Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2006

Author: Teresa McBride
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Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2006

PRELIMINARY STUDY TOWARDS A NEW STANDARD OF PROTEIN FEEDING FOR INDONESIAN RUMINANT LIVESTOCK WITH CONSIDERATION ON SUPPORTING PRODUCTIVITY AND CONTROLLING ENVIRONMENT (Studi Awal Menuju Standar Baru Pakan Protein untuk Ternak Ruminansia di Indonesia dengan Pertimbangan untuk Produksi dan Pengendalian Lingkungan) AGUNG PURNOMOADI and EDY RIANTO Faculty of Animal Science Diponegoro University, Semarang

ABSTRAK Sejumlah 56 data dari penelitian kesetimbangan protein dari ternak Indonesia di laboratorium Ilmu Ternak Potong dan Kerja, Fak. Peternakan, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang pada kurun waktu 2002 sd 2004 digunakan dalam telaah ini. Data tersebut terdiri dari 32 sapi (24 ekor sapi PO dan 8 ekor sapi Peranakan Limousin) dan 24 data dari kerbau. Semua ternak tersebut dipelihara dengan pakan yang bervariasi, baik jenis pakan maupun kandungan nutrisinya. Pakan tersebut diberikan sedikitnya 3% BB. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa batas kandungan protein yang baik untuk produksi sekaligus untuk lingkungan adalah 15,53%, sedangkan rasio protein dan energi adalah 8,17 g/MJ. Kata Kunci: Standar Protein, Produktivitas, Lingkungan, Ruminansia ABSTRACT A study of protein balance on Indonesian cattle was done in Laboratory of Meat and Drought Animal, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Diponegoro from 2002 to 2004. This study was conducted to find the standard of grade protein in feed to support productivity and reduce protein excreted to the enviromnet. Thirty two cattles (24 Ongole Grade and 8 Ongole-Limousin grade) and 24 swamp buffaloes were raised under feeding regime containing various feeedstuffs. At this experiment, animals were allowed to fulfill the dry matter requirement at least 3% of body weight. The results showed that the limit protein content in feed is 15.53%, while the ratio of protein and energy intake is 8.17 gCP/MJ GEI. Key Words: Protein Standard, Productivity, Environment, Ruminants

INTRODUCTION In the last decades, the concerns about the effect of feeding management on environment have increased. Feeding cattle can lead the concentration of N in manure and its significant quantities can be lost to the atmosphere (BIERMAN et al., 1999) as ammonia or dinitrogen gas (HUTCHINSON et al., 1982; HARPER et al., 2000). Depending on the diet, feedlot cattle excrete approximately 60 to 80% of their nitrogen in urine and 20 to 40% in feces (VAN HORN et al., 1996). Fecal nitrogen is 50% organic nitrogen and 50%

ammonia; however, urine contains up to 97% urea nitrogen, which is readily converted by microbial urease to ammonia shortly after excretion (MOBLEY and HAUSINGER, 1989; MOBLEY et al., 1995). Ammonia volatilized from livestock operations (predominantly manured areas) and gaseous nitric acid (a pollutant formed in air when NO, (nitrogen oxides) emitted from automobile tail pipes react with water in air to form particulate nitrate (RUSSELL and CASS, 1986). Rain will return particulate nitrate to the ground. This is commonly referred to as acid rain and can result in an increased load of N to soil surfaces


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2006

and potentially to ground or surface waters when percolation or runoff occur. Nitrates in drinking water are potentially dangerous, especially to newborn infants and young animals. Specifically, nitrate is converted to nitrite in the digestive tract. The maximum allowable level of nitrate-N in drinking water is 10 ppm, or 1 ppm as nitrite-N (U.S. EPA 1989; 1990). Nitrite reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, which results in brain damage and even death. Consumption of water with elevated nitrate can cause “blue baby syndrome” in infants (KLAASSEN et al., 1986) and respiratory dysfunction or abortions in animals (MERCK VETERINARY MANUAL, 1979). Nitrate has been responsible for detrimental effects on the health of farm animals, resulting in weight loss and poor feed conversion (CARTER and SNEED, 1987). Protein feeding for fulfilling the beef cattle requirement is suggested minimum at 12% CP (AFFRCS, 1995; NRC, 1996), and should be increased for stressed or for higher producing cattle (NRC, 1996). In Indonesia, beef cattle mostly raised under forage based feeding regimes by smallholder farmer give protein around 7 – 9%, much lower than the borderline value, 12%CP. Increasing N or protein in feeding usually has been used to improve animal productivity, but merely increasing protein concentration in the diet results in lower efficiency of protein utilization (TOMLINSON et al., 1996). It is similar with the findings (KIRCHGESSNER et al., 1994) that N consumed in excess of animal requirement is excreted in feces and urine, contributing environmental pollution. Limiting the quantity of N fed to animal could

