Newsletter nr 2 - february 2016

Sustainable Banking The How and Why

Circular economy

Moving to a circular economy - what we are going to do

Moving to a circular economy what we are going to do Starting this year the three major Dutch banks are going to accelerate the move to a circular economy. What are ABN AMRO’s plans? We start with the most pressing issue for business: how to organise production chains in a circular manner. Our new Circular Economy Guide walks them through this process in fourteen key questions and answers. There’s no doubt about it – we

raw materials through perpetual

ABN AMRO is a leading partner of

will make the move to a circular

recycling. This approach creates

Ambitie2020, an initiative of MVO

economy. Growth of the global

opportunities. McKinsey consultancy

Nederland, the Dutch association for

population and middle class is driving

has calculated that a circular

corporate social responsibility, aimed

up consumption of raw materials,

economy could save the European

at making the Netherlands a circular

natural resources, agricultural

Union 1,800 billion euros in 2030.


land and fresh water. All of these

To accelerate the changeover, on 21

resources are rapidly being depleted,

January Rabobank, ING and ABN

Answer to the key question

causing shortages worldwide.

AMRO announced that they would

So, what exactly are we going to

help business: by exploring needs,

do? ABN AMRO has kicked off by

Circular hotspot

financing circular business activities,

publishing the Circular Economy

The circular economy revolves

purchasing circular products and

Guide​, a manual for business.

around making optimum use of

sharing knowledge. For example,

Perhaps the greatest challenge

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Circular economy

Moving to a circular economy - what we are going to do

facing a company is how to make

Infographic - Towards a

the changeover. The Circular

circular company

Economy Guide explains the basic principles of the circular economy, offers concrete tools and highlights successful cases. This information can help companies draw up a circular business case. Based on the life cycle of a product, they will have the tools to take tangible steps, from design and choice of material, to production and use, to re-use – all with examples of leaders in the circular economy. The Circular Economy Guide will become the standard manual and discussion document in the coming year. We will discuss it with our clients in all relevant industries to help get them on the fast track to becoming circular. Download the Circular Economy Guide to find answers and learn more about frontrunners, such as Dutch Spirit and De Heyde Hoeve. Or order it for a colleague or business partner.

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Social Entrepreneurs

Why social entrepreneurship will be booming in 2016

Why social entrepreneurship will be booming in 2016 Employment at social enterprises increased by 36 per cent between 2013 and 2015. Their turnover was up 24 per cent during the same period, and the signs for 2016 are even more favourable. Here are three reasons why social entrepreneurship is set to show further growth in 2016. And five ways in which ABN AMRO will contribute to this - for example, by investing in BeeBox’s ‘healthy food’ boxes. Earning money is not the primary

Projects designed to combat youth

Three reasons why social

goal of social enterprises – finding

unemployment or to support informal

entrepreneurship is set to show

innovative solutions to the challenges

carers also performed well. The crux is

further growth in 2016

of today’s society comes first. Yet,

that social enterprises offer solutions

1. Governments are changing tack

they certainly make money – and

to real problems while at the same

Social entrepreneurs have placed

quickly at that: between 2013 and

time developing healthy business

themselves on the administrative

2015 they achieved much faster


map. At the request of the Minister

growth than mainstream SMEs

of Social Affairs and Employment, the

did. These impressive results

Social and Economic Council of the

were not restricted to popular

Netherlands issued a recommenda-

companies such as Snappcar (car

tion in mid-2015 underlining the role

sharing), Tony Chocolonely (slave-

municipalities can play in promoting

free chocolate), Fairphone (‘ethical’

social entrepreneurship. A great many

phones) and Peerby (sharing things).

cities will take up this challenge in

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Social Entrepreneurs

Why social entrepreneurship will be booming in 2016

2016. Amsterdam aspires officially to

for social entrepreneurs. Willemijn

an organisation in the city of Utrecht,

blaze the trail (article in Dutch). And in

Verloop, for example, social entrepre-

which aims to help 540 youngsters

May 2015, Utrecht saw the opening

neur and founder of War Child, set

find a job, enrol in school or set up a

of the Social Impact Factory in which

up a new fund with 30 million euros

business in 2016. We hope to launch

social entrepreneurs, local govern-

available for investment.

