Special Olympics Canada

Special Olympics Canada Policies & Procedures Manual Section 2 - Finances SOC POLICY MANUAL 1 C:\Users\Meghan\Documents\WORK\Freelance Work\Clients\...
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Special Olympics Canada Policies & Procedures Manual Section 2 - Finances SOC POLICY MANUAL


C:\Users\Meghan\Documents\WORK\Freelance Work\Clients\002 Special Olympics\002-003 WordPress Site\Policy Manual Updates\Revised Documents\SOC Policy Manual Section 2 - Finances - Revised Jun16.docx June 17, 2015

Program Name

Special Olympics Canada Policies & Procedures Manual Section 2 - Finances Prepared by Special Olympics Canada National Office, in conjunction with SOC Provincial/Territorial Chapters Contact Information 21 St. Clair Avenue East Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario M4T 1L9 Telephone: 416-927-9050 [email protected] www.specialolympics.ca



C:\Users\Meghan\Documents\WORK\Freelance Work\Clients\002 Special Olympics\002-003 WordPress Site\Policy Manual Updates\Revised Documents\SOC Policy Manual Section 2 - Finances - Revised Jun16.docx March 24, 2015

Table of Contents Mileage and Expenses 2001-01



C:\Users\Meghan\Documents\WORK\Freelance Work\Clients\002 Special Olympics\002-003 WordPress Site\Policy Manual Updates\Revised Documents\SOC Policy Manual Section 2 - Finances - Revised Jun16.docx March 24, 2015




Mileage and Expenses – 2001-01





Special Olympics Canada recognizes and values t he const ant cont ribut ion of t ime and expert ise devot ed by t housands of volunt eers to enrich t he lives of individuals wit h an int ellect ual disabilit y. At all levels we are st riving to ensure t hat volunt eers are not burdened by miscellaneous expenses incurred in performing t heir volunt eer dut ies. Therefore, t he following benefit s are applicable to all regist ered volunt eers of Special Olympics Canada. Air Travel Where air t ravel is required, Special Olympics Canada will arrange and pay for all air t ransport at ion for volunt eers as appropriat e, including Air Improvement Fees, t ransport at ion to and from hot el or venue, from residence to airport and parking at airport . Expenses for t axi fares to and f rom airport s will be reimbursed t hrough complet ion of an expense report . All t ravel booked by SOC will be st andard/ economy. All t ravel is to be pre-approved by t he VP Sport , VP Market ing & Development , President or Of fice Manager on t he Travel Request Form. Mileage All volunt eers may claim mileage at t he rat e of $.55 per kilomet re for t ravel to and f rom Nat ional Meet ings and Workshops. Transport at ion by car in lieu of airfare will be reimbursed up to t he price of an airline t icket f or t hat same t rip. This cost must be approved by Special Olympics Canada prior to t he t rip. A mileage claim form must be submit t ed along wit h t he expense claim form for mileage reimbursement . Accommodation The pref erred venue for hot els is Delt a propert ies as t hat are a Special Olympics Canada Nat ional Sponsor. Special Olympics Canada will arrange and pay for hot el accommodat ions as appropriat e. Any incident al room charges will be t he responsibilit y of t he individual. These include minibar charges, toilet ries, laundry, movies, etc. Volunt eers at t ending meet ings should verif y upon arrival at t he hot el t hat billing has been arranged to be sent to Special Olympics Canada.



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Mileage and Expenses – 2001-01





Meals Special Olympics Canada will cover t he cost of meals at t he meet ings. Meals not provided as part of t he scheduled meet ing(s) will be reimbursed for act ual expenses up to a maximum of Breakf ast $10, Lunch $15 and Dinner $40. Expenses for alcoholic beverages will not be covered by the Special Olympics Canada as part of a meal or as entertainment. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous cost s (i.e. t elephone, post age, parking) relat ed to volunt eers performing Special Olympics Canada relat ed funct ions will be fully reimbursed wit h proof of receipt s. Any expenses incurred by volunt eers at t ending meet ings prior to t he dat e of t he meet ing or st aying addit ional days for personal reasons are not covered by Special Olympics Canada, unless flight s could not be arranged f or t he appropriat e t ime. Expense Claim Forms All expense claims must include a complet ed expense claim form. All expense claims must be sent direct ly to Special Olympics Canada. Forms must be accompanied by t he original receipt for each it em list ed. For reimbursement of it ems charged to personal credit cards, t he credit card receipt must be included as well as t he it emized receipt . Rest aurant receipt s at t ached to expense claims must include an it emized food list along wit h t he tot al including t ip. All GST must be recorded separat ely, including GST on meals and buried GST on it ems such as t axis and airport improvement fees. ANY EXPENSES NOT ADDRESSED IN THESE GUIDELINES MUST BE APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY SPECIAL OLYMPICS CANADA.



C:\Users\Meghan\Documents\WORK\Freelance Work\Clients\002 Special Olympics\002-003 WordPress Site\Policy Manual Updates\Revised Documents\SOC Policy Manual Section 2 - Finances - Revised Jun16.docx March 24, 2015