NO. 1.

[w desirous to be at rest,, and \ hey were of all colours, mixed, spotted, SOCfttj?. ) j [ presently py h as willing illi h h T a meeting of the Board of Manageis of It was the day of Christians" prayer—A few jj^he he should ; but Mr. Peters and diversified with every hue, from the H E subscribers, believing that the the Monroe Agricultural Society, conve- Had met in chapel, built in olden tune, .seeing him betake to his bed, he b e -brightest white to clear and shining giaat and rapidly increasing busi- ned pursuant to adjournment., at the house . For Christian worship—He, the good old man, i thought how he might be master of that black ; and of every form and structure, -oss of Rochester will warrant the esta- John G. Christopher, in Rochester, on Tues- Was at the altar, and his gpnerous blood capon ; which he effected in the manner from the long and slender racer, to those j Was in the veins of those who knelt aroufd hment of a Daily Paper, have resolv- day the QfJ: of SeptembeFi 1826: following. Leaving his barn, he comes of firmer limbs and heavier mould ; and Resolved, That the. Annual Fair this year be I To the third and fourth degree.1 j^i «.«. should sufficient encouragement be held at Rochester, on Wednesday the 25th ofl thinn'd to the c'oor of the house, knocks, and of all ages, from the curvetting colt to •fibred, to commence, immediately, the October. His locks, but had not wholly wasted theni; Miblication of f Daily Newspaper, to be Resolved, That the Committee of Arrange- Yet what remained were loosely scattoiea o'ei straight there appears the miller: Ho- the range of patriarchal steeds, drawn up nest friend, quoth Mr. Peters, I inquired in a line, and holding their high heads for called the ROCHESTER DAILY ADVER- ments hereafter appointed have power to supply His brow, and hung in light, thin curls-a^out His neck, and waved in every lightest breath ; of you for a lodging, but you knew of a survey of us, in the rear. Sometimes vacancies in said committee. TISER. Resolved, That the Committee of Arrangt - Ripened they seemed, andfitfor ready harvest therefore I am content with this they curved their necks, and made no The paper will be handsomely printed, ments consist of Ems Pomeroy, Ashley Samp- Whiter they were than the wreath of foam but being exceeding hungry, I de- more progress than just enough to keep Which binds the brow of the broad cataract— •with new type, on a royal sheet; and son, E. B. Strong, and D. D. Barnard. will be devoted to Domestic and Foreign Resolved, That the following be Committee,., T h e p i o u s m a n h a d b e e n a t p r a v c r s w i t h a l l ^ e you by any means to refresh me with pace with our advance. Then there was of Inspection, viz: j His people, and his countenance was white, p h o t you have, 1 shall content yyou to•d kind of slow and walking minuet, in Intelligence, Proceedings of our NaOn horses Henry Gilman of Wheatland, !,\ q w a s his lawn ; and as you gazed upon fcur own ddesire i d dquothh the h mil- which they performed various evolutions : IIndeed, tional and State Legislatures, Literature, D. McCracken and Ezra Platt of Gates. s face, it paler grew, with his devotions, sr, I have nothing but what I know you with the precision of the figures of a Science, Agriculture, Miscellany, and to On bulls, and oxen, and ploughmg-match— And brighter still the fancy made it. seem; a Loury of Wheatland, Warren Toule Like that which Peter saw the Son of Mai, Man f ^ ^ ^ *** P i e c e ° f b r o w u country dance. Then a rapid movement all that variety of matter which is neces- Thomas of Henrietta and Ebenezer Towle of Clarkson when saints came down from hcav'n bread and Suffolk c h e e s e ; so opens the shifted the front to the rear. But still, sary to impart a zest to a daily journal. On cows, steers and heifers—Ezekiel Morse Did wear, to hold l d i iin. M door andd llets him Mr. P Peters being itvall their evolutions and movements, "i will be the object of the Editors, by of Brighton, Nathan Nye of Pittsford and Levi o w f M hwith him upon the mountain height. in, said, Now my friend, what if I should like the flight of sea fowl, their lines were Lacy of Wheatland. ... otding to enter the arena of political or try a conclusion for some victuals, regular, and free from all indications of On sheep—Oliver Culver of Brighton, Ho- » saw the reverend man of age ascend personal controversy, to render the pa- race Bush of Pcnfield and Rawson Harman thould'st not be angry, wouldst thou? I confusion. At times a spontaneous and per a source of interest, instruction, and jun. of Wheatland. sudden movement towards us, almost inOn swine—Lyman Ilawley of Henrietta, | He reached the height, he sank almost exhaus-angry; no in truth, Sir, not I, quoth the amusement, to the whole community. ted; g when I spired the apprehension of an united at(miller.—With that, quoth Hugh, The proprietors look with confidence Daniel Budd of Greece and Warham Whitney , And as he rose he trembled—not because c o n j u r e a n d I t h i n k tack upon us. After a moment's ad,w a s „ lh j to the citizens of Rochester and its vicin- of G;ites. J •*—Wm Atkinson f ^ '"' eJca °^ m o r f a ' m a n were on him fixed j vance, a short and rapid retrogade movellttV/ n o t forgot i t : uttermg Bomc r Pittsford and Abel, *"• ? e t because he stood before his God— j / ity, for encouragement «nd support, bej But. yet he trembled—age was on his limbs barbarous words, and making strange ment seemed to testify their proud estilieving thr4 they will come forward with figures with his fingers, saith he, lookk in daries and maple sugar-Lcvi Ward jun : {'hat J £ r e f u s e d t h e i r omce-but he rose i mate of their wild independence. T h e their accu.- lomcd public spirit in favour of J. On Vallet of Brighton and Preston Smith o f * .watchman on a tower ; iindyou might set such a place, and see what there is. Oh infinite variety of their rapid movements, b His reverend figure, which before was bent an establishment which cannot fail to beP Sir, quoth the miller, I pray, sir, don't their tampcrings, and manoeuvres were of Wi el lif f of great adVcrm.'Tgc to the place; "On" woolen cloths and carpeting-Frederick'A n ^.^ f f -°. yeara now animate, erect, conjure, I would not by any means you such a wild and almost terrific character, Bushneli of Greece. Charles J. Hill, of Gates | ^ WU>d to the height of youthful prime, and they assure the public that they will and George Wood of Wheatland. And clothed with dignity of one that comes should, nor dare I do as you command that it required but a moderate stretch of Sparc no exertions to make the Roches- Oncbthsandcarpeting,otherthanwoolen_ ime: Prithee, says Mr. Peters, do so as fancy to suppose them the genii of these ter Daily Advertiser worthy of their pa- Thomas Kempshal, Czar Dunning of ^ I say and fear not, we shall have good grassy plains. At one period they were tronage. orthy S Q 'That faltcr'd, tho' its aged tones were full, (cheer anon. By these persuasions the formed for an immense depth in front of A Ro Rochester Price Current will be Andrews and Samuel Stone of Gates. •" Watchman what of the m i , j e r w a g w r o u g h t u p o n . h e i o o k s > a n ( ] us. A wheel executed almost with the g night ?"