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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— My prayer is no matter your present view of Christmas – that you will never see Christmas time the same again. Romans 12:21 - “Do not to be overcome by evil (darkness) but overcome evil (darkness) with good (light!).” Matthew 5:13-16 - “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world…No one lights a lamp and then hides it under a basket, but instead, a lamp is placed on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Shock & Research The Christmas Season for us has always been the “most wonderful time for the year” – a time for enjoying an extra special time with family, loves ones, giving, listening to Christmas joyful and Christ honoring music – and most of all celebrating the birth of Christ and all that means. But several years ago (in 2011), came a rude awakening. As a ministry we had sent out and ENews praying everyone to have a glorious and blessed Christmas – we received back a response like this: “Christmas is not glorious, biblical, or belonging to us as spiritual believers.” We were in shock. And it challenged me to investigate – WHY they would say that! In searching out the matter I found it to my surprise the debate about whether or not Christians should celebrate Christmas has been raging for centuries even among key Christian leaders. Now the question is WHY the division about Christians celebrating Christmas? Why would some Christians voices align with Atheists and fight to get Christ out of Christmas? Which personally left me thinking “Something is wrong with this picture!” During my research on the internet I came across passionate opinions on both sides. One of those was a story of a TV preacher denouncing the celebration of Christmas for the following reasons: • December 25 was originally a pagan holiday • That Christ could not have born in December. • He used an Old Testament passages to show how the Christmas tree was idolatrous and an abomination. I understand wanting to “be separate” from the things of the world and in an attempt to honor God some have desired to move away from celebrating Christmas because of it’s perceived “pagan roots.” First I must say, I very much admire those who desire to live holy and please God and do what right in their eyes, even at the cost of great sacrifice. However, we must be careful to not let good intentions hinders our seeing the bigger picture. It’s important we make our decisions based on correct information and Biblical Paradigm. And while there are some valid points – there is a lot of “misinformation” and mis-focus. Also it is important we get our doctrines of right and wrong from the Bible – not men or the Internet. So it seems to be a growing controversy among some in the Church – bringing division. Therefore, I believe it's important we address this in order to bring clarity, truth, and balance Paradigm regarding Christmas. We pray this will be helpful to you and your family. I hope this message will settle issue this once and for all. But, just like I’ve said before – I will lay everything out…then Make your own decision and do what you think is right and best for you and your family. If you do not agree – its OK – we will still love you! And we will focus on the many others things we DO agree on. AMEN? We’ll Answer “Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?” by looking at 3 Key Objections Against Celebrating Christmas: Objection 1: It Has Pagan Roots! Objection 2A: Christmas is NOT Jesus Real Birthday. 2B: The Bible does not say we should celebrate Christ's Birthday. Objection 3: The Christmas Tree is a Pagan Idol Most objections seem to fall into these 3. Then we’ll come to a Conclusion and Answer – Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? First let’s look at the… Good and Negative of Christmas and the History of Christmas.

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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————

“Good Things” about Christmas • Good News of Christ Birth/Coming. Christmas brings Jesus Christ and His coming to earth to the FORE FRONT in most peoples minds • Hear Christmas songs playing exalting and glorifying Christ like – Joy to the World, Silent Night, O Come Emmanuel, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, and Oh Holy night. • Prime Time TV playing Christmas Message of Christ Birth! One example: Since 1965 the Charle Brown Christmas Special as played on Prime Time TV. Proclaiming the Gospel message by quoting from Luke 2 (the Angels message to the Shepards). Then they finished their Prime time special singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing. • People are more open to hear the Gospel at Christmas time. This is the one time of the year that the world is more aware of Christ's story — His miraculous birth, the Son of God became flesh, and dwelt among us.

“Negative Things” about Christmas • Materialism & Commercialism – many are self-centered / get into a lot of debt. Very commercialized = many businesses earn 1/2 there income during Christmas time. • Black Friday – greed and fighting! • Santa Clause is said to have both good and bad historical roots. He could also be seen as a counterfeit to Christ. Coming as an “Angel of Light” - decide who would be blessed or cursed - depending on if naughty or nice. But Santa is not our focus today. • Dec. 25 = Pagan roots. That’s leads us to looking at the History of Christmas on Dec. 25

History: The Pagan Roots of December 25?

