Standard for a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Bunker Checklist Truck to Ship Edition 1.0

Stan ndard fo or a Liq quefied Natural Gas (L LNG) Bunk ker Checklist Tru uck to Ship S Edition 1.0 Adop pted by the Police Regu ulations Com mmittee...
Author: Wilfred Long
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Stan ndard fo or a Liq quefied Natural Gas (L LNG) Bunk ker Checklist Tru uck to Ship S

Edition 1.0 Adop pted by the Police Regu ulations Com mmittee on 13 Octoberr 2015

Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ( LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

Edition 1.0 0. - 13.10.2015

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship


The WP PCI (World Ports P Climate e Initiative) w working group of the IA APH (Internaational Assoc ciation of Ports an nd Harbors) has developed three listts for bunkerring with liquefied naturaal gas (LNG) (truck to ship, ship to ship or o ship to sh hore bunkeriing) for vess sels using liquefied natuural gas (LN NG) as a propulsio on fuel. Thesse lists are already a in use e in many se eaports, in particular Rottterdam and Antwerp. The CCN NR, given itss desire to sta andardise prractices to th he greatest extent possibble, and in pa artnership with the IAPH, has modified m the truck to ship p bunker che ecklist to tailor it to the R Rhine contex xt and its regulatio ons without amending a its structure, sp pirit and safe ety levels. Vessels navigating on o the Rhine e shall be sub bject to the requirements r s of the Rhinne Police Regulations (RPR), in particular article 15.07 7 (5))(b) and (6). They state that “be efore commeencing bunke ering with liquefied d natural gas (LNG), the master m of the e receiving sh hip shall be required r to eensure: [...] b)

tthat a liquefiied natural gas g (LNG) bu unker checkllist for vesse els bearing thhe identificattion mark rreferred to in article 2.0 06 in accorda ance with th he standard defined by the CCNR has h been ccompleted and signed by y himself, or by an individ dual acting on his behalf, and by the individual i rresponsible for the bunk kering facilityy and that th he answer to t all the quuestions on the t list is 'yes'. ” Irrelevant questio ons are to be e deleted. If not all the questions q cann be answerred in the a affirmative, bunkering shall s only b be authorised with the authorisatioon of the co ompetent a authority

The currrent standard d comprises a liq quefied natu ural gas (LNG G) bunker ch hecklist (truc ck to ship). It comprises 4 parts (A, B, C, D). The e completion n of part A is i voluntary, but recomm mended, com mpletion of parts B, C and D is obligatory. guid delines for he elping the us ser to comple ete the list. The currrent edition of o this standa ard can be do ownloaded frrom the CCN NR website (w and is available in Germa an, French, Dutch D and En nglish. In the cu urrent edition n of the stand dard, referen ces to the Reg gulations for Rhine navigation person nnel (RPN) will w not be valid until 1st Auugust 2016 and a the Rhine Vessel In nspection Regulations (RV VIR) will not be valid until 1st Decembber 2016. This standard applie es to bunkerring with liqu uefied natura al gas (LNG G) as a fuel. It does not apply to loading lliquefied natu ural gas (LNG G) as a carg go.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ( LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

Liquefie ed natural gas (LNG) bunker checklist c Trruck to sh hip ART A: che ecklist for planning p liq quefied nattural gas (L LNG) bunkeer operatio ons PA e used as a guideline fo or exchangin ng informatioon and for discussing This parrt of the checklist can be safety asspects when n planning bu unkering with h liquefied na atural gas (L LNG). It is reecommended d that this part of th he checklist be b completed d when placiing the bunker order.

me:  Planned date and tim

 _____ __________ ______________________ ________ 

d natural gass (LNG) bunk ker location: Liquefied

 _____ __________ ______________________ ________ 

Liquefied d natural gass (LNG) rece eiving ship:

 _____ __________ ______________________ ________ 

Liquefied d natural gass (LNG) bunk ker truck:

 _____ __________ ______________________ ________ 

C Check


Liiquefied natural n Bun nkering ga as (LNG) loc cation bunker b truck:



Compe etent authoritie es have grante ed permission for liqueffied natural ga as (LNG) bunkerr operations fo or the specific location and time.



The bu unkering location representa ative has granted d permission for f liquefied na atural gas (LNG) bunker operattions for the specific location n and time.



Compe etent authoritie es have been notified of the start of liquefied natural gas (L LNG) bunker operatiions as per loccal regulations s.

Re emarks

If applicable

Day / tim me notification::

 ______ ________    Day / tim me notified:

 ______ ________  4

The bu unkering location representa ative has been n notified of the start s of liquefie ed natural gas (LN NG) bunker op perations as per p bunkerring location re egulations.

If applica able Day/time e notification:

 ______ ________    Day time e notified:

 ______ ________ 

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

C Check


Liiquefied natural n Bun nkering ga as (LNG) loc cation bunker b truck:


Re emarks


It shall be possible fo or the compete ent authoriities' requirements to be obs served.

e.g. Portt byelaws


It shall be possible fo or the bunkering location require ements to be observed. o

If applica able E.g. regu ulations applicable to the bunkerin ng location


All perssonnel involve ed in the liqueffied natural F For the gas (LN NG) bunker op perations have e the sship: approp priate training and a have been instructed on the specific liqueffied natural ga as (LNG) bunkerr equipment an nd the procedures that are carrried out.


The bu unkering location is accessib ble for the liquefie ed natural gas (LNG) bunker truck and the tota al truck weightt does not exc ceed the maximum permitted load of the qu uay or jetty.


In case e of a bunkerin ng without suffficient dayligh ht, the arrange ements for app propriate illumina ation of the liq quefied natural gas (LNG) bunkerr operations arrea have been n agreed upon.


All lique efied natural gas g (LNG) tran nsfer and gas detection equipm ment is certifie ed, in good conditio on and approp priate for the service s intende ed.


The pro ocedures for bunkering, b coo oling down and purging operatio ons have been n agreed upon.


Referenc ce to procedures:


The syystem and metthod of electric cal insulatiion have been n agreed upon n.




The bu unker area on the shore has s been agreed d upon.


Bunker area a

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F For the sship:

or the Fo tru uck:

t For the bunk kering locattion:

Fo or the tru uck:

 ____  mtr m / ft

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

C Check


Liiquefied natural n Bun nkering ga as (LNG) loc cation bunker b truck:


Regula ations with reg gards to ignitio on sources can be observed.

F For the sship:

or the Fo tru uck:

t For the bunk kering locattion:


All requ uired firefightin ng equipment is ready for F For the immediate use. sship:

Fo or the tru uck:

For the t bunk kering locattion:


Re emarks

If applicable


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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

For regis stration of th he representtatives involv ved in the planning:

Ship p

Lique efied natural gas g (LNG) bun nker truc ck

Bunkering g location





Positio on









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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

  PART B: Before Liquefied Natural Ga as (LNG) Trransfer Cheecklist (This part must be complete ed before acttual transfer operations sstart) Date and d time: 

 _________ ______________________ ______________ 

Liquefied d natural gass (LNG) bunk ker location:

 _________ ______________________ ______________ 

Liquefied d natural gass (LNG) rece eiving ship:

 _________ ______________________ ______________ 

Liquefied d natural gass (LNG) tank k truck: 

 _________ ______________________ ______________ 



Liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker truck:

For the ship:

For the truck:

Bunkering location



Pa art A was used in preparatio on prior to the e bu unker operatio on, in accordance with the re ecommendatio on in the forew word.

For the bunkering location


P Present weathe er and wave conditions c are w within the agre eed limits.



T The liquefied natural n gas (LN NG) receiving ship is securelyy moored. Reg gulations with re egards to moo oring arrangem ments are o observed. Suffficient fenderin ng is in place.



T There is a safe e means of acc cess between n th he ship and sh hore.



If app plicable

W When mandato ory, there is a safe e emergency esccape route bettween ship an nd shore. 20

Alll required firefighting equipment is readyy fo or immediate use. u


T The liquefied natural n gas (LN NG) bunker o operations area a is sufficiently y illuminated.


T The ship and liquefied natura al gas (LNG) b bunker truck arre able to mov ve under their o own power in a safe and non n-obstructed d direction.

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For the ship:

For the truck:

For the bunkering location: AR

For the ship:

For the truck:


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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship



A Adequate supe ervision of the liquefied n natural gas (LN NG) bunker op perations is in p place both on the t ship and at a the liquefied d n natural gas (LN NG) bunker tru uck and an e effective watch h is being keptt at all time.


A An effective me eans of comm munication b between the sh hip’s master and the liquefie ed n natural gas (LN NG) bunker tru uck operator h has been estab blished and te ested. The ccommunication n language ha as been agreed d u upon.


Liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker truck:

Bunkering location




VHF F / UHF Channel:

 ___ _______________ Language:

  __ _______________ Primary System m:

 ___ _______________ Backup B System m:

 ___ _______________


T The emergency stop signal and a shutdown n p procedures havve been agree ed upon, teste ed, a and explained to all personnel involved.


Emergency Sto op Signal:

 ___ _______________

E Emergency pro ocedures and plans and the e ccontact numbe ers are known to the person s in n charge. 26

T The predeterm mined bunker area a has been n e established. Ap ppropriate sign ns mark this a area.



T The bunker are ea is free of un nauthorized p persons, objeccts and ignition n sources.



E External doors, portholes and a accommodatio on ventilation in nlets are close ed a as per operatio onal documenttation.



T The gas detecttion equipmen nt has been o operationally te ested and foun nd to be in goo od w working order.

