow of Qi, which is broken because the luo channel begins here. "Lieque" is also an ancient name for lightning, a reference to the strong sensation of Qi at this point when needled correctly. INDICATIONS: asthma

•blood in the urine


•facial paralysis




•wind rash



•diseases of the wrist joint

•edema of the •stiff neck

•swollen pharynx/ sore

NEEDLING: 0.3 - 0.5 cun obliquely upward OTHER: Paired confluent point: K 6 of Yin Qiao

•Main point for external Wind: strengthens the dispersing function of the Lung; sends Qi and fluids down, as in upper body edema

•Maciocia: Calms the Shen and settles the Po

•Main point for common cold, rhinitis, sinusitis headaches caused by external Wind; hives

•Used a lot for chronic sore throat with its paired confluent point, Kid 6

•fatigue-- used to build energy of the body

•pruritis, dry skin, wind heat skin problems Spirit: Slight interruption in Qi flow because of junction. Similar effects as XII 21, tends to harmonize all officials with each other, especially partners. Almost everything can be treated with LU 7, it brings all officials together and brings harmony and balance to the other yin meridians on the arm. Also effects sex hormones. Good emotionally for worry, grief, sadness, especially when the person bears it in silence, can stimulate beneficial outpourings of repressed emotions. Release physical tension in the shoulders, shallow breathing, feeling of oppression in the chest, calms the mind. Middle of palms always hot and painful with pressure.

Lu 8

"Across the Ditch" Jingqu

IX 8

Meridian Gutter (Chingchu) Passing Ditch, Channel Ditch, Flowing Gutter

⊥ 2−3




Jing River: Metal Horary Point Metal; Horary 3am-5am; Point of Ching (late summer) Opens Lungs, Moves Qi Down, Disperses Wind, Opens the Chest, Relieves Exterior On the anterior surface of the forearm, 1 ACI proximal to IX 9, (upon the radial artery) just medial to the brachioradialis tendon.

IMAGE: The Qi of the Lung channel passes "across the ditch" of the depression at Lu 8. "Jing" is also a reference to Lu 8 being a Jing River point. INDICATIONS: asthma


•chest pain

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.1 - 0.3 cun. Avoid the radial artery. OTHER: Dr. Shwery has gotten immediate results with laryngitis with this point classically not recommended to moxa First aid: electric shock Spirit: Unclogs the gutters so things can flow, clearing out on all levels. Good for cynicism or a person “full of shit”. Cleansing, moving, relieving mental constipation and grief. Concerned with bringing in the vital Qi energy, the essence, the quality of the air to enhance and enrich out spirits and our minds and bodies. Gets rid of dead leaves and rubbish, carries away poisons and revitalizes the BMS, shakes up the official with a poker. Good for detoxifying on all levels. Can be used on any CF when trying to cleanse. May see spots, boils, colds, mucus and bowels blocked.

Lu 9

"Great Abyss" Taiyuan

IX 9

Very Great Abyss (Taiyuan) Great Abyss, Great Gulf





Shu Stream: Earth Yuan Source point Influential point of Vessels Earth; Tonification; Source; Point of Yu (summer); Assembly point for meridians (vessels); Reunion of arteries and veins Eliminates Wind and transforms phlegm Regulates the Lungs and stops coughing Opens & Moistens Lungs, Tonifies Lung Yin, Clears Lungs, Regulates Pharynx, Clears Channels & Collaterals, Opens Orifices, Transforms Damp or Dry Phlegm, Smoothes the Pulses On the anterior flexure of the wrist, between the radius and the scaphoid bones, medial to the brachioradialis tendon.

IMAGE: The Lung channel Qi moves deeply into the flesh here, as if falling into a "great abyss." INDICATIONS: Asthma


•chest pain

•coughing blood

•diseases of the radial side wrist joint



•pain in the eyes/membrane on the eye


•pulmonary TB

•toothache NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.2 - 0.3 cun. Avoid the radial artery. OTHER: For chronic and deficient Lung problems important point for phlegm: can be used as an expectorant, but may just decrease coughing. Not used as much for dry hacking yin deficient cough. deficient Lung Qi-- used as a tonic


•can use to bolster a weak pule (influences vessels)

•tonification point on the lung channel


•to influence trachea ( Dr.Voll point for tracheal CA.) First aid: asphyxia, collapse, concussion, food poisoning, insensibility, poison, shock Spirit: Depth of loneliness – use with great care and by invitation only. It is the Mother feeding the child. A reunion point for arteries, veins, use the point where there is a complete lack of order. No rhythm or regularity to the pulses – they are so unstable that they are difficult to read. Gives a cleaner picture of pulses especially if they do not fit the patient. Invites the Mother and Father (earth and metal), especially if abyss has formed between them. When a person is really “going under” on a spirit level – life is “going to hell”, losing self in the abyss.

Lu 10

"Fish Border" Yuji

IX 10

Fish Region (Yuchi) Fish Border, Fish Line

⊥ 3−5




Ying Spring: Fire Point of Yung (spring) Cools heat in the Lungs Benefits the throat Regulates Lung, Moistens Lung, Lowers Fever, Harmonizes Stomach, Sedates Pain, Sedates Cough, Dispels Wind, Causes Sweat, Clears Heat. On the palmar surface of the hand, mid-way between the end st processes of the 1 metacarpal bone on the medial edge of the thenar eminence.

LOCATION: On the ulnar side of the midpoint of the 1st metacarpal bone, on the junction of the red and white skin IMAGE: The thenar eminence where the point is resembles the belly of a fish, and is called "Big Fish." The pad on the palm below the little finger is the "Little Fish." INDICATIONS: abdominal pain



•emotional disturbances

•fever •hemoptysis


•infantile malnutrition syndrome


•loss of voice

•pain in chest and back

•spitting blood

•throat blockage

•tidal fevers

•tonsillitis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun. OTHER: Important point for sore throat to induce sweating

•influences intestines

•promotes lactation

•"In Lung troubles, needles Lu 10 and Kid 3." (Nei Jing)

•classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: Brings warmth to the Father itself – this fire is greater than any volcano. One of the most powerful points in the body. In earlier days the fish symbolized the father (god) and this point makes the connection between the patient and god. Brings tremendous warmth and heat to the BMS. Helps a person see that it is worth getting well, when a person has been blind to the warmth and comfort they need. Not dissimilar to LU 1, enriching and nourishing. Use with moxa if the lungs have gone cold. People may cling too much to the Mother (food) but we need to spend time with the Father (air). This point is also good when metal is cold, brittle and inert. Brings the warmth of fire into metal helping the “don’t touch me” cut off person who is locked up inside, lacking emotional warmth and receptivity, too desperate to communicate with the heart within. Use when grief gets so dense, inert, heavy, frozen that it is all the person can feel, this point will let them know that there is joy in the midst of all that they are bearing. Way to lighten up the grief. Moves cold, cut-off metal to a warmer and better place.Vertigo, great thirst. Moxa only after years of practice – there is a danger of melting the metal with the fire. Metal must be the correct temperature to function – it conducts heat well but doesn’t retain it for long.

Lu 11

"Lesser Merchant" Shaoshang

IX 11

Little Merchant (Shaoshang) Lesser Shang, Lesser Metal’s Note, Scanty Business





Jing Well: Wood Ghost point Wood; Point of Cheng (winter) Cools the Lungs Benefits the pharynx Revival from fainting Builds Wei Qi, Clears Rebellious Qi, Moistens Throat Regulates Rebellious Qi in the 12 Channels, Calms Spirit Restores Yang, Dispels Wind Heat Radial nail point of the thumb

IMAGE: Also translated as "Lesser Shang" or "Lesser Metal's Note." Shang is an ancient Chinese musical term which corresponds to the metal element. This is the most distal point on this metal channel. INDICATIONS: apoplectic delirium

•cervical swelling w/ throat blockage

•common cold



•infantile digestion




•psychosis •stroke

•tonsillitis NEEDLING: 0.1 cun. Or prick to cause bleeding. OTHER: Main point for tonsillitis used a lot for sore throat


•builds Wei Qi


•classically not recommended to

First aid: convulsions, insensibility, sunstroke. Spirit: Supplies enough Qi “to get by with”. Like the corner shop where one goes when they run out of necessities – gives temporary support, often used early in treatment. Relief from tension, worries, asthma, chest complaints. Has a tremendous calming effect on a person because you are able to fulfill some of the fundamental needs of the body, mind and spirit. Can help person get over a crisis period, critical stage. Grief and anger at the same time. This point provides a little of something which brings a quality of growth, flexibility and malleability. A reduced amount of Qi at distal end of the channel. This point provides the connection between wood and metal, the quality of a metal CF’s growth and planning will be affected. Best point for children with tonsillitis over the age of 7 (JR)

Arm Yang Brightness Large Intestine Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Begins at the radial side of the tip of the index finger and proceeds upward between the first and second metacarpal bones of the hand. Passes between the tendons of the extensor pollicis longus and brevis at the wrist and continues along the radial margin of the forearm to the lateral side of the elbow. Rises along the lateral aspect of the upper arm to the shoulder joint, then crosses behind the shoulder following the anterior margin of the acromion before turning upward. Just beneath the spinous process of C-7, the channel enters directly into the supraclavicular fossa and connects with the Lung before descending across the diaphragm to the Large Intestine. A branch separates from the main channel at the supraclavicular fossa and moves upward through the neck, crosses the cheek and enters the lower gum. From here it curves around the lip and intersects the same channel coming from the opposite side of the body at the philtrum. The branch finally terminates at the side of the nose. Another branch descends to St 37, the Lower He Sea of the Large Intestine. Channel connects with the Lung and also joins directly with the Stomach. CROSSING POINTS: DU 26, DU 14, SI 12, TB 20, St 4 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Fever, parched mouth and thirst, sore throat, nosebleed, toothache, red and painful eyes, swelling of the neck, pain along the course of the channel on the upper arm, shoulder, and shoulder blade, motor impairment of the fingers. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Abdominal pain, intestinal noises, loose stool; sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath and belching. DIVERGENT CHANNEL After separating from the primary channel on the hand, this channel continues upward across the arm and shoulder to the breast. A branch diverges at the top of the shoulder, enters the spine at the nape of the neck, and proceeds downward to join with the Large Intestine and Lung. Another branch ascends from the shoulder along the throat, emerging at the supraclavicular fossa where it rejoins the primary channel. LUO CHANNEL Separates from Primary channel at Ll 6 on the wrist and joins with the Lung channel at Lu 9. Another branch follows the arm to the shoulder, crosses the jaw and extends to the teeth. Another branch separates at the jaw and enters the ear region. Symptoms of Luo Excess: toothache, deafness Symptoms of Luo Deficiency: sensation of coldness in the teeth, fullness and congestion in the chest. MUSCLE CHANNEL Originates at the tip of the index finger and connects at the dorsum of the wrist. Ascends across the forearm and connects at the lateral aspect of the elbow the up the arm to connect at the shoulder. A branch encircles the scapula and attaches to the spine. The main channel proceeds from the top of the shoulder to the neck where a branch separates and connects at the side of the nose. The main channel continues upward, anterior to the Small Intestine muscle channel, and crosses over the head, connecting at the mandible on the opposite side of the face. Pathological Symptoms: Stiff, strained, or twisted muscles and pain along the course of the channel, inability to raise the arm at the shoulder, inability to rotate the neck from side to side.

SUMMARY: LARGE INTESTINE Phone #: (467) L.I.-1-2-3-5-11 Tonification point: L.I. 11 Sedation point: L.I. 2 Horary point: L.I. 1

MAIN POINTS: L.I. 4 and L.I. 11..........often used together L.I. 4....... stronger for Wind/Qi L.I. 11..... stronger for Heat/Blood L.I. 5 headaches (L.I. 4 used more), stop smoking L.I. 6 facial edema, breathing L.I. 7 mouth & tongue inflammations L.I. 8 Small Intestine L.I. 9 Large Intestine L.I. 10 Stomach and abdomen pains L.I. 11 especially for high fevers L.I. 14 eye problems/ psychic powers L.I. 15 shoulder problems L.I. 16 spitting/coughing blood L.I. 18 used more than 17 for local problems L.I. 20 sinuses/ Wind Heat

LARGE INTESTINE Letting go means many things – attitude, position, way of being in a situation that is not engaging life in the fullest way, allowing things to be imperfect Unallowing of situations as it is Negativity that pollutes the BMS when not in balance is immense – things are never good enough, not good enough.” Metal is about the exchange through the skin between environment and the interior. Pores being able to breathe, allowing for life to cross over, flow into one’s own body. Loss – gap between what was or might have been and what is now. Guilt – is not movement, it is stagnation, non-moving energy – the positive guilt is regret, where acknowledging it allows movement, letting go of that which was inadequate or not perfect in some way. If a person does not let go of loss – lack of self-respect, broken, empty, weighted down. Remember this is not a season to rush for answers, just let go and hen the time comes things will happen, no action at all (wu wei) is often the best action. Grants the capacity for letting go and change. Where unfinished business is allowed closure. Self-worth. 1.

Merchant Yang 2.

Second Interval 3.

Third Interval 4.

Joining of the Valleys 5.

Yang Stream 6.

Side Passage 7.

Warm Current 8.

Lower Side 9.

Upper Angle 10.

Arm Three Miles 11.

Crooked Pond 12.

Elbow Bone 13.

Arm Five Miles 14.

Outer Bone of the Arm 15.

Shoulder Joint 16.

Great Bone 17.

Heavenly Vessel 18.

Support and Rush Out 19.

Grain Bone 20.

Welcome Fragrance

L.I. 1

"Trade Yang" Shangyang

X 1

Merchant Yang (Shangyang) Merchant’s Note Yang, Commercial Sunlight





Jing Well: Metal Horary point 5am-7am; Point of Cheng (winter) Disperses Wind Heat Benefits the throat Stimulates Mind, Clears Yang Ming Heat, Clears Pharynx, Opens Orifices, Sedates Pain, Spreads Lung Qi Clears lung fire Calms the spirit Radial nail point of the index finger.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Shang Yang" or "Metal's Note Yang." Shang is an ancient Chinese musical term that corresponds to the metal element. L.I. 1 is the first point on the Large Intestine channel-both metal & yang. INDICATIONS: apoplectic coma



•finger numb

•high fever

•sore throat

NEEDLING: 0.1 cun. Or prick to cause bleeding. POINT COMBINATIONS: Bleed with L.I. 11 for tonsillitis OTHER: L.I. 4 used more often sometimes for acne

•RS: good results for finger arthritis

•classically not recommended to moxa

First Aid: toothache Spirit: Revitalization and resurrection point. If person is cold and cannot communicate or see clearly, this point is good as the first step in removing the mask so they will be more honest. Person may be stubborn, withdrawn or clogged with rubbish, this point allows the direct communication with the essence of the meridian. Commonly used with LU 8 for cleaning stuff out on a physical level. Gives the ability to exchange something – a merchant – used with LU 8 to clear things out. Clearing out stuff allows for new inspiration and for taking it to the outside world. Sense of purity and wholeness. Good for those never good enough which can show up as ruminating and circular because person cannot let go. Excellent point as a first step to soften and warm a person wearing a cold metallic mask so they will be more honest. Helps to communicate with the outside. Horary shakes up the official, brings yang if deficient of heat and vitality. Point can assist with letting go or holding on.

LI 2

"Between Two" Erjian

X 2

Second Interval (Erhchien) Second Space, Double Space, (spring point)



Δ3 XP 9


Ying Spring: Water Sedation; Point of Yung (spring) Moistens Throat, Dispels Heat, Clears Pharynx, Dispels Wind Heat, Stimulates Channels, Sedates Pain On the posterolateral surface of the index finger, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Second Interval;" a reference to this point being second on the channel. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis



•sore throat


•trigeminal neuralgia

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.2 - 0.3 cun. POINT COMBINATIONS: ANCIENT USES: OTHER: stuffy nose & head (not as common)

blurring of vision

•sedation point: for heat constipation


Spirit: Controls the water balance within metal. Best point for constipation, especially the hard dry kind – lack of fluid necessary for peristalsis. For the second interval of time around in life situation like career change. Water helps to oil the rigid areas of life.

LI 3

"Between Three" Sanjian

X 3

Third Interval (Sanchien) Third Space, Triple Space, (stream point)





Shu Stream: Wood Point of Yu (summer) Benefits and moistens the throat Regulates the Bowels Sedates Heat Brightens the eyes Dispels (local) wind Resolves Constipation Transforms Damp Heat, On the dorsal surface of the hand, immediately proximal and radial to nd the head of the 2 metacarpal bone.

LOCATION: When a loose fist is made, the point is on the radial side of the index finger, in the depression proximal to the head of the second metacarpal bone IMAGE: Also known as "Third Crevice", a reference to this point being third on the channel. INDICATIONS: eyes painful

•inflammation of dorsum of hand

trigeminal neuralgia


•sore throat


NEEDING: 0.5 - 0.8 cun. OTHER: sometimes for diarrhea/gas Mann: for someone who likes to stretch himself Spirit: Use when a person needs space, an interval to allow what has happened in previous treatments to go through naturally. Third interval = changes. Wood in metal assists someone stuck in anger as a reaction to loss. Tremendous effect on children, especially with throat disorders, constipation or diarrhea.

LI 4

"Adjoining Valleys" Hegu

X 4

Joining of the Valleys (Hoku) Adjoining Valleys, Union Valley, Meeting of Valleys



Δ 5-7 XP 1


Source point Entry point Point for acupuncture blackout; Center Reunion General Point of Yang; Center of Energy Disperses Wind, Relieves exterior conditions Suppresses pain and clears the channels Aids in Labor, Benefits Tongue, Calms the Spirit, Clears Dry Phlegm, Clears Lung Heat and Fire, Clears Summer Heat, Clears the Nose, Moistens Dryness, Opens & Brightens Eyes, Opens the Orifices, Promotes or Restrains Sweat, Strengthens the Wei Qi, Reduces Fever, Regulates & Moistens Large Intestine, Regulates & Tonifies Qi, Regulates Qi & Blood, Relaxes the tendons, Restores Collapsed Yang, Softens Hard Masses, Transforms Dampness, (whew!) On the dorsal surface of the hand, in the angle between the proximal st nd ends of the 1 and 2 metacarpal bones.

IMAGE: Refers to the two "valleys" formed between the extensor digitorum & Extensor Pollicus when the thumb is abducted. INDICATIONS: aborting dead fetus


•common cold


•diseases of the sensory organs

•facial edema

•facial paralysis



•"locked jaw" due to stroke

•membrane on the eye

•mouth and face awry

•neurasthenia ( can include fatigue, nerves, anxiety, insomnia, weak tired and irritable)


•pain in general

•pain in the eyes


•throat blockage

•tidal fevers


•wind rash NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1 cun. Contraindicated in pregnancy. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY: PULLS THE QI DOWNWARD OTHER: Very powerful Qi point

•Main point for Wind and dispersing external conditions

•Main point for pain

•Main point for headache: esp. frontal and sinus HA's as well as HA from external evil

•Main point for head, face, and sensory organs: allergies, hayfever, watery eyes, acne, herpes, dental anesthesia

•Main point for immunity: builds leukocyte counts

•For autoimmune disorders-- rheumatoid arthritis

•CAM: for abdomen pain, constipation, intestinal blockage, diarrhea, dysentery First Aid: dull pains, earache, fainting, food poisoning, poison, toothache Spirit: This point and III 59 are the best points for removing toxins and poisons from the body/mind. Both are known as the “Great Eliminator – this is especially true in mental disorders. You may get an emotional discharge after treatment as it eventually brings calmness to the body/mind. Important revival point. Very powerful point, good to moxa. Physical level for sinuses, teeth, constipation, etc. Detoxify alcoholics and drug addicts, after chemotherapy or overdose. Bridging the gap between what was and what is now. Nourishes and moves Qi, a valley to gather the energy to let go when a person doesn’t know what is next – it is pure action of the moment. Treatment for colds, releasing the exterior elements lodged inside. Opens pores, especially good if there is a sense of isolation. Gives someone the energy to bridge the gap. Classic point for pain.

LI 5

"Yang Creek" Yangxi

X 5

Yang Stream (Yanghsi) Yang Ravine, Creek of Yang





Jing River: Fire Fire; Point of Ching (late summer) Expels Wind and Fire Releases the exterior Calms Spirit Clears Yang Ming Heat Sedates Pain Transforms Damp Heat Benefits the throat On the radial edge of the wrist, between the styloid process of the radius and the base of the scaphoid bone, between the extensor pollicis longus and brevis, in the anatomical snuffbox.

IMAGE: The Yang Qi of the channel moves through the "stream-like" depression in which this point sits. INDICATIONS: deafness


•diseases of the soft tissue of the wrist joint

•eyes red & painful


•inability to flex arm at elbow

•infantile digestion

•membrane on the eye


•pain in the root of the tongue

•throat blockage (sore throat)


•toothache NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. OTHER: Good for smoking withdrawal muscular strain in the back

•skin problems (wind heat) with itching

•headache that feels like wearing a hat on top of the head

•crazy speech and laughter

•patient visited by specters

•snakebite Spirit: Powerful mental point that filters to the spirit level. Good for bringing warmth and clearing the mind. Big detoxifying point, clean out the mental level, excess negativity, excellent with X 4. For people who see ghosts and spirits, insanity. Brings stability to a person. Softens and lightens metal, saying that yes this is a bog loss but it doesn’t have to be all that terrible, let’s find some lightness in the moment. Particularly useful when a person has experiences of several losses at once – with too much to deal with, this point can help to manage the moment. Helps a person from getting caught in it. Sad and inadequate, not good enough. Good for letting go of blocks which lead to depression and lethargy. For people who don’t want to hear and especially speak. Brings warmth to metal when it is cold and brittle. Excellent for tinnitus, deafness, blocked Eustachian tubes.

LI 6

"Partial Order" Pianli

X 6

Side Passage (Pienli) Deviated Passage,Veering Passage, Slanting Passage



Δ 5-7


Luo point Junction Clears the Lungs, Moistens Dryness, Regulates the waterways (esp upper body/facial edema) Dispels Heat & Fire Disperses Wind, Moistens Throat Frees Channels & Connecting Vessels On the posterior radial surface of the forearm, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, along the radius (with the arm across the chest)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Deviated Passage" or "Veering Passage", the name refers to the Luo channel which leaves the main channel to connect with the source point of the Lung at Lu 9. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis

•neuralgia of forearm



NEEDLING: 0.5 - 0.8 cun. Perpendicularly or obliquely. OTHER: Luo point: used more for the Lungs for clearing upper body waterways Edema

•difficulty breathing

•tightening in chest

•Mann: retention of urine Spirit: Good mental point for confusion. The end of a period past, passage out of time. Let go of a hard experience, end the ruminating, end the situation in the way they have known it. Things get old – freshness is needed. Put the situation behind them. Especially good for retention of urine or feces. Junction when person is extremely anxious, afraid, insane, suicidal – the yin and yang are being torn apart.

LI 7

"Warm Slide" Wenliu

X 7

Warm Current (Wenliu) Temperate Flow, Warm Flow



Δ 5-30


Xi Cleft Clears Heat, disperses Wind Regulates Stomach and Intestine Benefits and moistens the Throat Benefits the tongue Regulates Spleen, Dispels Damp from Spleen Sedates pain Transforms Damp On the posterior (radial) surface of the forearm, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, on the radial border of the extensor digitorum communis (with the arm across the chest)

IMAGE: The warm Yang Qi of the channel is said to "flow" or "slide" into this point. L.I. 7 is said to cause sweating by warming the channels. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis


•parotitis (mumps)

•sore throat


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun. OTHER: Special for mouth and tongue inflammations: stomatitis, glossitis, herpes, mouth ulcers, canker sores Mann: for those who see devils, are good at belching, and for depression Spirit: Commonly used to warm the LI official if metal is really cold. A person feels absolute despair and total madness – sees no good in life. Point warms the cold inert metal and releases imbedded mental level things. Aids LI moving.

LI 8

"Lower Integrity" Xialian

X 8

Lower Side (Hsialien) Lower Angle, Lower Ridge





Dispels Wind & Heat, Clears the Channels, Sedates Pain, Regulates Spleen & Stomach On the posterior surface (radial) of the forearm, 8 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, on the radial border of the Ext. Dig. Communis. (with the arm across the chest)

IMAGE: Sometimes translated as "Lower border". L.I. 8 is near the border of the yang and yin sides of the forearm and below the elbow. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain




•pain of elbow and arm

•painful eyes

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun. OTHER: Associated with the Small Intestine at ST 39 also for blood in the urine (heat in Small Intestine) Spirit: Aids LI in moving.

LI 9

X 9

"Upper Integrity" Shanglian

Upper Angle (Shanglien) Upper Ridge



Clears Channels, Invigorates Collaterals, Regulates Qi of Fu Organs

Δ 5-10


On the posterior surface (radial) of the forearm, 9 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, on the radial border of the ext. dig. communis. (with the arm across the chest)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Upperborder". INDICATIONS: Hemiplegia

•intestinal noises and abdominal pain

•numbness of arms and legs

•sprain NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun. OTHER: Associated with the Large Intestine at St 37

•For a person with abdominal pain, palpate L.I. 8 and L.I. 9 to determine location and use these points if tender Spirit: Body/mind is telling a person to slow down, for someone who is overworked and mentally stressed. Aids in moving LI.

LI 10

"Arm's Three Measures" Shousanli

X 10

Arm Three Miles (Shou sanli)



Δ 5-10 XP9


Expels Wind (not colds & flu, but intestinal wind, arm pain, & edema) Regulates the Stomach Benefits the Intestines Benefits Digestion Disinhibits the Intestines Moves Qi, Invigorates Qi & Blood Softens Hard Masses, Invigorates the Channels Tonifies Qi On the posterior (radial) surface of the forearm, 10 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, on the radial border of the ext. dig. communis (with the arm across the chest)

IMAGE: Arm Three Miles (like St 36's "Leg Three Miles") is a reference to the point's function of increasing arm strength. This may also be a reference to L.I. 10's ability to affect all three burners. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain




•loss of voice

•pain in shoulder & arm

•paralysis of upper limb (stroke)

•scrofula (lymph swellings)


•swelling of mandible and cheek



•vomiting w/ diarrhea NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun. OTHER: Associated with the Stomach, connected with and often used with St 36

•shoulder pain/elbow pain/tennis elbow

•has more colon/intestinal indications than other colon points. Is

•mostly used for stomach/abdomen pains, ulcers, elbow problems

•general achiness/rheumatism

•general circulation-- cold hands & feet Spirit: Intellectual exhaustion. Forbidden ninth month of pregnancy. Aids LI in moving. Excellent for circulatory disorders especially in the extremities.

LI 11

"Crooked Pool" Quchi

X 11

Crooked Pond (Chuchih) Pool in the Bend

⊥ 5−8


Δ 5-10


He Sea: Earth Ghost point Tonification; Point of Ho (autumn) Eliminates Wind and Exterior conditions Cools Heat and alleviates Dampness Regulates The Blood Benefits and moistens the Large Intestine, Benefits shoulder, Benefits the tendons, Clears Blood Heat, Clears Channels, Clears Fire, Disinhibits the joints, Drains bad Qi from Lungs, Invigorates the Blood, Moistens Dryness, Reduces Fever, Regulates Lung Qi, Regulates Qi & Blood, Regulates the ying and blood, Softens Hard Masses, Stimulates Sweat On the anterior surface of the forearm, move from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus toward the elbow crease over the muscle and into the first hole. (with the arm across the chest, the point lies between the lateral end of the elbow crease and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus)

IMAGE: The Qi of the channel "pools" here at the "crooked" bend of the elbow. INDICATIONS: allergies


•arthritic pain in upper limb

•dry & parched skin

•eyes red & painful




•high fever


•hypertension (w/ St 36, excess yang)

•little menstrual flow


•nodular growths in the neck


•skin diseases

•throat blockage


•wind rash NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.0 - 1.5 cun. OTHER: Main point for skin diseases

•Main point for high fever

•Also a general tonic point-- builds immune system-- for lassitude

•tonification point on the Large Intestine channel

•CAM: abd. pain, vomiting, dysentery from damp



•Parkinson's disease, tremors

•hot flashes (Dr. Shwery: good results) Spirit: More for physical level than spirit. Generalized effect, good with moxa, gives a big pulse change. This point treats internal devils and gives stability in epilepsy, depression and insanity. Earth within provides stability while in the process of letting go. Ponds are moist and fertile, good for getting rashes out of the skin, pulling the heat out. Good for poison ivy. Eye disorders especially those with redness and pain.

LI 12

"Elbow Seam" Zhouliao

X 12

Elbow Bone (Chouliao) Elbow Bone Hole





Clears Channels, Invigorates Collaterals, Promotes Smooth Function of Joints On the lateral surface of the arm, 2 ACI proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Elbow Crevice". A reference to L.I. 12's location. INDICATIONS: pain in the elbow and arm

•inflammation lateral epicondyle of humerus


•spasm or numbness of arm NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: not used much other than for local tendonitis, tennis elbow

LI 13

X 13

"Five Measures on the Arm" Shouwuli

Arm Five Miles (Shou wuli) Five Miles



Clears Channels and Invigorates the Collaterals, Benefits the Joints



On the lateral surface of the arm, 3 _ ACI proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

INDICATIONS: coughing blood

•pain of the elbow and arm




NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Yellow Emperor: a forbidden point to needle – may cause exhaustion of energies on the 5 vital points – welling, outpouring, flowing, terminal and point of lake.

LI 14

"Arm and Scapula" Binao

X 14

Outer Bone of the Arm (Pinao) Upper Arm’s Musculature, Upper Arm



Δ 3-7


Clears the channels and the vision Brightens the eyes Dispels Wind & Wind Heat Invigorates Collaterals Promotes Circulation of Qi & Blood, Stops Pain Transforms phlegm and masses (goiter) On the anterolateral surface of the arm, approximately 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the elbow, on the distal border of the “V” insertion of the deltoid.

IMAGE: Refers to anatomical location INDICATIONS: any eye diseases

•chills and fever (little used)

•pain in shoulder and neck

•pain in the arm & shoulder

•paralysis of upper limb

•scrofula NEEDLING: Perpendicularly or obliquely upward 0.8 - 1.5 cun OTHER: increases psychic energies and abilities

L.I. 4

•neck stiffness/ neck pain

•not used for eye disease as much as

First Aid: concussion Spirit: Connects body and spirit, inside and outside worlds. Let’s the person’s arms reach out for inspiration. Used with 15 and 16 locally and for mental clarity. Clears obstruction. Mental constipation leading to mental poisoning.

LI 15

"Shoulder Bone" Jianyu

X 15

Shoulder Joint (Chienyu) Shoulder’s Corner, Shoulder Bone





Point of Yang Qiao Mo Eliminates Wind, Heat, and Damp Clears the channels Benefits the shoulder Regulates the Flow of Qi & Blood Relaxes the Tendons Benefits the Joints Softens Hard Masses (goiter) On the lateral surface of the shoulder, distal to the acromioclavicular joint, in the conclavity between the acromion and the greater tubercle of the humerus. (in a hollow formed when the arm is abducted)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Shoulder's Corner". Anatomical reference to the point's location on the shoulder. INDICATIONS: arms lack strength

•excessive sweating





•inflammation of shoulder joint

•pain in shoulder joint

•wind dampness in shoulder

•wind rash/urticaria NEEDLING: Perpendicularly or oblique 0.8 - 1.5 cun OTHER: Similar to L.I. 11 but not as strong

•Dr. Shwery: good results with elderly people/arthritis

•dry skin/heat

•Fang Yue-Miao: rubella First Aid: apoplexy, concussion, electric shock, exhaustion, hemorrhage, head injury, insensibility, shock Spirit: Loosens stuckness created in the mind. Provides mental clarity, releases a lot of energy to the brain. If the person is tired, has headaches, pressure holding in there. Exhaustion, hemorrhage, insensibility, shock.

L.I. 16 "Great Bone" Jugu ⊥6


Δ 3-7


Point of Yang Qiao Mo Disperses congealed Blood Clears the channels Benefits the shoulder

•Invigorates Collaterals

•Opens the chest

•Promotes Function of Joints

•Sedates Rebellious Qi

•Softens Hard Masses (goiter) In the depression between the acromion end of the clavicle and the spine of the scapula (from X 15 go medially 2-2 _ inches, until fall into a hole).

IMAGE: Refers to the Clavicle INDICATIONS: diseases of the shoulder joint and soft tissues of the shoulder

•"frightened convulsions"

•nodular growths on the neck

•pain in the arm & shoulder (frozen shoulder)


•spitting blood

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun OTHER: For congealed blood: mostly in the chest and Lungs works well for frozen shoulder

•Fang Yue Miao: Breathlessness, cough, asthma Spirit: Moves the Blood, obstructions, joints. 15 and 16 are good together for headaches, muzziness, restricted flow of Qi and blood. Loosens stuckness created in the mind. Emphasis on mental level – agitation, eliminating, impatience, despair.

LI 17

"Heaven's Vessel" Tianding

X 17

Heavenly Vessel (Tienting) Celestial Tripod



Δ 3-7


Clears the Throat, Frees Lung Qi Regulates Qi On the posterior border of the SCM, approximately 1 ACI inferior to X 18.

IMAGE: "Tianding" is an anatomical reference to the neck (the "vessel") which supports the head ("heaven") INDICATIONS: Laryngitis

•paralysis of hypoglossal muscle

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun



OTHER: Fang Yue Miao: Sudden loss of voice Spirit: One of the strongest spirit points on the LI. Gets rid of toxins on the mind and spirit levels. Like a window – good for cleaning the vessel. Stagnation must be removed and the vessel cleaned out in order for it to receive and be received by Heaven. Resistance to letting go of a place. Cleans rubbish on a mental and emotional level. Helps communication with heaven and the Father. Brings clarity and wisdom.

LI 18

"Support the Prominence" Futu

X 18

Support and Rush Out (Futu) Protuberance Assistant, Relieve Prominence, Supporting Process





Window of the Sky Frees and Moistens the Throat Opens Lung, Moves Qi Reduces Swellings Regulates Qi & Blood Sedates Cough & Dyspnea Sedates Pain, Softens Hard Masses (goiter) Between the two heads of the SCM, lateral to and on a level (not a straight line) with the middle of the laryngeal prominence, and XI 9.

IMAGE: Refers to the "prominence" of the Adam's Apple that this point is located by. This is also a reference to the neck's function of supporting the "prominence" of the head. A "fu" is a measurement equaling 3 cun, and L.I. 18's location is said to be 3 cun posterior to the Adam's Apple. INDICATIONS: coughing and wheezing

•difficulty swallowing

•distension and soreness in throat

•excessive mucous

•hoarse voice

•thyroid surgery anesthesia

•wheezing NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun ANCIENT USES: sounds in throat "like a duck" OTHER: Mann: pain in opposite hip Spirit: We need the ability to see that if we let go of something we will get something else better in return to replace it. We need the trust and recognition that we will have something if we let go, perspective and balance that e can let go and then move on. This point is good where the person is entrenched in a position that is not helpful, something almost festering. You can see physical level effects – mucous or cough stuck in the throat, glandular, thyroid, swallowing, speech difficulties. If the LI is overworked with clearing rubbish the person can have anger, etc. come up, the spirit of metal needs to be touched. This point will let the light into a situation that is daunting. For someone that doesn’t even see that they are holding on, they don’t even have a glimpse of the possibility of being different and how the situation which they are holding is contributing to their suffering. Experience a high opening. Treat if you have a sense that tears need to come. Mental agitation, the mind being poisoned. This point will support the BMS as old rubbish is cleared. The person may be unable to see clearly what needs to be let go and is of no service.

L.I. 19

"Grain Seam" Heliao X 19

Grain Bone (Holiao) Grain Bone Hole

⊥ 1-3




Cleans Lung Heat Clears the nose Spreads the Lung Qi Stimulates the mind and revives the Spirit Half-way between the inferior border of the nose and the edge of the upper lip, _ ACI medial to the nasolabial fold.

LOCATION: Right below the lateral margin of the nostril, 0.5 cun lateral to Du 26 IMAGE: Also translated as "Grain Foramen". L.I. 19 sits in a palpable depression about the size of a grain of rice. INDICATIONS: extra tissue in the nose (polyps)

ulceration of the nose

•facial paralysis

•"locked jaw"


NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.2 - 0.3 cun OTHER: toothaches

•classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: Good for dental problems.


LI 20

"Welcome Fragrance" Yingxiang

X 20

Welcome Fragrance (Yinghsiang) Receiving Fragrance

⊥ 1-3




Exit Opens the nasal passages Disperses Wind Heat conditions Clears Channels & Sensory Organs Clears Fire Dispels Wind Cold On the face, at the level of the inferior edge of the alum, 1 fen lateral to the alum.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's effect on, and proximity to, the nose; and it's ability to "welcome fragrance" into the nose. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis

•facial swelling and itching





•inability to distinguish odors

•mouth and eyes •round worm in the bile duct

•tissue in nose

NEEDLING: Obliquely or subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Dr. Shwery: can cause immediate clearing of the sinuses sinus allergies/hayfever



•classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: To smell the joy and beauty of life, affecting the mind/spirit. Most people think you just pick up an odor and it is a physical thing, it isn’t, it is also a mental and spiritual thing. This point is not just about the physical level fragrance, also newness, new experience being able to come in. A fragrance can evoke memories of the past, old experiences can be remembered without living in the past. Being able to get through the letting go and take it all in - it’s a beautiful day, it smells good. Good point for chronic or acute sinus problems, runny nose, cold. Wind and heat arise from the inability to p[properly digest life and eliminate that which has lost its essential value. This point disperses wind and heat. Pollution.

Leg Yang Brightness Stomach Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Begins beside the nose at LI 20, then ascends to the root of the nose where it intersects with the Bladder channel at UB 1. Descending along the lateral side of the nose, it enters the upper gum and joins the Governing channel at the philtrum at DU 26, then circles back around the corner of the mouth, meeting the Conception channel at the mentolabial groove on the chin at Ren 24. From here, it follows the angle of the jaw and runs upward in front of the ear. It proceeds along the hairline until it intersects the GB channel at GB 6. Finally, it crosses to the middle of the forehead, parallel with the hairline, where it joins the Governing channel at DU 24. One branch separates from the main channel on the lower jaw and descends along the throat, entering the supraclavicular fossa. Here it travels posteriorly to the upper back, where it meets the Governing channel at DU 14. It proceeds downward across the diaphragm, intersecting the Conception channel at Ren 13 and Ren 12 before entering its associated organ, the Stomach, and connecting with the Spleen. Another vertical branch descends directly from the supraclavicular fossa along the mammillary line, then passes beside the umbilicus and through the lower abdomen to the inguinal region. Another branch begins at the pylorus and descends internally to the inguinal region where it pins at St 30 with the vertical branch just described. It crosses to St 31 on the anterior aspect of the thigh and descends directly to the patella. It then proceeds along the lateral side of the tibia to the dorsum of the foot, terminating at the lateral side of the tip of the second toe. A parallel branch separates from the main channel at St 36 and terminates at the lateral side of the third toe. Another branch separates from the dorsum of the foot at St 42 and terminates at the medial side of the big toe, where it connects with the Spleen channel at Sp 1. The channel connects with the Spleen and is directly joined with the Heart, Large Intestine, and Small Intestine. CROSSING POINTS: LI 20, UB 1, DU 26, Ren 24, DU 14, DU 24, Ren 12, Ren 13, GB 3, GB 4, GB 6, Sp 1 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL High fever, tidal fevers, flushed face, sweating and delirium, sometimes sensitivity to cold, or pain in the eyes, dry nostrils and nosebleed, fever blisters, sore throat, swelling on the neck, facial paralysis, chest pain, pain or distension along the course of the channel in the leg and foot, coldness in the lower limb. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Abdominal distention, fullness or edema, discomfort while reclining, seizures, persistent hunger, yellow urine. DIVERGENT CHANNEL After diverging from the primary channel on the thigh, this channel enters the abdomen, connects with the Stomach and then disperses through the Spleen. From there, it ascends across the Heart and follows the esophagus until it reaches the mouth. It then continues upward beside the nose, and connects with the eye before rejoining the primary channel.

LUO CHANNEL Separates at St 40 and joins the Spleen at Sp 3. A branch follows the lateral margin of the tibia upward across the thigh and trunk to the top of the head, where it converges with the other Yang channels. Another branch separates in the neck and connects with the throat. Symptoms of Luo Excess: epilepsy, insanity Symptoms of Luo Deficiency: flaccid or atrophied muscles in the legs or feet, pharyngitis, sudden aphasia. MUSCLE CHANNEL Originates at the 2nd, 4th, and middle toes, crosses the dorsum of the foot, and slants upward along the lateral aspect of the leg, joining at the knee. Then crosses the hip and lower ribs before circling behind the body to connect with the spine. Another branch separates from the first branch above the ankle and follows the tibia to the knee. A sub-branch crosses the head of the fibula, where it joins with the GB channel at GB 34. From the knee, the branch ascends across the thigh and connects again in the pelvic region, where it joins with the reproductive organs. Continuing upward across the abdomen and chest, the channel connects with the clavicle then extends up the neck and around the mouth, connecting at the side of the nose. Above, it joins with the Bladder channel to form a muscular 'net' around the eye. A sub-branch separates at the jaw and traverses the face, connecting in front of the ear. Pathological Symptoms: Strained muscles of the middle toe, twisted muscles in the lower leg, spasms or hardening of the muscles in the foot, twisted muscles in the thigh, swelling in the anterior pelvic region, hernia, spasms of the abdominal muscles, strained muscles of the neck and cheek, sudden appearance of mouth awry with inability to close the eye because of muscle spasm, muscles of eyelid flaccid, preventing their opening (a Hot symptom), muscles of the cheek tightly contracted, pulling on the sides of the mouth ( a Cold symptom), muscles of the cheek flaccid and unable to contract, causing mouth to appear awry (Hot symptom.)

SUMMARY: STOMACH CHANNEL Phone # (42 40 34) ST-45-44-43-41-36 Tonification point: ST 41 Sedation point: ST 45 Horary point: ST 36

St 25

any intestinal problems/reproductive organs St 28

urinary system & fluids-- hot disorders St 29

reproductive system-- cold disorders St 30

building Yuan,Ying, nourishment, absorption St 34

pacifies excess heat in stomach-- accumulation or stagnation St 36

deficiencies-- primarily digestive St 37

digestion, esp. dysentery, diarrhea, drains chest & upper abd. fullness St 38

frozen shoulder St 39

intestinal problems/pain/blood in urine St 40

phlegm/mucus/spirit St 41

Yin deficient Heat/ facial edema St 43

gas/belching/wind St 44

drains heat/tonsillitis/TB/fevers St 45

hangovers/ dream-disturbed sleep

STOMACH Is there bounty and fullness present in their lives? (may not allow self to have what they really want, deprive self of own fullness, when earth out of balance) Raises appetite for food, life I don’t have what I need. I am abandoned, disappointment = sadness of earth Unable to ask for help When ST depleted, takes from SP Yin reserves Grants the 5 tastes Holds the grain Rottens (active) and Ripens (prepares food for use by the SP) Transforms into Blood and Qi – flesh Should be filled Energy moves downward – out of balance may lead to rebellious Qi, regurgitation, reflux Goal is to help them nourish themselves Sympathy rejection – cannot take in, having trouble finding center When in balance: self is nourished and in abundance, giving to others is more in balance Wound that cannot easily be changed or do something about, sorrow and loss from not being heard/understood/ nourished XI 19, 20, 24, 25 – move Qi through the middle Other points: CV 3, 4, 10, 12, BL 44, 45 1.

Receive Tears


Four Whites


Great Cheekbone


Earth Granary


Great Welcome


Mandible Wheel


Lower passage


Head Tied


People Welcome


Water Rushing Out


Chi Cottage


Broken Bowl


Chi Door




Room Screen


Breast Window


Center of the Breast


Root of the Breast


Not at Ease


Receiving Fullness


Bridge Gate


Border Gate 23.

Great Oneness 24.

Lubrication Food Gate

25. Heavenly Pivot 26. Outside Mound 27. Great Might 28. Water Path 29. The Return 30. Chi Rushing

31. Thigh Border 32. Prostrate Hare 33. Yin Market 34. Beam Mound 35. Calf Nose 36. Leg Three Miles 37. Upper Great Void 38. Branch Opening 39. Lower Great Void 40. Abundant Splendor 41. Released Stream 42. Rushing Yang 43. Sinking Valley 44. Inner Courtyard 45. Hard Bargain

St 1

"Contain Tears" Chengqi

XI 1

Receive Tears (Chengchi) Contain Tears, Tear Container





Expels (local) wind & fire Brightens Eyes Improves Vision Entry; Point of Yang Qiao Mo On the cheek, immediately superior to the infra-orbital foramen, on the inferior border of the orbit, in line with the center of the pupil with the eye looking straight ahead.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Receive Tears". An anatomical reference to the point's location directly below the eyeball. INDICATIONS: Acute & chronic conjunctivitis

•convergent squint (esoptropia)

the optic nerve




•color blindness •glaucoma


•inflammation or atrophy of •myopia

•night blindness

•retinitis pigmentosa

NEEDLING: Gently lift the eyeball upward with the left thumb (if you're right-handed) and carefully and slowly needle perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun along the infraorbital ridge. Do not stimulate the needle with large amplitude. Moxabustion is forbidden. OTHER: Could add almost any other eye problem


•Mann: photosensitivity

•Slow in responding-- takes many

Spirit: The emphasis on this point is not so much physical but more mental and spirit level to help the processing and digesting which enriches and enhances the spirit. Improves secretions to aid the process. Allows one to take in and receive nourishment. Inability to cry in painful situations, bring forth tears of compassion. This point opens up the flow of Qi at the source of the ST meridian and may help to flush out undigested materials, both physiologically and emotionally. Classic point for migraines.

St 2

"Four Whites" Sibai

XI 2

Four Whites (Szupai) Four Brightness





Eliminates (local) wind, clears the vision Spreads the Liver Qi Benefits the GallBladder Brightens Eyes Clears Channels and Invigorates the Collaterals Clears Parasites Dispels Wind Cold & Wind Heat Opens the Nose Soothes and Relaxes the Face Stops Pain, Point of Yang Qiao Mo On the cheek, in the depression of the infra-orbital foramen, 3 fen inferior to the inferior edge of the orbit (ST 1).

IMAGE: Also translated as "Four Brightness." This point's function of improving the vision & brightening the eyes allows one to see clearly (or "brightness") in the four directions. "Four Whites" is also a reference to the four white areas around the eyes (the sclera) INDICATIONS: allergic facial swelling


•eyes red & sore

•Facial paralysis or spasms



•membrane over eye

•mouth and eyes awry


•round worms in the bile duct


•trigeminal neuralgia NEEDLING: Perpendicularly O.2 - 0.3 cun. Do not puncture deeply OTHER: Especially good for maxillary/ethmoid sinusitis

•Mann: "For people whose eyes feel like they have smoke in them"

•watery eyes

•possibly jaundice Spirit: Smoke in the eyes, brightens the eyes to see in the four directions. Treats white areas of the eye, redness, nearsightedness.

St 3

XI 3

"Great Seam" Juliao

Great Cheekbone (Chuliao) Large Opening, Great Bone Hole



Point of Yang Qiao Mo Dispels Wind, Invigorates Channels, Reduces Swelling, Stops Pain Relaxes Face and Clears Obstructions



On the maxilla, directing inferior to the infra-orbital foramen, at the level of the inferior border of the alum of the nose.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Large Opening," which refers to the depression in which the point is located. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis


•trigeminal neuralgia

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Do not puncture deeply. Spirit: Helps with acne.

St 4

"Earth Granary" Dicang

XI 4

Earth Granary (Titsang)





Point of yang Qiao Mo Expels (local) wind Clears (local) channels Expels Wind & Cold, Benefits and Relaxes the Face, Removes Stagnation 4 fen lateral to and level with the angle of the mouth.


IMAGE: A reference to the mouth's correspondence to the earth element and Spleen/Stomach channels, and its relationship to foods ("grains") & digestion. INDICATIONS: drooling

•excessive salivation

•eye tic

•facial paralysis

•mouth and eyes awry


•spasms of the eyelid

•trigeminal neuralgia NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 1.0 - 1.5 cun toward St 6 OTHER: toothache

•herpes, mouth ulcers, gum problems

•inability to speak

•stiff jaw

•constipation in children

•inability to eat

•Dr. Pang: patients who talk too much on the treatment table Spirit: Eating disorders. Food and drink are stored and called on to be processed, like a storehouse. If the storehouse is empty, in times of trouble this will lead to distress. We need something to call upon on an emergency. So we need to ensure the granary is full, the physical, mental and spiritual store. ST is sea of liquids and cereals. At the corner of the mouth, use for overeating, when the leg points are not holding and depletion persists. Used when excessive chewing over problems. If you cannot fill the stomach, everything it takes in goes out to support others – cannot hold anything.

St 5 "Big Welcome" Daying XI 5

⊥3-5 Δ3-5

Great Welcome (Taying) Great Reception Function:

Dispels Wind, Invigorates Collaterals


On the inferior border if the mandible, anterior to the masseter, in the depression of the facial artery. (on the face under the jaw)

IMAGE: "Daying" is a classical name for the mandible. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis




NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Avoid the artery. Spirit: Sometimes used for spirit point when the person is closed off. Open up and welcome life, open mouth and ask, open mouth and take a bite of life. The name of the lower jiao is Great Reception Bone. Sympathy rejection – not welcoming nourishment coming to person, not letting it in. Person needs to open their mouth and take a bite of life.

St 6

"Jaw Vehicle" Jiache

XI 6

Mandible White (Chiache) Jaw Vehicle, Jaw Bone





Ghost point Disperses wind and opens the channels Benefits the teeth and jaws Benefits the joints Clears Wind and Heat and Cold Moistens the throat and relaxes the jaw Regulates Qi 4 fen anterior and superior to the angle o the mandible, in the depression between the two bellies of the masseter.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to the point's location near the angle of the mandible. Jiache is also a classical name for the jawbone. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis

masseter muscle

•"locked" jaw

•mouth and eyes awry

•parotitis (mumps)

•stiff neck

•temporomandibular arthritis


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun, or subcutaneously toward St 4 OTHER: major local point for toothache


Spirit: For Bell’s Palsy, or any facial neuralgia, TMJ.

•facial acne

•spasms of the

St 7

"Lower Hinge" Xiaguan

XI 7

Lower Passage (Hsiakuan) Lower Hinge, Below the Jaw





Benefits Hearing Brightens the Eyes Clears Collaterals Dispels Heat and Wind Opens Orifices and stops dizziness Stops Pain In the depression which is inferior to the zygomatic arch and anterior to the condyle of the mandible. When the mouth is opened wide this depression disappears

IMAGE: An anatomical reference INDICATIONS: deaf-mutism

•dislocated jaw


•facial paralysis

•mouth & eyes awry

•otitis media

•pus in the ear

•spasms of the masseter muscle

•temporomandibular arthritis



•trigeminal neuralgia NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: TMJ syndrome

•for otitis-- not as good as more local points


•classically not recommended to moxa

•for excessive

St 8

"Head Support" Touwei

XI 8

Head Tied (Touwei) Skull’s Safeguard, Head Corner





Clears (head) wind Sedates fire Stops pain Clears the head and brightens the eyes Improves Vision On the head, _ ACI posterior and superior to the natural hair line, at the superior corner of the forehead. (above the masseter muscle)

IMAGE: An anatomical reference; Ancient Chinese are said to have fastened their hats to their heads in this area. The name also has the meaning of protecting & supporting the Yang Qi of the 4 extremities, as the Yangming, Shaoyang, and Yangwei channels all connect here. INDICATIONS: blurred vision

•facial paralysis


•migraine headache


•sore eyes with excessive tearing

•spasms of the eyelid

•wheezing accompanied by irritability and fullness in the chest NEEDLING: 0.5 - 1.0 cun subcutaneously OTHER: Major headache point (HA located in front, sides, or top of head) Often used for dizziness

•hair loss (more successful with women)

•classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: For people tied up in knots, mental turmoil, but also spirit. Gets energy down and out of the head, patient may be dizzy. Key point for obsession. Place where headwear should be bound to the head, where horizontal and vertical lines of the head meet.

St 9

"Man's Welcome" Renying

XI 9

People Welcome (Jenying) Man’s welcome, Man’s Prognosis, Greetings of Man





Window of Sky Sea of Energy Regulates the blood and Qi Benefits the throat Clears Heat, Spreads Lung Qi and Stops Wheezing Moistens the Throat, Reduces Swelling Softens Hard Masses (goiter) On the anterior surface of the neck, upon the carotid artery, at the anterior border of the SCM at the level of the laryngeal prominence, level with X 18 and II 16.

LOCATION: At the level of the tip of the Adam's apple, just over the carotid artery, on the anterior border of m. sternocleidomastoideus IMAGE: In ancient Chinese cosmology, there was heaven and earth, with man situated in the middle. The upper body was associated with heaven, the middle of the body with man, and the lower body with earth. Thus St 9 is situated between "Heaven" and "man" and signifies "man's welcome" into heaven. INDICATIONS: asthma

•cough & wheezing


•distension & soreness in the throat


•high or low blood pressure


•speech impediment

•swellings on the neck

•swollen throat NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Avoid puncturing the artery. OTHER: Not a major point for asthma/wheezing

•good for thyroid problems in general: hyper or hypothyroid

•good local point for sore throat

•classically not recommended to moxa AVOID PUNCTURING THE ARTERY Spirit: Both mental and spirit connotations. The person must really have lost their resignation before doing this point. Great where the person has become paranoid about people not loving them, talking about them, they’ve lost touch with the reality of life. When the focus has been turned inward, there is nothing coming in, the person has closed down. “Welcome” is about being there, giving what you have and receiving. The person can see that there are things that can be different, this point lets them make a decision consciously to allow change and move on. The person has been in a dark room for a long time and has no idea what is outside, they cannot see how closed in they are, no clue that they are not welcoming nourishment in – this point allows them to see something they never saw before, to take in the nourishment. Main point for treating resentment built up by being ingratiating (people-pleasing). May manifest as constriction in the throat. May empower a person who is unable to welcome others into their process. More “human” window because it doesn’t have heaven in the name. Allows a person to take in the kind of nourishment and warmth that can only come from other people. For fear of people. Wants people and can’t quite let them in for tending and support, not from vulnerability. Person may be starving on an emotional/mental level because they have no clue they are pushing others away.

St 10

"Water Prominence" Shuitu

XI 10

Water Rushing Out (Shuitu) Water Prominence





Opens the Throat Regulates Lung Qi, Regulates Pharynx On the anterior border of the ACM, at the level of the cricoid cartilage, approximately 1 ACI inferior to XI 9.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Water and Grain Hole," i.e., the "hole" (esophagus) through which water & grain pass. "Water" may also refer to the nearby carotid artery, which if palpated is said to resemble the movement of water. INDICATIONS: Asthma

•diseases of the vocal cords


•sore throat NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. OTHER: Dr.Voll: Thyroid problems

St 11

XI 11

"Qi's Residence" Qishe Chi Cottage (Chishe) Qi Abode





Regulates Qi, Calms Rebellious Qi Invigorates Blood, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Invigorates Channels, Clears & Regulates Pharynx Superior to the clavicle, between the two heads of the SCM, approximately 2 ACI lateral to the median line. (turn the head toward the point)

IMAGE: A reference to the channel Qi INDICATIONS: asthma



•scrofula NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. OTHER: Dr.Voll: for thymus gland chronic immune system problems Spirit: Secure comfort for the BMS, someone is there waiting for you, there will be food. A person can be totally distraught when they have lost their safety/ security. Open the Qi door to walk into the Qi Cottage to enrich the spirit or barren earth. When the mind has gone barren, a sense of lacking and poverty, this is a place where a person can go to get Mom’s hot tea, comfort and security. Associated with the chest as a house with doors, windows, roof, etc.

St 12

"Empty Basin" Quepen

XI 12

Broken Bowl (Chuehpen) Empty Basin





Point of Yin Qiao Mo Opens Lung, Moves Qi Down, Clears Channels, Invigorates Collaterals, Regulates Qi & Blood, Suppresses Rebellious Lung Qi In the center of the supraclavicular fossa, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line. (lift the shoulder to show the space)

IMAGE: A reference to the supraclavicular fossa INDICATIONS: asthma


•intercostal neuralgia


NEEDLING: 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Avoid puncturing the artery. Avoid deep insertion. Needle with extreme caution. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus: insomnia from nervousness, over excitation or worry,

•dislikes any tightness or squeezing around neck or waist,

•logorrhea (insane babbling), grimacing OTHER: Needle with extreme caution Spirit: Used when things have been shattered. A sense of loss, nothing there – menopause. A need to let go of what is not needed instead of mourning, a time to change. The person’s mind cannot cope with the letting go. Very powerful, description of energetic state, the person is not getting nourishment. About containment. You can get big pulse changes with this point. On deep pathways 7 meridians pass through here. Has a direct effect on milk production. Really lifts deficient Qi depression (sinking), deep shattered depression, can’t imagine how to put things back together, can’t even begin to ask for what is needed. Taking in and moving down. Absence of mothering. Transforms hurt, irreparable places. Just as a broken bowl is unable to hold food, so too many people fail to embody acquired sources of nourishment – spilling neediness, worry, and inappropriate boundaries regarding the fulfillment of own needs and the needs of others. Gives the ability to contain or receive nourishment. For women going through menopause, abortion, and miscarriage – cannot cope with the letting go and no longer knows how to give. He container has broken and there is a sense of everything running out. Difficulty on mental level with letting go or no longer knowing how to give. Lifts depression which is with a deep sense of forlornness and loss (earth), can’t put their life back together because it has been shattered, deep spiritual loss.

St 13

"Qi's Gate" Qihu

XI 13

Chi Door (Chihu)





Cleans Heat Opens the chest & relaxes the diaphragm Regulates the Lung Qi On the inferior edge of the clavicle, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line.

IMAGE: A reference to the Qi of the channel INDICATIONS: asthma



•intercostal neuralgia

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Avoid deep insertion. Spirit: Digestive disorders may tell you that this door is closed. Lets energy through when the person is stuck (rejecting sympathy). Unable to give or receive sympathy. If the door is closed, there is no Qi getting in. When a person rejects an offering, especially if it was offered in earth. Loss of smell, taste, appetite; feet perspire too much. Asthma – opening the Qi and allowing energy to go downward, allurement, allows movement and getting newness and freshness, open the door and let something in.

St 14

XI 14

"Storehouse" Kufang Storehouse (Kufang) Storeroom





Relaxes the Chest Clears Lung Heat, Opens Lung, Regulates Lung Qi st In the 1 intercostal space, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line.

IMAGE: This area is a "storehouse" for Lung Qi. INDICATIONS: bronchitis

•intercostal neuralgia NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Spirit: A reservoir or reserve of energy, like taking someone to the larder, pantry or storage bin and letting them choose whet they want or need. A storehouse for the spirit. A good point when you are not sure the person is beginning to take in e. g. Reserves of sexual energy on a physical level. Use in winter when the earth is low. Storehouse for the mind – memory and subconscious. Can’t get energy due to long term deprivation, person gave out too much and may need to fill their own storehouse. On a spirit level, person has given so much for so long. Good for anorexia earth CF – maybe they can go to the storehouse and select one thing that they can take in. For lack of appetite on all levels.

St 15

"Room Screen" Wuyi

XI 15

Room Screen (Wuyi) Roof

⊥3 Δ5


Clears Wind, Clears Lung Heat, Regulates Qi, Stops Pain


nd In the 2 intercostal space, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line. (have person sit up)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Roof Screen," the point's location is at the "roof" of the breast. INDICATIONS: bronchitis

•intercostal neuralgia

•mastitis NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun. OTHER: itching with pain Spirit: Partial privacy of a screen – the person is not quite ready to open up. We need to have empathy and make the person feel at ease and secure. For someone who needs partial shielding or protecting. Breast tumors, whole body itching

St 16

XI 16

"Breast's Window" Yingchuang Breast Window (Yingchuang)





Opens Lung, Stops Cough, Stops Pain, Relaxes Chest, Reduces Swelling, Cleans Heat, Moves Qi and Clears Depression rd In the 3 intercostal space, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line. (have person sit up)

IMAGE: An anatomical reference INDICATIONS: asthma



•intercostal neuralgia

•intestinal noises


NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Spirit: Good for a person who is unsympathetic, judgmental, lack of empathy. Hold people to our hearts when we feel for them, bring in compassion. Has a direct effect on milk production. Qi and breast milk pass through this point like air and like through a window. Open the window so a person may receive and give, accept and express sympathy and compassion.

St 17

"Middle of Breast" Ruzhong

XI 17

Center of the Breast (Juchung) Breast Center


Function: Location:

In the center of the nipple.

INDICATIONS: This point is used primarily as a physical mark in finding other points. NEEDLING: Do not needle or moxa. Spirit: Root of the breast when energy is stuck like with mastitis, not able to give milk or nourishment.

St 18

XI 18

"Breast's Root" Rugen

Root of the Breast (Juken) Breast Root





Great Luo of the Stomach Regulates Qi & Blood, Regulates Stomach Qi, Clears the Heart, Relaxes Chest, Spreads Lung Qi and Opens Lungs, Moves the Blood, Benefits Depression, Improves Lactation th In the 5 intercostal space, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and on the paramedian nipple line. (have person sit up)

IMAGE: An anatomical reference INDICATIONS: bronchitis

•insufficient lactation

•mastitis NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun. OTHER: The Great Luo of the Stomach, where the pulse is said to "throb ceaselessly beneath the hand"

•retention of afterbirth Spirit: Local use for mastitis, not available on all women. The root of nourishment, not being able to give and receive.

St 19

"Uncontainable" Burong

XI 19

Not at Ease (Pujung) Not Contained

⊥5 Δ3-7


Harmonizes Middle, Regulates Stomach & Spleen, Moves Qi


On the thorax, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 6 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 14.

IMAGE: This point is classically said to be used when the stomach can't keep food down. INDICATIONS: gastrectasis

•intercostal neuralgia



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun. OTHER: shrugging shoulders to breathe Spirit: When a person is not at ease or uncomfortable in an earth way. The basic rhythm and cycles of life is out of balance – eating, sleeping, periods, etc. A person’s mind might also be restless, we need times that should be peaceful and restful. Obsessions – ideas that should nourish are stuck or rush through the mind. Life is never processed or digested, there is discomfort, stuck ideas and the person cannot get anything from it – an Earth CF might have bad news and go on about it all day because they cannot digest it further or process it. A good point for internal agitation. The name of the point says it all – insecurity, instability, uneasy because not grounded. Tied up with worry that becomes endless mental chewing. Able to neither digests it nor spits it up. Add ST 24 and SP 16 for when the ST is blocked. Child cannot find its mom, panicky, insecure and unstable. Needing to be comforted and held. Cannot process to gain insight from past experiences because no transformation occurred. Especially good for children with eye disorders. For someone having difficulty gaining wisdom from their experiences. Inability processing and digesting life, unable to solve problems.

St 20

"Support Fullness" Chengman

XI 20

Receiving Fullness (Chengman) Assuming Fullness

⊥5 Δ3-7


Harmonizes the Middle, Regulates Stomach, Calms Rebellious Qi


On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 5 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 13.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Hold Flatulence." A reference to the point's function of treating flatulence. St 20 is also just below the stomach, and so can be said to "support" a full stomach. INDICATIONS: acute & chronic gastritis



•intestinal noises


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun. Spirit: For receiving the appropriate pleasure, reap the harvest, fullness if one’s self. For a person who doesn’t appreciate a sense of harvest, no joy, emptiness on a deep level. Gives a feeling of work being done, a time to pause. A good point for anorexics that reject fullness (food and nourishment). Wanting and can’t get what is needed or enough, not able to fill oneself. Sometimes not letting in, opening up to receive the fullness that is there. Move bloated, epigastric distention through the middle – moves Qi. Empower someone to experience abundance in life rather than wallowing in feelings of neediness. For someone who lacks satisfaction with what is a full life.

St 21

"Door of the Beam" Liangmen

XI 21

Bridge Gate (Liangmen) Connecting Gate, Beam Gate



Δ 5 - 15


Regulates the middle energy Harmonizes the stomach & intestines Disperses stagnation, Calms rebellious Qi and stops vomiting, Clears middle jiao heat, Benefits the spleen yang and raises the yang qi, Tonifies Spleen and improves Digestion, Moves Qi and relieves pain, Regulates the upper & lower jiao On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 4 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 12.

IMAGE: "Men" is a reference to the lower esophageal sphincter at the hiatus of the Stomach, through which food must pass. This point is also a "door" through which the Middle Qi can be regulated. "Beam" is possibly a reference to the diaphragm. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain caused by accumulated Qi (specific to this point)

•acute & chronic gastritis



•nervous dysfunction of the stomach

•prolapsed anus

•stomach ulcers

•stomach-ache NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.0 cun. OTHER: "Door that regulates upper and lower burners"- - but Ren 12 is used more often

•hiatal hernia

•undigested food in the stool CAM: anorexia

•prolapses: stomach, anal

•Liver Qi stagnation

•Liver attacking Stomach syndromes Spirit: When fullness is sticking, refusing to move, no nourishment getting inside, this gate might need opening. After going through the gate there is unity, harmony and peace. A wonderful point for someone who is moving forward with their mind and their body or emotions are stuck. A sense of disjointedness or fracture. Good with ST 22 and ST 24, great for people with “funny tummys”. Location is where grain enters the stomach.

St 22

XI 22

"Gate" Guanmen

Border Gate (Kuanmen) Pass Gate



Δ 5 - 15


Clears stagnation in Stomach and Intestines, Stops Pain, Invigorates Spleen, Moves Qi On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 3 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 11.

IMAGE: Perhaps another reference to the "gateway" of the stomach INDICATIONS: abdominal distension



•intestinal noises

•lack of appetite

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.0 cun. Spirit: Mental point. Characters mean “to fortify” and “to close” the lower gate of the stomach.

St 23

"Great Yi" Taiyi

XI 23

Great Oneness (Taiyi) Supreme Unity



Δ 5 - 10


Clears Heart, Sedates Mind and calms the Spirit, Harmonizes Stomach & Intestines, Regulates Middle Jiao, Invigorates Spleen On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 2 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 10.

IMAGE: Taiyi means "great coils," a reference to the intestines. Taiyi is also a classical reference to an undifferentiated state of the world, which was said to exist long ago, when there was no clear division between the sky and the earth. In much the same way the pure & impure contents of the digestive system are said to be not yet separated at this point. INDICATIONS: beriberi




•intestinal pain


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: mental disorders: schizophrenia, mania, withdrawal Spirit: Like a child being fed - there two joined as one with the mother holding and loving the child, being connected at the breast. Many people feel insecure, as though they have not really got their feet on the ground, unloved, no richness or harvest. This point brings a person back to the breast - a harvest for BMS and restores the “great oneness”. Very profound effect. Brings earth, man and heaven together. Can be used after balance is achieved so one-ness is equally distributed. May have a good pulse picture but person is in dire straights. This point can cement BMS together when things are fractured and will get a true pulse picture after using it, which may be terrible. We come through the gates at ST 21 and 22 to achieve harmony, unity and peace. For a person whose life appears as a conglomerate of unrelated, fragmented experiences – this point will integrate the experiences and so they can move on in life. A metaphor for the center burner as the source of post-natal Qi. Turbid and clear are divided here, at the beginning of the SI where clear ascends and turbid descends. Where one aspect of the BMS is moving forward but others are stuck or left behind. Body and mind may be moving at one pace, the spirit behind or ahead - not traveling together - like waiting for something to catch up. There will be peace, harmony and unity where you arrive after moving through the gates. For great sadness, depression, lethargic aimless pacing. A person who is always on the go and cannot settle into self, doesn’t have a clue about the concept of peace and meditation or oneness. Separated family wound (mother, father, child), linking all back together, held in one, letting the mother earth hold you.

St 24

"Door of Slippery Flesh" Huaroumen

XI 24

Lubrication Food Gate (Huajoumen) Slippery Fish Gate

⊥8 Δ 5 - 15


Sedates Mind and Calms the spirit, Regulates GI System


On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 1 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 9.