Originally December was a DARK Time of the YEAR. Saturnalia was from December 17-23 Centuries before Christ came as a child, Roman pagans celebrated what was called Saturnalia. Without going into gross details, it was a 7 day festival of drunken debauchery and lawlessness - even in the streets – every day. But technically Saturnalia was not connected to Dec 25 – though some have tried to (lots of misinformation in videos and websites). Winter Solstice – December 21 (Shortest day of year) Winter Solstice has been a time of pagan worship for thousands of years. Celebration of rebirth of the “Sun-God” because longer days would begin = Sun would shine more. December 25th - the Romans had a Pagan festival - they worshipped the sun-god Mithras (the “Unconquered SUN”), celebrating an end to the long winter night and a rebirth of the sun (longer days). Pagan party, drinking, presents and debauchery The Romans like adopting other peoples festivals - so it appears these all started to blend together around late December.

Early Church of Rome Response Around mid-300 A.D. The Church of Rome was unable to outlaw the growing pagan practices (it was so popular). So it’s said (about 336 AD) Emperor Constantine in one of many efforts to unite Rome's Christians and convert the pagans, declared December 25 (already a popular pagan birthday celebration) as the birth of Jesus Christ (the Son of God) – in contrast to the “SUN-god.” Christian leaders endeavored to counteract the sinful pagan festivals by giving believers a Christian festival on the same day, celebrating the birth of Christ – to honor Christ over all other gods. So the birth date of the “Sun-god” became the “officially recognized” birthdate of the “Son of God.” In short, this is how December 25th (and Christmas) is associated with pagan roots. Perspective: 2 Ways to look at what the Early Church in Rome did 1. On the negative side, some would say this mixed Christianity and paganism. 2. On the positive side, one could say the goal was for Jesus Christ — the true Son of God— to trump the celebration of a popular false god that was prevalent in society for hundreds of years. An example of good overcoming evil (Romans 12:21). Seems the were attempting to shine the Light of Christ in the midst of Pagan darkness. Note: Origin of Word “Christ-mas.” It’s said that they instituted a “mass” (time of communion) = called “Christ-mass.” However, it appears real origin Christmas is in question because of conflicting reports. But we do know this: “Christ" (Messiah/Anointed One). “Mass." authoritative dictionaries will reveal that original word comes from a root word in Latin which can mean "to send.” So one possible meaning of the word “Christmas” = “Christ is sent” Which is what God did – John 3:16, “God sent His only Son….” Just something to consider.

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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Another reason pointed out by some for celebrating the birth of Christ (the “Light of the World”) in late December is – the days begin growing longer with more light. = represented light conquering over darkness. G. H. Montgomery who wrote Bible Holiness: As Exemplified by the Heroes of Faith, is reported to have said: ”Church leaders saw in the birth of Jesus a triumph of light over darkness, spring over winter and of life over death. What more appropriate time could have been selected to commemorate the birth of the Man whose life, teachings and vicarious death were to change the trends of history, cause light to shine out of darkness and offer light to those who dwell in the valley of death! It will be good to keep these things in mind as you observe Christmas." However, by 1650 AD the late December pagan festivals grew so bad those festivals (now associated with the name “Christmas”) was outlawed in England for a time. Q. Why has Christmas been so different for over 100 years in America?

Christmas in Early America

The Puritans opposed it – believed for the church to remain pure and separate from paganism. The colonies wanted to keep any pagan practices OUT of the New World. Because of the pagan roots of Dec. 25 and the perception “Christmas” was part of all this – “Christmas” at first was even banned in early America by the Puritans and was illegal in Massachusetts for a time. In 1712 Sermon by Puritan Cotton Mather, “Can you in your conscience think that our Holy Savior is honored by Mad Mirth, by long eating, by hard drinking, by lewd gaming, by rude reveling?” Their perspective was “Christmas” time was paganism and evil The Puritans were very good in so many ways – but went to the extreme in some ways. It’s said they were against “wedding rings” and “Musical instruments” in church because they view these as “pagan.” I believe that is the wrong focus. They focused so much on the resisting the darkness – they neglected to let the Light of Christ Shine to confront and OVERCOME the Darkness! IMPORTANT NOTE: One thing that really bothers me – I see all over the internet people pointing out the darkness/negative like the “pagan roots” of things (cursing the darkness) – but they rarely, if ever offer any solutions (to bring the Light of Christ/heaven to invade that situation)! They just say “stay away for that.” And so well meaning people wanting to please and honor God jump on the “pagan roots” band-wagon – results in them “hiding their light” = less light shinning – making it easier for darkness to gain ground. That’s is low-level thinking! It certainly Biblical Kingdom of God Thinking! Also I don’t like seeing people being robbed of a joyous time of year (centered around Christ) because of erroneous information and wrong focus.