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At no time they shou uld be locked

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship



Liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker truck:

Bunkering location




M Material Safetyy Data Sheets (MSDS) for th he d delivered liquefied natural ga as (LNG) fuel a are available.



R Regulations with regards to ignition source es a are observed.



A Appropriate an nd sufficient su uitable p protective cloth hing and equip pment is readyy fo or immediate use. u


P Personnel invo olved in the co onnection and d disconnection of o the bunker hoses and p personnel in th he direct vicinitty of these o operations makke use of sufficient and a appropriate pro otective clothin ng and e equipment.


A (powered) em mergency relea ase coupling ((P P)ERC) is insttalled and is re eady for im mmediate use.

If app plicable


T The water spra ay system has s been tested a and is ready fo or immediate use. u

If app plicable


S Spill containme ent arrangeme ents are of an a appropriate ma aterial and volume, in p position, and empty. e


H Hull and deck protection p aga ainst low te emperature is in place.


B Bunker pumps and compres ssors are in g good working order. o


A All control valves are well ma aintained and in g good working order. o


B Bunker system m gauges, high h level alarms a and high-presssure alarms arre operational,, ccorrectly set an nd in good working order.

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If app plicable


If app plicable

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship



T The ship’s bunker tanks are protected a against inadvertent overfilling g at all times, ta ank content is constantly mo onitored and a alarms are correctly set.


A All control, mon nitoring and sa afety devices o on the liquefied d natural gas (LNG) ( in nstallations are e checked, tes sted and foun d to o be in good working w order.


P Pressure contrrol equipment and boil off orr re e-liquefaction equipment is operational an nd in n good working order.


B Both on the ship and in the liquefied naturral g gas (LNG) bun nker truck the ESDs, E a automatic valve es or similar devices d have b been tested, ha ave found to be b in good w working order, and are ready y for use. T The closing rattes of the ESD Ds have been e exchanged.


In nitial liquefied natural gas (L LNG) bunker line up has bee en checked. Unused U cconnections arre closed, blan nked and fully b bolted.


L Liquefied naturral gas (LNG) bunker hosess, fixed pipelines and bunkering manifolds arre in n good condition, properly riigged, supported, properly connected, leak tested d a and certified fo or the liquefied d natural gas (L LNG) transfer.


T The liquefied natural n gas (LN NG) bunker cconnection bettween the ship p and the liq quefied natura al gas (LNG) bunker b truck iss p provided with dry-disconnect d t type ccouplings.

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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker truck:

Bunkering location




Interv vals not exceeding

  ___ ______  minuutes

If app plicable


ESD D Ship:

 ___ ______  Secoonds D Truck: ESD

 ___ ______  Secoonds

If app plicable

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship



Liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker truck:

Bunkering location




T The liquefied natural n gas (LN NG) bunker cconnection bettween the ship p and the liq quefied natura al gas (LNG) bunker b truck h has adequate electrical e insulating means iin p place.


S Safety dry brea akaway couplings are in p place on the liq quefied natura al gas (LNG) b bunker connecctions. They ha ave been vvisually inspected for functio oning and foun nd to o be in a good d working orde er.


T The liquefied natural n gas (LN NG) bunker trruck is electriccally grounded d and the w wheels are cho ocked.


T The liquefied natural n gas (LN NG) bunker trruck engine is switched off during d the of the liquefie cconnection or disconnection d ed n natural gas (LN NG) bunker ho oses.


T The liquefied natural n gas (LN NG) bunker trruck engine is switched off during d purging g o or liquefied nattural gas (LNG G) transfer.

Unle ess the lique efied natu ural gas (L LNG) bunk ker truck engine is required r for the purg ging or transfe er of lique efied natural gas (LNG G)


Iff mandatory th he ship’s emerrgency fire ccontrol plans are a located extternally.

Loca ation:


A An Internationa al Shore Conn nection has b been provided..

If ap pplicable


C Competent autthorities have been informed d th hat liquefied natural gas (LN NG) bunker o operations are commencing and have bee en re equested to in nform other ve essels in the vvicinity.

Date e/time of notiffication:

 ___ ______________ 

 ___ ______________ 


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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship  

PART C: Liquefied L N Natural Gas s (LNG) Tra ansfer Dataa (Thiss part should d be completted before ac ctual transferr operations sstart) Agreed starting tem mperatures and a pressurres Agreed P Physical Qua antity Unit (P PQU):

 m3 Ship

Liquefied d natural start tem mperature:

g gas



Liquefied d natural start presssure:

g gas



Liquefied d natural gas g available e (rest) capacity:



 tonnes

________  ___

Liquefied nnatural gas (LN NG) bunnker truck: __°C C / __°F bar / psi* p (rel.) P PQU

* delete a as appropriate

erations Agreed bunker ope Agreed P Physical Qua antity Unit (P PQU):

m m3 Tank 1

 tonnes

 ___ ________ T Tank 2

Agreed q quantity to be transferred:


bunkerin ng manifold sta art pressure:

bar / psi* p (rel.)

Starting rate:

P PQU perr hour

Max tran nsfer rate:

P PQU perr hour

Topping up rate:

P PQU perr hour

Bunkerin ng pressure e:




bar / psi* p (rel.)

* delete a as appropriate

ums Agreed maximums and minimu Maximum m

M Minimum

Pressure es during bunkkering:

bar / psi* p (rel.)

Pressure es in the liquefied natura al gas (LNG) bu unker tanks:

bar / psi* p (rel.)

Liquefied d natural temperattures:



__°C C / __°F

Filling lim mit of the liq quefied natura al gas (LNG) bu unker tanks:


* delete a as appropriate

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

D Declaration n We, the e undersigne ed, have checked the a above items s in parts B and C in aaccordance with the instructio ons and have e satisfied ou urselves thatt the entries we w have made are correcct. We have e also made arrangemen nts to carry o out repetitive e checks as necessary aand agreed th hat those items co oded ‘R’ in the checklist should be re- checked at intervals not exceeding _________ hours. If, to ourr knowledge, the status of any item ch hanges, we will w immediattely inform thhe other party y. Ship

Liquefied n natural gas (L LNG) bunker truck

Bunkkering locatio on







Signature e









  Record d of repetitive checks Date Time Initials ffor ship Initials ffor truck Initials ffor bunkering location n

ne for comp pleting this checklist c Guidelin The pressence of the letters ‘A’ orr ‘R’ in the co olumn entitled d ‘Code’ indicates the folllowing: ●

A (‘A Agreement’)) Thiss indicates an a agreement or procedu re that should be identifie ed in the ‘Reemarks’ colum mn of the che ecklist or com mmunicated in some othe er mutually ac cceptable form.

R (‘Re-check’) Thiss indicates ittems to be re e-checked att appropriate e intervals, as s agreed bettween both parties, p at periiods stated in n the declara ation.

P (‘Permission’)) Thiss indicates th hat permissio on is to be grranted by authorities.

The join nt declaration should no ot be signe d until both h parties have checked and accep pted their assigned d responsibilities and acc countabilitiess. When duly y signed, this s document iss to be kept on board of the liquefied nattural gas (L LNG) receiviing vessel conform c app plicable reguulations or company requirem ments.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

  Part D: D After Liquefied Natu LNG) Trans sfer Checkllist ural Gas (L (T This part sho ould be comp pleted after t ransfer operrations have been compleeted)

C Check


Liq quefied natural n gas (LNG) ( bunker b truck

Bunk kering loca ation


Re emarks


Bunke er hoses, fixed d pipelines and d bunke ering manifoldss have been purged p and are rea ady for discon nnection.



Remotely and manu ually controlled d valves are clo osed and read dy for disconne ection.



After d disconnection the liquefied natural n gas (LNG)) bunker area has been dea activated. Appropriate signs have been rem moved.



The co ompetent auth horities have been b inform med of the com mpletion of liqu uefied natura al gas (LNG) bunker b operations.

Time of notification:

The bu unkering locattion representtative has been iinformed of the completion of liquefied natura al gas (LNG) bunker b operations

Time of notification:



Competent authoritiies have been n notified that liq quefied natura al gas (LNG) bunker b operattions have cea ased and have e been requessted to inform other vessels s in the vicinityy.


If appllicable, near misses m and inc cidents have b been reported to competentt authorrities.

 _______ ____  o' clockk

 _______ ____  o' clockk

Re eport nr:

 _______ ____________ 


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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

Declaration We, the undersigned d, have checked the abovve items in Part P D in acc cordance withh the instructions and have made are correct. have sattisfied oursellves that the entries we h Liquefied n natural gas (L LNG) bunker truck


Bunkkering locatio on







Signature e










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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

  Guidelin ne for comp pleting this checklist c The pressence of the letters ‘A’ orr ‘R’ in the co olumn entitled d ‘Code’ indicates the folllowing: ● A (‘A Agreement’)) Indiicates an ag greement or procedure tthat should be identified d in the ‘Rem marks’ colum mn of the che ecklist or com mmunicated in some othe er mutually ac cceptable form. ● R (‘Re-check’) Indiicates items to be re-ch hecked at ap ppropriate in ntervals, as agreed betw ween both parties, p at periiods stated in n the declara ation. ● P (‘Permission’)) Indiicates that pe ermission is to be grante ed by authoritties. nt declaration should no ot be signe d until both h parties have checked and accep pted their The join assigned d responsibillities and acc countabilitiess. When duly y signed, this s document iss to be kept on board of the liquefied natural gas (LN NG) receivin ng vessel conform c app plicable reguulations or company requirem ments.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

G GUIDELINE ES GENERAL L The resp ponsibility and accounta ability for the e safe conduct of opera ations while a ship is pe erforming liquefied d natural gas (LNG) bunk kering is sharred jointly be etween the ship’s masterr, the liquefie ed natural gas (LNG G) bunker trruck operator and, if app plicable, the bunkering lo ocation repreesentative. Before the liquefied d natural gas (LNG) bunk ker operation ns commence, the ship’s master, thee liquefied na atural gas (LNG) bu e, the bunke unker truck operator o and, if applicable ering location representattive should: ● agre ee in writing on the bunker procedure es, including the maximum transfer raates; ● agre ee in writing on the action to be taken n in the even nt of an emerrgency, and ● com mplete and siign the bunke er checklist T Truck to Ship p. For inlan nd navigation n, the term “ship” “ must b be understoo od as an inla and waterwaay vessel or a convoy and the term “ship’’s master” must m be und derstood as the boat master m accorrding to nav vigational regulatio ons. For the cchecks which h are not app plicable for a all ships, “if applicable” a is s added in thhe last column. The “if applicab ble” marked checks c are not n mandatorry, users can n skip these checks by m mentioning N.A. in the “Remarkks” column. The prin ncipal terms used are defined, at th he end of th his document, in the parrt “Abbreviattions and definition ns”.