IMAGE: A reference to the smooth flesh of the tongue and intestines. This point is classically said to treat disorders of both the tongue & intestines. INDICATIONS: chronic & acute gastritis


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: CAM: Mental disorders OTHER: "Sour Stomach = Sour Mind." Spirit: For people who feel bloated or full. Food lies in the stomach like a brick. This gate can help to bring greater secretion here, helps the breaking down and processing and digesting of food. Lubricates nourishment of BMS right in the center. If a person says that they cannot stomach something on any level. When a part of the BMS is stuck. Feeling something right in the middle or center. “It got me in the gut” or “I can’t stomach that”. Generally brings greater energy throughout the body. If dry, fire in ST, will lead to countercurrent which is injurious to the heart - loosing the mind as in rage, craziness (ER). Transformation not getting out of the mind and into the body. Obsession with rehashing, eating and not getting nourished. Excessive thought like chewing something over and over and it never gets complete. There are gates locked and things don’t move through the body, person may be eating and not getting the nourishment. Anorexia, bulimia, struggles with physical nourishment

St 25

"Heaven's Axis" Tianshu

XI 25

Heavenly Pivot (Tienshu) Celestial Pivot, Heaven’s Axis, North Star



Δ 5 - 20


Mu/Alarm point for X; Dragon point Regulates & facilitates the functioning of the Intestines, Regulates Qi and eliminates stagnation Clears Intestinal Damp Heat, Regulates Spleen/Stomach, Dispels Damp, Tonifies Spleen Yang, Supports and warms the middle, Builds Fluids, Benefits Stomach Qi & Yin, Tonifies Ying Qi, Regulates Channels, Moves Qi, Calms rebellious Qi, stops vomiting, Regulates blood and relieves pain, Clears Urinary Stones, Regulates the menses, Removes Parasites On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the center of the umbilicus, on the lateral edge of the rectus abdominis

IMAGE: A reference to the point's proximity to the umbilicus, a place where the spirit and life force (which can be associated with heaven) enters the fetus. Tianshu is also the name of a specific star considered a pivoting point between the sky & earth. INDICATIONS: abdominal obstruction or lumps due to accumulation of Qi or Blood (could be gas)

•abdominal pain

•acute and chronic gastritis or enteritis


•dripping of turbid urine

•dysentery (and diarrhea)



•intestinal paralysis (from sluggish bowels to ileus)

•irregular menstruation

•low back pain (not a major point)


•roundworm in the intestinal tract

•vaginal discharge with blood (not major)

•vomiting (from food stagnation) NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun. OTHER: Especially good for abdominal distension and stagnation Important point for dysentery & diarrhea Abdominal pains of a gynecological nature

•excellent for colitis/ blood in the stools

•can also be used for duodenal ulcers

•irritable bowel syndrome, colitis

•food stagnation Spirit: This point can help HT 1 be more effective. One’s center not holding. Good for when a person is going through a growth period, they have improved, have lots of new, good, and exciting ideas but you need to make sure that they are coming from a steady center. On the border of two jiao. Connecting upper and lower body (heaven and earth). Keeping steady ground under one’s feet. About anchoring stability, often used with SP 15. Very good for rhythmic disorders. When there are a lot of ups and downs, mood swings, unstable. Good for grounding when the earth is moving under their feet. Centers a person who is not centered in themselves but is on the periphery, brings them back inside. The self is the pivot. May empower stability through transitions due to its location, empowers virtue of being able to move dynamically in any direction without excessive deliberation. For over excitement with newly gained strength. Junctions of celestial and earthly Qi.

St 26

"Outer Mound" Wailing

XI 26

Outside Mound (Wailing) Outer Mound

⊥ 8 – 10 Δ5


Moves Qi, Sedates Pain, Dispels Cold


On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 1 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 7.

IMAGE: Also translated as Outer Mound. A reference to the point's location on the border of the "mound" of the area below the navel. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain


•painful menstruation

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.2 cun. Spirit: Brings attention to the lower jiao.

St 27

"The Great" Daju

XI 27

Great Might (Tachu) Great Gigantic

⊥ 8 – 10 Δ 5 - 10


Tonifies Kidney Qi, Strengthens Yang


On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 2 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 5.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Great Fullness." A reference to the abdomen, which is sometimes compared to a barn in its ability to store large quantities inside itself. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain


•intestinal obstruction

•retention of urine


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.2 cun. OTHER: Used more for menstrual pains

•premature ejaculation


Spirit: The power of this element is to decrease, has to do with cycles, letting go. The mind or spirit is not letting go, denying the power of return and harvest. Good point for revitalizing, similar to KI 12, lifts depression and supplements energy.

St 28

"Waterway" Shuidao

XI 28

Water Path (Shuitao) Waterway



Δ 5 - 10


Cools Damp Heat and benefits the Bladder Dispels Damp Eliminates Urinary Stones Harmonizes the fluid pathway Opens Lower Burner Regulates the Menses Stops pain On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 3 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 4.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's function of regulating waterways & urinary system. INDICATIONS: ascites


•distension & fullness in the lower abdomen

•heat & constriction in the lower burner

•lack of urine



•pain leading to the genitals

•urinary retention NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.2 cun. OTHER: Commonly used for UTI's Maciocia: For any menstrual problem due to Qi and Blood stagnation Spirit: If there is dryness in the lower jiao, there will be no movement, activity or fluidity. The person will be unable to conceive on a physical or mental level. Good for the processes of elimination and procreation. Anything that has gotten stuck, obsession, the person cannot let go.

St 29

"Return" Guilai

XI 29

The Return (Kueilai)



Δ 5 - 10


Remove Blood stasis in the Lower Burner (uterus), Regulates Menses, Warms the Uterus, Regulates Lower Jiao, Clears Lower Jiao Damp Heat, Raises Middle Qi On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line and 4 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 3.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's function of "returning" the menstrual cycle to a normal rhythm; also to its function of "returning" prolapsed uterus & anus to their proper positions. St 29 is also in the area where the divergent channel is said to "return" to the primary channel. INDICATIONS: colic




•lack of menses



•inflammation of the adnexa (PID)

•irregular •vaginal discharge

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.2 cun OTHER: More for cold conditions and gynecological conditions than St 28 (not as good for Herpes) Pelvic Inflammatory Disease/ endometriosis prostatitis/impotence-- good results uterine prolapse/tilted uterus Spirit: The person is barren and is not able to harvest the fruits of life. For a person who has a lack of nourishment, anorexia. Ability to produce, reproduce life, the renewal of own origin. Treatment of menstrual block, thus the “return” of menstrual cycle. Ability to restore tissue and position of the uterus.

St 30

"Pouring Qi" Qichong

XI 30

Chi Rushing (Chichung) Qi’s Breakthrough, Surging Qi, Thoroughfare of Energy





Sea of Nourishment point Point of Chong Mo; Harmonizes the Ying & Blood, Nourishes and Benefits the Lower Yin (Orifices), Nourishes the Jing, Regulates Qi & Blood, Warms Lower Jiao & Womb, Regulates Menses & Chong Mo, Invigorates & Holds the Blood, Helps release Yuan Qi, Harmonizes the Bladder, Relaxes the Tendons, Dispels Cold, Lifts the Middle Qi On the abdomen, 3 ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the superior edge of the pubic symphysis, at the level of XIII 2.

IMAGE: Refers to the strong movement of Qi through this point. "Chong" is also the name for the Penetrating channel, which passes through this point. INDICATIONS: colic

•diseases of the reproductive organs

•disorders related to childbirth

(gyn or digestive)



•pain in the penis or testicles

•excessive bleeding

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With Lu 9 for post-partum depression OTHER: Sea of Nourishment point: used a lot for digestive problems. Builds up the body's ability to transform and transport food. If energy is rushing upwards, helps to pull it down. (The infamous "Running Piggies.") vomiting blood excessive perspiration-- closes the pores & increases the Wei Qi good for post-partum depression with Lu 9 Spirit: When there’s a need to get things moving. Control of Qi going to the legs.

St 31

"Hip's Hinge" Biguan

XI 31

Thigh Border (Pikuan) Hip’s Border, Inferior Joint, Gate to Greater Trochanter





To get the legs moving Benefits the Hips Cleans Heat Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals Dispels Cold Dispels Wind & Damp Invigorates Qi & Blood Strengthens the Legs Warms the channels On the anterior surface of the thigh, 13 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the vastus latralis and the rectus femoris.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's proximity to the hip INDICATIONS: arthritis of the knee

•atrophy or blockage of muscles of thigh and buttock

•inhibited movement of the leg muscles due to

•low back pain

•low back pain and Cold in the knees

•lymphadenitis of the inguinal lymph glands

•numbness of the leg

•paralysis of lower limb

•sinew tension NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.0 - 1.5 cun. Strong sensation down the leg recommended for wei syndrome OTHER: Main point for leg paralysis (wei syndrome)

St 32

XI 32

"Hidden Rabbit" Futu

Prostrate Hare (Futu) Prostrate Rabbit, Crouching Rabbit





Dragon Point Cleans Heat, Disperses Wind, Invigorates Channels, Transforms Damp, Warms Channels & Dispels Cold On the anteriolateral surface of the thigh, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris.

IMAGE: Also translated as "crouching rabbit" or "prostrate rabbit." A reference to the rectus femoris muscle, which is said to resemble a crouching rabbit. INDICATIONS: arthritis of the knee

•leg Qi (edema)

•numbness of the lower limb

•pain in the waist & groin

•paralysis of lower limb

•urticaria NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.0 - 1.5 cun OTHER: Sometimes for genital herpes

•measles when rash manifests on thighs


•classically not recommended to moxa

Spirit: Dissipates wind and cold and dampness in lower back

•local hives or

St 33

"Yin's Market" Yinshi

XI 33

Yin Market (Yinshih)





Benefits the joints, Clears the channels, Dispels Wind & Cold, Invigorates the Collaterals On the anterior surface of the thigh, 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris.

IMAGE: Qi and Blood are said to meet at St 33, in much the same way as food and goods are brought together at a market. "Yin" may also be a reference to the fact that the stomach channel passes through the yin (front) part of the torso. INDICATIONS: arthritis of knee

•paralysis of lower limb

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Parkinson's disease

St 34

XI 34

•weak legs

"Ridge Mound" Liangqiu Bean Mound (Liangchiu) Connecting Mound, Beam Hill





Xi Cleft Pacifies the Stomach Clears the channels Clears heat Clears the Channels Expels wind and dampness Harmonizes Middle Invigorates Collaterals Regulates Stomach Sedates Pain Sedates Rebellious Qi On the anterior surface of the thigh, 4 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Grain Mound," a reference to the stomach being the "granary" of the body and a reference to the "mound" of the rectus femoris muscle, through which the Stomach channel Qi passes INDICATIONS: diarrhea

•diseases of the knee & surrounding soft tissues




•mastitis (often

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.0 - 1.5 cun OTHER: For excess & hot Stomach problems: pain and burning in upper stomach, heartburn, hiatal hernias, ulcer

•mastitis point: excess in channel

•blood in the stool

•varicose veins

•blood in the urine (sometimes)

•Dr.Voll: varicose veins (good results) excessive appetite Spirit: gathering point of Qi of the earth.

St 35

"Eyes of the Knee" Xiyan

XI 35

Calf Nose (Tupi) Lateral Knee Eye





Dispels Cold, Stops Swelling, Dispels Wind, Invigorates Channels, Stops Pain, Smoothes Function of Joints, Benefits Knees, Cleans Heat On the anterior surface of the knee, between the patella and the tibia, lateral to the patellar tendon. When the knee is flexed, a depression appears at this point.

IMAGE: "Xiyan" or "Eyes of the knee" actually refers to using both points on either side of the patella together; when just the lateral point is used, the point is called "Dubi," or "Calf's Nose." This refers also to the depressions on either side of the patella, which are said to look like nostrils, with the entire front of the knee giving the impression of a calf's nose. INDICATIONS: diseases of the knee & surrounding soft tissue

•paralysis of lower limb

•leg Qi (edema)

•pain of the knee

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun

St 36

XI 36


"Leg Three Measures" Zusanli Leg Three Miles (Tsu sanli)


Δ 7 - 20 XP8 Location:

He Sea Earth Lower He Sea of the Stomach Sea of Nourishment point Horary point Horary 7am-9am; Point of Ho (autumn); Center Reunion Particular point of Energy; Greater Assembly point of the ST and abdomen; Dragon Point (Master point between XI 36 and XI 37) Orders the Spleen & Stomach Regulates the Qi & Blood Strengthens weak & Deficient conditions Balances Stomach Yin, Benefits the Knees, Boosts Spleen Yang, Brightens the Eyes, Calms Fetus, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Clears Damp Heat, Clears Edema, Clears the Lungs, Clears Thoracic Blood Stagnation, Dispels Evil Qi,, Dispels Stagnation, Dispels Wind and Damp, Expedites Lactation, Expels GB & Urinary Tract Stones, Expels Parasites, Generates Fluids, Improves General Health, Prevents Disease, Raises Middle Qi, Raises the Yang, Regulates & Moistens Intestines,, Regulates the Ying and the Wei, Releases the Exterior, Replenishes Middle Jiao, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Softens Hard Masses, Strengthens Spleen & Stomach Qi, Strengthens the Body, Supports the Normal Qi, Tonifies Kidney Qi and Yang, Tonifies Lung Qi, Tonifies Qi and Blood, Tonifies Wei Qi, Tonifies Ying Qi, Transforms Damp On the anterior surface of the leg, approximately 13 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus, lateral to the edge of the tibia.

IMAGE: Needling or moxa'ing this point is supposed to add such strength & endurance to the legs that one is said to be able to walk "three miles" more. Three "li" is also a reference to St 36 being 3 cun below St 35. INDICATIONS: abcessed breast

•abdominal pain & distension

•acute & chronic enteritis

•acute & chronic gastritis

•acute pancreatitis

•allergies (skin type, food allergies, & hayfever)



•constipation or diarrhea

•difficult urination

•diseases of the reproductive system

•edema of the limbs


•general weakness


•hypertension (w/LI 11 for excess yang)

•indigestion and other disorders of the digestive system (gas, belching, vomiting, bloating)


•loss of urine





•vomiting (major) NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With Lu 7 & LI 4 to build the basic energy of the body OTHER: One of few points that builds Qi and Blood: dizziness, fatigue

•Major point for building Wei Qi: Qi xu symptoms-- weakness, fatigue, depressed immune system

•Major point for digestive problems: regulates secretion of HCL; increases production of pepsin

•Main point for hemiplegia/leg problems

•Also gets rid of wind & damp

•Nei Jing: "For excess or deficiency of yin or yang...for all troubles of the Wei Qi."

•Deficiency constipation

•Important for breast problems

•CAM: mental disorders, depression, withdrawn, nervousness


•Menstrual depression/ PMS

•eye problems decreasing vision

•deficiency headache First Aid: acupuncture blackout, fainting, indigestion Spirit: When used with LI 13 or each is used separately, can gain a lot of ground and cover great distances. For people to walk and move arms freely and easily. Means for person to move on, whether physically, mentally or spiritually. Shakes up and revitalizes the energy. Use when there is a laziness or apathy. Brings great strength and richness to the soil. Feeds the earth in order that things can grow more richly. Feeding the muscles when working on earth element. Sea of Nourishment point – according to the Chinese it bestows longevity and endurance, keeps one free from disease, conserves vitality and revitalizes the energy, the Official and the entire meridian. Brings stability and security to the element. The stability of the earth within, everything comes from the earth. The future depends on what can be digested, absorbed and used. There can be despair and concern over the harvest. Used with moxa, this point steps up the white blood count. Strong point for grounding, stabilizing someone at the source of their being. A good point for strengthening resolves, structure and spiritual backbone is ST 36, BL54, GV 3, BL 10 – allows the summoning of courage to confront issues. Grounding point, the knees bear a lot and need help to bear more. Person needs to be present to what’s in front and go the extra distance. Connects to all seas, ponds and streams, good for “lack of” disorders. “Divine Objectivity Point”, Immunization Point”, “Vitalization and Longevity Point”. Good before, during and after long journeys. Needle 10 minutes to lower blood pressure.

St 37

"Upper Void" Shangjuxu

XI 37

Upper Great Void (Shangchuhsu) Upper Great Emptiness, Upper Great Hollow





Lower He Sea of the Large Intestine Sea of Blood point Regulates the Intestines & Stomach Clears & cools Dampness & Heat Eliminates accumulations and stagnation Benefits the Spleen, Clears Channels Invigorates Collaterals Moves Food Stagnation Regulates Qi Sedates Asthma Sedates Rebellious Qi On the anterior surface of the leg, 10 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus, lateral to the edge to the tibia.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's function of leading excess Yang Qi down. "Juxu" is also the name for a type of horse which is said to have strong legs. "Void" may also be a reference to the hollow on the lateral side of the shin. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain or distension








•leg Qi

•sharp pain in the intestines

•deficient, weak conditions of the Spleen & •gastritis


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With St 39 and UB 11 excess feeling in the upper burner, trouble breathing. pulls the energy down ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: "When the Sea of Blood is full, the patient has the sensation that his body is increasing in size." OTHER: Sea of Blood point: used to nourish and cool the organs. Colitis-- or any problem in large intestine Spirit: Relates to the upper body. Someone stable but not connected. Solid on the ground, but still some emptiness. Most of the seas empty or overflow together, if on sea is tonified, the other ones should be tonified if they need it. One would never replenish the sea of nourishment if the sea of blood is deficient. For earth CF’s with shoulder problems, ST 37 and 39 are key points to the small and large intestines. Good for mental level also. When used with the sea of blood (III 11, XI 37, XI 39) allows someone to fill the void that has been empty for a long time, fills and moves at the same time. 37 and 39 relates to the LI and SI, filling the void, transformation through the intestines, movement of food and thought, filling and moving at the same time.

St 38

"Line's Opening" Tiaokou

XI 38

Branch Opening (Tiaokou) Narrow Opening, Ribbon Opening





Benefits Shoulder Clears Obstructions Dispels Wind Cold Invigorates Collaterals Regulates Stomach Relaxes Muscles & Tendons Warms Channels On the anterior surface of the leg, 8 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus, lateral to the edge to the tibia.

IMAGE: The point sits in a slender "opening" in m. tibialis anterior. Tiao is also a name for the wind of the northeast. St 38 can be used to treat wind diseases in the lower limbs. St 38 is located between the lower he-seas of the large and small intestines, and hence could be considered an "opening" on the "line" between the large and small intestine. INDICATIONS: arthritis of the knee




•paralysis of the lower limb

•perifocal inflammation of

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Good point for frozen shoulder Spirit: Used as a non-specific command point, enriches if not certain of the level. Good for shoulder trouble. For malfunction of Qi in the stomach caused by “branch opening” being closed – blockage in ST pulse, will come straight up when this point is opened. Opening when there is blockage, food not descending properly. Often on mental level, thoughts get in the way of taking and receiving, moving thoughts through the mind.

St 39

"Lower Void" Xiajuxu

XI 39

Lower Great Void (Hsiachuhsu) Lower Great Emptiness, Lower Great Hollow





Lower He Sea of the Small Intestine Sea of Blood point Regulates Stomach & Intestines, Dispels Damp & Heat, Clears Wind Dampness, Dispels Stagnation, Clears Organs, Clears Bowels, Sedates Rebellious Qi On the anterior surface of the leg, 7 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus, lateral to the edge to the tibia.

IMAGE: This point, like St 37, has the function of bringing down excess Yang Qi. INDICATIONS: acute or chronic enteritis


•paralysis of the lower limb

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun ANCIENT USES: Also a Sea of Blood point: The classics say that tonifying this point sends warmth to the Bladder and Kidney OTHER: . For dry lips, no sweat, loss of hair, or other Blood deficient signs. good for blood in the urine (heat in Small Intestine) Mann: diseases of the breast, lower abd. pain from diarrhea Spirit: When a person feels empty inside, insecure, unstable, no contact with earth, this point opens up a blockage inside like a gutter or a ditch. Energizes the lower jiao. Good where a person is frigid, poor conception. Some people need both the voids together. When used with the sea of blood (III 11, XI 37, XI 39) allows someone to fill the void that has been empty for a long time, fills and moves at the same time. 37 and 39 relates to the LI and SI, filling the void, transformation through the intestines, movement of food and thought, filling and moving at the same time.

St 40

"Abundance & Prosperity" Fenglong

XI 40

Abundant Splendor (Fenglung) Bountiful Bulge, Abundant Flourishing, Abundant Protuberance





Luo point Junction Transforms Phlegm & Dampness, Calms the Spirit Clears Phlegm in the Heart Channel (Shen disturbance) Clears Stomach Fire & Heat Dispels Wind & Phlegm Drains Bad Qi From Lungs Invigorates Collaterals Opens the Chest Regulates Stomach & Intestines Sedates Asthma On the anterior surface of the leg, 8 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus, on the lateral edge of the tibialis antrior, at the level of XI 38.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Bountiful Bulge". This point is "filled to the brim" with the nourishing Yang Ming Channel Qi, the excess of which can flow into the Spleen channel via St 40. Fenglong also means thunder, a phenomenon which is thought to happen when the earth has an abundance of energy. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding (not major)

•abundant mucous

•amenorrhea (not major)



•headache (tight band around the head sensation or sinus headache)

•swelling of the limbs

•vertigo NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: mental disorders: cloudiness, trouble concentrating or thinking people who talk too much

•seeing ghosts

•excessive laughter OTHER: Special action on phlegm in the body: "phlegm misting the heart" resulting in insomnia


•phlegm in chest -- stuffy feeling in chest, nausea, trouble breathing

•sore throat (luo vessel goes to throat)


•withering of calves Spirit: In order to receive a harvest one needs to work and toil, many people struggle through life and they get no harvest at all, this is common in people’s work. This point allows a person to get a glimpse of the harvest which can be available to them. Used for the spirit when a person doesn’t feel satisfied. Good for the mental side of earth problems – ghosts, obsessions, lack of contact with earth. A plentiful supply of energy, very rarely is it an empty reservoir. Brings up the general energy. Almost has the same effect as a Source Point because it is a reservoir. Good point to do after ST 37 and 39 – after they are filled. Classic point for clearing phlegm and damp. Clears phlegm, especially in the head with mucus in the sinuses, if head not clear, the phlegm blocks the sun. Harmonizes relationship between SP and ST. When the SP is full and ST empty. Ideal for a person who feels burdened by typical forms of nourishment – family, friends, career – assists in the transformation of burdensome feelings to receiving abundance. Bringing and reminding a person of the splendor and abundance of life. Seeing the glass as half full instead of empty. Use if there are no reserves, nothing to call upon. Lack of contact with earth, no gravity.

St 41

"Release Stream" Jiexi

XI 41

Released Stream (Chiehhsi) Ravine Divided, Melted Creek, (river point)





Jing River: Fire Tonification; Point of Ching (late summer); Dragon Point Clears Stomach Heat and Fire Supports & benefits the Spleen Clears the Brain and Calms the Spirit Eliminates Cold & Damp Dispels Wind Regulates Stomach Stops Spasms Transforms Damp & Stagnation At the middle of the anterior flexure of the ankle, between the tendons of the extensor digitorum longus and the extensor hallicus longus (the two lateral tendons)

IMAGE: Needling this point can "release" a "stream" of Qi down the Stomach channel. "Jie" also has the classical meaning of "untie," referring to the shoes being tied & untied in this area. INDICATIONS: diseases of the ankle & surrounding soft tissues

•distended abdomen

•drop foot


•eye diseases

•headache (frontal)


•pain in foot & ankle

•pain in the mouth

•seizures (not a major point)

•severe palpitations

•vertigo NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun OTHER: Mostly used for Stomach problems and facial problems (headache, edema) CAM: facial edema Tonification point more for yin deficient heat indigestion, mild burning (not excess) mental disorders of the depressive type Mann: Stomach hot with incoherent speech Spirit: Breaks a lot of blocks on the ST meridian, gets Qi flowing to the ends of the meridian (feet and mind). Fire brings warmth to a cold and barren earth, it releases streams that come from the sea. Brings a spark of joy to the harvest, the light of the sun on earth – without bounty life is flat and disengaged. There’s a full plate, get the “spirit” from it and relish the abundance, play in the sun and get out of self absorption. Collapsed within – reengage with the outer world. It’s no good to have a full plate if person is not getting anything out of it, relish in abundance, enlivening the harvest, ignites appetite, removes self-absorption, will feel sadness or absence of joy – person moldy or damp. About engagement and the mother/child connection. A place where Qi can be released and untied. Breaks a lot of blocks on XI, getting the earth to flow to both the head and feet. For people walking around and talking nonsense.

St 42

"Pouring Yang" Chongyang

XI 42

Rushing Yang (Chungyang) Surging Yang, Thoroughfare of Yang, (starting point)





Source Point Exit point Supports Spleen & Stomach, Harmonizes the Stomach, Clears Stomach Fire, Transforms Damp, Disperses Wind, Clears Obstruction, Regulates Face & Neck, Sedates Heart & Mind On the dorsal surface of the foot, (in the concavity at the meeting of the navicular, lateral cuniform and intermediate cuneiform bones) approximately half-way between XI 41 and XI 43.

LOCATION: Distal to St 41, at the highest point of the dorsum of the foot, in the depression between the 2nd & 3rd metatarsal bones and the cuneiform bone IMAGE: The Yang Qi of the Stomach channel is said to "pour" or "rush" through this point. There is also an arterial pulse which can be felt "surging" at this point on the yang side of the foot. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis



on dorsum of foot




•no strength in arms or legs


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun Avoid the artery PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Mann: wants to undress in public walks around aimlessly "monthly madness" OTHER: Not used much fright, palpitations Spirit: Especially good for instability on a mental level, may show up as circular.Very grounding point, good for someone over the top, spinning out of control, someone who likes to stand on a table and sing naked – pins one to the ground. Good for circular thinking on mental level, when nothing is getting completed. The rushing quality of Qi. For those desperately seeking attention and warmth, unstable and ungrounded. Exhibitionists. Entry/exit into XII – unwillingness to take anything offered, stubborn refusal.

St 43

"Sinking Valley" Xiangu

XI 43

Sinking Valley (Hsienku) Deep Valley, Sunken Valley, Cave-in of Valley, (stream point)



Shu Stream: Wood Point of Yu (summer) Cleans Heat Disperses Wind Induces Diuresis Regulates Stomach Reverses Rebellious Qi Strengthens Spleen Transforms Damp



nd rd On the dorsal surface of the foot, in the hole between the 2 and 3 matetarsal bones.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's location in the "valley" formed by the 2nd & 3rd metatarsal bones.Valley also implies an ability to hold water, a reference to the point's function of treating facial edema. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain



•facial edema


•intestinal noises

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: used a lot for gas-- abdominal & belching

•liver attacking earth syndrome pre-ulcer Spirit: When someone needs to set down new roots in the earth. This point is about movement, break things up, find a new direction, when can’t get out of a spin. The force of the earth when it has been trapped in a pit. There is no ability to see beyond the stuckness, frustration, they need to stand on their own center in a new way with a new perspective so can find a new direction and “get out of the spin”. Gives the ability to take a step into action rather than have thoughts circling around (worry).

St 44

"Inner Court" Neitung

XI 44

Inner Courtyard (Neiting) Inner court, Inner Yard, (spring point)





Ying Spring: Water Point of Yung (spring) Cools & drains Heat from the Stomach Regulates the Qi & suppresses pain Benefits Digestion, Cleans Stomach Fire,, Clears Damp from GI System, Clears Wind from the Head & Face,, Clears Wind Heat, Drains Bad Qi from Stomach, Harmonizes Intestines, Moves Stomach Qi Down, Reduces Fever, Reduces Fullness, Transforms Stagnation nd rd On the dorsal surface of the foot, between the 2 and 3 toes, just nd distal to the base of the proximal phalanx of the 2 toe.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to the "inner court" between the 2nd & 3rd toes. INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•acute & chronic enteritis


•blood in the urine (not major)


•eye pain



•pain of intestinal hernia

•paralysis of the mouth

•red & white dysentery

•ringing in the ears (not major)


•throat blockage


•toothache (upper)

•trigeminal neuralgia

•wind rash NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: for people who dislike the sound of human voices POINT COMBINATIONS: With St 41 for facial edema

•With LI 4 for bleeding gums

•With LI 11 for cold hands and feet OTHER: Common for sore throat/tonsillitis, esp. when combined with digestive symptoms

•fevers (ying spring)

•Used to pull heat down

•more heat than St 45

•more throat than St 34 Spirit: The best point on Stomach for abdominal disorders, especially when accompanied with pain and fear – “What is causing it? What is it? Will it come back again? Fear out of all sense of proportion to the pain. Anything to do with earth type fears/ nightmares. People who cannot stand human voice, who do not wish to communicate. Good for analgesia (dental and children) A filling, settling point. Fill own inner space, own center from within. Filling, allowing one to go in to get deep nourishment in a place of stillness, when feeling over spent and desperate. Exhibits worry, fear, and anxiety all at once (agitation).Fear of not being able to get what’s needed – gives a sense of safety and comfort to fill own center. This point allows person to go somewhere peaceful and comfortable. Brings the quiet stillness quality of water to a busy mind, when it is hard, dry, barren and unreceptive. Skin disorders, too much or too little water in the earth.

St 45

"Strict Exchange" Lidui

XI 45

Hard Bargin (Litui) Sever Mouth, Evil’s Dissipation, Exchange of Grindstone (well point)



Jing Well: Metal Point of Yung (spring) Calms Spirit Clears Food Stagnation, Clears the Heart, Clears Yang Ming Heat Harmonizes the Stomach Moves Qi Opens the Channels Opens the Orifices Regulates Stomach Sedates Pain Stimulates the Mind Transforms Damp Heat



nd rd On the dorsal surface of the foot, between the 2 and 3 toes, just nd distal to the base of the proximal phalanx of the 2 toe.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Evil's Dissipation," or "Severe Mouth." Implies a cleansing of unpleasant words or bad Qi from the mouth and replacing them with better ones. This may relate to St 45's effect on sore throat, toothache, & sinus infections, in terms of "clearing" that part of the body. Dr. Liao says the name also implies calming the spirit and reducing wind. INDICATIONS: hepatitis



•ischemia of the brain



NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.1 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: dream disturbed sleep


•Mann: Like a corpse, madness, nightmares

OTHER: hangovers

•sedation point on the stomach channel First Aid: hangover, indigestion, toothache Spirit: Person feels cold mentally, no tolerance, understanding or compassion. Metal gives richness to the earth, so this is a good point for a barren earth (menstrual difficulties). I want to reach out to help this person but person has to help self. I cannot resolve it. Having to accept imperfection in any moment in life. The grief or loss (metal in earth abundance) – person can’t go any further than this… Good for person who feels they are never met. Lack of sympathy for others and self (metal in earth becomes cold). For a person who has really gotten themselves into a bind, a real hard place. “There’s a rock in my stomach”. Stuck in a complaint – “this is a hard place in life and let’s get moving”.

Leg Greater Yin Spleen Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Begins on the medial tip of the big toe, follows the border of the red & white skin along the medial aspect of the foot. Passes in front of the medial malleolus and up the leg, along the posterior side of the tibia, crossing at Sp 6 and then travelling anterior to the Liver channel. Crosses over the medial aspect of the knee and continues up along the anterior medial aspect of the thigh and into the abdomen. After crossing the Ren channel at Ren 3 and Ren 4 the channel enters the Spleen and Stomach at Ren 10. Ascends across the diaphragm and intersects the Gallbladder channel at GB 24, the Liver at Liv 14, and the Lung at Lu 1 and finally reaches the root of the tongue, dispersing over its lower surface. A branch separates in the stomach region and advances upward across the diaphragm, transporting qi into the Heart. Also directly joins with the Heart, Lungs, and Intestines. CROSSING POINTS: Ren 3, Ren 4, Ren 10, Liv 14, GB 24, Lu 1 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Heaviness in the body or head, general feverishness, fatigued limbs and emaciated muscles, stiffness of the tongue, coldness along the medial side of the leg and knee, edema in the foot or leg. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Abdominal pain, fullness, or distension, diarrhea, incomplete digestion of food, intestinal noises, vomiting, hard lumps in the abdomen, reduced appetite, jaundice, constipation. DIVERGENT CHANNEL Separates from primary channel on the thigh, converges with the divergent channel of the Stomach and proceeds upwards to the throat, after which it enters the tongue. LUO CHANNEL Separates from the primary channel at Sp 4, connects with the Stomach channel at St 42, ascends to the abdomen and connects with the Stomach and Intestines. Symptoms of Excess: Vomiting, diarrhea, sharp intestinal pain. Symptoms of Deficiency: Abdominal swelling. GREAT LUO OF THE SPLEEN (Luo of all Luo channels) From Sp 21, spreads through the hypochondria Symptoms of Excess: general aches & pains throughout the body Symptoms of Deficiency: Weakness in the muscles of the limbs and joints MUSCLE CHANNEL Starts at the medial side of the big toe and ascends across the foot, connecting with the medial malleolus. Connects with the medial side of the knee, then traverses the medial aspect of the thigh and connects with the hip before joining with the reproductive organs. After crossing the abdomen and connecting with the umbilicus, the channel enters the abdominal cavity, connects with the ribs, and disperses through the chest. An internal branch adheres to the spine.

Pathological Symptoms: Strained muscles of the big toe, pain in the internal malleolus pain in the muscles of rotation in the ankle, pain in the medial aspect of the knee, pain in the adductor muscles of the thigh, pain due to muscle strain of the groin, pain from strained upper abdominal muscles, pain due to pulled muscles of the mid-thoracic vertebrae.

SPLEEN In charge of the distribution through the entire BMS. Signs of SP maldistribution – skinny above, thick below. Damp can manifest as lack of motivation, sluggish, can’t get moving. Diarrhea is often sinking SP Qi – failure of SP to hold things up (constipation if likely LI). Transforms food in the ST to produce Qi and Blood, turns nourishment into energy. Grants the 5 tastes. Creates flesh. SP imbalance can show up as deep emptiness (empty basket). Supports and holds up (uterus and bladder), holds in (blood in vessels). Transforms fluids – may lead to damp if out of balance Sensuality – fullness of senses taking in life. Has a lot to do with pregnancy. Provides a deep sense of inner home, internal residence. Out of balance – emptiness that is deeper and more profound than ST. 1.

Retired White 2.

Great Capital 3.

Supreme White 4.

Prince’s Grandson 5.

Merchant Mound 6.

Three Yin Junction 7.

Leaky Valley 8.

Earth Motivator 9.

Yin Mound Spring 10.

Sea of Blood 11.

Basket Gate 12.

Rushing Gate 13.

Official Residence 14.

Abdomen Knot 15.

Great Horizon 16.

Abdomen Sorrow 17.

Food Drain 18.

Heavenly Stream 19.

Chest Region 20.

Encircling Glory 21.

Great Enveloping

SUMMARY: SPLEEN CHANNEL Phone # (348) SP-1-2-3-5-9 Tonification point: Sp 2 Sedation point: Sp 5 Horary point: Sp 3 Sp 1

Bleeding problems-- uterine, etc, excess or deficient Sp 2

5 elements-- tonifies spleen deficiencies Sp 3

Source pt-- builds & tonifies spleen. Blood sugar problems, dampness and heaviness in the body, bloating/gas/food stagnation hemorrhoids/prolapses Sp 4

More for pain stagnation-- epigastric pain, menstrual problems (regulates), genital injuries Sp 5

dampness-- edema/swelling/connective tissue. Bloating/indigestion Sp 6

Builds yin and blood. Any lower burner problems-- kidneys/urinary/gynecological. Main point for gynecological / deficiencies Sp 8

Menstrual/stagnation-- dysmenorrhea, Edema/urinary/digestive Sp 9

damp heat/stagnation: urinary, water transformation, lower burner/discharges Sp 10

skin problems, Excessive menses-- irregular. More for heat & bleeding problems

Sp 1

"Hidden White" Yinbai


Retired White (Yinpai) Hidden clarity, Hidden White, (well point)





Jing Well: Wood Ghost point Entry; Point of Cheng (winter); Benefits the Spleen Regulates the Blood Boosts Spleen Yang Clears and Calms the Mind Clears Heart & Stabilizes Spirit Increases Qi & Improves Blood Flow Warms the Spleen Wraps the Blood Medial nail point of the big toe


IMAGE: A reference to the white skin on the big toe where Sp 1 is located. "Yinbai" can also imply a clarity of mind which this point is said to instill. Some sources indicate that Hidden White refers to metal (white is the color of metal) which is hidden within the earth. In 5 element theory, earth gives way to metal. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain or distension

•abnormal uterine bleeding

•bleeding of the digestive tract

•blood in urine or stool

•chronic infantile convulsions

•continuous nosebleed

•mental diseases (jing well)

•spitting blood NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.1 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: dream-disturbed sleep Sorrowfulness •J.C. Darrus: Terror stricken, too restless to stay in bed or sleep OTHER: Main point for any kind of bleeding-- especially uterine (deficient or excess condition)

•bleeding hemorrhoids

•allergies-- esp. to insecticides

•lack of energy

•classically not recommended to moxa (?!)

•Dr.Voll: Rt. side: for protein metabolism

•Lt. side: lymph glands or neck & thorax. Esp useful for environmental allergies such as insecticides Spirit: Wood can get clogged up by earth like a plant growing too large for its pot. A person may not be able to see a way out (stuck and choking) and need new roots in the soil, new growth. This point anchors a person to the ground, clarity of thought. A relationship with metal, a rising radiating power, it allows the breath of the earth to rise to the lungs – an important balance created between earth and celestial harmony. Strengthens and tonifies. Aids in study and recall. Temper tantrums, increases concentration.

Sp 2

"Big Metropolis" Dadu


Great Capital (Tatu) Great Metropolis, (spring point)





Ying Spring: Fire Tonification; Point of Yung (spring) Regulates Stomach, Tonifies Spleen, Clears Digestive Stagnation and Heat, Moves Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Returns Yang, Relieves the Exterior On the medial edge of the big toe, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx.

IMAGE: Implies a great amount of Qi which gathers here, somewhat like a "city" of Qi. INDICATIONS: abdominal distension or diarrhea



•apoplectic coma

•edema of the limbs

•fever (ying

NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.1 - 0.3 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus:

Lack of emotional control, lack of moral conscience, selfish ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: paralysis of legs, migraines OTHER: Tonification point: Not used much except by 5 Element practitoners to tonify the Spleen.

•improve memory

•Maciocia: Releases the exterior in external excess heat

•Dr.Voll: Rt. side: nucleoprotein metabolism, i.e., gout. (Dr. Shwery has had immediate results)

•Lt. side: for lymph nodes, abdomen, & pelvis

•J.C. Darrus:

•Short attention span, tires easily

•Vomits everything ingested

•Abundant mucous secretions, body feels heavy Spirit: Warms the earth, if there is no warmth in the soil, nothing will grow or flourish. Opening the self to a special kind of nourishment and warmth coming from others. Gives mental energy. A capitol is a gathering point for Qi within the meridian. Putting lava in the soil, bringing deep joy, sparks the earth. Good for concentration and memorization. Light shining on earth, capitol of the center of activity and there is a lot happening. Joy of the harvest, embodying fullness and fleshiness of self. The earth can only give when feeling fullness inside self.

Sp 3

"Most White" Taibai


Supreme White (Taipai) Great Brightness, Great White, (stream point)





Shu Stream: Earth Source point Earth; Horary 9am-11am; Source; Point of Yu (summer) Benefits the Spleen Eliminates Damp & Heat Harmonizes Middle and Lower Jiao Benefits the Spine Harmonizes Stomach Yin Regulates Large Intestine Regulates Spleen & Stomach Tonifies Spleen Qi & Yang On the medial edge of the foot, just proximal to the head of the first metatarsal bone.

IMAGE: Taibai is the name for the planet Venus, which corresponds to the metal element and was considered as having a martial influence on life on earth. Sp 3's function of sedating "uprisings" in the Large Intestine (metal organ) is a reflection of this. "Tai Bai" is also the name of a Mountain, which is reminiscent of the "mountain" created by the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint. INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•acute gastroenteritis



(from damp-- tight band sensation)




NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: CAM: gastric pain, sluggishness (damp feeling)


•for people who are very pale ("most white")



•"Can't let go, can't move on." For people who are stuck mentally or have obsessions.

•sleepy after meals


•Dr.Voll: Rt. side: carbohydrate metabolism, diabetes (also for stopping sugar or sugar cravings)

•Lt. side: RBC's & platelets (anemia)

•J.C. Darrus:

•Gastric acidity one hour after meals, vomits everything ingested, diarrhea with pus and blood

•Body feels heavy Spirit: Lends a great sense of solidity and groundedness. Nourishes, holds, lifts. Concentration, memorization, study. Useful for someone ungrounded due to airplane travel of frequent moving from place to place. Needing a sense of support and understanding when sinking.

Sp 4

"Grandfather's Grandson" Gongsun


Prince’s Grandson (Kungsun) Yellow Emperor, Ancestors and Descendants, Royal Grandchild





Luo Point Confluent point of the Chong Meridian Junction; Master point of Chong Mo; Coupled Point of Yin Wei Mo On the medial edge of the foot, just distal to the proximal end of the first metatarsal bone.

IMAGE: This is the Luo point of the Spleen, in this case the "grandfather," which sends energy to the Stomach Channel, in this case the "Grandson." ( In paired channels, the Yin channel comes first.) "Gongsun" is also the name of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to have discovered this point. FUNCTIONS: Regulates the Spleen & Stomach Regulates the Penetrating Channel (Sea of Blood) Calms the Stomach, Dispels Damp & Heat, Harmonizes Middle & Lower Burner, Invigorates Blood (stomach pain), Reduces Qi Stagnation and Clears Obstructions, Regulates the Menses, Sedates Mind, Stops Bleeding, Tonifies Spleen and Stomach, Tonifies Yuan Qi INDICATIONS: abdominal pain

•acute & chronic enteritis



•intestines "like a drum"

•irregular menstruation

of best points)

•tidal fevers



•foot & ankle •seizures

•stomach ache (one

NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.5 - 0.8 cun OTHER: Confluent point of the Chong channel

•Paired confluent point: P 6 of Yin Wei extra channel

•Especially good for severe epigastric pain. Used a lot for ulcers, pain, vomiting

•Good for menstrual problems from blood stagnation-- deficient or late menses

•Good for dysentery, diarrhea, & gas

•For genital injuries

•Classics: "The patient is sad, he sighs, he has no appetite. He has fever with shivering; when he's about to sweat he vomits. Must needle Sp 4 right away!"

•Dr.Voll: Rt. side: lipid metabolism (to decrease cholesterol)

•Lt. side: general immune booster

•J.C. Darrus:

•All types of energy disorders

•Nervous breakdown

•Biliary insufficiency, diarrhea from inflammation

•Heart pain with swollen face

•Abundant mucous secretions Spirit: The Chinese character is the name of the Prince’s grandson who literally saved the realm. Used to give essence distribution, healer of the land. Used for the spirit a lot, it is the only point with a royal name so influential, about wealth, riches, plenty. The grandson is one of the Emperor’s favorites, heir to the throne. It is like entrusting the future to your grandchildren, leaving a legacy. There is a sense of encouraging and enhancing the grandchildren. The point brings tremendous youthful richness. An investment for the patient’s future. Us when a person can no longer think about the future, has suicidal thoughts, sorry for themselves. All too much to cope with, this point will help them look to the future and bring a new perspective. An extremely valuable point to consider. For those who have lost “for the sake of”, self-pity. Feeling no harvest from efforts – putting out a lot and getting nothing back. Promise of something to come, the opening to Chong Mo, filling and moving at the same time, nourishes the Blood and Qi. “One of the most beautiful points on the body”, a lot of joy will come from it. Everything in the future will stem from here. Communication with a higher, wiser being like a grandfather to grandson. A special child of the court receiving the best from mother earth. Brings a calm objective point of view. Closely associated with source Qi. Good for severe earth imbalance, depression, self-pity, whining, no perspective.

Sp 5

"Mound of Commerce" Shangqiu


Merchant Mound (Shangchiu) Metal’s Note Hill, Shang Hill, Commercial Mounds, (river point)





Jing River: Metal Sedation; Point of Ching (late summer); Reunion of Veins Strengthens the Spleen & Stomach Transforms Samp stagnation Clears Damp Heat Harmonizes Middle Burner Invigorates Spleen Relaxes Muscles & Tendons Stimulates Channels On the medial surface of the ankle, in the hollow anterior and distal to the medial malleolus, posterior to the tendon of the tibialis anterior.

IMAGE: The point sits in a depression on the "mound" or hill which is the top of the foot. The depression may be suggestive of a mining site from which "metal" ore has been mined. It is also the metal point of the channel, and has been associated with the musical note ("shang") which the Chinese traditionally classified as metal. Mound of Commerce may refer to the quantity of Qi which passes back & forth through this area. Also translated as "Metal Mound." INDICATIONS: abdominal distension associated with deficient


•breast pain (nm)




•diseases of the ankle and surrounding soft tissues

•edema •enteritis


•hemorrhoids (Sp 1 used more)


•intestinal noises

•jaundice (not a major point)


•stomach-ache NEEDLING: 0.2 - 0.3 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Joanna Zhao uses this point for "thinking too much” (especially students!)

•J.C. Darrus:

•Lack of emotional control, likes to sleep, pessimism, melancholia, anxiety about the future, excessive religiousness and scrupulousness, sighs a lot

OTHER: Sedation point-- otherwise , not used much, except: connective tissue problems: people who sprain easily or dislocate easily; also joint problems like arthritis J.C. Darrus:

Painful articulations, bone pains, decalcification Spirit: Speed up venous return, a very cleansing function. Powerful as a sedation point, sometimes use in it’s own right if SP is depleted. Metal gives earth value, provides structure and order, overly self-involved, brings honor and respect to woundedness, acknowledging the hurt, can sedate for extreme agitation in children. Richness of earth, like trace minerals. The structure, order and rhythm brought to earth by metal. A place where rhythm and cycles meet. Placing too much value on oneself, self-centeredness. Good for varicose veins, jaundice involving yellow feces.

Sp 6

"Three Yin Junction" Sanyinjiao


Three Yin Junction (Sanyinchiao) Three Yin Intersection



Δ 3 – 10



Meeting point of 3 Lower Yin Meridians A center of energy; Meeting point of 3 leg yin (IV,VIII, XII) Strengthens the Spleen & transforms Dampness Spreads the Liver Qi Benefits the Kidneys Benefits Delivery of Baby, Calms Fetus, Clears Blood Heat, Clears Damp Heat, Clears Deficient Heat, Clears Wind Damp from Channels, Invigorates Blood, Moistens Blood, Moistens Dryness, Moves Qi and Transforms Qi Stagnation, Nourishes Liver Yin, Promotes Urination, Raises Middle Qi, Regulates Menses, Regulates Middle and Lower Jiao, Regulates Qi & Blood, Regulates the Uterus, Regulates Water Pathways, Sedates Liver Yang, Sedates Mind, Softens Hard Masses, Stops Pain, Tonifies Kidney Yin & Jing, Tonifies Qi and Blood, Tonifies Spleen Yang On the medial surface of the leg, 4 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia.

IMAGE: The three yin channels of the leg connect here. INDICATIONS: abnormal bleeding

•cloudy urine


•deficient & weak condition of Stomach & Spleen

•diarrhea (major point)

•difficult labor (good- esp w/ LI 4)

•difficult urination

•diseases of the reproductive system (any)

•distension or pain of the abdomen


•failure to discharge placenta

•fetal death in uterus



•intestinal noises & diarrhea

•irregular menstruation

•lack of menstruation

•neurasthenia (major point) •neurodermatitis

•nocturnal emissions

•poor digestion

•sterility (of women)


•vaginal discharge

•vertigo from deficient blood NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Mann: nervous depression POINT COMBINATIONS: Used a lot w/ St 36 for deficiency w/ Sp 4 & P6 for excess OTHER: Because it affects Liver, Spleen, and Kidney, this is an important point for Yin and Blood in the body. Main point for menstrual problems Sp 4: upper abdomen pain and distension

•Sp 6: lower abdomen pain and distension

•Diabetes Main point for skin problems (esp those associated with blood/damp) Prolapse

•CAM: insomnia, hernia, pain in external genitalia

•Headache associated with menses

•hot flashes/menopause


•"Always use Sp 6 in Blood deficiency"

•food in stool

•insomnia from fatigue CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY: PULLS THE QI DOWNWARD Spirit: For very deep depressions, the person is desperate, wants to run away, wants to throw up job, family, food, can’t stand it anymore.Very stabilizing, empowering, strengthening. Helps person to take himself on, move the force of the mountain. Grounds, roots, strengthens the trunk. For a person who has reached their limit, very deep depression, desperation, wanting to run away or throw up (job, marriage, etc.)

Sp 7

"Seeping Valley" Lougu


Leaky Valley (Louku)





Invigorates Spleen & Stomach, Harmonizes Stomach, Reduces Swelling, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Regulates Qi & Blood On the medial surface of the leg, 7 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia.

IMAGE: This point is used for "leaky gentlemen" or men who experience wet dreams or any loss of semen. Also translated as "Grain Hole." Dr. Feng uses this as an auxiliary point to tonify Spleen Qi. INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•intestinal noises

•paralysis of lower limb

•urinary tract infection

NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: The point for wet dreams or any "seeping" - “leaky gentlemen”

•"a man's point"

•weight loss despite food intake

•J.C. Darrus:

•weight gain from water retention

•rheumatism pain from humidity

•classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: Earth not holding water or nourishment. Helps stop circular thought. Allows person to reap the rewards of doing for others. Little urine is passed, wastes are being retained that should have gone out.

Sp 8

"Earth's Mechanism" Diji


Earth Motivator (Tichi) Earth’s Mechanism, Earth’c Crux





Xi Cleft Harmonizes the Blood Regulates the uterus Clears the channel Harmonizes Spleen & Kidneys Holds Sperm Induces Diuresis Invigorates Blood and Transforms Blood Stagnation Regulates Menses Regulates Qi and Blood Stimulates Spleen Stomach, Stops Leukorrhea Stops Pain Tonifies Spleen Qi and Blood On the medial surface of the leg, 9 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's function of regulating the "mechanism" of the earth (Spleen) channel as it relates to lower burner disharmonies. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding


•difficult urination

•dysmenorrhea (esp. excess)




•nocturnal emissions

•distension of the abdomen & flanks



NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.5 - 1.0 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With LI 4 for painful menses OTHER:


•CAM: abdominal distension, anorexia, dysentery

•no erection

Spirit: Revitalizes or calms down the SP when it gets sluggish or hyper. Since the SP works hard at transporting Qi throughout the body, one needs to start by motivating the earth. Some people’s earth has not been turned over for generations and it is hard, impacted, water logged and is of no use. This cultivation is needed to prepare the earth to receive. Cultivating the earth – this is how you have experienced earth so far and we are going to till it so that you can plant new seeds. Blood/Qi/Energy here. Like a bulldozer, shakes up the earth, turns it over and forces it to move. Good for stubborn people who don’t hear what you say. Helpful for fluid or fatty tissue buildups. Can change all 12 pulses. Mental level for hard-headedness, stubbornness, people who don’t hear a word said.

Sp 9

"Yin Mound Spring" Yinlingquan


Yin Mound Spring (Yinlingchuan) Mound Fountain of Yin, (sea point)





He Sea: Water Point of Ho (autumn) Transforms Damp & Heat stagnation Benefits the Lower Burner Benefits Urination, Clears the Channel, Expels Wind Cold, Harmonizes Stomach Yin, Invigorates Spleen, Regulates Water Pathways, Tonifies Spleen Yang, Transforms Dampness, Warms Middle Jiao On the medial surface of the leg, approximately 13 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, on the posterior edge of the tibia in the corner formed by the shaft and the medial condyle of the tibia.

IMAGE: This point is the "spring" of Yin Qi which rests at the base of the "mound" at the medial corner of the tibia. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain



•diarrhea w/ undigested food (good point)

•distension of the abdomen






•irregular menstruation

•knee pain


•nocturnal emissions

•pain of lower back & leg

•pain of the genitals

•retention of urine

•urinary tract infection NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.5 - 1.0 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With Sp 6 for damp heat vaginal discharge OTHER: Main point for regulating water: diuretic point, used for water imbalances

•Main point for leukorrhea, vaginal discharge

•Used a lot w/ kidney problems

•colitis/ bloating

•will be tender on people w/ intestinal


•used a lot for hepatitis/jaundice-- damp heat

•breast lumps/swollen breasts

•herpes (damp heat lower burner)


•J.C. Darrus:

orchitis, epididymitis, pain in the genitals, urethral discharge, no erection

•classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: Mental craving for sympathy, “feel sorry for me”, or dryness, hardness, bitterness, lack of sympathy “I don’t need it” – both craving and rejection of sympathy. Lack of water in earth manifests a lack of fluidity on mental level. Too much water – swelling. Best point for knees with ST 35. Is classically used for women with hormonal problems, goes tender. Lack of fluidity, movement, motivation on mental level = lack of water in earth which can show up as quality of hardness, dryness, bitterness.

Sp 10

"Sea of Blood" Xuehai

XII 10

Sea of Blood (Hsuehhai)



Δ 3 - 10


Harmonizes Ying (Nourishing) Qi and Blood, Cools Heat Calms Fetus, Clears Blood Wind & Blood Heat, Nourishes Dry Blood, Promotes Blood Flow, Regulates and Invigorates Blood, Regulates Menses, Regulates Spleen Qi, Tonifies the Blood, Tonifies Ying Qi On the anterior surface of the thigh, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, in the middle of the belly of the vastus medialis.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's function of regulating Blood. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding




•irregular menstruation


NEEDLING: Perpendicular 0.5 - 1.2 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With St 36, LI 11 for anemia OTHER: Sea of Blood: good for irregular menses,

point for skin problems

•More for heat than Sp 8

•excess bleeding, menstrual blockage

•Main •More for excess than Sp 6

Spirit: When there’s no life, no blood, no energy. Consider this point when there is anything associated with blood. It revitalizes, re-energizes and reawakens. For coldness on a mental level – rejection and withdrawal. Use with “House of Hernia” with heavy moxa to reduce a hernia. Anemia

Sp 11

"Basket's Door" Jimen

XII 11

Basket Gate (Chimen) Winnower gate





Point of Yin Wei Mo Clears Head Dispels Damp & Heat, Regulates Fluid Pathways On the anterior surface of the thigh, 9 ACO proximal to the flexure of the knee, on the medial border of the sartorius

IMAGE: Squatting with the knees separated is called the "Ji" posture. Sp 11 is sometimes needled while sitting in this position. INDICATIONS: enuresis

•inguinal lymphadenitis

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun


Sp 12

"Pouring Door" Chongmen

XII 12

Rushing Gate (Chungmen) Penetrating gate, Surging gate, Pouring Door





Regulates Qi, Dispels Damp & Heat Moves Qi & Blood Builds Yin, Clears the Channel On the flexure of the groin, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and 4 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, on a level with XIII 3. (rotate the leg for the flexure and feel the opening)

IMAGE: Also called "Surging Gate." Qi tends to slow down in the inguinal area, thus causing it to "surge" against the "door." The femoral artery also channels blood which "surges" through this area. INDICATIONS: endometritis


•pain of hernia

•retention of urine

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun CAUTION: AVOID THE BLOOD VESSEL Spirit: Similar action to ST 30 and KI 11. Any gate on the SP meridian must be free moving. This is a reunion point with Liver. For bloated feelings, retention of urine, constipation. To get things moving, think of mind or spirit that won’t let go. Obsessed spirit. Wait until the patient is really asking to let go. Points 12-16 will warm a person on BMS levels. Allowing a person to be more grounded, more receptive, carefree, gay, able to see clearly – bringing a person back to the joy of the earth.

Sp 13

"Dwelling" Fushe

XII 13

Official Residence (Fushe) Bowel Abode



Δ 5 - 10


Point of Yin Wei Mo Regulates Qi, Transforms Stagnant Liver Qi, Sedates Pain On the abdomen, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and 3 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, on a level with XIII 4.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to the lower abdomen which houses the bowels INDICATIONS: adnexitis (PID)



•inguinal lymphadenitis

•pain of hernia

•pain of lower

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: more for gynecological than digestive problems; lower jiao Qi stagnation Spirit: May be combined with SP 14 when a person is in a knot with BMS and has a barren spirit with no harvest. In a tangle and can’t see their way out. The Official Residence is the home and stabilizes the SP. If a person is scanty, hyperactive, this point will calm them down and allow them to just be. When there is a feeling that they are a lost child looking for help. When someone hasn’t established themselves in themselves, centered themselves in their own being. About being ones own person and not living through others. Points 12-16 will warm a person on BMS levels. Allowing a person to be more grounded, more receptive, carefree, gay, able to see clearly – bringing a person back to the joy of the earth. About absence of something and needing to be filled, create a home around them – person has moved a lot and not established self in self. Being one’s own person and not living through another.

Sp 14

XII 14

⊥7 Δ 5 - 15

"Abdomen's Knot" Fujie Abdomen Knot (Fuchieh) Abdominal Bind


Warms Middle, Dispels Cold, Moves Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi


On the abdomen, 4 ACI lateral to the median line, 1 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, on a level with XIII 7.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's function of treating abdominal stagnation. : INDICATIONS: diarrhea

•pain in the region of the umbilicus

•pain of hernia NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Tightness or knot in stomach – pain – not necessarily knotted up physically. Most people with this symptom have trouble that’s lying there and twisting their gut. This point will help release the mental and spiritual knot and free the person, as it were take them out of the mental and physical prison. Shocks can cause churning and knotting. Many have this discomfort over something they haven’t dealt with. Anger can cause “venting your spleen” – not just an anger from wood. Mental point. Points 12-16 will warm a person on BMS levels. Allowing a person to be more grounded, more receptive, carefree, gay, able to see clearly – bringing a person back to the joy of the earth.

Sp 15

"Big Horizontal" Daheng

XII 15

Great Horizon (Taheng) Great Transverse

⊥ 10


Δ 5 - 10


Moves and Regulates Qi, Transforms Qi Stagnation in Bowels, Benefits the Colon, Moistens the Intestines, Clears Intestinal Damp Heat, Opens the Organs, Dissipates Excess Water, Regulates Spleen Qi, Strengthens the Limbs, Stops Pain Point of Yin Wei Mo On the abdomen, 4 ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the umbilicus and XIII 8.

IMAGE: The point is directly above the Large (Da) Intestine, on a horizontal (Heng) line level with the umbilicus, and St 25 (the Front Mu point of the Large Intestine). INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•cold pain in the lower abdomen




•parasitic worms in the intestines

•severe diarrhea


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.2 cun OTHER: Used for same kinds of things as St 25, only not as many menstrual indications

•good for constipation

•Mann: for people who are always sad Spirit: The epitome of the earth element – creates calm. For security, stability, calmness, the earth is there to provide solid ground, it will be there to nourish. For a distraught earth CF. For someone who is always sad. Adds stability for an earth element that is shattered, crazy, uncentered; for earthquake on BMS level. Middle jiao is for processing – for a person who can’t take anymore, can’t deal with it, gives them security and stability to deal with more. Used with ST 25 has a powerful centering effect. Moves and lifts Qi, great balancing point, calms after earth shattering experience. Points 12-16 will warm a person on BMS levels. Allowing a person to be more grounded, more receptive, carefree, gay, able to see clearly – bringing a person back to the joy of the earth.

Sp 16

"Abdomen's Sorrow" Fuai

XII 16

Abdomen Sorrow (Fuai) Abdominal Lament



Δ 5 - 10


Point of Yin Wei Mo Dispels Damp & Heat, Opens the Bowels & Clears Qi Stagnation On the abdomen, 4 ACI lateral to the median line and 2 _ ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at a level half-way between XIII 10 and XIII 11, on the paramedian nipple line.

IMAGE: This point is useful in preventing suffering or sorrow in the abdomen, i.e. abdomen pain. INDICATIONS: constipation



•pain in the region of the umbilicus

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: A spiritual emptiness, a sadness as in a person who says “I don’t want to eat”, appealing to your sympathy and wanting to be understood. A bit like Broken Bowl, think of loss in the earth element, that sadness when there is nothing there, sense of loss or departure. Moves sorrow that has been held for a long time at not having gotten what was needed. They’re not being nourished and loved by Mother Earth. To help letting go of motherhood (abortion, menopause, miscarriage, post-partum depression, hysterectomy). For a lack of harvest, no return, not growing, a spiritual emptiness. Helpless, hopeless, malaise. Deep sadness, the earth is no longer doing what it can for us. Points 12-16 will warm a person on BMS levels. Allowing a person to be more grounded, more receptive, carefree, gay, able to see clearly – bringing a person back to the joy of the earth.

Sp 17

"Food's Cavity" Shidou

XII 17

Food Drain (Shihtou) Food Hole

⊥3 Δ5

Function: Location:

Moves Qi, Drains Damp, Clears San Jiao On the thorax, in the 5 line.


intercostal space, 6 ACI lateral to the median

IMAGE: Also translated as "Food's Hole." A reference to the nipple, the hole through which the infant receives his food. INDICATIONS: ascites


•intercostal neuralgia

•retention of urine

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun Caution: Avoid deep insertion OTHER: good for broken ribs Spirit: For clearing the BMS like clearing a drain when the SP is stuck, makes sure a person is moving. Difficulty transporting, obsessions. This is the jiao for taking in, so we want to make sure the SP keeps things on the move. Think of food of the mind and spirit (obsession). Also for things being stuck in the chest, breathing.

Sp 18

XII 18

⊥3 Δ5

"Heaven's Stream" Tianxi Heavenly Stream (Tienhsi) Celestial Ravine

Function: Location:

Expands Thorax, Moves Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Stops Cough On the thorax, in the 4 line.


intercostal space, 6 ACI lateral to the median

IMAGE: Infers that the Spleen Channel Qi from the upper body ("heaven") streams down through this point, aiding in sedating rebellious Qi. Some sources state that Tianxi is a reference to the Qing Qi (the air of heaven) streaming into the lung. INDICATIONS: asthma




NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun CAUTION: AVOID DEEP INSERTION Spirit: The Mother and Father are united. The family united on earth meridian but with the quality of the Father. Also flow (spleen/stream). Good for the flow of milk on a physical level and for the flow of the “milk of human kindness” of a deeper level. Distributing all that is best for the BMS. The stream of life from the Father expressed through the Mother. The flow of earth’s functioning, empathy and compassion, human kindness.

Sp 19

"Chest Home" Xiongxiang

XII 19

Chest Region (Hsiunghsiang)

⊥3 Δ5

Function: Location:

Opens Lungs, Moves Qi Down, Stops Cough & Dyspnea On the thorax, in the 3 line.


intercostal space, 6 ACI lateral to the median

IMAGE: An anatomical reference. INDICATIONS: intercostal neuralgia NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: chest pain & tightness, cough Spirit: Good for physical blockage of the upper jiao

Sp 20

XII 20

⊥3 Δ5

"Encircling Glory" Zhourong

Encircling Glory (Choujung) All Round Flourishing Function: Location:

Opens Lungs, Moves Qi Down, Sedates Cough & Dyspnea On the thorax, in the 2 line.


intercostal space, 6 ACI lateral to the median

IMAGE: Also translated as "Encompassing Nourishment." The Lung lies under Sp 20. The Yuan (congenital) Qi and the Gu (acquired) Qi meet here to be distributed to nourish the entire body. INDICATIONS: bronchiectasis

•intercostal neuralgia


•pulmonary emphysema

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: A circle of protection and safety. For a person who needs the security of a mother but we don’t want to approach too closely. Again, the upper jiao is giving and receiving with peace, security and sympathy. Encircling, embracing, protecting of the mother that provides security, peace, sympathy and comfort. Sedating this point could bring relaxation of agitation on a spirit level. More of a connection with LU than HT (metal energy), allows holding a person in their own beauty and grace (pristine). Great for asthma (earth kind) Fills a void of depletion from over care-taking.

Sp 21

"Big Wrapping" Dabao

XII 21

Great Enveloping (Tapao) Great Envelope, Great Embracement, Large Parcel





Regulates Qi & Blood, Benefits Tendons & Bones, Expands & Relaxes the Chest, Tonifies Ying Qi, Exit th On the thorax, in the 6 intercostal space, on the mid-axillary line, roughly at nipple level.

IMAGE: This point has the function of regulating Blood & Ying Qi, which is said to "wrap" & nourish the entire body. "Big Wrapping" is also a reference to the Great Luo of the Spleen which spreads out over the chest, "wrapping" it. INDICATIONS: Asthma

•general body soreness (Excess in luo vessels)

•intercostal neuralgia

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: "Luo of the Luo's"-- can be used for weakness, flaccidity of the joints. can tie a treatment together Spirit: For incredible harmony, all the meridians are united. Mother harmonizes the whole household, ensures love is flowing, helping all to interact. Good where person is fractured, disordered, uneasy. This point opens up everything at all levels. The junction point of junction points – the only point that can open every entry/exit. Brings harmony to all officials and a better sense of proportion and stability. Embraced and contained by the heart and lungs above, and the liver and kidneys below, can bring richness to every cell of the body. Nourishes BMS, when a person is not connected with the earth, when they feel the great mother is not holding or supporting them. “I am alone and there is no one here to help me.” Allows the person to know they are being held and will be held through this. Empowers one to feel surrounded by unconditional nourishment I life, as though in the womb, potent point for person who feels cut off from other sources of nourishment. Nourishes blood, connection with earth when nothing holding on or supporting - person feels all alone and there’s nobody to help.

Arm Lesser Yin Heart Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL The channel begins in its own organ, the Heart, then travels downward across the diaphragm where it connects with the Small Intestine. A branch of the main channel separates in the Heart and ascends alongside the esophagus to the face where it joins the tissues surrounding the eye. Another branch goes directly from the Heart to the Lung, then slants downward to emerge below the axilla. From here the channel descends along the medial border of the anterior aspect of the upper arm to the antecubital fossa' where it continues downward to the capitate bone proximal to the palm. It then enters the palm and follows the medial side of the little finger to the finger tip. The channel directly pins the Lungs and Kidneys. CROSSING POINTS:None noted SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL General feverishness, headache, pain in the eyes, pain along the' back of the upper arm, dry throat, thirst, hot or painful palms; coldness in the palms and the soles of the feet, pain along the scapula and/or medial aspect of the forearm. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Pain or fullness in chest and ribs or below ribs, irritability, shortness of breath, discomfort when reclining, vertigo, mental disorders. DIVERGENT CHANNEL Diverges from primary at axillary fossa; enters the chest and connects with the Heart. It then ascends across the throat and emerges on the face, joining with the Small Intestine channel at the inner canthus. LUO CHANNEL Separates from channel at Ht 5 and connects with Small Intestine at SI 4. At about 1 and 1/2 can above the transverse crease of the wrist, the channel again separates from the Small Intestine channel and follows the Heart channel to the Heart itself. It then proceeds to the base of the tongue and connects with the eye. Symptoms of Luo Excess: fullness and pressure in the chest Symptoms of Luo Deficiency: aphasia MUSCLE CHANNEL Originates on the medial aspect of the little finger, connects first with the pisiform bone of the hand and again at the medial aspect of the elbow. From here the channel proceeds upward and enters the chest cavity below the axilla. It crosses the Lung muscle channel in the breast region a n d connects in the chest. Descending across the d i a p h r a g m , the channel connects at the umbilicus. Pathological Symptoms: Internal cramping sensation, stiff, strained, o r twisted muscles and pain along the course of the channel.