— published once a week—alto, a New- On axes, barrels and pails—John Lane of Who hath j b rapidity of thought, presented them hoseen a boy, green in his youth, findsa goodly capon piping Knt vering on our flanks. Then again, the York Price Current tod Bank Note Ta- Pittsford, Thomas Morgan and Peirce Darrow Who8e soul of puro devntion, purified I brings forth: to this tliey both fall to, cloud of dust that enveloped their moveble, corrected from the latest New-York of Gates. By fire that burned on God's own ultu, has and were verv well satisfied, but, Mr. On uncnumerated articles—Matthew Brown , the pulpit, shot Sown j>apers. On hoary heads, beneath him, light fVptn heaven Peters complaining of the smallness of ments cleared away, and presented them jun. William Pitkin and Everard Peck The price of the Rochester Daily Ad- Gates. To guide, or terrors from the damned to warn: the miller's drink, would needs conjure in our rear. They evidently operated as Resolved, That the several Town Managers again : so doing as before, he bid the a great annoyance to the horses and -verti&er will be six dollars a year, payable arc requested to aid the Treasurer in obtaining Who that hath seen and heard him, hath not felt A conscious shuddering run thro' all his blood3 miller look in such a place ; the miller mules of our cavalcade. The frighted subscriptions to the funds of the society on the But when the Patriach of his people rose, y Advertisements will be conspicuously day of the annual Fair. foot was sinking in the gra» .• On which looked, and there finds a bottle of wine, movements, the increased indications of Resolved, That the Committee of arrange- It rested, while his hand reach'd Heaven's tow- this they drank, the miller all this while fatigue, sufficiently evidenced, with their inserted on liberal terms. Those who ments publish their order of arrangement, in the ers, adujSring, and verily believed his guest frequent neighings, what unpleasant 1 advertisefeythe year will be charged 20 newspapers, nowsninprs Drecedino p i ^ u , and also in handbills to To which thefiiand of angels stretched to lift ».ad been a conjurer : having now eat and neighbours they considered their wild dollars per square. be distributed on the day of the r air. „. _Him, tbeir pure brother, to the skies, soon as , . «. • ., •• ** T> compatriots to be.—So much did our h board b d adjourn, dj to meet The Rochester Advertiser will be Resolved, That the !drank sdhc.ently, now, saith Mr. P e - horses appear to suffer from fatigue and published every Tuesday, at Two Dol- again at this place on Wednesday of Oct. next His work was ended; and, when to his text, ters, but what it I should show you the terror, in consequence of their vivacity, at 8 o'clock A.M., and that the members of the With tones almost unearthly, that did seem iars a year. several Committees of Inspection are reques^d r o come from other worlds, the old man gave devil that brOQglit these good things? that we were thinking of some way in L U T H E R TUCKER & CO. to report themselves to the Board at an rarh This answer-" 1 the watchman tell you true, j , Q h ( h e m i l l for G o d , g s a [ si which to drive them off; when on a sudhour as possible, that the vacancies in the kuJ: Rochester, Oct. 1826. 1 ho iiioriung comc-th, and the niL'ht also, , , n ., t -i • i r mittce (if any) may be filled, and they be iordy den a patient and laborious donkey of the ! An say, w h a t W t that heard it did not sink torbear j I never saw the devil yet, and I to commence their inspt- tionsby 10 o'clock in i > Watchman, venerable man! thy nigm i P e t e r * do Jftuu do as I shall instruct you. I wouldtoot s e e . him now : N a y saith Mr. establishment, who appeared to have reorder that the business of the day may be dis- Within his bosom at the thrcatning word! Of earthly pilgrimage must soon be past, and you need not fear; stand in the next garded all their movements with philosoposed of in good season. XTO. 6, BUxTALO-ST. then thy morning cometh which the ni^ht room, and when I stamp, then come phic indifference, pricked up his long J. 1IAWLEY President. And Shall never, never darken or obscure! E E P constantly on hand a large IRA WEST Scc'ry. ears, and gave a loud and most sonorous Rochester, August. D. D. B. forth: with much persuasions, he*went and constant supply of The following are the town managers:— in; iJeing gone, Mr. Peters steps to the bray from his vocal shell.—Instantly this* * T h s was an Episcopal Clergyman, near Brighton—O. N. Bush, Ezekiel Morse and prodigious multitude, and there were Dje-Stuffs and I\>e-Woods, Roswell Lockwood. Ntw-York, aged'83,when the author heard him trough wherein the hind devil had hid took what the Spanhimself, and uncovering it, saith he, Gothousands of them, Chili—Zebulon Paull, Benjamin Brown and preacii u Albany Argus. your ways, and bo glad you wcape so: iards cali the stompado." With a Faints, Oils & Putty, Joseph Thompson. Ctarkson—JoKu JJowmun, Nathan if-.. «1! RAISING THE DEVIL.—There was a humor- out goes the man, and Mr. Peters then trampling liko the noise ot thund»r, or Window Class, andGates—Simeon Abel Gilbert. P. Allcott, Gardner Mc- ous story current in the papers a few years ago, stamps with his foot, whereupon presently still more like that of an earthquake, a English and American, of all sizes from Craken and Philip Lyell. concerning Lorenzo Dow, and the way in which appears the miller. Look, saith Mr. Pe- noise that was absolutely appalling, they (i by 8 to 14 by 22. The cylinder from Greece—Daniel Budd, Frederick Bushneli he " raised the Devil." Those who have read ters, see you where the devil goes ] Good took to their heels and were all in a few moments invisible, in the verdant depths New-Jersey is superior to any of theand Silas Walker. Henrietta—James Sperry, Ebenezer Good- that, (and almost every one has,) must be struck God! replied the miller, if you had not "Western Glass, a H inferior to £>• none. ing and Richard Danals. by its similarity to the following ; and may per- said it was the devil, 1 durst {jave sworn of the plains, and we saw them no more." Most articles in the Mendon—Cornelius Treat, James Smith and haps be led to suspect that the story as told a- it had been tho Parson of our parish. Thomas Lecland. s Burning of an Israelite in Spain.— Qgdcn—B. Barrow, Austin Spencer and bout Lorenzo is but a second edition of the one i ^ indeed it was. j How Mr. Peters broke a jest upon a Lady.The following are the particulars of the James Baldwin. in which the name of Hugh Peters figures. Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Oakum, Parma—Levi Tallmadgc, Jabez Goodell and Mr. Peters, by chance, meeting a lady late horrible sacrifice in Spain. Tho From the Salem Gazette. Augustus Mather. Rigging of all Sizes, of his acquaintance, asked her how she brotherhood of " Saint Hermandad" took HUGH PETERS. Penficld Abner Darling, William Ross and Blocks, Bunting, A rare book, published in 1660, enti- did, and how her good husband fared? the round to Valencia, followed by numHenry Fellows. Perinton— Gideon Ramsdell, Levi Tredwel! ,1 J « i h e Tales and J e s t s of Mr. Hugh At which words, weeping, she answered, bers of associates, to sacrifice the unforC( Sail Needles and Twine, and W. S. Gregory Peters, collected into one vo'jme ; pub- her husband had been in Heaven long tunate Hebrew. All the thieves, smugPaint Brushes of all sizes. Pittsford—Lbenezcr Southcrland, Joseph lished by one that has formerly been con- since. In Heaven, quoth he, it is theglers, assassins, surrounded the " pile," Colt and John Lane. Troy STONE WARE, versant with the author in h - life time, first time that 1 have heard of it, and / carrying the banners of the Tnquisition . Riga— Henry Brewster, Joseph Thompson and Saint ^Dominique, preceded by at Factory prices, by the (rate, and dedicated to Mr. John G«odwin, and am sorry for it with all my heart. and Samuel Shepherd. Rush—Simeon M. Coe, John Martin and Mr. Phillip