STUDENT BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT PLAN 1. Introduction St Catherine’s School is an integral part of the mission of the Upper Mt Gravatt Wishart Catholic Parish and we value the relationships between all community members. In the way that both Nano Nagle and St Mary MacKillop embraced and helped all people, we endeavour to be welcoming and promote a strong sense of belonging and involvement to all community members. Our parent pastoral network provides activities for families to connect with each other in the true spirit of a Christian community. 2. Mission Statement St Catherine's School’s Mission is articulated through our School Covenant.

This Student Behaviour Support Plan is designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that the learning and teaching in our school can be effective and students can participate positively within our school community. Through our school plan, shared expectations for student behaviour are clear for everyone, assisting St Catherine’s Primary School to create and maintain a safe and orderly learning and teaching environment. 3. Profile of the school St Catherine’s Primary School is situated in the South-East Brisbane suburb of Wishart. Our school prides itself on the spirit that can be found in our students, teachers, sporting teams, achievements, friendships and approach to learning. Our dedicated staff consists of 36 teaching staff (includes specialist teachers, support teachers and members of the leadership team), 19 non-teaching staff (School Officers, Ancillary staff) and a Guidance Counsellor.

4. Consultation and data review St Catherine’s Primary School has developed this plan in consultation with our school community. Consultation occurred through staff meetings, meetings with our School Board and distribution of the draft plan for comment and review. Continued collection and review of school data relating to school disciplinary absences, behaviour incidents and attendance informs this plan and its ongoing evaluation. The plan was endorsed by the Principal, the School Board and the Area Supervisor and will be reviewed at least every five years. 5. Beliefs about learning and behaviour Behaviour Management is an integral characteristic of effective teaching. Effective Teaching and Learning is supported by a safe, positive and productive learning environment based on the principles of consistency, fairness and engagement. This starts in the classroom, with each and every individual student. The school acknowledges that all people are created in the image of God, equal but with differences. Consequently, students are at different stages of development and are learning to respond appropriately to inevitable conflicts that arise in any community. All members of the St Catherine's community have the responsibility to build the inclusive learning community described in the school Mission Statement. The St Catherine's staff believes it has a responsibility to create a learning environment that is safe and comfortable. We share this with students, parents and the wider community. St Catherine’s Primary School has three overarching rules for all to follow:   

Stay Safe Treat Everyone with Respect Care for the Environment

From the school rules, each class develops collaboratively, a written Class Covenant. “What do we want our classroom to look like, feel like and sound like so that we all belong?” Class Covenants, once developed, are published in a creative way and displayed in the room. Students affirm their commitment through signature, handprint, thumbprint etc. Each class covenant is presented to the whole school community during a liturgy held annually at the start of each year.

6. Roles, rights and responsibilities of school community members Learning best takes place when the rights and responsibilities of all members of St Catherine's school community are acknowledged and upheld. The school curriculum endeavours to promote these rights and responsibilities through everyday teaching and learning within the school context.



to feel safe

act in a way that promotes a safe environment

to be treated with courtesy and respect

interact with others using respectful words and actions

to privacy, personal property and personal space

act in a way that acknowledges privacy, personal property and personal safety

to hear and be heard to reach their potential to belong and be proud of their school community

be attentive by listening to others and taking turns and valuing others’ opinions to allow others to develop their gifts and talents care for their environment and look after each other


to be proud of their culture, religious beliefs and gender

acknowledge cultural and religious beliefs and gender of others

to feel safe in their working environment

promote safety

to be treated with respect by students and parents

interact with members of the school community using respectful words and actions

to privacy, of personal property and personal safety

act in a way that acknowledges privacy and personal property

to hear and to be heard

be attentive to others and value others’ opinions

to have their culture, religious beliefs and gender respected

teach and maintain an understanding and appreciation of the difference of others

to expect students to have a positive attitude and be prepared to learn

provide a learning atmosphere that promotes positive experiences actively involve all students in the learning process


to expect that the classroom is a place of learning where all students participate in the process of learning

encourage a partnership between home and school

to expect parental / guardian support to expect their child to be safe

teach and model appropriate behaviour

to be treated with respect

interact with others with respectful words and actions

to hear and to be heard

be attentive to others and to value others’ opinions

to promote learning

reinforce that school is a learning environment and to support their child's learning

to be informed of their child's development within the school context to address their concerns with the appropriate personnel

communicate with the school any concerns or issues obtain accurate information before taking further action acknowledge others’ needs for privacy

to expect confidentiality

7. Education and Promotion At St Catherine’s Primary School, we believe that promoting positive behaviour is a successful method of managing student behaviour, rather than intervening after incidents occur. We aim to develop a school culture that promotes in children a positive self-image and a sense of wellbeing. St Catherine's strives to do this by encouraging each child to develop a sense of responsibility and independence, critical thinking and problem-solving behaviours. We choose to be proactive, to create and maintain this culture. Staff is involved in ongoing Professional Learning to maintain awareness of the program, its resources and of procedural obligations at the beginning of each year.

