Solvency II: Auswirkungen auf die Kapitalanlage

Solvency II: Auswirkungen auf die Kapitalanlage Stephan Funck Goldman Sachs Wien, 16. November 2011 Wichtige Hinweise  Die in dieser Präsentation e...
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Solvency II: Auswirkungen auf die Kapitalanlage Stephan Funck Goldman Sachs Wien, 16. November 2011

Wichtige Hinweise  Die in dieser Präsentation enthaltenen Ausführungen bezüglich der möglichen bilanziellen, aufsichtsrechtlichen und steuerlichen Behandlung von Transaktionen sind unverbindlich. Die tatsächliche Behandlung ist abhängig von der konkreten Situation des Investors  Goldman Sachs übernimmt keine Bilanz-, Rechts- oder Steuerberatung. Der Investor wird aufgefordert, vor Abschluß einer Transaktion qualifizierten Rat selbst einzuholen. Eine Haftung von Goldman Sachs für die bilanziellen, aufsichtsrechtlichen oder steuerlichen Auswirkungen der Transaktion ist ausgeschlossen  Goldman Sachs weist darauf hin, dass die in dieser Präsentation enthaltenen Informationen möglicherweise nicht ausreichen, um die bilanziellen, aufsichtsrechtlichen und steuerlichen Auswirkungen der Transaktionen abschließend zu beurteilen





II. Regulatorische Investititionsanreize, dargestellt anhand eines Modellversicherers und den Spezifikationen von QIS 5

III. Übersicht Marktauswirkungen Zinsmärkte, Kreditmärkte und Aktien/Alternatives





Die neue Solvenzbilanz Eigenkapital

Residuale Größe


Assets (Barwert)

 beste Schätzung, diskontiert vt.Rückstellungen (Barwert)


 Diskontfaktor basiert auf Swaps und Credit Spreads eines Modellportfolios



Die neue Solvenzbilanz Eigenkapital

Beispiel fallende Zinsen:


Assets steigen, allerdings weniger als die ebenfalls ansteigenden Verbindlichkeiten

Assets (Zeitwert)

- netto sinkt das Eigenkapital vt.Rückstellungen (Zeitwert)




Die neue Solvenzbilanz Beispiel steigende Zinsen: Eigenkapital


Assets fallen, allerdings weniger als ebenfalls fallende Verbindlichkeiten - netto steigt das Eigenkapital

Assets (Zeitwert)

vt.Rückstellungen (Zeitwert)





Aufsichtsrechtliche Investititionsanreize, dargestellt anhand eines Modellversicherers und den Spezifikationen von QIS 5


Modellfall – wenig EK


Passiva Assets vt.Rückstellungen (incl. RM)

 Barwert nach S II: 10 Mrd  Duration 10 Jahre  Weder Stornorechte noch Überschussbeteiligung


Modellfall – viel EK



Assets vt.Rückstellungen (incl. RM)

 Barwert nach S II: 10 Mrd  Duration 10 Jahre  Weder Stornorechte noch Überschussbeteiligung


Assets: Rendite u. Kapitalanf.1


Return über Swaps

SCR Charge

EU Staatsanleihen (10y) AAA






HY Credit (3y) BB









Investm. grade Credit (3y) A



Investm. Grade Credit (10y) A




basierend auf den Spezifikationen von QIS 5


Resultat – bei wenig EK1


basierend auf den Spezifikationen von QIS 5

Zeitwert Aktiva

10,3 Mrd.