A Shift from Darkness to Light

KEY TRUTH: The Biblical Paradigm = Don’t just curse the darkness – Shine the Light to Overcome the Darkness! In a previous series we showed how God has always had a Plan for America to be a Shining City on a Hill…and while “Christmas” was banned for a time in much of early America – something happened that began a PARADIGM SHIFT regarding Christmas. Something happened that brought a SHIFT OF FOCUS from DARKNESS to LIGHT I believe God used tow main Agents of Change to do this: Two Agents Light and Change that did not focus only on the darkness and instead brought a solution – LIGHT into what was a the dark time of the year! And it started where it should have – in the churches… 1. Church Sunday Schools. By early/mid 1800s - Church Sunday Schools started focusing on Christmas programs for children to fill the pews. They argued teaching the positive aspects of Christmas – about birth of Christ thru dramatizing the “Nativity” / Christmas story would help them reach more children and people. And it did have a positive affect on attendance. This began a shift of focus from Darkness to Light. 2. Influential God-Honoring Author & Book Around same time (mid 1800’s) a well known British Author came to the forefront. His famous Book about celebrating a Christlike Christmas – changed the view and focus of Christmas in the hearts of minds of people – in America and England. His name and Title of his book in moment. I say “God-Honoring” – because it seems Faith in Christ was so important to him he also later wrote a book for his Children called “The Life of Our Lord” - a Gospel Harmony, where the author interweaves the four Gospels into a single narrative. It’s said, he wanted his children to know Christ and how to be Christ-like.

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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— His Best-selling Christmas Story promoted Christ-like principles and qualities in themes and certain Characters. This Author once responded to one of his critics about his soon to be famous Book on Celebrating Christmas. It’s reported he wrote to the critic: “All my strongest illustrations are derived from the New Testament. All my social abuses are shown as departures from its Spirit. All my good people are humble, charitable, faithful, forgiving, over and over again. I claim them in expressed words as disciples of the Founder (Christ) of our religion (Christianity).’” His famous Christmas Story showed the consequences of greed and selfishness and the benefits of love, benevolence, faith (Christ-like character). Have you guessed yet – who the this Author was and the famous Christmas Story he wrote? The Author: Charles Dickens The Book - A Christmas Carol. It Cast Christmas and the meaning of it in a new positive light. Dickens was most influential in the Christmas we see today - from decorations, to giving, thinking of and helping others, to a warm family meal and honoring God – as Tiny Tim said – “God bless us everyone” The conversion of Scrooge was an illustration of the Christian message that even the worst of sinners may repent and find new life! It was an inspiring story that so influenced the hearts and minds of so many to see Christmas in a new a positive way – focusing on promoting Christ-like principles and qualities. • By the 1860s Charles Dickens packed theaters to cheering audiences around the country as he read his Christmas Story. “A Christmas Carol” gripped America and disconnected it’s pagan roots – exalting a wholesome Christ-like Christmas. The pagans roots the Puritans were focusing on faded away…because light had come to drive out the darkness in the hearts and minds of the people. • Then in 1870 Christmas Day was officially declared a federal holiday by President Ulysses S. Grant. • By the late 1800s everyone was celebrating Christmas the way they saw in Charles Dickens book “A Christmas Carol” A time for Family, love, generosity to the poor, and thankfulness to God. Any association of Christmas with paganism and idolatry seemed to be severed! It was a Paradigm Shift that Shone the Light of Christ! It was the POWER of the Light of Christ even in veiled form. Also shows the influence ONE MAN can have by shining the Light of Christ-likeness. So Christmas was seen in a whole NEW LIGHT. Since then – Christ (and Christ-likeness) has been a focal point at Christmas in America (and England). Q. Is that a bad thing…or a good thing? Anytime we can Shine the Light of Christ is a GOOD thing! Right? That all sets up our look at…

3 Key Claims / Objections Against Celebrating Christmas

Now these are valid concerns – but I think some more information and correcting some errors along with adjusting our focus and Paradigm will help answer and even remove the weight of these concerns these objections present. Let’s look at the first one…

