St. Mary of Czestochowa Church Established 1914

201 Vosseller Avenue

Bound Brook, New Jersey 08805

REV. LEON S. ANISZCZYK, PASTOR Rev. Andrzej Wieliczko, Parochial Vicar BAPTISMS: Every third Sunday of the month at 12:00. Parents are expected to attend Pre-Baptismal Classes. Arrangements to be made at the Parish Office. Only practicing Catholics may act as Godparents. MARRIAGES: Specific time is set for the celebration of marriage on Saturdays. The common Policy for all the Dioceses of New Jersey require a period of preparation for the sacrament of Marriage, which includes sessions with the parish priest and attendance at either the PreCana conferences or the Engaged Encounter Weekend. Therefore, arrangements are to be made at least one year in advance and before any social plans are finalized. FIRST PENANCE, FIRST EUCHARIST, CONFIRMATION: Though immediate preparation is given to children before receiving these sacraments, it is expected that children receive a Christian education within their family life, through formal religious education classes, and by attending Sunday worship services. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Arrangements for Communion Calls to the sick at home may be made by calling the Parish Office.

SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00, 9:30 a.m.,11:00 a.m. (Polish) SATURDAY EVE: 5:00 p.m. MONDAY Thru SATURDAY: 8:30 a.m.

PARISH REGISTRATION: Our parish welcomes new members to our faith community. Catholic persons new to our area must complete a registration form and be interviewed by the pastor. Please call or stop by the Parish office to complete a registration form. We should also be notified if you change your address or are leaving the parish..

NOVENAS WITH BENEDICTION: Tuesday—after 8:30 a.m. Mass HOLY DAYS: Vigil Mass:

9:00 a.m. and at 7:00 p.m. (English) 7:00 p.m. (Polish)

CONFESSIONS: Saturday: 8:00a.m. - 8:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.- 4:45 p.m. PARISH OFFICE: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 noon Parish Office 732-356-0358

Rectory 732-667-3660

C.C.D. 732-356-0358 [email protected]

Website: e-mail: [email protected]

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 26, 2012 As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

MONDAY, August 27 St. Monica 8:30 AM + Vito Gizzio r/o Pacenza Family TUESDAY, August 28 St. Augustine 8:30 AM + Jennie Zolandz r/o Gen Helfin WEDNESDAY, August 29 Passion of John the Baptist 8:30 AM + Mark Kolodzieski r/o Mother THURSDAY, August 30 8:30 AM + Stefan Pacewicz r/o Edward & Christine Ciesla FRIDAY, August 31 8:30 AM + Karolina Marut r/o Edward & Christine Ciesla SATURDAY, September 1 8:30 AM + Walter Sikora r/o Wife Helen & Daughter Ann 5:00 PM + Eleanor Guido r/o Husband Tony SUNDAY, September 2 8:00 AM + Parishioners 9:30 AM + Georgette Rooney r/o Family 11:00 AM + Joseph J. Mikucki, Jr. r/o Pawel & Katarzyna Nalesnik And Family

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — It was the LORD, our God, who protected us along our entire journey Second Reading — Christ nourishes and cherishes the church because we are members of his body. Gospel — We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God. TREASURES FROM TRADITION The Eucharist was never meant to be only “comfort food,” something that makes us feel warm and satisfied. It is to be bread for the journey, nourishment for the task that God has set for our community and for each one of us. Thus it is not surprising to see some walk away in today’s Gospel, for they understood that recognizing Jesus as the bread of life is a commitment to changing one’s life. St. Augustine, whose feast we celebrate this week, once observed that in celebrating the Eucharist we become what we receive, the Body of Christ. As we conclude the series of reflections in John’s Gospel on Jesus as the bread of life, it is appropriate to think about the role that the Eucharist plays in our lives and in our parish. It is in the Eucharist that we are nourished and renew our commitment in faith to serve the Lord. How does the parish social ministry carry out that mandate? How do you carry it out in your own life? Is it related in any way to the celebration of the Eucharist? How does celebrating Mass Sunday after Sunday make a difference in your life and in the world?