Promoting a positive environment Assemblies & Awards Assemblies are focus opportunities Student of the Week awards Playground behaviour awards Graduation awards presented to student leaders

Student Education

Staff Education

Parent Education


Visual reminders are located in classrooms and around the school and are referred to regularly by staff

Ongoing professional learning for staff with regard to policy and procedures

Newsletter input on Positive People Program and Social Skills

Award winners’ names published in weekly newsletter

Class Covenants prominent in each classroom

Student Leaders promote Positive People Program at assembly

Social skills program supports positive behaviour plan Teachers encouraged to use behaviour incidents as learning for students

Details for new and relief staff readily accessible Revisit of School and Class Covenants annually

Class expectations outlined at Parent Information Night Visiting speakers present at parent education sessions

Newsletter input on Positive People Program

Staff Strategies Staff utilise a wide range of acknowledgement strategies with students, reviewed on an annual basis, to support our positive school culture, including: 

Praise/encouragement (verbal/non-verbal/written – Praise Note)

Public display of work (classroom, library)

Individual class or year level rewards (sticker books, stamps, free time, studentchoice activities, computer time)

Whole class rewards (parties, fun days, game time, sport)

Class responsibilities (messenger, teacher's helper, library monitor, tuckshop)

Phone calls, emails or communication to parents

Sharing work with others (Principal, APA , APRE , other year level classes, buddy classes, parents)

Teacher evaluations (marks/comments on work/behaviour reporting)

Celebrations (birthdays, "outside" achievements)

Articles in Newsletter

POSITIVE PEOPLE PROGRAM St Catherine’s Primary School has introduced a Social Competence Program that involves the explicit teaching of targeted social skills, the explicit teaching of a Problem Solving Process and a pro-active, positive, Behaviour Management System. It is called our Positive People Program.

The Problem Solving Process Students are taught a specific process for solving social problems they encounter at school. The language used is consistent and they are taught to use these steps through role-play, discussion and example. Students consider their body language, tone of voice and feelings. It is emphasised that teachers do not solve children’s problems – children are empowered to use appropriate strategies to solve the problems themselves.

Teaching Social Skills The students are taught specific social skills. Teachers use a school-wide process for teaching these skills, adjusting the activities and language used according to the age group and specific needs of classes. The key Social Skills include:          

Using words Appropriate ignoring Get a friend to help Ask a teacher for help Listening Appropriate interrupting Using Positive Talk Dealing with anger Using self-control Participating

        

Being a good sport Following instructions Co-operating Accepting difference Transitioning Dealing with group pressure Being a friend Readiness for learning Being resilient

Behaviour Management System An educational approach to discipline is used, where teachers teach children the “what” and “how” of a desired behaviour. Each class has a set of resources for teachers to use to implement the program. The system incorporates a series of ‘zones’ outlined as follows:   

Green Zone (Happy Face Prep – Yr 3): Children start each day with their name in this zone and continue to earn their place there by demonstrating appropriate behaviour. Thinking Space: Children are asked to place their name here if they need to practise a social skill – they will be expected to use that skill, in context, within a short space of time. Yellow Zone (Sad Face Prep – Yr 3): Children are asked to place their name here if they are not able to demonstrate the appropriate social skill/behaviour within a short space of time. They may be asked to work in a designated place within the classroom. Records will be kept of these incidents. Out Box: Children are asked to leave the room and move to the office if their behaviour continues to disrupt the learning of the class. Records will be kept of Out Box incidents.

Formal Sanctions It is expected that formal sanctions will be imposed only when all other reasonable steps to deal with the situation have been taken, unless the situation is serious and immediate. Taking into consideration their age and development, the proposed action should appropriately address the best interests of the student, and the security, safety and learning environment of other members of the school community.

Corporal punishment is expressly prohibited in all Brisbane Catholic Education Schools. In the event of a formal sanction being necessary, the BCE SBS: Guidelines, Regulations and Procedures process will be followed (pp. 33- 44). Formal sanctions include the following: 1. Detention / Time Out 2. Suspension 3. Negotiated Change of School 4. Exclusion

8. Targeted Behaviour Support Targeted strategies are implemented for students who are at risk and may include intervention programs involving support and specialist staff. Communication between parents/caregivers and staff will take place before, during, and after additional supports are implemented. Strategies to support individual students may require specialised services and alternate pathways of care. Individual supports may include:      

Individual Education Plans (IEP) Education Adjustment Plans (EAP) Functional Behaviour Assessments Support from our specialist staff (i.e. Support Teacher Inclusive Education, Guidance Counsellor) Referral to external support agencies Student Support Meetings

9. Concerns Where parents have a grievance related to student behaviour, parents are required to follow the school Grievance Policy (see Supporting Documentation).