Objection 1: Dec. 25 Has Pagan Roots! The OBJECTION (as I understand it) is this: Dec. 25 was a day Pagans used to celebrate/worship the “Sun-God” – Christians celebrating Christ Birth on that day = aligning / connecting with a Pagan day of worship. Response 1. Last I looked LIGHT tells Darkness where and when to go – not the other way around! Right? When did Darkness start dictating when we can Worship or Celebrate or anything about Christ? LIGHT is to dictate to Darkness – not visa versa / the other way around! Jeremiah 15:19 (NLT) - You must influence them; do not let them influence you! Response 2. What day do most people go to church? “Sunday” - right? Did you know why it’s called “Sunday”? "Sunday" was a pagan day to worship and honor – guess who – the "sun god!” So should Christians then stop going to Church on “Sun-day” because of it’s pagan roots? See, if we apply the same Objection from Dec. 25/“Christmas has pagan roots then we should not celebrate or worship God on that same pagan day…then we need to alert all the people in churches across America to leave church immediately – because Sunday has Pagan roots!

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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Q. Now, does that sound extreme or even silly? WHY? Because in this day and age "Sunday" does not really mean "Sun-god" day anymore! The pagan association with “Sunday” faded away long ago…Same with “Christmas” day – as we previously showed. 
 NOTE: In fact, do you know that every day of the week, and every planet in the solar system, and some of the cars we drive are named after pagan gods? See…We understand the desire to be separate from the things of the world – but If we are to get away from everything that may have “pagan roots” we would need to leave this world. We agree with what… John Piper (author of Desiring God) said regarding this subject: "I sympathize with those who want to be rigorously and distinctly Christian, who want to be disentangled from the world and any pagan roots that might lie beneath our celebration of Christmas, but I don't go that route on this matter because I think there comes a point where the roots are so far gone that the present meaning doesn't carry the pagan connotation anymore." There is no longer a 7 day festival of drunken debauchery and lawlessness in the streets from Dec. 17-23 or wide spread worship of the Sun-god anymore on Dec. 25 except maybe in new age and occult circles. A Key reason why – the LIGHT WAS SHONE and brought Change of the Good. Good has overcame darkness and disconnected it’s pagan roots – exalting a wholesome Christ-like Christmas, as Dickens promoted. Response 3. Whose day is December 25 to start with? It’s the Lords! Psalm 118:24 - “This is the day the LORD has made; 
 let us rejoice (joyfully songs) and be glad (be merry) in it.” (Joyful Singing and being merry = Reminds be of having a Merry Christmas!). We don't give up one day! Everyday is a time to celebrate God and to be a light. KEY TRUTH: BIBLICAL BLANKET PARADIGM for anything like this… Don’t just curse the darkness – Shine the Light to Overcome the Darkness! So, Is there anything wrong with overcoming a once pagan holiday with good and celebrating Christ? Romans 12:21 instructs us not to be overcome by evil (don’t let it take over or DICTATE) but overcome evil with good (let good overtake every day!). Including Christmas! Again, Jeremiah 15:19 (NLT) - You must influence them; do not let them influence you! AMEN? IN REVIEW Objection 1 against Celebrating Christmas = Dec. 25 Has Pagan Roots RESPONSE REVIEW: • Darkness does not dictate to light! • Pagan roots of “Dec. 25” lost/gone long ago (like “Sun-day” today). • “Christmas” as always been linked to Christ Pagans did not use the word Christmas for their festivals • December 25th is a day the Lord has made – Rejoice (celebrate) in it (Ps. 118:24) • Everyday is a time to celebrate Christ birth and why He came (Ps. 118:24) • We are to always Shine the Light of Christ and overcome evil with good! Does that help?

Objection 2: A. December 25 is NOT Jesus Real Birthday. “Christ was NOT being born on Dec. 25” = is not exactly a big revelation. It's true, our Lord Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th. It could not be in December because after October it becomes too cold for the shepherds to be out in the fields with their sheep. 1. When was Jesus Really Born? When studied out, it appears He was born on Nissan 1 (late March). Google… Jonathan Cahn: When Was Jesus REALLY born? 2. When Should We Celebrate Jesus Birthday? Any and every day – including Christmas! It’s a personal Choice. Make your own decision and do what you think is right and best for you and your family. 3. Celebrating Jesus Christ birth at Christmas is symbolic and engrained in our culture. Is this a bad thing or a good thing? Remember the Charlie Brown Christmas special with message of Christ’s coming to earth.

