ERA 2013 16 RSU OP

Service Level Agreement Version: 2.1


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 1 1.1

Introduction Purpose

The Service Level Agreement defines the mechanisms used for the management of the framework contract and the specific contracts based upon it. In addition, it gives the service level metrics and quality parameters related to the service. This Service Level Agreement concerns:


Document Overview

The present Service Level Agreement (SLA) lays down a minimum guaranteed service level. It includes the service definition, coverage, organization, management and the service level requirements.


Scope and objectives

The general scope of this document is to define details and parameters associated with the provision and delivery of services for ESP-EISD 4.


Definitions and Acronyms




Contract Management


Change Request


Delivery Process


European Railway Agency


External Service Provision


External Service Provision for ERA Information System Development


Framework Contract


Fixed Price


Global Quality Indicator


Information System


Information technology


Ordering Process


Quality Indicator


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Acronym



Quoted Time and Means


Rational Unified Process


Specific Contract


Service Desk


Service Level Agreement


Service Level Indicator


Service Management


Time and Means

The service quality indicators are (global or specific) indicators used for the measurement of the quality of the service. The minimum quality performance levels give the acceptable values for the service quality indicators. The Ordering Process covers the period from the sending of the request to the signature of a specific contract. The Delivery Process covers the time from the signature of a specific contract to the acceptance of the deliveries.


Applicable Documents 

Tender Specifications ESP EISD 4;

ESP-EISD 4 ”Service Requirements” document (see relevant document);

Framework Contract cascade type.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 2 2.1

General Conditions for the Provision of Services Service coverage

The following services will be provided: Definition of the concerned lot with type of orders (TM, FP, QTM) and place of execution (on-site at The Agency’s premises or off-site at contractor’s premises). The Contractor will normally provide the services to the Agency in Valenciennes (France) and/or Lille (France). As an exception, the Agency may request delivery of services outside of the usual locations of delivery, e.g. in the Member States. For the execution of the work, Valenciennes (France) and Lille (France) are considered as a single location. The services are performed according to the “Service Requirements” document. The services are provided in the Agency location preferably in English.


Interfaces, roles and responsibilities

On the Contractor’s side The Contractor nominates a contract manager in charge of the Framework Contract. He will be responsible for all contractual relations with the Agency. The Contract Manager must be reachable by the Agency during working hours. In case of absence, a back-up person has to be designated. The Contractor nominates persons authorized to sign the specific contracts under the responsibility of the contract manager. The Contractor has to designate a contact person, and at least a back-up person in case of absence, who will take care of all requests addressed by the Agency. The Contractor provides a single contact office with FAX number, telephone number, postal address, email address. The Contractor must communicate the list of all persons in charge of the customer’s relationship management with the services of the Agency. On the Agency’s side The Agency Executive Director represents the awarding authority and signs the Framework Contract and all amendments to it. The Agency’s Head of Administration is responsible for all financial aspects related to the execution of the Framework Contract.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP The Agency Head of IT and Facility Management is responsible for the technical follow-up and the quality management of the contract and will be the contact person for all procedural and reporting aspects linked with the framework and specific contracts (service manager).


Validity and review process

The SLA will be part of the Framework Contract. It will be applicable from the signature of the framework contract to its end and the end of all specific contracts signed under the framework contract. During the life of the Framework Contract, the Agency may propose changes in the Service Level Agreement. These changes cannot be in contradiction with the contract itself. Their purpose is to clarify or help the execution of the contract. They will need the agreement of the contractor. After approval, a new version will be signed by both parties and incorporated into the Framework Contract by way of an amendment.


Service reporting

The contractor provides a monthly service report to the service manager at the Agency. The report for a given month has to be delivered before the 16th day of the next month. The monthly report includes:


A summary of the activities;

Data on the request processing and specific contracts from the start of the framework contract;

The values of the Quality Indicators;

The risks identified and the problems encountered.

Service meetings

On request of the Agency or the contractor follow-up meetings between the Agency’s service manager and the Contractor’s contract manager/contact person are held at the Agency’s premises, in Valenciennes (France) or in Lille (France). It can be on a monthly, quarterly or annual base depending on the volume of the activities. When necessary, special meetings on a particular subject related to the execution of the contract can be asked by the Agency or the Contractor.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 3

ESP-EISD 4 Service Management



This chapter describes the general organization of the services related to the management of the framework contract and the specific contracts. It concerns both ordering and delivery of the services: 

the ordering process;

the execution of the specific contracts and delivery of the work ordered.

