SNOM Board of Directors Board Minutes October 10, 2009 Vision: The School Nurse Organization of Minnesota envisions student health for student success. Mission: The School Nurse Organization of Minnesota advances excellence in school nursing practice to promote and support student health for student success. Goal #1-Elevate the quality and practice of school nursing through research, education, and advocacy. Goal #2-Increase and retain SNOM/NASN membership to broaden the impact of high quality school nursing practice. Goal #3 – By 2010 25% of SNOM members will be actively involved as volunteer leaders in the organization. Date: October 10, 2009 Place: Champlin Park High School, Anoka Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM AGENDA: I. Call to Order (Hoxie) Review meeting agenda Introduction of attendees: Attendees: Ann Hoxie, Jill Stewart, Cheryl Smoot, Liz Zeno, Julia Bennett, Carol Grady, Kim Kelso, Carmen Teskey, Sheila Davies, Stacie O’Leary, Mary Jo Martin, Kati Bauerly, Lil Levine, Mary Heiman, Patty Rezabek, Cindy Hiltz Upcoming Workshops Friday and Saturday, November 6th & 7th Annual SNOM Conference Thursday, Nov 5 Pre-Conference HANDS and Insulin Pump Mon Nov 16 4 – 8 pm Psychosocial Issues in Adolescents with Diabetes (MDH) (Kaup) Announcements including joys and sorrows (please let Ann know important events that occur with Board members or SNOM members): Thank you from Mary Swanson Page 1 of 11

Cheryl Smoot is going to be a grandma. Carmen Teskey’s son got married in August. Lil Levine’s daughter got married in August. Letter from Zorada Hoge one of the founding members of SNOM. II. President/Vice-President/Past -President Report (Hoxie) • •

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Sunshine Fund: please donate $10.00 if you wish to participate this year. Sunshine Fund for memorials, congratulations, etc. Send/make checks out to Ann and in memo section note “Sunshine Fund” State Health Improvement Program: Funding across all Minnesota communities and tribal Governments has been rolled out. Discussion held that we (SNOM) should offer SCOPE training. Perhaps we could hold this in St. Cloud. 30 people minimum. Cost is about $100. SHIP dollars could be utilized. Cheryl will look into using MDH ITV. Ann Hoxie will check with NASN about utilizing ITV. If NASN doesn’t give us the OK, we will look into St. Cloud site. There are 8 sites throughout the state. Action for Healthy Kids has asked SNOM member to be on the Board - Minnesota SNOM Representative Gail Setterstrom H1N1 Influenza o Mn 2020 - H1N1 Fears Show Soft Belly of School Health Underinvestment currently on the site; a short video clip will soon be posted both highlighting school nurse role. o Letter sent to principals associations from SNOM President - school nurse has expertise to support administration during H1N1 (Hoxie) o School reporting Board of Nursing (Hiltz) o LPN Practice proposed changes (Hiltz) ƒ LPN Practice Committee meetings on 10/15 and 11/12 from 3-6 at the BON building. Do we want a SNOM member to attend or let MNA handle the monitoring of this committee and we connect with them? Cindy can not attend either of these meetings due to work meeting conflicts. There is information available on the BON website. Discussion held regarding “nursing assessment” and “gathering information”. Sheila Davies will attend 10/15/09 meeting. o Medication Assistant Task Force (regulation of medication assistants (unlicensed assistive personnel) (Hiltz) ƒ Medication Assistant Task Force had a meeting on 10/6 that neither Cheryl Smoot or Cindy Hiltz were aware of. This is what Cheryl copied from the Board of Nursing official minutes from June which is the latest on the web. (Very old) Committee/Task Force Updates ƒ Chairperson Haugen reported the Medication Assistant Task Force is planning to hold a stakeholder meeting on June 9, 2009. The meeting will assemble a cross-section of representatives of state agencies, associations, employers and advocacy groups with an interest in ensuring persons that require assistance with the administration of medications receive that assistance in a safe, effective manner without undue burden and regulation. The purpose of the meeting is to ensure the task force is well informed about the many complex issues regarding medication administration by UAPs and to begin a dialogue about these issues. Page 2 of 11


Ann Hoxie will send a letter to BON regarding need to include SNOM in these discussions.

