Switching Kalman Filters. Kevin P. Murphy. 21 August Abstract

Switching Kalman Filters Kevin P. Murphy 21 August 1998 Abstract We show how many di erent variants of Switching Kalman Filter models can be represent...
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Switching Kalman Filters Kevin P. Murphy 21 August 1998 Abstract We show how many di erent variants of Switching Kalman Filter models can be represented in a uni ed way, leading to a single, general-purpose inference algorithm. We then show how to nd approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the parameters using the EM algorithm, extending previous results on learning using EM in the non-switching case [DRO93, GH96a] and in the switching, but fully observed, case [Ham90].

1 Introduction Dynamical systems are often assumed to be linear and subject to Gaussian noise. This model, called the Linear Dynamical System (LDS) model, can be de ned as xt yt

= At xt 1 + vt = Ct xt + wt

where xt is the hidden state variable at time t, yt is the observation at time t, and vt  N(0; Qt) and wt  N(0; Rt) are independent Gaussian noise sources. Typically the parameters of the model  = f(At ; Ct; Qt; Rt)g

are assumed to be time-invariant, so that they can be estimated from data using e.g., EM [GH96a]. One of the main advantages of this model is that there is an ecient algorithm for performing inference (i.e., computing the belief state P(Xt jy1:t)), the well-known Kalman lter, and its generalization to the oine case, the Rauch-Tung-Strieber smoother (for computing P(Xtjy1:T ), where y1:T is all the observed data). Unfortunately, most systems are not linear and are subject to non-Gaussian noise. One approach to this problem is to discretize the (hidden) state variables, resulting in Dynamic Bayesian Networks [DW91, Gha97], of which the Hidden Markov Model (HMM) [Rab89] is the simplest example. However, the resulting system will in general have a belief state that is exponential in the number of hidden state variables, resulting in intractable inference. In addition, it may also have a large number of parameters, resulting in inecient learning (i.e., a lot of data is needed). Another approach, and the one we take in this paper, is to have a bank of M di erent linear models, and to switch between them or take some linear combination of them. Let us rst consider the case where the dynamics are piecewise linear. We have a discrete switch variable St which speci es which A=Q matrix to use at time t. We assume St has Markovian dynamics (with transition matrix Z and initial distribution  1 ). This model is shown in Figure 1(a).

1 Thus 1 ( ) is the expected time we spend in state/mode before switching. We can change the distribution on the length of each linear segment by explicitely modeling how long we spend in each state [Rab89, KRHE96]. =Z i; i








X2 S1






Switching dynamics





Switching Auto Regression

Switching observations

switching observations with factored state

Figure 1: Some switching Kalman lter models represented as Bayesian networks [Pea88]. Square nodes are discrete, oval ones are Gaussian. Shaded nodes are observed, clear nodes are hidden. If St were observed, we would know when to apply each submodel (i.e., the segmentation would be known), but since St is hidden, we use a weighted combination of each sub-model, where the weights are given by Pr(St = ijy1:t). This is called \soft switching". Hence the resulting system can be thought of as a mixture of Kalman lters. For example, we might be interested in tracking a maneuvering airplane. If the two basic models cover horizontal and vertical motion, then we can represent turns using a convex combination. SKF's have been shown [BSL93] to give superior performance to online adapative methods (such as Input Estimation) for problems such as these. Let us now consider the case where St speci es which observation matrices C=R to use at time t. This can be used to model non-Gaussian observation noise, by approximating it as a mixture of Gaussians. For example, we might take Q1 to be the covariance of the observation process, and Q2 to be a very broad covariance (e.g., approximately uniform). The prior probability of St re ects how often we expect outliers to occur. This is a widely used technique for making linear regression more robust, see e.g., [PG88], and for modelling sensor failure [Wil76]. Recently, Ghahrhamani et al. [GH96b] have proposed the model shown in Figure 1(c). This also has switching observations, but the interpretation is di erent. The switch variable in this case can be thought of as \selecting" one of the sub-processes to pass through to the output variable or as choosing a permutation matrix Ct to apply, to model the fact that we are uncertain about which process causes which observation [SS91]; this is called data association ambiguity [BSF88].2 Of course, we can make both the dynamics and the observation model dependent on St (or on two separate Markov chains). This is the most general case that we will assume for the rest of this paper. We will also be concerned with the special case in which C = I, so we get to observe X directly (see Figure 1(d)). This is called a Switching Auto Regression model. SAR models are computationally much simpler than SKFs (no approximations are necessary to do inference, as we will see), since the only hidden node is discrete. 2 Of course, in practice, we need to deal with the fact that the number of objects we are tracking, and the number of measurements we receive at each time step, is not constant.