3.1.1 Ordering Process The procedures described in the service requirements document apply. The Agency initiates the process by sending a Request Form to the Contractor. The Contractor sends to the Agency the receipt confirmation, the willingness to make an offer and the offer. If the offer is accepted by the Agency, a specific contract is signed.

3.1.2 Delivery Process After the signature of a specific contract, the delivery of the service must conform to the terms of the contract.

3.1.3 Management of the Framework Contract The management of the framework contract includes the conformity with the SLA and the service reporting.


Service Level Indicators

The following Quality Indicators are defined:

3.2.1 Ordering Process 

Compliance with Receipt confirmation deadline;

Compliance with Y/N date deadline;

Compliance with offer deadline;

Ratio of offers submitted in relation with the requests received;

Conformance of the offer with the requirements;

Ratio of accepted offers;

Delays for signature of the specific contract.

3.2.2 Delivery Process 

Compliance with the starting date;


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 

Compliance with the delivery dates of deliverables;

Conformance of the services delivered;

Acceptance of the services delivered.

3.2.3 Framework Contract Management 

Delay for the signature of amendments to the framework contract;

Respect of the submission of copies of all documents to the Agency’s central contract management;

Respect of delays for monthly reports;

Conformance and adequacy of monthly reports;

General conformity with the framework contract modalities and conditions;

Availability for progress meetings.

3.2.4 Global Service Management Quality Indicator A weight from 1 to 10 is given to all the specific quality indicators. The global service management quality indicator is the weighted average of all specific indicators.


Service Performance Levels

The following table gives the measurements, limit values and weights for the quality indicators and the related actions when an error occurs. Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum acceptable value

Weight Immediate action

SM – OP SM-1. Compliance with Receipt Notification deadline

Number of receipt notifications/ Total number of requests


SM-2. Compliance with Yes/No deadline

Number of YES/NO answer/Total number of requests




10 The request is normally sent to another contractor (cascade)

ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum acceptable value

Weight Immediate action

SM-3. Compliance with Offer deadline

Number of offers compliant with the deadline/Total number of requests with YES answer


10 The request is normally sent to another contractor (cascade)

SM-4. Ratio of offers submitted in relation with the requests received

Number of offers submitted/ Number of request received


5 The request is sent to another contractor (cascade)

SM-5. Conformance of the offer with the requirements

Number of conform offers/ Number of offers submitted


10 The request is sent to another contractor (cascade)

SM-6. Ratio of accepted offers

Number of accepted offers/ Number of offers submitted


2 The request is sent to another contractor (cascade)

SM-7. Delays for signature of the specific contract

Number not exceeding 10 working days/ Total number of specific contracts



SM-8. Compliance with the starting

Number of specific contracts compliant with the starting date/ Total number of specific contracts date


SM-9. Compliance with the delivery dates

Number of compliant delivery dates/ Total number of SC




10 The contractor needs to justify any delay

5 The contractor needs to take necessary measures as its charge.

ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum acceptable value

Weight Immediate action

SM-10. Conformance of the service delivered

Number of conform SC/ Total number of SC


10 The contractor needs to take necessary measures as its charge.

SM-11. Acceptance of the service delivered

Number of accepted SC/ Total number of SC





SM – CM SM-12. Delay for the signature of amendments to the framework contract

Delays not exceeding 15 working days

SM-13. Respect of the submission of copies of all documents to the Agency’s central contract management

Documents sent to the central management/ total number of documents sent to the services



SM-14. Respect of delays for monthly reports

Number of reports sent within the delays/ Total number of reports



SM-15. Conformance of monthly reports

Number of conform reports/ Total number of reports



SM-16. General conformance with the framework contract modalities and conditions

Number of files ended correctly/ number of requests received




ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum acceptable value

Weight Immediate action

SM-17. Availability for progress meetings

Number of meetings held/ number of Agency‘s requests for meetings



SM-18. Delay for invoicing

Number of respected invoice delays/ Total number of invoices



The global service management indicator measurement is the weighted average of the individual quality indicators values (SUM(value*weight)/SUM(weight)). The minimum global acceptable value is the weighted average of the minimum acceptable values (mav) of individual quality indicators (SUM(mav*weight)/SUM(weight)).


