June 26, 2016

Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time/Decimotercero Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario

Saint Eugene Catholic Church

Served by the Missionhurst CICM Missionaries

San Eugenio Iglesia de

Servido por los Misioneros de Missionhurst CICM

Office/Oficina: (919) 365-7114 608 Lions Club Road Fax: (919) 365-9431 PO Box 188, Wendell, NC 27591 Email: [email protected] Website: www.catholicste.org Office Hours/Horario de Oficina: Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Friday/Viernes: 8:30 am to 2:30 pm Religious Education Office/Oficina de Educación Religiosa: Tuesday/Martes: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Wednesday/Miércoles: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Friday/Viernes: 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Sunday/Domingo: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm PARISH STAFF/PERSONAL PASTORAL Pastor/Párroco: Rev. Johanes Teguh Raharjo, CICM Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial: Rev. Marlee Sagge Abao, CICM Deacon/Diacono: Rev. Mr. Willie Foggie Office Manager/Mánager Oficina: Gail Hernandez, Ext. 200 [email protected] Finance & Accounting Manager/Finanzas: Shannon T. Coltrain, CPA, Ext. 203 [email protected] Religious Education/Educación Religioso: Alexis Franco, Ext. 202 [email protected], (919) 404-9393 Director of Music/Música: Jennifer Hebert, Ext. 204 [email protected], (919) 395-8266 “We have come together in our common faith as God’s Holy People. Strengthened by the Word of God and nourished by His Sacraments, we step forth in faith to love and serve one another.”

“Nosotros nos hemos unido por nuestra fe en común, como el Pueblo Santo de Dios. Fortalecidos por la Palabra de Dios y alimentados por Los Sacramentos, damos un paso en favor de nuestra fe al amarnos y servirnos los unos a los otros.”

Este año vamos a tener un día de campamento de biblia para los niños de nuestra comunidad. Solamente va ser el sábado, 16 de julio de 9:15am- 3:15pm. Niños en grados Kínder- 5 pueden participar en este campamento. Si quieres que su hijo/hija participa, por favor, visite nuestro sitio Web www.catholicste.org para información registro.

We are pleased to announce that St. Eugene's will host a one-day Vacation Bible School day. This will take place Saturday, July 16th from 9:15am3:15pm. VBS is for students in grades Kinder-5th only. Please visit our website www.catholicste.org for the registration link– and please register as soon as possible. We look forward to hosting a fun-filled adventurous Cave Quest day.

English Mass Schedule: Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday ~ 9:00am Saturday ~ 5:00pm Sunday ~ 9:00am Reconcilia!on (Confessions): Saturday ~ 4:00 -4:45pm, or by appointment ____________________________________________________________

MINISTRIES Liturgical and Sacramental: Commi!ee Chair and co-Chair: Mary Monck, 919 630-5447, Liz Hall, 919 266-4221 Altar Servers: Keri Peevey, 919 389-0302 Ministers of Communion: Mary Monck, Liz Hall Choir: Jennifer Hebert, 919 395-8266 Readers: Geri E!ensberger, 919 272-7034 Sacristans: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804 Scheduling of Lay Ministers: Renée Nilles, 919 266-5820 Ushers: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212 Religious Educa!on and Faith Forma!on (REFF): Director of Religious Educa"on: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393 REFF Commi!ee Chair: Chris Carreiro, 919 757-4506 Adult Bible Study: John and Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289 Children’s Liturgy: Joan Conn, 919 359-2616 English Bap"smal Prep: Please call the office at 919 365-7114, Ext. 200 Evangeliza"on and Adult Faith Forma"on: Mark Byrd 919 375-4541 First Communion and Confirmation: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393 Peer Ministry/Life Teen: Beth Teel, 325-6433, Dan Strain, 919 550-9290 RCIA: (registra"on) Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393; Charlie & Dee New, 919 553-2129 Social Ministries: Commi!ee Chair: Dave Wagner, 919 269-0138 Alcoholics Anonymous: Joyce K., 919 830-4684 Brown Bag Ministry: Tom Falvey, 919 539-4579 Catholic Parish Outreach: 919 873-0245 Community Garden: Be!y Wagner, 919 269-0138 Community Spirit (Socials): John E!ensberger, 919 271-6052 Migrant Ministry: Ruth van der Grinten, 919 365-7212 Prayer Warriors, Prayer Blanket: John/Sue Broderick, 919 365-3479 Respect Life: Charlene Giacco, 919 359-2565 Senior Programs: Pat Tarnaski, 919 412-5334 Sick and Homebound: Ralph LaNeve, 919 217-9437 Wendell Council of Churches: Bruce Tarnaski, 919 412-5804 Services: Finance Council: Carol Ours, 919 365-4286 Interna"onal Food and Music Fes"val: Gene Zack, Joe Howell Maintenance Commi!ee: [email protected]; Carol Ours, 919 365-4286; Shannon Coltrain, 919 365-7114, ext. 203 Safe Environment: Alexis Franco, 919 404-9393 Stewardship: Frank Conn, 919 359-2616 Volunteer and Involvement Ministry: Geri E!ensberger, 919 272-7034 Welcome Commi!ee: Angela Frederick, 919 671-3808 ____________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATIONS: Pastoral Advisory Council (meets the fourth Thursday at 7PM): Joe Howell, 919 632-9234 - Chairperson Knights of Columbus (meets the 2nd Wednesday at 8PM): Tom Monck, 919 819-2428, [email protected] - Grand Knight Ladies Guild (meets the first Wednesday at 7:00PM): Sharon Benton, 919 295-5289 - President First Friday Seniors (meets on the 1st Friday of the month at 10:00AM): Mary Ruth Chauvaux, 919 217-9580 - Chairperson Cub Scouts (meets most Mondays at 7PM): Chris Hemphill, 919 816-7385 - Pack Leader