2 Inference The fundamental problem with SKFs is that the belief state grows exponentially with time. To see this, suppose that the initial distribution p(X1) is a mixture of M Gaussians, one for each value of S1 . Then each of these must be propogated through M di erent equations (one for each value of S2 ), so that p(X2 ) will be a mixture of M 2 Gaussians. In general, at time t, the belief state p(Xtjy1:t) will be a mixture of M t Gaussians, one for each possible model history S1 ; : : :; St. There are several general approaches to dealing with this exponential growth [SM80]:

 Collapsing: approximate the mixture of M t Gaussians with a mixture of r Gaussians. This is called

the Generalized Pseudo Bayesian algorithm of order r (GPB(r)) (see e.g., [BSL93, Kim94]). When r = 1, we approximate a mixture of Gaussians with a single Gaussian using moment matching; this can be shown (e.g., [Lau96]) to be the best (in the KL sense) single Gaussian approximation. When r = 2, we \collapse" Gaussians which di er in their history two steps ago; in general, these will be more similar than Gaussians that di er in their more recent history. The Interacting Multiple Models (IMM) algorithm [BSL93] is a good approximation to GPB2 at the cost of only M (instead of M 2 ) lters (see Figure 2), although it cannot be used for smoothing. Not surprisingly, the more history we keep, the better the approximation [SM80]. See Figure 2 for a comparison of GPB1, GPB2, and the IMM ltering algorithms.  Selection: only keep the high-probability paths in the tree of model histories. This technique is widely used for ltering when there is data association ambiguity, when it is called Multiple Hypothesis Tracking [BSF88].  Iterative: we can sample the missing values using MCMC methods and collect averaged statistics [CK96, BMR98]. More simply, we can alternate between picking good segmentations (i.e., the most likely sequence of St 's, c.f. the Viterbi algorithm for HMMs) and doing inference using a xed segmentation. Alternatively, we could use weighted combinations of the matrices instead of the \best" matrix at each step [SM80].  Variational: essentially we break all the vertical links in the model, but introduce new variational parameters to couple them together in as tight a way as possible. Using EM with such a model will maximize a lower bound on the likelihood: see [GH96b] for details. In this paper, we focus on the collapsing approximation. One worry is that the errors introduced at each time step by approximating the posterior might accumulate over time, leading to very poor performance. However, as shown in [BK98b, BK98a], the stochasticity of the process ensures that the true distribution \spreads out" and (with high probability) \overlaps" the approximate distribution; hence they are able to prove that the error remains bounded. Before delving into the SKF case, we \warm up" by considering the simpler case of the SAR model, for which we can perform exact inference.

2.1 Switching AR model We de ne inference as computing the posterior probabilities Pr(St = j jx1:T ), where x1:T = y1:T is the sequence of observations. We do this in two passes. In the forwards pass we proceed as follows. Pr(St = j jxt ; x1:t 1) = 1c Pr(xtjSt = j; x1:t 1) Pr(St = j jx1:t 1) 3

X = 1c Pr(xtjSt = j; xt 1) Pr(St = j jSt 1 = i; x1:t 1) Pr(St 1 = ijx1:t 1) i X 1 = c Lt (j) Z(i; j) Pr(St 1 = ijx1:t 1) i where c is the normalization constant X X c = Pr(xtjx1:t 1) = Lt (j) Z(i; j)Mt 1jt 1(i) i



Lt (j) = N(xt ; Aj xt 1; Qj ) is the likelihood of the innovation (prediction error) at time t given model j. On the backwards pass, we have X Pr(St = j jx1:T ) = Pr(St = j jSt+1 = k; x1:T ) Pr(St+1 = kjx1:T ) = =

k X k

Pr(St = j jSt+1 = k; x1:t ) Pr(St+1 = kjx1:T )

X Pr(St = jjx t) Pr(St = kjSt = j) Pr(St = kjx T ) Pr(St = kjx t ) 1:







where the line marked * follows since the e ect of future evidence on St is blocked by observing all its children (St+1 and Xt ). On a practical note, we remark that, since we are computing the conditional probability Pr(St jx1:t ), as opposed to the joint probability Pr(St ; x1:t) as in an HMM, we do not need to worry about under ow and hence do not need scaling [Rab89].

