Study the Reasons of Elite Emigration and Strategies to Prevent Migration of Elites As Well As Attract and Retain Them

Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2345-2633 Study the Reasons of Elite Emigration and Strategies to Prevent M...
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Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2345-2633

Study the Reasons of Elite Emigration and Strategies to Prevent Migration of Elites As Well As Attract and Retain Them Javad Soltangoudarzi, Gholamreza Ghasemi, Maryam Soltangoudarzi Abstract— Elite human resources are one of the most important components of sustainable development as well as effective factor in growth and development economic and technological gap filling in developing countries that preservation of these power is not easier that training them. Today, elite migration, so-called brain drain as one of the most challenging problems is considered in developing countries. This leads to transmission of human capital from these countries to the developed countries and the loss of skilled and efficient manpower which have been spent a lot of money on them to train. Leaving of this elite human resource is seen as a warning to these countries, it led them to being underdevelopment as well as the gap by the industrial countries will deepen. Therefore identifying the causes of brain drain can be effective in preventing experts leaving and increasing their survival rate. So, in this paper we have sought to identify the causes and consequences of this phenomenon, brain drain, while providing to attract and retain human capital and prevent the migration of elites. Index Terms— Elite Emigration, Migration, Manpower, Gap.

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ODAY, one of the most important factors that play an important role in the growth and development ofany society is human resources of that society. Countries would achieve real growth that in addition to knowledge and technology, they enjoy skilled manpower and the power of elites effectively. Therefore large investments happen for providing and training these resources in developing and developed countries. This type of investment occurs over the years, with unlimited material and intellectual resources, then converts Elites into national capital. Despite spending enormous sums of money and investments on training these sources in developing countries, this countries are facing a phenomenon called the Elites emigration or brain drain. It is mentioned as a national damage. Almost most countries encounter it albeit with different intensity and weakness. The result of process will not only bring irreparable damages in social, cultural, political and economic aspects to these countries, but also bound such countries to face lack of elite workforce and increase the dependence of them to industrialized countries every day. Elite’ emigration, especially from underdeveloped countries to developed countries, has been faced by different approaches from the political, social, economic analysts. Also in Iran, especially after the victory of Islamic Revolution, this problem has been pervasive and sometimes in crisis. According to statistics published by IMF, Iran ranks first among 61 developing countries in terms brain drain (Pike, 2000). Other statistics are also show a growing emigration of educated Iranians to foreign countries in during 1973-1993.So that in this period, an average of approximately 12 thousand skilled elite individuals emigrat————————————————

 Department of Management, Aligoudarz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aligoudarz, Iran.  Department of Management, Payame Noor Universtiy, PO BOX 193953697, Tehran, Iran.  Department of Management, Aligoudarz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aligoudarz, Iran

ed from Iran to other countries each year (Hosseini-Nejad and Kafi, 2004). With this emigration trend we can conclude that the intelligent people ratio and intelligence level in the country is decreasing gradually. This is one of the hidden losses in Elites emigration. Now the questions discussed are that why Elites emigration occurs and this human capital is achieved once by another country? What factors influence the incidence of this phenomenon?What are the strategies for preventing Elites emigration and attract? Answers to these questions is what has been discussed in this paper.

2 DEFINITION OF ELITE AND ELITE’SEMIGRATION In 17th century,the word ”Elite”was usedto describetheproductswhich havesuperiorpropertiescompared to the otherproducts.Butin the18thand 19thcentury’selite wascalled to individuals andsocial groups.The most accurate definitionofelite presentedbyParetoin 1930.He believes that an Elite is someone who hasinherently intelligence, physical andpsychologicalprivileges has been borrowed his/her nature. The overall concept of elite refers to a prominent and efficient person who his influence is evident on the development of science and art, technology and management in the country. Also his intelligence and creativity, entrepreneurship and intellectual genius in the field of generation and expanding knowledge as well as innovation, lead to increase the speed of development of human society and promote the country. Emigration of elites and professionals that sometimes referred to as brain drain in the literature, means: Unilateral group movement of elites from one country to another, so these professionals relationship with their country will be ended completely and the home country doesn’t use of knowledge and skills of individuals. This typically includes emigration from developing countries to developed and rich countries. The term “Brain Drain” consists of two words: Brain means a thing for thinking and Drain means to dry up the land, that it resembles a kind of forced emigration.


Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2345-2633

3 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF ELITE ‘EMIGRATION AND BRAIN DRAIN The subject of elite emigration is not new and it is a process has beenobserved from long ago significantly different in third World countries so far. Literatures related to brain drain was first introduced from Canada and Europe Union countries in world in the early 1960s, when the European countries started to rebuild the destruction after World War II. Following theindustrialization process, feeling the need for experts in this field, they began to attract the elites and professionals from third world countries and so that created another obstacle on the way of development of these countries. Statistics indicate that from 1960 to 1972, only 300 thousands of skilled workers from developing countries have immigrated to the West, while the 1990 census shows that more than two and a half million educated and skilled emigrants from developing countries have immigrated to those countries. The effect of skilled emigrants on labor is very vital for the developed world. For example, 29 percent of the work force with PhD in medical and engineering sciences in the research and development section are the emigrants. The main destination of these emigrations are developed countries, so that more than 93 percent of the elite ‘emigrants, have chosen these five countries as their terminus: the United States, Canada, Australia, France and Germany (Carrington and Detragiache, 1999). Elite emigration as a social pathology began in Iran since 50 years ago. But in decades of 70 and 80 (solar calendar) the process rate was accelerated. Many of medal holders and owners of high scores at universities entrance examination were also attracted to developed countries. More than 150 of thousands of Iranian surgeons and engineers are living in the United States. IMF figures also show that 150 - 180 thousands of graduates have left Iran during the 80s (solar calendar) which compared to its population among 91 countries, Iran ranks first.


probability of emigration increases. Social status crisis theory: This is a socio-cultural approach to the elite ‘emigration issue. In this approach, decision to emigrationis the product of elite’ viewpoint about their social status in society. Socialstatushas two aspects: A) The objective aspect which is related to welfare, livelihood and life style in as well as having the riches and social benefits . B) Mental and perceptual aspects which comes to elites and society perceptions of their dignity position. If in based on objective indicators, this group aren’t in the real welfare and they don’t have actual position and dignity and public perceptions and attitudes is like that, elite decides to immigrate to a place where the public sphere hasbetter social status and prestige for intellectuals and professionals. Relative deprivation theory: Manglam believe that emigrants decide based on a hierarchy of valuable goals for emigration. According to this theory, when the social situation fails to satisfy the minimum needs of an individual, people would think about moving to other places; going to places where they will have a better chance to fulfill their unmet demands (Lahsaie-Zadeh, 1990). Center surrounding theory: Under this theory, investment on high expertise led to the creation of demand, and because it is not successful inside, it will be transferred out.According to thistheory,also emigration is caused bynature and structure ofthe expandingglobal market. This is the natural consequence of separation and displacement that happens inevitably in the process of capitalist development. Roots of this problem are related to the dissonance in capital formation and development level. So, pure capital flows from surrounding countries to the center. Actually the process of brain drain is considered as a part of capital accumulation from surrounding countries to the center. Globalization theory: Globalization can be understood as the intensification of worldwide social relations; it links those relations from far locations that any local event is formed while it is influenced by other events miles away. Emigration of elites and professionals to developed countries, in particular is the result of increasing global interaction and sustained global inequalities between nations which are both a reflection on f globalization. Globalization also brings "periphery" to the "center" so this way resulting emigration flows from unprofitable parts of the world to lucrative. Dual labor market theory: This theory knows international migration as the result of permanent demand for emigrants’ labor in modern industrial societies which is associated with economic structure in developed countries. Pure who is one of the proponents of this theory, argues that this kind of emigration is not caused by the pressure in transmitter countries, and it occurs because of attractive sources in the recipient country (Zakir-Salehi, 2005).

Elite emigration and brain drain literatures are vast and diverse and different human sciences fields, including economics, sociology, political science and international relations have been theorizing in this regard. This theory is so extensive that many theorists claim that the classification of research and theories related to the emigrationof elites, is very difficult to do in the exact form. In general, to clarify the economic, social, cultural and political causes and dimensions of elite emigration, we should use these theories. Each of these theories pay attention to the evidence or certain cases of eliteemigration and they will analyze that area in terms of their own attitudes. Economic theory: Journalsih One of the theories that has been widely used to determine the migration process, is neoclassical economic theory. According to this theory, the difference in wage and inequality between countries on labor demand and supply, are the main reasons for elite emigration and the brain drain. Based on this theory where labor supply is more than capital, wageswill increase so that situation motivates the skilled manpower to emigrate from one country to others.Elite like a wise player calculates the profits and losses of emigration in order to achieve higher payment. If the bene- Research community theory: According to this theory, fits of emigrants excess its costs, then emigration would have knowledge is created in a process group formation on unique been done and also whatever emigration costs is low, the relationships. Since these relations are born in connection with 167

Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2345-2633

special collections of human and technology, makes research communities not able to be simulated.Therefore researchers in the absence of these relations formation, are brought out into spaces and scientific communities and continue to strive to keep their identity (Zakir-Salehi, 2005). Attraction and repulsion theory: Based on this theory, individuals often affected by attractive and repellent places for emigrants, decide to migrate 4. In other words, a set of environmental factors, including inland and extraterritorial causes as tension and pulsion, result in changes in trend, the development and persistence of emigration of professionals manpower and elite. According to this theory has suggested by, four factors affect the emigration of elites and professionals: 1 - Factors associated with emigration in the destination country (repulsive) 2 - Factors associated with emigration in the destination country (attractive) 3 - inhibition 4 - Personal factors The result of this four categories, determines person’s decision to emigration. Everett Lee believes that any country has positive, negative and neutral factors that make people being far, attract them or indifferent from the area and each of these factors effect will be different according to the personality and personal characteristics (including age, education, emigration level, gender, etc.) . Thus, the series of positive, negative and neutral factors for different people (both in source and destination) will be different. But there are a set of factors that most people have the same reaction to it, such as higher payment, more employment opportunities, better welfare facilities, expectations and risks. Disincentive obstacles affect the decision to emigrate too, that one of these factors is distance which can state as physical and socio-cultural distance. Physical distance talks about time and cost required for emigration, but socio-cultural distance is in relation to beliefs, attitudes, language, religion and other factors like this that separates the source and destination. In general, the Lee Everett theory of "repulsive _attractive” is inclusive, because it can gather all mentioned comments.


Widening class gap, inefficient work culture, lack of research facilities, unsafe scientific and education environment, absence of necessary conditions for social and career promotion, imbalance between earnings and expenditures, injustice and wrong economic - political policies. Also, in contrast with repulsive factors, there are some factors which attract elites in other nations, such as:suitable scientific environment, the possibility of growth and enhancement for experts and Elites, financial and welfare motivations, effective educational system, social and political freedom, the existence of job opportunities and security.One of the attractive elements of Elites emigration, is technology development, in various areas particularly in industry and available research devices in some countries. These cases cause professionals and skilled workers from third countries and developing countries, to flow towards these countries and exist a balance between this countries in terms of human capital. As the home country pays the educational costs and the destination country charge the efficiency of these specialists. Therefore, host country pays sum to home country as the elite study payment which this income gap is among the important attractive factors for elites in other countries. In addition to higher wages, the quality and level life regarding the facilities have usually large differences between developed and developing countries, including the attractive elements.In addition to the attractions, the main cause of elite ‘emigrationgoes to more repulsive factors which arein the country. We can divide these factors into several categories: 1 - Educational and cultural problems 2 - Lack of economic development 3 - Absence of political development

5-1 Educational and cultural problems We can outline several factors to assess a country's educational and cultural system. The number of libraries, the number of published scientific articles and books, research funds, number of awards given to elites of the country, the number of research institutions in the country, the number of recorded inventions and innovations, and etc. are some of these factors. Unfortunately, according to published statistics, Iranian’s share in each of these factors is negligibleand indicates the country backwardness in science and technological knowledge. However, such factors that may cause backwardness of Iran in the field of cultural and particularly educational system are : Weak scientific management, inflexible administrative systems of academic and research institutions, poor communication and the exchange of scientific, lack of budget allocation to educational and research facilities.

