PH 221-3A Fall 2010 ROLLING, TORQUE, and ANGULAR MOMENTUM Lectures 18-19 Chapter 11 ((Halliday/Resnick/Walker, y , Fundamentals of Physics y 8th edit...
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PH 221-3A Fall 2010

ROLLING, TORQUE, and ANGULAR MOMENTUM Lectures 18-19 Chapter 11 ((Halliday/Resnick/Walker, y , Fundamentals of Physics y 8th edition)) 1

Chapter 11 Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum In this chapter we will cover the following topics: -Rolling g of circular objects j and its relationshipp with friction -Redefinition of torque as a vector to describe rotational problems that are more complicated than the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis -Angular Momentum of single particles and systems or particles -Newton’s second law for rotational motion -Conservation C i off angular l Momentum M -Applications of the conservation of angular momentum


t1 = 0

t2 = t

Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined Consider an object with circular cross section that rolls along a surface without slipping. This motion, though common, is complicated. We can simplify its study by treating it as a combination of translation of the center of mass and rotation of the object about the center of mass

Consider the two snapshots p of a rollingg bicycle y wheel shown in the figure. g An observer stationary with the ground will see the center of mass O of the wheel move forward with a speed vcom . The point P at which the wheel makes contact with the road also moves with the same speed. During the time interval t between ds the two snapshots both O and P cover a distance s. vcom  (eqs.1) During t dt the bicycle rider sees the wheel rotate by an angle  about O so that ds d R =R (eqs.2) If we cambine equation 1 with equation 2 dt dt we get the condition for rolling without slipping. vcom  R 3 s  R 

vcom  R

We have seen that rolling is a combination of purely translational motion with speed p vcom and a purely p y rotaional motion about the center of mass vcom . The velocity of each point is the vector sum R off the th velocities l iti off the th two t motions. ti For F the th translational t l ti l motion ti the th  velocity vector is the same for every point (vcom ,see fig.b ). The rotational with angular velocity  

velocityy varies from poi p nt to ppoint. Its magnitude g is equal q to  r where r is the distance of the point from O. Its direction is tangent to the circular orbit (see fig.a). The net velocity is the vector sum of these two terms. For example the velocity of point P is always zero. The velocity of the center of mass O is   4 vcom (r  0). Finally the velocity of the top point T is wqual to 2vcom .

Problem 2. An automobile traveling at 80.0 km/h has tires of 75.0 cm diameter. (a) What is the angular speed of the tires about their axes? (b) If the car is brought to a stop uniformly in 30.0 complete turns of the tires (without skidding), what is the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the wheels? (c) How far does the car move during the braking?

The initial speed of the car is

v   80 km/h  (1000 m/km)(1 h/3600 s)  22.2 m/s . The tire radius is R = 0.750/2 = 0.375 m. (a) The initial speed of the car is the initial speed of the center of mass of the tire, so

0 

vcom0 R

22.2 m/s  59.3 rad/s. 0.375 m

(b) With  = (30.0)(2) (30 0)(2) = 188 rad and  = 0, 0 Eq. Eq 10-14 10 14 leads to

(59.3 rad/s)2     2     9.31 rad/s2 . 2 188 rad  2

2 0

(c) R = 70.7 m for the distance traveled.


vT A vO


Rolling as Pure Rotation Another way of looking at rolling is shown in the figure W consider We id rolling lli as a pure rotation t ti about b t an axis i

B vB

of rotation that passes through the contact point P between the wheel and the road. The angular g velocity of the rotation is  

vcom R

In order to define the velocity vector for each point we must know its magnitude as well as its direction. The direction for each point on the wheel points along the  tangent to its circular orbit. orbit For example at point A the velocity vector v A is perpendicular to the dotted line that connects pont A with point P. The speed of each point is given by: v  r. Here r is the distance between a particular point and the contact point P. For example at point T r  2 R. Thus vT  2 R  2vcom . For point O r  R thus vO   R  vcom For point i P r  0 thus h vP  0 6

The Kinetic Energy of Rolling Consider the rolling object shown in the figure It is easier to calculate the kinetic energy of the rolling body by considering the motion as pure rotation about the contact point P. P The rolling object has mass M and radius R.