Zeitwert Passiva

10. Mrd.

SCR Market

300 Mio.

Expected Excess Return

37 Mio.


Low Solvency Szenario – Anmerkungen Konsequenzen für Versicherer mit wenig Solvenzkapital

Rendite Erwartungen

Volatilität kaum hinnehmbar

 Listed Equity  Hedge Funds  ABS

 Auch kleine Wertänderungen können Probleme bereiten  Mark-to-Model Assets werden insofern attraktiver  ALM Matching und Hedging der realisierte Volatilität sind wichtig  Versicherer benötigen Assets nit niedriger Volatilität Eigenkapital muss generiert werden  Externe Kapitalaufnahme uU. schwierig  Erheblicher Performancedruck bei engem Handlungsspielraum  Notwendigkeit, „Heraus zu wachsen“;Ziel: strategische Flexibilität  Versicherer benötigen renditestarke Assets

 Unlisted Equity  Private Equity

 Mortgage Loans  Funding Trades  Real Estate

Weitgehendes ALM Matching (zur Senkung der Zinsrisiken) Hedging gegen Tail Events (um SCR zu senken) Möglicher Zielkonflikt mit dem Bedarf an ertragstarke Assets Duration von Aktiva u. Passiva muss gematched werden

Vermeidung hoher Capital Charges  Klare Präferenz für Assets mit niedrigem SCR

 Bar-Belled Portfolios  Core EEA Sovereign

Reduzierung der Capital Charges    

 Periphery EEA Sovereigns

Geringe Volatilität

 ALM Matching Niedriges SCR strategies

Versicherer mit wenig Solvenzkapital werden Interesse an illiquiden, ertragsstarken Assets mit niedrigen Capital Charges haben

 Versicherer benötigen Assets mit niedrigem SCR Goldman Sachs does not provide tax, accounting, investment or legal advice to our clients, and all clients are advised to consult with their own advisers regarding any potential investment/transaction. This material is for discussion purposes only, and does not purport to contain a comprehensive analysis of the risk/rewards of any idea or strategy herein. Please note that this document only provides a general description of Solvency II principles. Please refer to European directives and consultation papers for exhaustive and precise regulation rules.


Resultat – bei viel EK1

Zeitwert Aktiva

14 Mrd.

Zeitwert Passiva

10 Mrd.

SCR Market

4 Mrd.

Expected Excess Return


basierend auf den Spezifikationen von QIS 5

350 Mio.


Asset Allocation

Überblick Investitionsanreize1


100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 103%


120% Eigenkapital

EU Government Bonds


Real Estate

IG Credit (3y)

HY Credit (3y)


basierend auf den Spezifikationen von QIS 5


140% IG Credit (10y)



Übersicht: Potentielle Marktauswirkungen Zinsmärkte, Kreditmärkte, Aktien/Alternatives

Zinsmärkte Anlage

Positive Faktoren

Negative Faktoren


Staatsanleihen (AA-AAA)

 Kein Spread-Risiko Charge (EEA und hoch geratete Anleihen)

 Basis-Risiko zum Diskontfaktor  Größtenteils unverändert der vt. Rückstellungen  Niedrigere Nachfrage nach Emissionen in Fremwährungen  Flachere Zinskurve falls mehr Durations-Hedging

Staatsanleihen (Niedrigeres Rating, EEA)

 Kein Spread-Risiko Charge wenn EEA. Yield pick-up möglich

 Basis-Risiko zum Diskontfaktor  Höhere Nachfrage der vt. Rückstellungen  Spread Volatilität kostet EK

Staatsanleihen (Niedriges Rating, Andere)

 Niedrigere Spread-Risiko Charge im Vergleich zu Unternehmensanleihen

 Kapitalanforderung  Spread Volatilität kostet EK


 Basis der Abzinsung der Verbindlichkeiten  Niedrige Kapitalkosten für das Kreditrisiko

 Höhere Nachfrage nach Duration-Hedges  Weniger Nachfrage nach ultralanger Duration (Über den “Extrapolations-Punkt” hinaus)

Libor Generators

 Um Floating Legs von Swaps zu generieren  Niedriges SCR  Erlaubt uU Renditen über Staatspapiere

 Höhere Nachfrage könnte teilweise die Allokation in Staatsanleihen ersetzten

Renditeverbesserung, z.B. Wertpapierleihe

 Vorteilhafte regulatorische Behandlung

 Erhöhte Verwendung, auch getrieben von der Nachfrage des Bank-Sektors nach Staatstiteln