10. Process for appeals Parents who consider that correct procedures have not been followed, or that an unreasonable decision has been made, may appeal a suspension that is less than three days to the Principal. Parents may appeal a suspension longer than three days to the Area Supervisor, Brisbane Catholic Education in writing to GPO Box 1201 Brisbane Q 4001.

Parents may appeal an exclusion to the Executive Director, Brisbane Catholic Education in writing to GPO Box 1201 Brisbane Q 4001. The fact that an appeal has been lodged does not put on hold the Principal’s decision to suspend attendance. Appeals must be in writing, stating the grounds on which the appeal is being made. A parent who requires assistance to participate in the inclusive community will have access to help with the appeals process. Please see the Guidance Counsellor for referral to an appropriate person to assist with an appeal. Alternative options to respond will be considered if a written appeal is not possible. 11. Bullying and Cyberbullying Bullying is when someone gains power over another person by hurting or harming that person, more than just once. Bullying is intentional and there is an imbalance of power. Bullying is continuing to ‘pick on’ someone, torment them or exclude them, so that the person feels helpless. Cyberbullying is another form of bullying using technology, such as a computer or mobile phone via text messaging, MSM, social networking, photographs and web pages. A Bystander is a person who witnesses a bullying incident as an onlooker. At St Catherine's School, we agree that a bystander who encourages bullying behaviours is also considered to be bullying. Students are also encouraged and supported to report bullying that they themselves have witnessed. Bullying may include:      

Physical: hitting, kicking, any form of violence, threat or intimidation that could cause physical harm Verbal: name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, persistent teasing, intimidation, lying about someone Emotional: excluding, tormenting, ridicule, humiliation, intimidation Racist: taunts, graffiti, gestures, intimidation Sexual: unwanted physical contact, abusive comments, intimidation Cyber: unwanted text messages, emails, images, information technology, intimidation

ST CATHERINE'S ANTI-BULLYING PROCEDURES Anti-bullying practices and procedures consistent with the values expressed in our Mission Statement will be adopted throughout our school to support the implementation of this policy. In keeping with our Mission Statement, such action must itself be consistent with Christian principles and based on sound educational practices. It must also involve all members of the community – parents, staff and students and be directed towards enhancing the dignity of all and securing a safe, supportive learning environment.

What Can Children Do If They Are Being Bullied?     

Talk about incidents of bullying with a teacher, parent or other responsible adult. The person receiving the complaint will report it to the Principal. Any report of bullying made to the School will be followed up sensitively and actions taken where necessary. If the bullying continues, Students/Parents are encouraged to report it again. It’s important that bullies get the message that their behaviour will not be tolerated. Consider talking to the school counsellor for help in developing skills which can be useful in bullying situations.

How Can Children Help Someone Who Is Being Bullied? Consider doing the following:    

If you know of bullying, tell a member of the School Staff, who will refer the matter to the Principal. Tell the bully that you and your friends strongly disapprove of his or her actions (a clear statement such as “you need to stop doing that; it’s not okay”). The person being bullied may be too scared or upset to tell anyone. Remember that NOBODY deserves to be bullied. Offer support to students who are bullied. Let them know they can do something about it.

Advice for Parents   

Be aware of St Catherine’s definition of Bullying. If you think your child is being bullied, inform your child’s Teacher or the Principal to work together to find a solution. Listen sympathetically to reports of bullying and be aware of the frequency of reports. Do NOT encourage your child to hit back or respond verbally. Support your child in developing their confidence and relationships by participating in extra-curricula activities, e.g. sports, speech and drama, ballet.

School Response to Bullying Our school community does not condone bullying or harassment and the following process has been established to help us deal with such unacceptable behaviour should it occur. This process will be implemented once behaviour meets the above definition of bullying.     

Keep records and monitor bullying incidents. Inform parents of any child who is involved in persistent and/or serious bullying incidents. Protect and support victims of bullying to eliminate the likelihood of their being bullied again. Work with parents of the victim to give their child strategies to avoid being bullied. Update Resources addressing Bullying.

Supporting Documentation:      

Positive People Program Grievance Policy Anti-Bullying Policy Parent Handbook BCE Student Behaviour Support Policy BCE Student Behaviour Support Regulations and Guidelines