Supervisor Development Program: Overview Objective: Enable supervisors to drive performance and accountability for themselves and their employees. Specific Outcomes for Participants §

Develop skills for setting goals, coaching and motivating, and developing employees


Develop confidence in providing leadership and managing performance


Develop skills for effective performance management


Develop knowledge of best practices for retaining and increasing staff productivity


Develop an action plan for personal and career development

Structure of Program Program consists of five sub-sections - where the participants will be engaged in highly interactive experiences designed to: § §

Test their knowledge of the supervisory subject matter Provide them with practical tools and techniques for supervision

§ § §

Involve them in sharing experiences and discussing application of the tools and techniques Allow them opportunity to practice the techniques in a safe environment Provide them with expert feedback on their abilities

Supervisor Development Program: Content Insights into

Abilities Participants will be able to…



§ §

Effective goal setting Effective prioritizing

§ § §

Define measurable objectives Translate these into weekly priorities Delegate efficiently

§ § §

SMART guidelines Priorities Template Goal Setting Process


Fundamentals of employee motivation Tactics for feedback


Deliver constructive performance feedback Deliver praise and reinforce performance Use reward strategies that motivate individual success

§ § §

Feedback Template Rewards Checklist Counseling Guidelines

Fundamentals of performance review Keys to employee development “Managing up”

§ § § §

Prepare for the performance review – legal do’s / don’t’s Conduct a performance review meeting Identify employee development needs Create a development plan

§ § § §

Review Checklist 2.5 rule Four Step Review Process Influence / Power Matrix

Fundamentals of team performance Keys to team development

§ § §

Manage team morale Improve team process Solve problems efficiently

§ §

Team Review Checklist Process Management Model (SIPOC) Four Step Problem Resolution Process

§ Strategies for supervision

Planning Section #3: § Coaching § Section #4: Developing

§ § §

Section #5: Teaming

After class, participant may use…

Individual leadership strengths / weaknesses Fundamental communication and influence skills

Section #1:

Section #2:



§ §

§ §

Develop strategies for managing different § employees - differently Use conflict and influence techniques to § improve communications and productivity § Understand methods for positive impact on performance and morale


Langdon / Some Other Leadership profile instrument Conflict Management Guide Motivation checklist

Supervisor Development Program: Learning Format Each of the five sub- sections of the program will follow a similar format – see below. This consistent approach to program instruction enhances, learning, application and retention for the participants. Segment Pre-work

Opening Activity

Management Strategies

Group Activity

Application Activity

Action Plan


Key Elements


Enable participants to “hit the ground running”


Langdon / Some Other Profile.


Reduce in-class time for administrative work


List of “challenging” employee situations.

Create learning anchors for each section’s concepts


Video demonstration, or

Provide key insights and research supporting supervisor / management strategies


Interactive exercise


Provide “how to’s” for each section / topic


Lecture / dicussion on the topic


Provide on-the-job tools / techniques for participants


Work book examples of the tool / technique


Demonstration of the tool / technique


Enhance discussion and sharing of information among participants


Hands-on application (e.g.; writing objectives, writing a development plan, etc.


Provide opportunity to apply the management strategy in the participant’s real world context


Discussion and review with the facilitator


Provide ‘live” and safe practice scenarios to employ the learning from the prior group activity exercise


Triad “fish bowl” activity


Facilitator debrief and feedback (one-on one)


Provide how to’s for direct employee communication and management


Facilitator modeling


Create an individual development plan for the participant to focus on personal development after the training program.


Action Planning Template

Supervisor Development Program: Sub-Section #1 Strategies For Supervision Total Run Time: 2 1/2 hours Activity



Conduct Introduction Exercise to introduce participants and the topic areas. Discuss ground rules, agenda, and participant responsibilities.

20 min.

Management Strategies

Conduct Motivation Exercise. Review the drivers of motivation. Use research from “First Break All The Rules” regarding strategies of successful managers.

10 min.

Group Activity

Conduct Supervisor Competency Model Exercise. Review the basis of leadership, communications styles, and management strengths and weaknesses related to the Langdon / Some Other Profile Instrument.

50 min.

Conduct Supervisor Competency Model Application Exercise. Review the “how to’s” of employing the instrument in the real world. The focus is on treating individuals differently in order to shape specific motivational strategies.

60 min.

Opening Activity

Application Activity

Conduct Supervisor Competency Model Planning Exercise. Participants apply the tool / techniques to a specific individual selected from the pre-work preparation. Action Plan

Conduct Action Learning Activity. Participants develop individual action plans to develop the values and skills that will further their effectiveness as a supervisor.

10 min.

Supervisor Development Program: Sub-Section #2 Planning Total Run Time: 2 1/2 hours Activity



Conduct Tent Building Exercise to introduce participants to the topic area. Discuss the nature of follower-ship and its impact on determining effective supervisory strategies.

30 min.