 Eingebettete Optionen auf der Passivseite bedeuten Exposure zur Zinsvolatilität

 Höhere Nachfrage

 Implizierte Swaption Volatilität steigt


Kreditmärkte Anlage

Positive Faktoren

 Kapitalanforderungen bestrafen lange SpreadDurationen

Langlaufende Unternehmensanleihen

Bond Indizes, iBoxx Namen

Negative Faktoren

 Notwendig, um die Volatilität der LiquiditätsPrämie zu hedgen

CDS  Früher teilweise nicht (long Kredit-Risiko) erlaubt  Potenziell attraktive Kombination mit YieldEnhancement Produkten

Tendenz  Höhere Nachfrage nach Kurzläufern  Spread-Kurve sollte steiler werden

 Höhere Nachfrage

 Kapitalanforderungen höher als für CashAnleihen

 Renditen wahrscheinlich attraktiver als bei CashAnleihen

Senior Secured vs.  Kapitalanforderungen im Standard-Modell Subordinated Debt berücksichtigen weder Besicherung noch Insolvenz Vorrang

 Weniger Nachfrage nach Senior Secured  Höhere Nachfrage nach Subordinated


 Vorteilhafte regulatorische Behandlung  Stabiler Mark-to-Market

 Höhere Nachfrage  Möglicherweise Nachfrage nach Mortgage Originators


Aktien/Alternatives Anlage

Positive Faktoren

Negative Faktoren


 Hohe Kapitalforderungen, möglicherweise Währungsrisiken  dynamisches Hedging wird im Standardmodell nicht berücksichtigt1

 Mehr Tail Hedging  Weniger unabgesicherte Positionen  Höhere Nachfrage nach Beta-Aktien  Niedrigere Nachfrage nach Aktien mit niedrigem Beta


 Unterlegungspflichten können durch Hedging reduziert werden

Long AktienVolatilität

 Gleicht oft das Exposure der Liability-Seite aus  Kann für Tail-Risk Hedging genutzt werden

 Höhere Nachfrage  Aktien-Volatilität sollte steigen

Hedge Funds

 Look-through erlaubt, die  Stand-alone Charge für HF durch die Kapitalforderungen sehr für die Anlagen des HFs hoch zu ersetzten  Relative Value Strategien sollten eine günstigere Behandlung erfahren

 Erhöhte Nutzung von Managed Account Plattformen  Mehr Relative Value Strategien  Mehr Nachfrage nach HFs mit höherem Leverage

Private Equity

 Niedrige AccountingVolatiilität

 Niedrigere Nachfrage


basierend auf den Spezifikationen von QIS 5

 Stand-alone Kapitalkosten sehr hoch


Disclaimers and Risk Factor Please Read This document has been prepared by personnel in the Equities or Fixed Income, Currency and Commodities Sales/Trading Departments of one or more affiliates of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. ("Goldman Sachs") and is not the product of the Global Investment Research Department or Fixed Income Research. It is not a research report and is not intended as such REPRESENTATION  If a transaction arises as a result of this document you agree that you will not offer, sell or deliver the Transaction in any jurisdiction except under circumstances that will result in compliance with the applicable laws thereof, and that you will take at your own expense whatever action is required to permit your purchase and resale of the Transaction. Where securities are issued, EEA standard selling restrictions apply. This material and its content are not for distribution to retail clients, as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (2004/39/EC)  For SPVS Notes Only: Reliance on Creditworthiness of the Collateral Note Issuer  The ability of the note issuer to meet its obligations under the notes will depend on, amongst other things, the receipt by it of payments of interest and principal under the Collateral. Consequently, Investors are exposed not only to the occurrence of Credit Events in relation to any of the Reference Entities, but also to the ability of the Collateral note issuer to perform its obligations to make payments to the note issuer The Transaction described herein is not principal protected  Unless specifically identified as such, the transaction is not principal or investment protected, and future returns are not guaranteed. You will not receive a fixed amount of principal or investment at maturity of the transaction and Goldman Sachs is not liable for any loss of principal or investment that you may incur  Where the transaction is described as principal or investment protected or principal or investment guaranteed, there is protection or a guarantee only to the extent that the issuer of the transaction does not default on its obligations, either through bankruptcy or through any other event Relevant Information  GS may have access to information relating to the Transaction described within (the Transaction), or any indices or assets (which may include, without limit, shares of one or more issuers, commodities, currencies or baskets of the foregoing) to which it is referenced or which otherwise underlie it (Underlyers) and any derivative instruments referencing it (together Relevant Instruments). GS will not be obliged to disclose any such Relevant Information to you GS’ Interests  GS may be an active participant on both sides of the market for the Relevant Instruments at any time. GS hedging and trading activities with respect to the Transaction may affect the value of other Relevant Instruments and vice versa. GS may be calculation agent or sponsor of Underlyers and as such may make determinations affecting the value of the Transaction


