Teaching French in S1. Syllabus Course Content and Teacher s Folder. Aims of the S1 Course

Teaching French in S1. Syllabus Course Content and Teacher’s Folder. Aims of the S1 Course. The S1 course for French is the continuation of the Primar...
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Teaching French in S1. Syllabus Course Content and Teacher’s Folder. Aims of the S1 Course. The S1 course for French is the continuation of the Primary French course, add depth and quantity of learning, begin creativity of expression through grammar awareness. The aims of the course are: * * * * * * *

to increase substantially the quantity of French practised and learned to motivate our pupils by showing progressive learning for all pupils to have a coherent homework policy to have variety in our teaching to lay the foundations of grammar in practice to begin creative writing practice to ensure all pupils’ entitlement to learning a foreign language

Course Content & Resources. The course is mainly based on the “Métro 1” course book, flashcards, Cahier d’Exercices and the Teacher’s Guide. A major resource is the “Métro Éléctro” interactive course. The Resource and Assessment File are used in part. The Department also uses our own instruments of Assessment such as vocabulary tests, verb practice worksheets and Speaking tests. We are currently researching the BBC languages video clip for inclusion. We have the “Linguascope” interactive resource included in the course for reinforcement and for independent learning. GLOW should generate more materials in the future. When appropriate to the Topic being studied in class video extracts from Quinze Minutes are used to reinforce or simply present in a different way, language learnt. The “Top” videos, song tapes, Christmas Carols, “L’Histoire de Noel”, French quizzes, Word Squares, and a variety of Worksheets are used for fun with learning. Some of the course has been covered in P6 & P7, therefore the course should go at quite a pace. There should be a lot of homework issued since the book incorporates a lot of language exercises, grammar exercises and reinforcing/revision work.

The department uses a French play, “Le Petit Déjeuner” to revise the work of term 1. All pupils participate, the script is differentiated, pupils learn their lines , they have croissant and a drink, and it is filmed.

Materials. Pupils are issued with a text book and plastic bag, work book, cahier de classe - jotter 1, Assessment jotter - jotter 2, and cahier de vocabulaire (which they might choose to provide for themselves). Teachers are issued with a text book, Teacher’s Guide, 3 CD’s covering all Listening work. Teachers have access to worksheets, Teacher’s Resource File, Videos and French CD’s for ITC use. Teachers have a Folder which contains information and instructions for teaching S1 & S2. Differentiation. Teachers must use professional judgement and advice from Learning Support regarding how to stretch the more able pupils and avoid learning stress in those pupils who simply find French difficult. Expectations should be made clear to all pupils within the spectre of ability. Common homework has been selected with differentiation as a fundamental principal ie accessible to all pupils regardless of ability. Teacher's Folder - Guide to Learning and Teaching. The Folder contains both broad and specific information in order to keep teachers aware of the educational direction of their teaching, and easy reference to national directives which must be kept in mind when evaluating teaching and learning in S1 & S2. This Teacher’s Folder contains: *

a copy of the 6 Modules and 5 subsequent Units for both “Métro 1 & 2”. Teachers use these to tick off and date the course book as they go along


lists of flashcards, grammar references and worksheets, a copy of how “Métro” dovetails with the 5-14 Guidelines


extracts from the 5-14 Guidelines outlining the requirements for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing


a copy of the Quality Indicators from HGIOS


a guide to teaching and learning content and suggested timescales.

Compulsory Class Work. Classroom practioners know best what is best for their pupils. Classroom practioners know what to emphasise, what to revise, what to issue for homework, how much time should be spent on each Module and Units and when to move on. Within this framework of trust all teachers must cover all the exercises of each Unit to a suitable extent. All pupils must do a certain amount of common homework in jotter 2, marked by the teacher. Pupils will also do the regular homework selected by their own teacher. The common homework is intentionally accessible to pupils of all abilities. It is relatively easy. All pupils must do 2 vocabulary tests at least for each Module. All pupils must do some common on-going assessment of speaking and a group of summative assessments.

“Métro 1”.

