Boston, Mass sachusetts s – The Faiirmont Cop pley Plaza Jun ne 20 – 22,, 2014

Particip pating Fac culty Speaker 1 Affiliation A Speaker 2 Affiliation A Speaker 3 Affiliation A

Friday, June 20th: m – 8:00 am m 7:30 am Registra ation and Hot H Breakffast 8:00 am m – 9:00 am m – Faculty y1 Dermatiitis Contact, atopic, irritant, numm mular, seborrrheic and e exfoliative; diagnosis a and manage ement 9:00 am m – 10:00 am m – Facultty 1 Papulos squamous Diseases Psoriasis, lichen planus, pityriasis rosea,, lupus erythematosuss; how to tell one scalyy rash from m another 10:00 am m – 10:10 am a Coffee Break B 10:10 am m – 11:10 am a – Faculty 1 Viral Inffections Herpes simplex, va aricella-zostter, viral ex xanthems, m molluscum and warts 11:10 am m – 12:10 am a – Faculty 2 Bacteria al Infection ns Impetigo o, ecthyma,, folliculitis, furunculos sis, necrotizzing fasciitiss, Lyme disease, syph hilis; diagnosis and man nagement 12:10 am m – 12:40 pm – Facu ulty 2 Acne an nd Acneifo orm Eruptio ons Topical and system mic therapy 12:40 pm m Session n Adjourns s

Saturda ay, June 21 1st: m – 8:00 am m 7:30 am Hot Bre eakfast 8:00 am m – 9:00 am m – Faculty y2 Skin Ma anifestations of Syste emic Disea ase Diagnos sis of internal disease based on cutaneous c ffindings 9:00 am m – 9:30 am m – Faculty y2 Case Prresentation ns 9:30 am m – 10:30 am m – Facultty 1 Fungal Infections ophytes, tin nea versicollor, candidia asis, selectted deep fu ungal infectiions; diagnosis Dermato and man nagement 10:30 am m – 10:40 am a Coffee Break B 10:40 am m – 11:40 am a – Faculty 3 Benign Skin Tumo ors. eborrheic ke eratosis keloids, hema angiomas and miscella aneous tum mors Nevi, se 11:40 am m – 12:40 pm – Facu ulty 3 Skin Su urgery for Primary P Ca are Physicians m 12:40 pm Session n Adjourns s

Sunday y, June 22n nd: m – 8:00 am m 7:30 am Contine ental Break kfast 8:00 am m – 9:00 am m – Faculty y3 Premaliignant and d Malignantt Skin Tum mors Actinic keratosis, k Bowen’s B disease, squa amous cell ccarcinoma, basal cell carcinoma,, melanom ma and other selected d tumors 9:00 am m – 10:00 am m – Facultty 3 Case Prresentation ns 10:00 am m Seminar Adjourns s Target Audience A This prog gram is targe eted to office e-based prim mary care prroviders and other health h profession nals with upda ates in prima ary care med dicine

Learnin ng Objectiv ves Upon com mpletion of this t program m, participantts should be e better able to:     

Discriminate D th he diagnostic principles and treatment o options for de ermatitis, papu ulosquamous diseases, as well w as viral, fu ungal and bac cterial infectio ons Describe D the step-wise approach for the diagnosis an nd treatment o of acne and a acneiform erup ptions Id dentify cutane eous findings that serve as surrogates o of internal dise eases Differentiate D be enign and ma alignant skin tumors t and em mploy approp priate interoffice procedure es Counsel C patien nts on approp priate sun prottection measu ures

Nursing g Purpose Statementt To provid de updates in primary ca are medicine e to office ba ased provide ers

Disclosure of Con nflicts of In nterest Medical Education E Resources R insures balance, independ dence, objectivity, and sscientific rigo or in all our ed ducational prrograms. In accordance with this po olicy, MER id dentifies con nflicts of interrest with its in nstructors, co ontent mana agers, and other o individu uals who are e in a positio on to control the content of o an activity y. Conflicts are a resolved by MER to e ensure that a all scientific research referred to, t reported,, or used in a CME activ vity conformss to the gene erally acceptted standard ds of experime ental design,, data collec ction, and analysis. MER R is committe ed to providing its learne ers with high h-quality CME activities that t promote e improveme ents or qualitty in health ccare and not the business s interest of a commercia al interest. The facu ulty reported d the followin ng financial relationships r s with comm mercial intere ests whose products or services may be men ntioned in th his CME acti vity: Name off Faculty

ported Fina ancial Relatiionship Rep

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 The content manag gers reported d the followin ng financial relationships with comm mercial intere ests whose prroducts or se ervices may y be mentioned in this CM ME activity: Na ame of Con ntent Manag ger MER co ontent review wer MER nu urse plannerr

