The Abundance Accelerator

The Abundance Accelerator Manifest A Life Of Abundant Wealth, Health & Love By Tuning Into the Abundance of the Universe Grace Armani Copyright c ...
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The Abundance Accelerator Manifest A Life Of Abundant Wealth, Health & Love By Tuning Into the Abundance of the Universe

Grace Armani

Copyright c 2015 The Abundance Accelerator. Published by Grace Armani No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under Canadian and United States of America copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. Note to the Reader: While the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timelines of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to losses or damages caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional and national laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or the recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that the websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared, between the time this work was written and when it is read. Individual results may vary.

Table of Contents 

What is the Law of Abundance?

How to Tune Into the Law of Abundance

See the World in all of its Abundant Glory

Watch Your Thoughts for They Create Your Reality

An Attitude of Gratitude

Visualize Your Life of Abundance & Success

What is the Law of Abundance? Have you ever heard that to feel and live in a state of abundance is to be “One” and connected with God, Source, Creator, the Divine, Higher Being… whatever the higher connection is that resonates with you. Have you ever met someone who just seems to “have it all”? Whatever decisions they’ve made in life, everything just seems to work out in the end? Well, this is because these people have an abundance or prosperity consciousness. That is, the life they live and the way they feel about life is constantly in a state of positivity and of being in the flow, connected to the source of all that is light and love, of abundance, prosperity, and infinite possibilities. No matter what happens, things work out because these people trust in the best outcome, always. There are no questions or doubts. These people are co-creators of their reality; they work together with Source. So what is abundance and how do you harness this type of consciousness into your life? Abundance is simply a state of innate knowing that as children of Source, all of your needs are provided for, that there are infinite possibilities and that Life is overflowing with blessings and opportunities, if you allow them into your life. To allow the abundance to begin flowing into and throughout your overall life, you must tap into the abundance consciousness, which can be achieved through meditation, mindfulness, affirmations, creative visualizations, energy healing, prayer, spiritual retreats, therapy through various modalities, etc… The abundance consciousness can also be experienced when we are simply enjoying the present moment. For example, attending a music concert and truly

enjoying the performance, reading, writing, fishing, running, hiking, driving, daydreaming, enjoying a cup of tea or coffee in the middle of the day, spending time with a loved one, gardening, traveling, dancing, sharing a laugh with a friend, sitting in nature, building something, painting, volunteering, and so on… The truth is, everyday and in every task, you are already tuned into the Law of Abundance (whether you are aware of your ability to do so or not) the connection may be “clear” or “fuzzy” so it is a matter of “tuning” into the correct frequency.

How to Tune Into the Law of Abundance Dear friend, before we go any further, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your willingness to learn, to have the courage to look deep within yourself and address areas in which we could use more love and care because I know that the first step towards abundance and success can be scary as we move out of our comfort zone. So have faith, find strength and the self-love and appreciation for who you are. You are a beautiful soul living a human existence and I applaud you! Yes, it’s true! I am proud of you and though we have not met in the flesh, do know that by writing this book, I have put out the intention that it finds those who are guided by their intuition and that this book is an undeniable bond that will encourage, uplift and inspire you. The abundance of the Universe is all around us as an energetic field. The Universe has various forms of “currency”, just as we have money to represent a fixed value that we would then use in exchange for goods. Abundance, love, prosperity, joy, bliss, peace, and wisdom are just a few examples of “currency” the Universe accepts readily. When you realize this and work on elevating your energetic frequency to match the Universe, you will then begin manifesting in this powerful energetic field by using the “currency” the Universe loves.

See The World In All Of Its Abundant Glory Let’s begin by taking a moment right now to observe your thoughts and assess if whether they are mostly positive or mostly negative. Are you a half-full or half-empty glass kind of person? If your thoughts are mostly positive, that’s great! If your thoughts are mostly negative, that’s great too because now that you’ve identified this, you can begin to change your thought patterns to reflect the positive and abundant world you already live in. Here are some tips to begin observing the Law of Abundance in your life: 

Be in nature by either going to a forest, a park, a local garden, or sitting with a potted plant. Observe how the plants, animals and insects thrive in their environment, year after year. See how they do not worry but naturally trust that their material needs are always provided for by the abundance of the universe.

Think of the abundance of natural resources that are available to you on a daily basis like clean running water, warmth of your home, the gas necessary to run your vehicle, the vast ocean, farmlands, lakes, mountains, the wind, etc...

Observe your breathing right now. Notice that until this moment, you did not consciously think of expanding and decompressing your lungs to breathe in and out the oxygen required to survive – it’s all done unconsciously by the natural mechanisms of your brain and body. The fresh air you are consistently breathing in and out is possibly because of the abundance of clean air in the environment.

If you live in a city, observe the number of people, cars, animals, buildings and trains in the area and how they all go about their day in a systematized fashion. There is orderliness among the chaos.