1 I P 2 . Here I P is the 2 rotational inertia of the rolling body about point P. We can determine I P using

The kinetic energy K is then given by the equation: K 

1 I com  MR 2   2  2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K   I com  MR    I com  MR  K  I com  Mvcom 2 2 2 2 2 The expression for the kinetic energy consists of two terms. The first term corresponds to the rotation about the center of mass O with angular velocity . the parallel axis theorem. theorem I P  I com  MR 2  K 

The second term is associated with the kinetic energy due to the translational motion of evey point with speed vcom


P ro b le m 9 . A so lid c ylin d e r o f ra d iu s 1 0 c m a n d m a ss 1 2 k g sta rts fro m re st a n d ro lls w ith o u t slip p in g a d ista n c e L = 6 .0 m d o w n a ro o f th a t is in c lin e d a t th e a n g le  = 3 0  . ( a ) W h a t is th e a n g u la r sp e e d o f th e c ylin d e r a b o u t its c e n te r a s it le a v e s th e ro o f? (b ) T h e ro o ff'ss e d g e is a t h e ig h t H = 5 .0 m . H o w fa r h o riz o n ta lly fro m th e ro o ff'ss e d g e d o e s th e c ylin d e r h it th e le v e l g ro u n d ?

(a) We find its angular speed as it leaves the roof using conservation of energy. Its initial kinetic energy is Ki = 0 and its initial potential energy is Ui = Mgh where h  6.0 sin 30  3.0 m (we are using the edge of the roof as our reference level for computing U). Its final kinetic energy (as it leaves the roof) is

Kf 

1 2

Mv 2  21 I 2 .

Here we use v to denote the speed of its center of mass and  is its angular speed — at the moment it leaves the roof. Since (up to that moment) the ball rolls without sliding we can set v = R = v where R = 0.10 m. Using I  21 MR 2 (Table 10-2(c)), conservation of energy leads to

Mgh 

1 1 1 1 3 Mv 2  I  2  MR 2 2  MR 2 2  MR 2 2 . 2 2 2 4 4

The mass M cancels from the equation, and we obtain


1 R

4 1 gh  3 0.10 m




4 9.8 m s2 3.0 m  63 rad s . 3 8

( ) Now this becomes a projectile (b) p j motion of the type yp examined in Chapter p 4. We put p the origin at the position of the center of mass when the ball leaves the track (the “initial” position for this part of the problem) and take +x leftward and +y downward. The result of part (a) implies v0 = R = 6.3 m/s, and we see from the figure that (with these positive direction choices) its components are

v0 x  v0 cos 30  5.4 m s v0 y  v0 sin 30  3.1 m s. The projectile motion equations become x  v0 x t and

y  v0 y t 

1 2 gt . 2

We first find the time when y = H = 5.0 m from the second equation (using the quadratic formula, choosing the positive root): t

v0 y  v02y  2 gH g

 0.74s.




Then we substitute this into the x equation and obtain x  5.4 m s 0.74 s  4.0 m. 9

Friction and Rolling When an object rolls with constant speed (see top figure) it has no tendency to slide at the contact point P and thus  acom  0

no frictional force acts there. If a net force acts on the  rolling body it results in a non-zero non zero acceleration acom for the center of mass (see lower figure). If the rolling object accelerates to the right it has the tendency to slide  at point P to the left. Thus a static frictional force f s opposes the tendency to slide. The motion is smooth rolling as long as f s  f s ,max

The rolling condition results in a connection beteen the magnitude of the acceleration acom of the center of mass and its angular acceleration  vcom   R We take time derivatives of both sides  acom

acom  R

dvcom d  R  R dt dt 10

 P roblem 7. A constant horizontal force Fapp of m agnitude 10N is applied to a w heel of m ass 10 kg and radius 0.30m . T he w heel rolls sm oothly on the horizontal surface, and the acceleration of its cent er of m ass has m agnitude 0.60 m /s 2 . ( a ) In unit-vector notation, w hat is the frictional force on the w heel? (b) W hat is the rotational inertia of the w heel about the rotation axis through its center of m ass?