another three Social Impact Bonds in 2016.

ment and corporate partners team up to develop solutions to social challen-

Five ways in which ABN AMRO is

ges. In future, municipal procurement

contributing to this

3. Informal investors

programmes will be closely involved

ABN AMRO has been investing in

Our network covers a wide range of

in social entrepreneurship.

social entrepreneurship for some

informal investors interested in social

years now. In 2016 the entire bank

impact. We proactively link them to

2. Legal barriers are disappearing

will contribute: from Large Corpo-

social entrepreneurs, for example

Social entrepreneurs are making

rates to Private Banking and Retail

at the ‘Social Impact Pitch Day’ at

widespread use of crowdfunding

Banking. Our overall objective is to

this year’s ABN AMRO World Ten-

because people are eager to invest in

help entrepreneurs move forward in

nis Tournament. At last year’s Pitch

a social cause. April 2016 will see the

an economy that is beneficial to all.

Day, Marcel van Heist of Rural Spark

introduction of a law in the Nether-

Here’s what we have to offer social

successfully collected capital for his

lands making crowdfunding easier.


energy ambitions in India.

more funds. The small Christian party

1. ABN AMRO Social Impact Fund

4. Coaching programmes

ChristenUnie is even in favour of in-

ABN AMRO has earmarked a total of

Alongside capital, we also provide

vestigating whether government fun-

10 million euros for social entrepre-

knowledge for social entrepreneurs by

ding adequately addresses the needs

neurs through this fund. The money

offering them coaching sessions. In

of social entrepreneurs. In another

is not only invested in Social Impact

recent years, dozens of experts from

development, recommendations put

Bonds, but also directly in businesses.

ABN AMRO were mobilised to coach

forward by SocialEnterpriseNL (article

Like Beebox, pictured in the header,

social entrepreneurs via the platform

in Dutch) have been included in the

which delivers biological food boxes to

of Social Enterprise NL (of which we

new Dutch Tendering Act, which will

consumers’ homes. ABN AMRO has

are a partner).

regulate procurement by all govern-

invested its own capital in this fund,

ment bodies in the future.

with the aim of building up a pool of

5. Speciale betaalrekening

knowledge and experience in social

In 2016, ABN AMRO will offer social

enterprise investments.

entrepreneurs the option of opening

The new law is expected to generate

3. More funding available

a designated bank account. This

As the Dutch economy is expected to grow by more than two per cent

2. Social Impact Bonds

approach underlines the special status

in the coming year, more money

We launched the first Dutch Social

of this group of entrepreneurs and

will flow into the market. And social

Impact Bond (SIB) in 2013, thereby

makes it easier for the bank to contact

entrepreneurs are set to benefit. But

financing a social cause with private

these entrepreneurs to discuss any

money will also become available

capital. The second SIB, totalling 2.1

specific needs they may have or to

from other sources, such as from the

million euros, was launched in No-

connect them with informal investors

growing number of investment funds

vember 2015 to support Buzinezzclub,

and the Social Impact Fund.

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Sustainable Investments

How sustainable investment works at ABN AMRO

How sustainable investment works at ABN AMRO How sustainable are ABN AMRO’s investment services? As sustainable as each individual investor wants them to be, says Global Head of Investment Services & Sustainability Solange Rouschop. ‘We give investors the knowledge to make a considered decision within a wide range of choices.’ How much capital does

IIs a sustainable investment

What is – and what isn’t –

ABN AMRO have invested in

mandate the only way for clients

sustainable investment?

sustainable investments?

to invest sustainably?