QUOTES FROM MOTHER TERESA “How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.” “Joy is a net of love in which you can catch souls.” “There are many people who can do big things, but there are very few people who will do the small things.” “Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do,but how much love we put in that action”

PARISHIONER PRAYER LIST NURSING HOME/ASSISTED LIVING: Betty Adriaanse,Helen Baluta, Samuel Chiaravalli, Helen Consalvo, Bernadine Hnasko, Peter Jannone, Bronia Litowinska, Adeline Melesurgo, Betty Muskal, Donna Rabke, Lee Sarlo, Clara Vadimsky, Helen Wawrzyniak. HOMEBOUND: Ed Chaya, Carmella Ciminelli, Florence Colanduoni, Dominic Oleastro, Stasia Pavan, John & Ann Occhipinti, NOTE: Please call the Parish Office (732) 3560358 with the names of homebound, nursing home /assisted living or hospitalized parishioners. Please also notify the Parish Office when the status of a parishioner changes. GOD’S GIFT FOR GIVING Last Sunday Our Generous Stewards of St. Mary’s Parish Contributed: 5:00 PM - $711.00 9:30 AM - $ 828.00 8:00 AM - $ 480.00 11:00 AM - $ 658.00 Total $2677.00 The Assumption 0f Mary $ 814.00 Missionary Co-operative Plan $1532.00 Holy Savior Academy Open House Take a tour of Holy Savior Academy on Wednesday, August 29 from 6 to 8 pm. Faculty, administration and parents will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about the school. Registrations are currently being accepted for the 2012-2013 school year. For more information, please call 908.822.5890 or email [email protected] .


In Your Marriage?    

RETROUVAILLE consists of a weekend experience

for married couples (no group discussions) with six follow-up sessions. The next weekend experience will be held September 21-23, 2012. All inquiries are confidential. RETROUVAILLE is a Lifeline to Help Couples Heal and Renew their Marriages sponsored by the Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen, N.J. For further information, please call the Family Life Office (days) (732) 562-1990 x1624 or Tom & Pat McTague(732) 583-4468.

Weekend of September 1- 2, 2012 Saturday, September 1 5:00pm Lector Diane Urbielewicz Eucharistic Ministers Martha Ptaszynski Charles Ilsley Walt Urbielewicz Sunday, September 2 8:00 am Lector Carol McGinnis Eucharistic Minister Ed Hagan 9:30 am Lector Theresa Rudnicki-Jones Eucharistic Ministers Josephine Vadimsky Jim DeMaio John Todaro 11:00 am Lector Dorota Sokolnicki Eucharistic Minister Frank Grodzki A Journey Through Grief A support program for those who have lost a loved one and are struggling with the mourning process. PLACE: Petra House, 610 Harris Ave, Middlesex (adjacent to Our Lady of Mt Virgin Church) DATES: Thursdays, September 6 - October 25 TIME: 2:30 - 4:00 PM CONTACT: Monique 732-356-9001 Pat 732-356-8886

The Miracle of Friendship

There’s a miracle called “Friendship” that dwells within the heart, And you don’t know how it happens or when it gets its start…. But the happiness it brings you always gives a special lift, and you realize that “Friendship” is God’s most precious gift. Help Holy Savior Academy earn money towards books and supplies for their school. Target is running a promotion where you, family and friends can vote for Holy Savior Academy on Target’s Facebook page. The school will receive a $25 gift card for every 25 votes it receives. Please do it soon as the promotion only runs until September 8. It’s easy- Go to http:// target; click on Give with Target. Enter Holy Savior Academy and their zip code- 07080 in the spaces provided. Let’s help raise $1000 for our

