Title I Schoolwide Planning Components/Template

LEA Name: _Conemaugh Township Area SD_________

School Year: __2010-2011___________

School Name: _Conemaugh Township Primary School Principal: _Nicole Dull_____________ Contact Name (if not the principal): _Gary Buchsen__________ Contact Phone: ___814-479-2591__ Contact Email Address: [email protected]__________________________

School Demographics Low Income Percentage Ethnic/Racial Breakdown White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Native American


Highly Qualified Teachers


100% 0% 0% 0% 0%

If not all teachers are highly qualified, funds must be set aside and used to ensure that all teachers become highly qualified. See Teacher Quality and Professional Development Section.

School Enrollment IEP Students ELL Students Migratory Students Homeless Students AYP Status (Circle One) Making SI I SI II AYP Basic



Reading Math Science

0% 0% 0%

0% 0% 0%


0% 0% 0%

Math: All




Below Basic





If Not Making AYP Identify Group(s) Not Meeting Targets (Circle All That Apply) Graduation Attendance Reading: IEP

161 9.3% 0% 0% 0%




0% 0%


*Identify the Racial/Ethnic group(s) not meeting AYP targets using the following: W= White

B= Black

Title I Schoolwide Planning Template

H= Hispanic

A= Asian

NA= Native American

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Schoolwide Planning Information Planning: An effective Title I schoolwide plan must include the involvement and input of members of the school community in order for plans to be comprehensive and effective. A planning team must be assembled to develop and implement a Title I schoolwide program. NCLB requires a year long planning period prior to the implementation of a Title I schoolwide plan, unless the LEA can demonstrate that less time was needed to properly develop and implement the plan. Below, provide information regarding the planning and development of the Title I schoolwide plan. Planning Team: Name of Team Member Gary Buchsen Nicole Dull Terry Vranich Shelly Roman Carry Curry Debbie McMillan Amber Hale Becky Parker Kelly McCall SW Planning Period:

x 1 Year Planning Period

Position/Representation Director of Curriculum Building Principal K Teacher K Teacher Grade 1 Teacher Grade 1 Teacher Special Education Teacher Parent Title I Teacher  Less Than 1 Year Planning Period*

*If less than one year, provide a brief summary of the planning that took place and why the LEA believes the planning was adequate for developing an effective Title I schoolwide plan.

Needs Assessment The basis of a solid schoolwide plan must be the results of a comprehensive needs assessment. The needs assessment should consider the needs of all members of the school community: teachers, students, parents, principals, administrators. Use the guiding questions below to describe the comprehensive needs assessment administered for the school.

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Briefly describe the current educational program and offerings in the school. (Include information on core curriculum, supplemental programs, assessments, interventions, professional development and parent involvement.) This description should not go into great detail, but should capture the salient information needed to provide a snapshot of the school’s programs.

Conemaugh Township Primary School is a grade K-1 building in the Conemaugh Township Area School District, that currently services 161 students. In April of 2010 the Intermediate Building (which the Primary School feeds) submitted its Blue Ribbon Application. The Intermediate School was nominated this past year for this prestigious award and hopes to be so recognized next November. The Harcourt-Storytown reading series was adopted for grades K-1 after an 18 month investigation. Emphasis was placed upon the non-fiction elements with this program. Our Primary School uses a skills based approach with this delivery of instruction with literacy instruction provided during an uninterrupted 90 minute daily block. 88.3% of the elementary students taking the 2009 PSSA Reading exam demonstrated proficiency on the state test. All of these students previously attended the Primary School in Jerome. Everyday Math III is used to teach mathematics instruction for our students in grades K-1. The district most recently approved purchase of the new 3rd series. 96.3% of our elementary students taking the 2009 PSSA Math exam demonstrated proficiency or better on that assessment. These same students attended the Jerome school. Title I current programming includes a combination of push in and pull out services for eligible students in grades K-1. Special education services for speech, emotional support, and learning support are also provided and use similar delivery of services. Before and after school tutoring is funded through our Title I programming. All identified Title I students are eligible for this programming. Students in grades k-1 are given DIBELS tests three times a year. These assessments are coordinated by the Title I teacher and are used in conjunction with additional district assessments to drive programming, grouping, and instruction. Professional development at Conemaugh Township Intermediate School is driven by the district’s Professional Development Plan which was approved by the Department of Education last summer. The district participates in the Somerset ‘County-wide’ in-service held every year in October. CT is also a member of the Tri-States Study Council and Appalachia Intermediate Unit 8 which provides additional training and support to the school and district. The building boasts a very active PTA which provides multiple activities and funding for student field trips that take place during the school year.

