Systems management is a key part of the IT

feature section: the Efficient Enterprise Simplify Management with the Dell Unified Server configurator Enabled by the Lifecycle Controller By Shelli...
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feature section: the Efficient Enterprise

Simplify Management with the Dell Unified Server configurator Enabled by the Lifecycle Controller By Shelli Allgood Anand Narayanan Hai Phung Pritesh Prabhu

The new Dell™ Unified Server Configurator enabled by the Lifecycle Controller incorporates a comprehensive set of systems management features that operate in a pre-OS environment. Embedded directly in new 11thgeneration Dell PowerEdge™ servers, this next-generation tool does not require media such as CDs or DVDs and offers a simplified, flexible way to perform tasks ranging from firmware updates to OS deployment to diagnostics.


ystems management is a key part of the IT

provisioning servers and customizing them to meet

administrator’s job, and encompasses tasks

specific requirements. In addition, because the tool

such as installing operating systems, updating

is integrated with and embedded in the server, for-

firmware to be functional and adhere to enterprise

matting the disk or reinstalling the OS does not

policies, configuring hardware, and maintaining IT infra-

remove the tool, helping save the time and costs

structures. Over the years, Dell has provided many

associated with reinstalling system tools and thereby

tools designed to assist administrators with these tasks,

helping increase administrator productivity.

Related Categories:

including tools that shipped with multiple CDs (such

Dell OpenManage

as Dell OpenManage™ Server Assistant and the Dell

USC components and architecture

Dell PowerEdge servers

OpenManage Deployment Toolkit) and a single CD

New 11th-generation Dell PowerEdge servers intro-

Dell Unified Server Configurator

carrying all the software tools (such as the Dell Systems

duce Embedded Management, which is designed to


Build and Update Utility). Although these tools helped

dramatically reduce the time required for multiple

Firmware updates

simplify and streamline management of Dell systems,

common management tasks. It comprises several

Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC)

they also required administrators to save the CDs so

interdependent components, including the new

the tools could be reinstalled if needed, which added

Lifecycle Controller and USC interface.

OS deployment

clutter and storage requirements as organizations

Systems management

accumulated multiple versions of these tools.

The Lifecycle Controller is a flash chip embedded in the system itself that provides persistent storage

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The new Dell Unified Server Configurator (USC)

for systems management components—including,

for the complete category index.

enabled by the Lifecycle Controller is designed to

among others, the system BIOS, firmware, drivers,

overcome these challenges. Based on the Integrated

and Dell OpenManage tools. Administrators can

Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) embedded

access these components through the USC interface,

in new 11th-generation Dell PowerEdge servers, it

which is also stored on the Lifecycle Controller.


provides a single place to perform updates, hardware

The USC offers a single access point and interface

configuration, OS deployment, and system diagnos-

for performing comprehensive platform updates,

tics—one that functions independently of both media

hardware configuration, OS deployments, and diag-

and platform OS. Because the USC is available

nostics (see Figure 1). Administrators can launch the

even when the OS is not, it helps add flexibility when

application by booting the server and pressing F10.


Reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, June 2009. Copyright © 2009 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 1. Main menu functions in the Dell Unified Server Configurator

Figure 2. Network settings in the Dell Unified Server Configurator

Because the USC is managed by the

multiple updates

iDRAC subsystem and runs in a Unified

in batches. This

Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)

batch processor—

environment, running the USC does not

called the System

require booting the OS.

Services Manager

The UEFI specification was created

(SSM)—is automat-

to replace BIOS, but has also evolved to

ically invoked when

provide additional functionality that can

multiple updates

support powerful applications that run

are requested. The

without an OS. This specification includes

intelligence in the

a Trusted Computing Group protocol

SSM is designed to

that supports Trusted Platform Module

defer reboots to

(TPM) measurements and secure updates

the last possible

and that the USC is designed to lever-


age. UEFI—and, therefore, the USC—also

reduce the number

has a well-developed network stack

of reboots required

and a strong point-and-click graphical

to perform updates.

environment designed for ease of use,

The SSM also provides a way to apply

firmware, diagnostics, BIOS, and drivers

helping make the USC a powerful, simpli-

OS-based Dell Update Packages (DUPs)

at the most current level, which can help

fied pre-OS configuration tool.

in a synchronized way. When administra-

maximize system performance and avoid

tors apply a DUP through the OS, the

unnecessary downtime. Operating in the

updates are scheduled securely on the

UEFI environment, independently of an

SSM for execution on next boot.

installed OS, helps increase the security

The USC application includes built-in support





Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and



Figure 3. Update repository settings in the Dell Unified Server Configurator

Domain Name System (DNS), and enables

To provide assistance to administra-

administrators to configure network cards

tors learning to use the USC, each USC

Administrators can perform platform

to acquire an IP address through DHCP or

screen includes context-sensitive help.

