T M z o l ?




“p/A7c?'fc KBDH077.PB

Hartshorne, K.B.

The position of the official languages in the education of the Bantu. (Mimeo, n.d.) 14p

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Education for Non-Europeans

Hartshorne, K.B.

"The Background to education in the urban areas of South Africa." Overseas Ed ucation. 22 (1) Oct. 1950

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Report of the Native education coiTHTiission 1949-51." Tvl. Educ. News/ 48 (6) Jun-Jul 1952, p. 5-8

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Native Education in S. Afr." Bluestockino. 20 (2) N. 1952 p. 15-18

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Native education in the Union of SA: A summary report J ^ S l ^ e commission on native education in SA UG53-

in S. Afr.

[Comment on an

SAIRR, Johannesburg, 1953) 62p Hartshorne, K.B.

"Trends in policy in African Education Sahara." Symposium. Sept. 1960, p. 35 -38

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Why many Bantu fail 'Matric'." Jewish Affairs 17 (4) April 1962 p. 10 - 13

Hartshorne, K.B.

The Bantu at School", Rotary Club - RoodepoortMaraisburg. Symposium on South Africa, June, 1962, pp. D1 - D4

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Literature across cultures: English literature in Bantu Schools." Engl. Stud. Afr. 13: Mr. 1970, Bibl., p. 67-79

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Es gibt viele probleme" (Bantu-Erziehung) Afrika-Post. 20 : N. 1973, p. 433 - 35






Page 3

Hartshorne, K.

"Education's role in economic growth" Development S. Afr. 4 : 1974 illus., p. 34 - 36

Hartshorne, K.

"Bantu Education" S. Afr. Med. J.. 48 0.11.1974, p. 2517 - 19

Hartshorne, K.

"The In Service training of African teachers in SA." Hirschmann, D. and Rose, B. (eds.) Education for Development in Southern Africa. (Johannesburg SAIIA 1974) p. 171 - 7

Hartshorne, K.B

"Education and training of the Black Worker" S. Afr. J. African Affairs. 4 (2) 1974 p. 1 - 7 [... Also S. Afr. Mech. Engr. 25: 63 - 67 Hr. 1975 ... Also Civ. Enor. S. Afr. 17: 115 - 18 M 1975 ••• Also Trans S. Afr. Inst. Elect. Engrs. 66: 124 - 28 June 1975]

Hartshorne, K.B

"Changing attitudes to Black education" Development S. Afr. 2 : 1975 illus., p. 12 - 15

Hartshorne, K.B

"Notes on black education" N.C.W. News 41 (10) Hay, Council of Women)

1976 p.


- 27



Hartshorne, K.B

"Reconciliation: Facing the future together" Symposium 1976 - 77, p. 88 - 91

Hartshorne, K.B

“Some notes on topical issues in Black education" Tvl. Educ. News 74 (1) : Ja 1977, p. 9 - 10

Hartshorne, K.B

"Black Education" South Africa Foundation News

3 (3) 1977, p. 3

Hartshorne, K.B

"Black Education and future needs" Council of Education Proceedings of the Syndic ... 1977 and Proceedings of the Annual General Meeting ... 1978 (Johannesburg Council of Educ. p. 9 - 19)

Hartshorne, K.B.

"Black Education in Perspective" (Durban SAIRR, Information Sheet NR/22778) 6p


Page 4

Hartshorne, K.B.

"The Unfinished Business: Education for South Africa's Black People" Optima 30 (1) 1981, p. 16 - 35

Hartshorne, K.B.

The teaching of English £s a second language in the Bantu lower primary school : Bridging the gap between modern language "Methodics" and teaching practices In Publication Series no.' 5, Ninth Congress of £__A Association for the Advancement of E d u c a t i o n . 1971

Hartshorne, K.B.

A critical analysis of the education of Blacks in South African against the background of the concept of "Continuing Education" In Publication Series no. 11, (Recurrent Education) S.A.A.A.E.. 1977

Hartshorne, K.B.

Moghehkeiten und Grenzen der Ausbildung Schwarzer in SUdafrika In SUdafrika : Revolution oder Evolution? ed Ortlieb H.D. and Spandau A. Verlage Weltarehiv, Hamburg, 1977

Hartshorne, K.B.

Technology, education and development in South Africa's crisis in education Senate Special Lectures, University of the Witwatersrand, 1978

Hartshorne, K.B.

Teacher Training in Lebowa In Education Priorities in a Developing State Symposium of Association of Inspectors of Education in Lebowa, University of the North, 1979

Hartshorne, K.B.

The aspirations of, and the educational for Black youth Ciskeian Conference on Education, 1980

Hartshorne, K.B.

Education Management The report of the Work Committee, Education, HSRC, Pretoria, 1981

Hartshorne, K.B.