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2. What types of assessments/tools were utilized during the needs assessment to gather data about the school?

Student Achievement Data PSSA Math/Reading/Science Writing Assessments (Grades 3-6) DIAL III Screenings DIBELS testing (Grades K-1) during the 2009-2010 school year.

Parent Involvement Data Title I Parent Survey administered in the fall of 2009. PTA parent input from monthly PTA meetings.

Teacher Data District Professional Development Survey administered December, 2009. Teacher input from monthly curriculum meetings. Teacher input from monthly grade level meetings.

Leadership Data Bi-weekly administrative meetings conducted at the district level. Weekly administrative meetings with the building principal

3. Provide a general summary of the steps taken to conduct the school’s needs assessment. (Include areas of school/community included, date needs assessment began, numbers of meetings, types of analysis that occurred, etc.) Needs assessment focused on all three buildings in the district (Primary K-1, Intermediate 2-6, High School 7-12). The needs assessment began with the release of the PSSA scores in June of 2009. Currently all three buildings have met Adequate Yearly Progress for the 2009 school year with 86.8% of our students reaching proficiency in Math and 81.4% achieving proficiency in Reading. Administrative meetings were held throughout the summer and bi-weekly during the school year to discuss assessment results, student achievement, and programming. Results of the assessments were shared with Conemaugh Township Board of Directors and members of the public during the August 2009 regular board meeting. School wide planning was reviewed with the board earlier that summer (2009) to discussing possible programming and options available with school-wide Title funding. Student achievement results and resulting needs assessment planning began with the professional staff on August 24, the first day of the 2009-2010 school year. PSSA scores were reviewed with the staff during the general session and were shared with each individual grade level and department at the various curricular meetings held each month. (Conemaugh Township meets monthly with every teacher and department to discuss and review curriculum, instruction, and programming items.) At the time of the submission of this application (19) administrative meetings have taken place. During each of these meetings a review of the Title I Federal Programs occurs. Grade level and department level meetings have been more numerous. As indicated, monthly meetings are held with each grade level and department in the district. We estimate that over 80 of these reviews with the professional staff have taken place as part of our school wide planning process.

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4. Based on the data gathered and the analysis done, discuss the areas of strength and the weakness that were identified. Areas of Strength: 1. Proficiency levels of students who previously attended the Primary School in Jerome on the Math/Reading PSSA exams exceed the current expectations of NCLB. a. 96.3% of students at the Intermediate School achieved at the proficient or advanced levels on the PSSA (grade 3-6) math assessment. b. 88.3% of students at the Intermediate School achieved at the proficient or advanced levels on the PSSA (grade 3-6) reading assessment. 2. Proficiency levels of students who previously attended the Primary School in Jerome on the PSSA Science exam exceed the state average. a. 98.4% of students at the Intermediate School achieved at the proficient or advanced levels on the PSSA (grade 4) science assessment. 3. Proficiency levels of students who previously attended the Primary School in Jerome on the PSSA Writing exam exceed the state average. 4. All professional staff and paraprofessionals are 100% highly-qualified. 5. The building has a very capable and successful building principal in place to drive instruction and programming. 6. There is a very high level of parent involvement with the building. PTA membership is very strong providing resources and funding for various teacher and student activities in the building.