The course builds upon what pupils have learned in Primary. Some of our pupils have not done any French. The course begins with a quick revision of Module 1: Bienvenue! and 2 and the early speaking test: Early S1 Speaking Revision. Can you answer these questions? There are suggested answers which you should adapt to suit you. Could you add any more information? 1.

Bonjour. Ça va? Salut. Ça va bien merci./ Pas mal./ Ça ne va pas.


Comment t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle Joseph(ine).


Quel âge as-tu? J’ai onze/douze ans.


Quel est la date de ton anniversaire? Le seize mai.


Où habites-tu ? J’habite à Bishopbriggs près de Glasgow en Écosse.


Quel temps fait-il en avril ? Il pleut.


Quel temps fait-il en mai ?


Il fait beau. Quel temps fait-il en décembre ? Il fait froid.


Tu as des frères et des sœurs ? Oui j’ai un frère et une sœur. Non, je n’ai pas de frères et sœurs.


Tu as un animal ? Oui, j’ai un chien / chat / lapin / un poisson hamster / un cochon d’inde / une tortue. Non, je n’ai pas d’animal.


Dis ces numéros. 2 16


/ un

9 23

10 37

12 48

14 55

15 61.

Dis-moi 6 couleurs. Bleu, vert, rouge, jaune, blanc et noir.


Quels sont les jours de la semaine ? Lundi, mardi mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi et dimanche.

Extra. Could you describe your eyes, hair ? Your house, rooms and garden? Food/drinks you like?

Bienvenue! Timescale:Mid August - September (Consolidation of Primary French experience.) The Mini-test p 11 is a speaking test with the teacher. Vocabulary test 1 from p 22. Vocabulary test 2 from p 23. Common Homework from the Cahier d'Exercices: P 5 exs. 1 & 2a, p 7 exs. 1a & 2, p 9 ex 2. Module 2: Toi et Moi. Timescale:Mid August - September (Consolidation of Primary French experience.) The Mini-test p 29 is a speaking test with the teacher. Vocabulary test 1 from p 38. Vocabulary test 2 from p 39. Common Homework from the Cahier d'Exercices: P 15 ex 2, p 19 exs 1 & 2, p 22 ex 1, p 23 ex 3, Module 2: Au Collège. Timescale: September - Mid December. Time for Christmas topics and catching up. The Mini-test p 45 is a speaking test with the teacher. Vocabulary test 1 from p 54 - top of p 55.

6 weeks. 2 weeks.

Vocabulary test 2 from p 55. Common Homework from the Cahier d'Exercices: P 25 ex 2, p 26 ex 3, p 28 ex 3, p 28 ex 1a, p 30 ex 1, p 31 ex 1, p 32 ex 1. Module 4: Mes Loisirs. Timescale: January - Mid February. The Mini-test p 61 is a speaking test with the teacher.

6 weeks.

Vocabulary test 1 from p 70. Vocabulary test 2 from p 71. Common Homework from the Cahier d'Exercices: P 34 ex 2, p 35 exs 1 & 2, p 37 ex 2, p 38 ex 1, p 39 ex 2. Module 5: Chez Moi. Timescale: Mid February - end March. 6 weeks. April time for catching up caused by posters, videos, playlets, songs, French background, class projects. 2 weeks. The Mini-test p 77 is a speaking test with the teacher. Vocabulary test 1 from p 86. Vocabulary test 2 from p 87. Common Homework from the Cahier d'Exercices: P 43 ex 2, p 44 ex 2, p 48 exs 1 & 2, p 50 ex 1. Module 6: Les Vacances. Timescale: May - Mid June. 6 weeks. Time for catching up. 1-2 weeks. The Mini-test p 93 is a speaking test with the teacher. Vocabulary test 1 from p 102 to near the bottom. Vocabulary test 2 from p 102 bottom - 103. Common Homework from the Cahier d'Exercices: P 52 ex 2, p 53 ex 1, p 54 exs 1a & 1b, p 55 ex 2, p 57 ex 1.

Reviewed June 2007 Reviewed Oct 2009