Występują: • • • • • •

Sherlock Holmes – Jarek Gołąb Versus – Paweł Leś Watson – Tomek Michali Sophie, dziewczyna Sherlocka – Zosia Polewczyk Gospodyni Sherlocka, panna Hudson – Jola Andrusiak John Glasmour, właściciel apteki – Dominik Mazur

AKT PIERWSZY Scena I Dom Sherlocka. Stolik, dwa krzesła. Sherlock siedzi na krześle, przed sobą ma kartkę papieru, coś na niej pisze zamyślony. Wchodzi Sophie. Z: Good afternoon, my darling. (siada, kładzie rękawiczki na stole) J: Hello... (czyta dalej zamyślony) Z: Do you remember about our date? We had to go to the park. J: Well, if you want... Z: So? ( cisza) Z: Hey, Sherlock. Are you listening to me? ( trąca go) J: Oh, of course Sophie. Eeee... What were you talking about? Z: You didn’t listen to me at all. I was talking about our date. J: Oh yes, our date... What’s wrong with it? Z: Really funny. Shall we go to a park or where? J: You can go everywhere you want. You have my permission. Z: But... J: I can’t go with you. There was really serious theft in London’s drugstore and I’m trying to get through this mysterious opportunity. Z: No! I don’t want to listen about crimes, murders and robberies. You spend all the time on them. And what about me? You never have time for me. J: Sophie, you know that... Z: Stop it! Choose what’s more important to you: me or this stupid crimes and affairs? J: You Sophie, but... Z: Excellent! So I must go on my own! (wychodzi obrażona) Sophie wraca. Z: I only forgot my gloves. ( Jarek podaje jej z promiennym uśmiechem. Zosia uderza go w twarz i bierze rękawiczki) Z: (z sarkazmem) Thank you! Wychodzi. J: (zdezorientowany) What? Have I done anything wrong? Po chwili też wychodzi.

Scena II Scena niema. Idzie Sherlock z Watsonem. W tle bicie zegara. Sherlock tłumaczy coś Watsonowi. Zza sceny wychodzi elegancki dżentelmen (Versus), podchodzi do nich i o coś się pyta. Sherlock pokazuje gdzieś ręką. Dżentelmen kiwa głową, dziękuje za informacje i wychodzi. Watson od kiedy go zobaczył wyraźnie się przestraszył, z obawą na niego patrzył. Kiedy mężczyzna już wyszedł, Watson z lękiem obejrzał się za nim. Sherlock nie zauważył zmiany w zachowaniu przyjaciela. Idą do końca sceny, potem schodzą.

Scena III Park. Na scenie stoi ławka. Sophie idzie szybko, widząc ławkę siada. Z: Sherlock Holmes and his crimes... Stupid, worthless, rude egoist – it’s the real name of Mr. Holmes. ‘Sorry Sophie, I can’t go with you. Cat lose its claw. I must get through this strange mystery.’ (przedrzeźniając) Always the same. ( Rozgląda się, dopiero teraz zauważa leżącego za ławką człowieka. Z ust ścieka mu strużka krwi.) Z: Oh my Godness... Help! Somebody help me please!! (zrywa się i pędzi po pomoc)

Scena IV Na scenie stoi tylko jedno krzesło. Wchodzi Versus. Mamrocze coś do siebie jak obłąkany. Siada na krzesło, uśmiecha się dziwnie. P: Finally… Finally I had us. Wyciąga pudełko tabletek, połyka kilka. P: Oh, my little… Why I wait for us so long? Why? My plan is brilliant! Brilliant! Yes, yes now we are strong, stronger than Holmes, oh yes my darling. What? Can you repeat? (słucha) Indeed, you are absolutely right. The most important people for Sherlock will force him to comply with our request. But… Wait, wait! What? (słucha uważnie, a potem śmieje się) Hahaha… Oh yes, yes … (szeptem) Śmiejąc się schodzi ze sceny.