potentially decrease the atmospheric losses, but could also adversely affect animal performance. Therefore, the new standard of N or protein in feeding should be determined for balancing the utilization of protein, both for supporting productivity and for controlling environment. MATERIAL AND METHODS A total of 56 data of protein balance trials from Indonesian livestock from Laboratory of Meat and Drought Animal, Animal Agriculture Faculty, Diponegoro University from year 2002 to 2004 was used. The data were composed of 32 data from cattle (24 Grade Ongole and 8 Grade Ongole-Limousin) and 24 data from swamp buffalo raised under feeding regime containing various feedstuffs. At these experiments, animal was allowed to fulfill the dry matter requirement at least 3% body weight. Balance trials were done using total collection method for consecutive 7 days. Feed, feces and urine collection were collected using harness fitted to the animals. Dry matter intake was measured by weighing feed given and residual. Protein intake was determined by multiplied DMI to %CP of feed. Protein excreted as feces and urine was calculated by multiplying %CP of feces or urine to the amount of feces or urine excreted, respectively. Protein content was determined by multiplying 6.25 to nitrogen content determined by Kjeldahl methods. The productivity (daily weight gain) of these studies was obtained after animal being raised for at least 10 weeks. The data used in present study is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. The dry matter intake, crude protein intake, crude protein content and daily gain of three species used in this study Grade Ongole (n=24) range BW, kg DMI, g/d


Grade Ongole – Limousin (n=8) range


Swamp Buffalo (n=24) range


79 – 263


115 – 316


113 – 203


2192 – 7664


2651 – 8050


2279 – 5301


CPI, g/d

308 – 1554


398 – 2132


109 – 837


CP, %

11.7 – 25.6


14.7 - 26.5


4.8 – 18.1


79 – 263


115 – 316


113 – 203


ADG, g/d


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2006

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Protein intake and productivity Table 1 show that Grade Ongole-Limousin cattle have a widest range of BW, while the buffalo was the narrowest. The feeding quality given to three species was considered able to support the performance of cattle as shown by the mean of CP content that found higher than 12% and the mean of daily gain was positive. For buffalo, the CP content was lower than 12% because they were mostly studied under feeding with rice straw as basal diet.


The productivity of animal highly correlated with DMI. The correlation of DMI and daily gain was calculated and illustrated in Figure 1. There is a linear correlation between DMI of our local feedstuff to body weight gain was found 0,604 or determination value of 36.5%. This value showed that feed intake give 36% to the production. Increasing DMI consequently will increase protein intake, metabolizable protein as well as protein excreted in form of feces and urine, as shown in Figure 2. In consideration to reduce nitrogen (or CP) excretion to environment, the efficiency on protein utilization should be optimized.

y = 0,0964x + 86,691 2 R = 0,3653

900 600 300 ADG, g/d 0 0






DMI, g/d

Figure 1. Correlation between dry matter intake (g/d) and average daily gain (g/d)

2000 1500 1000 500

C P intake, g/d


C P M etab, g/d


CP feces, g/d CP urine, g/d Linear (CP) urine, g/d 800 0

400 300 200 100 0 4000

6000 Dry M atter Intake, g/d

Figure 2. Correlation between dry matter intake (g/d) and crude protein intake, metabolically protein (g/d) and excreted protein (g/d)


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2006

intersecting those two curves. The result showed that for better efficiency, the protein content in feeding should be at least 15.53%. This finding is much higher than the CP borderline recommended by many feeding standard (NRC, 1996; AFFRCS, 1995).

The utilization of protein intake was calculated and illustrated in Figure 3. This figure shows that higher protein content in the diet (%DMI) gives higher percentage of metabolizable protein and lower percentage of total protein excreted (feces and urine). Protein metabolizable is highly correlated to the production, because this fraction will be deposit as body weight gain after partly used for body maintenance, such as replacing body tissues, daily activity and maintaining metabolism process.

Protein-energy ratio for environment Nitrogen or protein excreted from animal in form of feces and urine are influenced by some factors, such as the body weight, protein intake, protein quality (rumen degradable protein (RDP), rumen undegraded protein (RUP), binding intake protein (BIP) and the ratio of protein to energy (CP/GE, g/MJ) in the diet (OLTNER and WIKTORSSON, 1983; REFSDAL et al., 1989). The correlation between the ratio of protein and energy intake to the protein utility was calculated and presented in Figure 4. The result shows that the minimum value of the CP/GE ratio to obtain the positive balance between protein metabolized and excreted is 8.17 g/MJ.

