St. John s Lutheran Church. Service of Holy Communion Second Sunday after Pentecost

St. John’s Lutheran Church 500 Third Street West Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-4429 [email protected] Pam Fickensc...
Author: Gilbert Knight
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St. John’s Lutheran Church 500 Third Street West Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-4429 [email protected] Pam Fickenscher, Jonathan Davis and John Quam, Pastors Carol Benson, Director of Alleluia Choir Julie Brehmer, Director of Children’s Ministry Tim Byers, Facility Manager Leah H. Garlie, Office Manager Christy Hall-Holt, Shared Ministry Coordinator Zachery Pelletier, Director of Rejoice Ringers Marvin Perez, Security and Custodial Assistant Nathan Proctor, Organist and Director of Worship, Music & Arts Bernie Renander, Financial Manager Mike Skunes, Director of Youth and Family Ministry

Service of Holy Communion

Call the Church Office, or check the website for a complete listing of staff emails.

May 29, 2016 † 8:30 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.

Cathy Rodland, Director of Jubilate Choir and Jubilate Schola

Second Sunday after Pentecost St. John’s Lutheran Church † Northfield, Minnesota

This Week At-a-Glance

Welcome to worship at St. John’s!

Monday, May 30 Tuesday, May 31

We especially welcome all who are visiting this morning! All are invited to sign the welcome sheets in the red books at the end of the pews. Please pass them down to the center and then back so you can greet those worshipping around you. Ushers will gather these following worship.

Memorial Day - Building Closed 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Wed., June 1

Bone Builders, Fellowship Hall Staff Meeting, Fireside Room Weekly Lectionary Text Study, Fireside Room Stephen Ministers Training and Potluck, Fireside Room No Scheduled Activities

Thursday, June 2

1:00 p.m.

Worship Planning for Staff, Room 212

In the red pew hymnal (Evangelical Lutheran Worship), page numbers are at the bottom of the page in the front section, and hymn numbers are at the top of the page in the hymn section.

Friday, June 3

9:00 a.m.

Bone Builders, Fellowship Hall

Saturday, June 4

9:30 a.m.

Northfield Ecumenical Women, St. John’s Hall

An asterisk (*) invites you to stand as you are able.

Sunday, June 5

8:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Worship/Nursery (For Schedule Between Services, please see page 12) Worship/Nursery

7:00 p.m.

Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall

Children are welcome to participate throughout our worship service, including at Holy Communion. Parents, please assist children when they come forward for communion to extend their hands if they are to receive the bread and wine.

Monday, June 6

Children’s Bibles and activity bags are available at both entrances to the Sanctuary and scribble cards are available in the pews. Hearing assistance devices are available outside the sanctuary or from an usher. As members of the church we share in the healing ministry of Jesus, trusting that the peace, hope, and forgiveness of Christ can make us well. On the last Sunday of the month, members of the Prayer Ministry Team and pastoral staff offer anointing of oil and prayers for healing. Those who wish may go following communion, and with hands placed upon the forehead the following prayer will be offered: “I anoint you in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and pray that through the Holy Spirit you may be healed in body, mind, and spirit and rise up to praise God and serve your neighbor. Amen."

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Church Building and Church Office will be closed tomorrow, Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day.

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Gathering in God’s Presence Summer Nursery Schedule Starting today the Nursery will be providing childcare only at the 10:00 a.m. service during the summer months.

Prelude — “Drei Romanzen” Op. 94 I. Nicht schnell II. Einfach, innig Jo Ann Polley, clarinet

Robert Schumann

Acolytes take a break during the summer. Thank you, 5th – 8th graders, for serving as acolytes this school year.

Welcome and Announcements

VBS is coming June 13 – 16; Catch the Wave of God's Amazing Love St. John’s Hosts VBS for ages 2 (by 1-1-16) – Kindergarten (completed) Emmaus Hosts VBS for Grades 1-4 (completed) There’s still time to register. Registration forms are available in the Commons. Scholarships are available for all summer camp opportunities.

*Opening Hymn — No. 520

Shores of St. Andrew Summer Camp, June 19-24 for Grades 2-8 There’s still room to go to camp this summer! We’ll be heading to New London, MN on Sunday, June 19th, to attend Bible camp at Shores of St. Andrew. 24 kids are signed up – it’s not too late to register! Go online to and check out information about the camp. Each child receives $125 from St. John’s towards the registration fee. Partial and full scholarships are also available.


Magical Mystery Tour I When: June 15, 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Where: It's a Mystery! (But meet at Bethel) What: Magical Mystery Tours are events organized by the youth directors of churches in the Northfield area every 3rdWednesday during the summer for youth who’ve completed 5th-8th grades. The ‘mystery’ part of it is that we try to keep our destination a secret from the participants. Watch your mailbox for a letter detailing where we're going.

*Canticle of Praise — “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above”

“Dearest Jesus, at Your Word”

*Confession and Forgiveness — page 116, front of the hymnal

P The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. C And also with you. mit freuden zart

Text: Johann Schütz, 1675; trans. Frances Elizabeth Cox, 1864

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*Prayer of the Day P Let us pray. Merciful Lord, we do not presume to come before you trusting in our own righteousness, but in your great and abundant mercies. Revive our faith, we pray; heal our bodies, and mend our communities, that we may evermore dwell in your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. C Amen.

