Senior Lecturer in Education Studies (Early Childhood) Department of Education Studies, Faculty of Education, Health and Social Care

DR RICHARD HOUSE Senior Lecturer in Education Studies (Early Childhood) Department of Education Studies, Faculty of Education, Health and Social Care ...
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DR RICHARD HOUSE Senior Lecturer in Education Studies (Early Childhood) Department of Education Studies, Faculty of Education, Health and Social Care

Research Interests Richard’s main research interests are in Early Years policy-making and campaigning/action research, perspectives on ‘toxic childhood’ and the erosion of childhood (see my publications), and issue around the school-starting age. In the field of therapy, my research interests are around the professionalisation of psychotherapy and counselling, and in the broad field Critical and Humanistic Psychology.

Books House, R., Kalisch, D., & Maidman, J. (eds) (2013) The Future of Humanistic Psychology, PCCS Books, Rosson-Wye. House, R. (ed) (2011) Too Much, Too Soon? – Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Hawthorn Press, Stroud. nd

House, R., & Totton, N. (eds) (2 ed) (2011) Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye. House, R. (2010) In, Against and Beyond Therapy: Critical Essays Towards a ‘Post-Professional’ Era, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye. House, R., & Loewenthal, D. (eds) (2010) Critically Engaging CBT: Modality Perspectives, Open University Press, June 2010 House, R., & Loewenthal, D. (eds) (2009) Childhood, Well-Being and a Therapeutic Ethos, Karnac Books, London. House, R., & Postle, D. (2009) Compliance? Ambivalence? Rejection? – Nine Papers Challenging the Health Professions Council Proposals for the State Regulation of the Psychological Therapies, Wentworth Publishing, London. House, R., & Loewenthal, D. (eds) (2008) Against and for CBT: Towards a Constructive Dialogue?, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye. Bates, Y., & House, R., (eds) (2003) Ethically Challenged Professions: Enabling Innovation and Diversity in Psychotherapy and Counselling, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye House, R. (2003) Therapy Beyond Modernity: Deconstructing and Transcending Profession-Centered Therapy, Karnac Books, London nd

House, R., & Totton, N. (eds) (2 ed) (1997) Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye

Journal Articles House, R., & Musgrave, A. (2013) Pluralistic accountability for the psychological therapies? – holding the tension between diversity’s virtues and the need for accountability, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Vol. 41 (1) pp. 24–35 House, R. (2012) General practice counselling amidst the “audit culture”: history, dynamics and subversion of/in the hyper-modern NHS, Psychodynamic Practice, Vol. 18 (1) pp. 51–70 House, R. (2012) Psychotherapy, politics and the “common factor” of power, Psychotherapy and Politics International, Vol. 10 (2) pp. 157–60

House, R., Karian, P., & Young, J. (2011) Power, diversity and values-congruent accountability in the psychological therapies: report on an emerging dialogue, Psychotherapy and Politics International, Vol. 9 (3) pp. 174–87 House, R. (2008) Training and education for therapy practitionership: “trans-modern” perspectives, Counselling Psychology Quarterly, Vol. 21 (1) pp. 1–10 House, R. (2008) The dance of psychotherapy and politics, Psychotherapy and Politics International, Vol. 6 (2) pp. 98–109 House, R. (2007) The be-coming of a therapist: experiential learning, self-education and the personal/professional nexus, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, Vol. 35 (4), pp. 427–40