SUMMARY-- HEART CHANNEL Phone # (7 5 6) HT-9-8-7-4-3 Tonification point: HT 9 Sedation point: HT 7 Horary point: HT 8 Most emotional disorders, except for anger, are treated through the Heart. Mental aberrations are treated as well-- amnesia, delirium, hallucinations, madness.You'll tend to use the Pericardium channel more for actual heart problems. All points work for palpitations, anxiety, and nervousness. Ht 3

numbness, shaking & trembling Ht 5

bradycardia, stuttering Ht 6

night sweats Ht 7

master psychological point. Insomnia/ nervousness/ anxiety/ depression / neurasthenia Ht 8

actual heart problems/ rheumatic disease/CHF urinary disorders/ itching Ht 9

revival point/ heart problems The sovereign, harmonizes and orders, moves blood, houses Shen Sense of purpose, mission, identity and destiny of a person Long term memory, esp. related to emotional content HT doesn’t want to be out of control or let down control - mask because don’t feel in control (inner control - self - trying to hold everything together). HT is about consciousness, being aware, imbalance will show up as befuddlement, disorientation. Control is bigger than the need to be loved HT oversees everything - holding court Imbalance may show up when around others - very up, then crashes when alone - chaos (can be easily startled) Present, conscious, awake, the light behind the eyes. Other points with a special relationship to Fire CF’s: CV 5, CV 7, CV 12, CV 14, CV 15, CV 17, BL 15, BL 38, BL 39, BL 46 KI 25, KI 27 (good together), GV 8 (gets things solid and secure, gives strength) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Utmost Source Blue-Green Spirit Little Sea Spirit Path Penetrating Inside Yin Mound Spirit Gate Lesser Palace Little Rushing In

Ht 1 "Summit's Spring" Jiquan I 1

Utmost Source (Chichuan) Utmost spring, Highest Spring, Extreme Spring, Summit’s Spring, Extreme Source, Origin of Spring





Entry; Reunion with XII Moves Qi, Relaxes Chest, Clears Channels, Invigorates Collaterals, Regulates Heart, Benefits heart Yin, Clears Deficiency Heat In the axilla, at the apex of the axillary dome, just behind the anterior axillary fold.

IMAGE: This point is the uppermost point, or "spring" on the Heart channel, from which the channel Qi flows. INDICATIONS: angina pectoris

•arthritis of the shoulder

raise arm

•intercostal neuralgia


"full" and painful

•chest pain and thirst


•inability to •perifocal inflammation of the shoulder joint


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Opens psychic energy in people. OTHER: Not used often-- generally for armpit problems excessive perspiration lymph swelling in armpits First Aid: drowning, fainting, heart failure (in progress) Spirit: Supreme controller, the god or emperor within us only exists by the god outside us, they are not two separate things; they are one and they each have to be in communication with the other. The energy inside of us is the same as that outside us. If the Supreme controller loses that connection you’ll start seeing chaos, agitation, uncertainty, the other officials become very unruly, panic stricken. They’re all dependent upon the Supreme controller to bring cohesion amongst all officials. The patient may feel isolated, unloved, and unable to love others, not to know which way to turn, feel no compassion, warmth or joy, and struggling to survive. Ht 1 makes that connection to join up with the utmost source, the best and most reverent spring comes from this spring. Deep well connects back to source in love, control and harmony. The purity of fire straight from the source. Rest back into the thought that the Supreme controller is back on the throne.Very powerful point. If HT and SI pulses very low, this point will create immediate harmony and peace. Sedate for tremendous heart pain, even on spiritual level. The name suggests the idea of Qi at its zenith, when it is most intense and abundant.

Ht 2 "Youthful Spirit" Qingling I 2

Blue Green Spirit (Chingling) Cyan Spirit, Green Spirit





Regulates Qi & Blood, Clears Channels, Invigorates Collaterals, Moves Qi & Blood, Opens Chest, Clears Heat On the medial surface of the arm, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the elbow, upon the brachial artery.

IMAGE: A Taoist reference: Qing refers to an immortal being, and using this point causes a person to become quiet and peaceful, like an immortal spirit. INDICATIONS: costalgia

•icteric sclera

•pain in shoulder & arm NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Qingling was the name of the terrace in the imperial palace where the emperor (heart) went to receive spiritual influence from heaven. Helps to restore the heart's power and bring potential to the heart. OTHER: Used to be a forbidden point-- "Green Spirit"-- using this point would make the person turn green and die Spirit: Forbidden to needle because the energy will rush with great speed causing 80% of patients to faint or have spasms. A point for dealing with growth and nourishment of the spirit. It is the green of life, the burden of life - the color associated with liver. Heart purpose in the world. Gives one the luminescence to shine forth in the world. Helpful in restoring patient’s sense of potency in initiating a new beginning. An intense dislike of wearing clothes. The name suggests corporeal and spiritual renewal. Qing refers to the natural hue of plants; ling refers to offerings made to the deities for rain to replenish the earth. Together they suggest spiritual regeneration (the Heart stores the Spirit and is the root of life),

Ht 3 "Lesser Sea" Shaohai I 3

Little Sea (Shaohai) Lesser Sea,Yellow Sea, (sea point)



Δ 3 -7


He Sea: Water Point of Ho (autumn) Calms the Spirit Clears the Vessels Clears Heat, Clears the Channel, Clears the Pericardium, Regulates Heart Qi, Regulates Qi & Blood, Sedates Mind, Strengthens Blood, Transforms Sputum (drooling) On the anterior surface of the forearm, close to the medial end of the elbow crease, lateral to the medial epicondyle of the humerus, just over the muscle belly with the arm slightly bent

IMAGE: This is the sea (Hai) point on the Heart lesser (Shao) yin channel. MYSTERY FUNCTIONS: Do any students know where these functions may have come from? I have them noted but their source is unclear: Clears Phlegm & Cold , Clears Heart,Yin or Blood Deficient INDICATIONS: absent mindedness

•chest pain

•debility of the limbs

•diseases of the elbow

•headache & dizziness

•intercostal neuralgia




•nodular growths in the neck

•numbness of the forearm

•pain in the axilla


•stiff neck (nm)

•toothache (nm)

•ulnar nerve neuralgia

•vomiting NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Brings water to the heart meridian, calms it down. Main point for depression, agitation, nervousness Used a lot for memory problems and unclear thinking Mann: for people who bleat like a sheep; adds stability to nervous exhaustion OTHER: Especially good for numbness: affecting the forearm and hand. Used a lot for neurological disorders with trembling and shaking like Parkinson's. CAM: cardiac pain, angina

•Water point: cools heart fire

•ringing in the ears



•J.C. Darras: Hiccough, nausea with heart pain Spirit: The sea of the Supreme controller, the water of the essence, the king’s bath which creates the body and soul. Healing holy water, bringing peace and tranquility, cleansing the soul, spirit and mind. Water controls fire, this point has a calming effect if the fire is too hot. If the water is insufficient it steams up causing perspiration and then dries up causing dryness. Don’t rush to this point or you lose 90% of it’s value. A reservoir of vital Qi, you can draw water from here to wherever in the body it might be of use. This point can be used if a person is suffering from stuttering and there is a lack of control. You may need to sedate water if fire is going out. There may be flooding, fear, panic, going rigid, drowning. Use when patient is frantic, on the verge of losing control, oscillating between extremes, this point brings the stillness of water. Courage and perseverance for the Supreme controller. Water is a form of Qi stored here in abundance. Trembling in infants.

Ht 4 "Spirit's Path" Lingdao I 4

Spirit Path (Lingtao) Spirit pathway, Miraculous Road, Spirit’s Path (river point), Route of the Spirit



Δ 3 -5


Jing River: Metal Point of Ching (late Summer) Nourishes Heart, Calms Spirit, Regulates Heart & Mind, Calms the Sinews, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Invigorates Channels, Sedates Pain On the anterior surface of the forearm, 1 _ ACI proximal to I 7, lateral to the tendon.

IMAGE: In reference to the Heart channel's effect on the Spirit. INDICATIONS: chest pain


•neuralgia of the ulnar nerve


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Lingdao helps to put a person on the spiritual path.that their heart has chosen for them. For someone who has strayed from their true path. For someone who doesn't listen to their inner voice. Especially for fear and sadness-- afraid of life, or melancholy J.C. Darrus: tears with overexcitation Spirit: A spirit point at the deepest level. Many people’s spirit fails, this point goes inside their spirit to put the patient back on the “path”, the Tao. The supreme controller must never lose the way. Use when there is futility, speechlessness, no laughter, paralysis of all the senses, the patient has no will. When the path of the spirit is blocked, try to contact the essence of Fire to give back the contact with the Father. The quality of Fire may be poor without strength, consistency or structure. When a person is losing their way, help them stay on track and put them in touch with their own inner journey, use this point to lead them back to their integrity and that which is right for them. It gets energy to move along, use with Spirit Gate and open the gate before leading the spirit down the path. Bring quality, depth, substance to joy. When heart is weak link, don’t have a sense of purpose, this point places the heart on a higher path, joy is here - now what are you going to do? For one who is moving but out-of-control or has lost the way. Connect with their internal spiritual journey. When spirit is weakened, suppressed, broken, “given up the ghost”.

Ht 5 "Reaching the Measure" Tongli I 5

Penetrating Inside (Tungli) Linking Neighborhood, Connecting Li, Communication’s Route, Throughout the Village, Reaching the Measure, Inner Communication,



Δ 3 -5


Luo point Junction Calms the Spirit Regulates the Heart Qi Benefits the Bladder, Benefits the Brain, Boosts Heart Qi and Yang, Clears Heart Fire, Invigorates Channels, Opens to the Tongue, Regulates Heart & Mind, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons On the anterior surface of the forearm, 1 ACI proximal to I 7, lateral to the tendon.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Internal Connection." and "Penetrating Inside". This is the Luo point on the channel that "reaches" towards or connects with the Spleen channel. Tongli also refers to this point's function of improving speech & spirit disorders. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding (brings the blood

•back to the heart)

•bradycardia (also tachycardia)

•chest pain

•cough & asthma (nm)

•headache & dizziness

•hysterical aphasia

•incontinence (nm)


•palpitations (major pt.)

•palpitations due to nervous fright


•stiffness of the tongue

•throat blockage NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Helps bring a person deep within their own heart. Also for very timid or withdrawn people, or with agoraphobia, stage fright, fear of people. For weak luo, with person unable to talk, palpitations, can't eat, and face pale, tonify this point. Nervous anxiety, uptight nervousness - - people who talk and laugh a lot. "For a hot head."

•J.C. Darrus:

•emotionally triggered need to urinate OTHER: Main point for palpitations, heart arrhythmia's, bradycardia Main point for speaking difficulties, from stuttering to muteness.

•Good point to use after stroke to restore speech.

•CAM lists for hoarseness; also for sore throat, pharyngitis.

•"Brings fire down from head"-- headache or mental agitation.

•Luo Vessel Symptoms: For excess luo, with symptoms of fullness and heaviness of chest and body and red cheeks, sedate this point.

•Good for general fatigue, exhaustion

•J.C. Darrus:

•lack of energy, fainting

•emotionally triggered need to urinate

•cardiac erethrism Spirit: More effective on spirit than mind or body, good when spirit trails behind. Useful with the person who says they’re empty or cold inside with heat on the surface. If patient is holding back, always frightened. Their exterior may appear perfect but they are rotting and dying deep within themselves. It allows a deeper contact, so the patient may open up more and helps to put them in contact with what’s really happening in their life. Penetrates inside, especially the mind. Good for dormant, deep rooted disease, a way to get through if they are bound up and too much in control. Penetrates the social mask of V and connects with what’s really happening deep inside. Allows person to go deeper. To touch more deeply their central nature. Deep penetrating warmth in relation to the world rather than intimacy. Ability to penetrate their own heart and touch something deeper than self. Tong refers to quick and clear thinking and communication, also suggesting this point’s function in enhancing mental acuity.This point is about increasing control, stabilizing I, taking the person deep inside self. Think of the importance of the HT Official, the Supreme controller within us. It represents the god within us. This point penetrates to the very soul, it re-energizes the body/mind/spirit and restores peace and happiness. It can be used if the pulses change with Ht 7 but there is no quality change. Good for person in control, hard-hearted - will soften their HT. Lessens the need for control, more malleable so the Ht can be moved. Good for someone who seeks connection sexually. This point penetrates Ht and lets feeling in. Use when you can’t quite get inside to see what’s wrong.

Ht 6 "Yin Xi" Yinxi I 6

Yin Mound (Yinhsi) Yin cleft,Yin’s Crevice,Yin Blocking Up,Yin Crevice



Δ 3 -7


Xi Cleft Transforms Heart Phlegm Sinks a Floating Yang (night sweats) Clears Blood Heat Clears Deficiency Heat Clears Heart Fire Fortifies Exterior Moves the Blood Reduces Sweating Regulates Heart & Mind Relaxes Chest Sedates Deficiency Yang Tonifies Heart Yin On the anterior surface of the forearm, _ ACI proximal to I 7, lateral to the tendon.

IMAGE: Ht 6 is the Xi cleft point on the Heart Shao Yin meridian. INDICATIONS: neurasthenia

•night sweats (main point)


•pulmonary tuberculosis

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Mann: nosebleed

•bleeding gums (not major) Spirit: When you need to go up on top of the mound to see all, raise the Supreme controller from the depths. The official will say: “I need to see”. When the Supreme controller has uncertainty, confusion, and there’s no cooperation or coordination among the officials. Take the person on top of the mound to let them see the riches and nourishment. It has a strong influence on the mental state and revitalizes Qi energy. Good for long term heart disturbances, where the person is restless, running on empty, not so much for physical problems as for a wobble in themselves, it has a calming effect. This point can give a big pulse change and is good with moxa. A mound is a storage area, less available here than in a mountain. Insomnia (waking during the night after falling asleep). Brings peace and quiet, raises above the situation.

Ht 7 "Spirit's Door" Shenmen I 7

Spirit Gate (Shenmen) Spirit’s Door, Spiritual Gate (stream point)



Δ 5 -7


Shu Stream: Earth Source Point Earth; Source; Sedation; Point of Yu (summer) Calms the Spirit Pacifies the Heart Clears the Channels Benefits Heart Qi, Opens the Orifices, benefits the brain, and sedates the mind, Benefits the Tongue, Clears Damp Heat, Clears Heart Phlegm, Cools Heat, Deficiency Heat, & Fire, Cools Ying and Blood Heat, Nourishes Heart Blood, Regulates Rebellious Qi, Tonifies Heart Yin & Yang On the crease of the flexure of the wrist, on the proximal radial side of the pisiform bone, lateral to the tendon.

IMAGE: Ht 7 is the "door" through which the "spirit" or shen can be calmed & regulated. INDICATIONS: absent-mindedness (main)

•angina pectoris

•excessive dreaming

•heart disease


•idiocy and seizures (epilepsy)

•insomnia (main)

•irritability & insomnia


•loss of voice

•mental illness (any kind)

•neurasthenia (main)

•pain in the ribs



•paralysis of the hypoglossal muscle

•vomiting blood NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: The mind and the spirit live in the heart. Shenmen is the gate in front of the heart which allows the mind and spirit to move in and out appropriately. For the gate to freeze open or shut would mean disaster This point oils that gate. Itching-- caused by agitated spirit Main point for insomnia, nervousness, depression, anxiety: will clear the person's head. Main for hysteria, people who are very worried or depressed about their health problems. Mann: laughing and sobbing alternately, hallucinations, cannot stop talking J.C. Darrus: somatic reactions to emotions POINT COMBINATIONS: With Ht 8 for actual heart problems and disease OTHER: Sedation point

•Main point on the Heart channel

•Add for people who are trying to quit smoking

•Used a lot for epilepsy

•Essentials: red or yellow eyes

•For cold hands

•endometritis (nm)

•J.C. Darrus:

•lack of energy

•cardiac erethrism, extra systoles, arterial hypertension or hypotension, precordialgia, heart malaise

•dyspnea, nasal congestion, laryngitis, scrofula

•anorexia, desire for ice cold fluids

•urinary incontinence, atonic ureter

•uterine inflammation, syncope after parturition First Aid: shock, hysteria, electric shock, heart failure, anxiety, fainting, tooth extraction. Spirit: A gate must open and close, you must be able to enjoy day and night, sunshine and darkness. If it’s shut we’re in perpetual darkness, a shock can slam it shut. It the gate is jammed open, the person can be in hyper high spirits resulting in later collapse. Nothing can penetrate inside if this gate is closed. If the patient has “given up the ghost” this point will revitalize their spirit. If the gate is closed there may be shut down, retreating behind a barrier, excessive control, no speech at all, mental shutting off. Brings stability and security of Earth into Heart official. A nice point to add to a treatment if control is an issue on any CF. Heart wobbly on any level. The person is out-of-control, very talkative, high spirited yet with nothing to day. This point calms the Fire down and “earth’s” the official.Earth was placed in the center on the old charts of Five Elements and Fire is built upon Earth. If fire is crumbling, it needs solid earth. Chronically sick people’s spirits are depleted and there is a wall between themselves and life. They’re no longer in heart. Their spirit needs re-awakening. If this point is blocked they may say “my will is broken, I don’t have the spirit to do this.”Joy and purpose can come through an open gate, for loss of clarity, awareness of oneself and one’s mission.The name refers to a “gateway” on the Heart channel through which the Organ’s host energy (the Spirit) is directly affected. In Taoism, shen men refers to the eyes (which reflect the presence and strength of the Spirit), the place where the Spirit enters and exists.

Ht 8 "Lesser Residence" Shaofu I 8

Lesser Palace (Shaofu) Lesser Mansion, The lesser Agency, Lesser Residence,Young Mansion, Little Storehouse (spring point)





Ying Spring: Fire Fire; Horary 11 AM – 1 PM; Point of Yung (spring) Calms the spirit Regulates the Heart Qi Benefits Tongue,, Clears Bad Qi From Heart, Clears Deficiency Heat, Clears Heat, Phlegm, and Fire from the Heart, Clears Small Intestine Heat, Drains Low Burner Damp Heat th th On the palmar surface of the hand, between the 4 and 5 metacarpal bones, on the distal transverse crease, or the “heart” line of the hand.

IMAGE: Shaofu is an old Chinese title for someone whose job it was to oversee storage of goods. This implies the point's function of "storing the goods" of the Heart, that is, the spirit and Heart Qi. INDICATIONS: angina pectoris

•cardiac arrhythmia

•chest pain

•difficult urination





•itching of the groin


•rheumatic heart disease

•spasms of the little finger NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For the person who has a "fire burning in their heart". fear of people (misanthropy) & sorrow "Machine gun mouth" OTHER: Main point for physical problems with the heart - - less psychological indications.

•congestive heart failure

•CAM: skin itching

•used after heavy blood loss

•add to people who are trying to quit smoking


•sweaty palms


•J.C. Darrus:

•lack of energy

•extrasystoles, precordalgia, heart malaise

•dysuria, retention of urine, urinary incontinence

•excessive menstrual flow, uterine prolapse, vaginal pain, vulvar pruritis Spirit: The palace of the Supreme controller supplying warmth, nourishment wisdom and guidance. “Lesser” in size only; the Essence doesn’t need a big show. A palace that is the goodness in everything, particularly in times of resignation and despair when the heart needs encouragement and joy. Be careful not to cause an over-raging fire. Brings great joy to the spirit, the sun shines from within. Revitalizing the energy. Poking up the fire. The House of the Emperor where everything is good, pure, healthy, plentiful, a safe place to be and have no fear. The official’s strength is here, where it is most complete, his essence. Good to use for Fire fear - fear of people, shyness, anticipatory fear, heart-felt anxiety. It is a vacation from one’s self and the worries that go with you. Go into the palace and get all the joys and pleasures. Caution: if heat signs, make sure the pulse is low enough. Clears dead ash off the official so light can shine brightly. Fear of people. Poking the fire to get the maximum benefit from what’s there. The name suggests a wayside palace where a monarch rests. Shao fu is also a classical term for the official whose rank placed him in charge of storage, suggesting this point’s ability to harbor the Spirit.

Ht 9 "Lesser Pouring" Shaochong ⊥1




Jing Well: Wood Wood; Tonification; Exit; Point of Cheng (winter) Clears the Heart and Spirit Clears Blood Heat Restores the Yang Deceases Damp Heat (esp in genitals) Calms the Heart Calms Rebellious Qi Calms Wind Clears Brain Clears Heat Opens Heart Orifice Revives Prostration Sedates Heart Fire Sedates Mind Radial nail point of the little finger.

IMAGE: The Heart Channel Qi "pours" against Ht 9, which is at the distal end of the Heart "lesser" yin channel. INDICATIONS: apoplectic coma

•high fever


•infantile convulsions


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.1 cun, or prick with a three-edged needle. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: This point brings wood energy (vision) to the emperor. Mann: discouragement, eyes not clear, expressionless voice, dreams of fire & smoke OTHER: Tonification point: used for building the Yang or Qi of the Heart "Bite this point for heart attack." (Try CPR too, of course...)

•Damp heat in genitals: vaginal discharges, odors

•“Wake up the drunk” point

•J.C. Darrus:

•mental asthenia, lack of energy, fear, trembling from emotion, cardiac fatigue, extrasystoles, cardiac erethrism, pain at chest and heart. bronchial catarrh with hypersecretion, sore throat, dry throat, nausea, vomiting Spirit: This is the loving breast of the mother. It creates birth, growth, determination for the BMS. Carrying wood to fire. Flowing in, pouring, rather than rushing. The energy needs to come into the heart in the correct quantity. Think of controlling the fueling of Fire by the amount of wood coming through. We must never have a lot rushing into the heart. If the heart is low be cautious about bringing in too much wood, putting the fire out. Gives Fire the quality of birth and growth and determination to get up and go. Brings a surge of energy into the meridian. Good for stroke - gets the blood down and releases it. Brings person back to alertness, consciousness on any level. For women - moves blood that is the vehicle of emotion, for men - moves Qi, problem solves, overly defended, disheveled. Safe way to increase fire just a little, if emotional fire has gone out. The point is situated at the end of the Heart channel, where the channel Qi rushes into the interior. Lesser denotes the quantity of Qi or the location on the Hand Lesser Yin channel.

Greater Yang Small Intestine Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Starts at the ulnar side of the tip of the little finger and ascends along the u1nar side of the hand to the wrist, emerging at the styloid process of the ulna. Goes directly upwards along the posterior aspect of the ulna, passing between the:olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus at , the elbow. Then proceeds along the posterior border of the: lateral aspect of the upper arm, emerging behind the shoulder joint and circling round the superior and inferior fossa of the scapula. At the top of the shoulder it crosses the Bladder channel at points UB 41 and UB 11, and the DU channel at DU 14, where the channel turns downward into the supraclavicutar fossa and connects with the Heart. From here; it descends along the esophagus and crosses the diaphragm to the Stomach. Before reaching its associated organ, the Small Intestine, the channel intersects the Conception channel internally, and very deep; at points Ren 13, and Ren 12. A branch of this channel travels upward from the supraclavicular fossa and crosses the neck and cheek to the outer canthus of the eye, where it meets the Gall Bladder channel at GB 1. Then it turns back across the temple and enters the ear at SI 19: Another branch separates from the former branch on the cheek, ascends to the infraorbital region of the eye and then to the inner canthus, where it meets with the Bladder channel at UB 1. It then crosses horizontally to the zygomatic region. Another branch descends to ST 39, the Lower He-Sea of the Small Intestine. This channel connects with the Heart and directly joins the Stomach. CROSSING POINTS: UB 1, UB 11, UB 41, GB 1, TB 22, Ren 12, Ren 13 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Numbness of the mouth and tongue, pain in the neck or cheek, sore throat, stiff neck, pain along the lateral aspect of the shoulder and upper arm. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Pain and distension in the lower abdomen, possible extending around the waist or to the genitals, diarrhea or abdominal pain with dry stool and constipation. DIVERGENT CHANNEL After separating from the primary channel at the shoulder, this channel enters the axilla, crosses the Heart, and descends to the abdomen, where it connects with the Small intestine. Arm Greater Yang Small Intestine Channel LUO CHANNEL After separating from the primary at SI 7 this connects with the Heart channel at Ht 7. Another branch continues up the arm, crosses the elbow, and joins with the shoulder. Symptoms of Excess: looseness in the joints, atrophy of the muscles in the elbow and arm Symptoms of Deficiency: long, finger-shaped warts, scabies

MUSCLE CHANNEL Begins of the dorsum of the little finger, connects at the wrist, and ascends along the forearm to the: elbow, where it connects with the medial condyle of the humerus. From here, the channel proceeds up the arm and connects below the axilla. A branch travels behind the axilla, surrounds the scapula, and follows in front of the Bladder muscle channel on the neck, connecting behind the ear. A branch separates behind the auricle and enters the ear itself. After emerging above the auricle, this branch descends across the face and connects beneath the mandible, then ascends to connect at the outer canthus and temple. Another branch separates at the mandible, ascends around the teeth and in front of the ear, connecting at: the outer canthus and the angle of the natural hairline. Pathological Symptoms:: stiffness or pain in the muscles of the little finger, pain along the medial and; posterior aspects of the elbow, pain below and on the posterior aspect of the axilla caused by pulled muscles along the medial aspect of the arm, pain in the neck caused by pulled muscles surrounding the scapula, tinnitus related to ear ache, pain reaching from the ear to the mandible, poor vision: If there are spasms in the muscles of the neck it is due to weakness or atrophy of this muscle channel. Swelling on the neck along the course of this channel may be related to the presence of Cold or Heat.

SUMMARY: SMALL INTESTINE CHANNEL Phone # (476) S.I.-1-2-3-5-8 Tonification point: S.I. 3 Sedation point: S.I. 8 Horary point: S.I. 5

S.I. 1

breast/ HA's/ eyes & mucus membranes S.I. 3

relaxes muscles/ neck & back pain/ arthritis & joints/ HA's/ spirit point S.I. 6

similar to S.I. 3-- neck & back pain/ vision & red eyes S.I. 7

Spirit/ depression/ anxiety S.I. 17 Sore throat/ tonsillitis S.I. 19 local/ spirit/ ear stuff Things need to be FUN for the sorter, otherwise fun begins to sound like a groan. This meridian discriminates that which is pure from impure - impure shows up as negativity, sarcasm, cynicism (polluted joy). The alchemist - eclectic to scattered (greatest strength to weakness), may show up as confusion, priority, knowing what’s good for you. Difficult sexual issues charismatic - creates many relationships. “Would you order for me?” (in a restaurant); on the spiritual level, can be lacking in a sense of purpose. Passion and compassion expressed in the world - the main job is to keep insight pure. Affects the neck and shoulders. May have a good HT that is not manifesting in the world. Person may take on infinite challenges or be paralyzed into inaction. Imbalance - scattered, murky, excess sexuality, lack of discrimination in letting things into the HT. Capacity to put ourselves in the right “garden” and appropriate window transforms the way of being/seeing clarifying one’s needs - discrimination of what to take in and what to refuse scattered the true eclectic, confusion - not able to call the pure essence or absorb what’s essential about something joke with a slight barb = fire not clear or clean - sarcasm


Little Marsh 2.

Forward Valley 3.

Back Ravine 4.

Wrist Bone 5.

Yang Valley 6.

Nourishing the Old 7.

Upright Branch 8.

Small Sea 9.

Upright Shoulder 10.

Shoulder Blade 11.

Heavenly Ancestor 12.

Grasping the Wind 13.

Crooked Wall 14.

Outside the Shoulder Correspondence 15.

Middle of the Shoulder Correspondence


Heavenly Window 17.

Heavenly Appearance 18.

Cheek Bone 19.

Listening Palace

S.I. 1 "Lesser Marsh" Shaoze II 1

Little Merchant (Shaotse)

Lesser Marsh,Young Marsh (well point) ⊥1




Jing Well: Metal Entry; Point of Cheng (winter) Disperses Wind & Heat Facilitates the flow of milk Clears Heart Heat and Fire Clears the Channels Moistens Dryness Opens Orifices Opens Sensory Organs Ulnar nail point of the little finger

IMAGE: The Small Intestine channel Qi is said to come together in a way which resembles a marsh just before entering S.I. 1. "Marsh" may also be a reference to the Kidneys. "Ze" is sometimes translated as "glossy" or "smooth," a reference to the fingernail of the "Shao" or "little" finger. INDICATIONS: chest pain





•swollen breast

•fever & chills w/ no sweating


•insufficient lactation

•membrane on eye

•pain in ribs


•shortness of

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.1 cun, or prick with a three-edged needle. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Because a marsh filters things, Shaoze has to do with filtering and sorting things. The metal (Large Intestine) point on the Small Intestine channel, it concerns the relationship between sorting things out and letting things go. For the person who won't throw anything away. OTHER: Main point for Insufficient lactation good for other eye problems: red, swollen, painful from wind/heat

•CAM: sore throat

•Dr.Van Nghi: Any mucus membrane inflammation

•J.C. Darrus:

•cough, epistaxis, throat disorders, salivary diseases

•migraines Spirit: Overall good for non-specific quantity change. Supportive, brings energy into the meridian. A marsh is an area of fertility, value, nourishment. This point can be used to help appreciate quality - brings the quality of metal into II, helps the person to receive from Heaven and eliminate, throw out the rubbish. Use to cleanse and oxygenate the meridian, bring air into fire. Good for a II CF who is severely depressed, suicidal, insecure, childish, or sarcastic. Use when person has difficulty touching or is mentally frozen. Best in autumn, allows fire to burn purely and allows the patient to look at themselves clearly by removing and pruning, looking at who they are and where they’re going. Also associated with splits, especially rubbish in one part of the body or good mind and poor spirit. Also for a person who is in their “head” and out of contact with the body. Marshes are fertile, valuable, quality soil. If wood within II is raging when can be calmed by doing metal (adding coolness, yin energy). Difficulty sensing the value of things to be sorted - remember what quality is.

S.I. 2 "Forward Valley" Qiangu II 2

Forward Valley (Chienku)

Frontal Valley (spring point) ⊥1


Δ 3 -7


Ying Spring: Water Point of Yung (spring) Expels Wind & Heat Reduces inflammation Clears Heat Cools and Moistens the Throat Opens the Ears Reduces Swelling On the ulnar edge of the hand, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little finger.

IMAGE: A reference to S.I. 2's location in the "valley" formed by the head of the 5th metacarpal. INDICATIONS: congested throat




•numb finger

•pannus (destruction of joint in rheumatoid

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For maniaical laughter, incoherence. OTHER: finger problems



•sore throat

Spirit: Not commonly used as a spirit point. Could be good for any sort of excess heat e.g. Inflammation of skin, eyes, shoulder. Brings the quality of water to II, cleansing, fluidity. Transformations and separating are made difficult without fluidity. Cleanses and bathes II when there is a deficiency of water e.g. Inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable skin, heat in joints. Courage to sort out one’s life, perseverance when there’s a lot to sort. Water cools fire, allows the pace for sorting when there’s a lot going on. Moving through confusion into action Ability to shift through all the parts and come up with the purest like holding up a light bulb in the middle of darkness transforms it Sometimes shows by low self esteem

S.I. 3 "Back Creek" Houxi II 3

Back Ravine (Houhsi)

Creek at the rear, Back Stream (stream point)



Δ 3 -7


Shu Stream: Wood Confluent Point of the Governing Vessel Wood; Tonification; Point of Yu (summer); Master Point of Du Mo; Coupled Point of Yang Oiao Mo Relaxes the muscle channels Opens the DU Channel Clears the Spirit Benefits the Joints, Clears Fire, Clears Internal Heat, Clears Jaundice, Clears the Mind, Clears Wind Heat, Dispels Damp & Heat, Drains Evil Qi From Heart, Relaxes the Tendons, Relieves Exterior, Sedates Pain, Stimulates Sweat, Strengthens the Surface, Transforms Heart Phlegm th On the ulnar edge of the hand, approximately half-way along the 5 metacarpal bone. (feel along the bone for the notch)

IMAGE: A reference to the strong Qi sensation at this point. "Back Creek" also refers to the point's effect on the Du channel. INDICATIONS: deaf-mutism


•eyes red & painful

•finger spasm


•intercostal neuralgia (posterior)


•low back pain (good point)



•membrane on the eye

•night sweats (good)


•seizures (good point)

•stiff neck (main point)

•tidal fevers

•tinnitus NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: As the wood point on the channel, Houxi brings vision (wood) to the process of sorting. Main point for more yang-type madness

•J.C. Darrus:

•physical and psychological weakness, longstanding and undue depression, physical and psychological overexcitation, cries easily OTHER: Tonification point

•Paired confluent point: UB 62 of Yang Qiao

•Used a lot for structural/musculoskeletal problems: neurological disorders that affect musculoskeletal. Opens Governor Channel for problems with back, neck, and head.

•Main point for stiff neck, cervical strains/sprains/arthritis. Great for whiplash.

•Main point for any symptom where a part of the body is cut off from another part, such as a limb that won't move or frozen shoulder.

•Antispasmodic for muscular spasms.

•Antiinflammatory for spinal arthritis, intestinal inflammation.

•Occipital headaches-headaches related to stress, muscle tension.

•Mann: bad digestion and greasy stools; slow recovery after shock.

•Dr.Voll: affects descending part of duodenum

•Pick-me-up vitality point

•J.C. Darrus:

•aversion to meat, borborygmus after eating starchy or fatty foods, gray or greasy stools

•pulmonary edema

•physical weakness, lumbago, torticollis, scapulalgia

•skin diseases with pruritis Spirit: Useful for mental level on II, helps to clear it and get it more structured. Gives clarity. Good for hearing difficulties. Aids in the birth of new ideas, and growth where there is stagnation. Patient could be stuck, never maturing or sorting himself out but never changing. Might need to sedate this point if there has been too much growth and energy is running out - child “outgrown” his own strength. Brings clarity of wood to sorter, brings vision and discrimination. On physical level - neck problems and lower back pain. Adds backbone. Activates Yang energy. Use on mental level to clear and get more structure.

Down in the depths, flexibility to sorting, making clear distinctions in order to sort properly, smoothness in sorting process. Can’t move from what needs to be done to the doing of it - confusion that spins The name refers to the intense and vital nature of the channel Qi flow at this point, which resembles a stream, and its position in back of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Back may also refer to this point’s influence on the GV.

S.I. 4 "Wrist Bone" Wangu II 4

Wrist Bone (Wanku)

Carpal Bone (starting point) ⊥3


Δ 3 -7


Source Point Relaxes muscle spasms Reduces swellings Benefits the Tendons Clears Heat Clears the Channel Cools Small Intestine Damp and Heat Dispels Wind Heat Expels Tai Yang Channel Evil Qi Sedates Pain Transforms Damp Heat On the ulnar edge of the hand, in the hollow between the proximal end th of the 5 metacarpal bone and the triquetral bone.

INDICATIONS: arthritis of the wrist, elbow, & fingers

•emaciation & thirst




•inhibited movement of fingers




•diabetes (adjunct point)


•Hot condition without •jaundice

•pain in ribs


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With Lu 10 to induce sweating OTHER: Small Intestine 3 used more

•CAM: jaundice, cholecystitis

•Can diagnose back pain along side of palm-- palpate and use tenderest point

•J.C. Darrus:

•nausea, vomiting, icterus

•hemiplegia, convulsions, meningitis Spirit: Safe and beautiful point to use. Often used together with Colon 4 to throw off waste and assist II to adjust, be flexible, turn hand to anything. Good for use in chronic sickness. The wrist bone is very flexible, letting us give out and take in - creative. To do with contact with the outside world, through it we can take in, nurture, be flexible and separate. When it is stuck we can’t reach out to touch, or our eyes may be stuck. Gives II structure/stability to reach out - help relationships.

Great for any kind of coagulation at the wrist joint like arthritis, carpal tunnel, muscular obstruction. When you don’t sort, you get congestion, stuff staying inside that should be released. The essence of sorting out on any level. A good wrist bone is flexible, can reach in any direction, and take in from all directions.

S.I. 5 "Valley of Yang" Yanggu II 5

Yang Valley (Yangku)

(river point) ⊥2


Δ 3 -7


Jing River: Fire Horary Point 1 PM – 3 PM; Point of Ching (late summer) Disperses Heat & swelling Calms the Spirit Calms fright/ fear Calms Tetany Clears Exterior Damp Heat Clears the Channel Clears the Mind Dispels Wind Heat Opens Orifices On the ulnar edge of the hand, in the hollow between the triquetral bone and the head of the ulna

IMAGE: The fire point on a yang meridian on the yang side of the arm. The "valley" is the depression in which the point sits. "Yang" may also be a reference to the male sex organ & to sexual potency. INDICATIONS: deafness





•wrist pain

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Mann: People who talk or laugh excessively.

•Dr. So: delirium and eyes looking left & right

OTHER: Not a main point other than mumps, mouth.

•Horary Point: used in 5 elements for excess or deficient metal

•gum inflammation

•Mann: dizziness, fainting, stomatitis, gingivitis, epilepsy, children who cannot suckle

•CAM: swelling of neck & submandibular region.

•J.C. Darrus:

•hemorrhoids, impotence Spirit: Good stimulant, less crucial to use only in it’s Horary time. Shake up the fire and get rid of the ashes so that II can sort effectively. Good point to moxa if the patient craves warmth. Good if the patient is weak, dispirited, despairing, unable to cope. Gathering place of light,Yang. Good for bringing in light, joy of discrimination, the true alchemist. Resolves guilt over following one’s HT. For the patient tired from struggle. Rapid, excess speech, excess laughter, talkativeness, what needs to be said and what is omitted. Helps official to mature and use experience in sorting.

S.I. 6 "Nourish the Old" Yanglao II 6

Nourishing the Old (Yanglao)

Supporting the Old, Nursing the Aged ⊥3




Xi Cleft Relaxes the sinews (muscles) Clears the channels & the vision Benefits Joints Brightens Eyes On the ulnar surface of the forearm, approximately 1 ACI proximal to II 5, just proximal to the head of the ulna.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Nursing the Aged;" refers to the point's usefulness with old people. INDICATIONS: arthritis of the upper limb

•blurred vision

•eye diseases


•low back pain

•pain in shoulder & back (esp. scapula)

•pain of hernia (nm)

•restricted movement lumbar area

•stiff neck NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Alzheimer's-- for people losing their power of discrimination, or for senility. "The senior citizen point." For someone trying to OTHER: Improves ability to move, though not as much for muscle spasms as S.I. 3 Main point for acute low back sprain - - stimulate heavily. Used a lot for whiplash, cervical strain, acute lumbar strain, any acute sprains.

•For blurry vision in old people

•J.C. Darrus:

•upper limb arthralgia, torticollis Spirit: One of the best points to nourish the BMS, especially good in older patients who don’t seem like they’re getting nourishment. Can bring in purity from a spiritual level, good for II type cynicism. Useful for the person who dwells on the past, old problems, illnesses, difficult times. They may not want to cope with the present, may have mental despair, depression, suicidal tendencies. Use this point to ask for help from II to nourish the person with long standing problems. Person may be immature about coping, in a rut, never able to solve problems. Follow with the wood point so the patient can see they don’t need this block and can get rid of it and start to grow again. Accumulation point, cleansing, strengthening II especially long term, physical problems - toxicity and digestive problems. Long term muddle and confusion. Thing of this point when hear a complaint in the sorter - this point begins to go back and fill in the places that didn’t get filled in the past - how do I begin to fill this void? Reframe the past in a way that it becomes precious. Enhances purity at a deep level, nourishes memories, and honors the past. Any illness/disease, injury or habit that the patient has been coping with for years. Also good for person who is childish or immature in sorting out life. Pulls wisdom they didn’t think they had, nourish that which already knew so that light of the heart can shine forth clearly in the world, brings back to a time of clarity which was buried The name refers to this point’s ability to revitalize the Qi in the joints and sinews where Qi obstruction commonly occurs in the elderly.

S.I. 7 "Branch of Uprightness" Zhizheng II 7

Upright Branch (Chihcheng)

Straight Branch, Branch to the Correct, Branch for the Main ⊥3


Δ 3 -7


Luo point Junction; Greater assembly point of head and neck; XP6 Disperses Wind Induces perspiration Wakes the Spirit (mental dullness) Calms the Heart and mind Clears the Channel Relieves Exterior Heat On the posteromedial surface of the forearm, 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist. With the arm extended and the forearm pronated, it lies in the seam between the ulna and the extensor carpi ulnaris.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Branch From the Main." The "branch" of the Small Intestine channel which connects to the Heart channel begins at this Luo point. "Zheng" is a reference to the main channel, and may also be a reference to the heart channel. INDICATIONS: insanity


•pain of the elbow or arm

•stiff neck (good point)

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Wakes spirit: good for person who's withdrawn Strong point for mental/emotional, such as depression, anxiety-- especially with stiff neck. Also for anxiety & nervous fatigue. Mann: psychopathic apprehension, fear POINT COMBINATIONS: With Ht 7-- source/luo combination-- to strengthen spirit OTHER: eyelid cysts or styes


weakness of the four limbs, torticollis


•J.C. Darrus:


Spirit: Can use with I 5 to bring about a leveling between the two pulses when their qualities are dissimilar, enhances quality on II. A branch connects and separates Heaven and Earth. Gives support and balance when leaning to one side, head not upright, neck blocked, no head rotation or patient is “in his head”. Affects the thyroid and endocrine systems. Sense of being able to stand and show their brightness, not get submerges in pollution. Supports the upright function of the SI in conveying the HT’s intention to the world To arrive at and stop at the line one had to reach without going astray.

S.I. 8 "Small Sea" Xiaohai II 8

Small Sea ( Hsiaohai)

Little Sea (Sea point) ⊥2




He Sea: Earth Earth; Sedation; Point of Ho (autumn) Dispels Wind Calms the mind Relieves Heat in the Small Intestine Clears Damp Heat Clears the Channels Expels Tai Yang Channel Evil Qi Invigorates Collaterals Relaxes the Muscles Sedates Pain On the posteromedial surface of the forearm, approximately 1 ACI distal to the hollow between the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon when the arm is semiflexed with the hand on the forehead.

IMAGE: This is the sea (hai) point on the Small Intestine (Xiaochang) channel. INDICATIONS: Huntington's chorea (Ht 3 more common)

of the scapula



•neuralgia or paralysis of the ulnar nerve


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Sedation point

•Good for neurological-type disorders: epilepsy, trembling, chorea


•swelling of cheek/submandibular

•J.C. Darrus:

intestinal spasms, pain below the umbilicus, stomach pain two hours after eating

pulmonary edema First Aid: hemorrhage Spirit: As an earth point it gives a solid base, grounding. A fire that is not grounded will burn erratically and eventually peter out. Affects ability of SP to carry away from II and ability of ST to deliver “rottened” material for separation. Sometimes used locally with elbow problems. Nourishing Point - earth gives stability when there’s a lot of sorting, security, firm place to stand while sorting.

S.I. 9 "Shoulder Chastity" Jianzhen II 9

Upright Shoulder (Chienchen)

Shoulder Integrity, True Shoulder ⊥5–7




Disperses Wind Invigorates the channels Dispels stagnation & pain Benefits Shoulder On the posterior surface of the shoulder, at the superior end of the axillary fold.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Shoulder Integrity;" an anatomical reference to the point's location on the shoulder. INDICATIONS: deafness

•Diseases of the shoulder & joint

inhibiting movement

•pain in scapula




•excessive perspiration in the armpits

•pain in arm •paralysis of upper limb

•swelling of the

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: All problems with shoulders and scapula area. SI 9 and 10 do a certain amount of clearing out of toxins on a physical level. Good when pollution not getting out, sorting not taking place. Touches the Yang energy; when the shoulders are out-of-balance there is a lot of stuckness, distorting, and not being able to see the light; for someone who keeps consciousness small.

S.I. 10

"Scapula's Hollow" Naoshu II 10

Shoulder Blade (Naoshu) Scapula’s Hollow, Upper Arm Shu





Moves Blood & Qi Relaxes the muscles Dissolves masses Benefits the Tendons and Shoulder Clears Channels Dispels Wind Point of Yang Wei Mo; Point of Yang Oiao Mo; XP6 On the posterior surface of the shoulder, in the depression inferior to the acromion, directly superior to II 9.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's effect on the scapula. INDICATIONS: chills & fever

•excessive sweating


•hypertension (nm)

•inability to raise the arm

•pain in shoulder

•perifocal inflammation of shoulder joint

•soreness & lack of strength in the arm NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Links X 15, X 16,VI 15, and VII 21 by way of one of the eight extraordinary meridians. For mental and spiritual stability, purity, separation and tranquillity. Relates to the elders and betters in the same way as II 6. Good where there is swelling, aching, weakness or lack of shoulder mobility (frozen shoulder). Reservoir point for the movement of Qi. Also see II 9 A hollow suggests a container or conveyor through which the circulating Qi passes.

S.I. 11 "Heaven's Ancestor" Tianzong II 11

Heavenly Ancestor (Tientsung)

Celestial Gathering, Heaven’s Worship ⊥5




Clears the Channels Decreases swelling & pain Expands the chest Aids Lactation Dispels Wind Expels Tai Yang Channel Evil Qi Invigorates Collaterals Sedates Rebellious Qi Stimulates Flow of Qi On the back, in the middle of the scapula, approximately 1 _ ACI inferior to the inferior edge of the middle of the scapular spine.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Celestial Gathering;" the Small Intestine points on the scapula are thought of as being similar to stars in the heavens. Tianzong is also the name of a constellation. INDICATIONS: fullness in the chest & ribs

•pain in the shoulder, upper arm and shoulder blade

•severe painful hiccups

•swelling in the cheek & jaw

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Spiritual issues which continue from one generation to the next. To help someopone sort out the common denominators in their life, and to see the unity of things. Allowing ancestral wisdom to help in the sorting process. OTHER: For tight and full feeling in the chest (expands the chest) For breast problems-- mastitis and insufficient lactation (though not as main as S.I. 1) emotional problems Spirit: The strongest mental point there is on the SI, for people that have got this inability to sort, their minds are clogged up. When you want to clean the mind out, clear chaos and mental confusion then SI 11 will do that and bring tranquillity. One of the deepest reaching points on SI to cleanse the BMS. Puts the person in touch with their “Elders and betters” who have dealt with problems in the past and know all about them. A point for sorting problems when a person could not cope with having a window opened. Powerful on spirit level, when a person has trouble with separation. A similar point to SI 6 but more powerful, amazing when they are used together. Use when unable to find light in a situation, sense of purpose in life, calls on ancestors to renew sense of purpose. Good when pollution not getting out, sorting not taking place. Good when person doesn’t see what they are capable of. Upright point for sagging posture, carrying weight on shoulders. Dispirited. The character represents a pillar between heaven and earth, a way to bridge or connect the body and mind to the spirit. The light of heavenly ancestors shining on the person’s back, they look down and take care of you. Sorting on mental and spiritual level and calling on elders to help with the process. The name, a general term for a celestial phenomena, refers to the “constellation” of points positioned relatively equidistant around this point (on SI and BL channels), and to this point’s influence on them.

S.I. 12

"Holding Wind" Bingfeng II 12

Grasping the Wind (Pingfeng) Holds Wind





Opens Channels, Invigorates Connecting Channels, Benefits Shoulder, Clears Heat On the back, approximately 1 ACI superior to the superior edge of the middle of the scapular spine.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's susceptibility to Wind. Classically the suprascapular fossa was said to be a place where external wind could get caught and become trapped in the body. INDICATIONS: inflammation of the supraspinatus tendon

•soreness & pain of the scapula

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun OTHER: Wind point: used for wandering pain, pain that moves around Spirit: Physical and mental level, use lots of moxa, brings warmth into the SI official. Also used when someone has just got going, to give them a firmer hold. “Alternative” name - “clutching at straws” - great when a person just can’t see which way to turn. Good for separating function when a person is stuck, muddled, confused, can’t get going. Brings in fresh air - revitalizing. Good for uplifting, revitalizing the shoulder area where there is numbness, impaired movement. Gives the person the ability to lift their arms and reach for the heavens. For creaking joints, arthritis from toxicity, poor diet. Amazing point because of the reunion meridians bringing in warmth and pliability. Asthma. Good for confusion which arises from thoughts coming too fast. Sorting on mental level when unable to say anything specific or comment one way or another.

S.I. 13 "Crooked Wall" Quyuan II 13

Crooked Wall (Chuyuan) ⊥5




Relaxes the muscles & tendons Moves Blood stagnation Sedates pain On the back, mid-way between II 12 and the medial border of the scapula, approximately 1 ACI superior to the superior edge of the scapular spine, in line with VI 15 and VII 21.

IMAGE: A reference to the irregular surface of the scapula.Yuan may also be a reference to a constellation; yet another stellar image associated with the scapula. INDICATIONS: blockage conditions

•diseases of the soft tissue of the shoulder joint.

•Inflammation of the tendon of the supraspinatous muscle.

•muscle spasms

•pain in the shoulder & shoulder blade NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Trapezius muscle spasm with neck pain

•Mann: Unable to embrace

•J.C. Darrus:

•rheumatism (in general) Spirit: Good for shoulder and neck stiffness and pain. Similar to the cleansing action of SI 9 and 10.

S.I. 14 "Shoulder's Outer Hollow" Jianwaishu II 14

Outside the Shoulder Correspondence (Chienwaishu)

Outer Shoulder Shu ⊥6


Δ 3 - 10


Dispels Cold Dispels Evil Wind Invigorates Collaterals Warms Channels On the back, 3 _ ACI lateral to the tip of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's location on the back of the shoulder, on the outer Bladder line. INDICATIONS: soreness & pain of the scapula NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.7 cun OTHER: Also for wandering pain

•Also has lung indications. Mann: for pneumonia, pleurisy.

•responds well to moxa

•J.C. Darrus:

•rheumatism (in general) Spirit: Used for shoulder and neck physical problems. Helps muscles to be pliable where there is rigidity. A link with the heavens, where the patient is completely obstructed, they can’t see what’s right and what’s wrong for them. Mind bogged down, coagulation or stuckness or murkiness of mind not getting light through the darkness - only see negativity shares heart through sarcasm

S.I. 15 "Mid-shoulder Hollow" Jianzhongshu II 15

Middle of The Shoulders Correspondence (Chienchungshu)

Middle of the Shoulder Hollow, Central Shoulder Shu ⊥3–6


Clears Heat & phlegm in the Lungs Clears the vision Benefits the Shoulder Spreads Lung Qi Ventilates the Lung

Δ 5 – 10


th On the back, 2 _ ACI lateral to the tip of the spinous process of the 7 cervical vertebra.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's location on the back of the shoulder. INDICATIONS: asthma

•blurred vision



•consumption from milk in infants


•fever & chills

•pain in the back & shoulder

•spitting blood

•stiff neck NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.6 cun OTHER: Used a lot for neck sprains/strains

border of m. trapezius

•eye/vision fatigue

•J.C. Darrus:

•shoulder problems at anterior

S.I. 16 "Heaven's Window" Tianchuang II 16

Heavenly Window (Tienchuang)

Celestial Window ⊥3




Window of Sky point Dispels Wind Calms the Spirit Invigorates Channels Nourishes Heart On the lateral surface of the neck, at the posterior border of the SCM, at the level of the laryngeal prominence.

IMAGE: This point is a "window" to the part of the body which corresponds to "heaven," the head. Also refers to this being a Window of Sky point. Some sources claim that "window" is a reference to orifices in the head (eyes, ears, nose, mouth) and this point's effect on them. INDICATIONS: deafness


•sore throat

•stiff neck


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.7 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For bringing heavenly energy to the process of sorting. OTHER: Mann: uncoordination, movements that are slow and lethargic, movements that are not fully under voluntary control.

•weight loss Spirit: Where there is confusion you see that you can sort out, everything becomes clear and falls into place. The SI official can become cluttered/confused/frustrated or completely powerless. The window is clean, the light comes in and things become clear. There can be no purity if there is no light. If the window is dirty or shuttered light can’t get in. The official gets frustrated if seeing only impurity. Take them to the light of the window so can look out and become enlightened. The Heavenly window enables one to see god. Used before SI 17, it is very unusual to use both in one treatment. What is appropriate for me, what is my purpose in the universe - this point will remind them of this as polluted veil is lifted away, things look brighter. Deep resignation on spiritual level, can’t determine priorities, can’t see what’s important, what’s needed. Getting the light in to be able to see pure/impure at deep level when everything is black. Allows a glimpse of Heaven. Ready to move to another level/stage Ability to find purity and love, not engaged from the heart - find expression of the heart and sense of purpose

S.I. 17 "Heaven's Contents" Tianrong II 17

Heavenly Appearance (Tienjung)

Celestial Countenance, Heaven’s Reception, Capacity of Heaven ⊥3




Window of Sky point Disperses Heat & inflammation Clears the channels, Clears Damp Heat and Fire Poison, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Invigorates Channels, Moistens Throat, Softens Hard Masses On the posterior edge of the mandible, in the notch of the bone, slightly superior to the angle of the mandible.

IMAGE: This is a point where "heaven" (the head) and the Small Intestine channels Qi meets. Rong is also sometimes translated as "hood" and implies an ability to protect the head and neck from wind. INDICATIONS: asthma


•distension & soreness of the neck


•severe coughing

•throat constricted and difficulty in swallowing


•tonsillitis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Stronger than S.I. 16 for bringing heaven to the process of sorting. OTHER: Main point for tonsillitis; also used a lot for sore throat, mumps, swollen lymph glands, difficulty swallowing Spirit: One of the Windows of the Sky on the SI. Heavenly Window is a wonderful window to open which then allows the official to separate the pure from the impure in the mind and the spirit. A person may appear to have no problem with this separation in their physical being, but you’ll see tremendous confusion and pollution accumulated at the mental/spiritual levels. Enhances, clears out and clarifies the BMS. Helps a person to see that they are not on their own anymore. Takes them to a different place, they can see and now they can do something with it. A point where the official is brought into unity/oneness. Empowers the patient to move on. If used in conjunction with SI 16 the heavens may truly appear to the patient, if only a glimpse of their own soul and knowledge that there is indeed a god. Stronger than SI 16, rather than providing a glimpse through a window, this point makes the decree of Heaven manifest. Mental imprisonment. Sheds light on the spirit/soul. The name refers to the place where the channel Qi is received by and enters into the “heaven body zone” (the head or skull).

S.I. 18 "Cheek Seam" Quanliao II 18

Cheek Bone Chuanliao)

Cheek Bone Hole, Cheek Bone Opening ⊥3




Clears Channels, Clears Heat, Disperses Evil Wind, Invigorates Collaterals, Sedates Pain, Sedates Tetany On the cheek, roughly inferior to the lateral canthus of the eye, in the angle of the zygomatic bone and the mandible.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Cheek Bone Opening;" a reference to the point's location in the depression below the zygoma. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis

•spasm of the facial muscles

•trigeminal neuralgia

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun OTHER: CAM: toothache

•Mann: eyes that always move

•Meeting point for the 3 Yang muscle channels of the leg.

•"Cosmetic acupuncture"-- for puffy, saggy eyes

•classically not recommended to moxa Spirit: Good local point for jaw problems, tooth problems.

S.I. 19 "Palace of Hearing" Tinggong II 19

Listening Palace (Tingkung)

Palace of Hearing, Auditory Palace ⊥ 2–3


Exit Benefits the hearing Calms the Spirit Clears Heat Frees Channels & Connecting Channels Improves Sight & Hearing Opens Ear Relieves Pain



Anterior to the tragus of the ear, (on the superficial temporal artery), in the depression formed when the mouth is open.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's proximity to, and effect upon, the ear. INDICATIONS: deaf-mutism


•inflammation of the external ear canal

•otitis media

•pain in the chest & abdomen

•pus in the ear

•seizures & insanity (nm)


•toothache NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun with the mouth open PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Allows one to "hear" what someone is really saying regardless of the words they use. Also increases our ability to hear our own heart, regardless of the chaos in our lives. Can be used when two people want to speak "heart to heart". OTHER: Main point for hearing. RS has seen good results for tinnitus. Good point for jaw problems-- TMJ pain Spirit: “Palace” used with a great deal of reverence, the abode of the emperor or god. This point is not just concerned with physical hearing. A person may not be able to hear mentally or spiritually, the sounds penetrate no further than the physical ear. Use of SI 19 opens a person up so that what you are saying is heard and reaches them at mental and spiritual level beyond just the sounds. Allows you to go in to the depth - to the palace of the emperor. Ability to listen, take in, discriminate. Listen to one’s self closely enough to make discriminations you need to take care of yourself - may show up as tinnitus. This point helps you hear pure sound and clears away the drones, brings clarity to confusion. Has undertones of listening from intuition, to know the nature of things immediately in one’s heart, bypassing the analytical faculties of the mind. Allows a person to hear better, sort out what others are saying. Use if person is hard to reach or make contact with. Listening from the heart, to impulses from the heart - compassion.

Leg Greater Yang Bladder Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Begins at the point UB 1 at the inner canthus of the eye and ascends the forehead, intersecting the Du channel at point DU 24 and the GB channel at point GB 15. It then crosses to the vertex and again intersects the Du channel at DU 20. From here, a branch descends to the area above the ear, joining the GB channel at GB 7, GB 8, and GB 12. A vertical branch enters the brain at the vertex and intersects with the Du channel at DU 17 before emerging and descending along the nape of the neck and the muscles of the medial aspect of the scapula. Here, the Bladder channel meets the Du channel at DU 14 and DU 13, after which it continues downward, parallel to the spine, to the lumbar region. The channel then enters the internal cavity via the paravertebral muscles, communicates with the Kidneys, and finally joins its associated organ, the Bladder. Another branch separates in the lumbar region, crosses the buttock, and descends to the popliteal fossa of the knee. Yet another branch separates from the main channel at the back of the neck and descends, parallel to the spine, from the medial spine of the scapula to the gluteal region. Here it crosses the buttock to cross at GB 30, and then descends across the lateral posterior aspect of the thigh to join with the other branch of this channel in the popliteal fossa. Continuing downward through the gastrocnemius muscle, the channel emerges behind the external malleolus, then follows the 5th metatarsal bone, crossing its tuberosity to the lateral tip of the little toe at UB 67. The Bladder channel connects behind the knee with its Lower He Sea point, UB 40. This channel connects with the Kidneys and is joined directly with the Brain and Heart. CROSSING POINTS: DU 24, DU 20, DU 17, DU 14, DU 13 GB 7, GB 8, GB 10, GB 11, GB 12, GB 15, GB 30 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Alternating chills and fever, headache, stiff neck, pain in the lumbar region, nasal congestion, diseases of the eye, pain along the back of the leg and foot. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Pain in the lower abdomen, enuresis, retention, of urine, painful urination, mental disorders DIVERGENT CHANNEL Diverges from the primary at the popliteal fossa, this channel then travels to a point 5 can below the sacrum. It then detours to the anal region, connects with the Bladder and disperses in the Kidneys. Frorn here it follows the spine and disperses in the cardiac region before emerging at the neck where it rejoins the Bladder primary channel. LUO CHANNEL Separates from the primary at UB 58, connecting with the Kidney at Kid 3. Symptoms of Excess: nasal congestion, headache, back pain Symptoms of Deficiency: flaccid or atrophied muscles in the legs or feet, pharyngitis, sudden aphasia

MUSCLE CHANNEL Originates at the little toe. Proceeds upwards to the external malleolus and then to the knee. A lower branch extends below the external malleolus to the heel, then ascends to the lateral margin of the popliteal fossa. Another branch separates at the convergence of the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and ascends to the medial margin of the popliteal fossa. These two branches join in the gluteal region and continue upwards along the side of the spine to the nape of the neck, where a branch reaches inward to the root of the tongue. Above the neck, the channel joins with the occipital bone and proceeds over the head to the bridge of the nose. A branch crosses the top of the eye and connects at the side of the nose below. Another branch extends from the lateral margin of the posterior axillary crease to LI 15 on the shoulder. Another branch crosses below the axilla and over the chest, emerging at the supraclavicular fossa and ascending to GB 12 behind the ear. Still another branch, after emerging from the supraclavicular fossa, traverses the face to a site beside the nose. Pathological Symptoms: Strained muscles of the big toe, swelling and pain in the heel, spasms in the joints, stiffness along the spine, spasms of the back, inability to raise the arm at the shoulder, stiffness or pulled muscle in the axillary region, strained muscles at the clavicle.

SUMMARY: BLADDER CHANNEL Phone # (64-58-63) UB 67-66-65-60-40 Tonification point: UB 67 Sedation point: UB 65 Horary point: UB 66 UB 1

UB 2

UB 7

UB 10

UB 11

UB 12

UB 13

UB 14

UB 15

UB 16

UB 17

UB 18

UB 19

UB 20

UB 21

UB 22

UB 23

UB 25

UB 27

UB 28

UB 29

UB 30

UB 31-34

UB 43

UB 52

UB 39

UB 40

UB 57

UB 58

UB 60

UB 62

UB 64

UB 67

eyes eyes/ sinuses/ frontal headaches sinuses/ headaches/ dizziness neck problems/ energy problems/ sinuses/ HA's/mental & emotional. With UB 11 for depression Bones/ wind pt./ URI wind/ sinuses/ lung problems lung problems/ night sweats neurasthenia/ heart problems heart & spirit problems/ anxiety/ physical heart governor/ balding/ skin/ diaphragm diaphragm/ Blood pt/ blood stagnation, heat , or deficiency liver stuff/ eyes/ HA's/ stagnant blood menstrual problems GB/ stones/ nausea/ shingles tonifies Spleen/ damp/ any digestive/ builds Blood/ prolapses digestive/ stomach problems TB/ waterways/ fatigue/ LBP/ urinary/ edema kidney problems/ bone, arthritic/ fatigue, depressed vital Qi/ urogenital/ hearing/ dizziness/ coldness constipation/ diarrhea ileitis/ blood in urine/ enteritis urinary system/ cystitis/ prostatitis mid back vaginal discharges/ rectal diseases hormone regulation/ menopause chronic diseases/ strengthen lungs building kidney yang/ Qi/ Will waterways/ neurasthenia LBP/ heat stroke/ heat in intestines trauma/ muscle strains & sprains/ constipation/ hemorrhoids rheumatoid arthritis/ chronic LBP/ nose problems/ kidneys wind/ relaxes muscles/ LBP & sciatica/ headache/ stiff neck/ pain stiffness/ Yang Qiao/ headaches/ epilepsy/ insomnia stiff neck/ myocarditis/ headaches turning fetus/ headaches/ sinuses

BLADDER MERIDIAN The official that controls the reservoir, to rest appropriately so that energy will be there day to day. It paces us so that we don’t use more than we have and provides a container for the power of the kidneys. It is about setting limits. It is the source of cleverness and resourcefulness. Imbalance may show up as pushing to exhaustion, excessive urination. Bladder CF may have trouble choosing direction because of many talents, they bend over backwards to please others, and may have stiff neck, lifestyle choices effect BL – rest is primary for health (restore). BL separates out pure fluids. Containment of own energy reserves. Tendency for overexertion, to be unable to sustain themselves on anything they start - the inability to see something through to completion because of lack of own reserves. Gift is acknowledgment of fear and stepping forward into that fear. “I just want peace.” Fear of not being able to go on, the bottom dropping out Other points with relationship to Water CF CV 3, CV 4, BL 47 1.

Eyes Bright


Collect Bamboo 3.

Eyebrows Rushing 4.

Crooked Servant 5.

Five Places 6.

Receive Light 7.

Penetrate Heaven 8.

Lou End 9.

Jade Pillow


Heavenly Pillar 11.

Great Shuttle 12.

Wind gate 13.

Lungs Correspondence 14.

PC Correspondence 15.

Heart Correspondence 16.

Governor Correspondence 17.

Diaphragm Correspondence 18.

Liver Correspondence 19.

Gall Bladder Correspondence 20.

Spleen Correspondence 21.

Stomach Correspondence 22.

Three Heater Correspondence 23.

Kidneys Correspondence 24.

Sea of Ch’i Correspondence 25.

Large Intestine Correspondence

26. First Gate Correspondence


Small Intestine Correspondence 28. Bladder Correspondence 29. Middle of the Backbone Correspondence 30. White Ring Correspondence 58. Fly and Scatter 31. Upper Sacral Bone Correspondence 32. Second Sacral Bone Correspondence 33. Middle Sacral Bone Correspondence 34. Lower Sacral Bone Correspondence 35. Meeting of Yang 36. Near Division 37. Soul Door 38. Rich For the Vitals Correspondence 39. Spirit Hall 40. Wail of Grief 41. Diaphragm Border 42. Spiritual Soul Gate 43. Yang Net 44. Thought Dwelling 45. Stomach Granary 46. Diaphragm Gate of Vitality

47. Ambition Room 48. Womb and Heart Diaphragm 49. Orderly Frontier 50. Receive and Support 51. Prosperous Gate 52. Floating Reserve 53. Equilibrium Yang 54. Equilibrium Middle 55. Uniting Yang 56. Supporting Muscle 57. Supporting Mountain 58. Fly and Scatter 59. Foot Bone Yang 60. Kunlun Mountain 61. Servant’s Aide 62. Extended Meridian 63. Golden Gate 64. Capital Bone 65. Bone Binder 66. Penetrating Valley 67. Extremity of Yin

UB 1 "Eyes Bright" Jingming III 1

Eyes Bright (Chingming) Bright Eyes, Eye’s Clarity





Disperses (local) Wind Cools Heat Opens the Channels & Clears the vision Brightens and Opens the Eyes Dispels Fire Nourishes Yin Stops local Pain and Itching Entry; Yang Reunion; Supplementary reinforcement for 8 extra meridians; Point of Yang; Oiao Mo; Point of Yin’ Oiao Mo On the bridge of the nose, in a small depression 1 fen superior and 1 fen medial to the medial canthus of the eye, (between the two veins).

IMAGE: Also translated as "Eye's Clarity;" refers to the point's functions of improving vision and brightening the eyes. INDICATIONS: acute & chronic conjunctivitis


•atrophy of the optic nerve

•color blindness

•early stages of cataracts

•excessive tearing on exposure to wind



•inflammation of the ora serrata



•night blindness

•opacity of cornea

•optic neuritis


•red & sore eyes NEEDLING: With the patient's eye closed, gently push the eye laterally. Puncture slowly perpendicularly along the wall of the orbit, 0.3- 0.7 cun. Use little or no stimulation. Use pressure at the site of the puncture with a sterile swab after the needle is removed to prevent bleeding. Moxibustion is forbidden. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Brings clarity to vision. Allows a person to see their resources. Brings one's inherited nature out and allows it to shine through the eyes. OTHER: any eye problem

•Maciocia: for insomnia with the Yinqiao and Yangqiao channels

•Stimulates estrogen secretion: hot flashes MOXIBUSTION IS FORBIDDEN Spirit: The difference between looking and seeing. With true vision, one sees without judgment. This point will open the mind’s eye and the spirit’s eye, and can then see with the spirit what one may never have dreamed of. This point is good for the physical eye as well, brightening the image physically, mentally, and spiritually. Not a window but the same effects if used with KI 23,24,25 to really access the patient. One of the most powerful points in the body. Has more direct control over secretion than any other point. The best hormonal point (any secretion- hormonal, perspiration, lymphatic, etc.) Can clear edema of the mind, flooding, etc. Brings energy to the meridian on any level. Use if patient has eczema and had ever used cortisone. Anything to do with the eyes, dim eyesight, lazy eyes, wandering, dry. Brings ability to close eyes and sleep.

UB 2

"Gathered Bamboo" Zanzhu


Collect Bamboo (Tsanchu) Bamboo Gathering, Collection of Bamboo





Dispels (local) Wind Soothes the Liver (as relates to the eye) Sharpens the Vision Benefits the Back Brightens & Opens the Eyes Clears Channels Dispels Wind & Heat Opens the Nose Soothes the Liver Stops local Pain, In the depression at the medial end of the eyebrow, directly superior to the medial canthus of the eye, on the supraorbital ridge, often in the hair.

IMAGE: "Gathered Bamboo" refers to the eyebrows, which are said to look like a bundle of bamboo leaves. INDICATIONS: acute conjunctivitis


•excessive lacrimation

•eyes red, swollen & sore



•infantile convulsions




•spasms of the eyelid


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. Or prick with a three edged needle to bleed. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Allows one to gather resources together appropriately. Bamboo symbolizes flexible water and wood growth in nature. OTHER: Good point for sinus allergies, hayfever, sinus headaches. Allergies with watery eyes.

•People who sneeze when they go out in the light.


•Traditionally not recommended to moxa.

•J.C. Darrus: vertigo, syncope First Aid: hay fever Spirit: Can be used as an alternate entry point. Good for sinus and head type symptoms when caused by water jamming up. Great hay fever point.