2.2 Switching Kalman lter model In what follows, we review the GPB2 algorithm; GPB1 and IMM cannot be used since we need to reason about two consecutive time steps to calculate the cross-variance term needed for EM. Let us start by de ning some notation. xit(jj ) = E [Xtjy1: ; St 1 = i; St = j] xt(jj)k = E [Xtjy1: ; St = j; St+1 = k] xjtj = E [Xtjy1: ; St = j] If  = t, these are called ltered statistics; if  > t, they are called smoothed statistics; and if  < t, they are called predicted statistics. Notice how the superscript inside the brackets is the value of the switch node at time t (the subscript value); the superscript to the left is the value of St 1 , and to the right, St+1 . We need these subtle distinctions to handle the cross-variance terms correctly. We also de ne the following. Vtjj = Cov [Xt jy1: ; St = j] Vt;tj 1j = Cov [Xt ; Xt 1jy1: ; St = j] Vt;ti(j )1j = Cov [Xt ; Xt 1jy1: ; St 1 = i; St = j] Mt 1;tj (i; j) = Pr(St 1 = i; St = j jy1: ) Mtj (j) = Pr(St = j jy1: ) Ljt = Pr(yt jy1:t 1; St = j) 4

(xt 1jt 1; Vt 1jt 1)

(x1t 1jt 1; Vt1 1jt 1)

(x2t 1jt 1; Vt2 1jt 1)

(x1t 1jt 1; Vt1 1jt 1)

 @@ R @

 @@ R @  @

@@ R

Filter 1


(x1tjt; Vt1jt)

Filter 2


(x1tjt; Vt1jt)

Filter 1


(x1tj;t1; Vt1jt;1)

Filter 2


(x1tj;t2; Vt1jt;2)

Filter 1


(x2tj;t1; Vt2jt;1)

Filter 2


@@ @R 

@@ @R   BB   BB  BB BB BN


-(xtjt; Vtjt)



(x1tjt; Vt1jt)



(x2tjt; Vt2jt)


(x2tj;t2; Vt2jt;2)


(~x1t 1jt 1; V~t1 1jt 1)


Filter 1


(x1tjt; Vt1jt)


(~x2t 1jt 1; V~t2 1jt 1)


Filter 2


(x2tjt; Vt2jt)

Merge (x2t 1jt 1; Vt2 1jt 1)


Figure 2: The GPB1, GPB2 and IMM algorithms. Each of the lters takes an extra input, yt , and returns an extra output, Lt, which is not shown for clarity. 5

(Ljt is the likelihood of the innovation at time t, given that the current model is j.)

2.3 Filtering We perform the following steps in sequence. (xit(jtj ) ; Vtij(tj ) ; Vt;ti(j )1jt; Lit(j )) = Filter(xit 1jt 1; Vti 1jt 1; yt; Fj ; Hj ; Qj ; Rj ) L (i; j)Z(i; j)Mt 1jt 1 (i) Mt 1;tjt(i; j) = Pr(St 1 = i; St = j jy1:t ) = P Pt L (i; j)Z(i; j)M t 1jt 1(i) i j t X Mt 1;tjt(i; j) Mtjt(j) = W ijj

(xjtjt; Vtjjt)


= Pr(St 1 = ijSt = j; y1:t) = Mt = Collapse(xit(jtj ); Vtij(tj ) ; Wtijj )

jt(i; j)=Mtjt(j)