III Old Business (Hoxie) • 100 Year Celebration – Wanda Miller Committee members are Wanda Miller, Mary Swanson, Kay Williams, Sue Will, Mary Aarness, Jean Currie, Patty Rezabek, Judy Nelson. The following information is a brief synopsis of the activities of the 100 Year Celebration of School Nursing Committee: 1. Committee has met 18 times beginning October 17, 2008 2. Celebration Activity includes an educational program: a) Funded by a grant from Sanofi Pasteur. Funds were deposited in the SNOM account. b) Provided in collaboration with the SNOM Conference Committee and in conjunction with the SNOM Fall Conference. c) Participants will earn2 CEUS-Kristen Nichol, MD, a flu immunization expert will provide the epidemiology portion of the program and a school nurse panel will provide a variety of school based programs for the implementation of immunizations. d) Included in the grant is funding for a dinner during the educational program. e) Costumed School Nurse acting as Virginia Rice will provide color. f) Capped off with Celebration Cakes at the end of the dinner.

3. Logo for the Celebration-developed and printed as the official logo for the Celebration 4. Invitations a) Development of the invitation and RSVP b) A General List of people have been invited-Legislators, Superintendents, Board of Education, Organizations, etc. totaling 1015 invitees. c) SNOM Membership list of 316 members and a list of non member and retired school nurses of 473 received invitations. d) The total number of invitation sent is 1804. 5. Fact Sheet- Development of a 2 page fact sheet for school nurses to use throughout the year to explain the Celebration. 6. History Timeline-Extensive research of the history of School Nursing in Minnesota. a) Development of a history timeline Brochure b) Development of an extensive timeline Page 3 of 11

7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Pin-Development of an enamel pin with the logo for all school nurses Costumed Virginia Rice actress to present facts of the early days of school nursing. T-Shirt/ Sweat Shirts with embroidered logo for Celebration-Items ordered individually by school nurses prior to the Celebration. Governor’s Proclamation submitted to the Governor’s office. School Nurse Packets to included: Invitation, RSVP card with # coming, letter from Ann encouraging nurses to invite legislators, superintendents, principals or supervisor, Fact Sheet, Clothing order sheet and pin. Mailed September 19. 12. History Display for the Conference a) Uniforms from the 1900-1920s b) Picture of Virginia Rice- the first school nurse c) Memorabilia from the early years of school nursing 13. Marketing- Website was set up the first week of September. It includes the invitation and an electronic system for RSVP responses, Fact Sheet, History Time line, Logo 14. Budgets Sanofi Pasteur Honorarium


Educational Grant Physician @$1000 School Nurses @ $200 each Paper Invitations and RSVPs

Budgeted 1

$ 1,000.00


$ 1,000.00


$ 2,378.00

Printing Postage @ $0.43 Dinner meals @ $30 each

1800 325




100 Year Celebration


Physician @$1000


$ 1,000.00

School Nurses @ $200 each


$ 1,000.00


$ 2,378.00


Paper Invitations and RSVPs


$ 1,190.00


Printing of Invitations

$ 1,190.00


$ 774.00

Printing of Programs






$ 9,750.00 $ 16,092.00

Postage @ $0.43 $4,342.00

Pins History Brochure

Logo Pins Pamphlet Printing


Dresses from 1900 @ $59.95

1800 350

$ 1,000.00

$ 1,309.05



$ 1824.99

$ 2,000.00 2











Uniform Display Laundry




Drafting and Design


School Nurse

Packet and mailing


$ 10,500.00

Page 4 of 11


$ 3,718.12

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Liability coverage for Board members SNOM fiscal year our minutes indicate fiscal year June 1st, our budget is set as fiscal year as April 1st. Mary Jo Martin made a motion to set fiscal year as April 1st through March 31st. Stacie O’Leary seconded. Discussion elaborated on why change needs to me made. This helps us align with NASN fiscal year. It would be “cleaner” due to Orientation and Program. Motion passed unanimously. No word on BMI discussion from last meeting. Maybe pilot in November.