Service Level Reports

In the monthly report, the Contractor gives the details on: 

the calculation of the quality indicators

their values for the month

their values from the start of contract, and

their values for the last 12 months period.

For each error (non-conformance with a requirement) the report includes: 

the reference to the request or specific contract

the relevant dates

the reference of the quality indicator, and

an explanation of the error.


Risk and Problem Management

When he identifies a technical, financial or contractual risk, the Contractor must report it to the Agency Service Manager. Examples of risks are: 

Lack of staff resource for the execution of the contract;


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 

Lack of correct infrastructure for the execution of the contract;

Lack of security;

Lack of knowledge or experience in specific domains;

Contractual problems with partners or subcontractors;

Change in the ownership or business activities of the Company.

For each risk identified, the Contractor must inform the Agency of the strategy, actions or contingency plan he will put in place. If a service management problem occurs (for example, no response to the requests, incorrect reporting, leaving of staff, delays in invoicing), the Contractor must report to the Agency about the measures he will put in place to solve the problem (including the delays). The Agency will monitor the progress made by the Contractor. Non-respect of service performance limit values of quality parameters will be treated as problems monitored by the Agency with the Contractor.



Penalties may be applied in the following conditions: The period of measurement is from the start of the framework contract or on the last 12 months. The minimum number of specific contracts must be 5 (e.g from the start of the framework contract or for the last 12 months). If the global service management value from the start of the contract or for the last 12 months is lower than the minimum acceptable value during 3 consecutive months, the Agency can apply 2.5% penalties by variation of 5% on the prices applicable to future specific contract. This will be made by amendment of the framework contract. e.g.: 

5 < 10% difference: penalty of 2.5%;

10 < 15% difference: penalty of 5%;

15 < 20% difference: penalty of 7.5%;

20 < 25% difference: penalty of 10%.

After application of penalties, if the global service management value from the start of the contract or for the last 12 months reaches the minimum acceptable level during 3 consecutive months, the penalties on the prices will be suppressed by the signature of a new amendment to the framework contract.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 4

Service: Time and Means


Service Definition

Time and Means service corresponds to the order and the delivery of a number of days performed by Contractor’s staff at the Agency’s premises. The staff is selected by the Agency in conformity with the ordering procedure specified in the service requirements.


Service Quality Indicator

The following Quality Indicators are defined for Time and Means:

4.2.1 Ordering Process (OP) 

CV complete and accurate;

Conformance of CV with the profile;

Conformance of the CV with the request;

Correctness of the CV;

Availability for interview;

Acceptability of the candidate after interview;

Availability of the candidate at the time of the signature of the signature of the specific contract.

4.2.2 Delivery Process (DP)


Availability at the starting date;

Respect of starting date;

Effective presence of staff during the execution;

Correct level of expertise in relation with the request;

Client’s satisfaction;

Ratio of replacements;

Respect of replacement procedure (at least 2 correct CVs);

Acceptance of replacement staff;

Respect of the take-over period.

Service Performance Values

The following table gives the measurements and limit values for the quality indicators and the related actions when an error occurs.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum Immediate action acceptable value

TM – OP TM-1. CV complete and up to date

Number of complete and up to date CVs/Total number of CVs received

99% The candidate can be discarded for the request

TM-2. Conformance of the CV with the profile

Number of CVs conform with the profile/ Total number of CVs received

99% The candidate is discarded

TM-3. Correctness of the CV

Number of correct/Total number of CVs received

TM-4. Conformance of the CV with the request

Number of CVs conform

TM-5. Availability of candidate for interview

Number of candidate available for interviews/Total number of interviews asked

90% The candidate is discarded

TM-6. Acceptability of the candidate after interview

Number of candidates interviewed complying with the request/ Total number of candidates interviewed


TM-7 Availability of the selected candidate at contract signature

Number of selected candidates available at contract signature/number of selected candidates

90% The request can be sent to another contractor (cascade)

Number of selected candidates available at starting date/ Total number of candidates selected for the establishment of a specific contract

95% The request can be sent to another contractor (cascade)

100% The candidate can be discarded 95% The candidate is discarded

with the request/Total number of CVs received

TM – DP TM-8. Availability at the starting date


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum Immediate action acceptable value

TM-9. Respect of starting date

Number of starting dates respected/ Total number of persons selected

90% One day free of charge per week of delay

TM-10. Effective presence of staff during execution

Number of days of presence/ Total number of days for which the presence was requested by the Agency