The de nitions of the lter, smoother and collapse operators are given in Appendix A; for a derivation, see e.g., [BSL93]; for the derivation of the cross-variance term, see [DRO93]; the deriviation of the mode update equation is as follows. Pr(St 1 = i; St = j jyt; y1:t 1) = 1c Pr(St 1 = i; St = j; ytjy1:t 1) = 1c Pr(yt jSt 1 = i; St = j; y1:t 1) Pr(St 1 = i; St = j jy1:t 1) = 1c Pr(yt jSt 1 = i; St = j; y1:t 1) Pr(St = j jSt 1 = i; y1:t 1) Pr(St 1 = i; y1:t 1) = 1c Lt (i; j)Z(i; j)Mt 1jt 1(i)

where c is the normalization constant XX c= Lt(i; j)Z(i; j)Mt 1jt 1 (i) i


The initial conditions are as follows. We set the predicted mean and variance based on no evidence to be xj1j0 = E [X1 jS1 = j] = j and V1jj0 = Cov [X1jS1 = j] = j , and we set M0j0 = .

2.4 Smoothing We perform the following steps in sequence. j (k) (k ) j j k k k (xt(jjT)k ; Vt(jjT)k ; Vtj+1 ;tjT ) = Smooth(xt+1jT ; Vt+1jT ; xtjt; Vtjt; Vt+1jt+1; Vt+1;tjt+1; Fk; Qk ) M (j)Z(j; k) Utj jk = Pr(St = j jSt+1 = k; y1:T )  P Mtjt (j 0 )Z(j 0 ; k)  tjt j Mt;t+1jT (j; k) = Utj jkMt+1jT (k) X MtjT (j) = Mt;t+1jT (j; k) 0



Wtkjj = Pr(St+1 = kjSt = j; y1:T ) = Mt;t+1jT (j; k)=MtjT (j) (xjtjT ; VtjjT ) = Collapse(xt(jjT)k; Vt(jjT)k ; Wtkjj ) (xtjT ; VtjT ) = Collapse(xjtjT ; VtjjT ; MtjT (j)) (k ) k xjt+1 jT = E [xt+1jy1:T ; St+1 = k; St = j]  xt+1jT j jk j (k) (j )k (k ) Vtk+1;tjT = CollapseCross(xjt+1 jT ; xtjT ; Vt+1;tjT ; Ut ) X (j)k jjk k xtjT Ut x() tjT = E [Xtjy1:T ; St+1 = k] = Vt+1;tjT =

j ()k k CollapseCross(xt+1jT ; xtjT ; Vtk+1;tjT ; Mt+1jT (k))

The line marked * is a standard approximation [Kim94], derived as follows. Pr(St = j jSt+1 = k; y1:T )  Pr(St = j jSt+1 = k; y1:t ) jy1:t) Pr(St+1 = kjSt = j) = Pr(St = jPr(S t+1 = kjy1:t ) where the approximation arised because St is not conditionally independent of the future evidence yt+1 ; : : :; yT given St+1 .3 This approximation will not be too bad provided future evidence does not contain much information about St beyond than that contained in St+1 .

3 Learning Once again, we start by considering the simpler SAR case before extending it to the SKF case.

3.1 Switching AR model We are interested in nding the Maximum Likelihood estimate of the parameters. If we knew the segmentation (i.e., which model to apply at each time step), we could solve this using linear regression. Since the St values are unobserved, we shall use EM (c.f., [Ham90]). The complete data log likelihood is L = log P(x1:T ; S1:T ) =

T X t=2

log P(xt jxt 1; St) +


T X t=2

log Pr(St jSt 1 ) + log P(x1jS1 ) + logPr(S1 )

P(St = j jSt 1 = i) = Z(i; j) P(xt jxt 1; St = j) = exp

1 2

[xt Aj xt 1]0 Qj 1[xt Aj xt 1] (2) P(S1 = j) = j


jQj j

1 2

3 The best way to see this is in terms of the directed graphical model. Recall that a node is conditionally independent of its non-descendants given its parents [Pea88]. Hence t is independent of past evidence given only its parent t 1 . However, all of t 's children need to be observed to block the e ect of future evidence (observing t+1 is not enough because the arrow points the \wrong" way). In the AR model, all of t 's children (namely Yt and t+1 ) are observed, but this is not the case in the general model (since Xt is not observed). S







P(x1 jS1 = j) = N(j ; j ) In EM, we iteratively maximize (w.r.t. the parameters ) the expected value (w.r.t. the parameters old ) of the complete data log likelihood: L^ = E P (S1:T ;x1:T ) [L] X X = : : : P(x1:T ; S1:T ; old ) logP(x1:T ; S1:T ; ) S1