UB 3

"Eyebrow's Pouring" Meichong


Eyebrows Rushing (Meichung) Eyebrow Ascension





Brightens Eyes Dispels Wind & Heat Improves Vision On the head, _ ACI superior to the natural hair line, 3 _ ACI directly superior to III 2.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Eyebrow Ascension;" an anatomical reference to the point's location above the eyebrow. INDICATIONS: headache

•occluded nose



NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. OTHER: headaches & epilepsy Spirit: Good for water headaches and migraines. Can use BL 3 with BL 1 and a source point.

UB 4

"Discrepancy" Quchai


Crooked Servant ( Chucha) Deviating Turn



Clears Heat, Opens Orifices, Brightens Eyes Dispels Wind, Clears Head, Improves Vision, Invigorates Collaterals, Sedates Pain



1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, _ ACI superior to the natural hair line, _ ACI lateral to III 3.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Deviating Turn;" refers to the diversion of the channel Qi at UB 4. INDICATIONS: eye diseases



•occluded nose

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. Spirit: Good for inability to recognize people.

UB 5

"Five Places" Wuchu


Five Places (Wuchu) Fifth Place





Brightens the Eyes Dispels Internal Heat Dispels Wind Revives Consciousness Sedates Liver Yang Sedates Nervous Tension 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, _ ACI superior to III 4

IMAGE: Perhaps a reference to the point being the 5th point on the channel. INDICATIONS: headache




NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. OTHER: Maciocia: wind in the Du channel Spirit: Good for inability to recognize people.

UB 6

"Support Light" Chengguang


Receive Light ( Chengkuang) Light Guard





Brightens Eyes Dispels Heat & Dysphoria Improves Vision Revives From Unconsciousness 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, 1 _ ACI posterior to III 5 (near GV 21)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Receive Light." A reference to the point's function of brightening the eyes & improving vision. INDICATIONS: common cold





NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For someone who's eyes are dark. Connects one to one's higher self. OTHER: Traditionally not recommended to moxa Spirit: Brings light where there is darkness. Where person’s mind is imprisoned and tormented. For severe mental disorders. You must wait until they are ready to receive light. Spirit level point.

UB 7

"Reaching Heaven" Tongtian


Penetrate Heaven (Tungtien) Penetrating Heaven, Celestial Connection





Brightens the Eyes Clears the Nostrils Eliminates Interior and Exterior Wind Opens the Orifices and Calms Convulsions 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, 1 _ ACI posterior to III 6 (near GV 20)

IMAGE: A reference to the point's proximity to Du 20 (on the highest point of the head, or "heaven"). Tongtian is also said to be the name of an ancient Chinese hat. Also translated as "Connect Atmosphere" because UB 7 is used for problems of the nose, and it is said to help connect the lungs to the atmosphere via the nose. INDICATIONS: dizziness


the vertex



•loss of sense of smell

•mouth awry

•pain & heaviness at

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. OTHER: Known for its effect on the sinuses. bloody nose

•J.C. Darrus:

•vertigo, syncope

•chronic epistaxis, dyspnea, amygdalitis Spirit: Strongest on spirit level but also mental. Brings peace where there is trouble. Despair, chaos, mania at spirit or mental level. Can bring absolute peace and calm. The name refers to the channel Qi which penetrates and communicates with the highest reaches of “heaven” (the crown of the head), particularly GV 20.

UB 8

"Decline" Luoque


Lou End (Lochen) Declining Connection





Brightens Eyes Clears the Head Dispels Wind & Heat Improves Vision Reduces Wind & Damp Releases Tight Joints 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, 1 _ ACI inferior to III 7, near GV 19.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's location "past" the apex of the skull. INDICATIONS: facial paralysis





NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. OTHER: dizziness, dampness, internal Wind, Blood deficient, mental & ear problems, tinnitus

UB 9 "Jade Pillow" Yuzhen III 9

Jade Pillow (Yuchen)





Clears Sensory Organs Dispels Wind Improves Vision Invigorates Collaterals Reduces Wind & Damp 1.3 ACI lateral to the median line of the head, on the occipital bone, at the level of XIV 17.

IMAGE: Perhaps a reference to the point's position on the head where it would rest upon a pillow during sleep. "Zhen" also means occiput, whose name in Chinese is "Zhen-gu", i.e., "Pillow-bone". INDICATIONS: headache



NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3-0.5 cun. OTHER: nasal obstruction

UB 10

"Heaven's Pillar" Tianzhu III 10

Heavenly Pillar (Tienchu) Pole of Heaven, Heaven’s Pillar, Celestial Pillar





Sea of Energy point Window of Sky point Dispels Wind Benefits the Back, Brightens the Eyes, Clears Heat, Clears the Head, Dispels Cold, Improves Vision, Invigorates Collaterals, Opens Orifices, Reduces Fever, Reduces Wind & Damp, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Sedates Pain, Wind Heat & Phlegm 1.3 ACI lateral to the posterior median line, at the base of the occipital bone, on the trapezius, at the level of XIV 16, between XIV 16 and VII 20.

IMAGE: The neck is thought to be the "pillar" that supports the head ("heaven"). The upper attachments of the trapezius muscles in the back of the neck are said to resemble two pillars. INDICATIONS: eye diseases

•heavy, dizzy, & painful head


•infantile convulsions

•nasal congestion & swelling of the larynx


•occipital headache (main point)

•pharyngitis •seizures

•stiffness & soreness in back of neck NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5-0.8 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For someone who needs to find a source of strength in themselves. Gives a person "back-bone".

•J.C. Darrus:

mental diseases, sexual over-excitation, palms sweat from emotion,

feels ice cold from emotions

•Mann: for nymphomania POINT COMBINATIONS: With UB 11 for sadness OTHER: Good point for mental/emotional stress to stabilize the spirit


•Mann: has a regulating effect on the medulla

•Blood pressure

•Dr. Liao: any liquid or damp, mucous in nose or eyes

•Maciocia: bad eyesight due to kidney deficiency

•low back pain

• J.C. Darrus:

•menses too abundant, too long, too frequent; vulvar pruritis; atonic ("gaping") uterine cervix

•slow scar formation Spirit: Use when the patient needs the strength of the heavens so they can hold themselves up, be strong and move on in life. They person may be frightened of what they might see of be. They may be overwhelmed and would rather stay in “prison” than see something they feel unable to cope with. A pillar which can bring the “I can” spirit with courage to see, habitual mental negativity is exposed to new possibilities and the patient must have the strength to support new vision or treatment won’t be effective. Neck, shoulders and upper back are shock absorbers of our chest - this point helps loosen, lubricate and relieve tension here. Use with BL 54, GV 3, and ST 36 to empower a person to stand up for self. When someone can’t stand up to something anymore out of fear, to support a collapsing spirit.

UB 11

"Big Shuttle" Dazhu III 11

Great Shuttle (Tachu)





Meeting Point of Bone Sea of Blood point Regulates the joints Expels Wind Induces perspiration Dragon point; Assembling point for bones; Benefits Bones, Clears Heat, Dispels Wind Heat, Expands & Relaxes Chest, Invigorates Collaterals, Moves & Nourishes the Blood, Opens, Relaxes & Regulates the Lungs, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Relieves Exterior Heat, Sedates Cough On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line, between the spines of the 1st and 2nd thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: The vertebrae were classically said to look like a weaving shuttle, moving "in and out" between the ribs. INDICATIONS: arthritis


•common cold

•fullness in the chest & SOB

•headache & chills

•infantile convulsions

•low back pain

•neck & back pain

•numbness in the limbs (primarily upper)

•pain & inability to bend the knee



•stiffness along the spine

•throat blockage

•tidal fevers

•tuberculosis of the bones NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: When the "fabric" of one's life is falling apart. Mann: nervous agitation POINT COMBINATIONS: With UB 10 for mental/emotional stress ANCIENT USES: "When madness affects the muscles" - Nei Jing OTHER: Main for upper respiratory: colds & flus. Any kind of arthritis anywhere.


•leukemia/anemia (Sea of Blood point)

•Dr. Liao: tonifies bone marrow

•classically not recommended to moxa. .

•J.C. Darrus:

•pleural and pleuro-pulmonary pathology

•parasthesis of hands and feet

•all bone diseases, muscular contractions First Aid: fractures, sprains, bone disorders, arthritis Spirit: Point of Sea of Blood, tonify for anemia, sedate for high fever. The name suggests a weaving action, referring to this point’s effect on the bones and joints. It may also refer to the prominent 1st thoracic vertebra’s spinous process.

UB 12

"Wind's Door" Fengmen III 12

Wind Gate (Fengmen) Wind’s Gate



Δ 5 - 10


Opens the Lungs Disperses Wind Regulates the Qi Benefits the Dispersing and Descending Action of the Lung Clears Heat from Yin Channels Dispels Lung Heat Disperses Wind Cold & Damp Expands & Relaxes Chest Harmonizes the Ying and the Wei Regulates Lung Qi Stimulates Sweat & Releases the Exterior On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 2nd and 3rd thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's function of dispelling Wind; this is where external evils can enter & attack the body. : INDICATIONS: asthma



•common cold

•congested nose

•cough due to cold


•pain in the chest & back



•shoulder strain

•stiff neck


•vomiting NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. OTHER: Intersection of Governor Channel One of main points for common cold - - also has a good effect on the sinuses More for wind/cold than wind/heat

•acne on back-- other skin problems

•pain in upper back

•Maciocia: cup for 1st stage of external wind

•J.C. Darrus:

•epistaxis, sneezing, blocked nose, allergic rhinitis, rhinorrhea, nose disorders, bronchial pathology, cough

•acne of shoulder and back, abscesses Spirit: Used for Wind type symptoms, any wind-induced illness, internal or external. Used when people are sensitive to the wind - when the gate needs to be closed for protection from the wind. Inability to lie down. This point helps to regulate and disperse external pathogenic Wind that has gathered or entered here.

UB 13 "Lung's Hollow" Feishu ⊥3-5


Δ 7 - 20


Lung Shu point Regulates the Lung Qi Reduces fever Benefits the Dispersing and Descending Action of the Lung, Clears Damp Heat, Clears Deficiency Heat, Clears Phlegm, Dispels Wind & Heat, Expands & Relaxes Chest,, Harmonizes the Ying and the Wei, Moves Qi, Nourishes Yin, Opens Lung, Regulates Upper Jiao, Sedates Rebellious Qi (Coughing), Stimulates Sweating, Tonifies Lung Qi, Tonifies Zong Qi Associated effect point IX On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae.




•fullness in chest & difficult breathing



•night sweats



•pulmonary TB

•spitting blood

•spontaneous sweating

•Steaming bones syndrome

•throat blockage

•wheezing cough NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. OTHER: Main point for asthma/bronchitis

•Used a lot with Lu 1 for sweating

•Not so much for common cold as for diseases gone into the lungs

•melancholy & depression

•Mann: boredom

•skin problems, itching

•Dr. So: insomnia

•J.C. Darrus:

rhinorrhea, dyspnea Spirit: Boredom, lack of spirit. The name refers to this point’s regulation of the Lungs. Hollow suggests a container or conveyor through which the circulating Qi of the Organ passes. Hollow points can both reflect and treat Organ disharmony.

UB 14

"Absolute Yin Hollow" Jueyyinshu III 14

Circulation/Sex Correspondence (Chuehyinshu) Absolute Yin Hollow





Pericardium Shu point Associated Effect point for V Clears Channels Disperses Qi Invigorates Collaterals, Reduces Wind Regulates the Heart Sedates Rebellious Qi, Tonifies and Balances Heart Qi Transforms Stagnant Liver Qi On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line, between the spines of the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: This is the Pericardium Jue Yin channel back shu point, and also has an effect on the Liver Jue Yin channel. INDICATIONS: intercostal neuralgia

•neurasthenia (good point)

•pain in chest from accumulated Qi in diaphragm

•rheumatic heart disease

•vomiting caused by rebellious Qi NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: anxiety OTHER: Used a lot for heart problems Mann: toothache (esp. molars), sunstroke, epistaxis, and heatstroke.

•precordialgia, pericarditis

•J.C. Darrus:

Spirit: Feeling of agitation and depression in the middle jiao of the chest. The name refers to this point’s relationship to the Absolute Yin channels of the PC and LR.

UB 15

"Heart's Hollow" Xinshu III 15

Heart Correspondence (Hsinshu) Heart’s Hollow





Heart Shu point Associated Effect point for Heart Calms the Heart & Spirit Regulates the Blood & Qi Benefits Zong Qi,, Clears Blood Heat, Clears Heart Fire, Clears Heat & Stabilizes Shen, Clears Phlegm in the Heart, Invigorates Blood & Sedates Pain, Invigorates Collaterals, Moves Qi, Nourishes Heart & Blood, Regulates Upper Jiao, Relaxes Chest, Stimulates the Brain,, Tonifies Heart Qi On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: absent-mindedness

•atrial fibrillation

•chest pain

•chills & fever

•coughing blood

•hot palms & soles of feet


•intercostal neuralgia

•irritability & depressed feeling in the chest & heart


•night sweats


•rheumatic heart disease




•tidal fevers

•vomiting without eating NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Any mental problems Main point for insomnia "The happy point" for people who don't have much joy in their lives When the wishes of the Heart and brain aren't coordinated-- strengthens the Spirit and Will. Classics: for someone who imagines the presence of demons Maciocia: moxa for depression POINT COMBINATIONS: With Ht 7 for hysterical anxiety OTHER: adjunct point for epilepsy

•CAM: forgetfulness, panic, irritability

•Maciocia: more for excess than deficiency

•J.C. Darrus:

•palpitation, cardiac cough Spirit: Nice if have done command points and there is change, but not solid enough - then use moxa here. If the Heart has been severely whacked, use moxa and needle. Use with great care. Feeling of deadness below the heart. Lack of coordination between heart and head.

UB 16

"Governing Hollow" Dushu III 16

Governor Correspondence (Tushu) Governing Hollow





Governing Vessel Shu Point Associated effect Point for XIV Benefits Diaphragm, Clears Heat, Cools Blood, Improves Lactation, Invigorates Heart Blood, Moves Qi, Regulates San Jiao, Regulates the Heart, Relaxes Chest, Tonifies Heart Yang, Tonifies Stomach & Middle Jiao Yang On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: abdominal pain

•alopecia (loss of hair)

•endocarditis & pericarditis (local)

•Hot or Cold chest pain

•intestinal noises

•mastitis (auxiliary point)


•psoriasis (heat lodged in Governor channel)

•rebellious Qi

•spasms of the diaphragm (hiccups) NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. OTHER: boils, carbuncles-- esp. on back

•heat toxin in the body affecting the skin

•controls Yang

•Heart or abdomen disorders

•J.C. Darrus:


•pruritis Spirit: can facilitate movement of kundalini, do not use just to increase level of Qi. Ability to drain excess or stagnation from the channel.

UB 17

"Diaphragm's Hollow" Geshu III 17

Diaphragm Correspondence (Keshu) Diaphragm’s Hollow



Δ 7 - 20


Diaphragm Shu Point Influential Point of Blood Associated effect point of Diaphragm; Assembly point for blood Regulates the Blood Transforms congealed Blood Expands the chest & diaphragm Strengthens deficient conditions Blood & Yin, Brings Qi Down, Calms the Mind, Clears Blood Heat, Clears Heat, Generates Fluids, Invigorates Blood, Moistens the Blood, Nourishes the Blood, Regulates Upper Jiao Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi & Moves Stagnation, Strengthens Spleen & Regulates Stomach, Tonifies Qi, Wraps the Blood On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: abdominal distension or lumps


•chills & fever

•chronic hemorrhagic disorders

•constriction of the esophagus (with difficulty swallowing)

•coughing or spitting blood


•hot sensation in the bones (deficient yin)



•nervous vomiting

•night sweats

•spasms of the diaphragm (better than Bl 16)

•stomach cancer

•TB of lymph glands

•urticaria NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. OTHER: For deficient or excess Blood problems: coughing or spitting blood, excess menses Main point for Stomach cancer, which is considered a stagnant blood condition Good for shallow breathers, those who don't breathe in deeply, or for shortness of breath, COPD Good point for pleurisy-- hurts to breathe Good for skin indications: psoriasis, eczema, furuncles, carbuncles. Spirit: Great for blood, either not clotting of clotting too much, Use with SP 6.

UB 18 "Liver's Hollow" Ganshu ⊥3


Δ 20


Liver Shu point Associated effect point for VIII Benefits the Liver and Gallbladder Cools Damp Heat Moves stagnant Qi Benefits the eyes Calms Spirit Clears Liver Fire Cools the Blood Nourishes Ying & Blood Regulates Liver Qi Sedates Liver Yang Sedates Wind Stimulates the Brain Tonifies Liver Blood On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: any eye diseases


•chronic & acute hepatitis (main)

•irregular menstruation





•spitting blood

•stomach diseases

•intercostal neuralgia

•pain of lumps in the chest &

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: CAM: mental confusion

•Mann: bad-tempered OTHER: Good for Liver acting up-- wood attacking earth syndrome, damaging Stomach herpes zoster



•CAM: epistaxis, nightblindness

•Mann: chest & ribs full, melancholic, bitter taste in the mouth

•J.C. Darrus:

•visual problems, yellow sclerotica Spirit: Drug induced diseases when command points don’t hold.

UB 19

III 19

"GallBladder's Hollow" Danshu Gall Bladder Correspondence (Tanshu) Gallblabber’s Hollow



Δ 3 - 15


GallBladder Shu point Associated effect point for VII Cools & drains Heat from the Liver and Gall Bladder Calms the Stomach Regulates the Qi Expands the diaphragm Brightens Eyes, Clears Damp Heat Clears Liver and Gall Bladder Fire Nourishes Lung Yin Removes Parasites Softens Hard Masses, Strengthens Spleen & Regulates Stomach On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae.

LOCATION: 1.5 cun lateral to T-10 INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•bitter taste in the mouth


•dry or bilious vomiting


•headache & chills


•hot sensation in the bones & fever (deficient yin)

•pain in the flanks

•roundworm in the bile duct

•sciatica (main)

•sore throat •soreness in the chest & ribs

•sperm in the urine

•swelling of axillary lymph glands

•TB of the lymph glands

•yellowish eyes/ jaundice NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.8 cun. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus:

•fear, fear of dying, anger, insanity, insomnia POINT COMBINATIONS: Use UB 18 and UB 19 together for hepatitis, cholecystitis, etc. OTHER: belching/ upper abd distension/ bitter taste

•J.C. Darrus:

•epistaxis, sneezing, nose pain, sore throat

•all eye disorders, eye inflammation, dimness of vision, yellow sclerotica, tearing

UB 20

"Spleen Hollow" Pishu III 20

Spleen Correspondence (Pishu) Spleen’s Hollow



Δ 7 - 20


Spleen Shu Point Associated effect point for XII Regulates the Qi of the Spleen & assists it's transportative and transformative functions Eliminates Dampness Harmonizes the Blood & Nourishing Qi Benefits Lactation, Benefits the Yang Qi,, Clears Digestive Stagnation,, Moistens the Blood, Regulates Stomach, Softens Hard Masses, Tonifies Spleen Qi, Transforms Rebellious Stomach Qi, Wraps the Blood, On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line, between the spines of the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: abdominal distension


•chronic hemorrhagic diseases

•constriction of the esophagus inhibiting swallowing




•enlargement of the liver & spleen






•lumps in the chest & abdomen

•nervous vomiting

•prolapsed stomach (and other organs)

•prolapsed uterus

•urticaria (chronic)

•weakness or heaviness in the limbs NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.7 cun. OTHER: Commonly used for deficient Spleen syndromes and dampness in the body undigested food in the stools

•Mann: eats a lot but remains thin

•J.C. Darrus:

•bad digestion, vomiting, diarrhea, gastralgia, anorexia

•hemorrhagic syndrome

•Maciocia: UB 20 more to help raise spleen qi - prolapse

•UB 21 more to help sink stomach qi - hiccoughs, vomiting

UB 21

"Stomach's Hollow" Weishu III 21


Stomach Correspondence (Weishu) Stomach’s Hollow Function:

Stomach Shu Point Associated effect point for XI

Regulates stomach qi Transforms Dampness Eliminates stagnation Benefits Ying Qi Clears Food Stagnation Clears Stomach Fire and Damp Heat Sedates Rebellious Qi Tonifies Spleen & Regulates Stomach Δ 7 - 21


On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 12th thoracic and 1st lumbar vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: abdominal pain from Cold in stomach


•difficulty swallowing

•edema (`like a drum')


•gastric distension


•hepatitis (auxiliary)

•infant vomiting milk


•loss of appetite

•pain along the spine


•prolapsed stomach

•regurgitant vomiting


•ulcer NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5-0.8 cun. OTHER: stool mixed with pus & blood

•Mann: poor eyesight or don't see well at dusk


•emergency point for the plague (?!)

•Dr. So: green stools in children

•J.C. Darrus:

all digestive disorders, bad digestion, anorexia

UB 22

"San Jiao's Hollow" Sanjiaoshu III 22

Three Heater Correspondence (Sanchiaoshu) Triple Burner’s Hollow



Δ 7 - 20


San Jiao Shu point Associated effect point for VI Regulates the transforming functions of Qi Eliminates Dampness Expels Stones Regulates San Jiao Regulates Transformation and Transportation of Water in the Lower Jiao Tonifies Spleen Tonifies the Kidneys On the back, 2_ ACI lateral to the median line (at the level of the depression) between the spines of the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: abdominal distension & intestinal noises



•dizziness & headache (hypoactive adrenals)

•edema (esp w/ urinary retention)






•low back pain (good local point)



•urinary retention ( or excessive urination or UTI's)

•vomiting NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5-1.0 cun. OTHER: Mix of urogenital indications-- but not used so much for digestive

•Main for diabetes, hypoglycemia

•associated with adrenals

•Main point for neurasthenia: affected by Qi not transforming-- especially fatigue

•Main point for urinary and water imbalances-- ascites, edema


•phlegm in Lungs

•J.C. Darrus:

•cerebral anemia w/ vertigo


•all digestive disorders, bad digestion, gastralgia, anorexia


UB 23

"Kidney's Hollow" Shenshu III 23

Kidneys Correspondence (Shenshu) Kidney’s Hollow.



Δ 3 - 15


Kidney Shu Point Associated effect point for IV; Dragon point’ Point of Dai Mo Regulates the Kidney Qi Strengthens the lumbar vertebrae Benefits the ears & eyes Benefits the Knees, Builds Water & Fire (Mingmen), Dispels Damp, Eliminates Stones, Harmonizes the Water Pathways, Helps the Kidneys Grasp the Qi, Holds the Kidney Qi, Increases Brain Function, Increases Source Qi, Nourishes the Blood, Nourishes Yin & Strengthens Yang, Strengthens Brain & Marrow, Strengthens the Bones, Tonifies Kidney Qi Yin & Jing On the back, 2 _ACI lateral to the median line (at the level of the depression) between the spines of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae.



•blood in urine

•bronchial asthma


•deficient Kidneys


•emaciation & thirst

•impotence/ frigidity

•injury to soft tissues of lower back

•irregular menstruation

•loss of sperm

•low back pain

•low back pain & cold knees



•renal colic


•sequelae of infantile paralysis (polio)


•tidal fevers

•tinnitus NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.0-1.2 cun. POINT COMBINATIONS: With UB 11 for generalized arthritis

•With UB 20 for anemia OTHER: Most commonly used Shu point

•Main point for low back pain-- even if L5S1 disc problem.

•Used allot as a general tonic-- building point

•bronchial asthma-especially with more trouble breathing in

•Added to many long-standing deficiencies-- Kidneys will get depleted over time

•"Cock's Crow diarrhea"

•Kidney problems, Uterus problems, regulates menses

•J.C. Darrus:

pelvic pathology

•diabetes, apoplexy



UB 24

"Sea of Qi Hollow" Qihaishu III 24

Sea of Qi Correspondence (Chihaishu) Sea of Chi’s Hollow





Benefits Qi & Blood Benefits the low back & knees Clears Obstructions, Regulates Uterus, Anus, and Large Intestine On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line between the spines of the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae.

IMAGE: The name, Sea of Qi Hollow, implies a relationship with Ren 6 (Qihai), with which it is approximately level. INDICATIONS: bleeding hemorrhoids

•functional uterine bleeding


•irregular menstruation

•low back pain

•pain in the lumbar vertebrae

•paralysis of lower limbs NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. OTHER: "Sea of Qi" means it's related to Ren 6. Used as a Qi tonic, though UB 23 is used more Used to increase sexual vitality or lack of drive

•Good for sciatica Spirit: When there’s a lack of harmony or not enough Qi, here you can bring it up, spread it around, then go back to command points. Relationship to CV6 – regulating Qi and Blood within the Cinnabar field.

UB 25

"Large Intestine's Hollow" Dachangshu III 25

Large Intestine Correspondence (Tachangshu) Large Intestine’s Hollow, Colon Correspondence

⊥ 8 - 10


Δ 7 - 20


Large Intestine Shu Point Associated effect point of X Regulates the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine Benefits the low back & knees Dispels Damp Regulates Qi of Fu Organs, Transforms Stagnation Regulates the Large and Small Intestine, On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line (at the level of the depression) between the spines of the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae.

INDICATIONS: abdominal distension and intestinal noises


•"cutting" pain around navel •diarrhea

•difficult or painful urination or defecation



•low back pain or sprain

•pain in sacroiliac joint

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. POINT COMBINATIONS: With UB 25/26 for back pain with disc involvement OTHER: Used allot for low back pain-- also for sciatica

•UB 23 used more for chronic deficient low back pain-

•Main point for constipation

•Used allot for dysentery/ diarrhea/ parasites. Also good for colitis/ abdominal pain/ distension

•Large Intestine & Spleen Qi deficient

•J.C. Darrus:

•anuria, dysuria, urinary incontinence

•Maciocia: uterine bleeding, irregular menses

UB 26

"Hollow at the Hinge of the Source" Guanyuanshu III 26

First Gate Correspondence (Kuanyuanshu) Hinge of the Source Hollow, Origin Pass Shu

⊥ 10




Regulates the lower jiao, Clears Dampness & stagnation Benefits the low back & knees Benefits the Large Intestine Clears Obstructions Dispels Wind & Cold Moistens Intestines Reduces Abdominal Fullness Tonifies Spleen Qi Transforms Damp Heat On the back, 2 ACI lateral to the median line (at the level of the depression) between the spines of the 5th lumbar and 1st sacral vertebrae.

IMAGE: Suggests a relationship to Ren 4, the "Hinge at the Source." INDICATIONS: Anemia

•Chronic enteritis

•chronic peritonitis



•emaciation & thirst


•frequent or painful urination

•low back pain NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. OTHER: Related to Ren 4

•Used allot for low back problems - - common place for disc involvement. Good for Spleen Qi deficient with back problems.

•For diabetes-- has to do with damp

•Has deficiency building, tonic properties-- for anemia. Also used allot for urinary problems.

•Mann: uterine spasm

•painful menses

•J.C. Darrus:

•All pelvic circulatory diseases Spirit: If cannot get through to any official, this gate may be stuck. This point will open gate to all officials and also partially effect every point in the body that has a gate type function. Relationship to CV4 and the surrounding area.

UB 27 "Small Intestine's Hollow" Xiaochangshu III 27

Small Intestine Correspondence (Hsiaochangshu) Small Intestine’s Hollow

⊥ 8 - 10


Δ 7 - 20


Small Intestine Shu Point Associated effect point for II Clears Damp Heat Regulates the Small Intestine & water pathways Benefits Urination Moistens Intestines, Promotes Separation of Pure & Impure Regulates Bladder Regulates Excretory & Eliminatory Systems Secures the Jing Strengthens Low Back Tonifies Kidney Qi & Yin On the sacrum, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the 1st sacral foramen.

INDICATIONS: blood in urine



•dark or red urine

•dry mouth

•emaciation & thirst




•low back pain

•pain in the sacroiliac joints and diseases of the sacroiliac joints



•vaginal discharge NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. OTHER: Good for urinary problems: used allot for blood in urine-- Small Intestine not separating pure from impure.

•Low back pain-- esp. S.I. joints

•Also for hemorrhoids, blood in stools

•Rheumatoid arthritis (though it doesn't respond as well as osteoarthritis)

UB 28

"Bladder's Hollow" Pangguangshu III 28

Bladder Correspondence (Pangkuangshu) Bladder’s Hollow



Δ 7 - 15


Bladder Shu Point Associated effect point of III Tonifies & regulates the bladder Benefits the low back Clears Heat From Lower Jiao Dispels Wind Damp Expels Urinary Stones Regulates Fluid Pathways Reinforces Zheng Qi Removes Stagnation, Stops Pain Transforms Bladder Damp Heat On the sacrum, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the 2nd sacral foramen.

INDICATIONS: constipation

•dark and rough-flowing urine



•diseases of the urogenital system


•loss of sperm

•pain in the lumbosacral region


•swelling & pain in the genitals NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. OTHER: Sacral area back pain-- sciatica

•Good for UTI's, atonic bladder, prostate problems. For blood in urine with UB 27.

•Used as a tonic with UB 23 for people who are real tired

•Mann: poor circulation in young women Spirit: Good for when head is always cold.

UB 29

"Mid-Spine Hollow" Zhonglushu III 29

Middle of the Backbone Correspondence (Chunglushu) Central Backbone Shu, Central Spine Hollow



Δ 7 - 15


Dispels Wind and Cold, Regulates Large Intestine Qi, Regulates Liver Qi, Sedates Low Back Pain, Strengthens Low Back, Warms Yang On the sacrum, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the 3rd sacral foramen.

INDICATIONS: enteritis

•lumbosacral pain


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. OTHER: Pain in the mid to upper back. Not used as much as UB 28 or UB 30 for sacral pain diabetes & thirst hernia Spirit: Good for back pain during labor. The name refers to the relationship to the entire vertebral column.

UB 30 "White Circle's Hollow" Baihuanshu III 30

White Ring Correspondence (Paihuanshu) White Ring Hollow

⊥3− 5




Clears Dampness and Damp Heat in the Lower Jiao Clears Lower Jiao Regulates Liver Qi Regulates the Menses Tonifies Kidney Warms Yang & Regulates Channels On the sacrum, 2 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the 4th sacral foramen.

IMAGE: "White Circle" is a reference to the anal sphincter. It also suggests the point's function of helping to transform leukorrhea. "White Circle" may also be an ancient Daoist term for the part of the body which stores the jing, i.e., the pelvic floor. INDICATIONS: anal diseases


•debility of the leg & knee


•excessive uterine bleeding

•loss of sperm

•pain in the lumbosacral region

•painful defecation or urination


•sequelae of infantile paralysis

•vaginal discharge NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. OTHER: Main for vaginal discharge


•hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse. Also for urinary problems

•CAM: seminal emission

•infertility in men

•Can be considered the back-shu point of the anus & buttocks

•traditionally not recommended to moxa Spirit: White Ring is the anal sphincter - use for local problems. Also good for the nervous system (MS) where lack of agreement in the body and autoimmune system.

UB 31-34

"Eight Seams" Baliao

III 31-34

Upper Sacral Bone (Shangliao) Upper Bone Hole, Second Bone Hole, Central Bone Hole, Lower Bone Hole

⊥ 8 − 10


Δ 7 − 15


Regulates the Lower Jiao Strengthens the low back and legs Benefits Childbirth Benefits the Jing Invigorates Blood Leads Qi Up Promotes Urination Regulates Menses Tonifies the Kidneys Transforms Lower Jiao Damp Heat On the sacrum, in the 1st-4th sacral foramen.

Shangliao, Ciliao Zhongliao, Xialiao LOCATION: Located in the 1st through 4th posterior sacral foramen, 4 on the left and 4 on the right IMAGE: Also translated as "Eight Foramina;" refers to the points' location in the 8 sacral foramina. INDICATIONS: diseases of the lumbosacral joint

•inducing labor

•irregular menstruation



•paralysis of lower limbs (32)



infantile paralysis

•sequelae of

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8-1.2 cun. OTHER: UB 31 and UB32 tend to be used the most of the 4

•Main for regulating hormones-- gynecological

•Frequently used for sciatica

•For inducing labor: therefore contraindicated in pregnancy

•"The Master of Menopause"-- good for menopause symptoms

•infertility/ uterine problems

•UB 32: better for vaginal discharges. Increases a low sperm count. For urinary and genital problems. Has additional function of removing Blood stasis in the uterus.

Spirit: Any sacral points may be used in diseases of atrophy, weakness, degeneration disorders, extremely useful in low back pain and lumbago. They are not to be used early in treatments. You get on with the balancing first and then add them in. Moxa up to the maximum. Used locally for backache, labor, etc. Use for inability to get pregnant. Peripheral neuropathy. Genital diseases - both sexes.


Affect Kidney, Large Intestine, Uterus, Bladder Large Intestine:

UB 34 Small Intestine:

UB 34 Anus:

UB 35 Kidney:

UB 32 Urinary problems:

UB 31 Liver Qi Stag

UB 31, UB 32, UB 33 Paralysis:

UB 32 Hernia:

UB 31, UB 32

* UB 31

Clears Channels Invigorates Collaterals Regulates Large Intestine Qi Reinforces Liver & Kidney Strengthens Lumbar Spine & Knees Tonifies Kidney Qi & Yin

* UB 32

Clears Channels Invigorates Blood Moves Qi Raises the Qi Regulates Liver Qi Regulates Menses Sedates Pain Stops Vaginal Discharge Tonifies Kidney Treats Infertility

* UB 33

Clears Channels Dispels Cold Invigorates Blood Regulates Large Intestine Regulates Menses Sedates Pain Stops Vaginal Discharge Tonifies Kidneys J.C. Darrus: All traumas, sprains, lameness

* UB 34

Frees Stool & Urine Opens Channels Regulates Excretory Systems Regulates Large Intestine Regulates Menses Regulates Stomach Qi Sedates Pain Tonifies Kidney Qi

UB 35

"Meeting of Yang" Huiyang III 35

Meeting of Yin (Huiyang) Meeting of Yang





Dispels Heat & Damp in Low Jiao; Regulates Large Intestine Qi; Tonifies Kidney On the buttock, level to the sacrococygeal articulation, __ ACI lateral to the medial line.

IMAGE: A reference to the Yang Qi of the Du channel, which tends to collect near the coccyx. The UB and the Du channels also meet at UB 35, hence the "meeting of yang". INDICATIONS: diarrhea




•pain in lower back during menstruation

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Main point for hemorrhoids blood in stool Spirit: Meeting place of predominately yang vessels. This point can be used to life the yang energy of a person’s mind, spirit, and body. Especially useful in people who have any wasting form of disease with paralysis and weakness. It helps with motivation, movement, force, power or whenever any of these are threatened. Also use for coccygeal problems. Location of point next to GV 1, where the Yang Qi tends to gather at the base of the spine. CV 1 complements this point.

UB 36

"Receive Support" Chengfu III 50(36)

Receive and Support (Chengfu)

Support, Bearing Support ⊥8




Benefits Anus, Sciatic Nerve, and Buttocks; Benefits the Low Back; Dispels Wind; Invigorates Channels; Relaxes Muscles & Tendons; Sedates Pain At the mid-point of the gluteal fold, directly distal to III 19, between the biceps femoris and the semitendinosus.

IMAGE: The term implies the point's location in the way it supports the torso. "Fu" is also used classically in connection to wind diseases, reflecting UB 36's ability to dispel wind. INDICATIONS: constipation

•difficulty in urination



•low back pain

•pain in the genitals

•pain in the lower back and leg

•paralysis of lower extremity

•retention of urine


•swelling of the coccyx NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.0 - 1.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Gives someone the strength to take a stand for themselves. OTHER: influences the prostate and uterus

text says OK.

•traditionally not recommended to moxa. CAM

Spirit: Has uses for afflictions of buttocks. Deep pathways join here. Holds, supports, and contains. Good for hard workers who need rest and to get out of their heads into their bodies, chronic back problems. The name suggests this point’s anatomical and functional support of the trunk and upper body.

UB 37 "Door of Abundance" Yinmen III 51(37)

Prosperous Gate (Yinmen)

Abundance Gate ⊥7




Invigorates Collaterals, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Sedates Pain, Strengthens Lumbar Spine On the posterior surface of the thigh, at the mid-point between the biceps of the femoris and the semitendinosus.

IMAGE: This point is a "door" to the "abundance" of muscles which comprise the back of the thigh. INDICATIONS: distension on the lateral side of thigh

•herniated disc

•low back pain that inhibits flexion and extension

•occipital headache

•pain in lower back


•paralysis of lower limb

•sciatica NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.0 - 2.0 cun OTHER: Important sciatica point

•Traditionally not recommended to moxa. CAM text says OK.

•Maciocia: moxa for sciatica Spirit: A gateway which influences the abundant musculature (nourished by Qi and Blood) around this point.

UB 38 "Floating Xi" Fuxi III 52(38)

Floating Reserve (Fuhsi)

Superficial Cleft ⊥5




Clears Heat from Lower Jiao Invigorates Blood Invigorates Channels Relaxes Muscles & Tendons On the posterior surface of the thigh, 1 ACI proximal to the lateral end of the knee crease, medial to the tendon of the biceps femoris.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Superficial Cleft;" may be a reference to the cleft formed by the two tendons in which the point sits. INDICATIONS: acute gastroenteritis




•paralysis along the lateral aspect of lower

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: J.C. Darrus:

•very hard stools, diarrhea with vomiting and muscle spasms

Spirit: clears heat, sedates pain, cystitis, sciatica, constipation (Haig)

UB 39 "Commission the Yang" Weiyang III 53(39)

Equilibrium Yang (Weiyang)

Impotent Yang, Bend Yang, Entrusting Yang ⊥7



Lower He Sea of San Jiao Opens the water pathways Benefits the Bladder Aids Transformation and Transportation of Fluids Clears Channels Invigorates Collaterals Promotes Urination & Transforms Damp Heat Regulates San Jiao Sedates Pain Reunion with LU and TE


On the lateral side of the knee, medial to the tendon of the biceps femoris.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's function of regulating the Yang Qi of the channel. Also translated as "Entrusting Yang" or "Bend Yang". This may be a reference to the sharp turn which the Bladder channels makes at this point. INDICATIONS: chyluria (white milky urine)



•fullness in the chest or abdomen

or retention of urine

•low back pain

•low back pain extending to the abdomen


of gastrocnemius muscle

•loss •spasm

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Has to do with waterways in the body-- systemic for urinary problems, edema Spirit: Reunion with LU and TE. Entrusting refers to this point’s duty of regulating the Yang Qi which gathers here.

UB 40

"Commission the Middle" Weizhong III 54 (40)

Equilibrium Middle (Weichung)

Bending center, Bend Middle, Entrusting Middle, (Sea Point) ⊥5




Lower He Sea of the Bladder Earth; Point of Ho (autumn); Greater Assembly point of back and vertebrae Clears Summer Heat Benefits the low back & knees Benefits Hips Calms the Fetus Clears Blood Clears Dampness and Damp Heat in Bladder & Intestines Clears & Dispels Heat Detoxifies the System Dispels Wind Dampness Invigorates Blood Invigorates Collaterals Opens the Orifices Regulates Stomach Relaxes Muscles & Tendons Sedates Pain Tonifies Spleen On the posterior surface of the leg, in the center of the knee crease.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Entrusting Middle"; the point is "entrusted" with the function of regulating the "middle" Qi. INDICATIONS: acute gastroenteritis (esp. heat)

•arthritis of the knee


•coma due to stroke

•heat exhaustion



•low back pain

•paralysis of lower limb



•spasm of gastrocnemius muscle

•stiffness & pain of the lumbar spine

•tidal fevers

•twisting pain in the chest & abdomen NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun. Or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For someone whose life is overflowing like a river (out of control). Brings earth to create a dam to channel the "water". OTHER: The Main Point for acute low back sprain

•Also for chronic low back pain-very good for sciatica

•Good for heat in Stomach: bleeding ulcers, pain, inflammation and swelling in the intestines, vomiting.

•urinary incontinence

•Very good for leg cramps

•Good for getting heat & toxin out of the Blood-- sores and wounds, carbuncles and other skin problems.

•bleeding hemorrhoids/ bloody diarrhea/nosebleeds

•Traditionally not recommended to moxa. First Aid: spinal injury Spirit: Balances fluids – earth in water – for uncontrolled water, like an island in a stream. Contains the reserves. To contain choppiness and to maintain stability. Good for someone who cannot maintain their own equilibrium, maintain own center and strength. Helps person find the middle ground between productivity and rest. Can give big pulse changes, good for the blood, arthritic knees, swollen feet, nervousness and shivering. Controlling Blood, hemorrhaging. This point’s duty is to regulate the middle Qi which gathers here. Middle corresponds to its classification as an earth point and refers to the location on the popliteal fossa.

UB 41

"Appended Part" Fufen III 36(41)

Near Division (Fufen)

Attached Branch ⊥4




Dispels Wind & Cold, Invigorates the Connecting Vessels, Strengthens Tendons & Bones On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 2nd and 3rd ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: The UB channel diverges at UB 41 to form the second line of UB points, making this the "appended part" of the UB channel. INDICATIONS: numbness in the elbow & arm

•soreness & pain of the shoulder, neck, and back regions

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: Influences Upper jiao, useful for intercostal neuralgia, stiffness in upper back and neck, a feeling that other people are a “pain in the neck”. Good with asthma and bronchitis. Gives support to the patient suffering from long term chronic illness. Good if TE is out of balance, especially in the Upper Jiao.

UB 42

"Soul's Household" Pohu III 37(42)

Soul Door (Pohu)

Po Door, Animal Soul Door ⊥5


Δ 7 − 15


Benefits Asthma, Benefits Lung, Controls Lung Spirit, Opens Lung, Regulates Lung Qi, Sedates Cough, Sedates Dyspnea, Sedates Rebellious Qi On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 3rd and 4th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 3rd thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: In Chinese cosmology, the "hun" and the "po" are considered to be different parts of the soul; the hun is related to the Liver, and the po is related to the Lung. Thus, this point is the po's household, outside the Lung shu point. INDICATIONS: asthma




•pulmonary tuberculosis

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Treats the lung "Po", the corporeal soul. Also for astral experiences. Spirit: Spirit level of Metal element. Think of precious gemstones, gold, and the alchemists’ dream of turning metal into gold, the heavenly quality of existence. The refining, the getting to the essence of the real spirit, the essence of the person. One of the strongest points which reinforces the spirit/soul and opens the eyes when the patient has given up. It can be used early on in treatment. A lot of people will have the spirit there, but it is weak and emaciated. The patient may be trying hard to get in touch with the god within, they might go on spiritual quests and meditations. Opening the door allows someone to have contact with the world of essence when they have shut off from a deeper level, so the spirit can really breathe. It is good for people who are depressed, lacking inspiration, giving Spiritual revival thus opening up new vistas. Helps the person recover their soul, gives embodied nourishment, where things have meaning. Use when life has become so exteriorized that person is almost mechanical and can’t even imagine an inner life. Sink in and fill from an inferior place. “I feel like I am losing my soul.” Nice treatment to use with III 39 when HT and LU pulses stay low with an empty quality. Brings energy from the heavens down to earth. Person shut off to cope with a disaster that is unbearable. The point’s governance over the po or animal soul which resides in the LU. Po is associated with passion, instinct and attachment or Yin movement directed toward earth, which restricts or holds back the Hun or spiritual soul.

UB 43

"Vital's Hollow" Gaohuangshu III 38(43)

Rich for the Vitals (Kaohuang)

Fatty Vital Hollow ⊥3


Δ 7 − 50


Harmonizes the Lung Qi Tonifies Deficient conditions Benefits the Jing,, Calms Dyspnea, Increases Function of Qi, Opens the Chest, Regulates Stomach, Sedates Cough, Sedates Heart & Spirit, Sedates Rebellious Stomach Qi, Strengthens the Heart, Supports Original Qi, Tonifies Heart Yin, Tonifies Kidney, Tonifies Lung Yin and Moistens Dryness, Tonifies Qi and Blood, Tonifies Spleen, Tonifies the Mind, Transforms Phlegm On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 4th and 5th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 4th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Fatty Vital Hollow;" a reference to the layer of fat in the upper thoracic cavity (the omentum) to which this point is energetically linked. In TCM pathology, when a disease entered this level it was said to be very serious. This point was said to treat diseases at this very deep level, especially when moxa'd. The ancient Taoists revered this point very highly and used it in their quest for immortality. Also sometimes called "Cure of 100 Diseases," with many legends associated with this name. INDICATIONS: absent-mindedness



•consumptive deficient diseases

•coughing blood

•deficient Spleen & Stomach

•general weakness caused by prolonged illness



•nocturnal emissions

•pain along the spine


•pulmonary tuberculosis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Allows one to choose vulnerability as a strength instead of being vulnerable to the world. OTHER: "Cure of 100 Diseases" point

•For late stage chronic deficiency disorders

•insomnia, palpitations


•Traditionally not recommended to moxa. CAM text says OK.

•J.C. Darrus:

•cachexia, weakness and wasting away

•mental diseases, memory loss Spirit: Has more general use than any other BL line point. For weakness of blood, anemia, and bad circulation bad quality of blood. Brings a fresh surge of vital clear energy to the mind and spirit directly affecting the quality of the patient’s Qi energy. Begin with 7 moxa on each side and build up - doing point every other treatment. Sometimes this is called the “chronic illness point”. Goes to the vitals rather than the spirit, more physical and mental stuff. It literally enriches the vitality of the body, mind, and spirit. Use when patient is very cold, lacks warmth in body, mind, or spirit. Good for patients with cold hands and feet. Good for depression, negativity, sexual unhappiness or inhibition. Deeply nourishes the Blood, use when there is fragility to person and you want to build them up, also supportive when chronic relationship losses, when PC is hit pretty hard and can’t quite recover own inner strength. Good point for Chemotherapy patients, chronic anemia or illness. Like a battery recharge, provides internal filling. Weak blood is characterized by weakness, frigidity, difficulty being with others, can look like fear. Helps person fill out their own space, creates substance. Addresses emotional frigidity. General fatigue and weariness. Replenishes fire at a deep level. Relationship to the innermost part of the body, thought to be the fatty tissue between the heart and diaphragm. According to the ancients, diseases that settled here are almost beyond cure. The Taoists claimed that proper use of this point produced immortality, which overstates the preventive attributes of this point.

UB 44

"Spirit's Hall" Shentang III 39(44)

Spirit Hall (Shentang)

Spirit’s Hall ⊥3




Regulates Heart Qi, Relaxes Chest, Moves Qi, Sedates Cough and Dyspnea, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Invigorates Collaterals, Clears Heat, Calms Spirit, Clears the Brain On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 5th and 6th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 5th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: The outer Bladder line points tend to be used for the psychological and spiritual imbalances of their inner organ correspondences. So, while UB 15 can be used more for actual Heart problems, UB 44 is more for shen disturbances. Thus this point is the "Mind Hall", or "Hall of Shen" (or Spirit.) Also translated as "Monarch's Hall," or "Monarch's Temple" the place where the Monarch (Heart) holds court. INDICATIONS: asthma


•heart disease

•intercostal neuralgia

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Used for shen disturbances Spirit: Hall of the spirit, residence of the emperor Shen. It is a place of the very essence, the center, the throne room. A huge meeting place or grand place to go. Whereas BL 37 opened a door upon the surface, this point actually opens up the hall of the king and spirit so that it can flow out, accesses the pathway of the spirit. Once resurrected, the spirit has to travel somewhere. For strains on the heart - shock, emotional crisis, heartbreak, bereavement, cardiac arrest. The Supreme Controller is so full of pity that he can’t take control, has lost its way or is weak. People feel resigned, don’t know what to do. If there is a lack of will or no desire to live this point restores the spirit. Only treat Fire CFs with this point unless the patient’s heart has been hit. You could go to the spirit hall even if the person is not depleted to experience a feeling of richness, similar to CV 8. More of a settling point, nourishes the heart and settles the Shen, giving a place for the spirit to reside that is contained and quiet. See III 37. May show up as agitation, no one is in charge, patient feels out-of-control, soothes restless sleep, for insomnia that resists easing, all officials are screaming - calms officials. For depression and agitation that the patient can’t remember ever being without.

UB 45

"Surprise" Yixi III 40(45)

Wail of Grief (Yihsi) ⊥3


Δ 5 − 15


Calms Stomach, Causes Sweat, Clears Channels, Dispels Heat, Invigorates Collaterals, Moves Qi, Opens and Benefits the Lung, Releases Exterior On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 6th and 7th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 6th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: This point is so tender on many people that when it is palpated, they cry "Yi Xi!" in surprise and pain.Yixi is a phonetic for this exclamation. (Presumably, Westerners might be inclined to exclaim somewhat differently, like: #$%@*%&!) INDICATIONS: asthma


•intercostal neuralgia



NEEDLING: Obliquely and inferiorly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: J.C. Darrus:

•fatigue, exhaustion

•vision problems, eye pains, dimness of vision

Spirit: For mental pain and grief - a cry of anguish. For a person who is breaking under the weight if physical or mental pain or grief, they have reached their limit - it’s too much for them. This point calms everything down. Use for people who are hanging on to internal pain. Like a kind of window, to release the depth of pain on any CF. The diaphragm holds emotion - this point is the outer AEP of the diaphragm When a death has occurred recently close to a person. Part of one’s own image, sense of self has died as well.

UB 46

"Diaphragm's Hinge" Geguan III 41(46)

Diaphragm Border (Kekuan)

Diaphragm Pass ⊥5


Δ 3 − 16


Dispels Damp, Invigorates Collaterals, Moves Qi & Blood, Regulates Stomach, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Removes Stagnation, Strengthens Spleen On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 7th and 8th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: Lateral to Diaphragm shu point INDICATIONS: gastric hemorrhage

•intercostal neuralgia

•spasms of esophagus NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: difficulty swallowing

•hiccups or rebellious Stomach Qi

Spirit: Fir difficulty with breathing or digestion, especially when associated with mental problems. For hiatus hernia, spasm, shock, fear of cold or dark. Responds well to moxa if the patient is cold in the upper or lower jiao. Drawing a breath of fresh air on spiritual level.

UB 47

"Soul's Door" Hunmen III 42(47)

Spiritual Soul Gate (Hunmen)

Hun Gate ⊥5


Δ 3 − 15


Clears Liver Qi Stagnation, Regulates Qi of Fu Organs, Liver, Spleen, and Stomach, Tonifies Spleen & Regulates Stomach, On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 9th and 10th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: The "hun" is an aspect of the soul (see UB 42) which is associated with the Liver. Upon dying, the hun leaves the body through the fontanel at the apex of the head and ascends toward heaven. This point is level with the Liver shu point. INDICATIONS: diseases of the liver & gall bladder




NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Treats the "Hun", the ethereal soul.

•Next to Liver shu-- for dreaming, hallucinations

•Maciocia: depression, frustration, and resentment

•to find purpose and meaning in life

•night fears with yin deficiency Spirit: Use after KI 24, CV1, BL37. Sometimes only the door opens, but the gate doesn’t. The same connotations as BL37, for getting to the core of the spirit - you cannot go deeper. The most potent powerful point for resurrecting the spirit. Often gives the result of the combination of BL37 and 39 plus a bit more. Be cautious, it is so potent. Associated with LR a general point for cleansing of the LR on a body, mind, spirit level. Great point for alcoholics, drug addicts, to help wean a person off medications. Very often you see a chaotic state of the LR official, no plans, can’t see tomorrow, no care for what is going to happen. The person can be confused, “spaced out”. Where there is hopelessness and depression - it takes away a lot of the stress and anxiety. For someone who hasn’t found the path, aimless, this point will open the gate to the path. Inability to swallow or drink. Quality of soul corresponding to the LR (Hun) - the spiritual soul. Soul of spirit - revitalizing energy of soul/spirit/mind, when spirit is absent. Hun is associated with intuition, imagination and higher consciousness – Yang movement toward the heavens. When cultivated, it transcends the influence of the Po.

UB 48

"Yang's Parameter" Yanggang III 43(48)

Yang Net (Yangkang)

Yang Head Rope ⊥5-7




Dispels Heat & Damp from GallBladder, Regulates Stomach and Gall Bladder, Spreads Shao Yang Qi, Strengthens Spleen, On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 10th and 11th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebrae.

\ IMAGE: Also translated as "Spreading Yang," a reference to the point's function of spreading Shao Yang Qi. INDICATIONS: cholecystitis



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Spleen Qi deficient; diarrhea

•damp heat jaundice

•J.C. Darrus:

•fatigue, exhaustion

Spirit: GB symptoms, associated with mental/spiritual level. This point is concerned with the purity of the mind. Inability to swallow or drink.

UB 49

"Idea's Residence" Yishe III 44(49)

Thought Dwelling (Yishe)

Reflection Abode, Intelligence Lodge ⊥5-7


Outer AEP for SP

Δ 5 − 15


On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 11th and 12th ribs, about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebrae.

Benefits the Memory, Clears & Drains Damp Heat, Regulates Stomach & Liver Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Tonifies Spleen Qi and Yang,

IMAGE: "Yi" is intelligence or ability to think clearly, concentrate, and reflect. This is also the spirit aspect of the Spleen. "Home of Yi" is therefore lateral to the Spleen shu point. INDICATIONS: cholecystitis



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Maciocia: obsessive thinking OTHER: abdominal distention or diarrhea

•Stomach rebellious Qi, vomiting Spirit: More effect on mind than spirit or body. Used for mental disorders, stagnation, mental weakness or sickness of mind. It is good to clear out the garbage and filth of the mind. Used in people who are depressed and frustrated, to revitalize mental movement and distribution, mental obsessions. Opposite AEP for SP, the seat of the intellect. It is helpful if a person is rigid, stubborn, obsessed, obstinate, not open and receptive or they are too easily moved or swayed. Soften up rigidity by moxa and tonification. Earth may be boggy and swampy, person may be drowning in their own thoughts. A good point to revitalize Earth energy. Provides a place to house thoughts, great for excess, fixations, obsessions, rigidity of thoughts, when one is held still by their thoughts, when sleep is disturbed by incessant thinking. Inability to swallow or drink. Mental and physical indigestion, difficulty with assembling ideas, thoughts, can’t take in thoughts.

UB 50

"Stomach's Storehouse" Weicang III 45(50)

Stomach Granary (Weitsang) ⊥5-7


Δ 5 − 10


Outer AEP for ST Dispels Damp, Harmonizes Stomach, Moves Qi, Opens and Regulates the Middle Jiao, Strengthens Spleen On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line about on a level with the tip of the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: Lateral to the Stomach back shu point INDICATIONS: abdominal pain

•back pain



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: Use with Earth CF’s. A reservoir for people undernourished in mind and spirit. For people who can not reap the harvest. Mental and physical ingestion of food, assimilation of thoughts and ideas, when thoughts and emotions are not being processed and the person cannot take them in. Helpful if a person has trouble eating, if they vomit after eating, or they feel like food is stuck in the digestive tract. Disorganization or bloating on an emotional level, rambling or verbal spluttering. JR – “there is no eating rice if what you want is cream cake”. There is always something nourishing to be found at the granary, useful when taste or appetite for life has been lost. Inability to swallow or drink.

UB 51

"Vital's Door" Huangmen III 46(51)

Diaphragm Gate of Vitality (Huangmen)

Huang Gate ⊥5-7


Δ 7 − 15


Outer AEP for TE Reduces Large Intestine Heat, Regulates the San Jiao, Removes Stagnation, Softens Masses, Stimulates Digestive System On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line between the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebra.

IMAGE: "Huang" is a reference to "Gaohuang", the fatty membrane in the area between the heart and the diaphragm. This area is said to conduct San Jiao Qi through the Upper Burner. UB 51 is reputed to have an effect on this membrane. INDICATIONS: low back pain


•pain in upper abdomen

•paralysis of lower limb

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: chronic Qi, Blood, or phlegm stagnation (mass)

•constipation, damp heat

•Maciocia: diseases of the Upper Burner Spirit: The diaphragm is something that moves and separates the mind and spirit. If the gate is open, the person will burn up all their vitality, when it is closed it affects the vital Qi energy, the vitality of the body, mind and spirit. A gate of vital energy to open when people are tired, lethargic, and have no appetite or energy; allows more energy to go through to the level where it is needed. A good point for maintenance, if a person starts to fall into resignation, it also strengthens the essence of the spirit. Useful sometimes with fire CF’s who describe a block in the middle jiao. When the person is cold, rigid, unable to communicate mentally or where there is excessive heat exploding quickly – the mind is too heated and lacks control. If a heart CF, use when problems are in the heart or breast.

UB 52

"Will's Dwelling" Zhishi III 47(52)

Ambition Room (Chihshih)

Will Chamber ⊥7-9


Δ 7 − 15


Outer AEP for KI Boosts the Will, Dispel Damp, Regulate Urine, Strengthen the Back, Tonify Jing, Tonify Kidney On the back, 4 ACI lateral to the median line at the level of the depression between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae.

IMAGE: Aka: "Will Power Room". This point governs the "will" aspect of the Kidney -- the will to act in the world; the will to achieve INDICATIONS: eczema of the scrotum





•low back pain


•nocturnal emissions

•painful urination

•paralysis of lower limb



•swelling & pain in the genitals

•vomiting NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Used to build Will: will to live, goals, will to accomplish things OTHER: also for dermatitis in general

•tonic point to build Kidney yang (lateral to Kidney shu point)-- but even more to build Yin & Qi Spirit: Outer AEP of KI – good for Water imbalances due to fear and anxiety on a mental level. Gets directly to the sill where the KI controls the Qi we are born with, thus a good point for someone with a weak hold on life (weak-willed). When there’s no energy to give them drive and they are finding excuses and suppressing the will. Everyone should have ambitions, whether or not they fulfill them is different. This point is for the person who is in a rut, has nothing to aim for, they do not know what they want to do. Affects their driving force. Lifts very powerfully spirit of the will for someone who says that something seemingly important in life “I don’t even miss anymore”. Can change outlook. Seat of motivation, spirit for action, desire, drive. For loss of will, flatness, useful with GV 14. Governance over the Zhi or will, which resides in the KI. Zhi is associated with the Essence, individual intention, ambition, or aspiration.

UB 53

"Placenta & Vitals" Baohuang III 48(53)

Womb and Heart Diaphragm (Paohuang)

Bladder Huang ⊥5-7


Δ 5 − 10


Outer AEP for BL Opens the Waterways and Moves Fluids, Opens the Bowels, Tonifies Spleen Qi, Regulate Qi in Fu organs, Regulates and Opens the Lower Jiao, Strengthens and Benefits the Lumbar Spine Lateral to the sacro-iliac joint 4 ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the 2nd sacral foramen.

IMAGE: "Bao" is a reference to the uterus or urinary bladder, and "Huang" is a reference to the vital organs. "Baohuang" is used to treat urinary disorders. INDICATIONS: intestinal noises & abdominal pain

•low back pain

•retention of urine


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun Spirit: When the heart and womb have become separated and are not working together. The pure love of the heart is needed to allow the person to conceive. Often this link is broken after there has been an abortion, miscarriage or the person is infertile. The heart is very much involved in helping to unite those areas of the self together. In the case of men, it incorporates the ability to mother and nurture themselves. Feed all the lumbar area and gives a general supportive power of the BL, mental and physical. For mental turmoil – anxiety, fear, suicidal, and phobic tendencies. Urine retention and pain, frigidity, infertility, when bad periods are linked with emotional problems. Use after delivery, especially if not connected with child. Postpartum depression.

UB 54

"Order's Edge" Zhibian III 49(54)

Orderly Father (Chihpien)

Order’s Frontier, Sequential Limit ⊥5




Strengthens Lumbar Spine & Knees, Clears Channels and Collaterals, Dispels Damp & Heat On the buttock, 4 ACI lateral to the median line slightly inferior to the level of the 4th sacral foramen.

IMAGE: Aka "Order's Frontier", "Lowermost Edge". The name refers to the location of this point, at the end of the straight line of outer UB points. "Bian" or "Edge" here may be a reference to UB 54 treating sciatic pain on the lateral "edge" of the legs. INDICATIONS: difficult defecation

•diseases of reproductive organs & anus

•genital pain


•pain in lumbosacral region

•painful urination

•paralysis of lower limbs


•strained muscles of the buttocks NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.5 - 2.0 cun OTHER: Very good local point for pain-- low back pain, sciatica.

•Tend to use inside points more


•cold sperm

•fallopian tube blockage

•hemorrhoids Spirit: On mental level, lifts the burden of the symptoms and helps person deal with them more than alleviating. The point’s location is at the end of the orderly column of BL channel points.

UB 55

"Confluence of Yang" Heyang III 55

Uniting Yang (Hoyang) Yang Union





Benefits Back and Lower Legs, Invigorate Collaterals, Regulates the Chong & Ren channels, Reinforces Kidney, Relax Muscles & Tendons, Strengthens Lumbar spine On the posterior surface of the leg, 14 ACI proximal to the level of the prominence of the lateral malleolus, between the lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius.

IMAGE: The two separated foot Tai Yang channels come together here. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding

•soreness from lower back to knee

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Heat in the Bladder Spirit: Great for cramping, weakness in legs, regaining muscle tone.

UB 56

"Support Sinews" Chengjin III 56

Supporting Muscle (Chengchin) Sinews Support





Benefits Back, Legs, & Arms, Invigorates Collaterals, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons On the posterior surface of the leg, 12 ACI lateral to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, between the lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius.

IMAGE: The Bladder muscle channel connects here. Sinews may be a reference to the tendons of m. biceps femoris, m. semimembranosis, and m. semitendonosis, those attaching at the back of the knee. INDICATIONS: headache


•low back pain

•pain in calf

•paralysis of lower limb

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun OTHER: Qi deficient

•Heat in Blood

Spirit: Brings strength and support to the muscles that allow us to be mobile and fluid. Also supports the mind, allowing it to be structured, strong and free moving. Brings strength where there is weakness and lack of control. Can also reinforce structure and can be used on a physical level.

UB 57

"Support the Mountain" Chengshan III 57

Supporting Mountain (Chengshan) Mountain Support



Δ 5 - 15


Relaxes the muscle channels Regulates the Qi in the Yang organs Benefits hemorrhoids Benefits Anus & Large Intestine, Benefits Back and Lower Leg, Clears Heat and Dampness, Invigorates Collaterals, Opens the Intestines, Invigorates and Cools the Blood, Relaxes Tendons, Removes Stagnation On the posterior surface of the leg, 9 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, between the lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius.

IMAGE: This point is at the base of the "mountain", the gastrocnemius. INDICATIONS: hemorrhoids

•leg Qi

•pain of lower back & leg

•pain of lumbar spine

•paralysis of lower limb

•prolapsed anus


•sore throat

•spasm of the gastrocnemius muscle

•twisted calf muscles

•vomiting & diarrhea NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun OTHER: Good physical trauma point: use for whiplash, car accidents, athletic strains & sprains One of main hemorrhoid points. Also for prolapses, constipation

•For older people with late night muscle cramps

•occasionally for skin problems

•stimulates appetite

•eczema of feet

•Charley horse


•J.C. Darrus:

•anorexia, bad digestion, diarrhea and muscle spasms, atonic anal sphincter

•myalgias, muscular contractures Spirit: For a person who is trying to hold up a mountain, this point says keep standing firm and steady in the presence of all that is going on…you can do it. A key point for muscular cramping.

UB 58

"Soaring" Feiyang III 58

Fly and Scatter (Feiyang) High Position, Flying Yang, Taking Flight





Luo point Junction; A center of energy Builds the Kidneys, Clears the Channels, Disperses Wind & Damp, Disperses Tai Yang Channel Evil Qi, Invigorates Collaterals, Moves Qi, Sedates pain, Sinks the Qi On the postero(lateral) surface of the leg, 8 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, between the gastrocnemius and the soleus, about 1 inch from the midline.

IMAGE: Aka "Flying Up", "Flying Yang". This point sedates the "Soaring" (rebellious) Yang Qi. Feiyang also means "feebleness of leg," implying this point's effect on leg weakness and immobility. "Feiyang" may also be a reference to the UB channel Qi "flying" or "soaring" to the Kidney channel Qi through the Luo point, UB 38. "Feiyang" may also imply the ability to sedate rebellious Qi. INDICATIONS: back & head pain







•pain in the calf

•pain of lower back & leg


•rheumatoid arthritis



•nasal •progressive painful

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Only point for rheumatoid arthritis

•BeriBeri-- leg Qi-- good fatigue point/ tonic point

•"Brings a sense of well-being to the patient."

•CAM: main for chronic low back pain


•bi pain

•stiff neck

•kidney infection

•nosebleeds, blurry vision from Liver Wind Spirit: Brings about well being, greater vitality, strengthens the body and mind, can be used as a “quasi” window. Brings clarity and a deeper level of cleansing on the mental level. Used to get the flow going or to gather someone who is scattered and can’t return to earth. Brings clarity and brightness to water. Has the potential of the crouched runner at the starting line. For someone who needs to fly or flow. Gives energy, vitality and strength to all the officials. Used against excessive, unharmonious, elevated and upward-moving (rebellious) yang Qi.

UB 59

"Tarsal Yang" Fuyang III 59

Foot Bone Yang (Fuyang) Instep yang, Tarsal Yang





Xi Cleft of Yang Qiao meridian Point of Yang Qiao Mo Benefits the Back, Clears Channels, Dispels Tai Yang Pathogens, Dispels Wind, Heat, and Wind Damp, Drains Damp Heat from the Bladder, Invigorates Collaterals, Moves Qi, Moves Yang Qiao Meridian Qi, Sedates pain On the poserolateral surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, posterior to the peroneus longus, directly proximal to III 60.

IMAGE: This point moves Qi on the lateral ("Yang") side of the ankle (tarsal bones). INDICATIONS: headache

•inflammation of ankle joint

•low back pain

•paralysis of lower limb (caused by Damp) NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: heavy feeling in back, head, legs


•Maciocia: strengthens the muscles in the leg, benefits

Spirit: Used in clearing our process (LI 4 and BL 59 are classic detoxification on any CF for food poisoning). Unclogging impurities, foul perspiration and urine.

UB 60

"Kunlun Mountain" Kunlun III 60

Kunlun Mountain (Kunlun) Mount Kun-lun, River Point



Δ3–7 XP


Jing River: Fire Point of Ching (late Summer) Disperses Wind & clears the Channels Relaxes the sinews & muscles Benefits the lower back Benefits Labor, Benefits the Legs & Heels, Disperses Wind Cold, Invigorates Uterine Blood, Moves Qi and Blood, Reinforce Kidneys, Regulates Shao Yang Qi Midway between the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon, just posterior to the bone. Move proximal from III 61 into the next hole.

IMAGE: This point is behind the "mountain" of the lateral malleolus. Kunlun is a sacred mountain in China. INDICATIONS: difficult delivery

•diseases of the ankle joint & soft tissues

back pain

•paralysis of lower limb

•retained placenta


•tidal fevers


•infantile fright

•low •sciatica (important point)


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Used a lot for back problems

•Also for neck problems & occipital headaches

•"The aspirin point"-- relieves pain

•Opens up blockages, brings Qi downwards. Menstrual associated back pain.

•Also skin problems, but not as much as UB 40 (affects Wei Qi)

•dizziness/ achiness/ rheumatism

•Mann: glandular diseases in general

•blurry vision, nosebleed

•Liver Wind rising with heat

•heel pain, leg pain

•with Damp epilepsy

•difficult delivery from Kidney Yin deficient

•J.C. Darrus:

•vaginal pain, pain and swelling of the genitalia, sterility, retained placenta,

•epistaxis, dyspnea, cough

•heart pain radiating to the back

•all glandular disorders

•epilepsy, convulsions

•tinnitis CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY: PULLS THE QI DOWN First Aid: anxiety, facial neuralgia, fractures, spinal injury, sprains Spirit: For cold, use with KI 2 and moxa to break the ice. Get warmth into Water, only after using moxa to ascertain that heat is welcome. Slowly warm things up, don’t boil them. Breaks through ice at all levels and gets movement throughout, especially ankle injuries that become frozen. If patient is bogged down and water logged, swamped, take them to the mountain and sit quietly. A mountain is the habitat of the gods and this point deals with the spiritual essence of secretion of water. These are mountains on the Chinese border, surrounding a vermilion lake, to climb them was to ensure immortality. Increases flexibility and fluidity. Brings consciousness and warmth. Use when sensation electrification running through skin. Chinese philosophers believed that mountains possess powerful energy and offer spiritual and physical renewal. The Kunlun Mountain in China, one of the five sacred mountains to Taoists and Buddhists, are also considered the source of the Yellow River, where Chinese civilization began.