Scena V Dom Sherlocka. Sherlock siedzi i czyta gazetę. Wchodzi panna Hudson. Jola: Mr. Holmes, Mr. Watson had come. J: Let him in, Miss Hudson. (Wchodzi Tomek) T: Good evening, Sherlock. J: Hello my friend. How is Sophie feeling? T: She’s okay, but still quite agitated. J: Of course she is. It’s rather obvious, I’d say. What do we know about our dead? T: Actually, this is John Glasmour. J: Owner of London’s drugstore! That’s impressive! I thougth that he came home, after our conversation. T: Not exactly. Probably he went to a park to compose himself. J: How was he murdered, Watson? T: Police claim that it was knifing. J: Simple, quick way. Most evidently we have to deal with professional, intelligent person, who cannot afford to fail. This person likes classical methods. We must be vigilant, my friend. I think that is not the end of this story. T: How are you doing this? That’s incredible! J: Details, Watson. Details! Sometimes they say a lot about people. Remember that. Murderer used knife – the simplest and the most effective implement to kill. So he must be sure that Glasmour died.

He’s smart and artful, because he left body in particular place – in the park. He want somebody to find the body, this was his plan. And, finally it’s a classical method, isn’t it? ( krótka przerwa) J: Watson, what’s wrong with you? T: I must tell you something. It may be important. Do you remember that man who asked us for a way to a town hall yesterday? I know him. This is Robert Mattenford. We were in Africa on medical internships two years ago. Everybody called him Versus. He was a promising young doctor. But Robert had traumatic experiences from childhood: his father was alcoholic and he used to hit him and his mother. Later, when his father died, Robert has become deeply depressed. And he wanted to forget about it. So he started drinking alcohol and taking strong painkiller medicines. Versus promised me that he stopped taking them, but unfortunately... He invented a new type of painkiller medicament, called Thrypoglicerin. This is much stronger than normal drugs and you can buy it only in the best drugstores. Robert has taken it too much, got mad and jumped in a front of a train. I thought that he died. Until yesterday... J: Why didn’t you tell me about it before? T: I was too scared... And yesterday all memories came back... Sorry Sherlock I should have informed you. J: Yes, you should. But don’t worry, nothing happened. Now, you must tell all about Mattenford at police – station. Let’s go there now. And I will be looking for Robert Mattenford, too. T: Thank you, really thank you my friend. ( obaj schodzą ze sceny)

Scena VI Tydzień później. Dom Sherlocka. Jarek wchodzi na scenę zaniepokojony. Chwilę krąży, w końcu siada. J: What’s going on here? First Sophie disappeared two days after her return from hospital. Nobody saw her, nobody knows anything. Now Watson is missing. It have no sense. ( sięga po butelkę, nalewa sobie, pije. Nagle wchodzi panna Hudson.) Jola: Sorry, I’m disturbing you, but I found it on the entrance door. Maybe it’s important, I don’t know. ( podaje mu kartkę z nabazgranym napisem DRUGS) J: Drugs… Oh my Godness! Miss Hudson are there any old magazines near there? Jola: There’s one at Western Street, but... ( Jarek ubiera się szybko) J: I must go there now! Thank you! ( Zbiega prędko ze sceny) Jola: ( do siebie) Good luck Mr. Holmes. You need it very much.