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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Objection 2B. The Bible does NOT say we Should celebrate Christ's Birthday. Response 1. True, but there are many things the Bible did not direct us to do or celebrate, does that mean it's wrong? Biblically we are also NOT told to celebrate the birth of family and friends, does that then make it wrong? Must be careful of arguments out of Silence. Can it really be wrong to celebrate Christ's coming as a child and all that means, no matter what the day? Now…the Bible does NOT say we Should celebrate Christ's Birthday…but… Response 2. Jesus did say we are to be Salt and Light and not to hide it (Matt. 5:13-16)! Not celebrating Christmas with a Christ focus would be like a hiding our light in the midst of darkness – which He told us NOT to do! It also true we are “not be conformed to the world.” Being conformed to world would be doing what that do. We are instead to be conformed to the IMAGE of Christ – shining His Light – not hiding it! Perspective: Imagine this… Q. What would it be like if ALL Christians and churches everywhere did not celebrate a Christ-centered Christmas? What if CHRIST was totally removed from Christmas? Let's just stand back and allow darkness to regain and reign. Let Christmas time become fully pagan focused again? Should we be go back to people having 7 day festival of debauchery and drunken lawlessness in our streets late December? NO! Is that really what we want? Do we really think that would please God? Quote “Evil prevails when good men do nothing.” Removing Christ from Christ-mas = very negative consequences! The atheists are already trying to do this, they don't need our help! We should be pushing to increase the focus, the light and answer of Christ all times of the year – especially a time of year more people are open to it! Again we agree with what John Piper says about this objection – “Christmas now means that we mark, in Christian ways, the birth of Jesus Christ. I think the birth, death and resurrection of Christ are the most important events in human history. Not to mark them in some way, by way of special celebration, would be folly it seems to me.” Response 3. The objection that Bible does not say we should celebrate Christ's Birthday. Well…nowhere in the Bible does it say NOT to celebrate Christ or His birth! In fact – the Bible makes a really BIG DEAL of Jesus Birth! We celebrate the HISTORICAL Significance of His BIRTH! For…without the Birth of Christ = No Cross and Death = No Resurrection! The fact is — Christ Birth WAS CELEBRATED. Christ Birth was Celebrated by: A. The Prophets celebrated Christ’s birth before He even came… Isaiah 9:6–7 – For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, Also Micah 5:2 - proclaimed that – out of you little/humble Bethlehem would come the Messiah. B. Hosts of Angels Celebrated Christ Birth! Lk 2:9–14 – behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings/news of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” C. Wise Men with Gifts Celebrated Christ Birth! Came with Gifts for Him of gold, frankincense and myrrh. D. Christ Birth was also Celebrated by the Shepards and a special man (Simeon) and woman (Anna) of God when He was Dedicated at the Temple rejoiced at His coming! IN REVIEW Objection 2A: Christmas is NOT Jesus Real Birthday RESPONSE REVIEW: • Jesus birth is symbolically celebrated on December 25. originally initiated for light to counter/overcome darkness. • Everyday is a time to celebrate Christ birth especially when most the world is more receptive to the Good News of WHY Christ came!

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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Objection 2B: The Bible does not say we should celebrate Christ's Birthday. RESPONSE REVIEW: • Jesus did say we are to be Salt and Light and not to hide it! (Mat. 5:13-16) • The Bible makes a really BIG DEAL of His Birth!!! • Christ Birth was Celebrated by the Prophets, Hosts of Angels, Wise Men…! To not celebrate this Good News would be like hiding our light. Does that help? Now, some may admit celebrating Christ Birth at Christmas is ok…but many say we cannot use Christmas Trees because they were a pagan idol. We look at that next. Then we’ll begin wrapping this all up in a nice bow. :)