Hearing God’s Word Children’s Message First Reading — 1 Kings 18:20-39

Pew Bible, page 283



Mission Outreach: Lutheran World Relief Please prayerfully consider a special donation this month to the important work of Lutheran World Relief. LWR is a nonprofit organization that works with partners around the world to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice and human suffering. You can learn more about their work and other ways to contribute by looking online at For donations by check, please write your check to St. John’s Lutheran and indicate LWR on the memo line. Thank you to all who have contributed with donations and time to our ongoing LWR projects: school kits, personal care and baby kits, and quilts. Fair trade coffee/tea/chocolate will be offered for sale between services on June 12th and August 2nd. If you need anything between times or anytime you wish to order a specific item, please contact Dawn Tommerdahl at [email protected]. In the past six months you have purchased nearly $1,700 worth of fair trade goods through Equal Exchange/the Lutheran World Relief Coffee Project and Thistle Farms. Thank you!

After the reading: L The word of the Lord. C Thanks be to God. Psalmody — Psalm 96:1-9

ellacombe Sunday Morning Hospitality this Summer - Everyone's Invited! There are NO hospitality groups set up for the Summer months because it takes all of us to make summer schedules work with providing Sunday Hospitality. Fruit Sundays will sweeten the efforts we all make to keep St. John's a welcoming, thriving place to be. How can you help? Please check your summer schedule and sign up in the Commons or online using CCB (Church Community Builder). See you this summer! Fruit Sundays this Summer The Niemisto Family are helping to put on Red, White & Blue Sunday. Would you and your loved ones like to join in the fun of coordinating one of St. John's Traditional Fruit Sundays? June 5 - Rhubarb Sunday July 31 - Red, White, & Blue Sunday (Vintage Band Brass special music during services) August 28 - Apple Sunday

Text: Michael Morgan, © 1999 Psalter for Chrisitan Worship, Witherspoon Press

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If you are interested please sign up in the Commons or contact Christy Hall-Holt at 645-4429 or [email protected]

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Between Services Next Week (May 29): Coffee and Fellowship in St. John’s Hall

Second Reading — Galatians 1:1-12

Pew Bible, page 945

After the reading: L The word of the Lord. C Thanks be to God.

Next Week (June 5): Rhubarb Sunday with Coffee and Fellowship in St. John’s Hall

*Gospel Acclamation

Announcements Today’s Radio Broadcast is given in memory of Della Gunderson by family and friends. Sunday services are broadcast on KYMN Radio 1080am from 8:30-9:30 a.m. on Sundays. If you would like to sponsor a broadcast (cost is $160), please contact the church office. Help us keep this ministry alive and sponsor a broadcast! Dates available: July 10, 17, 24 & 31. Video broadcasts can be seen on Northfield Community Television–cable channel 187, Mondays at 7:30 p.m. and Fridays at 7:00 p.m. Rhubarb Sunday is Next Sunday, June 5! Everyone is welcome! Rhubarb may be picked up today in the Commons for desserts to be made for Rhubarb Sunday. Thank you, John, for providing this wondrous ingredient for spring delicacies! Flat Jesus is back this summer! To help keep us connected this summer, St. John’s “Adventures of Flat Jesus” is back! The basic idea is for kids to take Flat Jesus on summer adventures – be it near or far (and it does not have to be ONLY children.) You can take pictures of yourself standing with Flat Jesus in places you visit or things you do, and then share them with our congregation. Bring your photos to St. John’s Office or email t0 [email protected]. We’ll be displaying them in the Commons during the summer months. Don’t have a Flat Jesus? Feel free to pick up one in the Commons or print one from the St. John’s website. St. John's will host the annual gathering of the Northfield Ecumenical Women. Saturday, June 4 9:30 a.m., St. John’s Hall Enjoy coffee, tea & coffee cake and a visit with women from other churches in the Northfield area. We will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Fellowship of the Least Coin and bring our collection of pennies. Please spread the word.

*Gospel — Luke 7:1-10

Pew Bible, page 839

Before the reading: P The Holy Gospel according to Luke, the 7th chapter. C Glory to you, O Lord. After the reading: P The Gospel of the Lord. C Praise to you, O Christ. Sermon

Pastor Jonathan Davis

Responding to God’s Word *Hymn of the Day — No. 651, stanzas 1-4 *The Apostles’ Creed — page 127, front of hymnal

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“Oh, Praise the Gracious Power”

*Prayers of Intercession

Prayer Requests

After each petition: L Lord, in your mercy, C hear our prayer.

We are called to remember one another in prayer. The Church Office has been made aware of the following persons for whom we pray today. This list is also for your use this week. Healing and Support Those in the hospital or recovering Andy Westerback

*Peace P The peace of Christ be with you always. C And also with you. You are invited to share God’s peace with those around you.