The key is to view the world as an already abundant and bountiful place by changing the way you perceive the world; Embrace the experience of having this “shift in perspective”. Be open and receptive to give and receive your blessings. Should you notice blocks in your ability to give and receive, simply reprogram the subconscious mind to replace your limiting beliefs with positive and abundance-centered beliefs with this simple yet highly effective four-step visualization technique I share in my book Manifestation Magnet. Become deeply aware of the Law of Abundance and the infinite possibilities of the Universe to begin tapping into this unlimited source and receive its flow into your life.

“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now, and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.” – Masaru Emoto (1943-2014), Secret Life of Water,. (Photo Credit & Copyright: Grace Armani)

Watch Your Thoughts For They Create Your Reality Whatever you focus your attention on is what you will manifest and attract into your life the most therefore, we must learn to become mindful of our thoughts. Develop the ability to calm your mind from the unproductive “static” we all experience from our dayto-day lives. For example, television, social media, gossip, news, noise pollution from living in a highly populated area, negative self-talk, controlling relationships, overbearing colleagues and/or boss, etc… By removing the “static”, you are then open to channeling the higher frequency of the universe and tune into the abundance that is already surrounding you. Remember, energy always flows to where your attention goes.

“I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” – William Butler Yeats, poet, 1865-1939. (Photo Credit & Copyright: Grace Armani)

An Attitude Of Gratitude Right this moment, I’d like for you to think of three things you are grateful for in your life. It can be anything – from having the time to read this, to the beautiful weather, for the roof over your head, to the family and friends in your life, etc… As you think of this, feel the gratitude you have and let it fill you up. The embodiment of content, happiness and gratitude is the same as remaining in the present moment. It is within the present moment that we embody the best version of yourself. What do I mean by that? The best version of yourself is simply when you are aware of the present moment (so in this case, the present moment would be that you are in the act of reading this ebook) and connected to the Source of Love that created you. So by taking the example of reading, this simple act is connecting you to the Source of Love right now, which is where you are simply being your best version. When we are reading, we do not consciously stop our eyes from gliding across the page, but simply just allow the experience to take place; this is what it’s like to be in the present moment. You would not consciously prevent yourself from reading the next line or pages when it’s your desire to read, right? It is in the present moment, when we’ve removed the “static” and mindfully intend thoughts that are positive and beneficial to the manifestation of our desired reality that we are tuned into the abundance of the Universe and are empowered. Practice releasing any past, present and future thoughts, worries and anxieties by mentally watching them float away until they disappear. Just like the saying goes, “let go and let God.” It is once you’re able to simply be in the present moment that you’re then able to allow the flow of abundance to take place within your life.

Visualize Your Life Of Abundance & Success It is a known fact that all successful people first visualize themselves winning before they even begin. In my first book, Manifestation Magnet, I go into great detail the benefits of Creative Visualization and how it boost the Law of Attraction to manifest your heart’s desires into your Life with success. You must have a strong belief that you are a powerful co-creator and manifester of your life. Embody the strength, love and powerful nature of who you were created to be and then see wonderful miracles and opportunities come into your life every day of your life, if you ask for it. You are an awesome and divine child of __(God/Creator/Source/Universe/The Divine)__ (insert a higher being you connect with here). I encourage you to utilize this technique as well to begin co-creating your desired life now. Dream big! In Manifestation Magnet, I share my own personal experience and my journey to manifesting the loving and exciting life I’ve created in hopes to inspire and prove that anything you put your mind to can be achieved. Creative Visualization is fun and easy because you are using your imagination and playfully daydreaming like you may have done as a child. When visualizing your desires, it’s very important to really feel every detail and allow yourself to immerse in that visualization as if you’re really “there.” For example, if you are manifesting your dream home, imagine what it would look like, how many rooms it would have, the finishing, the furniture, the paint color, the location, the yard, the people living in it, the memories you would make, etc… and once you’ve imagined all of the details, imagine walking through this home as if it’s already built, feeling the joy, gratitude and happiness you would actually feel in real life. Can you feel

the excitement tingling on your skin and your heart jumping up and down for joy? If so, then you are superboosting your visualization and manifestation, my friend! I promise you that this technique is incredibly powerful, empowering and will instantly put you in a state of bliss and joy, the exact ingredients required for tuning into the abundance of the universe. Once you are done your visualizations, release them from your mind with a prayer of gratitude and then trust that everything will take place in divine timing. It’s important to release the desires and not obsess over them. The subconscious mind has no reference of time and space, it is only aware of the present moment. The subconscious mind only knows what it has been programmed to believe through our learned experiences and beliefs, which is why I emphasize the importance of reprogramming the subconscious mind prior to using the Law of Attraction in my first book. I highly encourage you to seek other great tools and resources to add to your Law of Attraction kit.

If you feel inspired, please do subscribe to my email list so that we can connect. I also love to receive messages from like-minded friends like you, to share stories and to hopefully support, encourage and inspire one another through Life’s journey. Thank you. Love and light to you and your loved ones.

“What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill, author, 1883-1970. (Photo Credit & Copyright: Grace Armani)