Nye ; together with his sen- How Mr. Peters reproved Oliver Crom- Monks, singing the Psalms of David. Copal Varnish, Oil Vitriol, Alfred Jones. Between them was placed their unfortutt-nce and the manner of his execution , well for sleeping .Church while he nate victim, dressed in a smock frock, Spirits Turpentine, Sweden— Levi Pond, James Seymour and to which is prefixed a short account ot teas preaching. James. Aqua Fortis & Nitrous Acid. William H being .iis turn to preach before the upon which was painted various devils, Wheatland—Rawson Harmon jun., Wm. his hie," contains many amusing anec-, having on his head a pasteboard cap, dej^lso \ large assortment of Domestic Garbut and Whiting Merry. M dotes of this eccentric militant clergy- [SOme time Protector at the Chapel, in corated with flames of fire. He was esFull'd Oloth and Sattinett, man. He was many years pastor of a White Hall, much about the time that his DANCING SCHOOL. corted by two Dominican-friars, who cheaper than offered in this market bechurch in Salem, but returned to Engpresent Majesty was marching towards complimented him upon the occasion of J. O. BOND The public are requested to call and ESPECTFULLY informs the citi- land, and was beheaded for ue part he Worcester, he espyed that the devil had his being about to be burned for the salzens of Rochester and its vicinity, acted under Cromwell.—We select the shut the casements of his Highnesses vation of his soul; and previous to his supply themselves with articles not kept eyes, and lulled him asleep, whereupon ascending the faggots they embraced elsewhere, and as many of the above as lat he will commence his School as soon following from this volume : s a sufficient number of subscribers How. Mr. Peters, being on a journey, varying from his discourse in hand, quoth him. The wretched man having been they may want. lodged at a Miller't House, and what he, we have now an enemy in this our gagged and tied down, the torch was apliall have been obtained. The sub.xripRochester, Oct. 24, 1 land, a potent one : it is not unknown, I plied, and torturers surrounded the pile, passed belioeen him And the Miller. on paper is open at his R cess, one COLUMBIAN HOTEL. oor south of the Merchants Exchange, Mr. Peters being oh a journey, inqui-j suppose, to any here, that he daily ap- singing hymns to drown his cries. red of a miller, whom he sav standing proaches nearer us, but 'tis no matter, I Exchange-Street. PHXI^ANDER rOBES, his mill, where he might have a lodg- preach but in vain : while my auditory Rochester, Oct. 23, 182^ 1 Marriages and Births.—The Rev. Albany, kVo. 559, South Market-street, for himself, and convenience for sleeps, I hope he will come and take you Abraham Van Home, of Caghnewaga, > FOR SALE. -" ; the miller answered, he knew no napping. JfeiSL T N F O R M S his friends and Montgomery county, aged 62, married ' I H T H L •• the public, that he still conHE LOT and HOUSE )lac thereabout: whereupon Peters tra- WILD HORSLS.—In a new publication, by the his thousandth couple on the 20th ult. J L P _ | P T tinues his old establishment, lately occupied by Mi. velled on his way, till he came to a litile Rev. T. Flint, there is a paragraph in relation One of the physicians of •*>!« county, vad will be happy to,, accommodate them Abel Griffin, situated on Wash-, which as you shall hear anon, ap- to tile droves of wild horses frequently met with now in the prim* nf life, had been preat all times, should they b c disposed In ngton-strcet. The Lot contain* one leared to be the miller's; there he in the praries near the Rocky Mountains: it is sent sent at at the th birth of three thousand chilcull upon him. ourth of an acre, and the kdusc is very mocks, the good woman coming to thecopied below, and will recompense the reader dren, two or three years ago, and the The above well known establishment onvenient for a small family. Enquire door, Mr. Peters desires her if she can for his time. pumber is now increased to nearly four to lodge him there; she tells him she naving undergone extensive improve- t S. M. & J . S. SMITH. thousand!—Little Falls Paper. " The day before we came in view of had but one bed iu the house,and therein ments and repairs, with the addition of Rochester, Oct. 24, 1826. 1 The Evangelical Magazine contains lay her husband and herself, but if he the Rocky Mountains, I saw, in the greattwenty bed rooms and a spacious Dining would be content with clean straw in the est perfection, that impressive, and, to I advertisement, to those who may wish Stoleji Properly. Hall, kitchens and out houses, with new HAVE in my possession two pair of barn, he might have that, ami his horse me, almost sublime spectacle, an im-o adopt a son or a daughter, or both, of bedding and furniture, now affords acshoes; two planes ; a number of might stay there too; for she knew no mense drove of wild horses, for a long wo fine children, of about 10 years commodations equal to any other Hotel chisels ; one box rule ; one tri square; other way to help him. Mr. Peters ac- time hovering round our path across the horn the parents, in consequence oof m the city, and the Proprietor will spare an old axe ; 3 caulking irons ; a drawing cepted the proffer, and betakes himself to prairie. I had often seen great numbers misfortunes, will assign over to the apphno pains or expense to give satisfaction the barn, where he had not long lain, but of them before, mixed with other ani- ants, as their own offspring! to families or men of business, who wil inife ; one hammer ; 3 butcher^knives through a small cranny, he spies a man mals, apparently quiet, and grazing like one pair of shoes, partly worn ; a "paper favour him with their custom. JVew article of export.—On Saturday, of brad nails ; inkstand ; and a file. with a bottle of wine and a capon, which die rest. Here there were thousands un- bout 100 Rattlesnakes, from the west, October I. 1826. 1 . was no sooner brought, but immediately n xed, unemployed; their motions it The above described property came into ere shipped on board the steamboat mv possession under such circumstance u good fire might be allowed, as re was made,, and down thereto'such a comparison p REMOVAL. Constellation, alive and in prime order, mv h posses h d b t it was stolen. tolen T V lit ww ^»t: anon knocks the m miller, all the Jart.ngg and as wild as those of humming that 1 have no doubt i , g or the European market.—Argus. MITH & , H 0 R A N , have removed that 1 have no doubt it was stolen. T V lit h fl h tremendous d owner or owners are requestedd to callll at'' while the dame was sore affrighted, and birds on the flowers 11 he their Closing Establishment to the mv office prove property, and the same | presently conveys away the capon on the snort with which the front columns of the fust Brick Stor^e west of the Eagle Ta SJillbe 'restored by their paying for this suit, puts out the fire, hides her friend m phalanx ihade known their approach to Lord Rodon has caused forty ejectvern, Buffalo-street. a kneading trough hard by, and having us, seemed to be their wild and energetic ments to be served upon hia tenants in advertisement. %y Wanted immediately, 3 or 4 firs thus with abundance of celerity made a way of expressing their pity and disdain onsequence of the part they took at tho JOEL WHEELER, rate Workmen at the above establish clear coast, she opens the door for her for the servile lot of our horses, of which lection in favour of the popular candiJustice of the Peace. hi.sband. T h e good man being weary, they appeared to be taking a survey atc. ment. 1 Rochester, Cct. 25, 182C. I Rochester, Oct. 25. 1826.