95% One day free of charge by 5 days of unexpected absence from 12 working days per year

TM-11. Correct level of expertise in relation with the request

TM staff with sufficient expertise/ total number of TM staff

95% Replacement can be asked (with at least 10 days free of charge)

TM-12. Client’s satisfaction

TM staff who have satisfied at the end of the SC/Total number of TM staff


TM-13. Ratio of replacements

Number of persons not replaced per year/ Total person-years working in TM

90% 10 to 15 days free of charge for each replacement

TM-14. Respect of replacement procedure (including 2 CVs conform with the initial request)

Number of correct replacement procedures/ total number of replacements

95% The request can be sent to another contractor (cascade).

TM-15. Acceptance of replacement staff

Number of accepted replacements/ Number of correct replacement procedures

95% The request can be sent to another contractor (cascade).

TM-16. Respect of the take-over period

Number of replacements with effective takeover/Total number of replacements

90% 15 days free of charge in place of 10

10 days will not be invoiced if the replacement failed

10 days will not be invoiced if the replacement cannot be achieved


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 4.4

Service Level Reports

In the monthly report provided to the Central Service Manager, the Contractor gives the details on: 

the calculation of the quality indicators;

their values for the month;

their values from the start of contract; and

their values for the last 12 months period.

For each error (non-conformance with a requirement) the report includes: 

the reference to the request or specific contract;

the relevant dates;

the reference of the quality indicator;

a copy of the information provided to the Agency; and

an explanation of the error.


Risk and Problem Management

4.5.1 Specific Request or Specific Contract When he identifies a risk or a problem related to a specific request or contract, the Contractor must report it to the Agency. Examples are: 

Request not conform to the Contract;

Request Procedure not followed;

Non-availability of the person at the start of the specific contact;

Planned absence during the execution of the contract;

Necessary replacement.

For each risk or problem identified, the Contractor must inform the Agency of the strategy, actions or contingency plan he will put in place. The Contractor must report to the Agency about the measures he proposes to limit the risk or solve the problem (including delays) in conformance with the contractual requirements.

4.5.2 Service Performance Values Non-respect of service performance limit values of quality parameters will be treated as problems monitored by the Agency with the Contractor.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 4.6


In addition to the immediate measures indicated in 4.3, if a serious fault occurs (e.g. candidate chosen on the basis of false information in the CV or serious misconduct of the staff) the Agency can impose a penalty up to 100% of the days performed by the concerned staff on the framework contract.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 5

Service: Fixed Price


Service Definition

Fixed Price corresponds to the order of a number of deliverables, corresponding to the work to be delivered to the Agency within a specified delay. The work is executed outside the Agency’s premises and delivered to the location of delivery specified by the Agency. The order procedure and conditions detailed in the service requirements fully applies.


Service Quality Indicators

5.2.1 Ordering Process (OP) 

Correctness of the technical offer;

Correctness of the financial offer;

Number of revisions of the offer.

5.2.2 Delivery Process (DP)


Respect of starting date;

Respect of delivery dates;

Conformance of deliverable;

Acceptance of deliverable;

Provision of progress reports;

Availability for meetings at the Agency.

Service Performance Values

Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum Immediate action acceptable value

FP– OP FP-1. Correctness of the technical offer

Accurate technical offers/ Total number of FP offers

95% The request is sent to another contractor (cascade)

FP-2. Correctness of the financial offer

Explicit financial offers/ Total number of FP offers

95% The request can be sent to another contractor (cascade)


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum Immediate action acceptable value

FP-3. Number of revisions of an offer

Offers revised at most 2 times/ Total number of FP offers

95% The request can be sent to another contractor (cascade)

FP-4. Respect of starting date

Starting date respected/ Total number of FP SC


FP-5. Respect of delivery dates

Delivery dates of deliverables respected/ Total number of FP deliverables


FP-6. Conformance of deliverables

Number of conform deliverables/ Total number of FP deliverables


FP-7. Acceptance of deliverables

Deliverable accepted/ Total number of FP deliverables


FP-8 Provision of progress reports

Progress reports delivered/ Total number of FP SC


FP-9. Availability for

Meetings held/ Meetings requested



meetings at the Agency


Service Level Reports

In the monthly report provided to the Service Manager, the Contractor gives the details on: 

the calculation of the quality indicators;

their values for the month;

their values from the start of contract; and

their values for the last 12 months period.

