S T . A N N C AT H O L I C P A R I S H S T . A N N C AT H O L I C P A R I S H I N C LOSING 2 0 1 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT To my fellow parishioners...
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S T . A N N C AT H O L I C P A R I S H

S T . A N N C AT H O L I C P A R I S H


2 0 1 2 A N N UA L R E P O RT

To my fellow parishioners, I close this Annual Report with a prayer: Dear God, I recognize that being a good steward is nothing more than being truly Christian. I resolve to be generous with my time, talent and treasure, giving in proportion to the gifts I have been given. I commit myself to taking care of my body and all of creation. I know there will be times when I will fail to be a good steward, but I pledge to keep on trying. I will confidently live each day with a spirit of true peace and joy in knowing that I am doing Your will. Amen. (Taken from a Stewardship Prayer) God bless you,

Henry V. Petter Pastor

Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet, on earth but yours. St. Teresa of Avila

St Ann Catholic Parish 180 Samuel Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 Tel: 972 393 5544 Fax: 972 462 1617 E-mail: [email protected]

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O UR P RIESTS Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Well, I am well into my second year here at St. Ann. I continue to be encouraged and challenged by the experienced professionals who are so willing to help our parish achieve our goals. So many of you give your time and talent either by singing in the choir, teaching in the classrooms, moderating a prayer or bible study, volunteer for the carnival, sitting on the Parish, Finance or Stewardship Council. When Church members give of themselves through serving, the power of the Church to carry out the commission Christ is very much increased. We are all called to use the gifts that God has given to us to build up His kingdom. Our faith identifies us as stewards and gives us a relationship with God. Creation and our Baptism bond us to God in a covenant relationship. God calls us into community but also entrusts us with His world. Many of these gifts are given for our needs; others are given for the needs of others. Stewardship is a ministry by which we nurture and share our gifts. The challenge is not to forget the faith dimensions underlying His work. Hopefully, you will take a genuine interest in the pages of this annual report. This report is not just about the finances, it is about the many ways all of you work together to bring to fruition the mission of building up the Kingdom of God here in this place. Thank you for your contributions of Time, Talent and Treasure. *************************************************************************** Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Pues bien, me encuentro ya en mi segundo año aquí en Sta. Ana. Continuó siéndome alentado y retado por todos los profesionales de mucha experiencia que están dispuestos a ayudar a nuestra parroquia alcanzar nuestras metas. Muchos de ustedes nos dan su tiempo y talento, ya sea en el coro, enseñando en los salones, moderando la oración, o un estudio bíblico, voluntario en el carnaval, siendo miembros de los Consejos de Finanzas, Administración o en el Pastoral. El poder que la iglesia tiene de realizar la misión de Cristo, incrementa cuando sus miembros dan de si mismos a través del servicio a los demás. Todos somos llamados a utilizar los dones que Dios nos ha dado para edificar su reino. Nuestra fe nos identifica como administradores y discípulos llevándonos a una relación con Dios. La creación y nuestro bautismo nos enlazan a Dios en una relación de alianza. Dios nos llama a ser comunidad, pero también nos encomienda su mundo. Muchos de nuestros dones nos son concedidos para nuestras necesidades, mientras otros se nos conceden para las necesidades de los demás. “Stewardship,” en otras palabras “Administración y Discipulado” es un ministerio en el cual cultivamos y compartimos nuestros dones. El reto es no olvidarnos de las dimensiones religiosas que sostienen las obras de Dios. Es mi esperanza que usted sienta un interés genuino en las páginas de este informe anual. Este informe no es solo de las finanzas, sino también se trata de las muchas maneras en las cuales ustedes trabajan juntos para lograr que se cumpla la misión de edificar el reino de Dios en este lugar. Muchas gracias por contribuir de su tiempo, talento y tesoro. Your Pastor / Su Pastor,

Fiscal Year 2012 Expenditures (July 2011—June 2012)