S. M.& J. S. SMITH,


Sbtlip enauttlrrg Hiuc:



ROCHESTER DAILY ADVERTISER. shall enable them to report a constitution] t w e « n t h e Republican and Brazilian fleets, and public treaties, and protect the Gram which we annex. Jury, public morals, sciences, arts, pub suance of a resolution of this Society, the an< and laws for its permanent institution. nual fair will be hfeld in this village under thei* 7—Th*t Doct. Daniel Marble, Thur- On Saturday morning (July 29) a divi- lie instruction and the press. They art ' BO CHESTER: WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25. auspices, this day. On our first pag« will bt> low Weed\ and E. F . Marshall be a com- sion of the Brazilian fleet, consisting ol to resemble " The Areopagus of Athens found a list of the articles for which premiums mittee to solicit and collect subscriptions frigates and corvettes, 4 brigs and 11 and the Censors of Rome ;" they are t( We have fulfilled our promise by establishing are offered, with the names of the persons com- to purchase u scientific Library which is schooners, appeared in the offing, and dispense great public honours and pua daily paper, the first number of which is this came to anchor about G miles distant nishments, and are confided with "th< posing the committees which are to make the now offered to the Institute. day presented to the people of Rochester. Our awards. A committee of the society has pub- 8—That the funds of the Chymica! from the National Squadron. The Spar- appreciation of glory!" views are explained in the prospectus published " The Vice-President is to be cho'ser lished the order of the arrangements, which is Class be placed at the disposal of the tan [Buenos Ayrean] fleet showed no on the preceding page, and therefore little now ^royjsional committee of the Franklin In- disposition to moke any movement, lest by the President. inserted below. remains for us to add, save that our energies and 8tit«i$, for the objects contemplated in the FUdalgos [Brazilians] might take " The President is appointed for life The people of the county generally will, we resources shall be unsparingly devoted to the theitforesaid resolutions. with the power of naming a successor iright and run; but as soon as night trust, step forward on this occasion, and lend a support of this journal... that it is our resolution Resolved, That the proceedings of this came on, it got under way, and paid them and the example imitated in this officer i cordial and liberal support to the society, which TO PERSEVERE, even though at a temporary sameeting bo published in the several pa- in our opinion an unwelcome visit. For that of— Hayti. is at present sustained by the public spirit and pers in this village. crifice : for many things combine to assure us some tine hot compliments passed on " If Bolivar does not find unexpected exertions of its members, independei of legisthat our enterprise and toil will ultimately meet '•• 'Unsolved, That this meeting adjourn toboth sides. The obscurity of night luck- difficulties arrising from the singular and lative aid, the stoppage of which hai> paralyzed meefc again on Tuesday the 24th inst. at with a just reward. ily afforded a shield for the panic struck complicated innovations in republican gothe agricultural societies in every county of the 7 o'clock, P. M. at the room offered for imperial slaves, who availing themselves vernment, his success will be still more The peculiar situation of Rochester, interstate, except those in Albany am' n this place. the use of the Institute, by Mr. Elisha of it, eluded the fight with their usual surprising than his schemes. sected by Genesee River and the Eric Canal, MONROE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Johnson, in his new building on Main- prudence. and contiguous to an inland sea...the business From Brazil— A letter from Rio de The annual fair and Oaltla Show o* street. " On Sunday morning at day-light, our Janeno, of the 1st September, says and wealth which it derives from these circumthis society will be held in the Village < L squadron renewed the attack upon the stances... its enterprising and increasing popuRochester, on Wednesday the 25th insl'l f D n u G S ' & c ~ A lad y o f o u r acquaintance in enemy. The action continued until there seems to be but little hope of at lation...together with the importance of the westaccommodation of the existing differThe following is the order of arrange^ New-York,findingherself very unwell on waern section of the state, of which this is in every ments : articles of domestic manufacture l king u p a few nights ago, resolved to take a por- ahout I o'clock P. M. when the two ences between that country and the Rivei gradually tion of salts respect the most important town., .in our opinion wiil be exhibited at the Court-Honse. Plata, as the Emperor seems determined which was in tho house, laid by in standing to eastward, to listen to no terms whatever excluding and that of our friends, warrant, nay demand, Pens will be provided on the public a PaPer a m o n g otne>" drugs. She accordingjy the establishment in Rochester of a daily vehicle square, at the north end of the Village, Iprepared and drank what she supposed to be an while the other returned to her old an- his sovereignty to the Banda Oriental for news and advertisements. Such an establish- for the reception of horses, cattle, sheep, jWhmw of salts, but to her cost discovered soon chorage. The combat was conducted It is thought the Patriots will soon make ment, the public may perceive, as we have al- hogs, &C. It is requested that all arti-inticr that it was sugar of lead which she hadwith great vigor on the part of our squad- an attack on the Rio Grande, and appreready mentioned, is now in operation; and our clcs and live stock, offered .'**r premium.-Iswallowed! It was her custom, on taking me ron. The " 28th of May" at one time hensions are entertained that they will be friends are sanguine as to its utility and success. be delivered at those places respectively, dicine, to put something pleasant in her mouth appeared to have the whole fire of the successful, though the imperial forces are Through the exertions of several citizens, who by 10 o'clock, A. M. at which hour the to counteract the nauseous taste; and it was in enemy's fleet concentrated upon her, numerous.