‘We always try to bring the total

‘ABN AMRO has sustainable

‘No, other options are also available.

picture into focus. That’s why

investments totalling more than five

Clients can invest independently

we developed the Sustainability

billion euros, most of which are in

through us or based on our experts’

Indicator. We use this indicator to

sustainable investment mandates.

advice. In that case, the client selects

benchmark the companies behind

A mandate means the client has

the composition of the portfolio

shares and bonds, meaning we

asked us to invest their money for

and the degree of sustainability. We

compare the firm’s sustainability

them. Sustainable mandates have

help by providing information on

with that of other market players.

grown explosively in recent years


This allows us to see who is doing

compared with other, traditional

relatively well and who isn’t. We

asset management mandates. We

want to reward the front-runners

saw growth of 20 per cent in 2014,

among listed companies and warn

and this trend continued in 2015.’

the laggards.’

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Sustainable Investments

How sustainable investment works at ABN AMRO

How does the Sustainability

What does it mean to engage

Infographic - Patterns of

Indicator work?

non-sustainable companies in

Sustainable Investment

‘A share or bond is rated on a scale


of 1 to 5, from “excellent” to “poor”.

‘We try to convince companies

We base our decision on information

that, for example, violate human

provided by Sustainalytics research

rights or environmental standards to

agency, which continuously

change their ways. In collaboration

adjusts ratings based on the latest

with RobecoSAM, we encourage

developments. We look at social,

them to embark on an improvement

governance and environmental

process. If that does not yield

aspects. This means that a laggard

results within a few years, we can

in a relatively sustainable market

always decide to exclude the share

can score a 5, and a front-runner

from our investment offering. It’s a

in a less sustainable market a 1.

last resort measure, but we often

Independent investors and our

exert more influence by talking than

investment advisors can use the

by excluding companies.’

Sustainability Indicator to determine how sustainable a company is.’

What does ABN AMRO believe is the key to success for sustainable

Are there any shares or products


in which ABN AMRO clients

‘More and more investors are aware

cannot invest?

of sustainability issues and make

‘Yes. Clients cannot invest via ABN

well-considered investment decisions.

AMRO in shares of companies

If there’s a demand for sustainability,

that are involved in the production

the supply will become sustainable.

or distribution of controversial

ABN AMRO helps investors make

weapons. So even with “traditional”

decisions that are both financially

investments, we exclude certain

profitable and fit for the long term. We

companies and products. We do

believe that sustainable investment

not necessarily exclude shares of

will ultimately become mainstream

companies that are not sustainable.

because it’s smart investment. Why

We would rather engage them in a

wouldn’t an investor make sustainable

dialogue so that we can exert our



This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Where does the bank stand?

Where does the bank stand in a sector of extremes?

Where does the bank stand in a sector of extremes? ABN AMRO has been serving clients in the diamond sector for over a century, financing a fascinating and timeless product. There’s also a downside, though. Most rough diamonds are mined in developing countries, where sustainability is a risk factor, just as it is in industries like textile and cocoa. Mining rough diamonds was a

Although the KPCS was a major step

controversial activity until the

forward in terms of sustainability,

beginning of this century, as rebel

problems can still arise in less

movements in areas of conflict were

professional businesses, where poor

using the proceeds to finance their

working conditions and pollution

wars. The sale of ‘blood diamonds’

are still commonplace. In this video,

ended with the Kimberley Process

Geert van Reisen, Head of Strategy

Certification Scheme (KPCS) in

and Portfolio Management Diamond

2003, when NGOs, business and

& Jewellery Clients explains the

governments successfully joined

bank’s stance in a sector of extremes.

forces to curb the sale of diamonds

And what role ABN AMRO wishes

from conflict areas.

to play in making this sector more sustainable.