updates from an FTP or local USB

use static IP properties (see Figure 2). In

Administrators can access the relevant

repository (see Figure 3); using a

addition, the application interface sup-

help for a specific screen by clicking on

USB repository can help improve update

ports both text-based and SOCKS 4 prox-

the “?” button in the upper-right corner.

efficiency during periods of network con-

ies, enabling administrators to connect to

and convenience of this process.

gestion. After administrators have

Intelligent, efficient platform updates

selected a repository, the USC can auto-

The USC also includes a task sched-

The USC platform update feature enables

and provide the option of manually

uler enabling administrators to deploy

administrators to maintain the system

selecting specific components to update

the network through proxy servers to enable secure downloads to the server.

Reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, June 2009. Copyright © 2009 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.

matically detect the necessary updates



feature section: the Efficient Enterprise

Utilizing the data from the LCL, the USC can automatically detect the necessary and Select repository

Retrieve update catalog

Report available updates

Detect needed updates

Select updates

Retrieve update packages

Display progress

Apply updates

available updates from the designated Local USB repository

repository. It then displays the data in a table format, showing both the current level and the available level (see Figure 5). By default, the update process automati-

Dell FTP repository

cally upgrades all identified components, but administrators can also manually select specific components to upgrade. Increased standardization, consistency, and synchronization. Updates are applied to the system from the SSM batch processor. After the updates are selected from the comparison report table, the

Figure 4. Platform update process using the Dell Unified Server Configurator

updates are registered into the system services information block (SSIB) task list,

or deploying all identified updates.

after booting the server and pressing F10,

and the SSM processes and executes the

Figure 4 illustrates the update process.

and the update process requires no

task from this list. Using the SSM and the

external media such as CDs or DVDs—

SSIB helps increase standardization, con-

Key platform update features

helping eliminate the time required to

sistency, and synchronization throughout

The USC introduces multiple platform

find or burn a disc, or to deal with prob-

the update process.

update features not previously available

lems such as an unreadable disc.

Intelligent reboots to help reduce

in Dell systems management tools, and

Efficient, automated inventory and

downtime. The purpose of system updates

which are designed to simplify, automate,

update process. The inventory process

is typically to keep the system as current

standardize, and secure the update pro-

starts immediately after the server boots

as possible, helping avoid unnecessary

cess for IT administrators.

to the USC or after an update process

downtime from system failures. However,

Simplified, media-less operation. The

has completed. It collects and records the

the update process itself can cause sig-

update process operates in the UEFI

current level of the system and subsystem

nificant downtime because of the need to

environment independently from an

firmware into the system life cycle log

reboot before an update can take effect.

installed OS, and works on all supported

(LCL), which contains a comprehensive

Applying multiple updates may require

servers. The update functions are

history of the server, including the initial

several reboots, which can cause consid-

designed to be immediately available

factory loading configuration.

erable disruption.

Figure 5. Available updates detected by the Dell Unified Server Configurator



Figure 6. Supported OS installations using the Dell Unified Server Configurator Reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, June 2009. Copyright © 2009 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.

The USC update process is designed to minimize the number of reboots by using the update catalog combined with Start OS deployment

the parameters in the SSIB task list. Unless an update requires an immediate reboot, the process combines reboots, potentially

Does boot media exist?

enabling the server to reboot only once after the updates are completed. In addi-


Error message



Error message


tion, running the update process in the UEFI environment helps reduce boot time


by avoiding the need to load a full OS. Enhanced security. The update pro-

Does optical drive exist?

cess is designed to ensure that the system and data are well protected, and utilizes multiple layers of security validation. For example, external data is stored tempo-

Perform optional RAID configuration

rarily in nonvolatile storage, with the data then validated using the data signature to help prevent the intrusion of contami-

Select OS from menu

nated data from external sources. Only validated data is staged in the USC and applied to the appropriate components.

Expose “floppy” and “OEMDRV” partitions

In addition, USC partitions open as readonly and only authorized programs are


allowed to open them as read/write, which helps control access.

Is OS media correct?

Flexible OS deployment Previous Dell OS deployment tools such


Error message


as Dell OpenManage Server Assistant or the Dell Systems Build and Update Utility

Reboot to OS media

were media based, requiring administrators to have the appropriate Dell CD or DVD on hand for the server being provisioned. If the CD or DVD was not available, or was not the correct version, administra-

Figure 7. OS deployment process using the Dell Unified Server Configurator

tors would need to download the appropriate image and burn it onto a disc. In

server has a RAID controller, administra-

the extracted drivers after the OS installa-

addition, the OS drivers present on the CD

tors can also optionally launch the USC

tion is complete. After this step is complete

or DVD could be outdated by the time the

RAID Configuration wizard during the

and administrators have inserted the OS

server was ready for deployment, requir-

deployment process to configure a virtual

installation media, the USC verifies the con-

ing administrators to run post-OS DUPs

disk as the boot device.

tents and proceeds with the installation.

to update their drivers.

