Sarah Bonnell School Attendance Policy MARCH 2016

Sarah Bonnell School Attendance Policy MARCH 2016 Issued: September 2011 Last Updated: March 2016 Co-ordinators: Sarah Jacobs and Rebecca Clark Govern...
Author: Damian Cox
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Sarah Bonnell School Attendance Policy MARCH 2016 Issued: September 2011 Last Updated: March 2016 Co-ordinators: Sarah Jacobs and Rebecca Clark Governors: This policy is communicated to:   

Governors via Curriculum Committee and Full Governing Body Meeting Staff through the virtual Staff Handbook in the MLE. Students verbally by all staff inside and outside the classroom, classroom display and Student Planners.


Regular school attendance is crucial to a student’s performance. It is essential that the school does all it can to maximise attendance rates; this is a key task for all staff. Sarah Bonnell’s commitment is to do all that we can to maintain attendance figures of 100%. Our fundamental aim is to raise the profile of attendance ensuring all individuals are convinced that attendance can and will improve. In addition, a strong partnership must be built between the parents, students and the school. Staff have a responsibility to re-enforce our 100% expectation to parents and students. The Education (School Attendance Targets) (England) Regulations 2005 came into force on the 14th February 2005 and the Amendment to the Regulations was made in 2013. The main focus of these regulations is to reduce the number of total absences and raise the attendance of all students on the school roll. Under these new regulations, it is now the duty of the Governing Body to set attendance targets. This is done in consultation with the Headteacher, Local Authority and Department for Education and takes into account the previous year’s attendance statistics. Working Together It is essential that Students, parents/carers and school staff work together effectively to make any positive change. Referrals can be made both internally and to external agencies to address any issues that may be affecting a student’s attendance, e.g. Newham Attendance Service, the school’s Counselling Service, Child and Family Consultation Service (CFCS), Newham Asian Women’s Project (NAWP), and Newham Young Carers Project etc. Registration Registration is an integral part of the school day and should be conducted in a formal and controlled manner. Completion of registers is a tutor’s legal responsibility. Taking registers is a legal requirement placed on all tutors and subject staff. It is essential that teaching staff take a register at the beginning of each session. Conditions of Employment of Teachers other than Head Teacher Exercise of Professional Duties 73.12.2 attending assemblies, registering the attendance of pupils and supervising pupils, whether these duties are to be performed before, during or after school sessions. School Teachers’ Pay Conditions Document 2005 This has been replaced with the 2015 version but there is no mention of registration requirements for tutors or teachers in the 2015 version – needs further investigation or advice from Newham Attendance Service.

Registers The register for the registration period is a legal document to which reference is made for court cases, and which is used as a source of statistical information. The Local Authority may audit it. It is a teacher’s responsibility to see that it is properly kept and that the following instructions are adhered to. Registers should be taken using SIMS. If for any reason this is not possible a paper register must be taken and given to Student Services by 8.50am (if it is for Registration or during period 1 on a Wednesday) as soon as possible for any other register throughout the day. “The accuracy of the register is of paramount importance both to provide a solid foundation for analysis of absence and to support any statutory interventions that may be required.” DCSF Ensuring Children’s Right to Education “It is an offence not to maintain accurate registers. Headteachers may be called to Court as witnesses and explain their registration processes and in particular the marking of a register in question.” The Pupil Registration Regulations, Keeping Pupil Registers (Guidance on applying the Regulations) and Guidance on the use of the Attendance and Absence Codes.

Student Details All changes throughout the year must be passed in writing to Student Services who will ensure that all records are amended accordingly. Registration Time 08.30 – 08.50am – Registration on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 08.30 – 08.50am – during Period 1 on Wednesdays Marking of Registers / N

Present No reason yet provided

Authorised and Unauthorised Absence from School As a safeguarding measure, students may not leave the building during school hours without written permission from the Year Leader or a Senior Leader. Students report to Student Services to sign out before they actually leaving the building, and do the same when they return. Absentees from lessons should be entered on SIMS. Staff are asked to be observant for long and unexplained absences, suspected truancy, frequent absences for trivial reasons, ‘pattern’ absences, and ‘pattern group’ absences. After discussion with the Curriculum Leader and tutor, the Year Leader should contact home with their concerns. Weekly meetings are held which are attended by the Year Leader and Pastoral Manager and Senior Leader responsible for Attendance and Punctuality, where attendance is discussed and appropriate action is taken following the meeting.