AKT DRUGI Scena I Stary magazyn, kryjówka Versusa. Na scenie trochę po lewej stronie siedzą związani Watson i Sophie. Na środku obok starego stołu stoi krzesło. Na stole butelka i szklanka. Wchodzi Versus. P: Hello, my dear hostages. Today’s night is so beautiful. Moon and stars are shining on the dark sky. An ideal moment to continue my plan... Z: You won’t complete it! Sherlock will stop you! P: My dear. You are stupid and naive... Z: Shut up, you wicked bastard. P: ...and you can say marvellous things. Maybe you are better than I thought at first. ( przygląda się jej) Nagle słychać kroki. Watson i Sophie rozglądają się szybko zaniepokojeni, Versus uśmiecha się zimno. S: Show starts right now. Podchodzi do Sophie, przystawia jej pistolet do głowy. P: Scream and shout! Maybe, he will hear you. Sophie zaczyna wzywać pomocy naprawdę się przeraża. Sherlock usłyszał ją, zza sceny słychać przytłumiony głos. J: Sophie? T: Leave her alone Robert Mattenford! P: I am not Robert Mattenford. I am Versus. ( ze złością) J: Sophie? Watson? Don’t afraid, I’m coming. Kopnięciem wyważa tekturowe drzwi. W ręku trzyma pistolet, celuje w Versusa. P: Hello, Mr. Holmes. We were waiting for you. Have you said ‘hello’ to your friends already? J: Leave them alone now or I will kill you! P: You won’t do this. Perhaps you want see dead body of your girlfriend? Z: Sherlock, he is lying. Don’t trust him. Sherlock rzuca broń podnosi ręce do góry. J: All right, you won. P: Good boy. Wstaje, chowa pistolet, podchodzi do Sherlocka i klepie go w ramię. Do you want a cup of tea or something stronger? Podchodzi do stołu. Sherlock chwilę myśli, potem uśmiecha się “na siłę” J: Do you have any whisky? I’m a bit thirsty. Też podchodzi do stołu i tak żeby Versus nie widział podsuwa stopą, wcześniej rzucony pistolet Watsonowi. Staje pomiędzy Watsonem i Sophie, a Versusem. P: Of course I have. Nalewa do obydwu szklanek, stuka się z Sherlockiem. So, Mr. Holmes let’s drink to our good partnership. Wypijają. J: What partnership? Versus rozsiada się wygodnie na krześle. P: This is place where I was reborn. In this old magazine I invented my love – Thrypoglicerin - two years ago. J: Really? I didn’t know that! P: Yes, I remember this moment... Rainy, spring evening. I was so exhausted, because I spend a lot of time and effort on work. I was doing my last experiment, when she appeared. My love, my only love! I’ve felt the unspoken joy in my heart. Śmieje się. It’s funny that I have never felt it before. Oh, sweet memories... Odchyla głowę do tyłu, przymyka oczy, zatapia się w marzeniach. W tym czasie Sherlock szybko sięga po pistolet od Watsona, chce strzelić. P: Drop your weapon, now! Versus celuje w niego ze swojej broni nadal mając zamknięte oczy. I haven’t finished my story yet. Sherlock po chwili wahania rzuca broń. I sold formula for my medicament next day. All money I spend for substitutes to make Thrypoglicerin again. But it was too little for me... and my darling. We have to meet every day. So we took larger dose and jumped in a

front of a train to unite forever. We didn’t die unfortunately... but we survive to join not by death, but by immortality. J: You are madman! P: No, I’m genius. Immortality it’s possible. After my survival I understood, why I’m still alive. Thrypoglycerin it’s the strongest painkiller medicine. However, its the most important feature appearesd when you take it too much. Thryphoglicerin protect body as good that you can live forever. J: It’s amazing! But tell me why want you to take so many Thryphoglycerin? P: It’s simple. You will help me. J: Never! P: Miss Hudson said the same. One my word and she started working for me. J: Of course Miss Hudson. She wrote this paper! P: Yes, you’re right Sherlock. So every Monday you will kill one drugstore owner in London and steal one packet of my lovely medicine. Then you will give it to Miss Hudson and she will give it to me. If you don’t agree to do this, unfortunately, I must kill your dear friends… Just like I killed John Glasmour. ( wyciąga nóż) S: Noooo! Podbiega do Versusa, wyrywa mu nóż I “wbija” w serce. That’s how it must have ended… Sweet dreams, Versus… Ten osuwa się na kolana, upada. Zaczyna lecieć muzyka, Sherlock uwalnia Watsona i Sophie. Stają na środku sceny, Versus wstaje, wchodzi właściciel apteki, wszyscy się kłaniają.