Areas of Weakness: 1. Students in grades K-1 continue to need additional supplemental reading instruction in and out of the classroom. 2. The building lacks a RTII (Response to Intervention and Instruction) process to assist those students at risk of not reaching grade level proficiency on basic reading skills. 3. Professional development and materials for an RTII program is also lacking. 4. The continued need for tutoring of K-1 students at-risk of not reaching the state standards is also a growing concern. 5. There is a continued need to provide a Kindergarten Readiness program (Currently funded through Title I) to reach students at-risk of not reaching k benchmarks.

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5. Of the needs identified, which will be focused on during the first year of the Title I school-wide program? (If more than 3-4 areas of need were identified, it is recommended that you only focus on the 3-4 highest priority goals in year 1.) Area of Need to Be Addressed 1. K-1 Supplemental Reading Services 2.Response to Intervention and Instruction 3.RTII Professional Development 4.Title I Tutoring / K Readiness

Data Source #1 Grade Level Meetings Grade Level Meetings Grade Level Meetings Curriculum Meetings

Data Source #2 Parent Surveys

Data Source #3 Admin Meetings

Curriculum Meetings

Admin Meetings

Curriculum Meetings

Admin Meetings

Admin Meetings

Parent Surveys

6. Describe the goals for year 1 that the school-wide planning team agreed upon for each of the areas of need listed above. Goal for Need #1 Above: Provide push in / pull out services for K-1 students at risk of not reaching grade level benchmark targets for reading or at-risk of not reaching proficiency on the PSSA Reading examination administered in grade 3.

Goal for Need #2 Above: Implement at Response to Intervention and Instruction (RTII) program at the Primary School in Jerome for all K-1 students. Dedicate a ½ hour intervention block into the schedule for the next school year for all students.

Goal for Need #3 Above: Provide professional development and all necessary materials for the building staff to successfully implement RTII for the 2010-2011 school year.

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Goal for Need #4 Above: Provide Title I funded before and after school tutoring for K-1 students at risk of not reaching grade-level benchmarks or proficiency on the Math, Reading, Writing, or Science PSSA examinations. Continue to fund Title I Kindergarten Readiness Summer programming for at-risk students.

Scientifically-Based Solutions Provide details about the scientifically based programs, strategies and interventions (solutions) the schoolwide team has selected to address the goals identified in the previous step. Explain how these solutions will strengthen the core reading, mathematics and science programs of the school and provide for the identification of and assistance to students failing to meet achievement standards. Goal #1—Solution(s) Provide a certified teacher to provide push in and pull out services for students in grades k-1 at risk of not reaching benchmark grade level targets or proficiency on the PSSA reading assessment. With the addition of a certified teacher working with our grade k-1 staff, more individualized instruction will be provided for those students most in need. Harcourt Storytown benchmark assessments and DIBELS screenings will assist in identifying those students most in need of additional instructional support.

Goal #2—Solution(s) Partner with the 95% Group from Chicago to provide the materials, resources, training, and professional development necessary to successfully implement an intervention (RTII) program. RTII will supplement the core Harcourt Storytown reading program currently used in the district, providing additional intervention instruction for those students most in need. Additionally, providing enrichment activities for those students already achieving a benchmark level. Harcourt Storytown benchmark assessments and DIBELS screenings will assist in identifying those students most in need of additional instructional support.

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Goal #3—Solution(s) Partner with the 95% Group from Chicago to provide the materials, resources, training, and professional development necessary to successfully implement the program. Professional development will provide additional assurances that RTII instruction will be effectively delivered to our students. Harcourt Storytown benchmark assessments and DIBELS screenings will assist in identifying those students most in need of additional instructional support.

Goal #4—Solution(s) Provide after school tutoring for students at-risk of not achieving proficiency on the Math, Reading, Writing, or Science assessments given by PDE. Provide a Kindergarten Readiness Summer Program for students at-risk of not reaching kindergarten benchmarks. Additional before and after school tutoring instruction will strengthen our core programs by delivering additional supports to students at-risk. Harcourt Storytown and Everyday Math III benchmark assessments and DIBELS screenings will assist in identifying those students most in need of additional instructional support.