UB 61

"Serve & Consult" Pucan (Pushen) III 61

Servant’s Aide (Pushen) Pu Can, Servant’s Partaking, Subservient Visitor





Point of Yang Qiao Mo; Dragon point Dispels Damp and Wind, Disperses Swelling, Reinforces the Kidney, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Sedates the Spirit & Mind, Sedates pain Strengthens Bones On the superior edge of the lateral surface of the calcaneus, directly inferior to III 60.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Subservient Visitor" and "Servant's Partaking" This point is inferior to UB 60, and the name refers to the Confucian role of servant or consultant to UB 60. Also, when bowing low to the ground in "service" to a master, this is where the heel comes up off the ground. INDICATIONS: beriberi

•low back pain

•pain in ankle & foot

•paralysis of lower limb NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: More for mental level, emotion of fearfulness. Not as powerful as 62 or 63. The servant reporting to the Master saying “anything I can do?” The anatomical location suggests responsibility assigned to one of a lower status. It is the part of the heel exposed when a servant performed the ritual bow.

UB 62

"Extending Vessel" Shenmai III 62

Extended Meridian (Shenmo) Extending Vessel





Confluent point of Yang Qiao meridian Ghost point Master Point of Yang Qiao Mo; Coupled Point of Du Mo Clears the Spirit Relaxes the muscle channels Opens the yang heel channel Benefits the Eyes, Calms the Spirit, Clears Heat , Dispels Wind, Invigorates Channels, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Relieves the Exterior _ ACI distal to the tip of the lateral malleolus, between the tendons of the peroneul longus and the peroneus brevis. Move the foot and find the soft spot.

IMAGE: Aka "Ninth Channel". This point is the Meeting point of the Yang Qiao channel, which "extends" the length of the body up to the head. INDICATIONS: arthritis of the ankle


•headache (good point)



•lateral & midline headache

•loss of speech due to stroke

•Meniere's disease (inner ear disorder)


•mouth & eyes awry

•pain of the lower back & leg



•ringing in the ears

•seizures NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: CAM: Mental confusion. "Makes the brain clear-- good for a stonehead". Madness. OTHER: Paired Confluent point: S.I. 3 of DU Channel

•For arthritis/stiffness or low back pain

•Main point for epilepsy


•headache more from neurological/brain disorders. (UB 60 more for tension HA)

•Used a lot for stroke/ hemiplegia


•Wind Damp in Heart

•Internal Wind moving: strokes, aphasia

•mouth, eyes awry

•J.C. Darrus:

•fatigue, exhaustion, vertigo

•uterine spasms, gynecological pains due to excess blood and energy


•Traditionally not recommended to moxa. . Spirit: Used together with KI 6 for physical level problems. Good with BL 64 for tense spine. Use for reinforcing other points. Has a direct effect on the endocrine glands.

UB 63

"Golden Door" Jinmen III 63

Golden Gate (Chinmen) Metal Gate





Xi Cleft Point of Yang Wei Mo Calms the Spirit, Clears Wind & Heat, Invigorate Collaterals, Open Orifices, Reduces Wind & Damp, Relax Muscles & Tendons, Revive from Unconsciousness, Stops Pain On the lateral border of the foot, just proximal to the proximal tubercle th of the 5 metatarsal bone, look for the depression just proximal from the edge of the foot.

IMAGE: This point is a "Gate of Gold" which refers to the Yang Qi of the Body. INDICATIONS: infantile convulsions

•pain at the bottom of the foot


•pain in the lower back & legs

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Wind & Damp covering the Heart: insomnia, palpitations


•Liver Wind

•Wood attacking Earth: for vomiting; decreases spasms

•painful urination

•J.C. Darrus:

•abdominal inflammation, low abd spasms, diarrhea with vomiting and muscle spasms

•epilepsy, convulsions Spirit: Golden Door – the door that the Emperor controls. A gate – make sure it is needed. Used when water is sluggish, stagnant or torrential. Fear produces stillness or movement. You can open or close the gate – oil it for lack of secretions – get the BL to hold water. This point is powerful and not very stable. Can give big quality changes. More activating filling point – have some reserves built up, now step into your own strength – gives a person an opening into their own power. Everything golden belongs to the Emperor – entering a land of plenty. Gold is almost pure Yang in nature, a Taoist symbol for incorruptibility, purity, illumination and wisdom.

UB 64

"Capital Bone" Jinggu III 64

Capital Bone (Chingku) Head of the 5th Metatarsal Bone, Central Bone, Starting Point



Source Point Disperses Wind Calms the Spirit Clears the brain Benefits backside of body, Clears Channels, Clears Heat, Invigorates Collaterals, Reduces Wind & Damp, Regulates Shao Yang Qi



th On the lateral border of the foot, just distal to the tubercle of the 5 metatarsal bone, on the bone.

IMAGE: Capital Bone is the Classical name of the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal bone. FUNCTIONS: INDICATIONS: headache


•myocarditis (specific point)

•pain of lower back and leg


•stiff neck

•membrane over the eye

•heaviness in the head & cold in the legs

•stiff neck




•tidal fevers NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: "For people who won't eat or drink" OTHER: UB 62 used more for pain

•eye problems (not main)

•Used to strengthen Wei Qi-- for people who have trouble with change in the weather

•heart disorders

•confusion •palpitations



•J.C. Darrus:

•heart pains with giddiness Spirit: Will do whatever is appropriate, calm or induce movement. Strong point for tendons, has the quality of Yin, Jing in the gathering and hold on to things. Emblem of containment, nourishes, brings fluids and holds the power. Water nourishes bone, the center of activity. Anchors the official in self (source), a container point. Fills and nourishes so one can contain oneself. Use when no desire for food or drink.

UB 65

"Restraining Bone" Shugu III 65

Bone Binder (Shuku) Tuberositia Ossis Metatarsal V, Restrained Bone, Bundle Bone, (Stream Point)





Shu Stream: Wood Wood; Sedation; Point of Yu (Summer) Benefits Back, Benefits Bones, Calms Spirit, Clears Head & Vision, Clears Heat and Poison, Clears Wind, Invigorates Collaterals, Reduces Heart Fire, Reduces Internal Wind, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons th On the lateral side of the foot, just proximal to the head of the 5 metatarsal bone, on the bone.

IMAGE: AKA "Bundle Bone". The "Restraining Bone" is classically the name of the head of the 5th metatarsal bone. INDICATIONS: headache & stiff neck


•mental illness



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Sedation point on the UB channel

•Heat disorders

•blurry vision

•Internal Wind

•broken bones


•no strength in bones & muscles

•J.C. Darrus:

•diarrhea, hemorrhoids

•dimness of vision, yellow sclerotica, tearing, eye inflammation Spirit: First aid point for fractures – bones will heal 8-10 days faster using this point. May support sprains. Osteoporosis, may support the dwindling of Jing, literally helps keep bone tissue bound together. Good on the physical level. Bones receive essence, flexibility and strength. “I need faith in the future.”

UB 66

"Connecting Valley of the Foot" Zutonggu

III 66

Penetrating Valley (Tsu tungku) Open End Valley, Foot Connecting Valley,Valley Passage, (Spring Point)



Ying Spring: Water Water; Horary 3 pm- 5pm; Point of Yung (Spring) Sedates the Spirit, Calms Fright, Calms Wind, Reduces Internal Wind & Heat



On the lateral border of the foot, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx of the little toe.

IMAGE: Aka "Passing Valley" This name refers to the depression ("valley") in which the point is located. INDICATIONS: asthma


•mental illness



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.2 - 0.3 cun OTHER: neck rigidity

•blurry vision

•food stagnation

•headache and cervical pain from exterior wind

•J.C. Darrus:

•dyspepsia, indigestion, liquid stasis in stomach, atonic anal sphincter Spirit: This point shakes up the Water element or sorts it out – gives it a jolt. One of the main valleys a person must travel though on the Tao. Provides momentum for the journey ahead. Traveling through the valley, a way to move through formidable times, particularly the fear of what will happen next. Clears obstructions and makes sure there’s not too much or too little water. When a person is stiff with fear, joints still and unable to flow, there is fear of the unknown. Useful for reaching deeper levels, can be a very powerful point to increase water movement. Recover the strength and perseverance to face what might be a difficult situation. Good for a person who has trouble slowing down to rest. Filling and resting, allows self to go into the valley and gather strength for the coming journey. Dreams of falling or drowning. A place to gather energy, control fears. The essence of the reserves keeps the valley clear of rubbish and hazards and makes sure the water is running.

UB 67

"End of Yin" Zhiyin III 67

(Chihyin) Yin in the Extreme, Reaching Yin, (Well point)





Jing Well: Metal Metal; Tonification; Exit; Point of Cheng (Winter) Clears the brain (above) Regulates pregnancy & childbirth (below) Brightens Eyes and Improves the Vision, Calms Fetus, Clears Heat and Damp Heat, Dispels Interior Wind, Exterior Wind, and Wind at the Vertex, Moves Qi & Blood, Opens the Nose, Regulates Qi & Blood, Suppresses Pain Lateral nail point of the little toe.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Reaching Yin," which refers to the UB channel Qi reaching towards the Kidney (yin) channel. This may also refer to the yin energy of the uterus. The yang energy of the UB channel is diminishing as it approaches its most distal point and is about to turn into yin. INDICATIONS: clear nasal discharge

•difficult labor

•difficult labor

•failure to discharge placenta


•infantile convulsions

•itching over the entire body

•malposition of fetus

•membrane & pain of the eye


•occipital headache

•stroke NEEDLING: Superficially 0.1 cun ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: "For pain anywhere in the body." OTHER: Well known point for turning fetuses

•Tonification point on the UB channel

•General pains, esp. headache

•Sometimes for urinary troubles

•Mann: early stage prostatic hypertrophy

•eyes feel hot

•feet feel hot

•food allergies

•J. C. Darrus: neuro-vegetative dystonia (?!)

•all types of sores and wounds Spirit: Gives a kick. Physical level and general stimulant. Use when a person has reached their limit of what they can endure. Turns around breached babies. Energy quickly changing. Difficulty with internal secretions. This point influences the deep-lying Yin energy of the womb. Letting to of the unknown when afraid to let go and is holding back because otherwise there would be nothing there. Keeps the shen cycle going around – the end before the beginning, a return to newness.

L e g L e s s e r Yi n K i d n e y C h a n n e l PRIMARY CHANNEL This channel begins beneath the little toe, crosses the sole of the foot, and emerges at Kid 2 on the inferior aspect of the navicular tuberosity at the instep. From here it travels posterior to the medial malleolus, enters the heel, and proceeds upward along the medial aspect of the lower leg where it intersects the Spleen channel at Sp 6. Continues up the leg within the gastrocnemius muscle, it traverses the medial aspect of the popliteal fossa and the medial, posterior aspect of the thigh to the base of the spine where it intersects the Du channel at DU 1. Here it threads its way beneath the spine to enter its associated organ, the Kidney, and to communicate with the Bladder. It intersects the Conception channel at Ren 3 and Ren 4. A branch ascends directly from the Kidney, crosses the Liver and diaphragm, enters the Lung, and follows the throat to the root of the tongue. This channel connects with the Bladder and joins directly with the Liver, Lungs, Heart and Pericardium_ CROSSING POINTS: Sp 6, DU 1, Ren 3, Ren 4 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Pain along the lower vertebrae, low back pain, coldness in the feet, motor impairment or muscular atrophy of the foot, dryness in the mouth, sore throat, pain in the sole of the foot or along the posterior aspect of the lower leg or thigh. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Vertigo, facial edema, ashen complexion, blurred vision, shortness of breath, drowsiness and irritability, loose stools, chronic diarrhea or constipation, abdominal distension, vomiting, impotence. (Essentials: nocturnal emissions, irregular menses, feverish soles.) DIVERGENT CHANNEL After separating from the primary at the popliteal fossa, this channel intersects the divergent channel of the bladder on the thigh. It then proceeds upwards, connecting first with the Kidney before crossing the Girdle channel at about the T-7. Here, the channel ascends to the base of the tongue and continues upwards, emerging at the nape of the neck to converge with the Bladder primary channel. LUO CHANNEL Separates from the primary at Kid 4 and connects with UB 64. A branch follows the Kidney channel upward to a point below the perineum, then threads its way through the lumbar vertebrae. Symptoms of Luo Channel Excess: irritability, depression, enuresis Symptoms of Luo Channel Deficiency: low back pain MUSCLE CHANNEL This channel originates beneath the little toe, and together with the Spleen muscle channel, crosses below the internal malleolus and connects at the heel, where it converges with the Bladder muscle channel. From here it proceeds up the leg and connects at the lower, medial aspect of the knee. It then joins with the Spleen channel and proceeds upwards along the medial aspect of the thigh to the genital region. A branch ascends along the side of the spine to the nape of the neck, where it connects with the occipital bone and converges with the Bladder muscle channel. Pathological Symptoms: Twisted muscles on the bottom of the foot, pain or twisted muscles along the course of the channel, as well as other symptoms of disease which appear along the channel, most importantly, those symptoms associated with epilepsy or infantile convulsion. If the disease is an Exterior condition, it is difficult to flex the head. If the disease is an Interior condition, the head cannot be extended. A Yang disorder is one in which the back will not bend forward. In a Yin disorder the back cannot bend backward.

SUMMARY: KIDNEY CHANNEL Phone #: (3 4 5) KI-1-2-3-7-10 Tonification point: K 7 Sedation point: K 1 Horary point: K10 K 1 shock/ brings Qi down K 2 Fire, esp. throat/ cramping/ deficient, burning heat K 3 ears/ asthma/ general Kidney syndromes/ builds yin & yang/ builds Kidney Qi/ for deficient heat & deficient Qi/ most common point K 4 Kidney spirit deficient/ emotional asthma K 5 Eyes/ menstrual/ pain around navel K 6 Major throat point/ builds yin/ more effect on spirit K 7 Builds water/ sweat or no sweat K 8 Xi cleft-- clearing K 9 excess spirit K 10 water point/ cools heat & nourishes kidneys K 11 through K 15 urogenital/ pain & redness inner canthus K 12 through K 21 abdominal K 22 through K 27 coughing/ asthma. Palpate for tenderness K 3, K 4, K 7 all for low back pain-- chronic, deficient K 2 acute back sprain

Kidney Storehouse of vital essence – Jing Power and potential are generated here, the source of Yin and Yang. Governs growth, development and reproduction – developmental cycle through time – sexuality (reproduction, physical and sexual desire (V=intimacy) Creates and distributes fluids to the body mind spirit Holds down the Qi inhaled by the Lungs Provides resilience, cushion, will, resourcefulness and motivation Transformation and circulation of fluids through the BMS


Bubbling Spring 2.

Blazing Valley 3.

Greater Mountain Stream 4.

Great Bell 5.

Water Spring 6.

Illuminated Sea 7.

Returning Current 8.

Exchange Pledges 9.

Building Guest 10.

Yin Valley 11.

Transverse Bone 12.

Great Brightness 13.

Door of Infants 14.

Four Full 15.

Middle Flowing Out 16.

Vitals Correspondence 17.

Merchant Crooked 18.

Stone Border 19.

Yin Capital 20.

Through the Valley 21.

Dark Gate 22.

Walking on the Verandah 23.

Spirit Seal 24.

Spirit Burial Ground 25.

Spirit Storehouse 26.

Amidst Elegance 27.


K 1

"Gushing Spring" Yongquan IV 1

Bubbling Spring (Yungchuan)

Bubbling Fountain, Gushing Spring, (Well point) ⊥5


Δ3–7 XP8


Jing Well: Wood Wood; Sedation; Entry; Point of Cheng (Winter Opens the sensory orifices Calms the Spirit Calms the Spirit and Revives Consciousness, Clears Fire & Heat in the Head, Clears Kidney Heat, Restores Collapsed Yang, Reduces Wind and Wind Heat, Sedates Deficient Fire, Sedates Fever & Spasm, Sends Qi down, Stimulates energy, Tonifies Kidney Yin & Jing, Transforms Hot Phlegm On the plantar surface of the foot, at the “point” of light softer skin of the sole of the foot, (between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, in the crease formed when the toes are flexed.)

IMAGE: This is the first point on a water meridian which is anatomically connected to the earth. Also the activity of the channel Qi is like a "gushing spring" at this point, i.e., very strong when needled. INDICATIONS: blurred vision



•difficult urination & defecation

•dry tongue


•headache at the vertex

•heat exhaustion


•infantile convulsions



•mental illness


•pain in tips of toes

•paralysis of the lower limbs




•soles of feet hot


•swollen throat

•vertigo NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus:

•confused memory, uncommunicative, timidity, fear

•Hyperactivity or mental illness from too much Qi in the head can be brought down. OTHER: Sedation point for Kidneys: "Grounding" point Brings the Qi down: because it's the lowest point on the body. Theoretically one of the most important points on the body because of its location, but not used much because it can be painful to needle.

•Because of its painful location, try having person cough when you needle it.

•Emergency point: for Shock


•Maciocia: heart & kidney not communicating

•"The Kidney hates dryness"-- Su Wen. Associated with dry throat.

•Dr. So: main point for cramping in the body (diarrhea, colic)

•Sterility in women: brings the Qi back to the uterus

•Good for bringing down Fire in the wrong places in the body-- such as hot flashes

•Can be an energetically draining point-- may induce fatigue

•J.C. Darrus:

•lack of energy, syncope from low energy

•hematuria, poor renal function with kidney pain

•heart malaise, severe heart pain, palpitations, tachycardia, arterial hypertension esp. with high diastolic, cerebral hemorrhage

•diminished or absent smell and taste senses, dry throat with thirst, distended abdomen, vomiting with muscle spasms, diarrhea or constipation with kidney pain

•cerebral hemorrhage, apoplexy, epilepsy

•eyelid ptosis, deafness, muteness

•epigastric pain, vertical pains radiating to the sides, pain lateral to umbilicus, very painful low abdomen, fullness at sides and chest with malaise First Aid: resuscitation

Spirit: Cleanses the physical body and filth, a rejuvenating bath. For people with boils, edema, sores, etc. Clears stagnant water, consider with painful loins and water retention. Wet/dry or wet and hot feet. Consider if someone is very red-faced. This relates to the purest, clearest, health giving fluid; not only good for drinking but for refreshing the mind and spirit. Sometimes we need to tap into this spring to flush out some of the stagnant fluid. Spring water is frozen cold, you don’t want ice cold water running through the body so you follow this point with KI 3 to warm the water. Great point to do for the winter – cleanses, revitalizes and brings youthfulness and effervescence. For a person feeling more dead than alive. Wood provides some direction for the water to flow in. Wood in water – belief and trust that something good will come in the future – hopeful. Brings a creative type of energy embodying the promise of good coming in the future, anchoring, useful for headaches because it brings the energy down. Brings hopefulness and certainty. Most yin place in the body, a gush of source energy coming up from the bottom. Generative energy. Frivolity when not anchored to the ground.

K 2

"Burning Valley" Rangu

IV 2

Blazing Valley (Janku) Burning Valley, (Spring point)



Δ3–5 XP8


Ying Spring: Fire Fire; Point of Yung (Spring); Point of Yin Qiao Mo Cools and regulates Kidney Yang Clears Heat and Fire from the throat Boosts Kidney Jing, Cools the Blood, Clears Bladder Heat, Clears Deficiency Heat, Reduces Damp Heat , Regulates Bladder, Regulates Chong & Ren, Regulates Kidney Qi, Regulates Lower Jiao, Tonifies Kidney Yang On the medial surface of the foot, inferior to the tuberosity of the navicular bone. (the back third of the arch, posterior to the cuniform bone)

IMAGE: This is the "Fire" point located in the depression or "Valley" below the navicular bone. INDICATIONS: congested throat

•cystitis (not main)

•diabetes (thirst)

•diarrhea with intestinal pain & noises

•irregular menstruation

•itching in genital region



•prolapsed uterus

•sterility (of women)

•tetanus (cramping)

•thirst & emaciation

•tidal fevers NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Dr. So: for fright & fear of capture OTHER: Mainly for Heat/Fire: especially in the throat.

•Japanese technique: for tonsillitis using moxa.

•More for excess sore throat than K 6

•More for yin deficient fire-- deficient, burning heat

•Also for cramping (not as much as Kid 1)

•Can also be used to regulate too little Kidney fire (as in irregular menses) and increase Kidney yang.

•Acne-- especially at puberty

•Hot flashes

•painful joints

•Burning feet: diabetic foot & leg problems

•Excessive foot perspiration

•Other genital problems: pain, trauma

•Excessive saliva

•Acute back sprain

•J.C. Darrus:

•bladder pathology, urinary incontinence, urethritis

•irregular menses, uterine deviation or prolapse, vulvar pruritis and swelling, vaginismus, scrotal inflammation, impotence

•dyspnea, hemoptysis

•severe heart pain, arterial hypertension with high diastolic

•recurring furunculosis, post trauma hematoma or internal contusions

•nocturnal sweating, abundant sweating even when cold Spirit: Great for warming frozen water, take care not to overheat. Use with III 60 for coldness. If body is hot and feverish then sedate. Good for pain in testicles – shove thumb into point very hard. Also good for BP in pregnancy. For excess water, when things are a bit frozen or cold inside, unable to move, or to take a step; warmth will support and sustain movement. For lack of movement in spine. Contracted, still, held back, overly serious, flatness. Edema – fluids showing up – this point will cut through the cold to get to the heat like light reflecting on water and making it shine. Good point to encourage the desire for sex, especially if the person doesn’t care that it is lost.

K 3

"Great Creek" Taixi

IV 3

Greater Mountain Stream (Taihsi) Great River, Great Ravine, Great Stream, (Stream point)



Shu Stream: Earth Source Point Earth; Source; Point of Yu (Summer) Benefits the Kidneys Cools heat Strengthens the lower back and knees Calms Fetus, Cleans Deficiency Fire and Heat, Cleans Lung Heat, Invigorates Original Yang, Moistens Dryness, Nourishes Liver & Kidney, Regulates: the Chong, Ren, Menses, Uterus, & Water Pathways, Stabilizes Kidney Qi, Restores Collapsed Yin, Strengthens Brain, Regulates , Stimulates Sweating, Sedates Cough, Tonifies Kidney Qi,Yin,Yang and Jing



On the medial side of the leg, _ to 1 ACI proximal to IV 4, in the depression next to the bone. (distal to the fullness)

IMAGE: The depression in which this Shu Stream point is located is like a creek: one of the banks of the creek is the Achilles' tendon; the other bank is the medial malleolus. INDICATIONS: abcessed breast


•chronic laryngitis



•dark urine




•irregular menstruation

•low back pain



•pain in sole of foot

•paralysis of lower limb


•thirst & emaciation

•throat blockage



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: CAM: insomnia. Also sometimes for sleeps too much. OTHER: Source point of the Kidney-- will see all the signs for the meridian show up here. • Kidney deficient asthma: most important point on channel for asthma

•More for ears than other Kidney points-- tonifies both Yin & Yang. for deafness

•Deficient Heat in Heart

•Chronic low back pain-- chronic disc problems

•J.C. Darrus:

•serious weight loss, degenerative illness, insomnia, always sleeps

•bladder pathology

•cough, dyspnea

•severe heart pain

•diarrhea, all stomach diseases with vomiting, hiccough, gluey saliva

•diabetes, degenerative illnesses

•cold hands up to the wrist

Spirit: A great amount of water flowing through this meridian like a majestic stream– it is clean, clear and rich in trace elements so we can use this point to draw upon reserves of fluid and enrich the quality of water. For someone who is unable to control one’s mental state, provides stimulus for the will to change. Filling point – stand in the stream of life and allow life to flow through without reaction. Source for nourishment, great power, reassures, holds, fills, and provides the holding for the person to have the courage to step into the mystery of life. When there’s no fluidity then memories don’t flow.

K 4

"Big Goblet" Dazhong

IV 4

Great Bell (Tachung) Great Cup, Large Goblet, Large Bell



Luo point Junction Benefits the Jing aspect of Spirit Harmonizes Blood Benefits Low Back & Heels, Calms Rebellious Qi, Calms Spirit, Clears Damp Heat and Deficiency Heat, Moves Qi & Blood, Reinforces Liver & Kidney, Regulates Qi, Tonifies and Regulates the Kidney, Tonifies Lung Yin & Kidney Qi

Δ3–7 XP3


On the medial surface of the ankle, just proximal to the medial malleolus, next to the bone. (not in the empty space – find IV 5 first then go up to the depression)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Large Bell"; the name refers to the resemblance of the heel to a goblet or bell. Dr. Liao says the Kidney energy is stored in this goblet. INDICATIONS: asthma


•soreness in pharynx



•pain in heel

•retention of urine

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus: misanthropy, withdraws, "shuts his door" to the world, carries little weight or authority Mental point: for when Kidney spirit is deficient. Patient doesn't want to move, stupidity, always sleeping. Emotionally caused asthma. (K 3 used more) Hyperemotionalism and fear OTHER: For Heart & Kidney not communicating-- palpitations

•PMS -- anxiety

•Chronic low back pain

•coughing blood

•J.C. Darrus:

•heat in the mouth, aphthae, all stomach diseases with vomiting, food does not descend, distended stomach, constipation

•stiff and painful spine and loins, fullness at sides and chest with malaise

•cough, dyspnea Spirit: Like an alarm point, this point becomes tender when all is not well. Acknowledge the patient’s distress with this point. Helps to remove psychological blocks for someone who doesn’t want to see. A sledgehammer to knock down walls the patient has created for himself. For fear of being observed. Lack of physical, mental stability – erratic and choppy waters. Brings clarity and a call to be unified.

K 5

"Spring" Shuiquan

IV 5

Water Spring (Shuichuan) Water’s Spring





Xi Cleft Clears the Meridian, Harmonizes the Bladder, Harmonizes the Uterus, Invigorates Blood, Regulates Lower Jiao & Stops Pain, Regulates Menses, Regulates Qi & Blood, Reinforces Chong & Ren Channels, Tonifies Kidney Qi & Jing, On the medial surface of the ankle, distal to IV 4, on the superior edge of the calcaneus. (in the angle created by the calcaneus and the posterior edge of the tibia –medial malleolus)

IMAGE: This is where the Yin (Water) can be built up in the channel, as a "Spring". (Xi Cleft point) Shuiquan also means "dribbling urine" a reference to this points effect on urination. INDICATIONS: amenorrhea


•prolapsed uterus

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With Liv 5 to nourish Kidney/Liver menstrual disorders (K 3 or K 6 used more for menses) OTHER: Used a lot for eyes: conjunctivitis

•Pain around the navel: main point•menstrual indications-- clears out blockages, moves & opens the meridian


•urinary problems Spirit: Use for fear and depression, especially when both are present. For those who want to stay where they are, agoraphobia (for any CF), rigidity. For people who have created a prison around themselves, this point will knock the walls down - opening a spring to allow movement to take place. As an accumulation (junction) point, this point will give powerful and general stimulation. Use with BL 59 for cleansing.

K 6

"Shining Sea" Zhaohai

IV 6

Illuminates Sea (Chaohai) Luminous Sea, Shining Sea





Confluent Point of Yin Qiao channel Master Point of Yin Qiao Mo; Coupled Point of Ren Mo Cools Heat, Calms the Spirit, Benefits the throat Aids Development of Baby, Benefits the Eyes, Cleans Deficient Heat & Fire, Clears and Opens the Channels, Cools Blood, Harmonizes Menstruation, Harmonizes Ying, Nourishes Heart, Promotes Labor, Regulates Lower Jiao, Sedates Pain, Tonifies Kidney Yin & Moistens Dryness, Transforms Damp Heat, On the medial surface of the ankle, 4 fen (_ ACI) distal to the inferior border of the medial malleolus, the end of the tibia.

IMAGE: The Kidney's energy is said to shine all over the body and is as deep & wide as the sea. Also, the "fire" burning and shining brightly from K2 ("burning valley") is reflected on K6 ("shining sea"). INDICATIONS: irregular menstruation



•prolapsed uterus



•throat blockage

•dry throat

•eye pain

•vaginal discharge

•itching in genital region

•difficult labor



•edema •insomnia

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Spirit calming point for insomnia. Also for premenstrual depression/ anxiety POINT COMBINATIONS: With Lu7 for chronic sore throat. With Sp 6 for Yin deficient neurasthenia. ANCIENT USES: Central point on the 8 extra meridians-- only point that repeats itself in the 9 stars configuration, meaning this point is "open" more often than any other point on the body. OTHER: Paired Confluent point: Lu 7 of Conception vessel

•Major point on the body: Builds yin

•Major throat point on Kidney meridian: especially for dry throat, loss of voice. Moistens the throat. (K 2 more for tonsillitis/excess) More for chronic sore throat, esp. with Lu 7.

•Opens & closes the eyes: insomnia, hypersomnia. Menstrual headache-- esp. for severe HA.

•Epilepsy-- seizures in the evening

•low voice

•Yin deficient cough

•J.C. Darrus:

•related disorders of the pelvic region and throat, uterine deviation or prolapse

•phlegm obstruction in the throat, amygdalitis First Aid: apoplexy, bee stings, concussion, hemorrhage, insensibility, snake bite Spirit: Contains vast amount of fluid and energy. A light, bright, clear sea, full of clarity and illumination. The sea should be tranquil and controlled, thus this point is used when the sea is raging or flooding causing panic and fear to calm the spirit. It is just as dangerous as fire when it is out of control. Good for physical level symptoms, to aid conception and balance hormones.

K 7

"Returning Column" Fuliu

IV 7

Returning Current (Fuliu) Returned Stream, Repeated Current, Recover Flow, (River Point)



Δ3–7 XP8


Jing River: Metal Metal; Tonification; Point of Ching (late Summer) Regulates the Kidney Qi Clears & Cools Damp Heat in the Bladder Boosts the Wei Qi, Builds Kidney Yin & Yang, Builds the Pulse, Drains Dampness, Moistens Dryness, Regulates Bladder, Regulates Menses & Body Fluids, Regulates Sweat, Removes Stagnation, Strengthens the Back, Tonifies Kidney Qi On the medial surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the flexor digitorum longus, moving up from IV 3 and 4.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Recover Flow" and "Returning Current". K 7 can affect the "currents" of the body fluids, such as menstrual flow, sweat, & urine. INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•absence of sweating


•functional uterine bleeding•insanity


•low back pain


•night sweats


•pain of lumbar vertebrae

•pus & blood in the stool

•tidal fevers

•urinary dysfunction

•urinary tract infection NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Always angry, talks a lot, excess or insufficient willpower POINT COMBINATIONS: Can create a sweat with LI 4 to expel external evil Famous point for night sweats (with Ht 6) or no sweat. (Night sweats = deficient yin; need to build water in the body.) OTHER: Tonification point on the Kidney meridian

•Important point for building water. Metal point-- where water is made on the meridian

•Main point for edema

•Builds Kidney yang, tonifies Kidney function. Only point of channel for Yang tonic.


•chronic low back pain

•More for urinary / damp heat associations

•seminal emission

•J.C. Darrus:

•renal pathology, edema

•testicular pathology

•dry tongue and throat with thirst, distended abdomen, diarrhea, feeling of parasites in stomach

•"cold to the marrow", diseases due to cold

•blurred vision, pain in the gums and teeth

•renal pain, cannot bend forward Spirit: Without a returning current, there will be drought and the sea would be overflowing. For harmony there would be a coming and going, in human terms, without a return there would be rigidity in the body mind spirit. All fluid must return to where it comes from, the mind must be free flowing. A tide comes in, providing the ability to complete things, returning back into self. The metal in water is very yin, a deeper quiescent water which is pristine. One will be able to access again the spirit and be filled and reassured.

K 8

"Communicate Belief" Jiaoxin

IV 8

Exchange Pledges (Chiaohsin) Junction of faithfulness, Intersection Reach




Xi Cleft of Yin Qiao meridian Point of Yin Qiao Mo Clears the Channel, Clears Heat & Cools the Blood, Regulates Chong & RenRegulates Menses, Regulates Qi of the Bladder, Removes Masses, Stops Pain, Tonifies Kidney, Transforms Damp Heat in Lower Jiao


On the medial surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, approximately 1 ACI anterior to IV 7, anterior to the flexor digitorum longus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Faithful Junction," this point is at the junction or crossing of the Spleen channel, and affects the "faith" or "will" which is governed by the Kidneys. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding



medial aspect of lower limb

•retention of urine

•irregular menstruation

•pain on

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun OTHER: Has clearing aspect-- blockages (Xi cleft of Yin Qiao)

•Important point for heel pain

•uterine prolapse

•swollen testes

•deficient constipation or diarrhea

•J.C. Darrus:


•amennorhea in young women, dysmenorrhea, orchitis, uterine deviation or prolapse Spirit: Mental level. Shanghai calls it “communicate belief”. Used for extremely anxious thought, anxiety, or extreme containment within themselves – someone really powerful in themselves but all locked up and not presenced. A lot of strength and ambition that doesn’t come up and out. The image of delivery and delivering reassurance, speaking in a way that faith and confidence are restored – returning the ability to speak it. For interconnections between groups, people, the official is dependent on the harmonious exchange of ideas, responsibilities and knowledge. Affecting fluidity at this point makes the mutual exchange possible. Encourages body mind spirit to hold together until better things (pledges) come. Sincerity supporting the will, speaking which inspires faith and sincerity. The name suggests the function in promoting faith and confidence, which is vital to maintaining the willpower governed by the Kidneys. Heart felt words that inspire faith, confidence and sincerity.

K 9

"House Guest" Zhubin

IV 9

Building Guest (Chupin) Building for the Guest, Guest House





Xi Cleft of Yin Wei meridian Point of Yin Wei Mo Clears the Yin Wei, Clears Toxins, Dispels Heart Heat, Drains Damp Heat, Pulls Kidney Qi down, Pulls Heart Qi up, Opens the Chest, Sedates Fright & Calms Spirit, Sedates Pain, Tonifies Kidney Yin, Transforms Phlegm On the medial surface of the leg, 6 _ ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, on the medial edge of the gastrocnemius, directly proximal to IV 7.

IMAGE: This point is the house (Xi Cleft) of the "Guest" channel, the Yin Wei. "Zhubin" can also be interpreted to mean "Repel Attack", indicating K 9's ability to rid the Kidney channel of pernicious qi. INDICATIONS: cystitis



•pelvic inflammatory disease


•seizures spasm of gastrocnemius muscle



•pain along medial aspect of lower leg NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: More for excess spirit problems: crazy speech cursing, cursing The French associate this point with heavy metal toxicities-- lead poisoning, mercury (why it's good for craziness).

•J.C. Darrus:

•mental diseases, instability, capricious temperament, mental illness with divagation (?), insulting speech, saturnism(?!) OTHER: Abdominal distress/ vomiting associated with Yin Wei (along with P 6) French also use to promote the ease of childbirth and healthy fetuses, esp. in 3rd and 6th months of pregnancy. Also to promote fertility.

•Dr. Liao: "belching or vomiting up seals." (!) Spirit: Distribution problems. Earth not controlling water – the Chinese character shows building up banks of a river. Powerful point for unstable water, choppy, inability to settle. Acts as a helper for other points. Helps move over an obstacle and put added weight behind actions. Valuable point for removing poisons, toxins, lower abdominal spasms, controls fluids when they appear unbounded. Image of a structure around the edges of a stream, strengthening the banks of a river so that things can move more smoothly. Allows water to flow through more powerfully. For someone with insufficient gathering – their actions in the world are not powerful.

K 10

"Yin's Valley" Yingu

IV 10

Yin Valley (Yinku) (sea point)





He Sea: Water Horary 5pm-7pm; Point of Ho (Autumn) Builds Kidney Yin & Jing, Benefits the Lower Jiao, Clears Bladder Heat, Clears Lower Jiao Heat & Dampness, Promotes Urination, Regulates Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Strengthens the Knees On the posteromedial edge of the knee at the level of the knee crease.

IMAGE: This is the water (Yin) point of the Kidney channel, in the valley created by the two tendons. INDICATIONS: arthritis of knee

•diseases of urogenital system

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Water point on Water meridian: important for water disturbances/ diseases, especially in the lower abdomen. For both menstrual and male sexual aspects. CAM: impotence, hernia, uterine bleeding

•used to cool heat & nourish the Kidneys for frequent painful urination and menses

•Male sexual disorders-- impotence, hernia

•Dr. Feng: good results using this point for sore throat

•J.C. Darrus:

•all male genital disorders

•vomiting and diarrhea, distended abdomen, gout Spirit: A still, cool, quiet, peaceful, tranquil, calming, inert valley. Calms the raging seas or fluids that are boiling over, takes away intense heat, rejuvenates water and makes it sparkle again. Clears dirt trapped in the BMS – revitalizes vital Qi and gives a powerful shake to a stuck official.

•Gathering of Yin energy, quietness, moistens things, lubricates. Helpful for long heavy depressions.

•Stops frantic spiraling in its tracks, treatment can hold for a full year. Helps store and fill, helps regulate sleep.

•Deep restfulness when overactive and depleted, a need to be filled by a deep pool.

K 11

"Horizontal Bone" Henggu

IV 11

Transverse Bone (Hengku) Pubic Bone



Point of Chong Mo; (endocrine point)

Δ 5 - 15


On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, at the level of the superior edge of the pubic symphysis, 5 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Henggu was the classical name for the pubic bone. FUNCTIONS: Promotes Stomach function, Dispels Damp, Tonifies Kidney Qi & Yin INDICATIONS: hernia


•incontinence of urine



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: one of main urinary points

•for pain & redness in inner canthus of the eyes (this indication continues through K 27)

•external genital pain


•J.C. Darrus:

•exhaustion of the five organs' energy (possibly with difficulty standing upright, or strong

lumbar pain) Spirit: Insufficiency of sperm, any affectations of the penis ad scrotum, vaginal prolapse, any type of pain and infection of the vagina,VD. This point can give tremendous amounts of help in these conditions.

K 12

"Great Clarity" Dahe

IV 12

Great Brightness (Taho) Great Manifestation

⊥ 5 - 10


Δ 5 - 10


Point of Chong Mo Benefits Genitals, Regulates Chong & Ren, Tonifies Kidney Q On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 4 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 3.

IMAGE: A reference to the quality of Kidney Qi in the lower jiao. INDICATIONS: leukorrhea

•neuralgia of spermatic cord

•spermatorrhea NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: dribbling

•pain in the genitals

•for hot disorders-- genital. Cools swelling

•external genital pain

•J.C. Darrus:


•fallopian tube diseases Spirit: Women who are unable to conceive, when one has brought about as near balance as possible, this is one of several points on which to moxa (on women) –for men moxa can be used on KI 11, 12, 13 just before the time when conception is most likely. Brings down heat, fire, warmth, and energy into the lower jiao. Useful for water CF’s where they need light and enlightenment, the person has lost their way. A “quasi” window – this point affects the mind and spirit, brings good changes if the person is bowed down and repressed. It brings cleanliness. Brightness, a quality that someone has lost their way a bit, their spirit is repressed from within or without. Lightness or brightness is missing. With water CF’s, moxa used more on the spirit level when there is an unyielding quality - the big thing is what will happen if they let go of the fear. This point supports letting go and reassures you that you will have what it takes to handle it. Urine can be dark and painful as can the mind and spirit.

K 13

"Qi's Orifice" Qixue

IV 13

Door of Infants (Tzuhu) Qi Hole

⊥ 5 – 10


Δ 5 - 10


Point of Chong Mo; A center of energy Supplements Kidney Qi and Jing, Regulates Chong & Ren, Clears Lower Jiao, Tonifies Spleen Qi On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 3 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 4.


•irregular menstruation



•urinary tract infection

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Also known as "Uterus Door" or "Child Gate"

•used more for sterility/ infertility

•J.C. Darrus:

•ovarian diseases Spirit: Used in many cases either with KI 11 or 12, it does a reinforcing action on either . The major gift of water is the gift of life, the power of water is to regenerate and to bring vitality. Use with anyone who wants to conceive and is struggling. On a mental level it aids the birth of new ideas, warmth and rebirth of spirit. When a person thinks there’s no more hope in their life and they will never be happy again. Aids childbirth. Good point for unnecessary hesitation.

K 14

"Four Full" Siman

IV 14

Four Full (Szuman) Fourfold Fullness

⊥ 7 - 10


Δ 5 - 30


Point of Chong Mo Clear Fluid Pathways, Regulate Chong & Ren, Reinforce Kidney Qi On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 2 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 5.

IMAGE: K14 can be said to treat stagnation of four things: food, dampness, qi, and blood. Stagnation of any one of these things, in the lower abdomen can give rise to discomfort in the four directions. "Siman" may also be an astrologcal reference to four stars which are traditionally associated with bounty and abundance. INDICATIONS: diarrhea

•irregular menstruation

urinary tract infection



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: sometimes for postpartum pain

•dull abdomen pain

•uterus loose

•J.C. Darrus:

•lack of energy, diminished libido in females

•Chilliness Spirit: Malfunction or disorders of the bones.

K 15

"Middle Flow" Zhongzhu

IV 15

Middle Flowing Out (Chungchu) Central Flow

⊥ 7 – 10


Δ 5 - 15


Point of Chong Mo Benefits Low Back, Clears Lower Jiao, Nourishes & Reinforces Kidney Channel, Regulates Chong & Ren, Tonifies Kidney Qi On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 1 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 7.

IMAGE: The Qi of the Yang organs in the three jiaos flow through this area. This is also the middle of the area where the Kidney qi flows into the Chong Mo, the ministerial fire flows into the dan tien, and the essential qi flows into the five zang organs. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain


•irregular menstruation

•low back pain

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Has a remarkable effect on swelling on the hands, more so than any other point on the KI meridian. Helps rheumatoid arthritis more than osteoarthritis. Helps the important balance in the flow of water. On a physical level, aching kidneys indicate there is not enough flow. If person’s mind is full of hateful thoughts, it gets the mind able to eliminate. Or if the mind is emptying too much, everything is pouring out and nothing is being held on to long enough to nourish the mind. Dry and desiccated spirit. Good for Lower jiao type kidney problems – urogenital tract infections.

K 16

"Vital's Hollow" Huangshu

IV 16

Vitals Correspondence (Huangshu) Vital’s Hollow

⊥ 10




Point of Chong Mo Benefits the Heart, Boosts the Kidneys, Harmonizes the Stomach, Regulates Large Intestine Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Sedates Pain On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the center of the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Fat Membrane's Hollow." A reference to the point's location above the greater omentum. INDICATIONS: enteritis

•habitual constipation


•pain of hernia

•stomach spasms

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: benefits lower burner

•for Kidney heat

Spirit: More of a direct bearing of the stomach itself, specifically used for stomach and abdominal complaints. Almost like an AEP for the water. Gets to the vitals of the BMS. It lies between the jiao that nourishes and the jiao that eliminates. See how a Water CF is in their center, do they need vitality? When a person is stuck, they don’t want to receive new ideas, obsessive and anxious, there is not enough fluidity. Often used with KI 15, KI 16 gets it going while KI 15 controls the flow.

K 17

"Trade's Bend" Shangqu

IV 17

Merchant Crooked (Shangchu) Shang Bend

⊥ 10




Point of Chong Mo Invigorates Channels, Moistens Intestines, Moistens Sinews, Reduces Stagnation, Tonifies Spleen & Regulates Stomach, Tonifies Lung & Large Intestine Qi, Transforms Damp On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 2 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 10.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Meandering Shang." The Shang (metal) energy moves down to the intestines & then heads back to the upper jiao. This reversal is the "bend" referred to. INDICATIONS: colic



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus: deep sadness, impatience OTHER: J.C. Darrus: peritoneal pathology Spirit: Person is tired of living, sad, impatient. Associated with LI

K 18

"Stone Hinge" Shiguan

IV 18

Stone Border (Shihkuan) Stone Pass

⊥ 7 – 10


Point of Chong Mo Clears the Intestines, Eliminates StagnationStrengthens Middle Jiao & Regulates Stomach, Tonifies Kidney Qi



On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 3 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 11.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Stone Blockage" and "Food Passage." "Stone", because it is earth, may be a reference to the middle burner. The name is also a reference to the point's location above the intestines, a possible area of discomfort with indigestion. INDICATIONS: constipation


•spasms of esophagus


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: for rebellious Qi-- too much belching, too much saliva

•special point for female sterility ("Stone Gate")

•Kidney Qi deficient edema

•J.C. Darrus:

•periodic migraines, red inflamed eyes from internal canthus

•stiff neck Spirit: Things might stick and the person may need to put the stone aside to be able to cross a barrier. A point of change. When a person is afraid, turned to stone, and can’t take in new things or babble/jitter.

K 19

"Yin's Metropolis" Yindu

IV 19

Yin Capital (Yintu) Yin Metropolis

⊥ 7 – 10


Δ 7 - 10


Point of Chong Mo Regulates Stomach, Regulates Qi, Regulates Chong & Ren, Tonifies Spleen Qi, On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 4 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 12.

IMAGE: The Spleen/Earth (metropolis) energy and the Yin energy meet here. INDICATIONS: abdominal distention or pain




NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: borborygmus Spirit: Yin is receiving, accepting and yielding. This point helps water CF’s to accept and digest. For very tense water CF’s, flowing over, can’t be contained, bubbling, and babbling. This point brings them back to the center, a quiet warm place, used when you have to keep them under control with quiet firmness. For a person frozen in fear, unyielding, unable to move out of it but different from stubbornness.

K 20

"Connecting Valley on the Abdomen" Futonggu

IV 20

Through the Valley ( Fu tungku) Open Valley



Δ 7 - 10


Point of Chong Mo Reduces Food Stagnation, Regulates Stomach, Relaxes Chest & Moves Qi, Strengthens Spleen, On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 5 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 13.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Unimpeded Abdomen" and "Open Valley". A reference to the point's function of alleviating digestive stagnation. INDICATIONS: diarrhea

•intercostal neuralgia



•stiff neck


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Opens up upper warmer and brings Qi down. Sometimes for sudden loss of speech Spirit: Spirit level more than mind or body. A valley is often a soft and peaceful place, sheltered, fertile, with a water source and food. It gives a sense of tranquillity and protection, a safe harbor. The water in the valley acts as a cleansing channel helping to take away waste products. The kidney is the deepest, predominantly yin official which gives strength in dealing with darkness. It helps to confront and penetrate it. This valley helps us through our fears to comfort. Take the patient through the valley so they can climb the mountains and see farther. Brings vital essence and bathes with purity. Cleans out toxins and poisons. As the person lets go of something old they move through a dark passage where things are not clear. They risk going through unfamiliar land, the spirit moves on through the valley. In life we have to go through a dark phase before we can emerge – let go of old so we can see hope in the new. This point is a way to access the quality of strength when dealing with darkness by penetrating through the formidable (KI 21 can be used too). Letting go of fears and having the courage to risk new things. Agoraphobia, abuse issues. For someone who is trapped in fear, suicidal, facing death.

K 21

IV 21


"Secluded Door" Youmen Dark Gate (Yumen)


Δ 7 - 10 Location:

Point of Chong Mo Dispels Heat in Abdomen, Regulates Liver & Moves Qi, Sinks Stomach & Kidney Qi, Stops Spasms, Tonifies Spleen Qi & Regulates Stomach, On the abdomen, 1 _ ACI lateral to the median line, 6 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus, at the level of XIII 14.

IMAGE:Youmen is a name for the pylorus. Also translated as "Hidden Door." This is a reference to the Stomach Qi which runs deep & hidden from view below the point. "Youmen" may also refer to the overlapping of the Chong Mo and the Kidney channel in this area. This, being yin within yin, makes it a very "dark" or "hidden" place. INDICATIONS: chronic gastritis

•distended stomach

•intercostal neuralgia

•stomach spasms

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.7 cun. Avoid puncturing the liver. DEEP INSERTION IS CONTRAINDICATED. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus: melancholia, loss of memory OTHER: Stomach rebellious Qi due to Kidney Qi up: vomiting & abd pain


•movement in abdomen


Spirit: For mental torment. You need to close this gate when the person can’t shut off and rest from the blazing joy of living. Keeps the balance between work/rest, laughter/crying, night/day, darkness and light. The person may have the gate shut and can only thing negative thoughts, like living under a cloud. They can’t see the light of life, think only of evil, hostility, mistrust, suspicion, negativity. If the gate is stuck open the person may feel exposed and can get no peace or tranquility, the mind never turns off. Everyone needs time to go into the darkness and quiet to rest. This is a place of confrontation of the fears, a palace of darkness, a place of hidden fears. Sometimes a person has to relive something and go back to this place, a dark place visited previously – opening a door to a black cave where something is hiding. For someone riddled with fear “spooked” or trapped in fear – suicidal or facing death. It gives strength and will to face the fear. A person going through hell and sees no way out, going through a lot of change and may have fear or be stuck with trembling – like clinging to t raft for survival.

K 22

"Stepping Corridor" Bulang

IV 22

Walking on the Veranda (Pulang) Corridor Walk





Exit point Opens Lung & Sedates Cough, Regulates Liver Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Stops Vomiting th On the thorax, in the 5 intercostal space, approximately 2 ACI lateral to the median line, on a level with XIII 16.

IMAGE: The line of Kidney points on either side of the Ren channel are evenly spaced as if they were steps along the corridors formed by the channels of the chest. INDICATIONS: bronchitis


•intercostal neuralgia



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Avoid puncturing the heart. Deep insertion is contraindicated. OTHER: Begin to palpate for tenderness from this point upward for asthma

•Dr. So: for unable to raise arms

•cough, asthma, diarrhea

•J.C. Darrus:

•pleural and tracheal pathologies

•supperating wounds or sores Spirit: A verandah is usually a place on the outside of a house, somewhere overlooking a garden or a lovely view, where one can sit in tranquillity and breathe fresh air. The verandah has a sense of retirement, the old folks on their rocking chairs with a rug wrapped around their legs. After an illness or operation the first few steps of a person may be made onto the verandah. Going there, where they are outside but protected from the elements helps a person begin to look forward and contemplate facing the world again. Broadening a person’s horizons with safety. A gentle treatment which lets them see something new but still connected with their security. Convalescent point, the wonder of going out for the first time, everything is so fresh, new, enchanting. Sense of ease, recuperation, look out onto new horizons and positive goals. Lang could be read as “upward path” – uplifting the spirit. The unconscious moving to the conscious, a time to come out, especially in one’s sexuality and sexual power, moving out of fear of expression. Something from the past is bubbling up, the unconscious is moving into the conscious, very supportive point. Good for all CF’s, especially V

K 23

"Spirit's Seal" Shenfeng

IV 23

Spirit Seal (Shenfeng)





Opens & Benefits Lung, Regulates Stomach, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Sedates Cough, Tonifies Heart, th On the thorax, in the 4 intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line, on a level with XIII 17.

IMAGE: The Heart ("Spirit") Yang is stored in this area INDICATIONS: bronchitis

•intercostal neuralgia



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: mental problems

•waking up at night


OTHER: For when Ren 17 is too tender to needle (meeting point of Qi)

•asthma-- esp. if tender on palpation, or if emotional or fear-based asthma


•cough, asthma

•chest fullness

•J.C. Darrus:

•breast pathology, hot flashes

•pleural and tracheal pathologies

•tinnitis form vascular congestion

•chiliness First Aid: Sunstroke Spirit: A seal is a form of identity, the wax seal on a piece of paper is a seal of approval. It is a stamp, unique to each person. This point is used when a person cannot feel or see their identity, which they really are. The Shen spirit, to do with a person’s sense of self, personal integrity. Brings together fragments. Water CF’s can feel disconnected, disempowered and this point can bring them together to be more who they are. This point should NOT be used immediately after possession as it would be much too soon. A spirit that’s sealed off, lost track of who they are and why they are here. When people hate themselves, helps to recognize their own spirit and unique quality and the value of it. Claims the unique character one is born with and obtains as life unfolds. Completing the old and moving into a new level. Move into what they are. Seals the work already done. For a split personality this point can be a good point to use, provides a sense of circular containment, staking a claim. Contacts one’s essential nature when outside forces lay the “shoulds” on us. The patient for whom this point is indicated may show a lack of authority on all levels. Out of touch with the purpose in life and spiritual identity.

K 24

"Spirit's Ruins" Lingxu

IV 24

Spirit Burial Ground (Lingshu) Spirit Ruins





Benefits the Lung, Dispels Heat & Reduces Swelling, Relaxes Chest, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Tonifies Heart Jing rd On the thorax, in the 3 intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line, an a level with XIII 18

IMAGE: Also translated as "Spirit's Mound." This is considered the place where the yin aspect of the soul or spirit dwells. INDICATIONS: bronchitis

•intercostal neuralgia



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Lung problems due to Heart Jing,Yin & Blood deficient without heat signs cough, asthma, chest distension Spirit: the Lazarus Point - the best point on the body to bring back life where there has been death. To resuscitate the spirit, when the person doesn’t know who they are (often used in conjunction with Spirit Seal). When a person is really resigned and you cannot touch their spirit because it has no spark, the person is just hanging in. A person very often has a deadness inside them where they are very depleted and resigned. Once the spark is going, ask if it needs fanning, if so, add another point. For deep depression. When the spirit is buried deeply, this point allows for resurrection, access to the ancestral wisdom, guidance, constitutional strength. When spiritual practice has become too lofty, helps to bring the spirit back into the body. Firm encouragement – it will be alright. Takes a person from profound resignation back into the flow of life. Moxa will reinvigorate and rekindle the sprit. Special uses: dreams of ghosts, fear, wilderness. Consider this point before ID’s to bring the spirit home. Intense fear, nightmares, fear of drowning or burning. Worry to excess until it makes one sick.

K 25

"Spirit's Storage" Shencang

IV 25

Spirit Storehouse (Shentsang)





Dispels Heat, Opens & Benefits Lung, Relaxes Chest & Regulates Qi, Tonifies Heart Yin, Transforms Phlegm & Stops Cough nd On the thorax, in the 2 intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line, an a level with XIII 19

IMAGE: The Heart ("Spirit") Yang lives here INDICATIONS: asthma, chest distention



•intercostal neuralgia


NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Maciocia: anxiety and restlessness due to kidney deficiency OTHER: good asthma point Spirit: When a person is totally depleted. Someone whose stores are used as soon as they get them. This point has more of an effect on the mental level for worry, anxiety, and insomnia. For someone who sees no joy in being alive or in a mental rut. When a person is not quite sure what they want. A reservoir or larder which needs to be filled now for the next year. If the storehouse is empty, there is desperation and fear of starvation. We can get a mixture of quality and volume, a special place, like going to a deep spring within a person. A reservoir of will, for strengthening of the spirit where the spirit of the person is alive but undernourished. Often used after KI 24. Perseverance, determination, a deep spring or well. Good to consider as patient starts to get better, as they access vitality through treatment, they’ll use it as a quick fix. The level of depletion is more KI 25 and 27, shows up as powerful fears, significant anxiety, strong depression. If you are not sure what the patient needs more of -–here is a little bit and the BMS will know what to do with it, how to use it and how to bring it forth. Spirit is undernourished or the person doesn’t have connection to it.

K 26

"Amid Elegance" Yuzhong

IV 26

Amidst Elegance (Yuchung) Lively Center





Benefits Lung, Dispels Heat & Transforms Phlegm, Regulates Liver Qi, Relaxes Chest & Invigorates Qi, Stops Cough & Wheezing st On the thorax, in the 1 intercostal space, 2 ACI lateral to the median line, an a level with XIII 20

IMAGE: Also translated as "Smooth Chest." K 26 has the function of regulating the Qi of the chest & making it smooth. INDICATIONS: bronchitis

•intercostal neuralgia

•vomiting NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus: bad mood on awakening, thinks no one likes him emotional stress OTHER: for rebellious Qi

•too much saliva

•important breast point

•cough & asthma

•Lung disorders

•Liver Qi stagnation

•J.C. Darrus:

cold hands and feet Spirit: For quality, someone who doesn’t have much sense of their own beauty, self respect or respect for others. They lead a blank existence, going through the motions. People get dirty, miserable, fed up when very sick, they can lose perspective and are stuck in doom and gloom. This restores their self respect, gives a lift and basic comfort. A generally under used point, about grace, beauty and quality. Usually used after the other KI chest points. If used too soon the person will not see the elegance. Timing is important. When the spirit is tired and discouraged, this point will help restore it and lift the spirit. Moving from drabness of the day to day stuff to liveliness. To tidy up life like a long luxurious bath. Especially good for people with quick bad tempers. Good for discouragement – halfway through – how am I going to get through this? Ability to access the simple beauty of nature within self.. Stops biting sarcasm, unbridled criticism, helps patient be kinder and gentler. Use for someone with a quick bad temper.

K 27

"Hollow Residence" Shufu

IV 27

Storehouse (Shufu) Conveying Palace





Meeting Point for Back-Shu points Builds Kidney Yang, Helps Kidneys to Grasp the Qi, Opens Lungs & Transforms Phlegm, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Sedates Dyspnea & Cough, Strengthens Spleen & Regulates Stomach st In the depression between the 1 rib and the inferior edge of the clavicle, 2 ACI lateral to the median line

IMAGE: Also translated as "Shu Mansion": The point that is the meeting point for all the back Shu points-- the "Shu of Shu's." The highest Shu point on the body INDICATIONS: abdominal distension



•chest pain


NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus: startles at the least noise, apprehensive, always expects ill luck OTHER: Dr. So-- most chronic asthmas

•Research correlates this point with adrenals - for adrenal exhaustion, immune deficiencies. Clinically shows rapid changes.

•Also for neck tension, head problems Most yang point on channel

•Dyslexia-- eye tracking problems-- left/right brain imbalance

•cough, asthma, & chest distention, esp from Kidney deficiency

•Lung disorders from Yin organ deficiencies

•J.C. Darrus:

•premenstrual pain and spasms, psycho-hormonal diseases from cessation of menses

Spirit: Basic energetic reserve. Most of our patients have no reserve. The best point of the body where you get tremendous irritability, especially when brought about through mental strain. This storehouse has a more general effect on the BMS. It is used when a person is unable to build up their reserve, to help a person stock up their house. There is a close relationship with earth, affecting the reserves of all the officials. The point is situated at the top of the upper jiao where we begin to receive, the most outward point to give reserves including sexual energy. Use when the depletion is more to do with the person when their spirit – getting themselves burnt out, spending the reserves. Gets the energy more available. Rejuvenation during mental depression. Making sure the reserves of sexual energy are full. Storehouse for entire official on all levels. Storehouse of will, essence, ambition, tenacity, perseverance and determination. Mental level imbalances – tremendous irritability, especially associated with ID’s and PMS and thinking about how bad menses is. Classical for headaches caused by ID’s Helps a person acknowledge what happened after they abandoned the difficulty, evokes “I am not dealing with this.”

Arm Absolute Yin Pericardium Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL This channel begins in the chest, where it joins with the Pericardium. It then descends across the diaphragm and into the abdomen, where it connects with the upper, middle, and lower burners of the San Jiao. A branch of the main channel runs along the chest, emerging superficially in the costal region at P-1, three units below the anterior axillary fold before ascending to the inferior aspect of the axi.lla. From here, it descends along the medial aspect of the upper arm between the paths of the Lung and Heart channels to the antecubital fossa, and then proceeds down the forearm between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis muscles. Entering the palm, it follows the ulnar aspect of the middle finger until it reaches the finger tip. Another branch separates in the palm and proceeds along the lateral aspect of the 4th finger to the finger tip. This channel connects with the San Jiao. CROSSING POINTS: none noted SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Stiff neck, spasms in the arm or leg, flushed face, pain in the eyes, subaxillary swelling, spasms and contractures of the elbow and arm, restricting movement, hot palms. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Impaired speech, fainting, irritability, fullness in the chest, motor impairment of the tongue, palpitations, chest pain, mental disorders. DIVERGENT CHANNEL Diverges from the primary channel at P 1, then enters the chest and communicates with the San Jiao. A branch ascends across the throat, emerging behind the ear where it converges with the San Jiao channel. LUO CHANNEL Separates from the primary channel at P 6 on the wrist, conncting with the San Jiao Channel at SJ 4. Another branch spreads out between the two tendons, and follows the Pericardium channel to the Pericardium, after which it connects with the Heart. Symptoms of Excess: chest pains Symptoms of Deficiency: irritability MUSCLE CHANNEL Begins on the palmar aspect of the middle finger and accompanies the Lung muscle channel upward, connecting first at the medial aspect of the elbow, and again below the axilla. From here, the channel descends, spreading over the ribs both front and back. A branch enters the body below the axilla and spreads over the chest, connecting at the diaphragm. Pathological Symptoms: Stiff, strained or twisted muscles and pain along the course of the channel. When such muscular strain extends into the chest area, chest pain and spasms may be associated symptoms.

SUMMARY OF PERICARDIUM Phone Number: (764) PC-9-8-7-5-3 Tonification Point: P 9 Sedation Point: P 7 Horary point: P 8 P 1 important angina point P 3 Intestinal problems/ blood heat P 4 main point for ANGINA/ chest pain/ palpitations P 6 main NAUSEA point/ opens chest/ heart disease/ calms spirit P 8 mouth problems/ heat P 9 revival point

Shock absorber and buffer for the Heart (envelope of heart moves blood through the kingdom Circulates the pleasures and emotions. Directs us in bringing in joy and spreading it. Charismatic official – attraction like magnetism. Circulation of emotions, capacity for expression. Imbalance: I feel dead inside, no blood/ emotion moving, disconnected, can’t get inside, flat, vulnerable, fragile, sadness, clown, withdrawn, inability to connect, flat feeling. Intimacy, sexuality, connection with the heart Other points with special relationship to Fire CF’s: CV 5, CV 7, CV 12, CV 14, CV 15 BL 38, BL 39, BL 46 KI 25, KI 27 (together) GV 8 (gets things solid and secure, gives strength) 1.









Heavenly Pond Heavenly Spring Crooked Marsh Gate of Chi Reserve The Intermediary Inner Frontier Gate Great Mound Palace of Weariness Rushing into the Middle

P 1

"Heaven's Pool" Tianchi V 1

Heavenly Pond (Tienchih)

Pond of Heaven, Heaven’s Pool, Celestial Pool ⊥3




Window of Sky Entry; Window of the Sky Clears Heat, Regulates Liver Qi, Relaxes Qi in the Chest, Sedates Cough, Spreads Lung Qi, Stops Wheezing 1 ACI lateral to the center of the nipple

X women

IMAGE: The Shen is associated with Heaven in Chinese cosmology ("Tianchi" is the name of a star), and the "pool" of the shen is in the chest. Heaven's Pool may also be a reference to breast milk. The water related names of the first three points on the Pericardium channel may be because of armpit moisture. INDICATIONS: angina pectoris

•intercostal neuralgia

•pain & swelling below the axilla

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.2 - 0.4 cun. Avoid deep insertion. OTHER: Important angina point: angina patient will often be tender right at this point

•Excellent breast point: also good for insufficient lactation. Have woman hold breast out of the way to needle

•Also for head indications

•suffocating feeling in the chest Spirit: Releases a terrific amount of energy into the meridian. You can reach the soul and depth of a person both mentally and physically. The pond of god or a holy river where one can maintain purity of spirit. The pure energy that comes from a spiritual pond, reaching the soul and bathing in the water of the gods. A place of bathing, cleansing and healing in the tranquil waters that balances, restores and calms the fire. Opens a person to realize they are not “islands unto themselves” and helps to lift them out of depression. Renews the quality of love. A pool or pond, a large expanse of water where deep forces of life are gathered. The depth of a person, the richness of live, reconnecting the person with their compassion. A place where one can be reoriented to the heavenly love which they may have lost. Connection with something vast and boundless; a majesty of life beyond normal comprehension. Germination of a seed, water full of warmth, light. Heavenly refreshment taking one beyond time and space and into a larger heavenly relationship. Brings warmth and joy from the heavens. PC 1 and 2 (men only) are good used together – 1 puts the patient in touch with themselves and 2 gives them the movement to do something with it. “I can’t even imagine being in a relationship again, or being happy.” For the patient who doesn’t know there are greater levels of joy possible. This point may empower one to experience the world as a safe place, helping to clear the effects of past betrayal. Pooling or gathering of the Spirit in the chest region, the HT and PC govern the spirit whose symbolic home is heaven.

P 2

"Heaven's Spring" Tianquan

V 2

Heavenly Spring (Tienchuan) Celestial Spring, Heaven’s Spring





Entry on women Benefits Lung, Calms Spirit, Invigorates Blood, Nourishes & Regulates the Heart, Opens the Chest, Regulates Liver Qi, Stops Pain, Tonifies Heart Qi & Yang, Transforms Stagnation On the anterior surface of the arm, between the heads of the biceps, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the elbow.

IMAGE: P 2 is the "spring" which has the P 1 "pool" as its source. The logic of this point name is similar to P1, and "Tianquan" is also has the name of a star. INDICATIONS: angina pectoris




•pain along the medial aspect of the upper arm

•pain in the chest &

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun. OTHER: Also good for mastitis

•sometimes for eyes-- muddled or unclear vision

Spirit: Good for cleansing at the spirit level, a source of purity. Sometimes used as a window. Use when deep levels of pollution and toxins need to be cleaned out. Drinking from god’s own spring, it is the same spring as HT 1 and KI 1, the spring with heavenly character. Pure brightness of water, this point invigorates and distributes the vital energy, increasing vitality and bubbliness – a different quality then a pond. An infinite accumulation of warmth and spirit. Feeling the heart, getting in touch with one’s own compassion. Good for nursing mothers who don’t have enough milk. “I can’t even imagine being in a relationship again, or being happy.” For the patient who doesn’t know there are greater levels of joy possible. This point may empower one to experience the world as a safe place, helping to clear the effects of past betrayal. Reaches the depth of the person.

P 3

"Crooked Marsh" Quze

V 3

Crooked Marsh (Chutse) Curved Marsh, Marsh at the Bend, Bending Marsh, (Sea Point)





He Sea: Water Water; Point of Ho (Autumn) Opens up the Heart Qi, Drains Heat from the Blood, Regulates the intestines Clears Heat and Toxins, Clears Qi,Ying, and Blood level Heat, Eliminates Irritability and Calms the Spirit, Invigorates Blood, Opens the Chest, Opens the Orifices, Regulates Stomach & Sedates Rebellious Qi, Stops Vomiting, Stops Spasms & Reduces Internal Wind On the crease of the elbow, in the depression which is medial to the tendon of the biceps, though on some people this depression may be found lateral to the tendon.

IMAGE: This is the water point of the channel that sits in the "crooked marsh" of the curved elbow. INDICATIONS: acute gastroenteritis


•chest pain & easily frightened

•diarrhea with vomiting



•heat exhaustion

•heat exhaustion

•irritability & fullness


•pain in the elbow & arm

•rheumatic heart disease NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun, or prick with a three-edged needle POINT COMBINATIONS: With UB 40 for restlessness

•With Ht 3 for tremors

OTHER: Mostly for GI things - - nausea and vomiting, ulcers, gastroenteritis

•Frequently bled for Blood heat diseases

•wind heat rash-- clears toxins from the Blood

•heat stroke/ heat exhaustion/ summer heat/ diarrhea/ vomiting blood

•connection with uterus

•food poisoning

•internal wind, fevers Spirit: Water controls fire; hot and cold balance in our love life. Fear of water, fear of meeting people, imminent suicidal feelings. You can cool fire but be careful with it. The beneficial fertility of water here, a sense of rich nourishment, allows the elbow to move freely stretch out and embrace people. Water and drowning dreams. Key point in establishing harmony between fear of intimacy in Fire and Water.