Management Strategies

Introduce objective setting phase of supervision. Provide a format for SMART objectives to develop clear performance expectations. Discuss / demonstrate using examples of “effective” and “ineffective” objectives.

20 min.

Group Activity

Conduct Objectives Development Exercise. Direct participants to select a prework situation / employee for which they can develop performance objectives.

40 min.

Opening Activity

Introduce the Priority Management Template. Provide a format for managing, revising, reorganizing and delegating weekly project and work activities. Provide a Four-Step Process for developing and reviewing objectives.

Application Activity

Conduct Objectives Role Play Exercise. Direct participants in a fish bowl activity to prepare for, and conduct an employee objective / priority management meeting. Review the role-plays with the class. Demonstrate good technique.

50 min.

Action Plan

Conduct Action Learning Activity. Conduct a discussion with the participants on the lessons learned. Highlight keys to success. Direct participants to complete their Section #2 Action Planner.

10 min.

Supervisor Development Program: Sub-Section #3 Coaching Total Run Time: 3 hours Activity Opening Activity

Management Strategies

Group Activity



Conduct Index Card / Team Development Exercise to introduce participants to the topic area. Discuss the nature of individual and teamwork success from good coaches. Identify effective supervisory strategies.

30 min.

Introduce coaching phase of supervision. Provide a format for coaching, praising, counseling and rewarding performance. Introduce the Feedback Template as a guide for delivering effective coaching – with a focus on motivating and teaching.

20 min.

Conduct Coaching Writing Exercise. . Direct participants to select a pre-work situation / employee for which they can practice a coaching scenario.

50 min.

Introduce the Feedback Template. Provide a format for correcting, praising and teaching an employee. Provide a four-step process for communicating the review and for providing on-going informal coaching. Discuss and demonstrate using examples of “effective” and “ineffective” feedback. Application Activity

Conduct Coaching Role Play Exercise. Direct participants in a fish bowl activity to prepare for, and conduct an employee coaching meeting. Review the role-plays with the class. Demonstrate good technique.

70 min.

Discuss reward strategies and the power of recognition. Integrate ConAgra rewards systems with options like expanded job responsibilities, autonomy, and involvement in decision making, and mentoring. Action Plan

Conduct Action Learning Activity. Conduct a discussion with the participants on the lessons learned. Direct participants to complete their Section #3 Action Planner.

20 min.

Supervisor Development Program: Sub-Section #4 Developing Total Run Time: 3 hours Activity



Opening Activity

Conduct Blind Man Exercise to introduce participants to the topic area. Discuss the nature of personal development and focus on the idea of preparing employees to move forward.

10 min.

Management Strategies

Introduce the appraisal / development phase of supervision. Provide a format for conducting an effective performance review and creating a development plan to encourage employee accountability for career development. Introduce the 2.5 Rule Format and Developmental Options Checklist as management tools.

20 min.

Conduct Appraisal Preparation Exercise. Direct participants to select a prework situation / employee for which they need to write a review and plan.

30 min.

Group Activity

Discuss and demonstrate using examples of “effective” and “ineffective” objectives. Provide a four step process for delivering the appraisal / development plan. Application Activity

Conduct Appraisal / Development Role Play Exercise. Direct participants in a fish bowl activity to prepare for, and conduct an employee review meeting. Review the role-plays with the class. Demonstrate good technique.

60 min.

Management Strategies

Provide a format for managing up. Share a Priority Planning Template and a four-step process for setting personal priorities weekly. Conduct a demonstration and discussion on the how to’s of the Template.

40 min

Conduct Action Learning Activity. Conduct a discussion with the participants on the lessons learned. Direct participants to complete their Section #4 Action planner.

20 min.

Action Plan

Supervisor Development Program: Sub-Section #5 Teaming Total Run Time: 3 hours Activity



Opening Activity

Conduct Index Card Exercise to introduce participants to the topic area. Discuss the elements of successful team effort. Provide a Team Review Checklist that can help a supervisor “audit” team performance and create a team development plan.

30 min.

Management Strategies

Introduce team building and development. Provide a format for integrating the Five Drivers Of Team Performance and how they impact team productivity. Introduce the Four Step Problem Solving Template – the focus is on productive innovation in work habits.

10 min.

Introduce the SIPOC Work Improvement Model. Demonstrate effective utilization of the model. Group Activity

Conduct Process Improvement /Problem Solving Exercise. Direct participants to identify a pre-work situation requiring resolution / improvement.

40 min.

Demonstrate the technique / method using examples of “effective” and “ineffective” problem solving situations. Application Activity

Conduct Problem Solving Role Play Exercise. Direct participants in a team activity to prepare for, conduct, and facilitate a team problem solving meeting.

80 min.

Review the role-plays with the class. Demonstrate good technique. Action Plan

Conduct Action Learning Activity. Conduct a discussion with the participants on the lessons learned. Direct participants to complete their Section #5 Action planner.

20 min.