In order to assist students in meeting challenging achievement goals, increased instructional time is a necessity. Please indicate the options for increased instructional time that students will have access to if identified as at-risk of failing or failing to meet achievement standards: Extended School Day/Tutoring Programs  Reading  Math  Science  Before School  After School  Lunch/Study Periods Summer School Program  Reading  Math  Science  In-class Instructional Support  Pull Out Instructional Support Title I Schoolwide Planning Template

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Plan Implementation Once the goals of year 1 of the school-wide plan have been determined and the solutions selected, the planning team must determine how to effectively implement the plan in order to ensure success for students, teachers and parents. Implementation plans must include administrators, teachers, and parents. ADMINS

1. What steps will building-level administrators take to ensure that implementation is occurring effectively? The building principal and Director of Curriculum will conduct monthly school-wide Title I meetings with the professional staff. During which time a review of the program goals will take place. Any additional concerns/issues will also be addressed at that time. The building principal and Director of Curriculum will also complete formal and informal observations of all new programs and assigned professional and paraprofessional staff as part of the ongoing review process.

2. What types of milestones and timelines have been established for year 1 to help buildinglevel administrators gauge progress toward year 1 goals? K-1 push-in, pull-out Reading services will begin at the start of the 2010-2011 school year. RTII programming and intervention groups will begin by October 1, after benchmark assessments are completed and analyzed by the staff. Full day RTII professional development will take place on August 24 for all staff, and will be further reviewed during the 3 other full-day in-service days during the school year. Monthly Title I school-wide meetings and other informational items will be shared with the Superintendent of Schools and the Board of Directors monthly. School-wide program results will be presented publicly at the BOD meetings and PTA meetings beginning in September, 2010. Kindergarten Reading Summer Program will begin in May of 2011 and conclude in August of 2011. Students will be screened during kindergarten registration in the Spring of 2011. Program will provide 5 hours of instruction per week during the May-August class period.

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3. What measures/data will be reviewed throughout year 1 to inform building-level administrators of progress toward goals? DIBELS data from the September, December, and March assessments will be gathered by the Curriculum Director and shared with the building principal and Superintendent. This information will also be shared with staff during monthly curriculum meetings. Professional development end of course survey information will be used to drive further instructional trainings and practices. Classroom ‘peer’ observations will also provide additional training opportunities for the staff. This will be incorporated into the building Peer Coaching program. Students receiving before and after school tutoring will be tracked via DIBELS, local assessments, teacher/parent input, and future PSSA assessments to determine the successfulness of the programming.

Formative Assessments PASI (Grades K-1) Everyday Math III

Benchmark Assessments DIBELS (Grades K-1) DIBELS (Grades K-1)

Summative Assessments PSSA Math / Reading (Grades 3-6) PSSA Science (Grade 4) PSSA Writing (Grade 5)

Other Assessments Harcourt Storytown Scott Foresman

4. How will administrators ensure that data gathered from the above sources throughout the year is shared with classroom teachers, reviewed, analyzed and changes to instruction made? Student data binders will be made available to all Primary School teachers at the start of the school year. Data will be updated, reviewed, and analyzed during monthly curriculum meetings conducted by the building principal and Director of Curriculum.


How were teachers informed of the development of the schoolwide plan?

The development of the school wide plan was discussed with the professional staff at the monthly curriculum meetings held throughout the district. Information was also shared during PTA meetings discussing the same. (A large number of the professional staff attend the monthly PTA meetings.)

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2. How will teachers be involved in the implementation of the plan? Upon successful completion of the application, we will begin the 2010-2011 school year with a schoolwide plan review during one of the two scheduled in-service days in August. All goals with the plan (Push-in/pull-out services for grade K-1 reading students, Response to Intervention and Instruction programming, RTII professional development, K Readiness Summer Programming, and tutoring for at-risk students in grades K-1) will be reviewed as part of this process. Also, monthly Title I school-wide program meetings will take place to review, and if-necessary adjust any of these goals. 3. How will feedback from teachers be obtained throughout the year? All professional development participants will complete end of course surveys to gather data as to the effectiveness of the programming and act as a guide for future training. Monthly curriculum and grade level meetings will be conducted by the building principal and Director of Curriculum to gather feedback from the staff.