IV. New Business (Hoxie) • Public Relations Chair - Carol Grady • SNOM has been requested to send rep to the Advisory Group to work on SPP indicators. (State Performance Plan indicators). This would be to work with Cathy Griffin and Cheryl Smoot. Kim Kelso indicated an interest as well as Jill Stewart and Kati Bauerly. LSNS can impact parent, attendance, least restrictive environment and drop out rate. • Betty Hubbard Award application. Carol Grady sits on MCH board. SNOM could be submitted as an applicant. Ann Hoxie will write up the application. Application is due October 23rd . • MDH Diabetes Steering Committee requesting SNOM rep for State Diabetes Plan 2011. Patty MacGillivary from Anoka Hennepin. • By-Law Changes (Heiman) V. Secretary’s Report (Conklin) Cindy Hiltz made a motion to accept the minutes with typos corrected. Julia Bennett seconded. Approved unanimously. VI. Treasurer’s Report (O’Leary) Patty Rezabek made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Lil Levine seconded. Motion passed unanimously. No electronic version of report received. VII. NASN Director’ Report (Teskey) • As chair of the NASN Nominating Committee, I have been busy with the selection process for this year’s slate of candidates. This year’s candidates for the elections held in April include: o Vice President: Tia Campbell and Patricia Krin o Nominating Committee: Sharon Lothridge o Watch the NASN School Nurse and Website for candidate information in January. The NASN Board of Directors in June approved the adoption of electronic voting for the national election to save approx. $8,000 annually and hopefully to increase voter participation. NASN will be exploring various companies that offer this service. •

The NASN new database management system has been running smoothly. Members now have the ability to manage their own “Profile” by going to the NASN website and clicking on “Manage Member Profile” on the left column. An e-mail was sent in Page 5 of 11

September to all members with their login information and password. Please check to make sure they have your current mail address, e-mail addresses and contact information so you don’t miss out on any of the valuable resources sent to you. •

Mark your calendars for the 42nd Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois from June 29 – July 3, 2010 . Plan to carpool, get a cheap flight or take the megabus and join your SNOM colleagues for a fun and educational conference.

VIII. Committee Reports Information/Technology (Teskey) Recent updates to the website include several new conference listings under Coming Events, (including brochure for SNOM Fall Conference) and 100 Year Celebration information on the homepage. You can submit your RSVP for the celebration dinner and Influenza Education Program on the website. The Listserv continues to be a valuable tool for sharing ideas, information, resources, and common school nursing practice. Recent posts have related to hand sanitizer use, field trip medications, ADHD resources, membership reminders, diabetes tips etc. Don’t forget that members can always search for something they remember seeing previously by utilizing the Archives on the Members Only page. Membership Committee (Levine) As of August 2009, 301 members. Down from 315. Would we want to hire someone to update information on SNOM page? Could it be a task that a new member could do to help bring someone into the committee. Program Committee (Aarness) Pre-Conference: HANDS and Pump Practicum. SNOM program committee is busy putting the final “touches” together for our annual fall conference to be held on November 6th and 7th with a pre-conference on November 5th. The conference registrations are starting to come in, 35 as of 10/9. Throughout the next couple weeks, reminders to register and speaker highlights will be sent on the list serve to members. The committee continues to work with the 100 year celebration committee in plans for the banquet on the evening of November 6th. The conference and the 100 year celebration promise to be an excellent educational opportunity for school nurses and a great time to network with their colleagues. The SNOY and SNAOY will be honored at an awards luncheon on Sat. November 7th. This will be a new time to have the awards. We are hoping that more of the relatives and co-workers of those being honored will be able to attend. It may also be a time that more of those attending the conference will stay to be a part of this award luncheon. Our annual SNOM conference will be held on the first Friday and Saturday in November each year from now on. Page 6 of 11