STRUCTUR S RE OF THE CHECKLIS ST efied natural gas (LNG) Bunker B Checcklist – Truck k to Ship com mprises of fouur parts. The lique The firstt part: PART T A: checkllist for plan nning liqueffied natural gas (LNG)) bunker op perations addresse es the considerations to o be made d during the planning stag ge of liquefieed natural ga as (LNG) bunker o operations. This parrt of the checklist can be e used as a guideline fo or exchangin ng informatioon and for discussing safety asspects when n planning bu unkering with h liquefied na atural gas (L LNG). It is reecommended d that this part of th he checklist be b completed d when placiing the bunker order.


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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

P B: Pre e Liquefied d Natural Ga as (LNG) Transfer T Cheecklist iden ntifies the The seccond part: PART required physical checks and ele ements that are verified verbally just before the liquefied na atural gas (LNG) b bunkering co ommences. The safety of operation ns requires that all releevant statem ments are considerred and the associated responsibilitty and accountability forr compliancee is accepte ed, either jointly orr singly. Where a particular ittem is consid dered to be n not applicable to the ship p, the liquefieed natural ga as (LNG) bunker ttruck or to the planned operation, a note to this effect sho ould be ente red in the ‘R Remarks’ column. The third d part: PART T C: Liquefie ed natural g gas (LNG) Transfer Data a contains thhe transfer data d to be agreed u upon. In thiss section the information on tempera ature, density y, volume, tra ransfer rate, pressure and the physical qua antity unit to be used for tthe liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunke kering, are ex xchanged and agre eed upon. The fourrth and finall part of the checklist: P PART D: Affter Liquefie ed Natural G Gas (LNG) Transfer Checklis st contains the conside erations to b be made affter the lique efied naturaal gas (LNG G) bunker operations for the dissconnecting of the bunke er connection ns and finishing the total ooperations.

USA AGE OF TH HE TRUCK TO SHIP L IQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG G) BUNKER RING C CHECKLIST The follo owing guideliines have be een produced d to assist in n the joint use of Liquefieed Natural Gas (LNG) Bunker C Checklist – Truck T to Ship p. The ship p’s master and all under his comman nd must adh here strictly to t these requuirements th hroughout the ship’’s stay along gside. The liq quefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunker truc ck operator aand, if applic cable, the bunkerin ng location re epresentative e must ensurre that truck personnel and, if applicaable, shore personnel p do likew wise. Each party p commits to co-ope erate fully in n the mutua al interest off achieving safe and efficient operations. p’s master, the liquefied d natural ga as (LNG) bu unker truck operator annd, if applica able, the The ship bunkerin ng location re epresentative e can appoin nt responsible e persons in charge of buunker operattions and authorize e them to complete and sign s the lique efied natural gas (LNG) bunker b checkklist. Responssibility and accountability a y for the sta atements within the liqu uefied naturaal gas (LNG G) Bunker Checklisst – Truck to t Ship is assigned a witthin the doc cument. The e acceptancee of responsibility is confirme ed by ticking or initialing the approprriate box and d finally sign ning the decllaration at th he end of the checcklist. Once signed, this details the m minimum basis for safe operations thhat has been agreed upon thrrough the mu utual exchang ge of critical information.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

Some off the checklisst statementts are directe ed to considerations for which the shhip's master has sole responsiibility and acccountability. For some cchecklist statements eithe er the liquefieed natural gas (LNG) bunker ttruck operato or or bunkering location representative has sole responsibilitty and accou untability. Some ch hecklist state ements assig gn a joint ressponsibility an nd accountability. Greyedd-out boxes are used to identiffy statementts that generrally may no ot be applica able to one party, p althouggh the ship's s master, truck ope erator or bun nkering location represen ntative may tiick or initial such s sectionss if they so wish. w Where m mentioned in the box; “fo or the ship”, ““for the truck k” or “for the bunkering loocation”, the involved parties o only check and a sign for their own re esponsibilitie es The curre ent guidelinees recall this with the commen nt “For this ite em, the invollved parties o only check and a sign for their own res ponsibilities.” ” Vessels navigating on o the Rhine shall be sub bject to the RPR, R in particular article 15.07 (5))(b) and (6), which sta ate: “5. Beffore commen ncing bunkerring with liqu uefied natura al gas (LNG),, the masterr of the receiiving ship sha all be required d to ensure :


[...]] b)

that a lique efied natural gas (LNG) b bunker check klist for vesse els bearing th the identificattion mark referred to in article 2.0 06 (of the RP PR) in accord dance with th he standard ddefined by th he CCNR een complete ed and signe ed by himself, or by an inndividual actiing on his (namely thiis list) has be behalf, and d by the indiv vidual respon nsible for the e bunkering facility and tthat the answer to all the questio ons on the list is “yes””. Irrelevant questions are a to be deeleted. If no ot all the questions can c be answ wered in the e affirmative, bunkering shall s only bee authorised d with the authorisatio on of the com mpetent auth hority;

[...] 6.

The e checklist re eferred to in (5)(b) ( shall: a) be completted in duplica ate, b) be available in at leas st one langu uage unders stood by the e individuals referred to in (5)(b) above and c) be retained d aboard the vessel for a period of 3 months. m ”

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The asssignment of responsibility r y and accou untability doe es not mean that the othher party is excluded from carrrying out che ecks in order to confirm compliance. It is intende ed to ensure clear identiffication of ed complian the partyy responsible for initial and continue nce througho out the ship’ss stay at the bunker location. The ship p’s master sh hould check all considera ations lying within w the res sponsibility oof the liquefie ed natural gas (LNG G) fuelled sh hip. Similarly y, all conside erations whic ch are the liq quefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunker truck an nd, if applica able, the bun nkering loca ation’s respo onsibility should be checcked by the liquefied natural g gas (LNG) bunker b truck k operator a and, if applic cable, the bunkering b loccation repre esentative respectivvely. In fulfilling these responsibiliti r ies, representatives sho ould assure themselves that the ation are fully acceptable standard ds of safety on o both sides s of the opera e. That can n be achieved by means such as: ● con nfirming that a competentt person has satisfactorily y completed the checklistt; ● sigh hting approprriate records s; ● by joint inspectio on, where de eemed appro opriate. Before th he start of operations, an nd from time e to time thereafter for mutual m safety,, the liquefie ed natural gas (LNG) bunker trruck operato or and, if ap plicable, a bunkering b loc cation repressentative an nd, where appropriate, the ship p’s master, may m conducct an inspecttion of the ship s and trucck to ensure e that the vessel a and truck are e effectively managing th heir obligatio ons, as acce epted in the liquefied na atural gas (LNG) B Bunker Checcklist – Truck k to Ship. W Where basic safety requirements aree found to be b out of complian nce, either party p may require that the liquefied d natural ga as (LNG) buunker operattions are stopped until corrective action is satisfactorilyy implemente ed.

COD DING OF IT TEMS P’ or ‘R’ in the e column entitled ‘Code’ indicates thee following: The pressence of the letters ‘A’, ‘P A 'Agrreement' Indicates th hat the refferenced co onsideration should bee addressed d by an agreement or o procedure e that should d be identifie ed in the ‘Re marks’ colum mn of the checklist or communicatted in some other o mutually acceptablee form. Indicates that in the casse of a nega P 'Perrmission' ative answerr to the stateements code ed ‘P’, no operations are to be conducted without the written ppermission from f the competent authority. a R 'Re--check' Indicates ite ems to be rre-checked at a appropriate intervals, as agreed between both parties and stated iin the declaration. The jointt declaration n should not be signed u ntil all partie es have chec cked and acccepted their assigned responsiibilities and accountabilit a ies.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

EXPLANAT E TION OF TH HE CHECKS PA ART A: Che ecklist for planning p liq quefied nattural gas (L LNG) bunkker operatio ons 1. 

Com mpetent authorities ha ave granted d permission for liqueffied naturall gas (LNG)) bunker ope erations for the specific c location an nd time. Com mpetent auth hority may be e consulted a about which other authorities need too approve th he bunker ope erations for th he specific lo ocation, time and parties involved.


The e bunkering g location re epresentativ ve has gran nted permis ssion for liq quefied nattural gas (LN NG) bunker operations o for f the spec cific location n and time. Com mpetent auth hority may be e consulted iff in doubt of whom to con ntact at the bbunkering loc cation.


Com mpetent autthorities hav ve been nottified of the start of liqu uefied naturaal gas (LNG G) bunker ope erations as per p local reg gulations. Com mpetent auth hority may be e consulted iff in doubt of whom to con ntact as per llocal regulations.


