Roberto Clemente Middle School Summer Reading

Roberto Clemente Middle School Summer Reading 2016 – 2017 1 RCMS 2016-2017 Summer Reading Assignment RCMS Roberto Clemente Middle School Why do ...
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Roberto Clemente Middle School Summer Reading 2016 – 2017



2016-2017 Summer Reading Assignment


Roberto Clemente Middle School Why do I have to read over the summer? In Montgomery County Public Schools, summer reading has been an expected practice in middle and high schools and an encouraged practice in elementary schools since 1998. Reading is a life-long skill that a person not only needs to succeed in as a student and a worker, but it is also an essential skill in civic and personal activities. Perhaps even more importantly, reading opens the world to a person through various forms of literature. By reading, students have the opportunity to learn about people, times, regions, and ideas that may enhance their knowledge and development. Reading can also bring a lifetime of pleasure and mental acuity. Research strongly suggests that reading, like most skills, improves with practice and decreases when we do not engage in it for even a short time. Therefore, consistent with our commitment to prepare all students for success during school and after graduation, we continue to expect all students to read during the summer. OK, so what do I have to do? 

Read at least two books of your choice (suggested authors and titles listed below). Select books that…  You have not previously read;  Are at an appropriate reading level; and  Meet parent approval.

 

Fill out the attached organizer for one of the books you read. T urn in your completed organizer to your English teacher by the third week of September (Friday, September 16, 2016).

Where can I find a good book? The public libraries, as well as local bookstores, are filled with many great young adult books. Below are websites that may be helpful: 

Montgomery County Public Library:

The Lexile Framework for Reading:

Roberto Clemente Middle School Media Center: http://w w w .m ontgome ryscho olsm schools/cle mente ms/me diace nter/i ndex.aspx (Use the section of the web page called, “What Should I Read Next?”)

http://ww * Q ue stions? C onta c t Mrs. J a mila De nne y, English La ngua g e Arts Conte nt Spe c ia list J a mila _ W_ De nne y@mc ps m d.or g



Lectura de verano


Roberto Clemente Middle School

¿ P or qué se necesita leer durante el verano? En Montgomery County Public Schools, lectura de verano ha sido una práctica esperada en las escuelas intermedias y secundarias y una práctica alentada en las escuelas primarias desde 1998. La lectura es una habilidad que una persona no sólo tiene que tener éxito en como estudiante y trabajador, pero también es una habilidad esencial en las actividades cívicas y personales. Quizás más importante, la lectura se abre al mundo a una persona a través de varias formas de literatura. Por la lectura, los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de aprender sobre las personas influyentes, los tiempos, las regiones y las ideas que pueden mejorar sus conocimientos y el crecimiento. La lectura también puede mejorar la acuidad mental y dar más placer a la vida. Investigaciones indican fuertemente que la lectura, como la mayoría de las habilidades, mejora con la práctica y se reduce cuando no participamos en ella, incluso para un breve periodo de tiempo. Por eso, en consonancia con nuestro compromiso de preparar a todos los estudiantes para tener éxito en la escuela y después de la graduación, continuamos esperando que todos los estudiantes lean durante el verano. V a le, ¿A hora que debo hacer?    

Leer dos libros de su elección (autores sugeridos y títulos siguientes).. Seleccionar libros que no han leído previamente y que son aprobados por los padres. Para uno de los libros, llene el organizador siguiente. Entregar el organizador completo a su professor de Inglés o ESOL cerrado viernes , 13 de september

¿ A dónde puedo ir par a encontrar un libro bueno? Las bibliotecas públicas y las librerías locales tienen un montón de buenos libros para jóvenes. 

Biblioteca para el condado de Montgomery: http://www.montgomerycountymd .gov/content/libraries/index.asp

 El marco Lexile para lectura: 

Roberto Clemente Middle School Media Center: http://w w w .m ontgome ryscho olsm schools/cle mente ms/me diace nter/i ndex.aspx (Utilice la sección de la página web que se llama " ¿Qué debo leer despues?)


¿Preguntas? Contacta, Senora Jamila Denney, La especialista del lenguaje de Ingles. [email protected]




Suggested Author List Authors on this list include Newbery, Coretta Scott King, and Scott O’Dell Award winners as well as classic and noted contemporary young adult authors.

