EASTMAN SIDI LARBI CHERKAOUI 4D Teatre Municipal © EAST-MAN Dissabte 16 de novembre, 21 h SIDI LARBI CHERKAOUI 4D Fitxa artísti...
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Teatre Municipal © EAST-MAN

Dissabte 16 de novembre, 21 h


Fitxa artística Coreografia: Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui amb col·laboració a "Sin" de Damien Jalet Intèrprets: Navala Niku Chaudhari, Oliver Tida, Nemo Levy Oeghoede, James O’Hara, Daisy Phillips, Guro Nagelhus Schia i Vebjørn Sundby Vestuari: Frédérick Denis, Alexandra Gilbert, Elisabeth Kinn Svensson, Sasa Kovacevic, Isabelle Lhoas, Hussein Chalayan Il·luminació: Adam Carrée Música: Patrizia Bovi, Gabriele Miracle, Mahabub Khan, Sattar Khan, Jacopo da Bologna, Claude Debussy, Nitin Sawhney So: Jens Drieghe Vídeo: Paul Van Caudenberg - Vídeo "Valtari": Christian Larson Fotografia: Koen Broos Assistent de coreografia: Nienke Reehorst Tècnics: Mathias Batsleer, Jens Drieghe, Kim Rens Direcció tècnica: Patrick "Sharp" Vanderhaegen Producció: Eastman Coproducció: Het Toneelhuis (Anvers), Théâtre du Beauvaisis, Theater im Pfalzbau (Ludwigshafen), DeSingel (Anvers)

Dades Dia i hora: Dissabte 16 de novembre, 21 h Lloc: Teatre Municipal Preu: 32, 22, 18 i 9 € Durada: 1 h 15 min. Espectacle sense text


El programació de Temporada Alta al Teatre Municipal compta amb la col·laboració de: 02


Presentació Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui té un talent únic per modelar els cossos. Els que ja l’heu vist sabeu molt bé què vol dir emocionar-se amb el moviment. I els que encara no conegueu el coreògraf més requerit del moment torneu a tenir una oportunitat d’or. 4D condensa la màgia de la seva dansa en els duets, en aquesta batalla perfecta que és l’empényer, el tibar-se, l’apartar-se, i finalment fusionar-se del joc a dos que ja li vam veure a Play amb Shantala Shivalingappa o a Dunas amb Maria Pagés. Els dos cossos, la música i el moviment són les regles, les quatre dimensions d’aquests quatre duets. Cherkaoui ha destil·lat aquests fragments de peces anteriors per engendrar un nou i intens muntatge: quatre versions de l’estira-i-arronsa entre dos éssers plens de l’energia i la mística que han marcat amb foc la seva dansa.

4D Per parlar de dansa cal referir-nos a la quarta dimensió, un factor més enllà del temps que escapa tota medició. Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, el coreògraf que reuneix com cap altre espiritualitat i dinamisme, ha investigat aquest concepte sovint a través dels duets inserits a les seves peces –i replantejat com a entitats aïllades a 4D–. Matter (2008) és un diàleg amb els objectes personificats del nostre entorn; va crear Faun (2009) a partir del trencament corporal protagonitzat per l’androgin Nijinski; Sin (2010) representa un duel de forces oposades; Pure (2011) s’inspira en el grafisme manga. I el duet Valtari forma part del darrer videoclip de Sigur Rós, un himne a la complementarietat dels cossos. Bàrbara Raubert. Suplemement de Temporada Alta de la Vanguardia. 30 setembre 2013



Sobre l’espectacle... A l’obra de Sidi Larbi Cherkoui els duets juguen un paper primordial. Junt amb Akram Khan van ballar a zero graus, amb María Pagés Dunes i amb Shantala Shivalingappa Play. Però també crea duets emocionants per als seus ballarins, és el cas de 4D. Un recull de les últimes coreografies pensades per a duets, peces que tenen la seva individualitat però que també piquen l’ullet a mons molt més amplis. Es tracta de versions dels duets creats en escenaris molt diversos. Un dels més destacats es va crear en estreta col·laboració amb el coreògraf belda Damien Jalet. Totes quatre peces demostren la versalitat i el caràcter innovador de l’obra de Cherkaoui, que és, actualment, un dels coerògrafs contemporanis més influents del món. Com s’apuntava a l’inici els quatre duets van nèixer a entorns molt diversos i amb a matèria com a eix central de totes les quatres peces :

Faun Faun fou encarregat originàriament per al Sadler’s Wells a Londres com a part part del centenari al gran empresari Sergei Diaghilev, el 2009 dins de l’espectacle In the spirit of Diaghilev, que també mostrava el treball de Wayne McGregor, Russell Maliphant i Javier de Frutos. Aquesta peça ofereix una nova revisió del ballet de Vaslav Nijinski del Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune de Debussy, en la qual la qualitat animal i la gràcia de l’energia masculina i femenina es van domesticant en un uníson de preguntes i respostes dels cossos.

