STEM Activity #1

Waltz 2013 - 2014

Marble Madness ! !

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Group Members: ____________________ ! ____________________

PROBLEM Your challenge is to design and construct a cereal box marble maze.

DESIGN ENVELOPE Your marble maze may be constructed from any size of a singly-packaged cereal box (no multi-pack boxes), uses only the materials listed below and result in the greatest elapsed time from start to finish. You will be given 3 weeks to design, construct, test and modify their mazes. Additionally, the marble must change direction at least 6 times.

MATERIALS The teacher will provide the following materials: ! ten (10) drinking straws ! one (1) small bathroom sized cup ! three (3) bamboo skewers ! one (1) index card Students will provide the following materials: ! one (1) empty cereal box ! one (1) empty paper towel tube

Possible Additional Requirements: • add directional changes • add simple machines • loss of a material • must move outside the box • one marble must activate a second

I will also provide glue sticks and masking tape. NO OTHER MATERIALS CAN BE USED!

TOOLS You may also need or use the following tools: scissors, measuring tools, and mathematical tools. NO OTHER TOOLS CAN BE USED!

TASK 1 - Background Knowledge Applying your knowledge of simple machines is critical to your success in this project. In the spaces below, identify each of the six simple machines, then draw a simple sketch of each. Circle the machines you think you will be able to use in your cereal box maze.

STEM Activity #1

Waltz 2013 - 2014

TASK 2 - Brainstorming a List Below is a listed number of features you could include in the design and construction of your marble maze, but there are more. Choose from the list below or come up with other ideas you could use in the design and construction of your maze. Indicate your choices in the space below. Take a look at the graphic below to get some ideas.

TASK 3 - Thumbnail Sketches In the spaces below, sketch thumbnails of at least three (3) features you selected above. You can use these sketches when you do your final sketch/plan. You might also want to indicate from what view (top or side) the sketch is drawn, sketch how you plan to start your marble and how it will exit your maze. Sketch neatly, as these sketches are part of your project grade.

STEM Activity #1

Waltz 2013 - 2014

TASK 4 - Final Sketch (due Friday, September 20th) In the space below, sketch the plan for your maze. Be sure to include: how the marble will start, as many imaginative features as possible, at least six (6) direction changes and how the marble will exit the maze. Sketch neatly and use drawing tools, as this sketch is part of your project grade.

STEM Activity #1

Waltz 2013 - 2014

TASK 5 - Approval (Last day for approval is Monday, September 23rd) When you have satisfactorily drawn your final plans, get them approved by the teacher. Once your plans have been approved, you may collect your materials and start working.

TASK 6 - Construction & Tips Consider the following when working in the classroom and constructing your maze: • A good set of plans is half the battle. Trust your ideas and work with them without deviating too far from your original plan. • Practice good habits in the classroom: abide by safety rules, maintain self control, do neat work and practice good housekeeping. • Any questions asked to the teacher will result in an additional requirement (see page 1) to your maze. Clarify questions with your group and/or other groups first. • Excessively uncooperative or unproductive group members will be excused from the group and expected to complete the project independently. • You have more materials available to you that are listed in the materials list. • Tape the box top flaps closed to give your maze stability. • If you choose to remove the front and rear panels of the box, leave a minimum of a half inch border. • Avoid the use of excess glue or tape. Cut, do not tear, tape before applying. • Your cereal box must be free-standing, meaning it may not be taped to the table before final testing. • Test your maze after the addition of each element or event. • Extra points are possible for complicated movements.

STEM Activity #1

Waltz 2013 - 2014

Scoring Rubric Your marble maze will be scored using the rubric below.