Those mourning the loss of a loved one Family of Betsy Bierman (mother of Jim Bierman)

Offering of Our Gifts Music at the Offering: “Méditation” from Thaïs

Jules Massenet

Those with ongoing health concerns Fred Gaggioli, Corrine Heiberg, Elvin Heiberg, Jack Huus, Mary Ingbritsen, Annalee Larson, Becky Ness, Susan Nissen, Myron Solid, Joanne Sommers, Muriel Sovik, Ed Youngquist, Andrew Gray, Earl Hoffbeck, Timothy Johnson, George Schneider, Paul Wolff All who are homebound, including Cliff Gilomen, Sigrid Gronning, Elvin and Corrine Heiberg

*Offering Hymn — “For the Beauty of the Earth,” stanza 5 For each perfect gift of thine, peace on earth and joy in heav’n; for thyself, best gift divine, to our world so freely giv’n: Christ, our God, to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.


Involved in the mission of the church who have ties to St. John’s The Savior (El Salvador) Lutheran Church in El Cocuy, Colombia; Iambi Lutheran Church in Iambi, Tanzania; Randy and Carol Stubbs & Family, ELCA missionaries in Tanzania; Curtis and Katie Kline, ELCA missionaries in Colombia Members of St. John’s studying at seminary, including Kristofer Coffman, Paul Nichol, Hayden Kvamme Prayer Requests / Stephen Ministry Requests

*Offering Prayer L Let us pray. a God mercy and grace, the eyes of all wait upon you, and you open your hand in blessing. Fill us with good things at your table, that we may come to the help of all in need, through Jesus Christ, our redeemer and Lord. Amen.

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Stephen Ministry Requests Call Joan Halvorson at 645-8445 or one of the pastors, 645-4429. Prayer Chain Requests Contact Mary Cisar at 663-1097 or [email protected], or contact a pastor.

Lectionary Readings for Next Week (June 5): Third Sunday after Pentecost 1 Kings 17:17-24 † Psalm 30 † Galatians 1:11-24 † Luke 7:11-17

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Serving at St. John’s Today: Presiding Preaching Assisting Minister Organist Clarinet Healing Prayers Communion Preparers Communion Servers Greeters Welcome Desk Coffee / Treats Nursery Counters Ushers

Pastor Pam Fickenscher Pastor Jonathan Davis Solveig Beckmen Nathan Proctor Jo Ann Polley (8:30) Larry Christenson, Chuck Jacobson (10:00) Dick Beckmen Chuck and Marilyn Jacobson (8:30) Dodie Mickelsen (10:00) Susan Hagen (8:30) Ed and Patty Lindell, Carole Nesheim (10:00) Gordon and Dodie Mickelsen, Carole Nesheim Carole Nesheim Gene and Lois Bakko, Dave Hagen, Gary Hagen, Alan and Lynette Marks, Sheryl Studsdahl, Karen Wingate Katherine Norrie Wil Brosz, Bill and Char Carlson, Ted Peterson (8:30) Doug Child, Duane Benson, Len Hoffmann, Rick Hillard, Doug Johnson, Gordon Mickelsen, Andy Nelson (10:00) Jonathan Norrie, Andrew Dell, Terry Dell, David Halsor, Dick Kleber, Steve Williams

Sharing the Lord’s Supper *Great Thanksgiving P The Lord be with you. C And also with you. P Lift up your hearts. C We lift them to the Lord. P Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. C It is right to give our thanks and praise.

P It is indeed right … we praise your name and join their unending hymn: a

Acknowledgments Cover art from Icon 1, © Augsburg Fortress. Used with permission. Portions of the liturgy are reprinted from Evangelical Lutheran Worship, © 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress license #14028-LIT. Other liturgical aids are from Sundays and Seasons © 2011 Augsburg Fortress. Reprinted with permission. Portions of the liturgy from ELW Holy Communion: Setting Two.

*Eucharistic Prayer P Blessed are you, O Lord our God. In you all things hold together in heaven and on earth... P As we gather at your table we proclaim this mystery: C Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. P As you welcome us to this gift of life; we pray for your healing presence, C Come Holy Spirit.

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*The Lord’s Prayer

*Post-Communion Blessing

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen. All God’s children are welcome at the table. This morning we commune by means of intinction (dipping the wafer into the chalice). You will be given a wafer and offered a choice of two chalices. The wine is red; the grape juice is white. Gluten-free wafers are available in the center, and there is a chalice of grape juice in the center for the gluten-free wafers only. If you are unable to come forward, let an usher know, and communion will be brought to you.

*Prayer after Communion L Let us pray. a O God, as a mother comforts her child, so you comfort your people, carrying us in your arms and satisfying us with the food and drink, the body and blood of Christ. Send us now as your disciples, announcing peace and proclaiming that the reign of God has come near; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Departing to Serve God’s World *Blessing

Music during Communion

Response: C Amen.

“Lamb of God”

*Sending Hymn — No. 650

“In Christ There Is No East or West”

*Dismissal L Go in peace. Share the good news. a Thanks be to God. Postlude — “Minuet Gothique” from Suite Gothique, Op. 25

Hymn — No. 610

“O Christ, the Healer, We Have Come”

Hymn — No. 477

“I Received the Living God”

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Léon Boëllmann

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