The e bunkering g location re epresentativ ve has been n notified of o the start of liquefied d natural gas s (LNG) bunker operatio ons as per b bunkering lo ocation regu ulations. The e bunkering location re epresentative e may be consulted c if in doubt aabout the applicable a bun nkering locatiion regulations.


It sh hall be poss sible for the e competentt authorities' requirements to be ob bserved. Porrts have speccific port regulations and port byelaw ws. Port autho ority may bee consulted iff in doubt abo out the local regulations. In states tha at are signattories to SOLAS, the ISP PS Code req quires for sea agoing vesse els that the Ship S Securityy Officer and d the Port Fa acility Securitty Officer co o-ordinate the implementattion of their respective r se ecurity plans with each otther. Vesssels naviga ating on the Rhine sha ll be subjec ct to the requirements of the Rhin ne Police Reg gulations (RP PR).


It sh hall be poss sible for the e bunkering location's requirement r s to be obseerved. The e bunkering location re epresentative e may be consulted c if in doubt aabout the applicable a bun nkering locatiion regulations.

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All personnel involved in n the liqueffied naturall gas (LNG) bunker o operations have h the app propriate tra aining and have h been i nstructed on o the specific liquefied d natural ga as (LNG) bun nker equipm ment and the e procedure s that are ca arried out. For this item, the involved pa arties only ch heck and sig gn for their ow wn responsibbilities. Alth hough all perrsonnel that are involved d in liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkker operation ns should com mply with ma andatory training require ments, they should also o be familiariized with the e specific liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker equiipment and procedures p for f this bunkker operation. For this item m, the involve ed parties on nly check and d sign for the eir own respo onsibilities. R shall be e subject to the t requirem ments of the R Regulations for Rhine Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine navvigation perso onnel (RPN), in particula r article 4a.0 01 (1) and (2).


The e bunkering location is accessible e for the liqu uefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunker trruck and the total truck weight w does s not exceed d the maxim mum permittted load of tthe quay or jetty. If in n doubt conta act the bunkering locatio on representa ative or the port p authorityy to inquire about a the maxximum permitted load of the place in question.


In c ufficient day ylight, the arrangemen nts for app propriate case of a bunkering without su illum mination off the liquefie ed natural g gas (LNG) bunker b operrations areaa have been n agreed upo on. The e areas in which w the bun nkering man ifolds are located, both on board annd ashore, should s be safe ely and pro operly illumin nated during g darkness. If this requirement is not met, additional a lightening must be provided.

10.  All liquefied na atural gas (LNG) transffer and gas s detection equipment e iis certified, in good con ndition and appropriate a for the serv vice intende ed. For this item, the involved pa arties only ch heck and sig gn for their ow wn responsibbilities. A lisst of certifica ation dates, expiry e dates and next upc coming intermediate certtification date es for the bun nkering used equipment should be p rovided and exchanged. The validattion of the ce ertificates hass to be perforrmed before liquefied na atural gas (LN NG) bunkerin ng commencces. For this item, the invo olved partiess only check and a sign for their own res sponsibilities s. Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the Rhine Vessel In nspection Regulations (RV VIR), in particular annex T (2.8)

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

11.  The e procedure es for bunkering, cooliing down and purging operationss have been n agreed upo on. The e proceduress for the intended liqueffied natural gas (LNG) bunker operration should be pre plan nned. They should s be discussed and d agreed upo on by the sh hip’s master, liquefied na atural gas (LN NG) bunker trruck operato or and if appllicable bunke ering location representaative prior to the start he operation ns. Agreed arrangements a s should be formally reco orded. Any cchange in the agreed of th proccedure that could c affect the t operation n should be discussed by y the involveed parties an nd agreed upo on. After agre eement by th he involved p parties, substtantial chang ges should bbe laid down in writing as ssoon as posssible and in sufficient s time e before the change in procedure takkes place. 12.  The e system and method of o electrical iinsulation have h been ag greed upon.. The e system an nd method of electricall insulation in the lique efied naturall gas (LNG) bunker con nnection should be pre planned. p The ey should be discussed and agreedd upon by the ship’s masster, liquefied natural ga as (LNG) bu unker truck operator o and d if applicablle bunkering g location reprresentative prior p to the sttart of the op perations. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the RPR, in particular arrticle 15.07 (5)(a) and (7)(d). 13. The e bunker are ea on the sh hore has bee en agreed upon. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 1.01 (ae)), article 8.11 1 (3) and artticle 15.07 (4 4). The bunker area is deefined by the e RPR as “the e area situate ed within a ra adius of 20 m metres of the e bunkering connection”. c If a applicable re estricted area a requireme ents from the liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker truck ope erator, bunke ering location operator a and local au uthorities should be takken into acco ount and inco orporated. The e requiremen nts for the bu unker area a around the liq quefied natural gas (LNG G) bunker loc cation on boa ard of the ship and on the e shore shou uld be excha anged, agree ed upon andd designated between the parties invollved in the liq quefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunkering. For sea-going vessels, v recommended m minimum dista ance is 25 metres m / 82 feeet 14.  Reg gulations wiith regards to t ignition s sources can n be observe ed. arties only ch heck and sig gn for their ow wn responsibbilities. For this item, the involved pa The ese regulatio ons include, but are nott limited to, the smoking g ban and pprovisions co oncerning nakked flames, mobile m teleph hones, pagerrs, VHF and UHF equipm ment and radaars. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 8.11 (3), which states s that “while bunkering with w liquefied natural gas (LNG) is in progress, p the master shalll be required at all time es to ensure that a smok king ban on board and within w the bun nker area is observed. o Th he smoking b ban also app plies to electtronic cigaretttes and other similar devvices. The sm moking ban does not app ply in accom mmodation and the wheeelhouse prov vided that theiir windows, doors, d skyligh hts and hatch hes are closed. ”

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me, generatio on of sparks,, unprotectedd electric light or any Nakked lights or open fires include: flam surfface the tem mperature of which w is equ ual to or grea ater than the minimum iggnition tempe erature of the products handled during g the operatio ons. e use of nake ed lights or open o fires on board the ship is prohibited in the buunker area, unless u all The app plicable regulations have been met a and it has be een agreed upon u by the competent authority, a liquefied natura al gas (LNG)) tank truck operator, th he ship’s ma aster and thhe bunkering g location reprresentative. In th he bunker arrea: Telephoness should com mply with the e requirements for explosion-proof co nstruction. Mobile pho ones and pag gers should n not be used unless appro oved for suchh use by a co ompetent authority. Damaged units, u even th hough they m may be capa able of operattion, should not be used.. The use off portable ele ectrical equip pment and wandering w lea ads is not alloowed during liquefied natural gass (LNG) bunk kering and th he equipment should be excluded e from m the zone. Telephone cables in use u in the sship/shore communicatio c on system sshould prefe erably be routed outside the bunker area. W Wherever th his is not fe easible, the cable should be so positioned and protecte ed that no da anger arises from its use. Unless the e master, in consultattion with th he truck op perator and bunkering location representative, has es stablished th he conditions s under whic ch the instaallation may be used safely, fixed VHF/UHF and AIS equ uipment shou uld be switch hed off or onn low power (1 ( watt or less) and the ship's ma ain radio stattion should not n be used while the sh ip is stationa ary at the bunkering location, exc cept for rece eiving purpos ses. The ma ain transmittiing aerials should s be disconnectted and earth hed. Portable VHF/UHF V se ets should b be of a safe e type whic ch is approvved by a co ompetent authority. VHF radio--telephone se ets may onlyy operate in the internatio onally-agreedd wave bands. Satellite co ommunication ns equipmen nt may be used normally, unless advissed otherwis se. The ship's radar installlation should d not be use ed unless the e master, in consultation n with the ator and the e bunkering location rep presentative,, has establlished the conditions c truck opera under whicch the installa ation may be e used safely y. Window typ pe air conditiioning units sshould be dis sconnected from f their poower supply. For inland naviigation in the bunker arrea, the requirements as per 9.3.1..52.3, 52.3 and 9.3..3.52.3 of th he ADN 201 15 edition) sshall be applied mutatis mutandis to inland navigation vessels using liq quefied natural gas as a fuel: On the one ha and electrical equipmentt used during bunkering operation aand which is s located outsside the bunkering station shall be at least of the “limited explosion risk” tyype.

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On the other ha and, this requ uirement doe es not apply to: t a)  to the radio otelephone in nstallations fiitted in the accommodation and in thee wheelhous se; b)  to the porttable and pe ermanent te elephone ins stallations in the accomm modation an nd in the wheelhouse; c) Inland AIS equipment (Automatic ( Id dentification Systems) in nstalled in acccommodatio on and in the wheelhouse, if no part p of an ele ectronic equip pment antenna is locatedd within the bunkering b unit and if no part of an AIS deviice VHF anttenna is loca ated within a radius of 2 m of a bunkering unit. u

15. All required fire efighting eq quipment is ready for im mmediate us se. For this item, the involved pa arties only ch heck and sig gn for their ow wn responsibbilities. Fire efighting equipment on bo oard should be correctly positioned and ready forr immediate use. u Ade equate and suitable s units s of fixed orr portable eq quipment sho ould be stattioned conform ship’s ope erational documents. The e ship’s fire-ffighting syste ems should b be pressurised or be rea ady for beingg pressurised d at short notiice For seagoing ve essels a sett of fire conttrol plans should be perm manently stoored in a pro ominently marrked weathe er-tight encllosure outsi de the dec ckhouse for the assistaance of shore side fireffighting perso onnel. A crew w list should also be inclu uded in this enclosure. e Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 8.11 (1) (a) ( and the re equirements of the RVIR R, in particular annex T, chhapter 3. If ap pplicable botth ship and shore s should d ensure that their respective fire-fighhting system ms can be inte er-connected in a quick and easy way utilising g, if necess sary, the inte ternational shore s fire con nnection. Und derneath the e items in parrt A of the pllanning stage checklist, a register forrm is include ed for the regiistration of th he representa atives involvved in the pla anning.