Pure Pure fou un encàrrec per al Festival de Dansa Flamenc Dansand i es representà per primer cop a les platges d’Ostend el juliol del 2010. Aquest duet també es pogué veure a TeZukA, l’homenatge que el 2011 Cherkaoui va fer a Osamu Tezuka, el mestre del manga modern. La peça parla del desig de puresa que porta al no res: un ballarí desapareix gradualment mentre la seva parella acaricia delicadament el seu cos inestable.

Sin Sin és una extensió de Babel (words), espectacle coreografiat conjuntament amb Damien Jalet i l’artista plàstic Antony Gormley. A Sin el duet explora la intimitat d’una parella: el cos, els moviments serpentejants i els problemes d’amor atrapats entre entre Eros i Thanatos. 04


Matter Inicialment, Matter era una seqüència Origine (2008), estrenada al Bourlaschouwburg a Antwerp. Origen: era una oda a l’omnipresència dels objectes que ens envolten , i el seu paper com a amortidors de la solitud extrema del món actual. Aquests quatre duets foren revisats i reestructurats per tal d’assolir entitat pròpia com a espectacles independents i poder-los aplegar en una mateixa obra.



4D en gira NOVEMBRE 2013 6 de novembre. DESINGEL, Anvers. Bèlgica 7 de novembre. DESINGEL, Anvers. Bèlgica 8 de novembre. DESINGEL, Anvers. Bèlgica 9 de novembre. DESINGEL, Anvers. Bèlgica 16 de novembre. TEMPORADA ALTA, Girona. Estat espanyol

GENER 2014 24 de gener. TEATRO CENTRAL SEVILLA, Sevilla. Estat espanyol 25 de gener. TEATRO CENTRAL SEVILLA, Sevilla. Estat espanyol

FEBRER 2014 6 de febrer. BAERUM KULTURHUS, Oslo. Noruega 7 de febrer. BAERUM KULTURHUS, Oslo. Noruega 10 de febrer. BØLGEN KULTURHUS, Larvik. Noruega 12 de febrer. IBSENHUSET, Skien. Noruega 16 de febrer. FESTIVITETEN, Haugesund. Noruega 19 de febrer. STAVANGER KONSERTHUS, Stavanger. Noruega 23 de febrer. ARENDAL KULTURHUS, Arendal. Noruega 26 de febrer. KILDEN TEATER- OG KONSERTHUS, Kristiansand. Noruega

MARÇ 2014 11 de març. CHASSÉ, Breda. Països Baixos 14 de març. STADSSCHOUWBURG GRONINGEN, Groningen. Països Baixos 18 de març. RABOZAAL - HEERLEN, Heerlen. Països Baixos 22 de març. C-MINE, Genk. Bèlgica 25 de març. CULTUURCENTRUM BRUGGE, Bruges. Bèlgica 31 de març. THEATERS TILBURG, Tilburg. Països Baixos



Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui coreògraf Des del 1999, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui ha representat més de quinze coreografies completes, per les quals ha rebut una bona col·lecció de premis, des del Fringe First Award (Edimburg), passant pel Premi Nijinski al Coreògraf prometedor a Montecarlo, fins al Benois De La Danse per Babel (words). El 2011, la Unesco també el va guardonar com a Jove Artista per al Diàleg Intercultural entre el món àrab i l’occidental. Els seus primers treballs coreogràfics foren com a membre del col·lectiu Les Ballets C. de la B., i va treballar en diversos projectes com D’avant (2002) per a la companyia Sasha Waltz & Guests, i Zero degrees (2005) amb Akram Khan. Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui ha treballat per a nombrosos teatres, òperes i companyies de dansa, que van des de Les Ballets de Monte Carlo (In memoriam, 2004 i Mea culpa, 2006), el Grand Théâtre de Ginebra (Loin, 2005), el Cullberg Ballet a Estocolm (End, 2006), el Royal Danish Ballet (L’Homme de bois, 2007) i De Munt (Apocrifu, 2007, Myth i Sutra, 2008), fins al Sadler’s Wells a Londres (Sutra, 2008). L’any 2006, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui va crear a Toneelhuis (Casa del Teatre, Anvers) les produccions Myth (2007) i Origine (2008), i des del 2008 també està vinculat amb el Sadler’s Wells de Londres com a artista associat. L’any 2009 va dur a terme la seva primera producció americana, Orbo Novo, per al Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet de Nova York i diversos duets com Faun i Dunas. El 2010 va estrenar la seva companyia, Eastman, al Toneelhuis i es va presentar com a soci del projecte internacional del campus de les arts De Singel (Anvers). Babel (words) va ser la primera producció d’Eastman. Aquest mateix any, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui es va encarregar de la coreografia de Das Reingold (Wagner), dirigida per Guy Cassiers al Teatro de la Scala de Milà, i del duet Play amb Shantala Shivalingappa. El 2011 va crear, entre altres espectacles, Labyrinth per al Ballet Nacional d’Amsterdam i TeZukA, una gran producció nova (Eastman, Sadlers Wells i Bunkamura) emmarcada en l’univers del mestre del manga Osamu Tezuka. El 2012 creà Puz/zle amb 11 ballarins i el cor masculí cors A Filetta, la cantant libanesa Fadia Tomb El-Hage i el músic japonès Kazunari Abe. També liderà la coreografia per a Anna Karenina, el film de Joe Wright, protagonitzat per Keira Knightley i Jude Law.



Damien Jalet coreògraf Damien Jalet is a French and Belgian choreographer and performer. Since 2000 he’s been working as the closest and most regular collaborator of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, within Les ballets C. de la B., Toneelhuis and Eastman vzw (he danced in Rien de Rien, Foi, Tempus Fugit,Myth and recently TeZukA). In 2002 Jalet and Cherkaoui created D’avant, together with Luc Dunberry and Juan Kruz Diaz de Garaio Esnaola, produced by Sasha Waltz and guests. Jalet and Cherkaoui also signedBabel(words) which won two Olivier awards in 2011 (Best new dance production and Outstanding achievement in dance for the set design by Antony Gormley) and a prix Benois de la danse for best choreography at Bolshoi, Moscow. Damien Jalet also regularly works with Icelandic choreographer Erna Ómarsdóttir. Together they’ve been creating a number of works in collaboration with visual artist Gabriela Fridriksdóttir (transaquania-out of the blue,transaquania-into thin air and Ofaett(unborn). Ómarsdóttir and Jalet also created Black Marrow for the renowned Australian company Chunky Move at the Melboune international festival 2009. In 2008 Jalet premiered Three Spells with dancer Alexandra GIlbert and composer Christian Fennesz for the Tokyo International Arts Festival. He also worked with other renowned choreographers, such as Wim Vandekeybus (The day of heaven and hell) and Akram Khan (for whom he devised a solo segment in the pieceDesh). Jalet has developed a big number of collaborations with high-level artists in different fields, such as theater director Arthur Nauzyciel (choreography and performances in many productions such as Julius Caesar for the A.R.T. in Boston or The Seagull at the Cour d'honneur du palais des papes at Avignon festival). He worked with visual artists Antony Gormley (Babel(words)) and Jim Hodges (show 2011 at Gladstone Gallery NY). He collaborated with musicians Lady and Bird on the choreography of the opera Red Waters, with Olof Arnalds (script and choreography of the music video Surrender (a duet with Björk)), Florence + The Machine (choreography of the No Light, No Light music video) and Editors (choreography of the video You don't know love). All three videos were directed by Arni and Kinski and cinematographer Christopher Doyle. He also worked with photographer Nick Knight and designer Bernhard Willhelm (for the video Men in tights) and with philosopher Giorgio Agemben and contemporary musician Stefano Scodanibio (choreography of the opera Il cielo sulla terra at Stuttgart opera).



