Teacher Access Center (TAC) User Guide – Secondary Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Accessing TAC .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2 My Home Page ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Class List .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Taking Attendance .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Gradebook Setup .................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Gradebook Scores & Reports ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Additional Hints about Scores ........................................................................................................................................... 12 Gradebook Reports ............................................................................................................................................................... 13 Teaching Multiple Courses During the same Period ............................................................................................................. 13 Emailing Students/Guardians ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Additional Hints about Email Students/Guardians ....................................................................................................... 15
Last Revised: August 31, 2012
Introduction TAC is a component of eSchoolPLUS, and is used by classroom teachers to take attendance, enter Gradebook grades, and enter grades/comments into Interim Progress Reports (IPRs) and Report Cards. TAC also contains information about students, such as demographic, contacts, attendance, grading, and testing data.
Accessing TAC 1. Start your computer, log in, and connect to the Internet. 2. Connect to: http://eschool/tac Hint: Save this link as a Favorite in Internet Explorer. You can have it appear in your Favorites List or in your Favorites Menu. 3. At the TAC Login prompt, enter your User Name & Password. This is the same information you use to login into your computer. 3.1. The first time you access TAC, you will be presented with the following screen. Click OK to proceed. You will not have to do this step again until the start of the next School Year.
Last Revised: August 31, 2012
My Home Page The My Home page allows you to quickly access any of the TAC options for an individual course, to view news that the district or your building has, and to access reports that you ran previously.
1. Help / Print / Home icons Help is available throughout TAC, and will always display information based upon the page you are viewing. Print will print the current webpage in TAC. Home will always return to the My Home page Hint: Do not use the Browser Back button, always use Home 2. News displays information from the district or your building. 3. My Classes displays a list of the classes for which you can view class rosters, take attendance, or enter grades. List ‐ Click to display the class roster page for the class and to set up or display a seating chart. Att ‐ Click to display the Take Attendance page for the class so you can enter attendance. All P ‐ Click to indicate that all students are present. Pic ‐ Click to display a photo attendance page Def ‐ Click to display the Define Assignments page so you can set up Gradebook information for the class. Score ‐ Click to display the Scores page so you can enter scores for students for the class. IPR ‐ Click to display the Interim Progress page for the selected class and IPR Date. RC ‐ Click to display the page to enter report card marks. 4. My Messages display messages regarding student schedule changes for your courses. 5. My Reports display a list of the reports you have run from TAC. Click the name of the report to open it in Adobe PDF. The report can be saved by right‐clicking it and selecting Save Target As. 6. Menu Options provide a link to Email Students/Guardians, view test data, access eLearning topics, Select a different color Theme. For options that require a course, select that course first in My Classes. Restore allow you the option to Hide/Unhide the entire Menu. 7. Logout
Last Revised: August 31, 2012
Class List Clicking on the List link next to a course displays a list of students enrolled in the class, homeroom, or activity. From each course’s list, you can display additional fields of information, and view specific details about each student. Student Alerts are indicated by yellow triangles next to the student’s name.
1. Click on the name of a Student to open the Student Summary; or on the Alert to view the alert details.
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1.1. From the Student Summary you can access: 1.1.1.Registration Information 1.1.2.Contact Information, including Email addresses & phone numbers 1.1.3.Student Schedule for the entire year 1.1.4.Attendance for the entire year 1.1.5.Summaries of current year IPR (Progress Report) and Report Card Grades 1.1.6.Summary of Test Scores 1.1.7.Summary of courses on the students Transcript 1.1.8.Access to Classwork from the student’s current year courses
Last Revised: August 31, 2012
1.2. Student Alerts are managed from within eSchoolPLUS, and will display in TAC if applicable.
2. You can create a Class List/Roster Report by clicking on the Report button. It will automatically create a PDF report of a list of students in the course with the basic information shown in the screen. 3. Seating Chart displays a grid to place students. The Seating Chart is printable, if desired. 4. To create a specialized Class List/Roster Report, click the Show Options button. 4.1. Hold down CTRL and use click on the Additional Columns of information you want to bring into your Roster. 4.2. Check the Display Grid box if you want to insert cells to the right of the information, and specify the # of Columns to Display. 4.3. If you want to include dates in the Grid, check Display Attendance Dates and include a Start Date. 4.4. When finished selection Options, click Report and your report will be ready on your My Home Page. Last Revised: August 31, 2012 6
Taking Attendance Attendance must be taken and saved in TAC within the first 10 minutes of the start of the period. Teachers only have the option to mark a student Absent or Tardy. Any attendance entered in the office before school begins that day, or any pre‐arranged absences, will automatically display in TAC. Substitute teachers (unless it’s a long‐term sub) will not be given TAC access. It is recommended you leave a Class List with gridlines to take attendance if it’s a planned absence. Alternatively, the Office can create a list for your sub to use.