Objection 3: The Christmas Tree is a Pagan Idol

Remember the TV Preacher that denounced celebrating Christmas and how he used an Old Testament passage to show how the Christmas tree was idolatrous and an abomination. Jeremiah 10:2-4 is that passage. Jeremiah 10:2-4 (See if the following sound like a Christmas tree?) Thus says the Lord: “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles…for the customs of the peoples are futile; For one cuts a tree from the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They decorate it with silver and gold; They fasten it with nails and hammers so that it will not topple. Is Jeremiah describing a Christmas s tree? Now, if one reads that passage while thinking "Christmas tree" we can understand how one might be led to think Jeremiah is pointing out a Christmas tree. But closer look at context and key Hebrew words shows this to be a wrong assumption. This is a classic example of reading into the text what YOU BELIEVE vs reading what it really says. Let’s look at it. A closer look at the original Hebrew words used reveal more details. In Jeremiah 10:3 “For one cuts a tree from the forest” the next line after says "work of the hands of the workman with the ax." Original Word translated – “Workman" = is “skilled craftsman, artisan, or engraver" which they needed to carve an idol.. Original Word translated “Axe" as "to hew" which can mean to cut or carve. It means a wood-carving tool for forming and fashioning artistic wood forms. Therefore some modern translations denote this meaning: NIV - "They cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel” NLT -”They cut down a tree and craftsman carves an idol" See - Jeremiah is describing a Carved IDOL – NOT a Christmas Tree! In addition, context also reveals in verses 8-9 show it is a "wooden idol" and precious metal are spread into plates (flat, not balls of silver or gold). In fact then Hebrew word for these "plates" denotes spreading it out to "overlay" something. Remember how the Ark of the Covenant was first made out of wood then overlaid with gold (Exodus 25:10-11). It was very common in ancient days to overlay idols with silver, gold, and other materials to decorate them. Exactly what Jeremiah is describing here! Also in verse 9 which says this idol is also clothed in "blue and purple." and that it’s all the work of "cunning" or "skillful" men. How much cunning or skill does it take to cut down and and decorate a tree, verses skillful carve and create an idol? An IDOL overlaid with silver and gold plates and decorated with blue and purple cloth. (Same colors as the Tabernacle of Moses) So see the silver and gold + blue and purple decorations are not evil – it is the INTENT. Also see the Sequence Jeremiah describes: How do you set up a Christmas tree A. Get a Christmas tree B. Stand it up so it will not fall over C. Then decorate it Biblical sequence of Jeremiah 10:2-4 + 8-9: A. Get a tree, cut down, then Carve it (skillfully carve)s B. Decorate it. (Overlay with Silver plates + Blue and purple material) All the work of Skillful men C. Stand it up and nail it down so it will not fall over Q. How many first decorate a Christmas tree – then stand it up? Doubtful any one does it that way,

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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Btw…it’s reported the first Christmas trees didn’t show up until 1500s in Germany) – 2000 year after Jeremiah’s word – who was speaking present tense! Jeremiah 10 is describing a Carved IDOL – NOT a Christmas Tree! KEY TRUTH: The Sin is NOT cutting down a tree and decorating it. The Sin was – Cutting down a tree Carving into an idol, and decorating it with the INTENT of it being Worshipped! We don’t worship the Christmas tree, or the star, or the lights, rather we worship the One who made them all – the Father of lights!

Evergreen Tree – Pagan? What about the Evergreen Tree itself? Because Pagans have worshiped trees for 1,000s of years especially the evergreen tree. Q. Can Things Associated with/used by Pagans = be used to Honor God? For Worship Pagans would: • Make sacrifices on altars • Burned incense • Use oil and candles and lamps in worship Does that all sound familiar? It should! ALL were used by God in the His Tabernacle/Temple! KEY TRUTH: It’s NOT about the items used – but about the FOCUS and INTENT. Remember, Satan Counterfeits and Corrupts (God’s creation). Just because something was used by pagans does not mean it is evil. The important thing to remember here is everything God made, including the evergreen tree, He called "good" (Genesis 1)! The tree is not bad – its how it used! Trees and Plants are NOT WICKED – were made by God and He called them all GOOD! It’s what your DO with them – INTENT! Now we are going to settle the “evergreen tree in our house” – once and for all. Did you know…God decorates His House with Evergreen Trees! Evergreen trees are green all year and include different kinds including Fir tree, Pine tree, and Cypress tree. Isaiah 60:13 – “The glory of Lebanon shall come to you, the fir, the pine tree, and the cypress tree together, to beautify the place of My sanctuary; And I will make the place of My feet glorious. Anyone want to tell God – He can’t use evergreen tress because they are Pagan idols??? Again its NOT the trees that are bad its what you DO with them – the INTENT! If the Evergreen tree OK to have in God’s House – it should be OK to have in your house. Right? EXALTING CHRIST AT CHRISTMAS WITH: 1. EVERGREEN TREE We see the evergreen tree is a symbol of the eternal life which Christ, the Son of God, offers to man via another tree, the cross. Again, having a Christmas tree does not mean we are bowing gown and worshiping it! 2. GIVING GIFTS Question: Is Giving Gifts a Pagan act? Ester 9 - gave presents/gifts to each other on a holiday to celebrate what God had done for them. The Wise men how gave gifts to baby Jesus. Was that a Pagan act? No! God have the Greatest GIFT of ALL!!!! Was that a Pagan act? No! Gifts/presents under a Christmas tree – remind us of the greatest gift of all – eternal life through Christ (John 3:16). 3. DECORATIONS Christmas Tree and Holly = God made all good. Satan perverts for bad. Decorations = celebrate God’s goodness and being clothed in beauty. Let decorating the Christmas trees also remind us that we as His Bride to be adorned with His beauty, light and glory! Decorations can include: • Star is placed on the top of a Christmas tree to remember the Star of Bethlehem • Candles are lit to remind us that Christ is the Light of the world (John 1:4-9), • Bells are played to ring out the joyous good news,