P 4

"Gate of the Crevice" Ximen

V 4

Gate of Ch’i Reserve (Hsimen) Crevice Gate, Cleft Gate





Xi Cleft point Pacifies the Heart and calms the Spirit, Regulates the Qi, Expands the diaphragm Calms Spirit, Clears Heat, Clears Ying and Blood Heat, Moves Qi, Opens the Chest, Regulates Heart Qi, Regulates the Blood, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Stops Pain On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the ulna and radius, 5 ACI proximal to V 7.

IMAGE: This is the xi-cleft or "crevice" point formed by the two tendons. INDICATIONS: angina pectoris

•chest pain with vomiting


•fear of strangers


•irritability & pain in the chest





•rheumatic heart disease

•spasm of the diaphragm NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Dr. So: afraid of people-- spirit & Qi is insufficient quiets the Heart-- tonifies Spirit OTHER: Most significant point for Angina

•Clears the Pericardium meridian (Xi Cleft)

•Important for chest pain

•Main point for palpitations

•cools & brings down the blood

•good for mastitis-- mostly a result of blockage

•Arthritis associated with blockage

•CAM: nosebleed, spitting blood, furuncles, boils

•hemorrhoids, pimples

•Good point for bleeding/ bruising

•Stops diaphragm spasm after spleen surgery Spirit: One of the strongest mental points to bring peace and serenity to the troubled heart, mind and soul, brings energy to the struggle. Helps to stabilize and brings warmth to the mind and then back to the heart, a gate of tremendous reserve. Useful in acute illness, it fortifies, nourishes and calms; a reserve for people who have had enough. It will strengthen the mind and give mental courage. When spirit Qi is insufficient this point makes one smile again. The “Accumulation Gate” is a small fissure allowing one to access the vitality of meridian Qi, a cave of beneficial influences. To prevent or after having a nervous breakdown. On a spirit level – having no reserves, nothing left. Deep imbalances = excess/lack of joy, depression, fear. Just can’t move one more step. Tissues bruise easily, fear of surroundings and people. Total lack of energy in the whole body. Filling point. If SI is weak, insubstantial, needing more juice to do its job – this point gives this official the protection it needs. Aids patient incapacitated by the fearfulness of people. Feelings of being insubstantial, not enough energy, gives the official protection.

P 5

"Intermediary" Jianshi

V 5

(Chienshih) Messenger, Intermediary Courier, (River Point)





Jing River: Metal Meeting point for 3 Upper Yin meridians Metal; Point of Ching (late Summer); Meeting Point of 3 upper Yin (I,V,IX) Calms the Spirit, Harmonizes the Stomach, Eliminates Phlegm Benefits the Tendons, Clears Heart Fire & Heat , Invigorates Connecting Channels, Opens the Chest, Reduces Blood Heat, Regulates & Nourishes Heart, Tonifies Heart Yang, Transforms Heart Phlegm. On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and ulna, 3 ACI proximal to V 7.

IMAGE: P 5 is an "intermediary" between the two arm tendons. P 5 is also said to influence both the Heart and Pericardium, and as such is said to be an intermediary between them. INDICATIONS: chest pain

•generalized scabies (itching)








•stomach-ache & vomiting


•irregular •rheumatic heart disease

•tidal fevers

•yellow eyes

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Take care to locate the point between the tendons. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Spirit indications for when spirit has more to do with phlegm, not as much to do with heat. Good point for calming patient.

•CAM: mental disorders, irritability, nightmares OTHER: Phlegm/Stomach relationship: good for morning sickness, motion sickness.

•Children's point: parasites, convulsions, crying at night.

•Menstrual point: liver/ menstrual disorders, such as no periods, blockages, can be treated here

•Juo-Yin (malaria-like disorders)

•Carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow problems

•"Heimlich point"-- for objects caught in the throat

•Hyperthyroid (congested phlegm in throat) Spirit: A junction between levels. When there is a marked difference between the surface and deeper levels. Brilliance shining through the doors, full of the power of Fire and the brilliance of illumination, awe inspiring. An idea of someone going into a space full of light and power, connects PC, HT, and LU. A go between, envoy mediating between yin meridians of the arm. If Metal is not warm enough the ST and LU will tighten. One of the 13 classically used points for a degree of possession, GUI spirits, earthly spirits which can become malevolent, spirits of person on the way to returning to heaven. The patient feels as though they are possessed by the devil. When different levels are conflicting, this is a good regulator and harmonizer of energy. Metal point, cleansing on all levels – lot of blood problems. The Intermediary listens to both sides and brings hope for resolution. Calms and brings peace out of chaos, alleviates fears, phobias, terror. Good for serious asthma, moves chest Qi. An intermediate place between collapse and flooding out, eases quick cut off of others from prior wound. May help treat habituated behaviors. Spreads and fills energy that has to do with connection (metal receives and takes the world in) Connects yin arm meridians, governs upper jiao and arms.

P 6

"Inner Gate" Neiguan

V 6

Inner Frontier Gate (Neikuan) Inner Gate, Inner Border Gate, Inner Pass






Luo point Confluent point of Yin Wei meridian Junction; Master Point Yin Wei Mo; Coupled Point of Chong Mo Calms the Heart & Spirit, Regulates the qi, Suppresses pain Benefits Diaphragm and Reduces Diaphragm Blockages, Calms Fetus, Clears Dysphoria, Clears Heart Phlegm & Fire, Clears Heat, Clears the San Jiao channel, Expels Wind, Harmonizes the Middle Jiao, Induces Lactation, Invigorates Blood, Opens the Chest and tonifies the Heart, Regulates Heart, Liver, and Stomach Qi, Suppresses Rebellious Qi (nausea and vomiting), Transforms Damp Summer Heat & Phlegm, Transforms Gall Stones On the anterior surface of the forearm, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and the flexure carpi radialis, 2 ACI proximal to V 7.

IMAGE: This is the "inner" (anterior) arm gate to the San Jiao channel & the Yin Wei channel (See SJ 5) INDICATIONS: abdominal pain

•angina pectoris



•chest pain

•diseases of the chest

•disharmony between the Spleen & Stomach

•hyperthyroidism (P-5 used more)



•migraine headache

•pain associated with surgery


•prolapsed rectum

•rheumatic heart disease



•spasm of the diaphragm


•swollen & painful throat

•tidal fever

•vomiting NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Insomnia, irritability POINT COMBINATIONS: With Sp 4 for stomach pain, ulcers. OTHER: Paired confluent point: Sp 4 of Chong (Penetrating) meridian. Sp 4 opens

the Chong Mo with P 6 assisting.

•Main point on the channel-- major point on the body.

•Main nausea point - - calms stomach. Morning sickness, motion sickness

•Opens the chest: important for asthma. Also a lot for heart pains

•Hand disability -- get electric sensation through all fingers when needled (fun with your nervous system!).

•Gynecological-- dysmenorrhea, nausea

First Aid: nausea during pregnancy, seasickness Spirit: Superficial mental gate, similar to PC 4 but not as deep. You can use PC 6 and PC 4 together. Often used with TE 5, it is very powerful, especially physically. Takes things further in, for a discrepancy between internal and external. Unites yin and yang, left and right, wonderful with a source point. There is a Taoist expression Nei Guan – to examine oneself, heartfelt searching of inner world. When the patient is out of touch with what they want out of life – gives connection, takes the person within themselves. This point is a messenger of the emperor who has access to the interior. The best point on the meridian for restoring balance between the body and mind – it brings the mental and physical symptoms into line. For anxiety and depression of the highest level. Getting close to the heart of the matter, not being superficial. Also called Broken Heart Gate – use when person can’t/ won’t take a look inside and get in touch with their feelings. Restores balance between body and mind. Patient will see they can get better ad not be torn in half. More about opening and moving then about filling. Juice is congealed, cut off, moves the emotions when person is feeling numb. Key point for chest pain, heaviness, moves through oppression of energy around the heart. For difficulties with intimacy, possibly from some betrayal.

P 7

"Big Mound" Daling

V 7

Great Mound (Taling) Big Mound, (Stream Point)





Shu Stream: Earth Source Point Ghost point Earth; Sedation; Source; Point of Yu (Summer) Clears the Heart and calms the Spirit, Harmonizes the Stomach, Expands the chest Clears Ying level Heat, Clears Heart Fire, Clears Heat, Cools the Blood, Regulates Heart Qi In the middle of the crease of the flexure of the wrist, between the tendons of the palmaris longus and the flexure carpi radialis.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Big Mound," a reference to the point's location near the pisiform bone of the wrist. "Ling", meaning "mound" or "hill" might also refer to P7 as an earth point. INDICATIONS: Damp skin diseases of upper extremities

•diseases & pain of the wrist joint



•intercostal neuralgia

•mental illness


•pain at root of the tongue


•scabies (calms itching)


•spitting blood

•swelling of the axilla

•throat blockage

•tonsillitis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: "Ghost Heart"-- ghost point, used for mental illness Maciocia: emotional upset from the ending of relationships, P 7:better for women / H 7: better for men OTHER: Will be good for the whole meridian

•Sedation point on the Pericardium channel

•Important point for Insomnia: sedates fire

•For anything you want to cool, soothe, calm, and quiet

•Main point for carpal tunnel syndrome

•Itchiness-- skin diseases-- calms spirit

•bad breath



•tonsillitis Spirit: All the source points on the yin meridians have some “greatness”, sense of power, supreme, very great, or greater in their name. Taling is the burial ground for emperors. A great reserve to be called upon, it will ground fire, calming and nurturing, connects to the source energy of our forebears. Brings a strong sense of security. A mound from which the confused individual may see clearly. Useful when a person is exhibiting excess Fire, especially as weak nerves, instability, excessive laughter. It transforms the excess Fire giving it an Earth quality, quelling insecurity and nervousness. A place to gain perspective, to view the past relationships, to see if protection of the heart is needed, to see if sorting out a relationship is appropriate. Quells agitation, brings calm, controls Fire. Stability, serenity, calmness of Earth. Filling and nourishing. Allows one to rise above hurt and pain and nourishes the person, helps to gain a new perspective. Picks up lack of joy and allows it to sit above pain. For shyness, brings chest forward.

P 8

"Labor's Palace" Laogong

V 8

Palace of Weariness (Laokung) Palace of Labor, Palace of Toil,(Spring Point)






Ying Spring: Fire Exit point Ghost point Fire; Horary 7 pm- 9 pm; Exit; Point of Yung (Spring) Cools the Heart, Drains Heat Calms and Clears the Spirit, Clears Heart Fire, Cools Blood, Dissolves Phlegm, Eliminates Damp Heat, Extinguishes Wind and Expels Wind Damp, Harmonizes Stomach, Nourishes Stomach Yin, Regulates Heart Qi, rd th On the palmar surface of the hand, between the 3 and 4 metacarpal bones, on the proximal transverse crease, or the “head line” of the hand.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Palace of Toil" ^, this point is indicated after hard physical labor. INDICATIONS: angina pectoris

•chest pain

•coma from stroke

•frightened fainting among infants

•hands tremors

•inability to swallow food




•"Swan hand"

•ulcerated oral cavity

•excessive sweating of the palms

•heat exhaustion

•hysteria •mental illness

•numb fingers

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Withdrawn spirit-- shyness OTHER: Main point for mouth problems: stomatitis, heat in mouth, mouth ulcers Very cooling point-- fire point on fire meridian-- also for people who are very tired CAM: foul breath, fungus infection on hand or foot.

•bad breath



•athlete's foot

•good for sore arms & hands from working Spirit: A palace is the house of god, above all it has love, caring, affection and warmth. Gives one strength to go on with renewed vigor. A person may look for love with sexual promiscuity or their Fire may have gone out, you may see weariness and flatness, cold, no energy. Point will light the fire. If the patient is sick of struggling. In a rut, take them to the palace. It is full of opulence, abundance, warmth, love, etc., a resting-place where a person is bathed, fed, loved, rested. It totally recharges the person, like bathing in sunshine. Moxa is very effective. Be careful, you can overheat with this point. Best used at H rary time. If Fire is volatile (up and down) it can make things worse. One is the most powerful points on the body, brings hope eternal. One leaves the palace invigorated, ready to go, “this won’t get me down”. Helps when person feels isolated, rejected, cut off, have hit rock bottom, difficult to open up and share. Brings hope in chronic situations – everything will be alright. Fire in fire – for someone who can’t partake (take in) love, warmth, and affection. They’ve become sad, miserable, rigid, alone. Stimulates Fire, gives vacation and ability to recover sense of joy that one hasn’t had for a long time. Eases compulsive connecting. For the patient in a fragile, sensitive place – a safe retreat. The name suggests manual labor and the point’s possible role in physical, mental, and spiritual revitalization.

P 9

"Middle Pouring" Zhongchong

V 9

Rushing into the Middle (Chungchung) Middle Rushing, Central Hub, Pulse in the Middle Finger. (Well




Jing Well: Wood Wood; Tonification; Point of Cheng (Winter) Benefits Tongue, Clears Heart Heat, Drains Heat & Wind, Regulates and Opens the Heart, Revives Shen from Unconsciousness, Revives Yang from Collapse, Sedates Rebellious Qi,



Radial nail point of the middle finger.

IMAGE: The Pericardium channel is in the middle of the arm, and when this point is pricked, the Qi & Blood comes "pouring" through this point. Aka "Central Hub" INDICATIONS: angina pectoris

•apoplectic coma

•heat exhaustion

•high fever


NEEDLING: Puncture superficially 0.1 cun or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding OTHER: Tonification point on the Pericardium channel

•This point often bled at the fingertip to let blood out

•(Pericardium channel has more Blood than Qi)

•Wakes up patient - - main Jing Well point in terms of returning consciousness


•Hypertension-- lets heat out

•stiff tongue Spirit: A strength that will march on and revitalize the patient, it will revitalize the middle of the person. Brings heat, warmth and light to the blood, rekindles and awakens the fire as more wood is fed to it. Give a sense of vital impetuosity, direct route to the middle of one. Make sure that there’s enough wood, that you want a bigger fire. Sometimes putting fuel on a fire puts it out. It may be necessary to poke the fire with PC 7 or 8 beforehand. Connecting mother with child. Works on the mental level more than physical – calming. Uncontrolled sexual habits, usually with little affection. People with difficulty expressing oneself. Good when mind and body are cut off; fainting, delirium, unconsciousness, epilepsy, poor memory, severe fright (shock). Fear of being engulfed. Moves and stimulates. Often needle this point in conjunction with VII 1 in order to integrate the functions of discernment and selfesteem with intuition (fire).

Arm Lesser Yang San Jiao Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Originates on the u1nar aspect of the 4th finger tip, ascends between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones on the dorsum of the wrist, traverses the forearm between the ulna and radius, and continues upward across the olecranon and the lateral aspect of the upper arm to the shoulder. Here it intersects the Small Intestine channel at SI 12, and meets the DU channel at DU 14 before crossing back over the shoulder. It then crosses the Gall Bladder channel at GB 21, from which it enters the supraclavicular fossa and travels to the mid-chest region at point Ren 17. From here, the channel joins with the Pericardium and descends across the diaphragm to the abdomen, linking with the upper, middle and lower burners of the San Jiao. A branch of the main channel separates in the chest at Ren 17 and ascends to emerge superficially from the supraclavicular fossa at the neck. Here it proceeds upward behind the ear, intersecting the Gall Bladder channel at GB 6 and GB 4 on the forehead before winding downward across the cheek to below the eye. It intersects the Small Intestine channel at SI 18. Another branch separates behind the auricle and enters the ear. It then emerges in front of the ear where it intersects the Small Intestine channel at SI 19, crosses in front of the Gall Bladder channel at GB 3, and traverses the cheek to terminate at the outer canthus at SJ 23. The Spiritual Axis states that the San Jiao channel connects with its Lower (He Sea) Uniting point at UB 39, adding that this branch of the San Jiao channel emerges from UB 39 and follows the course of the Bladder channel to pin with the Bladder. This channel connects with the Pericardium. CROSSING POINTS: SI 12, SI 18, SI 19, DU 14, GB 1, GB 3, GB 4, GB 6, GB 21, Ren 17 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Swelling and pain in the throat, pain in the cheek and jaw, redness in the eyes, deafness, pain behind the ear or along the lateral aspect of the shoulder and upper arm. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Abdominal distention, hardness and fullness in the lower abdomen, enuresis, frequent urination, edema, dysuria. DIVERGENT CHANNEL After seperating from the primary channel at the vertex this divergent channel descends into hte supraclavicular fossa and across the San Jiao, dispersing in the chest. LUO CHANNEL Separates from the primary channel at SJ 5, connecting with the Pericardium at P 7. Travels up the posterior aspect of the arm and over the shoulder, converging with the Pericardium channel in the chest. Symptoms of Luo Channel Excess: spasms of the elbow Symptoms of Luo Channel Deficiency: flaccid muscles in the arm and elbow MUSCLE CHANNEL Begins at the tip of the fourth finger and connects at the dorsum of the wrist. From here, the channel proceeds upwards along the forearm and connects with the olecranon of the elbow before continuing upward along the lateral aspect of the upper arm. It then passes over the shoulder to the neck, where it joins with the Arm Greater Yang Small Intestine Muscle channel. A branch separates at the angle of the mandible and cormects with the base of the tongue. Another branch travels upward in front of the ear to the outer canthus, then across the temple where it connects at the side of the forehead. Pathological Symptoms: Stiff, strained, or twisted muscles and pain along the course of the channel; curled tongue.

SUMMARY of SAN JIAO Phone Number: (457) SJ 1-2-3-6-10 Tonification point: SJ 3 Sedation point: SJ 10 Horary point: SJ 6 SJ 3 ears/ tinnitus/ deafness/ upper back pain/ allergies SJ 5 Wei Qi/ immune system/ psychological defenses SJ 6 constipation/ intestines/ skin problems SJ 7 confusion/ senility SJ 10 neck swelling, scrofula SJ 17 local point for the ear Takes all the passion and exuberance that is inside and spreads it around outside. Creates lightness in balance, circulates warmth and joy, holds things lighter. Regulates waterways – sluices and ditches – pathways that take the flow of liquids. Out of balance – sense of flatness – no brightness coming through (lack of joy). Gets joy from others, social warmth. Often missed as CF. Total playfulness, gives Fire to every official in the kingdom. Facilitator of engagement, about bring comfortable in the environment. TE has a lot to do with our attunement to our environment, our senses. Thermostat – regulation of 3 jiao so organs can function, evenness, distribution and relation of hot/cold Takes in the environment through the senses – meridians go through the eyes, ears, etc. – being in tune with the environment. 1.

Rushing the Frontier Gate 2.

Fluid Secretion Gate 3.

Middle Islet 4.

Yang Pond 5.

Outer Frontier Gate 6.

Branch Ditch 7.

Assembly of Ancestors 8.

Three yang Junction 9.

Fourth Gutter 10.

Heavenly Well 11.

Pure Cold abyss 12.

Relax and Joy 13.

Shoulder Meeting 14.

Shoulder Bone 15.

Heavenly Bone 16.

Heavenly Window 17.

Wind Screen 18.

Feeding Meridians 19.

Skull Breathing 20.

Small Angle of the Ear 21.

Ear Gate 22.

Harmony Bone 23.

Silk Bamboo Hollow

SJ 1

"Gate's Pouring" Guanchong

VI 1

Rushing the Frontier Gate (Kuanchung) Thoroughfare of Gate, Border Rushing, Gate’s Rushing, Passage Hub (Well point)





Jing Well: Metal Metal; Entry; Point of Cheng (Winter) Disperses Fire, Eliminates Toxins, Clears Heat and Wind, Moves Channel Qi, Opens Orifices, Removes Pernicious Qi, Revives from Unconsciousness, Transforms San Jiao heat Ulnar nail point of the ring finger.

IMAGE: The channel Qi pushes against and through this point, where it rises near the surface INDICATIONS: conjunctivitis




NEEDLING: Superficially 0.1 cun or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding OTHER: Dr.Voll: for adrenals, gonads, hypoglycemia, hypoadrenals, prostatitis

point for fatigue, anxiety, irritable, nervous. Corrects postural hypertension.

problems, adrenal exhaustion. For headaches after missing a meal.

•red eyes


•Dr. Shwery: favorite •Blood sugar •sore throat

Spirit: For a gate, it is important that it moves freely. The metal point so it is the essence of this official, its quality. With a Fire imbalance you may have a lot of superficial warmth with no lasting strength or center. Use this point to enrich the quality of the Fire, to warm rigidity, coldness, numbness, or lack of sensitivity that may be a metal problem with the Fire. Has a tremendous effect on speech and articulation if the throat is numb (can’t speak if metal is too cold), frozen shoulder, etc. Used as a metal point when the mind is starved cold and rigid, there may be an inability to receive or appreciate the quality of incoming ideas. This gate opens a person to a place that was closed, bringing ease to a new frontier or territory – see the joy and adventure in life or a situation (someone who doesn’t want to dance, date, etc.). With V 8 helps to heal deep wound around loneliness, vulnerability, fragility – allows person to go inside and heal so can move back to the outside. Shyness, holding back and reserved in terms of dating. Ideal for someone who is always rushing into relationships and then withdrawing upon feeling exposed. May assist in either dispersing habituated behaviors of constantly pushing one’s boundaries or assist a person who has withdrawn to expand their horizons. Gives strength and the capacity and ease to move, the joy and adventure of it.

SJ 2

"Fluid's Door" Yemen

VI 2

Fluid Secretion Gate (Yehmen) Door of fluids, Liquid Gate, Fluid’s Door, Humor Gate





Ying Spring: Water Water; Point of Yung (Spring) Benefits the Ear, Clears Channels, Clears San Jiao Heat, Dispels Wind, Invigorates Collaterals, Moistens the Throat, Moves Qi & Transforms Stagnation, Produces Fluids, Reduces Swelling, Regulates Liver Qi, Sedates Pain On the posteromedial surface of the ring finger, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx.

IMAGE: This is the water point on the San Jiao channel and is classically considered to nourish the body fluids. INDICATIONS: deafness





•pain of the hand & arm

•pain & swelling of the

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun towards the space between the metacarpal bones OTHER: Most commonly used for sore throat


•heat in upper jiao

•fluid disorders

•armpit problems

Spirit: This gate gives the ability to move, allows all fluids and essences to be carried around the body. Many illnesses restrict proper movement. This point is the Water within the Fire, so its effects show in the ability to be fluid and yielding, to be expansive and then when appropriate to withdraw. This can be on a physical level of sweating, shivering (closed pores) or on a mental and spiritual level in relationships and enthusiasm for life. Movements may be physically restricted –seize up or dry up. Shoulders, elbows, wrists may be unable to exchange loving embraces. Or water may not controlling Fire resulting in volatile hot-tempered outbursts. The gate may be jammed open and letting in too much water causing problems of excess fluid. The person may feel that they’re awash in their thoughts and carried away by them. A lack of fluid may be the cause of disharmony and the gate may be opened so that the person can feel a sense of flow, of “going along with the world”. This point will cool and provide fluid communication at every level at the right temperature. Hormonal secretions are the inner waters. Too much water means that the gate is stuck open – swollen limbs, coldness, excess fluid in ears leading to tinnitus, swooshing or hissing sound in ears (any CF). When things are dammed up, frozen, sexual energy is there but held back, this point allows the waters to flow, brings spontaneity.

SJ 3

"Middle Island" Zhongzhu

VI 3

Middle Islet (Chungchu) The Central Sand Bar, Middle Island, (Stream Point)





Shu Stream: Wood Wood; Tonification; Point of Yu (Summer) Facilitates the circulation of Qi, Benefits the ear Clears Wind Heat, Clears Head & Eyes, Clears Channels & Collaterals, Moistens Throat, Moves Qi & Blood, Opens Sensory Orifices, Produces Fluids, Regulates Qi On the dorsal surface of the hand, immediately proximal to and on the ulnar side of the head of the 4th metacarpal bone.

IMAGE: This is the "middle" point of the five transport points on this channel and is an "island" in the stream of Qi which courses through here. SJ 3 is also sometimes considered an "island" between "Fluid's Door" (SJ 2) and "Pool of Yang" (SJ 4) INDICATIONS: blurred vision




•inability to bend fingers

•intercostal neuralgia

•pain in shoulder, back, elbow & arm

•pain in the shoulder & back

•tinnitus NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Shen disturbances OTHER: Main distal point on body for ear problems

•Tonification point on the San Jiao channel

•headache-- especially temporal

•Dr.Voll-- associated with thyroid & thymus

•Dr. Shwery: uses for immune system problems/hypothyroid


•heat in upper jiao

•Liver Qi stagnation Spirit: The Wood point of all wood points for the Fire of all Fires. More times as important as wood points on other fire meridians. Has a tremendous effect on the mental level. The Triple Burner must have a ready supply of wood so that it can control the uniformity of the warmth and Fire within a person. A major link to how plans and decisions can be made. Liver belongs to the middle jiao, gives energy and expels toxins, One of the best mental points on the body. For the birth of getting well. Gives flexibility of the official in meeting the needs and harmonizing them. Deals with a sense of hopelessness, plants some seeds of things a person can do right now to bring joy into the immediate moment.

SJ 4 "Pool of Yang" Yangqi VI 4

Yang Pond (Yangchih) Yang Pool, Starting Point






Source Point Relaxes the sinews, Clears the channels, Relieves Heat Benefits the Ear, Boosts and Regulates Qi, Clears Collaterals, Dispels Wind & Fire, Drains Damp Heat, Moistens Dryness, Regulates Stomach At the dorsal flexure of the wrist, proximal to the 4th metacarpal bone, in the hollow between the bones of the wrist (radius, ulna, lunate). (Follow the 4th metacarpal to the wrist crease.)

IMAGE: This point is in a "pool" formed by the ulna and carpal bones on the Yang side of the arm. INDICATIONS: common cold (especially Heat)



•pain & diseases of soft tissues of wrist

•red eyes & swollen

•thirst & dryness in mouth

•throat blockage

•tidal fevers

•tonsillitis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: deafness & tinnitus-- SJ 3 more common

•sometimes for diabetes


•moxa on left side to build Yang of body

•CAM: deficiency

First Aid: earache Spirit: A pond that supplies the ditches and sluices, the Chinese call it the communications network. The Triple Burner has a strong water analogy (ability to communicate), to reestablish warmth, harmony and stillness, our first level of energy. Can raise blood pressure- forbidden to moxa, can also lower high blood pressure. A pool of light, tap into it and bring the sunlight out into the rest of the body.

SJ 5

"Outer Gate" Waiguan VI 5

Outer Frontier Gate (Waikuan) Outer Pass





Luo point Confluent Point of Yang Wei meridian Junction; Master Point of Yang Wei Mo; Coupled point of Dai Mo Relieves Exterior Hot & Cold conditions, Facilitates the circulation of stagnant Qi in the channels Benefits Ear, Builds Wei Qi, Calms Liver Yang, Causes Sweat, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dispels Wind, Reduces Inflammation & Pain, Regulates Yang Wei, Relieves Cold Exterior, Resolves Toxins On the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and ulna, 2 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist

IMAGE: This point is the "outer" arm gate which is connected to the Pericardium channel and the Yang Wei channel (See P 6). INDICATIONS: common cold

•constipation (SJ 6 used more)




•febrile diseases

•hand tremors


•high fever

•migraine headache

•pain in fingers inhibiting grasp

•pain in joints of upper limb

•pain in the ribs




•stiff neck

•swollen throat

•tinnitus NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Paired Confluent point: GB 41 of Dai (Belt) meridian. As Master point of the Yang Wei, it protects the outside (Wei Qi) against external evil

•Main point for immune system: for people who get sick a lot and for deficient Wei Qi

•Moves Qi: joint problems, arthritis, bi pain

•Good point for migraines: especially one-sided, throbbing headaches

•Sometimes for addictions

•Mann: Hypertension, nosebleeds First Aid: fever Spirit: This gate shows the importance of harmony and opens the gate between our internal and external environment, balancing the two functions. A source of power and mental strength. Has a big effect on all senses for those who don’t want to see/hear/know. A person may have shut the gate when it is too much effort to join in and be part of what’s going on. The Triple Burner can be thought of as a social ambassador going out to and reaching out to the world, giving a wider point of view on things, harmonizing the view of the world. Good for people with relationship problems. This point allows the love of the emperor to be shared, balancing two worlds. Powerful in dealing with heat in a person. Use when a person lacks warmth – physical, mental, emotional. Violent fear and mental tearing apart, tending toward suicide, in mental institution. Relieve constraint in Wood, opening, sharing.

SJ 6

"Branch Ditch" Zhigou

VI 6

Branch Ditch (Chihkou) Branching Ditch, Branching Canals, Supporting Ditch, (River Point)





Jing River: Fire Fire; Horary 9pm-11pm; Point of Ching (late Summer) Spreads the Qi, Disperses obstruction, Opens the intestines Benefits Ear, Builds Fluids, Clears Heat and Fire, Clears San Jiao, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dispels Wind & Cold, Opens the Chest, Promotes Lactation, Regulates Zang Fu Organs, Resolves Trismus, Revives Consciousness, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Stops Pain, Transforms Phlegm, On the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and ulna, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist

IMAGE: The San Jiao channel sits in the "ditch" formed by the radius and ulna, and the channel "branches" off at a 90 degree angle at this point. The term "ditch" may also be used as a reference to the San Jiao's function of regulating water in the body. INDICATIONS: acute pain in the ribs & axilla

•angina pectoris (not major)


•chest pain


•habitual constipation

•insufficient lactation

•intercostal neuralgia (good point)

•pain in shoulder & arm


•soreness & heaviness in the shoulder & arm

•swollen throat

•vomiting & diarrhea NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With K 6 for hard dry stools OTHER: also for shingles

•Main point for constipation

•skin disorders-- psoriasis, eczema

•Mann: lockjaw



•vomiting due to constipation Spirit: Fire within fire, this point can stoke up the fire in all three jiao, therefore all the officials at once. This may bring balance to all. “Branch” implies sharing responsibility. The Triple Burner controls the ditches and waterways which are vital pathways of communication in China, where irrigation was the key to control. Triple Burner can be seen as controlling all kinds of energy and fluids. Very powerful point for heating up Fire (V and VI) CF’s who can’t get warm. Shakes out the dead ash and enlivens the fire. For clearing and detoxification. Good mental point – how one thinks about a situation.

SJ 7

"Meeting of the Clan" Huizong

VI 7

Assembly of Ancestors (Huitsung) Assembly of the Clan, Convergence and Gathering





Xi Cleft Benefits the Ears & Eyes, Clears San Jiao Heat, Dispels Wind and Clears Heat, Regulates Qi, Removes Liver Stagnation, Stops Pain, Transforms Internal Wind Damp On the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and ulna, 3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist, _ ACI medial to VI 6.

IMAGE: Refers to the meeting of the San Jiao channel Qi here, as this is the accumulating (xi cleft) point of the channel. INDICATIONS: deafness

•pain of the arm


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: For old people's problems: confusion, senility, trembling, Parkinson's For patient who doesn't know what to do or where to go Spirit: Almost equal to GV 20 in terms of returning control. An assembly point of ancestors which can be used to bring calm, peace and tranquility. A useful point when the energy on TE is blocked. Can be very powerful when TE is not showing any real movement (use with TE 6). Great authority from which one can draw on the source of wisdom that is the experience of our forebears. The Chinese have a great respect for their ancestral lineage from Confucius. The ancestral clan aspect of the point’s name denotes all the support, belonging and obligation to be derived from an extended family connection in society when there is confusion in the BMS. The family is more important then the individual. Helps a person mature. Making peace with deceased family member, an estrangement from one’s own ancestors, living or dead. Go there to draw on the supreme wisdom that will clarify chaos. Puts a person back in touch with their own deep wisdom, can turn to family when things are too much to handle on one’s own. Gives stability and calm when person doesn’t know where they’re going – running in circles to catch own tail. Use when tried everything else. Fill up with joy that a person didn’t get growing up. Bringing in the warmth, feeling of community to the inside. Good for TE not strong enough to feel, absorb the warmth that is present.

SJ 8

"Three Yang Connection" Sanyangluo

VI 8

Three Yang Junction (Sanyanglo) Three Yang Net, Three Yang Connection, Three Yang Collaterals



Meeting Point for 3 Upper Yang meridians Meeting point of 3 upper Yang meridians (II,VI,X)

Clears the Channels & Sensory Orifices Benefits Ear, Clears Channels, Clears Heat, Dispels Dampness & Fire, Invigorates Collaterals, Reduces Wind Heat, Revives Consciousness, Sedates Pain Δ7


On the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and ulna, 4 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

IMAGE: Refers to the three yang channels meeting here; also refers to the fact that the San Jiao channel is in the middle between the two other Yang channels, suggesting a line between them. INDICATIONS: aphasia


•lassitude (moves Qi in the 3 Yangs)

•pain in forearm inhibiting movement

•pain in the arm

•post-operative pain associated with pneumonectomy

•sudden muteness NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: classically forbidden to needle Spirit: Junction point where 3 yang meridians of the arm can contact, brings them together to work more harmoniously. It should only be used when a reasonable balance has been achieved between the 3 officials. If used too early, may not get a response. Used more on the physical level – connected with warmth, activity and movement. Can be used mental level. Good for complete exhaustion, digestive disorders, sleeping a lot -Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak – the body doesn’t want to move. Clean it off, clear it out so that a person can experience some new joy. Clear out old negativity so that can get out doing something fun.

SJ 9

"Four Ditch" Sidu

VI 9

Fourth Gutter (Szutu) Four Ditches, Four Rivers



Regulates Waterways; Reduces Wind, Damp, and Heat; Relaxes Chest & Moves Qi, Opens Throat, Opens Orifices, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Benefits Ear,



On the posterior surface of the forearm, between the radius and ulna, 7 ACI proximal to the flexure of the wrist.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Four Rivers." SJ 9 is the "river" through which the channel Qi of the four limbs moves. SJ 9 is also the "ditch" which leads to the earth point on the San Jiao channel, SJ 10 INDICATIONS: deafness


•loss of voice



•obstructed pharynx

•pain in forearm

•pain in forearm

•paralysis of upper limb

•sudden deafness


•toothache in the lower jaw

•vertigo NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: hoarse voice, deafness Spirit: A manmade ditch to collect and carry away polluted water, good for clearing out and detoxifying the meridian and official of impurities – e. g. deafness caused by blocked Eustachian tube or painful elbow joint. Good when unable to get a balance on TE, could be due to a blocked gutter, so clear it out and revitalize the BMS. Opens the throat and voice so that a person feels free to speak, indicated for sudden loss of voice. Giving hope to the return of relationship.

SJ 10

"Heaven's Well" Tianjing

VI 10

Heavenly Well (Tienching) Heaven’s Well, Celestial Well, (Sea Point)






He Sea: Earth Earth; Sedation; Point of Ho (Autumn) Transforms Phlegm, Clears Fire, Calms the Heart & Spirit, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Regulates the Ying and Wei, Relaxes the Sinews, Relaxes Chest & Moves Qi, Sedates Cough On the posterior surface of the arm, 1 ACI proximal to the olecranon, slightly medial to the midline, in the depression formed when the elbow is semiflexed. (Bring the arm over the chest and support with a towel)

IMAGE: "Heaven" refers to the upper body where the channel goes, and this point is the "well" from which heaven draws its Qi. "Well" also indicates the cooling nature of this point and its ability to clear heat & drain fire. SJ 10 is also located in a "well-like" depression. "Tianjing" is also the name of a constellation. INDICATIONS: deafness

•diseases of the soft tissue of the elbow



•migraine headache

•pain in neck, shoulder, & back

•pain in the eyes

•scrofula (use moxibustion)

•throat blockage

•tidal fevers


•urticaria NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Sedation point on the San Jiao channel

•Main use is for lymphatic swellings in the neck - - can be associated with colds & flus or not

•inflammation of eyelid & around eye epilepsy Spirit: Point for clarity and beauty, strengthening and reinforcing the spirit and mind. A supply of heavenly Qi that recharges and helps the person to reach deep into themselves when they have lost contact with the heavenly father or who they are. This is god’s supply house, we can go there in order to draw from an inexhaustible ell. Drawing from this well is like feeding someone in the desert. All the elements stem from and are contained here. This point enriches the earth within the fire and has direct repercussions on all the other officials. This is the most neglected point in the whole body. You can get no negative things from this well, it gives stability of mind, strength, peace and serenity to sick people. Person can be made to feel held and secure. Gives security to every official. Good for a person who is emotionally unstable, one who has not been given steady continuous love as a child. Deals with all pain (more than ache). Heaven is a place where everyone can come back to when needed. Mental and psychic disturbances. Earth point - going deep into the earth to connect with the source of being. Filling up, I know you haven’t quite gotten what you need, no one can go to this well without getting what they need. Filling up someone with joy who has had a hard time, a response to what is needed.

SJ 11

"Cooling Gulf" Qinglengyuan

VI 11

Pure Cold Abyss (Chinglengyuan) The Clear Cold Watery Abyss, Cooling Gulf, Cold Water






Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Clears Heat & Fire, Dispels Damp & Heat, Invigorates Qi, Reduces Wind & Heat In the center of the posterior surface of the arm, 2 ACI proximal to the tip of the elbow.

IMAGE: "Qingllengyuan" implies a very large and cold lake. This refers to the point's ability to clear heat. INDICATIONS: Headache

•pain of the eyes

•pain of the shoulder & arm

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: This point refers to the refreshing and cooling qualities of the Harmonizer who provides thermostatic control – cooling as well as heating. “Abyss” can mean loneliness and desolation when our Fire is not in balance. Gives a person space and freedom to quiet mental agitation and mental insanity. Good when Fire is out of control, you see a lot of heat in one part of the body. Point has a dual function of clearing heat and draining Fire and of rekindling aspects of being from which Fire has been withdrawn.

SJ 12

"Melting Luo River" Xiaoluo

VI 12

Relax and Joy (Hsaiolo) Dispersing the Luo Stream, Melting the River, Relieving Thirst





Clears Channels & Invigorates CollateralsClears Heat in the San Jiao Channel, Moves Qi, Reduces Wind, Heat, and Damp In the center of the posterior surface of the arm, 5 ACI proximal to the tip of the elbow.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's ability to clear heat; and the San Jiao channel's ability to move water and quench thirst INDICATIONS: headache

•pain of the arm


•stiff neck


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun OTHER: thirst due to heat Spirit: When solid frozen water of a river thaws and gives way to fluidity we experience a release that can energetically be expressed as “relax and joy”. For the person who cannot relax, little joy to be had, busy running around see to everyone else. This is like bathing someone in sunlight, brings warmth to the mind and spirit. Keep the sun in mind and the spirit will make a tremendous change. A very comforting point. This point is valuable in easing hypertension, also consider when energy is stuck. To relax and feel comfortable in the space and people around. Great release for a person unable to let loose, gets them out of the details. Good for women unable to reach orgasm.

SJ 13

"Shoulder's Meeting" Naohui

VI 13

Shoulder Meeting (Naohui) The Shoulder Area Assembly, Shoulder’s Meeting, Humerus Convergence, Upper Arm Convergence



Δ 5 - 15


Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Clears & Disperses Heat, Frees Joints, Reduces Phlegm, Regulates Qi In the center of the posterior surface of the arm, on the inferior border of the deltoid, on the triceps.

IMAGE: The Yang Wei channel meets the San Jiao channel at SJ 13 on the shoulder, hence the name "Shoulder's Meeting" INDICATIONS: goiter

•pain of the arm and shoulder NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun OTHER: thyroid problems Spirit: A point that is better than the sun or infrared heat to bring heat and movement to the whole shoulder area. Definitely consider moxa. Better for rheumatoid arthritis than osteoarthritis. It is excellent where shoulder paralysis was the result of exposure to freezing cold.

SJ 14

"Shoulder Seam" Jianliao

VI 14

Shoulder Bone (Chienliao) Shoulder Bone Hollow, Shoulder Seam, Shoulder Crevice, Shoulder Cold Abyss, Shoulder Bone Hole





Benefits Shoulder, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dispels Wind and Damp, Moves Qi & Blood, Relaxes Sinews, Sedates Pain On the posterior surface of the shoulder, posterior and inferior to the acromion, in the concavity formed between the acromion and the great tubercle of the humerus when the arm is abducted.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Shoulder Opening." Refers to the depression in which the point sits. NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun OTHER: One of the main points for shoulder problems: bursitis, arthritis Spirit: A classic point for problems with shoulders and arms (bursitis, fibrositis). Use moxa to bring warmth (tonify). If hot and painful then sedate, adding sedation point and source point. Use when shoulder constriction, sense of things being held, not flowing out, connection physically with arms to outside world may be impeded.

SJ 15

VI 15

"Heavens' Seam" Tianliao

Heavenly Bone (Tienliao) Heavenly Bone Hollow, Heaven’s Seam, Celestial Crevice, Celestial Bone Hole





Point of Yang Wei Mo Benefits Ear, Neck, and Shoulder, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dispels Wind & Eliminates Damp, Moves Qi & Blood, Reduces Pain On the posterior surface of the shoulder, superior to the scapula, midway between the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra and the tip of the acrimion, in line with VII 21 and II 13.


•inflammation of the supraspinatous tendon

•pain or soreness in the region of the scapula and back of the neck NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: wandering pains

•wind pains in the shoulder First Aid: colds Spirit: The official spends most of the time sending heat or cold to all the other officials, this point goes straight to the spirit of the TE making it stronger and more resilient and robust. Use with SI 11 for a dramatic transformation (see SI 11). One is spreading warmth to the spirit of all officials while cleansing them with an inner purity. Moxa strengthens the upper respiratory tract – colds. Good for arthritis, pain and swelling, colds, weakness. Use when shoulder constriction, sense of things being held, not flowing out, connection physically with arms to outside world may be impeded.

SJ 16 "Heaven's Window" Tianyou ⊥3–5




Window of Sky Benefits Ear, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Clears Heat ,Wind, & Dampness, Drains Fire, Reduces Qi Stagnation & Stops Pain, Reduces Swelling Posterior and inferior to the mastoid process, on the posterior border of the SCM.

IMAGE: The point is a "Window" or connection between the body and the head, "Heaven." "Window" is also a reference to the sense orifices on the head (eyes, ears, and nose) INDICATIONS: constricted throat


•excessive dreaming



•stiff neck

•sudden deafness


• NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun

•sore eyes


PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Mann: excessive dreams, lively dreams (that wake you up all night) OTHER: lymphatic swellings around the neck

•facial swelling

•good for weight control

•for water balance in the body

•low back problems, scoliosis

•traditionally not recommended to moxa.

Spirit: The TE must see what is happening in the rest of the kingdom, if the window is jammed shut or open the result is conflict among the officials and disharmony in the kingdom. Parts may be hot and others cold resulting in strife, confusion, depression, anxiety and fear. When the window is functioning properly all confusion is clarified and a person can contact the unity of heaven, the spiritual eye sees the way to fulfill the needs of the kingdom equally and tranquility returns. About being able to see what is going on in a person’s life, the potential of warmth and love. Helps the person to be positive and makes things clearer. Capacity to see the joy they are not engaged in. Also frees up the articulation in the neck. Ability to see outside a dark room, especially good in the season, seeing the illumination from heaven. Confused vision – for a person who doesn’t care about hearing/seeing what is around. Can bring the whole person back to life. Frees up the circulation in the neck. Gives the capacity to see joy that someone is presently engaged in and was blinded to.

SJ 17

"Shielding Wind" Yifeng

VI 17

Wind Screen (Yifeng) Screening of the Wind, Shielding Wind





Benefits hearing & vision, Disperses Wind & clears the Channels Benefits Hearing, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dispels Wind & Heat, Opens Orifices, Relaxes the Jaw Hinge & Face, Sedates Pain, Softens Hard Masses, Transforms Phlegm Posterior to and under the ear lobe, in the depression between the mastoid process and the mandible, adjacent to the cartilage of the external auditory canal.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Wind Screen." The point is used to dispel and protect against Wind invading this area. INDICATIONS: blurred vision






•convulsions ( generally with headache & an arched & rigid back)

•deaf•facial paralysis

•locked jaw

•membrane over the eye

•mouth & eyes •sore eyes

•swelling in the cheeks

•temporomandibular arthritis •toothache

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Most important local point for the ear: also for dizziness, inner ear problems middle ear infections-- esp. chronic & recurring. Ear infections may drain shortly after treatment Spirit: Treatment for deafness and can cause it!! Better for ear pain than for deafness, particularly problems caused by Wind and Damp (infection and tinnitus). Will help eliminate rubbish in the ear. For people for whom the outside of the ear feels damp and itchy. They are constantly sticking their finger in their ear to scratch. Also used in jaw conditions especially Bell’s palsy. Consider using moxa on the needle. Can be used with TE 21 to treat deafness in children. Protects from wind susceptibility to illness. Brings Vital Qi to the area for protection.

SJ 18

"Feeding the Vessels" Qimai

VI 18

Feeding Meridians (Chimo) The Convulsion Meridian, Feeding the Vessels, Convulsion Pulse, Spasm Vessel





Benefits Ear, Clears Sensory Organs & Opens Orifices from Unconsciousness, Dispels Heat & Sedates Spasm, Invigorates Collaterals & Sedates Pain, Reduces Wind On the curve of the hair line, posterior to the ear, 1/3 of the distance from the base to the apex of the pinna.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Spasm Vessel." Refers to the point's use in treatment of spasms and tetany. INDICATIONS: deafness


•infantile convulsions


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun, or prick with a three-edged needle to cause bleeding OTHER: Traditionally not recommended to moxa. Spirit: Brings warmth, love, compassion, heat and clarity of energy to each official. Can feed vitality all over.

SJ 19

"Skull's Rest" Luxi

VI 19

Skull Breathing (Luhsi) Skull Breath, Skull’s Rest, Skull Resting





Calms Spirit & Sedates Fright, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dispels Wind & Reduces Pain, Reduces Damp & Wind in Shao Yang channel On the curve of the hair line, posterior to the ear, 2/3 of the distance from the base to the apex of the pinna.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Stuffed Brain." The point is used to treat head stuffiness & dizziness. INDICATIONS: ear ache


•otitis media



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: foggy head Spirit: The skull breathes and moves, this point is good for symptoms of the head (as if bottled up). Like an AEP for the skull. Also difficulty in breathing as related to the TE. Taking in vitality so the heart can rest, coming to a peaceful place of connection.

SJ 20

"Angle of Regeneration" Jiaosun

VI 20

Small Angle of the Ear (Chuehsun) The Guardian at the Angle, Angle of Regeneration, Angles Collateral, Angle Vertex





Benefits Ear, Clears Head & Improves Vision, Dispels Wind & Invigorates Collaterals, Reduces Damp Heat in Stomach & GallBladder On the hair line, immediately superior to the level of the apex of the pinna.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Antler's Sprout." A reference to SJ 20's location on the sides of the head, where antlers would grow. "Jiao" is also the name of a constellation which the local points are said to resemble. INDICATIONS: Pannus


•red & swollen earlobe


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: German system says this point is related to the hypothalamus and is one of the most important points in the body for any endocrine problem. Spirit: Reunion of meridians around the ear. Good for hearing and also effects the mouth and eyes.

SJ 21

"Ear's Door" Ermen

VI 21

Ear Gate (Erhmen) Ear Door





Opens the ear Disperses Heat Improves Hearing, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Clears Heat , Expels Wind and Cold, Improves Function of Brain, Revives Consciousness Anterior to the superior edge of the tragus of the ear, in the depression formed when the mouth is open.

INDICATIONS: deaf-mutism


•otitis media

•pain in the jaw & headache

•pus in the ear

•temporomandibular arthritis


•toothache NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: headache Spirit: Classic point for deafness and restoration of hearing. Used with TE 17, but a stronger point. Effective for the other senses as well.

SJ 22

"Harmony's Seam" Heliao

VI 22

Harmony Bone (Holiao) Harmonious Bone, Harmony’s Seam, Normal Crevice, Ear Harmony Bone





Exit Dispels Wind, Damp, & Invigorates Collaterals; Improves Function of Brain, Opens the Orifices and Revives Consciousness, Opens Ear Anterior to the ear, on the anterior hairline (sideburns), on a level with the superior border of the root of the pinna. one

IMAGE: "Harmony" refers to "harmony of sound," a reference to SJ 22's effect on the ear. Classically the character "He" described banners on the side of a gate, reminiscent of the hair at the temples of the head INDICATIONS: facial paralysis




NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.1 - 0.3 cun Spirit: Point of exit and reunion with GB. Main point for harmonizing all manor of imbalances as they undermine the clarity of mental function. Integration and connecting level of the spirit. Bitterness when fire not glowing, frustration and overly judgmental, this point softens judgment and brings compassion (VI/VII block).

SJ 23

VI 23

"Silken Bamboo Hollow" Sizhukong Silk Bamboo Hollow (Szuchukung) Thin Orifice, Fine Bamboo Void





Expels Wind & Heat, Calms Liver & Dispels Wind to Sedate Fright, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Improves Vision & Clears Fire, Relieves Spasms, Stops Pain At the lateral end of the eyebrow, in the depression directly superior to VII 1.

IMAGE: A reference to the depression at the end of the eyebrow, and the brow's similarity to bamboo. INDICATIONS: blurred vision

•eye diseases

•facial paralysis


& midline headaches

•reddened eyes


•ingrown eyelash




NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: temporal headaches (Shaoyang)

•Mann: for eye inflammation due to electric lights

• traditionally not recommended to moxa Spirit: For all eye conditions, like BL 1. “Bamboo” refers to the eyebrow, in its form like a calligraphic stroke of a bamboo leaf. For the spirit, insanity. Takes warmth right down to the hollow, allowing heat to penetrate deeply. Integration of Heaven (silk) and Man (bamboo) and Earth (hollow) so that a person can feel the Fire on all levels – balances these three aspects. This point may treat someone whose Fire is externally focused as a means of preventing intimacy. Also may manifest as social chatter that never touches the heart of the matter. Too many social commitments to avoid intimacy with one’s mate.

Leg Lesser Yang Gall Bladder Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL The channel begins at the outer canthus of the eye, and traverses the temple to point SJ 22. It then ascends to the corner of the forehead where it intersects St 8 before descending behind the ear. From here, it proceeds along the neck in front of the San Jiao channel, crosses the Small Intestine channel at SI 17, then, at the top of the shoulder, turns back and runs behind the San Jiao channel to intersect the Governing channel at DU 14 on the spine. Finally, the channel turns downward into the supraclavicular fossa. One branch of the main channel emerges behind the auricle and enters the ear at SJ 17. Emerging in front of the ear, this branch intersects the Small Intestine channel at St 19 and the Stomach channel at St 7, before terminating behind the outer canthus. Another branch separates at the outer canthus and proceeds downward to St 5 on the jaw. Then, crossing the San Jiao channel, it returns upward to the infraorbital region before descending again to the neck, where it joins the original channel in the supraclavicular fossa. From here it descends further into the chest, crossing the diaphragm and connecting with the Liver before joining its associated organ, the Gall Bladder. Continuing along the inside of the ribs, it emerges in the inguinal region of the lower abdomen and winds around the genitals, submerging again in the hip at GB 30. Yet another vertical branch runs downward from the supraclavicular fossa to the axilla and the lateral aspect of the chest. It crosses the ribs and intersects the Liver channel at Liv 13 before turning back to the sacral region, where it crosses the Bladder channel at UB 31 to UB 34. This branch then descends to the hip joint and continues down the lateral side of the thigh and knee, passing along the anterior aspect of the fibula to its lower end. Here, it crosses in front of the lateral malleolus and traverses the dorsum of the foot, entering the seam between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones before terminating at the lateral side of the tip of the 4th toe at GB 44. Finally, a branch separates on the dorsum of the foot at GB 41 and runs between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones to the medial tip of the big toe, then crosses under the toenail to join with the Liver channel at Liv 1. Chapter 4 of the Spiritual Axis states that this channel connects with its Lower Uniting (He Sea) point, GB 34.This channel is associated with the Gall Bladder and connects with the Liver. It is also joined directly with the Heart. CROSSING POINTS: SI 12, SI 17, SI 19, SJ 17, TH 20, SJ 22, St 5, St 7, St 8, Liv 13, UB 31-34, DU 14 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Alternating fever and chills, headache, ashen complexion, pain in the eyes or raw_ swellinur in the sub-axillarv reeion. scrofula. deafness. vain alone the channel SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED W ITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Pain in the ribs, vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth, chest pain. DIVERGENT CHANNEL After diverging from the primary channel on the thigh, this channel crosses over and enters the lower abdomen in the pelvic region where it converges with the divergent channel of the Liver. From here it crosses between the lower ribs, connects with the Gall Bladder and spreads through the Liver before proceeding upwards across the Heart and esophagus, dispersing in the face. Here it connects with the eye and rejoins the Gall Bladder primary channel at the outer canthus.

LUO CHANNEL Separates from the primary channel at GB 37 on the lateral aspect of the lower leg, connecting with the Liver channel at Liv 3. The channel proceeds downward and disperses over the dorsum of the foot. Symptoms of Luo Channel Excess: fainting Symptoms of Luo Channel Deficiency: weak and flaccid muscles of the foot, making it difficult to stand MUSCLE CHANNEL Begins on the 4th toe, joins with the external malleolus, then proceeds up the lateral aspect of the leg where it connects with the knee. A branch starts at the upper part of the fibula and ascends along the thigh. One of its sub-branches travels anteriorly, joining the thigh above St 32. Another sub-branch travels posteriorly and joins with the sacrum. The main channel proceeds upwards across the ribs and anterior to the axilla, connecting first in the breast region and then above the collar bone. Another part of the main channel extends from the axilla upward across the clavicle, emerging in front of the Leg Greater Yang channel, then continues upward behind the ear to the temple. From here it continues to the vertex, where it joins its bilateral counterpart. A branch descends from the temple across the cheek before joining with the bridge of the nose. A sub-branch connects with the outer canthus. Pathological Symptoms: Strained muscles of the 4th toe, strained muscles of rotation on the lateral aspect of the knee, inability to bend the knee, muscle spasm in the popliteal fossa, strained muscles of the pelvis, strained muscles of the sacrum extending upward to below the ribs, pain in the hypochondria, strained

SUMMARY: Gall Bladder Channel Phone number: (40 37 36) GB 44-43-41-38-34 Tonification point: GB 43 Sedation point: GB 38 Horary point: GB 1 eyes GB 2 ears/ jaw GB 12 headaches/ insomnia GB 14 eyes/ frontal headaches GB 20 Major for headaches/ eyes/ ears/ HTN, dizziness/ Internal or External Wind GB 21 Pulls energy down-- neck, trapezius problems/ menses/ contractions/ breast/ hemiplegia GB 24 GB stuff/ stones/ bitter taste / jaundice GB 25 Kidney Mu/ adrenals/ builds Kidneys/ LBP GB 26 Damp Heat Lower Burner/ vaginal discharges/ gynecological/ distended abdomen GB 27 lower burner/ endometriosis GB 29 hip/ gynecological GB 30 hip & back problems/ MAIN FOR SCIATICA GB 31 legs GB 34 muscle, tendon, & joint problems/ shoulder, knee, back/ gallstones/ constipation/ sciatica GB 37 eyes & calf GB 38 migraines GB 39 immune system/ bones & joints/ specific for NECK PAIN/ sciatica/ hip pain/ migraines/ inflammations GB 40 more specific for rib pain/ eyes GB 41 breasts/ painful menses GB 43 headache/ tinnitis/ dizziness GB 44 headache

GALL BLADDER Effective action, strategist, day to day operations, punctual, exact timing. Works towards implementing your goals in the world, decision making, gets the job done.Vision, broader perspective (not having on blinders), 360 degree perspective. Wise judgment, strength at seeing to the edges, at the periphery, just and right. Rises above all the details and chooses a path and takes steps to do make thing happen. Places you on your track – you may have an idea of what you want to do in general but don’t know the path, gather details and feeds the planner. Rooting creative juices into a course of action. Imbalance – can’t stay rooted in one thing, hard judgementalism of how things should be, never having clarity, can’t see in the dark, don’t know what steps to take. One sided symptoms, narrow vision obstructing wise judgment .


Orbit Bone


Hearing Assembly 3.

Upper Pass


Loathsome Jaw


Suspended Skull 6.

Suspended Regulator 7.

Crooked Hair on Temples 8.

Lowing Valley


Heaven Rushing


Floating White


Head Hole Yin


Final Bone 13.

Root Spirit 14.

Yang White 15.

Head Above Tears 16.

Eye Window 17.

Upright Living 18.

Receiving Spirit 19.

Brain Hollow 20.

Wind Pond 21.

Shoulder Well 22.

Armpit Abyss 23.

Neglected Muscles 24.

Sun and Moon 25.

Capital Gate 26.

Girdle Vessel 27.

Five Pivots 28.

Binding Oath 29.

Dwelling In the Bone 30.

Jumping Circle 31.

Wind Market 32.

Middle Ditch 33.

Knee Yang Border 34. Yang Mound Spring

35. Yang Crossing 36. Outer Mound

37. Bright and Clear 38. Yang Support 39. Hanging Cup

40. Wilderness Mound

41. 42. 43. 44.

Foot Above Tears Earth Five Meetings Valiant Stream Foot Hole Yin

GB 1


"Pupil Seam" Tongziliao Orbit Bone (Tungtzuliao) Pupil’s Seam, Pupil Bone Hole





Entry Eliminates Wind, Heat, & Fire, Benefits Eyes, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Improves Vision and Reduces Swelling, Stops Pain In the depression just lateral to the orbital rim, at the level of the lateral canthus.

IMAGE: Refers to anatomical location and this point's effect on the eye. "Zi" is also the time of day which corresponds to the GallBladder (11 PM-1 AM). INDICATIONS: ametropia

•atrophy of the optic nerve




•membranes over the eye


•sore throat


•night •excessive tearing

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Mostly used for eyes and headaches Voll: especially for the optic nerve Spirit: Here one is able to discern a clear picture of the world, it appears as an unpredictable pattern. To see clearly the first step on the path. When there is no light or another’s fault.

GB 2


"Confluence of Hearing" Tinghui Hearing Assembly (Tinghui) Reunion of Hearing, Auditory Convergence






Clears Liver & GallBladder, Clears Heat, Dispels Exterior Wind, Moves Qi, Benefits the Ears, Relaxes Sinews, Sharpens the Sense Organs On the posterior margin of the condyle of the mandible, anterior to the inferior border of the tragus. When the mouth is opened, a depression appears at this point. (inferior to SI 19)

IMAGE: Refers to this point's function INDICATIONS: deaf-mutism


•dislocation of the jaw

•facial paralysis


•madly running away

•mouth & eyes awry

•otitis media

•seizures in which the body is alternately tense & limp

•swelling of the parotid glands



•toothache NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun OTHER: Primarily an ear point: This point is the gathering place for the meridian energy of the ear

•J.C. Darrus:

•middle ear pathology, lower jaw pathology, headache and vertigo from cerebral anemia Spirit: For physical hearing challenges, inability to hear other perspectives.

GB 3

"Upper Hinge" Shangguan


Upper Pass (Shangkuan) Upper Gate





Clears the Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dispels Heat & Damp from Liver & GallBladder, Improves Hearing, Opens the Orifices, Reduces Wind & Heat, Sharpens the Sense Organs, Stimulates the Brain Anterior to the ear, immediately superior to the zygomatic arch, superior to VII 2.

IMAGE: "Upper Hinge" refers to the point's proximity to and effect upon the TMJ. INDICATIONS: deafness

•facial paralysis


•otitis media



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun. Avoid Deep Insertion. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: hallucinating wildly

GB 4


"Jaw's Dislike" Hanyan Loathsome Jaw (Hanyen) Forehead Fullness





Dispels Wind & Heat, Invigorates Collaterals, Regulates Liver & GallBladder, Sedates Fright, Reduces Pain On the temple, _ ACI posterior to the natural hair line. 1 ACI inferior to XI 8. (can feel the muscle when the jaw is clenched) (4 _ ACI lateral to the GV line)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Jaw's Rim." A reference to GB 4's location at the rim of the jaw. INDICATIONS: convulsions

•migraine headache


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: J.C. Darrus:

•all nose pathology Spirit: Eases jaw tension associated with repressed anger.



GB 5

"Suspended Skull" Xuanlu


Suspended Skull (Hsuanlu)





Dispels Wind & Invigorates Collaterals, Disperses Swelling & Sedates Pain, Pulls Qi Down, Regulates Liver & GallBladder On the temple, _ ACI posterior to the natural hair line, 1/3 of the distance from VII 4 to VII 7.

IMAGE: A reference to GB 5's ability to treat dizziness, or the feeling of a suspended skull. INDICATIONS: facial swelling

•migraine headache



NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: one sided headache

GB 6


•Maciocia: disturbances of movement and speech

"Suspended Millimeter" Xuanli Suspended Regulator (Hsuanli) Suspended Tuft





Benefits the Ear, Clears Sense Organs,Clears Obstructions and Moves Qi, Disperses Wind & Invigorates Channels, Regulates Liver & GallBladder On the temple, _ ACI posterior to the natural hair line, 1/3 of the distance from VII 4 to VII 7.

INDICATIONS: facial swelling

•migraine headache


•toothache NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: lack of motivation or willpower OTHER: feel like falling while lying down

•ungrounded walking

•one-sided headache

•pain in outer canthus

•speech pathologies


"Crook of the Temple" Qubin


Crooked Hair on Temples (Chupin) Temporal Hairline Curve





Disperses Heat & Swelling, Eliminates Wind & Sedates Pain, Benefits the Temple & Jaw On the temple, _ ACI posterior to the natural hair line, at the level of the apex of the pinna, approximately 1 ACI anterior to and slightly inferior to VI 20.

IMAGE: Refers to point's location; the in the curve or crook of the hairline of the temple. INDICATIONS: migraine headache

•spasms of the temporalis muscle

•trigeminal neuralgia

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: local pain, lockjaw, cheek swelling

GB 8


"Leading to Valley "Shuaigu Flowing Valley (Shuaiku) Valley Lead





Disperse Wind, Invigorates Channels, Regulates Qi, Stops Spasms & Pain, Benefits the Head and Ears On the head, 1 ACI directly superior to VI 20.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's proximity to the "valley" behind the ear apex. Some sources also state that because GB 8 is the only "gu" point on the head and not on the limbs, it is the "leader" of all gu points. "Leading to Valley" may also be a reference to the practice of folding the ear forward in order to locate this point. INDICATIONS: eye diseases

•migraine headaches


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Good point for migraines.

•Good for nausea & vomiting associated with headaches Spirit: Mental point, about the way a person engages with life in their minds. When mental activity overdominates. For overstimulation, without rest. Good for Wood migraines. Inability to eat or drink, drunkenness. Spirit of growth; winter to spring, water to wood connection. Gets VII moving again. Also with VIII 9 good for calming the mind, liver yang rising headaches. When person gets caught in details – can’t see the forest for the trees.

GB 9

"Heaven's Pouring" Tianchong


Heaven Rushing (Tienchung) Celestial Hub






Reunion with III Benefits the Stomach & Gums, Clears the Gall Bladder Channel, Disperses GallBladder Heat, Reduces Spasms, Sedates the Mind, Sedates Interior Wind and Heat, Sinks the Qi On the head, _ ACI posterior to VII 8, (2 ACI superior to the natural hair line)

IMAGE: AKA "Celestial Hub" or "Celestial Surge". "Tian" or Heaven is a reference to the head. "Pouring" and "Surging" are references to the characteristics of Wind and Qi which are treated by this point. "Tianchong" is also the name of a star. INDICATIONS: gingivitis




NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: Mental point, about the way a person engages with life in their minds. When mental activity overdominates. In classic texts, this point is used as a Window of the Sky.

GB 10

VII 10

⊥3 Δ3-5

"Floating White" Fubai

Floating White (Fupai) Function:

Dispels Wind & Clears Channels, Invigorates Liver & GallBladder


On the head, posterior and slightly superior to the ear, 1 ACI posterior to the natural hair line (at the level of the superior edge of the root of the ear.)

IMAGE: "Floating" is a reference to the tendency of the Liver and Gall Bladder yang qi to rise up. "White" refers to the metal element and it's role in controlling excess wood energy. GB 10 has a similar function to this, in sedating Liver and Gall Bladder yang qi INDICATIONS: bronchitis





NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Dr.Voll: for jet lag. Works well!

foot", cannot walk

•J.C. Darrus:

•neck abcess, cervical adenitis


GB 11 "Yin Cavity on the Head" Touqiaoyin VII 11

Head Hole Yin (Tou chiaoyin) Head Portal Yin





Benefits the Yin & the Ear, Clears the Ears & Throat, Dispels Damp & Heat from GallBladder On the head, posterior to the ear, mid-way between VII 10 and VII 12.

IMAGE: The "Yin Cavities on the Head" are the eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and mouth. These correspond to the Liver, Kidney, Heart, Spleen, & Lung. GB 11 classically can treat diseases of all these orifices. The term "head" is also used in order to avoid confusion with GB 44, named "Yin Cavity on the Foot" INDICATIONS: bronchitis


•ear ache

•headache & stiff neck


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER:Yin deficient, Liver Yin deficient

GB 12

"Finished Bone" Wangu VII 12

Final Bone (Wanku) Completed Bone





Benefits the Heart & Teeth, Calms the Mind, Reduces Damp , Heat, &Wind; Regulates and Sinks the Qi, Relaxes Spasms, Stops Pain, Stimulates Brain & Opens Sensory Organs, On the head, within the angle formed by the posterior border of the mastoid process and the inferior edge of the occipital bone when the head is tilted forwards.

IMAGE: Wangu is the classical name for the mastoid process INDICATIONS: facial paralysis

•facial swelling



NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: CAM: insomnia

•J.C. Darrus:

•leg paralysis



GB 13

"Original Spirit" Benshen VII 13

Root Spirit (Penshen)





Point of Yang Wei Mo Calms the Mind, Clears the Liver & Extinguishes Wind, Dispels Heat from Gall Bladder, Reduces Wind & Damp, Sedates Spasms & Seizures On the head, _ ACI posterior to the natural hair line, on a vertical line superior to the lateral canthus.

IMAGE: Benshen is a reference to the mind, and this point is used for treating spirit disorders INDICATIONS: costalgia




•stiff neck


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Used to open the orifices of a stroke patient and to clear the mind Spirit: Ability to hold one steady in times of change, penetrating inside and stabilizing. Roots a person down to be able to make decisions, bringing the spirit down to where can get decisions – what step is needed next.

GB 14

"Yang White" Yangbai VII 14

Yang White (Yangpai) Yang Brightness





Point of Yang Wei Mo Eliminates Wind Clears the vision Clears Heat, Moves Qi, Sinks the Qi On the forehead, 1 ACI superior to the supra-orbital notch, which if found in the middle of the eyebrow

IMAGE: The head is the uppermost yang part of the body, and "white" refers to the point's use to clear the eyes & vision INDICATIONS: chills

•eye diseases

•eyelid tic



•sore eyes

•facial paralysis


•itching eyelids

•night •stiff neck

•supraorbital neuralgia


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Good headache point - - often tender. For both frontal and side headaches.

•eyestrain, excessive tearing

•Dr. So: good for nearsightedness in children

•eye twitches/ photosensitivity

•J.C. Darrus:

•all ocular pathology

GB 15 "Near Tears on the Head" Toulinqi VII 15

Head Above Tears (Tou linchi) Head Overlooking Tears





Balances the Emotional Body, Brightens Eyes, Clears Brain & Improves Vision, Harmonizes the Mind, Opens & Clears the Nose, Stops Tears On the head, _ ACI posterior to the natural hair line, on a vertical line superior to the middle of the pupil when the eye is looking straight ahead. (in line and abode GV 14)

IMAGE: Refers to the point's use in stopping tearing & nasal congestion. Also called "Just After Weeping", "Falling Tears", or "Head Overlooking Tears" INDICATIONS: acute & chronic conjunctivitis

•apoplectic coma

outer canthus





•occluded nose

•pain in

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Balances the emotional body and harmonizes the mind OTHER: When this point is sensitive to pressure, it may indicate the person has gallstones traditionally not recommended to moxa.