For each error (non-conformance with a requirement) the report includes: 

the reference to the request or specific contract;

the relevant dates;

the reference of the quality indicator;


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 

a copy of the information provided to the Agency; and

an explanation of the error.


Risk and Problem Management

5.5.1 Specific Request or Specific Contract When he identifies a risk or a problem related to a specific request or contract, the Contractor must report it to the Agency. Examples are: 

Request not conform to the Contract;

Request Procedure not followed;

Expected delivery delays;

Necessary infrastructure not available.

For each risk or problem identified, the Contractor must inform the Agency of the strategy, actions or contingency plan he will put in place. The Contractor must report to the Agency about the measures he proposes to limit the risk or solve the problem (including delays) in conformance with the contractual requirements.

5.5.2 Service Performance Values Non-respect of service performance limit values of quality parameters will be treated as problems monitored by the Agency with the Contractor.



Only accepted deliverables will be paid to the Contractor on the basis of the offer and the contract. In addition, the Agency can impose a penalty of 2.5 % on the price of a deliverable per month of delay on the delivery of a version in accordance with the specifications.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 6

Service: Quoted Time and Means


Service Definition

Quoted Time and Means service corresponds to the order of a number of days for defined sub-tasks and further execution of the sub-tasks on the basis of a formal agreement between the Agency and the Contractor. The work is executed outside the Agency’s premises and delivered to the location of delivery specified by the Agency. The order procedure and conditions detailed in the service requirements fully applies.


Service Quality Indicators

6.2.1 Ordering Process 

Correctness of the technical offer;

Correctness of the financial offer.

6.2.2 Delivery Process


Correctness of the sub-task offer;

Number of iterations for the sub-task offer;

Respect of delay for sub-task offers;

Acceptance of sub-task offers;

Respect of sub-task starting date;

Respect of delivery dates;

Conformance of sub-tasks delivered;

Acceptance of sub-tasks;

Availability for meetings at the Agency.

Service Performance Values

Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum acceptable value

Immediate action

Accurate technical offers/Total number of QTM offers


The request is sent to another contractor (cascade)

QTM– OP QTM-1. Correctness of the technical offer


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP Quality indicator

Quality indicator measurement

Minimum acceptable value

Immediate action

QTM-2. Correctness of the financial offer

Explicit financial offers/ Total number of QTM offers


The request is sent to another contractor (cascade)

QTM-3. Correctness of the sub-task offer

Correct number of sub-task proposals/Total number of sub-tasks


QTM-4. Number of iterations for the sub-task offer

Offers revised at most 1 time/ Total number of subtasks



QTM-5. Respect of Delays respected/ Total delay for sub-task number of sub-tasks offers


QTM-6. Acceptance of sub-task offers


Number of sub-task proposals accepted/ Total number of sub-tasks

QTM-7. Respect of Number of sub-tasks sub-task starting started in time/ Total dates number of sub-tasks


QTM-8. Respect of Delivery dates of sub-tasks delivery dates respected/ Total number of QTM sub-tasks


QTM-9. Conformance of sub-tasks delivered

Number of conform subtasks/ Total number of QTM sub-tasks


QTM-10. Acceptance of sub-tasks

Sub-tasks accepted/ Total number of sub-tasks


QTM-11 Availability for meetings at the Agency

Meetings held/Meetings requested



ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 6.4

Service Level Reports

In the monthly report provided to the Service Manager, the Contractor gives the details on the calculation of the quality indicators, their values for the month, from the start of contract and for the last 12 months period. For each error (non-conformance with a requirement) the report includes the reference to the request or specific contract, the relevant dates, the reference of the quality indicator, a copy of the information provided to the Agency and an explanation of the error.


Risk and Problem Management

6.5.1 Specific Request or Specific Contract When he identifies a risk or a problem related to a specific request or contract, the Contractor must report it to the Agency. Examples are: 

Request not conform to the Contract;

Request Procedure not followed;

Sub-tasks not conform to the specific contract;

Expected delivery delays;

Necessary infrastructure not available.

For each risk or problem identified, the Contractor must inform the Agency of the strategy, actions or contingency plan he will put in place. The Contractor must report to the Agency about the measures he proposes to limit the risk or solve the problem (including delays) in conformance with the contractual requirements.

6.5.2 Service Performance Values Non-respect of service performance limit values of quality parameters will be treated as problems monitored by the Agency with the Contractor.