2017 - Victory Today Family Church • Frisco Texas •


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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— Q. Bells – Jingle bells – on Sleighs with horses? Is that Ok? YES! Zec 14:20 - In that day “HOLINESS TO THE LORD” shall be engraved on the bells of the horses. It appears the Feast of Tabernacles Celebrations will have the Jingling of Bells! How about that! 4. LIGHTS Do I really need to talk about the significance of Lights? Lights on Tree = Stars and glory of God and the Kingdom of Light! It is a widely held belief that the 16th century Reformer Martin Luther, first added lighted candles to a tree. It’s said – Walking toward his home one winter evening, composing a sermon, he was awed by the brilliance of stars twinkling amidst evergreens. To recapture the scene for his family, he erected an evergreen tree in the main room and wired its branches with lighted candles. IN REVIEW Objection 3: The Christmas Tree is a Pagan Idol RESPONSE REVIEW: • Jeremiah 10 describes a Carved Idol overlaid with silver and gold – Not a Christmas Tree! The Sin is NOT cutting down a tree and decorating it. The Sin was cutting down a tree and carving into an idol, with the INTENT of it being Worshipped! • Because something was used by pagans does not mean it is evil. 
 All God created was good. Intent determines used for good or evil. • God decorates His House with Evergreen Trees! (Isaiah 60:13) • Tree, Gifts, Decorations, Stars, Candles, Bells, & Lights = can all point to Christ Does that all help? OVERALL REVIEW 1. Pagan roots gone long ago. “Christmas” will always be linked to Christ. 2. Birth of Christ = Good News! The Bible makes a BIG Deal about Jesus Birth – ti was GOOD NEWS to ALL MANKIND! 3. Christmas Tree NOT Pagan idol? It can all easily point to Christ! BIBLICAL PARADIGM Don’t just curse the darkness – Shine the Light to Overcome the Darkness! We are of the Kingdom of LIGHT!

Conclusion – Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

I can see NO Legitimate reason NOT to Celebrate a Christ-centered Christmas. But I do see MULTIPLE Reasons to Celebrate a Christ-Centered Christmas! SO for us – the answer is a WHOLE HEARTED… YES!!! Christians should Celebrate and Capitalize on (not avoid) Christmas – a Christ-centered Christmas as Salt and Light! Matt. 5:13-16 “You are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world…No one lights a lamp and then hides it …instead…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” I believe NOT celebrating CHRIST at “Christmas” time is HIDING our LIGHT! Darkness does not dictate to us When or IF we should Celebrate Christ! Yes, there is much self-indulgence and materialism during Christmas time, but Christians do not have to partake of that. We should not let these things stop us, but instead Christians should set the example by truly honoring Christ. Also I don’t like seeing people being robbed because of erroneous information and wrong focus. PLEASE NOTE: I did NOT say “Not celebrating Christmas is hiding your light”…I said “I believe NOT celebrating CHRIST at “Christmas” time is HIDING our Light! There is a difference. Celebrating Christmas in general is a personal choice and can be at any level you feel good with (very simple to all out or not at all). However, Celebrating CHRIST at “Christmas time” (and all year!) should be the focus of every church and Christ follower. Shine the Light! A. For Churches – we should capitalize on the Christmas Season and awareness the who world has of Christ’s first coming by have at least lights, and maybe a nativity scene. If they want to do a Christmas tree too and other decorations would be nice but I view it as a person preference. For us we plan to go all out in decorations for reasons already started in this message. B. For individuals and families – we do encourage having lights and Christ honoring decorations, but that us all a personal preference. A Christmas tree is of course optional, but as we have shown it is not evil, God created the evergreen tree and called it good, and can point to Christ, the Cross and His Bride in beautiful ways. Again, thinking “Kingdom of light” not darkness. We believe we have shown why we should not demonize Christmas time but instead Celebrate and Shine the Light of Christ during Christmas time! We should maximize this time to be salt and light. This is the one time of the year that the world is more aware of Christ's story — His miraculous birth, the Son of God became flesh, and dwelt among us. Believers should seize this opportunity to tell people who Christ is…