Revenue Contributions Registration and Tuition Program and Activity Fees Liturgical Donations Social Services Investment Income Other Total Operating Revenue Payments on Capital Pledges



Expenses Religious Education Programs 1,145,270 (RE, SAY, High School Ministry, and Adult RE) Liturgical Ministry 568,458 Pre-School 349,490 Social Services 439,000 Facilities 901,557 Administration and Development 893,171 Diocesan Expense 686,250 Interest and other 3,926 Total Operating Expenditures $4,987,122 Capital Expenditures Capital Items Depreciation Payments on Debt

Henry V. Petter

4,596,673 387,970 68,598 70,567 79,599 14,391 82,885 $5,300,683

80,174 $1,295,083

Your Critical Role We have a generous community and strong oversight. Together we are good stewards! It does take each and every one of us to make this happen. It takes pledges of all ranges from each family to meet the financial needs of the parish. We prayerfully request that each family take responsibility for membership in the parish, and do what you can to contribute financially. “Why is a pledge important?!” A pledge helps the Finance Council and staff budget for parish expenses. The oversight of your funds is important to us as we carefully plan the year’s expenses and prayerfully balance each ministry’s needs with the others. Our dedicated staff continually strives to improve the programs required by our large, diverse membership. In order to implement their ideas and programs, we require sufficient pledges to ensure that adequate funds will be available. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and enables our parish to continue to offer the programs and opportunities that our parishioners expect!


Strategic Long Term Reserves Restricted for Future Catholic Education 299,023 Restricted for St. Ann Center 37,554 Reserved for Ministry Support & Capital Needs 2,873,460 Certificates of Deposit 496,723




F I NA N C E C O U N C I L In Fr. Henry’s opening letter to this Annual Report he reminded us that “we are all called to use the gifts that God has given to us to build up His kingdom”. At St. Ann Parish, we are blessed with faithful parishioners who give generously and sacrificially of their time, talent and treasure. We are also blessed with dedicated and talented leaders and staff that work diligently to ensure that your resources are used efficiently and effectively. In the remainder of this section, we will share information regarding our operations, projects for the coming year, St. Ann’s role in supporting the community and the critical role each of you play in helping our parish plan for and meet its obligations now and in the future. Financial Health of the Parish We are pleased to report that St. Ann parish remains financially strong despite the ongoing challenges of a difficult economy. Our leaders and staff once again managed to within their budgets while absorbing our continued growth and need for new and expanded programs. In the past year, it became clear that we could not continue to grow, evolve and transform the parish without adding a few critical positions. To date, we have added to our resources in the Religious Education Bilingual program and the Young Adult ministry. Looking to the future, we will hire an Adult Education/RCIA Director and a Director of Family Life. We remain committed to defining and staffing the many programs needed by our diverse community. This will be challenging, but we are confident that our staff, our volunteers and you, our generous parishioners, will continue to provide the needed support.

Projects for the Coming Year In addition to day-to-day operations, the staff and Finance Council annually determine which projects to undertake. In evaluating projects, we look first at the projects necessary to maintain our facilities and keep them at a high level. We also seek to undertake strategic initiatives that add to the overall value of our enterprise. In the coming year, we will address the following efforts: - Playground renovations and equipment for both the preschool and nursery play areas - Office Space for the above recommended new hires as well as update the SAC Ministry Offices - Replace Sacristy flooring - Replace Children’s Liturgy of the Word/Music flooring - New tables and chairs for the parish library - Refresh tables and chairs through out the facility - Refurbish church kneelers Community Support “Many of God’s gifts are given for our needs; other gifts are given for the needs of others.” Our parish has continued to recognize our responsibility to those in need. We provide assistance to seven parishes in Dallas Diocese that need our help. Additionally, we provided support to Mt. Carmel Center and continued our support to Catholic Charities and CCA (Christian Community Action). We are able to directly minister to the increased needs within our community, which includes direct assistance to parishioners in great need. Finally, we will again fund the equivalent of two scholarships to both John Paul II High School and Mary Immaculate School.