There are three options for Taking Attendance: Att – Click to open the Attendance Roster (See details below) All P – Click of all students are present Pic – Click to open Attendance Roster with pictures (Same as Att but with Pictures) 1. Click on Att to open the Take Attendance page 2. Check the A or the T boxes next to each student who is Absent (A) or Tardy (T). 3. Click Save Important: Attendance is not recognized in the system until you click Save. 4. If you make a mistake and marked a student with an A or a T, you can correct it by clicking Present (P) and Save. 5. If all Students are Absent or Tardy, you can click Check All Abs or Check All Tar and Save. 6. After you have successfully taken and SAVED attendance, you will see green checkmarks next to those Action links on your My Home page. Last Revised: August 31, 2012
Gradebook Setup Gradebook setup involves two steps (1) Define Categories and (2) Define Assignments.
1. Click on Def next to the Course to open the Define Categories page. A Category is a group of the same type of assignments, IE – Homework, Projects, Quiz, Test, etc.
1.1. Calculate Average Using Total Points ‐ If checked, the Category Weight fields will not be used. 1.2. Default Scale – Use the dropdown to select a different grading scale to be applied to the whole class. The scale can be changed at the student level when you are working with Gradebook Scores. 1.3. Include – Check next to the Categories you want to use Last Revised: August 31, 2012 8
1.4. Weight – This is the weight to apply to the entire Category Hint: Total Weight should equal 100 1.5. Drop Lowest – Number of low assignments in the Category to drop 1.6. Marking Periods – Should be Default 1.7. Exclude Missing – Indicates how the system should calculate a Missing Assignment 1.7.1.Note: An assignment is missing if there is no mark for the assignment, and if the due date has passed. 1.8. Save 2. Each Category must be added one at a time, Save each row as you go. 3. Click the Assignments Tab from the Define Categories page to open the Define Assignments page.
4. Fields on Define Assignments denoted with a red * are required. 4.1. Date Assigned – Date Assignment was given (enter the date or pick a date from the calendar) 4.2. Date Due – Due Date (enter the date or pick a date from the calendar) 4.3. Category – Select from those you selected in Define Categories 4.4. Description – Assignment Description (click More if you want to enter more text) 4.5. Extra Credit – Select an Extra Credit option, if desired. 4.5.1.Note: An assignment will not count as Extra Credit until at least one non‐Extra Credit Assignment is added in the same Category. 4.6. Points – Enter point value Last Revised: August 31, 2012
4.7. Weight – Optional – enter Assignment weight 4.7.1.Note: If you have already used Category Weights, it’s generally not recommended to use Assignment Weight unless you are comfortable explaining the calculation to students/families. 4.8. Files – click to upload any attachments to the assignment that are visible in Home Access Center (HAC). Valid file types are: PDF, Word, Excel 4.9. Cannot be Dropped – If you indicated a number in Drop Lowest on the Category tab, this will column will appear. Checking the box indicates that this assignment cannot be dropped. 4.10. Publish Item – Indicates that the Assignment information will be published in HAC 4.11. Publish Scores – Indicates that the Assignment score the student earned will be published in HAC 4.12. Save each line 5. You can Edit Assignments at any time. 5.1. To edit just one assignment click Edit on the far right of the assignment row. To edit more than one click Edit All Assignments above the assignment grid. 5.2. Save after edits have been completed.
6. To upload an attachment for the entire Course, click on the Attachments tab.
6.1. Click Browse, and navigate to the location where the document is saved. Valid file types are: PDF, Word, Excel. 6.2. Indicate if you want it to post to all Marking Periods 6.3. Click Upload IPR Averages & Report Card Averages are not used at this time.
Last Revised: August 31, 2012
Gradebook Scores & Reports The Scores page for entering and maintaining Gradebook grades can be accessed via the Scores button on the Define Categories or Assignments page, or from the Score link on the My Home page.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Student Name – Alerts and a hyperlink to Student Summary Notes – Click to enter Notes about the student, with an option to publish to HAC Grading Scale – Use the dropdown to select a different grading scale for a student(s) RC Value – Letter grade equivalent of the Student Average Student Average – Calculated percentage of Assignments Scores – TAC accepts numerical values up to 2 digits, as well as a set of pre‐defined other grades called Alpha Marks. Show Withdrawn Students – By default TAC removes withdrawn students from the Gradebook Scores page, but the information is saved. To see withdrawn students use the dropdown to select if you want them grouped at the end of the list or alphabetically. They will appear in red italics. 8. Show Only Selected Row – Click on a score for a student, then check this box, and only this student will appear. 9. Class Average – Total average for the class 10. Category Tabs – By default you are on the All tab, showing all Categories and all Assignments. Use the other Category tabs to only view assignments assigned to that Category. 11. Default Grade – Allows you to ‘fill down’ a default grade for the assignment to all students in the course.