•J.C. Darrus:

•all ocular pathology Spirit: Mental level. Person is uptight and tense in themselves. Can be used with GB41. Being able to stay above the tears and complaint. Calms the mind and eases agitation, brings clarity. Complaint may not being able to see the forest for the trees, needs to rise above the complaint to see the possibilities. Blame may be placed on the situation and exterior events. Tears of frustration and complaint.

GB 16

"Vision's Window" Muchuang VII 16

Eye Window (Muchuang)





Point of Yang Wei Mo Brightens the Eyes, Clears the Brain & Improves Vision, Eliminates Wind Heat, Relaxes the Tendons & Stimulates Channels, Stops Convulsions by Dispelling Wind, On the head, 1 _ ACI posterior to VII 15.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's effect on the vision INDICATIONS: apoplectic coma


•facial edema




NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: Enables the official to really see clearly before making decisions and judgments. When one can see the problem, it is easier to make a sensible decision. To see clearly in mind and spirit where one is going. Clears blocks between mind and spirit. Helps person to see themselves and the process of change as treatment begins to show rebirth, to see the outside world. For one who never see their own path. Empowers one to release judgment against self and others. It may also allow one to bring past events into perspective.

GB 17

"Upright Encampment" Zhengying VII 17

Upright Living (Chengying) Upright Construction





Point of Yang Wei Mo Dispels GallBladder Heat, Regulates Shao Yang, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons & Invigorates Channels, Reduces Wind, Calms Spirit On the head, 1 ACI posterior to VII 16.

IMAGE: "Ying" is also a geographical term for latitude lines on the earth, and may reflect GB 17's location lateral to the apex of the head, which might be referred to as "Zheng" or "Upright" INDICATIONS: headache & stiff neck




NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: blurry vision Spirit: This is the organ of discrimination, giving the ability to make distinctions in life. Use this point when a person feels disoriented or dislocated in any way. For a young tree that wants to grow upright and straight, for someone who moves left and right, good intentions but can’t reach a decision about it.

GB 18

"Support the Spirit" Chengling VII 18

Receiving Spirit (Chengling) Spirit Support





Point of Yang Wei Mo Benefits Nose, Calms the Spirit, Dispels GallBladder Heat, Opens Orifices, Opens Lung, Reduces Wind On the head, 1 _ ACI posterior to VII 17, (adjacent to BL 7)

INDICATIONS: bronchitis

••common cold

•eye diseases



•occluded nose

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: Connection of inside spirit with outside spirit, one’s deepest internal spirit. Lends sensitivity and awareness, subtle and receiving. Adding spirit to good plans. Hopelessness – goes right to the spirit of GB.

GB 19

"Brain Cavity" Naokong VII 19

Brain Hollow (Naokung)





Point of Yang Wei Mo Clears GallBladder Fire, Invigorates Channels, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Stimulates Brain & Opens the Orifices On the head, lateral to the external occipital protuberance, 1 _ ACI superior to VII 20.


•common cold


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: J.C. Darrus:

•stiff neck, torticollis

•mental illness




GB 20

"Pool of Wind" Fengchi VII 20

Wind Pond (Fengchih) Wind Pool



Δ 7 - 10


Point of Yang Wei Mo; Point of Yang Qiao Mo Disperses Wind Heat, Benefits the hearing and vision, Clears Channels, Clears Opens & Brightens Eyes, Clears Interior and Exterior Wind, Drains Liver Fire & Heat, Harmonizes Qi & Blood, Moves Qi, Relieves Exterior, Relaxes Sinews, Revives Consciousness, Sedates Liver Yang Inferior to the occipital bone, superior to the natural hair line and lateral to the border of the trapezius, (in the center of the depression between the external occipital protuberance and the mastoid process)

IMAGE: The point's main function is dispelling Wind, and it lies in the "pool" formed by the depression between the two muscles. The back of the neck is particularly vulnerable to wind. INDICATIONS: brain disease

•common cold







•stiff neck



•eye diseases

•eyes red & sore


•lateral & midline headaches


•swellings or tumors on the neck

•tidal fevers

NEEDLING: 0.5 - 0.8 cun towards the tip of the nose PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: too much studying OTHER: Good for common cold, esp. with headache or stiff neck

•Excellent headache point

•Main point for Wind, internal or external: including Liver Wind rising, causing vertigo, dizziness

•Main point for hypertension

•Good for sinuses-- sinusitis-hayfevers

•Good for insomnia



•J.C. Darrus:

•menopausal symptoms (irregular menses & hot flashes)

•hemiplegia, apoplexy, epilepsy

•torticollis, cervical adenitis

•arm contracture (so cannot be raised above shoulder height), pain and contracture of back and loins, lumbago with hunched forward posture First Aid: poison (will help induce vomiting for food poisoning) Spirit: Good for any optic nerve disorder, symptoms brought on by wind. Symptomatic for migraines. Mental level rather than spirit. Powerful point, use with caution. Issues about clarity, unable to see and make judgments. For someone who has lost their vision, use with GB 10 and GV 4. The tension of waiting for someone to make a decision. Ability to turn the head, get the mind around other possibilities. Brings freshness to a quiet place. Calming.

GB 21

"Shoulder Well" Jianjing VII 21

Shoulder Well (Chienching)



Δ 7 - 15


Point of Yang Wei Mo Communicates with all the Yin organs, Benefits Delivery, Benefits Lactation, Benefits Kidney, Clears & Invigorates Channels, Clears Heat, Dissolves Phlegm and Hard Masses, Extinguishes Liver Wind, Revives Consciousness, Relaxes the Sinews, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Sends Kidney Qi Down, Spreads Liver Qi Mid-way between the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra and the lateral tip of the clavicle, upon the anterior border of the trapezius in line with VI 15 and II 13.

IMAGE: Refers to the strong & deep sensation of Qi when this point is needled, as if there were a well of Qi here. INDICATIONS: aphasia due to apoplexy

•breast abscess

•cough from rebellious Qi

•difficult labor

•functional uterine bleeding

•hemiplegia due to stroke

•mastitis (main point)

•pain in the back of the shoulder


•stiff neck

•vertigo NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Classics: this point communicates with all the Yin organs

•Pushes energy down - - regulates the up and down energy of the body

•Prevents miscarriage and stimulates labor

•Main point for hemiplegia

•Good for tight trapezius muscles leading to headache

•hiccups-- ascending Qi

•J.C. Darrus:

•mammary pathology, metrorrhagia, post partum hemorrhage, tendency to collapse after childbirth

hemiplegia, apoplexy, epilepsy Spirit: Powerful spirit point where heaven meets earth –below neck and top of shoulders. Physical and spirit level uniting heaven with earth, god and man. A meeting point when a person is disconnected from their higher self. Spirit shining out but the body is locked, depleted, or vice versa. Good for the tendons, stiffness on mental, physical and spirit levels. Good for both shoulders and neck, general chest type problems. Reunion with TE which brings in heavenly aspects of fire and warmth. Use with GB 16 when no getting Qi through to enable the person to see.

GB 22

"Gulf's Fluids" Yuanye VII 22

Armpit Abyss (Yuanyeh)





Invigorates Channels, Relaxes Chest & Regulates Qi, Reduces Phlegm, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Reduces Inflammation & Stops Pain In the 4th intercostals space, on the mid-auxillary line.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Armpit Pool," a reference to the point's location. FUNCTIONS: Invigorates Channels, Relaxes Chest & Regulates Qi, Reduces Phlegm, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Reduces Inflammation & Stops Pain INDICATIONS: axillary lymphadenitis

•intercostal neuralgia

•pain of shoulders & arm


NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: for when the arm is painful and when it feels like energy is attacking the chest OTHER: Meeting Point for some of the muscle channels.

•bitter taste in the mouth

not recommended to moxa

•J.C. Darrus:

•pleural pathology


GB 23

"Flank's Sinews" Zhejin VII 23

Neglected Muscles (Chechin) Sinew Seat





INDICATIONS: acidic belching

Alarm point for VII Transforms Stagnant Liver Qi, Stops Cough, Moves Qi Down th In the 4 intercostal space, 1 ACI medial to VII 22.




NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: for building Kidney Yang

•for bitter taste in the mouth

•J.C. Darrus:

•acidic vomiting, hyperchlorhydria, hypersialorrhea Spirit: Wood feed the ligaments and tendons, which hold the muscles in place. Look at this point where there is atrophy or wasting – no growth, no rebirth or regeneration. Gives strength and security. Much more the strength of mind and spirit are involved here, held together. Can affect speech when a person gets words in the wrong order.

GB 24

"Sun Moon" Riyue

VII 24

Sun and Moon (Jiyueh)





Alarm point for VII; Reunion with XII Front Mu point of the Gall Bladder Drains Damp Heat, Benefits Liver and Gall Bladder, Brightens Eyes, Clears Gallstones, Harmonizes Middle Jiao, Invigorates GallBladder & Transforms Damp, Regulates Function of Liver & Stomach th In the 7 intercostal space, on the paramedian nipple line, approximately level with XIII 13.

IMAGE: Sun-Moon is an old way of referring to the eyes. "Sun" is the left eye and is considered masculine; "Moon" is the right eye and is considered feminine. A reference to the point's effect on the eyes. GB 24 is a crossover point for the foot shao yang and foot tai yin channels. This is a meeting point for the yin and yang energy in the body, hence the name "Sun Moon". When the sun character and the moon character are used together in a single character, it is called "ming" and means "clear" or "bright". This may imply the GB's effect on the mind and decision-making. INDICATIONS: acute & chronic hepatitis



•intercostal neuralgia

•peptic ulcer

NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: J.C. Darrus:

•alternating joy and discontent, oppression, anguish, moaning, sighing OTHER: One of the main points for: gallstones, jaundice, hepatitis

•For Wood attacking Earth syndrome

•Dr.Voll: associates this point with stomach wall

•for hiccups rub this point

•Good point for nausea & vomiting

•J.C. Darrus:

chronic hepato-biliary disorders Spirit: A balance between light and dark, male and female, sun and moon, yin and yang, day and night. Capacity to hold contradictions, there’s no real good or bad, right or wrong. There are many possibilities and perspectives, see what is the effective action and choose the action to move forward. A judge cannot be wise without seeing the entire perspective, listen long enough to get to the heart. For anyone who is going to make decisions and judgments and must make them in a balanced way, not biased, this point will bring a balance of the mind. The point is about the whole nature of the GB official, decision making. It harmonizes opposites and brings clarity. Use on dogmatic people who see in black and white with no grey areas. “this is how it is and that’s that”. Softens hardened wood. Use when a person swings from one side to another – helps to see both/different sides. Use when person is up/down emotionally – gives broader range or perspective. Also good for sleep problems –transition between night and day.

GB 25

"Capital's Door" Jingmen VII 25

Capital Gate (Chingmen) Palace Door



Δ 7 - 12


Alarm point for IV Front Mu point of the Kidneys Builds Kidney Qi Yin & Yang, Builds Spleen Qi, Calms Fetus, Clears & Regulates Fluid Pathways, Expels Urinary Stones, Regulates Stomach & Removes Damp, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons & Invigorates Qi, Sedates Rebellious Stomach Qi, Warms Kidney Yang & Transforms Qi Stagnation th On the lateral surface of the abdomen, at the anterior tip of the 12 rib.

IMAGE: The Kidney is the "capital" or foundation of body energetics, and this point is the front Mu of the Kidney. INDICATIONS: intercostal neuralgia



•pain of intestinal hernia

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Mann: diarrhea in frightened people for people who are too mentally active OTHER: Tonic point for the Kidneys

•low back pain




•abdominal distention

•back pain from standing a

Spirit: Physical point. Used to treat gall bladder itself. Often with LR 13. Not very deep, gets to the deep level superficially. Used to get things moving.

GB 26

"Girdle Vessel" Daimai VII 26

Girdle Vessel (Taimo)



Δ 5 - 15


Point of Dai Mo Regulates the Girdle Channel, Clears Damp Heat, Clears & Invigorates Channels, Regulates GallBladder Channel, Regulates Menses, Regulates the Uterus, Stops Leukorrhea On the lateral surface of the abdomen, at the intersection of the vertical line passing through VIII 13 (or the anterior tip of the 11th rib, and a horizontal line passing through the center of the unbililcus.

IMAGE: Daimai refers to the Dai Channel, which begins here. INDICATIONS: convulsions




•paraplegia due to trauma


•intestinal colic

•profuse blood and leukorrhea


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 POINT COMBINATIONS: With Sp 9 for damp heat and gynecological problems OTHER: Starting Point of the Dai Mo (Girdle Channel)

•Major Damp Heat/ gynecological point.

•Main point for vaginal discharges, especially heat or excess type.

•Bloating/ damp/ distended abdomen

•Especially for premenstrual bloating

•J.C. Darrus:

•all gynecological diseases with spasm

•all diseases of any articulation

GB 27

"Five Pivots" Wushu VII 27

Five Pivots (Wushu) Fifth Pivot



Δ 3 - 10


Point of Dai Mo Reduces Damp Heat, Regulates Liver Qi, Regulates Menses, Strengthens Low Back & Invigorates Kidney, Stops Leukorrhea On the abdomen, inferior and slightly medial to the anterior superior iliac spine, (on a level with XIII 4)

IMAGE: This point also regulates the Dai Mo, which crosses five "pivots" or meridians as it traverses the lower abdomen: Spleen, Stomach, Kidney, Liver, & Ren channels. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain





•infantile convulsions


•low back pain


•vaginal discharge containing blood NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Similar to GB 26, which is usually stronger, but GB 27 is better for hernia.

GB 28

"Maintain the Way" Weidao VII 28

Binding Path (Weitao) Preserving Path, Linking Path



Δ 3 - 10


Point of Dai Mo Reduces Damp Heat , Regulates Qi, Tonifies Qi, Regulates Dai Channel, Regulates & Moistens Intestines,Raises Middle Qi , Transforms Intestinal Stagnation On the hip, mid-way between VII 27 and VII 29.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's function of maintaining the flow of Qi in the Dai Mo. INDICATIONS: adnexitis

•chronic constipation


•pain of intestinal hernia

•prolapsed uterus

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Good for Wood CF’s with difficult periods and uterine problems. Helps prevent sidetracking, keeps person on the path.

GB 29

"Stationary Seam" Juliao VII 29

Dwelling In the Bone (Chuliao) Inhabited Joint, Squatting Bone Hole





Point of Yang Wei Mo; Point of Yang Qiao Mo Benefits Hips, Clears Heat, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Strengthens Low Back & Invigorates Kidney, Stimulates Channels, Transforms Damp, On the hip, mid-way between the anterior superior iliac spine and the prominence of the greater trochanter.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Pelvis Seam.," a reference to this point's location near the hip joint. INDICATIONS: cystitis


•diseases of the hip joint & surrounding soft tissues (major point)


•low back pain & associated pain in lower abdomen

•lower abdominal pain


•pain in the lower back & leg

•paralysis or atrophy of leg

•stomach ache (not main) NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Mostly used for hip pains, leg problems


•J.C. Darrus:

•testicular pathology

•traditionally not recommended to

Spirit: Used with GB 30 with moxa on needles will bring heat to the joint and warm the energy, doing the same as the fire point on GB. Use with command points. Lubricates the joint when stiff.

GB 30

"Encircling Leap" Huantiao VII 30

Jumping Circle (Huantiao) Leaping Circumfexus, Jumping Round

⊥ 10 - 15




Benefits the lower back & leg, Clears and Stimulates the Channels, Builds Qi & Blood, Clears Damp Heat, Dispels Wind & Cold, Relaxes the Muscles and Tendons, Invigorates Kidney On the lateral surface of the hip, posterior to the prominence of the greater trochanter.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Bend & Jump." Refers to the point's function in transforming stagnant Qi in the hip joint, and used to help the body in bending over & moving. INDICATIONS: diseases of the hip joint & surrounding soft tissues


•numbness & paralysis of the lower extremity

•pain in the groin



•Wind rash


•leg Qi

•pain in the lower back &

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 1.5 - 2.5 cun OTHER: Major Point: Stimulates the release of Yuan Qi

•The Main Point for sciatica: palpate for tenderness, even if slightly off the point

•hip arthritis

Spirit: Hip pain on Wood CF –go in 10-15 fen, good with moxa on needle.

GB 31

"Wind's Market" Fengshi VII 31

Wind Market (Fengshih) Wind’s Market





Dispels Wind, Regulates Qi & Blood, Strengthens Tendons & Bones, Transforms Damp On the lateral surface of the thigh, 6 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the vastus lateralis and the biceps femoris.

IMAGE: This point, being on the outside of the thigh, is prone to invasion by external Wind; thus, it is used to disperse Wind in the lower body. INDICATIONS: eyes red & swollen



•itching on one side of the body

•neuritis of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh and a muscle branch of the femoral nerve

•numbness & stiffness of the lower leg & foot

•pain in lower back & leg

•paralysis of lower limb

•soreness & pain in the lower back & leg NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.2 cun OTHER: Herpes/ dermatitis/ Wind rash itching Itching when nothing is present shaking Spirit: Sciatica, polio, weakness of the knees and limbs, lumbago

GB 32

"Middle Ditch" Zhongdu VII 32

⊥5 Δ5-7

Middle Ditch (Chungtu) Central Rive Function: Location:

On the lateral surface of the thigh, 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the vastus lateralis and the biceps femoris.

IMAGE: The point is in the middle of the lateral thigh, in the "ditch" formed by the two muscles. "Middle Ditch" may also be a reference to the whole Gall Bladder channel which runs down the middle of the flanks of the body. FUNCTIONS: Dispels Wind & Cold, Invigorates Collaterals & Sedates Pain, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, INDICATIONS: beriberi

•paralysis of lower limb

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun OTHER: skin problems, itching


GB 33

"Knee's Yang Hinge" Xiyangguan VII 33

Knee Yang Border (Tsu yangkuan) Knee Yang Hinge





Benefits Knee, Clears Heat, Dispels Wind & Cold, Invigorates Collaterals, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Sedates Pain, Transforms Damp, On the lateral surface of the leg, between the lateral condyle of the femur and the lateral condyle of the tibia.

IMAGE: An anatomical description-- this point is on the "yang" side of the knee "hinge." The word "knee" distinguishes it from Du 3, "Yang Guang" INDICATIONS: diseases of the knee and surrounding soft tissues

•inability to flex or extend the knee

•leg Qi

•paralysis of lower limb

•progressive swelling and pain of the knee NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: mostly a local leg point

recommended to moxa Spirit: Used locally for knees.

•good for sciatica or problems of low extremities

•classically not

GB 34

"Yang Mound Spring" Yanglingquan VII 34

Yang Mound Spring (Yanglingchuan) Mound Fountain of Yang, (sea point)



Δ 7 – 10



He Sea: Earth Meeting Point for Muscles & Tendons Lower He Sea of GallBladder Earth; Assembly Point for Tendons; Point of Ho (Autumn); Reunions with LU Benefits the Liver and Gall Bladder Clears & Cools Dampness & Heat Strengthens sinews & bones Clears GallBladder Heat, Transforms Damp Summer Heat, Drains Pathogens from the Liver ; Relaxes Tendons & Invigorates Collaterals; Regulates Liver Qi; Tonifies Liver Blood; Sedates Liver Yang & Extinguishes Liver Wind On the lateral surface of the leg, approximately 14 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, anterior and just distal to the head of the fibula.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Yang Hill Spring" or "Yang Tomb Spring". The name is an anatomical reference to the head of the fibula, and the Yang Qi which bubbles up like a spring here. The term "hill" or "mound" is also a reminder that GB 34 is the earth point on the Gall Bladder channel, sitting opposite SP 9; "Yin Mound Spring" INDICATIONS: cholecystitis

•distension of the gall bladder

•distension of the mouth, tongue, throat, face, and head

•fullness of the chest & ribs

•habitual constipation (with TB 6)



•intercostal neuralgia

•leg Qi

•loss of urine

•pain in the knee

•paralysis and numbness of lower limb

•perifocal inflammation of the shoulder

•round worm in the bile duct

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Mann: neurasthenia, fright, yang madness.

•A "Quiet Courage" point.

•Calms a person down and gives them the strength to face tough issues.

•Calms hysteria and general uptightness.

•Inability to move forward and backward. ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: don't needle this point in springtime. OTHER: Major point for musculoskeletal problems: affects bones & joints as well. For swellings, sprains, and strains.

•Main point for shoulder problems: frozen shoulder, tendonitis, arthritis. One of best points for sciatica, esp. if pain is coming down the side of the leg. Also for hip problems/ hip arthritis.

•Whole body distension-- full feeling-- patient feels "big." For general body swelling but more hard and distended than soft, edematous swelling.

•Causes Gall Bladder contractions and can expel gallstones.

•CAM: vomiting, esp. with bitter taste in the mouth

•Muscular back pain. Spirit: When resentment and complaint, we are not going to fester there any longer – gives person a new birth out of it. Use when person can’t hear that there is another way to view the situation (GB out of whack and person doesn’t want to hear it). This point broadens perspectives and plants new seeds. Nourishes the ligaments and tendons. Symptomatically – ligament illnesses, cartilage in leg and foot, arthritis in legs, sprained ankles – brings stability and rigidity with flexibility. Wood growing with a lack of soil. Smothered soil – can’t quite breathe. This point increases earth and helps stability. Connection of tendons and muscles being malnourished can cause a lack of coordination. Grounds the decision maker and helps to rise above the complaint to see new ways.

GB 35 "Yang's Intersection" Yangjiao VII 35

Yang Crossing (Yangchiao) Yang’s Intersection





Point of Yang Wei Mo Xi Cleft of Yang Wei meridian Benefits Jing, Regulates Qi, Regulates GallBladder & Calms the Mind, Relaxes Tendons & Invigorates Blood, Sedates Pain On the lateral surface of the leg, 7 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, posterior to the edge of the fibula, approximately 1 ACI posterior to VII 36.

IMAGE: Four Yang channels traverse this area: GB, St, U.B., & Yang Wei. INDICATIONS: asthma

•pain on lateral aspect of leg

•sciatica NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun OTHER: For lumbar pains due to attack of the Yang Wei (Xi cleft point) and when patient has swelling of the lumbar region.

•Dr. Liao: Raising or growing of Shao Yang Spirit: Enhances the meridian in a general way. Extreme coldness in the body and mind, use when a person is ready to receive the sunshine, when there is no future, aim, for excessive sighing.

GB 36

"Outer Mound" Waiqiu VII 36

Outer Mound (Waichiu) Outer Hill





Xi Cleft Disperses Heat & Inflammation, Regulates Qi, Promotes Function of Liver & GallBladder, Resolves Toxin On the lateral surface of the leg, 7 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral mallleolus, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula.

IMAGE: Anatomical reference to the fibula & surrounding muscles INDICATIONS: headache


•paralysis of lower limb

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: rage (channel excess symptom) Spirit: Physical and mental level. A place where yin and yang come together and balance each other, reach an abundance of energy here. To reach a brittle or rigid person with no true sense of identity, no center or lacking worth and quality. For intense dislike of wind.

GB 37

"Bright Light" Guangming VII 37

Bright and Clear (Kuangming) Shiny and Bright, Bright Light





Luo point Junction Regulates the Liver Clears the Vision Clears the Brain, Clears Heat, Disperses Liver Heat, Dispels Wind, Regulates & Tonifies GallBladder Qi, Opens & Brightens the Eyes, Relaxes Tendons & Invigorates Collaterals, Transforms Damp Heat On the lateral surface of the leg, 5 ACI proximal to the lateral malleolus, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's function of clearing the vision & brightening the eyes. INDICATIONS: atrophy

•atrophy of optic nerve

•blockage & numbness of the leg


•chills & fever without sweating

•migraine headache

•night blindness

•pain & itching of the eye

•pain along lateral aspect of calf


•soreness of the leg & knee NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.7 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Has a calming effect -- helps with decisiveness ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: for shooting pains in the leg preventing the patient from standing OTHER: Main distal point for vision.


•Good for calf problems

•Fever without

Spirit: Deals with pure energy, if it is impure then treat it here. Brings stability and better coordination of the muscles (spasms, inability to stand for long periods, muscular rigidity, paralysis). Good for people who have had an excessive intake of drugs. Particularly good for mental level and window type properties. Judgments and decisions need to be made with clarity, this point is about seeing the fruits and rewards of making good judgments and decisions, gives a clear and all encompassing vision. Nourishes visions and the eyes beautifully. Great when a person has a plan and is not clear about the first step to take. Sharpens visual acuity and focus.

GB 38

"Yang's Help" Yangfu VII 38

Yang Support (Yangfu) Yang Aide,Yang Assistance, (River point)



Δ 5 - 15


Jing River: Fire Fire; Sedation; Point of Ching (late summer) Clears Channels, Dispels Cold & Eliminates Heat, Dispels GallBladder Heat, Dispels Pain, Dispels Wind & Damp , Harmonizes ShaoYang, Invigorates Collaterals, Reduces Phlegm in GallBladder channel, Soothes Liver & Transforms Depression On the lateral surface of the leg, 4 ACI proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula.

IMAGE: The point "helps" move Yang Qi. "Fu" is also a classical term for the fibula. INDICATIONS: arthritis of knee


•migraine headache

•paralysis of lower limb


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Sedation point: for people who are uptight and Liver excess OTHER:

•Good point for migraine

•excessive perspiration

•joint achiness

Spirit: Extreme coldness in body mind, it may be necessary to use moxa first, use only when the person is ready to receive the sunshine. When there is no future, plans, aims and for excessive sighing. For loins that feel as though they are sitting in water.

GB 39

"Suspended Time" Xuanzhong VII 39

Hanging Cup (Hsuanchung) Suspended Bell



Δ 5 - 15


Influential point of Bone Marrow Meeting point of 3 Lower Yang meridians Assembly point for Marrow; Meeting point of 3 lower Yang meridians (III, VII, XI) Dispels Wind & Damp Cools Gall Bladder Heat Clears Marrow Heat & Increases Yin (steaming bones) Benefits Ears, Clears Heat, Extinguishes Liver Wind, Moves Rebellious Qi Down, Strengthens Bones On the lateral surface of the leg, 3 ACI proximal to the lateral malleolus, the point lies anterior to the edge of the fibula.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Suspended Bell," which refers to the classical practice of Chinese Children to hang a bell from their ankle near this point. Point is also known as Jue Gu (Severed Bone), which refers to its function of mending broken bones. INDICATIONS: coughing

•diseases of the knee & ankle joints and surrounding soft tissues

•fullness in the chest & abdomen


•leg Qi

•migraine headache




•stiff neck

•throat blockage NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Mann: bad temper POINT COMBINATIONS: For neck pain with S.I. 3. OTHER: Main point for stiff neck, neck arthritis, strains, sprains, whiplash, and headaches from stiff neck.

•Immune system booster: increases leukocyte count. For any chronic inflammation of bones or skin.

•Good for skin-- eczema


•very good for ankle problems

•Mann: pasty skin


•broken bones


GB 40

"Mound of Ruins" Qiuxu VII 40

Wilderness Mound (Chiuhsu) Hill’s Ruins, Mound Village, (Starting point)



Δ 3 -7


Source Point Spreads the Liver Qi and Benefits the GallBladder Clears the Channels Clears Liver Fire, Clears Liver/GallBladder Heat & Damp, Dispels ShaoYang pathogens, Improves Joint Function, Regulates Liver Qi & Blood, Regulates GallBladder In the hollow anterior and distal to the lateral malleolus, just posterior to the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus, (next to the lateral tendon).

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to the depression in which GB 40 sit, which resembles a collapsed building.-- the "Mound" is the lateral malleolus. INDICATIONS: axillary lymphadenitis



•diseases of the ankle & surrounding soft tissues

•distension on the lower abdomen

•pain in the chest & ribs

•rib pain


•soreness of the leg due to twisted muscles

•tidal fevers NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: disillusionment OTHER: Important ankle point-- also for heel problems

•sometimes for eye disorders

•vomiting-- Wood attacking Earth syndrome

•tidal fevers

•for "bitter heat" Spirit: The mound was the place where ancestors were buried, here is their richness of wisdom where a person can tap into it so one can see where he is going to step , taking action and creating commitment by action. Where there is an imbalance, a person may be in a wilderness. This point will bring stability, an unshakable calm point. For confusion and resolving the lack of clarity. Good with moxa to warm the GB. Classic point to use after surgery to encourage faster recovery. Rising above the confusion into a clear vision so that the next step can be taken. Raises person above the trees so that they can see the forest. Empowerment of broadening perspectives. Can’t rise after sitting down. Brings a person out of the wilderness and into order. Increasing vision by giving sight from a high place.

GB 41

"Near Tears on the Foot" Zulinqi VII 41


Foot Above Tears (Tsu linchi) Crying Foot, Foot Verge of tears, Overlooking Tears, (Stream point) Function:

Shu Stream: Wood Confluent point of the Dai Channel Exit point Wood; Horarty 11pm-1am; Exit; Point of Yu (summer); Master Point of Dai Mo; Coupled Point of Yang Wei Mo

Spreads & Drains the Liver & Gall Bladder Clears and Regulates the Girdle Channel Brightens Eyes & Sharpens Hearing, Calms Fright & Dissolves Phlegm, Clears Fire & External Wind, Improves Brain Function, Improves Lactation , Softens Hard Masses Δ5


On the dorsal surface of the foot, in the angle between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones.

IMAGE: AKA "Just Before Weeping".Refers to the point's function of stopping eye tearing & brightening the eyes. Strong stimulation of this point may indeed bring the patient "near tears." This can have a therapeutic effect, as crying can help soften Liver Qi. INDICATIONS: abscessed breast


•dampness & swelling of the foot



•rib pain





NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: "Damaged spirit" OTHER: Paired Confluent point: TB 5 of Yang Wei

•Main point for mastitis and other breast problems such as painful menses with breast distension. Also to reduce lactation.

•Good headache/migraine point, esp. for menstrual headaches because of Dai channel association.

•sometimes for deafness/ tinnitus

•circulation problems in the leg-- smelly feet

•hip pain First Aid: hemorrhage Spirit: Wood within wood – vitalizing, real purity. Impending tears that may be dormant behind anger. Can tone down a proud official, restore balance and clear the mind so that a good decision can be made. Also see VII 15 – Head Above Tears (see for notes). The birth of growth, beginning of movement, shows people where they are and what decisions need to be made, helps to make a fresh start, giving expansive vision. Helps a person cope when close to tears. Rising someone above complaint. Tears of frustration, disgruntled. Use with VII 15 to take energy from the mind and head and expand it, root them at the feet. Also called Near to Tears – may allow someone who is fighting back tears to express their anger.

GB 42

"Earth's Fifth Meeting" Diwuhui VII 42

Earth Five Meetings (Tiwuhui) Earth Five Fold





Dispels Damp & Reduces Inflammation, Drains Liver & Gall Bladder, Improves Vision & Hearing, Transforms Liver & GallBladder Heat On the dorsal surface of the foot between the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, just proximal to the head of the 4th metatarsal.

IMAGE: In older times, when people went barefoot, evil Qi was thought to enter easily through the feet and toes, where the five toes touched evil Qi. Evil dampness could enter at the "fifth" toe to "meet the earth." INDICATIONS: inflammation of the dorsum of the foot

•low back pain


OTHER: traditionally not recommended to moxa


GB 43

"Gallantry's Stream" Xiaxi VII 43

Valiant Stream (Hsiahsi) Brave Stream, Pinched Ravine, Intermediate River, (spring point)





Ying Spring: Water Water; Tonification; Point of Yung (spring) Clears Heat Dispels Wind (Liver Wind) Relieves Pain Reduces Inflammation, Regulates GallBladder, Regulates Liver Qi, Sedates Liver Yang On the dorsal surface of the foot, between the 4th and 5th toes, just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx of the 4th toe.

IMAGE: The GallBladder is the energetic seat of courage in TCM theory. "Stream" refers to Qi moving through the point. INDICATIONS: hypertension

•intercostal neuralgia

•migraine headache

•tinnitis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: "For people who feel disoriented towards life and misguided." OTHER: Tonification point on the Gall Bladder channel

• dizziness


•jaw & cheek problems

•blurry vision


Spirit: When a person is thirsty for growth and rebirth, can be very powerful with good changes. Good for cooling down anger. Person may be afraid to make a decision, brings strength and courage into the official to make a decision. Brings moisture and flexibility when too rigid.

GB 44

"Yin Cavity on the Foot" Zuqiaoyin VII 44

Foot Hole Yin (Tsu chiaoyin) Hole of Yin, Foot Yin’s Aperture, Portal Yin, (well point) Jing Well: Metal





Metal; Point of Cheng (winter) Disperses Wind & Fire Clears Sensory Orifices, Drains GallBladder Fire, Dispels Heat & Wind, Regulates Qi, Sedates Liver Yang, Transforms Liver Qi Stagnation th Lateral nail point of the 4 toe.

IMAGE: This is the last point on the channel, which then leads into the Liver (Yin) channel. Also a reference to the "Yin Cavities" on the head: the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and tongue. See GB 11, "Yin Cavities on the Head" INDICATIONS: asthma




•intercostal neuralgia


NEEDLING: Superficially 0.1 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For dreaming of ghosts OTHER: Brings energy down from the head-- very specific point for migraines. outer canthus redness

•deafness Spirit: About the quality of growth. This point replaces trace minerals within wood, similar to GB 40. Metal overwhelming wood may look like paranoia This point may address timidity and fear that prevents a person from taking action, it inhibits the control of Metal upon Wood’s inclination to grow. Used to stop frightening dreams of death, ghosts, being chased or cut up.

Leg Absolute Yin Liver Channel PRIMARY CHANNEL Begins on the dorsum of the big toe, continues across the foot to a point one unit in front of the medial malleolus, and proceeds upwards to Sp 6, where it intersects the Spleen channel. From here, it continues up the medial aspect of the lower leg, re-crossing the Spleen channel 8 units above the medial malleolus, and thereafter running posterior to that channel over the knee and thigh. Winding around the genitals, the channel enters the lower abdomen where it meets the Conception channel at Ren 2, Ren 3, and Ren 4, before skirting the Stomach and joining with its associated organ, the Liver, and connecting with the Gall Bladder. Then the channel continues upwards across the diaphragm and costal region, traverses the neck posterior to the pharynx, and enters the nasopharynx, connecting with the tissues surrounding the eye. Finally, the channel ascends across the forehead and meets the Governing channel at the vertex at DU 20. A branch separates below the eye and encircles the inside of the lips. Another branch separates in the Liver, crosses the diaphragm, and reaches the Lung. This channel connects with the Gall Bladder. It is also joined directly with the Lungs., Stomach, Kidneys, brain, and other organs CROSSING POINTS: Sp 6, Ren 2, Ren 3, Ren 4, Sp 12, Sp 13, DU 20 SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXTERNAL COURSE OF THE CHANNEL Headache, vertigo, blurred vision, tinnitus, fever, spasms in the extremities. SYMPTOMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INTERNAL ORGAN Fullness or pain in the costal region or chest, hard lumps in the upper abdomen, abdominal pain, vomiting, jaundice, loose stool, pain in the lower abdomen, hernia, enuresis, retention of urine, dark urine. DIVERGENT CHANNEL Separates from the primary channel on the foot and continues upward to the pubic region, where it converges with the Gall Bladder primary channel. LUO CHANNEL After separating from the primary channel at Liv 5 and connecting with the Gall Bladder at GB 40, a branch proceeds up the leg to the genitals. Symptoms of Luo Channel Excess: Colic, swelling in the testicles Symptoms of Luo Channel Deficiency: Itching in the pubic region MUSCLE CHANNEL Begins on the dorsum of the big toe, crosses in front of the internal malleolus and ascends along the medial aspect of the tibia, connecting at the inside of the knee. From here, it proceeds up the medial aspect of the thigh to the genitals, where it joins with other muscle channels. Pathological Svmptoms: Strained muscles of the big toe, pain in the area anterior to the internal malleolus, pain at the medial aspect of the knee, pain due to twisted muscles along the medial aspect of the thigh, dysfunction of the genitals (impotence from sexual indulgence, contraction of the genitals if injured by cold, flaccidness if injured by heat).

SUMMARY: LIVER CHANNEL Phone #: (3 5 6) LV-1-2-3-4-8 Tonification point: Liv 8 Sedation point: Liv 2 Horary point: Liv 2 Liver fire, excess/ yin normal, yang excess/ excessive menstrual flow, stagnant excess, heat/ hypertensive headache or HA with lots of heat/ angry Liv 3 Drains heat/ yin xu yang kang/ most common channel point for headaches/ strong calming effect on nervous system/ excessive bleeding/ blood storage problems/ more for regulating menses & cycles Liv 4 hepatitis/ leg circulation problems Liv 5 genital problems/ gynecological probs/ herpes Liv 6 ACUTE hepatitis Liv 8 herpes/ genital. Liv 5 used more-- Liv 8 more cooling, nourishing, Liv 5 more dispersing Liv 13 Front Mu of Spleen Liv 14 Front Mu of Liver The Planner, The General – assessing circumstances and aware of details, anticipates what may happen. Smooth flow moving around obstacles – smooth flow of Qi. Ability to organize your life, to do the details that are necessary Gives directions, imbalance: wanders around aimlessly or overly bogged down in details (compulsive). Can take up too much space, encroaches on others time and space, complaint Balanced: can allow for other perspectives to show up Stores the blood – that which nourishes ligaments and tendons and eyes. Houses Hun Distinction of Earth and Wood: here compulsions are about actions, obsessions are about thoughts Benevolence – I can grant you your space, autocratic vs. participative, freedom of boundaries Regulates the emotions which should be in a wave (up then down) 1.

Great Esteem 2.

Walk Between 3.

Supreme Rushing 4.

Middle Seal 5.

Insect Ditch 6.

Middle Capital 7.

Knee Border 8.

Crooked Spring 9.

Yin Wrapping 10.

Five Miles 11.

Yin Angle 12.

Hasty Pulse 13.

Chapter Gate 14.

Gate of Hope

Liv 1

"Great Honesty" Dadun


Great Esteem (Tatun) Great Vessels for Grain, Large Pile, Great Sincerity, (well point)





Jing Well: Wood Wood; Horary 1am-3am; Entry; Point of Cheng (winter) Pulls Energy Down Harmonizes Ying Clears the Spirit Benefits Kidney, Regulates Chong & Ren, Regulates Liver Qi, Promotes and Stimulates Liver/Gall Bladder Qi, Stops Bleeding when Moxa'd, Tonifies Spleen, Tonifies Liver Blood, Transform Lower Jiao Damp Heat Lateral nail point of the big toe.

IMAGE: Refers to this point's function of clearing the spirit and affecting the psyche. Also translated as "Big Hill," which refers to the Liver Qi's ability to soften the earth (Spleen/Stomach). The point name is also a reference to the "Big Hill" which Liv 1 sits on, i.e.; the big toe INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding


•incontinence of urine

•irregular menstruation


•pain of hernia

•prolapsed uterus NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.1 - 0.2 cun ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: infections or heat causing anuria OTHER: Mann: gonorrhea, pain in penis, scrotum enlarged, pruritis vulva First Aid: unconsciousness Spirit: Not particularly directed towards the spirit, but a very powerful point and safe. Good surge of energy. Shakes off the dead leaves and prunes dead branches. Lets person see and breathe more easily when there is a lack of confidence or when they cannot grow or change. Taking up one’s own space. Giving person esteem so that they can stand on their own or pull back in proportion. Take a stand, ability to express self-esteem in a clear and unobstructed way. Defining self clearly for that moment and no longer spilling over into others. Take responsibility for self. Doing it with majesty and esteem like a huge tree in the forest.

This point may empower the discernment of those aspects of self that may be safely compromised and those that may not – the fundamental principles that must be supported and preserved. Good for hopelessness and chronic depression with wood imbalance. As Horary – the nature of one’s wood – can be pithy, lacking solidity, fragile, disintegrated, dry from not absorbing water, hard and not yielding. Revitalize the tree and give it substance. People’s regard for themselves. A right to own opinion. Out of balance – one’s own view is the only one the person hears – they are taking up too much space.

Liv 2

"Walk Between" Xingjian


Walk Between (Hsingchien) Travel Between, Moving Between, (spring point)





Ying Spring: Fire Fire; Sedation; Point of Yung (spring) Drains Fire from the Liver, Spreads the stagnant Qi (and stagnant Blood), Clears Lower Jiao, Disperses Liver Heat & Cools Blood, Dispels Liver Wind & Sedates Fright nd On the dorsal surface of the foot, between the big toe and the 2 toe, midway in the web between the toes.

IMAGE: Anatomical reference to the point's location between the 1st & 2nd toes, both of which are important in walking & balance. "Walk Between" may also be a reference to Liv 2's ability to move or "walk" stagnant liver qi INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding

•cloudy urine or urethral discharge


•distension of lower abdomen

•eyes red & swollen



•infantile convulsions


•intercostal neuralgia (including shingles)

•loss of urine

•night sweats•orchitis

•pain in the penis

•pain of hernia



•vomiting NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Good for Liver Fire insomnia-- person who wakes up at 2 A.M.

Mann: for person who is easily angered POINT COMBINATIONS: Use a lot with Liv 3. Takes out Fire while Liv 3 cools & nourishes ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: for cold sensation, internal pains, or pain in joints OTHER: Main point for excess Liver Fire headache or hypertensive headache Sedation point

•For stagnant menstrual blood or excessive flow or stagnant blood in lower abdomen

•Very strong anti-spasmodic point: for muscle cramps

•Urinary pain-yellow, cloudy urine or blood in urine

•For infections, viral or bacterial, or inflammatory process with redness and swelling

•Diabetes and hyper/hypo glycemia



•Dr. So: for bad vaginal odors with Ht 9

•A weak and tired person can be drained by this point USE CAREFULLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Good for menstrual and hormonal problems. When person gets angry and agitated very easily, brings warmth and compassion. When Liver is hypertense and Heart is weak let Qi seep through slowly, helps to achieve a middle way with no extremes. Finding a way through obstacles for someone who has been weaving. The ability to choose between one place and another. Make a decision when wavering between possibilities and lack of direction. Helps to not loose sight of plans when obstacles arise. Fire within may produce an excess and manifest as one who is easily agitated and angered. Brings warmth to wood, partnership in the vision and decision, the process, direction and steps that need to be taken . Creates humor so details are not so consuming. Helps someone who is bumping into things head on – can walk between two alternatives. Raging frustration – how can I reach my goal and how can I relax and see how to get through more smoothly. Tonify to bring warmth to wood – more joy – bring a creative spark. Brings incredible life to a boring landscape. Classic symptom = genital herpes

Liv 3

"Great Pouring" Taichong


Supreme Rushing (Taichung) Great Meeting Point, Supreme Surge, Happy Calm, Great Thoroughfare, (stream point)





Shu Stream: Earth Source Point Earth; Source; Point of Yu (summer) Pacifies the Liver, Regulates the Blood, Opens the Channels Clears Blood Heat, Drains Liver Heat, Improves Lactation, Improves Vision, Regulates Qi, Regulates Menses, Sedates Pain, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Sedates Fetus, Sedates Liver Yang & Liver Wind, Tonifies Qi, Blood,Yin, & Yang, Transforms Damp Heat in Liver/Gall Bladder st On the dorsal surface of the foot, in the angle between the 1 and nd 2 metatarsal bones.

LOCATION: On the dorsum of the foot, in the depression distal to the junction of the 1st & 2nd metatarsal bones. IMAGE: Refers to the strong sensation of Qi, which pours from this point when needled. It may also be a reference to the pulse which beats near this point INDICATIONS: abscessed breast

•chest & rib pain

•continuous sweating after childbirth





•irregular menstruation

•low back pain


•pain of the eyes

•retention of urine

•sore throat

•soreness of the joints of extremities (arthritis)


•vertigo NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Insomnia: wakes up in the middle of the night or can't relax enough to fall asleep. POINT COMBINATIONS: Four Gates Treatment: This with L.I. 4 for headache, general pain, nervous anxiety, irritability, arthritis, and to move blocked Qi. Cools a person out. ANCIENT USES: "If the Liver is attacked the patient is green, sighs often, and gives the impression he is about to die." OTHER: Main point on the channel

•Main headache point: any kind. Good point for general pain with L.I. 4-- also good for

•Good point for visual disturbances.

•Yin Xu Yang Kang

•Strong calming effect on the nervous system

•CAM: enuresis, retention of urine

•Main point for vertigo, esp, Liver Wind type

•Cools the Blood, descends Qi and Blood. Builds Liver Yin.

•Detox point: detox the body from anything-- drugs, alcohol. Good for cirrhosis.

•muscle cramps

•Liver attacking Spleen/Stomach (Wood attacking Earth) syndrome: nausea and vomiting, pain in the stomach.

•lumbar pain-- for "body tense-- like a drawn bow."

•difficulty walking-- pain in the legs


•blood in urine

•More for regulating the menses/ cycles USE CAREFULLY IN PREGNANCY

Spirit: In many circumstances it is miraculous for hypertension, agitation when the patient gets annoyed easily and flies off the handle. Excellent with moxa, calming and warming. Sedate to calm person down. Good for when person is overexcited, agitated – brings balance. This point if often done with LI 4 to help eliminate poisonous thoughts , toxins, feces and rubbish from both physical and mental level. Don’t do unless have an imbalance in both LR and LI. When Earth is too tight, people get stuffy, uptight, impacted. Clears congestion in the thoroughfare -–free and easy wandering. Gives a release from details so can see the larger picture. The goal can over dominate and the person becomes tight and constrained, frustrated. So focused on the plan, they need to relax into the situation. Edginess without provocation – it is just there, like the wind in the trees. Physical symptoms = bloating, gas, abdominal phenomena Smooth flow of Qi – constraint, tightness, relaxing, smoother perspective. Out of balance – goes into blame because contract broken, a wrong has occurred and expectations not kept. Navigating through emotions and life.

Liv 4

"Middle Seal" Zhongfeng


(Chungfeng) Middle Mounds, Middle Barrier, Mound Center, (river point)





Jing River: Metal Metal; Point of Ching (late summer) Spreads the Liver Qi Clears the Channels Disperses Liver Heat & Fire, Dispels Damp, Transforms Damp Heat in Liver/ Gall Bladder At the anterior flexure of the ankle, between the tendons of the tibialis anterior and the extensor hallicus longus. (between the 2 medial tendons)

IMAGE: Also translated as "Middle Barrier," which refers to the tendency of the channel Qi to slow down when it reaches this point of transition between the foot and the leg. Also translated as "Spirit's Storage," a reference to the Liver's function of storing the Hun. INDICATIONS: colic

•diseases of the ankle and surrounding soft tissues

•dripping urine

•genital pain


•jaundice with slight fever

•low back pain

•lower abdominal pain

•nocturnal emissions

•pain of hernia

•pain of the knee or ankle

•retention of urine NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Anger without cause

spirit (Hun soul.)

•Dr. Liao: stores the Liver Qi and the Liver

OTHER: One of main points for hepatitis

•Main point for urinary retention

•leg circulation-- problems walking

•"When the throat is inflamed, making it impossible to swallow and the patient spits all the time." For difficulty swallowing

Spirit: For giving identity and recognition of self. Slightly more mental level, person is lacking self-confidence. Enriches the quality in Mind and Spirit when Liver lacks nutrients, no richness, void, no meaning in life, no essence or identity. The seal that represents the individual, like a signature that cannot be duplicates, the original. The aspect of metal that is truly one’s own. How one’s uniqueness show in the world. Honing of a person into that which is most meaningful – refining the wood. Seeing the beauty and quality of what you have planned. Many people have so many plans that they cannot have precision – they cannot do it all. Honoring one’s ability to organize, knowing what is valuable and what is rubbish. As an imbalance the person may not be stepping into their own expression of themselves in the universe as if they have nothing of value to express. Brings the quality of air into wood – clearing stuff out so the air can circulate. Tendency to get dry and fly off the handle – irritable and agitated.

Liv 5

"Worm-Eater's Groove" Ligou


Insect Ditch (Likou) Itching Groove, Draining Shells, Woodworm Canal





Luo point Junction; Center of Energy Spreads the Liver Qi Benefits the Qi Clears the Channels Damp Heat in the Lower Burner Regulates & Tonifies Liver Yin & Blood On the medial surface of the leg, 6 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia.

IMAGE: Refers to the depression or groove on the tibia where the point is located. Also , as a Luo point, this point opens up a "groove" for the Qi to flow to the GB channel Source point. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding

•difficult urination




•low back pain


•pain of hernia

•prolapsed uterus


•sexual dysfunction

•swollen & painful testicles

•vaginal discharge

•irregular •retention of

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For people who dream about insects. Good for nervousness/ anxiety OTHER: Point will be tender for patient with endometritis, fibroids


•itching-- especially genital itching/ Herpes

•good results fro premature •general skin problems

Spirit: Abnormalities of Liver often manifest as skin irritation, there can be a mental irritation. Point is used like a digging out the irritation that is buried, it calms the person immensely. Junction point – gives security and balance. Anchors and stabilizes, restores sanity and harmony. When there’s a disparity between the plans and nothing getting done.

Helps take away irritation and creates a new conversation. Nourishes the Blood and moves Qi. Cementing wood together. Lack of stability between the parts of the body, mind or both. Feelings of insects crawling on the skin or dreams of it - irritability. Clearing out the dead wood like insects.

Liv 6

"Middle Metropolis" Zhongdu


Middle Capital (Chungtu) Central Capital, Central Metropolis





Xi Cleft Xi Cleft; Center of Energy Removes Liver Stagnation Dispels Wind & Cold, Invigorates Collaterals, Regulates Qi & Blood, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Sedates Pain, Transforms Damp Heat On the medial surface of the leg, 8 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia.

IMAGE: Refers to this point being a Xi Cleft point in the middle of the leg. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding

•acute hepatitis (most common use)

•paralysis of lower limb

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.5 - 0.8 cun OTHER: point will be tender to palpation with hepatitis sometimes for skin problems/ itching

•leg weakness

•Dr. Liao: gathering place of Liver channel Qi (Xi cleft) Spirit: A revitalization point for the whole body. Lifts a person up and gives then a look around. Fortify and build. A center of activity, helps center a person in their creativity, heightens and strengthens. Fill the space with own creativity. A center of activity for Qi and blood. When there is no creativity. Can also calm too much activity. Lack of taking charge – being a general in one’s own life.

Liv 7


"Knee's Hinge" Xiguan

Knee Border (Hsikuan) Knee Joint



Benefits Knee, Clears Channels, Dispels Wind & Sedates Pain, Smoothes Function of Joints



On the medial side of the leg, approximately 12 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus, posterior to the edge of the tibia, (1 ACI distal to SP 9)

IMAGE: An anatomical reference INDICATIONS: arthritis of the knee

•strong recurrent headache

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Good for knee problems, particularly medial knee pain and cartilage problems. Physical level point.

Liv 8

"Crooked Spring" Ququan


Crooked Spring (Chuchuan) Slanting Fountain, Curved Spring, Spring in the Bend, (sea point)





He Sea: Water Water; Tonification; Point of Ho (autumn) Benefits the Bladder Clears & Cools Damp Heat Relaxes the Muscle Channels Drains Liver Fire, Frees Lower Jiao, Regulates & Tonifies Liver Qi & Blood, Regulates Menses & Invigorates Blood, Strengthens Knee, Stops Liver Channel Pain On the medial surface of the knee, between and just posterior to the medial condyles of the tibia and femur, on the knee crease when the knee is semi-flexed.

IMAGE: This point is the "spring" of Qi which sits at the "crook" or bend of the knee. INDICATIONS: diseases of the knee & surrounding soft tissues



•itching & distension on the genitals

•knee pain


•nocturnal emissions

•pain in the penis

•pain of hernia

•painful & rough urination

•prolapsed uterus (K-6 better)


•vaginitis (good point) NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For people who are burned-out from overwork; for mental and physical fatigue.

•Helps build courage ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: for blood in stools OTHER: Tonification point on the Liver channel

•Excellent for Herpes-- genital damp heat

•Main point for prostatitis

•If varicose veins at this point, bleed for mental illness.

•uterine fibroids

•Dr. Liao: for Liver Yin & Blood deficient Spirit: For bad fear, anger, irritation, indecision, instability, jealousy, depression, person cannot stand change of environment or company, is in a rut. Body/mind very brittle – cannot take one more trial or tribulation. Moistens and creates juices – the creativity and fertility of spring. Fear of emerging out of self. Great for eyes, nourishment. Brings moisture to Wood. Gives child something to drink. Too much water and wood begins to rot – there is no stability and will be easy to blow the tree over – can’t take any more trials or tribulations. Too little water and wood becomes brittle, stiff and unyielding to the winds of change and unable to grow. Water finds a way through obstacles – cleverness and forcefulness.

Liv 9

"Yin's Wrapping" Yinbao


Yin Wrapping (Yinpao) Yin Bladder





Removes Stagnant Liver Qi Communicates with & affects Chong Mo and Ren channels Damp Heat in the Lower Burner Benefits Liver & Kidney On the medial surface of the thigh, 5 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee, between the sartorius and the vastus medialis (gracilis).


•irregular menstruation

•low back pain

•retention of urine

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.7 cun

Liv 10

"Five Measures on the Foot" Zuwuli VIII 10

Five Miles (Tsu wuli) Foot Five Li





Removes Damp & Heat Benefits Kidney, Invigorates Channels, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons On the anterior surface of the thigh, lateral to the adductor longus, just medial to the femoral artery, 1 ACI distal to the flexure of the groin.

IMAGE: Refers to the fact that Liv 10 is used for treating the 5 yin organs. "Five" is also sometimes an oblique reference to the Earth element, as it has a central location in five element theory INDICATIONS: eczema of scrotum




•pain on the medial side of thigh

•retention of

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Insomnia ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: brings about a sweat to help the person fall asleep OTHER:

•"Hormonal assist point"-- Dr.Voll associates this point with the ovaries and testes.

•Mann: scrotum damp & itching

•Venereal disease Spirit: For relaxing the muscles and tendons, clearing damp and heat from lower jiao

Liv 11

"Yin's Modesty" Yinlian VIII 11

Yin Angle (Yinlien) Yin Corner





Activates Blood circulation Regulates the Chong & Ren channels Relaxes Muscles & Tendons * On the flexure of the groin, just lateral to the femoral artery.

IMAGE: "Yin's Modesty" refers to Liv 11's proximity to the genitals. INDICATIONS: irregular menstruation

•pain of hernia

•pain of the thigh

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun ANCIENT USES: special point in the classics for sterility Spirit: Easing childbirth, lends relaxation. Eliminates impurities. For relaxing muscles and tendons, promotes circulation of blood, female infertility and male impotence.

Liv 12

"Urgent Pulse" Jimai VIII 12

⊥X Δ3

Hasty Pulse (Chimo) Urgent Pulse Function:

Clears Channels, Dissipates Cold, Regulates Qi


On the flexure of the groin, 2 ACI lateral to the mid line of the pubic symphysis.

IMAGE: Refers to the "urgent pulse" felt by the nearby femoral artery, especially when the Liver channel is attacked by cold INDICATIONS: pain of hernia

•penis pain

•prolapsed uterus

NEEDLING: CAM only states "moxibustion is applicable" Spirit: Agitation in person’s whole being and in the pulses. Everything is done too quickly. Useful to eliminate toxins. Long term plans terrible, creation not really coming to fruition. Deep pathway through testicles/vagina to CV 2, makes it useful for pain in lower jiao and to influence genitals. Physical and emotional problems around sexuality.

Liv 13 "System's Door" Zhangmen VIII 13

Chapter Gate (Changmen) Camphor Door, Order Gate



Δ 7 - 20


Front Mu point of the Spleen Influential Point for all Yin Organs Point of Dai Mo; Alarm point of XII; Assembly point of solid organs; Meeting point of 5 Yin organs Eliminates Damp Disperses Cold in the Yin Organs Assists the Spleen in its ability to transform & transport food Invigorates Spleen/Stomach, Invigorates Blood, Regulates Organs; Reduces GI Stagnation, Regulates Middle Burner, Regulates Liver Qi, Blood, and Yin, Softens Hard Masses, Transforms Damp Heat in Liver/GB, Spleen, and Stomach; Transforms Phlegm, Transforms Liver Qi Stagnation th At the anterior tip of the 11 rib.

IMAGE: Refers to this point being a "door" to the "system" of all the yin organs in the body, and its ability to regulate them. Also translated as "Mesa Protection" or "Camphorwood Gate". "Zhang" is a word for mesa, and is also a type of wood. This may be a reminder that Liv 13, being the front mu point of the Spleen, is where the Wood energy of the body meets the Earth energy INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•diarrhea due to Cold in the middle burner

•enlargement of the Liver & Spleen


•fullness in the chest & ribs


•lumps & distension in the chest due to accumulation of Qi.

•pain in the chest & ribs

•prolonged jaundice that becomes black jaundice

•turbid & cloudy urine


•yellow skin & dark facial complexion NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing: "For dorsal pains that feel like a fracture." OTHER: Good point for malabsorption problems: food stagnation/ retention/ moves stuckness/ undigested food in stool

•Good for fatigue/exhaustion, especially from malnourishment from poor diet or chronic disease



•Very strengthening point-- warming-- good for chronic cold Spleen

•Dr. So: For any disease of the 5 solid organs

•weak & cold extremities (Spleen not moving things out)


•constipation Spirit: Useful with LR 14 – the only place on the body with 2 gates together. Powerful on BMS levels but mainly on Mind. If the mind is stuck it is a gate of quality to initiate change, step into growth, turn a chapter. Something new will emerge, a new beginning, starting over. Has the punch of AEP, powerful spirit point giving hope and vision. If constraint and blockage, helps person step through to new beginning or opening.

Liv 14

"Expectation's Door" Qimen VIII 14

Gate of Hope (Chimen) Inside the Door, Cycle Gate





Front Mu point of the Liver Exit; Point of Yin Wei Mo; Alarm point of VIII Facilitates the spreading of Liver Qi Transforms & Removes Congealed Blood Dissolves Sputum & Reduces Masses, Expands & Relaxes the Chest, Improves Lactation, Regulates Gall Bladder Qi, Strengthens Spleen & Stomach, Transforms Liver/GB Damp Heat On the inferior edge of the thoracic cage on the paramedian nipple line. It lies off the tip of the 10th rib.

IMAGE: Qimen is an old Chinese name for a military leader, whose function was similar to that of the Liver as the "general" of the body. The name is also translated as "Gate of Hope" which refers to Liv 14's use in resolving depression and emotional disturbances. Also translated as "Cycle Gate," in reference to it's being the last point on the 12 channels' circulation of Qi and Blood. INDICATIONS: chest pain


•distension around the ribs

•enlarged liver

•enlargement of the Spleen as a result of prolonged tidal fevers

•failure to discharge the placenta


•intercostal neuralgia

•nervous dysfunction of the stomach


•tidal fevers

•vomiting NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Main point for intercostal neuralgia/ shingles

•CAM: hiccups, abdominal distension

•problems with milk production

•any liver disease

•Dr.Voll associates this point with phrenic plexus, esp. the diaphragm

•sometimes for motion sickness

•Dr. So: for woman who feels pain in the vagina during intercourse.

•Mann: belching, vomiting sour fluid, difficult delivery

•Liv 14 affects Blood more-- Liv 13 affects Qi more

•mental problems

•emotional problems

•a gate for Blood & Qi

•all channels circulation begins and ends here Spirit: Total resignation, ready to give up, see no birth, growth, the person doesn’t want to plan for a future, there is mental torture, shutting off. No elation or fulfillment – is achieving but all achievements are empty. Opening the gate brings a renewal of hope. The closest thing to a window on LR. Very distinctive gloomy quality, inward turning, anger and hopelessness, dark clouds and negative future. Can be used with LR 13 is someone keeps making the same mistake giving rise to disappointment. Think of a gate of frustration if person cannot get what is wanted. Open the gate so person can get to the Middle Palace (LU 1), a blockage here means that they have no hope of reaching the palace, the center of themselves, the god within. Cold middle jiao. Use when LR loses relationship with ST, where hopelessness, a lack of sense of newness, things never change is present. Use when this official has a resignation of lack of hope. Smoothes and opens up the Qi, relieves stagnation. Empowers quality of aspiration. Can combine with VIII 1 to integrate both lofty and fundamental visions.

SUMMARY: REN CHANNEL Ren 3 Bladder/ excess menstrual Ren 4 Builds Yang/ tonic/ fatigue/ deficiency menstrual/ coldness Ren 6 Qi tonic/ menstrual Ren 8 Middle Burner tonic/ warms/ diarrhea Ren 12 Meeting point of Yang organs/ subdues rebellious Qi/ digestive problems Ren 13 similar to 12/ more stagnation Ren 14 Front Mu point for Heart/ good spirit point/ epigastric problems/ hiatal hernia Ren 17 Dominates Qi of body/ asthma/ bronchitis Ren 22 subdues ascending Qi/ hiccups/ asthma/ sore throat/ thyroid Ren 24 facial stuff

CONCEPTION VESSEL (REN MO) Response to the call to life, all things begin with yin. Sea of Yin. Front, receptivity, matter, substance, supporting, nourishing, creates matter, moist, interior, structive, deep, downward or sinking, earth in relation to heaven, feminine Deficiency – unable to be in their own being in a calm state. Wobbly inside, collapsed internally CV 1,2,3 = structure, vital energy in lower jiao CV 4,5 = passion CV 6 = lifting up and adding to CV 8-15 = wood/earth issues – how flesh self out in the world, mental thought process, ego development Upper CV = nourishment of spirit 1. Meeting of Yin 2. Crooked Bone 3. Utmost Middle 4. First Gate 5. Stone Gate 6. Sea of Chi 7. Yin Crossing 8. Spirit Deficiency 9. Water Division 10. Lower Duct 11. Established Mile 12. Middle Duct 13. Upper Duct 14. Great Deficiency 15. Dove tail 16. Middle Hall 17. Within the Breast 18. Jade Court 19. Purple Palace 20. Flower Covering 21. Pearl Jade 22. Heaven Rushing Out 23. Angle Spring 24. Receiving Fluid

Ren 1

"Perineum" Huiyin


Meeting of Yin (Huiyin)

⊥ 10




Point of Ren Mo; Point of Chong Mo; Entry; General Junction Point Affects the Yuan Qi Calms Spirit, Clears the Brain, Clears Heat, Dispels Damp & Heat, Regulates Chong & Ren, Reinforces the Kidney, Regulates Ren and Menses, Secures the Jing & Lower Orifices, Strengthens Lumbar Spine, Tonifies & Regulates Qi, Revives (!) On the center of the perineum.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Yin Convergence" as the Chong and Ren channels converge here. The Du channel also converges here. The genitals are known as anterior yin and the anus is known as posterior yin. Thus, Ren 1 is a place where these yins might meet. INDICATIONS: irregular menstruation


•revive from drowning


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: genital itching & pain

•any local/ genital problems

•constipation/ hemorrhoids

First Aid: drowning, resuscitation Spirit: Use when a person’s spirit is drowning, a point of resuscitation to the spirit, psychically drowning. A last resort before one is institutionalized for complete withdrawal, catatonia, suicidal. Gives life where there has been death. Use when panic is more outward. This point is used only when all the officials need support. Cannot relate to society. First use KI 24, then can go to CV1, use when the spirit is actually overcome. A block may be created here after giving birth. Affects the balance between yin and yang and all the junction points. Provides a House for the spirit – anchors us, if the plug comes out, CV will hold it in. Use when a person never takes responsibility for being here in life, brings them back to earth. Beginning of all Yin energy, stabilizes, holds, absorbs when there is not enough essence to support life, when no foundation, influences sexuality, good for exhaustion after childbirth. Allows a person to sink into their own center of gravity. Provides structure and anchoring. The meeting of all Yin meridians, source spring, good for women who have “never recovered from childbirth”, they are still tired from a long labor. Nourishes the sea of yin energy so the oceans can feed the rivers.

Ren 2

"Crooked Bone" Qugu


Crooked Bone (Chuku) Curved Bone





Point of Ren Mo Raises Qi, Regulates Bladder & menses, Regulates Menses and Reduces Leukorrhea, Secures Jing, Warms Yang & Reinforces Kidney On the anterior median line, just superior to the superior edge of the pubic symphysis, 5 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: An old Chinese name for the pubic bone INDICATIONS: cystitis

•irregular menstruation


•prolapsed uterus

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: excessive menstrual flow

•lack of virility, impotence




•urinary problems


USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: This point can do all CV1 can do, except resuscitation. All water difficulties, perspiration, internal secretions, water retention, incontinence, lack of virility, same implications as CV1 but lesser effect. The name refers to the location, use locally for genitals, uterus and bladder, especially where there is cold. Stabilizes, holds, sinks, absorbs i.e. eagle taking off to fly – balance of weight and substance vs. lift and fly. Power, structive, density of what the bones do for the body – gravity, seat, stability, foundation, structure and ability to fill the pelvic bowl, picking oneself up with power underneath so person can soar.

Ren 3

"Middle Summit" Zhongji


Utmost Middle (Chungchi) Central Pole, Middle Point



Δ 5 - 15


Front Mu point of the Bladder Point of Ren Mo; Alarm Point for III; A center of energy Assists the Transforming Functions of Qi Regulates the Uterus Alleviates Damp Heat (urogenital) Cleans Bladder Heat, Expels Stones, Invigorates Kidney Yang, Promotes Urination, Regulates Lower Jiao & Menses, Regulates Bladder & Waterways, Tonifies Kidney Qi & Yang and Holds Yang On the anterior median line, 4 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Central Pole," a reference to the north star ("pole star"), around which other stars seem to revolve. This point is a central "pole" of the body's Qi, and 3 three yin channels meet here. The name also translates as "Important Place to Store Qi," meaning that the important Yuan Qi is stored here. Ren 3 is in the exact center of the front of the body. INDICATIONS: dysmenorrhea



•excessive bleeding

•female sterility

•frequent urination


•irregular menstruation

•itching in the vagina

•lack of menses

•lack of urine




•premature ejaculation

•retention of urine



•spontaneous loss of sperm


•vaginal discharge containing blood

•vaginal pain

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Point of Intersection of 3 Leg Yin Channels

•Any urinary tract disorder

•More for excessive menstrual disorders - - Ren 4 more for deficient menses

•Ancients: treat this point four times to cure sterility

•uterine fibroids

•"Moxa 100 times to increase your life span"

•cold abdominal pains

•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY First Aid: urine retention Spirit: Do not use when there is a major imbalance – when some pulses are up and other down. Classic reunion point, the middle of the BMS and meeting of all officials. Other name – Central Pole – comes from astrology and the central pole star around which three others revolve. This is relevant to this point because it reunions with KI, SP and LR.Used for problems with BL and to help the placenta separate. CV 3-6 have a strong effect on the endocrine system stimulates the testes and sex hormones. A grounding point, pulls things down into the lower jiao, useful when the patient is shaky. Weariness, fatigue of BMS, bringing warmth and a return of joy. All leg meridians touch here and effects ones ability to be in touch with their own power, encourages holding fast to ones energy without letting it dribble out by grasping ones middle, good for water CF who depletes their power by getting involved in too many things. Used for all bladder dysfunctions. Very nourishing, stabilizing and grounding point. Keeps flighty person contained into themselves. Absorbing point, can bring a person back to the middle, stabilizing so he can come back and sit on own seat.

Ren 4

"Hinge at the Source" Guanyuan


First Gate (Kuanyuan) Origin Pass, Hinge at the Source, Gate First

⊥ 1 - 15


Front Mu point of the Small Intestine Point of Ren Mo; Alarm point for II; A center of energy Nourishes & Stabilizes the Kidneys, Regulates the Qi (moves & builds the Qi), Restores the Yang Builds Qi & Blood, Drains Evil Qi from Heart, Eliminates Cold in Genitals, Enriches Yin, Invigorates Qi & Blood, Prevents Illness, Promotes Health, Raises Middle Qi, Regulates Chong & Ren, Regulates Lower Jiao & Menses, Resolves Damp & Damp Heat, Restores Collapsed Yin & Yang, Separates Pure from Impure, Tonifies Kidney Yin & Yang

Δ 7 - 15


On the anterior median line, 3 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Store Vitality." A reference to the Source Qi (Yuan Qi) which this point builds when needled or moxa'd. INDICATIONS: "abandoned" stroke

•abdominal pain

•blood in the stool

•blood in the urine

•cold diarrhea



•emaciation & constant thirst


•functional uterine bleeding

•general weakness




•irregular menstruation

•lack of menstruation


•loss of sperm



•prolapsed uterus

•roundworms in the intestinal tract


•tidal fever accompanied by coughing blood

•twisting pain below the navel

•urinary tract infection

•vaginal discharge NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun OTHER: Major Point of acupuncture

•Major point for building Yang: often moxa'd. Warming point. Over the Tan Tian or storehouse of vital energy. For chronic abdominal problems-- pains, indigestion-- builds Kidney Yang to feed the Spleen Yang to aid in digestive functions.