—Bal(. Gazr more like a mark of savage revenge than seem to think the publication of a daily paper is several committees are requested to com- this way, and by taking the dose quickly, that an honourable enemy ; while a continued A young woman, moving in a respectable for the general interest of the place, we have mence their inspections, in order to com- she failed to discover the nature of this dose stream of fire emitted from her sides; sphere, was recently committed to Newgate obtained an advertising patronage which would plete them in time for the procession. until she had drained the cup. Medical aid wasbut from the immense superiority of force (the prison of Publin,) under circumstances ot be deemed liberal under any circumstances, but The ploughing match will commence speedily obtained, 12nd, with the assistance of an against her, she necessarily suffered con- a curious nature, and which, as the Dublin paat this earlystage is thought to be particularly so. at the aforesaid public square at 11 o'^ snietic, her stomach was relieved of the poison. siderable damage in her spars and rigging, per says, " possess in some respects a melanBy the way, we may add that we have made clock ; the inspecting committees are reShe is now recovering The accidents which so much so that the Admiral's flag was choly interest." tho Daily Advertiser larger than we atfirstcon- quested to put their awards in writing occur in this way more than counterbalance the changed to the Bergantiue ilepublic. It " The lady," it is added in the same templated. In a short time, we hope to be able and deliver them to the president as early convenience or economy in preserving papers or is said the admiral was slightly injured by paper, " was to have been married on the to present our patrons with an imporin) sheet. as possible. Mr. Samuel Woiks, treaihials of drugs. It is the safest way to buy such a splinter ; also, the brave Captain Espa- very day that consigned her to disgrace suicr of h society, y will attend att Mr. Mr. hingo tmly as they are needed. ra lost a leg. D * The Rochester Advertiser, to contain the and imprisonment, to an ignominious T most interesting matter which may appear in Christophers' Tavern from 10 until 12 " Soon after the flag ship was changed, trial and punishment. She was detected Jacob Qoulil, O N Bush, James Smith, Samthe daily paper during the week, will be issued o'clock, and Gen. Timothy Burr at tho the " 28th of May" made what sail she on the previous evening, having gone into uel L. Selden, and James Sperry, have been every Tuesday, at $2 per annum. Subscriptions public square, to receive the annual dues could and stood towards the city. The elected by the supervisors, superintendents of gun boats and one of the schoouers at a fashion ible shop in Dame-strect, acto it will be received with pleasure from our from the members and from others who companied by another young lady, to' may choose to become members of the the Poor House in this county for the ensuing this time arrived, and acted as a tempofriends, here and at a distance. purchase wedding favours. The young society. The town managers are re- year. rary detence, while the admiral with the men in the shop were led to watch hetO * The publishers of papers to whom we quested to pay the treasurer the money SOUTH AMERICA.—By the recent arrivals at barque and brigs stood out. The enemy narrowly, from having a few days before have sent ours are requested to transmit their3 in they have collected. The procession New-York, much of interest in relation to the seeing this movement, also stood out, af- missed a crape shawl and some ribbon exchange. will form in front of the Court House at South American states has reached us. Re- terwards changing their course down th after this lady had been in the shop. On By the late accounts from Peru we learn that 12 o'clock, in the following order— specting Colombia, however, there is little said, river; towards night the admiral returue the present occasion she was observed to 1st. Citizens, who are not members of 52 members of the late Congress have recombut that little is of a pleasing character, as it to his old anchorage with the brigs, a secret a piece of white ribbon in her retimended, among other things, that the Supreme the society. 2d. Members of the socie- lead.s us to believe that the intestine troubles did also the " 28th of May," which wa cule, and a polico officer was sen* for, Council of Government officially inquire of the ty. 3d. Town managers. 4th. Com- which have distracted that republic, will have owed up by the gun boats. who touk her into custody and brought mittees of arrangements, and of Inspecpeople, " whether their representatives can go" i'he Brazilians' loss must have bee her to the office. She gave her name tion. 5th. Secretary, Treasurer and Au- subsided of themselves even before the return vern themselves by their own private opinions, and uddreso, and, on being required, the ditqr. 6th The Clergy. 7th. President of Bolivar, who was expected to be as service- considerable, as, during the action, a cor or must abide by the directions given them by key of her trunk ; on searfchign which, vette, which had lost her main-mast, an able in tranquilizing, as he has been in liberaand Vice President. the officer found the missing shawl and their constituents." This question, it will be The procession will proceed to the old ting his country. A letter from Carthagena, a brig which was much damaged, bor remembered, occasioned much debate in this Presbyterian cl.urch, when an address of the 13th September, is published in the New- away and left tho scene of combat ribbons, and filly pounds in bank notes. country lately, and especially in this state du- will be delivered by the president, after York Evening Post, the writer of which says The enemy's loss, however, c:innot b The young lady who was in company ring the pendency of the bill to give the choice which the premiums will be announced ascertained, but it is supposed to be muc with the prisoner was excessively shockthat ed at the discovery of her friend s delinof Presidential Electors to the People. and paid. The members will then repair " T h e state of affairs in Venezuela more severe than that of the Notions quency ; she was of course immediately Squadron." A ROGUE OUTWITTED.—A few days ago, a to Mr. Christophers' long room, whore a presents a favourable aspect. The army There was a slight engagement be discharged ; the other was kept in CJI" INFORMATION.—A play has in some way or ney, books, specimens, and apparatus From Bytnts Ayrcs.—The war continues mation of codes and ecclesiastical regu- anvass. Browne and his equestrians, other reached our desk, in the title-page of 6—That the Rev. J . Penney, Mr. Between tho Enperor of Brazil and the Repub- lations ; choose the prefects, appoint dwarfs and the giants, the majestic which we are gravely informed that the work Elisha Johnson, Doct. L. Ward, Mr. lic of Buenos Ayrcs.—Its results thus far arc judges, governors, corregidores, and sub- ons and t\. mimic apes, are all displa) was written—would you believe it?—that it Jacob Groves, and Mr. Edwin Stanley, unimportant. An occasional skirmish takes ordinate officers of justice ; propose to ng their gaudy signs in vain : and in vnin was written actually—" By the Author!"—Abe appointed a provisional committee, place, which it magnified or spoken slightly of, the Censors the members of the High re lads and lasses invited to see such wag has added with a pen, " And who the with power to add others to their number as may best suit the feelings of the conquerors Court, Archbishops, bishops, prebends, ghts as were never seen before, and D—1 is he?" The play is called " Charles XII, at discretion, to conduct the government or conquered. The Baltimore American of the &c. superintend all relating to religion itl never be exhibited again.—Even •in or the Battle of Pultowa, a military tragic of the society, for the promotion of the 16th inst. gives an extract from the Buenos and the laws. The Censors are to watch uran-outang, the only animal of the kind aforesaid objects, till their experience Ayres Cosmojolilc, narrating a contest be-over the observance of the Constitution iat was ever seen alive, as wo were infife," ?nd was printed in New-Yorlr. MONROE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.—In pnr%