L EADERSHIP My Dear Friends, What an awesome transitional year with the retirement of Msgr. Leon Duesman and the resumption of Msgr. Henry Petter as our new pastor. Many questions arose at his announcement; what was he bringing to the family community of St. Ann? What would the make-up of his administration be? Comparative study of our previous pastors, the late Msgr. Kilian Broderick, and Msgr. Leon Duesman became a tool in assessing what was expected of the new pastor. Thanks be to God it has been a smooth transition. The parish continues to build strongly on the foundations of our previous pastors under the leadership of Msgr. Henry Petter. The oneness of the entire family is solidified. A welcoming and all-embracing family. The parish now celebrates yearly the feast day of our patron saint - Saint Ann. Prayers for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life continues. Thanks to God for prayers answered at the ordinations of Rev. Edwin Leonard and Rev. Zachary Webb. And I also want to mention Fr. Paolo Capra who was ordained after spending a 6 month pastoral assignment at St. Ann. We look forward to another year in hope of a better tomorrow.

*************************************************************************** Mis queridos amigos, Pues ha sido un año increíble de transición por el retiro de Monseñor León Duesman y la incorporación de Monseñor Henry Petter como nuestro nuevo pastor. Muchas preguntas surgieron con el anuncio de un nuevo pastor, ¿Qué cambios habrá en la comunidad de Sta. Ana? ¿Cuál será su forma de administración? Al hacer una comparación de pastores anteriores, Monseñor Kilian Broderick, y Monseñor León Duesman me dio una idea de lo que se pudiera esperar del nuevo pastor. Gracias a Dios que ha sido una buena transición. La parroquia sigue creciendo fuertemente en los cimientos de nuestros pastores anteriores y ojalá con el liderazgo Monseñor Henry Petter. La unidad de toda la familia se solidifica y somos una familia acogedora. La parroquia celebra ahora cada año el día de la fiesta de nuestra santa patrona-Santa Ana. Continuemos haciendo oración por las vocaciones al sacerdocio, al diaconado, y a la vida religiosa. Gracias a Dios por escuchar nuestras oraciones en que tuvimos dos ordenaciones del Rev. Edwin Leonard y Rev. Zachary Webb. Y también quiero mencionar al Padre Paolo Capra quien fue ordenado después de pasar una asignación pastoral de 6 meses en Sta. Ana. Con la esperanza en un año mas de que este sea un año mejor. Yours in Christ / Suyos en Cristo,

Rev. Patrick Olaleye *** Please feel free to come by the parish office to review the full set of audited financials. ***






O UR P RIESTS Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, Wow!!!...who would have believed it!!! It has already been a year since I arrived and joined the St. Ann family in Coppell. I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was July 2011, a hot summer in Texas. I ‘googled’ 180 Samuel Blvd and I came to visit St. Ann Church. As I recalled that day, I was listening to my favorite song, which says, “Those were the best days of my life…Back in the summer of ‘69’”. As the song goes on, I recall not only the summer of 2011 when I arrived at St. Ann, but also all the days that have passed until now. It has been quite an exciting and interesting year filled with events and challenges … but overall many blessings. As I walk during the day or any evening around the church, the parking lot, the classrooms, I can see that they are filled with activities and people. It is also impressive to see moms, dads and families coming in and out of the Blessed Sacrament chapel. At the beginning and with the heat and the amount of activities going on around the church, one could be overwhelmed. However, once I encountered and began to know the parishioners, I could see not a parking lot filled with cars and people, but a welcoming community. In a word, our church becomes a holy place where we encounter God and also one another. As I paused for a moment I could hear the song saying, “and now the times are changing…” Indeed the time is not only changing but moving on. Yes, I do believe it now that a year has passed and I have celebrated a year at St. Ann. Like the song says about the “best days of my life.” We do look back to the best days, but as Catholics we look forward with our hope and faith in our Lord. Oh yeah, and as we are in the summer of 2012 so grateful to celebrate and to know that God is in our midst, even in the midst of our parking lot. Finally, I am so grateful for your welcoming, kindness and generosity. As a team with Fr. Patrick and Fr. Henry leading us, we are looking forward to the summer of 2013.