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PART B: Before Liquefied Natural Ga as (LNG) Trransfer Cheecklist 16.  Parrt A was us sed in prep paration prio or to the bunker b operration, in acccordance with the recommendatio on in the foreword. he checklist can be use ed as a gu uideline for exchanging information and for Thiss part of th disccussing safe ety aspects when plann ning bunkerring with liquefied naturral gas (LN NG). It is reco ommended that t this part of the checcklist be com mpleted whe en placing thhe bunker orrder.] For this item, the ind dividuals in question q onlyy check if Part A is used for f their own planning pu urposes. For this item, the parties involved only ch heck if Part A is used for their own pl anning. 17. Pre esent weathe er and wave e conditions s are within the agreed limits. The ere are nume erous factors s that will he elp determine e whether liq quefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunker ope erations shou uld continue e. Discussion n between the t ship’s master, m the lliquefied natural gas (LN NG) bunker truck operattor and if a applicable th he bunkering g location reepresentative should iden ntify limiting factors f which h could inclu de: the wind sp peed/directio on and the eff ffect on the bunker b conne ections. the wind sp peed/directio on and the eff ffect on moorring integrity. the wind sp peed/directio on and the eff ffect on gang gways. the swell efffects at exposed location ns on moorin ng integrity or o gangway ssafety. Succh limitationss should be clearly unde erstood by alll parties. Th he criteria forr stopping bunkering, discconnecting hoses h or arms and vacati ng the berth should be written w in the ‘Remarks’ column c of the checklist. The e bunker ope erations shou uld be suspen nded on the approach off an electricaal storm. In ccase of a stro ong gale warning or dete eriorating we eather conditions emergeency towing pennants sho ould be prepa ared and a proper look ou ut to the moo oring lines is required.

e liquefied natural gas s (LNG) rece eiving ship is securely y moored. Regulations s with 18. The regards to moo oring arrang gements are e observed. Sufficient fe endering is in place. In a answering th his question, due regard d should be e given to th he need forr adequate fendering f arra angements. The T ship sho ould remain adequately secured in her mooring s. Alongside e piers or qua ays, ranging of o the ship should be pre evented by ke eeping all mooring lines ttaut. Attentio on should be g given to the movement of the ship ccaused by wind, w currents s, tides or paassing ships s and the ope eration in pro ogress. Wire ropes and fibre ropes should s not be e used togetther in the sa ame directionn (i.e. as bre east lines, spriing lines, hea ad or stern lines) becausse of the diffe erence in their elastic prooperties.

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Oncce moored, ships fitted with w automa atic tension winches w should not use such winches in the auto omatic mode e. Irrespectiv ve of the mo ooring metho od used, the emergencyy release ope eration in case of an emergency should be agreed d upon, taking into account the possibble risks invo olved. Ancchors not in use u should be properly se ecured. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 15.07 (5))(a) and the requirements r s of the RVIR R, in particula ar article 10.002 (2)(a).

ere is a safe e means of access a betw ween the sh hip and shore. When m mandatory, th here is a 19. The safe e emergenc cy escape ro oute betwee en ship and shore. s The e access mu ust be placed d as far as possible from the liquefied natural ggas (LNG) bunkering b man nifolds. The means of access to the e ship should d be safe an nd may conssist of an ap ppropriate gan ngway or acccommodatio on ladder w with a prope erly secured safety net fitted to it. Vessels navvigating on th he Rhine sha all be subjectt to the requirements of the t RPR, in particular arrticle 8.11 (1)(b) and the re equirements of the RVIR , in particular article 10.0 02 (2)(d). Parrticular attenttion to safe access a shoul d be given where w the diffference in levvel between the point of a access on the e vessel and the jetty or q quay is large e, or is likely to become laarge. When shore acccess facilities are not avvailable and a ship's gang gway is usedd, there shou uld be an ade equate landin ng area on the t berth so as to provid de the gangw way with a ssufficient cle ear run of spa ace and so maintain m safe and conven nient access to the ship at a all states oof tide and ch hanges in the ship's freebo oard. A liffebuoy shou uld be availa able on boarrd the ship near n the gan ngway or acccommodation ladder. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RVIR, in particular art rticle 10.05 (1 1). The e access sho ould be safely y and properrly illuminated d during dark kness. Perrsons who ha ave no legitim mate businesss on board, or who do not n have the master's pe ermission, sho ould be refuse ed access to o the ship. The e liquefied natural gas s (LNG) tru uck operato or or if app plicable thee bunkering location reprresentative should s contro ol access to the jetty or berth b in agreement with tthe ship's ma aster. For vessels navigatting on the Rhine, the rrequirements s of the RP PR, in particuular article 15.07 1 (4) stattes that “the only individu uals permitte ed to be in th he bunker arrea are the ccrew membe ers of the rece eiving ship, bunkering fa acility person nnel or indiv viduals who have h obtaineed authorisa ation from the competent authority. a ” In a addition to the e means of access, a a saffe and quick k emergency escape routte should be available both h on board and a ashore. On board th he ship, it may m consist of o a lifeboat ready for im mmediate use e, preferably near the acc commodation n of the ship.

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20.  All required fire efighting eq quipment is ready for im mmediate us se. For this item, the involved pa arties only ch heck and sig gn for their ow wn responsibbilities. Fire efighting equipment on bo oard should be correctly positioned and ready forr immediate use. u Ade equate and suitable s units s of fixed orr portable eq quipment sho ould be stattioned conform ship’s ope erational doccuments. The e fire-fighting g systems should s be prressurised oor be ready for being presssurised at short s notice For seagoing ve essels a sett of fire conttrol plans should be perm manently stoored in a pro ominently marrked weathe er-tight encllosure outsiide the dec ckhouse for the assistaance of shore side fireffighting perso onnel. A crew w list should also be inclu uded in this enclosure. e Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 8.11 (1) (a) ( and the re equirements of the RVIR R, in particular annex T, chhapter 3. The e liquefied natural n gas (LNG) bun nker truck mandatory m firefighting eqquipment sh hould be corrrectly positio oned and ready for immed diate use. If ap pplicable botth ship and shore s should d ensure tha at their respective fire-fighhting system ms can be inte er-connected in a quick and easy way utilising g, if necess sary, the inte ternational shore s fire con nnection. If a applicable fire efighting equ uipment on the shore should s be co orrectly posittioned and ready r for imm mediate use. e liquefied natural n gas (LNG) ( bunke er operation ns area is su ufficiently illluminated. 21. The The e bunker loca ation should be safely an d properly illuminated du uring darknesss. e ship and liquefied l na atural gas (L LNG) bunke er truck are able to mo ove under th heir own 22.  The pow wer in a safe e and non-o obstructed d direction. For this item, the involved pa arties only ch heck and sig gn for their ow wn responsibbilities. The e ship should d be able to move underr its own pow wer at short notice, unlesss the ship has h been gran nted permisssion to immobilise by the Competent Authority. The e liquefied na atural gas (LN NG) bunker ttruck should be able to move m under itts own powe er at short notiice. It should d be possible in case off an emerge ency to remo ove the choccks under the wheels imm mediately.  

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equate supe ervision of the bunkerr operations s is in place both on tthe ship an nd at the 23.  Ade liqu uefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunker tru uck and an effective e wa atch is being g kept at all time. The e liquefied natural n gas (LNG) bun nker operation should be under cconstant con ntrol and sup pervision on the t ship and d at the lique efied natural gas (LNG) bunker b truckk by the ship’s master and d liquefied na atural gas (LN NG) bunker ttruck operato or. Supervision should bee aimed at preventing the developmen nt of hazardo ous situationss. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 15.06 (2))(c) and (d) and a article 15 5.07 (7). How wever, if succh a situatio on arises, th he ship’s ma aster and liq quefied natuural gas (LN NG) truck ope erator, as we ell as contro olling person nnel, should have adequate knowleedge and the means ava ailable to take e corrective action. a All personnel th hat are involved in the liquefied nattural gas (LN NG) bunker operation should be fam miliar with the e dangers of the substa ances handle ed. At all tim mes during thhe ship’s sta ay at the bun nker location, a sufficientt number of personnel sh hould be pre esent on boaard the ship and near the liquefied nattural gas (LN NG) bunker trruck to deal with w an emergency. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall b be subject to o the RPR, in particular article 4a.01 1 (1) and (2). mmunication n between the t ship’s master m and tthe liquefied d natural 24.  An effective means of com gas s (LNG) bun nker truck operator o ha as been esttablished an nd tested. T The commu unication lang guage has been b agreed d upon. Com mmunication should be maintained m in n the most effficient way between b the sship’s maste er and the liquefied natural gas (LNG) truck t operato or. For sea-going vessels, v when telephon es are used d, the teleph hone both oon board and d ashore sho ould be continuously manned by a person who can imm mediately coontact his re espective sup pervisor. Add ditionally, the e supervisorr should hav ve a facility to t override aall calls. Wh hen radio tele ephony (RT)//VHF system ms are used, the units sho ould preferab bly be portabble and carrie ed by the sup pervisor or a person who can get in to ouch with his respective supervisor s im mmediately. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RPR, in particular p artticle 15.06 (2 2)(b). Where fixed sysstems are us sed, the guide elines for tele ephones sho ould apply. The e selected prrimary and ba ack-up syste ems of comm munication sh hould be recoorded on the checklist and d necessary information n on telepho one numberrs and/or channels to be used sh hould be excchanged and recorded. The e telephone and a portable RT/VHF sysstems should d be of an ap ppropriate exxplosion-proo of type.

