The 12Week Weight Loss Challenge

Are you ready? Have you been filling yourself with bad foods and continuously scheduling your next work out for ‘tomorrow’? Has stress lead to a recent weight gain? Are you too exhausted from work and life’s demands to make proper meals and exercise? Well now is the time to change that! There are hundreds of reasons why we gain weight, but the bottom line is, it needs to go! Get ready to change your life forever- Let’s get started!

What are your goals? I want you to really think about what your fitness goals are. Is your goal to; rock an itsy bitsy bikini looking toned and tight, shed a few post maternity pounds, fit into your old wedding dress, or are your goals more life-style oriented? Whatever your goals are fill them in on your profile page of The 12 week Weight Loss Challenge. Keep in mind that all of your goals are possible.

Where do I start? By determining your goal weight you can figure out your daily calorie in-take. If you want to weigh 130lbs you should eat according to the weight you wish to be, not the weight you currently are. There are heaps of websites online that will calculate what your daily calorie totals should be depending on your height, weight, and activity levels. They all vary by hundreds of calories- so which one is correct? We use a very simple system that’s designed so you eat for the weight that you wish to be -not the weight that you currently are. To find this magic calorie number we need to do a bit of math. To make the math easier we’ve used imperial. If you wish to be 140lbs (divide lbs by 2.2 to get kilos) multiply your desired weight in lbs by 10. Example: 140lbs x 10 = 1400. This is your daily calorie target. Take your calorie number and stamp it on your forehead, write it on your mirror, stick it on your fridge, and make sure you record it in your profile page of The 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge website. Do not consume more or less calories than this number a day! If you eat for the weight you want to be, not the weight you currently are- you’ll see fantastic results.

Tracking your weight loss Weigh yourself every morning before eating or drinking and enter your new weight into your Daily Weight Loss page. You may think this is a little obsessive as we can fluctuate from one day to the next. However we’ve tested this over and over and its crystal clear that weighing yourself every morning puts your mind in the right space and keeps motivation high every day of the challenge. Don’t get discouraged if your weight goes up and down daily, within a few weeks your grid is going to show a downwards trend. Make sure all other users you’ve added to the system upload their results every day. Make the challenge fun and be sure to engage in a little friendly competition. Weighing yourself everyday is a huge motivational tool. It can be exciting and leave the rest of your day with a big smile on your face…or it can make you whinge and whine! Be careful, be mindful, and be smart!

Yes, it is true your weight will fluctuate depending on water retention, menstruation, and the time line of your digestion and exercise. That is why I insist you weigh yourself at the same time every morning. Be honest with yourself, if you have gone up by more than 2kgs overnight you need to go back and figure out what happened. If you follow the 12 week plan without cheating you will lose weight. There are no tricks or secrets here; change your food and exercise habits and use our state of the art tracking tools to record your results and you will lose weight. Step two is a little scarier. Strip down to your knickers and bra. Now take a picture and upload it into the Photo Diary located at the bottom of the Weight Loss Diary page. Now breathe. From here on out that is the heaviest you will ever be. Feel good?

Set Rewards Make plans for yourself for when you reach your bronze, silver and gold star. You can get your partner to do all the cooking and cleaning until they reach their star, go buy a new outfit, maybe even treat yourself to a manicure. Do something you haven’t done before, something you have been too shy or nervous to try, do something that brings out the new you, something that you may not have had the confidence to do before! Dare to do something different and adventurous that will put you slightly out of your comfort zone. These are the experiences which create growth as an individual and eternal confidence!

Record Record RECORD! Get a journal to record everything you eat and drink during the day, then log onto The 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge and record it in your Daily Health Diary page before you go to bed. Add up everything you put in your mouth; oils, condiments, nibbles even alcohol- it all adds up! Now the most important part: record the calories contained in each item that you consume. The only way you’re going to lose weight is by burning more calories than you consume. Do you have any idea how many calories are in a ham and cheese sandwich or a chicken salad? Probably not- most have no idea! You need to learn to think about the calorie content of foods before you eat them. Once you have an idea of exactly how many calories are in your meal, snack, or drink you will really be able to understand where the weight came from, and just