Misas en Español: Martes ~ 7:00pm Sábado ~ 6:30pm Domingos ~ 12:00pm Reconciliación (Confesiones): Sábados ~ 4:00 -4:45pm o por cita ____________________________________________________________

MINISTERIOS Liturgia y Sacramentos: Presidente y vice Presidente del Comité: Gisella Medina, 984 255-4660, Eva Contreras, 919 703-7413 Coros: Domingo, 12.00 pm: Luis Felipe, 919 375-4202 Sábado, 6.30 pm: Jennifer Hebert, 919 395-8266 Horarios para los Ministros Laicos: Lupita Huerta, 919 366-9158 Lectores: Griselda Salomón, 919 585-2920, Yiseel Flores, 919 269-0118 Ministros de la Comunión: Gisella Medina, Eva Contreras Monaguillos: Ana Karen Casas, 919 366-2741 Ujieres: Francisco Lara, 919 413-3309, Lorenzo Hernandez, 919 269-4787 Educación Religiosa y Formación de la Fe: Directora de Educación Religioso: Alexis Franco, 919 404-9393 Adultos Jóvenes: Bolivar Velasquez, 919 426-5568 Clases de Quinceañeras: Georgina Mercado, 919 202-0839 Coordinadora de la Celebración de las Bodas: Lorene Cira, 919 375-4202 Coordinadora de las Ventas de Comida: Enedina Ayala 919 266-9890 Mujeres de Fe: Eva Gallardo, 919 669-4246 Pla"cas Pre bau"smales: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393, Lorene Cira, 919 375-4202, Ruthie Margarin, 919 671-1421 Primera Comunión y Confirmación: Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393 RICA: (registración) Alexis T. Franco, 919 404-9393; Jesus Hernandez, 252 291-9292, Carlos Casas 919 366-2741 Ministerios Sociales: Alcohólicos Anónimos (Martes y Jueves, 8:00PM): Jorge Lopez, 919 426-9936, Gregorio, 919 278-6647 ____________________________________________________________ ORGANIZACIONES: Comité del Ministerio Hispano: Ruthie Margarin, 919 671-1421 Grupo de Oración: Margarita Zamora, 919 965-3674 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Carlos Ayala, [email protected] Divina Misericordia: Isabel Castro, 919 532-9324 Apostolado de la Oración al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Primer viernes alas 7PM): Nieves Garcia, 919 671-8951

Full Time Chaplain at Wake Med Hospital Catholic Chaplain - WakeMed Hospital Fr. Lourduraj Alapaty is a Catholic Priest from the Diocese of Raleigh assigned full time to WakeMed Hospital.

~ Email. [email protected] Please email Father Alapaty directly if you have a family member at WakeMed, he is there every day.