0 T X X @ X


= P(x1:T ) = P(x1:T )

t=2 St T

XX t=2 St =j

fS ; 6=tg

1 P(S T jx T )A logP(xt jxt ; St) +    1:



Wtj log P(xtjxt 1; St = j) +   

where the weights Wtj = Pr(St = j jx1:T ) were computed during the inference step, and we have used the fact that Xt ? S jXt 1; St for all  6= t (since a node is independent of its non-descendants given its parents). To maximize this equation, we take derivatives and set to 0; intuitively, the derivative will kill all terms but one in the summation over St , resulting in a weighted version of the standard formulas: see Appendix B for details. Assuming we have N iid sequences, indexed by `, we nd (where x^ t = xt , Pt = xtx0t and Pt;t 1 = xtx01 1) Ai =

T XX ` t=2

Wti Pt;t


! XX T

! XX



Wti Pt



` t=2 T Wti Pt ` t=2


0 1


Ai P PT W i t ` t ` t P W ix^ i = P` W i P `W i(^x  )(^x  )0 P W ix^ x^0  (P W ix0 ) (P W ix^ )0 + (P W i) 0 i i i i i ` ` ` P Wi i P Wi ` = ` i = ` ` P PT Pr(S = i; S = j j y ) t t T ` t Z(i; j) = PP T i W t ` t 1X i Qi =


Wti Pt;t
















i = N







1 =1


The formulas for Z and  are the same as for an HMM [Rab89]; the formulas for i and i are the same as for a mixture of Gaussians (see e.g., [Bis95, XJ96])4; and the formulas for Ai and Qi are in fact special cases of linear regression. These equations are the MLEs for the case in which there are no restrictions on the form of the matrices. Typically, however, we know that some entries must be 0 or 1 (or some other known value). It can be shown that the constrained MLE is obtained by rst computing the unconstrained MLE as above, and then setting the constrained entries to their correct values (i.e., projecting onto the allowable subspace). For example, to estimate a covariance matrix which is constrained to be diagonal, we can compute Q^ as above, and then set the o -diagonal entries to 0.

4 We have written the formula for i in the usual form, and also in a form which is easier to compute in an incremental fashion [NH98] from the sucient statistics. Remember that x^ 1 and 1i are functions of . W



To achieve parameter tieing, we pool the expected sucient statistics forPeach parameter in the equivalence class. For example, if we have Qi = Q for all i 2 S , we replace Wti with i2S Wti when estimating Q. A well-known problem with mixtures-of-Gaussians models, even in the non-dynamic case, is that the covariance matrix can easily become singular. Hamilton [Ham90, Ham91] suggests using a Wishart prior [DeG70] to regularize the problem. In particular, suppose the prior is Qi 1  W( i ; i), where i is our equivalent sample size for the precision matrix i. Then the MAP estimate of Qi is given by





0 1


Ai i + PP i + ` Tt=2 Wti ` t=2 ` t=2 We have found that setting i = 0:1NT (i.e., we imagine we have seen 10% of the data before) and using i = iI works quite well in practice. Qi =

Wti Pt

Wti Pt;t

3.2 Switching Kalman lter model In this case, the complete data log likelihood is given by L = log P(x1:T ; S1:T ; y1:T ) = 1 2 1 2

T X t=2

1 2

T X t=1

[yt Ctxt]0Rt 1 [yt Ctxt ]

 [xt At xt 1]0Qt 1[xt At xt 1]

[x1 1 ]01 1 [x1 1 ]

+ log 1 +

T X t=2

1 2

1 2

T X t=2

1 2

T X t=1

log jRtj

log jQtj

log j1j T(n 2+ m) log2

log Z(St 1 ; St)

The quantity we maximise is L^ = E P (S1:T ;x1:T ;y1:T ) [L] h i = E P (S1:T ;y1:T ) E P (x1:T jS1:T ;y1:T ) [L]



 E P (S1:T ;y1:T ) E P (x1:T jy1:T ) [L] = P(y1:T ) = P(y1:T )

0 T X X @ X t=2 St T

XX t=2 St =j

fS ; 6=tg

1 ^ P(xt jxt ; St)] +    P(S T jy T )A E[log 1:



