Author: Reynold Stewart
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K Y B E R N E T I K A - V O L U M E 27 (1991), N U M B E R 6


A method of robustification of the Kalman filter is suggested in the paper. In general, the method provides approximative recursive formulas for robust estimation of the state but in some special cases exact recursive formulas can be derived. The steady model and the AR(1) model are investigated in more details including a simulation study and the strong consistency of the recursive formulas for the robust estimation of the autoregressive parameter.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N The Kalman filter is a useful instrument for recursive treatment of dynamic linear systems (see e.g. [2]) including some popular time series model (nowadays there are even various non-linear generalizations of the Kalman filter). Let us consider a dynamic system of the form xt = F t x . _ , + wt,


}'t = Htxt

+ vt,


Ew, = 0 ,

E^ = 0 ,

where E(wsw't) = 5stQt,

E(vsv't) = SstRt,

E(wsv't) = 0


and some initial conditions are fulfilled. The state equation (1.1) describes behavior of an n-dimensional state vector xt in time while the observation equation (1.2) describes relation of the unobservable state xt to an m-dimensional observation vector yt. The matrices Ft, Ht, Ot, Rt of appropriate dimensions are supposed to be known. The Kalman filter gives recursive formulas for construction of the linear minimum variance estimator x\ of the state xt and for its error covariance matrix P\ = = E(xt — x\) (xt — x\)' in a current time period t using all previous information Y* — {yo> yn •••* yt}- These formulas have the form

x\ = x\-r + Pl-'H&HtP'^m 1

p\ = p\-' - Pr'H^Pr ^;

+ R,)-1 (yt - Htx\-X), l

+ Rty


I^T »

(1.4) (1-5) 481

where x\-x V




= FtP\Z\F't + Qt


are predictive values constructed for time t at time t — 1. The standard Kalman filter supposes normal distributions of the residuals wt and vt, i.e. w, ~ N ( 0 , Q f ) , t , f ~ N ( 0 , R f ) . (1.8) Then x\ is even the minimum variance estimator of the state since it holds x\ = E(xt | Y yt-p)


vt ~ e-contaminated

* m addition to (1.3) N(0, a2) .


The one-dimensional process yt (n = p, m = 1) is called the autoregressive process with innovation outliers (see e.g. [12], [22]). According to (3.6) and (3.7) one obtains the following robust recursive formulas for the parameter estimates x\ = x\Z\ + P\Z\h't^ ^H ( ^ - ^ l ) \htP\Z\h't + a2 J pt _

P 486


F 1

'~ -

t 1 P ~ h'h P f _ t t-intntrt-i




(3-20) /7

0 1


(3 21)


Specially in the model AR(1) one has ht = yt-t

so that

K = K~-\ + P\- \yt-io~1 *_• (^Lf-7 2t~^tZl)\. V Pt-bf-i


P\ =




( 3 - 22 ) )







Various convergence theorems which are mostly based on approaches of the stochastic approximation can be proved for the previous recursive formulas (see also [4], [5], [9], [10], [16], [18], [19], [23] and others). For demonstration in the Appendix we shall give the proof of the following assertion. Theorem. Let in the model AR(l) yt = &yt-t +vt,

t= ..., - 1 , 0 , 1 , . . .


an estimate £, of the parameter *_J + vt with innovation outliers vt has been generated for various heavy-tailed distributions contaminating the normal distribution. Table 2 contains the results of the recursive estimation of the parameter & = 0-5 for vt ~ 0-9N(0, 1) + 0-lC(0, 3) and vt ~ 0-95N(0, 1) + + 0-05R( —25, 25), where C(a, b) denotes the Cauchy distribution with density f(x) = (ll(nb)) [1 + ((x — a)lb)2]-1 and R(a, b) denotes the uniform distribution on (a, b). The robust recursive estimates x\ = xt according to (3.25), (3.26) with a2 = 1, £ 0 = 0, P0 = 1 are compared with the non-robust estimates according to (1.4) —(1.7). If an observation ytQ is a distinct outlier then it can deviate unpleasantly the subsequent non-robust estimates x\ (t ^ t0) while the robust estimates are not 488

Table 1. Kalman filter in the simulated steady model (3.12), (3.13) with wt~ - N(0, 4). Simulated values (3.12), (3.13)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

ю-oo 9-83 9-98 8-99 9-36 8-50 8-90 8-20 8-47 7-46 6-49 7-34 7-82 7-06 6-85 5-67 3-69 3-37 3-25 2-81 2-36 2-46 0-82 0-24 1-62 1-46 1-96 2-62 2-95 1-40 2-84

8-65 7-28 7-44 11-13 11-18 5-45 6-17 3-92 12-32 6-95 10-46 9-54 7-07 8-17 5-59 5-99 7-29 5-94 1-96 35-00 -0-62 4-13 -0-84 2-78 1-93 0-45 2-54 -0-95 2-69 -0-89 2-83

Non-robust filter (1.4) —(1.7)

9-66 8-34 7-94 9-25 10-02 8-22 7-42 6-05 8-50 7-90 8-90 9-15 8-33 8-27 7-22 6-74 6-95 6-56 4-76 16-76 9-86 7-62 4-32 3-72 3-02 2-02 2-22 0-98 1-65 0-66 1-51

40 22 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1-6

Robust filter Pefia and Guttman [17] x*

9-66 8-01 7-73 9-12 9-97 8-46 7-45 6-07 6-91 6-93 8-40 8-88 8-16 8-16 7-18 6-71 6-94 6-55 5-10 6-04 4-81 4-40 2-61 2-70 2-37 1-60 1-97 0-86 1-58 0-63 1-48