2017 - Victory Today Family Church • Frisco Texas •


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11.12.17 • Victory Today Church – Speaker: Darrel deVille – KEY NOTES ———————————————————————————————————————————————————— • Why He came – Gospel of the Kingdom! • What He did – gave Himself = the greatest gift! • How they can join God’s family / Kingdom We are in the KINGDOM of LIGHT! Don’t just curse the darkness – Shine the Light – to Overcome the Darkness! So there is nothing wrong or pagan with: • Celebrating the Birth of Christ – reading Scriptures of His Birth • Having a Christmas tree along with decorations and lights all over the house Decorate to signify the goodness, beauty and glory of God! • Giving gifts to children or family • Having a warm loving family thanksgiving like meal What else are you going to do on Dec 25? Stay in bed and cover our head until Dec 26 comes? So enjoy Christmas Songs and Hymns glorifying God. We should know the words to Joy to the World, Silent Night, O Come Emanuel, O Holy Night, Hark the Herald Angels sing and more.

How We Will Celebrate Christmas Time

Every Christian should feel free with celebrate Christ during Christmas Christmas time can fulfill 3 Biblical purposes for Celebrations – such as what was done at the Lord’s Feasts. 1. Look to PAST – Remember what God has done for us. Jesus humbled Himself – great love, sacrifice 2. Look to PRESENT – Thank God for what He had given us John 3:16+ Thank God for giving His Son and the gift of Everlasting Life 3. Look to FUTURE – What He will do and continue Building His Kingdom Remember WHY He came – original Purpose, etc. Interestingly – Dickens “A Christmas Carol” = was also about the Past, Present, Future How We Will Celebrate Christmas Time – as a Church and Family • Christ-Centered Christmas (not Santa focused) • Enjoy Christmas Songs and Hymns glorifying God • Tell Christ’s Story – Remind everyone of WHY HE CAME = Gospel of the Kingdom! • Christmas tree, decorations, and lights • Give gifts and give to the poor • Celebrate the Greatest Gift of all – especially when opening presents. • Enjoy special time with family • Enjoy Christmas movies – a Muppet Christmas Carol Let the LIGHT of CHRIST SHINE thru you – daily, all year! So now I’ve made it clear that when it comes to this church – WHY we will celebrate Christmas in BIG way. To not celebrate Christ coming during Christmas would be hiding our light! We are to always Shine the Light of Christ and overcome the darkness with good! Has it helped provide a Paradigm Shift? My Prayer is all God’s people will feel the Freedom to Celebrate Christ Birth everyday, all year long – especially during Christmas time when most the world is more receptive to the Good News of WHY Christ came. Make your own decision…what you believe it best. Just remember this – The Bible makes a BIG Deal about Jesus Birth – it was GOOD NEWS to ALL MANKIND! So let it SHINE! Let us Praise Him EVERYDAY we are to Rejoice and Be Glad in Let us Proclaim His glorious coming and His soon return far and wide – let the Light of Christ Shine! My prayer is you no matter your present view of Christmas – that you will never see Christmas time the same again. 1. For those who were concerned with the pagan roots of Christmas time – I pray that you see things through a new “Kingdom of Light” paradigm and these key truths help bring freedom, peace and great joy all year long, including Christmas. 2. For those who already celebrated Christ at Christmas time – I pray you will also get a fresh and richer perspective to shine bright with the light of Christ all year long, not just at Christmas time.


2017 - Victory Today Family Church • Frisco Texas •