The following tasks will enable you to evaluate your progress in French in Year 9 and set goals for Year 10. You will revise the modules covered this ...
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The following tasks will enable you to evaluate your progress in French in Year 9 and set goals for Year 10. You will revise the modules covered this year as well as practice key skills for the new French GCSE such as Roleplay, Translation, Grammar and Reading.

TASK ONE - PLCS Read each of the PLCs (Personalised Learning Checklist) for the five modules you have covered in Year 9. Before doing the summer bridging tasks, colour the circle in “Before Bridging Tasks” in green if you feel are confident with that module, red if you are struggling and yellow if you somewhere in the middle. After completion of the transition tasks, colour the circle in the “After Bridging Tasks” column in green, red or yellow to see where you have made progress and where you still need to develop on. Make a note in the box beneath the PLC on what you feel you are good at within each module and what areas you could improve upon.

TASK TWO – 10 FOUNDATION FRENCH TASKS (2 PER EACH MODULE) There are different Bridging Tasks for you to complete based on the five year 9 modules. There is a variety of tasks which cover different skills examined in the new GCSE. You should complete all of these tasks to the best of your ability. Bring your completed PLCs and Bridging Tasks to your first Spanish lesson in September so that your teacher can mark it for you.

How to be successful in French GCSE  

  

Be proactive : look up new words, keep a vocab list and learn them Use skills with your reading texts, such as looking for cognates (le sport), synonyms or rephrasing of the same idea in different words, false friends Translate into Spanish by putting it into good English Little and often is better with learning a language. Think how you can use your common sense / thinking skills with unfamiliar words.


MFL Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist

Language: Spanish

Topic: ¡Bienvenidos! Módulos 1-2

Term: Autumn 1

I can:           

Start RAG

Greet someone. Say my name and ask someone’s name. Ask someone how they are. Ask someone else what they have. Count from 1 to 31. Say how old I am and ask how old someone else is. Say where you live and what languages you speak. Say the months of the year and the days of the week. Say the Spanish alphabet. Describe my family. Say what pet I have and describe my pet.

Vocab test scores: 1.

2. /20

3. /20

4. /20


What went well in this topic: Student comment:

Teacher comment:

Describe what you need to do to improve. How will you do it?

Signed (student):

Signed (teacher):




How I feel about this:

MFL Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist

Language: Spanish

Topic: ¡Vamos al instituto! Módulos 3-4

Term: Spring 1

I can:       

Start RAG

Understand classroom instructions. Say what I have in my bag. Say which subjects I like and don’t like. Tell the time. Describe my time table. Talk about my lessons, when they start and they finish. Describe my daily routine.

Vocab test scores: 1.

2. /20

3. /20

4. /20


What went well in this topic: Student comment:

Teacher comment:

Describe what you need to do to improve. How will you do it?

Signed (student):

Signed (teacher):




How I feel about this:

MFL Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist

Language: Spanish

Topic: Mi tiempo libre Módulo 6

Term: Spring 2

I can:        

Start RAG

Describe the weather. Say which sports I do. Ask somebody which sport he/she does. Say what I like doing during my spare time. Say what I prefer doing. Use the verbs jugar y practicar. Use words of frequency. Say what I do during the weekend.

Vocab test scores: 1.

2. /20

3. /20

4. /20


What went well in this topic: Student comment:

Teacher comment:

Describe what you need to do to improve. How will you do it?

Signed (student):

Signed (teacher):




How I feel about this:

MFL Year 9 Personal Learning Checklist

Language: Spanish

Topic: Las vacaciones Módulo 3B (Zoom)

Term: Spring 2

I can:       

Start RAG

Use se puede + infinitive. Say which mean of transport I use to travel. Describe places of interest and say what you can do there. Use voy a + infinitive Use the past tense to describe a holiday I went to. Describe different types of accommodation. Book a hotel room.

Vocab test scores: 1.

2. /20

3. /20

4. /20


What went well in this topic: Student comment:

Teacher comment:

Describe what you need to do to improve. How will you do it?