Prayer for Our Men and Women in the Service Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.


Masses This Week


Stewardship Corner -Weekly Offertory

JUNE 25 ~ JULY 2, 2016 June 25 5:00PM Mass in memory of Evelyn Stracqualursi, requested by Saint Eugene First Friday Seniors Sunday June 26 9:00AM Mass in memory of Donald Weidman, requested by John and Geri Ettensberger Wednesday June 29 9:00AM Mass and Rosary Thursday June 30 9:00AM Mass and Rosary Friday July 1 9:00AM Mass and Rosary Saturday July 2 5:00PM Mass in memory of Evelyn Stracqualursi, requested by Gerald and Joan Gmeiner Saturday

This Week At Saint Eugene June 26 12:00PM Father ’s John’s Farewell June 27 June 28 6:00PM Devotion to Mary 7:00PM Ladies’ Recovery Support 7:00PM Raffle Ticket Committee Meeting Wednesday June 29 Thursday June 30 7:00PM Alcoholics Anonymous Friday July 1 Saturday July 2 9:00AM Brown Bag Ministry 9:00AM Community Garden Sunday Monday Tuesday

Readings for the Week of June 26, 2016 Sunday:

1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/ Gal 5:1, 13-18/Lk 9:51-62 Monday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Ps 50:16-23/Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12/Ps 5:4-8/Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Ps 19:2-5/Gal 1:11-20/ Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-9/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/ Mt 16:13-19 Thursday: Am 7:10-17/Ps 19:8-11/Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131/ Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Am 9:11-15/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 9:14-17 Next Sunday: Is 66:10-14c/Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20/Gal 6:14-18/ Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9

Remember, we can't depend on “Somebody Else” to meet our weekly offertory goal because we are ALL “Somebody Else”. Have I given at least my first hour of wages each week to our Lord?

Liturgical Roles Saturday, July 2, 5:00PM Altar Servers: David Lytle and Reese Waun Extraordinary Ministers: J ennifer Byr d, Dee New, Mary Monck, Carol Ours and David Horvath Readers: Chr is Moor and Lisa Br ewer Ushers: Mar y Flor es and Frank Conn Sunday, July 3, 2016, 9:00AM Altar Servers: Megan Four nier and Michael Peevey Extraordinary Ministers: Dan Walsh, Br ian Flanner y, Therese Polito, Pauline Price, Liz Hall, Brenda Flannery, Jim Polito and Joan Fitts Readers: Shar on Benton and Mickey Phillips Ushers: Kathy Duff-Brown, Ruth van der Grinten and Helen Barefoot

Please pray for sick members of our parish family and friends: Aiden Flannery Erin Dowling Crystal Sprissler Randall Soutiere Beth Teel Debbie Smith Anne Williams Dan Koenig Tony Mallette Sean Kivel Lori Nussbaum Beth Miller Jennifer Soto Paulette Thatcher Peggy Catlett Donna Cicchetti Mattie Austin Marc Moore Ashley and Deadre Hall John and Sue Broderick Shannon and Liam Dowling Martha Jane Thompson Please call the office 919 365-7114 to place a name on the list, or have a name remain on the list.


Misas esta Semana 25 DE JUNIO ~ 2 DE JULIO DE 2016 Sábado 25 de Junio 6:30PM Misa Domingo 26 de Junio 11:00AM Misa Martes 28 de Junio 7:00PM Misa Sábado 2 de Julio 6:30PM Misa

Esta Semana En San Eugenio Domingo 26 de Junio 12:00PM 1:00PM Lunes 27 de Junio 7:00PM Martes 28 de Junio 6:00PM 8:00PM 8:00PM Miércoles 29 de Junio Jueves 30 de Junio 7:00PM 8:00PM Viernes 1 de Julio 7:00PM Sábado 2 de Julio

Fiesta de Padre Juan Divina Misericordia Coro de Grupo de Oración Devoción de María Grupo de Oración Alcohólicos Anónimos

Lideres de Grupo Oración Alcohólicos Anónimos Devoción De Sagrado Corazón 6:30PM Cor o de Gr upo de Oración 7:30PM Coro Hispano/Los Niños

Lecturas para la semana del 26 de Junio de 2016 Domingo:

1 Re 19, 16. 19-21/Sal 16, 1-2. 5. 7-11/ Gal 5, 1. 13-18/Lc 9, 51-62 Lunes: Am 2, 6-10. 13-16/Sal 50, 16-23/Mt 8, 18-22 Martes: Am 3, 1-8; 4, 11-12/Sal 5, 4-8/Mt 8, 23-27 Miércoles: Vigilia: Hch 3, 1-10/Sal 19, 2-5/Gal 1, 11-20/ Jn 21, 15-19 Misa del día: Hch 12, 1-11/Sal 34, 2-9/ 2 Tim 4, 6-8. 17-18/Mt 16, 13-19 Jueves: Am 7, 10-17/Sal 19, 8-11/Mt 9, 1-8 Viernes: Am 8, 4-6. 9-12/Sal 119, 2. 10. 20. 30. 40. 131/Mt 9, 9-13 Sábado: Am 9, 11-15/Sal 85, 9-14/Mt 9, 14-17 Domingo siguiente: Is 66, 10-14/Sal 66, 1-7. 16. 20/ Gal 6, 14-18/Lc 10, 1-12. 17-20 o 10, 1-9

Curso de Verano para niños de primaria. Del 27 de Junio al 1 de Julio de 9am a 2pm. Lectura y comprensión, música, juegos, manualidades y más. Informes: Centro para Familias Hispanas. 2013 N Raleigh Blvd. Raleigh NC 27604. Tel. 919 873 0094.

26 DE JUNIO DE 2016

Papeles Litúrgicos Martes, 28 de Junio de 2016, 7:00PM Lectores: Wanda Villalpando Ministros: Belen Mena y Mar ely Conde Acólitos: Esmer alda Bar cenas, David Lundy y Madison Maldonado Perez Sábado, 2 de Julio de 2016, 6:30PM Lectores: Delia Per ez y Gisella Medina Ministros: Nar cisa Dur an, J uan Amador , Mar ely Conde, Linda Pinto y Fernanda Maya Acólitos: Natalia Furman, Eduar do Fajar do y Kather ine Orozco Domingo, 3 de Julio de 2016, 12:00PM Lectores: Enedina Ayala y Yissel Flor es Ministros: Adela Mer cado, Rosa Gar cia, Maria Chavez, Belen Mena, Trinidad Jaramillo, Marely Conde, Blanca Guzman y Lorene Cira Acólitos: Giovani San J uan, Estrella Barcenas y David Lundy

Celebraciones de Sacramentos Bautismos de niños menores de 7 años de edad: Las clases (para los padres y padrinos) toman lugar cada segundo sábado del mes a las 9:30am. El sacramento del bautismo se celebra cada tercer sábado del mes a las 9:30am. Las familias deben estar registradas en la Iglesia. Si los padrinos son casados, deben estar casados por la iglesia. Si son solteros deben estar confirmados y ser católicos practicante. Por los Enfermos: Por favor avise a la oficina (919 365-7114) si hay algún enfermo para arreglar una visita y unción de los enfermos. En caso de emergencia llame el Padre a 919 365-3658. Matrimonio y Convalidación: Para preparación y celebración Matrimonial, deben avisar al Padre John Raharjo, CICM con seis meses de anticipación.


JUNE 26, 2016

Respect Life News Fetal Development of Gabriela ~ week 14 ~ Baby Gabr iela is almost thr ee inches long and gr owing ver y fast. She will continue to grow until about 23 years of age. Her vocal cords are beginning to form. Her mother is feeling better and has more energy. “And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him.” (Luke 2:40) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Word of Life ~ “Miscarriage includes emotional, relational and spiritual suffering that requires assistance from family, friends and church leaders. …Although we may feel unsure how best to comfort those who mourn, we must stand with them in their time of suffering.” “Solace and Strength in the Sorrow of Miscarriage” USCCB Respect Life Program For those suffering the loss of a child: May Christ comfort them with his everlasting love; We pray to the Lord: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When Choosing Life, know that help is available – Birthchoice can help. Call 919 781-5433 - 2304 Wesvill Ct., Suite 340, Raleigh, NC 27607 near Rex Hospital in Raleigh. In His Hands can help. Call 919 989-9897 -13 Dail St., Smithfield, NC 27577 – Off Broadleaf Blvd in Smithfield ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please contact Charlene Giacco, St. Eugene Respect Life Ministry, for more information on any of these items. [email protected] or (919) 235-2557. For all the latest Human Life and Dignity news and activities happening in our Diocese, visit: http://dioceseofraleigh.org/offices/human-life-and-dignity.