how to get rid of it. This will quickly become one of your daily disciplines that will form into a lifestyle habit that you won’t even think twice about. At the bottom of the Health Diary page is a calorie calculator. Type in the name of a food item into the search bar ex: “orange” and click the number of servings you consumed (ex:1,2,3) . The smart little calculator will spit out how many calories contained in what you ate. If you happen to eat a tandoori chicken wrap with cucumber and carrot and the calorie calculator doesn’t show any results when you type it in- don’t fret. The calorie calculator is smart but not smarter than you. You need to break the meal down into ingredients. So start by typing in: chicken breast, multigrain wrap, cheese, tomato etc. until you have added up all the different ingredients contained in what you ate. Another option is to use the second smartest thing besides you…Google! Type the question into the Google search bar ex: How many calories are in a slice of lasagna? You should get a variety of answers. Make sure you record how many calories are in each meal that you ate in your Daily Health Diary page. Did you go over your calorie target and have a McDonalds burger? Check your weight graph. Maybe you notice a little spike? …stay away and treat your body right! It can take you up to a week to get back on track after a binge fiasco. Next time you drive past the McDonalds golden arches you’ll think of that pesky spike on your graph- is it worth the battle with the drive through speakers, the ketchup spilled on your car, and now the forbidden spike on your graph too?! You’re better than that and you owe your body more respect. Stay away from fast food. More about eating right later. Record everything that goes into your mouth. Every drink, bite, taste, nibblerecord it. It all adds up. You’ll find that this alone will help you to make healthier choices. You will be so aware of the foods you eat and their nutritional value by the end of the 12 weeks that you won’t need to record any longer- however you may still want to. Some successful weight loss winners still record their daily meals today only because it subconsciously reminds them of exactly what they are consuming and helps them to keep on track. The second half to calorie counting is exercise! Keep track of your daily exercise in your Health Diary page. Understanding how many calories you burn from exercise will super speed your weight loss. Simply taking the stairs or walking to work can seriously cut down your daily energy totals! Once all this info has been put into the Daily Health Diary the smart little system will automatically calculate your daily calorie totals. Did you stay under your daily calorie target? Don’t forget that exercise not only burns calories while you are moving, but it also increases your metabolic rate so that you burn more calories even while sleeping. More about metabolism later.

Meal Planning Make sure to print off your 12 Week Weight Loss Meals from the resources page as well as the blank Meal Planner chart. All of these meals have been carefully selected from a wide range of healthy options to help you achieve your daily calorie targets. Pick your favourite healthy meals and fill in your weekly Meal Planner chart. Ensure that the meals chosen for that day stay under your daily calorie target. Your meal planner chart should be filled in weekly and stuck to your fridge. Fill in the shopping list on the right hand side and go wild! Avoid the grocery store as much as possible and try to stick to farmers markets, specialty food shops, and organic food stores. This will help you to avoid pesticides, additives and other junk hidden in our generic foods. Try to buy all your groceries needed for the week in one shop so you can a) avoid wasting your time in the supermarket and start living your life b) so you don’t feel tempted to pick up a few extra things here and there (chips, chocolate, cookies) only buy what is on your shopping list. A general rule of thumb is to shop along the perimeter of the food store to avoid shelf products and stick to the healthy live foods. Live foods meaning foods that were either picked or grown: vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, wheat etc.

Scheduling meals Prepare a healthy breakfast, preferably beginning with a nutritious piece of fruit and then something high in fiber. The reasoning behind this is so that all of the vitamins from the fruit can digest first, before getting stuck behind the fibre that takes longer to digest. Fibre will regulate you and fill you up while boosting your metabolism for the day. Fibre will ensure regular bowel movements which will do wonders for your bloated tummy and heavy feeling in your gut. You’ll feel amazing and shed the pounds once your bowel movements are regulated. If you get hungry a few hours after breakfast, have a mid morning fruit smoothie. It’s proven that soups, smoothies, and even tea and coffee will fill you up for longer and prevent hunger pains. Try to have your last meal of the day 5 hours before you go to bed. Avoid a dinner that’s heavy in carbohydrates since you’re not going to burn all that energy before you go to sleep. Stick to protein and greens for dinner and make breakfast and lunch the biggest meals of the day.

Foods to avoid like the plague White foods equal bad foods! Sugar, white flour, white bread, white pasta, potato, stay away! They are evil foods that are nothing but empty calories with little nutritional value that stick straight to your thighs. Choose whole grain alternatives. If you need further convincing that these foods are evil, simply watch your weight loss chart after you have a big family dinner with mashed potatoes, white dinner rolls, pasta and dessert. I’d bet money that your weight loss line spikes for a few days before returning to normal. Avoid white foods whenever possible-simple!