*************************************************************************** Hermanos en Cristo, ¡¡¡Quien lo creyera!!! Ya hace un ano que llegue a la Familia de Santa Anna. Parece que haya sido ayer que llegue a Santa Ana. Fue en Julio, en el verano del 2011. Recuerdo que busqué en Google la dirección 180 Samuel Blvd. y así visité La Iglesia. Recuerdo que ese día estaba escuchando una de mis canciones favoritas, que dice, “Esos fueron los mejores días de mi vida…en el Verano del 69.” A medida que la canción sigue, puedo recordar no solo el verano del 2011 cuando llegue a santa Ana, pero también los días que han pasado hasta a hoy. Ha sido un año muy interesante y lleno de muchos eventos, retos pero sobre todo de bendiciones. Cada día en la Iglesia, en los parqueaderos, los salones están llenos de actividades y gente por todos lados. Familias entrando y saliendo de la capilla de adoración. Al principio, con el calor y con tantas actividades en la iglesia, uno se puede sentir sobrecargado. Pero luego, conoces las familias, y ya no vez un lugar lleno de carros y actividades sino la hospitalidad de la comunidad. En otras palabras, nuestra Iglesia se convierte en un lugar santo donde nos encontramos con Dios y con el otro. Todavía puedo seguir escuchando la canción que dice, “y ahora los tiempos siguen cambiando…” En verdad no solo cambia sino que sigue su curso. Si, es cierto, ha pasado un ano que llegue a Santa Ana. Como dice la canción, “los mejores días de mi vida.” Miramos el pasado pero como católicos que somos, nuestra mirada es con fe y esperanza en el futuro y los ojos puestos en nuestro Señor. Que alegría haber llegado al 2012 para celebrar y saber que Dios esta con nosotros. Finalmente, estoy muy agradecido por la hospitalidad, generosidad y cariño que me han dado. Como equipo con el padre Patrick y el Padre Henry, miramos hacia el verano del 2013. Blessings / Bendiciones,

Fr. Orlando Cardozo, O.P.


Sacraments, Adult Faith Formation, Ministries & Programs MINISTIRES & PROGRAMS TOTAL PARTICIPANTS Pre-School 140 Religious ED 1,603 St. Ann Youth (SAY) 665 High School Ministry 700 Young Adult 120 College Life 40 Safe Environment (currently cleared) 1,250 Safe Environment (over last 10 years) 2,609 Active Ministries 112 Carnival Committee / Volunteers 18 / 1800 + Knights of Columbus 381 EMHC 18 English, 6 Spanish teams * * * * * *

Baptisms — 356 1st Communions — 502 Marriages — 97 RCIA—160 RICA — 24 Christ Renews His Parish (since 1995) — approx. 3,350, 120 teams * Adult Bible Study * Lenten Mission * Healing Prayer Ministry * * * * * * * * * * *

  

2012 CARNIVAL Over 15,000 attendees Raised over $100,000 Supports - Capital programs - Retiring debt One of the largest community events in Coppell

* * * * * *

Paradisus Dei Adult Religious Education — 600 Brothers in Christ Sisters in Christ Faith and Finance Bilingual Religious Education - 2012 = 442 youth with 99 volunteers * Liturgia Para ninos (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) — 550 children

AIDS Supper Club * Budget annually to support the following : SAY coat drive - Catholic Charities - Mt. Carmel Center Magi Ministry - St. Edwards Parish North Texas Food Bank - St. James Parish Collect used items and food for Catholic - St. Cecilia Parish Charities - Santa Clara Parish White Rose Women’s Center - Blessed Sacrament Parish - St. Ann Parish in Kaufman Birth Choice Counseling Center for Women - Mary Immaculate School Kids Eat Free - John Paul II High School Men’s Club Thanksgiving and Christmas Food - Christian Community Action Baskets - Emergency Assistance Program SAY Penny Wars for Heifer International - High School Mission Trip SAY and HSM Mission Possible And many other ministries and organizations...