Education Committee (Conklin) • School Nurse Orientation, MDE, Roseville Aug 18 and 19. Information was late in getting out to districts but still a large number of attendees…about 60. Discussion was held regarding making a folder on the members only section of the SNOM website. Public Relations (Grady) Welcome to Carol! Good response from the state fair. Research (Hiltz) There have been no applicants for the research funds. Please encourage LSNs doing research to consider applying for the funds. The application is on our website under membership or they can call Cindy Hiltz. Is there something that SNOM would like to research within SNOM? Perhaps we could hire someone to do some research that is helpful to SNOM. Cheryl Smoot is aware of a student who is an LSN who is interested in conducting research linking nursing interventions to student outcomes. Is there something regarding H1N1 that we should be looking at? What is the administrator’s perception of the school nurses role in H1N1? Standards (Silkworth) No report. Legislative (Herrmann/Zeno) No written report. Special Education (Yackly/J.Lowe) • SNOM and MDE jointly sponsored a workshop entitled, Navigating the ABC's of Special Education, The Nurse's Role in the Special Education Process. The event was held at the Minnesota Department of Education on Thursday, April 30th. There was a wonderful response to the conference and over 120 school nurses from around the state attended. The objectives of the conference were as follows: Outline the federal and state statutes and rules that apply to nursing in special education; List essential components of an LSN Assessment of Health/Physical Status; Improve the skills for writing Evaluation Summary Reports and Individualized Education Programs; Clarify the elements associated with the time study used to capture state aid for nursing related to special education; Identify a nursing strategy to improve at least one State Performance Plan indicator. •

The special education committee members that worked on the conference were Mary Tomes, Jill Stewart, Mary Yackley, Jennifer Nordstand and Janet Lowe.

Thank you to Cathy Griffin from the Minnesota Department of Education with assisting the SNOM special education committee members for their work in organizing the conference to increase the skills of school nurses in the area of special education. Also, thank you to Cheryl Smoot from MDH and Ruth Ellen Luehr from MDE for assistance during the conference. Page 7 of 11

VIII. Task Force/Special Committee Reports Pediatric Emergency Education Project (Bennett) • Julia attended EMSC Advisory Committee. They focused on some prehospital guidelines. Mental Health resources for prehospitalizations. Scholarship (Arnold) • Kathy Frey awarded 2009 Scholarship. Immunization Task Force (Hiltz) MIPAC is having bi-monthly conference calls on flu activities and vaccines. Cindy will send list serve updates. Kati Bauerly is working with counties to provide H1N1 clinics. It will take 5 weeks to vaccine. There are 13,000 students. Stearns County is ordering 5,000 doses. Public Health is supplying the PHNs and schools supplying LSNs. St. Cloud schools will be administering vaccine. St. Cloud covers 3 counties. 2 Public Health agencies are on board. Question: who is in charge? Do districts have anything in writing? Minneapolis has it’s own public health agency. Minneapolis will have sites after school. This will take a lot of planning. From extra custodial help to traffic control. Awards Committee (Mary Jo Martin) • 2009 Award Recipients were announced at the August SNOM Board Meeting. o School Nurse of the Year: ƒ Roberta Pointer RN, BSN, MS – Hopkins Schools o School Nurse Administrator of the Year: ƒ Susan Nokleby RN, BSN, MS, NCSN – Bemidji Schools • The recipients will be honored at a luncheon ceremony on Saturday, November 7, 2009 in cooperation with the SNOM Conference Committee and conjunction with the SNOM Annual Conference. • Mary Jo and Ann Hoxie sent letters of congratulations to the recipients and school administrators. • Awards have been ordered through Minnesota Trophies • Representative from Harvard Alumni Award will be contacted and invited to awards ceremony. • Additional Awards o Recognition of 2009 SNOM Scholarship Award recipient: Kathy Frey – Minneapolis Public Schools o Recognition of 100 Year Celebration Committee (certificates) o Retiree List as of 10-10-09 (corsages) ƒ Marilyn Cunningham – St. Paul ƒ Vail Parsons – St. Paul ƒ Linda Siqveland – St. Paul ƒ Beth Tillmann – St. Paul Page 8 of 11