Signed (student):

Signed (teacher):




How I feel about this:

Repaso año 9



1. Los medios de comunicación 1. Match up

2. descargas música

a. he/she chats in MSN

3. escribo correos

b. I play

4. veo DVDs

c. he/she surfs the net

5. navega por internet

e. you download music

6. leo correos

f. I chat in MSN

7. juego

g. I write emails

8. chatea en MSN

h. I read emails

9. hago mis deberes

i. I watch DVDs

10. chateo en MSN

j. I do my homework

2. Read and answer say if the statements are verdadero (V) , falso (F) or No mencionado(NM):

Me llamo Jorge el Geek. Me encanta la tecnología y por eso juego mucho con mi ordenador. Los fines de semana no salgo. Prefiero jugar en Second Site, que es un juego virtual genial. Leo y escribo correos. También hablo mucho con mis amigos. Chateo dos o tres horas al día. Cuando hago mis deberes, siempre trabajo con mi ordenador. Navego por internet un poco y leo la Wikipedia. También descargo música de Michael Jackson y veo DVDs. Mis DVDs favoritos son los de Indiana Jones. 1. A Jorge no le gusta la tecnología. 2. Juega un poco con su ordenador 3. Los fines de semana sale con sus amigos 4. No habla mucho con sus amigos.


3. Can you write the name of the sport in Spanish:

4. Write sentences saying with sport you play or which sport you practice. Example (Fútbol) Juego al fútbol. a) (tenis) ______________________________________________________________________ b) (atletismo) ______________________________________________________________________ c) (baloncesto) ______________________________________________________________________ d) (vela) ______________________________________________________________________ e) (ciclismo) ______________________________________________________________________


5. ¿Que significa? (Write the ENGLISH next to it) Siempre: Normalmente: Generalmente: A veces: Nunca: De vez en cuando: Cada día: Cada semana: Dos veces por semana: Los lunes: Los fines de semana : En invierno: En verano : Challenge: a) In the Spring b) Wednesdays c) Every evening d) Five times a week e) Rarely f)

From time to time


5. La película es: (match up):

1. Informativa

a. bad

2. Mala

b. childish

3. Aburrida

c. silly

4. Violenta

d. exiting

5. Infantil

e. boring

6. Triste

f. informative

7. Entretenida

g. violent

8. Emocionante

h. entertaining

9. Tonta

i. sad

2. El colegio


2. Write the questions in Spanish and answer the questions choosing the right sentences from the list below. They are several right answers. a. What can you do during the first semesters?

b. What can you do the whole year?

c. What can you do during the second semester?

Se puede hacer teatro en el primer trimestre.

Se puede cantar en el primer trimestre.

Se puede hacer atletismo durante el segundo trimestre.

Hay un club de informática todo el año.

Hay un club de inglés y español.

Se puede jugar en el equipo de fútbol todo el año.


3. La vida sana 1. How many body parts can you remember? Label it;

2. Match up the foods by writing the number of the image next to the label.


3. Write in Spanish:

7.15 Me levanto a las siete y cuarto





4. Read the text about a famous actor and write a little summarise: Hola soy Rodolfo. Tengo 28 años, soy muy guapo pero un poco bajo. Tengo el pelo largo y moreno. Mis ojos son marrones y a veces llevo gafas. Soy trabajador y agradable. Me encanta el cine y ver películas porque es interesante y aprendo un montón. Lo que no me gusta nada es la música rap porque es aburrida y demasiado rápida. Normalmente me levanto a las nueve y después desayuno. Antes de comer hago atletismo o juego al tenis. A veces por la tarde voy al gimnasio y cada


noche me aprendo los papeles para mis nuevas películas. Normalmente me acuesto a las doce y media. El próximo año voy a hacer una película en México y voy a practicar español. Va a ser guay. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

4. Ganarse la vida 1. Las profesiones: (write the ENGLISH next to it)



- bombera/o


- periodista

Repartidor de periódicos

- abogado/a


- medico/a






- informático/a


2. Find the Spanish for: (Use the box for help) El año pasado- last year: 

I worked

I was

There was

I spoke

I translated

I made reservations

I solved problems

I sent emails

I went

I stayed

Fui Hice reservas Me quedé Trabajé Mandé correos Traduje Resolví problemas

3. Match up. Me gustaría (I would like)…

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

Jugar al baloncesto Hacer equitación Ir a la hamburguesería Hablar con mis padres Comer hamburguesas Beber naranjada Vivir en Estados Unidos Bailar salsa

i) To drink orangeade ii) To dance salsa iii) To play basketball iv) To live in the United States v) To talk to my parents vi) To do horseriding vii) To go to the burger restaurant viii) To eat hamburgers


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