Our Knights of Columbus, Council #10892 is raffling off a “July 4 Gift Basket” the weekend of July 2/3. Tickets are $5. and may be purchased after Masses this weekend, June 25/26. Thank you for your support of our local Council!

Peer Ministry is selling Food Lion & Lowe’s Food Cards! Come see us after all weekend masses! We have various denominations of cards available.

Thank you for your generous and continued support!

Brown Bag Ministry… ….is seeking your support! We provide almost 1000 lunches each week, straining our resources. How can you help? We need: · Prayers ~ Please pray for our poor and hungry, · Volunteer your time on Saturdays at 9am, please visit www.brownbagministry.org, or email [email protected] to schedule. · Financial Help ~ Checks may be made out to “Brown Bag Ministry” and are tax deductible. You may drop them in the offertory basket, and · Donated Items~ these include sliced bologna, sliced cheese, bread, plastic gloves, zip-lock sandwich bags and #8 sized lunch bags. For more information, please contact Tom Falvey at [email protected] “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…” (Matthew 25:35)

A STEWARDSHIP PARISH My parish is composed of people just like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. It will be holy, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will be prayerful, if I pray. It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring others into its worship, if I invite and bring them. It will be a parish of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy, if I, who will make it what it is, am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be. Amen.


Sacramental Celebrations Baptisms for Children younger than 7 years old: Classes for preparation are scheduled on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00AM. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a preparation class. Baptisms will take place on the fourth Saturday of the month at 10:00AM. Please call the office to register and for more information. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the church office at 919 365-7114 so arrangements can be made to visit and anoint the sick. In case of an emergency please call the priest at 919 365-3658. Marriage and Con-validation: For issues pertaining to Marriage preparation and celebration, arrangements must be made with Father John Raharjo, CICM at least six months in advance.

Catholic Charities Counseling Services are available to help adults and/or children cope with numerous life issues, including depression, anxiety, relationship challenges, family conflict and much more. Counseling provided by highly skilled, compassionate Licensed Counselors with an average of 15+ years of counseling experience. Most health insurance accepted. Thanks to the Bishops Annual Appeal, a subsidized fee scale is available for people who cannot afford the full fee. Please call 790-8533 (Raleigh) or 388-3065 (Cary) to inquire about service or schedule an appointment. Catholic Parish Outreach is in need of plastic and paper grocery bags! Your donations are greatly appreciated. 2013 N. Raleigh Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604, Phone: 919-873-0245, 10am - 1pm Monday - Saturday


It’s Time to Begin Festival Planning! Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 12 at 7:30pm. Please consider volunteering with us and see what it’s all about! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 17, 2016 and let’s make this festival one of our best yet!

It is always a pleasure to see our families, young and old, with us at Mass. If you have a small child who gets uncomfortable during Mass, please know that we will understand if you move over to our Daily Chapel, which doubles as a Cry Room during weekend Masses. God Bless!

Would you like to have your parish bulletin emailed to you each week? Please email Gail at the office: [email protected], subject line: email bulletin, and as soon as we have your email addresses on file, look for your bulletin, “hot off the press!”


