Scientific and Organizing Committee

Author: David Welch
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OSRESS 2016 OUTDOOR SPORTS AND RECREATION EDUCATION SUMMER SCHOOL 2016 TRADITIONAL AND MODERN OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES September 8-14, 2016 Biała Podlaska, POLAND W dniach 8-14.09.2016 odbyła się VII edycja SUMMER SCHOOL (letniej szkoły). Organizatorem w tym roku była Filia Warszawskiej AWF w Białej Podlaskiej, Wydział WF i Sportu oraz Wydział Turystyki i Zdrowia. Współorganizatorami były Łotewska Akademia Sportu w Rydze, Uniwersytet w Maladze, PWSIiP w Łomży (Instytut WF), Litewski Pedagogiczny Uniwersytet w Wilnie, AWFiS w Gdańsku. Zajęcia, jak co roku miały zarówno wymiar praktyczny i teoretyczny z dużym akcentem na zajęcia w plenerze. Celem letnich szkół jest wymiana doświadczeń i informacji na temat prowadzenia zajęć z osobami w różnym wieku zarówno w terenie jak i na sali. Rokrocznie pracownicy i studenci PWSIiP w Łomży, Instytut WF od 5 lat biorą czynny udział w letnich szkołach organizowanych w całej Europie. W tym roku reprezentował nas student IIr. Instytutu WF Piotr Wyszyński. Poniżej przedstawimy program SUMMER SCHOOL oraz kilka zdjęć obrazujących tegoroczną szkołę.

The aim of the Summer School 2016 - Educational and scientific exchange proposals and establish common lines of work - In conjuction take part in sports and physical activities in Biała Podlaska

1,5 ETCS credits to study

Scientific and Organizing Committee Jerzy Sadowski Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Poland Krystyna Górniak Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Poland Krzysztof Piech, Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw Faculty of Tourism and Health in Biała Podlaska, Poland Artur Litwiniuk Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Poland State University of Applied Sciences, Lomza, Poland European Health Fitness Association, European Confederation Outdoor Employers Anna Bodasińskia Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Poland Małgorzata Lichota Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Poland Janusz Zieliński Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biała Podlaska, Poland Juris Grants Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Latvia Latvian Association of Outdoor Education and Recreation Ivars Kravalis Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Latvia Inta Bula-Biteniece Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Latvia Ingrida Smuka Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Latvia Oskar Romero Ramos University of Malaga, Spain Rafael Merino Marban University of Malaga, Spain Valdemaras Kavaliauskas Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius Rasa`Paulauskiena Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius Rutenis`Paulauskas Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius Zbigniew Ossowski J. Śniadecki University of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland

SUMMER SCHOOL 2016 Schedule Thursday 8.09.2016 17.00- Arrival and registration: “Agat” Hostel 19.00- 19.30. Dinner 20.00 - Welcome all participants Meeting of teacher and students - “Summer School Program” [AGAT, no 4] 21.00 – Swimming (A. Litwiniuk) Friday 9.09.2016 8.00 - Morning activities (Poland – P. Różański & students)

9.00 - Breakfast 10.00 - Opening ceremony of Summer School (rector prof. J. Sadowski) [AGAT, no 4] 10.15 - History of Summer Schools – lecture (A. Litwiniuk, J. Grants, K. Piech) [AGAT, no 4] 10.50 – Body build vs. health – lecture (M. Lichota, K. Górniak) [AGAT, no 4] 11.05 – Body build vs. health - practical classes [laboratory] ROBIR (K. Górniak, M. Lichota) 14.00 – Edu-ball, Bungy Pump (Z. Ossowski) 15.00 – Lunch 16.00 – Meeting with Local Goverment (v-ce president of Biała Podlaska M. Litwiniuk) 17.30 - Rope knots, tubing and stretching (J. Grants, I. Kravalis) [AGAT, no 4] 19.00 – Dinner 20.00 – Summary /comments of the day [AGAT, no 4] 21.00 – Swimming (A. Litwiniuk) Saturday 10.09.2016 7.30 – Breakfast + (dry provisions) 8.00 – Departure -bus 10.00 - Kayaking from Malowa Góra to Pratulin (G. Godlewski) 16.00 - Bonfire in Pratulin 19.30 – Departure and lunch in Biała Podlaska 20.00 - Summary /comments of the day [AGAT, no 4] 21.00 – Swimming (A. Litwiniuk) Sunday 11.09.2016 8.00 - Morning activities (Spain - students) 8.30 – Breakfast 10.00 - Recreational activities in groups: I gr. recreational Tennis (K.Juśliewicz) [tennis court] II gr. recreational Parkour (P.Lichota [ ACEPiR –green area] 12.30. Dinner 13.30 – Tour to horse stables in Janów Podlaski and Bishop Palace 17.00 - Departure 18.00 Dinner 18.45 - Inmaterial coultural heritage in tourism and recreation” – lecture (I. Smuka) [dance hall] 19.00 –Latvian national dance play and Spanish dance (I. Smuka, O. Romero Ramos, A . Karaś) [dance hall] 21.00 - Summary /comments of the day [dance hall]

Monday 12.09.2016 8.00 - Morning activities (Latvia - students) 8.30 – Breakfast 9.00 – Tour to Roskosz (workshop: baker’s trade) 12.30 – Lunch - [Roskosz ] 13.30 – Plays and games (students lessons) [Roskosz] Stretching exercises in pairs for the main body muscles (R. Merino Marban) TRX - stretching exercises (V. Kavaliuaskas, A. Litwiniuk) 17.00 - Tendencies in modern physical activity lessons – lecture ( K. Piech) [AGAT, no 4] Teaching sport concepts and skills (R. Paulauskiene, R. Paulauskas) 18.20 – Dinner 19.00 - Summary /comments of the day 19.30 –Folk and modern dance - practical classes (D. Różańska, A . Karaś) [dance hall] 20.30 - Meeting of scientific and organizing committee (teacher) [AGAT, no 4] Tuesday 13.09.2016 8.00 - Morning activities (Lithuania - students) 8.30 – Breakfast

9.15- Adventure and extreme sports and outdoor games as the factor of sustainable psychomotor development of youth and adult people – lecture (A. Litwiniuk) [AGAT, no 4] 9.50- Nordic Walking - didactic experience– lecture (K.Ciekurs) [AGAT, no 4] 10.30 – Dogs Races – lecture (E. Sweklej) [AGAT, no 4] 11.00 - Dogs Races - practical classes (E. Sweklej) [ ACEPiR –green area] 13.00 – Lunch 14.00 - Recreational activities in groups: I gr. recreational tours bikes (J. Zieliński) [Porosiuki ] II gr. recreational tours Nordic walking (K. Piech [Porosiuki] 15.00-17.15 - Orienteering games in environment (I.Bula-Biteniece) 17.15 Recreational activities in groups: I gr. recreational tours bikes (J. Zieliński) [Biala Podlaska ] II gr. recreational tours Nordic walking (K. Piech [Biala Podlaska] 18.00 – Presentation of each country (students) [AGAT, no 4] 18.45 – Description of research laboratory results - (K. Górniak, M. Lichota) [AGAT, no 4] 20.00 - Dinner party Wednesday 14.09.2016 7.00 – Swimming (A. Litwiniuk) 8.00 – Breakfast 9.00 Evaluation of the Summer School Presentation of next Summer School Delivery of certificates Departure of participants

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