After administrators have selected the

The USC OS Deployment wizard pro-

OS to be deployed, the USC guides them

Key OS deployment features

vides a flexible, simplified way to install

through the process, including extracting

The USC OS deployment feature is

supported Microsoft® Windows® and

the drivers necessary for OS installation

designed to be more flexible and easier

Linux® operating systems, and does not

and copying them to a staging directory.

to use than previous Dell systems

require separate media-based deploy-

On Microsoft Windows operating systems,

management tools, including support for

ment tools (see Figures 6 and 7; sup-

these extracted drivers are installed during

native OS installation, updatable drivers,

ported operating systems may vary

the OS installation. On Linux operating sys-

one-to-many driver installation, and vir-

depending on the specific server). If the

tems, administrators must manually install

tual disk creation.

Reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, June 2009. Copyright © 2009 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.



feature section: the Efficient Enterprise

capabilities in new 11th-generation Dell PowerEdge servers. Because it is embedded and integrated into the server itself, this tool does not require separate media such as Dell OpenManage CDs or DVDs and operates independently of the server OS—helping increase flexibility and save the time and costs associated with tasks such as reinstalling system tools after formatting a disk or reinstalling an OS. This powerful, simplified tool can help

Figure 8. Diagnostic functions in the Dell Unified Server Configurator

administrators rapidly perform systems management tasks and ultimately help

Native OS installation. The USC uses

Otherwise, the wizard guides them

the native installers provided by the OS

through the process of configuring a new

installation media. This approach helps

virtual disk as a boot device, including

Shelli Allgood is a lead software engineer

make the installation process flexible and

selecting a RAID controller, clearing or

in the Dell Systems Management Software

extensible to future installer versions

ignoring an existing foreign configura-

Group. Shelli has a B.S. in Computer Science

released for supported operating systems.

tion, selecting RAID type and physical

from Baylor University.

Updatable drivers. The drivers car-

disks, and optionally defining advanced

ried by the USC can be updated using

parameters such as stripe element size,

Anand Narayanan is a software lead for

the platform update feature. To help

read and write policy, and hot spare disk

the Dell Unified Server Configurator in the

ensure that the USC has the most cur-


Dell Product Group. Anand has a degree

rent available drivers, best practices rec-

increase their productivity.

in Computer Science from Texas A&M

ommend running the USC Platform

Embedded diagnostics

Update wizard before OS deployment.

Diagnostics enable administrators to

Doing so helps avoid the need to manu-

detect system hardware and memory

Hai Phung is a software engineer in the Dell

ally check driver versions, and helps

problems to help reduce the expenses

Systems Management Software Group. Hai

avoid inadvertently installing outdated

associated with the repair and building of

has a degree in Computer Science from the

drivers and then needing to run a post-

systems (see Figure 8). Because the USC

University of Minnesota.

OS DUP to update them.

incorporates diagnostics directly in the


One-to-many driver installation. The

embedded USC partition, these features

Pritesh Prabhu is a software engineer con-

drivers carried by the USC are exposed

ship with the system from the factory and

sultant in the Dell Systems Management

on a USB drive, and can be shared across

are not removed when administrators

Software Group.  Pritesh has an M.S. in

a network and used to provision multiple

install an OS or reformat a drive. In addi-

Electrical and Computer Engineering from

servers. This feature helps greatly reduce

tion, embedding diagnostics in the USC

the University of Texas at Austin.

the overhead of setting up multiple serv-

partition enables administrators to easily

ers and enables one-to-many OS deploy-

update the diagnostics using the USC

ment. Administrators can easily copy the

platform update feature, without requiring

drivers and plug them into the OS provi-

them to reinstall the utility partition at

sioning framework.

each update. The platform update feature

Simplified virtual disk creation. For

can automatically perform an inventory

servers that include a RAID controller,

and display a comparison report table if

administrators can optionally launch the

a new version is available.

USC RAID Configuration wizard during first displays a list of its current control-

Integrated systems management

lers and the virtual disks in the system. If

The new Dell Unified Server Configurator

the necessary virtual disks are already in

enabled by the Lifecycle Controller is

place, administrators can exit the wizard

designed to provide quick and easy

and continue with the OS deployment.

access to system life cycle management

the OS deployment process. This wizard



QUICK LINKs Dell PowerEdge servers: DELL.COM/PowerEdge Dell systems management: DELL.COM/OpenManage

Reprinted from Dell Power Solutions, June 2009. Copyright © 2009 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.

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