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11.1. Click into the Score cell of the first student in the list, for the assignment you want to create default grade. 11.2. Click Default Grade 11.3. In the pop‐up, enter the Grade to fill in and click Assign. The score you entered will be automatically applied to all students. You may change individual grades as needed. 12. Comment ‐ Allows you to enter a comment for a specific student & assignment, with the option to Publish to HAC. 12.1. Click on the score cell for the student & assignment. 12.2. Click Comment, enter text and click Save.
Additional Hints about Scores
When working in the Scores grid, Tab moves left to right, Arrow Up/down moves up or down. Scores are saved upon entry. There is no save button on the Scores page because it’s done automatically. Student Aliases – Use this page to enter an Alias name for the students in your Course. Alias can print on the Class List/Roster and in the Gradebook Printable Report. Show Absences button – Displays a red border on an assignment cell if the student was absent on the due date. The red border displays if the student was absent during the time that this course meets. o Absence Detail – Displays the absence detail for the selected Student & Assignment o Hide Student Absences – Removes the red border. Space Saving Tips: o Hide/Unhide columns by clicking the white arrow in the header. o Use the Restore options to Hide/Unhide the menu on the left. o Push F11 on your keyboard to force the webpage to the entire screen. Push it again to restore the view.
Last Revised: August 31, 2012
Gradebook Reports All Gradebook reports are accessible from the Scores page in each Course.
1. Printable: Use this page to print the gradebook information for a class or to export gradebook information for the class to Excel. The options at the top of the page determine what gradebook information is displayed. 2. Student Detail: This report lists the assignments by due date. For each assignment, the report lists total points, student score, class average, and description. It prints totals by categories and includes a signature line. 3. Missing Scores: This report lists any students with missing scores for a course. It includes the due date, short description, points, and weight of the missing assignment 4. Assignment Averages: Displays a graphical representation of the average score or percentage for assignments. You can use this report to compare the class averages to a student's averages to see how a student is progressing in relation to the rest of the class.You can graph assignment averages as a bar chart or a line graph. You can also select to display a 3D version of each graph 5. Averages: Use this page to view and print the Gradebook averages for a class or to export average information for the class to Excel. The options at the top of the page determine what information is displayed. An average displays only if you clicked Averages while displaying a tab for a mark that is used to calculate another mark using a Gradebook Mark Average calculation. 6. Score Threshold: Displays a list of students who are performing poorly or performing above average based on a specified threshold. The report lists the student ID, name, and score or percentage for students who meet the threshold criteria you select. You can choose how to evaluate the threshold. You can select to return students who have a value that is less than, less than or equal to, greater than, or greater than or equal to a specified threshold value.
Teaching Multiple Courses During the same Period TAC automatically groups courses together Period so that you are able to easier manage taking Attendance & Gradebook entry. The Multiple Classes line will be enabled for all attendance functions, so you do not have to go into each Course individually. Once the individual Gradebooks have been set up, you can use the Score link for the Multiple Classes line to enter assignments.
Last Revised: August 31, 2012
Emailing Students/Guardians Use the Teacher E‐Mail page to send an email to all students and/or guardians of students that you teach. You can email an individual, a set of individuals, an entire class, or all classes. You can also attach files to the email. 1. Click Email Students/Guardians from the left menu 2. The complete list of courses for all Marking Periods will appear on the Teacher Email page. It is recommended that you send separate emails to a course, and open the course by clicking on the folder. 2.1. Send to: 2.1.1.Students & Guardians – Email will be sent to both Students & Guardians if an email is available in the system. 2.1.2.Students – Email will be sent to Sudents if an email is available in the system. 2.1.3.Guardians – Email will be sent to Guardians if an email is available in the system. 2.2. Teacher: Name and email address of the teacher will appear. The email will be sent out coming from this email address. 2.3. Student & Guardian Section: Place a check next to the name of the persons who should receive the email. 2.3.1.If there is not an email address listed next to the Student or Guardian Name(s), an email address is not available in the system, and you are unable to check the box. 2.3.2.Some families share an email address. Only check one of the Student/Guardian(s) so you don’t send more than one email to the same address.
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3. Subject: Enter an email Subject Line 4. Email Text: Enter email Text in the box provided. Use the various options to edit if desired. 5. Attach a file: If you want to attach any documents, click Attach a File. 5.1. Click Browse to find the location of the file, and click Attach. 6. When finished, click Send
Additional Hints about Email Students/Guardians Recipients are ‘BCC’d’ to each other. Meaning the only email address a recipient sees is the one from you and their own. The ‘From’ email address is your TPS email. TAC generates a Report that will appear on your My Home page as a summary of all email addresses the message was sent to, and a copy of the message.
Last Revised: August 31, 2012