8-7 3-0 2-0 1-9 1-7 2-3 1-9 1-9 3-6 2-2 2-0 1-7 1-7 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 2-2 3-1 5-5 2-5 3-4 2-1 1-8 1-7 1-6 1-7 1-6 1-6 1-6

N(0, 1), v,

Robust filter (3.15), (3.16)

9 66 8 34 7 94 9 25 10 02 8 22 v42 6 05 8 16 7 69 8 77 9 07 g 29 8 24 7 21 6 73 6 95 6 56 4 76 6 87 4 76 4 51 2 42 1 56 2 32 1 59 1 96 0 82 1 55 0 60 1-47

4-0 2-2 1-8 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6 1-6

affected. E.g., the outlier y419 = -140-97 in the model with vt ~ 0-9N(0, 1) + + 0TC(0, 3) produces the non-robust estimate X479 = 0-950 and deviates the sub­ sequent estimates so t h a t . . . , x5500 — 0-689, ..., %\\% = 0-680, ... against the robust 0-500,...,x 5 ™ 0-507, ,., Jt55lo = 0-506,.... Similarly, the outestimates x 4 7 9 lier y 8 9 = 15-55 in the model with v ~ 0-95N(0, 1) + 0 - 0 5 R ( - 2 5 , 25) produces the non-robust estimates xll = 0-313, xl0 = 0-330, ..., x\00 = 0-312,... against the robust estimates * | 5 = 0-504, x 9 ° = 0-499, ..., x\°0°0 = 0-487, ....


Table 2. Recursive estimation in the simulated models AR(1) of the form yt = 0-5j t _ t + vt with innovation outliers. vt ~ 0-9ìV(0, 1 ) + 0-1 C(0, 3) robust x\

non-robust x\


10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900

-0-256 0-316 0-339 0-274 0-277 0-517 0-490 0-491 0-490 0-490 0-495 0-495 0-494 0-494 0-494 0-494 0-495 0-507 0-506 0-506 0-506 0-507 0-507 0-507 0-508 0-508

-0-310 0-351 0-365 0-288 0-266 0-563 0-481 0-481 0-481 0-481 0-496 0-496 0-493 0-493 0-493 0-493 0-494 0-689 0-680 0-677 0-677 0-672 0-671 0-668 0-667 0-666

v t ~ 0-95N(0, 1) + 0-05Ä(-25,25) non-robust X

robust x\

0-700 0-661 0-651 0-622 0-595 0-452 0-421 0-511 0-330 0-312 0-357 0-368 0-368 0-395 0-405 0-434 0-439 0-438 0-452 0-458 0-477 0-476 0-476 0-480 0-480 0-480

0-486 0-504 0-502 0-488 0-471 0-466 0-466 0-517 0-499 0-487 0-479 0-480 0-477 0-479 0-480 0-488 0-491 0-489 0-488 0-491 0-497 0-496 0-496 0-499 0-498 0-497

APPENDIX: PROOF OF THEOREM Lemma 1. Let $F0 c= J*7\ a ... c «f be a sequence of tr-algebras in a probability space (Q, 2F, P). Let zt,$t,t,t,r\t (t = 0, 1, ...) be non-negative #"-measurable random variables such that

E{zt\^t_l) 0

a s



Due to (A.10) it implies ytj.txtJ.x-*0



Further one can write VtjXfj-i = ytj(xtj-i

~ xtJ) + yt.xt.

- 8ytJ„1xt.-l



Since yt are identically distributed and the limit relations (A. 11) and (A.12) hold all three summands on the right-hand side of (A.13) converge in probability to zero, i.e. vtJxt _ ! —> 0 in probability . Due to independence of xt to (A. 11) it implies finally xt —• 0



and vt, where vt are identically distributed, and due


P r o o f of T h e o r e m . It holds

Pt - (P7-\ + ylil^r1

= [Pol + (yl + ••• + yli)l«2Tl

Hence one obtains that the J%-measurable random variable fulfils

l(Pt+1t+1y;y2 + aa22), ) щ = 1 - £ t_to

and hence P ( n [ | ! P t - o2ja2y\ < 8]) > 1 - £ f_to

Put /





* , = ~—xt-i

+ Ptyt-i^'^B^t-iiyt





t ^




(T 2 /(T 2 | < 8

- yf_i*t-i)) for t ^ t0 , |tP f - cr2/o-;| S> $) =• P( n [3c, = *,] n [x, - 5]) = P( 0 [x, = x j ) ^ f_fo



^ p(n[|!Pt-^ KI < 5 ] ) > i - £ . t_fo

Since £ > 0 can be arbitrary it must be xf -> 5 a.s.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank to Prof. M. Huskova and Dr. P. Lachout for helpful comments on the proof of Theorem. (Received July 11, 1970.) REFERENCES [1] K. K. Aase: Recursive estimation in non-linear time series models of autoregressive type. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 45 (1983), 228-237. [2] B. D. O. Anderson and J. B. Moore: Optimal Filtering. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1979. [3] A. E. Bryson and J. C. Ho: Applied Optimal Control. J. Wiley, New York 1975. [4] K. Campbell: Recursive computation of M-estimates for the parameters of a finite autoregressive process. Ann. Statist. 10 (1982), 442—453. [5] J. E. Englund: Multivariate Recursive M-estimators of Location and Scatter for Dependent Sequences. Research Report, University of Lund and Lund Institute of Technology 1988. [6] A. A. Ershov and R. S. Liptser: Robust Kalman filter in discrete time. Automat. Remote Control 39 (1978), 359-367. [7] E. J. Hannan: Multiple Time Series. J. Wiley, New York 1970.


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