Avi Ll oyd Al e x ander T.A. Barron Joan Baue r Fre d Bowe n Mi chae l Buckl e y Me g Cabot Matt Chri stophe r Sook Nyul Choi Sandra Ci sne ros Suzanne Col l i ns Al l y Condi e Carol i ne Coone y Susan Coope r Sharon Cre e ch Christopher Paul Curti s Peter Di cki nson Sharon Drape r Thomas Dygard Nancy Farme r Al e x Fl inn Jack Gantos Je an Craighead Ge orge Patri ci a Gi ff John Gri sham Margare t Haddi x Mary Downi ng Hahn

V irginia Hami l ton Kare n He sse Wi l l Hobbs Anthony Horowi tz Bri an Jacque s Kathryn Lasky Tani th Le e Ursul a Le gui n Made l e i ne L'Engl e C. S. Le wi s Jane t Li sl e Mi ke Lupi ca We ndy Mass Carol Matas Robi n McKi nl e y Patri ci a McKi ssack Carol yn Me ye r Be n Mi kae l se n Wal te r De an Mye rs Be verly Nai doo Phyllis Reynolds Nayl or Garth Ni x Scott O'De l l Li nda Sue Park Kathe ri ne Pate rson Gary Paul se n



Ri chard Pe ck Rodman Phi l bri ck Tamora Pi e rce Jame s Pre l l er Ri ck Ri ordan Philip Pul l man Ann Ri nal di V eronica Roth J. K. Rowl i ng William Sl e ator Gary Soto Elizabeth Spe are Le mony Sni cke t Zi l pha Ke atle y Snyde r Je rry Spi ne l li Mi l dre d Tayl or Me gan Turne r Cynthi a Voi gt Bi l l Wal lace Ri ch Wal l ace Robe rt We stal l Ruth Whi te Jacque l i ne Woodson Laure nce Ye p Jane Yol e n



Black-Eyed Susan Award Books You may also consider selecting a book from the list below. Our Media Center Specialist, Mrs. Gerard, will be holding fun and engaging book talks and par ties where these books will be dis cussed. 2016 – 2017 Nominated Books

Author: Alifirenka, Caitlin & Martin Ganda

Book Title: I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives The Thing About Jellyfish: A Novel Book Scavenger House Arrest Listen, Slowly Nightbird

Benjamin, Ali Chambliss Bertman, Jennifer Holt, K. A Lai, Thanhha Hoffman, Alice

Former Black-Eyed Susan Award Winners



Frank Cottrell Boyce


Sharon M. Draper

Out of My Mind

Mary Downing Hahn

Closed for The Season: A Mystery Story

John Gosselink

The Defense of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter

Chris Grabenstein

The Smoky Corridor

Gregory Mone


Andy Mulligan


Kenneth Oppel

Half Brother

James Preller


Rita Williams-Garcia

One Crazy Summer

For more information about Maryland’s Black Eyed Susan program, visit our MCPS Website: 202016-2017%20Nominees.pdf


International Baccalaureate Mission Statement: “The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable,and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end, the organization works with schools, governments, and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.”

Middle Years Program Learner Profile As successful learners, we strive to be:


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2016 – 2017 Summer Reading Assignment


Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Book Title: __________________________________________ Author: ___________________ 1) Select a character from one of books you read last summer. How does this character represent one of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profiles? Reference the profile sheet on the previous page for a description of the Learner Profiles and then complete the graphic organizer below. You may write sentences, bullet your ideas, or draw a picture with a caption to show your thinking. Characte r Name : IB Le arne r Profi le: Ex pl ai n how the characte r demonstrates the profi l e attributes. (What does the character say or do?)

2) Consider your personality. Which Learner Profile best describes how you see yourself? You may write sentences, bullet your ideas, or draw a picture with a caption to show your thinking. Your Name: IB Le arne r Profi le: Ex pl ai n how you demonstrate the profile attributes.


What is the major CONFLICT in the story? You may describe the major conflict in words or in a picture (with a caption).

What is the RESOLUTION to the major conflict? You may describe the resolution in words or in a picture (with a caption).

In what way(s) is the main character LIKE AND/OR UNLIKE you?

Does the main character CHANGE in this book? If so, in what way(s)? Be specific. If the character does not change, why do you think the author chose to have the character remain the same?