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e emergency y stop signa al and shutd down proce edures have been agreeed upon, tes sted, and 25.  The exp plained to all a personne el involved.. Emergenc cy procedurres and pla ns and the contact num mbers are kn nown to the e persons in n charge. The e agreed sign nal to be use ed in the eve ent of an eme ergency arising ashore oor on board should s be clea arly understo ood by shore and ship pe ersonnel and the truck operator. hould be ag An emergency shutdown procedure p sh greed upon between shhip and the liquefied natu ural gas (LN NG) bunker truck and sh ould be form mally recorde ed and signeed by both the ship’s masster and lique efied natural gas (LNG) b bunker truck operator. The e agreement should state the circcumstances in which operations o hhave to be stopped imm mediately. Du ue regard sh hould be give en to the pos ssible introdu uction of danngers associated with the emergency shutdown prrocedure. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RVIR, in particular art rticle 8b.03. e predetermined bunker area has b been established. Appro opriate sign ns mark this area. 26.  The The e risk assesssment for bu unkering of tthe ship with h liquefied natural gas (LLNG) determ mines the safe ety clearance e and bunker area. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 1.01 (ae)), article 8.11 1 (3) and artticle 15.07 (4 4). The bunker area is deefined by the e RPR as “the e area situate ed within a ra adius of 20 m metres of the e bunkering manifold”. m If a applicable bunker area requiremen ts from the e liquefied natural n gas (LNG) bunk ker truck ope erator, bunke ering locatio on representtative and competent c authorities a sshould be ta aken into acccount and inccorporated. The e requiremen nts for the bu unker area a around the liq quefied natural gas (LNG G) bunker loc cation on boa ard of the ship and on the e shore shou ld be established and cle early markedd. ources. e bunker are ea is free of unauthorize ed persons,, objects and ignition so 27.  The Prio or to operatio ons all unautthorised perssons should be directed to t leave the marked bunker area. Una authorised objects o or ig gnition sourcces should be removed d from the zzone. During g bunker ope erations this should s be re-checked at regular interrvals. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 1.01 (ae)), article 8.11 (3) and articcle 15.07 (4)).

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es and acc commodatio on ventilation inlets aare closed as per 28.  Extternal doorrs, porthole ope erational documentation. Exte ernal doors, portholes and windows of the accommodation should s be cl osed during liquefied natu ural gas (LNG) bunker operations wh hen required in the opera ational docum mentation of the ship. The ese doors should be clea arly marked a as being requ uired to be closed duringg such operations, but at n no time should they be loc cked. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RPR, in particular p artticle 8.11 (2).. Thiss requirement does not prevent rea asonable acc cess to spac ces during ooperations, but b doors sho ould not be le eft open unatttended. e gas detec ction equipment has b been operationally tested and fo und to be in good 29.  The worrking order. The e equipment provided sho ould be capa able of measuring natural gas. Suittable equipm ment should be b available to calibrate the t gas detection and meeasuring equ uipment. A b bump test (q quick test on o proper wo orking) or calibration c sh hould be caarried out be efore the ope eration comm mences. Spa an gas shou uld be available to ena able calibration of gas detection eqquipment. Fixed gas dete ection equipment should d be calibrate ed for natura al gas prior to t commenccement of op perations. The e alarm functtion should have been tessted and the e details of the last test shhould be exc changed. Porrtable gas de etection instruments, suittable and callibrated for natural n gas, ccapable of measuring m flam mmable levels, should be available. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RVIR, in particular annnex T (2.8). y Data Sheetts (MSDS) fo or the liqueffied natural gas (LNG) ffuel are available. 30. Matterial Safety MSDS should be b available on request tto the liquefied natural gas g (LNG) fuuelled ship, bunkering b loca ation and liqu uefied natura al gas (LNG) bunker truck k. As a minimum, such inforrmation she ets should provide the constituents ts of the product by che ge, UN num emical name, name in common usag mber and the e maximum concentratio on of any toxic componen nts, expresse ed as a perce entage by vo olume or as ppm, p as apprropriate. 31.  Reg gulations wiith regards to t ignition s sources are observed. The ese regulatio ons include, but are nott limited to, the smoking g ban and pprovisions co oncerning nakked flames, mobile m teleph hones, pagerrs, VHF and UHF equipm ment and radaars.  

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Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be subject to t the requirements of thhe RPR, in particular articcle 8.11 (3), which states s that “while bunkering with w liquefied natural gas (LNG) is in progress, p the skipper sha all be require ed at all time es to ensure that a smok king ban on board and within w the bun nkering area is observed d. The smokking ban als so applies to o electronic cigarettes and a other sim milar devices. The smok king ban do oes not app ply in accom mmodation aand the wheelhouse provvided that their windows, doors, skyliights and hattches are clo osed. ” Unp protected and naked flam mes include: flame, gene eration of sparks, unprote tected electriic light or anyy surface th he temperature of whicch is equal to or grea ater than thhe minimum m ignition tem mperature of the t products handled durring the operrations. The ere are no op pen fires and naked lightss in the bunk ker area. In th he bunker arrea: Battery ope erated hand torches (flasshlights) sho ould be of a safe s type whhich is appro oved by a competent authority. Telephoness comply with w the re equirements for explos sion-proof constructio on. Mobile pho ones and pa agers are no ot used unle ess approve ed for such use by a co ompetent authority. Damaged units, u even th hough they m may be capa able of operattion, are not used. The use off portable ele ectrical equip pment and wandering w lea ads is not alloowed during liquefied natural gass (LNG) bunk kering and th he equipment should be excluded e from m the zone. Telephone cables in use u in the sh hip/shore co ommunication n system arre routed ou utside the bunker area. Whereverr this is not fe easible, the cable c is positioned and pprotected in such s way that no dan nger arises frrom its use. Unless the e master, in consultattion with th he truck op perator and bunkering location representative, has es stablished th he conditions s under which the instaallation may be used safely, fixed VHF/UHF and AIS equ uipment shou uld be switch hed off or onn low power (1 ( watt or less) and the ship's ma ain radio stattion should not n be used while the sh ip is stationa ary at the bunkering location, exc cept for rece eiving purpos ses. The ma ain transmittiing aerials should s be disconnectted and earth hed. Portable VH HF/UHF sets s are of a saffe type that is approved by b a competeent authority y. VHF radio--telephone se ets will only o operate in the internation nally-agreed w wave bands. Satellite co ommunication ns equipmen nt may be used normally, unless advissed otherwis se. The ship's radar installation is not in use, unle ess the mastter, in consuultation with the truck operator and the bunk kering locatio on representative, has established e tthe conditions under which the installation may m be used ssafely. Window typ pe air conditiioning units a are disconne ected from th heir power suupply.

For  inland  naviggation  within n the bunkerring area, th he requireme ents as per, 9 and d of the ADN N (2015 edittion) shall apply a mutatis mutandis to inland navigation vessels using liq quefied natural gas as a fuel.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

On the one ha and electrica al equipmentt used outside the bunk kering unit dduring the bunkering b ope erations mustt at a minimu um be of the “at limited risk of explosion” type. On the other ha and this requiirement doess not apply to o: a)   to the radio otelephone in nstallations fiitted in the accommodation and in thee wheelhous se; b)   to the porttable and pe ermanent te elephone ins stallations in the accomm modation an nd in the wheelhouse; c) to Inland AIS A equipment (automati c identification systems)) installed in accommoda ation and in the whe eelhouse, if no part of an electronic equipmen nt antenna iis located within w the bunkering unit and if no o part of an AIS device VJF V antenna a is located w within a radiu us of 2 m of a bunkerring unit. 32.  App propriate and a sufficie ent suitable e protective e clothing and equip pment is re eady for imm mediate use e. Suittable protecttive equipme ent, eye prottection and protective p clo othing approopriate to the e specific dan ngers of lique efied naturall gas (LNG),, should be available in sufficient quuantity for op perational perssonnel, both on board an nd ashore forr the truck op perator. Storage places for this equipment on bo oard of the sh hip should be e protected ffrom the wea ather and be cclearly marke ed. Perrsonnel requ uired to use a breathing g apparatus s during ope erations or eemergency response sho ould be traine ed in its safe e use. Untra ained person nnel and personnel with facial hair th hat might pote entially impa air the prope er functionin ng of a brea athing apparratus should not be sele ected for activities involving the use of o this type off apparatus. Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T (5.2.7) 33.  Perrsonnel inv volved in th he connecttion and disconnectio d on of the bunker hos ses and perrsonnel in th he direct vic cinity of the ese operatio ons make us se of sufficieent and app propriate pro otective clothing and eq quipment. personnel diirectly involved in the op All p peration shou uld utilise appropriate eqquipment and d clothing whe enever the siituation requires. 34.  A (p powered) em mergency re elease coup pling ((P)ER RC) is installed and is rready for im mmediate use e. If a applicable an n emergency y release co oupling is in nstalled and ready for iimmediate use. u This (P)E ERC can be activated by y ESD or by fforces on, orr movements of the bunkeer connection outside a prredetermined d range. The e (P)ERC sh hould be of a dry discon nnect type, during the emergency e bbreak the lin ne will be clossed by a valvve on both sides s of the ccoupling. After an emerg gency releasee of the coupling, the systtem must be e checked, an nd after solvving the problem that caused the releaase, the coupling can be rreinstalled. A freefall of th he coupling a after an eme ergency relea ase should bee avoided.