True Freedom

Verdadera Libertad

Decimotercero Domingo De Tiempo Ordinario (1 Reyes 19:16b, 19-21; Gálatas 5:1, 13-18; Lucas 9:51-62) Cuando somos jóvenes todos tenemos suenas de hacer muchas cosas, quizás de viajar a países lejanos. A veces nos molesta lo que vemos como ataduras de familia, de restricciones económicas, de obligaciones familiares. No nos sentimos libres para hacer aquello que deseamos; pero, ¿qué es, en realidad, la libertad? Según alguna interpretación adolescente, la libertas es algo así como hacer lo que nos venga en gana. Luego se dicen cosas como: la libertad acaba donde empieza el derecho del otro; esto es ciertamente laudable, pero quizá no suficiente. Mas bien se podría decir: la verdadera libertad empieza donde empieza el amor por otro y el derecho del otro, y termina en el momento en que el capricho, el egoísmo, el todo vales, nos convierten en marionetas. Ese parece ser el yugo del que habla Pablo; esos son los yugos también, de los que habla Jesús cuando dice que dejemos a los muertos enterrar a los muertos. No parece el estilo de Jesús impedir a la gente que entierre a sus seres queridos; mas bien parece decir que a menudo las personas se atan a cosas que ni siquiera tienen vida ni ofrecen futuro. Mas que referirse a los padres, podríamos interpretar las palabras de Jesús como un dejar atrás todo lo que nos ata y nos impide entregar nuestra vida a lo que de verdad vale la pena, es decir, al servicio de Dios y de los demás. Pueden ser preocupaciones materiales, presiones de los amigos o compañeros o incluso de la familia, hábitos de pereza o de adicción a los que ya nos hemos acostumbrado. Cualquier cosa que sea, se no somos capaces de desatarnos y seguir a Jesús, no podemos decir verdaderamente que somos libres, aunque sintamos que de la noche a la mañana estamos haciendo lo que se nos pega la gana. Hay una gran diferencia entre hacer lo que en cada momento da la gana y ser libre. Quien hace todo lo que se le ocurre parece mas bien sujeto a los caprichos del momento, a la tendencia de la hora, a casi lo que dicen los demás que es la moda y hay que hacer; no hay nada mas lejano a una verdadera libertad. Quien sigue a Cristo entregando todo lo que es y tiene es verdaderamente libre, porque esta creando vida. Para la reflexión ~ ¿Qué cosas me parece que me atan y no me dejan llevar a cabo mis sueños? ¿Se corresponden mis sueños personales a lo que quiere Dios de mi? ¿Qué cosas parece que me impiden seguir a Cristo y cumplir su voluntad sirviéndole y sirviendo a otros? ¿Me considero verdaderamente libre? Nuestra Parroquia


Thirteenth Sunday In Ordinary Time (1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21; Galatians 5:1, 13-18; Luke 9:51-62) When we are young we dream of doing a lot of things, perhaps even travel to faraway countries. At times, we are bothered by what we perceive to be family binds, economic restrictions, and family obligations. We do not feel free to do whatever we want; yet is this really freedom? According to the opinion of teenagers, freedom is doing whatever you want. Then we hear things like: your freedom ends where the rights of others begin. This is certainly commendable but perhaps not enough. It is better to say: true freedom begins where the love for others and their right begins and ends at the moment when impulse, selfishness, and everything’s fair, turns us into puppets. This seems to be the yoke Paul speaks about; these are also the yokes that Jesus refers to when he says let the dead bury the dead. It does not seem to be Jesus’ style to prevent people from burying their loved ones. Sometimes people become tied to things that do not have life nor offer a future. In other words, more than referring to the parents, we could interpret the words of Jesus as leaving behind all that binds us and prevents us from devoting our life to what is truly worthwhile: the service to God and others. It may be the concern over material things, pressures from friends, companions or even family, laziness, or an addiction to things we have become accustomed to having. No matter what it may be, if we are incapable of letting go and following Jesus, we cannot say that we are truly free even if we are doing whatever we want 24 hours a day. There is a great difference between doing whatever we want and being free. Whoever does whatever he or she desires seems to be subjected to the whims of the moment, the trends of today and to what others decide are what and how things must be done. This could not be further from true freedom. The one who follows Christ giving up all he or she is and has, becomes truly free, since they are creating life. For Reflection ~ What are the things that seem to bind me and do not allow me to pursue my dreams? Do my personal dreams seem to correspond with what God wants from me? What things seem to prevent me from following Christ and fulfilling his will to serve him and others? Do I consider myself to be truly free? Nuestra Parroquia

IFMF 2016 Raffle Ticket Committee Meeting Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 7pm in the Education Building Room 2 I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to the returning members of this Committee as well as those who will be ‘retiring’ this year. Our members enjoy the interaction with other parishioners as they try their luck in purchasing and selling IFMF Raffle tickets after all masses. Our members commit to about 15 minutes after each Saturday and Sunday mass to distribute raffle tickets beginning mid-July through mid-September. This is a rotating schedule dependent upon the number of members. Please consider joining our team! We welcome all parishioners interested in assisting with Raffle ticket sales. New & returning members will meet 6/28 at 7pm. If you are interested, please contact me at [email protected] or call 919-879-4688. Thank you! Dawn Jones




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