Protein standard for environment The figure also shows that lower protein (nitrogen) content in feed gives higher protein loss in environment compared to the protein metabolized, and vice versa. Therefore, to obtain the higher efficiency on protein utilization, the higher content of protein in the diet should be fulfilled. Calculation to find the recommended protein content in feeding for supporting productivity and minimizing N excreted to environment was done by



CP Metab, % CP out, %

75 50 25 0 0







CP intake, %DMI

Figure 3. The correlation between CP intake (%DMI) and CP metabolized and excreted (%)



CP out, %


CP Metab, %


25 0 2







CP/GE intake, g/MJ

Figure 4. Correlation of CP/GE intake (g/MJ) to CP excreted and CP metabolized (%)


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2006

Implication of the finding in this study is protein content in the diet for better efficiency in production and controlling environment required much higher protein (more than 15.5%). This finding also recommend the feedlot system for improves the productivity while controlling the environment. The value of 15% seems much higher for ruminant because many textbooks or reports say that ruminant could produce the protein by microbial synthesis in their rumen. Combine with the value of CP/GE ratio that was found to be 8.17, it means that for 100 kg cattle need 3 kg DMI (3%BW), thus it needs 465 g/d protein and gross energy 3800 MJ/d. With this standard, the production system for Indonesian livestock should be feedlot systems. CONCLUSION The standard of protein content in feeding for supporting productivity and controlling pollutant in environment is 15%CP. And, for efficiency, it should be balanced with energy in ratio of 8.17 gCP/MJ GE. REFERENCE AFFRCS. 1995. Japanese Feeding Standard for Beef Cattle 1995). Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, MAFF. Tokyo. BIERMAN, S., G.E. ERICKSON, T.J. KLOPFENSTEIN, R.A. STOCK and D.H. SHAIN. 1999. Evaluation of nitrogen and organic matter balance in the feedlot as affected by level and source of dietary fiber. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 1645 – 1653. CARTER, T.A. and R.E. SNEED. 1987. Poultry Science and Technology Guide. PS & T No. 42. Extension Poultry Science Publication, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. HARPER, LA., R.R. SHARPE and T.B. PARKIN. 2000. Gaseous nitrogen emissions from anaerobic swine lagoon: ammonia, nitrous oxide, and dinitrogen gas. J. Env. Qual. 29: 1356 – 1365. HUTCHINSON, G.L., A.R. .MOSIER and C.E. ANDRE. 1982. Ammonia and amine emissions from a large cattle feedlot. J. Environ. Qual. 11: 288 – 293.

KIRCHGESSNER, M., W. WINDISCH and F.X. ROTH. 1994. The efficiency of nitrogen conversion in animal nutrition. Nova Acta Leopold. 70: 240 – 412. KLAASSEN, C.D., M.0. AMDUR and J. DOULL. 1986. Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology (3rd Ed.). Macmillan Publishing, New York. 55: 232 – 238. MERCK VETERINARY MANUAL. The. 1979. A handbook of diagnosis and therapy for the veterinarian (5th Ed.). Merck, Rahway, NJ. MOBLEY, H.L.T. and R.P. HAUSINGER. 1989. Microbial ureases: Significance, regulation, and molecular characterization. Microbiol. Rev. 53: 85 – 108. MOBLEY, H.L.T., M.D. ISLAND and R.P. HAUSINGER. 1995. Molecular biology of microbial ureases. Microbiol. Rev. 59: 451 – 480. NRC. 1996. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle: 7th revised ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. OLTNER, R. and H. WIKTORSSON. 1983. Urea concentrations inn milk and blood as influenced by feeding varying amounts of protein and energy to dairy cows. Livest. Prod. Sci. 10: 457 – 467. REFSDAL, AO., L. BAEVRE and R. BRUFLOT. 1985. Urea concentration in bulk milk as an indicator of the protein supply at herd level. Acta Vet. Scand. 26: 153 – 163. RUSSELL, A.G. and G.R. CASS. 1986. Verification of a mathematical model for aerosol nitrates and nitric acid formation and its use for control measure evaluation. Atmos. Environ. 20: 2011. TOMLINSON, A.P., W.J. POWERS, H.H. VAN HORN, R.A. NORDSTEDT and C.J. WILCOX. 1996. Dietary protein effects on nitrogen excretion and manure characteristics of lactating cows. Trans. Am. Soc. Agric. Eng. 39: 1441 – 1448. U.S. EPA. 1990. Drinking water regulations and health advisories. Office of Drinking Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. US. EPA. 1989. Health advisory summaries. Offke of drinking water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. VAN HORN, H.H., G.L. NEWTON and W.E. KUNKLE. 1996. Ruminant nutrition from environmental perspective: Factors affecting whole-farm nutrient balance. J. Anim. Sci. 74: 3082 – 3102.


Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner 2006

DISKUSI Pertanyaan: Breed yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah 3 breed yang berbeda, sebaiknya digunakan breed yang sama? Jawaban: Penggunaan data 3 breed yang disatukan (sapi PO, peranakan dan kerbau) memang memiliki kelemahan, namun diperoleh hasil kisaran yang hampir sama. Penelitian masih tahap awal, belum dilakukan untuk masing-masing breed dan data akan dilengkapi.


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