Today, experts and elites emigration not only motivated by environmental and biological elements, but also in today's world, the emigration is a social, economic, political and cultural phenomenon. Attractions of countries and what their technological and industrial progress have, as well as some intolerable conditions in undeveloped countries, cause the elites and experts to immigrate from developing countries to developed ones. Therefore, in the analysis of the causes on elite ‘emigration, the main objective is to identify the factors in a certain area, that are at- 5-2 Lack of economic development tracting elites and removing them in another area.Emigrationof Economic underdevelopment is considered as one of the main elites has different causes and factors. If we want to investigate repulsive causes of elite’ emigration and brain drain. Factors the factors affecting Elites emigration in a general classification, which provide the field for Elites emigration and brain drain, we will have two groups: One are repulsive factors that may are:Economic instability, high tax rates, low incomes, high uncause a loss of experts, and the second group are attractive fac- employment and lack of jobs, low employment opportunities, tors that attract experts from other countries.Thisfactors are re- no income fitness facilities and living conditions, lack of proper lated to economic, social, political and professional aspects. labor market by people’s skill,being unable of scientific and Elite’ emigration occurs in a country when the balance between technical expertise and graduates to adapt to the needs of the attraction and repulsion forces is disappeared.Among the most country, the lack of economic security and uneven movement of important repulsive factors, we can mention the following: economic development. Actually because of this problem, Elites 168

Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2345-2633

attract to other countries.

5-3 Absence of political development Developed countries usually refers to countries have developed in industry, services and agriculture and all their institutions. In other words, probably the criteria for development or nondevelopment of a country in ability to attract or not attracting the elites, are facilities and actualization of the country potential. So countries that have this ability and capacity, are regarded as developed countries. Thus those countries that are not politically well-developed, are called undeveloped countries.We can consider briefly the following indicators as political factors underlying Elites emigration: Professionals Political and cultural heterogeneity through some prevailing beliefs and values in community, lack of political space, intellectual insecurity and improper contacts with thinkers, absence of political development, lack of job autonomy and career advancement, existing a sense of political insecurity and instability, loss of motivation and commitment to serve the people. This collection of factors makes the country incompetent and enter the Elites to labor market of other countries. In Iran, on one hand due to many repulsive factors and lack of attraction factors, and the other hand, attracting elements and facilities in other countries, including the United States and several European countries for elites, has provided the context for this human capital emigration. In general, considering studies have been conducted, we can state the following factors as the main causes of elite ‘emigration: • Level differences between universities inside and outside the country. • Different levels of welfare for elites inside and outside the country. • Lack of education and research links with industry and academic centers in the developed world, andconsequently lack of supporting from them • Setting priorities and areas of low political status and dignity to the world of science and the scientific and academic centers • Lack of appropriate government supporting from the entrepreneurship and the unknown future of job in the country. • provide emigration culture in the nation's top universities. • apply a range of politico-ideological criteria in employment and selective and administrative systems • lack of job security • poor management ideal (poor project management, poor knowledge of management) • Lack of new ideas in educational environments and resistance to them

6 CONSEQUENCES OF ELITES EMIGRATION The most important effect of elite ‘emigration on developing countries are the economic consequences which would hinder the process of economic development of these communities. In an overall classification, these effects can be mentioned as:

the most important effect of brains emigration. Developing countries, spend a lot for the educational sector as a major contributions from their little budget every year on education and training of professionals. But by emigration of these people to other countries, the vast sources of their investments will be lost.The higher level of expertiseand educationneeds more expenditure that large financialdamages would happen for thetransmitter countries.

6-2 Reverse Transfer of Technology: In fact, elite ‘emigration is the reverse transfer of technology from developing and third world countries to the developed countries. By elite ‘emigration to developed countries, considering the important role that the elites can have in social and economic progress of developing countries, they have had negative effects on the development of developing societies. As a matter of fact, these are the developing countries which export valuable capital and technology to developed countries, because they want to develop their economics as well as providing an area to harvest greater efficiency and economic opportunities for their benefit on those countries. 6-3 Economic growth reduction: Human capital and elites are among the factors influencing economic growth.So, departure of this human capital is not only a short-term loss, but also it is followed by reducing the human capital formation and economic growth. However, it is difficult to estimate theelite ‘emigration impact in the rate of economic growth, but undoubtedly this phenomenon is an important factor in underdevelopment of the country.Elite’semigrationcauses leaving of financial capital and his family out of the country, whereas this capital is necessary for economic growth. One of the consequences of elite ‘emigration, is severe loss from the scientific community. Absence of credible scientific research and compilation of academic books from one side, faces the society to poverty on scientific resources and ultimately goes it to stagnation of science, research and compilation. On the other hand withelite ‘emigration, the scientific productivity and efficiency and physical capital will be decreased. Also by this crisis, the creativity and innovation and the country competitive advantages will disappear. In addition to above mentioned, in elites and experts emigration process, not only the national wealth are lost, but also after centuries the host country of elites become genetically the elite community and their intelligent genes percentage would largely increase. Therefore, they continues to be pioneer in the field of science, technology.