ROCHESTER DAILY ADVERTISER. formed by the lord-in-waiting on his ou- files of Parthenia, as we have before TO-MORROW. JLcto {^Fortune's True Home,«£9 rang-outangship; even he, though he may heard, and was driven back to Tripoliza, FOR be -seen for the small charge of three- with the loss of 3000, all his equipage pence, remains unnoticed.—Not a broken and munitions. Part of the garrison of lead, nor a black eye, has yet graced the Missolonghi were in the battle. Ibrahim To be Drawn on Thursday of this week. during the last twelve months Y Authority of the State of Rhodefestivities of Donnybrook. Need we is now besieged there. more prizes than at any other office in Island. Under the superintendence J. M O A T H O A R T say more ? Surely the times must be bad Curiosity baulked.—These Englishindeed and sad indeed, when Donnybrook men are curious people. At the Lancas- of Managers appointed by law. Grand AS just received and offers for sale Rochester—and where tickets and shares of tickets in the following Lotteries are State Lottery. Class Number six. To forCA cannot afford a broken head. We will ter assizes, great crowds were collected for CASH, the following articles, at pursue this mournful subject no further, to fee Miss Turner (the girl who was be drawn in Providencet the 26th of Oct.prices which cannot fail to please, viz: now for sale in a great variety of numbers. particularly as hopes are entertained that earned off by Wakefield) quit the court. 1S26. By a new method, secured by among this collection is the greatest variOn Friday next, Oct. 27th, Letters Patent under the Seal of the ety of matters will mend when Palmerstown In order to baffle their inquisitiveness, UNIVERSITY LOTTERY, United States. S. & JVI. Allen & Co. fair is over. three other young ladies were drest up Agents for the Managers. TENTH CLASS. Calicoes and Chintzes SCHEME. A curious Fact.—By a lady from Lake alike and left the court with her. Thus °ver yet offered in this place, and mostly Capital Prize, the real Miss T . escaped detection. 1 Prize of $10,000 $10,000 Champlain, i we learn l the h following flli singui „ i" entirely new winter patterns.—Also a SCHEME. l rul t h i s ls ver absurd 1 5,000 5,000 lar incident, which took place in conse^» y large assortment of Prize of $20,000 i s $20,000 1 - 1,450 1,450 quence of the terrible concussion of the Extra Superfine Broadcloths, Cassimeres, were yesterday shown by Mr. 10,000 - 10,000 3 - 1,000 3,000 Baizes, Flannels, fig'd Rattinetts, steam boats Congress and Phoenix, off 5,000 a live turtle, somewhat less than 5,000 Fig'd Salisbury Flannel, 5 - 500 2,500 the harbour of Port Kent, on the evening r_"' 2,500 size of a half dollar, having two - 2,500 12 * 100 1,200 Plain and fig'd Bombazetts, bl'k Bombazines, of the 4th instant. On board the ConNorwich Crape, Bang up Cords, 1,300 - 1,300 each on a separate neck. Some20 50 1,000 gress were three beautiful sisters, JewesElegant Winter Vestings, 5,000 1,000 are directed in concert, 210 - 10 2,100 Furniture and garment Dimities, ses, from Montreal, on their way south, 5,000 - 500 in opposition, thus show- 7,000 - 3 21,000 Bl'k and col'd Tabby Velvets, attended by their father. It has already 4,400 - 100 Bl'k and col'd Canton Crapes, are governed by different been stated, that the baggage room with 4,400 Bl'k and col'd Crape Shawls and Scarfs, - 50 It was presented to Mr.7,253 Prizes. all its contents, mail and baggage, were Prusian Shawls, a new article, 6,335 - 12 P. for his museum, by Mr. Lewis Scorke 13,747 Blanks. Cashmere, Merino, Circassian and Cassimere crushed into atoms and dropped into the 34,056 - 6 of Statcn Island, by whom it was caught. Price of Tickets, $ 3 ; Halves, $1,50 Shawls of various prices, lake, in 200 feet water. These sisters Angola and common Cotton do. A*. F . Statestnan. Quarters, 75 cts. Eighths, 37 1 2 cU on making Mr. Howard's Hotel, in the Bl'k Sarsinetts, Sinr.hews, Plaid Sarsinef , 6,356 Prizes, J 19,600 $99,000 For Capital Prizes, apply i J i Bl'k and col'd Gro de Naples, village of Port Kent, were inconsolable, 13,244 Blanks, j Tickets The population of Upper Canada in Fine English Barage, rich Italian Lustrings, not so much for the loss of their trunks, Tickets $6,00 I Quarters $1,50 Bl'k and col'd Levantines, WM. CLARKE'S as for a casket one of them had in her1810, was considered not to exceed 50, Halves 3,00 j Eighths 75 Green, Pink and White Lustrings, 000, now it is at least 200,000. trunk, containing jewels to a great aAcknowledged, Truly Lucky office, No. Bl'k and cold Italian Silk, Wednesday, November 7. rnount; even this loss they did not seem 7 Carrol-street. Where have been sold THREAD and BOBINETT LACES, (BLAWAHB STATE LOTTERY, Thread Inserting, Quillings, &c. to regard; but the casket contained a Out of 175,000 inhabitants in New-and paid, Prizes of $30,000, 20,000, 5,- Edging, FOURTH CLASS. Swiss Muslins and Swiss Points, there are but 16 coloured persons miniature painting of their deceased mo000, 3,000, 2,500, 2,000, 1,000, 700, Fine Linen Camb'k Hk'fs and Linen Camb'k. YATES & M'INTYRE, Managers. 500, &c. &c. amounting to 350,000 Flagg and Bandanna Hk'fs, ther, which could never be replaced. ntitied to a vote. Black, White and Green French Crapes, DOLLARS. They proceeded south ; all the boats in Highest Prize, $6,000. Silk Vestings, ©anal Commerce. the vic4uity, having in vain searched the N. B. Orders for Tickets or Shares, Crapelisse, SCHEME. Plaid and Stripe Ginghams, ARRIVED YESTERDAY lake for floating trunks, at length by enclosing the Cash, or approved Prize Furniture Chintz, Blue and Yellow Nankeens, 1 Prize of 6,000 is 6,000 J e w Hampshi Hampshire, from Brockport, with ashes, chance, in passing the shores of Crab Tickets, (post paid) thankfully received Brown Cambrick for Hats, 1 - 2,500 - 2,500 lour and d wheat. ht Bl'k and col'd Cambricks, and promptly attended to. island near Platlsburg, 10 niiles distance Bunkerhill, Albany, merchandize. 1 2,000 - 2,000 JarWnnot «nany, and who will furnish additional in- ]i l ^ * T H A N ELY, A. M. Professor within a minute's walk at any other establishment, at wholesale this village on S of n * 'rL '! Agriculture, and Exchange, and Public Post-Office Notice. the night of the 6th or retail. Dining and Coffee Roorr Offices. r h e | STEPHEN ALEXANDER, A. M. Proinst. a black COW, Extract fron :he Post Office Law: r CASH paid for all kinds of Hat10 years old, with a [ling and Shipping or to ary person for that purpose K acc °minodation, convenient Bathing 12 years, wear a roundabout, with pautawarded. D. SIBLEY. cit a continuation of the same, They "•in order that th) »ame may be carried by I J OIISOSa nhda v Se h bo eweenr e r e c t e d > w h e r e H o t 'oons ; such as are above 12 and under are constantly manufacturing 1 Rochester, Oct. 9th, 1826. post free of leter postage, he shall for-p*'*!' Baths are always ii i6 years of age, wear a coatee, with Soap and Candles feit the sum of fire dollars for every such r e a d i n e s s - Grateful for the liberal* pa- pantaloons; and those above 16, a frock FOR SALE, of the first quality, and, although power- offenco ; and tie letter, newspaper, pack- tronage alreadyy received,, the Proprietor p coat—all of grey colour for the winter, ful oppositions are springing up, they are age, memorandun, or other thing, shall will be ever anxious to merit its continu- and blue for the summer season. N E HORSE, SADDLE and in hopes to be able to supply their old not be delivercJ t» the person to whom it ance and extension—in confident anticiBRIDLE. Also—one The students reside in the same buildis directed unti tie amount of single let- pation of which, he pledges himself to ing with the ofiicers, and are under their I SIDE SADDLE. .For particu- customers on reasonable terms. ter postage is pid for each article of Cash paid for Tried and Rough TALbestow his zoalous exertions for the comI lars inquire at this office. notice continually. which the packigD is composed. fort ofty$Patrons. LOW, in large or small quantities. Rochester, Oct. 24, 1826. The course of instruction commenced T. B. REDMOND. DYER & BENTON. In addition tc the above, special inNew-York, Oct. 10, 1S2G. 1 on the 20th September, and will continue Rochester, Oct. 23, 1826. 1 struction has beci received at this Office, LOOK OUT! ten months witljpjjt intermission. Duto enforce the av for each offence, with ing tho warm season, there will be a LL persons indebted to A. HARON CONSIGNMENT. Bbls. PITCH and ROSIIS x view to correct the abuse—which has ecess> lor two months. With the preRIS, by note or book account, for sale, opposite the Me r aeen attempted by milder measures, withCASKS of Superior Cotton Thread sent accommodations, the number that must settle them immediately, or they CASH paid for all kinds of Hat Gentlemen's Gloves of all kinds, F which an edition of near two thouour object in preparing th^s wort* to sapas breadth of survey and variety of subject, Bl'k, Drab, Scarlet and Shaded Plush Trim sand copies is printed weekly. To ting and Shipping FURS. will be invariably studied. In Philadelphia, ply families with a set of volumes particumings, the aid of many gentlemen of superior ability be emheliished with engravings. PubRochester, Oct. 25, 1826. 1—3m larly calculated for the imp\" o v e m e n t < Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, and scholastic and scientific acquirements, has .shed every Wednesday, at No. 27, MarMullinetts and Bonnet Wire, their younger members ; an\l although already been secured; but as it is desired *S CAKD. or Power loom Shirtings and Sheetings, i^sort bring into action talent and knowledge wher- let-street, Philadelphia, in an elegant Sattinetts, Padding, Tollallings and Canvass it has been our aim to obtauv ever situated, contributions are invited from quarto form of eight pages, suitable for Russia Sheetings, Duck and Doulas, &c. & such articles only as we thought to writers throughout the Union, to whom per- rinding, making a yearly volume ef upwritten in good taste, yet we havV MWgW ETURN their thanks to the public with every article wanted. sonal application may not be made; and the vards of 400 pages, at two dollars per for their liberal patronage and soliAll of which he proposes to sell i rather to provide the public in general publishers pledge themselves to pay liberally py y annum, payable in advance. p BggJ pg it a continuation of the same. They such prices as will give satisfaction t with a useful and entertaining r*" nuel> For il hll b s articles as shall be iserted inserted in in the the For than to administer to the pec^? 8 The design of this paper is to furnish are constantly manufacturing every purchaser. The duties of Editorship will be confiwork. ded to a gentleman off high reputation cation of the literary. p*"rti|»is— • I. h i h literary li tti a weekly epitome, or universal repository Also—on commission, Soap and Candles With regard to the subjects which are emThe work will be elegantl»frmtc« o n h l i c ' of the Fine Arts, Sciences, Botany, Hisbraced in the design of the American Qurterly of the first quality, which they will dis6500 yards Cotton Shirtings paper, 8vo. containing aK>« •f400 P a S e s ' Review, its title and the common and known ory, Travels, Reviews, Moral Essays, pose of on reasonable terms. 12H0 „ do Sheetings 2. It will be published10 6 vols. pnee contents of the existing models bespeak them Sketches, Tales, Familiar Letters, PoetCash paid for Tried and Rough TAL$2,25 cents each, e»'> b , o a r d *j \n f j sufficiently. Preference must be given to ry, Receipts, &c. with a weekly summary 740 lbs. Cotton Yarn, LOW, in large or small quantities. works and materials, to principles and opinions parts, price 50 cer- e a c h ; a n d , l u ^ 200 „ Candle Wick. specially interesting and useful to our own of the earliest foreign and domestic news. DYER & BENTON. numbers, price FfkSES T ,'h t country, whether they be of domestic or foreign The Album is peculiarly devoted to such Rochester, Oct. 24, 1826. 1 The work will ^ . e ™ b ^ ll8 , hed W l l h 2 4 Rochester, Oct. 23, 1826. 1 origin. Mere party or looal politics, polemical subjects as are most interesting and use engravings, er* u t e d En * h e bcS< theology, involving injurious and irritating im- ful to our fair countrywomen, embracing PIERCJE'S MEDICAL LECTURES. putations, and whatever tends to disturb essen including°a -tial morals, fundamental Christian faith, or re a great variety of the elegancies of poOCTOR MARCH, proposes th publican theory, will be rigorously excluded. lite and female literature, conversation, 4 Nos r present season, to give his usuc LREADY consists of upwards of As the work is not meant to be devoted to the ciress, beauty, manners, &c. Female , ' K«r« "ill b e P u t i e t 0 double numbers FIVE HUNDRED VOLUMES, and is winter course of Anatomical, Philosoph views or favourite ends of any member or sec- Character, with biographical sketches of for the ->nvemence of delivery. 5. I h tion of the Union, neither will it be to any excontinually receiving additions of New cal and Surgical Lectures, in Albany, clusive or partial doctrines in any of the admit- those who have been distinguished for and Interesting Works,, (torn New-York commence the first Wednesday of Janu w o r k , ill be delivered to subscribers tree r a y additional expense, payable on deted subjects. The utmost latitude of opinion their talents, piety, and other eminent virary next, and continue ten weeks. and discussion will be allowed, that is compati- tues, shall form a prominent feature, con- and Philadelphia. ,• ty. 6. Thefirst4 vols. will be prose He has the gratification to inform th Id epistles, and the 5th and sixth, poetry. At this season of th« year much time ble with the limits, temper, and general merit lected with the best practical essays on to be required in each article. The resources is afforded (during the long evenings) to public, that Dr. Tully, of the Vermon SAMUEL WALKER. and connections of the proprietors are such, as the improvement of the mind. those who wish to cultivate their minds Academy of Medicine, will be associate to place within their reach copious information The Album has been highly commend- by reading. The proprietor respectfully with him, and will instruct at the sar*5 Boston, Oct. 1826. of the contemporaiy literature and public con- ed by the editors of public journals in ald3» Subscriptions for the above receiinvites the Ladies and Gentlemen of this time, in the Theory and practice of " cerns of the principal countries of Europe and ved at the office of the Daily Advertiser, most every part of the United States— America; and they will sedulously avail themvillage, and of the counUy contiguous, to dicine, etc. selves of all the means of the kind which they The following is from the Rockingham call at tho BOOK-STORE, in BuffaloThe advantages derived by pri^te me Exchange-street,opposite the Merchants* command, for the enrichment of the Re- W. Register : ^ ^ street, where they can be supplied with dical students from anatomic?