Disclaimers and Risk Factor Please Read Volatility  The price of the Transaction may be adversely affected by volatility in the price/value of the Underlyers. Volatility refers to the degree of unpredictable change over time of a certain variable in this case the price, performance or investment return of a financial asset. A transaction that is more volatile is likely to decrease and increase in value more often and/or to a greater extent than one that is less volatile Foreign Exchange  Foreign currency denominated Underlyers, Products and Transactions are subject to fluctuations in exchange rates that could have an adverse effect on the value or price of, or income derived from, the Transaction No Correlation with Underlyer

 The value of the Transaction will not necessarily correlate with the value of any Underlyers Value of the Transaction  Assuming no change in market conditions or other factors, the value of the Transaction on the settlement date may be significantly less than the execution price on the trade date Investment Performance  Changes in the investment performance of the Transaction or any Underlyer may also affect the value of the Transaction and could result in it being valued at zero Price Discrepancy  Any price quoted for the Transaction by GS may differ significantly from (i) the Transaction’s value determined by reference to GS pricing models and (ii) any price quoted by a third party  Indicative Price(s) and Value(s)  Any indicative price(s) and value(s) expressed are as of the approximate time and/or date where indicated subject to change. Indicative price(s) and value(s) may be based on any of; the information supplied by you, current market conditions, prices and any other factors as GS may consider relevant. The indicative price(s) are not necessarily related to transaction size and may not reflect the price at which you may be able to transact or deal in any security, currency, commodity, derivative contract or other instrument with GS or with any other third party


Disclaimers and Risk Factor Please Read Mark to Market Volatility  Mark to market of the transaction may be affected by a number of factors including, without limitation, the spread observed in the market for the underlying Reference Entities, the spread observed in the market for tranches referenced to similar underlying assets, implied rating, and change in any other pricing parameters (including correlation and recovery rate assumptions). Mark to markets may be extremely volatile and unpredictable. Due to the inherent leverage of the transaction with respect to the underlying portfolio, the mark to market on the investment may be significantly more volatile than an unleveraged investment in equivalently rated corporate debt Limited Liquidity of the Transaction  There is currently no market for the transaction. There can be no assurance that a secondary market for the transaction will develop or, if a secondary market does develop, that it will provide the holder of the transaction with liquidity, or that it will continue for the life of the transaction. While GSI expects to make a market in the transaction, GSI is not obliged to do so. Any market-making activity if commenced may be discontinued at any time. Moreover, the limited scope of information available to the Investors regarding the Reference Entities and the nature of any Credit Event including uncertainty as to the extent of any reduction to be applied to the payment on the investment if a Credit Event has occurred but the amount of the relevant reduction in the payment on maturity has not been determined, may further affect the liquidity of the transaction. Consequently, any Investor in the transaction must be prepared to hold such transaction for an indefinite period of time or until final maturity (unless called earlier) “Cheapest-to-Deliver” Risk  Given that Goldman Sachs, as buyer of protection, has discretion to choose the portfolio of valuation obligations used to calculate the amount of losses following a Credit Event, it is likely that the portfolio of valuation obligations selected will be available obligations of the Reference Entity with the lowest market value that are permitted to be used to calculate loss pursuant to the relevant documentation. This could result in a lower recovery value and hence a larger loss amount Credit Ratings  Credit ratings represent the rating agencies’ opinions regarding credit quality and are not a guarantee of quality. Rating agencies attempt to evaluate the safety of principal and/or interest payments and do not evaluate the risks of fluctuations in market value. Accordingly, the credit ratings of the underlying Reference Entities or the transaction itself may not fully reflect the true risks of the transaction. Also, rating agencies may fail to make timely changes in credit ratings in response to subsequent events, so that an issuer’s current financial condition may be better or worse than a rating indicates