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Jan Truel – Duluth Linda Van Ryn – Elk River Ann Voelker – St. Paul Deb Worthington – St. Paul Mary Zarembo – Minneapolis

o The Awards Committee will work with the Public Relations, SNOMemo and Technology Committees in regards to announcements and press releases. o NASN will be instituting new national award guidelines in January 2010 to become effective in 2011. Awards Committee will work with MN NASN Director to outline SNOM process and timeline. Historical (Nelson) Bylaws (Heiman) Mary brought us through the proposed changes/rationale to bylaw changes. A few changes in wording were made. Distribution will be done to SNOM members with vote at Annual Meeting. SNOM memo (Nokleby, Kelso) Hope to get a memo out before the conference. So far, 2 articles have come in. X. Organizational reports SSCEE (Aarness, Rezabek, Hiltz) The first meeting of the SSCEE took place on 9/18/09. We discussed if there was need for this group to continue and decided as a group that it was necessary. We will meet the third Friday of odd months. One of the items presented during the September meeting was from MDE finance with regards to the Safe Schools Levy for Licensed School Support Staff (counselors, LSNs, social workers, psychologists, alcohol/chemical dependency counselors). MDE is gathering this fall data on how many support staff are in each district. With the current way the statute is written (MS 126C.44) districts will not be able to decrease this staffing total. There are several concerns with this according to MDE. What is a decrease (FTE or number of staff)? Is it fair to have districts that need to decrease teaching staff not be able to also decrease support staff (which I objected to because we are all teachers according to MDE)? We will need to keep an eye on this issue this legislative session. MDH (Smoot) To get to MDH information regarding H1N1,

Hotline number is 651-201-5414

The committee recommended the vaccination efforts focus on five key populations. Vaccination efforts are designed to help Page 9 of 11

reduce the impact and spread of novel H1N1. The key populations include those who are at higher risk of disease or complications, those who are likely to come in contact with novel H1N1, and those who could infect young infants. • pregnant women, • people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, • health care and emergency medical services personnel, • persons between the ages of 6 months through 24 years of age, and • people from ages 25 through 64 years who are at higher risk for novel H1N1 because of chronic health disorders or compromised immune systems. There is some possibility that initially the vaccine will be available in limited quantities. In this setting, the committee recommended that the following groups receive the vaccine before others: • pregnant women, • people who live with or care for children younger than 6 months of age, • health care and emergency medical services personnel with direct patient contact, • children 6 months through 4 years of age, and • children 5 through 18 years of age who have chronic medical conditions. Schools have been cited for storing too much hand sanitizer. Cheryl Smoot following up with Board of Pharmacy regarding orders for students with diabetes not having specific orders regarding dose. MDE (Luehr) No report. MNA ( ) No report. MOAPP ( ) No report.

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MAC (Minnesota Asthma Coaltion) (Levine) There has been some discussion about the future of MAC. There is some “visioning” talk. Sustainability. MNSIC (Minnesota State Interagency Committee) (Stewart) Jill is trying to contact them to determine when/where the meetings are. Focus is to coordinate services for students that are transitioning. MN State high School league(Davies) No written report. XI. Regional Reports 1:30 Northern (Sandy Munson) No report. West Metro (Davies) No report. East Metro () No report. East/Central (Powers) No report. West/S West (Bauerly) Lots of work on H1N1.

Meeting adjourned at 2:26 pm

Annual Meeting November 7 Saturday, January 9 at the Anoka Learning Center. On Ferry Street. Saturday, April 24

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