Sweet Poison “Sugar is sweet and a yummy little treat until you eat and you can’t see your feet!” Just as vegetarians make a conscientious decision to permanently exclude meat from their diets, you too can exclude sugar…become a sugartarian! Since our childhood we have had sugar rooted in our brains as a symbolic reward or treat. From there we go on to make our own food choices and it becomes a part of our every day eating habits. Scientific research has been done to show the effects of sugar on human beingsevery study has come to the consensus that it does far more harm to your insulin levels, mood, and energy level than any other ingredient. Sugar doesn’t resonate in your brain when you consume it. If you eat something that is full of sugar your body doesn’t know that you’ve eaten it and doesn’t release the hormones that tell you that you have eaten enough and that you are full. Never full= Eat More= Excess Calories That Turn Into FAT. We recommend reading David Gellespie’s, “Sweet Poison” for a more thorough understanding of the effects of sugar. This will provide you with every little fact, sliver of research and scientific graph that has ever been done on the negative effects of sugar on our bodies. Sugar change basics: 1) Learn to drink tea or coffee with no sugar. Sounds frightening but trust me after a week or two you won’t even notice it! 2) Please ladies and gentlemen, no dessert- you just ate! Really, think about this. You just cooked dinner, stuffed your belly, licked your plate clean and now you need another treat? Do your body a favour and go to bed feeling like you met your goals today!

3) Now the tough one: no soft drinks! No coke, lemonade, apple juice, pepsino no NO! How badly do you want to have that body you’ve always dreamed of? It’s achievable and will happen much quicker if you cut the fizz! Sodas are full of sugar; they do nothing but cause cellulite and back fat! You’ll be absolutely amazed by the rapid results from the one rule of cutting out sugar. If you don’t obey any other of our rules, obey this oneit’s the most effective.

Cut the buzz Avoid alcohol. Not only is drinking fattening and toxic, but the more you drink the less you think. In a moment of weakness, drinking will lead to late night binges and in the morning you’ll want to keel over and die as you open your mascara smeared eyes to pizza boxes lying on your kitchen counter. We all know the negative effects of alcohol, and at the end of the day the feel good buzz is not worth the negative health impacts or extra weight. If you must drink, stick to one or two glasses of wine with no additives or sulphites. Or, try a skinny girl vodka and tonic water with lime. Both of these options eliminate the evil sugary mixes.

Choose your exercise plan Now that you have established a meal plan it’s time to organize the second half of the equation that will get you to your goal weight in 12 weeks! Select an exercise plan which is located on the resources page of the website. Choose one that you feel is achievable and will create the right level of success for you. You can choose from Beginner, Medium, and Advanced work out levels. Print this plan off and put it next to your meal plan on the fridge. Each day of your exercise plan has a routine and a recommended duration. If the duration says 40 minutes this doesn’t mean that you have to do that routine for 40 minutes all at once. You can break it up so you do 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. Make sure you spend 5 to 10 minutes warming up and stretching and 5-10 minutes cooling down after the routine. Browse through the additional recipes, printable work out moves, home work out videos, and set up a mat in front of your laptop and start trying out the home workouts. There are many e-books on fitness, healthy eating, and general weight loss that will further educate you to achieve your goals as comfortably and quickly as possible. Have fun with it and at the end of each work out take a few breaths and give

yourself a pat on the back! You’re doing your body good and adding years to your life!

Get moving Challenge yourself somehow, someway every day. Take the stairs, walk or bike to work, wake up earlier and take your dog for a brisk walk, jump on the trampoline, go for a morning swim- whatever it is doesn’t matter, just get moving! Get your heart rate up every day for at least 45 minutes a day. This may seem like a lot but consider the time it takes you to check your emails or watch a TV program. If need be, wake up that much earlier. A few days of this routine and your body will have so much more energy! Follow your appropriate exercise plan that is designed for your level of fitness. Simply getting your heart rate up will super-boost your metabolism and tell your body to burn the excess fat and use it for energy. Wooo hooo that’s the goal right?

Crunch the numbers Weight comes down to basic math. 3500 calories is equal to 1 lb of body fat. If you eat 3500calories more than your body can burn, then you’ll inevitably put on 1lb of fat. So if you simply reduce your daily calories by 500 calories a day you’ll be able to lose one pound a week! Have you ever wondered how many calories you would burn if you laid in bed all day? The answer to this question is called your basal metabolic rate or, BMR. Everyone burns a different amount of calories a day depending on gender, age, height, weight and activity level. An average sized woman will burn around 1400calories a day, and an average sized male is closer to 2000 if they are completely sedentary. Your body burns this basic amount of calories to keep you alive and breathing every day but requires at least 750 just to keep your organs healthy. Pretty neat eh?