Chapters in Edited Books Feltham, C., & House, R. (2014) (in press) Counselling psychology, in Parker, I. (ed) Handbook of Critical Psychology House, R. (2012) The inappropriateness of ICT in early childhood: arguments from philosophy, pedagogy and developmental research, in S. Suggate, S., & Reese, E. (eds), Contemporary Debates on Child Development and Education, Routledge, London, pp. 105–20 House, R. (2011) Introduction and Overview, in House, R. (ed.), Too Much, Too Soon? Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Hawthorn Press, Stroud, pp. 1–17 Edgington, M., House, R., Oldfield, L., & Palmer, S. (2011) Challenging government policy-making for the early years: early Open EYE contributions, in House, R. (ed.), Too Much, Too Soon? Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Hawthorn Press, Stroud, pp. 36–44 Edgington, M., Ellyatt, W., Hooper Hansen, G., House, R., & Simpson, K. (2011) ‘The Tickell Review of the Early Years Foundation Stage: an ‘Open EYE’ dialogue’, in House, R. (ed.), Too Much, Too Soon? Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Hawthorn Press, Stroud, pp. 83–97 House, R. (2011) Early childhood research and its political usage: some cautionary remarks, in House, R. (ed.), Too Much, Too Soon? Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Hawthorn Press, Stroud, 2011, pp. 247–64 House, R. (2011) An inveterate early childhood campaigner – Margaret Edgington, interviewed by Richard House, in House, R. (ed.), Too Much, Too Soon? Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Hawthorn Press, Stroud, pp. 290–304 House, R., & Scott. W. (2011) Towards the future: implications and recommendations for educationalists and policy-makers, in R. House (ed.), Too Much, Too Soon? Early Learning and the Erosion of Childhood, Hawthorn Press, Stroud, pp. 323–33 House, R. (2010) Countering televisual assault, in Robinson, V., & Robinson, P. (eds), Stretch Marks: Selected Articles from The Mother Magazine, Starflower Press, Cumbria, pp. 292–7 House, R. (2010) The central place of play in early learning and development’, in Robinson, V., & Robinson, P. (eds), Stretch Marks: Selected Articles from The Mother Magazine, 2002–2009, Starflower Press, Cumbria, pp. 387–84 House, R. (2011) Editorial Conclusion, in House, R., & Totton, N. (eds) (2nd ed) Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, pp. 367–72 House, R., & Loewenthal, D. (2010) CBT and the other psychological therapies in an Age of Happiness in Loewenthal, D. and House, R. (eds), Critically Engaging CBT: Modality Perspectives, Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 1–17 House, R., & Loewenthal, D. (2010) Conclusion in Loewenthal, D. and House, R. (eds), Critically Engaging CBT: Modality Perspectives, Open University Press, Maidenhead, pp. 176–85 House, R. (2009) The “mind object” and dream consciousness, in House, R., and Loewenthal, D. (eds), Childhood, Well-being and A Therapeutic Ethos, Karnac Books, London, pp. 155–70

House, R., & Loewenthal, D. (2009) Editorial introduction: “Therapeutic ethos” in the therapeutic, educational and cultural perspective’ (with D. Loewenthal), in House, R., and Loewenthal, D. (eds), Childhood, Well-being and A Therapeutic Ethos, Karnac Books, London, pp. 1–16 House, R., & Loewenthal, D. (2009) Editorial conclusion: “Therapeia” today (reinstating the soul in human experience), in House, R., and Loewenthal, D. (eds), Childhood, Well-being and A Therapeutic Ethos, Karnac Books, London, pp. 235–40 House, R. (2009) The PLG’s proposals for the statutory regulation of counselling and psychotherapy, in Postle, D. and House, R. (eds), Compliance? Ambivalence? Rejection? – Nine Papers challenging the Health Professions Council Proposals for the State Regulation of the Psychological Therapies, Wentworth Publishing, London, pp. 95–125 House, R. (2010) Psychopathology, psychosis and the Kundalini: postmodern perspectives on unusual subjective experience, in Clarke, I. (ed) (2nd ed), Psychosis and Spirituality: Exploring the New Frontier, Wiley, Chichester, pp. 89–98; reprinted in extended version In, Against and Beyond Therapy, PCCS Books, pp. 136–55 Bohart, C., & House, R. (2008) Empirically supported/validated treatments as modernist ideology: I: Dodo, manualization, and the paradigm question, in House, R., and Loewenthal, D. (eds), Against and For CBT: Towards a Constructive Dialogue?, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, pp. 188–201 Bohart, C., & House, R. (2008) ‘Empirically supported/validated treatments as modernist ideology: II: Alternative perspectives on research and practice, in House, R., and Loewenthal, D. (eds), Against and For CBT: Towards a Constructive Dialogue?, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, pp. 202–17 House, R. (2008) Introduction: An exploration of the criticisms of CBT, in House, R., and Loewenthal, D. (eds), Against and For CBT: Towards a Constructive Dialogue?, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, pp. 7–18 House, R. (2008) Conclusion: Contesting therapy paradigms about what it means to be human, in House, R., and Loewenthal, D. (eds), Against and For CBT: Towards a Constructive Dialogue?, PCCS Books, Ross-on-Wye, pp. 289–96 House, R., Postle, D. (2008) Unconsciously generating inevitability? Workable accountability alternatives to the statutory regulation of the psychological therapies in Parker, I., & Revelli, S. (eds), Psychoanalytic Practice and State Regulation, Karnac Books, London, pp. 191–203