Absence Line

We have a dedicated absence line where parents can leave messages regarding their daughter’s absence. Parents should call the school number (020 8534 6791) and select option 1 to leave a message with their daughter’s full name, tutor group and detailed reason for absence (reasons such as “sick” or “unwell” are not considered a detailed reason, parents should state the exact nature of the illness, such as tonsillitis, chicken pox, asthma attack etc.) Absence Notes No absence of two days or more will be authorised until medical evidence is received (accepted forms of medical evidence are prescription, pharmacy label from prescribed medication, dental appointment slip, blood test form or a consultant letter for a hospital appointment). Absence notes must be produced after all absence. Form tutors are expected to code registers appropriately following the codes in SIMS Lesson Monitor and a comment/red flag should be entered. Alternatively, they can pass this information to the Attendance Officer who will make the necessary amendment. Unexplained absences and unacceptable reasons absence should be followed up with the parents by the Year Leader on a daily basis. Notes should be read carefully and checked for forgeries, initialled and dated by the tutor and placed in the tutor file. If the note is placed in the planner, the tutor should record receipt of the note and the reason for absence in SIMS Lesson Monitor. Where possible, medical/dental appointments should be arranged outside of school hours. If an appointment means a student will be absent from school, parents should notify the tutor or Year Leader in advance. Evidence of appointments must be provided in the form of a hospital letter or dental appointment slip. Sarah Bonnell school expects students to attend school before or after medical appointments and not be absent for the whole day. Holidays during term time Please note that at Sarah Bonnell, as with all Newham schools, we will not authorise holiday absence in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the student’s absence during the previous academic year was below 95%, the school will ask the Local authority to issue a Penalty Notice on its behalf to parents who take their daughter on holiday during term time. A Penalty Notice carries a fine of £60, per parent, per student. If the fine is not paid within 21 days it rises to £120 per parent, per child which has to be paid within 28 days. If not paid at all, court action will be initiated. Tackling Poor Attendance Since September 2015, students are considered to be persistent absentees if their attendance falls below 90% (previously this was set at 85%). The Attendance Officer is responsible for operating the Autotext system. Parents/Carers will be sent a text each day their daughter is absent from school. Parents are expected to respond to the text with a reason for absence. If any reasons for an absence are discovered, the Attendance Officer will amend the register accordingly. Tutors and Year Leaders should always use their discretion over students who are good attenders but have some unfortunate sequence of events which leads to an

increase in absence as we do not wish to antagonise our supportive parents. Obviously we should also take account of genuine ill-health, infectious diseases or accidents which keep young people away from school. It is the Year Leader’s decision whether to authorise an absence. Absence should only be authorised for genuine reasons only. Rewarding good attendance The top attending tutor groups each week receive certificates to display in their tutor rooms and weekly attendance information is placed on attendance boards. Each half term a prize draw is made and vouchers are awarded in each year group to students in three categories: those with 100% attendance, those whose attendance is above 97% and those who have improved their attendance across the half term. Monitoring and strategies to tackle poor attendance The attendance of every student is monitored on a daily and weekly basis. Strategies to tackle poor attendance are set out in Appendix 1 to this policy. If at any time the student’s attendance does improve then the procedure is halted and the student is rewarded. If the attendance subsequently declines the procedure will be re- initiated. The school works closely with the Newham Attendance Management Service, holding meetings every two weeks and discussing strategies and actions for students with poor attendance. Some of those strategies might include: Early Help Panels: these are held in school with the student, her Year Leader, Pastoral Manager and Deputy Headteacher with responsibility for attendance. At the meeting reasons for absence and required improvements will be discussed. Students’ absence will be monitored closely by their Year Leader following the meeting. The student will be given a letter, a copy of her registration certificate and a leaflet on school attendance to take home and discuss with her parents. Referral to the school’s Inclusion Panel: Inclusion Panel meetings are held every week. Students whose attendance is causing concern are referred to the panel by their Year Leader and strategies to support the student are discussed and put in place. These may include a referral to the School Nurse, Counselling Service or a health care plan. Parental Meeting with Newham Attendance Management Service: If the student’s attendance does not improve, parents will be invited into school for a meeting with the Newham Attendance Management Officer and Year Leader. At this meeting reasons for absence will be discussed and a timeframe for improvement will be agreed as well as consequences and subsequent action if there is no improvement. The school will monitor the students’ attendance closely over the agreed timeframe. Referral to Newham Attendance Management Service: If a students’ attendance falls below 90% (and they are classed as a Persistent Absentee), the school is likely to make a referral to the Newham Attendance Management Service for their support to improve attendance. Once a referral has been received, the Newham Attendance Management Officer will make an appointment with parents for a home visit to discuss reasons for attendance, obtain any medical evidence and agree on an improvement programme, relevant support and a monitoring period.