The Truth About Metabolism Your metabolism is a constant process that works in two seemingly opposite

ways: Anabolism uses energy to create cells, and Catabolism breaks down cells to create energy. Metabolism isn’t a body part or an evil dictator, it’s a simple balanced equation of two systems which work to create fat and destroy fat- too easy!

Energy Your body creates energy from the food you eat, whether it's healthy food or not. It creates energy from fruits and vegetables using the same process that it uses to create energy from chocolate bars and candy. While you know it's better for your body to get energy from fruit and vegetables, your body doesn't evaluate the food you give it. It creates energy from whatever you feed it. To the body, energy is energy. It takes whatever it gets, and doesn’t really know that some foods are healthier than others. It’s kind of like a garbage can: it takes what you put down it, whether it should go down or not. So let’s apply this to the body, and to weight gain. When the body receives a calorie it must do something with that energy. If a carrot delivers 100 calories to the body, it has to accept those 100 calories. The same goes for 200 calories from a chocolate bar. The body does one of two things to the energy, it either metabolizes it via anabolism, or it metabolizes it via catabolism. That is, it will either convert the energy (calories) into cells/tissue (fat) or it will use that energy (calories) to break down cells (burn fat) When there is an excess of energy, and the body can’t use this energy to deal with any needs at the time, it will be forced to create cells with that extra energy to be stored for later. It doesn’t necessarily want to, but after figuring out that the energy can’t be used to do anything (such as help you exercise or digest some food), it has to turn it into cells through anabolism. And those extra cells? Yup, you guessed it: they turn into fat. In a nutshell, the whole calorie/metabolism/weight gain thing is really just about excess energy. When there are too many calories in the body, they are transformed into fat. Sometimes those extra calories are transformed into muscle. In fact, muscles require calories to maintain their mass, so people with strong muscle tone burn calories without actually doing anything; their metabolism burns it for them. This is the primary reason why exercising and building lean muscle is part of an overall program to boost your metabolism. The more lean muscle you have, the more places excess calories can go before they’re turned into fat. Cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise is an important part of boosting your metabolism. Increasing your heart rate, blood circulation, body temperature, and oxygen intake/carbon dioxide exchange, all send messages to your metabolic system to initiate catabolism (breaking down cells and using them for energy).

Build that muscle! A pound of muscle burns more calories than a pound of fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn. You don’t have to do anything. You will simply burn more calories because muscle requires more of an energy investment. Finally our bodies love us again and are working towards our greater happiness! Don’t get too excited…if you build muscle and then leave it without exercise, over time, the muscle fibers weaken and you will lose that wonderful calorie-burning machine.

Interval Training The basic weight loss principle behind exercise is catabolism. Essentially, if you can engineer your body to require more energy, your body will comply by breaking cells down to deliver it, resulting in a skinny-mini you. Super charge your weight loss with interval training. Interval training is simply adding a high-energy burning component to your exercise plan on an infrequent, or interval, basis. For example, if you can jog for 20 minutes every other day, you're boosting your metabolism and burning calories. However, you can actually burn more calories if, during that 20 minute jog, you add a 30 second or 1 minute sprint. Why…because during this 30 seconds or 1 minute, you give your body an unexpected a jolt. Not an unhealthy jolt, but enough that your body has to turn things up a notch and to compensate for your extra energy requirements, this means that your body will burn more calories. The metabolism-boosting benefits you enjoy as a result of interval training are primarily due to the fact that your body suddenly, needs to find more energy! This means your body is burning fat faster!

Fun Fact Ladies only…scientists have determined that the 2-week period prior to menstruation is a premium fat burning time. Australian studies have shown that women were able to burn off as much as 30% more fat in the 2 weeks preceding their period. Thank goodness we have some kind of perk during this monthly misery. At this time, the female body’s production of estrogen and progesterone are at their highest. Since these hormones tell the body to use fat as a source of energy, exercising during this time can really pay off. The body will be inclined to target fat cells for catabolism.