The Evolution of Education Policy in South African Eduction Colloquium, University of Witwatersrand, 1981

Page 5


The e d ucation and training of the teacher (with pa r t i c u l a r reference to the situation in Black education) in Proceedings, ATASA Diamond Jubilee African Teachers Association of S.A. 1981 also in Education Journal. Vol 92, No 2 Teachers Association, Cape Town, Sept. 1982


School Governance (in the context of the de Lange Report) Education J o u r n a l . Vol 92, No 3 SATA, Cape Town, Nov. 19S2 E G Ma l h e r b e - a free and independent spirit The Enolish Academy Review. Johannesburg, Nov. 1982 A comroon education system Leade r s h i p S . A . . Vol 1, No 2, Johannesburg 1982 W h i t h e r Black Education? E n e r o o s . No 8, Cape Town, 1983 Curriculum and the Reality of Context: The Bophut h a t s w a n a beginnings in Education, Curriculum and Development, ed. Hunter A.P., A s h l e y M.J. and Millar C.J. Centre f o r Continuing Education, University of the Witwatersrand, 1983 Hartshorne, K.B.

Black secondary school leavers: trends Certificate/Matriculation 1960-82 Urban Monitor, Indicator S.A.. Vol. 1, No 3 CASS, U n i v e r s i t y of Natal, Durban, 1983



Can S e p a r a t e mean Equal? A commentary on the White Paper on Education Issue Focus, Indicator S.A.. Jan. 1984 CASS, Univer s i t y of Natal, Durban Can Se p a r a t e mean Equal? Urban Monitor, Indicator S.A.. Vol 2, No 1 CASS. U n i v e r s i t y of Natal, Durban, March 1984

Page 6


Black secondary school leavers 1983 Urban Monitor, Indicator S . A . . Vol 2, No 3 CASS, University of Natal, Durban, October 1984 In Pursuit of Learning in Human Resources, Leadership S.A.. Johannesburg, 1984 The State of Education in South Africa: Indicators S.A. Journal of Science. Vol 81, March Johannesburg

Some 1985

Education and Development Development Southern A f r i c a . Vol 2, No 2 The Development Society, Johannesburg, May 1985 Hartshorne, K.B.

Educating the People Human Resources 1985-6, Johannesburg, July 1985



The University of Bophuthatswana: process UTASA, Durban, July 1980





The Position of English in the Black School, S y m p o s i u m . 1975-6, p. 26 Johannesburg College of Education The Future of English-medium Teacher Education Part I : The Transvaal Educational News. L X X V I 1 1 , No 1, January, 1980, pp. 10-12


Part II: The Transvaal Education N e w s . Vol LXXVI I, No 2, February 1980, pp 8-10 Transvaal Teachers' Association, Johannesburg African teachers in training institutions Journal for Social Research. Vol 3, June 1952, pp. 34-41 Bureau for Social and Educational Research, Pretoria

DA 20% Page 7


The Position of the Official languages in education of the Bantu Newsletter. SA Language Teaching Study Group, Vol 7, No 1, February 1973


INSET : The In-service Education and Training of Teachers Eltic R e p orter. Vol 10, No 2, Aug-Sept. 1985 Hartshorne, K.B.

Secondary Education of Black South Africans : Issues and Indicators National Medical & Dental Assoc. (NAMDA) 12 Nov. 1985 The Boycott Classes of overview of African matric Indicator (Urban Monitor), CASS, University of Natal,

1980-4: A comparative performance Vol 3, No 3, Summer 1986 Durban (pp. 18-21)

Notes on Private Sector involvement in Education and the role of INSET in South Africa INSET Conference, 1820 Foundation, Grahamstown, 22 April 1986 INSET in South Africa : The HSRC Report, 1985 Inset Workshop, The Urban Foundation, 17 July 1986 Also in People's Education A collection of articles from Dec 85 - May 87 Centre for Adult and Continuing Education UWC, Belvilie, 1987 Post-Apartheid Education : A Concept in Process opportunities in the next five years McGraw-Hill Seminar, Johannesburg, 18 September 1986 The Education Crisis of 1984-6 : Some Indicators of where Education is at present under the title "Back to Basics" Leadership, Vol 5, No 5, 1986 The Role of the State in Education and Training, in Black Advancement in the South African Economy

Page 8


(1986) 137

ed. Roy Smollan,



pp. 117-

Also in Language Planning and Medium of Education ed. D Young Language Education Unit and SAALA University of Cape Town, 1987 Language Policy in African Education in South AFrica, 1910-85, with particular reference to the issue of medium of instruction, in Young, D. (ed) Bridging the Gap Essays in Honour of L W Lanham Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town, 1987 Hartshorne, K.B

African Matric Update, 1984-5 The Disintegration of Urban Education INDICATOR SA, Vol 4, No 2, pp. 54-8 Spring (1986)


The Private Sector and African Education 1960-86 (Conference on "The Role of the Private Sector in Educational Change", ultimate title "Addressing Educational Crisis and Change: Relevant Private Sector Initiatives" 11-12 March 1987 CCE : University of Witwatersrand, 1987 Post-Apartheid Education : a concept in process (opportunities in the next five years) Institute for the Study of Public Policy, UCT Conflicting Perceptions of the Education of Black South Africans, to be published (1988) in Africa Insight, Africa Institute, Pretoria Natal's Blackboard Jungle, in New Frontiers KwaZulu/Natal Debates), pp. 57-60 Indicator SA Issue Focus, October 1987 CASS, University of Nat a l , Durban Three Years of Turmoil : African Matric 1985-7 Indicator SA Vol 5, No 2, Summer 1988 CASS, University of Natal, Durban