His next project is a new version of Ravel’s Bolero, co-signed with Cherkaoui and performance artist Marina Abramovic for the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris in 2013. Jalet has taught his very specific contemporary dance technique in various companies and institutions such as Pina Bausch Tanztheater (Wuppertal), Impulstanz (Vienna), Panetta movement center (NY), Centros de las artes (Mexico), Chunky move (Melbourne), Atelier de Paris and Ménagerie de verre (Paris)... Artistic consultant: Puz/zle Assistant choreography: Sutra, End, Loin, In Memoriam, Tempus Fugit Choreography: Boléro, 4D, Les Médusés, D’avant, Babel(words), Aleko Dance: Les Médusés, D’avant, Tezuka, Foi, Myth, La Zon-mai, Aleko, Tempus Fugit, Rien de Rien.

Navala Niku Chaudhari intèrpret Navala Chaudhari was born in London in 1981 and began her training in Shaolin Kung Fu (19891997). She then completed her professional dance training at the Northern School of Contemporary Dance graduating with a BA honours in 2002. Professionally she has worked with Andre Gingras, Bawren Tavaziva, Shobana Jeyasingh, Akram Khan, Union Dance and Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui amongst others. From 2006-2010 she worked with Company Decalage as co-director and has collaborated on the works Appel and Breaking Point. In 2009 she made Amaranthine with Kevin Edward Turner and was awarded the Choreodrome scholarship programme to research and develop her own work. In 2010 she joined Eastman, the company of Sidi Larb Cherkaoui with the creation of Babel (words). Since then she has danced and taught internationally for the company. She appears in the feature film Anna Karenina directed by Joe Wright and assisted Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui on the choreography of it. She is also involved in the Eastman productions Puz/zle and 4D. Assistant choreography: Anna Karenina Dance: Puz/zle, 4D, Les Médusés, Babel(words), Anna Karenina



Guro Nagelhus Schia intèrpret Guro was born in Norway. She was educated at the Norwegian National Academy of Ballet, and was engaged with Carte Blanche Dance Theater, The Norwegian National Contemporary Company from 2002–2009, where she worked with choreographers such as Sharon Eyal, Ohad Naharin, Amanda Miller, Ingun Bjørnsgaard and Ina Christel Johannessen, among others. As a freelance she has had engagements with zero visibility corp., Kreutzer Company and Oslo Danse Ensemble. In 2009 she was awarded the Norwegian Dance Artists Scholarship. Guro met Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui in summer 2009 and started working for Eastman in December that year. With Eastman she has performed in Das Rheingold at Teatro alla Scala, Rein, TeZukA and worked as Cherkaoui’s choreographic assistant on Labyrinth with Het Nationale Ballet. She also performs in Anna Karenina, the movie by Joe Wright, for which Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui helmed the choreography. Actor: Anna Karenina Assistant choreography: Anna Karenina Dance: 4D, Tezuka, Das Rheingold, Rein

Vebjørn Sundby intèrpret Vebjørn was born in Sandefjord, Norway. After trying many different sports in his youth he finally fell into dance at the age of 18 and found it too exciting to let go. He started his education within dance and graduated at the Norwegian National Academy of Ballet in the autumn of 2003. During his time at the academy he formed a group of dancers and musicians who created completely improvised pieces. In 2004 he joined Carte Blanche Dance Theater in Norway, working with choreographers including Sharon Eyal, Ohad Naharin, Ingun Bjørnsgaard, Hofesh Shechter and Rui Horta, among others. He also worked with Ina Christel Johannessen’s zero visibility corp., performing in I have a secret to tell you, please leave with me and 37,7. Vebjørn met with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui in summer 2009 and started working for Eastman in December that year. With Eastman he has been involved with works such as Das Rheingold at Teatro alla Scala, Rein and TeZukA. Dance: 4D, Tezuka, Anna Karenina, Das Rheingold, Rein. 010


Hussein Chalayan disseny de vestuari Hussein Chalayan was born in Nicosia, Cyprus and graduated in 1993 from London’s Central St Martins School. Chalayan started his own label in 1994 and was named British Designer of the Year in 1999 and 2000. He was awarded an MBE for services to fashion in 2006. The Chalayan collections are known for Innovative design, beautiful tailoring and draping and an elegant minimalist aesthetic. The ready-to-wear collection is regularly featured in top fashion international magazines as well as carried in the world’s best boutiques and is shown during Paris Fashion Week. Chalayan lectures regularly on his work and has exhibited in museums worldwide including the V&A in London, The Kyoto Costume Institute, The Musée de la Mode-Palais du Louvre in Paris, The Metropolitan Museum of Art and MOMA in New York. Costume design: 4D, Faun.