Professional Articles: House, R. (2013) Critical Corner (regular column): Our children shouldn’t be made to jump through hoops, Teach Nursery magazine, (3.8), p. 35 House, R. (2013) Critical Corner (regular column): Early Baseline Assessments are a terrifying prospect, Teach Nursery magazine, (3.6), p. 43 House, R. (2013) Critical Corner (regular column), Teach Nursery magazine, (3.2), p. 53 House, R., Kalisch, D., & Maidman, J. (2013) Talking Technology... – Hope, Hubris and Humanity in the Virtual Age, Self and Society: International Journal for Humanistic Psychology, Vol. 40 (3) pp. 4–5 House, R. (2013) New ways of looking at our children, The Mother magazine, 58, pp. 38–41 House, R. (2013) Does screen technology have a place in children’s lives?, The Mother magazine, 57, pp. 35–9 House, R. (2013) How early is too early?, Under 5 (Magazine of the PSLA), pp. 20–21 House, R. (2013) Albert Einstein: an inadvertent educator, The Mother magazine, (56), pp. 14–15 House, R. (2012) The essential place of space and time in early childhood experience , The Mother magazine (54), pp. 42–4 House, R. (2012) The importance of nature in childhood, The Mother magazine, (53), pp. 21–2 House, R. (2012) Head-start, early finish? The scandal of England’s school starting age, New View magazine (64) pp. 3–9

House, R. (2012) To ‘stimulate’ or not to ‘stimulate’? – a question of balance for babies and young children, The Mother magazine (52), pp. 44–5 House, R. (2012) Searching for the soul of early childhood, The Mother Magazine (51) pp. 34–7 House, R., & Simpson, K. (2012) Hot topics: The importance of Too Much, Too Soon? for parents and early years practitioners, Montessori International (103) p. 4 Edgington, M., Hooper, H., House, R., & Simpson, K. (2012) The revised EYFS: Too little, too late, Nursery World (10) House, R., Osgood, J., & Simpson, K. (2012) The Revised EYFS: Still ‘Too Much, Too Young, irredeemably stuck in an outmoded paradigm’, Early Years Educator Hooper-Hansen, G., & House, R. (2012) Early Childhood Action: speaking professional truth to political power, Green World magazine Charlton, M., & House, R. (2012) Early childhood experience: towards a new learning paradigm, Environmental Education (100), pp. 12–13 House, R. (2012) Professionals take on politicians (Opinion), Early Years Educator, 13 (12) p. 7 House, R. (2012) Early Childhood Action: Speaking professional truth to political power, Juno magazine, House, R. (2012) Early Childhood Action is launched (Letter), Headteacher Update, Spring 2, p. 4 House, R. (2012) Early Childhood Action – a call to all green parents (Letter), Green Parent magazine House, R., & Katz. L. (2012) Enabling a true foundation – a sound antidote to the erosion of childhood, Early Years Educator magazine, Vol. 13 (9), pp. 38–44 House, R. (2012) A new cultural movement: reclaiming childhood, The Mother magazine (50), pp. 41–3 House, R. (2011) Too much, too soon, Every Child Journal, 2 (5), pp. 60–4 House, R. (2011) Plus ça change… – On ‘School Readiness’, yet again!, Early Years Educator, 13 (6), p. 6 House, R. (2011) Babies and computers: modern-day child abuse?, The Mother magazine, (49), pp. 29–31 House, R. (2011) Rhetoric versus policy, Early Years Educator, 12 (11), pp. 24–6 House, R. (2011) The erosion of childhood: intimations of a new cultural movement, The Mother magazine, (48), pp.34–7 House, R. (2011) Donald Winnicott’s Contribution to Understanding Children and Parenting, The Mother magazine, (47), pp. 30–2 House, R. (2011) Perennial wisdom on early childhood, I: The work and contribution of Susan Isaacs, 1885–1948, The Mother magazine, (46) pp. 34–6 House, R. (2011) Psychoanalytic ideas for early childhood, The Mother magazine, (45) pp. 30–2 House, R. (2011) Infant Computer Technology, The Mother magazine, (44), pp. 36–7 House, R. (2010) Is technology harmful?, Nursery Education PLUS, pp. 42–3 House, R. (2010) Yet More on ‘Screen Culture and Early ICT’ – without apologies..., The Mother magazine, (43)