(a) Newton Newton’ss second law in the x direction leads to

Fapp  f s  ma  f s  10N  10kg  0.60 m s  4.0 N. 2

 In unit vector notation, we have f s  (4.0 N)iˆ which points leftward. (b) With R = 0.30 m, we find the magnitude of the angular acceleration to be || = |acom| / R = 2.0 rad/s2,

 The only force not directed towards (or away from) the center of mass is f s , and the torque it produces is clockwise:

 I

 0.30 m  4.0 N   I  2.0 rad

s2 

which yields the wheel wheel’ss rotational inertia about its center of mass: I  0.60 kg  m2 . 11

Rolling Down a Ramp Consider a round uniform body of mass M and radius R rolling down an inclined plane of angle  . We will calculate the acceleration acom of the center of mass


along the x-axis a is using sing Newton's Ne ton's second la law for the translational and rotational motion

Newton's second law for motion along the x-axis: f s  Mg sin    Macom (eqs.1) Newton's second law for rotation about the center of mass:   Rff s  I com


acom R

f s  I com I com

We substitute  in the second equation and get: Rf s  I com acom R2

acom  R

(eqs.2) We substitute f s from equation 2 into equation 1 

acom  Mg sin    Macom 2 R

acom 

g sin  I com 1 MR 2


g sin  | acom | I 1  com2 MR




MR 2 I1  2 g sin  a1  1  I1 / MR 2

I 2  MR 2

g sin  a1  1  MR 2 / 2MR 2 g sin  a1  1  1/ 2 2 g sin  a1   (0.67) g sin  3

g sin  a2  1  MR 2 / MR 2 g sin  a2  11 g sin  a2   (0.5) g sin  2

a2 

g sin  1  I 2 / MR 2


The Yo-Yo Consider a yo-yo of mass M , radius R, and axle radius Ro rolling down a string . We will calculate the acceleration acom of the center of its mass along the y -axis using Newton's second law for the translational and rotational motion as we did in the previous problem Newton's second law for motion along the y -axis: Mg  T  Macom (eqs.1)



Newton's second law for rotation about the center of mass: a   RoT  I com . Angular acceleration   com Ro We substitute  in the second equation and get:

T  I com

acom 2 Ro

M  I com Mg

(eqs.2) We substitute T from equation 2 into equation 1 

accom om  Macom  2 Ro

acom 

g I 1  com 2 MRo


Torque Revisited In chapter 10 we defined the torque  of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis with each particle in the body moving on a circular path. We now expand the definition of torque so that it can describe the motion of a particle that moves  along any path relative to a fixed point. point If r is the position vector of a particle      on which a force F is acting, the torque  is defined as:   r  F   In the example p shown in the figure g both r and F lie in the xyy -plane. p Usingg the  right hand rule we can see that the direction of  is along the z -axis. The magnitude of the torque vector   rF sin  , where  is the angle   between r and F . From triangle OAB we have: r sin   r 

  r F , in agreement with the definition of chapter 10.

    r F 

B 15

Problem 21. In unit-vector notation, what is the net torque about the origin on a flea   ˆ located at coordinates (0, -4.0m, 5.0 m) when forces F  (3.0 N )k and F  ( 2.0 N ) ˆj 1

actt on the th flea? fl ?


iˆ     a  b  b  a  a x

ˆj ay



kˆ ay a z  iˆ by bz

az a  ˆj x bz bx

az ˆ ax k bx bz

ay  by

 ( a y bz  by a z )iˆ  ( a z bx  bz a x ) ˆj  ( a x by  bx a y )kˆ

      If we write r  x i + yj + zk, then we find r  F is equal to

d yF  zF ii + bzF  xF gj + d xF  yF ik. z






With (using SI units) x = 0, y = – 4.0, z = 5.0, Fx = 0, Fy = –2.0 and Fz = 3.0 (these latter terms being the individual forces that contribute to the net force) force), the expression above yields    ˆ   r  F  (2.0N  m)i.



Angular Momentum   The counterpart of linear momentum p  mv in rotational motion is a new vector known as angular momentum.    The new vector is defined as follows:   r  p   In the example shown in the figure both r and p lie in the xy -plane. Using the right hand rule we  can see that the direction of  is along the z -axis. The magnitude of angular momentum   rmv sin  ,   where  is the angle between r and p. From triangle OAB we have: r sin   r    r mv

