Return to Me, Acts 3.19f,

Return to Me, Acts 3.19f, 9.2.12 19 So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted ...
Author: Shon McCoy
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Return to Me, Acts 3.19f, 9.2.12 19

So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of [a]reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord;


And that He may send [to you] the Christ (the Messiah), Who before was designated and appointed for you—even Jesus, (Ampl, Acts 3.19f).

Introduction 1. Grateful for the work of God among us over the last 12 months: Raising up Alissa as YM, advances with 2nd floor, financial status of the church, GCAW, Alpha, Relationship Conference with Toynes, great year for B/O & KQ, Wee Place, EHS, Mission partnerships and work, God restoring relationships, salvation, deliverance and healings, etc. 2. Clear sense that we are not where we need to be. Admittedly, I thought it was just me, but others came to me and said the same. Fog has settled on us; we need to get our bearings back on God; spiritual rigidity rather than fluidity. Something is holding us back. 3. Clear sense from others that God wants to do more. We're on the cusp of something great. This was confirmed by three witnesses within a few days of each other. 4. The church is a living organism and it goes through changes that can be seen. There are signs when we are close to God (Acts 2, 4, 5 & 19) and drifting from God (2 Chron.7.13, Rev.2-3). Our tendency is to look at the outward signs and develop some type of external response. For instance, from the outward signs of 2 Ch.7.13 we decide to irrigate our crops, spray pesticide or get mass vaccinations, but we have not dealt with the root problem. External signs of spiritual lethargy and ambiguity are indicators of internal conditions which must be addressed spiritually (7.14).

The Signs of Drifting from God (Handout in the foyer) • • • •

Qualifier: I am not saying every statement is everyone or to the degree that it is stated. There is a sense that something isn't right; of a hindrance. Spiritual and/or emotional gauges are out of balance. Communicator Article 9/12. There is not much expectation of God answering prayers or hearing His voice. o Prayers are perfunctory and offered at meals, church and little other. o When praying, there's often a sense that nothing will change. Not much faith. o There's not much conviction in our prayers. The pursuit of God and righteousness is inconsistent or secondary. o Our desire for Jesus and eternal things is quietly subsiding. The adventure in following Jesus has been missing for a long time. o There's not a lot of joy or passion for the things of God. Other things are more thrilling.

There is little hunger for the Word of God. Bible understanding is treated as external fact and is not applied inwardly. Lack of consecration in our lives. § Communicator Article 8/12. Robert Worley asked, "How do I get there?" No mixture. Preoccupation with lesser things. They have taken a primary rather than secondary role. o Life centers around family, career, education, advancement, entertainment, sports, recreation, money, day-in-day-out activities, etc. When those things command our attention more than Jesus. We're distracted like Martha - Luke 10. o Your contentment is not in God, but something else. Answer: "I'll be content when...". o Discussion of spiritual things are an embarrassment or seldom mentioned. We'll talk about church and church activities, but not discuss on our personal walk. o o o

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Church Involvement is out of duty and there's little anticipation of experiencing the Lord. o Church decisions and direction are viewed with apathy or suspicion. o We sing words we either don't mean or obey or there's little passion behind them. o It's easy to find a reason to miss church. Almost anything can keep you from being with God's people. o We don't want to serve in the church, but rather be fed. We don't want to be challenged just encouraged. o Do activities for God w/o real devotion to God. Sharing your faith is minimal and usually uncomfortably expressed. Concern for the lost and hurting is only official and not the burden of your heart. Past hurt seem to sap the life out of enthusiastic Christian service. o We justify our unforgiveness towards those who hurt us. o We don't work towards healing broken relationships, but think it's normal and ok. People become an inconveniences to us. o We don't want to get too close to people b/c they're messy. o We don't want to get too close to others for fear of what they might see in us. o We want a nice church experience with little accountability. o We see human misery and injustice around us and we do nothing. Financial giving is no longer consistent or generous. More of a duty than a joy. "Give when I can" attitude. A few areas of personal sin rationalized, while the outward image of faithfulness is maintained. o You can expose yourself to morally debilitating entertainment and information and it not raise an uproar in your conscience. When things that should bother you don't and when things that shouldn't bother you do. o When you pardon your own sin by taking advantage of the grace and mercy of God. You find it difficult focusing on Jesus b/c of so many things on your mind. You're looking past Jesus to other things (Ex of when someone gets physically close to you and you don't see them b/c you're looking so intently at something beyond them).

Acknowledging the problems without making the changes.