HISTORY OF THE IMAGE OF OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA According to tradition the painting was a portrait of Our Lady done by St. Luke sometime after the Crucifixion of Our Lord and remained in the Holy Land until discovered by St. Helena of the Cross in the fourth century. The painting was taken to Constantinople, where St. Helena's son, the Emperor Constantine, erected a church for its enthronement. This image was revered by the people of the city. During the siege by the Saracens, the invaders became frightened when the people carried the picture in a procession around the city; the infidels fled. Later, the image was threatened with burning by an evil emperor, who had a wife, Irene, who saved it and hid it from harm. The image was in that city for 500 years, until it became part of some dowries, eventually being taken to Russia to a region that later became Poland. After the portrait became the possession of the Polish prince, St. Ladislaus in the 15th century, it was installed in his castle. Tartar invaders besieged the castle and an enemy arrow pierced Our Lady's image, inflicting a scar. Interestingly, repeated attempts to fix the image, artistically have all failed. Tradition says that St. Ladislaus determined to save the image from repeated invasions, so he went to his birthplace, Opole, stopping for rest in Czestochowa; the image was brought nearby to Jasna Gora ["bright hill"] and placed in a small wooden church named for the Assumption. The following morning, after the picture was carefully placed in the wagon, the horses refused to move. St. Ladislaus understood this to be a sign from Heaven that the image should stay in Czestochowa; thus he replaced the painting in the Church of the Assumption, August 26, 1382, a day still observed as the Feast Day of the painting. The Saint wished to have the holiest of men guard the painting, so he assigned the church and the monastery to the Pauline Fathers, who have devoutly protected the image for the last six hundred years. Having survived two attacks upon it, Our Lady's image was next imperiled by the Hussites, followers of the heretic priest, John Hus from Prague. The Hussites successfully stormed the Pauline monastery in 1430, plundering the sanctuary. Among the items stolen was the image. After putting it in their wagon, the Hussites went a little ways but then the horses refused to go any further. Recalling the former incident that was so similar, the heretics threw the portrait down to the ground, which shattered the image into three pieces. One of the plunderers drew his sword and slashed the image twice, causing two deep gashes; while attempting a third gash, he was overcome with a writhing agony and died. The two slashes on the cheek of the Blessed Virgin, together with the one on the throat, not readily visible in our copy, have always reappeared after artistic attempts to fix them. The portrait again faced danger in 1655 by a Swedish horde of 12,000, which confronted the 300 men guarding the image. The band of 300 routed the 12,000 and the following year, the Holy Virgin was acclaimed Queen of Poland. Today, the Polish people continue to honor their beloved portrait of the Madonna and Child, especially on August 26, the day reserved by St. Ladislaus. Because of the dark pigment on Our Lady's face and hands, the image is affectionately called the "Black Madonna," The pigmentation is ascribed primarily to age and the need to keep it hidden for long periods of time in places where the only light was from candles, which colored the painting with smoke. The miracles attributed to Our Lady of Czestochowa are many and most spectacular. The original accounts of them, some of them cures, are archived by the Pauline Fathers at Jasna Gora. Papal recognition of the miraculous image was made by Pope Clement XI in 1717. PRAYER TO OUR LADY OF CZESTOCHOWA HOLY MOTHER of Czestochowa, Thou art full of grace, goodness and mercy. I consecrate to Thee all my thoughts, words and actions----my soul and body. I beseech Thy blessings and especially prayers for my salvation. Today, I consecrate myself to Thee, Good Mother, totally ----with body and soul amid joy and sufferings to obtain for myself and others Thy blessings on this earth and eternal life in Heaven. Amen