Only accepted sub-tasks will be paid to the Contractor on the basis of the offer and the contract. In addition, the Agency can impose a penalty of 2.5 % on the price of a sub-task per month of delay attributable to the Contractor on an acceptable delivery of the agreed work.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 7

Background Documents

Guidebook “European Railway Agency – Submitting an Offer in Response to a Procurement Procedure for the Acquisition of Goods and Services in the ICT Domain”, version 2.2 (2008-06-30) a)



(under heading: Guidelines)

Commission Decision of 16 August 2006 C(2006)3602 concerning the security of Information Systems used by the European Commission d)

(applicable mutatis mutandi to the Agency) or (under heading: Guidelines)


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP e)

ERA Service Desk Action Procedure

The ERA’s Service Desk (ESD) is responsible for handling and dispatching all service requests relating to office equipment and computers and telecommunications services. The ESD does not itself resolve problems: it is a central point for their receipt, registration and onward transmission to the appropriate internal or external support unit. It is also responsible for monitoring and follow-up of the service supplied. The term Service requests covers both request for assistance and requests for corrective action: requests of the latter kind are denominated incidents. An incident may later be re-classified as a problem, indicating that resolution requires some long-term action (e.g. a Software bug or hardware design problem) or as a known error, meaning that a solution is available and awaiting implementation by agreement. 1. Requests shall be notified by the ESD to the Contractor’s Service Desk (CSD) by telephone or any other agreed means immediately after assignment of the request. 2. The ESD always confirms in writing each request addressed to the CSD, giving all relevant details. 3. The CSD shall confirm receipt of a request to the ESD by returning its own reference number. 4. Each telephone communication between the ESD and the CSD shall be confirmed immediately by fax, email or, where the CSD has access, by direct entry into the Agency’s ESD database. 5. The CSD shall deal only with requests that have been sent by the ESD. The Contractor shall immediately provide to the ESD full details of any request received from any other source within the Agency. 6. Each action on a request shall be notified to the ESD. A report shall be sent immediately by the CSD indicating the action’s nature, starting date and time and probable duration. If the request has not been resolved, the reasons shall be given, along with an estimated date and time for resolution. 7. Should an action require contact within a Unit/Sector and the responsible person at the Unit/Sector be unavailable, the Contractor shall report this to the ESD as soon as possible. 8. Completion of a request that has been satisfied shall be notified as soon as possible by the CSD to the ESD. Mention shall be made of the cause, the date and time the action started, its duration in minutes, and any other relevant details. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information he supplies. The reporting user shall be notified immediately by the person carrying out the action.


ERA 2013 16 RSU OP 9. The resolution time given by the Contractor shall be accepted by the ESD if it is no more than 24 hours prior to receipt of the complete closure by fax or email. Otherwise its arrival time at the ESD will be taken as resolution time. 10. A request shall be closed by the ESD if the Unit/Sector concerned explicitly accepts the results of the action. If it does not, the request shall remain open for one week. If the Unit/Sector does not indicate its rejection during this period, the request shall automatically be closed definitively. 11. Where a Framework contract defines service quality requirements for incident handling and/or service requests performance, the Contractor’s performance with respect to these requirements shall be calculated on the basis of the information recorded in the Agency’s ESD database. Unless otherwise specified in the Framework contract, quality requirements shall in general be based on two elements: ‘response time’ and ‘resolution time’. Response time shall be defined as the period between:  the time of assignment of a service request by the ESD to the CSD, and  the commencement of the diagnostic or repair work by the Contractor's qualified representative at the location indicated in the report or, if attendance at the incident location is not required, the commencement of by telephone or other agreed means. Resolution time shall be defined as the time between:  the time of assignment of a service request by the ESD to the CSD, and the notification of completion of the action to the ESD (see paragraphs 8 and 9 above), or the reclassification or re-assignment of the incident;  repeated incidents of the same type applying to the same item over a short period may be cumulated for purposes of calculating the resolution time. The clock stops running:  outside the defined hours of cover;  if access to the contact person or equipment cannot be effected. In this case the ESD shall be notified immediately and the grounds for the delay explained;  if by agreement with the reporting user, an appointment is made for the beginning of the action. The clock shall restart at the time of the appointment. 12. On request, the Contractor shall be sent a daily or weekly summary of all open requests by the ESD.