Don’t Hate Calories We constantly come across calorie reduced or low calorie foods. While reducing daily calories is the goal it’s unwise for your metabolism to become calorieavoidant. If you suddenly make a drastic reduction in the amount of calories you consume, your body won’t try to do more with less. It won’t necessarily provoke catabolism and thus reduce weight and fat cells. Instead, your body will try to keep you alive by slowing down its metabolism- oh not again! It will simply believe that something is wrong, maybe you’re trapped on a deserted island without food, and it will just begin to become very stingy with its energy production…See! Your body cares about you…its just tough love.

Protein Studies have shown that having the proper amount of protein in your system can actually increase the speed of your metabolism. It requires more energy to break down protein than most foods. The more time it takes your body to break down protein, the more calories it burns.

Carbohydrates When the body digests carbohydrates it results in an insulin spike. When insulin is released into the system, it promotes the storage of fat and some experts believe it also pushes down metabolic speed. The good kinds of carbohydrates to consume are those that are high in fiber, such as fruit and vegetable sources. These sources of carbohydrates don’t score high on the glycemic index, so they don’t cause a spike in insulin levels, and therefore, they don’t promote fat storage- that’s the goal right?

Sleep your way to weight loss It’s been researched, and what do you know it’s been proven. A full night of deep sleep and low levels of stress will help weight loss. Sleep affects two hormones: leptin and ghrelin which are big bosses of your appetite. If you don’t get a full 8 hours of deep sleep these hormones cause you to crave food and feel less satisfied after eating. More food = weight gain. People who get more sleep are often thinner than those who get only 5-6

hours. We can go into the full nitty gritty of these hormones or you can just believe us and aim to get a full night of zzzzzz’s, your body will love you for it! Stress and weight gain? Chronic stress causes a hormone called cortisol to be released. This nasty thing will wreak havoc on your body. Effects of cortisol: your metabolism can be slowed down, cause fatty, salty and sugary cravings, raise blood sugar levels, affect where your body stores fat and guess what… stress causes cortisol to target fat build up in the abdominal area.

8 Glasses of water a day will help the fat melt away Drink at least 8 glasses of water, but aim for 10-12 a day. This will ensure your organs flush out toxins and cleanse your body daily. This will also help to prevent you from eating unnecessarily and will trick your mind into feeling full. There is a theory that 70% of the time you feel hunger, it is actually because you are thirsty. Doctors say that as soon as you feel thirsty, your body is telling you that you are already dehydrated. You never want to feel thirst. Set an alarm for 10 intervals throughout the day if you need to! Reduce salt in your diet. Salt causes water retention in all the bad places- don’t add salt to your cooking we all get far more salt everyday than we’re designed to. Next, drink more water. I know it sounds strange to cure water retention with more water but it’s believed that if you hydrate all your cells regularly your body won’t need to hold onto that water and it will flush it right out. This can affect the numbers on the scale dramatically. Drink at least 8 full glasses of water a day, and if the weather is hot and your body sweats, remember to drink more.

FAD DIETS to Avoid! Acai Berry Oh boy have we heard a lot of this in the past year! All of a sudden there is this magic fruit that has come out of nowhere and is now showing up on all kinds of weight loss programs. The truth is acai is just a normal fruit. Acai berry is said to be a super fruit antioxidant but in fact is quite average. The truth is there is absolutely no evidence to support the claims being made by acai sellers. The fact that consumers are unfamiliar with the product, opens the market to a new advertising spin called, “convincing the naïve”. Don’t’ be fooled by spending more money on this fruit than you would for an apple, the nourishment is about equal. The Juice Diet