^ P(xt jxt 1; St)] +    Wtj E[log

^ ] = E [jy1:T ]. The approximation arises because we use E [xt jy1:T ] instead of E [xtjy1:T ; S1:T ], where E[ since the latter is an exponential number of vectors (one for each segmentation). The advantage is that the formula is now of the same form as Equation 1 for the SAR case (modulo the leading constant factor), with the following rede nitions: Wtj = Pr(St = j jy1:T ] ^ xt] x^ t = E[ 9

^ xtx0t ] = VtjT + xtjT x0tjT Pt = E[ ^ xtx0t 1] = Vt;t 1jT + xtjT x0t 1jT Pt;t 1 = E[ Of course, since we have already computed terms like xjtjT , Vtj , and Vt;ti(j )1, we could use these instead. In practice, this doesn't seem to make much di erence, although it does have the advantage that we don't need to collapse the cross variance terms (twice) to compute Vt;t 1 (the last four equations in Section 2.4). Of course, the new equation for L^ also has terms involving Ci and Ri . Maximizing with respect to these gives (see Appendix B for the derivation): Ci = Ri =

T XX ` t=1

Wtiyt x^ t 0

P P1T W i t ` t =1

! XX T

` t !XX T


` t=1

Wti Pt



Wti (yt y0t Cix^ t y0t )

3.3 Deterministic annealing EM is notorious for getting stuck in local minima. This is especially common in models of the kind we are considering, which have M T possible segmentations. One solution is to use deterministic annealing EM [UN98], as suggested in [GH96b]. In DAEM, we replace the posterior o) Pr(H jo) = PPr(H; H Pr(H; o) (where H are the hidden variables and o the observed values) with o) f(H jo) = PPr(H; H Pr(H; o) where is an inverse temperature parameter. When = 0 (in nite temperature), the posterior becomes uniform. When = 1 (low temperature), the posterior becomes the regular EM posterior. Applying this principle to the present case, we suggest using j ftj = P(Wt )j j (Wt )

A Appendix: Details of the inference algorithm A.1 Filter The Filter operator (xtjt; Vtjt; Vt;t 1jt; Lt) = Filter(xt 1jt 1; Vt 1jt 1; yt ; Ft; Ht; Qt; Rt) is de ned as follows. First, we compute the predicted mean and variance. xtjt 1 = F xt 1jt 1 Vtjt 1 = FVt 1jt 1F 0 + Q 10

Then we compute the error in our prediction (the innovation), the variance of the error, the Kalman gain matrix, and the likelihood of this observation. et = yt H xtjt 1 St = HVtjt 1H 0 + R Kt = Vtjt 1H 0 St 1 Lt = N(et; 0; St) Finally, we update our estimates of the mean, variance, and cross variance. xtjt = xtjt 1 + Kt et Vtjt = (I Kt H)Vtjt 1 = Vtjt 1 Kt St Kt0 Vt;t 1jt = (I Kt H)FVt 1jt 1

A.2 Smoother The Smooth operator (xtjT ; VtjT ; Vt+1;tjT ) = Smooth(xt+1jT ; Vt+1jT ; xtjt; Vtjt; Vt+1jt+1; Vt+1;tjt+1; Ft+1; Qt+1) is de ned as follows. First we compute the following predicted quantities (or we could pass them in from the ltering stage): xt+1jt = Ft+1xtjt Vt+1jt = Ft+1VtjtFt0+1 + Qt+1 Then we compute the smoother gain matrix. Jt = VtjtFt0+1Vt+11 jt Finally, we update our estimates of the mean, variance, and cross variance.  xtjT = xtjt + Jt xt+1jT xt+1jt  VtjT = Vtjt + Jt Vt+1jT Vt+1jt Jt0  Vt+1;tjT = Vt+1;tjt+1 + Vt+1jT Vt+1jt+1 Vt+11 jt+1Vt+1;tjt+1 We now present an alternative way to compute the smoothed estimates of the cross-variance terms, Vt;t 1jT , which does not require the corresponding ltered terms [SS91, GH96a]. The Smooth' operator (xtjT ; VtjT ; Vt;t 1jT ) = Smooth0(xt+1jT ; Vt+1jT ; Vt+1;tjT ; xtjt; Vtjt; Vt 1jt 1; Ft+1; Qt+1; Ft; Qt) is de ned as above, except Vt;t 1jT = VtjtJt0 1 + Jt (Vt+1;tjT Ft+1Vtjt )Jt0 1 where the boundary condition is VT;T 1jT = (I KT HT )FT VT 1jT 1 11