Borough Attendance Panel Meeting: If a students’ attendance does not improve following a Parental Meeting or a Referral to Newham Attendance Management Service, then the local authority will convene a Borough Attendance Panel Meeting. Parents will be invited to a meeting at Newham Council’s Dockside office. The school will prepare a report in advance of the meeting which will be shared with parents and the Panel. At the meeting, reasons for absence, medical evidence will be discussed and a decision will be made by the Panel as to next steps (see the section on consequences below). Consequences of long term poor attendance or punctuality For students whose attendance and/or punctuality fails to improve, after a range of interventions and support measures have been tried by the school, the ultimate consequences may be one of the following: 1. The school may ask the Local authority to issue a Penalty Notice on its behalf. A Penalty Notice carries a fine of £60, per parent, per student. If the fine is not paid within 21 days it rises to £120 per parent, per child which must be paid within 28 days. If not paid at all, court action will be initiated. 2. The school may ask the Local Authority to initiate court action. Under Section 7 of the Education Act 1996, parents/carers are responsible for ensuring their child/ren attend school both regularly and punctually. If a parent fails to ensure their child/ren attend school regularly and punctually they can be prosecuted in Stratford Magistrates Court under Section 444(1) or 444(1a) of the Education Act 1996. Prosecution under both these sections of the Education Act can lead to a fine of up to £2,500 per child, per parent. Prosecution under Section 444(1A) can also lead to a custodial sentence. 3. In some cases, action may be taken under the Children Act 1989 to protect the welfare and safety of the child. Midday Arrangements No student may leave the site at lunchtime. Roles and Responsibilities Role of the Parent Parents should ensure their child’s regular school attendance. It is their responsibility to inform the school that their child will be away from school on the first day of absence; this can be done by calling the absence line. When the child returns to school an explanatory absence note should be provided for the form tutor. If the student is absent for two or more days, the parent must provide medical evidence for the absence to be authorised. The school will contact parents who fail to act in this way. Role of the Student Students are expected: 

to maintain 100% attendance.

   

to report punctually for registration and lessons to ensure their mark in the register. to provide their tutor with an absence note and/or medical evidence on their return to school from a period of absence. to monitor their own attendance in their planner. to discuss with their tutor, Year Leader or another adult in the school any concerns which may lead to absence.

If a student needs to leave the school site during the day for a medical appointment, medical evidence must be provided from home. This should be counter signed by the tutor or Year Leader. The student should sign out at Student Services who will issue a permission note explaining absence from school in case Truancy Watch or any other member of the public should stop them. Role of the Tutor          

To constantly re-enforce the schools expectation of excellent attendance and to promote the attendance group system. To regularly monitor and share the information provided in the attendance monitoring sheets with students. To re enforce the link between excellent attendance and achievement. To mark the register during registration according to the codes indicated in SIMS. To request absence notes and medical evidence after any period/s of absence To keep absence letters (for later reference) To amend registers when reasons for absence are received or pass information to the Attendance Officer. To address any concerns regarding attendance/punctuality with the appropriate Year Leader Place students on tutor report for attendance if necessary. Support and welcome students back into school after prolonged absence.