•Main point for fatigue and weakness since it builds Yang & Qi. Common for deficient Qi and Blood syndromes.

•Good for deficient menstrual problems: with St 36. For pale blood, not much blood, or long cycles.

•Good point for impotence


•Also tonifies Blood, builds Yuan Qi


•weak legs. Good point to palpate-- if flaccid at this point, indicates lack of Qi.

•hot flashes/ fibroids/ lack of sexual desire


•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: The entrance into the lower Dantien, the Lower Cinnabar Field, the lower energy vortex, very powerful energy source to strengthen the whole system. The first gate through which energy passes, which must be kept open and oiled. Good point for impotence, mentally brings peace of mind, calm, order and relieves hypertension. Roots the ethereal soul when troubles at night (leaving the body, this will pull it back). Directly concerned with the function of SI and problems with sorting. Creates movement when there is stuckness. Encourages arousal, sexual energy, desire in life. Resolves sexual hesitation or confusion, a gate to the lower part of ourselves. Allows a person to step into clarity – “I am not feeling a lot sexuality and would like to feel more”. Deep problems of the mind and spirit, the meeting point of Shen and Jing. Relights the pilot light in anyone. Roots the etherial soul when troubled or leaving the body at night – this point pulls it back.

Ren 5

"Stone Door" Shimen


Stone Gate (Shihmen) Stone Door



Front Mu Point of the San Jiao Point of Ren Mo; Main Alarm point for VI; Main center of energy

Dries Damp, Tonifies Kidney Yang Tonifies Yuan Qi Regulates Menses & Lower Jiao Warms the Yang: When Moxa'd, Warms Cold Δ 7 - 15


On the anterior median line, 2 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: This point was classically said to cause sterility, or a "stone uterus" in women. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding




•retention of urine

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Particularly relates to the lower burner

•Classically prohibited to needle -- feared this point would cause sterility (questionable as a birth control method!)

•Traditionally needled deeply for birth control, yet needling shallowly is said to help sterility.

•endocrine disorders

•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Main center of energy. The first gate where energy is likely to be blocked. If after 8-9 treatments if there is still no energy, do CV4 and 5 together. Also for bowels, periods all over the place, too much bleeding, etc. Lack of energy, lack of vitality, lack of warmth, weakness and fatigue. Like an AEP for TE, especially for a cold lower jiao. “Stone” refers to the Cinnabar Stone (precious stone). At the level of the umbilicus there has to be a balance between yin and yang, so there are a lot of pivotal points. The Cinnabar Field is the beginning of that balance. Stone can also refer to barrenness and infertility. Like a sepulchre – a stone rolling back and new life emerging. A person’s foundation and sense of meaning in life. At times it is put on the forbidden list as it has a big effect on the uterus and womb especially when there is cold and lack of vitality. When a person can’t find the strength to move past the stuckness, touches the realm of passion generated by the gate of vitality, overcomes the lack of desire. Good point if things have been shut down for awhile. Real stuckness, passion, sexuality. Feel a need to create a movement because there is no sexual energy or passion for life, a little larger opening needs to be created.

Ren 6

"Sea of Qi" Qihai


Sea of Chi (Chihai)



Point of Ren Mo; main center of energy Regulates the Qi functions, Strengthens Deficient Kidneys, Harmonizes the Blood, Regulates the Chong Mo & Ren Mo, Dispels Damp Calms Fetus, Clears Blood Heat, Enriches Yin, Expels Stones, Harmonizes Ying & Blood, Raises Middle Qi, Regulates Menses, Regulates Lower Jiao, Regulates Water Pathways, Reinforces Jing, Restores Collapsed Yang, Stops Leukorrhea, Tonifies Kidney Qi & Yang, Tonifies Yuan Qi, Transforms Damp Heat

Δ 7 - 15


On the anterior median line, 1 ½ ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: A reference to the point as a rich ocean of Source Qi. INDICATIONS: "abandoned" stroke

•abdominal distension

•abdominal pain



•excessive bleeding

•heat stroke or exhaustion



•incontinence among children


•intestinal paralysis

•irregular menstruation




•urinary retention

•vaginal discharge with blood NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8 - 1.2 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Has more mental associations than Ren 4. Esp. for nervous anxiety; for someone who's always worried, fatigued, or exhausted. Also for emotional aspects of PMS.

•"For people who just want to die"

•Insomnia-- esp. neurasthenia type

•Charges a person up-- helps them come out of themselves. POINT COMBINATIONS: With Ren 12 builds digestive system and for vomiting OTHER:Very similar to Ren 4, but more for building deficient Qi in the body. Also more for deficient Blood.

•Colitis/ appendicitis. Also vomiting with Ren 12.


•Weakness in the 4 limbs.

•Uterine fibroids

•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Chronic disease and debility – when a person is bogged down in negativity, spiritually, mentally exhausted, depression. An extremely valuable sea to tap into, gives access to Qi. Far reaching effect for bringing vitality to the lower jiao. Use for cold lower jiao, abdominal pain, kidney pain, frequent urge to pass urine. Can bring warmth to spread energy from the sea into the stream, mind etc. Infertility, moxa can distribute vital Qi into the genital area. You could use it for someone with good pulses, but spiritually resigned or dead inside. Lack of quality in energy, though there may be quantity. You can sedate if the pulses are all over the place and the person is exhausted from too much storminess. Warms, nourishes, lifts, stability, transforming matter through the intestines, raising Qi point, for chronic tiredness, exhaustion, revitalizes a person’s Qi (JG) Resigned spiritually – “can’t stand it anymore”, “ wants to die”. Gives strong connection to umbilicus and the nourishment a person might not have gotten on any level during childhood. Bogged down with negativity. Mentally and spiritually exhausted.Restores upright Qi, for long term or serious chronic illness, use when meridians are not providing enough. Works the same on spirit- when spirit is knocked out. Also good for intestinal issues – irritable bowels. Use moxa most of the time, sedate for whole body/mind hypertension. Replenished Qi in chronic diseases. Lack of coordination.

Ren 7

"Yin's Junction" Yinjiao


Yin Crossing (Yinchiao) Yin Intersection





Point of Ren Mo; Alarm point for VI (lower) Disperses Stagnant Blood Clears Damp Heat, Clears Blood Heat, Regulates Blood, Regulates Menses & Lower Jiao, Tonifies Kidney Yang, Transforms Damp & Damp Heat On the anterior median line, 1 ACI inferior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: The Yin Qi of the Chong & Ren & Foot Shaoyin meet at this point. INDICATIONS: abnormal uterine bleeding


•prolapsed uterus


•irregular menstruation


•pain of

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.8- 1.2 cun OTHER: For stagnant blood problems: clotting

•Strong effect on the Chong Mo (Sea of Blood)

•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Provides stability of mind and an anchor when there are problems in the lower jiao, gives stability of mind. Good for suicidal tendencies, frustration, depression, lack of love, withdrawal, instability. The name suggests the location – an area where the jiao is in an intersection of uniting and intertwining. It nourishes the lower jiao and harmonizes, in warming and raising the function of its proper level it brings the power of the heart and joyfulness into this area. Affects yin and blood, fertility and sexuality, sex hormones, impotence, premature ejaculation, scanty periods, inability to hold or contain. Depression from a cold lower jiao, lack of ability to love and express love. Strong effect on mental level for negative thoughts.

Ren 8

"Middle of the Navel" Qizhong


Spirit Deficiency (Shenchueh) Spirit’s Palace Gate, Spirit Tower gate



Point of Ren Mo Warms & Stabilizes the Yang Strengthens the Transporting function of the Spleen & Stomach Dries Damp & Damp Cold, Regulates Intestines, Reduces Stagnation in Digestion, Regulates Waterways

Δ 3 – 30


In the center of the umbilicus.


IMAGE: Also has the name Shenqu, or "Spirit Palace Gate;" The Shen or spirit is said to enter a fetus through the gate of the navel via the umbilical cord. INDICATIONS: acute & chronic enteritis


•chronic diarrhea

•continuous diarrhea


•heat stroke or exhaustion

•intestinal noises & pain

•intestinal tuberculosis

•loss of consciousness

•prolapsed anus

•prolapsed anus

•shock resulting from intestinal adhesions

•simultaneous vomiting & diarrhea NEEDLING: Prohibited OTHER: This point is not needled

•Not directly moxa'd. Moxa over sand or slice of ginger or salt. More for middle burner yang xu. Most common use is for loose stools/ diarrhea

•Also for fatigue Spirit: The life cord, the spiritual cord. Unlimited use of moxa for tonification. Salt is used as a leveller (salt = metal), warm the salt, hence warming the metal within the metal. Moxa enhances, encourages, nourishes, gets the spirit moving. Use for really deficient spirit and utter depletion. Good for birth trauma. Spirit Palace gate refers to the idea of a watchtower on either side of a palace gate. These are protective towers where the spirit enters and leaves the body at birth and death. Use when someone has given up their spirit and are exhausted. Lack of determination. Useful point for someone worn down over a long period of time, use when the vital energy seems low. You may get a person physically better but they don’t feel better in themselves - a deeper level of treatment is needed. Use if person is resigned, collapsing, a void in their center. Gives heat and warmth to the spirit. General weakness, low in spirits, especially good for people addicted to drugs. For serious depression, chronic and serious debilitating illness, to warm and nourish the spirit (Shen), the spirit of light and playfulness (engaging) when the spirit is flat warmth goes through the body to the whole being. Rekindles a fire that went out. Get them ready to welcome the spirits. Relationship with the source of their own life is at the umbilicus. Connects the soul and the ancestors. Warms the spirit and reconnects it to the body/mind. Puts a floor under the spirit so that it is supported. This point fills a person with the spirit of life when it wasn’t transmitted early on or they have become depleted, restores yang even though of yin meridian. Good for hyperthermia, chronic diarrhea (AIDS), depression. Taps into the original vital spirit. Revitalizes the fresh pure spirit given inutero. For anyone that you can’t get kindles or as soon as it starts to come up, they lose it.

Ren 9

"Water Part" Shuifen


Water Division (Shuifen) Water Divide



Δ 5 - 15


Point of Ren Mo Regulates Water Balance, Transforms Damp, Regulates Stomach, Reduces Swelling, Strengthens Spleen On the anterior median line, 1 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Separate Water." A reference to the Small Intestine's function of separating the pure from the impure. INDICATIONS: ascites




NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Used a lot for urinary problems

•abdominal swelling/ edema/ general dampness in the body

•watery stools

•Dr. Feng uses this as a weight loss point

•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Good to help give balance to all fluids, secretions, hormones, etc. on all levels. If there is already chaos, turbulence is created. Use after working with BL ad KI for some time and cannot get the patient balanced. For fluidity of body and mind. Junction point for the whole BMS. Cleansing effect of water – for things that need to be washed away or a stagnation needing to be broken up. Use when person is dried up in spirit, when getting movement in one part of the BMS and not another. Use moxa to break up the ice and get to the reservoir. People with excess or deficient perspiration, inability to urinate. People running of high and unable to slow down. Dry or continually watering eyes, mucous in eyes, catarrh. Sits over the SI, connects with the function to separate pure from impure and fluids from solid matter. Edema in lower extremities, abdomen and joints.

Ren 10

"Lower Cavity" Xiawan XIII 10

⊥8 Δ 7 - 15

Lower Duct (Hsiawan) Lower Stomach Cavity Function:

Point of Ren Mo


On the anterior median line, 2 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to this point's action on the middle & lower burners in aiding digestion. FUNCTIONS: Assists in Food Transformation Strengthens Spleen & Regulates Stomach, Transforms Intestinal Stagnation, Transforms Damp & Damp Heat INDICATIONS: diarrhea


•prolapsed stomach


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun OTHER: Has an effect on pancreatic enzymes USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Concern is with the ST, physical problems with digestion and inability to absorb or move food. Mental indigestion, when person cannot absorb mental food. Rotting and ripening and carrying away waste. Vomiting, anorexia, indigestion, swollen stomach, constipation, diarrhea. Reunion of CV and SP.

Ren 11 "Establish Measure" Jianli XIII 11

Established Mile (Chienli) Build Within, Interior Strengthening



Δ 5 - 15


Point of Ren Mo Eliminates Excess & Damp in the Stomach Harmonizes Spleen & Stomach Regulates Stomach & Aids in Digestion of Food, Sedates Rebellious Qi* Tonifies Ying Qi, Transforms Damp Heat On the anterior median line, 3 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Build Within;" refers to the point's ability to build the Ying Qi & to strengthen the Spleen's function of transporting & transforming food. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain


•acute & chronic gastritis

•angina pectoris



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun OTHER: sweeps away bitterness in chest USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Getting the essence of nourishment from food, physically and mentally, to build strength. Good for internal strengthening and all digestive functions. Don’t tonify if patient has bad stomach pains. Major reunion – LU, ST, SI, SP, CV

Ren 12 "Middle Cavity" Zhongwan XIII 12

Middle Duct (Chungwan) Middle Stomach Cavity



Front Mu point of the Stomach Influential Point for all Yang Organs Point of Ren Mo; Alarm point for XI and VI (middle); Assembly point for hollow organs; A center of energy; Meeting point of the five Yang Organs Regulates the Stomach Qi Transforms & Suppresses rebellious Qi Calms Fetus; Clears Stomach Fire & Heat; Raises Middle Qi; Reduces Digestive Stagnation; Regulates, Strengthens, & Tonifies Spleen Qi & Yang; Regulates Stomach Qi,Yin & Middle Burner; Transforms Damp & Damp Heat & Phlegm;

Δ 7 - 15


On the anterior median line, 4 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Anatomical reference to the Middle Burner INDICATIONS: abdominal distension

•abdominal pain

•acute intestinal obstruction

•acute or chronic gastritis




•gastric ulcers




•lack of appetite


•mental diseases


•pain in the stomach cavity

•prolapsed stomach

•sour taste upon swallowing

•spitting blood related to consumptive illness



•vomiting food long after digestion NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Neurasthenia-- esp. when associated with gastric upsets. Has lots of nervous stomach/ anxiety indications. POINT COMBINATIONS: With Ren 4 for PMS migraine OTHER: Main point for any Stomach or upper intestinal problems. Builds middle energy - - for prolapses - - harmonizes the up and down energies of the body. Heartburn/ hiatal hernias/ undigested food in stools/ loose stools/ strengthens digestion. For stuck Qi in Stomach with fullness/ bloating.

•Hiccups (rebellious Qi-- ascending)

•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Alarm point for ST, a center of energy, assembling point of yang officials. Touches all “workshop” organs. An alternate name for this point is “Supreme Granary”, it is about harmonizing the earth at the center and pivotal point within us. It regulates the descending movement of the ST and ascending movement of the SP so there is no rebellious Qi. Be aware of relationship problems effecting the appetite – “lovesick” – there is an interesting influence on Earth when a person is excited yet unsettled and uncertain. Helps to get a better response from Earth especially on mental and spirit level. Gives a quality change. Can be used early on in treatment. Use for every possible type of ST indigestion, physically, mentally, spiritually. Use where there are problems with rotting and ripening, assimilation and distribution. The most direct rather than powerful point of all for dealing with ST disorders. Coming home to one’s self, like a rocking chair, holds up and moves at the same time - :I don’t take care of myself well enough good for those over-involved with others. Good for Earth when losing own center, gathers and brings to own center. When not able to be inside own self, stop worry.The ST 36 of the CV, takes the kinks

out of lifestyle, living high one moment and then next wanting to die. Enhances anything doing with earth – rotting, ripening, assimilation, distribution,etc.)

Ren 13 "Upper Cavity" Shangwan XIII 13

Upper Duct (Shangwan) Upper Stomach Cavity



Δ 7 - 15


Point of Ren Mo Regulates Spleen & Stomach Transforms Damp & Excess Calms Heart & Spirit, Regulates Heart Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Stops Vomiting, Transforms Damp Heat On the anterior median line, 5 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to the point's effect on the middle & upper burners. INDICATIONS: acute & chronic gastritis

•cardiac spasms

•chest pain

•dilated stomach

•distension of the abdomen

•excessive salivation

•feverishness with no sweating

•irritable & feverish Heart


•stomach spasms NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.2 cun OTHER: "Opens the door" to keep food moving through. Opens the connection between the middle and upper burners.

•USE CAUTIOUSLY IN PREGNANCY Spirit: Sits at the top of the stomach (the first separation of food during digestion- obtaining the 5 tastes) where can have problems with food not going down into the stomach. Person cannot “stomach” their food. Hiatus hernia, burping, cardiac pain due to indigestion. Link between the middle and upper jiao.

Ren 14 "Great Palace" Juque XIII 14

Great Deficiency (Chuchueh) Great Palace Gate, Great Tower Gate, Great Imperial, Tower



Δ 7 - 15


Point of Ren Mo; Alarm point for I Front Mu point of the Heart Calms the Spirit & Regulates the Qi (heartbeat) Pacifies the Stomach & Benefits the Diaphragm Regulates Stomach & Sedates Rebellious Qi, Relaxes Chest & Moves Qi, Transforms Heart Phlegm, Transforms Phlegm & Sedates Cough On the anterior median line, 6 ACI superior to the umbilicus.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Great Palace (or Tower) Gate." This point is the Front Mu of the Heart and is considered the gateway to the Great Palace of the Heart. Juque is also a term for "sword," which is a reference to the xiphoid ("sword-like") process. INDICATIONS: angina pectoris

•chest pain related to roundworms

•chronic hepatitis

•coughing due to rebellious ascension of Qi


•mental diseases

•palpitations due to fright

•round worms in the bile duct




•vomiting long after ingestion of food NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.3 - 0.8 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Strong spirit/mental associations: Main point for anxiety, irritability, including nervous stomach.

•insomnia OTHER: fainting First Aid: sea and air travel Spirit: Go to a deeper and stronger level on the HT official. Similar to Penetrating Inside. Concerned with a spiritual deficiency, if HT lacks spirit the person is doomed. Do after CV 8 in this context. When the spirit is lacking, the person may seek intellectual gain and recognition, living for work. If someone is having a heart attack and the Supreme Controller is gone, go straight to CV 14, gives strength. Sedate only if everything is out o control. Supplies energy to the whole BMS. Tremendous confusion, heart racing, lack of vitality, mental disorders, addicts. Resurrects the spirit that never showed itself, patient remembers emptiness always, spirit of love is absent leaving a great deficiency, for an even greater deficiency that CV 8, the person cannot get any rise of spirit. The HT is weak, sense of purpose and greater connection to the whole not present. Deep powerful point, touching the god within all the

officials. When one has lost the ability to rule one’s own life, especially for addiction. Gains control of fears, confusion, chaos. JR suggests using when a person has begun to help themselves first.

Ren 15 "Wild Pigeon's Tail" Jiuwei XIII 15

Dove tail (Chiuwei) Turtle Dove Tail, Feather of Tail





Luo point of Ren Channel Point of Ren Mo; Alarm point for V; Dragon point (master point below) Stimulates Yin in the upper part of the body Benefits Diaphragm, Calms Spirit, Clears Heat, Cools Heart, Dispels Wind, Expands & Relaxes the Chest, Sedates Cough, Regulates Stomach, Regulates Heart, Transforms Heart Phlegm

On the anterior median line, 7 ACI superior to the umbilicus, 1 ACI inferior to XIII 16, (inferior to the tip of the xiphoid process).

IMAGE: Jiuwei is an old Chinese term for the xiphoid process, which is said to resemble the tail of a bird. (This name may also refer to the way the luo channel "fans out" from this point, also resembling a bird's tail.) INDICATIONS: angina pectoris



•mental illness


NEEDLING: Obliquely downward 0.4 - 0.6 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Inability to choose words when talking; walks around wildly, wants to get naked OTHER: For Luo symptoms:

•Deficient: itchiness on the skin of abd.

•Excess: painful abdominal skin

•Good for fatigue: "Executive Stress Syndrome." Frazzled from overwork/ stress.

•For addictions/ smoking withdrawal

•Traditionally not recommended to moxa. Spirit: Used more with Fire (V) CF. Use when person’s fire is threatened, anxiety, panic but it hasn’t got through to the Controller, they may still be experiencing heart symptoms. Gives stability. Alarm for V, has it’s own pathway, “spirit treasury”, for pain in the heart because of loss of loved one. Nourishes the Yin organs. Juicy, filling point, soothing and calming for the mind. Touches the spirit of PC when feeling shattered and broken – a fullness can develop there, too fragile or full. Good for sleepiness. Vulnerability, lacking the heart protector, for a person who feels they are getting old, anxiety, panic because V is threatened but hasn’t got through to the heart yet.

Ren 16 "Middle Hall" Zhongting XIII 16

Middle Hall (Chungting) Central Palace





Point of Ren Mo Harmonizes Middle, Invigorates Qi, Loosens Chest, Regulates Middle Jiao, Relaxes Chest, Sedates Rebellious Qi On the anterior median line, 8 ACI superior to the umbilicus, at the xiphisternal joint.

IMAGE: This is the "hall" between the chest & abdomen. INDICATIONS: asthma

•food stuck in throat

•vomiting NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: A temple in its own right, energetically it will affect the HT. CV 16 & 17 are at the center of the middle Cinnabar Field, middle Jiao, where the Supreme Controller resides. These points go direct to the Supreme Controller but if used and there is no response it is because you have not done enough spade work with the Officials.

Ren 17 "Penetrating Odor" Tanzhong XIII 17


Within the Breast (Shanchung) Central Altar, Chest Center, Middle Point between Two Nipples Function:

Front Mu point of the Pericardium Influential Point of Qi of the body Sea of Energy point

Point of Ren Mo; Sea of Energy; Alarm Point for VI (upper); Assembly point of Chi Energy; Center Reunion Particular point for breath energy

Regulates & Suppresses Rebellious Qi Expands the Chest Benefits the Diaphragm Diffuses Lung Qi, Dissolves Phlegm, Improves Lactation, Opens Lungs, Regulates & Tonifies Qi, Sedates Cough, Tonifies Ancestral Qi, Transforms Hot Phlegm Δ3


On the anterior median line, 1.6 ACI superior to XIII 16, at the level of the 4th intercostal space, and level with IV 23.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Bare Chest" or "Middle of the Chest". Tanzhong is a classical name for the pericardium and also for the exposed sternum. It is necessary for one to "bare one's chest" before this point can be needled. INDICATIONS: bronchial asthma


•chest pain

•chest pain

•difficulty or inability to swallow food (due to constriction or dryness in the esophagus)

•insufficient lactation

•intercostal neuralgia

•lung abscess



•spitting & coughing blood

•tumors on the neck

•wheezing NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun POINT COMBINATIONS: With Ren 4, Ren 12, and Ren 17 for fatigue OTHER: Main point for asthma: increases ability to breathe, dilates bronchioles

•Good point for fatigue

•Sea of Energy point with UB 10 and St 9

•Anti-smoking point-- for withdrawal


•palpitations Spirit: The place where the HT resides, the Imperial Palace. There is a sense of feeding and containment. The temple of heaven within our bodies, where the energy can gather and be transmitted. A secret place full of power which allows communication to radiate out from the Supreme Controller to the whole body and the rest of the world. Connections directly to the HT and LU. A Sea of energy, re-invigorates the LU and HT. For a cold upper jiao, people laboring with breathing, angina, abnormalities of the breast, tightening band around chest, antismoking, anti-gas point. When all seas are worn out, the person is tired, frustrated, need to restore the CCV, get the shen to move and the person will respond better. Consider CV 17 when you are stuck and you can’t balance and center via command points. (front MU point for PC) Synchronizes rhythms of LU and HT. When cannot get centered or balanced with command points. When all the seas are worn out and a person is tired and frustrated. Reunions all the aspects of Fire and IV.

Ren 18 "Jade Court" Yutang XIII 18

Jade Court (Yutang) Jade Hall



Point of Ren Mo Dispels Phlegm, Relaxes Chest, Invigorates Qi, Sedates Cough



On the anterior median line, 1.6 ACI superior to XIII 17, at the level of the 3rd intercostal space, and level with IV 24.

IMAGE: A reference to the "nobility" or "richness" of this point. Classically, the lung was sometimes referred to as the "Jade Hall" INDICATIONS: asthma



•intercostal neuralgia


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: aphonia (can't talk)

•immune system difficulties

•Dr. Liao: affects the thymus gland

Ren 19 "Purple Palace" Zigong XIII 19

Purple Palace (Tzukung)





Point of Ren Mo Regulates the Throat, Relaxes Chest, Invigorates Qi, Sedates Cough On the anterior median line, 1.6 ACI superior to XIII 18, at the level of the 2nd intercostal space, and level with IV 25.

IMAGE: The Emperor's palace. Purple is traditionally the color of royalty. The Heart ("emperor") lies directly under this point. Purple is also the color of vascular blood. INDICATIONS: asthma


•pulmonary tuberculosis

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: Regal, royal palace. Purple is the color of the pole star, guide in the sky, a fusion of aura colors gives purple. The heart doesn’t do anything it just is. Purple is worn by emperors. The top end of the middle jiao, the more spiritual and celestial end. Purple palace is also a heavenly palace, the emphasis is on the LU as well as the HT. For problems with female breasts – tender before or after menstruation, swelling and abscesses, mastitis, cancer – BE CAREFUL.

Ren 20 "Lustrous Cover" Huagai XIII 20

Flower Covering (Huakai) Florid Canopy



Point of Ren Mo Clears Lung Heat and Sedates Cough, Relaxes Chest & Diaphragm



On the anterior median line, 1.6 ACI superior to XIII 19, at the level of the 1st intercostal space, and level with IV 26.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Magnificent Canopy." The Lung is also called a "magnificent canopy" or a "lustrous cover" over the Heart; so this point is also a "magnificent canopy" which lies over the Heart. INDICATIONS: asthma


•intercostal neuralgia


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Energy departs from this point and goes into the throat-- for pharyngitis Smoking withdrawal Spirit: The LU s described as an umbrella for the five viscera (zang and fu), this point refers to the LU and can be used for all the different disorders of the LU where you need to go to a deeper level and where the body is in trouble because of the mind and spirit. You might use CV 21 and 22 for an asthma attack where the person is filling up and they need to be helped to open up for a release of phlegm. Otherwise BL 13. Anti-smoking point, helps with withdrawal symptoms, though it doesn’t take away the desire. Insomniacs who have been on drugs, drug addiction in general.

Ren 21

"North Star" Xuanji XIII 21

Pearl Jade (Hsuanchi) Jade Pivot



Point of Ren Mo Relaxes Chest & Regulates Qi, Sedates Cough, Sedates Rebellious Qi



On the anterior median line, in the suprasternal notch.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Revolving Mechanism." The laryngeal cartilage is thought to look like the bracket of an armillary sphere (a mechanism that rotates). Some sources state that Xuanji is a term for the North star, while others say it refers to a portion of the Big Dipper: "Xuan" and "Ji" are the names of the two stars which form the bottom of the "ladle" of the Big Dipper. This shape is said to be similar to the sternum in relation to the clavicle. INDICATIONS: bronchial asthma

•cardiac spasm

•chronic bronchitis


•fullness & pain in the chest & ribs

•laryngeal stridor in children

•spasms of the esophagus

•swollen pharynx

•throat blockage NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: difficulty swallowing Spirit: Also called Shimmering Pearl and Jade Pivot – Jade Pivot refers to an anatomical description of the clavicle and sternum, referring to an ancient astronomy instrument which turned on a jade pivot. This is where the neck starts to turn from. Think about the neck, wind and food pipe, congestion and wind blockages with this point.

Ren 22 "Heaven's Prominence" Tiantu XIII 22

Heaven Rushing Out (Tientu) Heaven’s Chimney, Celestial Chimney, Heavenly Process





Window of Sky Point of Ren Mo; Point of Yin Wei Mo; Window of the Sky Facilitates & Regulates Movement of Lung Qi Cools the Throat & Clears the Voice Moistens Throat, Regulates the Throat, Restores the voice, Sedates Rebellious Qi, Softens Hard Masses, Transforms Phlegm On the anterior median line, just inferior to the cricoid cartilage, (1.6 ACI superior to XIII 21).

IMAGE: Also translated as "Heaven's Chimney." The trachea is seen as a "chimney" leading to "heaven" (the head). INDICATIONS: bronchial asthma


•coughing blood & pus in the sputum

•diseases of the vocal cords

•early stages of tumors or nodular growths on the neck


•heavy wheezing


•hoarse voice ("like the sound of a duck")

•nervous vomiting


•spasms of the esophagus NEEDLING: First perpendicularly 0.2 cun, then downward along the posterior of the sternum 0.5 1.0 cun OTHER: The main point for asthma

•regulates the thyroid

•sore throat

•DEEP NEEDLING CONTRAINDICATED Spirit: For people living under a continual dark cloud, living in a cage with pain, hunger and frustration. Caress this point first with gentle massage. Greater and faster than other windows, use this on a CF with no window. Think about air rushing up and down the throat – a neck chimney of the upper burner. Use to close a window if someone comes in completely spaced out and dazzled by heaven. Physical indications: when person is submerged in phlegm, blocked – are they clear enough to through out the rubbish of an asthma attack? Point is between the heavens/head and the rest of the body. When closed down the person will be cut off, depressed, imprisoned in darkness. Also associated with speech and creative self expression. A sense of movement or opening. The neck makes the transition between earth and heaven, the place where spirits enter and leave. A place of enabling seeing, this area is vital for getting oxygen to the brain. Being able to express self from own being. It enables a person to be where they are even in pain. Good for dispersing physical congestion in the throat. Like a WINDOW, use when a person is spaced out and “dazzled by heaven”, the person is living under a continual dark cloud, a self prison of addiction, doesn’t want to see, hear or talk.

Ren 23 "Modesty's Spring" Lianquan XIII 23

Angle Spring (Lienchuan) Pure Spring, Ridge Spring



Point of Ren Mo; Point of Yin Wei Mo; Point of Chong Mo Builds Yin and Body Fluids Benefits Tongue, Clears Heat & Fire, Frees & Moistens the Throat, Transforms Phlegm



On the anterior median line, directly inferior to the hyoid bone.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Pure Spring." A reference to the salivary glands as being the "spring" or source of fluids in the mouth. Also a reference to the point's function of tonifying the body's yin. INDICATIONS: bronchitis

•loss of voice

•paralysis of hypoglossus muscle



NEEDLING: Obliquely 0.5 - 1.0 cun toward the root of the tongue ANCIENT USES: Nei Jing:

•The energy of the Kidneys & Liver emerges here and at Liv 1. These points are the meeting points of Yin and Yang energy.

•"This point and St 18 are the pathways of the Jin Ye. Used to treat thirst and body fluid deficiency." OTHER: Used a lot for tongue problems, thirst, thyroid problems, mouth sores, herpes. Spirit: Refers to the spring of saliva, just under the tongue. Use for thirst or lack of saliva. Also relates to speech problems, throat, cough, catarrh and asthma.

Ren 24 "Contain Fluid" Chengjiang XIII 24

Receiving Fluid (Chengchiang) Receiving Liquid, Sauce Receptacle





Ghost point Exit; Point of Ren Mo Dispels (local) Wind Dispels (local) pain Regulates Yin & Yang Clears Heat, Dispels Swelling, Invigorates Collaterals, Relaxes the Facial Muscles, Stops Spasms Transforms Phlegm & Damp On the anterior median line, in the depression between the point of the chin and the lower lip.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's location on the lower lip where saliva will accumulate, and the lower lip's ability to "contain fluids." INDICATIONS: emaciation & thirst

•excessive salivation

•facial edema

•facial paralysis



•mouth & eyes awry


•ulcers in the mouth NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.2 - 0.3 cun OTHER: Also good for mouth herpes

•Morning sickness

•For people who are very "scattered"

•gum problems


•Nei Jing: shoulder pain and stiff neck (tortocullis) Spirit: Very strong spirit connotation. Tremendous point to use outside of CV/GV connotation – Water CF can use it to wash away impurities and stagnation. Good for problems with mouth paralysis such as lack of coordination, dumbness. Can use if CV is stuck or traumatized. Can be used for a lot of fears, where the fears are excessive. Good for patients who are like dried prunes, either mentally or spiritually or physically withered. This point brings fluid and secretions for a person to flow freely in body and mind. Enhances the spirit and mind with bathing and cleansing. Creates an opening and allows a person to drink from the fluids of life, about letting life in and dissolving barriers. Can be used when fears are excessive to wash away impurities and stagnation. Bathes the officials in the essence of fluids we receive from the spirit for insight and gratitude.

SUMMARY: DU CHANNEL DU channel Luo point: DU 1 DU 3 back/ urogenital problems/ yang tonic DU 4 same DU 9 liver/GB hepatitis/jaundice DU 10 chest/ asthma/ boils/ carbuncles DU 11 spirit/ heart/ expression DU 12 lungs/ spirit/ spine stiffness DU 13 heat/ fevers/ malaria DU 14 high fevers/ malaria/ skin & blood problems DU 15 door of muteness/ neck problems DU 16 wind/ colds & flus/ headaches/ neck pain DU 17 depression DU 20 Liver Wind/ headache/ dizziness/ HTN/ for descending problems DU 23 sinuses/ eyes DU 26 revival point/ shock/ low blood pressure/ gums

GOVERNOR VESSEL (DU MO) The call to life; strength, direct and guide, support the Yang Back, activating, backbone, uplifting, motivating, quickening, expansive, governs, directs, guides, gets orders from heaven about life, awakening call, brings orders to officials, support from behind Ability to stand on one’s own feet Acting in the world, receives orders from the heavens Deficiency = person cannot do or express, weakness, coldness, tiredness, holding back GV 1-3 = survival GV 4 = sexuality, passion 1.Long Strength 2.Loins Correspondence 3.Loins Yang Border 4.Gate of Life 5.Suspended Pivot 6.Middle of the Spine 7.Middle Pivot 8.Contracted Muscle 9.Utmost Yang 10.Supernatural Tower 11.Spirit Path 12.Body Pillar 13.Kiln Path 14.Great Hammer 15.Gate of Dumbness 16.Wind Palace 17.Brain Door 18.Strength Divider 19.Posterior Summit 20.One Hundred Meetings 21.Anterior Summit 22.Skull Meeting 23.Upper Star 24.Spirit Hall 24.5 No Name 25.Plain Bone 26.Middle Of Man 27.Correct Exchange 28.Mouth Crossing

DU 1 "Long Strength" Changqiang XIV 1

Long Strength (Changchiang) Lasting Strength, Long and Strong



Luo point: Du Channel Entry; General Junction Point; Point of Du Mo Opens the Conception & Governing Channels Regulates the Intestines Calms Spirit, Clears Blood Heat, Disperses Swelling, Harmonizes Yin & Yang, Prevents Rectal Prolapse, Sedates Pain, Strengthens Low Back, Stops Diarrhea, Stops Spasms & Pain

Δ 5 - 15


On the posterior median line at the tip of the coccyx.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's function of strengthening the spine and Du channel-- running in a "long" line up the back. Also a reference to DU 1's function of treating impotence. INDICATIONS: cloudy & turbid urine


•eczema of the scrotum



•inducing labor

•infantile convulsions

•loss of sperm


•prolapsed anus

•psychosis NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Stiffness in the spine because it's the Luo point and beginning of Luo vessel. Main point for constipation, hemorrhoids Spirit: A way of distributing heavenly energy to all the officials. The name refers to this point’s role in giving strength and vitality to the whole spinal column and the GV. Reinforces the total energy of a person, bringing energy from the heavens and resurrecting the officials. For stability, lack of coordination, lack of cooperation, the person is completely distraught and feels like they’re going to blow their top – this point brings much strength to the BMS. Similar to GV 12 – both give resolution to the spirit. Gives vitality and strength, making it available. Resuscitates and reinforces a person’s energy. Very good for MS, great with moxa. Junction point of CV/GV, use locally for weakness in the bottom of the spine, vaginal, uterine and anal prolapse. Strengthens the lower back, if in terrible pain and rigidity might sedate. Fundamental connection to one’s own root of power in the universe – strength, survival, passion, sexuality. Provides strength for the spine to stand straight up in the world. Power to see things through, ability to hold steady in the face of adversity and injustice. Ability to hold one’s own in the presence of another’s opinion, ability to see difficulty as a teacher, to see beyond the present difficulty – KI/LR/GB reunion. Kick in the butt, for chronic weakness (done with GV 20 – raises the Qi above the abyss making new vision possible). When this is not connected – absence of upward energy, vital surging energy. Root strength, weakness in lower back and sacrum, very fundamental and deep, yang energy to all officials, creates upright strength and vital energy.

DU 2

"Lower Back's Hollow" Yaoshu


Loins Correspondence (Yaoshu) Lumbar’s Hollow



Point of Du Mo; Independent Associated Point of the Renal Area Warms the Lower Burner Expels Wind & Damp Clears Channels, Invigorates Collaterals, Strengthens the Knees, Strengthens Low Back, Tonifies Kidney

Δ 5 - 15


On the posterior median line at the sacrococcygeal articulation.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's effect on the lumbar spine INDICATIONS: enuresis

•hemorrhoids (instead of DU 1)

•incontinence due to paraplegia


•low back pain

•paralysis of lower limb



NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Good if energy gets stuck going into legs (sciatica). Good for MS. The AEP for the loins, used for lower back problems (sacral when energy is not coming up), menstrual and bladder problems. Ability to hold firm, about loss of strength. Good for person who is extremely irritable at the start of menses. The strength of the area, retreating from the world and life is backwards, this point brings energy from behind for a kick to move forwards, movement from lethargy.

DU 3

"Lumbar Yang's Hinge" Yaoyangguan


Loins Yang Border (Yao yangkuan) Lumbar’s Yang Hinge, Lumbar Yang Pass



Δ 5 - 15


Point of Du Mo Regulates the Kidney Qi Benefits the lower back & knees Eliminates Cold Dampness Warms the Blood & Semen Holds Kidney Qi, Regulates Chong & Ren, Reinforces Jing, Tonifies Kidney Yang On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to the waist. The word "Yao" (lumbar) differentiates this point with GB 33, called "Yang guan" INDICATIONS: chronic enteritis

•continuous vomiting



•irregular menstruation

•low back pain

•lower abdominal distension

•numb & stiff lower limbs

•pain in the knees

•paralysis of the lower limbs



•vaginal discharge with blood NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Main point for low back pain and knee pain. Also for sciatica. For sexual dysfunction-- Main point for premature ejaculation Like Ren 3 and Ren 4 relationship, DU 3 is more dispersing, while DU 4 is more nourishing/building. Spirit: Passageway from the loins to the legs, for low back problems that effect the legs and knees. Regulates the yin and yang and acts as an important joint or hinge that influences the back’s mobility. Allows Yang to flow downward. Gives a person strength in the leg, strength to stand into life. Brings energy to the lower legs and lower back area.

DU 4

"Life's Door" Mingmen


Gate of Life (Mingmen) Vital Gate, Life Gate



Point of Du Mo; Point of Chong Mo Nourishes the Source (Yuan) Qi Strengthens the Kidneys Benefits the Lumbar Vertebrae Calms Fetus, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Dries Damp, Regulates Water Pathways, Tonifies Jing & Yang

Δ 7 - 15


On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae.

IMAGE: This point is the "door" or "gate" of all energy in the body, which is stored in the Kidneys or Mingmen. INDICATIONS: endometritis




•infantile convulsions


•low back pain or sprain


•pain of intestinal colic


•prolapsed anus

•related pain in lower back & abdomen


•sequelae of infantile paralysis


•spinal myelitis

•tidal fevers

•uterine bleeding

•vaginal discharge with blood NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Main Point of Acupuncture

•Builds Life Fire: similar to Ren 4 in many ways. Good for general fatigue/weakness.

•Main point for sexual/genital problems, such as lack of sex drive and vitality

•Especially good for back problems, low back pain

•Qi deficient headache/ dizziness

•Iron deficiency anemia

•copious urination in the elderly

•receding hairline


•5 AM diarrhea Spirit: If this gate is opening and closing, it should adjust to all needs; if it is jammed, life is threatened. Revitalize the mind and body – consider when person lacks strength and vitality. Can use moxa when all pulses are low. Can use for intermittent fevers, where the body gets intensely hot or cold. Excessive perspiration or none. If excess, heavy menses = sedate; if scanty = tonify. Useful for Water CF who has terrible lack of reserves. Brings a person to a new level of consciousness about their sense of what life if about. “The Cinnabar Field” – a reservoir of energy, vitality, a very powerful point. If there are any problems with hot symptoms you might well cause an aggravation with this point. If the person is completely berserk you might consider sedating this point, but it is an extreme thing to do. The power of our inheritance, emerging from the void in the center, we spend our life fulfilling the power, living to full potential the full richness of full human life. To bring back the childlike sparkle and joy of living, for uplifting the spirit and putting life back. Good point of energy to moxa, activates the jing in the kidneys. Encourages one to fully engage in life with strength and power. Stepping into one’s destiny. KI fire sparks a passion for sex and life, sexual desire. Can sedate for acute HBP. A resurrection point for someone who feels like they’re dying. For a time of great transition – open or close the gate to maintain the proper relationship between the body/mind.

DU 5

"Suspended Axis" Xuanshu


Suspended Pivot (Hsuanshu) Suspended Axis



Δ 7 - 15


Point of Du Mo Strengthens the Spleen & Stomach Stimulates Yuan Qi Regulates & Tonifies Spleen Qi & Yang, Strengthens Lumbar Spine & Knees On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae.

IMAGE: Also translated as "Turning Pivot." L-1, where DU 5 is situated, is a key pivot point on the human torso. INDICATIONS: abdominal pain




•prolapsed anus

•stiffness & pain of lumbar

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun Spirit: Back problems. Point can “oil all the pivots”, like hinges. Can give almost instant relief. Also allows the mind and spirit freedom of movement. If pain is in the middle back, use GV 7, if low back (GV 5), if both, use both. All things articulate and move on the “Suspended Pivot”, the pivot between yin and yang, it is where we twist from. If can’t pivot, leads to difficulty in movement, rigidity, lumbago, sciatica, lower back pain, aching in the back. If stools are loose but formed, use moxa to tighten bowels. Particularly good for MS.

DU 6

"Middle of Spine" Jizhong


Middle of the Spine (Chichung) Spinal Center



Point of Du Mo Stimulates Jing Qi

Benefits Spleen, Stomach, & Kidneys

Benefits Liver, Benefits Lumbar Spine, Dispels Damp, Reverses Prolapse



On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference to the point's location below T-11. Classically it was thought there were 21 vertebrae, and DU 6 was in the middle. INDICATIONS: hepatitis

•low back pain

•paralysis of lower limb


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Good for loss of appetite

not recommended to moxa

•blood in stools

•intestinal bleeding


Spirit: Has more effect on the mental level – insanity, epilepsy, depression. Moxa is usually forbidden – it may make a person insane or severely depressed and forgetful.You can use with people who describe their back feeling “like it is breaking in two”. Endocrine system.

DU 7

"Middle Axis" Zhongshu


Middle Pivot (Chungshu) Central Axis, Central Pivot,





Point of Du Mo Benefits Stomach, Liver, Gall Bladder; Regulates Stomach Qi, Benefits Back, Regulates Spleen & Stomach, Reinforces Kidney, Sedates Pain On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's effect on the middle jiao INDICATIONS: cholecystitis

•diminishing vision

•low back pain


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: wood problems

•traditionally not recommended to moxa. .

Spirit: Can do everything GV 7 can but on a lesser level. Use for deterioration of eyesight (JR).

DU 8

"Sinew's Shrinking" Jinsuo


Contracted Muscle (Chinso) Sinew Contraction





Point of Du Mo Quiets Spirit, Reduces Damp, Regulates Stomach, Regulates Liver Qi, Reinforces Kidney, Strengthens Spleen, Strengthens Back, Sedates Pain On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 9th and 10th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: Also called "Sinew Contraction." A reference to the point's function of treating muscle spasms. INDICATIONS: cholecystitis



•intercostal neuralgia



NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: repressed anger Spirit: For contracted or constricted muscles on BMS levels. This point brings about an opening of the mind, an opening of the spirit. From the physical standpoint this is where a person’s breathing is inactive, pains in the chest and muscles, digestive disorders. Connection with liver, spasm, convulsion. Still in the middle jiao but some heart spasm might be helped. Usually use moxa. Tremendous effect on the mental level – insecurity, instability, person’s eyes roll around or are fixed, walking aimlessly about. Good for when an issue is pulling someone to one side or another. You can anchor the patient here, bring them back to the earth. Like GV 4, it’s a whole BMS treatment. Opposite AEP of LR.

DU 9

"Reaching Yang" Zhiyang


Utmost Yang (Chihyang) Supreme Yang, Extremity of Yan



Point of Du Mo Regulates the Qi functions Transforms Damp Heat Expands the Chest & Diaphragm Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Opens Lung, Sedates Cough, Tonifies Yang



On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 7th and 8th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: This point is close to the Heart, where the Yang Qi is very strong. Thus this point "reaches towards Yang." Yang Qi moves from this point to other parts of the body. INDICATIONS: back pain

•body curled up & lethargic

•bronchial asthma

•chest & back pain


•Cold Stomach


•fullness in the chest


•intercostal neuralgia

•intestinal noises





worm in the bile duct



NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Main point for hepatitis/cholecystitis. commonly used and corresponds to the Liver.

•Also commonly used for back problems Spirit: The most yang point on the upper back on GV. It is connected with the source of the yang energy. Energy, movement, vitality, heat. It is almost a horary point of the GV. Relates to GV 8 and the Liver. Use when there is aching in the bones, its the spine’s job to hold everything up. GV 9, 10, 11 take a patient to a “wonderful place”, part of the heavens, showing them a place to be. Be very, very careful, the patient must be very near balance, it takes energy to a higher place. For extremes on Yang – either excess (too passionate and fiery temper) or deficient (inert and not caring).

DU 10 "Spirit's Platform" Lingtai XIV 10

Supernatural Tower (Lingtai) Spirit’s Platform, Spirit Tower



Point of Du Mo Clears Blood Heat/ Blood Toxicity Benefits Lungs & Heart, Clears Channels & Invigorates Collaterals, Expands & Relaxes Chest, Opens Lungs, Sedates Cough, Strengthens Back & Clears Heat



On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: This point is the "platform" which "supports" the back shu point of the Heart (spirit) above it. "Lingtai" was the name of an ancient observation tower, and the term has become an idiom referring to the shen and the ability to reason. This again relates to DU 10's location just below the heart shu point. INDICATIONS: asthma





•Hot condition in the Spleen

•Hot or Cold common cold


•prolonged cough & asthma

•round worm in the bile duct

•stiffness in the neck & soreness along the spine

•stomach-ache NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Helps clear Blood heat/toxicity: Special point for boils, esp. on the back & neck. More for asthma/bronchitis: special effect on thoracic cage. insomnia associated with difficult breathing Spirit: Let go of the past stuff and move forward. The ST 36 of the GV, for strengthening the heart and mind (HT, PC, LU disorders). Penetrating insight into the heart. Do not do too early. Can be the icing on the cake. Can give a feeling of unity, gain perspective. Good for confusion, letting a person see what needs to be done. Don’t do on someone “out to lunch”. For someone who doesn’t want to see, hear or go on living. When really stuck, this point can take them above the situation so they can see. Like an ESP point – allowing a person to have “eyes in the back of the head”. When cannot control person or energy not moving or there is no or very little pulse change.

DU 11 "Spirit's Path" Shendao XIV 11

Spirit Path (Shentao) Spirit’s Path





Point of Du Mo Benefits Heart & Lungs, Calms Heart & Mind, Dispels Wind, Expands & Relaxes the Chest, Regulates Heart Qi & Yang, Sedates Fright & Pain On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 5th and 6th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: On the level with the Heart Shu (UB 15) and UB 44, Spirit's Hall; this point can be considered a direct "path" to the spirit. INDICATIONS: fever

•heart disease

•intercostal neuralgia



NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Next to Heart shu: has strong effect on mind and mood. For neurasthenia.

memory loss, poor memory

•heart pains, palpitations


First Aid: rabies Spirit: Area of the Supreme Controller, the spirit path of the patient unfolding in life, this point regulates the heart and calms the spirit and relaxes the chest – good for cardiac disorders. One may become addicted to the insight afforded by a peak state of awareness. This glimpse sometimes causes a state of manic reaction – generally the person experiencing this vision is inappropriately happy given the seriousness of the event. Clears a path and gives room for the spirit to move on all levels. Use with GV 10 for balancing the spirit.

DU 12 "Body's Pillar" Shenzhu XIV 12

Body Pillar (Shenchu)



Point of Du Mo Lowers Fever Clears Heat Calms the Heart & Spirit Tonifies the Lungs Clears the Ying Dispels Wind & Wind Heat, Expands & Relaxes the Chest, Regulates & Spreads Lung Qi, Sedates Rebellious Qi & Cough *

Δ 5 - 30


On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 3rd and 4th thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's location on the "pillar" of the "body," the spine, and to its role in strengthening the back. INDICATIONS: aphasia due to apoplexy



•chest & back pain

•Heat in the chest


•infantile convulsions

•mental diseases


•pulmonary tuberculosis


•stiffness & pain in the lumbar region

•wheezing cough associated with a consumptive condition NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Used a lot for mental diseases

•Mann: suicidal, incoherent speech, madly walking around


•general spinal rigidity/ strengthens spine

•extreme mental tension Spirit: Strengthens the spine, holding it erect, like the center pole in a tent. Brings vital energy to the area. Gives “backbone” when person is collapsing or breaking under stress. It is a pillar for the spirit. Also keeps adjustments in place. The vertebrae holds everything in place. Sometimes you can see the state of the body pillar by the way they hold their themselves. In the BMS it gives a strength and a resurrection of the spirit. A valuable point for reinforcement to hold the person straight and upright. Use if debilitated by chronic illness and the person’s pillar is crumbling in BMS, will strengthen and straighten the person. Use moxa if cold, inert, weak, to bring back the governor quality of guidance. If there is real rigidity, pain, heat you might sedate.Gives strength to the mind to hold to its own path, accesses the heavenly impulse that defines our path. For people easily swayed, strengthens the immune system. Provides upright Qi, contributes fortitude, aids alignment. When one cannot get out in the world and take the everyday blows, the officials ate panicky and there is chaos.

DU 13 "Way of Happiness" Taodao XIV 13

Kiln Path (Taotao) Molded Path



Δ 5 - 10


Point of Du Mo Relieves Exterior Conditions Cools Heat & Calms the Spirit Benefits Deficient Conditions, Clears Lung Heat, Clears Fire, Dispels Wind & Wind Heat, Reduces Fever, Relaxes Tendons, Spreads Lung Qi, Stops Spasms, Tonifies Wei Qi On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 1st and 2nd thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's function of calming the spirit. Also called "Kiln path". The spinal vertebrae were said to look like a kiln. INDICATIONS: absence of sweating


•fever & chills

•head & neck muscle spasms


the head & dizziness

•infantile convulsions



•pulmonary tuberculosis


•tidal fevers

•heaviness in

NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.5 - 1.0 cun OTHER: Main point for Malaria


•this point can give comfort

•nervous depression

•stiffness along spine

Spirit: The road to happiness – Kiln refers to the ceramic amulets the Taoists wore to ward off evil spirits. Use when there is a lack of happiness, joy and the person is in misery – point brings warmth. Start of the spiritual ascent to the head. Assumes foundation is there, now how do I raise this person to a higher plane of consciousness. Good for articulation of the head.

DU 14 "Big Vertebra" Dazhui XIV 14

Great Hammer (Tachui) Big Vertebra



Δ 5 - 15


Intersection of all Yang meridians Point of Du Mo; Center Reunion General Point of Yang Relieves Exterior Conditions Opens the Yang Clears the Brain & Calms the Spirit Causes Sweat, Clears Heat, Fire, & Summer Heat, Dispels Wind & Cold, Moves Qi & Yang, Reduces Fever, Regulates Qi, Relaxes Tendons, Restores Collapsed Yin, Tonifies Wei Qi On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae.

IMAGE: A reference to the large spinous process of C-7, beneath which the point is located. "Zhui" is also a term for hammer. The vertebrae are said to resemble hammers. INDICATIONS: asthma

•blood diseases


•Cold-induced diseases

•congested throat

•constricted feeling in chest & soreness in ribs





•fever & chills




•hot sensation in bones with recurrent fever (associated with deficient Yin conditions)


•pain in the back of the shoulder

•psychosis (good point)

•pulmonary tuberculosis

•seizures (good point)

•tidal fevers NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.5 - 1.0 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: neurasthenia OTHER: All the Yang Channels cross this point

•Main point for high fever

•Main point for malaria

•fainting/ heat stroke

•helps relieve toxicity-- hot blood diseases, skin problems First Aid: colds Spirit: When use moxa, will blow a cold or fever over in 24 hours. Use to really get someone moving – but only when they are ready. Often, when you are on the correct CF the Officials don’t respond. This point will shake things up – like giving a kick up the backside tell them to get moving. When love and kindness haven’t worked, this point is like a hammer knocking a stuck bolt loose so things can move. Spinous processes were known as hammers and CV7 is the largest. Reunion of Yang with GV where all the deep reserves pour out. Use when there is a Yang deficiency on the pulses. A more direct link to the meridians than GV 28. Used in acute illness, upper respiratory invasion of cold and wind. Sedate if acute attack.Good for articulation of the head. Dullness about who they are, their process in life. When substance is just sitting – helps to wake up. “Why aren’t you getting this?”

DU 15 "Door of Muteness" Yamen XIV 15

Gate of Dumbness (Yamen) Gate of Muteness, Mute’s Gate



Sea of Marrow Point Window of Sky Point Point of Du Mo; Point of Yang Wei Mo; Sea of Bone Marrow Clears the Senses & Consciousness Benefits Tongue, Clears Channels & Collaterals, Moistens Throat, Moves Qi, Promotes Smooth Function of Joints



On the posterior median line, in the depression between the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae. (1 ACI below the base of the occipital bone-GV16)

IMAGE: A reference to the point's function of treating aphasia, and its reputed ability to cause speech problems if needled incorrectly. INDICATIONS: apoplexy

•cerebral palsy





•incomplete maturation of the brain


•occipital headache


•stiff neck

•stiff tongue inhibiting speech NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun. Pay attention to the depth and angle of the needle. Care must be taken to not puncture the Medullary bulb. DEEP NEEDLING IS CONTRAINDICATED. NEEDLING UPWARD AND OBLIQUELY IS CONTRAINDICATED. OTHER: neck stiffness


•specific point for deaf-muteness

•traditionally not recommended to

Spirit: Problems with speech and voice, use shallow needling – use with care.

DU 16 "Wind's Dwelling" Fengfu XIV 16

Wind Palace (Fengfu) Wind’s Palace, Wind Mansion, Palace of Wind





Sea of Marrow point Window of Sky Ghost point Point of Du Mo; Point of Yang Wei Mo; Sea of Bone Marrow; Window of the Sky Dispels Wind Cold and Wind Heat Benefits and Clears Brain, Clears Heart Heat and Sedates Spirit, Drains Fire, Opens Senses, Smoothes Joint Functions On the median line of the head, just inferior to the base of the occipital bone, ½ to 1 ACI superior to XIV 15.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's vulnerability to, and effect upon, internal and external wind. INDICATIONS: common cold (good point)




•mental illness

•numbness of the limbs


NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 cun. CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO NOT PUNCTURE THE MEDULLARY BULB. DEEP NEEDLING IS CONTRAINDICATED. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Psychologically for people who are very "locked in" to their own way of thinking.

•People inclined towards suicide OTHER: traditionally not recommended to moxa Spirit: When you feel you’re continually trying to access GV energy but the person is crumbling, deflating, getting periods of depression and can’t keep going. They can’t see that they are moving on or they’re getting better, they need a degree of connection and vision. Can use GV 24 with it to make a total transition in the patient, take them to a higher plane and really change them. Trust is an important issue with this point – the patient may feel vulnerable as if they always have their back to the wall. Wind is the spearhead of disease and change. Something about the nature of wind enables things to change and grow. Tonify to clear the mind and spirit. If manic, epileptic, hysterical – sedate. Points at the back of the occiput have an effect on the eyes. Like opening the doors and windows to receive a breath of fresh air, cleansing.

DU 17 "Brain's Household" Naohu XIV 17

Brain Door (Naohu) Brain’s Door





Point of Du Mo

Sea of Marrow Point Disperses Wind & Heat Dispels Swelling & Tetany , Stops Spasms, Stimulates the Brain & Revives * On the median line of the head, 2 ½ ACI superior to XIV 15.

LOCATION: On the midline of the head, 1.5 cun directly above DU 16, superior to the external occipital protuberance. IMAGE: A reference to the point's location on the occiput INDICATIONS: headache



•stiff neck

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun OTHER: Dr.Voll: for depressive psychosis

•Good point for depression

•occipital headaches

DU 18 "Between Strength" Qiangjian XIV 18

Strength Divider (Chiangchien) Unyielding Space





Point of Du Mo

Calms Liver, Dispels Wind, Invigorates Collaterals, Relaxes Muscles & Tendons, Stops Pain On the median line of the head, 4 ACI superior to XIV 15.

LOCATION: On the midline of the head, 1.5 cun above DU 17, midway between DU 16 and DU 20. IMAGE: Also translated as "Rigid Middle." The point is used to treat neck stiffness or "rigidity." INDICATIONS: headache



•stiff neck

NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: For someone who is overworked, unidirectional use of their yang energy, helps them divide their time and energy

DU 19 "Behind Top" Houding XIV 19

Posterior Summit (Houting) Behind the vertex





Point of Du Mo; Sea of Bone Marrow; (most yang point (pole) of the body) Benefits Heart & Head, Calms Liver & Benefits Yang, Calms Heart & Spirit, Dispels Wind & Sedates Pain, Reduces Wind On the median line of the head, 5 ½ ACI superior to XIV 15.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's location "behind the top" of the head, DU 20. INDICATIONS: common cold


•migraine headache


NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: Do GV 20 and 19 together, like pouring oil on troubled water. Use where there is total chaos, even when pulses are -1 or -2. Usually will sedate this point, primarily with chaos. Sometimes good to tonify after H/ W or if after you have done a lot of work to bring it all together. Imagine taking the official to the heavenly masters so they can all talk to each other. These heavenly masters have heard it all before, they let the officials get rid of their grievances and then they calm things down so the officials can go home relaxed. Lets them share all their teachings. These are the two best points to restore order when there is chaos. Use 19 when the crisis is imminent, 20 when it has happened and the person is fragmented, use together to calm someone who is manic. The most Yang pole of the body.

DU 20 "Hundred Meetings" Baihui XIV 20

One Hundred Meetings (Paihui) Hundred Convergence





Sea of Marrow Point Point of Du Mo; Sea of Bone Marrow; Dragon point; Yang and LR Reunion Clears the Senses & Calms the Spirit Extinguishes Liver Wind Stabilizes Ascending Yang Clears Strong Heat in Yang Channels, Dispels Heat & Opens Orifices, Dispels Wind, Strengthens Brain, Spreads Liver Qi On the median line of the head, 7 ACI superior to XIV 15.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's location, the "meeting" point of various channels, including the 6 yang channels of the hands and feet and the Liver channel. INDICATIONS: deafness



•locked jaw


•prolapsed uterus







•nasal congestion

•pain at the vertex

•prolapsed •shock



NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: For dynamic changes in one's life



•Mental confusion & loss of

OTHER: End of Liver meridian

•Any kind of headache but esp. Liver Wind/ Yang ascending

•Main point for dizziness

•Main point for hemorrhoids

•"Safety valve"-- lets the steam out!

•hair loss

•motion sickness Spirit: Tonify when a person is fragmented but not in an acute state. Weakness and depletion. This point can call everything together before going to a command point. It clears the mind and lifts the spirit. Might tonify this point when there is a prolapse at the Yin pole (CV1) (hemorrhoids), because this point is opposite it. When there is an excess of Yang with aggressive tendencies of berserk behavior, sedate. GV 20 has the essence of Wood, perspective of what life is about as an individual and as a human, what is right. Moves the person forward to a different level of understanding And being. Pulls things together, giving access to ancestors with wisdom and knowledge. Brings the vantage point far and wide, awareness of life, puts everything in its place. Brings all officials together in a time of chaos. *20-25 sequence, best for drawing yin energy upward. If a person is too yang, sedate. Use with 24.5 as “nature’s tranquilizer” for agitated psyche and spirit.

DU 21 "Before Top" Qianding XIV 21

Anterior Summit (Chienting) Before the vertex





Point of Du Mo Calms Liver & Nourishes Yang, Clears Brain & Improves Vision, Calms the Spirit, Extinguishes Wind & Sedates Tetany, Invigorates Collaterals & Dispels Swelling, Reduces Wind Damp On the median line of the head, 8 ½ ACI superior to XIV 15.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's location just in front of DU 20 or "before the top" of the head. INDICATIONS: headache

•infantile convulsions




NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun Spirit: This is the summit to use when things have not yet completely fallen apart – by calling the meeting early, the officials can communicate with each other and prevent them from going crazy and getting into a mess. The posterior summit is one used when things have already blown up.

DU 22 "Fontanel's Meeting" Xinhui XIV 22

Skull Meeting (Hsinhui) Fontanel Meeting





Point of Du Mo Benefits Nose & Eyes, Dispels Liver Wind & Stops Spasms, Revives, Sedates Fright On the median line of the head, 10 ACI superior to XIV 15.

IMAGE: Refers to the point's location over a fontanel on the top of the head. INDICATIONS: headache

•infantile convulsions




NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun. This point is forbidden in infants whose metopic suture has not closed.

DU 23 "Upper Star" Shangxing XIV 23

Upper Star (Shanghsing)



Ghost point Point of Du Mo Disperses Wind Heat conditions Clears the nasal cavity Dispels Liver Heat & Improves Vision, Opens Senses, Regulates Local Qi, Stops Bleeding



On the median line of the head, 11 ACI superior to XIV 15.

IMAGE: The Qi of this point is said to be as smooth as a star shining brightly. INDICATIONS: dizziness

•facial edema

•febrile diseases in which there is no sweating








•sinus problems

•sore eyes NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun, or prick to cause bleeding. This point is forbidden in infants whose metopic suture has not closed. PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: CAM: mental disorders OTHER:

•Classics: for eye inflammation/ dimness of vision. The inflammation will disappear immediately when needled.

•A gathering place for the yang energy of the body

DU 24 "Spirit's Hall" Shenting XIV 24

⊥X Δ5

Spirit Hall (Shenting) Spirit Cour Function:

Point of Du Mo


On the median line of the head, 11 ½ ACI superior to XIV 15.

IMAGE: A reference to the point's effect on the spirit. The face is known as "the hall of the shen". FUNCTIONS: Benefits Nose, Calms Liver & Dispels Wind, Sedates Heart & Spirit INDICATIONS: headache






NEEDLING: Subcutaneously 0.3 - 0.5 cun, or prick to cause bleeding.

XIV 24.5

No Name

Seal Hall ⊥1-3 Δ3-5


Calms the Liver and extinguishes Wind, quiets the heart and spirit


On the median line of the head, between the medial extremities of the eyebrows, 15 ACI superior to XIV 15.

Indications: Epilepsy, fright palpitations, insomnia, headache, visual dizziness, nasal congestion, anxiety, rhinorrhea, frontal neuralgia, vertigo, vomiting Spirit: (Seal refers to the red mark worn over the third eye or 6th chakra). Point of illumination of the 3rd eye. Both these points are used for psychiatric cases, beyond normal neurotic, for schizophrenic, psychosis. Where there are extreme mental disorders use GV to get it under control. Sedate unless terrifically depressed. Use when the process if just not happening, there is turmoil with head and spirit problems. Can be dodgy, the person has flipped out or stepped off their journey. Can be good when a person is doing well and wants to move in a different dimension. Up front issues have been resolved but the patient want to move, they must be ready for it. Empowers movement, change and gives back their spirit. Helps us to see beyond the immediate problem to a larger vision of life. Raises one above the duality to oneness.

DU 25 "Plain Seam" Suliao XIV 25

Plain Bone (Suliao) White Bone Hole



Point of Du Mo Clears the Senses & Drains Heat, Opens Lungs, Raises the Yang & Restores the Qi, Transforms Stagnation *



On the median line of the nose, at the inferior edge of the alar cartilage, just superior to the tip of the nose.

IMAGE: Also called "White Seam." If one looks at one's nose with eyes crossed, a white outline or "seam" can be seen. INDICATIONS: bradycardia

•brandy nose

•extra tissue in the nose





•infantile convulsion

•low blood

NEEDLING: Perpendicularly 0.2 - 0.3 cun, or prick to cause bleeding. OTHER: Helps sober up a drunk Spirit: Shock and first aid for drunkenness.

DU 26 "Philtrum" Renzhong XIV 26

Middle Of Man (Jenchung) Human Center





Ghost point Point of Du Mo Clears the Senses & Cools Heat Calms the Spirit Benefits the Lumbar Spine Calms Spirit, Clears the Brain, Clears the Nose, Dispels Wind & Wind Phlegm, Regulates Du Channel, Relaxes Sinews, Revives, Sedates Pain, Strengthens Back, Transforms Heart Phlegm On the anterior median line. Inferior to the nose, in the center of the philtrum.

IMAGE: DU 26 is also called "Shui Gou," which is translated as "Gutter." The philtrum is seen as a gutter for nasal mucus. INDICATIONS: acute lower back sprain

•apoplectic locked jaw




•emaciation & thirst, even after drinking

•facial edema


•heat exhaustion



•lip tremor

•motion sickness

•mouth & eyes awry

•nose diseases



•seizures & insanity


•spasms of the muscles in the region of the mouth or eyes

•twisting pain in the vicinity of the heart & abdomen

•unconsciousness NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.3 - 0.5 cun PSYCHO-SPIRITUAL USES: Good point for hysteria/psychosis OTHER: Main point for acute low back sprain

•Main revival point: fainting, weakness

•bad breath/ gum problems

•This is where the Yin middle channel (Ren) and the Yang middle channel (Du) meet; thus it is the "middle" of man.


Spirit: Goes to the very heart of the heart and soul of the soul. For disorganization, person is not clear or not whole in spirit. Very potent point. GV point for resuscitation. Use with patients with brain damage, mental disorders, not clear, disorganized, not whole in their spirit.

DU 27 "Exchange Terminus" Duiduan XIV 27

Correct Exchange (Tuituan) Extremity of the Mouth





Point of Du Mo Calms the Mind, Clears Stomach & Heart Heat, Dispels Heat, Nourishes Yin, Sedates Pain On the anterior median line, inferior to XIV 26, at the superior edge of the upper lip (do not needle lip tissue).

IMAGE: Also translated as "Hole Tip." The point is at the "tip" of the upper lip, above the "hole" that is the mouth. INDICATIONS: occluded nose





NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.2 - 0.3 cun OTHER: traditionally not recommended to moxa Spirit: first aid for toothache and oral thrush

DU 28 "Gum's Junction" Yinjiao XIV 28

Mouth Crossing (Yinchiao) Gum Intersection





Exit; Point of Du Mo Brightens Eyes & Relieves Itching, Clears Heat, Calms Spirit, Dispels Heat & Fire, Improves Vision & Sedates Pain, Opens Lungs & Clears Senses On the upper gum, just inferior to the intersection of the frenulum of the upper lip.

IMAGE: An anatomical reference INDICATIONS: acute wrist sprain (?)

•mental illness

•pain & bleeding around the teeth

NEEDLING: Obliquely upward 0.1 - 0.2 cun, or prick to cause bleeding