The Scriptures •

We can't slip off into legalism which says, "Try harder. Stop doing the bad stuff and start doing the good stuff. Work, work, work." What I'm talking about is not a legalism matter, but a relationship breakdown. o Rules w/o a relationship -> legalism; relationship w/o boundaries -> someone getting hurt or taken advantage of. We're leaving the relationship unattended and it is beginning to show. We are taking advantage of Him by not being attentive to Him. Rev.2.2-6. Lots of great things and convictions, but you have lost your first love for Jesus. We're grateful for him, but we don't feel that indebted to Him. (The story of the friend who died for you and weekly remembering his sacrifice) Joshua 8 Message on 8.5.12. We need times of renewal.

The Response • • •

It took some time to get here and we can't get back with one worship service. A concentrated time is needed. We need a soaking more than a storm. Fresh Encounter. 1995 experience and outflow of it. Revival is needed in the church. Our culture desperately needs a spiritual awakening. And God is waiting for believers to cry out to Him for it. In Fresh Encounter, you will come face to face with the truth of Scripture and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. By exploring the gracious nature of God and the wandering habits of the human heart, you will be called and challenged to return to Him. through this transformative study, we will learn how God desires to use each believer as a catalyst for revival and spiritual awakening in our communities.

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Specifics - Sunday & Wednesday, 6:30 PM, commitment, Workbook with 5 days each week of study, start Sept.19 & 23, cost Will you take the committed to the pursuit? Will you make the adjustments in your schedule and life to refocus on the Lord for seven weeks. There's a price for hungering after God, but there's a greater price for not hungering after God. Either way, you pay.

Communicator Article, 9/12 From My Heart, 8.12

Gauges are important to determine the condition of your vehicle. I was traveling to San Antonio recently when a gauge came on and suddenly the car slowed from 75 mph to 55 mph. The gauge indicated my transmission oil was too hot, so the car automatically slowed down to cool it. I'm glad I had that gauge to describe the car's condition. Otherwise, I would have thought I had a major transmission problem. Spiritually and emotionally we have gauges that help us understand our internal condition. They reveal how fit we are and whether certain systems need to be restored. The following questions help me assess my spiritual and emotional capacities. Spiritual Gauges •

Is my prayer life filled with faith or fret?

What is my disposition to the Word of God?

Is there an anticipation of hearing from God?

Am I spiritually full?

Is there a lag in my spirit?

Do I sense the presence of God?

Am I operating in the power of the Spirit?

Emotional Gauges •

Do I feel spent?

Do I want to escape people and situations or is there strength to address both?

Do I feel vulnerable to temptations that normally don't bother me?

Are there any unresolved issues that I keep suppressing?

Am I overacting to things that normally don't upset me?

Am I always looking for a certain day/event/person to arrive so I can get relief?

Gauges are only as helpful as you allow them to be. Warning lights are just annoyances unless you address the underlying issues. What are your gauges telling you? And more importantly, what are you doing about it? Keep watch, Pastor Scott

Communicator Article, 8/12 From My Heart, Aug. '12 Consecration - to separate yourself; to be set apart; to dedicate yourself to God. 2 Chronicles 29 - 32 contains one of the most significant stories in the Bible about consecration. Judah was lying in spiritual desolation because of a compromising king. When King Hezekiah arrives on the scene, he immediately calls the priests and people to reconsecrate themselves to God. They remove the demonic idols that fill the Temple of God and smash the altars to foreign gods. This was done is such quick succession that within a few days Temple worship was reinstituted. The people returned to wholehearted devotion and God's favor rested on them. When the Assyrian hordes came arrogantly marching against them, God swiftly delivered His people. Favor, prosperity and protection were Judah's because they had dedicated themselves to God. I am sharing this with you because I believe the Lord wants us to reconsecrate ourselves to Him. There is always an opportunity for rededication, but I sense it is especially urgent now. We, as a church and community, are living in a time of great favor. Since the beginning of 2012, we have witnessed the blessings of God in phenomenal and miraculous ways. We have seen the wonderful unity of the body of Christ and the salvation of hundreds through the Gulf Coast Adventure Weekend. We are watching enormous economic blessings blossom in our area through business expansion. This time last year we were in throes of a catastrophic drought, but now we have been blessed with an abundance of rain. My tendency during good times is to get spiritually sloppy. Tolerance for sin, inconsistent spiritual practices and a growing desire for the "things of this world" slowly creep in on me. The results are a superficial walk with God and an increase in spiritual lethargy. Jesus and the Gospel is no longer paramount but peripheral. The idols in my heart clutter the entrance into God's presence. My encouragement to us during this season of blessing is to give God thanks for His abounding grace and consecrate ourselves to Him anew. Let's not wait for a down turn, let's return to Him now! Pastor Scott