Disclaimers and Risk Factor Please Read Historical Performance may not Predict Future Performance of Transaction  Individual credits may not perform as indicated by historical performance for similarly rated credits. Furthermore, even if future credit performance is similar to that of historic performance for the entire market, Investors must make their own determination as to whether the Reference Portfolio will reflect the experience of the universe of rated credits. Hence, Credit Event rates experienced by this transaction may be higher than that of historical Credit Event rates, and that of future Credit Event rates for the entire market Credit Event may vary from Defaults  Historical default statistics may not capture events that would trigger a Credit Event as specified under the credit default swap. All Credit Event definitions will be defined in the final legal documents and will be governed by the market-standard ISDA 2003 credit derivatives definitions Tax/ Regulatory Impact  There may be a tax or regulatory impact of investing in this transaction. Goldman Sachs does not provide any opinion on these issues and any Investor should consult with its advisors prior to investing in the Transaction Creditworthiness of Goldman Sachs  Payments will be required to be made by Goldman Sachs affiliates, guaranteed by The Goldman Sachs Group Inc (together “Goldman Sachs”), throughout the life of the transaction. Consequently, Investors are exposed not only to the occurrence of Credit Events in relation to any of the Reference Entities, but also to the ability of Goldman Sachs to perform its obligations to make payments to the Investors. Currently The Goldman Sachs Group Inc is assigned an Aa3 rating by Moody’s and an A+ rating by S&P for its long-term unsecured senior debt Conflicts of interest  The price and/or the redemption amount (where relevant) of the Transaction may be adversely affected by trading, hedging and other transactions by GS relating to the Transaction and/or any Underlyers. In particular: GS, its officers, directors and employees, including persons involved in the preparation or issuance of this document may, from time to time be an active participant on both sides of the market and have long or short positions in, or buy and sell (on a principal basis or otherwise,) and act as market makers in the Underlyer or in securities, commodities, futures, options or any other derivative or instrument and investments identical to or related to the Transaction. Hedging activities by GS relating to the Transaction may affect the price of Relevant Instruments and the price of the Transaction


Disclaimers and Risk Factor Please Read  Both potential and actual conflicts of interest involving Goldman Sachs may arise in connection with their other business activities. Among other things, Goldman Sachs may have invested, and may from time to time invest, for its own account or the account of others in (1) collateral held, or potentially held, by the issuer, (2) indices which include, or may be correlated with, one or more such collateral and/or (3) synthetic securities which reference such collateral or securities correlated with one or more such collateral. Such investments may include synthetic, short and similar transactions pursuant to which Goldman, Sachs & Co. and/or its affiliates would benefit (potentially substantially) if the market value of such collateral were to decline. In addition, the existence of such transactions could, independently, adversely impact (a) the market value of such collateral, (b) the issuer's ability to perform its obligations under the securities and (c) the return realized by investors in the notes. Neither Goldman Sachs nor any affiliate thereof has any obligation to take into account the interests of the issuer, the holders of the notes or any party in deciding to enter into any such Investment No Reliance