A.3 Collapse Consider two random variables X; Y with conditional means jX = E[X jS = j], jY = E[Y jS = j], cross j variance VX;Y = Cov [X; Y jS = j], and mixing coecients P j = Pr(S = j). Then we can compute the unconditional moments as follows. (This procedure is called moment matching.) X = Y = VX;Y = = = = =

X j X j X j X j X j


j X j

P j jX P j jY

P j Cov [X; Y jS = j] P j E [(X X )(Y

Y )0jS = j]

P j E [(X jX + jX X )(Y jY + jY Y )0 jS = j] P j E [(X jX )(Y j P j VX;Y


X j

Y )0jS = j] +

P j (jX

X )(jY

X j

P j (jX X )(jY Y )0

Y )0

Let us introduce the following shorthand for the above operation. j ; P j) (X ; Y ; VX;Y ) = CollapseCross(jX ; jY ; VX;Y

and de ne

j ; P j) Collapse(jX ; VXj ; P j ) = CollapseCross(jX ; jX ; VX;X

It can be shown [Lau96] that a Gaussian with these moments is the closest possible Gaussian (in KL distance) to the original mixture distribution.

B Derivation of the M step We follow [GH96a], but generalize to the switching case. For simplicity of notation, we consider only a single sequence. We use following standard identities @ ((Xa + b)0 C(Xa + b)) = (C + C0 )(Xa + b)a0 (1) @X @(a0 Xb) = ab0 (2) @X @ ln jXj = (X0 ) 1 (3) @X 12

B.1 System matrix Using identity 1, @ ^ @Ai L =

1 2

T X t=2 T



  Wti E^ 2Qi 1 (xt Ai xt 1 ) xt 10



Wti Qi 1Pt;t 1 +


Ai =


Wti Pt;t


T X t=2

! X T t=2

Wti Qi 1Ai Pt 1 = 0

Wti Pt





B.2 System noise covariance Using identities 2 and 3, @ L^ = @Qi 1

1 2


1 2

T X t=2 T

X t=2

  X Wti E^ (xt Ai xt 1) (xt Ai xt 1)0 + 12 Wti Qi T


 X  Wti Pt Ai Pt;t 10 Pt;t 1A0i + Ai Pt 1A0i + 12 Wti Qi = 0 t=2

Using the new value of Ai and the fact that Pt is symmetric, we nd Ai

T X t=2

Wti Pt




A0i =

t=2 T

= Ai Hence Qi =


Wti Pt;t

X t=2


! X T



Wti Pt



Wti Pt;t 10 =


PT W i t t


! X T



! 1




Wti Pt;t





0 1



0 1

Wti Pt;t

Wti Pt;t



B.3 Observation matrix Using identity 1, @ ^ @Ci L = Hence Ci =

1 2

X t

T X t=1

Wti E^ 2Ri 1 ( Cixt + yt) x0t = 0

Wti yt x^ t0

! X T







B.4 Observation noise covariance Using identities 2 and 3, we nd

T X   @ L^ = X E^ Wti 12 (yty0t 2Cixt y0t + Cixtx0t Ci0) + 12 Ri Wti = 0 1 @Ri t=1 t

Using the new estimate of Ci , we have


so and hence

t T @ L^ = X 1 2 @Ri 1 t=1

Ri =

Wti Pt

X t


Ci0 =


Wti yt y0t


!X T



PT W i t t


Wti x^ t y0t def =Z


2CiZ + Ci Z + 12 Ri

X t


Wti (yt y0t Cix^ ty0t )


B.5 Initial mean and covariance This is the standard derivation for a mixture of Gaussians model; see e.g., [Ham90, Bis95, XJ96].

B.6 Initial state probability and transition matrix This is a constrained maximization problem (since the probabilities must sum to 1), which can be solved using Lagrange multipliers; see e.g., [Rab89, Ham90] for a derivation.

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