Role of the Subject Teacher     

To complete a class register each lesson using SIMS. A paper register should be taken if there is any reason SIMS cannot be used, this should then be given to Student Services as soon as possible. To monitor patterns of absence; this should be discussed with the tutor, Curriculum Leader/Year Leader. To contact parents if absence is related solely to the subject area. Provide all students who need to leave the room during the lesson with an explanatory note. Ensure any class time missed due to poor punctuality is recorded on SIMs and the time made up.

Role of the Curriculum Leader  

Regularly monitor the attendance of students in their subject and should encourage teachers to bring to their attention students causing concern. Liaise with the Year Leader over students with serious attendance concerns and refer to the weekly attendance meeting minutes.

When a student returns from a prolonged period of absence the subject teacher/Curriculum Leader should arrange a programme of mentoring and support to help students complete missed work.

Role of the Attendance Officer     

Contact parents/carers daily if their daughter is absent via Autotext. Provide weekly statistics to Senior Leadership Team and Year Leaders Update attendance monitoring sheets on a weekly basis Manage the reward system and display Monitor registers on a daily basis, chasing up teaching staff if necessary

Role of the Year Leader The Pastoral Manager and Year Leaders monitor attendance and discuss concerns at their weekly meeting. Cases may then be referred to internal or external agencies if deemed appropriate.               

To have overall responsibility for the attendance and attendance records for their year group and to ensure that issues relating to attendance are given high priority. Monitor attendance and record reasons for absence on a daily and weekly basis. To ensure that all absence is pursued and that where necessary this is followed up with students and parents, and concerns raised with the Progress Leader or member of SLT with responsibility for the Year Group To positively encourage good attendance and to promote the attendance group system To identify students with poor or fragmented attendance and to put into effect remedial action as appropriate following weekly attendance meetings To work with parents at an early stage to prevent poor attendance To take appropriate action with students referred on by the tutor. To monitor weekly statistics and praise or take appropriate remedial action with performing or under-performing tutor groups. To keep accurate records on attendance. To attend weekly Attendance Meetings To assist in the preparation of attendance reports to the Headteacher, governors and local authority. Monitor long-term absence with a view to the student returning. Prepare statistics as required Refer students with attendance concerns to the weekly Inclusion Meetings. Send attendance letters, attend parental meetings with the Newham Attendance Management Officer, assist in the preparation of documents for Borough Attendance Panel Meetings, produce evidence if required for court

 Role of the Pastoral Manager     

Daily monitoring of registers, including registers not taken Hold weekly attendance meetings with Year Leaders. Responsible for on and off-rolling students Hold Early Help Panel meetings for students with attendance and punctuality concerns (with Assistant Headteacher and Pastoral Manager) Collate and present information for weekly attendance meetings, and record action points.

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Collate and present information for Newham Borough Attendance Panel meetings and Court action. Issue Penalty Notices Regular meetings with the Newham Attendance Management Officer to discuss students of concern and action to be taken

Role of Deputy Headteacher with Responsibility for Attendance   

To monitor rates of attendance; authorised and unauthorised absence and truancy. To ensure appropriate strategies are operating to maximise attendance levels. To liaise with the Pastoral Manager, Year Leaders and Attendance Officer to ensure appropriate action is being taken.

Punctuality All students are expected to attend punctually at the start of the day. In addition, students should arrive punctually to all lessons throughout the day. Students are expected to enter school each morning using the student entrance in Water Lane before 8:25am each day. Any student arriving after 8.25am is considered to be late. The school’s punctuality procedure is set out at Appendix 2. Teaching staff must record a student as late if they arrive late to their lesson and they have not signed in at Student Services. Teachers should note the time of arrival to lesson and code the register accordingly. It is important times are recorded as in the event of court action these are required. Morning registration is considered by the school to be closed at 9am. Any student arriving to school after that time will be given a U mark (Late after register has closed). The school may ask the Local authority to issue a Penalty Notice on its behalf to parents whose daughters are persistently late to school. Curriculum Leaders should monitor patterns of poor punctuality to lessons in their area and take appropriate action (such as after school detentions or placing students on a subject monitoring report) where necessary. March 2016