How were parents informed of the development of the schoolwide plan?

Plans to develop a school-wide plan were shared with parents during the May 2009 PTA meeting. Parents have also been informed through the district website, where a link has been established informing parents of the same. 2. How will parents be involved in the implementation of the plan? A summary review of the approved plan will be placed on the district website. Also, the Director of Curriculum and building principal will provide additional information and answer any parent questions during the August 2010 PTA meeting and other PTA meetings held throughout the school year. A review of school-wide programming will also occur during ‘Open House’ at the Primary School to be held at the start of the 2010-2011 school year. 3. How will feedback from parents be obtained throughout the year? Parent surveys will be created and linked to the website for feedback. This information, and the data gathered will be shared with the administration, professional staff, and board of directors at appropriate times during the school year.

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STUDENTS (While this section is not a requirement, a student-results-centered plan should involve the student body. Please answer the following questions as they relate to your planning process.) 1. Were students informed of the development of the school-wide plan? No. 2. Were students involved in the implementation? No. 3. Will feedback from students be obtained? No.

Teacher Quality & Professional Development On Page 1 of the SWP Template, if you indicated that less than 100% of your current teaching staff is not highly-qualified, please describe the actions to be taken to help these teachers become highly qualified. Include the amount of funding to be set aside and used to support these efforts. Not mn applicable.

Describe the methods and strategies the LEA will be implementing to attract and retain teachers who are high-quality, highly-qualified. 100% of Conemaugh Township’s professional staff are ‘highly-qualified’. Traditionally, the district has enjoyed the reputation of a high functioning, high achievement district, who have attracted competent and caring teachers. A large number begin and end their professional careers here. The administration and board of directors will continue to pursue these individuals in the future.

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Based on the results of the needs assessment, describe the on-going, sustained professionaldevelopment activities to be conducted in Year 1. These activities should be in support of the goals identified earlier in the plan. (Please include the total number of PD days, topics covered, people included and methods of evaluating the use of strategies covered within the classroom.) Goals

# of Professional Development Days

Reading Instruction for at-risk students in grades K-1


Adoption of a Response to Intervention and Instruction program.


Partner with the 95% Group of Chicago to implement . Response to Intervention and Instruction Professional Development. Before / After school Tutoring (Grades k-1)

Kindergarten Readiness Summer Programming



Title I Schoolwide Planning Template

Topics Covered

People Involved


LETRS training. (Lessons Essential to Teachers of Reading and Spelling.

Assigned Title I Reading teacher for grade K-1 students.

Review during monthly Title I school-wide meetings. Professional development survey completed after each session. End of course surveys to be reviewed by the staff and administration.

Response to Intervention and Instruction for grades K-1, Phonological awareness Interventions, Grouping, and effective use of the PASI screener.

All professional staff members in the building. (15)

Differentiated instruction. Identifying and remediating students who are at-risk.

Estimation of 5 teachers who will provide after-school tutoring for at-risk students.

Analysis of local assessments and teacher/parent input.

Differentiated instruction. Identifying and remediating students who are at-risk.

Estimation of 3 teachers who will be working with this program.

Analysis of local assessments and teacher/parent input.

Continued review with the 95% Group partnership.

End of course survey completed by staff.

End of course survey completed by staff.

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Parent Involvement Activities Describe the parent involvement activities to be conducted during Year 1 of the Title I Schoolwide Program. (Include information on the number of meetings held, topics to be covered, parents to be invited and method of evaluating effectiveness of activities.)

Number of meetings held



Kindergarten Readiness Summer Programming


Reading Interventions at Home and in the Classroom.

Parents to be Invited


*All Primary /Intermediate School Parents.