House, R. (2010) Born consumers, The Mother magazine, (42) pp. 34–5 House, R. (2010) Learning and Development: ICT – Byte back ( A “Precautionary Principle” is essential), Nursery World magazine, pp. 20–21 Edgington, M., House, R., & Simpson, K. (2010) More than soundbites? Nursery World magazine, pp. 10–11 House, R. (2010) Think before you speed (Opinion), Nursery World magazine (15), p. 12 House, R. (2010) Politics and our children’s educational experience, The Mother Magazine (41), pp. 34–5 House, R. (2010) The new politics of childhood, Early Years Educator, Vol. 12 (4), p. 7 Edgington, M., House, R., & Oldfield, L. (2010) Is the Early Years Foundation Stage too restrictive?, Every Child Journal, Vol. 1 (5) pp. 14–17 House, R. (2010) Opinion: Separation not the answer, Early Years Educator, Vol. 11 (10), p. 7 House, R. (2010) Learning to read: Literacy, revisited: It’s confirmed – there really is no rush!, The Mother magazine (39), pp. 27–9 Edgington, M., House, R., & Oldfield, L. (2010) The EYFS two years on: The view from Open EYE, Early Years Educator

Conferences, Public Seminars and Workshops House, R. (2013) Early Childhood Action; An alternative early years framework, keynote address and workshop on The Erosion of Childhood presented at the Osiris Early Childhood Conference, Birmingham House, R. (2013) Early Childhood Action. Presentation to parliamentary seminar on ‘Too Much Too Soon’ at The House of Commons, chaired by Annette Brooke MP, Westminster House, R. (2013) Understanding the Present – Building the Future: Retrieving and Protecting What Is Human in Early Childhood Relationships with Technology. Workshop for the Stroud Anthroposophical Group, Stroud House, R. (2013) England’s Early Childhood Education: The Urgent Need for a Humanistic Psychology Perspective. Workshop at the 40th anniversary conference of the Association of Humanistic Psychology, QMC, University of London House, R. (2013) Early Childhood Action. Paper presented at the Save Childhood Movement Conference House, R. (2013) The dilemmas and possibilities of counselling and psychotherapeutic research in the 21st century. Keynote address presented at The Biography and Social Development Trust Conference, ‘The Will to Research: The Art of Discovery’, Emerson College, Sussex House, R. (2012) Early Childhood Action in Context: Historical, Cultural and Political Background. Keynote presentation at the First Early Childhood Action Conference, University of Winchester House, R. (2012) Understanding the Present – Building the Future: Retrieving and Protecting What Is Human in Early Childhood Relationships with Technology. Tuesday Public Talk Series, Rudolf Steiner House, London House, R. (2012) The Examination System. Panel Presentation and Discussion at the Battle for Ideas Annual Conference, Barbican, London House, R. (2012) The Emperors’ New Clothes and the Policy-makers: A Modernist Tale of Power, Ideology – and the Courage to “Speak Truth to Political Power” in the Early Years. Seminar presented at the Seminar Series: 'The Politics of Early Childhood', Canterbury Christ Church University College House, R. (2012) Five Propositions about Early Childhood Experience. Keynote address and Live Panel Discussion (with Dr Penelope Leach) at the Sunday Times Festival of Education, Wellington College

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