Sasa Kovacevic disseny de vestuari Sasa Kovacevic is a Serbian-born fashion/stage costume designer. He graduated in fashion design from Kunsthochschule Weißensee Berlin and also studied stage and costume design at the Academy of Art in Belgrade. In addition to designing for his own fashion label SADAK, Sasa has also designed costumes and sets for several dance projects including: TeZukA (Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui); Oh! deep sea – Corpus I (Kat Valastur); Politics of Ecstasy (Meg Stuart, Jeremy Wade); Hybrid Dislocation,WOW ¥€$ and Interface (Tomi Paasonen); Mimesis (Justin F. Kennedy) and Anarchiv#1:I am not a Zombie (deufert&plischke). Recently, Sasa’s designs have featured at MADE Berlin in the work of visual artist Ebony Heat (Tipographic Ballet) and in the MADE Symposium organised by Marvel Comics illustrator, Marko Durdjevic. He has also been nominated for various European fashion awards including Designer for Tomorrow, European Design award and Baltic Fashion award (best male collection). Sasa continues to expand SADAK whilst working in collaborative theatre and dance projects throughout Europe and the US. Sasa Kovacevic designed the costumes for Sid Larbi Cherkaoui’s piece TeZukA. Costume design: 4D, Tezuka 011


Adam Carrée il·luminació Adam Carrée was born in Great-Britain in 1974. He studied lighting design at Rose Bruford College, graduating in 1997. Adam then went on to work with Central St Martins based at their Cochrane theatre, working annually on the Peter Williams Design for Dance seasons, collaborating with design students from Central St Martins, dancers and choreographers from Royal Academy of Dance, Central School of Ballet, London Studio Centre and Rambert School. Since then he has gone on to work in theatre, dance and opera. Adam has worked on a number of projects with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. He collaborated with Antony Gormley and Cherkaoui on Sutra and Babel (words), other collaborations include Faun and Play. Lighting designs for other companies include: Epson Downs and Hobson’s choice for Drama Centre London, A Taste of Mangoes for Tara Arts, Flavio for Early Opera Company, RSVP with Philine Janssens for The Place Prize, Rites/Before Night Falls, Shattered, Second Grace and Gameshow for Company Chameleon, The Cat Who Ran for Unicorn Theatre, For The Best with Mark Storor and the Unicorn Theatre. Light design: Play, Puz/zle, m¡longa, 4D, Sutra, Babel(words), Faun. Production / technical manager: m¡longa, Tezuka.

Nienke Reehorst assistent coreografia Nienke Reehorst was born in Holland. She works as choreographic assistant, dance and yoga teacher. She is based in Brussels, Belgium. As a dancer she has worked with Wim Vandekeybus/ Ultima Vez, Meg Stuart/ Damaged Goods, Ted Stoffer and Christine Desmedt amongst others. She has been teaching for dance companies and festivals all through Europe and South America. She works with theatre, music and circus productions as movement coach, and initiates social-art projects in Belgium and abroad. In 2001 she co-choreographed with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui the piece Ook for Theater Stap, a theatre company for people with learning disabilities. Since then she has been collaborating with him as rehearsal director and choreographic assistant for the pieces Foi, Myth, Origine, Apocrifu, Dunas, Babel (words), and Puz/zle. Assistant coreography: 4D, Apocrifu, Babel(words), Dunas, Das Rheingold, Foi, Myth, Rein, Origine. Choreography: Ook. Rehearsal director/assistant choreographer: Puz/zle. 012