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Human Rights

Banks are also ‘changemakers’

Banks are also ‘changemakers’ Featuring top speakers and an international audience, the second Human Rights Conference focused on a pressing issue: How can the bank use its influence to defend human rights? Watch the compilation of the main messages of speakers, including Kailash Satyarti, founder of the Global March against Child Labour. Human rights are a priority to ABN

impact as a result of our commit-

‘Making tangible progress’

AMRO, a message we clearly

ment to the UN Guiding Principles

Kailash Satyarti, Indian activist and

conveyed at our first Human Rights

Reporting Framework. The confe-

winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize,

Conference in 2014. Since then,

rence theme ‘Business and Human

was the keynote speaker of the

we have taken another major step

Rights’, 350 visitors and a worldwi-

Human Rights Conference. He

forward by signing the UN Guiding

de livestream were the ideal back-

has been fighting child labour for

Principles Reporting Framework in

drop for defining the responsibilities

thirty years and claims ‘Banks are

mid-2015, making ABN AMRO the

of all of the parties in ABN AMRO’s

not only “money makers” but also

first financial institution to adopt

value chain. The conference was

“change makers”’. While a bank like

these standards to report on its

held on 9 December and was follo-

ABN AMRO can play an important

human rights efforts.

wed the next day by two meetings

role in financing businesses, it

of experts on children’s rights in the

also has the clout to bring about

Sensitive themes

informal sector and human traffic-

social change. Corinne Dettmeijer,

The second edition of the Human


National Reporter on Trafficking in

Rights Conference had a stronger

Human Beings and Sexual Violence

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Human Rights

Banks are also ‘changemakers’

against Children, showed us the effects of human trafficking in the Netherlands, emphasising that ‘We must learn how to recognise human trafficking by learning to look carefully’. Caroline Rees is president of Shift, a non-profit organisation that translates the basic principles of human rights into clearly defined reporting standards for organisations. She pointed out that ‘Companies that take responsibility help to eliminate violations of human rights in their chains.’ Watch a compilation of the main messages Next steps After the conference, all participants – clients, employees and other stakeholders – were handed the new booklet “ABN AMRO and Human Rights – Our path towards respecting human rights”​(PDF 6 MB). We wrote this booklet to share our knowledge and efforts, and to encourage stakeholders to give this issue priority. A week after the conference, we held a survey, asking stakeholders to name ABN AMRO’s main human rights issues. The survey will help us ensure that we are indeed tackling the most pressing issues.

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Richard Retweets

Head of Sustainable Banking Richard Kooloos ranks his favourite tweets and retweets once every three months. This quarter’s picks: the impact of solar roofing tiles, choosing between the economy and the environment, and the bank-wide green bond. Richard Kooloos, Head of Sustainable Banking at ABN AMRO and registered tweeter, pressed the tweet button more than 2,300 times in almost 1,900 days. He shares what he thinks, does and sees in the world of sustainability. This is his selection of tweets from the past quarter. Follow him on Twitter for daily sustainability updates. them. So, what’s going wrong? I think that a better supply could remove psychological barriers, like the idea that solar panels are ugly. Just see ‘The accord at the climate summit

what’s happening with “attractive”

‘Justin Trudeau is right – it’s not about

in Paris was praised as politically

solar roofing tiles. The rapidly growing

choosing. The economy isn’t a victim

“historic”.The ambition is to limit

demand for this product proves that

of sustainability or vice versa. We

global warming to a maximum of 1.5

smart adjustments to supply could

can build a new, flourishing economy

degrees Celsius . Now we have to live

have a huge impact on demand.’.’

based on sustainable principles. I see

up to this target, and the market has

sustainability as a fundamental attitude

to get on board. Sustainable supply

that people and organisations can

and demand are having a hard time

adopt. Sustainable business innovation

finding each other. Take solar panels,

– that’s what’s closest to my heart. In

for instance. Everybody knows that

essence, the question is the same for

panels earn their investment back,

everybody: how long can we keep

but the public still hasn’t warmed to

doing what we’re doing? How can I

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Richard Retweets make sure that I will be proud of what I am doing twenty years down the line?’

‘I think we will still be proud of our Green Bond twenty years from now. We issued a total of 500 million euros in green bonds in 2015, which we are using to finance green mortgages and loans for solar energy. That was a pioneering move – in a nutshell, we set up a small bit of sustainable financial infrastructure. Sustainability at the heart of the bank. We’re now being rewarded with a prize in this field.’