Parent surveys will be completed and reviewed by the administration and staff as to the effectiveness of the programming.

*Held in conjunction with schoolwide Title I programming with the Intermediate School.

Effectiveness of the program will be measured by Harcourt-Storytown benchmark assessments and DIBELS screenings

All Grade k-1 Parents.

Effectiveness of the program will be measured by Harcourt-Storytown benchmark assessments and DIBELS screenings. Parent surveys will be conducted and reviewed by the administration and staff as to the effectiveness of the programming.


Before and After School Tutoring.

All Intermediate School Parents.

Effectiveness of the tutoring will be measured by the proficiency levels of grade 3-6 students on the Math, Reading, Writing, and Science PSSA examinations, Harcourt-Storytown and Everyday Math III benchmark assessments. Parent information will be distributed during Open House at the beginning of the school year.

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Describe the methods to be used to keep individual parents informed of their child’s academic achievement and the expectations of both students and parents. (Include frequency of activity or communication, information to be shared, follow-up to be conducted and methods for making necessary changes to activities or communications.)

Method of Communication PSSA Mailing


Information to be Shared

Changes to Activities


Individual student results on the various PSSA exams. Parent meetings, study tips, positive test taking tips, etc… Student classroom achievement and behavior checklist.

This is done for every student in the district. Are easily facilitated through the building newsletter.



Report Card


District Website


Teacher Conferences


Open House


Phone Calls

As needed

Reading Night


PTA Meetings


Multiple data sets, district policies, district newsletters, upcoming events. Student classroom achievement and behavior review. Multiple programming and curriculum items reviewed with parents at the beginning of the school year. Individual circumstances.

Changes to the district report cards are facilitated through various committees and approved by the BOD. Addition or deletions can be made through the Director of Technology with approval. Teacher conferences may be requested by parents at any time. Changes to the agenda are made annually by the administration to meet parent and staff needs.

Open communications are encouraged between teachers, parents, and administration. Multiple Reading activities Changes to the agenda are and the Book Fair. facilitated through the PTA and assisted by the administration. Various school related items. Agendas and discussion items meet the need of the membership.

Parent communications must be done in a way that is easily understood by parents. Does the school provide parent notifications in more than one language? If no, please explain. Although the district does not provide school communications in more than one language, should any parent need any district related letter or information translated, Conemaugh Township has the capacity to do and would willingly fulfill that request.

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Transition Services If the school serves Kindergarten students, describe the transition services provided to both parents and students to assist in the effective transition from PreK to Kindergarten. Conemaugh Township conducts Kindergarten registration during the month of March. As part of the registration process, students are given the DIAL III screening which indicates levels of kindergarten readiness. The building principal also meets and communicates with the various directors of the local day-cares to provide transition services. Conemaugh Township has worked extensively with Somerset County Head Start and plans to have a Coordination and Integration of Funds Head Start classroom in the Jerome Primary School for the 2010-2011 school year. Several meetings and visits to the school by Head Start have taken place this year to facilitate the programming for next year.

The purpose of a Title I Schoolwide Program is to improve the educational program of the entire school and to improve the educational opportunities for ALL students. In carrying out the SWP, schools are encouraged to consolidate/integrate funds from state, local and federal programs. This consolidation of funds provides flexibility in the use of the funds and maximizes the opportunities for students, teachers and parents. Funds eligible for consolidation are: 

Any federal education program administered by the United States Department of Education, except Reading First; o Competitive/discretionary grants may be part of the consolidation, but activities described within the competitive/discretionary grant application MUST be carried out. All state and local resources available to the school (If state and local funds are consolidated within the SWP, the school must ensure that any state and/or local requirements regarding the use of funds are met.)

Please indicate below the funds to be integrated within this SWP: Conemaugh Township does not intend to integrate Title I funds with other sources during the 20102011 school year. Federal Grant Program

Amount of Grant

State/Local Grant Program

Amount of Grant

~~If funds are consolidated within the SWP, the LEA MUST ensure that the intents and purposes of each of the included programs is met within the plan.~~

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