 No Advice: Goldman Sachs does not provide investment, accounting, tax or legal advice in respect of the transaction and shall not have a fiduciary relationship with any Investor. In particular, Goldman Sachs does not make any representations as to (a) the suitability of the transaction, (b) the appropriate accounting treatment or possible tax consequences of the transaction or (c) the future performance of the transaction either in absolute terms or relative to competing investments. Investors should obtain their own independent accounting, tax and legal advice and should consult their own professional investment advisor to ascertain the suitability of the transaction, including such independent investigation and analysis regarding the risks, security arrangements and cash-flows associated with the transaction as they deem appropriate to evaluate the merits and risks of the transaction  Goldman Sachs may, by virtue of its status as an underwriter, advisor or otherwise, possess or have access to non-publicly available information relating to the Collateral (i.e. an SPV note), the issuer(s) thereof, the Reference Entities and/or the obligations of the Reference Entities and has not undertaken, and does not intend, to disclose, such status or non-public information in connection with the transaction. Accordingly, this presentation may not contain all information that would be material to the evaluation of the merits and risks of entering into the transaction  As calculation agent, Goldman Sachs will have the authority to make determinations that could affect the market value of the transaction and the amount you receive at maturity  Participation in a Credit Default Swap does not constitute a purchase or other acquisition or assignment of any interest in any obligation of any Reference Entity. The parties to the Credit Default Swap will not have any recourse against any Reference Entity and will have no rights to enforce directly compliance by any Reference Entity with the terms of its obligations that are referred to in the Credit Default Swap, no rights of set-off against any Reference Entity, no voting rights with respect to any Reference Entity and no security interest in any Reference Obligation


Disclaimers and Risk Factor Please Read  Limited Provision of Information about Reference Obligations/Reference Entities: No information will be provided to prospective counterparties with respect to any Reference Obligation or Reference Entity. Investors should conduct their own investigation and analysis with respect to the creditworthiness of each Reference Obligation and the likelihood of the occurrence of an event triggering payments under the Credit Default Swap occurring with respect to each Reference Entity and Reference Obligation  Concentration Risk/Structural Risk: The concentration of the Reference Obligations in the Index in one particular type of structured product security subjects the Credit Defaults Swap to a greater degree of risk with respect to defaults within such type of structured product security. Prospective counterparties should review the list of Reference Obligations and conduct their own investigation and analysis with regard to each Reference Obligation, including the credit, market, interest rate, structural and legal risks associated with each Reference Obligation  Evolving Nature of the Credit Default Swap Market: Credit default swaps (including credit default swaps on asset backed securities) are relatively new instruments in the market. While ISDA has published and supplemented the ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions in order to facilitate transactions and promote uniformity in the credit default swap market, the credit default swap market is expected to change and the ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions and terms applied to credit derivatives are subject to interpretation and further evolution. There can be no assurance that changes to the ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions and other terms applicable to credit derivatives generally will be predictable. Amendments or supplements to the ISDA Credit  Derivatives Definitions that are published by ISDA will only apply to the Credit Default Swap if the Credit Default Swap is amended. Therefore, in addition to the credit risk of Reference Obligations, Reference Entities and the credit risk of their counterparty, persons who enter into Credit Default Swaps are also subject to the risk that the ISDA Credit Derivatives Definitions could be interpreted in a manner that would be adverse to them or that the credit derivatives market generally may evolve in a manner that would be adverse to them  Credit Ratings: Credit ratings represent the rating agencies’ opinions regarding credit quality and are not a guarantee of quality. Rating agencies attempt to evaluate the safety of principal and/or interest payments and do not evaluate the risks of fluctuations in market value. Accordingly, credit ratings may not fully reflect the true risks underlying any Credit Default Swap. Also, rating agencies may fail to make timely changes in credit ratings in response to subsequent events, so that an issuer’s current financial condition may be better or worse than a rating indicates  Goldman Sachs does not make any representation, recommendation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness or completeness of the information contained herein or in any further information, notice or other document which may at any time be supplied in connection with the transaction and accepts no responsibility or liability therefor. Goldman Sachs is currently and may be from time to time in the future an active participant on both sides of the market and have long or short positions in, or buy and sell, securities, commodities, futures, options, indices or other derivatives identical or related to those mentioned herein and hedging activities by Goldman Sachs relating to the transaction may affect the price of such transaction and the value of the transaction. Goldman Sachs may have potential conflicts of interest due to present or future relationships between Goldman Sachs and any Collateral, the issuer thereof, any Reference Entity or any obligation of any Reference Entity


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