‘We want to give human rights a prominent position in the bank. To embed an issue like this in the long term, we need to involve stakeholders by engaging them in a dialogue and explaining the course we are trying to take. And if stakeholders see initiatives like our Human Rights Conference and the Human Rights Guide, this will confirm that we are on the right track.’

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Maritime sector

Grieg Green offers a sustainable alternative for shipbreaking

Grieg Green offers a sustainable alternative for shipbreaking In 2014, three out of four obsolete ships were demolished on the beaches of India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, under inhumane and highly polluting conditions. Grieg Green helps ship owners break down their ships to the last nuts and bolts. Anette Berg, head of ABN AMRO’s Maritime Norway department, explains why ABN AMRO is financing and supporting this project. As a co-founder of the Sustainable

involved in the financing procedure.

However, this method takes its toll

Shipping Initiative, ABN AMRO

She has been working in the

on labourers and the environment.

is a front runner in making this

shipping industry for nearly thirty

Lack of schooling, tools and

industry more sustainable. One

years, as a CFO and currently as

safety measures renders the

of the main objectives of this joint

head of Maritime Norway at ABN

work extremely dangerous. While

venture between businesses and


exact figures are not available, the

NGOs is to change current ship

Shipbreaking Platform claims that

demolition practices. Financing

What’s the problem?

in 2014 at least 27 people were

Grieg Green, which buys obsolete

‘Businesses are paid more for

killed in work-related accidents in

ships and guarantees sustainable

their old ships if they have them

India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

recycling, brings this goal within

demolished on the beaches of

The number of deaths accountable

reach. Norwegian Anette Berg was

India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

to illness caused by exposure

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Maritime sector

Grieg Green offers a sustainable alternative for shipbreaking

to asbestos and toxic fumes is

Is there any hope for change?

unknown. Hazardous waste is

‘A growing number of ship owners

often left behind on the beaches,

agree that the beaching method is

damaging the environment. This is

unacceptable. Some 25 per cent of


obsolete ships – measured in gross

Infographic Scheepssloop

tonnes – are processed in a more What is Grieg Green’s role?

sustainable manner at shipyards,

‘This company is unique in that it

although fewer than ten per cent

advises customers on sustainable

of this group meet the latest safety

recycling of ships. Grieg Green

and sustainability requirements. By

advises throughout the entire

financing Grieg Green, we hope to

process, from finding shipyards to

accelerate change in this industry. This

conducting contract negotiations and

won’t happen overnight, but there

processing the paperwork. Grieg

is a lot of potential. If we manage to

Green also buys old ships to resell

depollute shipbreaking, the impact for

them to shipyards that have been

people and the environment will be

preselected to meet the highest


sustainability standards. Grieg Green offers a sustainable alternative in the predominantly polluting industry of ship breaking.’ How is ABN AMRO supporting this initiative? ‘We provide Grieg Green with working capital, which Grieg Green then uses to buy more ships. The impact is immediate. Tapping our broad network in the marine and offshore sector, we introduce the company to our clients, who we frequently contact about this issue. We are convinced that change is essential and are therefore more than willing to support this company. We provide financing, as well as our knowledge and network.’

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Real Estate

An Alkmaar bank branch is the prime sustainable business case

An Alkmaar bank branch is the prime sustainable business case One of the two goals of the Green Quest last year was to make a mid-sized ABN AMRO bank branch in Alkmaar energy and carbon neutral. Now, though, those horizons have been expanded: if all Dutch offices were to copy this business case, fifty per cent of the Dutch ‘Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth’, would be met. Last year ABN AMRO was advised

building was awarded BREEAM

emissions are kept at zero by limiting

by the Green Quest, the Netherlands’

Excellent certification in September,

and compensating emissions, and

leading experts in sustainability.

and the Alkmaar branch followed in

the office has become self-sufficient

The bank had two goals: to obtain


energy-wise by saving and generating

BREEAM Excellent certification for

energy. What is the business case?

its head office at Gustav Mahlerlaan

Carbon and energy neutral

What measures can office owners or

in Amsterdam and to make its

Both offices now rank among the only

renters duplicate?