Historia Obrazu Jasnogorskiego Wizerunek Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej jest nierozerwalnie złączony z dziejami Rzeczypospolitej. Najstarszy jego opis podaje Jan Długosz w Liber Beneficiorum: ,,Obraz Maryi Najchwalebniejszej i Najdostojniejszej Dziewicy… wykonany dziwnym i rzadkim sposobem malowania… o przeładnym wyrazie twarzy, która spoglądających przenika szczególną pobożnością- jakbyś na żywą patrzył". Przedstawia on Najświętszą Maryję Pannę w postaci stojącej z Dzieciątkiem Jezus na ręku. Maryja jest frontalnie zwrócona do wiernych, co podkreśla przede wszystkim Jej dominujące oblicze. Obydwie twarze łączy wyraz zamyślenia, jakby pewnej nieobecności i powagi. Opinie uczonych o dacie powstania obrazu, środowisku, z którego wyszedł jego twórca oraz miejscu skąd pochodzi dzieło, są rozbieżne. Badania dowodzą, że jest to malowidło wykonane na desce lipowej. Już pierwsze wrażenie wskazuje na to, że mamy do czynienia z dziełem wysokiej klasy pochodzącym z okresu średniowiecza. Jednak niektóre z najdawniejszych przekazów datę powstania obrazów przesuwają aż do czasów bezpośrednio bliskich ziemskiemu życiu Maryi. Według tradycji namalował go święty Łukasz w Jerozolimie na lipowej desce, blacie stołu pochodzącego z domu Świętej Rodziny w Nazarecie. Istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo, że interesujący nas obraz pochodzi z Konstantynopola, skąd przez Ruś dostał się do Polski. Jan Długosz informuje, że książę Władysław Opolczyk w roku 1382 fundując klasztor Paulinom na Jasnej Górze, ofiarował im obraz Bogurodzicy. Święta Maryja z Częstochowy szybko podbiła serca Polaków. Wizerunek ten zyskał miano Czarnej Madonny. W 1430 r. miał miejsce rabunkowy napad na Jasną Górę, złodzieje ograbili skarbiec i kościół. Widniejące na obliczu Matki Boskiej ukośne blizny są ponoć śladem po napadzie rabusiów, którzy zrabowali kosztowności, w które przybrany był obraz i rzuciwszy go na ziemię cięli szablami. Prawy policzek Matki Bożej znaczą dwie równolegle biegnące rysy, przecięte trzecią na linii nosa. Na szyi występuje sześć cięć, z których dwa są widoczne dość wyraźnie, cztery zaś pozostałe - słabiej. Siedemnasty wiek to czas potopu szwedzkiego, kiedy to szeroką falą wojska szwedzkie zalały nasz kraj. Zwycięska, wręcz cudowna obrona Jasnej Góry upewniła naród, że Częstochowska Pani czuwa nad jego losami. Dnia 8 września 1717 roku bp. Krzysztof Szembek dokonał aktu koronacji obrazu M. B. Częstochowskiej. Uroczystości trwały osiem dni. Najświętszej Panience na Jasnej Górze złożyli cześć wielcy bohaterowie: hetman Stanisław Żółkiewski, Stefan Czarniecki, Karol Chodkiewicz, Tadeusz Kościuszko. Nie można nie wspomnieć o wybitnych pisarzach pielgrzymujących do Jej tronu takich jak: Władysław Reymont, czy Henryk Sienkiewicz. Z obrazem związana jest tradycja pielgrzymowanie Polaków na Jasną Górę, jest ona przekazywana pokoleniowo by oddać nasze myśli i serca Królowej Polski, Matce Boskiej Częstochowskiej. Miesiącem pielgrzymowania jest sierpień. Jasna Góra - to jedno z najważniejszych Sanktuariów Maryjnych na świecie, miejsce pielgrzymek nie tylko Polaków, lecz katolików z całego świata. Matka Boza Czestochowska jest rowniez patronka naszej parafii. W jej liturgiczne swieto wolamy do Niej : Maryjo, Jasnogorska Pani , modl sie za nami.



Church name & address: St. Mary of Czestochowa # 511246 201 Vosseller Avenue Bound Brook, NJ 08805 Contact person: Diane Urbielewicz Phone number: 732-356-0358 Software: MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Date of publication: Number of pages transmitted: Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6

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Transmission day & time: Wednesday Special instructions: Our new e-mail address: [email protected]