Liquid diets are fine for quick weight loss when you just need to lose 5 pounds or less and you can do so in 3-5 days, but beyond that period of time they are unhealthy and can cause your body to enter starvation mode. Diet Pills Diet pills are one of the worst scams around. The vast majority of them are absolutely ineffective, and some of them are actually dangerous for all kinds of reasons but primarily for your heart, liver and kidneys. We need these organs so let’s keep them healthy. Hoodia Gordonii Hoodia is a composite that is extracted from an African plant named Hoodia Gordonii. Africans have been known to chew on this plant to suppress appetite while travelling long distances. Marketing companies decided they would try extracting the compound from the plant, put a nice sales spin on it and sell it. Unfortunately, there is very little evidence to support these claims. The Nicole Richie Diet Some diets are also so restrictive on calories that they can actually be dangerous. When you get far too few calories, it can actually damage your organs. We’ve learned what your metabolism does when you don’t feed it- it freaks OUT! The whole idea of weight loss is to optimize your overall health and well-being not to look like Nicole Richie. The Low-Fat Diet The low fat diet showed a lot of promise. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really help the weight loss cause. A fat-free diet is extremely unhealthy; you actually need a bit of fat in your diet in order to live. Many people believed that as long as they were eating no fat, they could indulge in other foods and eat as much as they wanted as long as it was “fat free”. Believers would eat a lot of fat-free sweets and treats and they ended up gaining weight...hmm wonder why? The truth is, the only reason the low-fat diet works is because it also restricts calories- remember that a gram of fat equals 9 calories. You’re better off sticking to a standard controlledcalorie diet so it’s not as tempting to overindulge on “fat-free” treats, while ensuring that you receive necessary nourishment. Pre-Packaged Diets Convenient if you have the excess cash, however companies that sell prepackaged food are making millions of dollars by selling you food you could easily make at home for a fraction of the price. If you are on a restricted budget, you’re

much better off just choosing a healthy diet plan and making fresh healthy meals at home. Ephedra I wanted to include a special warning about ephedra, because it is highly dangerous. It can cause severe heart problems, and even death! Please avoid any diet product that contains it!

Think Use your head- any weight loss product that could actually create rapid weight loss results with zero diet or exercise would be splattered over every newspaper headline and broadcast all over the world! In fact, it would be saving lives all over the world from the growing rates of obesity-related deaths. If it sounds too good to be true- it is!

Just a few tricks Avoiding the refined sugar craving: Mmmm fruit salad. Combine all of your favourite fruits in a bowl and enjoy licking up the sweetness in front of the TV at night and watch the chocolate craving melt away. Feeling hungry? Feeling hungry late at night but you’ve reached your calorie intake target? Have a cup of tea. It is surprisingly filling and will get your mind off of food. Temptation and the temptress: If your mind is trained to think “food, food, food”, you need to re-train it. Wear an elastic band on your wrist and snap it every time your taste buds begin acting crazy. Don’t have enough time? None of us do. Our daily routines are already jam-packed. Skip the awkward elevator ride and take the stairs- do this 5 times a day and feel the burn. When sitting in your chair clench your bum, go up and down on your tippy toes while sifting through your files, park on the far side of the parking lot, and go for a walk on every break. Easy!

Craving pizza? Rather than breaking every rule so far, make a healthier version of a pizza on a flat whole grain wrap, add pizza sauce, veggies, and a handful of light cheese and bake it in the oven until the base is crispy. Skip the pepperoni and high carbohydrate dough and enjoy this healthier version. Eating too much? Drink a full glass of water a few minutes before you sit down for a meal. Water will take up room in your stomach so you will feel fuller without eating as much. Feast on foods with a high water content such as vegetables, watermelon etc, they will fill you up without adding the fat to your waist line! Are you a night time snacker? Brush your teeth after dinner. Brush your teeth as much as possible. Who wants to eat after brushing their teeth? Need more nutrients? Fresh vegetables are far better than cooked or canned vegetables. When you cook your veggies you are removing nearly half the vitamins. Steam your veggies for a maximum of 3 minutes. Avoid fats Each gram of fat contains 9 calories. Fat content should not exceed 30% of your daily energy intake. Butter? Avoid butter and substitute with light margarine or nut spread. Feel like the odd one out? The 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge is designed so you can add up to 5 people to take the challenge with you. Get your friends and family members on board with you. Healthy competition will show incredible results-FAST! Join a group Join an active group. Pick something you haven’t done before such as bowling, tennis, squash, soccer- meet people and have fun learning something new! You won’t even notice that you’re exercising because you’ll be enjoying yourself! If you’re not big on team sports get into swimming. Hit the local pool and burn

those excess calories without the strain or impact on your joints from more strenuous activities such as running.

Off and Running… Now you’re ready to go! You’ve learned how to use The 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge’s state of the art design and tracking tools. You’ve learned the truth about metabolism and how to transform your body into a calorie burning machine. You know what foods to avoid like the plague and how to give your unhealthy lifestyle an extreme makeover. Say farewell to the old you and say hello to the rest of your life! Don’t shy away from the camera but stand out and smile! You will have the confidence to do the things you never could before! Most of all, you will live a healthy life knowing that you are treating your incredible body as well as it treats you! Cheers-to the new you! I wish you all the best! Sincerely, Cheryl, and The 12 Week Weight Loss Challenge Team