Alkmaar branch carbon and energy

four office buildings in the province of

neutral. We wanted to create a

North Holland with the highest level

The Alkmaar business case

successful business case that

BREEAM sustainability certificate

other ABN AMRO branches and

for existing buildings. The Alkmaar

unless it sees a solid business

clients could copy. And we were

branch is even fully carbon and energy

case. Office owners will only

successful! The Gustav Mahlerlaan

neutral. This means that carbon

invest in sustainability if the return

The market will sit on its hands

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

Real Estate

An Alkmaar bank branch is the prime sustainable business case •

All Dutch real estate owners have

time is realistic. The successful

branch by around 60 per cent.

transformation of the Alkmaar

The branch’s energy needs –

the ‘right to copy’: all findings

branch demonstrates that such

constituting the remaining 40 per

will be released and ABN AMRO

a business case is possible.

cent – were met by 500 solar

relationship managers will share

Kantoorgrootte: 5.000 m2

panels, making the branch energy

them with the market.

Size of the office: 5,000 sq.m

neutral. In the long run, the

Goal: To make the building carbon

panels will even yield additional

harnessing its expertise to

and energy neutral


achieve its real estate ambition

A foundation of proven

for 2017, namely to ensure that

is more expensive than traditional

technology with a few top

30 per cent of its portfolio obtains


innovations A smart balance

an energy A label (up from 1 per

Average life cycle of installations:

between innovation (big

cent now), to transform 300,000

15 years

impact) and proven measures

square metres of vacant space

Annual energy savings and

(affordable) is a key success

and to finance 30 landmarks.

maintenance: 44,646 euros

factor. In Alkmaar the emphasis

Annual revenues and subsidy:

was on proven innovations. This

Annemarie Rakhorst, one of the

27,725 euros

was supplemented by specially

pioneers in sustainable building, says

Return time of investment: 7.4

designed innovations, such as the

the next step for ABN AMRO is to


use of phase-change material in

bring this knowledge to the housing

Net savings after 15 years:

the ceiling. This material stores

market. She was quoted in the Dutch

more than 500,000 euros (after

heat when it is warm (which has

financial daily Het Financieele Dagblad

deducting investment)

a cooling effect) and releases heat

as saying ‘Individuals often have a

when it is cold.

hard time making their homes energy-

• • • • •

Total costs: 533,264 euros (which

ABN AMRO Real Estate is

producing. ABN AMRO should share

The lessons of Alkmaar Below are the three main measures

Alkmaar’s impact

– all of which pay off quickly – that

One of the goals stated in the Dutch

every office owner in the Netherlands

Energy Agreement for Sustainable

can implement:

Growth is to reduce energy

Choose all-electric – and only

consumption in the total developed

all-electric An air-to-water heat

environment by 62 petajoules. If the

pump can cool and heat a building

lessons learned in Alkmaar were to

and is fully electric. In principle,

be rolled out nationwide – including

the gas tap can be switched off.

outside of ABN AMRO – 50 per cent

Electricity consumption grows,

(30.6 petajoules) of that goal would

but this is easier to compensate

be met. And this doesn’t even include

than gas.

residential buildings. This is what ABN

Saving and generating are a

AMRO will do to make impact.

golden combination Savings

this knowledge.’

ABN AMRO is using Alkmaar as

measures alone reduced energy

a blueprint for making more of its

consumption in the Alkmaar

own offices sustainable..

This newsletter is part of the regular ABN AMRO sustainable reporting for the period: 1 November 2015 - 31 December 2015.

ABN AMRO Sustainable Banking Gustav Mahlerlaan 10, 1082 PP Amsterdam P.O. Box 283, 1000 EA Amsterdam The Netherlands [email protected] Would you like to receive the Newsletter Sustainable Banking via email? Subscribe via