Page 9

The Current Crisis in Education against the background of the ideological-political situation in South Africa Institute for Reformational Studies Potchefstroom University for SCHE, February, 1988

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Page 10


Putting People First 13 December 1975


Teachers in Transition 14 December 1987


The University as Community 14 May 1977 UCT :

Education Beyond the White Paper 8 December 1983 NATAL :


Education : the first line of national defence Durban, 21 May 1977


Post-Apartheid Education for an in a new South Africa 3 May 1986, Pietermaritzburg


A University of Africa First Diploma Ceremony, Mmabatho 27 March 1982

£>A 1 * * KBDH077.PB

Page 11


Hartshorne, K.B.

Reconciliation : Facing the Future together Act of Dedication Ceremony Johannesburg College of Education, 30 Nsvember 1976 Education at the Crossroads Edgewood College of Education, 22 September 1977 Education at the Crossroads Edgewood College of Education, 6 March 1982 Black Education : The Road Ahead A crisis of confidence and an opportunity for new thinking and accelerated development International Futures Studies Conference 1820 Foundation, Grahamstown, 6 July 1978 Notes on Challenges of Teaching in a disadvantaged community CATU, Cape Town, 18 June 1984 The Responses to the Report of the HSRC Investigation into Education and their implications TASA, Durban, July 1982

Page 12



Inspection of Arithmetic in the Primary tchool Bantu Education Journal. September 1957, p. 314 The Essential Qualities of a good teacher Bantu Education Jou r n a l . June 1958, p. 205 The Education of the Bantu Official Yearbook, RSA, 1972 The Teacher is the Key (Editorial) Bantu Education Jour n a l . November 1973, p. 2 Learning in the Classroom (Editorial) Bantu Education J o u r n a l . March 1974, p. 2 Parents and Principals (Editorial) Bantu Education J o u r n a l . April 2974, p. 2 "As little children" (Editorial) Bantu Education Jou r n a l . December 1973, p. 2 A Time for Renewal (Editorial) Bantu Education Journal. November 1974, p. 2 New Challenges (Editorial) Bantu Education Jou r n a l . December 1974, p. 2

Page 13


SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS K.B. HARTSHORNE and W GO LI6 HTLY : English Poetry, mainly narrative (annotated) (for South African Secondary Schools) Via Afrika Ltd, Cape Town First published 1944; eight impressions Poems, Today and (Verse mainly school) Juta Co. Ltd, Schofield & Sims

Yesterday narrative, Cape Town, Ltd)

for 1971

the (in





and E FLETCHER (with teachers' guides for each std.) English for the Secondary School, Standard 6 First published 1975, 2nd ed. 1980, 3rd impression, 1982 English for the Secondary School, Standard 7 First published 1975, 2nd ed. 1980, 6th impression, 1983 English for the Secondary School, Standard 8 First published 1974, 2nd ed. 1979, 6th impression, 1983) English for Standard Three First published 1976 English for Standard Four First published 1976, reprinted 1982 English for Standard Five First published 1974, 2nd ed. 1975, 4th impression 1981 Maskew Miller Ltd, Cape Town

Page 14



Picture Book and Charts Teacher's Guide

1959 1960

Sub B :

Class reader : Benny and Betty Teacher's Guide

1963 1965

Std. 1 :

Class reader : Benny & Betty their friends Teacher's Guide

& 1965 1968

Std. 2 :

Class reader : Benny & Betty in town Teacher's Guide

at 1965 1969

Std. 3 :

Class reader : Tales from Town Country Pupil's language book Teacher's Guide

& 1970 1973 1970

Longman Southern Africa, Cape Town



Grade 1 :

My Picture Book & Charts (Set 1) Teacher's Guide, Part I Cassette Tape for the Grades, Part I

1982 1982

Grade 2 :

Benny and Betty & Charts (Set 2) Teacher's Guide, Part II Word & Sentence cards Cassette Tape for the Grades, Part II

1982 1982

Std. 1 :

Benny and Betty and their friends Teacher's Guide Language Book

1982 1982 1982

Std. 2 :

Benny and Betty at home and in town Teacher's Guide Language Book

1982 1982 1982

Std. 3 :



Std. 4 :




Std. 5 :

Page 15



Longman Penguin Southern Africa, later Maskew Miller Longman, Cape Town


and Dictionary of Basic English with S. Sotho Appendix - JHA Swart & E Posselt


with Tsonga Appendix




& II

with Tswana Appendix




& BJ Rantao


with Xhosa Appendix




& E Posselt


with Zulu Appendix




& II



with N. Sotho




& II



with Venda










Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989

PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012

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