Note: o e: Angular gu momentum o e u depends depe ds on o thee choice c o ce o of thee origin o g O. If thee origin o g  is shifted in general we get a different value of  SI unit for angular momentum: kg.m 2 / s Sometimes the equivalent J.s is used

       r  p  mr  v 

  r mv


 P r o b le m 2 9 . A t o n e in s ta n t, f o r c e F  4 .0 ˆj N a c ts o n a 0 .2 5 k g o b je c t th a t h a s p o s itio n   v e c to r r  ( 2 .0 iˆ  2 .0 kˆ ) m a n d v e lo c ity v e c to r v  (  5 .0 iˆ  5 .0 kˆ ) m /s . A b o u t th e o r ig in a n d in u n it v e c to r n o ta tio n , w h a t a r e ˆj kˆ iˆ ( a ) th e o b je c t's a n g u la r m o m e n tu m a n d     a y az a az ˆ ax a y a  b  b  a  a x a y a z  iˆ  ˆj x k  ( b ) th e to r q u e a c tin g o n th e o b je c t. by bz bx by bx bz bx by bz

 ( a y bz  by a z )iˆ  ( a z bx  bz a x ) ˆj  ( a x by  bx a y )kˆ

     (a) We use   mr  v , where r is the position vector of the object, v is its velocity vector, and m is its mass. Only the x and z components of the position and velocity   vectors are nonzero, so Eq. 3-30 leads to r  v   xvz  zvz j. Therefore,



   m   xvz  zvx  ˆj   0.25 kg     2.0 m  5.0 m s    2.0 m  5.0 m s   ˆj  0.

      (b) If we write r  x i  yj  zk, Eq 33-30) 30) we find r  F is equal to k then (using Eq.

d yF  zF i i  bzF  xF g j  d xF  yF i k . z






With x = 2.0, z = –2.0, Fy = 4.0 and all other components zero (and SI units understood) the expression above yields     r  F  8.0 i  8.0 k N  m. 




Newton's Second Law in Angular Form

  dp Newton's second law for linear motion has the form: Fnet  . Below we dt will derive the angular form of Newton Newton'ss second law for a particle.     d d           dv dr     mr  v    m r  v   m r    v   mr  a  v  v  dt dt dt dt    d           m  r  a    r  ma   r  Fnet   net v v  0  dt    d dp  Thus:  net  Compare with: Fnet  dt dt

 d   net  dt 19

The Angular Momentum of a System of Particles

z m1

ℓ1 m2


ℓ2 x

We will now explore Newton's second law in angular form for a system of n particles that have     angular momentum 1 , 2 , 3 ,..., n




n        The angular momentum L of the system is L  1  2  3  ...  n   i

 dL The time derivative of the angular momentum is = dt

 n d i  i 1 dt

i 1

 d i  The time derivative for the angular momentum of the i-th particle   net ,i dt  Where  net ,i is the net torque on the particle. This torque has contributions

from external as well as internal forces between the particles of the system. Thus  n dL      net ,i   net Here  net is the net torque due to all the external forces. dt i 1 By virtue of Newton's third law the vector sum of all internal torques is zero.  dL  Thus Newton's second law for a system in angular form takes the form:   net ext dt 20

Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotating about a Fixed Axis We take the z-axis to be the fixed rotation axis. axis We will determine the z-component of the net angular momentum. The body is  divided n elements of mass mi that have a position vector ri     The angular momentum i of the i-the element is: i  ri  pi  i  ri pi  sin90  = ri mi vi The z-compoment

Its magnitude

 iz of  i is:  iz   i sin    ri sin   mi vi   ri mi vi The z-component of the angular momentum Lz is the sum:  n  Lz    iz   ri mi vi  ri mi  ri       mi ri 2  i 1 i 1 i 1  i 1  n




The sum

2  m r  i i is the rotational inertia I of the rigid body i 1

Thus: Lz  I 

Lz  I  21

 P ro b le m 3 4 . A p a rtic le is a c te d o n b y tw o to rq u e s a b o u t th e o r ig in :  1 h a s a m a g n itu d e  o f 2 .0 N m a n d is d ir e c te d in th e p o s itiv e d ir e c tio n o f th e x a x is , a n d  2 h a s a m a g n itu d e o f 4 .0 N m a n d is d ir e c te d in th e n e g a tiv e d ir e c tio n o f th e y a x is . In u n it-v e c to r n o ta tio n ,   dl fin d , w h e r e l is th e a n g u la r m o m e n tu m o f th e p a r r tic le a b o u th e o r ig in . dt

The rate of change of the angular momentum is  d     1   2  (2.0 (2 0 N  m)iˆ  (4 (4.00 N  m)ˆj. j dt  Consequently, the vector d dt has a magnitude

(2.0 N  m) 2   4.0 N  m   4.5 N  m 2

and is at an angle  (in the xy plane, or a plane parallel to it) measured from the positive x axis, where  4.0 N  m    tan 1    63 , 2 2.0 0 N  m   the negative sign indicating that the angle is measured clockwise as viewed “from above” (by a person on the z axis).