Your Parish Stewardship Council has had a busy year expanding the Council to 20 members! Under the guidance of Fr. Henry, the Council has gone through an education process of studying a pastoral letter on stewardship published by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – Stewardship, A Disciple’s Response. We have learned that, simply stated, a Christian steward is one who: * receives God’s gifts gratefully, * cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, * shares them in justice and love with all, * and returns them with increase to the Lord. Besides our focus on formation and transformation of our Council members into ‘good stewards’ and disciples, any actions we take are guided by our PSC charter: Establish within St. Ann parish a culture of Stewardship as a way of life by educating and engaging parishioners to make disciples of all. Also guiding our actions are 4 foundations of Stewardship that we have adopted: Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, & Service. In an effort to fulfill the charter we have formed 4 committees: Time & Talent, Greeting & Welcoming, Youth, and Communications.


Total (as of 8/31/12)

vs. 2011



Registered families (decrease due to database cleanup)

New families (Sept-Aug) Families Pledging % of families contributing Total pledged for 2011 Total paid through Aug 31 Average pledge per family

Fr. Henry has challenged all parishioners to build the Body of Christ by making our extremely large parish seem and feel like a small faith community. By embracing stewardship as a way of life, the PSC is confident that we can build a culture where all of us can discern, accept, and live out joyfully and generously the commitments, responsibilities, and roles to which God has called us. We are always looking for new members to help and serve on our committees. If you have interest or questions for the PSC, please contact the PSC Chair, Tim Markham at: [email protected]

855 2,382 44% $4,054,226 $2,945,151 $1,702

861 2,086 42% 20.7% increase 6.2% increase $1,611

”As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).


Are you aware that there are four leadership teams who work alongside Father Henry in his pastoral role at St. Ann? Most parishioners are familiar with the Parish Finance Council (PFC). But St. Ann also has a Parish Stewardship Council (PSC). St. Ann staff is another vital team who works closely with Father, and finally there is the St. Ann Parish Pastoral Council (PPC).

The PPC’s purpose is to maintain the integrity of the parish mission, and the goals and objectives related to it; and to assist as a sounding board for our pastor. There are twelve members from the parish who are also volunteers on PPC.

ing the pastor and providing the fullness of vision needed for the Parish’s mission.

During the summer, PPC initiated the fourteen days from June 21 to July 4, Independence Day, that were dedicated to the “Fortnight for Freedom” – the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops encouraged parishes around the country to remind ourselves and others all throughout the United States How are the leadership about the importance of preteams different? serving the fundamental right of The PFC manages the operatreligious freedom. ing budget for the parish. There The PPC meets monthly on the are twelve volunteers from the fourth Wednesday of the month parish who serve on the PFC. in the church library. Each As an oversight council the PFC member serves for a three year provides advice and counsel to term with the opportunity to the pastor, assisting him in the extend for another three year sound financial operation of the term. Kathie Gautille serves as parish. St. Ann Catholic Parish Mission PPC Chair, with Tom Guidry as Past The PSC is to exemplify, promote, Statement Chair and Jim White as Vice Chair. To inform and educate the parishioners We are a welcoming inclusive Catho- contact PPC you can go to the St. Ann how stewardship is a way of life. There lic Parish centered in the Eucharist, website: www.stannparish.org and are approximately 20 parishioners who grounded in prayer, learning, living, search for “Parish Pastoral Council”. volunteer their time to serve on this and teaching our faith in service to council. the community. The St. Ann staff keeps the church PPC relies deeply on the Holy Spirit moving forward, being responsive to and prayer during monthly meetings the needs of the parish faith commuand any discernment process. The PPC nity, and so much more! is a prayerful, consultative body assist-





S T . A N N P A R I SH


For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ* and individually parts of one another. Romans 12:4-5

What is missing?


As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12