With regard to the negative consequences due migration of elites and their importance in developing the countries , we need to adopt policies and strategies for this phenomenon, so not only leads to prevent their migration, but also we provide an area for attracting and retaining this human capital. An 6-1 Loss of National Wealth: Elites emigration is a national important point is that we are not able do anything against the capital flight which takes place through attracting skilled people attractions of the destination country. So the most logical way and the transfer of human capital by advanced countries. Loss is to address the repulsive causes that provide the fieldof elites educational costs for experts and elites in the home country is leaving the country. In fact, we should identify the repulsive 169

Journal of Social Issues & Humanities, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2014 ISSN 2345-2633

factors of skilled manpower and elites,then seek to eliminate tion in different fields of education, research and manageor reduce these factors. On the other hand, attracting and re- ment. taining as a preventive strategy should be considered. If all these approaches be considered simultaneously, elites Because of cultural and educational problems as a repulsive Emigration would be highly decreased and increases their factor has the most important role on elite’ departure, there- attraction and retaining in the country. fore we should seek for solutions to prevent elites emigration at resolving educational problems as well as the development of academic and research programs. In other words, those 8 CONCLUSION strategies and programs that will lead to overcome difficulties Emigration of experts and elites is not a new issue, but it is a in educational and scientific challenges, can also cause the phenomenon that can be seen in developing countries since elites attracting and maintainability. However elites emigralong time ago. As developing countries, can’t maintain the tion will continue to be until the job conditions do not change, elites and don’t not have the ability of attracting the elites and and some necessary factors aren’t provided such as supply experts from other countries,Elites emigration problemcauses equal pay and working conditions, providing development, irreparabledamages to developing countries. Therefore what respect for the talent and creativity, mobility at work and opis important is how to deal with this phenomenon. So develportunity creation for having contacts and exchange ideas oping couhntries should be looked inside with the structural with foreign professionals. So for being able to attract the proevolution on economic, social and political developments in fessionals, we should put the main axis on individual freedom their country, to prevent elite’ migration and attract and retain to provide and Supply their professional needs and demands, this human capital. Because they can’t do anything versus atwhile considering their financial welfare. traction factors beyond the borders, so these countries can reFollowing solution are useful, which seems to prevent the miduce their repulsion. By thinking about formation factors on gration of elites and also attract and retain them. They should elite ‘emigration problem, we have determined that the most be considered by managers, planners, and practitioners that important repulsive causes of this phenomenon are, cultural work with youth and elites: and educational problems, and existence of scientific challeng1 - Providingresearch facilities and optimization of educaes. Attract and retain the human resources require applying tion system to achieve proper scientific position by strengthenand implementing in a correct management as well as recogniing the scientific infrastructures. tion and optimum utilization of expert human resources. 2 - Providing welfare - economic facilities of elites and attempts to set reasonable level of education, social status and income in the social, economic and political systems of the REFERENCES country. 3 - Creating courses and academic disciplines in accordance [1] Hosseini-Nejad S. M., and Kafi K., (2004). Aspects of brain drain in the world an with the requirements of country which is influenced by the Iran. Political and Economic Information. 10, 191-192. relationship of industry with university. [2] Carrington W. and Detragiache, E., (1999). International Migration and the Brain Drain, Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 24, 163–171. 4 - Creating a favorable environment for elites through the laws and regulations on social work and social security for [3] Lahsaie-Zadeh A., (1990).Views on immigration. Navid Publications. [4] Zakir-Salehi G. R., (2005). Elite emigration. Journal of Thought.Third Issue. professors, scholars and researchers. 5 - Underlying government supporting of knowledge based entrepreneurial and incorporating the elite and entrepreneurs that it will result new ideas t and technical knowledge. 6 - Reviewing the status of universities and their research funding as well as allocate them credits and features in order to carry out researches. 7 - Scientific and research settlements for scientific needs of eliteswith professionalmanagement. 8 - Cultural infrastructure in order to develop the culture of research and research mentality. 9 - Strengthening the brain rotation through the development of scientific communication. 10 - Policy making and notification mechanisms for restoration and strengthening of elites and researchers status by relevant agencies. 11 - Considering major barriers in key areas of the country in attracting and retaining the elites and coordination of all relevant scientific, cultural, political and economic institutions in this field. 12 - Increasing and strengthening national commitment and participation of elites in affairs for consultation and coopera170

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