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35.  The e water spra ay system ha as been tes ted and is ready r for immediate usee. Watter spray systems should be regularrly tested. Details of the last tests shhould be exc changed. Durring operations the system ms should be e kept ready y for immedia ate use. Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T (3.4)

36. Spill containm ment arrange ements are of an apprropriate material and vvolume, in position, p and d empty. The e ship's bun nkering manifolds should d ideally be e provided with w fixed drrip trays suitable for liquefied natura al gas (LNG). In the abssence of fix xed containm ment, suitablee portable drip d trays sho ould be used.. All d drip trays sho ould be emp ptied in an ap ppropriate ma anner whene ever necessaary. In a all cases liqu uefied natura al gas (LNG)) must be prrevented to affect a the deeck in case of o a spill. Thiss can, for exxample, be achieved a by using a low w temperaturre resistancee gutter, suittable drip trayys or pouring g water on deck. When lliquefied natural gas (LN NG) is handleed the scupp pers may be kkept open, provided p that an ample su upply of wate er is availablle at all timess in the vicin nity of the bun nkering maniffolds. Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T (2.5.1)

p against a low temperature e is in place e. 37. Hulll and deck protection When a hull orr deck protec ction is requ uired in the ship’s opera ational docum mentation, itt shall be use ation. ed conform th he operationa al documenta nker pumps s and comprressors are in good working order. 38. Bun ed on the maximum Agrreement in writing w should be reache m alllowable worrking pressure in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker line ssystem during operations s. For inland navvigation vess sels, the bu unkering typically does not require bunker pum mps and com mpressors. ves are well maintained d and in goo od working order. o 39.  All control valv All ship and liquefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunker truck transfer system conntrol valves and their possition-indicating systems should be regularly tested. Deta ails of the l ast tests sh hould be excchanged.

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nker system m gauges, high level alarms and high-pres ssure alarm ms are ope erational, 40.  Bun corrrectly set an nd in good working w ord der. Ship p and liqueffied natural gas g (LNG) b bunker truck liquefied na atural gas (LLNG) transfe er system gau uges and alarms should be b regularly cchecked to ensure e they are a in good w working order. In ccases where e it is possib ble to set al arms to diffe erent levels, the alarm sshould be set s to the requ uired level. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the RPR, in particular arrticle 15.07 (7)(b) and (c). Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T (5.2). e ship’s bunker tanks are protectted againstt inadverten nt overfilling g at all tim mes, tank 41.  The con ntent is cons stantly mon nitored and a alarms are correctly c set. Owing to the reliance pla aced on gau uging system ms for lique efied naturall gas (LNG) bunker ope erations, it is important th hat such systtems are fully operationa al and that bback-up is provided in the form of an independent overfill ala arm arrangem ment. The alarm should provide aud dible and visu ual indication n and should be set at a llevel which will w enable op perations to be shut dow wn prior to the tank being overfilled. Under U norma l operations, the bunkerr tank shouldd not be fille ed higher than n the level att which the overfill o alarm is set. Indiividual overffill alarms loc cated on the e tank should be tested to ensure thheir proper operation o prio or to comme encing bunkering unlesss the system m is provide ed with an eelectronic se elf-testing cap pability which h monitors the conditio on of the alarm circuitry y and sensoor and conffirms the insttrument set point. p Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall b be subject to o the RPR, in n particular aarticle 15.07 (7)(a)(b) and d (c). Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T (5.2). onitoring an nd safety de evices on th he liquefied natural gass (LNG) installations 42.  All control, mo are checked, te ested and fo ound to be i n good worrking order. Auto omatic shutd down system ms are design ned to shut the t liquid valves and tripp the bunker pumps if the liquid level or pressure in the bunke er tank shou uld rise above the maxim mum permitte ed levels. The ese levels must m be accu urately set a and the operration of the device shoould be teste ed before bun nker operatio ons commenc ce. If the shiip and liqueffied natural gas g (LNG) buunker truck shutdown s systtems are to be inter-connected, then n their operattion must be e checked beefore liquefie ed natural gass (LNG) transsfer begins. Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T chapter 5.

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43.  Pre essure contrrol equipme ent and boil off or re-liq quefaction equipment e iss operationa al and in goo od working order. o Pressure contro ol is one off the most critical proc cesses during LNG bunnker operatio ons. It is imp portant that such s systems s are fully op perational and that back up is provideed in case off a failure of th he system. The ere are manyy pressure control c syste ems: spray lines in the to op of the tannk, vapour re eturn, reliquefaction, Co ompressed Natural N Gas sstorage or va apour processing. The uused pressurre control systtem should be exchange ed and be a agreed upon.. It should be e verified thaat re-liquefac ction and boil off controll systems, if required, are functio oning correc ctly prior too commence ement of ope erations. The e pressure alarms a should d provide au udible and visual v indicattion and shoould be set at a a level which will enab ble operation ns to be shu ut down priorr to the opening of the PRV valves to avoid natu ural gas em mission. Under normal o operations, the t pressure e in the bunnker tank sh hould not excceed the presssure limits in n the ship’s o operational documentatio d on. Indiividual high and low pre essure alarm ms should be b tested at the tank too ensure the eir proper ope eration prior to commenc cing bunkerin ng unless th he system is provided wiith an electro onic selftestting capabilitty which mon nitors the con ndition of the e alarm circu uitry and sennsor and con nfirms the insttrument set point. p Vesssels in posssession of an inspection ccertificate shall be subjec ct to the requuirements of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T chapter 5. he ESDs, au hip and in th he liquefied d natural gas s (LNG) bun nker truck th utomatic 44.  Botth on the sh valv ves or simillar devices have been tested, hav ve found to be in good working orrder, and are ready for use. The clos sing rates o of the ESDs have been exchanged. e omatic shutd Auto down valves may be fitte ed in the ship p and the sys stems of thee liquefied na atural gas (LN NG) bunker truck. Among g other para ameters, the action of these valves can be auto omatically initiated by a ce ertain level be eing reached d in the tank being loaded d, either on bboard or asho ore. The e closing ratte of any automatic a va alves should be known and this innformation should be excchanged. Wh here automattic valves are e fitted and used, the tra ansfer rate s hould be so adjusted thatt a pressure surge evolviing from the automatic closure of any y such valvee does not ex xceed the safe e working pre essure of either the lique efied natural gas g (LNG) bunker system m. Aw written agreem ment should be made be etween the sh hip and tank truck operattor indicating g whether the transfer rate e will be adjusted or alterrnative system ms will be us sed. The safe fe transfer rate should be n noted in the agreement. Where possible e, ship and d truck em ergency shutdown systems shouldd be tested d before com mmencing the e liquefied na atural gas (L LNG) bunkeriing.

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d natural ga as (LNG) bu nker line up p has been checked. U Unused connections 45.  Initial liquefied are closed, bla anked and fu ully bolted. Befo fore connectiion both the ship and tru uck liquefied d natural gas s (LNG) bunkker systems must be isolated and em mpty, checked d and found to be safe to o remove blank flanges. Both ship and truck t liquefie ed natural ga as (LNG) bu unker system ms should bee isolated from other ship p and truck systems. s Unu used bunkering manifold connectionss should be closed and blanked. b Blaank flanges should s be fullyy bolted and other types of o fittings, if u used, properrly secured.

G) bunker h hoses, fixed d pipelines and a bunkeriing manifold ds are in 46. Liquefied natural gas (LNG goo od condition n, properly rigged, sup pported, pro operly conne ected, leak tested and certified for the liquefied natural ga as (LNG) tra ansfer. Hosses should be b in a good condition a nd properly fitted and rig gged so as tto prevent strain s and stre ess beyond design d limitattions. All flange conn nections sho ould be fully bolted and any other types of coonnections should be prop perly secured. It should be b ensured tthat the hose es and pipelines are consstructed of a material suittable for the substance to t be handle ed, taking intto account its temperatu re and the maximum m ope erating presssure. Liquefie ed natural ga as (LNG) bunker hoses should s be inndelibly mark ked so as to a allow the iden ntification of the productss for which they t are suita able, specifieed maximum m working presssure, the te est pressure and last datte of testing at this pressure, and, if uused at temp peratures othe er than ambient, maximu um and minim mum service temperature es. Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular annex T (2.8.5). e liquefied natural gas s (LNG) bun nker connec ction betwe een the ship p and the liquefied 47.  The natural gas (LN NG) bunker truck is pro ovided with dry-disconn d nect type co ouplings. The e liquefied natural n gas (LNG) ( bunke er connectio on should be e provided w with means to avoid rele ease of lique efied natural gas (LNG)) or natural gas during regular dissconnection after the bun nkering. The ese means should provide protection against: Spill or em mission due to unexpecte ed and unco ontrolled rele ease of prodduct from the bunker system durring disconne ecting in cas e the bunkerring system is not properrly emptied after a use. Injury to pe ersonnel due to pressure in the system suddenly being releassed in an unc controlled manner during disconnecting.