Rep ported Financial Relatiionship No N financial rrelationshipss to disclose No N financial rrelationshipss to disclose

mer Disclaim The conttent, views and a opinions presented in this educa ational activity are those e of the autho ors and do not necessarrily reflect tho ose of Medic cal Educatio on Resource es. The autho ors have disclosed d if there is any a discussion of publish hed and/or i nvestigation nal uses of a agents that a are not indica ated by the FDA F in their presentations. MER’s A ANCC accreditation status does not imply end dorsement by b MER or ANCC A of any y commercia al products d displayed in cconjunction with this activ vity. Before prescribing p any a medicine, primary re eferences an nd full presccribing information should be e consulted.. Any proced dures, mediccations, or o other coursess of diagnossis or treatmen nt discussed or suggeste ed in this acttivity should not be used d by clinician ns without evaluatio on of their pa atient’s cond ditions and possible conttraindications on dangerrs in use, revview of any ap pplicable ma anufacturer’s s product info ormation, an nd comparison with reco ommendations of other autthorities. The e information n presented in this activ ity is not me eant to serve e as a guidelline for patien nt managem ment. All lecturres incorpora ate time for questions q an nd answers. Due to la ast-minute up pdates by th he faculty, fla ash drives m may differ from the actua al presentatio ons.

Accrediitation Physician Accreditation Medical Education E Resources R is accredited by the Accre editation Cou uncil for Con ntinuing Med dical Educatio on (ACCME) to provide continuing c medical m educcation for phyysicians.

Credit Designatio D n Medical Education E Resources R de esignates this live activitty for a maxiimum of 11 A AMA PRA Category y 1 Credit(s)™. Physicia ans should claim c only th e credit com mmensurate with the extent of their participation p in the activitty.

America an Academ my of Family Physicia ans This Live e activity, De ermatology fo or the Non-D Dermatologisst, with a beginning date e of June 20, Prescribed ccredits by the American 2014 has s been reviewed and is acceptable a for f up to 11 P Academy y of Family Physicians. P Physicians should only claim the crredit comme ensurate with h the extent off their participation in the e activity.

America an Osteopathic Asso ociation These prrograms are approved fo or 11 hours in i Category 2-A by the A American Ossteopathic Association.

Canadia an Physicians The Colle ege of Family Physicians of Canada a (CFPC) ha as a reciproccal credit agrreement with h the American n Academy of o Family Ph hysicians (AA AFP) for acttivities which h offer Presccribed credit.. CFPC members who o complete th hese confere ences may cclaim the eq quivalent num mber of Main nproM1 credits.

America an Academ my of Phys sician Assistants AAPA ac ccepts certificates of parrticipation forr educationa al activities ccertified for C Category I crredit from AOA ACCME, Pre escribed cre edit from AAF FP, and AMA A PRA Cate egory 1 Cred dit(s)TM from organizations accred dited by ACC CME or a rec cognized sta ate medical ssociety. Phyysician um of 11 hours of Categ gory I credit for completing this program. assistantts may receive a maximu

Nursing g Accredita ation Medical Education E Resources R is accredited as a a provide er of continuing nursing e education byy the American n Nurses Cre edentialing Center’s C Commission on n Accreditatiion. This CE activity prov vides 11 conttact hours of continuing nursing edu ucation. Provider approved by y the Califorrnia Board off Registered d Nursing, Provider Num mber 12299, for 11 contact hours.

Pharma acy Accred ditation Medic cal Education n Resources s (MER) is a accredited byy the Accred ditation Coun ncil for Ph harmacy Edu ucation as a provider of continuing p pharmacy ed ducation. MER design nates this co ontinuing education activvity for 11 co ontact hourss (1.1 CEUs)) of the Ac ccreditation Council for Pharmacy P E Education. Universal Program m Number: 0816-0000- 14-XXX-L01 1-P Participants will be re equired to siign in at the start of the p program and d/or complette a program m evaluatio on form. Cerrtificates of credit c will be e provided att the conclussion of the a activity. This activ vity is certifie ed as Knowledge-based d CPE.