Patricia Bovi composició musical Born in Assisi, Patrizia Bovi began studying music very early, first at Perugia Conservatory and then with Sergio Pezzetti. She begun to study mediaeval and renaissance music cooperating with ensemble Alia Musica from Milan and following seminars on antique vocal practice both in Italy and abroad. In that period she executed Italian repertory among 6th and 7th century with relevance to Monteverdi (Ballo delle Ingrate, Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda…) and some early seventeenth century music (La Dafne from Marco da Gagliano, Euridice from Jacopo Peri and La Morte di Orfeo from Stefano Landi). In 1984 she founded Ensemble Micrologus, a group whose main aim is research and interpretation of mediaeval music. The group encountered international success among audience and critics and every year they perform several concerts in Italy and abroad. Since 1990 she joined Quartetto Giovanna Marini, taking part in all its productions and tours, while since 1995 she has also cooperated with Ensemble Organum by Marcel Pères in a sacred representation taken from Laudario di Cortona. She also recorded several cd’s with Micrologus for Quadrivium and Opus 111: a cd dedicated to Landini and his contemporaries won the Diapason d’or award for 1996, and in 1997 the cd O Jhesu dolce, devotional songs from Florentine and Venetian confraternite in the 15th Century. With Quartetto di Giovanna Marini she recorded two cd’s: Partenze for the 20thanniversary of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s death, and Laudario di Cortona with l’Ensemble Organum for Harmonia Mundi. In 2007 she directed the musical project for Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui’s Myth. She is also involved in Babel (words) and Play. Patrizia Bovi perfected a teaching method for medieval chant with rapport to traditional music, holding stages in Italy and abroad and especially at Corsi di Musica Antica in Urbino and at Fondation Royaumont near Paris. Now she gives regular lessons of medieval singing at the new Centro studi europeo di musica medieval, Adolfo Broegg in Spello, Italy. Live music: Play, 4D, Babel(words). Music composition: Play, 4D, Babel(words), Myth.



Sattar Khan composició musical Sattar Khan was born in Kerap, a small village in Rajasthan, India. His father, as his ancestors, were musicians, carriers of a tradition as well popular as traditional. He became master in the art of playing the dholak and, after his arrival in Europe in 1996, he did not cease transmitting his cultural heritage in a very particular way, whilst sharing it with interpreters of various percussion instruments. Sattar Khan has a long experience in playing with the group Musafir and he also played with musicians such as Natasha Atlas, Ghalia Benali and Mary-Anne Roberts... In 2004, taking advantage from this Western experience, Sattar decided to present his own traditional heritage –the music and dance of Rajasthan. The music group Rangeela was born out of a varied and coloured mixture of artists coming from the four corners of the Thar desert: each one of them giving a particular interpretation of a lyric and musical heritage. Sattar Khan collaborated with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui on Babel(words). Live music: 4D, Les Médusés, Babel(words). Music composition: 4D, Babel(words).

Mahabub Khan composició musical Mahabub Khan was born in a little village (Kerap) in the region of Rajasthan. Like his brother Sattar Khan, he belongs to an old family of traditional musicians, who passed on their art for generations from father to son. He interprets the traditional songs of his native region, which accompany the agricultural activities and the annual village festivals. He is a gifted singer of traditional compositions from Rajasthan, Bhajan and Qawwali songs and possesses a unique and powerful voice reminiscent of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's. He also plays instruments like tabla (percussion instrument) and harmonium (piano-accordion instrument). For more then ten years he travelled around the world (Europe, Africa, and Asia) to play on festivals with the traditional music and dance group Musafir. He also played with Gulabi Sapera (India), Thierry Robin (France), Lo'Jo Triban (France), Natasha Atlas (England), Transglobal Underground (England), Pieter-Jan De Smet (Belgium), Kiva (Canada), Fanà - Derwish dance - Haqqani Mevlevi (Italy), Ghalia Benali (Tunesia), Djamel (Algeria), Mastana - Qawwali du Rajasthan (France). He started collaborating with Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui in 2010 on Babel(words). Live music: 4D, Les Médusés, Babel(words). Music composition: 4D, Babel(words). 014


Paul Van Caudenberg vídeo Paul Van Caudenberg was born in 1959 in Belgium. He studied piano and cello at the Academy of Asse, music theory at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent and jazz piano at the Halewijn Foundation. At the Sound Seminar of Rotterdam he studied sound engineering. In the 80s and 90s of last century, he worked as a freelance musician for Arenatheater, Fakkeltheater, the musical department of the Royal Ballet of Flanders, VRT, Leen Persijn, La Piovra, various cover bands and jazz ensembles and theater productions. From 1994 onwards he worked as a sound engineer / musician for recording studio The Chain Gang, from 1997 for the sonorisation department of tv-channel VRT and from 1998 as an audio and video technician at Toneelhuis. Paul Van Caudenberg has been involved in the work of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui from 2007 on with Myth, for which he worked as a sound enginer. For Origine (2008) he was involved in both sound and video and for Play (2010) and Puz/zle (2012) in video. Set design: Origine. Technician: Myth, Origine. Video design: Play, Puz/zle, 4D.



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