Problem 42. A disk with a rotational inertia of 7.00 kgm 2 rotates like a merry-go-round while undergoing a torque given by   (5.00  2.00t ) Nm. At time t=1.00 s, its angular momentum is 5.00 5 00 kgm 2 / s. What is its angular momentum at t=3.00s? t=3 00s?

Torque is the time derivative of the angular momentum. Thus, the change in the angular momentum is equal to the time integral of the torque. With   (5.00  2.00t ) N  m , the angular momentum as a function of time is (in units kg  m 2 /s ) L(t )    dt   (5.00  2.00t )dt  L0  5.00t  1.00t 2

S Since g constant is L0  1 . Thus,, the L  5.00 kgg  m 2 /s when t  1.00 .00 s , the integration complete expression of the angular momentum is L(t )  1  5.00t  1.00t 2 .

At t  3.00 s , we have L(t  3.00)  1  5.00(3.00)  1.00(3.00) 2  23.0 kg  m 2 /s.


Conservation of Angular momentum For any system of particles (including a rigid body) Newton's  dL  second law in angular form is:   net dt  dL  If the net external torque  net  0 then we have: 0 dt  L  a constant This result is known as the law of the conservation of angular momentum. In words:  Net angular momentum   Net angular momentum       at some later time t at some initial time t f i     In equation form:

  Li  L f

Note: If the component of the external torque along a certain axis i is i equall to zero, then h the h componet off the h angular l momentum of the system along this axis cannot change 24

Example: The figure shows a student seated on a stool that can rotate freely about a vertical ti l axis. i The Th student t d t who h has h been b sett into i t rotation at an initial angular speed i , holds two dumbbells in his outstretched hands. His  angular momentum vector L lies along the rotation axis, pointing upward. The student then pulls in his hands as shown in fig.b. This action reduces the rotational inertia from an initial value I i to a smaller final value I f . No net external torque acts on the student-stool system. Thus the angular momentum of the system remains unchanged. Angular momentum at ti : Li  I ii Li  L f  I ii  I f  f   f 

Ii i If

Angular momentum at t f : L f  I f  f Since I f  I i 

The rotation rate of the student in fig.b is faster

Ii  1   f  i If 25

Sample Problem 11-7: I wh  1.2 1 2 kg kg.m m2

wh  2  3.9 rad/s I b  6.8 kg.m 2

b  ?


Li  L f  Lwh   Lwh  Lb  Lb  2 Lwh I bb  2 I whwh  b 

2 I whwh 2 1.2  2  3.9   2  1.4 rad/s Ib 6.8 26

Problem 60. A horizontal platform in the shape of a circular disk rotates on a frictionless bearing about a vertical axle through the center of the disk. The platform has a mass of 150 kg, a radius of 2.0 m, and a rotational inertia of 300 kgm 2 about the axis of rotation. A 60 kg student walks slowly from the rim of the platform towrd the center. If the angular speed of the system is 1.5 rad/s when the student starts at the rim, what is the angular speed when she is 0.5 m from the center?

The initial rotational inertia of the system is Ii = Idisk + Istudent, where Idisk = 300 kg  m2 ((which,, incidentally, y, does agree g with Table 10-2(c)) ( )) and Istudent = mR2 where m = 60 kg g and R = 2.0 m. The rotational inertia when the student reaches r = 0.5 m is If = Idisk + mr2. Angular momentum conservation leads to I disk  mR 2 I i i  I f  f   f   i I disk  mr 2 which yields, for i = 1.5 rad/s, a final angular velocity of f = 2.6 rad/s.


Analogies between translational and rotational Motion Translational Motion

Rotational Motion

 v   a   x


 

mv 2 K 2 m

F  ma


P  Fv   dp Fnet  dt p  mv

 

I 2 K 2 I

  I  P  

 d   net  dt L  I 28