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e liquefied natural gas s (LNG) bun nker connec ction betwe een the ship p and the liquefied 48.  The natural gas (LN NG) bunker truck has ad dequate ele ectrical insulating mean ns in place. Unless measurres are take en to break the continuous electrica al path betw ween ship and a truck pipe ework provid ded by the sh hip/truck hos es, stray ele ectric currents s can cause electric sparrks at the . flan nge faces when hoses are e being conn nected and disconnected d The e passage off these curre ents is usuallly prevented d by an insu ulating flangee inserted att the ship line to the bun nkering man nifold and/o r in the line of the truck. Alternaatively, the electrical disccontinuity ma ay be provided by the incclusion of on ne length of electrically ddiscontinuous s hose in eacch hose string g. It sh hould be ascertained tha at the mean ns of electric cal discontinu uity are in pllace, that they are in goo od condition and a are not being b by-passsed by conta act with an electrically e coonductive ma aterial. akaway cou uplings in th he liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkker connecttions are 49. Saffety dry brea in p place, have been visua ally inspecte ed for functioning and found to bee in a good working ord der. To mitigate on an event which w approa aches the lim mits of the designed d envvelope of the bunker con nnection, me eans should be in place to ensure that t the mec chanical inteegrity of the liquefied natu ural gas (LNG G) bunker co onnection is not comprom mised. The ese means should provide protection against: Spill or em mission due to unexpecte ed and unco ontrolled rele ease of prodduct from the bunker system due e to overstrettching the bu unker connec ction. Injury to pe ersonnel due to pressure in the system suddenly being releassed in an unc controlled manner. The e safety dry breakaway couplings w will break due to forces on or moveements of the bunker con nnection outsside a prede etermined ra ange. The co oupling shou uld be of a dry disconn nect type, duriing the emerrgency break k the line willl be closed by b a valve on n both sides of the coupling. After the emergency break of the coupling, an nd when the problem tha at caused thee break is so olved, the brokken parts sh hould be replaced. A free efall of the coupling c after an emergeency break should s be avo oided. 50. The e liquefied natural n gas (LNG) bunk ker truck is electrically y grounded and the wh heels are cho ocked. Befo fore the conn nection of th he liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunk ker line, the liquefied na atural gas (LN NG) bunker trruck must be e electricallyy grounded to o an suitable e earth wire connection point. To avo oid an inadve ertent movem ment of the ta ank truck the wheels shou uld be chockked. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RPR, in particular p artticle 15.07 (7 7)(d).

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

e liquefied natural n gas (LNG) ( bunk ker truck eng gine is switched off du uring the con nnection 51.  The or d disconnectio on of the liq quefied natu ural gas (LNG) bunker hoses. h In a all cases the e engine sho ould be switcched of durin ng connection or disconnnection of the bunker line. e liquefied natural gas s (LNG) bun nker truck engine e is switched offf during purging or 52.  The liqu uefied naturral gas (LNG G) transfer. Durring the liquefied natura al gas (LNG)) bunkering or purging, the liquefiedd natural ga as (LNG) bun nker truck en ngine must be switched d off, unless the running g of the enggine is necessary for runn ning the bunker pomp or compressorr. mandatory th he ship’s em mergency firre control pllans are located externaally. 53.  If m For seagoing ve essels a sett of fire conttrol plans should be perm manently stoored in a pro ominently marrked weathe er-tight encllosure outsiide the dec ckhouse for the assistaance of shore side fireffighting perso onnel. A crew w list should also be inclu uded in this enclosure. e Vesssels in posssession of an a inspection n certificate shall be subject to the requiremen nts of the RVIIR, in particu ular article 8b b.03. al Shore Co onnection ha as been prov vided. 54.  An Internationa If






should s

ens sure



re espective

fire‐fighting sysstems  can be e inter-conne ected in a qu uick and eas sy way utilisiing, if neces ssary, the inte ernational sho ore fire connection. Inla and navigatio on vessels do o not need to o fulfil this req quirement. 55.  Com mpetent au uthorities have been informed that liquefie ed natural gas (LNG) bunker ope erations are e commenc cing and ha ave been re equested to o inform otther vessels in the viciinity. When local regu ulations or th he port byela aws enforce the t notificatio on of vesselss in the direc ct vicinity, thesse ships havve to be inforrmed of the liquefied nattural gas (LN NG) bunker ooperations. When W the invo olved partiess are not ob bliged to infform ships in the vicinitty, they cann, upon repo orting the com mmence of th he liquefied natural gas ((LNG) bunke er operations s, advise thee competent authority to d do so.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

PART C:L Liquefied N atural Gas (LNG) Transfer Dataa pon the quantity of lique efied natural gas (LNG) that is to bee transferred d, parties In order to agree up agree upon a ‘Physical Quantity Unit’;; e.g. cubic meters, m tonne es. should a Agreed starting tem mperatures and a pressurres Parties sshould agree upon the liquefied na atural gas (L LNG) transfe er data and the conditio on of the liquefied d natural gass (LNG) and atmosphere in the liqueffied natural gas g (LNG) bbunker truck tank and ship’s bu unker tanks. erations Agreed bunker ope Parties sshould agree e upon the liq quefied naturral gas (LNG G) bunker pro ocedure. ums Agreed maximums and minimu Parties sshould agree upon all maximum m an nd minimum m liquefied natural gas ((LNG) pressures and fuelling limits. Vessels in possessio on of an insp pection certifficate shall be b subject to the requirem ments of the RVIR, in particula ar annex T (2 2.9)


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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

Partt D: After Liquefied Na atural Gas (LNG) Transfer Checcklist nker hoses,, fixed pipellines and bu unkering manifolds m ha ave been pu urged and are a ready 57.  Bun for disconnection. Befo fore the bunker connection is discon nnected, it must m be ens sured that noo liquid is le eft in the bun nker system. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall b be subject to RPR require ements, in pparticular article 15.07 (9) (a). They en nvisage that the bunkerin ng lines (from m the bunkerring manifoldd to the stora age tank) c emptied after bunkering with w liquefied natural gas (LNG). The emptying will have to be completely ope eration will be e according to t operationa al documenta ation. The e pressure in n the bunker connection sshould be re eleased into the ship’s buunker tank or o into the tankk of the lique efied natural gas (LNG) b bunker truck as a per ship’s s operational documentattion. motely and manually m co ontrolled va alves are clo osed and rea ady for disco onnection. 58.  Rem Befo fore the bunker connectiion is discon nnected, it must m be ensu ured that thee bunkering manifold valvves are close ed, or are operated as pe er ship’s operational docu umentation. er disconne ection the liquefied na atural gas (LNG) ( bunker area hass been deactivated. 59.  Afte App propriate sig gns have be een removed d. Afte er the discon nnection and d securing off the liquefie ed natural ga as (LNG) buunker connec ction, the bun nker area can n be deactiva ated and the signs can be e removed. The T status off the bunker area can be rrestored to th he status req quired in the ship’s opera ational docum mentation. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RPR, in particular p artticle 15.07 (8 8). e competentt authorities s have been n informed of the comp pletion of liiquefied nattural gas 60.  The (LN NG) bunker operations. o When required, the compete ent authoritie es shall be in nformed of th he completioon of liquefie ed natural gass (LNG) bunkkering operattions. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RPR, in particular p artticle 15.07 (9 9). e bunkering g location re epresentativ ve has been n informed of the com mpletion of liquefied 61.  The natural gas (LN NG) bunker operations. When required,, the bunkerring location n representa ative shall be e informed oof the comp pletion of liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering op perations.

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

62.  Com mpetent au uthorities have h been notified th hat liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunker ope erations hav ve been com mpleted and d have been n requested to inform o other vesse els in the viciinity. When required, the authorities shall be informed of the completion of liquefieed natural gas (LNG) bun nkering opera ations. When local regu ulations or th he port byela aws enforce the t notificatio on of vesselss in the direc ct vicinity, thesse ships ha ave to be in nformed of the completion of lique efied naturaal gas (LNG) bunker ope erations. When the involved parties are not oblig ged to inform m ships in tthe vicinity, they t can, upo on reporting the completion of the liq quefied natural gas (LNG G) bunker opperations, ad dvise the portt authority to o do so. Vesssels navigatting on the Rhine R shall be e subject to the t RPR, in particular p artticle 15.07 (9 9).

pplicable, near misses and inciden nts have bee en reported to competeent authorities. 63.  If ap Com mpetent auth horities mus st be informe ed of near misses m and incidents di rectly when such an eve ent has occurred.  

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Standard fo or a Liquefied Natural Gas ((LNG) Bunker Checklist: Tru uck to Ship

Abbreviations and definitions ESD

Emergenccy Shut Dow wn Device.

Leak tessted

Procedure e to check th he integrity of o the liquefieed natural ga as (LNG) bunker lin ne up.

Line up

The syste em of all piipes, hoses, bunker arm ms, connecttions and valves th at are posittioned and used u for a lliquefied nattural gas (LNG) bun nker transferr.


(Powered d) Emergency y Release Co oupling.

Physicall Quantity Un nit (PQU)

Unit for tthe quantity to bunker, agreed in advance an nd before commenccing bunkerin ng.

Liquefied d natural gass (LNG) bunker truck

understoo od to be the "bunkering " fa acility" as connstrued by articles 15 5.06 and 15.07 of the RP PR


To blow o or pressurise e a line up with w Nitrogen to leak test, dry and inert the l ine up before e bunkering or to empty, and gas free the line up before e disconnecting.


Relative, in this docum ment used to o agree the mentioned pressures p are relativve (overpress sure) and no ot absolute.

Liquefied d natural gass (LNG) bunkerin ng system

the arrang gement for th he bunkering g of liquefied natural gas (LNG) on board (bunkering station s and bunkering pipping)

Bunker a area

the area within a ra adius of 20 0 metres arround the bunkering b manifold. Article 1.01 (ae) of the RPR. R

Bunkerin ng location

Any locatiion in which bunkering op perations takke place.

Topping up

The last p phase of the liquefied na atural gas (LN NG) bunkerin ng where mum filling percentage is nearly rreached. Du the maxim uring this phase the e bunker rate e is reduced. ***

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