-' demon Exchange. can ,„„-. They scarcely need to add, that the " T h e Philadelphia Album is neatly Books of various descriptions on the fol- strations, and from regular an-' systematic view OTICE is hereby given, that u apwork will be truly American in spirit and drift; patriotism, alert, emphatic, resolute, militant printed, and the style and the matter are lowing instruction in tho other departments, hav 1^1 plication will be made at the next TERMS. The price it even under certain circumstances, is a trait both chaste and elegant. 75 been abundantly proved bj the expenenc session of the legislature of the state oOne year, $5,00 One month which should distinguish it and every similar noderate; and it will be a delighti'u Six months 2,75 Reading an octavo 12J of all those who have heretofore attend production of this country. do. a duodecimo ti| ed such courses ; and it is confidentl New-York, for an act to incorporate u source of cheerful instruction for the La- Three months 1,50 ed such courses TERMS OF PUBLICATION. 1 Rochester, Oct. 25, 1826. dies. We shall be glad to see the circubelieved, that Dr. Tully can render him Bank to be located in the village of RoIt will be handsomely printed in octavo, and lation of this excellent miscellany ex self quite as useful to a private class a chester, to be called the " Monroe County will appear on the first of March, Juno, Sep CLARKE'S PRIZE LIST. he is known to be in a public institution Fanners' and Mechanics' Bank," Nowtember, and December. The price will be tended." RAWN Numbers, third class of the York, with a capital of $250,000. Five Dollars per annum. Gentlemen at a dis All letters must come free of postage £>• Tickets for each course, $10 Connecticut State Lottery, Nov. 27,1826. tance who desire to have it forwarded to them addressed to T. C. CLARKE, N O . 27 Mar Albany, Oct. 20, 1826. will please to transmit the amount of one year's 12, 39, 29, 23, 13, 45, 16, 35. ket-street, Philadelphia. subscription to the Publishers, PUBLISHED BY







Fall & Winter Goods



Rochester Hat Store.






& teuton


Circulating Library







tOized, Our ov g 'public spirited citizens in Li- ensive brick hospital with other useful crec- the Delaware near the Water Gap, and to Establish ati uhiform rule which it is conjectured may be extended to 'ectors by the people vingston Bounty; and there id reason to hope 0ns, is in a train of completion. and by power to that these meritorious exertions Will be crown- The debt created by the construction of the he Susquehannah. The State of Newy districts. In committing m g this p ROCHESTER, JAN. (i. the poople, it vests it in its appropriate deposi ed witli complete success. I cannot speak in Tie and Champlain Canals and subsidary Jersey has passed a concurrent act of incortory, the legitimate sovereign of the country, terms of sufficient praise of these most lauda- orks, amounts to seven million nine hundred soration. The whole distance is about 88 ble attempts nor recommend them too emphat- orty-four thousand seven hundred and seventy niles. The ascent from the Hudson to the d jgcnate, Tuesday, Jmft.. 3—At 12 o'clock tne evils ically to public patronage and general imita- ollars and ninety cents, paying an interest of summit level is about 430 feet, from whence President called tha-Senate to order—27 memtion. Sm«D and suitable collections of books i» and five per cents. The interest on the the descent to the Delaware is 207. The bers present. Th.e. now members subscribed to the o ath of office, the usuiil messages were colleges, and prevents combinations of a few and maps attached to our common schools, and hole is $427,673 55 per annum; and the whole line is through a spacious valley •'xchangt^d, and; the Governor's message recei- great states to create by their own power th*J periodical examinations to test the proficiency und applicable to the extinguishment of this brmed by a continuation of the Catskill national Chief Magistrates. The provision is of the scholars, and the merits of the teach- ebt. will, it is believed, amount this year to mountains on the one side and of the Highved, reaJl, and'ordered to be printed. fa tho\Housc, at 11 o'clock, the cferk called perfectly safe, unless the people be venal and fc?> rjre worthy of attention ; when it is un- 51,057,585 40. To wit, $771,780 10 ands on the other. This region isreplctity order, kwhen 116 members took the oath re- profligate, and then liberty is in all cases with- derslood that objects of this descrtption, enter rom Tolls shed with valuable minerals and lumber quired by* thd constitution. The House then out protection and free government without into the very formation of our characters, con- "rom Auction Duties for the fiscal hope. It is fair and equal, if it be uniform, but trol our destinies through life, protect the free- year, ending 30th November last, 200,737 48 of all kiuds, and its abundant fertility i.« proceed? / to tho choiop pf Speaker. The p p without insertion into the constitution, it will I dom and advance the glory of our country Salt Duties, 77,405 3g conceded. The only question that can exlt /F ERMJTJLFp ROOT 74—Fran74F sult M-ac/-For38—FraaScfc A.ROOT, subvert a just representation of power. I am and when it is considered that seminaries for )ther sources, 7,035 19 st as to the feasibility of this project, is as cis Oraiager, Granger, l ^ vid BucfUin, 1—blank, 5. , L persnaded that as the Legisture of a great eneral education are either not provided in By the constitution this fund cannot, nor to a sufficient supply of water at certain peOn th* indijctiojj of Gen. R.oot to the chair state you feel above the influence of any con- The old world or but imperfectly supplied by ought it to be, diverted from its designated riods, but it is highly probable that the pending examinations will dissipate all apsiderations connected with an invidious and charity, and sunflay sp^ools, and that this ap ho aifcptaed the House 08 follows : dangerons assumption or exercise of power. propriate soil of liberty and education, let it bt object. This state has derived great rep- prehensions in this respect. Gpftflemi this distinguished mark of The great states will always possess an influ- our pride, as if* is ou£duty> to spare no exor utation fromgite enterprise in unditaking, your favor ,fidencc in my faculties tio nce correspondent with the most extensive tion and to shrink froin no expense, in the pro and its perseverence in executirtg a work There are five routes proposed between perform the dutiel * f the chair, and the belief iombinations of moral and physical power, un- motion of a eau*e c